- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMATIA DAILY ] 1Tll : PTtIIAY , AUGiJT 21 , 1896. . I I TIlE FIELD OF ELECTRICITY Its Boundarcs Expanding in the Domain of Medicine. DRUGS ADMINISTERED BY ELECTRICITY I'ns..lbItIl , r ( II,1lIK II Vlrtucn of ( , , lel lie liiii ) I I Ies-tiI a ii- , ( ititil Itngcrs Hf I t14 3iii p1 oiii iU t. It wnuh seem IrnpossbIe at first thought thrtt the virtue of a drug or a Ikiuki coull be carricti throgh a wire , a telegraphic lnesiagc8 are carried. and made to penetrate the human Iociy along with the electric current. And yet it ii ttite certain , a cx. ports in o1ectro.therapeutlc know , that oiiiething very like this is now not only ; osible but easy of accomplishment. This lhOflOIflOflOfl whicli has been explained in various ways is dignullel by the important name of cataphoresiL Take for instance a solution of the drug co aine , soak a sponge with it and tasteii the sponge about one clectro.lo of a galvanic battery , the aggressive one or anode slioutil be chosen , from which tue current goes in strong how to the cathode , famous in these days from the Roentgen dbcovery. Now place the electrode thus covered with cocaine at any desired iart of the body , the other ciectrode being applied as convenient , anti let a current be turiicd on froni the bat- tery. liiiiiieditely the cocalno will begin to ienetrato the body , literally to Penetrate it , as 13 shown by the fact that the tissues surrounding the anode will becomu tom- ileteiy Insensible owing to the well known anaesthetic propertle of cocaine. There Is no doubt that this condition of local anaesthesia results from the coraltit being really carried Into the body by the electric current. aince wlieii the cocaine coil the current are applied separately , no lit- * sensibIlity cilsues. This very convincing experiment was per- fermeti several years ago iy ) ir. Frederick I'etersoii the eminent specialist at the New York Coliege ot l'liyslclans and Surgeons. who was able by tl is menus to relieve the most intractable cases of neuralgia among his patients and to operate t.1pon animals as ho pleased , without drawing from theta ally mmigiis of sutterlog. 1)r. I'eterson cc- counted for this phenomenoli by assuming that In a galvanic circuit titus arranged a current streams from the positive Pole to time negative with sufficient force to carry wRit It through time skin amid Into the hotly artlcles of any substance In oiutlon through which it. tony pass. While Important. as furnIshing a convent- cot means for , rodCtctiig local anaesthesia. this experiment or Dr. l'etcrsoti'8 was but a iwcctlrsor of many others to follow , such rapid advances having been matte in thIs new Ilehil within recent years that It is now poaslblo to diffuse throughout time body , by thu l1ensat agency of a galvanic cut- rent , most at tIme drugs that kayo hithim'rto been adinimmistereil through . the month. Millions of children all over the country will rise ill ) and bless the hcncfactors who shall save thicut ( mom the itighitmnare of that OCflSlOflfll dose of catitor oil , without mentioning tile quInine anti other lnul-tast img comnpotmnds that their good mothers for generatlotis tast have beemi thrusting ilown their throats. The promise is that electricIty will attend to all this eve long. getting the drug where It is needed , almost- without the PatiClit's knowledge. and accomplishing the desired result with all tIme efficiency of the old-time htottle and spoon. It Is true this mtich to ho desired coti- imnimation Is itot yet fully uttatned , ci- thought It Ii ; coming fast , but already imp-to-date 1)1YSllfl5 are administering electrically In their regular iracttce such drugs as strychmnimme. corrosive sublimate , carbolic acid , neonita and various coma- P0t111115 of hititluimi and mercury , all vith excellent results. Mmii an arratigenient has beemi perfected which permits the imhstclan to know cx- nctiy 1mw great tiuantltics of any particular tim-ag are being carrlrd by the current into the intIet'5 ) hotly. lIscs of filter paper or tissue paper are j1acod mottler the electrode , niiil upon these time iwohier antount of time solutIon Is dropped.'here great precision is not requireti. as in ailmniitistcriiig such drugs as i-tdidu of potash. the ordinary mtponge electrotle itt tttiincient , and where it Is desired to introduce a drttg throughout tii& ' whole hotly alt ordinary bathi tub is macdo to twrve as the anode by placIng a imhmeot of zinc at thmo bottom , this being connected with the battery by aim imisuhmited copper wire. Tim latit'nt In timt'n immersed in the water of thin bath In whichi has pro- vlousiy been dissolved tIme drug to be administered - ministered anti the electric emirrent with Its medicinal iiroimt'rties riasses thmrotigit time seater Into time body cmiii mmtmt again by time cathtotle which thu iatlelmt hauls in aimim hmanil , dropped over the sub of time tub. Fammey beimmg cured of one's 11km by macrely giving a little attcntlumt to one's mmmornimmg bath ! ii ) ' thmrse three mnvthmnda it is posslimlu to admulmmtster drugs electrically , their ircsenc 'in the 1)100(1 Imeimig Iroveil h ) ) repeated tests anil their effcet beiimg qimito as iowerftml its whit-li tukeit In time ordinary vay Of coat-se there are dsases ! which i'aimnat yet be triat cii tint S ; hut , aim I lie other haiti ! , t hero mire diseasca where mmmcii better results have attcmm'Ied this nev tre.itmcnt than bail ever bccmm obtained in time old way , for tim.mre are cArtihm : , drugs ivimosu action is utmost neutral- izemi by time lillimis of the. stamnachi. lit gout , rlmeimmuatlsmit mliii ! skin ( liSI'ftAet lie surface apithicatiomi of drugs by rleelricmty has spe- . clal miilaimtagts , cmiii in the mimain it is pleas- emit to the Imatient. Aim inmportant iIeye1oipmient 0 ? .iiIi method ot emmiaplioresis Is that eaimveivcml by 1 cetor ( uitutier or I'arls imimd ascii Witit smiemess 1mm New York by Dr.Viiliamn J , Morton , semi of the discoverer of mimmacm'lhicslii. iCiuwiimg , that ehmermmlcai changes mire constantly iolig , on at Limo electrodes of mm gilvammie circuit it oc. emirrrii to Dr.iortiI1 that It ought be P05- silmie by tmsimmg electrodes of vnrlamms mcmlii to immake electric apparatus not emily time means for itmhmmmlmiusterlng aimy deslretl drug , but to make It actually produce tIme ilrimg itself. Thu may seemmi puzzling. but mm little reflection will mnaktm it clear enough , I t iii known , for 1nstammco tima I immost of time drmmgs used by imhmsiciamms ale merely time salts of ordinary mmumtala. Iron , copper , zinc , aluimiiutmmmm. ctC Now it lmi knowmm that hmuim. over aim electrode nmadu of one of thmes . jimeinla , easily commmimountheti , Is hratmgimt in commitict svIthm atm milTeclemt tIsmitm of time totIy there hikes place a elmemnical chicago train the imimlomi of time metal 1mm tIme electrode with time acids mmimtl gases liberated front time tissue as soon as time current imegirms to thaw , rhiis ehmemnieal ehmaimgo results iii time itroduc- tioim of a eompotmntt salt of the metals coin- polimg time electrode. flO(1 if time 1i11'slciamm haS taken care to choose sucm a metal as will give time chmeimmicai conmim000ti hme tie- sires for time trouble iii hmantl. It is plain this , time apparatus viil autoimmatically imro mitire the reimmctly tar the trouble at time very hmalmt ! the hotly where It Is needed , ' 1 hIs muethoil lies been found so full of proimmiso that Dr. Morton has urrammgetl tpr imi6 vattemmts mmtmnmeroua tmtmlbs aimtl mmcetlles in yarioumi shapes , to used in various parts of tIme body ammd mmmatio of copper , iron , zInc and oIhmr metals 'vimose salts enjoy valuable . immetlieimtal lirotierties. It mmmmy ammo doubts the rapid tornmatioim of nictal aahtB In ( hits curious process of . electric diftusiomm , lie mIll bo quickly comm. ylimccd otm aet'iimg how soon a greemm circle - simreatls through tIme tissues around a copper needle electrode thrust lute tIme skin , Al. itiost lii aim Instant the sulphmato of copper fortims and ( tie ftm'sh about the point hmertm ( lie current enters takes on the color of impl'ho lirecii to a distance of halt an lnchm or mimero in all directions , This rapid actIon amid timorough dilTusion possess evident advantages - vantages over any amere laVin or Injection ( lint could be Iracttced in such troubles mmii iousuhtti5. urothrltis , catarrim and various forums of tuomora. in all such cases the electrode under the actIon of the current deposits iii time tIssues it mactaBle salt eltIca- mlomuii for cure of th iirticuuar waiady , amid tlmemm thlb saIt also tinder thu agency of ( be ti.mrrrnt , Is thrivea into the tiauc. just as ] ) r l'etej-sjns ricaino .vaii iriven In on the iimmuiliar imrIImiimie of cistaphoresis. l'imrauio his exporinmemits in this same direetloit , I ) : ' Morton bias recently perfected .a umean ; fur prudueln * auaeaheaia ( of the ) ; uImms tlmmmt Is siread in use by sonic of the snore alert-nitpmied dentists hi Now York cmiii wlI 4opbIess. ; soya be known all over thci vouutr au1 bo hzti d aa bieszipi by thousands who now shrink from the suffer- log incident to having teeth filled and put In order. Instead of usint cocaIne alone , as Dr. Peterson did. Ir. dorton imses a mixture - turo of gmirmlacol and cocaine , time resulting insensibilIty being moore imrofotmnml ( lien that of cocAine alone anti being promhticemi in two. thirds less time anti with two-thirds less current. Not inmly may teeth be filled by this method with absolute imainiessness , but the most dltflcult operations 1mm tlcmmtustry , involving - volving deep ctmttin into tIme gums as for tooth implaimtatlon , mnij ho performed without - out cammsuimg time patient tiny inconvenience. These most welcome results are obtained by applying a cataphoricm ciectroile , somne- what resemblIng a pair of curling Irons , which holiis time gains on either aide and imroihtmces complete ammacatlmesia whmn the cur. remit iasses immto It from an ebonite cup in time handle , whmercimi is comitaimmed the cocaine anti gtiaiacoi. in all ( lint hmmi been mmientiommeml so far time drugs to be intromluccil into the hotly have bt'eii Placed mit ( he ; mint of appilca- ( ion , but timero are phmyslciamms nmore daring or far-seeing than their fellows , who mitt- dare that similar results amay be obtainemi ( rota a dlstnnce. Pm-0f. J. it , liuchamman declares ( lint time oiecmIc ( current has ( ho Power of carrying time virtues of a drug thmrotmghm a bug length of wire and intro. dmiclng thmemttt imnimmmpaired Into tIme body nt the patient who liolmis the electmotics , More timamm once he lies rammgeml in a semicircle - circle several of his sttithemmts or assistants aflmi passed timrotmgh theIr joined hands a current bearing time essnco of soimme fa- nmiliar drug , And invariably , after receiv- limg the curremit1fpr a certain length of tlmmmo , time ) 'oUag men have recogaizemi its cimaracter just as they womlimi have dommo lied they swallowed It cliii been abie to ray : "That is titmiSine , " 'thmat is sotla , " tlmat is smmlphur , ° - that is Imyoscyamims , " etc. , amimi so , the d3etht , lalmns , these young macmm would ahiow in their bodies amid stmbsc- ipient aYmnimtums the real presence aimtt effect - fect of time drugs titus Introiitmced. Just how tar time electric cmmrremit ccii carry time Power of drugs has not yet bcemm determined , but there are eimthiuslasts 1mm olcctro-therapetmtice vhmo see imotimlimg mm- probable Itt sending doses of niedichne throughout a hospital by . mmieans of wires runmming from time central office to time various wards anti cots. It tlmimt ever comes to pass , the house physician nmay sit iphietly Iii liii armimcimair cliii treat n timoimsanm.i patiemmts with imiommt of time drugs in the liharnia- copeia by imierely playing a keyboard of electric buttons. Amid time patients theimi- selves may htt iii utter ignorance that these tirugs are being introduced Into their bodies by immmpcrcemtibie eurremmts. Aimd 'hmat pas- sibilities for crime are not opened up by suclm a commccptiomm , for If these theories irovo true , time scientifle mntmrtlerer of the twentietlm century will he able to kill hIs victims as he pleases by macrely sendlmig poison-laden currents through their beds and bodhv while they sleep. "A few dnys ago. " wrItes Dr l3uchamman , "I sent rimedhcated currents frommi Los Aim- geics to i'asadena , eight mmmileii Three dir- ferent nmcmiielmiemm were used , amid the currents - rents ere received in Pasatiena by five Intelligent permmomms , each of whom recognized - nized time dustlimet characteristic effects of cacim iiiethlclne as time ) ' wotmid be felt froni a small dose , bitt time force of time galvanic battery was not smmmciemmt to make the re- stilt as ellective as I desired. " Time caine wmltcr adds : "I think It Iirobable that wIth a contimitmoims wire and a stmtlicient electric motive force , amm electric dose mlgimt be semmt front San Francisco to New York. " Anti. lest any one think that we are now In ( lie realm of vain speculation , let me say that so great an authority as Dr. Luyc of l'aris believes , and has in a mmmeastmre demnomistnatemi , that eiectrIc curremits may ho arranged so its to hare a well understood - stood effect upon a patient's mimental commiii- (10mm , one currcmmt produciimg mnciancholy , anotimer gladmmess : one causing mmervousness and irritability , another Imemfect cairn amid a desire for sicep ; one simmmlatImmg every organ of time body , ammotimer producing Jtmst time contrary effect , so that , if all ttmis Comes to pass , vo lucy expect to soc every Sunday school provldcd with an outfit of electric wires. charged with highly amoral currents , while time criminals of the ftmture vlit be rcfornmetl by discriminatIng physicians. who \.iil drive all time virtues into timein with the help of galvatmic batteries. CLFWELAND MOFFETT. 'I'IIE cUItIms'roxE tiuuu is'i' . 1iiiitire of miii Atleliiit to 'l'irim It to ( ) tlmer Free SiR-er i'rollt. Two men who eneotmntered eacim other near a prominent street cormmer a tow nmorn- irigs ago stopped , shook hands , Inquired after cccii other's health , anti spent a mlii- tiLe or two iii desultory talk , relates time Chicago Tribune. Timen they shook imanmis agaiii , asked to be remembered to cccli other's family , amid were about to s jiarate , when one of them mmaimi : "fly time way , lliggimms , I presimmo you are for iiryan anti freci silver ? " "Free himmmibug ! " metortemi time other. "I'm for 1ticKImmlc'y anti prosperity ! " "I've got npthlng iii particular agalmist McKInley , " was the rejoitmiler , "except that lie's a irotectionhst cliii a gold stanmiarmi luau , and waultlmi't make a gooti president. Time ussuo of title campaign Is- " "I know exactly what yomm'ra goimig to sa > ' . The usatme of this canmpalgn---- . " ' 'Is frco silver , amid you knumIt , Itigglmus ! Don't try to sjimlrmmi omit of ItI" " 'hmo's trying to squirm out of It , Rogers ? \Vo'm o ready to immeet yomm cmi time free silver 01 aiuy other issue ! Of miii time blaimmed fool. mmommsemmsl cal , Iii lot ic--- ' ' "You're aim infcrmmai golilbug ! That's ivimat 7011 are , iliggiimmml I thought you'd hare immoro sense- " "I've got sense enough to he honest , Rogers ! I've got mense enough to be imomiest ! I don't want to swindle my cremhitors by paying nmy debts Iii 50-cent dollars ! " 'l'hey had raiseti their voices , anti a crowil hail bcgumm to gather , but time two mmmcmi ivere oblimIomme of timelr mmtmdlence , amid went omi. "Look here , iligglmis ! " roared liogens , "If yomm can't duiicmmmmui a luolitical qimestion without calhimmg mmaimmes- " "Cmtiiimmg mianicim , you featherhead ? You called me atm lmmtermuml goltibug imot ten see- oimiiut ago ! " " \'elI , that's what 'omm am em maim timat vants to mit time currency systenm of tills country Immto the hmaimmmii ci Great flritalmm is a imubiic cimemmuy , anti he ouglmt to be hung ! fly George , imu ommglmt to be liming ! " ' ' . 'mny luau that hasn't brahms enough to see tlmat free sliver will brIng time country it ) the verge of ruin is an imliot , and omigimt to ho In comae asyium for the feehlo-.nmintiemli" "Give It to imini ! " yelled a number of so ices , l'aylimg ho attention to the limterrmmptiomm , higgins restmnme.l : itm- "If you woimi1d'tSfml read time miserable , cheap , ) ' . ' little speeches yotmr cammtlitiate , Bryan- " "t1ciCImmiey caim't mnmmko a speech I lie camm't mmuake a stccb to save hut life ! " " ' " "That's a- ' 'Look otmt ! " "If ha calls you a liar imit hmim ! " vocifer. ateil aim aimgry free ailverito. Time crowd mmcmv mmumnbercth a hmmmndreti or umuoro 'Goimtlemen. ' ' said lingers , turmuing to time bybtammilers , "I appeal to yotmi I askemi title luau mm siimmpie question , anti Imo chose to take offcmmse , If bme were disluosed to discuss time silver issue faIrly- " ' 'liscuss time sliver issimel" shioutemi lug- gums , ' 'ciemmtlemnen , lie immmsim't intelligence emmough to know- " "I've got intelligence enougim , " retorted itogers , at time top of his voice , "to Rmmow what every uman in thus crowd needs , You iwill tiardon me , gentlemen , " lie ivemut cmi rapidly , opening a small valise hue carried 1mm ills imammd , "if I take this opporuimlty ( of callimg , your attommilon to a little article ivimichu I am immtrotiucing In this city , I call it the Universal Implement , it wiiL pare lOtatoes without wasting any ot the body of thu potato , slice tomatoes , aimave cabbages into strings , trimim a Iamnpwlck , cut the pages of a mmuagazine , remove watts- " lie paused ntt io9ked mbot him , The crowd had tied , Uoi. U. ( limeemi iCei-ji Yoimmsr. Time queen of Denmark , who , although she Is 78 years of age , is still pretty and retalmia lice vivacity. and charm , declares that the only way she keeps young is by imavimmg young people about her. , . She always lmas a houseful of them and likes nothing beitor ( lieu to be surrotwdetl by her grandchildren and their friemucle. . flhi afUrmus that she Is aunt to all of Europe to whIch she Is not grandmother. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Theories of cure may b duacussed at Ieugth by physicians , but the sufferers scent quick relief ; and One Minute Coughs Cure wiiJ give it to them. A sate curti for chIt- dren. it Is "the only- harmless remedy ( list iroduces Jmnwdlaa ( r.ultL' PNEU1ATIG TUBE SYSTEIS ) Improved Mean9 of' Epediting the Mail Borrico in Oities. PRESENT METHODS HEUIND TIlE TIMES i'ln I in of no lIxlIcri iii cii liii i'mieim- iimiIit l'lmmii mmmiii 'Iiiil 5itmlit' Ac- coiiiI.I IMiieIIt riai ii Ii'mmnmm.i . for itnplmt 'liii imMit , The postal servIce of the United States , C5S a writer in harper's Weekly , is in a nueasuro accotmmuahle ( for time length of ( hue taken iii ( hum imreiimnimuary forwatdlmmg of mmmli matter. No lossibte fatmlt camm be fommnd with the gcmmerai expedition , i'ostai trauma rtmmmnlimg at the highest rate of speemi carry timp manila , Methods of huamitiling large amasses of matter are mnarvolous for celerit. Nevertheless , ( lucre are in all the great centers of iiopmmiatiomu delays more or less vexatIous ii , the starting of mail mmuatter. Time luertoct iOstal service is really notim- log fliure ( bait an express business. With the assurance of time lerect safety of the objects recelveti amid delivered , It is time clement of sPeed wimich Is paramount , but tIme entire systcnm of thia postoflice is at fault so tar as relates to the Initial moore- fluent of luau nuattor tim time large cities. It is not synchronous , A letter s maclied from New York to Chicago. Ommco put iii the mmmcli car it tears along at the rate of say laity. five milea aim hour auth it reaches its des- timuatiomu , hut why simouiml that same letter 0mm its way front the gemmeral postolilce 1mm Now York to time Forty-secommil ! 3trcet depot , during its first transIt , take at ( hue very least forty mnimmutes to go over atm imusig- nificant 3.23 ummiles ? or as mnuchm timne agaimi on arrival at Chicago ? There are , themi , always two delays. lii time emudeavor to become fammiihiar witim the muany commtiitiens of the initial mot'emnemut of mall mnatter 1mm time leamlimmg cities , a series of questions ivas addm-essetl to rmostnmastcns amid the following answers were received : Ta time query , "Distance iii mnhles froimi your mmmiii omce to time primmeipal railroad tiepat to which you scud , or frommm whelm you receive , tIme largest portiomm of your mmiaii matter ? " time chewers received were : ImmtENbw York time dustamice was Zi.23 immiles ; tints occuploti -10 minutes , For I'lmilamieiphmln , ffll of a mile ; time , 10 minutes. In Chicago , 1. lihiles ; ( Into , 30 mmmlmutmtes. In Brooklyn timero ivoro two distances , the otto 1.C3 cmiii time other :1.60 miles , time tiuume being 27 and 35 mnintmtes. Simomilii there ho a fog iii ( ho East or Nortim river during the seater transportation of the Brooklyn mall , several hours aught elapse before a hmimmdlmmg cotmid be made. Itt ilostomi , ( lucre being four m'aiiroati stations , witim 74- 100 , 62-100 , 8i-IOO and 53-100 of a mmiiie. the tiimuo varied frommu 20 to 25 mmiinutes. Iii St. Louis the distance was 1.IS malIce ; time tIme , 1s miminutes. In lialtimoro , 1 % mmuiies ; amid the ( lame , 25 mnlnutes. Time variatIons 1mm time time are mute to ( be accidemuts of positloim , bitt immvariably the larger time city the longer is ( lie timmio required. Such alieviatians a have been brought about by the I'ostoihlce department by ( ho use of surface roads arc mnost worthy of luraise. but iii ( ho large cIties obstructions to rapidity of mnos'cnucmmt mumust be constammt. Streets are being continually bloCked. When there Is a heavy snow storm nil time roads leading frommi depots to postomces , or in time opposite mlirection , are for a time impracti- cable. In Nosy York the difilcuities of cemud- lug or receiving mmmii matter within Its own lhmnitum are always Increasimug , Whemi tiucro is a Greater New York , or amm eumlarged Chicago - cage , ( lie trouble must ever go on 1mm an atmgmentiimg quammtly. W'imy should them e not he , not otto or two , but three or four daily deliveries of time letters written in New York and addressed to New York. I3ranmchm offices 1mm all the gm-eat cities arc necessities amid they sviil be aiwayc increasing - creasing iii mmmmnmber. Thuo question having lCefl aelteul of postmuua.stens as to the numubem' of their bramucim oflices amid the total ( Ifs- tamuces front the mnatmm cemutral chico , a aunt- mumary of time replies is as follows : lirancim Total , Iistmimtce to ottlce5. ljrancli oOicem. No. Mlii's. In New York . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1.2. ! lim i'tmiioiemplmla . . . . . . . . . . tT IsT.02 1mm Chlemigo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 iii imrookiymm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mc 1mm lmomton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1mm tt. LotliM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 in BaltImore . . . . . . . . . . . . at is.O3 As to the timumo necessam'y to semud a mail bag front any central oiflco to a branchu 0(11cc ( , time miata , if available , would be value- less. They woumiti vary uiccordimmg to ernmmli- tioii. In certaimm cases a letter carried 100 malice by railroad withimi three hours arrives at a city , lilus the tIme necessary to trans. port it to and fromu the mumalim 0111cc by wagomm. Timeim thin letter mnay hmayo to go by wagomi to a brammch omce. Sonmetimes this auth. tiommal say fIve miles occupies a time repro- semuteti 1) ) ' Ufl hour and a imaif , Time m-aiiroaml lies carried the letter at a speed of miles an hour , while time wagon or other method of tramusiortatlon lies gone at the rate of three and ono-timird nmile iii time hommr. Themu ( lie average speetl of the letter over a total disliumuco of 105 miles is only 23,333 miles per hour , and that Is very show time Indeed , When mnany tone of mali mmmat- ter maust hue forwarded , it is itt om'crcomumlmmg time viii immertice at ( lie begimunimige , twice occurring , that time mmmaium difficulty lies , This bulk of mailable matter , unless cli tIme wlmeehmi of commerce be lulocfed , will go on augnuemmtlimg amumi partiularly in the time large citIes. bocaimse thme' : pf ; & ttmjtpentcrs of receipts anti deliveries , anti it makes tie mmtatter whether they are emi the mmeaboarti as iii New York , or cemutral , mf4'Is Cimlcagol Time following statistics shmotv (1m(5 ( ( In New 'ork , during IIDO. the dallywelglut. of muaila ide mmiattor was 32 tons. him 189 ! it was 416 tomms. In l'hiladelphia time increase lit 10 per coot. 1mm Chicago timlmu immcreaso lies gone with lealte amid hounds , and for a. cer- tam class of nuatter lots almos'emh aim immcrcmmse of 30 er cent , Iii Tlostoim , i,4 per edit ; 1mm St. 14)uis. 16 per cent , smith witim a notable auginentatlomu 1mm hialtimore , .ts to ( hue cost of ( hue Initial nioremnemmt of time nmailabie matter , that sarles , cmiii the exact figures ave ohitnhumahmlo fromum time post- mmiaster general , it immust anuoummt to a good rotmmmtl sum , Ir Instatmco , time service ho- tween New \'oric cmiii l3roolciyn is carried oum by wagons , mmiakimug timimty.aix trips daily. Its speed is fair , but it mmever can be rapid enough to sutllco for time wants of letter comnlmiminlcatiomi hmetweemm two great citIes ; aimmi exactly tubular commuiltiomma exist Iii St. Louis , cmiii are particularly epipimaslzeti in Chmieag , ' , Commeithered , timen , in its proper highmt , thus city tramispmrtntiomi of mmmcli matter is die- tinctly bchminmd time age , anti imelommgs to time first bait of time present ccntmur > . Nothimmg hmcrelmi is event immtlmated its to time safety of such conveyance of mumaii by wagons or surface cars , it Is exceptiotmal where rob. imery Is brought to lIght , flat the mumilmm factor of time ltal systemmu being speed , all city movemmment of maIl iii iiroyokingly sloim' ; amid , wimat is ivorse , 1mm time time to come , ivhmemi ( hero will he mmioro material to be sent and mmuore chances of streets belmig blocked , this mnovomnent will be even niore snail.paeed , On ii. mneaulow mmcar fltmriington , N. 3. , timore is stretched along for a tllstaumce of half a mile a line of connected iron tubing. Timee tubes are nlatlo at a mmelglmboring founmiry and are , weny-four iumclmes iii diameter With time exception that they have two grooves cast in timemmi , they arp nothimmg but conmniomm water mnatius. The tubes .mro just as timey canto ( rein. the foundry. LIke all such piping. requiring connecting so na to withstand r.iimtary water p'eamlre , time tubes have imeemm faceti at time euds , aimmt are secured with huts amml bolts , a slight coating of hitimuirge or whlt.m acid 'l.aving bden applIed , as tmaual , t , ) th3 squau'cd sum'- faces , There is a small engine , 'which ruuma a blower of no extraordimmary size or uncommon pattern , The amoIye iower. placed 1mm a temporary imoute , Is an ordinary engine of not more than twenty lt ) UOATIOLtL. ILLINUI FNLE CLJLLEQE ACKSOh Li.E , ILl- . Thorough couries : Dumerior lacuily ; refried icr- roundmmmgi ; Cbritiatu home. Term , reasouabiu Write icr mrospecius. lila , JUN. L. U.ULUER , l'rcsldenl- FEMALE ACADEMY ii' ' IJili gredi EngUsh &nd Ciuakam School. Utrar' , tmm. * , 4.11 cuurc , c.ruecaz. .4wits to weu..my , Smith , YsaMt4LUidjv. a , ra horse-power. The carrier is a circular metal box of sheet-iron or bronze , It nine on four wheels , two of whIch are above anti two below , The 'wheels arC mounted on pvots , which have a free lateral movement : of theo fommr wheels , two of them follow the upper groove , two ( ho lower groove. Time engine Is set in imiotion , the fan revolves and time air at ( lie start is rcceived iii a short cast-Iron tube amuil stored. As soon as a sufficient prcsstmro is reached , a comn- imaratvely lois' one of sixty potmnds , taking hardly any tinme , time carrIer is set by huammtl in the tube. the wheels ndjmmsu'tl to ( he grooves , time air is let emi , antI away travi'ls the carrier along time tmmis , cranial ( lie curve , auth conies out at the exit or ( em- initial. C Starting at one Oi ( lie other silo of time engine itemise , accormfiuig to whuero it Is placed , time carrier incites time entire dr. cuit. Now as (0 time IeetI. The hail mile k mmimttio in fifty ecolitli , thmeim tIme whole immile ss'oultl be mmuaulqlfli mnlimuto imnth tort ) ' SeCmflds , For all practical purposes time carrier mmioves at tlu' Spbeml of thmirty-timreo niiies aim hour. This speed is not a mnaxi- mntmmn hilt a imtininutlni one , for time absolute air pressure oit ( lie carrier Is emily six oummees to ( he square inch. , Vc y mumimeim faster ( mutt cotmld be immiparteil 1by an immcrensod air pressure , It calm be understiibmltithat for the return trip of ( ho carrier mmli ( list lies to be done is to reverse time tilreoim ( of the biower. The carrier is then cketl throtmglm tIme line of tuhmimig and ep trrires at time ( Cr- mnimial fromm ( whiencd' iL . mmiay have iimst started. _ .m - in a series of worilings nuade for the writer , carriers wero-repeatediy ccimt for- svartis anti backwards , cii arrivlmmg stfchy at ( heir destination antI at the rate of speed imutlicateth , Thmere was mu little sutmtmth of in-rushing air at ( lie start , a bug rumble amid ( hmemm itt a short ( line , a little over time Imaif mnimmute , ( lucre was time carrier , quietly lauded , Time carriers used uscre of sheet-iron , and wommiti weigh -if0 loummmmhs. New carriers , of bronze , whicim wommltl be lighter to huammdie , are to be sumijstitumtc'il ; butt tue heavy It-ott 011cc stem-iced perfectly. 1mm time carrier there wotmhti be placed time mail bags , mumammy of ( imemmi , time lemigtim of time carrier belmig three feet cmiii diammieter twemmty-two imiciucs. Thes carriers cioseil hmy immeamis of two locks amid keys , so that they could lie emily opened hiy time lroiuer Imostoflico officials. As to time mmmattc'r of imCeti , that beiuug set- tied , timeim comumes time qucstlomm of time comi- tImiuotms mflovemimemmt of time carriers , it there were long liutervals of timmie neccasar ) ' be- ti'eeiu time seimtlimmg of. mmmi carrier and the mmext otto , ( hue rapid movement of a single carrier would miot suffice , Time qucstiomm of continimourm service llresemmts ho difilculty , Just as tact as a. carrier cntmimh be put iimto the timlue It ivemit on Its iva' , to lie foiioweul by other cmmrmiers , amid all of theta traveled along at ihe caine rate of speed , cmiii were delivered aem'iatini at the termnlmmals , and without interference , Time mmmothod of pmteu- mactic tramuantissiout makes an air cmmslmioui betweemi any two carriers , so that telcscor- lug secmmts to ho lompassiblo. In fromut maid back of cccii carrier tlmemo lit a hle1rl of rub- her. Tlmorc mmilglmt , huow'evor , be another mien- ger. If the carrier amid its load , time muuail bags , were "fired , " hue Caplalmi Zalinsh-y's thelis , fromu a lmcuuuuuat'.e gumu , amid the carrier - rier wIth the letters shot into time air , or ejected parallel witim the groumud rut time terminals , time conteiutmm might. tue toni to atoms. To guard against au..lt coumtingcncies timoro is time simplest of devices. 45 time carrier approacimes its ( crmnimmai , say at ( lie distance ot' fifty feet , theme is a gate which holds in time air. \s time carrier nears Ituu terminal time speed is naturally dimlimishueti. Time air acts like a brake. W'luemi quite mmeam' time eimmi , by amu autonuntic mnovomneiut , liii- partemi by time carrier , time gate opens. Tue carrier thicum is delivem Cd slowly--its ito- pctuum is gomme. it has just speed enough to roil its way leisurely alomug an open tramuway wimicim lies a mmligkt up grade , and then it comes to rest 1mm a tube where ( imere is a last air ctmshon. ! How is svitehmlng carried ommt ? The car- nor ivomitl be required to delIver its mmmcii- bags at various railroad depots or branch i'ostoifleca. Any otue iihmo line seemm ( ito typesetting - setting maclulmiem' ) ' of tpday can at once ap- imreciatc what is exactmtes,9 of autonatic nmovcmemut , cmiii how tue muiany typcs are switchued off , dachm one hlpdimug its owmm par- ticulam' reec'ptacle. I' 'earners lucre cccii its immdiviiiuaiity , and ! . will change direction autonmatlcaliy , mmtovimig t the right or heft of time machim tithe amm mssimug aiommg a sub line. Mammy tricis ivro immamie imm switcimimug carriers on timis luipe line , amal there were no wrommg deliveries. Clbseto the fcmieo there is a switeim-box , and time carrier is shmummtcd off here and tras'es , timrougim a distinct tube , which is sluown to ( me extrenme right. As to time iilze of tiid tmmhes , tsm'enty-four inchmes , tlmi could bnbtnbly increased ihid time exigeiueies _ of any iarge mall s rvlce require - quire it. It would ot be a qucstiomm of stremugtlm of iron tube , lnmt immcmease of air liressure. In working thue of the carriers imartily amiy prcautiois ) weme muccessary.s to time pleat itsehfJimj _ timbuiug hiatt beemm exlOsCth timrommgim the winter to the cold antI miurimmg this sprimmg to time heat , and no maca- simm-es lied beemu takcmu to protect it. There ought imave been expansion , contraction om' deflection , limit that cceueth to make muo differ- cmtce. Time apparausworkcm1 ( at once , without - out a. hitch , anti requireml no special skill. There always will ho aecidommts iii an. mechanical systemtu , as , lIkely to occur to a watch atm to ( ito ommgjmip of a transatlantiQ mmteanuer. If , ( lien , a arrier almoimid comae to grief , or'stick , say , fromut a broken wheel , Just where ( hue accident liapimeumod call be inmmiicated by a cozpmton ammO iveil known electrical device. Theu , ' again , tIme tubeit are large enoughm fdr hmummman expboratiomm. There is mmothmIiug new lit iunetmnuatie lire- iuulsiomu. It is cemmturies old. For time trauma. mmiussion of mail imiatter , imouvover , lucius before - fore ( lila have bcemm little moore thamm toys , amuti comnphicnted at ( lint. , They ivere mu- pmactlcable 1cm' time carrying cmi of tIme vast bimsinesit of great postollicu centers aim they exist today 1mm New \utc ! , Pimiladeuiuuuia auth Chicago , It ! s time simumplicity , time imuex- pemmsive elmaracter , of thus Ilmmriimugton iuinnt which Is remmtarhcablmi f/us to time umuoummtlimg or grades , even steep clues , with thIs 5)0- ( cia , such diiilcumltIes necti barely be mmo- ( iced , Smmpposimug , then , that trommu ( lie nuaimi post- ofihee imu Net' , York CIty such a uIpmu hue ss'ero lmtiml to time Forty-secommui Street tie- pot. li'm'itimlmu fommr umuimmmmtes tlmero % s'otmiml be service lmcveciu ( timee tsvo jiolmuts. It coulth be worked to all time depots and branch offices. Time letter written by one New Yorker amiml unidresseti to another New Yorker , no nuater how far distant within the city , would certainly reach him within a couple of imours. the tIme of time lomigeat iuanml delivery being ndmletl. There commiul be (1mm-ce ( or fammr of smmch local deilverles In every ( en Imours , anti as mcmi ) ' ammswors givemu. The initIal movenuent at mail matter In omit large citIes is lamentably imhlnmI that of Lommubon , i'aris , hierhin , or'ienna , for 1mm mtuost of thiesoapitals there is a hiartial tramuemuilssiouu of mmmnlis imy mneamus of pneui- mactic ( mmlies. it hive beemu noted ( hint lit iii ) country is the umuamm whose business it is to carry or oliect or sort mail of to high an artier of immteiiIgemuce as tue omue at. taeheml to time Uuultei , States h'osofle ( ! do- imattiuuent , limit time nuacimlimery to athii to his efficiency is iumauieqtmate at ( imp very start. % 'OitIi'S P.5111 ( 'thS , Cohiiiimlmimiim bltihves uiiiml IM8Ii'hhmu ( ( mliii'- ( 'is u Irmig I ii time ) Imrl.'t. Thmm-eo years ago everybody wammci ( a Cohmmnubiamm imaif dollar auth amu Isabella lluarer ( , and wamuteti thmcmmu bad , says ( lie Chicago Immter Ocean. it anybody vimo wamutemi citimer of ( hue \Vorltl's fair souvenirs , bail enotmgh to pay over a miohlar br it hue could generally get it wihmnmmt ( mimuclu trouble. Semutiment , imowos'er , is just about as ilabie to eltmnulu as tlo whuezmt mumam-Icet amuml all ) ' one sm'imo luims the Imarti muuomme ) ' silver mnemmmemmors of time fair today could lmrobahiy be her- tmamhcd to hart with a Colummumbiamu imaif dollar for ahommt 51 cemits , ammd imammml over the Isabella coin for about a cemut , plums a qumarter of it dollar , Time collie mitts er emmjoyeth time louularity : ( hut smns expected. Tao mmiilliomu five imuntircil tliommsand of ( ho Coiumnhiamu Imnif dollars were colmmt'cl anti 40,00(1 ( Isabella ; ultmarters. Four iuummmlreml thnmmsmmimti of ( hue half doiiaiamuti aiuetm t 0,000 of ( lie quarters ni c' still in ( hue sumhtueasury of ( lie Umuiteti States i'Ighmt hero Imi Chicago iii the 1aumd- McNally Imumiimllmug. About a year anmh a half I nuo a rule was umiatlo by time Treasury tie- imartmmmemmt that tluest' half mbollnrs could he 0l'ctii3' excimanged for goi. rime \'orlmi's fair soevemuir semmtlniemmt was not quite ticad ) 'et cmiii Umcu'e iar enough of it alive to south 2)OOO ) iii gohmh bmmzzlng mmtralght ovem to tIme stuhitreasuim ) ' to pull cult $2O'.00O ' iii Coiumniuiamm 'halves ' , or P10,000 of ( liii coitus. At that timmie there were about 0O,0i3 of time halves in time snhmtrm'aammriuut ) haul of hmis amumomumut was left after ( It , ' first i'tmshm mt-as . , tnmbo to tx- I I chaiigc gohi for the imaires on even terms. Iuinuost thus nmttimi' built still remains 1mm tIme smbtr&ammumr : ) ' niuth ( berm' appears to be un wimh ! I tiesire on mli Part of huohmiers of gold to exchange - change quuy qf it for time Coimmumihlamm Loumvcnrs , A.ssiatbitt imlitreastmrcr J. C. I'rat ( said to . a iChulv5rmitzmht'e ( of tiu lumter Occaim ( lint imu cii ProbabilItY ( hue Tremmstmry di'pnrtmumcumt would soummu day give out time Coiumnblamm silver muuomuey as ordinary cuirreuucy , A macst immterc'stimuq regmmiatloiu exlst cc- ! urartiliug time mlisposltlomm of ( lie Isabella quarters. As omuly 40,000 of ( ito qumam-ers ( I scorn ever roirmemi. ( hue ) ' are of course rare , a mmii far Oman' scarce timaum the hnlvcs. Ac- eortiing to a mimic ( if time treasury , thmm'30 qumarters ait , omuly paid omit on tbrafhu of World's fair ohjlci9is. Of course macny have been tmkeim : omIt of time treasury tuumder tluis regmmhatiomm nitul time $ i,20) or $ ,539 remuualn- I immg imu ( he vaimits of time stmbtrcamutmry rihi I prc'laimly lie exhmaustcd Imefore very lomig by \\'orid's fair drafts. Mr. Prat ( said ( imat so far tic lie caulti ace tIme half dollars is'ere not uuow immizemi very lmigimi3by time holmhers of themmu , with whomit hue lmil conic 1mm con- I tact 1mm mimi ollicici way , as hue says they comae : Iii quite oftemm to time treasury imu. om'dlnary iMmairesa trammeactiomma , just mis thocs thu coma- I uuuomuplace curremmey , svithmruut ammy atteiutiomm ' behmmg paid to their souvenir qualities by time moan pumsaimmg ihiemmi imu. Slmmce lime qmmartcrs ' nra not so Plentiful , they ate naturally I valued a little moore hmlgimly ammO are seldom , ever , sc'n imi the curreumcy hamudhed iii business ( ramuceethouus. I - _ _ 'l'iu , ' 'I'lmtm' for IliIliItmg Bit the imyatcin 1mm cit thus seasomu , Time colt ! weathiem' huait muuade mmmtumimal drains upon ( hi. . vital forcea. Time blued imna become iiumpou'- ensued amid imuumumire , ammO nIl time fumietlommit of time body safer in comusequemuce , IIooI' Sa sapam'ia is the great buiither , hecaimse it is time Omuo 'rrmme i3ioomi l'tirillor ammO horsE tommie. I ITooui's l'ihhs hieeomr.e time favorite catimartu , ivitim all smimo tuse titem. All druggists , 25c - - - - - - 'I'Iu u' A uN j man 11mm mm 5'oii , mu mm' , . , l'rugrens. SVommunmi has boumiricci to the trout iii Vie- tone.ihis Itobimma flartomu all htmt sumcccedc'd I 1mm her nppicatiomu ! to time Marine board I for a sOcoliui mmuatc's certificate aim hearth for- clgn-goimmg vessels , amid mmow Misit Altm'iua ! liildmi Canuble amiml Miss .Jammet Liummisa ) Greig liav iiemu dimly Oppolmuteh , ammd iinv Coinmfleuicef ( thmeim' dutien as residem ( mmiomil.'a ofiicers of ( ho Mclbomurmme Imospital , a largu inltimioiu ( 1mm lImo imeart of ( him city accomim- modatimmg sonic hmmiimiredit of patlemmts smuffi'r. log front all sorts of mhseelitmneoijs commm- imiCimits , it has beeim time cUstom of thu hospital aimthorlties to take ( ito fIrst sim gu'aubuates imu tIme fimual luommor list of time imIelbpurmuq Uumivemuulty Meihical School evvr year cmiii appoint thiotit remuldouut unethical ofil- cent or the instittmtion , but this year the ) wore cormtrommteth ss'lthu an unexpected oim- culty , for time nmtmncs of tsu'o wonton appearoti on the lusts \pmormg time Profession amid ii : ( hue ires limo iattlmt waged imotly as to time ciaimuumm of time Womneim , but as time hospital comnmnltt0tm incituds utohitlciarms into ( om'esej tile aimluroacim of time frammcimiso for wommien. time woman camumlidatem , simply "walked 1mm. " aim tIme spol'tlnug scrlttirs put it. % s'huen thmc questioii came to a divisiomi , and they coma- macneed work along tm'ithm time four new mimic resimiens ( who sire timelr colieaguueum , imliss Greig , being li.p lowest omm time list , was , nccordiui'o auomu , Jdaeeml 1mm charge of time cumsuait' ssimr(1 ( IntO muiue haul a lively tlmmue of it for the Jr } ghm ( , , Sue is a very girlish iooltiog3vm .uf three-anmi-twenty or ( item-c- aboumt , anti as shin wenit on mlimty at nuid- nIght him a itimiilmhu , hmljmck skirt and a cotton tim-hut blouse sue hardly Icoketh physIcally strong emuougim to mheal with time mmuaI.irumtk iarmiliimms cmiii iuowlImmg dcchaszccs wimo are mtlghitly lmroumgiit to time imospitiul Itt a mitomi- 01' hess baterttl conditIon for mmurgicai treat- mumemmt. iltit hiefore ( ho mmciv doctor svent off duty ( lie muext day SIlO hmoweml that emuuorgemmcy ilevelolus capacIty , alhuoimgim time exlCricmmce mmmust mire hut Item- nerves o a rude trIal , I . 1Awjjit.i U . ti1y g . . ( . . \ : - ' ' 4i' : this year iii valunbic s , -4:1 : artMea to irniokers of ' . . ' i " f I I' , , ' it I Von is ill fund one coupon in itmi m m ' 'a side cccli a oupce bag , immud two _ _ iatIdO cccli coupoihs 4-oumuce TIi oU3ost bag , ] iumy abmmg , read liccoupon cm SmokIng"obacco Made cud see Itow to get your suture. : EDVCA . _ flEUTD pn I I ! FOR YOUNG LADIESI % , CI IRR ULJ 1 U LEXIUCTON , MO. Thoroughly moJern progrcsslve SChool. Up-to-date In all 4eprtnceniti an appoimmnneimma. Courses ci stui1 en ( Jiouip iaa , Muatc Alt , ( Jymnaaium iho bcst. Adreis PrcsUeni ARCHIBALD A , JONLIS , sit- . _ _ : . : - _ _ - - - p WENTWORTJI liI , , .t iiiiii1.arit iii Illtary 2,2l Iuti.oiiimtrmmt w.t. ILfl'AHY Ezpeutjc.LoW , 1qUipmaeuiICouopets Suplle4bytbUusern : L ! tiud inenLbAnan4AmdjQ1&em , Address. ¶ - fOrCataiojuu - - - . ACADEMY - . , - MAJOR - . $ - ANIOD , - - 11118 $ , H , A , , - 8PT - , , ttlIOTU , MD _ _ _ , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 PROPOSED CONSTITU'J ' IONAL AMENDMENTS The following proposed amemmmlmemmq ( to time ConstItution of time Sato of Nebraska , as huerr'limafer ( set . forhm ( in fimil , are subummicit ( (0 ( time electors of the State of Nebraska , ( he Voteml mliomm at ( lie gencral eicetiomm to ho helm ! Timestlay , Noveiuuber 3 , A. 1) . 1Sd ) : A jolumt resolution imroPosIiig to anmeimtl sectiomus two (2) ( ) , fmur ( I ) , amid five (0) ( ) , ot article sl (6) ( ) of time ConsIttlIiumi ( of time State of Nebraska , rlning to imtiimmbcu' mit judges of time stmpmemmmo coumrt mimuth their termmm of 0111cc. Dc it resolved and emmnctemi imy time LogIc- lmtttmre of the State of Nebrmuska : icctiomi I , 'rhmutt seetioim two (2) ( ) ot article itIx (0) ( of the Commsitumtiomm om time imtmut of Nebrtmskmi be mimnemumietl so its to reati as Id- louse : Set'tioim 2 Tue mmuiromuo court elmail umuitil othiem-WiCO imrovilt'it , I ) ) ' hiSs' , coimmiist Of lI'e I (5) ( ) jutIgeum , ml mmmuajorit ) ' of 'vhomim siiiili ho iit't'euSiry : to forum a Qimomimmum or to 1mm-c- luoumuC'e mm tictisioti , It iummihi micro criglmmmui jumricmhlethotm lii etsc'm. : relutImim in I el ml I cmi mii's I a us'hm 1dm t imo stmio iumiii lie mu I PartY. mummmtinmhms , quo ss'mlrrmummo ( , hmmlbtamm Com-Imims , mumid sumelu ntlPeilmuto Jtmmiuttmleloli , miS mummy li jmroriiiel liv iutr , St'tlomi 2. Thmtt mmectmou four (4. ) of nmticin lx (6) ) of 'tic ( 'ouustiuutlomu ( of iie mutniof Nenimimuica , .me' mummuemidemi m.o its to memitl mmml fol- hours : . lii Sectlomi 4. .The jmi\geu. \ f thin smipm-cmumo court shall bE' et'Ctt ! ib i lite elou'mnrc of thu stntt' itt large uummd'timetr tcriI of oihhce , i'cept as imerelmmuuer ( proi'imic.l , mmtmmmil lie for ml imi'riod of mint bet's . ! ; : .mu lii'o ( a ) years nut the legislotmlro may vreutcm the. Sectlomm a That section lIve (5) ) of article six ( ( ) of the Comummtltumtlon of the Stuite of Nebrmuukmm , be mmmmueumdt'tl to renml tin follows : St't'tiomi 5. At thi iirumt gt'imem'mul eleetinhi to lie imt'iuh Imi ( lie 't'nr lfDG , ( lucre iuimhl tO' eieetl ( use jmitlees of time mtumprunt' commrt one of Wimoni simumli lie elected for a tt'rimi ( if two (2) ( years , ammo for ( lit' termmm of four (1) ( ) y'nrs , mmmlii mit each geumerni t.ueetioil ( here- miller , timer , ' uuhunli hl' t'lcti.o1 cite Jtmulgti of time sUpremumc' coturt for ( he terun of lIve (5) ( yemrs : , tmlmi'rmt otherwlmmm' irmtm'Imbed by lasu' ; I'i o'tmhed , Tbmmut the jmmdgemm of time itmmpreumio rommrt l'hmoutm' tcrnmum iimtvo not expireml mit time timi' of huolmhhiig time general eleetloim of IS3C , uthul I ccii I loin , to imohmi titel r chico I or thu renuaiiumler of ( ho termn for whiciu the ) ' % vero respect Is'ely eomuimiscioumc,1 , Approveml Mnrcim , A. I ) . ] t3 , A joimut resolumtiomm proimosing an aniemid- fluent to section thIrteen (1i ( ) of article six of ( ho Comustitutiotu of ( hue State of Nebraska , rehmttlmmi , to commmpemiimatiomm of smmlum'emoo amiml tilmtrtct ( comurt judges , lie it resolved by time Legiuthaturo of ( lie Sto to at Neimrautkmu : Seetloum I. . 'i'immut sectioml t imirteemi (13) ( ) of article six (6) ( ) at ( ho Corum'iiuiiomu of the State of NehrasIa be muuuiendod so mis ( a renmi aim follows : See. 1.'l. i'm ! ( . jail gout of t lie mcmi immemne mm mmmi tllu4trIct cotmrtim shall receive for their mmcc- iiCui such c'nmumeuisntiom , , Out miiut ) be umo- s'liemi hiy low , IJiYmiuulo : quittiterI ) ' . 'rime IerisIr. ' : re shah mit hut tim-st sessttmmm mm ft cm' time mmii iioim 0r tii I ii nimuenmi mncimt , tbmree-lhfthis of ( liii mflemuummerc elected Ii ) eiit'h house comicurrimug , , 'mmnhmlisuu ( tiucir m'ounponsatiomm. The eoimupemmucmt iomt so cc- tnhi11shit1 Mimnil muot bt , chmtnttI .tcmmer timon mmmuc'e imu four y.'nrmm nmitl 1mm ; mo evemut ummihess two-thIrds of tim" unomutmem'ut t'ct'.aI to eaclu homism' or ( he leglcmmtume ! comirmim' tnereimi. Ar'proveti March : o , A. D. 1S3. A joint resoimmtion proposing to amneiumh section twenty-four (24) ( ) of aruiehO five (5) ( ) of time Comistimmtit-.mu ( of time State of Nebraska , rciatlmig to eonipeutsattomi of time officers of time xecmiiiro mlrpnrtment , Mu IL ueaotvcd tumid cmuumctcd hi ) ' the Legislature - laturo of time State of Nehmrmmika : Section 1. That sectiomu twcmmt3'-foumr ( el ) at article flve ( ri ) of ( hue Coumstitutiomm of the State of Nebruiska hi , ' : ummmc'mmtied to rcmmd as foilowim : Seetiomi 21 , The olllcers of the oxecuitire du'partint'iut of tlm date goverluinemit. shmuhl receive for their services a cotmulmcumsaiomm to itt' c's'ul'hi'.hcii imy maui' , which shaH be mieithut'i' immersaned nor ilintiimhshcil duirimig the term for which they simahi humivo Imeemu comnmisutiommc.h tumid ( hut' ) ' muhmnii not receive to their own mmcc any fees , costa , Interests , upon iUbiie fliOtte'ut iii t ) ' . 'ir hmmiimlc or wider their comutrol , lucuniursItes of olflce em' other compen5tiotm : , anti mmli fees thmut many lic'reaftem' ho' PitYahmimi ill imttv for si'r'Iceut performeti ii ) ' aim othcer ! Provided for 1mm I bit I' ' oh : ' I i be uma iii I n mi ti vaimce iii to the state ( rcmtsmmry , Time iegisiutumrtm mmmiii .it its first session after time adoption ot this immemimimemit , three-fifths of ( liii mmuemrm. hers ehm'cteii to m umchm house of time ieglcia- tiiro comuemirring , estaiiish ! the salaries of the oiliccrs miutmemi Iii thiic article , Time couutpeuusmmtlon so emmtmulmiisiied shah not hue chammged otemicr ( ( huan ommeum Iii tour yenrut smmmil in no cvemtt mmmiiesc two.tlmirm1 of ( ho memhwrut eiem'trui to emmch imoimso of time leg- islatmmro concur therein. Approved March 29 , A. D. 1S95. ' joInt resolution proposing to amnenti tmection one (1) ( ) of article cix (6) ( ) of the Con- mutituticit of thin State of Nebraska , relaimug to judicial power. Bum ii. m-citoivcd amid enacted by the Legis- mature of the State of NebrmmmmkmE , Sectiomi I. 'rimmt ; setIomm oimtu ( I ) of article mmlx (6) of time Comuumtltutiomu of the State of Nm'braska tie mimmmitdCO to remmel its follois'mm : Sectiomm I. 'J'Imc jumilcimul posem' or mis stmm to shunil lie i'iSteii : mu stmprcmu1 cout't , ills- trict courts , county cotlrtut. ju4tices of ( liii li'aCC. iollce nagistrutcmi , a mimi mum ; tiimhi other co'mrts Interior to thu simpremmitm coum mis may be created by 11mw iii vhlch two- thirds of thuti members elected to each iiouiiu Marcim 25 , A , D. iI5. ? A joInt rr'sniution proposing to anwimtl sec- than eleven ( Ii ) of article six p of time of time State at Constttmmtion Nehirasita , re- iating to increase in number of smmiureuno and district court jtumiges , lie it remmol'ei1 timid emnmc'ed ( ly ( lie Leg. ishature or ( lie State of Nembrutmikit : St'cloiu 1. 'I'hmut : section i'leyemm (11) ( ) of ari- ( do six (6) ) of the Conmutiuiomm of thu Sto of Neliruuuka be amumemutieti to u-coil its fol- I 0wm4 ; Section 11. Time lm'gislmiture , whuemmever two- thulr.lmt of time inmumnbtrum elecicti ' , 'achu hmommuto shuuuhl . coimemir thereimm , may , iii or after time ycal. one thousnummi eight hmunircti niumi iuiiiety.mteveim and muo ( . dImmer Itimuim oncu imm every rommr ) 'emii'S , 1micremmmi thmo uuumumiier of jmmiiges ( ii' ttumlirluflufl timid district coumts , mciii time jmitiicimti districts of tiio mitale. $ mmchm distrIcts nhnil he' forriieii of compact tc'rri. tory , muiuml boummudeil iiy coUimiy Ihimes : mmml mmimclm incremmute , or mmmmy elmango in time bouiiilmtries of a ihlstriet , shall mmot vactmo ( liii ollIco of tiny jihilge , AiiIl'OVemi ilmmrcim 50 , A. I ) . , 1895. A joInt remmoitition propoalmug to amenil mmectiouu six ( d ) of article one (1) ( ) of time Comm. aItution ( of time State of Nebrealca , relatimig to trial by jury , Ito it resolved alit ? emimmctcd by time Legislature - islature of the Htumto of Neiirmmskmm : Sctioiu 1. 'I'lmmut sec'lomi six (6) ( . article oimo (1) ( ) of tIm Coimmitit mmiomm of thud Stuito of Ne' lirammkmu be ii iuieiudcti I o srmi. nit I oi hems's : Sctioiu C , 'I'lie right qf jrljji ly .iumry utimimli memmmmmimu inmviolm.te. limit diii 1 U.gusluttmmm'u nmmt imrovhlu timat Iii civIl mmctiommmt fmve-mtlxtimut of ( itO .ma'y mummy rt'iuiitr it verdict , nmiti thitm legliuintiure by nitto : mimtimrrlzc ( rIuI by a jmmm'y of it less iuimmnlier timmmlm.vtwelyui mnomu In cotmitut Inferior to time disriet ( court. Approved Mmtrcim 21 , A , D , , 1835 , A joInt resohumIoiu ( proposliug to amend sectiomu omic ( I ) of article live (5) ( ) of the Comm. eItmmtioo ( of Nehiraska , relating to officers of time executive departmmteiut , lie It resolved mummd enmucted by ( ho Leg. iuilature of time State "f ebrnska. Seetloim 1. Thmmit secIomm ( ommo (1) ( ) of article live (5) ( ) of time Comtmttltutoim ( of the ( ae of Nebraska be amnemutied to read out tel. lows : Section 1 , 'lime executive demmarument aimimhl con8ist of it goverimor , hlemitmmmmuimt governor , utecretitry of state , mtuthltor of vubllo in' . coummits , treasurer , smmperintuummihenmt of iwhile iiuitrUctlon ( , atmormmuy gen'rai , COmiiiiliKitiommt'j' of jiuhmhlo lands mmii Iiuilmiings , anti ( imre railroad colmumnismiloumermi , cccii of wimoni , cx. cept time mmitiil railroad coimunluitmtloners , summili lucid lila ollice for a mcmi of two years , fromn time tim-st 'l'iuuritdmiy miller timtm tirs ( 'I'uemtdny In January , utter hum clectlomm , timid until his successor is elected uund quaIl. lm'3. Etucim raulromttl coinmlsslommm'r sI.mnll hmolml hull olIlco for a term of timretm yeurs , hioginhmunug on the flist 'l'hunsmlay utter ( ho iirmmt I'uvsda ) ' in Jaimuary mmftqr hula ttitt.mi0ti , mumm.i untIl hut usccesmmor is lt'cteil amid qmmnli. lied ; I1rovithetl , however , Thmit itt ( hue hirst gemmeral election hoitl after tIme adoption of this ninc'iuiimnent ( lucre shall lit , eiecteml three raIlroad commissiomiers , one for ( lie perlomi of ommo yimmr , auto for he imeriod of two years. mmml one for ( no hem-led of three ) 'carul , 'l'imo govcmrimor , secretary of state , auditor of habib accounut 'nd trenisumrer audI rcsitlmm ut tIme capitol dum-Imug theIr terra of chico ; they shmmsli keep ( Ito iubhio records , books amid papermj ( lucre. timid uthmnil I ) em-tom-ni audI dillies CS may be required by . asy.1 ) Jarchm 30 , .4 % . ID. , 1895. A joint resolution proposing to amend see- tloa twenty-aix (26) ) of article five (5) ( ) of time Constitution of the Sa ( of Nebraska , limIt- lug thus number of executive state officers , 330 It resolved mind enacted by the Leg- tslatum'o of thut Stab of Nebras.a : $ aotlan I. 'ZkmaL aot1oi LwanLy.MIE ( Silt uS rim-tide five (5) ( ) of time tionstlumtlomm of the ftnt of Nelmrnska be amended to read n followc : Section 26. No other eeeumtive state oflh- eel's except timoco mtmtmned him soc'tloii one (1) of ( hmi article shall ho t-reaed , except b aim act of tlmc ieglclntmmrc % 'imichi i Coil- cmmrreml imu I ) ) ' not less tiumtn thmn'e-fouirthc of ( him nmeinlmers ehectemi to emleim houmso thereof : l'roi-iiiel , That nay 0111cc ert'mstr'th imy an net of tim legIslature mmiii ) ' in' muhmoiisimei by the leglsiiuimm-t' . tsu'o-timiruic of time mumemmibeu' eiectemh to emtehm 1101150 thert'o . 'oncmirriiig , Aumproveui 1iinrcimi ) , A. D. , 1895. A joint resolmmion ( proposln to Inicmut1 section millie (9) ( ) of artIcle eight (8) ) of time Comusilimtlon ( of ( he State of Nebraska , pro. vidimig for ( ho Imtvestmnont of the lieruumamment emhuicatloiuai fuumids of time state. Be it rvoht'etl nnil oiimu'ted ii ) ' ( lie l.eg. imtimuuro ( of time Simile of NeImitskmih he'Ciomm ( I , 'l'imttt cem'tlumm mmimmo ( II ) of mmrtlcio c'Igumt (8) ( ) of ( he Coumstltuttoum of thol Stmutiu or ' .ebrmmska be immncimtIem to rend as ( oh- lows : Ft'tIoii ii. All fmmmmdc belomiguiig to time etmuto for eimieutloimimi hum-bust's , ( liii Interent nimil I lmt'oiimti Sm' licm't'of em ml ) ' are ( C ) lie tmsei , mmimtu it lie ibeeiiiu'tl trimuit fumimubs Imeimi iy time state , mumd ( lie ci mu t o iumt I I cmi pmihy mm I I losSes t here- ( -if tlmmtt hun ) ' iii mmmi ) ' imiumlmiCmtmccm'ume , so ( immut ( lie snub uiimnli rm'mmiuulmm tor"er Iimvloiatiu ml miii mm liii I mmmiii 1dm mu , mm imul s'n ii mup t Ia' Iii- i'eutted or ioamuc'tb except "mm Pmitteil States or etmito seculmitics. Ot rigmstecmh coullity imotid or registers'it school distm let hmommdui of timlmt suite , antI suli' ( minds , ssltim limo immteres ( nhiii Iimromntt timt'rcof are imerelmy mioht'iliiil ? , ' ilNlgeui for time 'utiilmocemm for imhmheii timu'i' mire gm-outed nimmi set impiurt , niiii siulil mint ho trammitferm-cil to mmmi ) ' other tumid ( or otimer muses l'rovimbcd , ' 1'ii lmoarii oreuti i'iii ) ' miectiomu 1 of' timii nm-tide ma eiuipmom ereml to sell from-mm timne to ( hue mmii' of ( lm' ' sm'cumritit'mm 'tmebommg- I 1mg t ft time uu'rimunmmemm t ccii toti ruimmil amuil lit- i't't ( hit , Il'tuci'm'mbg am'ismimiz tho'r'mmommm in mumiy of t hue ci.c ii m'l t lea ( ' 11mm iiu'rmiit'm1 him tins tlt' ( ' (10mm bemriiig ii hmiglmcr i-mute of iimtcr'st. , ivimt'miu'vor miii opimortummlt ) ' tur better iumvemit.i Imictit I mm mm i's'mm m t'il i Aiitl ' ' 'l'imat is'hmeii imruS'lmlt'd further. niiv svutrraimt ilpomm time uttit 'rensmmrer ' mogul- hiurly isutmmeI iii 11mm rsmma luco of mmmi mm imiroirimu- ( 10mm i ) ) t ii e ieglsbmut tim a mmd s'emm , roil ii ) ' t lie let' ) ' of a tax for i ( pi'liitlmmt : , simmuli hmti pi't'umt'lited to time stain ( romisuirer for imny- luommt , tumid timeme ithumiul imot h mmmi ) ' mmmtmuiey iii time 1mOlmci mmmliii to lie ) ' uttieli is'murrmtimt , thiti imomurd c'i'onteil by section 1 of thIs tmrtl- ole lila ) ' direct time state urenutmmrer to pity ( hue nninmmnt dun' cmi mmcli w'mmrrmmmit froumm flm000)'S lit his immimids iieloumgiuig to ( Ito hem'- miimtiit'uit utciuoni fmmimih of tIme muinte , mimi liii ahall imolml said utiurrant an an iimvestmmueiit of utalti lmt'rmcnmie'imt utchool fummmul. Avimrovett mlnrcut 29 , A. I ) . , 1833. A joint resolution proposimug an amend- macmit to time Ciiimsitutioim ( of time State of Nohmraskn hmy admiimmg a mmesv section to article tsvcive (12) ( ) of saith commstitmmtlon , to ho miumimi- hereii section two (2) ( ) , relative to time mmuerg- lug of limo government of cities of ( ito mumetroimelitan class nuuul ( ho govermumiuemut of time couiities wherein such citIes are ho- octet ! . lie it resolved anti cmmactcd by time Leg- ishitttmro ( it' time Stmue of Nebrasmn : Sectlomu I. That uurtiic twelve (1) ( ) of time Comustltmitloim of tue Smite ( of Nutritutkmi liii ammuemmibeil by nmitlimig to utmtimi mimlielti it mmciv uiect lout to lie mmtuimubered utectmoiu two (2) ( ) , to remumt miii foiiosu'a : St'ctloti 2. 'I'hme gou'erttmmmc'mit ot any city' of time mutetroiuoiimmimm c'iuisut muuuul time govermmnmemut of time cotiimy iii which it iii intatteth muuny be ummorgcd ivimolly or In part wlmoim a luroposi- 11011 itO to do huts hieemm simiummuittemi imy mmii- timority of immsv to tim voters of mmuueiu city amimi CoimmitY mumiul rm'ccivu'.i l tmii nmtReiit of mm. mmmmmjoiib' of ( iii' votes cast mit ttmchm cIty tumid also mu mmmjom'It" of tIme votes cautt iii tim' , CotliitP exciiislie of tbu" at cost in suds mnctropoiitnml cl' at mtliclu elecion. 4piurorc1 Mmmrc'iu 29 , A. D. , 189. , . A jolmut resolmmion ( proposing an atnpndnmcnt to sectioii six ( G ) of article seven (7) ( ) of time Constittutiomi of time State of Nebraska , pro- seriblmug the macmummer 1mm whuIcim votes ahmall he east. lIe it resolved mmml emmuucted by tiio Leg- isiatmure of time Stnto nf Nebraska : SectIon 1. That , iectiomm sux ( G ) . of article iteVt'fl (7) ( ) of ( lie Commstitmiion ( of time Slmtto of Ncbrmmska 1)0 amneumdott to rend as (01- 6. MI votes mmiuali b hy ballot , or mulch other mimethmoil nut may lie prc'scrihwmt by lass' , ; urovidet ( hue umccm'ecy of voting be iireserved .Ahmprovet ) Marchi 23 , A. D. , 1S9. A joitit rosobmitloum proposing to amenmi section two (2) ( ) of article fourteen (14) ( of tim Constltmmttoo of time State at NebraskA , reia- tire to tiomumitions to works of internal lw. iirovenment amid munnumfactories. Uti it rcsohvetl cciii enumc'teti by time Logic. iattiro cit time State of Nebraska : Seciioim 1. That sectIon two (2) ( of article foumrteeiu (34) ( ) of time Camumitltutiomu of the Stmute of Nebraska , lie amnemuded to read ns toiiosvmm Scctioim 2. No Cit ) ' , Cotmnt ) ' , towo , precinct , mrumiiclimaiitY , or othuer nmmhitlim.'lshomm of thmo state , hma1l ever nunice mloiuumioiu to any iscritmi of Inermuai limiprovomnent , or mcciii- factory , uunl"ss a imrolmosltlon o to tb shall lmmtm'e tuenmu first utimhmmuilc'ii ( to time ulualifleti eiectommt nliti rntiibed im' a two-thiruls votu mit tumi election 1mg nhitlmrit 'Cf'jjtiv' Pro- videmi , That Much domimttiomus of a comimity with the donat Ions of sucim smubmllvisiomuc Iii the rmggregnto shall hot exceed uoim per cenmt of thutu mtsst'sseil vuulimmmtioii of mmcii ceunty ; Provided , further , Timat any cIty or county nmmuy by a ( iureo.iotirthms vote. bndreiuse such imiileliteiifleimi4 tts'e lieu' ( 'L'umt , Imi imuiditlomu to smmchm ten per cemut mimi no uomtmlut or cr1- ih'mieeut of indehitciiiiesii so lsiii'ml shumuil ha i'aliml ummiess the saoun shmtll have emmulormiet ? thereon a cortttlcai. , smgmmed 1w time score- tary aiim ) amumiitor of utimitO , slion-Ing that the sauna is lutmmemI pmmrsuirmnt to law , .Appros'ed March 29. A. 1) , , 1895 , I , 3. A , Piper , secretary of state of time state of Nebraska , ibo imerehmy certify ( hint time foregoing proposed amemimimnenta to ( hue Comustituiomm ( of ( lie Stmuc ( of Nebraska are true and correct cohiles of time original cmi- rolled amid engrosscmh bIlls , as passed by ( ho Tsventy.foumrth sesslomi of ( hue legislature of titus State of Nebraska , as appears frtmmmi caiti orlglimal huh on file in thmimm office , mind that all and each of Saul proposed umuiend- mmumts ate sumhimitteml to ( ho qmmalitleti voters of ( lie state of Nelmraiilca for their adoimtiomi ci. rojectiomu at ( hue general eii.'ctiotu to be lmelml on Timemimlay , time 'Jml day of Novemiubcm. A , fl , 1806 , In ( estiinoimy whmcreof , I immure tlmeremiimo sot mimy hand arid millixed time great seal of time state of Neiiraaica. Jomuo at Llncolim , tills 17th day of July , imi time year of our Loid , Ommo Thousand liglmt I Luimtlremh itiud Nluluty shx , of time Iimdt'imemmtl- eruce of time Ummiteml States time Omuo limmummiremh amuti Tss'emuty'first , cmii ? of ( lila state the Thirtieth , Seal. ) J , A. I'Il'Elt , Secretary of State , Aug 1 ItoNov'J-nmorrm only , - ilOi'IilS , OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO § SCHLTZ- § § EOEA § 8 0 311 , 3i0 , 318 Somiih 16th Steet. 0 8 iust opened , tvcm-ytlmiuig mmmv , 0 0 8FSE IOC TEII HOTEL IN TE lilly 8 8 75t ; , $1 nnd $1.50 flay , 0 First Class CnYo in Connection o 0 0 8 HENRY LIEVEN , Proprietor. 8 0000000009000000000000 A11EE IIOTELa 'I'll I Jt'I'liJI'I'ii 4ti ) JINIIS M'I'ii'JI'i' , ' ( . 140 macins , baths , Sleumit kcut unit all immoder , , conveiilegmceii , limiter. $ l.tU tirmti $ z. ® u.tr miay , Timbis utmexcelled , utpeclnl low rates lii rt'guiat boarders iIiANiC iiiLUI'rCii , Aigr , - - - For Rdlltble PoUtciI News And to keep nformed of the progress of the Presidential campaign You must - head The Bee Every day. -