Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Bim pwie tin a trtf * e tfce 36
| . T r'uqnfteras amnfcIwrt. . atffet
T itfc bevtnt ; ftuften rvmi cWtbiae
be X BcMv-ttTi ; Iwra.
It Smith t nwtoraan , 1 * tara tr-
F Bui-wt aftfl ftiitag t"imr f " tt i
TL Oattd hotel. Ontiiii lw K. Hlsa J
art It every rvunset Rttts U 69 ir < l r
u3 ti-part E. F. CUarltp. nrwprtrtor.
F-cd Gr Mifl RI P loiter hs rtartt * I
a a ] ic4Mrtrkk.D tour to Spirit Lafee. AWer
nt "Mips * * tlrttt th 7 in walk tack.
- . „ * Snuflst m lion ) trill give n .
Fair-mount part : toiity. Scholar * -will ,
.cc at tut Sut > 0 j wb o1 at tar ' - - - > - :
Word has IIPPO rt-pftvi-C Jiert ol the
' Mr& Ellen Burbop In Lei : Aapt * . Crf.
, ie wnt H years old an * Uv < bere fer i
atr tpara
M .U'3n ' Pctemon hn comrncnt--i fereU
Turt jinjrpedlnps npdurt Lottie F fl8er )
D ! ctberc PD & note1 tnfl nJortRape } < mg
rcrflue lor PB.
Tlir recolar mpctlnp nf Ooncordla Inflrt
i r ; KalBhtt of PitldBE. Ju Oran Army
' < lc RrpnliUe liall. I'earl rtrcet , this evtmIt
K All iemln rt arc roqecntcfl to lie Tborztell has dc-cl rtl & casr ottmci
l > ftore L1tn In AprH. 1WS. ant liak
the receiver til the ? C npar il 1'rlnt-
Publishing company te par
W rhapman , vlio it Ij-lnc jx'rlonsly 111
t Lis rcridciice. lint Ix-en omnprtlofl to
Sc hit buKineiiK The itor.l. lias been
' to the Oouneil BlnEf Paint and
'J ' -
Tic "VVnmrn'B CiiiiBtlun AsBoclatlon hos-
ital will lie open to visitors on ThurBflcy ,
ug-urt IS , fromi 39 to : o'cloel : 71 m MTE
c-rge Sanfnrd and Mm. H. 3. MeBrlflc
U TC'celve the
3 J. fhea Ira F HendrlckR , O en
aai A * . "Wyinun. "VV. H Ware. M F.
' 'lirer tn4 Cliarlt-h "Wultcrsntre the
ouncil BluITf. aritpBtiDD lo the democratic
tate cum cut ion hflfl tt Ottuin-vra rwrtcrflay.
Turner , luilore his recent aetth lij-
-lent a horse to JCels Lurnen In
ctum for the Joan ol a watch. Alter Turt
er t dtali CO Oalton , iilB uncle , den\aiiQod
he rtturn of ihr hoise , but IE ivaE rrfuBt l ,
he rejilcvinea it.
Bcme Sawjer son of Prnf H. TVSnvrrer. .
rt j-cB'erdur for Chicaso. vhcire he trill
ncape in the boot burittcRB xrJth HB
rother A de-lesation of Herne'E IrienaK
tucompaciod him to the train and gate him
hearty RDdnwcL
3 * D Burlie didn't lllc : the -vccy tlie train
| Trice oa tie Manawn. Hue WEE liclng coni
d and ci-presBea Us disapproval in
; ac not m ) d in polite society. Ee " 111 1
jfcwer to a ciiarpc of dlnurbtng the peace ,
cfcrred by Ecceh er Haiman. this morning :
Encampment Kn. R. Cnion Veteran Lenpue ,
ill tnc'et In regular neBcion thlb eveclni ;
adlcB' aurihory. No. IT. trill meet at the
me time and place , and nfter the close of
ie .meeting they -iiUl Bervf Ice cream and
Je to the comrades of the encampment ,
win belree and every comrade IB corditlly
[ irlted to be jireent. By order of the
4 rally of ihe TrJ-City Baptist Young
c E union , compcmed of the B. T. P U.
Vs of Omaha , South Omaha und 0 < ran-
11 IflfffK. Tiill be held at the FlrEt Bap-
Bt church this excning A Tory interesting
-ogram bun been prepared , consisting of
ports Jrom the .National B. T * P. D. con-
ntlon it Milv-BUkee. Interspersed tvith
uslcal and Ittcrary Itsaturec.
The liody of Jonejih FrtnciK l < unUey. son
t CharicB Lunkley of this city , will arri\e
ere today Ct t f > U p. m. . via the Burling-
m Air. l.unl.ley died at WE home in
exlngton , Mo _ last Tuesdny , of typhoid
TCT He IcateB awife un3 two children.
uEiSes lather , mother Jind tv o < > iEtcrc. .Mrs ,
Ienry" Bchluflle and Miss Mrie JjnnthT.
e WEK only i'C yearn old. The body will
"buried from the train.
[ Two men pretending to "be engaged In
riling spectacles from house to house
ere arrested and locked uj > lost night upon
de charge of peddling "without a license ,
It IE believed , howev r , that this is only a
float lor Tnore serioufc busineEE. Officer
| , who arrcbted them , taw them in
e Tear of a residence -while the family tvas
. He watched them working ot the
ttisent. a btc ) ; door and took them into
UBtody ,
t Prof. Lu X TerrenE of Omaha IE drilling
ie large chorus that is to esing during the
jite Christian Endeavor convention in this
ity. In addition to the many cingers of
ils citj- that -will take jiart , the profesBor
111 bring -with him a number of the best
aaha EinstrE. He will drill the class In
> mt > heavy choruBes and will also have
ne quartetE und solos. They will meet
"gularly In the First Presbyterian chapel
n Monday and Friday evenings. All ting-
rs of the city are cordially invited to ut-
snd. but ure requested tounite with the
lass ut once on the -coming Friday evening
The "Woodwards opened to a big house at
Ibe Dohany thtater latt night. "When the
lurtain e.nt UP fvery neat IVUE oecupli-d end
[ lauding room only rns sold. The bll ] was
pretty little eomody-drama entitled -'Jark
' Diamonds. " The company Is aE strong
s any that Mr "Woodward bar. ever brought
3 Ibe city The lialeldoseopltn dance of
USE Goldie of Mr "Woodward's JJo 3 com-
iany was beautiful and received the ap-
ilauBe it desened. Tonight the company
-IH jircscnt the four-act pomofly , "The
' 'lunger" Mr "Woodward's No. company
IE all right. There Is already a large nd-
\"a.nce sale for the re naindi-T of the engage
ment thai ddBcs Saturday night.
C. B Vlevl Co icmalo remedy. Medical
lonBUltatlon Ire * Wednesdays. Hetlth book
Ghed. Annex Grand hotel.
lift * 11 of your troubles upward go In the
c of "Genwal Joe. " Perecoy & Moore ,
cole agrnte. Council BluCE , Is-
to Unjoin Ilic CIJ- .
Emma A- Soar commenced an action In
I the aifctrlct court jeFterday fceetine lo en
' join the city from the collection of tdty
'jires ,
Mrs Soar ownr fifty ucres of 3andwithin
lie city limits She tlleees that the prop-
Irrty IB ti id BOlidy Jor agricultural purpostb.
"She. itil.ed the council to cancel the tux
levied Ijy the city Jor 1K9S. but ftlled to pet
Hie flfslred relief hc now asl.6 the court
to rajoln tlie tiolleotlon of the city tax.
Gcnrpe A. Hohr.ft . hue filed a tult identical
with that of Mrt. Soar , in which he m Uf
Lo bsie the ttx canceled on certain agri
cultural projierty which lie OWUB vitiiu the
city limits.
For frnJc ,
WtOcb tctioue oa.1 : combination folding
bed , alsn twBtyfle volume Wl Eucjclo-
citidla Brltacnica. Call MS Fifth eveuue.
[ Willbun Flj-nn.
Sewrr I'lpr , Flr - Uilolc.
"Wliolekale and Tttall. J. C. Biib.v , 2D2
I Muln Ktit-ct.
llMii > ril fruiu Ilir AH > lmn.
Special Officer Itfeiuicr of the RocL lUtnid
found f. man bleeping under the freight
ebtds at an early liour
He routed the xnuu out tu4 found him tieuc
crary i-.t a. Etrevt romer jiulWiciun Tlie
luinoner vut itl.en to the i > alioe Mution
where lie var identtfiKd ut John Ililey , v.ho
luid .cu ; > t'd ' from the AryJum for the Ftmble
JJlnflwl tt Clenvooa. Hewdl be U0.en Weu
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Goad FlBtber ittur lor sale cheap. J. T
" "
r. SS7 Broaflway
Co to Wtnuwa end camp CUTIDE thr heated
tud Ltt'p cool.
Have your house touched tip tnd your
rppalnti'd. C MUlur , Main
loVttl. .
votr iEsu d by the cltrt
( tif the courts jeEterfiny us
Ivutno and ItehldtmM *
C C Clutter. Omuhu.
CtiarlouC ChMjiiu. Omaha . . . . . . . . . I ate
i llaro Thomas. Counnfl Blutts.- . . . , , . . . . a
iy tuuniat , rouncfl Btugs . U
urinc thf hot -weather rtunembcr to
I cod ypurftllted lintJO lo the .Eagle laundry
-crisp snow -white work nud prmnjij
1 Hint you ret * t the "Etcle. "
Dtvi * . AracK , jwi&t * laid f\iH \ , TO. Sk
tard Stem Oity fc Padfic
lace IMhwflfil Suite.
IVillliiii Set * fp Hint < -rc-linrc - .
tlnir Ilrn Mndr tin Mil Jim rut *
from lllcnror 1n Coun
cil IllnC * .
Another lnrtifl n > ent ol ( Tsht W K omn-
wtoeoi BgUeM tb Jrthwfnt n c.irf the
Sieux Ofty & Pectfic rtflwaj-F tn tbv Mt-
i trict omin j'e i Hlcy en Dooeunt f the
| j rate lineriarttiBthHHi.
[ t The tictdy infiUtncA tiuHt , grew out of
an ' tllfpfC vloletleo nf the l ng cud rlmrt
littfl < 4act * ef the tnterotatc comffinrcf
lav and were inrttttrte * by a n mt > er D !
, liay fibijtpers u c the line of the Sioux
j Oty i. Pacific roafi. A. Brown of Blen-
coc IE the author of the first petition. He
Allege * that prior to aufl from Atigutt 50 ,
3f4 , and up to and including February i5. !
IKftu , the two defendant railway
j'Ut In and maintained B voluntary joint
rate on bUnd liay. They demanded and
' ' collected F > 44 ccuu jier hundred weight
nn baled buy from Illencoc to Council
BluCE ThU rate , the petitioner asserts ,
' was more than the Joint rate put In by the j I
two fornpanleB irom Elencoe to points on
the Ntirtb western cant ot Ntwiourl Valley. ! I
aefl at a creator distance from Bleneoe. i
The rate on the laU named points , the pe5 ! |
titinner assertR , was bai.ed on the Iowa fiin- [
tance tariff. The rate , BO the petitioner
UEsertEwas exturtlanntr , tutEs.lrc and a
discrimination ugainrt Blcncoe , againct
Council BluZs tnd acaicst the shipper
\ Mr. Brown addE u table to his petition
'In ' which lie hiowE the number of ship
ments made by him lo Council BluCE during I
the time mentioned in hie petition , anfl fchow- | I
ing the ovtriirrpts on ilE shipment. He j
places hlE damage agalnbt the two reads
i at J4R9.511 and ctkE Judgment for that
amount |
Another suit based oa the same character
of a petition , T.-BB filtd by H. Hollow ay
of "Whiting , in which he asks fiamagtE |
against the railway compcnifcE for J1.G04 CR
Mr. Hollow ay has the assignment of the
' claims i of Keen Griffin of Whiting. G H
, Elliott ; of Whiting , Vic Jenninge of Coun- |
! , ell i BluCE and F "SV. Hutchlns of Onnv a. , i
whose combined claims mate tip the sum
for Tihlcli Mr Holloway asks damagCE
Accompanying tbc TietlUonE in thefce casts
IB a motion to require the railway com-
I jionicB to produce eryUiing in the line
I ol botilui , rate EhtetB. tariC BChedultE , :
traffic arrangements tnd all published and
unjiubliEhed documents that would establish '
the dlhcrepancicB in tie rates complaint d
of by the letitioners. Spencer Smith and 1
Harl McCabe are the attorneys for tlie
Or.iniiic lu Fjit-t nn < l n
_ . . . . t f % ( .l < in J'rtijnJi fcL
Entries arc coming ir ! cr the Moore &
rails matiute raceE on AugtH-t IS tnd ncry
indication now points to a t-ucceteful jneet.
The -Rltelmcn of Onithn htie IntertEted I
thfimhtilves in the enterpriEe and a large | i
croud will attend from BO-DEB the river The [
TouriEt TVheelmen are marEliallng their j
memberE in order that they may win tie
Ellk banner for largest cul ) > attendance.
Tickets iave bee ? jilccod en rale in diCerent
places of buKlneES about town and all report
a fair buEincEE. The mtnagennjit lai , decided 1
, to niiU.e the grand btand free and tiarge
' -a cents general admission. Only a limited iT I
numbtir of passes w-ill be IsEUea. and thebe
only given to those ho nave heljied out on
the exptnse of the meet. Bicycles , will be
checked ct tbe grounfls for a reasonable fee I j
and will be well cared for during the jacu-
j Some of the iaEtect riders in the west
i have entered for "both profcLEional j.nd ama-
. leur evcntE , among them being John Lawson -
son ( the "Terrible Swede" ) , l\er GuBta-vtr-
son of , Bert Haekett of Olnthe ,
Ktn. , Earl Jackson , Cedar Rapids. 3a. ; "W. F. r
Sagcr , Denver , Cola , Arthur Ellis , Norioll : ,
Xeh. . all men -with records ; Falrmon , Mei
Call , Mockett , Pullfe } % Hill. Laftcny , Uolton ,
GadLe. Culley. Denmun. and a score of other
professional rlflurE vill jirobalily enter before
Friday morning. Amcng the locals entered
are Harry Hattencauer , Joe Boyne , GUB
Louie , "W S. Rigdoii , 3L L. Duquette and 0.
C. Brown.
I The Ganymede "Winel club will try to at-
I tend In a bofly to cheer on its club team
The track officials chosen are C. E. Par-
I BonE. referee , 31. C Poregojdcrk ; George
F. Rumell. starter , C. B. Jlandlctt , an-
I nouncer ; J.T. . Pamh , E B. Hendcreon and
I F H. Siefken , juflgtr ; Ray W. Blsby , Max
j Erichenbcrg und Ilol 3lo"blnBDn , timers. Tie
program -will lie one ol lie iaott interesting
of any ever run off on tie Jamous inile
I ) < -fn - < - < l Gold Coin Sli M MX * 1" < ] r ' < -
City Clerk Philips in "lialanclnE iis each
on Tuesday evening discovered among tie
mass of coin and jiaper money that tad
poured into tlie city's coffers during tie
day as tribute from tie people c ID gold
coin that had l > een defaced. One Bide of
Tr had been pulibbed vS Emoothly and the
word * 'Guy" engra ecl thereon At flret
tie good Jiatured c'erk * aE iuUined to be
wrothy over the matter , and felt n desire
to get iold of the fellow who iad swindled
him by carefully depositing tie coin on
the counter with the unmutilated side up t
ward , but -when he tout tie lilt of gold to
tie bunk ycfterclay and found ItUBE mil
ityworth | M.U ie concluded to do without
his after cupper cigar anfl Ltep tie coin
I for tie lesson it ttuglit The remtivcl "J
tie American carle hnd tie declaration
' that tie coin V.UE worth tl < tcuspd the IOM | ;
of only 11 centE wonb of gold , but if five
| elhcr doll art had been mutilttlKl in the
same way nnd pasted upon thr cJerk the
remaining bullion would lievp been worth
about J2.50. and tht > "guy" wio might have '
been careless enough to take tie fctufl Jor : ;
j poofl tuoney would have iad to forego the
j pleasure of UB summer Tacatlou to cen up
I matters.
Tliirf Cuucljt.
35 and 3 o'clock -
; ji-strrduy after
noon n bicycle "was fctolen from the barn of
Harold MrCormick at fc06 Fifth cicnue. The
Klicfl wus owned by Jumns li. L < * e und two
other young men employed tt the McCor-
jnick imiiJtunent house Each of the youn ;
men took en afternoon off to search for the
thle They found the vhcej and the thief
Hfhi.d been trying to eeil it at the pawn ,
kbojis on Broadway end wus follow eJ uj > tuS
ccugbt at the Denier saloon cm the uorntir
of Broad nay and Brytnt strctet , within half
t block uf the police Etutlon.
At the station he gave the name of
, Churle-s Ailice and his home RE Chicago
He claimed to have bought - - I
the -u-fat-rf t lew
moments bitfore for f-l' ' . hut acnordic ; to
> the httitementc made by some of the pawn -tr
fcbop men be wtnted to Mill it for tiij-tLinp
they would give An Inlormetion wcs filed
charging him -with larceny from c building.
Slop * btrrrl
Chlnf uf Police Canning eaic impcretive
ordefs to the patrolmen last night to keep '
the patement In front of the Eistrman build'
ing frtte frum the crowds of financirrt who
ooupregcte ut the two polilicLl partbeafl -
gutruxk and cngiee in the work of saring
the country with their Jawt. Political dis-
ousLions there have froauently reached a
pulnt thtt demanded polk * intdrferenef and
the crowd in the early ptrt of the evenings
he t > ecn so ere&t that til of tbt eldrwaik
li been monojiolUted. Officer Martin tE
Rationed there Uict evening and use-d bit
dub to drive the country Mvert iniide the
builSiue Horttfter 1.0 ] > oUtica ] divouneionc
irill lie ptirmitted en the Uflewtik in front
uf tbe Jjuiltlnc
Get * rera-proof filter uid at re ooctort
ciillt. Oclr tSBitjiita Brut.
Inlrrf Tr ltli Atfrndntirr < but
" \ol itlHi r"on.
The Western Icwa Log Xtttep
ttea of UHMndem * Won4m n o !
lioM Hs first nmmU jifentc and Ice rriUric
* 1 Lbe Ma. a yesterftsr There were net
very nmnr logs to roll ( r M greet a Bomber
f "Kmrflnieti QE was antlrtiiale * to rrtl them ,
tnrt. iotii ithrtEDdlBK Httte thingE like that.
there was DC liaait tc the ajoyflmnt of
erery man wosms or chili wlie went to
tie lake taring the 4 y or evening Tb rain
and thunder Worm that pwejrt all mw w rt-
em Iowa it an early hemr yenterflny morn-
Ing flaiiLed the Impes t f thoiiBtDfls win iftd
ijvlrted all arranpeiwati : te coaie evem
the fining ol lunch liankrtfc. O ! tbe
W0 r f dfiB m mb rE of the adooelatian
* n the Etrty lodge * that comprise the wnt-
eina Iowa Jurisdiction there were not more
than l.MiO preeat , and they were raoBtlj
frwn jiearbj towns. Alone the lines ol
tie TCorthweKtera Rpck iBlan * . Milwaukee
nut Chicago BarJiag'on Qulncy railrwidE
for a distatiee t > f lH ( miles from Oounefl
BluSIr th * clouds were bombarding the earth
with tbe ietvieet thunderbolts and densest
nbertE of rain when the time arrix-t-fl for
taking the train to Council BluSf. But
few iad tie rournge to brave tbe Btwrm and
the tiousanfis stayed at iome wiile the
few came and enjoyed a perfect day and
a glorious time.
Tie \lBJtors who came in on the early
trains at otice took the motor earn for the
lake , and iad a fine forenoon E Eport fish
ing , bathing , rowing and Inxestlratlng tie
mysteries tif the tobocgan hltdi't. . In tie
afternoon Omaha and South Ointia sent
over large delegations Over 100 came Irom
.South Oniaia and more than twice that
number from Omaht. All vore tbe con-
rpicuout ' uniform of the order tad carried
tie formidable looking but harmless wooden
axes in their bellR The other cities Mnd-
ing tie largest delegation ? wea-e MlbBOurl
Valley nnd Locan. and they mustered -c
nearly 200 lietween them No register was
kept and tiere w ere no means of ascer
taining tie number end names of tbe camps
The opening of the afternoon's program
included an address by Colonel C T Hey-
de-cker of Waukegan 111 , liut the colonel
failed to make railway connections. and
Master of Ceremonies Colonel W II. Ware
put Colonel Dailey in iis place Colonel
Dailey Btartefl In to make one of iis usually
brilliant and happy talks liut tie crowd
was bent upon Beeing BE wefll as ietring.
and tie Ehuffilni ; of iundredE of feet on
the sandy Door of Colonel Heed's pavilion
made Miei an uproar that iisvoice WEE
completely drowned lo ill except tie few
wio were neuted or standing Immediately
beneath him Colonel Dailey mode It an
address of welcome , and he ertenfle3 lit
welcome ID tie newtlest manner. He
detailed something of tie iistory of Lake
I Manawa and tie efforts of Colonel Heed and
! others to make the beautiful resort tie
famout , place it IE. If tie crowd did no *
bear iis eloquent eulogium of tie founders
of the resort they were seeing enough lo
! i convince them that somebody had been
j I doing lots of intelligent iarflwork In tic
j j interest of the imbllc and iad provided
I a playground that was worth coming a long
' way to play on ,
| Mrs E. D Watt of Omtha. supreme
oracle , Jloj-al Neighbors of America , read the
] recponsewhich tie iad prepared according
to the prearranged program Tie EhuHUng
of feet and the marry hum of voices ne cr
let a syllable of what she said get five fee.t
i from the platform Colonel Wore was convinced -
vinced by tils time that tie ciowd cf
iappy Woodmen , wlti their iappier wives
and children , iad not Lome liere to iesr
| speeches from anjbnfly , and ie wisely
omitted the other addjesBes , including tie
I one he contemplated making iimself
The crowd iad spread lueif all o er tie
grounds of the Grand Plaza and on lioti
Bides of the lake. Several nundred gatiertd
around tie course marktd off for lie foot
t racer put down on the program , and "watcicd
tie sjtted canteEt with plentv of intertfct.
I Tie lifty-yard daEh for c prize ol a IIDI
1 of cigars wuEwon by Orvllle Brown Miles
cofield came second and H. A. Day third
1The time was Eir and Beconds
The 100-yard dakh vas won by Charles
Watts J , O. C. Brown Becf.nd an3 Henrv
Scimtllbcrg third. Time 0 la 1-5. Tie prize
was a box of better ciga.E.
The -woodciopplnt ; , log rolling and -woad
sawing contests were omitted for the reason
that the committee iad neglected to pro-
ride the necessary lorE - id ivood
The yncit TUCCE were also drawn for the
reason that the Etorm In tie early marn-
ing J had capsized several of the yachts entered -
j tered for the contest and their owner * , had
been unable to get them in racing condition -
' tion , in time. Tie tub races and tb"e Csb-
I Ing contefitB were also overlooked and the
j i prizes set apart for the -winners ore Etill
I on iond
The prize drills were watched throughout
j with gr < at interest by a large crowd The
Equadf went tirough their evolutions on tbe
sword north of tie pavilion. At tie conclu-
Mon the Judges awarded the honors In tic
| following order :
South Omaha Camp No LOR , Cajitain
) T. J Cdolf-y Twelve Mn Inspection , ! < 0
j i rooveroentK K. ; cadejice , ii' ; esecutien dS
I Averace. tk
i I Omaha Camp No. 12ft. Cajitain Opborne.
Sixteen Meji Inspection. K5 , movementR
E.1. ' cadence , Ki , execution , 7K Average. ,
; W 7S
Beech Camp No 14'A fOmaha ) . Captain
Charles Hopper. Eitrht Men Inspection. PO ,
movementK KL , cadence , 91 ; execution , 85.
| Avt rape , 12 2Ti.
The judges -were- Captain Lite Forby and
| Lieutenant W. E. Stoekham of the Thurrton
i JUfleE. and Colonel X ) . B. Dailey of Council
I Some of the Woodmen and their friendfi
, spent the afternoon at Mcnhatten beaci ,
j where a rpecitl and independent program
| i had been provided for their entertainment.
j : At tie conclusion of Ibe afternoon pro-
! , gram tie pavilion WUE cleared for a ball , tnd
a large number of tbe Woodmen Etaj efl over
t to attend It.
T o Mor -
Robert Galle and Harmon Robertson were
' urrcsted yc-eterday morning charged with
complicity in the robber } ' of the
I ut Qulncy. lu.
j I i This makes a total of five men tinder ar
rest on the charge , which appears to LTbe
! i more Mrious than was at first thought.
I " * hen Marsh , "WitHum Galle und "Willlum
i Robertson were arresteid Marsh said he ha
been induced by the two younger Jt-llow
to br .k into the grocery store- more us u
' jokt- than unjthing else and after thejbai
got Inside und loaded up with provision !
they took cieTything in sight in the post
l office. Deputy United States Marshal Hil-
J V'B w-orked til night on the cuse Tuesday
( uftw having had the three men bound o\er.
und yesterday morning bewent out und
urrcEttid the other two. The men arrested
yesterday are elder brothers of two of the
bojs firfct arreEtud An iuver.tlcation Ehowed
thtt an iron bed been used to pry open tie
door of tie store End tils iron -w-nb found
yesterday in tie yard of one of the men tr-
i ribti'd Tlie jirlbonen , orrifcted y ' .terday
iave not been given a hearing jet.
j ISrlio > f I r UIbltl iw
' J. B Hood commenced an action in tie
j district court yesterday for the purpose
, of getting hlc buiiaing at SIC Broadway
, from under a ban ] ilarcd on it under tir
ojierAtlon of the prohibition law In IbSL
i in his pftitlon Mr Hood allege E tiat
' an injunction BE issued ( .gainit iim in
IfcM tt tie isiEtanre of L. M Turner and
Pi.uJ Seebrout reBtrsinlng ilm from al-
lowing the building to be used far E&loan
i purposes The injunction -WRB made jier-
j pe-tuU. Mr. Honfl
- aei > rru tiat the bullflinc
I ias uevcr bee n tided for i-cloon purposes
tnfi tiat lie was never'ed with notice
of the injunction iiroc-fedincE Kir aUis that
the injunction be dissolved and that he be
allowed compensation for the costs nf the
| i original cute , which were taxed againct his
grounds for privtte picnic ptrUt-t
at Grand Plrja.
Had Cavntrb of LcvL
Bertha Athbrwik lias led a pivtitiun In
the district court Hiking for a separation
of the tin that blci her to L/tvi C AUi-
brouk- and In her petition ruuitet a condition
that l vet no que-Etlon as to her ruirtile
in makinc a tie-up Jor life
The petitioner eEserti that thr - ae united
in marriage with Aabbrook in Counnl BluCs
in Hif , 1EES , tnJ then her trouble ccua-
Kbe * y * th ( while tf flid til
thtt otmW "be rxpertf * f 31 i.Jt'vtnp and
! loniwife Lrrl w * riwwi cjtfet ; < marl :
f rea tbe first He nerrr IreipeC * ct > port ber
Mtt inrhii : tie ulr rears iMivo-bry lire *
tocftliw rtifww ; pompfnt-fl * 6 rmtpnrt htT-
F W. ti a rt nf tl * time Jftw0t LtR. Stee
Utept * that wfecoi Hbe could : tie * . find work
Iwr taHfeiirt trtea to lno c * JUT t wll IKT
honor Inr cttih. * Ui t "b * tf-otsKI not Ve
rtitsi t * tie eff rtt rxtrtiafttJ nf gtitog
t i rfc , i
Mrs ArtibrooV. Iflft iffimAtDfl In IRK
Sh * metres thai be fTWUNaitlr l * t n <
ttbtttiHl tow She 6 k * that A rr - of fli
t-ore * 1 * > granted her and thdS sic I *
ber ma * * name B Fjt 4t ,
South Omaha News. L
The thirty tinners employed it Cnaahy1 *
who -went mil on & rtritee yerterdar we
( rtill out and tiey By that they will re
main out until the company increaoef. tic
xvaget te lie former utofiOarfl The can-
makers were cut one-half cent per Imndrofl
CBUE , anfl the p&y of tie pressmen -was
re uced from te to tlTK per flny This re
duction caused tbe wtlkout When tbe cut
was made Tuesday end tie tinners vent
trot they only remained a nbort time and '
went back to work ncaln , "Wednesday mornj j
ing , after working a hbort time tlie men i
laid down their tools and quit Ed Cuflahy
B-tt. seen ye-Fterdsy aftenMion , and lie said
that a few of the mrn ornpleyefl In the . i
tin i hop had unit on account of a Blight I
reduction In wages but he did not conn' ,
eider tie matteir seriour. The strikers Buy
that til of the men employed in tbe tin !
Biop are now out. A meeting iiT the strik
ers -HBB held nt Koutsky't , iall yenterdny
tnfl the tdtuatlonwas talked oxer After
ti" conference , which was rtrictly } iri\nte
the men appeared determined to remain out
until the Btale of wuges was rulsed.
It wtr reported thut the tinners employed
ut the other packing liouses offe-rt-d to Etrlke
in tympatbj If the Cuduhy tinners said the
word but the Cnfluhy mm say that they
uxe not asked the other bouses to sup-
i port them 3 et , and aid not know UE they
would. It is claimed by the strikers that
thr work done by some of them Ir difficult i
and that men cannot he picke3 up aiound [
the city to take thrtr plareE. but will hzie !
to be sent from other cities Another meet- i
ing-of the Jnners will l > e held this morning '
at Koutksy's hall. Last nlcht it wus reif
ported that Cudahy rontemjJaled a eut in
the beet and tbeep "killing departmenti ; If '
the cut is mude the butchers say they will
Mnyor tin tlie Jmlcim-nt ItnlK-r.
Quite u number of complaints were made
to the major jesterdny by persons holding '
udgments acalnst the city ut the action of
the fintinc" committee In recommending that
{ cent judgments be paid and letting the
Id ones hang fire. After hearing a half
lozen rueh UckE and threats of mandamur.
he major Fdld he could st-e but one waj
.o remedy tie matter md tiat was to
efUBe to rlgn the warrants issued for Judgg
ments. By refusing to Eign warrantE for
recent judgments he bopcr lo be aile lo
get the committee to recommend the payI
. ment of some of thf old claims -flrEt. TlilE
ictinn will raise a row buutne jnayor haE
.aken tills stand , and ie BBVE ie will not
nek down. Tie old claims must be pjJd
Irst and then others In tie ordef that tbej
were granted
'r ' ii * f l Clinnce Pr mrf ! - Trimlilc.
Wic4i tie city council buys tie two lotE
t Thirty-Ei3Tth nnd L Etnetsfrora the
Souti Omoit Land companyrfDr tie purpose j
ofusing tie land to FtraigSten \ > street at
tlict jioint there is fnlng ttp be troulile
The Unlcn Stock Yards comnzajowne some
! und on the eoath siSc of L street ct the
_ l > oint where It IP the Intension o e-ut th"
r.nijle end if the change is inufle the stock
yards property would lie on lije Inside , in-
Ftead of on the corner , as now It was
iurned yesterday thnt the offlrlals of the
company -were * vatchlng and tWuoi readj'
to get * u | . -injunction lojiprevent the
flange rs soon us the lots "were purchus-ed ,
One of the city officials , in Epeuklng ubout
the mutter -CBid he could Fee no preEsing
nocesEity of mtking the change now any
way.when times "were so "hard und tazer
Ur.viillnl Surinl for T
This evening at Dr and Mrs Ensor'E
pleasant iome , Twenty-liird and B stre-ets ,
the women of tbe Souti Omaha Hospital
UEfiDciation will give a lawn nodal for the
benefit of the institution Following is tic
program -whlci will lie rendered Jlecitstion.
"The Dying Poet" Eunlre Ensor- Bong ,
quartet , reading Mrs. L Pinnell , InBtru-
menta ] Bolo. Slgmund LandBberg- recitation ;
"Dolly and I. " Sarai Martin ; piano solo ,
Lyda Miller. vocU tolo Mrs , B. W Page ;
song , "A Bunch of DalEies , * ' Eunice Ensor
Tcstcrflay afternoon an Omaha detective
WOE in the city looking for a trace of MTE
Scdden onfl Miss TiomcE , who recently ran
iaway from their iomes at Persia , la The
officers learned tiat two women anEwerlng
the description of those -wanted iad been
Been trrrelingwestward in a wagon and
were ieided for Papillinn. Tbe women were
ErreEted at tie depot last night and turned
over to tie Omaha officers.
Born , to Mr. and Mrs "H. J Fo'ey. a son
F. Burdette of Rifle Colo. , was in tie
city jerterday.
A pen has been brrn to Mr. and Mrs
W. J. Lofler of Albright.
Judge M F. Rynn ol Meeker. Colo. , it
in tbe city for a day or t-wo
Charles Wehner will be tried In police
court Saturday afternoon for Btsaultlng
August MIHcr
Twins both glrlE , were inrn to Mr. and
Mrs. Gus Johnson. Sixteenth and Missouri
avenue , yesterday.
Ben Sanger iss taken out a permit to
build a cottage at Tw enty-Beventh and E
streets , to cost ? 5fiD
J Whlttaker , a cattleman located at Hnn.e
Creek , Wj-o vos at tbe yards yesterdaj
loDking over the market
A colored McKtnle-y cJub its been organ
ized In this city W D Dudley is president
and F J. Halsey Is becretary
Friday afternoon the Stock Ttrfls Egues-
trian club will iave a dress parade and
all members are erpected to turn out.
Yesterday L100 head of feeder tattle were
Bold at the clock yards i > 00 head were
out and SOD i < ad were drhen to
the country.
I ThlE evening Rev F. H. Sanderson of
Omaha will lecture at tbe JUrst Presby
terian e-hurci , Tw entj-fifth tuidl J Etresett ,
on "Wen Wanted. " H ,
r nd
RED OAK , la , , Aug. IZ. SpociU ) An
army of men is atwork on Replagles"
mlllE , UEUg every effort f3 mlnplete the
work of reconstruction In' tin * to catch
the first flow of small groin from the
thrtbhers. Tie original pltul tias erected
eight yttrs ago with a' wbith It
was BUpposed would be fcuC in4 to EUpply
tie demand for twenty nrtTbe terrl
tory over which the products'ar.p scattered
has grown to such an extent the build
ings and capacity have bee. doubled The
new building is 44x107. thcic i rtorieE In
lu-ight. and represents nn cju liyi of $30 DOB
It Is probably tbe most tioropgiiy equipped
mill in JOWL. u >
RED OAK. la . Aug 12Spf > cial ) Tie
Montgomery County Tfaciens * Institute
in Bei.slon in this city An enrollment of
ICO jrts effected tie firtt day. and in view
of tie Jiew branches inducted into uormtl
courses by the last legislature this will no
doubt be the most instructive of tny in
stitute t-vesr ieJd in tie county The in
structors ore G W Walters. State Nor
mal. Mibs Bertha Martin Columbian School
of Oratory. Superintendent W F Cheva
lier. Ira S. Condit Miss Julia Scurry.
County Superintendent J. W. Clark , con
ductor. Miw > Emma Moulton. f.e cretary.
. > tlir Drut ,
TtJeprion ) Anthona Zejda was jirostrated
by the heat today and lies at his home in
a mtical condition.
The 1-year-old son of Harry D Grtve
of Columbus Junr-non leil tipcn a citkie
and bled to deeth before xie&ical
could be summuutid
DriakiBc Plwt * uifi tbe !
" '
l > rinUlueJMltitril Lit lit nine In
Mnnj C < ninJilkTlir Illfalntlutr
CwU'tall nf tlir Oilrnt.
Fwintwi's & firtdc jbtr Sbf riJmpif ;
rvarjtWui ; nn Aoe-ta't CT B ntop to traw
tie Hatat Aritiks , SHU. be be poiutB tbe
way { ram wbinVy t brcirtr , IrtHB ram t
Senera , tu Jran xxx ule t Uwsr Iweir.
tiore are partite char&clwlotlcs that attach j
t aiEereut nationalities eveawMci SB * b * j
no tontrol , say s a writer In the I'ht& elpht&
The people t f northern RUKrta , Finland
an L&jaan like tlif KtronpcM possible ktnfl
of raw tipirit , quality te gauged by throst-
Imrnlng piwrtnilitleE and jicwers of Intoxi
cation , they arc not at all partiralur where
they drink so > oag DS they ran grt n BtrulBhl
indl Irom the aemijohn. The RuMiau ptat-
ant diltikr tt Tkl. which Sala. after tasting
described as liquid damnation flavored with
nqua ' forUe. turpentine und bilge watw'
Probably it Isn't the tuBte P much us the
effect that the subjects of thetsar are
> ' - -
The inhabitants nf tie northwest differ
only in detail from their loss highlj cl-il-
Izwa brethren of the north The viid an *
wtiolly bront-bc-burter likes Ms Tofl-ere"
warrant od to Icfll at fcsrty r lE. but be must
have u bar to iu.ufrtMI - to ana prefers tuk
ing his "plren" to a running accompaniment
of pistol shots Arwith the RuBBian , the
liquidvehicle IE not so material ns tie at
tainment ot tic journey's end In "jiroilb"
sections nnytiing ptrtJyilng in Its cfieits
from pain killer flown to creosote. It we < l-
corned In a friendly rplrit.
la Southern SctndlnEMa. wiile they like
tieir lotion rtrong they also like it Ewe-el
Schnapps r Pomerans and Carlsham punch
are ' their favorite drinks No time is last
lounging round bars and discussing jolltirB.
Wien they drink they Kit down aufl do it In
jipar-e ana comfort as If they liked it.
In the Antipodes , when men are thirst ?
. .
they rain up at -wayEifl" sianty iitrh tbelr
bon.e.E to tie rack and call for a longj
tJee fJ. Tie landlord responds with tum
blers nearly a foot ilch filled with beer for
etch of T hich he demondf a "bit" vernncu-
Isr for a dime When In the city they call
well , in tie good old Bendleo dajE they used i
to call for nothing but champagne or if they
made a change it vas to add t dash of
brandy to it. Wien ctatnpagnewent out
Jamaica rum came in tnd stEjed with theim
j i until tbe introduction of plug hats and Pica-
| dllly whiskers ; then fcthion B-Witched 08" to
i brandy and soda and kept them at it till
I early in tie seventies , money was as
I I plentiful as labor was scarce- Melbourne
I was growing by leaps and bounds. mRgnlfl-
cent hotelfc with palatial bare- took tie plare
of former dhes. and neat-handed Phyllisro
' mingled whisky ( Scotch or Irish ) and Bnda.
j or drew private measures of BEBE or Guiness
j ! for tie thirsty Irioads. who took licir cuts
London importations stopping
from the latest
j ping ct Government hout-e.
Tie Londoner likes ME refreshment
counter with HE platrs of cilcten an3
iam. EaufcEge rolls liati buns tnd Eaad-
wlchcE. its bhlning orriiy of pump hacSleE
for drawing beer tnd decanters of port and
Eierry. its pyramids of colored glasses
slacked up on littlsi Ehe'lvcE before tbe mir
ror , and crowning glory of it ail , etsbed
in plain black with collars raid cuffs of
immaculate viite. lie Ktatuesgue figure of
tie London liarmald.
1 must confess to a sneaking admiration
lor John Bull'r tastes in prcfering t Hebe to
iond tilm Ills horn , and lie BCH-ioniU jn
ibregolng tie rjletsure of mized idrloLs
rttier tian part -with one of these oi-cyefl
dtughterE Junoi At tie CriterJnn or Ft
JtmtE' in Piccadilly or tie Gaiety in tie
Strand there are ialf a dozen or mare goJ-
den-ialred gofldessis liffore "whom 3-ou ton
plank a gluEs of "Llttth ice-tb. . " or "arf
and trf. ' tccordiui ; lo your inclination ;
lor a dime you ccn get a glcEs of cham
pagne , tnd If you -want td squander a quar
ter you can call for B "bwandy tnd sodai"
There is no iandlng out the bottle , no heln-
yourself and make-yourBelf-tt-iome "kind of
buBine'ES in any of these places Hebe meas
ures out your done , but itnds It to you
-with a Emlle that turns tie commonest
liquor into nectar.
This IE only one of mcny types of London
drinking places , -"there are otherE. " cuiet
little places like tie "Pig said "Widstle"
off Cockspur itreet renowneJ for tic excel
lence of bume particular tap. t.r like tic
"Cock , " near Temple Bar , imuortalized ny
Tennjson. Tien there Is lilt , typical cor
ner "pub. " where tcbby getb his gla and
bitterE and Tommy AtUuE slal es hi tihht
with u 'urf-a-pint of Jour aleliesi'lcb the
cast end gin palace , with its fiwing lamps
ucd jilthy odnr. where blper-cj-e-d women
siend the proceeds of pawned cioUies or
wedding rings m the temporary oblivion
of blue ruin ,
Irrigutlon in Paris IE carried on for the
XDDEt purt on the hauler arfl * tjutt.lle ( The
cafes. Here Monsieur. Kadume and Bebe
EH together and watch the iiub-ieiby Moa-
Lleur tUe-fi an aislnthe end EUiks 3t . . .
urely tirougt o btraw. clrUiks a
gluEE of bottled beer or a little cogna * Ltid
Beltzcr , and Bebe gulps Jown R long tum
bler of Elrop de grozeille. The bigger tie
rrowd the better they cnj iy liemselvib
Witn Bebe IB In bed t Jiffcrei't bet tEket ,
posECEElon of the cialrs nn'l tnrilcfsigae
become hotbeds of political cnnarcU. : ai3
ieated discUEslons 'n free-Ior all fipbu
In others actors , jioets. painter s and nni-
ticianB foregather give 710 at lo and
adfi brllllauey to Bctndal
O er tie Pyrenees , in fair Seville , lie
Bjmnlfjd bits in leafy bhade before tie donr
of a bodega To talk Ib too muti eie-rtlon ,
iut he manages to lift ilg goblrtb of Mon-
siello. tie rough wine of tlie country , to bib
lipE , and twirl innume-raile cigarettes ,
though to save iiniBelf trouble ie more often
buys them fjei rolled from the dark-ejeid
Carmens of the Eticet ,
In Italy every one takes a glabs of Ver
mouth at D o'clock , after lie afternoon -walk ,
but the national drink is the delicately per
fumed , ruby-hued wine of Chiantl There is
hardly any limit to their consumption of It.
Fortunately most of them are endowed with
an automatic Ebut-or , which obviates tie
nec-esBlty of putting on tie iat with a bhoe
horn In the morning.
For honest pride in the decoration of bin
drinking plate , md B similar conceit in tie
number of bockB ie can Mow -under iib
walbtooat , tic Gtrmau licks creation and
the Heidelberg student , -who thinks nothing
of putting away fifty or more of thete augE
la the fB n e f rvrtrtnp'k rtttlne
Die caVf k Mmc ir Corn * . . Thr
rnth 4t a > eT , with nt J r1vjt > iinftf for nmc
li * "h lli l tiHI nbklrf 18 rrrre UMr *
has brea mraeeMfvliT ttr r > e < int tktf .
rramtry. but tbry hek tbc ntnAnrt
IB tltt ffltrtor ? 4rtti > n ; Ctlrn I
s & dittftMMAiitliig j nfir the twnlti
taiitiitimi PurtntBB rttr fmAr fnwk
with EwrliKb nlbpcrs t mirTti U
a ruhl Orlewt l rwktttl. jtm tnu
tl * satire ( marttbfn > . in tnt
nf a mnal ! rai > ft ( M < lrWmi M rk rof-
W < Tie with Uj * flagrant Turn * of the
nu-fhtV- ) xi r . yon will Sn4 tt
The i Ji UttBBtK of 1b m > pi " * * " " "T
mrnie ntf * awnwsu br Jnflnfrii.p in n drink
ibff rail r c ) : or arrark 11 is raa4e hi tin
Bent Inairt from the fcrmrcl-pfl Jvicc of 1br
eMWB palm , otlK-rs dipt 111 it frotn rtt nut a
Ei > ccr oT brown sugar. ktM > rn us Jagjery
M HH-nb t Rngcwtivf rf rrfiultt ; Sotw peo-
pRhnwrrtr. . ln that it 1 * irwM'
from Brtthw f thpw l t l a mixture of
Ihrui' Oj-nttntte &nA nltrp-cljrwinf Per-
oonully. 1 tilwnlfl hrnltate to TvntruAIrt
After Ul IB sulfl uafl d nr If yen IJIOF n
time to wuste mid you -want u drink and a
goo8 flrlnk , anfl a wlfte rnupf te choose from
tltwe Is nothltic 1c niu T > trr with u lim-
rcte Aiuericatt bar LdtiiUmi rnntmt begin
Tt boant of auythlof as crxid ac thr let ;
Hoffman bouw bar In New Yojh. though
tbtr IF prohtibly due to the foot that men
of imiauf hardlj cner vute > r u public bur
uidcRS It IF n imrh placet ar the Empire
theutcr Motrt men beVoug % B oae or more
ot thr numerous W rt Eufl rlybs and they
prefer ttlrinc tbrtr drink * there , -where they
prt IrrpjtroRuhabte liquor amis t inifortuMe
Money it no object in the decoration t > I us
Ainerteun Euloon Bach propri ttir C'ndeai-
ors to have what he coiiEiders the besl In
, the aelchborliooo. though unfortunstelj the
' mute dlRjJtjed It. IH > ! always equal to the
'e outlay NcticmiJ Ingennnlty crops out in the
christen ing of saJonnE such narorK. for In
stance. tf. "Thr Ofllee. . " "Tlie Board of
Trade. " "Blank' * Black " "What -world of
lying 1 they sue lirtated hutibunds when It
com"E i to u question of where thej haie
| bt'cn. 1
"Well , 1 don't mind If J dn.
"Wonvcr lK nf. . n
OTTrM"\VA \ , la. Aug 1U < Special Telt
] gram ) ) At a democratic rally 1 anight Gen
| eral , "Weaver challenged cny gold man ID
j ,
Iowa to meet llm in any number of debates
bates am place In Iowa on the silver question
tion ' during this campaign.
! | >
Gladness Comes
With a "betternnuerstatidinEr of the
rransjpnt nut ore of the many pliys-
iua1 ills , -wiiidi vaniin lieJore proi > cr ef-
forlb c : tc effortspieasuntefforts
rirliiy directed. Tlicre comJort in
tue Icnonledg1tliat ! ± > o many forms cf
siflcness ere- not due to Jiny actttaldis -
eir.e. bm sunply to u constipalcdecmdi-
lion of the tyt.l ra , tvMcli the plc-iiKtint
family laxiitarc , Syrap of Pips , prosnpi-
] y removes. Tlmt IB vrliy at it the only
remedy nvithmillions of fnmil5t2i. nadas
creryvrhej-e esteemed so lurlily 'by all
ivao ralae poo-1 liealtk. Its ifDCncial
effects 4Lre < lcc to tlie iact , t.liai it is. tie
one remedy tvMch promoU-s inteiTinl
cleanliaehs witbont dcl)1Iit ating tbc
onrans on vrbicb. it acts. Jtifa therefore
all important , in order lo get its liene-
iieial effects. 1o note when yon pur
chase , that you have the penuine artj-
eileivhicii is nn.nuiactm ed liy the Cali
4 fornia Fig- Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable dmg'gists
If in the eujqvmeat of peed health ,
and the pyst.ein is. repnlar , laxativeb or
other reiDedies. are then not needed. If
2.ffiicted with any actaaldisease , one
mny lie commended to the mt > srt hldllfnl
physicians , but if in need of 41 laxative ,
one should have the Itest , and -with the
well-informed everywhere , Syrrp of
Fig stands liiphest iia-1 is most larpely
sssd and gives most general Batisf action.
' i Happy Daj'S
are thase upon vtuch suflercrs expc'icnce tlie
return of lust EtrenrUi. vhalirj ani encrjrj.
Tlie famous Brain nndNerve Fnofl tiring
nrxcit this lutra reruli Tlicj creme licaltliy
iSi cstiun , pure , ricli bloid lirrn rnuiClKi.
rucc sirencth sle&iy nen'es anJ e clear
bruir Drams fore"er.
A lec&l fn irantce lo cure ur refund tlic f ,
ntrarjwith - - ? * " rriltarlurest
ntrarj- c- \ > rlurest t
Ehcrrnnti . WrConnel ) l > mc Co. ,
IMS "Dnacr St. . Omu.ia K h
it Tiie may
WoUiru K IliMiriler of
IX ) Year * lrteririicc.
V " \ rars in C > n ha.
'look rree. Coma It.linn
nd LXUnnnuti in ] rr.
1th and r rnam SU
for Infants and Children.
Castori * . dettrort voinai , tHoyt Icveriib- "Cnctoria is I > D vcQ adopted to children
newt , cures ditrrhcra end vind colic , Tehcvck ttiat I rccumtacsd it j-ujtaiur lo uny ] m > *
tedlutie trotiUet , cod cures couKtipatiun. tCTJjiiiua liuewn tome. "
CuBtoria. contains oo yimcssjc , narjiluuc , JL / _ jiteict. li. n. .
orvjuutn > B nvf furm. Ill 60. Orfici bU. , liruuLj-n ) , U. 7.
Tor bcvcrul ytxrs 1 have recxntttncndeil " Tlie iiie of Ccstona is * o ucivcmtj end
CustoruL , uxid fclxlt iJtraj'S ccmtintie to &o its uients * ovtJl tncnrn tlial it fceeciE a
so us it 3us icvtri&Ujr pmduccd Vcarfinnl work of eucrc3TJCuUun lo ctidorbe 3'3cw
RWlIU. " ere the inielhccnt ftnilicBwho da sot Lccp
TiLt.nrr , M. a ,
Btrcct end 7th Avenue , , H. D , , I
New Tort Cay
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
It lo ( > P ln'f-iumi it R r 1 f , t 'lir mf of
lilt I'ivnpfO 1 - atra. , 2i * ! u -i . * . uteioK. or
made of pure rubber
holds the Bull-Dog ; Gaito
Hose together.
holds the unlinaty rubber
garden hose together.
The strength of hose itepends : o thess rvb-
r > ermetsitecinicalb cUlsdlnrtionl. A short
rrvet is stronger Than fc Jong oat. Bu31-Dog
Thtor > and results r > "cn'
st liose for nr > ney rads
TR'cvea Hose t Rubber Co.
7 5 lfon&hlre St. . Uti ton , or
n Ijiite St Clui.arro < > 1 Rcajt SU , N Y.
TO ? Noth St St Liiuf ; it > "Wnut i Clcvelanl
T. Aimaliue&t Dvtivrr 34 1-trnuiit itirrnu
-i' ' - pEJ
Oottiag , Drc5333 ani HousWl
OMAHA Ol riCE 113 runmm Tul Oi21.
j BLtrrTS "Works unS Office. Cor. r
nu < A unfl IClii SL Tel 30.
lor IWct Lljc.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL. - 5100.000
osrc or 7-HE OLDEST BAJTK.S isr IOWA.
Art Idolof IncoriuiriiiIon *
Know All Mem By Tiiese T'je.sents. That
we the undersigned , hereliy Jorm ourBejlves
Into a body corporate for the purpose ol
buying anfl selling anfl ialcllng domestic
anfl ! orelm patents to munulncture. lisa
and tell the ilurLaughlin Air and ITlectric
Brake , the Mucl-uufhlln Sfml-Rota.rr
Coujilea- ; tie WarLaushlln Elect-ir Coupler
Heleat-ei the MucLauchlln Composition
Packing- ; the MacLauKhlln Tipht Joint ra
tings : tie MacLaughlin Culorlc Hvdraullc
Motor , the MncLaughlin Sttam BraUc ; ilia
MacLaugbiln Coupler and Couple Release.
The name of thiE corporation hball bs
The JiBLLaughlin Manufafturlng company.
The jirlnci al pluce -UiLJisactlns tie
bus-ltieKB of Rild t-ortioratlon nhu.ll be in
The city of Omaha , IJouglas county , J\e.n.
The general nature of the liuKlness ol
f.aia oorporarlcm Khali lie the buying , peill-
ing , iisJnp and holding of flome uc and
foreign pultnts the manufacturlns. uslnc
and wllinc and the llcen lng of othea-s to
rnanufactun usesjid hell the MacLuugb-
lin Air ana Eleculc BraUe. the MacLaugh-
lln SemiRotunCoujiler , the MucLo-upblln
fomporJtion Pnrklng , the MacLsiughlla
Tight Joint ritiings , the MucLuughlln
El'Ptrlp Car tn-CoupItr and the doing of
e'lery act .ne.cei.Mi.ry in and about tbe
prope r and pi ofltalile exercise of the jiawers
exiirfhily conferrcfl The buElnes.8 may be
curried on tvitiin the U-niled States ,
Mtxico Dominion .cf Canada , England ,
Germany and Trance Alf-o , tor tbe manu
facturing , uhinp and Helling and licensing
othtrfto manufacture. , UBe anfl pell in
Mexico Iitiminion of Canuuu England.
Germany and FranceH tie MticLnughlin
raJoric-Hj-druullc Motor the WucLaughlln
Automatic BraUe nnd Couplci and th
MatLaug-hlin Automatic Coupler HedeoBe.
The cujiltal rtocl : authorized by said por-
Tionition Miall be one million dollars ( EUKW-
000) ) in shares of one hundred dollars ( fltO >
each -which fcball 1 - de emod fully ' aid tip
when iBBUdd , Mild hhares of Mock lo "U >
r-ubocrlbed for and jiaid as required l < y tie
boorfl of directors of nald corporatlcm. und
in Dbbdieint * to the IUWK of the mate of
TCebrutika , Kitid caplio.1 tvlocU muy lie in-
- - * 10 tiuch u.n amount iih rnuj1 bei
t-u neicehbary to accomplish the pur-
eif Uiir t'orjiomtlon in the meant ! pro-
vjuini by law , not lo evt-ecfl the hum ot
five million dollars ( JS.OOO ( k 0) ) . Should tlie
t-ajJluJ Mock of tliiB porjiorntlon trveir be
innreiaMtd 111ieimln provided , home dial ] ba
fully paid up before itixued and Khali bet
This forporation ht.all cemnience bur,1-
nt-Bfi on ibe IWb day of Muy , A , Dw 3bM.
und shall terminate on the liith day of
May. 1KIE.
The offirnre of this corporation hhall bo
a prfrfient , vice TireBiaont BCCI ctarj % cor-
rfHf.on * iE fttr tary U U UI T , 1ljnt audi
tor unfl nwoDduuaitiir. . who bhull be
elwdod by the boaid of dlreotorB , ut the
annual meeting of cald ccrpoiutlon , the
term of Mild ( itilcurF t.hall cuiire ut the
end of one J iur , Jn tin event nf a vacancy
In ailof Fulfl iilticci. tlie name riiall bj
filled Uy the lioard of dlniciort. ; u.ny va-
t-anoy In the board of dlrcr.u.rfc may bo
flll d by ib board of the directors iui
tre ujiejqilred tttrm.
The ItuHlnepB of tl I * corporation hhall
be otmdiKttMa bv a liourd of dlroctorB con-
mRttiip ef not ItJBK than Jut ( C ) . or more
tbtin irfn * < ) . Wdel-.holflfrti of Bulfl oiiniora-
tiiiR , ac may be provided lij' the by-laws of
tbe oun/iorat1on Buid botJd tif dlniotors
Rimll be tile. tbd uiuiunHs 1 > r the Moulhold-
rr. , ai UE aanual mwtitier to be bttld on
tbt uoootid Tuet-duv In Mav of each y < iar.
The amount of InduiitiidubiiEi of tliU HOT-
puratlon n > : u.ll not tacttfid an amount cguul
te 1 j er cusiil of the capital Mod : iHHUctL
The Jnooniorator * and M-oeUboldbrB of
onrijoiutiuu hball net ! Imld 3 > Br on-
UitltltJor any ind btbdutB of Uilt
Tbe IxuiTi of 4iiD-u rB Khali have full
I > enir nnd umherity to adopt Micb by-luv
u * ntarJl be Juxxaifcar } ' provKUne for the ( Hib-
fvcriMKiOJ of uu.rli , the. njni-Uiict. and pro-
t ) < * 4kicR ef Moclih < ilde.rfc. and ptovidlnc th *
nwutaer of oonauotlnc the buHlnut * of tuU
TJitwe may Jit aintauJtvi by the hlockbold *
< ire la bUtib rrmnntir a may tie provided bT
tlie "lo' lawt. und in luioordaiice with law
In wUneBB whereof n t iitve hereunto utt
our baudk tiilii lth ! ) day of Maj 3KiC
W. H.