Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Outgoing Trains on All the Beads Orowd
Mini } * AV mI tit I'rnlnc Over Iie Mn
licr In AVIilrh Otiiiilin Ilaiiilloil
( hi- Christian Union
The delcRatcs to ttio Christian union co
rcntlon were leaving Omaha In Inrpc mn
bcrs yesterday , and hy nightfall there we
hut few visitors rcnmltiliiK here. Scarce
any of them left Sumlny , their well knoi
objection to traveling on tne Bahhath kee
Ini ; them here to the last niul making n KO
crnl exodus yesterday. From all were hca
words of jiraUo for Omaha , Its public Insl
Uittons , Its railroads and for all who co
trlbnted to the success of tliu conventlo
Sonic of the ilclcgatca salil they were n
vised hy their friends to avoid Omaha ,
they would he suffocated by the hot win
of Nebraska , but they say they never c
Joyed a week of finer weather and mo
delightful climate anywhere. They unai
mously vote the Onial a convention the ere ;
est , from every jiolnt of view , that has ov
been held by tholr union. To say that t !
delegates wcro will pleased with their trea
ment by the people nnd the prcsa of Omal
is expressing the truth mildly , and mm
were heard to declare Hint they would
hack hero in 1898 to visit the Transmlssl
Blppl Exposition.
Hrlght and early yesterday morning Inn
crowds of doleBates could bo seen prcssl :
their way to what one of the speakers
the convention called "Omaha's grand unl
depot , " A special train of BCVCII coach
was run via Lincoln to Tarklo college , Ml
Bourl , hy the 'Uurllngton road , . It w
filled with delegates anxious to Inspect t !
denominational college that carried off t
first prize at the convention for the greatc
attendance of undergraduates. It was t
tlmatcd that about 400 persons joined tli
excursion. Some were bound for Uncol
others for Dunbar , but the most were e
route to Tnrkio. The morning train i
the Union I'aclllc carried a large numb
to points In the Btatc. The excursions
the Uurllngton and of the Elkhorn roa
left for the Black Hills In the afternoa
The afternoon's trains of both the llurlln
ton and the Union Pacific contained sever
more extra sleepers for the nccouiffi
d&tlon of those who will take the Dcnv
trip and of the western delegates who a
returning home. The Hock Island's train
I'lttsburg pulled out ycsteulay afternoi
at 4:50 p , in. , and will be run on the retu
trip to make the same remarkable time th
was made coming to Omaha twenty-f
hours. The Burlington had two e
tra sleepers and two additional chair ca
on Its Chicago train last night. The Nort
western , which has brought more than 1
share of the delegates to Omaha , add
extra coaches to both Its afternoi
trains to Chicago. There was a big cro\ \
lined up at the counter of the Milwaukee
ofUco yesterday morning ; It seem
as though a working majority
the convention were making rt
ervntlons of berths In the SI
waukce'8 sleepers , but then a convent !
of 3,000 people Is a big Institution.
The Kansas and many of the Iowa del
gates left at 9M5 o'clock yc
tcrday morning. A largo propc
tlon of the delegates have tnki
advantage of the cheap rates , one fare i
the round trip , to take a trip to varlo
points In the slate.
The railroad men are well pleased with t
results of the convention. They decla
that It Is the best convention ever held
Omaha , the delegates , they say , wcro t
most accommodating people they c\
handled , and they are not slow to say tl
the Institute was the flrst one In Oma
that has ever come up to .expectations.
H 'Ivll tlio Story.
A vast mass of direct , unimpeachable t <
tlniony proves beyond any possibility
doubt that Hood's Sarsparilla actually dc
perfectly and permanently euro dlseas
caused by Impure blood. Its record of cur
Is uncqualcd , and these cures have oft
been accomplished after all other prepai
tlbna have failed.
Hood's Pills euro all liver Ills , bllliot
cess , jaundice , Indigestion , sick headache.
Wu'ro lit It.
Selling these new fall patterns In t
famous Star Hlilrts. the same high gra
wo have always sold ; we have them In c <
ored percales with two pair of cuffs , also t
white bodies with line Madras cloth fron
ono pair cults , both shirts to be worn wi
white collar. They are strictly the lati
In shirts and the patterns are entirely dlfft
out from any over shown. We put the prl
at $1.CO. AIvIlUHT CAIIN ,
1322 Karnam St.
The annual convention of the
Christian Temperance union of Daugl
county , Nebraska , will convene Tuesdc
August 25 , at ten o'clock , at the Hanscc
I'ark Methodist church. All members
the unions of the city and county are con
ally Invited.
Street cars for fair grounds will coi
mcnco a through service without transfc
on Thursday morning. First train leav
Fourteenth and Howard streets at C o'clo
a , m. , and last train at 11:30 : o'clock p. :
< ! < ! Ill tin1'iiHli. .
You'll have como to Omaha during fi
week. If you do there's going to be su
a crowd at the fair as Nebraska has nev
seen. Everybody from nil sections of t
state nnd western Iowa HCCIU to bo comlr
licports are coming to the managers eve
day regarding proposed excursions a
parties , who Intend to take advantage
the E.OO blanket rate made by the rallroai
which Includes admission to the fa
Omaha Is going to bo able to take ca
of all who come.
coxvu.vrio.v OK I.HTTHH CAUHMCII
Omaha IN Now ( inliiK Aftiilie ( IS
The National Association of Letter Cf
rlcrs meets In annual convention In Qra
Uaplds , Mich. , September 7 to 12. T
Omaha association baa elected George Kle
ner , William Hobcrtson nnd C.V. . Miller
represent the Omaha body at the conventlc
This committee will inuUa every effort
secure- the IS'JS convention for Omaha. \ \ ' [
that end In view the committee will
liberally provided with advertising matt
by the Commercial club and Exposition i
Eoclatlon , together with letters of liivltutl
from the mayor and governor and from t
exposition directors and Commercial club ,
A feature of the convention will bo
grand parade at 'i o'clock on the aftcrno
of September 7 , when large delegations w
ho In line from Chicago , . Detroit , Clovelat
Indianapolis and Milwaukee , each havl
Its own band.
The convention of the Jotter carriers
comprised of about TOO delegates nnd t
number attracted to the meeting Is largt
In excess of this number.
AxKliiK fill' llclivj-
John l.lmlen has commenced suit agalt
the l'J , Lewis Hoofing company for ? 5 , (
damages for Injuries alleged to have be
received while In the employ of the defer
ant , The plaintiff alleges that while
was employed by the defendant , Juno
this year , In repairing the roof of one
the buildings at the smelting works , a hca
bucket , which wan being hauled to the t
of the building , slipped from the ho
vhlch was holding It and struck him
the back and shoulders , InlllctliiK lujur
which ho alleges are permanent ,
Sum Hainan lloimtl Over.
Bam Unities , the colored man arrested (
the larceny of n } 33 gold watch from N <
Kvult , has been bound over to the dlstr
court by Judge Gordon , the bonds bet
at 11,000. Ho was sent to the conn
Slaced default of ball , to itwult trial In t
district court.
Many a day's work In lost by sick hea
ache , caused by Indigestion and stoma
troubles. Hewitt's Ltttlo Kurly Hlscrs u
M the iiiott effectual pill ( or overcoming su
11 difficulties.
Itt'lMHNO TO Till ; KAIK ( iltOUMI
Union 1'nclllc Clone * Up tlic nap
Summit ,
The Union 1'aclflc yesterday completed tl
laying of a quarter of a mile of addition
track at Summit In order to connect w !
the tracks of the Elkhorn road and affo
superior train service for state fair patrot
An extension has been built to the Klkho
bridge at that point , and all the work new
sary to handling seven big trains bctwc
the union depot and the fair grounds w
completed by evening.
Speaking of the work , a prominent offlcl
of the road yesterday morning said : " 1'cop
think we are going to make lots of mon
out of this business , but If we come out ev
I shall be satisfied. The greatest amou
that we will take In will be $5,000. Nc
let me show you how we shall spend
Wo have to pay the Elkhorn a Rood su
foitjio connection wo make. The extensli
to the bridge and the laying of 1,000 fc
of .track will cost us probably $2,500. V
shall run seven locomotives and seven coi
pleto trains. These will be In charge
the best men In our employ. As we ageing
going to make the trip In twenty minute
wo shall be compelled to have a train age
for each car. To avoid accident wo ageing
going to have a large force of flagmen i
along the lino. We would prefer not to i
Into this business at all for the benefit d
rived from It alone , hut wo do It for tl
travel Into Omaha we get by helping o
the state fair. "
xo AASwint i.\ Tim IIHIMIT c.vsi
fnliiii 1'nclllc Horn \iit ltily | to It
On Saturday the thirty days that we
given to the receivers of the Union I'acll
to make answer to the Uurllnglon's prop
slttnn regarding the completion of the Musi
street depot expired , but If any answer h. .
been written It has become lost , strayed i
stolen , for General Manager Holdrefio
the II. M. Is still looking for It.
General Solicitor Kelly of the Union I' ,
clflc Is out of town. Ho has gone out In
the state to attend to a few legal matter
Some time ago he stated that no reply to" tl
Ilurllngton's query on the depot matti
would bo made until the receivers hi
passed upon the matter. A man who si
closeto the Union Pacific throne stakes h
reputation on the statement that notlili
will be done In the matter until President
II. II. Clark catches a few more strings
fish and returns from Shoshonc , Idaho.
GoncrM Manager Holdrego of the D. & J
stated yesterday morning that no auswi
had yet been received. He rather expcctt
one within the next few days. He thougl
the Union Pacific was probably awaltlr
President Clark's return before making ni
swcr to the Burlington's letter.
( .rrat Improvement Will Me Not *
Over I.iiNt Your.
The train service , of all the Omaha roac
to and from the state fair grounds has no
been completely arranged. The Missouri P ,
clflc's schedule was made out at the S
Louts headquarters and scut to the loc
olllce yesterday afternoon. Twenty trail
each way every day of the fair will gl\
Omahans and visitors pretty clohc to twcnt ;
minute train service.
The schedule for August 31 to Septenib
5 Is as follows :
Leave Webster street depot , Omaha : 8 :
a. m. , S-AO a. m. , 9:20 n. in. , 9:40 : a. in. , 10 : :
a. m. , 10:10 : a. m. , 11:15 : a. m , , 11:40 : a. ir
12:10 : p. in. , 1:20 : p. m. , 1:40 : p. m. , 2:20 : p. n
2:40 p. m. , 3:20p. : m. , 3:45 : p. in. , 4:15 p. m , 4 :
p. m. , 5:10 : p. m. , 5:35 : p. m. and C:05 : p. m.
Leave fairgrounds station : 8:55 : a.m. , 9 :
a. m. , 9:55 : a. m. , 10:15 : a. m. , 11:00 : a. n
11:30 : n. m. , 12:10 : p. m. , 12:20 : p. m. , 1:15 :
m. , 2:00 : p. m. , 2:15 : p. in. , 3:00 : p. m. , 3:30 :
m. , 4:00 : p. m. , 4:30 : p. m. , 4:55 : p. m. , 5:20 :
m. , 5:50 p. m. , 6:20 p. m. , 7:00 p. in.
Trains leaving Omaha at 10:40 : a. in. 01
1:20 : p. m. , and trains leaving fair groum
at 5:57 : p. in. , 0:27 : p. m. , 0:57 p. in. and 7 :
p. m. will make stops at the licit Line st
KailirnyodH anil IVrsonnls.
City Passenger Agent George West of t
Northwestern was In Chicago yesterday.
Charles II. Marlcy , assistant In the B.
M.'s legal department , Is enjoying a vac
tlon nt Beatrice.
Davenport people have asked for die ;
rates to that city for Labor day. They c
pect 10,000 visitors on that day.
It Is not likely the "Soo's" reduced Grai
Army rates from the seaboard to St. Pa
will bo met by any of the competing lines.
The WabaBh has given notice of Its i
tcntlon to meet a Clover Leaf rate of $
for the round trip from St. Louis to Maci
naw , August 2C.
The party of General Manager Dlckl
son of the Union Pacific which left (
Saturday for a trip through Yellowsto :
park , will be gone a week.
Daniel E. King , general traveling frelg'
agent of the Missouri Pacific , rolled In
town yesterday morning from St. Louis. I
Is well known among Omaha railroaders ai
will ho remembered as the contractit
freight agent of the same road for a lei
term of years In this city.
Traveling Passenger Agent Ehen E. M
I.cod of the Hock Island's ofllce at Plttshu
had charge of the transportation of tl
Allegheny delegation to the Christian nnli
convention. He left for his home wll
proteges yesterday afternoon , well pleasi
with his brief visit In Omaha.
n. S. McAllister , general freight agent
the American Hefrigcrator Transit compar
of St. Louis , accompanied by his son , S. 1
McAllister , division freight agent , of Ka :
sas City , came Into town yeste
day morning. They are hero
look after their Interests and g
better acquainted with J. A. M
Naugliton , tno contracting freight agent
the Mlssoi-rl Pacific , who has recently bei
appointed their representative In Omaha ,
All-rail lines have determined to ent
the fight with the lake lines for frclg
business from Chicago to St. Paul , and 1
today schedules will be put In hy all i
them which will bo lower than have bet
known for years. Lake lines are not
all pleased with the situation , and they a
expected to make still further reductions
their charges. Certain it Is , they can E
euro no business on the same rates as a
quoted by the fast all-rail lines , and r
ductlons on their part would seem to bo
matter of necessity.
The whole system Is drained and unde
mined by Indolent Hirers and open sore
Hewitt's Witch Hazel Salvo speedily hca
them. It Is tlio best pile cure known ,
T.VICI : in * TIIH I'.vvixc ! CIIISTIO. ;
Soiiifthlutf MuM ll < - Done with tl
( Mil WwinliMi IlliifliN.
At the regular weekly meeting of tl
Heal Estate Dealers' association , held at tl
Commercial club yesterday noon , tl
discussion turned on ways ai :
means for rapavlng the Btrce
which still have the remains of wh
was once a wooden pavement. The matt
was Introduced by ex-Governor Alvln San
ilers. who advocated the Issno of pavli
bonds to run twenty years , nothing cxce
the Interest payable the flrst tun yea
and the principal payable In ten equ
annual Installments during the last ti
years. Thu speaker discussed the questli
at length and urged the necessity for a
tlvo work In this direction In order th
the city may present a good appearance du
Ing the exposition.
The Idea f-cemed to meet with favor ai
was dlscusted hy all present , Eomo few
the speakers expressing themselves In favi
of having the bonds payable In twenty pa
incuts , one payment being duo each yes
for the reason that the life of a brick pav
incut , which would probably be chosen i
account of Its cheapness , was only abe
ten or twelve years and the tax against ti
property after tl.o pavement had been wo
out would militate against the sale of tl
No action was taken on the matter ,
being agreed that ex-Governor Saunde
should Introduce a resolution covering t !
subject matter at the next meeting of tl
The question of charter revision was ai
discussed , It being the consensus of oplnli
that a committee from the association shou
be appointed to co-operate with the coi
mltteo to bo appointed by the city count
to draft amendments to the city charte
No definite action was taken , however ,
being agreed that a resolution covering tl
matter should bo Introduced at the nv
lucctlqe. ,
Frospects for the State Fair Qrowii
Brighter Every Day ,
I'nr ( ! ronl <
I > nlrl % H In Alt CliiMNrn
Than at Any I'rcvloti * Kxlil-
liltlon OiitMlilc Conu-
tlCN HllNtllllK.
"If we have this kind of weather durlt
tlm week wo will have a fair that will be
the world , " gleefully chuckled cx-Oovcrm
Purnas of the Hoard ot State Kalr Man
icrs yesterday morning as ho looked upon h
force of clerks who were busy as bc <
checking up entries. "Give us the wcath
and wo will have everything else. "
The entries are rolling In at a mnrveloi
rate , and these In charge are beglnnli
to wonder what Is lo become of them al
HverythlnR seems to Indicate that In tl
way of exhibits this year the show will ho
record-breaker. Entries are coming In f <
every Imaginable class , and they arc pou
Ing In from all parts ot this country.
Yesterday morning nt H o'clock 400 cntrlt
In all classes had been received. The clcrli
In the olllce have been kept on the mo\
: ontlnually to get them Jnto shape. Tl
rt-ork Is expected to continue , and posslbl
Increase , until the olllce Is removed to tl
rounds , and then It Is not thought that the
ivlll ccaso until the fair Itself Is well limit
way.The most of the entries received ycsterda
morning were of an agricultural iiattiro.
? onsldcrablc number of them , however , wei
'or the woman's department , which Is ci
; > cctcd to he a great exhibition of woman
ivork. Many of these entries came froi
Jnialia women , who began to pour into tli
illlce in n stream yesterday morning. The pj
ilblts will not be confined to Omaha womci
; hough , because some have been receive
'ram points In Virginia , Illinois and Olil
Many points from Nebraska and Iowa ha\
jccn heard from.
The cattle show will be a great featui
if the fair. Secretary Furnas Is nuthorlt
'or the statement that up to last Frlda
light more entries for this department ha
jeen received than for the combined yeai
if 1891 and 1S95. Since that time nearl
100 more entries have come In. Hogi
lorscs nnd chickens are being entered g :
ore , and the management is expecting I
liavc Us hands full to have all proper !
: ared for.
The speed entries , which are being lookc
after by I ) , T. Mount , are keeping strictl
up with the procession. It Is the usual cus
torn for horsemen to telegraph their entrlc
just In time to avoid being shut on
Three-fourths of the entries usually come 1
this way. Therefore , while the entries fc
the speed ring are light In comparison t
what are expected , they are of such' a nun
tier as to Indicate that there will be a
kinds of race horses on hand by the tlm
the entries close.
The counties of the state arc hustling t
make big exhibits and the entries In thl
department are unusually large. Man
counties will be represented this year whlc
have never before appeared at a state fal :
The abundance of the crops this year ho
forced the counties to present their ac
vantages to the public.
This afternoon a test Is to he mad
of the water supply on the grounds. Txv
extra wells have been put down , and thcsi
together with those which were In open
tlon last year and the better pumpln
service , ore expected to give all necessar
water. The test will be made by the man :
? ors and members of the local fair and spec
A letter from a local carpenters' unlo
has disturbed Secretary Furnas somewha
The communication stated that after li
vcstlgatlon It had been found that only
per cent of the men employed on tl :
grounds In making repairs were Omaha clt
zens. Secretary Furnas stated yestcrda
morning that the communication was oft I
Its figures.
In explanation he said that It would ha\
been perfectly proper for the managers I
obtain their laborers from all over tl
state , as the fair was a state Institution , hi
that they did not do to. The only two me
employed on the grounds who are froi
outside the county are W. D. Mann , tr
superintendent ot stores and supplies , wli
hail been In the employ of the board ft
twelve years , nnd his assistant The thlrt
men who are under their superintendent
are residents of Douglas county.
Buy It. Try it. You will never change yet
lirand. Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Chan
lagne never fulls to please.
Spirit Ialii.Sleeper to 11 < nixcnntliiue
The line of sleepers running bctwee
Dmaha and Spirit Lake will be discontinue
with the last car leaving Omaha Saturda :
\ugust 29 , and last car leaving Spirit Lali
3ujday night. August 30.
Heduced rates will remain In effec
3maha and Council Bluffs people shoul
ivall themselves of the time between no
ind August 29 to make another trip to tli
Six Thirty I * . .M. Train.
of the
Best service
Dining car.
City oillcu , 1501 Farnam.
Illllf HllH. < . '
fo Milwaukee , Wls. , and return , via tl
Northwestern Line , August 23 and 24 ; goo
till August 29.
City olllce , 1401 Farnam street.
General Agent.
It Tn lion Two IiliultiMl TrnliiK
Every day to accommodate eastern travi
? la "Northwestern Lino. " The "Overland
it 4.45 p. IR into Chicago 7:45 : no'xt raprr
ng , and the "Omaha-Chicago Special"- :
nto Chicago 9:30 : next morning.
City ofllce , 1401 Farnam street.
The Hiii'llnurton'H HI-N | o
In the way of reduced rates :
Hot Springs , S. D. Half rates August 2
Colorado , Utah , Texas , etc. Half rate
plus 2.00 September 1.
All points In Nebraska One fair for roun
trip August 25.
Cull at ticket ofllco , 1502 Farnam strec
mid get full Information. J , I ) . Hoynold
city passenger agent.
( ; o.M'i"iu\ci- JKJMA M
Alti'mpt tn lleat'h an
lo Hi.lln d Toilny ,
Tliero will bo a meeting between City A
torney Council for the city and Attornc
Mahoney for the Bolln bondsmen at 9 : !
this morning. It Is understood the
Mr. Mahoney will produce all the flguri
that have been obtained by the bondsmc
and that Experts Wcttllng and Wise wl
present the figures as tabulated by the clt
An effort will bo made to como to sore
sort of an understanding.
Mr. Connell said yesterday mon
Ing that the petition in the pro :
pcctlvo suit against the boiulsme
was ready for filing. Ho thougl
It advisable to see what Mr. Mahoney he
to say. but It his proposition was ono thi
the city could not accept , the suit again
the bondsmen would be begun at once.
would bo made un Usuo at the Septenibi
term of court and would undoubtedly I
reached during the term.
I.VAIIC5UUATH A'-llltylHN ° 1'
I'olloc Ktiu > avnru Drive IHnonlerl
Women from tlii * .Htrv > t * .
Officers of the pollcto force arc. authorll
for the statement ith-at an effort Is bclr
made to confine disorderly women to tl
proscribed district , especially during the fa
week. The class * hch | Is being huntt
down consists of the so-called street wall
ers and those women who ply their voci
tlon In flats about the. city.
That some such .effort Is being made I
Indicated by the appearance ot the polk
court docket. Women are up dally bcfoi
the police judge charged with being dli
orderly. They have Invariably clthc
pleaded guilty or havp. been adjudged guilt
and have each bccntflncd ? 5 and costs.
The women are being picked up on th
streets or arc ai rested out of the flnts I
which they dwell. Almost nlgntly rah !
arc made upon some apartments , and othct
are watched until the police arc safe I
making the raids. Many of the women ar
caught In such surroundings that they can
not but plead guilty. Men are rarely ai
rested. This Is because , according to th
decision of Judge Baker ot the crlmlnr
court , they cannot bo prosecuted on th
charge of being Inmates of a disorder !
house. They are only arrested when som
other charge can be made against then
drunkenness for Instance.
It was while making one of these raid
that a detail of police stumbled upon th
band of gamblers at 110 South Fourteen !
street last Saturday night. Instead of find
Ing women , the detail struck a room full c
men , who were playing cards about a told
decorated with chips. The police could d
nothing but arrest the men.
The- gamblers were all arraigned In pollc
: ourt yesterday morning on a charge of gam
lillng , It being alleged that they were engage
In a game of poker. They all pleaded no
guilty and the cases wcro sot for trial o
next Friday afternoon.
Chain Can tf Jumper Writ I'M to th
Police .luilm- .
John Dcnnoy , n colored man who jumpci
the chain gang last month , Is so anxious t
Ret back to Omaha that he Is sorry no\
that ho made his escape. Police Judg
jordon yesterday morning received i
carefully worded epistle from Den
ncy , In which ho bogs that tin
: ourt will forget , forgive nm
slvo permission over Its own signature fo
lilm to return without danger of belni
nabbed by the officers.
In the communication Dcnney exonerate
the judge from any wrong-doing for sen
lenclng him to the gang. He states tha
lie believed ho had a fair and Impartla
hearing and that the Judge sentenced bin
to street work because he thought bin
guilty , although he was not. In fact
IJcnney's belief In this direction has bcci
so strong that he says he never overlookci
an opportunity to eay a good word for th
Omaha police Judge. But he says that h
was so sure- that he was Innocent ot th
charge against him and that the air o
Omaha was so uncongenial to his healtl
that he skipped out. Now he wants to ge
back because he has been engaged to d
some work during state fair week.
Denncy was convicted of being a vagran
and was sentenced to the street gang fo
several days. Judge Gordon has not ye
ilccldcd what to dojln the case.
t'ollvc Say Hail Mri Are Kceplm
Away friim .Omaha.
According to the police there Is no liiflu :
) f crooks to harass the city during fair week
If any have arrived .they have most success
fully succeeded in getjing under cover
None have been arrested. A few arrests o
suspicious characters.and vagrants are madi
dally , but It any' ' of these are "good" nici
In disguise , they are bong | put In places o
safety by sentences that will not expln
until the fair is over. No criminal work o
Importance Is being done , although two lit
tie "Jobs" wcro reported yesterday mprnlng
One of these was committed Sunday nlghl
In the store of the Chicago Furniture com
liany. Here a pane of glass was cut out of i
window and entrance was effected. The un
Imown burglars departed with a few carpcn
ter's tools.
Sulday night a freight car of the Burlington -
ton , near the latter's freight house , wai
burglarized of a dozen pairs of shoes. Tin
: leer of the car was forced open by UK
I'hoiniiH niul I'ylMirn ItrftiMc to I'roHC-
elite l > r. Carver.
The threatened prosecution of Dr. W. F
Carver , the crack shot , on a charge of as
sault with Intent to commit murder ha
fizzled out. It will bo remembered tha
about a week ago John C. Thomas am
Hahneman Pyburn attempted to levy upoi
Carver's horses and that Carver success
fully routed them with his rlflo. Thoina
and Pyburn were so angry that they arouse !
Judge Gordon in the middle of the- night ti
net a warrant for Carver's arrest , charglm
him with assault with intent to comml
case was set for trial yes
terday mornlnp , but when It wai
called Assistant County Attorncj
Winter moved to dismiss , saylm
evidence to con
that there was not enough
let Thomas and Pyburn stated that the ;
had had all the revenge they wanted am
took no further steps to prosecute on an ;
jthcr charge. _ _ _ .
Cannot UuilerMtnml AVhat lleeomeN o
Stolen IHeyeleH.
Bicycle stealing and bicycle thieves appeal
; o bo decidedly numerous in this section o
; ho country at the present time. Almos
lally the police department receives Informa
; lon of wheels being stolen from varloui
joints In the vicinity of this city. The po
lice ore puzzled as to what becomes of thesi
itolen bicycles , as they rarely turn up again
Uthough rewards are offered for 'their re
This class of thievery Is common In tin
Ity Almost dally one or more cases are re
ported. The latest Is that of David Carter
ivlio left his wheel standing In front of tin
lioston Store yesterday. When he came ou
jf the establishment the wheel was gone.
Outwitted the I > oucateliern.
Dogcatcher Christ Anderson and n com
panlcn ran against n snag yesterday morn'
Ing when they tried to cart off a tagless cm
it Fifteenth and Locust streets. The dot
liad been captured and put In the wagot
rt'hon three men ran out of a house on tin
-otner and went to the animal's assistance
Two of the men engaged the dogcatchcn
while the third released the pup. All thrci
then disappeared. . . , . . , tale „
The dogcatchers came with their o
woo to the city prosecutor and wcro given i
warrant for the arrest of the three men 01
a , charge of assault and battery.
ArreNteil on StiMilclon.
Sunday afternoon itheo ( suspicious char
icters wcro sighted < jn the bottoms by i
couple of police ofllcors , and when the latle
approached to Investigate , they broke am
ran. Two were captured and gave the name
at Charles Harwell and James Martin. Dar
well pleaded guilty yesterday morn
Ing to being a vagrant , and h (
was sentenced to ten days 01
the street. Two Nebraska City mci
were also up In court on the charge o
carrying concealed weapons. They gave th
names of Joseph McMillan and A. M4ck
They wcro find | 5 and costs.
Theories of cure may bo discussed a
leiiKth by physicians , but thp sufferers wan
iulck relief ; and One Minute Cough Cun
will give It to them. A safe cure for chll
Iren. It Is "Iho only harmless remedy tha
irodiicea Immediate results , "
It HigUestof ail m Leaveumjj Power..w. . . o.b.
Gladness Comes
With a belter understanding of tin
transient niiluro of tlio ninny pliys
leal ills , which vanish before proper of
forls fjentlecrTorts--pleahuiil efforts
rightly directed. There is comfort li
the Icnowledpe , that so many forms 01
sickness are not due. to any actual ills
case , but simply to a constipated condi
lion of the system , which the pleasanl
family laxative , Syrup of Kirs. ( prompt
ly removes. That is why itistheonlj
remedy with millionsof families , and if
everywhere esteemed so highly bv all
who value good health. Its henelieial
effects are due to the fact , that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. It is then-fore
all important , in order to get its bene
ficial effects , to note when you pur
chase , that you have the genuine arti
cle , which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists.
If iu the enjo.vment of good health ,
and the system is regular , laxatives or
other remedies arc then not needed. If
alllicted with any actual disease , one
may he commended to the. most skillful
physicians , but if in need of a laxative ,
out ; should have the best , and with the
well-informed everywhere , Syrup o (
Figs stands highest and is most largely
naad and gives most general satisfaction.
[ t's Interesting
a j * : --j.j' . Jf : - - > --jjl
To note the class of mei
who have their garment
made by Nicoll the Tailor.
[ "here's the
and even th <
Office Boy.
They rcalixe the saving ii
vearing Nicoll's garments.
'anta to order , $4 to 312.
iuita to order , $15 to 50.
Samples Mailed.
Brriuchcs Iu all Principal Cities.
807 South 15th St.
Know the
Remedy for
diseases of the
Liver , Kidneys and Urinary
Organs is
Dr. J. H. MEAN'S
It Cures Female Troubles
At Druggists. Price , $1.00 Per Bottle
made of pure rubber
holds llie Bull-Dog Garde :
Hose together.
holds tlie ordinary rubbej
garden hose together.
The strength of hose depends on these rub
w rivets ( technically called friction ) . A slier
ivet is stronger than a long one. Dull-Dot ;
ivts a'i short
Theory and results prove bull-Dog strong ;
st hose for money made.
Boston Woven Hose & Rubber Co.
2',5 , Devonshire St. , ( Soiton , or
< Uko St. . Chicago , 6j RcaJe St. , N , V.
jog No. 7th SI. Si Louis > o5j Water St. Clevelan ]
moAiatuhocSt.Denver 14 Trcmont Hani-ran
' Common Rcnoe
The People's
Medical AilvUt-r , by K. V.
1'lcrce , M ! > . , Chief Coiitult-
IIIK I'liyiielan to the liiv.v
lidi' Hold c Surgical Itistt-
lute.Iluffalo.N V .icoSpagcs ,
Illustrated , 6-0.000 copies
sold otfna Taper UmnJ
I'm u oil receipt of 11 cent
* for mailing only , or ,
cloth l > ou'ii\for.ii ceiitn. Ail-
drcsi the Autbor ,
Hoc , Aug. 24 , 'M.
A Needful Garment-
In all of a man's wardrobe there isn't a more
needful garment for th's ' time of the year than 1
the lightweight overcoat. It adds comfort to a
summer suit these cool evenings , and can be worn
in many places , and oft where a winter overcoat
would be out of place. It costs little , comforts
much and pays big dividends to the wo.arcr every
spring and fall. We have these needful garments in
variety and our prices arc almost half what you have
been in the habit of seeing them marked elsewhere.
Some in Cheviots at $5 oo , some in Black Clays at
$7.50 , some in gray Worsteds at $8.00 , and some in
English hunting cloth very swell at $9.00 a piece.
The time to buy a fall overcoat is now , while the line
is large ; the time to wear it is every fall and spring
lor the next five years. A good lrall Overcoat will
look well even after five years. Even the cheapest
of ours arc good a'l wool.
Haveynul sent for our Catalogue yd ? Ready now.
The Greatest Silk
Department in the West than an the other
Dmaha houses combined. We buy our Silks direct from the
nills for cash. We sell for cash. That is the reason you can
not afford to buy silks anywhere else. Prices on Silks are al-
, vays lower here than elsewhere. New Silks arriving daily ,
joods cheerfully shown at all times.
Some Special Leaders Black Silks.
Hlaelc India silk , 24 Inches wide , extra
n Colored Silks.
quality , for 2Uc.
Changeable silks for capo lining , 24 In. Hlack Surah , extra heavy , 24 Inches wide ,
vide , 25c a yard. worth 75c , for 39c.
Printed Jap slllts In dark colors for fall , Hlack brocaded India silks , 21 Inches wide ,
9c a yard. for only -19c.
ChariKuablc surah silk , 22 In. wide , all silk , lilack Taffetta silks for skirts or linings ,
9c a yard. lic. !
Solid color gros grain silks , all colors , for lic.Hlack Taffetta silk , extra heavy , rustling
9c a jaid. quality , E9c.
Brocaded taffetta silks for waists , regular Hlack brocaded Taffetta silk , 21 Inches
1.00 a yard , -IDc a yard. wide , G9c. , I
' Solro dress silk , worth $1,00 i
Changeable taffetta silks , all new comhlna- lilack 1'eaii do
lens , D9c a yard. for 7Gc.
Drapery silks , 32 In. wide , no new designs , Hlack brocaded sntlns , large designs , for
skirts , 7Cc.
a yard.
Cheney Hros. 24 In. printed Indlas , worth lilack brocaded Grcs Grains , new designs ,
Co , for 49c a yard. OSc.
Illark . and white check taffetta silks , 59e Leaders iu Velvet Dept.
i yard.
Fancy waist silks , an endless variety , for All colors In silk finish velvctas for only
i9c a yard. 25c
301110 Special Leaders Colored silk velvets , regular 7Ec grade ,
for only 39c.
itWlnte Silks. The best silk velvets. In nil colors , for the
price In this country , Jl.OO yard.
Japanese wash silk in white , only 21 in.
Yard wide , Jap wash silk , regular 7Cc PATTEUNS IN EVENING SILKS
alno , for 39c a yard. FOR DRESSES.
White taffetta silk for linings , 21 tn. wide ,
or 49c a yard. If you ate looking for a handsome dress
Brocaded , white silks , 21 In. wide , for only for the Knights of Ak-Sar-Hcn ball you
9c a yard. will find It here at prices to suit nny purse.
in tlio west. linying for cash niul from the iimiiufiioturoi's and importers
s us in a po.iltion to inalco prices equalled by fo\\f mid excelled by none.
Our line of 3-1 inch all wool Suiting at Cc ci inprifes
elTeets equal to the 750 line
For 12Jc a yard wo will soil a 115 inch Cliamalo.m
Suiting that has retailed at 20e
For 25e a yard wo olTor an endless variety of weaves ,
some all wool , some cotton milt and wool
For 60c a yard wo show goods that have been considered 50c
a past season good value at $1.00
For 'Wo wo show a silK and wool Novelty , full -12 inches
wide , that is excellent value
For 75e a yard wo show some extremely bright and pretty f3
olTccta they nro the work of exports
For SI.00 wo would prefer to have tlio ladies pass - < ! f\f\
opinion wo think they are the best wo ever ollorod. . . . L J A VJ
Our $1.25 , our $1.3 ! ) , our $1.75 , our $2 are all patterns
that are confined to llaydon's ' and are to bo seen nowhere -
where but hero.
Slack Dress Goods.
Nothing wo could say would do this department justice. They m'o piled In
lountains anil our only worry is how to of tliom all t > o wo begin
With a .Ti inch all wool Novelty at 39o
With a ' 10 inch Jttcqtmrd , regular ( I5c goods 50o
With a 40 inuh pure Mohair Serge 50o
Wo will make an extra effort in our 75o line ,
And sell Pricwtloy $1.00 and $1.25 goods-
no inch all wool Llxurd Cloth , worth $1 25
fcj inch Cheviot Serge , worth $ l.fiO All at 75c yard
We sell the Butterick patterns ,
"You can take that soap
right back and change
it for SANTA Ci < AUS SOAP.
I would not use any
otlier kind. "
Every woman who has
ever used
where. Made only by
knows it Is without an equal , Sold every
The N. K. Fall-bank Company , - Chicago !