1L-- - - - - . - _ - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - I -I TiLE OM4IIA DAILY ] iEE 3tO1SY ! , AV(1'ST 17 , 1896. j 10N I t COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT ORM , I - ( t C tlic , obe- n TtT : tc ( : cg , PL j ( ' 1 - go nge ckme me nge thg It thg CC ! hil . on In ill ! Ink aIe Cr- CraT. . aT. nt. it III log an .10 uth ( 'B- 'BUI UI- UIC lIt ! UI- UIbe be er on. on.t.r t.r cc tIn he C- Cfly fly II ) ' cli- cliOn . On It . In. In.on erIc Ic- 0 erIn In- InB B- he Jo tlr tir 0 0 e- ere re t t. 3'- ivn rw re- rebe be re ree kis ho ill LX cr- cr3) 3)- 3)Ut Ut I0- U- U1 1 ! MlOlL t1N1lO. . -t WII1B lBInCCkge i .3 p flobthBML b ! ( ! 1 CCU IO c. ° 1 to b iDtb 'OfBC t&at' . , , j * ( tbt the work if * itag .nT. BtClt wlfl e emciwe4 toift ) . I 4 trrtt : oX Ueola ent he bbith i lrothr. H. 1' . liarrett br tJe WorK- 13 K mlih ent to Ch1cgo lact night f1j a&iI tpvd Sc Sew eyB geU4II neit L a1Et tbthgB l 'wbecle for . .r ' ( jBIid hotCi , CotiolI IM1s. ] Hgh &ci try 3cpet ltatt ! . I.O per day LI rd. 1. I' . Clarke. , ropyivtor. I iLBplIl1' . Cmploycd hi tb' ' offjcrp t I.IflrOin , tp'it a 1 hOII iii bB jrCDtP and frkbdc yeterda7. ' ' rgulat mC4tn of 24yrUt ] oc o. 12 I S LC hdd ( omflrroW vnhig. A XnII at ' . ; C 13eIred. a , ; btIInCM I ! tO be I .l _ 1 ir't : of t Mat'f'ah ( % w.'et Tnts- V er ( IWCU ni 2 : * oelk in the balI Iitio Bttre to finIsh Initiation of eli " : w ) , 'Thc contrnct to : the briek woik o the 310W i : gt1b Lutheran C1111C11 Iia hcn awi74ed ) Mar'n ' llugba & Son. 'Their W4 ar wcr than the nen oweat. ieio , vscr whoBe bd l I'a.ng- ' og thc wntar ia1t of an inicpIred i11Cnce . t ny-E'e dlL ) S flU bI(2)Ld atd wBler , Iu- ) ' . ( I Up ( ltr prt.xn1oe to loIuvc the Ui. VB tr I ( ' jail CV'Ultlg at rsne ct the . . I. rri ay talDoltt au IorCd Li on I rgc o I.aULPt. Fn1 i'qct ' CfthICd UIIC11 tbc tJtII ) cr es- IE1Ln C In olIeet1ng a lIry blil train a 'uog urnn bo had Cnagod a cktrlagc for ii aftCI'IICSOD. 13e rttuirtiid L the itable U U slightly 1nexicate tciIttiUn itna ust.d to pss or the rig. The 3utrl 'li'fl en ail& zina win IL bitit III ) to the cuz.ng to lend him In for a 7tcle to hi c'Iy a he changed hIs mInd Rild pall tlw II&ry bill , The niecting in the roome of the YoUng Mena Ch2 Ibtifin aaotIat Ion yeeterdc naB zddrcsred liy Rev. V. C. fleche on the wIC roan s nerds. 'The ConclusIon of tbc Whole 1attfr and na 1lstticd to with deep Utcrct The singIng. praying and 1ctI In0U3 'were fervent and delightful. The uartct of the I'trit Daptttt church sung an anthcm In good style. which wis appre- cIatt1 ht the evrnlng the wheel or life wa exttlIli'd ) for the aUIuiemcttt nt the boys over 22 cars Among the socta eVefltfl of last wce3 % B Sfl Iotorxnal hop at the Ogthn house on Saturday evening. Th 3art ( ) Was CO- tertained by the Mlsae Melamores. uhote honie Ia at the Ogden. Light rcreshnicnta crc seri't'd during the evening. Among those present were : ] 1lses Ethel Shepard , race ctsmore , Delia Dyer , Sylvia Mess- nore , Byrd Baer and NCII Lutz. and Messrs. Charles liradley , Charles Sayles , corge 1VIckham , Don Beno , Fred Lambert md Jd Clay. _ _ _ _ _ _ C' 13. VInyl Co. . Xcmnu remedy. Medical onsultatloxt free Wednrsday. 1ieIth book urnished Annex Grand hotel. TOItM I3AI2.tJ i Cl\lIlI1 Ntieii Gl . ltrctcn In the W'1crn Jsr * or liiicity. . The damage by the hail etorzn on Saturday ev aing was much ninre severe tlia was thought to tic. The business portion of the cIty escaped with light damage. and this was chiefly confined to ikylights and thin panes 37 'vindow glass. The skylights in nearly all of the photograph galleries In the city uT- fered badly. The heaviest of the hail was in the wtatei-v and southncstcrn part of town. Every window en the north and west aides of 'Keys urns. carriage factory was hrolen. 10 rower house and barns ol the Electric Motor company met nearly the same fate. , AU ol the windows ilU the south aide ol ilroadway In Strectavijie were amashe& At GordIans grocery near Sixteenth street all or the large window panes were demolished. The vorat damage In the city was inflicted - . flicted upon the greenhouses. At WIlcoX' central establishment betseen 700 and 8tC ( panes wcre broken , and at his plant on the : old Foster ilaee on Harrison itreet mors than 1.000 were hammered to pieces. Mc- . fterson & Reed's houac-s sutered the losa a ! several hundred panes ot glass. The planU were but slightly damaged by the bombard- nient with Ice and broken glass. A great : many panes were broken out of the btiildin at. the Institute for the Deaf. Glaclers and glass merchant ! were doln a rushing busIness all day yesterday , an the orders were more than can be tllld all L day today. They estImate the loss In broket I glass in all parts of the city at aeveral I thousand daliara , The damage to the t'nlon Pacific Railway company at the transfer depot will amount to several hundred dollars. All of the largc : glass on tIte north and west sides at th building was shivered. A good thai ol r damage was also Inflicted upon the passen. . ger coaches in the yards. The Overland I jasscngcr train was just on the point ci starting when the hail began to amasti the . 'WIIIdOWS , Within a few minules ever3 eindow from the expre-sa car to the rent Pullman was broken. The train was 'wel I laden with passengers. and there was a I . great mcramble among them to get awa from the flying glass. The 'upholstery Ic I the Pullman coaches was thoroughly water . soaked. E'ury car In the train bad to he , bandonod and the paisengers iransferrec I to other coaches. The transfer of the bag. gage and and express matter delayed thede ] ) arture of the train br nearly an hour. At 6 o'clock last evening several or the glasa Store ! had e.hausted their stocks and vere unable to Sill the orders that came in. The strongest combination ever p'ayed at the Grand Plaza Is now entertaining tb crowds , Theic was a large attendance boil I afiernoon and evening yesterday , and tb nOst conserrative and blase people couk not withhold their 3ralse. The two gren CaJdB are Andy Adam ! and George W iiandy the black-faced comtdtana. and Beat llrumxnci and Miss Genie Kimberly. wht render the latest songs of the day In a man ncr that never tires. Both of these attrac tioni will appear each afternoon ad even lug this WCCk , and there will be aeveral othe SPecialties that will be worth the trip to ace have your house touched up and yout carriage repainted. C. Miller. Main streeL Per cnlIag ) t-g1tcred disll. several days ago George Chaee. a rail Way mail clerk , It-it his vaYlse conthinin the registered mall pouch on the anal acack tIn a bandwagon at Clarioda , where it ends. He waa abacat a minute to Inquir about a train ad when lit. returned hii aIise was missing , The theft waa reporte to the federal authorities and Deputy Mar thai IlilIwig Wa ! detailed an the CUbe , B EUCCC'eded in tracing the crime to Johi ThLker , a young c-olorcd man of Ciarintla Iart of the regisicred mall mi.tler wa found in his posscsiion iind the riitd vails 'was found to a barn two milea in the c'oun try ivhere Baker bad hidden It. Several o the regiatered packages were nilaslog. Ba'ke eou1tabed hti guilt. . Uc waa liroubt to liii city Saturday evening and bounil over io tb grand jury under f.OO bond. He was cam zn&tted to the county jail In default of bond The Women' ! Christian AssocIation boa Vital ladies will have a picnic at Manawa at Tuesday afternoon and evening for the hen eflt of the hospit&1. Everybody welcome 3cc cream and cake. barn aactwjcbea ant tofIee for sale on the grounds. Buy you tickets of the ladles , Round trip fare In eluding admittance to the Grand Plaaa , ecatL Tickets are on sale at numerou : 1usineas houses. lYbita enameled , braa-trirntnt'd beds 8G this week at Dunce Furniture eompany'i Co to Manawa ad camp curing the heate lerin and lcfp CC0l. Z&it.1iIi-n unIty cia TUchdlI ) ' Iglai C'ngressmeej McCall and Apaley. both e Masaac'husgs will speai at the McKinlc' ani Hobart bes.dquarters GO Tuesday evea lag flLtb these gentlemen are promloob I in the reaLs el Msssacbuaetts requbtcan and bay , btrt assIgned t losia aud hraka by the national republican COEI I Ia tee tied&3 grouzt.stor private picnic artle at Grand Plaza 'T1a. dfllgi. &tnth axid glass. Tel. S9. OUNTY POLiTICS Sl11ERlXC I nthce ID Ict Show Little litereit in 4J L1 SItaton. REPUBLICANS RALLY FOR THE CON V1NTION nntet for 11 , ' Cfltit5'rtt ) * . ltlt tll , . Offlccr in iii CIiirgs . 'tc Ltkr1 ti Ut01 $ t I , t ii c.t. o frziltt arraueonts ) ( Lt yt been itde or the el1tag of tle eoutty oeot'en- tlotis tf the dleret partlos for the naming oX enldates for the eunty nflees. The ctttd1datet' seem to be in to hurry for the tmurentlona ad the props.'tts now are thst til , tauif'stpI ' will be a short one an4 that notw of the. eouventlons will be bald bere the first of 5cpieznber. Th4 , terms of office of County At ! orley Saunders. County Auditor M.atthe. County ltecorder Sbeiard. Coroner .3nnlngs aud ( 'Ourli ) ' Cleric Reed ezplre this yetr. Mr. Iteed arid Mr. Saunders hsve cloth co the republican renomination , as they have held their ornees but one term and no complaint has been made of their work. They will be renominated by aelatnsuion , County Auditor Matthews and flecorder Shepard have had to terms. but that fact dcics not seem to be eoun'ing against ihe in the least. Up to late no ann has hetn tnentioiied lot the iiom1natin for ntiditt'r except Mr. Mattlic'wc , and there Is not iurb prospect at any ooe dev&ophlg alrength enough to make a showiug In a cotivntion against hIm. This Is not due o any nork that Mr. Matthews hat clone to e'eure a nomination for a third term He takes the lOBitlOII ) that he cannot asit a renomination. hut is willing to let the pzrtv decitle a it deems best. The fart that Ibere is no op- poailion to hie tenntniuation s tskcti tea cvi- denre that he has done his duty well in the liositiun. flc'corder Shcpard Is not making an cpen canvass for the reziomina9an , but vauld like to have It. His uay is not as clear as that of Mr. Matthewz. 1'owever'blIc his work as recorder has been ertilnently eatis. ractory , be nih have a c-onust on his birds br a nomination at the c'omlng couvcLtinn. There ar a dOTCfl randida'e InetitinurrI for the nomination. None of tben bav cieVc'h- aped any great following anI 1(000 ( lb CZ- liorted until after the convention hac teen calli'd. Present lndIrtions 're that ppo- ltion to Mr. Shepards reztominain nih be so divided among the many cndiJates who re Eckthg the place that be ivall not surer from IL No complaint of any kind has been made against the administration ot Caroller Jn- nlngs. His management or the 0111cc has been remarkably economical and there will probably be no oppnrition to bla renomina. tion. Dsmorratic candidates have not loronied to any extent 'as yet. There is a good oral of figuring going on and a prospect That the democrats and populists will fuse on the county nominations as they have on the congressional - gressional candidates. The county ccnen- tion of the populists 1eeIared empliaticlhy in fator of a middle-of-the-road ticket cc everything but Slate offiecs. attd then thc judicial and congressional conventions bent sallowed the democratic omines arid knocked the crirnera from their rnlddlc.-ot the-road platform. It Is probable that ibe fusion will be extended to the county olflcete , lflto.tlWAY Ct.t.il A .3. .1. Creiv Stckt. lccuI Itclle-f ri-em ibs ItI$11.-n it1ek U3eLniIc- One of the most enthusiastic advoatet of the plan of stripping the rotten woodcr lioeks from the surface at Lower flraacjcvzj is .1. 3. Crow. nba operacs a cahoon and grocery store about the center of the fin- vasaabic jiortion of the Street. Be had mnde constant appeals to the couacilxner from the west end wards to induce them tc use every means to force the council to talc the desired action. When the rcsolutioi passed orderIng the blocks m-emovc'c ( 'row was the lint man to get to work. he was tearing up blacks 'Icing before sunrise \'ben the ordr was rescinded in deterencc to the wlshe and protests of many citizent he was the last man to quit work. B'l1ev. ing that the traffic that now goes over Ave B and Second avenue will return ti Broadway when the blocks are out of th way , he had lost no opportunity to induci the council to give the desired order. Hit repeated failures have exhausted his pa tience. , and now he has taken the initiator St0iS toward bringing a damage suit againb the city. He engaged hia attorney an Sat urday. and be says the 3)eIRion in the' sul r be tiled today. The amount of damagi to be sued for ill be sufflcient to cove the loscs his business bar suatained by thi - departure of travel from the street. lii pays the city nearly rIOCO a year saloom license , and during the summer his reotipti from all sources have not been sudictcnt tc meet this expense. The basis of the' tui tl1 be alleged negligence at the council ii permitting the street to t'ccomne impassable In speaking of his suit he declared that I was not for the purpcne at bringing any nes pressure ott time council. He believes thi - council has actc-d in accoretance with itt best judgment. and is anxioualy trying ic do the' right thing , and what is best fit the general welfare of the city. His rcaaon ing is that it the' city exacts a license ( ron him before it will pet-mit him to do bulnes t it is under all kinds of obligations to prote-c him in his business , ; Eyt'ry one lnows there is nothing neatc than the summer girl , adorned in cc cleat shirt waist nnd snowy duck Ekirt. That' why the 'flagle Laundry company" are s busy. 74 : Broadway. Get a germ-proof filter and save doctors . Dllls Only li. Stephan Bros. r ' . . IIcHIilZl , i9I1lIlIee , The July statement for the Women's Cliril tian Association hospital gives to the put hic the following : umbcr at patients wh entered the hospital , 114 ; diacharged. 1 ] numhcr of patients enrolled , 5 ; uuraes , It . The caai receipts show : From bospita patients. 1l:9 ; from county patients , 177 1t sc'rrice's by nuracs , 5 : donation fm-am 1tot'1 B afeiler. : : l ; incidentals. C4 ; cash an ban 1 July 1 , Lt ; total receipts. 4t7.4 ; dim C bursements. 4l'.i1I : balance August 1. 4I3.f The attending I'bysiins we're : Drs. Macrai . jr. . Bar-stow , Trei'nor , Cleaver. Thomas. Rot Ct'tBOfl , Anderson. Carter. Montgomery an D Belier. The daily donations consIsted maini of vegetables , fruit , fiowets. grorc'rit's , an linen. Mrs. Anna E. Gravatte. su'eric B tcndt'd the commissary department. Tb C sustaining donors were : Mt-sdamei B. ? Sargent. Charles Parmcly. .3. I ) . Blaint Charles Woodbury. Richard Hohtz. 0. 1 r Brown , M. Manic.rsori , Calvin Bt'ebec , D B Montgomery , sarah M. Cacy. .1. D. Crockwel L F. 0. Gleason. E H. Nichols , A. B. W'alke : .1. Hnllenbeck. IV. S. Cooper , 3. L. Smith John Bennett. M. hluber. W. W. LCJOUII ! . . ' . xlI. Pusty. Eldon Louge'e. , W. H. Plume M. . Hutchinson. \ ' . H. Robinaon. .1. J. - art Edttard Howe. W. H. Prouty , .J. II. liesi S. Wyman , Mr. Emil Roach , Mr. l'at Sebtielder. Captain 0. M. Brown Bartlt't r groceries. Total amount of ordej's an - baskets , LAURA J. MACBRIDE. ; - _ _ _ _ Secretary. Scg-r Pitie , ltrtIIrIti. . Uiin. \Vbcleaale and retail J. C. Blaby , Main ' ' stt't'eL _ _ _ _ _ _ Let all of your trautles upward go in t ci smoke of 'Oencrsh Jp. " Peregoy & Moor sole agents , Council &Iuffs. Is. I. iIacr 1)Iss-Ic'I Cuurt 3ieters. . if A final t'epsrt was 13k4 by the adsainti trator of the Isaac MUit estate Ssturda IThe pcopery ecuscsted W dtty shares I t the CiUzens' State hank and 2 share s in the Omaha iiardwaye ocaxapafly. fl ) . LIIbtB from Frank V and Laura Ii , Mt . her. the' tco hcira were tied ltb the rg port. each fer bait of the property Lctttrs of guardianship were filed Satut ( lay Li1tts ( 'then for Warihie htarkt There has bee' , n possession oX the rutt ccrk a Binail &mnuat of ouey belcg to .7. .1' . h3srker , deceased. and it was for the pvrpot.e of getting this for the heir that the gvardhmchip was established. A refareei teporl has bees hied iii the es'tate of Pleassnt Taylor. settlag as.4e the one-third dose : Interest of the ti4ow ef the. eeeaw.d. The report 'as aet for bear- lag tin the soeond day of the Osat tvri of ccerL 'II.tlilS t-P LO.t . % 5t.OCltTltS. ( _ Ti : l.nu ' % VIll lie the ut-nih cif ' . , c i-nil ( leircinirn I lesti. DES MOINIIS. Aug. 3t.-Spcdal.-The ( prospects are that the state executive eoun- cii ) iave some serious trouble before it gets done with the building and loan aeso- ciations. The trouble grows out of the law passed last 1ater requiring the assocla- lions to come under the supervision of the sthtC. The requirement is that they shall retneerporate and that the articles filed shall aol forth all the details of their plan of con- dueling businc' . These articles arc subject to the inspection and approval of the e's.'eu- tive council. The law eiit into effect July 4 and the council granted the companies two months , or till September 4. to comply with its requirements. There are about ltO cli them to file' new articles and indicictiens are that a good many of them will be sos- pendod from transacting business when the days of grace expire , because they 'sill have failed IC ) comply with the law. The fact is that the council Is discovering a good deal of very quc'er business method in connection with the management of build- log and loan asaoc'lationa. The large and we'll known concerns have nearly all complied - plied with the requirements. But there are a grcnt number at smaller associations that . hate not. and many of them are not likely to do an. These concerns have been run very much more In the intere'r.ts of their tiflicers than at the stoekhalders. In male- ing their reports and filing their article's tbcst' have made it constant eort to dts- semble and avoid ti-fling the truth about their methods , while appearing to be honest and to comply with the law. The council has discovered a good deal of downright rottenness and is making the matl rigid in- i 'estigation al every se't at articles. It is found that there am-c' fully fifty building and loan asoclationa in the State that have never -incorporated at all. They are Iot'tl ' In character and never went through the formality of asking the States recognition or their esistt'nc'c. All this time , however. they am-c p)5inI ) as State corporations ad acting in accordance 'sith ueh of the state's laws as are to their advantage. The mnemLers of the council have not made much noise about these developments. but they admit that their taale will Fe a great one and that state supervision will compel the' uhtltutiun of new business methods that will. in the case of many of the asso- clations , gle the stockholders some assurance - ance that they have never had before at safe handling of their funds and a guarantee against unreasonable profits being eeured by atflccrs at the e.xpenae of stockholders. . MAY s..1I Tilfi L.KFS Or IeSS'.t. . , ( , Ic < if tnt ( IiIIccr. Oj.jo.e-d I o Lit ii .1 ' - ( ' ( I Ut er Setc DES MOINES. Aug. i-Special.-Thcre ( ( ) is more trouble ahead over the title to tht lake' teds of Io a , The speculators who have been seeurtng patents for them from the state are having trouble in convincing the : state otficers that they are entitled to rat- I eats. and at present none are being is rued. with good prospects that lawsuits wil ] I result. The swamp lands at the state 'were b an old art at congress turned over to the state ; the state in turn passed laws giving , them to the counties. Of late the countiec have leen claiming that the lake's weme - swamp lands , and have been selling titlc to them to speculators. who drained them - It was necessary for the counties to get pat. cUts from the state. After the state hiec C I unquestioningly deeded the beds of a gonc I many lakes to speculators. through the coun , . tics , Governor Jackson called a halt. He saId I i uould end tat the state selling every lake within its borders , and be refused to alga any more IjatCUts. Attorney General Remley baa been ap I pealed to within a few days by some ot thi I speculators and has refused to give an opin ion at variance from that of Governor Jack 1 SC.IL. Governor Drale stands by Jackson'i i policy. and thee attorney general says bet ii with him. Senator J. L. Xamrar of Web . ster City has been here representing the swamp land speculators for several days C peading ! with the governor and attorney gen - eral to make the deeds. but they will no - cOnsenL The speculators wIll have' to sue ) tl'c' counties with nhich they made thei contracts. ) Just at present the market value of lake S beds far agricultural purposes is decidedl : low , as they are all full of water , and cropi planted on them this rear have been drownec out. t GtiZC. 'P0 tT. I'AUL IN STYLE r Nore1iu'et \'c'te'rztiiN % l'iJl itzcs-- t "JeIlIi Temil a a , jut 'I'hci r ( ) se'n ittisiel. S SIOUX CITY , Aug. I6.-Speclal.-North ( ) west Iowa is to be nell represented at th ) national encampment of th Grand Army a C the Republic in Li. . Paul the first at nex I month. The old soldiers in about a dozci I counties at northuest Iowa have long hat t. an organizationcalled th Northwest lowi \'eterans' association , and in view at the ; fact that It is the strongest local organiza ) I clan of the kind in the' state. provision hat r been made for a special train from here - starting Monday morning , August 11 I This train will start over the Illinois Cen S tral and at Cherokee till be met with othe : I aptclal trains from Onaa'a and Sheldon ant n-ill go on to T'ort Dodge , where It will jolt th hadquartcrs train over the Rock Islamic r from rces Moines. The Orange City Brai ri band will accompany the Northn-cst lowt I , Veterans' to St. Paul. This band is corn 0 posed of young Hohlanders in the Hollani settlement of Sioux county and Henry Len , derink. the Eleventh district elector on th republican tielct. is the leader. The ewto : Knights of Pythias hand will go as an cacar to the' department commander. The law ; - department will go solidly ( or General Je I. . siab Given at the ataie' supreme court , ( a U commander-in-chief. lIe is a very popula . man , was at one time' candidate for tb , republican nomination for governor , and wa ii a drummer boy in the Mexican war. -V ! ; eniuii : oi ii'z'iiti is OJIDEItEL 1 'I'ii Ou-n nil ' % 'orkmncii'flI Icinn liii il C- tic lo u i'iiip ( if % ; I NEYORK. . Aug. 3G.-A general strlk ; : of painters has been ordered to take plac d tomorrow. wh'ch will Include men in othe I' trades abe will quit work In sympathy wit d them. In shops of the contractors 'who arc c- paying wages less than the union scale c e IhO ( or eight hours work a day. I. said that nearly I.ft ( ) workmen wU c go on a strike' The ew York Paioterj union is composed of five strong organiza r. tions. with an aggregate membership c 1 , An executive board tranasets al r , busIoe for these unions and it was thi 1 , board which recently issued the order Xc , the strike. : "floyc. will be boys. " but you can't affor S. to lose any of them't tie ready for the gree ml atiple season by having DeWitt's Colic an t. Cholera Cure in the house. ci i'OI It IIt' ' Altil ) ( ILLflD I A riciii 'FtO I'elrs of IIre.elcs-j-e tar Ic-ad an Tt ( II tat-r en % 'ei1c icd e'el. tr LOUISVILLE , HaAug. . IC-A apecic front Grayson , Ky. , says : At a chure IC meeting on Little Sandy in Elliott count C. miles south of this place , four mc % tre killed and to cre eounded ne Lice fair grounds. A man named Spey C- selling whisky and a large number bure traders got Into a fight itt which tc Harrison brothers and two Whltt brothei II re Instantly killed ad two zmarn ca unknown. wounded , eac serioualy and U - otbec slightly. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I- Don't tritie sway time when you ba bolera anorbusor diarrhoea. Fight ihern e . . tb begcazmthg with rcewctts cc : ' and Cbc' ' r era Cure You don t have to wait for m- y stits they a.i-e iostartacoo's and It leave the bowels in a , htalthy cand.uoa. PRINCETON S11O\\S \ \ ACE1 OeIctbratfg the Rindro J Fiftieth Anni. i-rrary of It. Plizi thiir. ELABORATE PROGRAM FOR TkfE EVENT _ _ _ 'to ' - 'a ' " ( ' ) aleng lce-Ii1mit ] IlntrBtIIithiC tn- ro Itciun1nrIe-e of Llf' Dtf City Cii I tel cc n.-'cb aol 8 b'Il ' Cot- Ic-ge otcs. Pr1neton imniversity has arranged an elaborate program for the coming sesiqul- centenatal celebration of the Ionading of .ew Jersey's great college. The first char- icr of the' College at ew Jersey was signed by Hon. John Hamilton , presldt'nt of Ills Majesty's council , on October t. and the boarti of trustees of Princeton has ye- solved that the' celebration , eve'ring three days , shall end on the 1t0th tnnire'rsary of this incident. .keeordingly , the three days fiac'd upon arc Tuesday. Octot'er O. Wednes- day. Octobe'r 21. and Thutaday , October 2 , of the present year. The alumni of rrlnceton 82' ? showIng great interest in the approaching celebration and a great throng of them are expe'tte'd lsck to 'visit the scene of 'their college days. Consequently - sequently , the program has been arranged with a view to giving the graduates of the institution full recognition. On the first day. Tuesday , October O. the celebration will begin with a coinmemora- live religious service in the Marquand chapel et II o'clock In the morning. l'resi- dent Patton will deliver the discourse. which is expt'ete'd to se't forth the religious atti- lode of Princeton during the lt.O 3-ears cit Its existence , This service will be followed by a reception and Introduction of delegate's , iminedlately alter luncheon in Alexander ball. at 1iIch the prominent visitors wIll be' presented to he president. the members cit the hoard of trustees and of the ( acuity and to each other. Thee't'enitcg of the first day will probably be oc-rupied 13' the rendition - tion of some historically famous masterpiece in inusie. Wednesday , October 1 , the second day of the celebration , 'IIl be ahUinjil day. The exercises will begin with the delivery of the setsqui-ceictenntal , oration tend the scsqui- Centennial poem. Prof. Wandrow Wilson of the department of jurisprudence in Princeton - ton ha been elete'd to deliver the oration. Prot. wilson is an alumnut of Princeton , having been graduated in ltie. The 110cm will be by Rev. Dr. Henry 'van Dyke , pastor of the Brick church. New York. an alumnus of l'rincetoo , lii the class of 2S. The two historical literary societies of Princeton have been recognize'd in the appointment of the orator and Ioet. the former being a member o Whig ball and the latter of Clio hail. hail.Soon Soon after the poem and oration are delivered - livered I : reception will prohably be given by President and Mrs. Pzettnn at Prospect. The undergraduates are arranging ( or a foot hail game , to be played in the afternoon. The game n-ill probably he' ' pla4d between the e'leven of the toiveraitytofrginia and the Princeton 'varsity , altbotgh If Is not dci- , inltely arranged as yet. lcl tb& evening a , historic torchlight Procession iH be given , by the alumni and undergrauetes of Prince- tan on the campus. The ntr ! university park 'will be brilliantly illuminated for this occasion , and the dormitories nvtil be dab- orately decorated with the'cdltt'ge c'alarz. The jeroce'sainn will be re'viewed n the front I campus , nnI among the spteakCI. it Is cx- pected. will he President C'le'veland. After . the procession is over , sudefl1 songs of ? Princeton will he sung byalonrni and undergraduates - dergraduates on the steps of' Ol orth , The' third day ot the c-iebi'ation is the actual lt.Oth anniversar' day f the found- tag of the ollege4 and the a tqu-eentennial . celebration propet e'iil tade place on thui day. beginning at U a. m. , 'ceith' &ii scademie ' ail0'Tber ad- Aieanc3er , precession to , ' ' . { 'ieve. dresses will be delivercd by'rt'sleOt I land and President patlon. The formal assumption of the university title will be announced. ivhen the old Cciliege at Nes Jersey will become to time. 55 it has actually - I tually been for some 3ears. Princeton lnI- veralt ) ' . The list of givers to the cndow- - ment fund. now being cop1etcd. will lie : ' . announced. and those upon whom the university versity will confer honorary degrees will be - presented and rc'ceie their degrees. All S this will pratiabll OC'CuPl' ne3r13 two hours S and with the close of this meeting the pub- lie exercises of the sesqui-ee.ntennial cele- . bratian will come to an cod. In the evening - . ing , however. a farewell dinner will be gives - for the visiting 'dc-legates from sister institu- t . tiOtis , nben several toasts will be repondcd to by prominent delegates. A large committee of prominent alumni trustee's and faculty of Princeton are perfecting - : fecting the arrangements to carry out thu k''program , and nothing will be left undone S to make this the moat elaborate academic I festIval yet held in America. A large num ber of leading men have already signified . their intention to attend the celebration. sc-ar aisid Yet So Fur. Thirty-five boys and girls in Chicago , whi - reccntly applied ( or admission to the Josep Me'dill summer schooL were asic-d to answex - the followtng tx questions : 1. Were yet ever in the woods ? 2. Did you ever see I the lake ? it. Did you ever pick a ilowcr I 4 , Were yoU ever in the park ? . Did YO I ever ride in a wagon behind horses ? 6. DIc I YU ever ride in a car on the' railroad ? On eumIning the answers it was found : that thirty out at thIrty-five lied never beer in the' woods , nineteen bad never seen Lake Michigan , eight had never pitted a dower During the writing of the- answers one little : girl was found to be crying bitterly. On In' r quiry it was discovered that she bud beer I obliged to answer no to nearly all the gut's. tions and "was afraid she wouldn't iaas. I The' secretar3' of the Bureau of Charities , ii S yclating the incident- , said : 'Sbe bad ne'et seen Lake Michigan. never picked a dower - never teten in the 'tvaodb ; but she uaderstu :1 : perfectly nell an examination. " Ifiinentionnl Nc.tcj. . C Charles Lester , ' & years old. who died the U other clay at Berea. Ky. , was one of th , t ounderse of Berca. college , the first lostitu. a tian established in the south for the caedu. ecation of the white's and blacl. r Awkcanpr Ilaatmobr , the principal at i r college' for the' blind in Odeasa. Russia , ii C making a tour through thia country to cx a amine the methods of teaching used In the schools and college's for the instruction o the blind. He says that Russia has nearl I. seven time's as many blind among her popu lation as the United States. . C. Lasell seminary. AuburdthMass. . , ha : just received a medal and a c'rtiOcate a e award from the World's Cotumbian expoai e tion. The certificate reada Fer Excelleoc r at Equipment and Work1 ip jAil Depart h fliCUt5. Including Manual flining. " Tb medal ( in an aIuinijuin acia.'four incite e square. lined with blue vetl'4 IF of bronze If three inches In diameter,1 leafiag on on side the inscription. 'W rid'e Columbiat Exiiocettlon. In Commemargttccp.of the Four Hundreth Anniversary cif the Landing a - Columbus. MIX'CCXCII-MDC'-CCXCIII To Laskehl ! eminary. " send on the reverse aide an intagilo of C4Iuxabus landlag. It Is a beautiful piece of work. Speaking of schools. the Academic dec Paris will give , as a reward to certain successful students. 'what Americans i-au 'ersmnal1y eondaeted' tout-s during the vacation. Rus. 51 ! is the country selected. and. rithougb stopping at tb best hotels. ruch rates have t'e'e'n severed thst 1.0011 Xraeca wuil c-ot'er the coat of each 11ercn's expenses An cx- sebeol teacher is awaiting trial for swindling people on the strength of this tour sehemne. Having 'obtained a list of the' youths uho teere going , be called upon the pat't'nta. acl. stating that an error bad bc-en tnads in the computation of eslieflac. c'otlec'te' & a insll additional sum. The plan orleed s well that be was getting rich ben the discovery overtook him. and be will spend P vacation in jail. Daniel B. hlagar. 'aba has just died sit Sharon. Mass. . was one of the notable edo- caters of Massachusetts. "In 1 ( . ' say the Boston Transcript. 'be became principal - cipal of the Salem Normal school. asi for thirty-one years he 'aa at the head of that 'well known institution , graduating during his regime snore than 3LMD PUPilS During his life be was omcially eonnerted with all the greater state anti national associations. and was many times honored with eleetlott'e 10 the highest places of preferment. He ' .as for nany years the e.ditor at the' sias- ac'buctts Teacher. and besides many ducat - cat onal ad'reseS. Ie irote a series ci inath- ematical texttooie Soi.ttli Otnalia News . As an instance of how careless the' e1ty affieial were at the' time' the franchise to the water works company was granted ant the contract was entered into the folictn'tag comparison of the records is made. The er- dinanee granting the franchise 5a35 : "Thc charges far water to be the same as now charged In Omaha. ' That was in IIIS7. atid ac-carding to that record the water works companl could charge the 3bS prices or the' term of its franchise. scventCeo ys-ars. But the coitract in possession of the corn- pany reads , "for the' same lerices aa It meow charges or ma ) ' he'reaficr charge for elm- liar services in the city ot Omaha. " Another point that is in the contract. the comI'ats3' agrees to keep amid maintain at the surfae at the ground a pressure of eighty pounds. That refers especially to fire hydrants. There has not been eighty pounds itressure at any of the fire hydrants for a long time. In l'e superintendent's ollice at the tole yards is a self-registering water gauge. On Saturday - day forenoon the gauge showed a pressure of from forty to forty-five pounds. Once in a great while the pressure runs up to sixty pounds. but it is very seldom. There is one' point in favor of the eompan3' that it will not do to overlook. The pressure Is always increased In time of fire. When an alarm of fire is turned in a gong In the Poppleton avenue pump station rIngs ad the engineer In charge setS the big pumps to 'work and thus helps ( flit the nater pressur a great deal. With the big thirty-inch male now In use there ought to be plenty of'a'ater to extinguish almost any fire here. But strictly speaking the contract Ia ot lived up to by the eompafl3 because the eighty poundS Pressure is not maintained all of the time. I TO A ChANGE. Tlclnii Strc-i-t Car Ete'n"ion 'Wueiiti Tithe 'I'rziit Out s.f . the City. Contrary to expectations there' was Ito meeting of the directors of the Omaha Street Railwal company last week and consequently no decision has bcvn reached in the matter of eLtendthg the line around Thirty-third streetIt has been suggested by one of the parties interested in the proposed - posed improvement that the Hanscom patle line. which has a terminus near Sheely. be extended to the packtng houses and not construct the proposed loop. This could be done by building about one mile ot track , which it is thought could be laid a gmat deal cheaper than the loop. The same ohject. that of direct communication with the packing house's , would be atu.tmied and such an arrangement would be far more satisfactory to N street business men than the building of a loop. All of the' packing houae managers are anzious for a street car line ito 'be built to pass their plants , as it would bring a great deal of Omaha trade to them. and that is just the' reason many of the local merchants object to the line. With the line built and one fare charged it is asserted that many Oinaha people 'would buy their meats at the ; ack- ing houses , and thetn again people tiving in the Third and Fourth wards would ndc to Omaha to purchase their dr gouds J groceries. Business here would not lee beti- cfite'd one particle except right itt tbe jack- tog houses. The people would like to see the matter decided one way or the other soon. and it probably will be within another , week. .4IIAPING MUD CREilI ' lic'or Si'P' SOIncticilIsa Must lieDone' at Oiise' . The matter of abating the Mud creek ui- sance has remained dormant far some time , but 3estcrday Mayor Ensor said that he was , ready now to Push the stock yards and pack. ing houses into doing something , mend he intended - . tended to get at it this week. When the question was first brought up an offlial elL L cmii at the packing companies said that thc grtater part of the nuisance nas traceable to thecity. . He asserted that it was the L wash from the streets and alleys of the city that smelled so badly. and not the refuse L , I ( rein the' yards and packing houses. Whet I this statement reached the mayor he at ooce investigated and now sa'-s that it is prepos. . , terous to assert that the' wathings of the city run into Mud creek. The railroad tract I . is betneen the city and the' creek and the roadbed is protected by zen embankment , atc that it is impossible for surface waier to s-ui c . south into the creek. It has been learned that refuse from all of the packing houses is allowed to run iotc the' creek , and also the waste water ( row the stock yards. Furthermore. it is asseerteic by an official of one of the , corporations. thai , the' city cannot compel the packers or yart t company to cover the creek. as It is a nat . ural waterway. The stock -ards compan . has a good sewer dlre'ct to the river ant that can be used by the yards if neecssar C Instead of Mud creek. lInisIu Street Car Tratick. t The stre'et car company tviil commence I this morning to raise Its trachea on the' Al bright stub lice. A stretch at about 4O . feet of track will have to tie raised , in semi places as much as two ( e'et , in order to eon S form to the' grade eatablialceid , When tbi ; f work is completed Contractor Hannon wil . go ahead and push the grading of the road , A hitt1 work has been done. but the rain ha . kept the men back some and then the slow ness of the street car people lii gettIng t c work on their tracks caused amiothe'r wait The road ought to be finished in two 'seeks ci and If the 'seather is dr' for a shari tim I and the roadway has a chance to settle be - fore it Is washed out it will be In firsi-clas f I shape , On account of the grade it is ( care ii . . Il - Rht in the face _ = \ _ of all thcs'o1d prejudices and false ideas in favor of 7 , " \ , ' soap , see what Pearline has done. ' 4 - " Hundreds of millions of I . : packages - . -r : c. - " have been used ! That sho's it. il / _ "Q : : : : . , - Probably there never was another I ' Ar ) household article that came into I , ' 7 general use so rapidly , so wonder- I- ' ( I' . fully , and from the very' start , too. ) r' ' see'women 'were ready for U. : : _ _ ; . _ it. Most of them were tired to death t 7 - of wasting their time and strength - and with needless and ruin- : : I ; = = = _ money - cc ous rubbing. It hasn t taken them , long to prove to themselves that Pearline is easiest , quickest , safest , most economical , in all washing and cleaning. Every I. can prove it. ; that the fresh dirt tIll wash out easiiy sod ih keeping of iho rsid in rspatr wUl b a constacat expense in the city. . co.rs ) ibNlIVTO Mi l LItihlT , Cltosigca ice LCfti-l- ; IIIC. ( 'Ity Will He Fayr Iii Ceti.'e-qeirnc'o. lmi the feture the qwee4isn r1 iovIag eke- tek street lights will be carefully eee- sllered liefore azi eider is gireti for the. ii'- motai and relocation of any of the llgbcts. Heretofore the councilmen shifted the lights around pretty much as they ; 'k'ased. but sifice the city will hire 'to pay f for ci cry light relocated there will bet tie so many changes ordered. The electric Iigbt rotn lisny found that it was at c'oatslderabile c's- liemiM' in moving the lights and recently 'shet , the council otde're'ci two lamps moved tlc company , through Its manager. stated that it nould leave to be liald for the nettle soil the wire used. ? i4c'mt'c'r ! of the e'onneII thought the electric light teoyie ought let be willing to move the lights for nothing aud the tilatter nas reft'i'red to the directors et thct' c'tnnpany. The question was taken up and the decision of the aupt'i itcteneient was Bnsttined. .fic't' this tcnrnvals iiil tie' charged for. When the' mayor was informed at 'the dvcislov b. said tlct the cights noisid remain ihcre thy .eere. as lie would not countenance arc expenditure , of Public money ten- such a purpoe at this timeIt wta itlendoet to remove the light from the n'ldetlc of the' I. . street viaduct to the inter- sew-tiomi cit Tn-enty-sevcnth and L streets and nice' ( torn Twenty-Oral and l.irown to T.ven. ty-sec'oxid and Brown. Miciaje Cil Geii'.Ii , Mrs. Ncis Pnc litton is visiting in Iowa. .joiiii l13'nn htts returned ( coin Wahef11d. nilcyt' be went on a hunting trip. 'Tuesday ercuing the' members of the First Baptist church will giic a trolley party. William Managan leaves today for the Indian Territory , ube'rc , he 'sill spend a two weeks' vacation. Itc' . Dr. 'Vliesler 'sent to Bt'hle'vue last night and * cddrc'sed the Sarpy County Chris- . tiati lnJcavor convention. : ntuNla3 ciening renna Allberry. general I Itcanager of the' Drovers' Journal. emtei' inimical hits asth-e force al lila hoinci , SiC Norit I Twent'r. fifth atreeL Tuday \Veditcaday mornings the c1i3 council "ill sit as ci board of equalization t for the purpaie of equalizing the tax oc I sidcwalla i'ec'entiy laid. The regular mnot'titig of the city council which ie'ns Set I'dthis evening has bc'e'Ii postponed itnill Tuesday evening at the request - quest of Councilman Huhcs. Sigmund Landaberg leaves today fem : Ogden. Utah. After a short visit there Mr. Landsbcrg will sail for Europe , where he nill 5tUd3 music for a year. A 'iVIIALII IN ll.ltXlS Aln'kn Mmiii iIn a ten ) ieiaiser tt.ici I l'ull , . ii html. In Lice North sea live's a whale that has at equal in the waters of any ocean , accord tot : to the doubtless eracious yarn spun h ' Captain hllacl : . 'who is just back from Pop Off Island , Alaska , where he is connec-tec , I with the customs department at Sand Point ThIs uhale , nhose name , Bulahoy. in the . Alcut tongue , means big in teone and large 0 tail , was captured when a calf , in the spring ot 1S114. writes ii corresmondeot ; aX the : Globe-Democrat. It was then it inontmu old and about fifteen feet long. It wac corrziled in Pirate Cave bay. the entrance : to 'shich is not more than iCe feet wide across which a strong wire net was tretcbe i by , lohn C. Whiley , the storekeeper at the tcland. Whuley and Icis native seriant , Efteha made an attempt to feed Bulho- and were suececaful. W'hiley rigged up a walrus blud der , to which lit' attached sia or seven fee t of garden hose ; four or five gallons of cow' : milk were poured Into the walrus bladde bottle and Whileiy and Efteha paddled along side of the pup in a bidarlea. or native canoe By dint ot coaxing the Indian persuadee Bulahoy to take to the bottle. and whet : the men itarted for the shore the whal followed , and from that Ume' on was read ; to go 'wherever 'the boat 'went. For tb , next six weeks he was fed twice a diii uttil at last the mammal would come whei called from any part of the bay and toni t be handled 'with impunity. While the train log was going on Whiley bad made a set o harness tar his pet and announced that Ii was going to drive him to San Franciscc Friday , September 20. 119& . for the firs time probably in the history of the world a 4-year-old , twenty-five' foot ithale we succ'esfuily put in harness. VThen Whiley an . Efe ha. after Imtchlng up the' new boat-pulier started for the shore. Bulshoy , as usual t started the bidarka , and in doing so mud the discovery that everything was not a it &hould be. Then be reared and piunget at a lively rate. lashing out with his tai until the water boiled in his efforts to ( re himself. But the harness held and the , ' \e.as no shake o to it. For two whole day Bul&hoy bucked and refused to come at lb call of Wliiley or the Aleut. Hunger. how ever. brought him to his bottle , and on ib third day , as the Indian was out on the ba : in his bidarka , Bulaboy came meekly along side and begged for 'his mnth-delaye breakfast. which was giien him. Prom that day on Bulahoy 'was trae-table t and Whiley could haul on the guy ropes ci reins attached to the harness without tli . whale standing on his bead and dlsappcas in : . October 1. 1Se5. Whiley amid Efteha teethe the long boat belonging to the station , an attaching a tow line to the harness banc just in front of the fore flipper began cruise aroiod the bay In a surpriaingl short time .iileticiy iio'Id pull the boat in any dircvtknm ji-att'e'iI , Ms' Zi of tbls year Whiley ssd his .kkiit toek the net trots tbe , motb of the' hay , aisd , at''rding to a prearrasged pro. grain , struck out into the iecp eaie'r fc'r Osaga Isisad i.ixtPn miles away. This voyage' , tbt first of its kind slac * the crc- atIo 1sf the wovi. was ss4e se1tbot a mishaii. They atter'sard iisa4 a yagn t from Po-O to Xscrluit island. and frr.sn there 'etill drive ) shbuy south by easr stages. It is the InteicIIo to slop on the war smath at all sit the stunmcr resorts aieg the' Oregon and t'aiifeirnla coast. and the novel sect chariot is e'ipee-lcd off tb Ore- ten toast bt'ticet August 1 an4 lit. a It was expet-te'd to ) CBCe Ksrls1 atiot J& . _ - 7 - 1lentdqeisrtrt' cit (3iiti fleneoe'rnt . INDIANAPOLIS. Aug. 1-The ( natloseci gold standard ds'morrcets xecutiie commit- tlie has selected pselor 12. Grand hotel. this city , for Ibe' he'adquartcre of tht' national I committee at the , eercccee'bing national con- i emitlon to be bcid In this city Se'ptcmbe.r . p DISTRESSING j IRRITATIONS OFTHE 4 flllllll To ctc'nlis. l'utlly , and l'cxnettft' ' the' eLla. scalp , acid hair , to iLitsy itching ctid lrritation , to boit chafing. , e'soriatIotis , aud tceccratie , weak- ie-s''P. tO 5Il't'dIt % ' Cute' tilD fir , t pi'eaI'cciInp ef torttirtr. , difigurttig siin amid sca'p ' humors , elitilisig l.a IltiCe' . ( .0 "ttt , O ihioIt'sotne , so rpc'rdccy c'freetit'v as wT.u Leitli , with e'e'rIcOr.a , . bleAt' , atid getitte a''tIcatluua of et.'vlrtca ( oI'trnt'nt.Thi' ) s-teat sUu cure , SoIl ttiuwtui ti hrecc. Ci'ei'SA er. * Cii' . ? .S" S 1r."L' { I ' 1 , SC 11,11 II. i'urini lIava vile c'i , ' , ee : ttntnti iii'i I'thi6AIL ' BANK Counci1B1it11s , Iowa , CAPITAL . . . $100,000 , t'fl SOLICIT OEIt h1Li.hifss. % % 'E DEihitE TOUR C0LLECTIOiS ONC Oh" TIt5 OLDEST BANS IN IOWA. riit CLINT } 'AID ON TIMLI 1)i3OITS. . CA.LT. . LXD EE VS Ott VRITE. ' ' 5Zl EVERYWOMAN , _ . Sonieterres ne-side aeliatilf monthly regulating inedicta . DR. PEAL'S : - - pEWNYROYALpILLS , , prompt safe ILtId certain in re-suit Tiec crau 7 a ' . " lIsatiirt t-na ' be fur l'ect I. ' T I" " hnrenei' C Ehermea & Me1ctInt.Il l't-uc : i . itIc ta'1ge ctt''e'L. ( 'rnatut eb _ _ iI'iLi : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0000000000000000000000 .0 0 8 SCLTZ'- 0 0 0 FL4 0 i 0 3i4. 356 , 311 , South 16th street 0 0 Just opened. Eivet'ything new. 0 , 8 BES ! OT [ HOTEL IN IBE JTY . ' 8 ; 8 Rooms 75c , $1 and Si.5O Day , i FIrSXCILSnSCOTCIUCOUUCCtIOU o o . 0 t 8 LIEVEN , Proprietor. 8 ooooooooPpoc.ooooooo ) ( OTEL. . ' ' STrtEE''S. ThIlhtTEC'1'Ii AND J(1NIS . 141) roOms. baths , steam heat and all mode'rt C coflvenkvic'es Iaiea. Z1ib end 55 ( tO per day. Tatte unice1Ieci cat low rules to re'guler a boarder , FItANK UtL.tJTC1I. . Mr. d IlItC,5TiCI' ti. . HARDIR COLLEGE MID CONSERVATORY Yciuudi'd hiy Ei.Gc.v. Uardtu. C , ( .riujd succii , . . h'wons to In . . . = aeat4-L 24 irsfc."or Irene S " ' : , . 'ga.t i"4s'nII'rrsitie'h , guict t t-os.er- . C -a j ' _ _ - . - . A t..ICK ) pIanG y - _ _ _ cC My hi'stIii dericcun cemn- . serb dory , ' .rIinri'cnL a , I1irct m's 1.atgtt. cbttpsrt , t'at beed ( cirl'ret'a. jdezico.Ma. d , ILLEOES FE1E OLLEGEJ r , JACKSONVILt.E , ILL. Tbnrc'ugb eourstc superior icirully : re'hlnt'cl cur- I rouscIllICk ; ( 'tiri..t.icin borne Terms ren&sonahIa . Write ( or irces.e'itus. ; lila. JOPt. IL. IL.ftIEZ. Pre'eiciemit. i FEMALE ! rc'l Ezigile ( LImO Clasi.iri4 hehoui Uti'ri.J7. lit a- a etc ArteuuTe ) . Ccrucn.taazizttw wctceiy.hmnIth , y vflhar , set Iioi OLe L I . staaaun , J'r1.ascc.IlIt. , ice. (5Idi.lt1i.nrze..t tIiIilar' * . . . . jEETWORTIJ _ _ _ Cs zpeaeeeLnw , lquipmeutOom'letei. ' SuppliudbytticGc've'rn 'ic SeiCI MILITARY p.M 'V mnent with Arms end Army Olllee'r. Address. orCatitlottue fCADa. a . , . . . : tsiDR AhV1CR SLLtER.M,1.SUPT. , , ENTAL LLE ' ° YOUNG LaUESS LEXINCTOH , UO. I Thort.zgtily , , itifem yrag'reisve School t.Jp' tc.-dte cm , alt des-anneals ana apflotntments Course-s cit study I ( (5 kJroup plan. Music Art , Oymemaalum the best , Address Piratfent ARC1tIEtALI ) A. JOi'ES. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - A1ERCAN IN EVERYThING - - - AND ALWAYS FOR TUE PEOPLE I - - c : : : : The Financial Question is an issue between - . - Patriotism and Aneriaamustn on the one Icani ; Ruvolsitiozi ctnd . - a I - - . Bepudiatiomi OZ tiio other. 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Special Campaign Offer. _ _ _ The North American will be mailed regularly to - any address until November i5th for Sixty Cents . - Orders and remittances should be sent to - - - 9- THE NORTH AMEFIICN , 99 PhiIadepha , Pa.'a 9- - - For Information regar1In : adver1I1n u'ply t Fz-inlt S. Grsy - - Co. , 41 imnd 4 rribun I3idng ] ! , New York C ity ,