THE OMAHA DATI.T BEE : , ArGFST 14 , 1S96. tv. LOVE LEADS TO A TRAGEDY totrtg Fanner Oommits 8nio53e in n Horrible rible Manner. HIS BODY DESTROYED WITH LIFE | Cninl Into n lt r ? < nrk HIM ! Aftfr I Irlnt It IMnern n Ilrinl rr In IliM Jlrnd nnd Jllurr * Out III * Hr lu . BEATRICE , Aug. IS. ( Special. ) A bor- rllrtt r-ulrldr occurred In thin county last nigl.1 The victim belni ; John Kozak , 2H jcfK of age , whose home was near Vir- p.Csa broftll Btatlon In the eastern port of the county on the Rock Island. Early iu tl e evening younc Kozak called upon Mitt Hnlika , daughter of Albert Hubka. a wctl'liv farmer , and upon leaving placed K lel'er in her hand , at the same time Intl- tlmt ii wa the lust time bhe would ee him. Tpon opening the letter and it * content ! pointed strongly to sui cide Itwas decided to follow the young man nnd discover , if pOBblble , his Inten tions , Going to his bcmfc , H was learned that Jobn had been there a short time l > e- lore but lad gone again Starting out cp .n tbe frpnixbrrE diBcoiered a trtraw rtatk in flamef about forty rod * from the booRc Hastening to the scene the flames er < extinguished , and ill the center of the li.le wns found the body ot young Kozak , b dlj burned nnd a bullet hole in his left ' temple Itwas quite apparent that Kazok had deliberately dug a hole Into the side of the stack , crawled in , set fire to the rtruv and then bhot himself. While noth ing is absolutely known as regarding the cause of the tragedy , it Is believed that un requited love- vat at the bottom of the trouble Kozak war un exemplary young snan highly respected In the community In which he resided Coroner Miller was summoned this moru- uc , and , tftcr holding an Inquest , the fu neral service VIIE held at B o'clock this afternoon , interment being made In the Vir ginia cemetery. OJf TllK CLI S THAT MIVKII JE. % Vlir - IJclitiiliic ; Jtixl < liHllfrH Flml Tin- 1 r Fn orlle Vlrtiiu * . BENNINGTON" Neb , Aug IS. ( Special ) This ectiin of the country has recently beeji liolhercid bj- lightning rod swindlert , Btn-tral iarmers were taken iu in Bums [ Tanging from .JM ) to 1120 There were four ( parties to the same and they were i > rofeB- 1 slonnls. The first man would go to tht liarmer and represent tolilm that he was In la No 1 locality to ndi eTtite "his goods and [ therefore iio would rod all his buildings fen la very small Bum , in one case J3.7Ii , and 1 would make a contract to that effect , uiid let the farmer read it Then -while tht Ifarmcr was making the necessary prepare- ItlonE to sign It , the lightning man would Icvchange contracts and the farmer would Iclgn a contract agreeing to 7iay TC wntt pel Jloot for all the Ted the swindler -wished [ to put-up. The contractor would then depart land the next day another fellow would ap- I pear .and put up the rods , flaying lie had been Kent there by Mr So-And-So to rod the building. When be bad finished his part of the jirogrnm , he would depart and tht third man would call with the contract Joi la settlement. The bill was in niobt everj [ case about $300which the farmer was asked I to make settlement .for. The farmer would be howu what he had signed and Inmost lease's , if a compromise could be effected Don about (100 , the .farmer would think ht | was getting off cheap and would sign z note lor a short time for the amount paj- lablo to bearer. Then when the note -wai Idue Hie fourth man would apjnsar to collect .t , claiming bewas an innocent purchase ! and "knew nothing about what the note -woi given for , _ r Wliilr Tj-Jtmjiliic Home. NOKTH HLATTil , Neb. , Aug. 15. ( Spe Iclul. } B. J. Beckbard , the tramp -who wai on the railroad near Paiton a lev I weeks ago , proved to be the son of a prom in and ui.lludo I eat - > - clothing merchant o ' , Ray Beckhard , a brother of thi , deceustd , arrived yesterday from Boston pni I lad the rentaius exhumed and ehippzS ht/mc The diiaeased had been quite a spurt 1n Hos lion and had cost his father several thoui&m Idolbiri In getting him out of scrapes. Final ! ; 1 the father sent the boy to San F.ane-iKco Iprocuriug him a position there. Touni IBeckhard belfl the iiosrtion but u short tinii 1 when ie threw the job o-verboard anl wa itramjiing east at the time of the accident He VOB but 18 j-cars old at the time of hi Ideatt. _ JL. O. U.V I'lriilc. OCTAVIA. Neb. . Aug. 13. ( Special ) Th < tnnual jilcnlc of the Butler County .unsocia tlon of the Ancient Order of United Work nen was held at Octavia .yesterday am wag a decided success About X0"0 wcr Bprenejit and all enjoyed thenitttih es. Jame of Ulncoln delivered 01 very able un lnpnropjriAte addienswhich was well r leeivjid and the eloquent speaker leceive Imany comjiliinents on his masterly eflorl Attcr the program had lieen rendered a : Impromptu ball game was gotten up to uc Icommodate the Bellwood ball club , wlilc : Iliad come iireiuued to bbut out any clu fvlilch dared to contewtith it. The gam [ WEE liotly cuntested and rebutted in favor o [ the Octavias by a score of E to 2. HUMBOLDT. : Neb. , Aug. 12. ( Sji The tenth annual pieiiir of the Old fiottlcri asBOclatlon of Richardson county , held u Ilotheaberger'B Erove. Jour miles Boutbent ol tlis city , opened yesterday. The momUi was Biimewhat cloudy , but the breeze huu cleared tiie sky and it is bright and warn A regular proecBbion t'l vehicles from ji direct ioiit ) iias brought an asoemblage tst xnattid at 7.000. The principal ad Ji L.bfiver l > y Judge J H. J3roady In the forenoon an Hon. W -Suiuiuurji in the ofLeriiiiiin. I > ri > Ntrnttlij ) - IIut. . Js'OIlTJ3 PLATTE , Nelu. Aug. 12. ( Spt ciaL ) A Touug man named Huffman -wa overcome bj1 heat on the road north towoi jeaterday afternoon. Late in tbe'4irtei niKin he WJIK picked up In jiu uucoiiBclou condition by a partjof hay campers an lirought to town. whm > ie U being care lor He belonged to the Knights of Pj thUfc , and nt tlie time -was Bearchlng to work He IB somewhat better thie eve-u ing , although not out of dar.ger roHMAt.l.T I"ILB THE In th - 15xpo ltl n Arll- rlr Pat n Hpnr < l. LINCOLN Aue 1Z ( Special ) The stock- bolder * of tbe TransmlssiBiiippI fthd Inter national Exposition ot On a ha. , having held t special meeting July 1ft IB C , and adopted amendments to their article * of incorpora tion. filed the same today with the secre tary of utale Article vli. entitled. "Di rectors nnd Officers , " was amended to read as follows "The affairs tit thU corporation shall lie conducted by a board of not less than fifty directors , to be elected from among the Btockboldcrs and stock subscrib er ! . of this corporation , at a special meet- lug ot ttuckhoiaers to b called Immediately when ( .hare * of vtock upcrcpntliip the- par value of 1300,000 shall have been sul > scrlb d. uch board of director * shall elect a presi- eut , vice president , treasurer and tern ary , the duties of which officers shall be led by the board Such officers shall be elected from among the directors or other tockholders. Such officers hhall also elect ron their number an executive fommlttee if not ICKS than fi\c , nor more than nine 'hich K&ld executive committee tbnll have all the powers of thf lioard ot directors when said Imurd is not in session , and shall h < iose a chairman from their own number There shall be twentfour additional vice 'resident ' * , one for eat-h state nnd territory test of the Mississippi river Tbe board of directors shall have authority to appoint ueh other officers , agents , sen-ants cm- ilojee , committeci ; or boards as they may deem neeessary for the bublnesi of the -orporatlon , and they maj from time to Ime preBcribe the duties of all such cor- loratiouE in bueh manner as they maj deem best The board of directors shall nve nuthoritj to delegate to any suhor- llnate committee or board such duties as he board itself might otherwise exercise "The directors , when elected , thall serve luring the life of tills eoiporation. nnd hall have power to fill vacancies in their number caused by death , resignation or any other reason , and may for cause expel any member of said lioard by a two-thirds vote if the entire board " Article vii ! , entitled "Meetings , " is amended as follows. "Notice of said meet- ngs shall be given to bald stockholder and r.tock subscribers by publication In tbe daily paper * of Omaha at least two days iefore tbe time fixed for holding said meet- ngs. Hegular meetings of the board of dliectors mtj be held at any time or place within the county of Douglas , in the state if Nebraska , on call of tbe president eras as the board itself may direct At all stock- meetings any stockholder or stock ubscriber may vote who has made the pay- ncnts on hie stock subscription called for > y the board of directors , .and noting by proxy shall be allowed" Thf ease of tbe State against Charles Cuuiminge of Omaha waE appealed to the supreme court today on petition in erroi- uuimlngE was tiled before Judge Scott .n the district .court of Douglas county for the killing of Jed Vance September 19 , ISiiS. and Benteneed to ten years in the peni tentiary. Omaha people In LincolnAt tbe Llndell W E Johnson , Isaac Adams , James A. McMillar. At the Lincoln E. J. Griffith , N. G. Chllburg , W. W. Farrand. GON'VICTEU 11AJSK1IK .1. C. tVIllliiiui. On ii not litLi > catt-d lij lli < - .4utliorlt . BEATRICE. Aug. IS ( Special Telegram J Parties interested in the prosecution against J C Williams , late president of tbe Blue Springs bank , begin to fear that he bus at last given them the slip. There are three criminal charges against Wtlllamb and he is under sentence to the penitentiarj upon one conviction. In that matter he has been admitted to bail bj tbe supreme court in the -sum of S2,0t > 0. upon an appeal. An officer -was bent to Blue Springs re cently to cite Williams to appear and give bond upon the other three charges and he could not be found. His family stated tha he is out on the road traveling for a cigar house , but could give no defluate informa tion as to hiE w hereabouts. } > t. Kdnjirfl AV innii UHI-M u { itiiu ST .EDWARD , "Neb. , Aug IS. ( Special. ) Considerable excitement was created las night About 9 o'clock by the report at a gun coming Irom the second floor of the old hotel "building occupied by Mr and Mrs William Heberllng as a residence Investigation showed that a man had knocked at tbe door of one of tbe rooms anl , Mrs. Heberling answering the call , ht made an Indecent proposal to her She closed the door in his lece and procuiec her husband's > > hotgun as quickly us pos sible Tbe man made an effort to enta when the woman gave > itn the contents a Ike gun The report called a crowd , bu IID trace of the man could be found. Tht rear door was open , however , nud lie prob ably made his eBcape that way No markf from the load in the gun can be. .found in eide tbe building , and either there was nc .shot in the gun or the man carried Iht charge away with him. C niitj Turli T * . FULLERTON , Neb. , Aug. 18 ( Special.- Tbe Kanee County Teachers' Institute con veiibd in tbe High school building in thi citjMondaj - morning -with an e-nrollmen of seventy-five teachers. Great interest 1 being -Uiaiiifestud by tbe teachers , and mud credit is due County Superintendent Fihhej for the able .manner In which the institute is conducted The instructors are Pro ! W H Pillbbury of Falls City and Prof C. A Fulmer of Edgar. Judge W T Nor ns of Ponca Jctur d in the Prebbj-tei-iat church Tuebduy evening on the fcubjecl "The Perfect Manhood" to a large Jind ap preciative audience. JViu-lier * of Hini r < 1 County ST. PAUL. Neb. , Aug. 12. ( Social. } Th Howard county institute commenced Mon day under the direction of Prof. Sailor o Lincoln and Mrs. Haj-ward of this city i t uelierb. There are nearly 300 teachers i anendanrewho artreceiving valuable In Btructiotifa Tuesday .night Trot Sailor de llvure.d a lecture in the Methodlut churc on the subject of "The Evolution of th Republic. " _ r 15 < * jif ffroiu I > tMi11i. JEFFERSON , la. , Aug. 15 , ( Bjieclal Tele gram. ) The residence of Postmubter Try o Farllu was struck by lightning 3ast nigh and completelj' demolished The family o six was eating cupper iu the house at th time , but none were Injured. Hurwt1'hlff S * * l < * u * * d * BEATRICE. Aug. 13. ( Special Telegram. -F S. Ingram jileaded cuilty to horw Eteollne Jieforu Judge Hastings today 4111 was M-iteneed to one jear iu the peul tejitlary. TO 11JIAW UXI Tluit lh to draw < > ue J ls Van tij ) to the -curb awoiiijiauSccl l > .v t\\o liig IUL-II to curry off a wholelioune fall -tif oodi > &tone wliucl : tliut'b theeason * me * 'to dtiiw to1 our&elve'p llie inovirg of this 4ltT ! noltody < ! lst > tliinl.ti * f -doiug it liUe we do they -lout know bow wf're sot it flown lo a col ] ut > uji. Omaha Van Our iS55 in CAMP LINCOLN'S BCSY LIFE of Tetoianfi Enjoy the Eeunioa at Superior. THEIR ENTHUSIASM BECOMES A FLAME Slorlro of TliHr I > - - l i f Vnlor > u IJI t fl-'i inUr l Ilattlr PlrlA * Pro- i < iUH MrmnrlfH of Mlr- rinp > nl r - . SUPERIOR. Neb. , Aug IS. ( Special ) One reunion ought not to expect evcry- hlng , put Camp Lincoln has evcrj-thlng hat a well regulated reunion may deslrr The cool , fair weather continued jesterfluy nd as t-arly as -o'clock the crow d had ommenced to gather They came not by ialf dozens and dozens , but by hundreds and liy 10 o'clock Itwas impossible to go brough the crowd , one must be carried with it It was a happy crowd , the shows aptured enme , tbe merry-go-round was Illed to overflowing anfl many a fellow war ceil to give hU girl . squeeze and ask her f she had swung enough Then there were he hot taffy , peanut and popcorn stands cane racks and a thousand other things hat make a gimd time and break the pocket- took. Of course there ! ( a bowery ; such dancing and fiddling' Many fat women in outlandish costumes were there , and Sousa ilmHclf would go crazy should he tiy to arrange music for nil the steps Then there B a show exhibiting a flying ludj , who real ) } ooks JIB if she only giew Irom the waist up. until a strong breeze catche-s tbe curtain iftc it up and exposes the hulf of her BO careful ! } hidden. The greater crowds gather at the speakers' rtnnd At 10 .SO yesterdaj T J Majors ad dressed the vabt audience For an hour the veterans listened to him Congressman Salner - us then Introduced. Hit address was Btrongl } permeated with common senwe and wisdom With him the- desire to better one's countrj * Is placeds above all others and its life depends upou the loalty and character ol its people He especially marked the joung men with their duties. ! or a crisis where ruin would follow aB at as during the war vac at bund and Lhe icBUlt in a great measure would be due to them At 2 o'clock Captain W C Henrj welcomed the Women's Relief Corps in one of his most pleasing addresses Thib wab followed bj addresses b } > lre Addie Morgan and Mrs Jellibon Both were of great In terest Tlie } are read } speakers nud they spoke- most eloquent ! } of their caube. The i-Ktent of the good the } do never will be known , but marj' a home ewer eve u its very necessaries to this organization The magnitude of their viork iu alleviating the Eufiering during the diouth jear is almost incredible Their program was Inlerspeised with mush- and recitations , v.hich were well rendere-d Their addressei at the campflre of the evening wereTeceived with much en thusiasm The program for tomorrow is as follows- , Half past 10 a m. , addresses b } Hev. ? . Johnson and General W. L Colhj. 2 p m. addresses by Hon. John J. Ingalls , H C KuiiBcll Hon G E. MeKeeb } ; campflte in the evening , addresses by Hon John J Ingalls , H. C Russell , T J. Majors , A1- toruej- General Churchill , Colonel Shuler and Colonel Morrill. AfcHIIS TO > COCA TV Close of IJlulilt-rjilli Aiiuiiul 1U- 12 ii Ion lit Illiiir. BLAIR. NeK , Aug. IS. ( Special Tele- giam. ) Today closed the eighteenth annual reunion of the Wabhingtou County Vet erans' association. Yesterday the exercises were opened at 1:30 p. m by an overture by the Blair Cornet liond. followed by a recitation on tlie Grand Army of the Repub lic by Mrs. Hindley and the whistling regiment - ment by Josephine Palmer. An Inturcsting address , "waB delivered bj- Mrs Rosalia Con- doii of Pawnee City , department president of the Women's Relief Corps of Nebraska , and Rev George Williams. At 7 p m there was an open air concert by the Blair orchestra. At : 'JO p. m. a sham battle was fought , in which the soldiers used fire works for guns. Today the annual election of oBcerB oc curred. B M Wilney was elected colonel , Edwin Hindley. lieutenant colonel , W S lUchurdB. major ; John Patrick , chaplain ; L. C Weber , turgeon. George P. Detempte was elected -pemianejit Becreturj as Ions as the association lasts. At 1 p. in. the Blair Cornet band enter tained the people with several pieces ol music , followed by speeches from F. E. ' How-elL L W Osborn and Judge J. Fawcett , after which the association adjourned. One hundred and flftjthree veterans reg istered nt the camp and It is claimed tc l e the most enthubiantic reunion ever held In the county Monj'wore kept away on ac count of the threatening weather. OJ < 1 * - < -ll ) < T < It.- UNION , Neb. . Aug IS. ( Special Tele gram. ) Notwithstanding the bad -weather this morjiing the eighth annual old set tlers' reunion was attended by hundreds of visltorb. The reunion will lie continued Friday and Saturday , and thousands ol people are exacted both days Hon W. C. Sloan and Jtev U C. Harmon of Nebrabki City will be tbe speal.en > for TYjday ami Plattsmouth speakers will be on tbe - proGram - Gram for Saturdav. St-iiroliliijr ft < T 11 MixMlii KIMBALL , Neb. . Aug 13 ( Special Tele gram. ) A searching party of twelve inci was organized here tonight to try to cleai up the inyhtery surrounding the Rose eattli case. Roue is supposed to liave lieeu mur derefl or lldii pped h } the thief , Cochrau us no trace of him can be found. The part ] here will join a large party in Logan county Colorado , tnd no btoiie will he left unturnei to find the misbinc man. Old Svjilrr * lit J'lculr. COLUMBUS , Neb. . Aug. 13. { Siieclal.- Arraugementfc have just been completed ftu the old bottlers' picnic for Platte and sur .rounding counties , to be Iwlfl in this citj SBjitember IB. A large program has beet prepared and Frankfort park -will be fittec for their ui-e. HAYES CENTER , Neh. . AUR , IS , ( Spe cial } Ales C. Hart , principal of Franklii academy , bpnke to a large number o : teachers nnd friends iu tbe Methodist Eplt eopal church last night. His subject wai "Books , and How to Use Them. " SOTKS moftt , Crop * Irft In nxrrllfVr'l Condition l.r t if Unlit * * . LINCOLN. AUR n ( Stypflal ) Durlnp it severe thunder ntnra this anmlng the Tct- i a en PC ot lr. Green. SwMfl street , East 14ncolnRHB struck br nothing , which net fire to the root of the lluildlnR names took awayn larpe jiwtMk W Uie root anfl the interior ot the houne" * h efl a thor ough drenching from Ibfinln and flre de partment. A number of ittrlophone poles in the vicinity w re burnpd * The flag-Stan used by the Grand AriutPf tlbc Republic at VTyuka ccmrterr * also , fjftruck br llcht- nlnE about the same time ajifl totally de- Rtroyt-d Neither of the bolts dia any harm to individuals VVILSO.VVn.LE , b. Am ; IS ( Si > pclal ) A light shower ot rain fell here j-enterday , doing a great deal of ponfl to the rorii. Llchtning struck the residence of Mr Dor- man during the rain rendurliiR his wife uti- cotiKCiouB for a short time and neM-rely t > btie-Vttic other members ol the family EXETEH Neb. . Aup IP. ( Special ) The cxtrcmtily hot niell | of weather we ha\e had the ] mst two uwk * terminated jestcr- duj- morning In a plorious rain It com menced fulling about B ? 6 and con tinued until nearly ft. the hardest rain being about 4 o clock There war probablj an inch and a hulf of water Itnlll not jequlre any more rain to finish the fluent corn crop -\cr grown here. It IB jio un common thine to find nalks of corn with from three to flte well formed can. es pecially if the stand If Bomev.hat thin The estimate for this M-e-tion of the coua- trv is Klxtj btitbeU per acre COLt'MBUS Neb . AUR IS tSpi-elal ) A heav > rain foil this moraine , panlcd by much lightning. Nearly tine Inch of rain fell CALHOl'N. Neb. . Aug. IB ( Special. ) : A heavy thunder storm paired over this place last niRUt. followed by a heavy rain The wheat and oatfc crops hu\e been much damaged by the recent rains The corn crop here -\\111 br xcr > large BELGRADE. Neb. Aup IS ( Special. ) A hiavy ralii. acroiapanled b > hall , fell last night No serums damage was Oone by the hall however Corn looks simply Immense and farmer * aie cKtimating all the waj from forty to m-vent-live bushels per acre- Tall plowing is In progress and the giound IB In Cue condition. SHELBY Neb . Atig IS ( Sppclal ) The lieaUeM rain this cummerfell this morn ing There WBR no wind but mnny > ivifl flashes of lightning. The top of the Coun cil Bluffs elevator was struck and set on fire Bcfoie the arriMil of the fire depait- ment the rain cxtinrulsbvd the blaze A Btork of grain near town WBK also de- Rtrojt-d Corn has grown BO fast that many earn ha'- extended several inches beyond their large , o\erloj > jlug husks to get room to grow f'romlm-iil 51 'linnt Dro iiriL. CHADRON. Neb . Aug. IS ( Special Tele gram ) "Word reached this city today that V. Cladelt of Buulap a Email town In this countj. had been drowned. Nothing defi- nute , however can be learned Cladek wab vpry prominent in political and business circlet , , v. ell-to-do nud leaiei a large famllj He vas the proprietor ol a large cheese factor } , JSfliriiKUn AtMA'oH's. . Cheyenne people are again agitating the question of county division , - Grand Island German lutherais will ded icate a $0.000 church within "a few weeks Bancroft has floated So OOC .worth of bonds aiid vill at once camrnepce work on a sys tem of water woiks „ The south channel of the Platte river op posite Grand IMaiid is now ijuunlng bank- ful for the Srst time in six years Elmer Stayner. a farmer'residing eighteen miles 11010 Hajes Ceutei' FHfTered the loss of a leg In a runaway Wedntsday Clay Center patriots here invented 5200 in a circus tent that wit ! fceat 1 TiOO people It will be used by ell political parlies George Corcoran , editor of .the York Dem ocrat lias har.Ld his pupcrlo accept a posi tion on Tlf f. Bryan's tAetmswiPltiQ : st itt. Lew WlIliainE. clerk xif Logan county , has rtiigned. He will be tucewOrd by a repub lican appointed by the county commisEioa- Leopold Mack , living near Sidney.v&i throuu from a load of grain. His neck was hi nkeii by the fiUl and death ensued almost Instantly. Tcler Nielsen , a young Kimball county farmer , entangled his hand In the metheE of -K-indmfll and paid the local phjEician a good round sura to Lave bib digits The Grand Island hcct sugar factory will commence its fall campaign on September 15 and expects to run 120 days The crop has matured much earlier this jear than usual and Is reported to be an enormous one A Lexington horte nccldentallj bhot itself v.hlle carclcbsly foaling with a loaded re- roHcr. The weapon had been left on a blanket on the wason seat. The horse pulled the nfl of th blanket , thus throwing the jcvolver out In such a manner that the hammer ttruck the wagon tire with suffi cient force to discharge the weapon and 1:111 the animal \ K1'OIAT III THE L.AAD LAV. ' . "VTMm- > r * 3 ! l Come fri'in Uif Cositiiltilnsr tbr LuiiU. WASHINGTON. Aug. 13 ( Special Tele- cram. ) Acting Secretary cf the Interior Reynolds toflay aflirmed' ' the decision of Commissioner Lumorcauz in the case oJ Honrj Dufur. from the O'Neill land dis trict , Ncbrehka He holds that Dufur'b final proof in support of bis timber culture entry snail be rejected , on the ground that the law dctB not authorize the acceptance of witneswr' aflida lu , maflt In any othci county than the one In which the land Jt located The entry man himself only hat that privilege. Jn this case witnessed' af- itQnvlU were executed In Omaha anfl the land is located in Whttler county. James B. Martin , jr. . of Burlington , la. has been appointed rallv ay clerk. A sale of a bunch of horses on Cumluf Eticet VBE mud XVedncbday for 510. Tht police are trying to connect this with a losi of borsek reported stolen from M. A Gaugh Clalrmont. Mo. TV. & Tender wall. ilS % .North Kixteejitl street , reports the larceny of a large photo graphic lns , TV V Moroe , 11122 Davenpon , ttreet , rnj < orts the loss of some chairs taken by thiees , Jind Mrs Jolm Ward of lli North Twentj-nevfnth btrcets cays a fcneat thief has fctolen c pair of valuable gold- rimmed Bp ; ctiicl t. . 'I' ' ' ! ARE ABOUT READY TO SETTLE Bondsmen of Henry Bolln Fonnnlatbg a Proposition to the Oitj. TERMS BEING CAREFULLY CONCEALED One of Ilip Uond nin Plnrr * I.lttlc li In 11. - Ilflorl t Show tlir rliK-liml Miiirlnlrf A\ tin In tin- Sell ( Mil Itiutrd Jloiit-j. The bondsmen of rx-Trensurer Henry unfl their attornejs biive been holding fr ijnent conferences an nre lormulBting B piopositlon wbiiih will soon be made to tl.c city council as < comiiromlse settlement of tb" Bbortage for which they fre supposed to it renpuusllile The dofluite terms of tblt ] > ropos4Uon have not all been agreed upon end In all probability will not be made pub lic until formal presentation to the citj cvtuieU. There bns b < > en nomq talk of calllns back Export LlmlKick to throw more light upou btvcrnl ol'scurr points , but BB this would mean oulj more delay it is likely to IK abandoned It was learned from one of tht bondsmen that Efcpwt Limbeck's it-port , ukick has been no carefully guarded , did not thow any material variation In the total Kbortuce. mid as n matter of fact \erlfli-b tbe it-port of the experts hired by the citj It rnaktB a somewhat diDereut dis tribution of the bhortage over the two ternib of Mr. Bolln and thib might jnaiie home fltSereiicc at ; to the amount v hich each hrt of boiidkuifii might be held fol The Llm- bi-ck report also bhows that at various times Bolln had paid citj warrants out of mone ) which had been deposited to the credit of tlie Bchool fund A few of tbe bondsmen 011- Inclined to make much out of this , but as Bollii was In the habit of depositing city money either as schtwil money or In his own name , how this could affect tbe bond is not apparent. "As a matter of fact. " bald one of thi liondsmen jesterday , " 1 do not think there is anything in the alleged payment of cltj warrants out of nebool mouej , IwcnuBe the ichool money was reall } misappropriated citj money In strict equity there was no deficit lu the school fund whatever when the defalcation was made public On the eontrarj' there was bouie Jl.SUO surplus iu the school fund and the $10UOD deficit which was recentlj settle-d wab created by leaving a doubtful Ubset for the school board and transferring good cubb to the city funds The bchool hoard lioudhmen might have had a good defenHe and thrown this loss upon tbe BUieties on the city bonds , but the } thought it preferable to make good the biuall difference rathe ! than spend as much If not more , on attorneys to fight the case' City Treabuier Edwards bajs that he has not Keen the Limbeck report and does not know what H lontains He bnjs be has had nothing whatever to do with tbe investiga tion in bthalf of the bondsmen , eice-pt to furnihh them the books as needed and if niij- settlement or compromise IB proposed its acceptance will rest exclusively with the mayor and council a South Omaha News . | ! S ! i trn&-S Jirc23 i vli i " J "iiJi The striking tinners at Cudahy's are still out and there does not seem to b much jiiospt-ct of a settlement of the differences existing between tlie men and the company Mr. Ed Cudaby said jcsterday that he had closed the tin shop and It would remain cloned far * ome time , Just bow long ho did not know. The company , he said , had enough tin cans on hand to last some time and the tact that the tinners "had quit did not worry him any It is asserted by the men thnt tbe companj cannot keep the tin bhop closed , as Jt has only enough tin cans on Tiand to lust B fe-w days and without tic cans the company cannot 11 its contiaetb It was imported thafthe euopers employed at Cudahy's -volunteered to go out If the tinners asked them lo , but the tinners have not yet made any such request Another report was .current on the streets last even ing to the pffecl that the coopers had struck out of sympathy for the tinners , but the rumor picked to be unfounded The strikers are very quiet and remain at "home nicst of tbe time. There does not seem to be any danger of the strike spiead- ing or involving any of the other depart- j mcnts of tbe packing bouses. Whether the ' closing of the tin shop means the discharge of the men who -aulked out is not-known , as Mr. Cudahy did not bay. Some of the men tre inclined to think that tinners will be brought here from Chicago to fill the vaeant places. If this is done there may be trouble The employes of the tin depart ments here have no union or organization of any kind and are making tbe fight as individuals 1IKIAGIAG THE MIL.K.MEN TO TIME. 1 jihlicrtor HUM ILitikfil ! ' < - Stiimlurd of the 1'rodm-t Sitlil. Mill Inspector Carroll is now tettled in his new offlie in the city building , where lebtb of tbe lacteal fluid -will be made every day The inspector is determined , he says , to raise the standard of tlie milk Bold In the city and to prevent tbe watering of the prod uct of the cow Of the recent Jests made none have fallen below S i per cent , while- the highest wab F.94 per cent. Since the ordiuane-o vent into effect ion tingle cow IMirmlts have been Issued to residents , and ; LCJCare more to come- The inbpe-ctor foaid that not long ago he visited a dairy wheje forty COWE were kept nud be found that a email unveutllatcd Ehud was used for a milk house , which was sur rounded by eow sheds , horse btablet. and u pig pen. He found the cans niririt ; right oier the "hug wallow Since the -firtt iu- rpoctlon the milk house has been laised to permit of better ventilation and tbe hog pen iias been moved away entirely Other nut-dad changes were ulno ordered and made. Many milkmen were found -who were btub- imrn .about making any ehaueefc in their method of handling milk and threats of niicst Jir.d to be made in order to accom plish cnj'thiug Staciuoit water is one thing that the In- rpector is alwuyb on the lookout for , s th. vvtler certainly contaminates the milk when drank by the eowb There is one pool ol fctagnant water at Tkirty-iifth and L btrueu A COI.M IIICCK Or liow 10 Lettn cool o inn tier li v cold Jt fats. they bay HygmVJId { 'berry riiiisjihiues at liTita tjuurt lire tlie fiuebt iLlugb out iimre u Imrflit'l if J.IM.-H- j > hate& but wliat do you think < f r t- titiK them at iric that's our prk-e im ported Huuyudi Water 3r e frisu Be- tht'bduVateriiluin aud t-arlxiuaied risty other Uiude of ailueral water * lKJc Cnrleiiee * -"Ii for Itn- . Kuhn's Drug Store , ! 5th6cDouglas that li bfen cornplnlned ot a nwmtier of time * , and the owner * ot the iirnperty hn c lioen notified to aba the nulsant * but * c lar nothing ha been done Mr Carroll Is polns after UIMP people -with the Intention of having ibt ] > end drained at tini-e One milk dealer -when accused of walrrlnj ; Ills milk ftdmlttf-d It and Bald that be did t bocaufir the cream mispd letter rhen there wan water in the milk Ilnrt HI" > Arrp tnl f r Tlirfl. Peter Barsballs. aged II years. Rpent night lu D cell at police- headquarters Upon a charge of petit larceny ivrcfexred by bit futher , J Barsbalis. a saloon Kwper. Ac cording to the father's Btorj' . IVter stole money from the till and hired a horse and buggy and dnm- down to tirllerur nnd the Island , Rhcre he spent the day hunting ol Vic MeCarty Before leaving home the lad purchased an English bulldog rcvoher and a quantity of ammunition The father iot ; on the runaway boy's track and over look him Just below Bellevuc and com pelled him to return to this city , where lie wa turned mer to the police. Iliilii l trrrr < 'H with < 5rn H > ic. Kaln the past few days has Interfered j somewhat with the grading on South Twen. ' tjfourth strnet. but mathlneb will be put i on the first pleasant daj and the grading pushed. So far the street car company has not raised its track , which iu some places will huxe to be muted two feet In order to conform to the grade. The coutrnctoi said jesterday that the companj had been noti fied to get towork , but no step * had been taken jet. When be it rendj to grade where the tracks are to be rained he will go right ahead and not wait any longer nnd then the company will htne to do some thing. _ AilntltH Aiir iirintlni ; Die Monfj. .lohn B Ilitche is in Jull for embezzling ? H0 from Josejih Splrl , and be pleads guilty to the charge. A day or two ago Rltchc herered bib connection with Spirt's bakery , where he was emplojed , i-ad jes- tcrday Splrl discovered that his former clerk had collected the amount mentioned above and appropriated it to his own tisc He caused a warrant to be issued In police eoart and Ritche's arrest followed The youug man najb that he knew It was wrong to collect the mnuej and keep it , but nt- guefl that be needed It to ] > } pre-sslng bills i _ 11 ii idorW Iti J'liul Hor-heK. Several w teks have passed now slnrt- the cit > council authorized the purchase of a new team of horuiiB for the lire depart ment and Etill the department -worrying along with a horse that ought to have been Edit to the farm a lung time ago. It seems to be awy hard matter to llud JUBt what the cltj wants When the price the city was willing to pay -was raised from J2IHI to JSM it was thought that the purchase would noon be made , as many funnert. who hud good horses for tale were not willing to part with them at the price offered. John Fylnn hat gone to Wakefield on n hunting trip. The Riding club will meet lor dreui parade tills afternoon. J w. Pierce of Grand Island is In the citj on business. Mlbs Myrtle Foster IE visiting her sister. Mrs E O. Mnylield Miss Edith Jones of Atlantic , la. , is the guest of Mrs J r. Ritchart. Lightning struck a horse owned bj Louis Jourdon aesterday and killed it. H N Chapman of Hermosa. S. D. . is in the citj locking after property interests Robert Maxwell has take-n out n permit for a JSI'O ' cottage at Twelfth and 1 streets. P. J. Walbk and son , Waldorf , left last night for a trip to Kansas City and Ex- celbior Springs M Kelllher , one of South Dakota's big cattle owners , was looking otcr the stock yards yesterday. Miss Clara Jones , 407 North Twenty-fourth street , lias returned from i visit with rel atives at Osceola , Neb. Mrs D. S. Clare , Twenty-third and M streets , returned from u tbre-e weeks' visit with friends iit Superior last night. IVUIAGUAJ'HS. Tl B Schneider of Fremont was among yestei Says arrivals. Hermann Milliet of Millard , Neb. , is regis- teicd nt the Barker. J. E. Boyd left for Chicago last evening on a short business trip. D S. Barriger has gone to Chicago to be absent for a week. Hun Church Howe came up from Auburn and spent the day in Omaha. C E. Test returned last evening from Denver after an absence of several dajs. Mrs W. H. Clapp has gone to Chicago md inte'nds visiting relatives there for a short period "William Krug has gone to Norfolk , -where he will participate in a pigeon bhoottng match. W. T Jacquith of DCS Moines , la. and H E Smythe of Keokuk , la. , are registered at the Barker. W H Murray , advance representative for Murraj and Murphy's comedians , ib stopping at the Barker Misses Lotto and Sadie Stone , daughters of Dr. Stone left last night for n two months' vaeation in Colorado Coroner H. 1C. Burket and family returned last evening from a fortuight't pleasure trip among Colorado , mountain resorts. 0. K Armstrong , ticliet agent lor the Builington at Golctburg. 111. , who has been in thib city for a few dayt , returned home last night J. D Kilpatrlck , prominently interested in coal mining and other enterprise * at New castle. W > o. was among the Omaha visitors yesterday. Will Hoaglnnd arrived home last evening from his much located near Alliance , Colo. He brought in bfterul loads of line cattle for the -South Omaha market. William "Ebrlgkt , late superintendent ol the- School for the Blind at Nebraska Cltj. , was uu Omaha vltltor yesterday. Mr Ehright will be superintendent of the public schoole at North I'iutte the cumingyear Nebrabkans at the hotels A E Maxwell , Beatrice. H. .Scott , Holdrege ; W J , JJuuuc- gun. Wahoo ; G or&e E. Fold , Kearney , H F riilmore , Hemmingford ; H P Blogott and T. G. Kalph , Long Pine , G TV Collins , Pawnee City ; E. L Eno rremont ; W G Hyer. Ra\cnua , A. J. Livinger. HaEtiucii W J Martin , Lincoln , 3 H Bronbon Blair , H N Carpenter and O Hormc. Auburn , JaiuL-t Reed , Nebraska City , C , McArthur , Lincoln. A ITLL 11 AMI Tlmt's tlie Iciuel of confidc-yee iv in- into muwlvtitwinu ; we talk about i-ausp w euftululy buve u full ; of tht-ro'K a tilw lliuof Dtbyt for uiid cuncLeb uud cbt'iillle JH I- and rojiB jjortlwcfe for doorb \vt > n v < r were newell llred < m < juuntity cjnnlity or Btjle a-ud aus u uulljr fol low * It maUt'b ] ulce Omaha Carpet Co. , 1515 Dodge OUT BUSINESS FOR A DAY Qroccrymen F&ss & Fjcasnnt Day nt tht Aslikud Picnic Qrounck COME BACK HOME TIRED BUT HAPPY of Siort ntiil > lni > ! liclitfnl Shnilr Cor Tlnmr Wbci l > r Iffrril in Ink ? Tltlnc * KB } _ t Mm tin * I > H > . Mrs. Brown's boarflcis , an well as Mr ABtorbllt'c ullliary tluparttntnt , had to go Without ny proper } More Hftielcs they loigot to buy \Vpdueila } , at the stores were olciswd all dny , the taune being the flnt annual picnic of tbe Omaha Kutall Qrocors' assoulation at Ashland Ou-r 7UD people left at ! ' . * l ) a. ill. tm the lin.t train of tlilrttfii e-urs. In ebarge of a trans- liortction committee consisting of E. T ) . Evans. Frank Jones. A Pett-mm nnd H. J. Hughes Still inorr of the grorerB went out on the regular noon train The engine which pulled the fcpeclal Irulu was pklb decorated -with var-colort ] < il bunting und ( IciKirHtitniiwcrt > -vlBlble here and there over tbe long train of thirteen cars which comprised the special. In order to alla > the leurs of the nervous ones the dejiarture of the train was dels j ml until Uie morning tbiough Unln bad cleurt-d and Uie Llnrolu truiu was held nt Abhland until Uie arrival of the special , which WBB gheii s clear truck b'-t-nt-eii here and Ashland. Similar precautions vcrc obsened on the return triji The Seventh Ward band accompanied the excurblonlbth , both brass and ( .trlug. The latter was brought into play at the grouudK fur the boiir.llt of those vhn wished to fluiut" Ample iirovisloiiB were made to un sure everyone a good time and if there wn any one who did not have It no one v\us to hi Hint- but himself. Throughout the daj- there vas not an occuncuce to miir thu pleaBures of tbe ticcnt-lnn The ciowd wat. unusually good-natured all daj' , cspeciallj- the wnj' home , v < hen Bougb nnd various jells enlivened the occa sion People ale geneially qult-t nnd worn out on the homeward ti IP. but this inception was jiiobably the icsult of so maiij- young persons bt-lng pie-Bent , AH the pleasant young men who take jour orders from flay to da } were thtae with tlie pniUU-nt glrlb on their routes l'pon arrival at Abhland B picnic grove the picnickers fliRnulvi'd Into groujis for luncheon , whii-h v oi. fdlluwcd by the pro gram of BportB prepared by the entertain ment committee consisting of O. J Wilde , Fred Odefey and W. J Hunter An 'inno- tutlonwas tbeway in v\hlch prizes w en ow ardcd , the v iuuers Jeceivlng checks for vurioub amounts of mone } instead of um-.ful und ornamental articlea ab Is usual. A seven inning hall game in charge of & committee of thice Fred Ilrunlng , W. E. [ Edwards and Mr. Nelnon look place be tween teams rt'Hcsentliig ] tbe commission men and retail groc-ers , resulting in a - victory tory for the commibslou men by a Bcore of 5 to 4. The Jesuits of the different contests are appended : Clerku' foot race- Fred Hull , first prize : Schlllei , st-fonfl prize ; J. Gardner , tlilid prize Fat men's met" John Wlllet , flrht prize ; ThomuH Mitchell , Betiond jirlze. Boys' Back raee : Frufl .Ifiiwen , flretprize ; Joe Hornl-ih , Bt-cond jirize ; Verne Slater , third -prize. Womcn'i. 'gjr ruee Miss Bertha Lehman , first -prize , Mrs Odefej , Moond prize ; iliss Miller third jirize. ChlldrenV croe-k race. Minnie Leis ; , first jirize ; Edith OlHon , second prize ; JMuy I Keavet , third prize. Women's frctTorallMrs Goldie Kllbj * . first prize ; MiKS E. Bens , sucond jirize. Ltest .male vuiltzt-r : 3&r Cliarlos 1'airiclu Best - womanwidtzer : Miss ilamie Hig- pins. T-Jirpe mile proffsslonal lilrycle race : B. E. Holton. flrht iirlzt.Tncl : : CulljHeoond prize ; Ii C Gaclke , third prize Three Tulle groct-ry clerk bie'vcle rncetG. . Smltli , first prize : G. A. Gardener , second prize. Tiiret'-inlle amateur biqj'cle nice ; R T White , lliht prize. G. A. Holton , second prtze. FORT CI1001C AOTIES. r.ompany is the best disciplined com panj in the regiment , also the best on drills. Captain Ballauce is their popular and effi cient commander Thomas Barrett company C , r.-as dis charged Tuesday after Ove years of good and faithful .service. He thinks he will go west again , as he has soldiered on the frontier for a num'her of yeart. The eompanii-t are almost full now , there are rerj few vacancies and they will soon IK- filled , as the young men are coming .from Omaha and Council Bluffs in bets of fours to enlist and try serving under Uncle Sam. First Lieutenant Hanson B. JSlj. with a small detachment of men left for the Wln- nuhago Indian agency to pick out and per fect both a rifle range and camping ground. The Second battalion will leave for that plae-e Augubt 'M. to be gone until about September 13. When tbej return the FJitt battalion will go lo Lincoln. Major Fechet , Eighth uavalrj' . w-ho is on duty with the Nebraska National Guard , ac companied by the adjutant general and sev eral offleers of the guards , visited the pabt WedncBday to consult with the eornninuaiiiE oflicer , Colonel James S Cahfy , iu reguid to tlie encampment of the Guards and Tweutj- Bucond infantry to be held at Lincoln next month. The boye think they will have a pleaiant time during the trip. Captain John McE Wcbbter will arrive here in a few days and report for dutj' wilh his company. The captain it. a tplendld looking man and is u Just and kind officer , alwajs Irj-iug to make things pleasant for the members of his companj He bus been on blck leave for the last Blrtten months. On April ID , 18HS , during tlie block growers' national meeting at MUeb Citj' . Munt. , the captain -with several offleers of the pobt were In thu McQueen house ( the principal hotel of the city ) talking with frifudB when Cap- tuiii Webster was mybterloiiBly fchot in the hip. Although the revolver wnt found oa tbe floor , they never found who did the deed. It was thought for Mime- months the "wound would caiibt * paralysis , but .happily Jt took a change for tbe l < etter and once more the euptuln can walk around ut proudly UK ever. The inemben. of company A arc overjoyed to bf kbitlo welcome their beloved e-om- inatidttr back The captain ib a general favorite everj'Wberu. F'IGTUR.EIS PLEXASA.N'TLx'Y MD POINLTEDKY PA.R.AQR.APMKD I jl JilCK PAIR Yet even more than nice new de cidedly new nothing like them ever jiroduc-i-d before and fH. < Kt that's the 3 rloe lor our ladles * new ox blood -razor laee * > hu < * . that lias lilack edged hdlBB iilnck laeeb and eyelet * and U trimmed with Lluck btltchlnK tlie 3'ou can't pet them anyxvbexe i lse Sb bw-ause they wtu't * ell < he > u f r [ les * tluui i.OU whJle our price is 53.0Q. Drexel Shoe Go. 1419 Farnam TWO OF A Kim l eaU at it rl ht "here we are w'th the otily whole-Kiile music nou v iu ihe wtbt with more bheet IIIUK > O to < hoce f iu than -all JCebrabka ftorefi < suu- blued dowiti't 1t ntimd 10 reasoa < jnt we have what you - wauty < ti uit nutiie a jrtuce if tiutiic- but what we have every new pieee t.eekr our place like vater floes Us lerel-auy 4iinottit of sheet ouublc ut a oeiit a jiy lot * , for & relit n. A. Hospe , jr. , 1513 Douglas A IKIIJTAIL , rtl'fH _ Or uuy other kiud of a tiusti that's oc casioned by headui-he af''r leadlu ? logulj-ffc utteutiou It's all iu your eye defec-th ure tuibily convrted "by wearing Jhe j roj er bpet'lacies iu youthbut if not attended 10 will r-rtaiuiy jii'fes'-i- tate an operation more or less painful with the ophthalmoscope c uial < e a ripid fxaiuluation of tlie i-ye and no ile- f clb hov erer fciimll can ebOipe ns w make no charge for this powerful testAloe Aloe & Penfold Co 1408 Farnam SWCJ'T THE ItOAItU AVe dou't hwi-t'p It witb a coin nnii liltdiim lixKiin l > ut we tulc cvur ' jire- t-autloti to luuLti our private liuutue t loom attractive wlieu you Avatil io give u dhiuw tuill ub tij > Iu the nicautitue we would tall your attention to our "Ice Crtmin lloHif" JOt a roll jiut ib m Iu your jtwket t-arrj Ihwu for lioun > they wou't itiult ejit llntun the iiuuul way btbt ice cr-cuiu you t > vt r tattod. Baldufr , Caterer , 152O Faraam