T ATT.-\r GREAT SILVER DEBATE- ( Continued from Ninth Pago" ) oppose Oils Mil Insist upon mnlntalnlnc a alUcr dollar worth .slf , Jent8 ; more than our gold dollnp , and worth 1 cents more than two half-dollars , nnd that so long as provision ! ! remain , you cannot keep silver coin In the country , " ( Congressional Globe , April 9 , 1S72. Page 2,316. ) ' I'rocecdlnR , Mr , Oarflcld said"Ihtnerea.l . the whole of that extract , x r- fn order to do full Justice to the gcntlcmsn from Pennsylvania , \vl.o reported the Now 1 am sure he na not RUllty of a legislative trick. I am sure he gave he houae full notice of what they wore doing and the reason hy he asked them to do It , and worth more than gold , and jou he gave as a reason that at that moment silver was could not Isccp two standards from fliir-tuatlnR In reference to each otncr. "I wish to make another remark. One nation alone cannot put silver up or put It down and control the markets of the world U seven or eight of the leading iial ons of the world should form n monetary treaty on the subject and should agree that silver bo adopted , to be Issued within ee.laln . limits In each , I have no doubt that silver coin could be kept In equipoise with gold , but let one-half of the leading nations of the world drop the silver coinage , and let only one , Ilkp ourselves , Insist upon It , ami then wo shall BOO a flood of silver coin pout Ing Into the handsi of our broken , * would bring It to the mint and nil their own pockets with the difference between silver bullion and silver coin. " . Now. 1 have rend to > ou General aarflcl.Vs . vlmva , nnd you otiRht to take some slock In the sagacity , prudence and statesmanship of J..ne A. Oarncld , ho had been chairman of the appropriation committee of the house almost from the middle of the warZn ho teMmr president of the Unltr.1 . States. And I don't know of anybody who has seivodlils country faithfully nnd well , anil who enjojs a great reputation for Btatesmanshlp nnd Integrity , who advoclcis this proposition todiiy. You have been reminded of Ihe fact that we are borrowing gold abroad. It wo had had rocnuo enough to pay our debts we would have goV nlong without borrowing. That is the trouble , but my friend nlwajs puts the tnrl before the horse. He mistakes the effect for the cause and the cause for thu effect , and gets badly contused. He says go d will probably go up 25 pur cent. Can you conceive the ctTcft.-j/t'such . / ' a Premium on gold ? Harvey : 1 dUn't say gold v.ould go up probably J3 per cent , but If It did go up 25 per cent. . . . . , , ttosavvatcr : There would be a run on the banks and treasury , and a terrible crash. Mr. nrynn says free coinage Is an experiment and wants to bo tried ; but wo rannot afford to try the experiment for thu gentleman who wants to bu picsldciU of the United States. ( Applause. ) These experiment vitally affect the whole nation , and arc not to be tried without mature consideration and without profound thought INTEHEST OK TUB KAHMEH. I want to say to the farmers In particular , because they arc the ones to whom these appeali arc specially made , > ou may ho a debtor now nnd in less than five jcara you may bo a creditor. Today jou may frcl despondent : low prices may have caused you much hardship. No amount of legislation at Washington or anywhere else can legislate prices cither up or down. When peopl.s . tell you that prices will go up when silver goea up , they nro simply deluding you. MX pel lencc has amply disproved that assumption. We know that between 1531 and In 1S3S wheat told as , high as ? 2.GO a bushel , nnd then went down to SO ccn's. ' To you think that silver hnd nnjthlng to do with It ? No The reason was that when there was a heavy demand for wheat in foieign countries where they had crop failures , pi Ices weio high. When crops wore abundant all o\er the world , prices wore low. I am told that this Is the bebt coin-raising county In the United States and this > car'a crop is estlmnnted at 15,000.000 bushels. Now Iowa , Kansas , Nebraska nnd every coin-raising state haa a full crop of corn this jear , as well ns your stntc. Would It bo reasonable for you to oxpeet the same price this year ns if you had raised only half a million bushels , nnd the crops elsewhere were deficient ? The nppeali which the silver champion has made to jou are only appeals to your credulity nnd n temptation to violate every principle of honor. I have endeavored , during this debate , to keep out of politics us much as possible , nnd I shall not add ono word to what has already been said regarding the political consequences that arc to follow your final decision on this Issue. My friend has said that \nlue Is Imparted by coinage to metals. Senator Jones has said It is not. V > 'o know that when gold goes out of this country It is weighed. "When ybti deposit coin In the Hani : of England they use .1 scoop shovel and scales They hand you back coin weighed on the scales In the same , way. everything there goes by weight nnd the weight of coins determines their value. They do not even take the stamp of Queen Victoria. ( Applause. ) Mr. Harvey assutes jou that he would not appeal to youi prejudices. Why has he made these references to Queen Victoria and England If not to appeal to your prejudices' ' What we want of England Is l'fc and 2 per cent money , and as much of It as wo cnn Invest profitably In mills , factotlcs and public works. Ihere Is room west of the Mississippi for twenty-five or thirty million more people who are willing to be Amer icanized. Wo want as much capital invested in this country as we can get , and theio Is n way to do it , and only ono way. H Is by making capitalists feel confident that whatever money they loan us will be returned to them In good faith. Remember every dollar we have borrowed since 1S73 has been In gold. Remember that every dollar you have borrowed In this country has been gold or money as good as gold My friend would have you believe that the bankers are not only the enemies of this country , but that they are yuur particular enemies. What is a banker ? He Is the fiduciary agent of the people. He makes bis money by loaning other people's money. He depends upon the confidence of the people In his own Integrity for his deposits and be Is expected to use all his Influence to protect the Interests of those who trust htm If he honestly believes that free coinage of silver would depreciate the money that has been left In his custody. It becomes his duty to oppose the scheme , because It would seriously injuio his patrons and finally cause the Withdrawal of their .deposits. A banker who will not stand against legalized robbery of the depositors who placed their money in his safe keeping with as much energy and bravery as he would ngalnst a burglar la a scoundrel and ought to go to the penitentiary. In conclusion let mo repeat that the proposition to open our mints to the free and unlimited coinage of silver Is revolutionary. All our commercial transactions for the past twenty years have been on the gold basis. If the difference between silver and gold was only a few cents on the dollar wo might have assumed the risk of unlimited sliver coinage without dclng great Injustice to any class , but when the difference Is from 17 to 50 cents on the dollar the scheme becomes legalized repudiation. Its effect would be disastrous to every Interest because It would dishonor the American * people before the civilized world as a nation , and make- impossible any International arrangement that would give a reasonably stable basis to our financial system. "What wo need above all things is a restoration of confidence and credits and a resump tion of business on a stable basis , with all our money , gold , silver and paper , In active circulation. Personally , I will stand up against dishonest money and In favor of the integrity of oui currency and the integrity of our national honor so long as I have breath In my body. ( Applause. ) Mil. II VRA'IJY'.S CO.NCI.USIO.V. TpJt'H ( o I'nt In a rcw AVorilN In Opilcr ( it HolnU'1 Ilic1 Clarln Wcnkiu-NH of a I'oiir CaiiHc. Mr. Harvey In closing the debate said- Mr. Chairman , Ladles nnd Gentlemen : When I referred to Lincoln , It was In sayIng - Ing that the pensioners were willing to take as honest money the money of JefTerson , Jackson and Lincoln. Lincoln Is one of my saints , and no man will ever hear me attempt to impeach him In anything. / , - You are told that my reference to the monarchies of Europe Is Intended to excite jour prejudices. I wish to call your attention to the difference between prejudice and principle. We are taught that the elementary principle of a republican form of govern ment la that a higher civilization can only be obtained In a republic where the opinion of everyoneIs expressed , and nn unselfish opinion Is obtained through the majority ex pressing themselves. Wo are told that In monarchies depotlsui has set its seal forever upon the hopes of the liberties of the people ; that they cannot rlso after monarchy is once fastened upon them , And when I refer you to this elementary principle , In order that w may save our icpubllcan form of government and carry this people tea a hlgltrr civilization , wo are told that It Is an appeal to jour prejudice. When 1 refer to the moni'rohles of Euiope , I refer to them In order to briefly remind jou of those principles , taught us by our fathers , nnd which you should bring out now nfresh. And whou wonio told that wo should ndopt a certain thing for money because It is the money of the most enlightened nations of the earth , I reply by saying that those cnllBhtuned nations of the earth , to whoso oxnmple wo are polntejl , aio the monarchies against whom our fotcfathcia warned us , ( Applause. ) And It Is a proposition made by them , vvhkh in the nature at things nil consciously to them now , leads to the proposition that wo should adopt the same form of government ns the most enlightened rations of Hurups ( Shouts of "Good , good , " and loud applause , ) With the Impoverishment of the people of this country will como distress , then Btrlkcs ami ilols , then tioublu , then militia , ami then men will hold up their hands nnd sny give us n strong government , and then will cniiuiu monarchy. ( Appluu&u. ) Do you , farmers of this country , citizens of Cliiimpnl n and Urbnna , rcall/o that In this question 1 > the question of joui liber tlca , tbe' Mucslton of the existence of the republic ? i4V Jin rcfori to the cost of producing silver Statistics show , and writers upon the money uucstlon Delmnr's History of the Metals thatdvcry dollar of silver produced In the world lias test $2 , Gold has been produced" cheaper than silver. And why do they cost more than they will bring ? Hocnuso it In gambling. Tell mo why people will Iteep trading on the Hoard of Trade In Chicago , losing their money , nnd I will tell > ou why people will keep mining foi the precious metals. Of the two metals gold costa Irss bccauso It Is found In placer mining and , kllver la not , and It Is produced cheaper than silver. Ho tajs that u diouth on the corn crop will make coin worth more. A diouth in tbti money crop will make money worth more. ( Applause. ) The vital principle I wish to say again Is the competition of ellvei with gold. When H li known that a new crop of money Is coming Into competition with the old crop U will Jriyo the samu effect a a u new crop of whoiit coming In competition with the old nop. the wheat In the elevators in this country. ( Applaute. ) Ucfoie your wheat Is harvested , It It Is known that a largo new crop U coming the wheat In the ele vators fall * ; and so It will be with gold ; It will fall the moment the election passes and U It , IJU.VMI that n new crop of money la coming. Ho sa > H that ho would rather leave this question to the mony dealers who have rtudlcd this question. I want to remind you that this it-public was given to us , and wo wcio Mlttloued to study all questions of public policy. Wo were told that when In a republic jou leave public questions to a class of wen , that cla s will legislate In their own Interest and against the Interest of the masses. U Is the Inbcicnt un conscious selfishness in man that goveuuneut has tried to place u limitation upon. Aud It has been our leaving It to this class of people who study money that we have been brought to the condition that we are In. ( Applaiibe. ) In a republic foim of government It Is a a principle that tuery mnn In tbat gov- crnment can master any question of the government , and voU Intelllgeully upon It. H ban been by leaving those questions to classes tbnt haa brought wrccl- and ruin to nil republics. HAiivnv BNuniis AT GAnpiuLp. The gentleman refers to what Garfleld said. GurfleM afterward changed that and said that the Stanley Matthews resolution , first pawed by the ieglul.iture of the state of Ob0 } | and ufterwaid passed by oongrosB , wa tha $ the honor and good faith of tlio government was only maintained by paying Its debts In gold or nlher. ( Ap plause. ) I could quote hero for a week vhat great men have said ou the tlda of sit' > er lu this country. Lut I Ic.ive U without that to the Intelligence of this audience , The gentleman r fers lo vvbal ho claim * to bo the honest passage of the bill de- isoselislnic , tiller , A debate cmco took place lu tbo city of Chicago , where two men came tog ttprr r.nj detutcii thU. question , and two or three daj vvcry ipeatoii .list question whether the bill wag passed honestly or not. And before nn audience In a 8mn.ll room , with all the congressional records where they could bo read , and that question was discussed. There Is no tlrno hero In my remaining ten or fifteen minutes to discuss It. I refer you to that account , which you can flnil verbatim In the flies of the Chicago Inter Ocean and the Morning Hccord. Hut I do want to refer to that question In one sense. I was In the city of Oninha not long ago addressing an audience In nn opera house there. In commenting upon the passage of this de monetization act I offered $100 to any man or woman who would show by the news papers In the month of February , 1873 the month silver was demonetized that cither the editors or reporters or readers of the newspapers knew that such fin act was passed. And the next day , when I had left Omaha , the gentleman hero today , Mr. Rose water , published In his paper what he claimed to bo a report as published In the papers of that time , and claimed the icward of $100 , and said that he would donate It to n charitable Institution ; and used his privilege ns the Associated press agent nt Omaha to telegraph that statement over the nation. Now , I answer It briefly : What he printed In his newspaper that would entitle htm to'1 claim It was thla : I read from The Omaha Ilec of that date : $ ' , ' " ' Dispatch from Washington. > , | , 9 "Mr. Sherman called up the bill to revise anil amcndUhei law relating to mints , assay ofllco and coinage of the United States , which was hmhfded and passed. " Afterwards he quotes one other paragraph , which l Jhii that appeared In the newspapers from Washington : - ( ( | ' , Senate - report- u < n The report of the committee on conference on the tnrntinil assay ofllco bill was also concurred In. " That Is all. ( Applause. ) Not one word \ \ \ either of those news paper accounts about closing the mints to silver , or about tailing away the legal ten der quality of silver , depriving the debtor of his option , or any.ojie . of the steps It takes to dcmonetl/c silver , not cv.cu mentioning silver. The mlntUilllicovcrs seventeen pages and has been amended thirty times at least , providing fofHluJl salary of mint officers , the location of the mints and a hundred things outside of ( lie \'ital principle of bimet allism , nnd tlio news conveyed to the country that that blIFad \ | been amended con- \eycd no Information that silver had been demonetized nnd that ono of the metals of the country bad been stricken down. Nearly nlno , months > / > before I appeared In Omaha I produced the files ot the Chicago Tribune In n debate with another gentle man , and read from the Chicago Tribune this : "Mr. Sherman called up the bill to rovlie and amend the law relating to mints , assay office and coinage of the United States , which was amended and passed. " Just the exact language that ho produced nine months after I know all about H. ( Applause. ) The point that 1 made was that that was the only Information conveyed to the people , and then turning to the gen tleman who opposed me I said : "Find me anjthlng else In the files of that Tribune erIn In any other newspaper of that year that shows , that the people of this country knew that silver was demonetized and this debate stops right here. " The debate did not stop. ( Applause. ) The Chicago Tribune of 1878 said this : "This act was done secretly and stealthily , with the profound Ignorance of those who voted for It , and of the president , who ap proved It , and without the knowledge of the country , removing ono of the land marks of the government , having under the cover of darkness abolished the constitu tional dollar arbitrarily , to the Immense Injury ot the people and adding heavily to every form ot Indebtedness , public and private. " This Is in a larger sense a question of civilization. Individual selfishness crystal lized Into laws , as I said In opening , has been the cause of despotisms and the mother ot monarchies. The history of the world teaches It. Great nations arose In Asia and Africa In the earlier history of the human race , and they rose as high as ours Is today , as tested by the principles of humanity. And later Individual selfishness was crystallized Into the laws of those governments , and they fell. The property of the r/eople / was accumulated In the hands of a few , and the liberty-loving people fled Jx > that country along the northern shore of the Mediterranean. There they reared again a great republic , which lasted until Individual selfishness again got control ot their laws , and with Insidious laws drank up the property of the people as this price-destroying law Is doing today. A few men cime into possession of all the property of the Roman people In the Roman republic , and then the republic fell. Again a liberty-loving people fled from there Into the more modern nations of Europe freedom and liberty , representing humanity , has over found a homo only on the fron tier of civilization. From modern Europe , where selfishness put the crown upon the head 61 monarchy , our forefathers fled and came to the United States , and here they reared a republic where they hoped to put a chain on selfishness and preserve an equal dis tribution , according to the honest energies of the people among their descendants and their posterity. And now we face the same thing here. That spirit of depotism that has enslaved the world Is now here In the United States , and by the slow process of Impoveilshlng the people , and through Ia\\b that are hard to understand , wo today , with our backs to China , with no other country to which to fly , face that same spirit of selfishness that has enslaved the rest of the world. Republics may not be endur ing , but monarchies are not. Monarchies have descended Into barbarism. Uoumanla , Turkey , China , and the nations of Asia and Africa , and all that remain of former monarchies except those of modern Europe , and the same grave Into which the ancient nations of the earth have gone Is ready to receive the more modern nations of Europe. It Is the spirit of selfishness carried Into the laws. Selfishness is a consuming fire that burns and destrojs. It will destroy Indi vidual character and it will destroy national character. Call It what you will , a dragon , an evil spirit or a devil ; It can bo aptly termed a serpent , with Its tall In India , Its body In Europe and Its head raised In once proud America. ( Applause. ) Will you fight It , citizens of Illinois ? ( Cries of "Yes , Yes. " ) Then throw aside politicians. Throw aside those who have a self-interest In asking you for your voles. Study this question for yourselves and when you have studied civilization and the effects of laws on the prosperity of mankind you will then rear hero an enduring republic. It will no longer be a question of experiment. We will erect ono that will be permanent and endur ing , and when we cease to scramble over the things of this earth and pile them up around us , as these millionaires are doing , who now vvoulij dictate to you and I how to vote ; when we cease that , then we will come to a newerlrandi u brighter civilization , in which wo will study the principles of humanity and not' ' the principles of selfish property Interests. ( Applause. ) And with such a people w'e i&HI go forward step by ' step , testing questions by the principle of humanity , and wo'wll ] make a race of great men and great women , and It will lead to a brighter anJ -better day , and a newer civilization. ' Now , let mo say this In conclusion : It Is to the ladleshere today. When the women of this country take up this question of civilization , as applied to politics we are going to win. Politicians will go to the jear and the people will come to the trout. In the breasts of the women of this country there" " Is > a feeling of humanity that Is higher than there exists in the breasts of men who ire Inured to commerce and traffic. ( Applause. ) ' 9 When the women take a hand In this fight there will bo , tyi end of white slavery and a now and better civilization for the people of the United States. ( Applauso. ) A MEW AFRICAN STORY. 66 By RIDER HAGGARD. It Began August 2d and Will Eun 12 Weeks , JN this story Mr. Haggard relates the terrible experi- i cnccs of the Reverend Thomas Owen , who , persuaded that Faith , if strong enough , could accomplish all things even to the performance of miracles , gave up a comfort able living in the Church of England to practice his preaching among the Children of Fire , \ He went knowing that this savage African tribe , under the spell of the Wizard Hokosa , had put to death the last " "White Messenger" because he could not prove his religion by raising from the dead his companion whom they * had slain before his very eyes. This lie learned through a third missionary whom they sent b ack to hispeople with this message : "Tell them that having proved you to be liars they dealt with you as all honest men seek that all liars should be dealt with. Tell them that they desire to hear more of this matter , and if one can be , sent to them who has no false tongue , who in all things fulfills the promises of his lips , that they will harken to him and treat him well ; but that for such as yputhey ) ? keep a CTIBIV . " * ' " . It was this challenge that the Rverend Thomas Owen accepted ; and in this serial is told the wonderful story of his single-handed conflict with Jtlj Children ot Fire and his almo'st miraculous success inlbaffling their prophets and confounding their Wizardry converting first the king and then the great body of his people ; among others his son and rightful heir ; tptlie | throne , ( THE OMAHA SUNDAY. BEE. o ' / " SPEGIRL NOTICES. for ( lirnc columns " 111 lie ( illicit uiiHl lliino 11. tit. , ( or HIP nnil iinlll S l > . in. for the mill Sunilny eilllloiiH. l > > - rciiiirnUiiK a'litiin- lipriMl rlioc'k , cnn lm\c IIIIBMOPO ml- ilrt'iiMcil ( ii it mutiliprcit loiter In cure of Tin' lice. AIINMITH no iiililrcflocil Kill In * dcll-v crt-d on itrcNt-iitiitlnit of ( lie check nnl > . Uuoi , 1 1-lr aiortl llrn ( Inicrlloiu lo n unnl ( hcrciifltT. Nothing ( nkfii for lent ( linn SKio ( or ( lie llr ( liiicr- < lon. Tin-so iiiUcHlMvinoiili IIIIIH ( li < run coiiNccndt cl > % SITUATIONS POSITION 11V YOtINd IjAMY AS STENOORA- tihcr 01 clerk , Address U 38 , ' lice. A M'JII SO : niiAir. 111:1,1 * . WANTED , AN IDEA. WHO CAN THINK OP porno simple thing to patent ? Protect your Ideas , tlies' miy brliiR > ou wraith.Vrlte John Weddorbtirn & fa. . Dipt V , I'ntent Attornejs. Washington , I > . C. , for their Jl.SOO prize offer nnd a ll l of two hundred inventions wanted. ] I 573 WE WANT STATK AND I OCAL OROANIXERS for the Atlipnemn Prat rnlty , combining life and nceldent Insurance , Rood contrncls nnd choice territory , npply to J. M , Ward , supreme oi-Kunlzer , 403 Ilee bullillliR , Onnha ; olllce hours 8 to 10 n. m. 11-457-A2I J7COO TO JIM 00 A MONTH AND EXPENSES | > ald salesmen for cltraM , experience unneces sary ; standard poods ; Little Cleik cigar ma- thlno free to each cuMomer. Charlea O. lilshcp it Co , , St. Louis , Mo. U M739 SG WANTED A riHST CLASH SALESMAN IY > H Onmha nnd Council Itluffs for our cpeclalltles. Hefcitnoe ipqulrvd. Addrefs J. 1' . Anncn Candy company , Green liaVls 11 M9'21 WANTED YOUNG XIEN TO LEARN THE baibcr trade. Here is a clnnce to become n skillful tradesman In only two months. Wo furnish constant practice ami eveiy nec essary rupilrement to in ike a llrst class bar ber , ami donate cadi student n complete out- lit of highest grade tools. Can nlsu cam wages by Saturday woik In shops while learn ing , Wiltc for lllustiuted caUloKUQ e\- plalnhiR nil. Molcr-a Harder School. 2S1 S. Clark Htrect , ChlciiKO. H 11997 53 * WAVrn WANTEO-rmsT CLASS , E.VPERIKNCED tei giod wagis. Apply between o nnd G p Rvl3lijoutli ( 2Jfi street C 943-10 1 Sv 'COMPETENT , EXPERIENCED .nurse tii'tal.c care of two children. Itefcrencts inquired Call nt 110 S. 32d inc. between 6 and 7 .o'clock. * 9L * - EMPLOYMENT nUlllJAtl , 1521 DODC.E ST. , w.ints lots of hotel and private family help Tel. ! > 7. C DSi , S19 WANTED-C.OOD OIHI > I'OIl C.ENnHAL house vvorl. , 1003 Sheiman avenue ( old num ber. ) CM921 ! > ! VOH HOUSES IN ALL 1'AHTS OP THE CITY. THE O. 1' . Davis Company , 1C03 Parnam. D 57C rilENEWA & CO. , IDS N. 15TH ST. D-577 CS. C. A. STARR.925 N. Y. LIPE D 579 8-ROOM. nnTACHUD. JIOUGHN HOI'Sn , 123 Enquire iC21 Capitol a\cnue , U. H. Uublson. HEATED S10HES AND PLATS Howard H.mck , agent , 1010 Chicago street. D M5S2 CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVER the city , JS to $50. I'ldellty , 1702 Tarnum.D . D CIS LARGE LIST Or HOUSES. THE 11YRON Reed Co , 212 S. Htll Bt. U 084 5-ROOM HOUSE WITH DATII ; S2C S. 21ST ST. C-UOOM , nnTACHED , MODERN HOUSE. } 23. Inquire 2C21 Capitol avenue , 15. II. IIolilsoii. D 5SO HOUSES , WALLACE , BROWN 11LK. . 10TH and UouRlas. U 07J TWO 10-ROOM HOUSES TO RENT , 23TH AVE. Very c icap to jood tenant. CJ. P. Sti'blilns , care I'nclliu Expiess Co. D S"il 20 ELEGANT MODERN 1JIIICK HOUSE. 2C01 Capitol avenue. D K4S 21 * GOOD COTTAGES ] WESIRAHLY LOCATED. cheap. Eightroomioutc near buslnesa f > c\cn rooms , moileni , 541 S 27th street. L 8 Skin ner , RKent. 310 N. Y. Life. D MOST KOIl RENT. TWO MODERN S-ROOM HOUSES Hicks , apt. , M > N. Y. Life. P-US3 Jl roil RENT-ONE OK THE TINrSST HOMES IN Omiha furnlfchcil nil modern conveniences. Larse > ard ; few blocks from Hltjli school Will leoso for one year. Potter ft George com pany ' corner ICth and I'ornam street. D M9923. . TOR RENT-r-FlNE MODERN TLATS. LANOE block , COS S l"th street. D M3S9-S20. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. 1S13 N. 25TH Inquire loom S Crelgliton blk , nouth postolllce. D-J19S7-23 * FOIl HK TKUHMSIII2U ROOMS. I'URNISHED ROOMS TOR RENT. 2SO ? CUM- InBS St , 3rd floor. E 'J .Q 24 * JjCELY FURNISHED ROOMS AT 70 SOUTH ISth street , E-3IJI7U 23 * j NICE FURNISHED ROOMS , LIGHT HOUSE- Iceeplnj , ' . HU S. 11th. E 1S.J 2I $ li < t'UM.SIIl : i > HO011H AMI IIDAIII ) . PLEASANT ROOMS. WITH HOARD. 1922 . ' Dodge. 1' MCM-.S3 * ROOM , WITH OH WITHOUT HOARD. 07 S. 2Jth av e , 1 M8CO 21 * PHONT HPOM WITH ALCOVK , ALSO SIDE rooms : goia board , best location In city. 2IJ fr S. 23th St. ' 1' "Ol- NICB I ) ( ) MS , GOOD HOARD ! RATES REA- Honable : liaiiflcnts accommodated 'Jlie Rose , 2020 Hnrn y. r-M972 hJO- FOIl HUM' STOHIJS AM ) OFFIOHH. PIHST CLASS IIUICIC STORE HUILDING , 1011 rnniain ; three stories ami basement , will alter A to ml It tenant , luw rent , 314 1st Nut'l H'k lildg. I GS5 OR RENT. THE 4-HTORY I1RICK HUILD1NO lit 810 Farnain st. This building has a llreproof cement bahement , complete Hleiiin luulliiB fix tures , water on oil llouifl , gas , tic. w\pd ] > at A tliu olllco of Tlio Heo. 1 OKI 11C3 MONEY IN LATEST CAMPAIGN AND comlo buttons ; 500 kinds ; Iwttum prices , Uot bamples foi dime. Cainpnliiii Supply compiny , 91 Arch Strcel , Hoston , Muss J \QENT8 WANTED-JWO A MONTH DOING a mall order business ; lady or Bint ; no capital riMiulri'd ; particulars free , Addicsa Mar Hook and Novelty company , Delaware , Ohio. J-MSiH-21' AVA.VriJIl TO HH.VT. ABTONJHHINO. THE DEMAND FOR IIOUHES ; list now with I'anotte , Hoiiglus lllk. , ojipo- Klte Hujden'B , K-70I-HJ VANTED. A FURNISHED HOUSE FROM October until July , or longer , itply Cllffoid W. Smith , 1S20 Funiam st. K 872 STORACH. 1 ' rfl ACIKIO 8TUKAOU AND ( WAIlRIIOl'Hi ; CO , 1O3-IHO JorifB. General eloraea and for niinnff , A1&S < > ii Oil , VAN & BTOUAQU , li ! 1'AH'M Till. ! 1559 M-DW ' PC POIl 8AI.IJ IIOHSHS AM ) AVA ONS. FOR SALB. OH TRADE. OOOO PHAETON. ISIl double light liarnean , tingle liarneus , diamond l rlnt- and diamond ililrt stud , Will trade any o of ( he above for horeea or marea. Call at l.'ll Harney St. , upstairs. P ' 0 aoi 3 UIIAHILITY TAI-KS-CAItltlAOES. UUaQIKS , Ee\ \ pliaetons , bottom prices. A. J. blmpeon. 14W Ee1 1 Doilee I'-MD K Good 41 FOH flood OoII II WOOD , 13 TO } 4.W A CORD , T. MURHAY , o BEST HAIIDWOOO HOa ANI > CHICKKN One t snce ; also "all wire. " C. It. JUee , 901 OnI ; si 0-HAND UIUVCLKS. $10. 115 , & | 20 H Six rented , r < t * lre < l. Om. Wey , Co , S23 N ICth Ht. P V Q wl (00.00 DUCKKIl IIIIOS. J'lANO I "Oil I KSS tliuu ImU ; mu < t l > e catli. Apply at > 4) N. 2oth trttt. q-Ma.-o FOK HBNT , SPACB IN TlfH } MBHCHANTd bulldlDtc at tate fair. Ad'lrrii ' : J Iturney it. K-ttl BIASSACJH I1ATHS , KTC. . . _ _ . _ . „ MMB. SMITH , 1IJI POUlll.AS STItlir.T , Jl ) noor , room Bj nmssnsc , itt-nm , nlcotiol nnd tmlphurlnc lmth . T-MTO at * MMIJ. LAHUK. 1IATII , MASSAOi : . IfitTllOW. era St. T MS74-AM * _ _ MMB. AMRsfHATUS , MASSAOK. K07 S. 13TII _ St. , room 3. T . " 36-54 * M ns nu IJON ! : , ni rcTiiic MASSAC.I : iAu- Inr.rofrcJhliiK ntnl cuiathc , don't fall to mil 417 S , lltli nt. , ui'-tnln. ' 1 MDTJ 21 * rr.ii.sox.vi. . MISS VAN VAi < KiN'iiiTua : niisruovs i'iu- : ninnontlv by oleclrlclty siipcrlluouo h.ilr. moles , wort , etc. lloom < 6 , N. Y. Lit * lll.lff. U-liJ DOSTO.N DKKSS OI'TTINO AOAH15MV 11 SOI Knrlneh blk , Icnrn the be t "jstein no ri-Httln , tcncli'H waiitcilclrculnr § scut. Mr * (1 Slicllrr. U-6M UM'Ti HI : cfiir.n. NO 1-AiM. NO IMTIN : tlon from buslncm ; v.e refer to InniOic-.ts ot patients cnro.l O. H. Miller Co , S07 N Y I.lfe hulMlng. Omilin , Neb. U 6iC VIAVI , HOMI : THIATMINT : roil UTKHINI : troubles. I'hjclclntt tn nttrntlnncv. Consulta tion or health l-nok free. SIS Itee bWK 11 Ml HI.ACU COCICIH SPAXUH-S mn.vr T 42 nni : U MS23 AS1 * SIOMJV TO LOAN U1JAI. KSTATK. ANTHONY t.OAN S. TIM'ST ' CO . 315 N T 1. CJuliK numoy nt low intcs fur choice fnim loans In Io a , noitliitn Mlmmrl. eautcin Nebraska. W J06 CITV LOANS c. A. si'Auu. MS N. v. i.n-'t : . 1 i " " W K > 7 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA leal estate , lireiinan , Love Co , Pnston block .Miuil.j W-MS LOANS ON IMPROVflp S.-1TNIMPROVED CITY property. W. l-'arnam Smith .1 Co. . 13:0 l-'nrnnm \V-599 MONEY TO I.OAN * AT I.O\V iT.OfiS. : THE O. 1' . Da\Is Co. , HOI I'mtiam St. W OX ) LOANS. LOW RATES. IHEY , tOl N Y. LIPK , W S22 ss JIOMOY TO IOA.CIIATTni.S. . MONl'.Y TO LOAN ON KUHNlTfltn , PIANOS , linrpesv K ns. Kto.j at loncst rule In clt > , no iL'lnmnl of good * , strictly LonlMentl li ; 5011 ran 1 n > the loan off nt any time or In any amount. OMAHA MOHTOAHH LOAN CO. . 300 fio. ICth St. X-GOI MONEY TO LOAN. 30. CO. 90 DAYS FUKNI- tine , pianos , r-tc. Uud Green , room S Haiker blk X SO. DU.SIMSS CHA.NCH.S roil SALE. AHOUT 2,000 LBS. MINION TYPE , 700 Ibs ngnto , COO lljs , bievler tspe , 150 pair two-third cases. 40 double lion atands for two- third cases This inntcrlil was used on The Om dm Itce nnd Is In fairly KOod condition Will he sold chc.ip In. bulk or In quantities to suit purchaser Apply In person or by mall to ' " > o Publishing Co . Omilin , Neb Y 713 " roil SALE. THE M'TAOUK HOTKL7 WIT1I llrst-clnss restaurant nml Inr attached Is of fend for sale on leasonable terms Apply to J. H. Evans , Nat. 'tank of Commeice Y MCH STORE ROOM POR RENT IN CENTTlAlTTji : . braska , rich farming community 1 irge terri tory. Onls one other ston- now In town. Good opening for icneial merchandise. Addiesa U 24 , Dee , Omaha , Neb. Y S79 22 AVuiiAon wnincr.Y NIT : INCOMH WITH 52ri' ) Invested ; afc. oonservatlxe : pro pectus proofs , free. r. Daly , 1233 Hro.nlw.iy , New York. Y 92 $ Sl ! , Toil SAti : A K1UST CLASS MCAT MMIKKT In David City , Neb , only ore simp In town. Address I' . O. 13ov Z'tl. DaId City Neb Y -35 ! 21 * POR SALE TO CLOSE PARTNERSHIP lumbei * yard. Kialn nnd stock busn | ° ss Onl > Yard Laree territory , About J20i ) required No trades. Uox 76 Ills Springs , Neb Y M9DO-23. FOIl KXCIIA.G13. TO EXCHANQi : . $30,001) 00 IN SOME HUSINESH property paying S per cent for vac.int business ronm In Omaha rr eooJ faim. Aildre H T ID care Omaha nee. Z M732 S3 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE POR LAND OR ineichanilloe , S4.000 stock Implement Jobbing house. Address V. C. M. , Ufa office. Council I'luffs. , 5W71 I'OIl SALE OH TlfAlJH POH Il6ltSl-s OH cattle , th best money making huxhuss In lovva Address box US , lirrndon , Iowa. V. M 993-21 * WANTED TO EXCHANGE UO ACHE KAHM In NebrapKa for a meat market or other property. Address C. A. Johnson. Axlell. Neb. / M9J2-21 * KOH .SAI-R lllilAI- ! TATI3. AUSTHACrS. THE HYUON HEED COMPANY RB-C03 A SMALL PAYMENT LilpWN AND Jf W PEH U month will buy u nice cnttRKe In Walnut Hill Olnah.i Heal Estate S. Tiust Co. , 211 So IS St p. - HE-839 OR SALE , CHEAT1 , HEAUTIKfL COT TAdE 5 rooms ; summer kitchen , Imril and soft unter , good brick ccllai ; lot , 3.V.127 , east fiont , pnrt cash , balance 0 per cent 'J40 N 2'th hi street HE M 019 'ARM LANDS. C. K. HARRISON , 912 N. Y Life. HE 9l > t S 18' D 11 HOUSE , LOT 50X80 , H 1U.K 1'HOJI CAR , CM If toil Hill tm > . in Choicest building-lot , Clifton Hill. 5775. nl l > room hotiie , fidl lot , Hnnscom Plato , Jl.SOO lu Jl.OOO Ilrbt morlKage on Douglas county fuim , worth J3CCO , 7 per tent. th } 300 ( Irst mortgaBO , new house and lot , worth th $1OCO , 7 per cent. o' Otlur bargains and peed moiltrages. G.V. . lie Wallace , 312 Drown lllk , , 1C and DOUBT. Cll 11 i ; 904-22 nil l.'OH TRADETA riHST-CLAKS SO-ACHE KAHM ] one mile east of Valparaiso , ftjunders county , Neb Nearly all under cultivation anil splen did crops asMircd. Will take Rood Omaha piop- no i-rty. Worth about $3,000. Bee II. H Harder , agent , 170J remain till cut. HE M970 ' YoVniisTiin TO IIJRCHASE PINE VA" neB cant piopnty , cluap lots , or linu. ta and lotx , for cash , 01 onery eany tetms , do not fall to ceo tlio ridellty Trust Co. , southeast coiner if lien building. Their list Is largo , md they . lecommend nothing but buigalni. HE M971 ONE Of THE IIErfT 100-ACHE FARMS IN Wheeler county. Neb , for n few da > n at JS 00 4. per acre. Ceo. N. HIcKs , 305 N. Y. Life bids 7.1 HE-9H 20 SPLENDID INVESTMENT ; fcOO ACHES , central Nebraska , will make lli.sl-claus xiock [ . farm. You can double jour mutiny on t iH , Oi only 16 00 per acre Gee N HIcKs Omaha , C HE-SSI 20 - 9.7'l 7'l OHEAT OPPORTUNITY It.f To Eecuiu cheap land ncljolnliig- Omaha ; Only uiip-lirth down , Halanee one to llvn yearH. We have Ju t been aulhoibeil by custurn uvvneru to oifei for sale - fcO aeieH * Adjolnlni ; Ililo city , only a short dlsUnce 11.1 ; from Elmwood P.uk nnil new Ulutu l''alr ' Ixi ground ! ) , cloee to motor line , paved etrteta IxiOr ami r.illio.idn This property imiHt be old at once- 10 : , and In onli r tci/iinlvM/iuIck / aalen iC.l wo w.lll Hi-ll ft , In C.l rive , ten apd Uwlry ucio lotH , DMT.I At tirlcetf BO low T.I : It orfera thu fjri'iileat uppoi ( unity c : lo obtain cheap land CVHO ) to Omah that lian Ixen offrcd'for yi'.irn. [ Never III the hUtoiy of thin city hart there l > eeii buch n chance 01 to make quid : nujiie ) , Plain und PrlciH 10 fan be obtained at our otllce. 7 Room 303 , New York Llfu llldi ; , Ilemunber t.iet < u aio the cheapeBt nrreit 4 and eaaleiit tcims ever offeied In Oniuh.i ; Only onc-llfth dimn , HalancH 1 to a jtain. 6 per f nt , C Oto. N HKk , ABet. jtBMDM 1'AHTY DESIRING TO GO TO MEXICO. On where tlims lire good , will t-ell to forno gold- K buir Bond live-room house , shade , Uc. , on : iiaved street , within walking dlklunco of busi : ness , for $1,150. JJ.OOO v.an refuml for this j.ioperty live jcaru a o , "U" ilj , 'lie H J _ I'OH SALE SoulheaBt cornet of "Hit nnd hMi : Martha , with two mull IIOUKCB th.it : 7.E thouM rent readily ui 110 pir month , . 7.C only . M.KO . IClKlit room house , modern cominlcmva , C.I burn < , full lot , cast front oil 2Jh | nvcniK- , ; .e ono block south of JLuavuivvcrth blrcit , .eOn price . . , . . 2 , < 00 " l MX room house with c/i l front lot on 9:0 : 37th , near Dodge sticrt . SOO ( ' Seven loom IIOUK- , with Ci ) foot ouil < front . lot < on lluidftlo btwi.rn icth un.l 17lh on Kln-tts . . . . . . . 2.000 house , full lot , outhwc t coiner .i.J 4Ut nnd Painum 3CKX > 9-3 IIvo ronm houte , line lot , near car il.j Hue , house rcnli * for II' per month , price . . , > . . . , , , . . . 1,10) Oil Small house , with 78 fuot lot. fronting caul on 19th Mreutu , near Vlnlon COO of tlio lined loin In KounUr Place , on Dlnncy ttrcet. U-tviern Hili and ISIh On atreeti . . . . l.SOO acrcH on 3 < UI | mitct. luur Mouth Omulu , C tOn t partially covriod nlth tree * , linv eprlmt ; . - ' water , etcvery desirable. . . 1 OW POTTKIl Ac OEUHCHCOMPANY. . Corner Hth nnd Paiiimn St , On - HK-Mirtl-26. ' 't B : IIA1II IIUSb : ( i. J. 1:4 : - PALAfi : n * : M'Tjn'fj. AT jcia JJOI'ULAB. M ok a frof bCtilp lieitnetit with * . n , ail tell all i lich ut ie- r i , * 74 21 MUSIC , AIIT AM ) IA\mr.\K. OI3OROE r. Olll.t.ENlincK , 1IAN.1O AND Kidtor trnchcr. it * , 413 Dee IJldp , Tel. t3S. IN HANKnUlT STOOIC OP 1MANO3 AttOM'H Mejer'n nnc Mock r ( Slolnwny , Knobe , l\r * 1'ond , ItrlRK * , Kincrfon. Vnsc & Sons pMno * nnil iiuislt-.il iiiorclmn < Hso I * now on nale below factory r < "t , uprlRhK JIIOM nnd npninUi FiHinio * , } 4 > W > nml titnvnM * ; M < o folio * . l o , IV Itnllitn strliiCM. iftr. tome Bo. f > 0o llohner Imrp * . ! < ; \lolln > > nnd Kiiltnrn , fi.mi 11CO tip , new plntiot for rrnt , \ \ Illlnm II Srliinnllcr . < CV > , 3,1 floor MrCncnp l > Mp M87S 31 HUMDIMM LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHAllKH IN MHTIfAI. I. . II. APS'N 1' VY , 7 , s pi > r rent wlirn 1 , 3 , S yrnrs old : nlnn > ic- tlrrmnble 1704 I'mimm Ut. Nnltlngrr , Her 605 HOW TO OCT A I1OMIJ OU SKOt'IllI ClOOt } Intpirat on ; ulni ; . Apply to Omnhn 1. , A It , AsVn. 1701 Kmnntn. O. M. NntlliiKcr. Sec. ASTHOI.OCJY. Tin : \VOND12K 01' T1IH AOK. 1'ltOR A. Mn cry the Mentost nMroloKcr nnd pnlmlstrr In Jlio Aiorld , pist invent , rut tire told or nn clmi-RC. 1K4 I'ariinin , 8 to 1 ! m , SM ; to P:3tf : P. in. 411 AK AHHNCV. APTAIN ] . MOSTYK , 1)riClTIVI AflttNCV : all detccthr vork c.ncruly | unit promptly nt- tendril to. 110 Knrbidi bl6ck , Cn-.alin , nnd 518 ISonn ke Hid ? Oilonso. M Cfil.Sl ruiNrmiu i'.u"Kit > . iviNixnv CUSIUONH nnd mnltre > ' < ct inndp nnd icnovntcd ! set our pilc < a licfniv plncliiB jour older. M. B. Wnlk- iln SMI OimlnR st to ! . IMt. H MIOltTIIAM ) AMI TYPK1VHITINO. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , Clf N. Y. I'll'1' PAW.MIIlOKliKS. 11. MAltUWITK LOANS MONIiY , 418 N. 10 ST. ( OT I > AMI.\O. CAM. ON MOHANI ) VOH 1'IIIVATIJ LUSSON dny or ctriilng 1510 Hnrm-y. CV SI CHATTEI * MOUTGAGi ; SAM2. Wliorc.iM , Kor the purpose of .sccurliiR tlio fellowIIIK piomlssory nott" , oxci'Utod to .1 , 11. iltilHoy anil Smith , limited , for uiul In bebnir of IVtrrs Iwsh company nnd Colum bus HUKBJ' company , lo-wlt. Ono dated March 10 innj. duo August 14 , IS'Jfl , for J1GMra , ono il.iti-d April 14 , lb % , dun AiiKtmt 21 IS'W , for $ , ail 0l ; ono rintod April 14. IbOG , duo August 20. ISM , for Jl.SVI TO ; olio il.itpd Apill 11. ! Vi1 ) , duo AiiRUMt "S. 1S20 , for J21TOS4 , ono dated Apill 14 , IMMi. duo Sep tember 4 , 1MI8. for $2103.5T , ono diitoil April 14 , ISIij , duo Soptomlior I , ISlrt , for $1 73.5 . CT. ; ono dated April 14 , ISifi , duo September 0 , l 0i > , foi J2.iil ! ) S7 , ono d.itod Apill 14 , l.SfG , due Soptinibpr S 1 % foi $ > ' ,217as , one dated M.iV 1. 1W , duo Sopli'inbor 10 1S9G , for )2-Oij ! ; ono dated Apill 14 , ISM , duo Sop- tcmlui J2 , ISPfi , for SL'lO'l" , , one d.ilod Apill 14 , ] * % , due SoptomhiM 13. 1S"(5 ( , for $2,101)57 ) ; ono dated Alny 1 , I'M , duo September 15 , ISM. for ? J10 ! 2U ; one dated May 1 , liW duo SontemlH'i IS , ISM , lor $2'J1GOI. one dated Mnv 1 , ISOfi , duo September 23 , 1S % , for $ 5,111 SG : one d.itod Slny 1 , 3MH > , due October I. IM'il , for $2.003 "i , one d.ited May 1 , ISM , due October 2 , IStW for $2,20G(0 ( ; one dated May 1 , W due October B. IK'G , for $107751 ; ono dated May 1 , ] Sfi ! , duo October C , K' < , foi Sl.Wl 31 , one tinted Juno 13. 16DG , duo October 2S , 1S ! > 6 , for $2 1(11 ( L'O ; ono d.itod Juno II , l 9t ! , duo October 2'J , ISM , for $2 214.30 ; ono dated Juno 13 , IS'W ' , due November 3 , ] & ! ) G , for 52,3110,0 ; one dntod Juno 13 , ISrii , duo November 4. ISM. for $2231G5 ; one ilnteil Juno 13 1SBC , duo Nmrmber 5 , 3SM , for $ tBOr 77 ; one dated Juno 13 ISM , due No- \embor (1 ( , U'M. for $2,40121 , one dated Juno 13 , 1S % , due No\omb r 7 , ISM , for $ . ' .574.28 ; one d ited July 11 , 1 96 , duo November 11 , 18 % , for $120147 ; ono dat < d June 27. ISO'J ' , duo November 17 , ISM for $1,64000 ; ono dated Juno 27 1SSO , due No\ombcr in , IVO , for $1 COO SS. on the 23th day of July , ] S'G ' ) , GeorRp J.I Peters and Clinton 15. Firestone. paitnor.4 under the llrm nnino and style ot Columbus BURBV company nnd I'eteiH Dash compiny , executed and deli\oted u ch.Utol mortKaKo jo J 11 , Hulscy & Smith , limited , in the sum of $ : , ! ! 7G ( r.9. upon tbo follow IIIR dPbciibed Roods nnd chattels to-1. It : All of a certain stock or bUBBlou , pi.autons , iiut- ipyH , can ifiKOM , vehicles , harncw , bicycles. \\lilps. robes nnd moiohandlso ou nod by said Columbus JliiK y company uiul Peter * U.wli company In tl olr blanch house , situ ated at KWS-I010-1G12 Hnrnev stiect , In the City of Omaha , County of Doimlas nnd State ut Ncbin.sk.i. uhlrh said mortciiRo contained the condition that In cnso default lo made In the payment of the nbovn men tioned notes , or In any part thereof , at the tlnip limlioii f-f si"h payment , then nil of said obligations should become duo , and then It should bo liiuful for the S'lld J H. Halsoy & Smith , limited to take such Roods and chattels and dispose of the wimo nt public or pilvato sale , and out of the money uilbliiR fioni such Bale to pay the costs ) fcollliiR the same and the amount dim upon | said obllRUtions Whotons , Default has boon mndii In the payment ] of the ( list of the above mentioned notes , and J II. Hnlspy.t Smith , limited , hnvo declared ail of sild notes duo. and that there is duo J. H. Hal.uoy .t Smith , limited , thereon j.Vi.Tfi'i ' M and no suit or procecdliiKH have been Instituted to recover tbo debt secured by the said mortRiiRp , or tiny part theioof. t and said mortRiiKO was tiled for record in the olllco of the county clerk of DoiiRlns coiintj , Nobiaska , on the 1st day AllRUSt , IVlli , Theiefore , Notice In hereby filvcn that iho undersigned mortKiiKces xvlll ijoli all of the nbovo described pioporH at Iho litilldlntf known as KKM-lfilO-li'12 Hainoy stieet , In the ICty of Omuha Nebraska , on Tuesday the Mh day of September , 1VI5 , ut cloven o'clock In the forenoon of said day , at pub sale to the hlHhoHt bidder theieon for cash , and that the proceeds thereof will bo applied to the pa > ment of the said mott- gaRU debt. Dated at Omaha , AiiRiist 17th , ISM J U Hal.soy & SMITH , Umlted , Hy Diirllett , HafdilKO & Delioid. attor neys. AlfclJQtm RAILIAK'ME ' CARD I.e.iM'H IHIJItLlNO'JON MO III VUIt ( Arrlt ( . Oiimlmll'nlon Depot , lOlli .V Mueun HU | Omuli.i S.SSim T . . Denver Hxprtss 9:35tm : 4.35pmlllk Hill * -Mont. & 1'ntitt Hint , ix ; 4 0 pin 4.3pin : Uinvir Upn. a. . /.pin 7.opm Nebraska J oial ( incept Humluyj 7,13pm . Lincoln Local d'xttpt SunilayIMIU : : 3Kpm.Vu l Hull ( for Lincoln ) dully .raven ICHIl'AliO , IlUltJ.INmON S. Q ( OnmlialUlilun IHpot , JOIh , \ .MIIHUII MH I 500)1111 i ) ( 'lilciiBO Yidlll'ille . D.lSuin. . flilciiBO 15xpiu x TtOam .C'hkiiKD anil Kt J.ouJu lxpH'a ; II.40am. . . 1'JulIlo JunUlcm r.oc.il Kust Mnll . iTrutcB | rilKV\o6r MIl7 " & * KT" " JVU'I. lArriTraT CJinahiill'nlnii Ueput , ICiili , \ . Mimon Htt > . | Onmlia 6-SOpm. . . . Chlo.iBO I.lniltuJ , . S.OVim l.00arn. Chicago IJxprtss ( ex. Biiii'lny ) J.2 piu uavcs | ciu < . : Aacr& NOIITUWKST-N lAnh.sT li.it-'nlon | Depot , loth fc Mucon ht . | Oiu.ilm :0,6r.nmT.7..r.ia ! tcrn i : pro | 3IOpm : 4nin < Ventlbulcil LlnilU'.l. . , . . r > ; 4Jpm C.ISpni Ht , I'nul Hipicsn. ! ) :3Uiin : 40,1111 Kt. I'uill Llinllnl. , . 9.uipin 7:30ani. . .Cmroll & Hloux City ) .nial ll.lupni CivOpm : . . Omuhu Chltniso Hpcclul M:00iii : ) _ _ _ . JIlBsoiirl Vjllcy Local , . . 2Ujiu TaVtB ICIIK-AOC ) , It .1. fc IMCiriC.Arrlun | Omaha 1/iilon Depot. JClli ft Mown Bt I Onuli * - < . \.f. \ > * x Hun. ) 103I.ini ; l.linUitl. , , , , . liOOpiu < ! - , HT 1' . . M ti O. [ Arisen OmnlM ) Depot , 15lli niul Webstii 8tM , [ Olanli l ram . .Hlf.ii * flty Accfjinpinilntlon. . . . 8,00pm 2Mpm .Kloux City Mxj.rcn ( t * . riunlli ) Jin 0l'.pni . ji _ . . -St. J'aul hiinli"l. | . , . _ . UMOam " r. U * JJO VAU.KV. | Anl\i > ii Dfp.it. Ilia uiul webnivr HtH. | Omulia " " > m . Taut Mnll uiul Kipre-M 3Wpni ( ex. Hal. ) Wji > Kx. ( oMan ) 7.Wl.im Pumont I j | ( Kunilajn fnl ) 7.W.ini . Norfolk IlxpUku ( ex , Kuu 1 t 7 am C.lSpni. . . , . Kl 1'aiil KMirfy. . . pilOmi * .eaves I K. . . HI J A f , Jl I An hen Om.ihajljnl nl _ > epot , lOlli A. Mim/.n Kin | _ Oin.iba 3OSim . lCjn n-i City P.iX i : prm eilftpm 00pm 1C ( KljJitn ( Ji _ J MiJ'l ( ii . C. .nil " JA'rht ' hu | ncpot. itlli iinJ Wtl ttrHU. ' Omaha S.JOpm" . Ncbrurku f. Kaiinjn Mmllril . 'J-5l" ' ; > i li'Ml'in Kintnn City Uxpr-ws. . , . , . , C:00um : a.Cdpm . t.N > ljfn l.a Irfifal ( Hun ) , . . . jiCOaiii "NIOI'X CITV - PAfU'IC. lA/rlvr * ha iJipot , ISili oii'l U * lwtcr M . | C < nalia _ _ v firv tTvAi'iricT" TXVrivcT Qjimli.ilUnjon n > Ct , lOI'i & Jlmuil 8tS. | Ouuli ) ioITii T".HI I'-i'il ' rn Mns r . 11 10pm -/im. . . Kloux < 'lly ruvixnavr , , . . , . , t:0. . | > ni f.'Mliia . SI I'.ml LlinltyiL. _ MUm jtitTUNION \ rAf'lJ'K" " iAril T OnialalTnl | ( < n I'epot , 10th ft > Ia ) ii Btf LOmali ymn . ICcurncy Krnu , . . . . ilOpn mm. . . OvcrlanJ Limited , .i , , . 4,1 inn 0im [ ll al'c & 8troiniili' > Jx let Bun ) 12K.pia C:4'pm flrcnil Ulan.l . KXIT M ( ax Oun ) .It Capiu t-jOpm. . I''u3l Mall . J.4u.iut jvcii I " " WAIIAKI ! UAH-WAV IArrTvT OmuliaSIJnlon Drput Ulli ! i Wawo ltl _ " Oiualu " " " ' " !