Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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    G THE O rATTA l > ACL\r 13ETBnpL'jnTlSDAY : ? , JULY 00 , LSOO.
Crop Failures in Russia Made a Stronger
Market ,
Tliorr'HH a Hiinil Triulp In Corn ,
the Hulk of XVIilfh Tool * 1'lncc
During 111'1 1'lrnt Tito
Hour * .
CHICAGO , July 2D. Crop fnlhirei In Hits-
nln , dnniapo to harvested wheat In Ohio ,
Jnt1li\n.i nnd Michigan caused that ccrcnl
to nilvnnco IVSo on nn actlvo speculative
IniMiitBi for the Hcvptomlier option today.
Corn recovered V4 per bu. on covering by
BhortB nnd wcro Btrong been use of
the bad reports concerning the crop. Pro
vision * ro-io sympathetically With grain.
There wan n good trndo and fairly active
mnrkct In wheat , prices chaiiRliin quite
frequently \\lthln a IVfcc r.niKO. The feel-
IIIB displayed was ftomovvlmt Hlrongcr and
slightly higher , the close showing a. sain
of from l'/4u to l\c. The early strength
apparently came from the foreign situa
tion , Liverpool cubic- ? showing no change
In prices , which , In the face of the break
Jicro yesterday , was taken ni an Indica
tion of ilrmness nnd was said to be duo
to bad weather on the other nldc. I.ondon
ndvlces reported thu crop In southern Ilus-
nla damaged , and thouih icportR of this
character vvrro In circulation two days
ngo , It added something to the price to
day. Thu falllii ! , ' olt In the move
ment and reports of light acceptances to
last night's bids by the country was also
Homothlng of 11 strengthening Inlltitnco.
Dtimnga claims to wheat In slunk were
mimrrotis and were something of a fae-
tor. Thu maikct durlnji the eaily part ol
the day acted as If a little overfold yes
terday and many of the icrcnt sellers
v/elo fairly actlvo buyers The weather In
England was leported imsottlid. Th'e map
on this sldn showed favorable condition i
Second cables cninu a llttlo easier and
caused a nioderato decline and was helped
along by profession selling , llradstreufs
whowed a dccieaso last week In the world s
available supply of 7-10,000 bu. , the dcciease.
for the samii period last > ear belnn 2 , 2.-
000 bu. 1'arls quoted wheat from 10 to 20
cntlmes off. Heilln was from 1'i to 1V4
marks lower and Antwerp was unehanRed
Thcro was a good tr.ide In corn , the bulk
of which took pl.ico during the Hist two
Iiours of the session , and the fctllnc di-
velopcd was somewhat lltmer , there being
a natural reaction after the late continual
decline , and flsures from c
to Vic advance. There was free and no-
tlvo buying by sevenil of the more promi
nent shorls , who have sold llber.illy of
late , anil thn same VVIIH supplied by the
elevator and receiving Interests.
Oats wcio active , stronger nnd higher ,
with an advance of from % o to rr c , which
was maintained at the close. Opening prices
wcro the lowest and taere were few re
actions on the way up. The tea tit res were
the confirmation of the crop damage by
thn weather bulletins , the damage In Iowa
being especially slRiilllcant. Parties In the
Interior who have made sales to arilvc
hnvo been unable to get the o.ita owing
to the crop damage nnd the rains are re
tarding threshing and have cancelled their
contracts. This necessitated free buying In
of September by commission houses. There
was alto good baying by local shorts am
no pressure to sell. The advance. In wheat
and small receipts also assisted In mak
ing a stronger market.
Provisions were fairly steady during the
forenoon nnd active and advancing near the
end of the session. September poik openei
nt JGOo , declined to ? fi 02 , gradu
ally up to JG.10 and near the close had i
rapid hulgo to W2 > , with $020 the Una
price. That shows an advance for the day
of ir c and January poik advanced T,4c
Similarly September lard gained 7'c , while
January only advanced 2V c and Septem
ber ribs rose 7' ' c , while January ndvancct
Estimated receipts for tomoirow are
Wheat , 77 cars ; porn , SCO cars ; oats , 12' '
cars ; hogs , 15,000 head.
The lending futures ranged ns follows :
Articles 1 O > n li. | LD V. 1 Clan
Jnlv C7M B7U
Sept BUM fi7M
Pee DIM oo
Corn.No 2. .
July 23
Sent iMki 84 U
US < ! < 28
On IB No. 2. .
July 1BH 18K
Sent 17 1H
Mny 20)4 ) 20J
Sent n os 21 ! 0 02K n 20
Oct n uo U7H n no 5 U7
Jun U 75 U 75 U 85
Xprd.lU01bi !
Sept 3 10 3 10 3 17W
Oct 3 17 20 H in 3 20
Jan 0 45 4.7J , 3 40 3 47)a )
Sliort Ulbs-
Sciit. . . . a in 3 10 3 20
Hct S 1A 3 in 3 27 1 <
Jen H .12 t 3 32 3 37 W
Cnsli nuotntlonn were ns folkmn :
FLOUR Slow liut Ktenrty ; winter patents. J3 1
813.20 ; utralKlits , 2 201/3 20 ; fprlni ; p.iteiitx , J3 1j
t/3M / ; KtriilKlilH , U'MRS.W ) ; bnkers , J2 COST'S 3 > .
WHIJAT-No 2 pprlnr. CSVic ; No. 3 fi > r\i\K \ \
B7'/4c ' ; No 2 ie.1. C1V-WC2C.
n COUN-No. 2 , HfcO-MKc : No. 2 jcllow , 2riO
OATS-No. 2. 18V4c ; No. 2 white , 21Jc ; No. 3
white , 20'4 21'ic.
HVIJ Nn 2. 32V10.
HAUMV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 27fl
33c : No. 4. f. o. I ) . , 2IV4c.
FlyAXHUPD-No. 1. 72c.
TIMOniV sniin-I'ilme. J30-,5T110.
I'HOVISIONK Mei > poik. per Mil , , JS rj laril ,
per 100 1IB. , (3 10t1 I2'4 ' ; short illiK , Hliles looi-e ,
15 ; dry Kaltul shouldeis. boveil , $ J.7Sii-i.t6
ebort clear sides boxed , $3 flW3 ) C2VJ.
WIIIBICY UlKtlllerM * llnlshcd foods , per gal
SUOARS Cut loaf , J5.13 ; crnnulated , $1 S2
etandaul off , (2 47.
POULTRY Enny ; turkcjs , SClOc ; chickens
tfilOc ; ducks , Hl ! > ! &c.
The follow Intf cro the receipts nnd shipment
today :
On the I'rol 1300x3)11 ) iifj to I iv tlu b iltor
ket was linn : crpnmerv. It)3l4c ; il.ilry. li
lie. _ KirffB. Ilrm ; fivuli. lOHc. Chuebo , iinlut ,
Conilltloii of Trnilc niul QuotutloiiN
11 u Sl.itile anil I''uiioy I'roduce.
KOOB Cholcu Block , 8c.
IlUTTlJU-Common to fair , 707Hc ; choice to
fancy , country , 11O12C.
VBAIrCliolco fat , SO to 120 Ibs. , Is quoted al
CUc ; lareo ana conrte , < jjo.
CIIii : i : Uomefllo brick , 13c ; ndam , per doz. ,
$9,60 ; club house. Mb. Jars , per do * . , S3 60 ; Llm-
bcrter , fancy , per Ib. , 13c ; lloouefort , M-lb ,
juri , pirdoJ3.CO ; Yuunk- American , 12e ; twins ,
funcy. ll'/tc.
PQUI/rUY I.lvo liens. CffCVtc ; coclss. So ; tur-
14 CO ; rje straw. J4 w ) ; color nia'kis the price civ
liay ; light bales n-ll thu best ; only top Krudea
Lrln top prices.
IIHOOM COIIN Rxtrcmely slow sale ; ntw
crop , delivered on track In countrj ! choice enen
MlfrViorklnB carpet , per Ib. . ? ' } c ; eholco Bieen ,
runnlni. to hutl , Jijo ; common , liio.
- doi. , crated according
to size. J.'WCi..w.
OANTlMOl'l'lJJo good shlpplnir Block ,
'JOMATOiS-lVr : H bu. banket , 75e.
OttCUMIIKIIH 1'er doz. , S5 40c.
NI3VV ONlONS-Boutlicin slock , per Ib , U c ,
LIMA IIHANH I'vr Ib. , 4c.
llKANB-lliind tilckpd nuvy , per bu , JUOffl CO.
CAL'Iiri.OU'iu-lVr : Ooz. . 75c.
CA1II1AOI3 Home KIOWII , jier hundred , t'OcQ
Cii.iHY 1'er iluz. , MOIOc ; fancy mammoth ,
75C/fO / < ; .
I'OrATOnS-New potatoes , per bu. , Z5c.
from southern Illinois. 9 lb ,
OAUrOltNIA ciIiilUliS None.
1IO.MIJ UllOWN VIIiUltliS.-Nune.
aoosiii imii.s-None.
lllAl'KlliitllliH : : None.
111. ASIC ltASl'lliilUliS-N'ine. :
CAl.irOUKIA I'lJACUKSHaU'i Karlr. pel
liox , ( OiiUo. fniH fora's. McliJI W.
CAI.irOltNIA I'lUMS-lVr box , II M01 75.
CUJtllANTS None.
Ari'LUS-CooKlne , per bbl. , JiOOC22J ; eating
1C M.
SOtTIinRN I'U'MS-I'er JJ-qt. case. Jl 23
HOUTIIKItN lUJAOIMJS-l'tfr 4-L.ieKet crate
C'ALirOIlWA I-nAHS-nartlelfB , $1 7S01 S3 ,
iii.i'iitinuiiB-r r ic-nt , cute , } : .co ,
OHANOnS-UoJI , per ca r , JC.50.
LKMONH Mertlnas. fancy , H K ; choice , II 00
California lemon * . 14 CO.
UANANAS Choice largo Ilock , per bunch
| rcOtt25 : medlum-tUtil bunches , Jl. 1.002.00 ,
I'INKAl'I'I.KS-No slilpplng stock.
1IONCV I"ancy white , iwr Ib. , He ; choice. ISc
Cullfornlu , amber color , luc.
CII : n Clarlilea Juice , per half bbl , $3 ; pel
i'HK8BUVi:8-A oited. 20-IU polls , each , $140
UAIO.B 6V11U1'-1'1V sal. ciuis , tucn. IMC ;
nl cnn * . r r dot. , $ t > . 14 S l. cant , $ H.U ; qunrt
nne , J3 M
riOS-lmportnl fnncy , 6 cro n , 30-II ) . boxc ? .
4c , choice. 10-lb box' " . 1 crown. OOIOc
Nt'TP-Almond * . California , per Ib , medium
l e , lOe , Tnrrneona nlmonds , per lb , larR * .
H4c ; Ilrnills. per lh. , tc ; KnullMi nlnuli < . per
> . fancy soft dlicll , lie ; medium > lie. lOci ni
ifTtr per lb , IDc , | > ecfin . poll'bed medium , ( c ;
urgf. lOc t aniit * . raw , $ uf7c , rousted , 7Jic.
DATRSHallQV cn , per lb , Co , fards , lo-lb ,
oxcs , per lit , 7c.
unnssno MHATS.
nnnr Drcweii steers , 4oo to roe ibn.-tat'
cstern fleers , t'kfitoi Keel co and heifers ,
flfa" medlnm cows nml heifers , rg5'4c ; s
orequnrters , cc , hnd heifers , S'iJUc ; Rood
orrqunrtero , native steers , 4' fllic , Rood hind-
unrters , conn nnd hflfers , 7f(7'4c , goo < l bind-
imrters. steers , 8'4c ' , cow rounds , t'Jc ; cow
ilntcs , 3c. boncleKS chucks , 4c , cow chuck ? , 3'1T '
; ' , ic ; steer chucks , 3c ; beef tendorloln < , ! 2c ;
irof rolls , boneless , 9c , sirloin butts , boneless , Do ;
oln back , Iranelefp. c , loin backs. So ; cow rib * ,
\o 3 , 7c , cow loins. No. 3 , D'4c ; ticcf trim-
nines , "c , rump butts. Cc : rlionlder clod . Cc ;
rozen. 4c.
MUTTON' Drcffeil Inmbs. 7'4c ; dressed mutton ,
Ho , racks , lOc , ICIM , Fc ; snildles , 50. ittcns , 3c ;
| K-P | > pluckn , 3c ; Pheep tongue * , per doz , 2. > c.
1'OIlk iJt-cfsoit hrrK" . 4'4c ; pork lolnc. SHc ;
pare rlb3'4c ; ham sansnKes , butt' , 4c ; pork
linnlilcrti , 4 < ic : pork sboiiltlcrs , eklnned , 4Hc ;
pork trimmings , 8c ; leaf l.ird , not rendered ,
itmra AND TAM.OW.
HIDRR No. 1 Rreen Mdcs , Iff No 2 green
ildrc , 3c. Nn. 1 gtren raited hides , CHc ; No. 2
green ratted hides , 4'/ic ' ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12
bs. , Cc ; No. 2 Veal cnlf , ft to 1" Ibs , 4c ; No l
Iry flint hides. 7 JSc ; No 2 dry Hint hides , f.07c ;
Vo , 1 drj salted hlilf" , Cc ! part cured hides , Jio
ier lb less than fully cured.
RIIIiKl * 1'III.TS-Orecn snltca , ench. JSflCOc !
green railed shearlings ( sicrt Mnoicil early
rklnn ) , each , K ; dry rhcnrllngn Ishort vvnnlcd
early rklnr ) , No. 1 , end , , tuo : dty shonrllnmi
shrit uooleil enrlj Fklnf ) , Nn 1 , each , 5c ; dry
lint Kansas nnd Nebrnskn butcher wool pelts ,
11 r lb. , actual v eight , ( fi.'ic ; dry Hint Knnsns
ind Nebrnrkn Murrain vvonl pelts , per lh , net-
unl vclcht , 3fJ4c : rtrv Hint Colorado butcher
wool pelts , per lh , nctunl , 4f5c ; dry
lint Colorado Murrain v\ocd pelts , per lb , nctual
weight , ViHc ; feet cut GIT , as It Is Useless to
; iay freight cm them.
TAM-OW AND OlinASn Tallow , No. 1 , 2'4c ;
tallow. No. 2 , I' c ; grease , white A , 2'4o ; grease ,
white U , l'4c , grcnke. > cllo , 1'ic ; grearc , dnrk ,
l 4o ; old butter , SiW'ic ; beeswax , prime. 15J
S2o ; rniigh tnllow , Ulc.
HONKS In car lot , v elghod nml delivered In
Chlcngo : I3iy liuffnln , per ton , $1200 HOO ; iliy
countiy , bUnchcd , per ton , $ IOOOffl.oo : dry
country , damp and ment > , per ton , JO wnjt Q\
WOOL fnwus'ied fine heavy. 6f7c ; n-c llelit ,
Sfiic ; nuniter blood. 10H12c ; seedy , bnrry nnd
chiirfv , Sflic ; rotted nnd brokin , coarse , 7 Tie ;
culled nml brokin. line. We. riecco wn-shod
Medium K.WISc ; line , llilino ; tub wn hed , 1C { ?
ISc. blirk. fc ; bucks , Co ; tng locks , 2ff3c ; dead
pnlleil ,
iioliilloiiH of tlu * liny on ViirloitN
Cii in nioill I It-n.
NK\V YO11K , Inlv 21 n.Otm Receipts , 10-
ft tijp | | ; pxpott" , 8017 bbl" . : mm l < c t llrmer with
more demand for winter wheat biands ; low grade
patents , J4.Of42J ( ? , winter patent * , J3.4',83CO ,
winter straights , J3 ' 'Off 3 30 ; Minnesota bnkcrs.
2 4082 to ; Inter low grmks , J1.K ! ) 2.03 ; spring
low Grades , JJ IOJJ2 : . ' . . It > c Hour , uisy , superllne ,
> 2.45U ( | Co , fancy , JJ tJ2.KI. .
COU.V MKAIr-Slcndx ; jpllow western. CCc.
HYi : Quiet ; No. 2 western , 3fif17c. |
11AUIIV Steady , W ( stern , 3l')33c.
IIAULIIY .MAI.l QuIil. western , 45ff4Sc.
WIIKAT Hi-eelpts. 101 , SCO bu ; No. 2 , C5Uc ;
No. 1 hatd , CO'Jc. Options ndvnncrd sharply to
day on covering , due to reports of Huislan crop
damage , lumois of n bullish Indiana state re-
pott und lo n favnrnble winter wheat newii ,
Cables were unsatisfactory und foreign holdeis
cold early ; closed Kc higher , No. 2 red , July ,
oloi-cd nt KW > c ; Piptembtr , Gj'&GIMl&c , closed at
CO UN Hecelpts , CC 00 bu ; exports , 2,003 bu ;
( pot llrmer , Nn. 2. 3l'c. Options ndxnnced with
wheat on pn > niect of smaller receipts , shorts
belli } ? best bu > eiH , closed * 4c higher , July , S0i
4i30 * ' e , clo = ed nt SOSo ; September , 30' { j30-\c ,
clo'vd at SOS1C.
OATS IlcielptB. C0.700 bu. , exports , 9.4CG bu ;
spot Ilrm , No. 2. 22 > iB23c. Options strong nil
day with other m irkcts , closing1 ' 50c net
higher , July , 22'4fi.'J'14c ' , closed nt 224c , Septem
ber , 22'iR2J\c , cloted nt 22Hc.
11UTT13H Ilccelpls , 7,777 pkg . ; m irket steady
western dairy. OJJUc ; western creamery , ll'i
l.'o. lllglnu , ICc.
niiiSi : HecelpK 3r,00 pkgs. ; market quiet
large , fiWigc'ic ; small , J5 ! > j7c , part skims , 20
4V4c ; fulfsklms , 101V4C.
iaUS Hecelpts , C.S7. ! pkg ; market steady.
state and 1'enliF ) Hillllu , 13'iQHc ; v\cstern , 11 ? )
HAY Steady ; bhlpplng. Me ; good to choice
HOI'S Quiet ; ftate , common to choice , ISO.
ciop. 2m > " 4'jCj ' IWi ciop , Jlt'lic. 1'nclHo coast ,
1S94 ciop. 2 > 404c ; Iti'i crop. 3iG'sc.
IIIDUS Quiet , wet salted , New Orleans , he-
lccted. 2i4"ic | ; Gnlveston. ligilijc , llucnos
Ajres , dry. ICc ; Texas , dry , 9o ; California ,
Quiet : hemlock sole , Iluenos Ayres ,
light to heavy vv eights , 20rj21c ; ncld , 2IJT23c.
I'HOVISlONS-Hecf. nulet ; family , JS Mflfl 00
beef hams , Jl % fOfllO 00 Cut mcul , Heady ; pickle
billies. 4f5'4c : pickled shoulders , S'VJc
plcUlcd hams , ! ) 'X.910e. Tnllow , dull ; city , 3'Jc
country , 3Mcllacon. . boxed Bhoiildor ? , J4.40
tongue" , $375 ; ribs , $4 ; shorts , J.12'i. Dry salt
m3ati , boxed shoulders nnd longs. JIM ; ribs
$ .175 ; short" . $3 87' $ . Lard , steady ; western
steam , $3 15 ; icllned , easier nt t3.75M 00
I'ork , quiet , old to new mes" , $7.75ffS73 ; short
clear. $7.r,0fl8.r,0 ; family , J9 75010 60
OILS Cotton teed oil , dull nnd heavy ; prime
ciude , Ii620c ; prime summer yellow , 2t > ' 4W
2So : off summer jcllow , 22&23c ; prime white
2G27c. Petroleum , dull ; Untied closed at $1.10
bid. Turpentine , quiet nt 24JJ21' e.
HICG Steads ; domestic , fair to extra , S'/SfCc1 '
Japan , 44'c.
jiilct ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
good to choice. 29i37c.
rilEIOIITS To Liverpool , quiet ; cotton , by
ste.un. 3-3.M , Krnln , by Btcnrn , 2il.
MnTAI.S Pip Iron , southern , J10 2i12 , .
northern , } 11.75fil2 TO. Copper , enny ; brokers
J11.00 ; exchange , JIO 0011 11. Lenil , steady
brokers , } 2 80 : exchange. 12 WJ. Tin , steady
Htiults , $13.4011 45. riates. btendy. Spelter
quiet ; domestic , 13900400 ; July tin , J13 40.
St. I.on IN ( If no ni 1 Mnrkt't.
ST. LOUIS , July 2t.-WIIEAT-Heport8 tlm
the Russian KIIIIn crop WIIH n fnllure , will
llrnier cables nnil ilnmnRC to wheat In shock In
tills country , inured nn ndvnnce early. Addl
tlonnl reports of crop daninRe cnuBed nnothc :
nilvnnce In fie price of futures , vvlilcli closet
1'Jc to 1'ic hlsher than JiPteiduy , Ppot , lower ,
No. 2 red , ciivli. r.7iTu7'iC. elevator , 6S"S'tc ;
track , No. 2 hard , Mc ; July , tSu , August. DBiic-
Si pteinber , Me
fOIlN rutuies opened ensler , but later on
repoitu of dnmiiKc In the O iln vnlley nnd hot
\\liulH In the west , prices rallied , nnd cloeed ' 10
' c hlRlier than jesterdny , sjiot , gtronper ; No.
2 tnnh , 2210 , Jul ) , 2Ji c ; August , 22',4c , Sep
tember , 22lc
OATH IIlKher for futures , with llsht trading ;
pot , hlKhei , No , 2 cash. IS'lc bid ; July , 18l4c
bid ; AuKUst , 17T4c bid , Septembti , 18c bid ; Slay ,
20\u bid.
KY2Se ! , elevator.
UAULir Nominal.
I1IIAN rirm und In demand nt 311 c , east
l'LAXSniD Lower ; C5CCc. }
HAY CholiP Kindes , scarce , vvlth little de
mand ; prairie , old. 14 ; tlmot'.iy , new , JOOOfi !
II ) r.O.
IHJTTnn Lower ; creamery , 10'ic ; dairy , VA
iHS ( ! Steady ; Site.
I'OULTUY I..isy ; chickens , old. ( i'Jc ; new , 7e ;
tuike _ > s , sprlriff , lOCllc ; ducks , DJj7c ; ueese ,
' '
'WHl'sKY 1 22.
Sl'HLTl.K Sellers ni-lilnff $3.70 , but no appar
ent demand. *
corrox Tinp si. : ' .
11 A ( K ; i NO r. fic-iic.
1'IIOVISIONH I'orK , hlsher ; ttnnilanl mess ,
Jobbing. JO MKrG 75. Lard , steady ; prime stenm ,
$ ; .i'"i ; choice , f3. llaeon , boxed MioulilerM nnd
lungs , 175 : ribs , II ; nborts , JI.12H. Ury salt
miuts , boxed shoulders , 5337'j ; lonus , | 3 CO , ribs ,
| t GJl- ; shorts , (3 75.
Plotir , 3.000 bbls. ; wheat , 85.000
bu. ; corn. 137,0011 bu , ; oats , j.OOO bu.
SIUPMUNTK rinui , 6000 bbls ; wheat , 6,000
bu. j corn , 35,660 bu. ; outs , 2,000 bu , < TIIIII | .Miirkt'tH.
LIVKUPOOU July 29-WHiAT-fpot : quiet :
demand pooi : No. 2 red vvlntir , 6s 2d ; No. 2 red
i-pilng. t > s 'jil ; No. 1 California , Us td ; futures
otivned Ilrm , with prices unchanged ) rl , < i
steudy and 'ill lowet ; business nbout equally
dlKtrlbuted ; July , August , hiptember nnd Oc
tober , 4a lid ; November , 4s ll'ja ; December , ,
4 ll' d.
COHN Quiet ; American new , Zs OV4d ; futures
opened Mindy nnd rlo ed steady , v\lth October
' < d lower und other ninnthB 'J < 1 lontr ; bublncua
nbont equally distributed ; July , 2s t > ? til ; Sep.
tpinlier. I's ti'W ; October. 2a lOd ; Noxcmbtr ,
JB 10'til : Decemlxi , 2s 10 Jd.
I'LOUIt rinn , deman.l moderate ; Ht , Louis
fnncy winter. i.s rl ,
PHOVISIONH llacon , quiet ; demand moder-
ntc : Cumbeilnnd cut , 28 to SO Ibs , 23s ; short ribs ,
IS Ibs , 2l > s ; long ileiir , llEllt , 38 to 45 Ibs , , 23y O.I ;
long clear , heavy , nominal ; Miort clear bicks ,
IlKlit. IS lb . , 2Js ; thort clear middles , heavy ,
niinlnal ; clear bellies. 14 In 1C Iba , 21' ; ehoul-
> lti , t-quirr , 12 to 18 Ibs. , 22 . Hnnm , shoit tut ,
U tu 10 Ibs , 4J . Tu Ilrm , line North Anieilcjn ,
1I.S iid. lleef , India niftH , 47s M ; prime mess ,
37u G > 1. PorW , prime inetH. Una wi stern , 45s ;
medium , S s d. Lnia , steady ; prime western ,
1& ; retined , In palls , ISn.
CIIIIHI-QUI.I : : | : dcnmna poor ; line vililte ,
31x M. ( Inn coloied , 3'i > ,
lll'TTIJIl I'lne 1'nlled States. 75s ; good , ,
HKPHiailllATOIl Iinni-1 rorciiunrler , Sd ;
lilndquarlci ,
HOI'S At London ( PaclHo roiitt ) , JC1 Us.
ICiiitNiiH Clly .llnrK-flH.
fairly atll\e ubout Heady ; No. 2 hard , noml.
null > \ Me , No. 3. 4951c | ; No. 2 red , 04V4e5Co : No.
3 t tf54c.
" " "d' :0c :
im-No. 2 icmlnally 25c.
lIAV-Maiket t-leudy ; timothy , choice ,
| 7 CO. iiiulrle. ( liaUv. IS ( Ofi5.(0.
ilrm. unclmngcd , 7'ic.
Ciitton Jlurlcct.
ST. LOUia July 23 COTTON-Qulct : mid-
. TB-1U ? . UieljiU , 454 bttle ; liules. W bales.
titncU. S3. Ml baler
NU\V vol. : ' * Jul > -COTTON-SIKH , closed
quiet , mlddllnir , unlana 77-16 < j , middling. Bulf
711-lCc. w > les. 145 bales , Puturts closed burely
etiad ) ; laleii , til.CCu UUi ; January , fO.CO , Ptb-
ruary . : : Mnrch $6.7inC74 ( , July , | .4I , All-
Ktin , $716 ; Pfpteml r , J6 Cl , October , $8.W , No
vember , $6.59 , Dcicmbcr , > 6 57.
SocurUjInrkot Wim I'nlrlj-
TliniiiKlioiil tin- Iii } ' .
Ni\V YOHK , July ID.-The slock mnrkct today
vvaii fnlrly ncthc and a usual recently fentl-
m"nt plnjcil nn Important put In shnplnR the
course of prices. The trading wn compnrntlvcly
well distributed , although Sugar ami St , Paul
figured for over one-half of the entire totnl.
The first mentioned wn the star performer
nnd In common with the genernl llt wns Ir
regular. Incidentally It touched par , the lowest
price recorded for n. long time The movement
( f the stock exerted considerable sympathetic
Inlluencc upon the otbet shnreo. The j-enernl
market Vns feverish In tbo forenoon , operation *
nvernglns n Huctuntlon of nearly 2 per cent
In the prominent share" . The opening wns weak ,
chlflly owing to loner London quotations for
American securities , nnil In the carl } dealings
ilctllnes wcro recorded , extending to 1 > 4 per
cent In Ilock Inland At the low level pome sup-
l > ort became evident In the lending stocks nnd
there was nlfo extensive coveting or shorts , nnd
Improvement ! from the low points occurred ,
rnnglnk up to Hi | nr cent In Chicago Ons nnd
AlKiut mlddny some commission orders np-
penteil , nnd together with continued , covering
nnd some bitIng of the International shares
cnttrcil n further appreciation In prices. The
Inquiry for the Industrials wno quite mtirked.
The more Important extreme advances were In
Sugar , 2'i per certt ; Tobacco , 1't pel cent ,
Leather preferred , 1'4 ' per cent , nml Chicago
(1 is , 1 4 per unt. The grangers ro e If2 per
ccnl , the last In Hock IMnnd. The closing vvns
strong , but prices vxeto kcneinlly n shade be
low the best figures. Dealings In the low-priced
shares constituted n feature of the mnikel.
The bond market fulled to respond to the Im-
movement noted In the share speculation In
the late session and closed weak , vUtli Im
portant declines In many Instances. The spec-
ulntlvc IPSUCH nsiumeil consldirnblc prominence
In the Fillllng movement , particularly In thn e
hnvlng nn Internnllonnl market. The sales were
JS7n , ( o. The principal loijes nro Ohio South-
ctn lit * , 1 per cent ! Ontario & Western refund-
Inf , "H , .T > 4 per tent ; Housntonlc fi" , I. & O.
N , 2ds nnd St. Paul , Dnkotn & ( Ircnt South-
em 6" , 3 per cent ; Oenernl 4s , 1'4 per tent ,
Ilnst Tcnnesfee consol Bn nnd Northern Pnclllc
terminal Ists , 2 per tent ; Chicago A : Krle 1st" ,
\ per cent ; " Cincinnati & Irnnton 5s nnd Louls-
Illc A : Nashville unlllotl 4s , 1 > 4 per cent ; \Vnbnsh
fts nml HocU Islftnd cxlended Is , 1'i per certt ,
nil Atchlson 4s. Chicago A. Knsttrn Illinois
i , IMIfon Electric conpol 5s , Knusas S. Texas
i nml Ilrnoklyn ITnlnn Cs , 1 per tent.
Governments were barely steady , the mtiikol
ihowlng n tendency to sng on offerings of Jf > 2 WKi
liver certificates were dull nml easier on tlenl-
ligs of $7ICO.
The Kvcnlnir Post's lonflon nnanclnl cablegram
41B ; The stock inarKetH todn } v\erc Hat on the
ntimities in Purls nnd tne renewed slun i In
merlcnns. The market Is demoralized and the
lnrm Is spreading to the genuine holders of
lends nnd better clars shares , who are ( iidenvor-
ng to pell It Is , how ex or , almost Impossible lo
icll bonds nt nilthing like Iho quoted prlcts
mil thu fact thnt nrbltrage. houpcs have found
t Impossible to pell large blocliB of fair class
londB In tiu United States has had a ilcmonillz-
ng cITect here , prices , however , closing above
he lowest. As leportcd In } estcriln's cables ,
he s > ndlcnte's elfort to check gold silpmcnts
ire almost dlsreganlul here. Other markets were
: iat In s } mpnthy with Americans. A failure Is
cporled In the Glasgow market , and In Paris
wo big Hrms have been In dltllculty. In one
if lhe e accounts were practically closed today ,
t Is that of n large opciutor , vvho v\ns helped
iver b } n big financial houpc last November ,
flic Paris and Ilcrlln markets were Hat.
The following were the closing quotations on
he fending Blocks of the New York exchange
oday :
Atchlson 11 dotifd 144
AdamuEx 1411 N. Y. Ocntril . Ill
Al'on.T. II f.l , N. Y. X N. B. . _ . . . . 83
Am. Express 108 Ontario A , W .
taltlmore XOhto. lfi * { Oixcon lint )
nnndn Pacific. . . . f.0l . Oivyon Nuv 10
C.inndiSoutlioni. . 4.IVi O. S. L . N . 0
Central P.icltle. . . . 12' { Pacinc Mall 18H
: | ICB. i Ohio ii : Pcoria Dec. A.E. . . l'ii
Chlc.liro A. Alton. . 143 rillsbure IG4
C. . b fill O.IK Pullman Palico. . . 144
Chlcairo < ? .IH CJ | < Read I til lUHi
Consolidated On. :41 H , Q. W 15
! . ( J. . U. A. ht. L. . 2'JW It. G. W. Ofd 41)
: ole Coal X Iron. . 114 ROCK Island ( > 4 %
Cotton Oil Ucn. . . . 1148f St. Paul U71
) elavv.-iroV Hill. . Ill ) dopfd lUlhi
) el. . Lick..t W. . . 145 St-1'.A.Oimna. . . . - < 2
J.&H.G pf.I 4UJ dopfd 122
) . AC F. Co 10H Southern Pacific. . 1H
E.istTenn 1.1 buirur Honnorv. . . . 10H4"
Erie 27 Tcnn.Coil .V Iroi 1UU
dopfd , 14 TexaaPacIllc 'I '
'ortWnvno 101 T. &O.Cont. ofd. . . O.I
) .Northern pfd. . . 10D Unlun I'.icllic. . . . . ! > M
C..E. 1. pfd IM U. S. Exurosa 40
locklnir V.illev. . . W. bt. L. A.P OW
llinolH CcntrU. . . W. St. L 1
St. P. .VDulutli. . . . Wells F.ireo E < . . . ltd
i.A-T.pfa Wi'Bteru Onion. . . . 78'f
Lake Erlo .t WesL 1 4 (4 ( Whecllnir i. L. E. . U
do ofd o pfa J3)i
.nkoSlioro Ill M. &St L 1 K
.end Trust IrtH D.JsH , 0 1P ( <
Loula\lllo AN. . . . 43M O. h , 2IM
' . . .IN. A rJ ;
ilaiihuUanCon. . . . 83
.IcniDlila.v C in do pfa , 1)0 )
Mlchnr.inCent H2 > 4 T. St. L. A. 1C. C. . . . 4 }
Missouri 1'aelflc. . 17 T.St. L. kK.C. pra 10
Mobile ft Ohio 17 S. H. U.
feiBlrUlloCliit. . . . US S. U. Ilnfd 20
National Cord IM. 3W Am. Tob. Cede C7 >
Jat Cord no pfd. . OM do Dfd 05
N.J. Central 01H Am Tel. A C. Co . . SO
N.A.W.PM Com'l C.lblu Co. . . . 1.10
JortliAra. Co Am. Suif ir pfj
N'oitlierii Pacltla. . CM U. S. Cordage ptd.
* . PaclnunM U. S. Lcillio.pfd. . .
U.I' U. i O U.S. Rubber IB
NorlhvveBtcrn 03H do pfd . . 70
The total sales of stocks today vvcre 240.S02
shares , including : American Tobacco , 18.COO ;
Atchlson , 3,400 ; American Susar. C5,300 ; Ilurllnp-
ton & Qulncy , 14,700 ; Chicago Gas , B.kOO ; Louis
ville & Nashville , 13,400 ; Maniattan. 7,100 ; Ilock
Islimd. ll.COO ; St. 1'aul , 44,200 ; Western Union ,
4,100 ; Wabnsh & Lake Erie , 3.1CO ; Southern , 4,100
silver certificates , 70,000.
JScvf York Money.
Easy at HiftJ per cent ; last loan , 2 per cent
clofed. I's62 per cent.
STERUNG nXCIIANGn Steady , vilth nctua
liuslnefs In bankers' bills at J4 S8i for demand
and J4 S7'/iC < S7i for xlxty ilnjH ; posted rates ,
14 KS ( ( < WA and H.S''ffl.SS'.i ' ; commercial bills ,
(4 87.
GOVERNMENT RONDS-Stcudy ; state boml ;
dull ! railroad bonds , weak.
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows :
U.S. 4n , ronow. . L' . I' . Utsnf' 3. . . .
U.S. 4HCO.l | > . ninv. m U. AK.B. 78 100
U. S. 'is. roc . 110 D. till. Q. 4i 88
U. H. fin. coup . Krlo'JilH AH
It. S.4B. roir . 1II5H O. II. iS. A. ( M. . . . 105
U , S. 4H , coup . 107 O. U. XS.A.7S. , . . 07
U.S. 2 .rer . 115 II. A.T.C. Bs 102
I'aclHctlsor ' 03. . . doda 100
Ala. . cl.iHn A . M..K.A.T. lat 4J. 77' '
Ala..clisnl ! . 07 do2d In 67J
. . . 05 Mutual Union IM. . 108
Aln.Currnnoy . . . . 00 N. J.C. Oun. 6a. . . . 114U
La. New Con. Is. . us hi No. I'.iclllo lots. . .
MlBHonrllls . 101) ) do2dn
N. C.ils . no N. W. Consola. . . . 138
N. 0.48 . 101) ) doS V. Dab 6a. 10(1 (
P.O. nonfimrt . R. O.Vunt. . Ints. . . 07
Icnn , now net ill. 7t ! St. P. Consols 7 . . 125
Tonn. nnw Bst OH. . .11 doO. A.P. W. 5i. 108J ;
Tonn. oldfls . CO St. L..I. M.Qan. 1 00
Vn. Centurion . C4 St. L AS. P.Oja t. 00
do deferred . ToxaHl'io. Ists. . . 7J
Atclitson 4s . 72.n do 2(1 H 15
AtcnUon2d A . .n U. 1 > . Istaol'UJ. . . . 100
Canada So. tiila , . . . OW Weal Shore 4n 101H
L , A. N. unlllod 4s. O. H , , VN. iHts. . . . 100
SolllhrruSn . KIlW N. 1'ac. 3 < ls 08
i Stoult ( ( notnilnna.
BOSTON. Jnlv 20. Call loins. 431'nsr ! cent :
time loans. 533 pr cent. Closliu prisot for
utoclcB.bonus ml mlnl'ir i irJi ;
A.T. &S. t' . Woat End nfd. . . . 84
Am. . WtBtlmrli. Eluo. . . . VJ ! W
Am. Suifnr pfd. . . . W. Elno. DM 49
IlayStatnRaH , . , . R \VlH.U3iitril. . . . . . 1 !
llellTolepliono. , . 105 Oen. Eloo | > M R7
IIOHton k Albany. 205 AtelilRon 4n 71
lloHton.V Malno. . mi Allouez Mlnlnr O } 25
C. II. .vu. . . . U3 > Atlantic 18
Fltchbnrf . U8 Hasten JcMonUnk 7il
Ocn. Eloslrlo . lllittoA. Hoston. . . . 134
Mttxlcun Central , . Calumet k HeoU , UU5
N. Y. A.N. B . 1(1 ( Franklin UK
OUIColonv . 17(1n Ku.trH' iLe , , . . I )
Ore. Short Una. . . . n OncooU CHHi
Rubber. . . . . . . . in Ouuicy Kill
10 Tanmrick 70
Union IMclfla , . . . . 10oi Wolrerlna . . . . . . . . W
U'lHtEncl . (1M (
fian FrnucUco Mining Uuotatloii * .
SAK FRANCISCO. Jnlv 'JO.-Tho offlclll cloalns
Quotatlona far mlalnDtij itali/ word a * fol
lows :
Alti 10 Rxclioqnor. . . . . . . . 5
Alpha Con , . . , . . . . 13 HaluJkNorcro8 ! ) , , 120
AniluH 28 KiMitncXy Con
llclchcr 4U Mexican R4
lli'Ht.V Holcher. . , . A4 OcclduntnlCon. . , , fill
HotllaCon 40 Ophir , 1(10 (
Iliilllon 17 Ovurinnn , 17
UulwerCon. . , , . , . . 82 POIOBl . . , . IIS
Cnlfdoiim 11 riivnuu , . . . . . , , , 71
rhulleiiKo Con , . , . 45 Scorpion 5
riiollur 2J"i Slurru Nevada . . . . 70n
Cuiillnunco. . . , , . . . . 1(1.1 ( Sllrur Hill n
Con. IM1. * Vu , . . . 1U3 Union Con 45
Con. Imperial . . . . l Utah Con , . . , . . , . . . 11
Crow n 1'olnl .17 Yollovv JucUet . . 41
SUvjr biri. ( J Ut ; Mixluiu dolUri , 5I334HO ,
Sight dradt 5o , iole raplile. 7 c.
TIIMV Yurie niliitutr ( tuotiitloii * .
NEW YOltlC. July SI ) , TUs ( ottowinirj tlu
clOBint ; mlnlnir quotatlona ;
nulvver Ontario ,1000
Cliollar. . . . , Onhlr. . 100
Crown 1'oltit. . . . . Plymontn 20
Con Col. It Va. . . 100 1AO
123 OlllcUBlhcr pfj. . ,
Gould A. Curry. . . . . Slorr.i Novail u , . . . 65
lllllo.VNotxrohS. . 1113 Con 125
: 'i > iu Union Con . . . . . . . 411
Iron Silver. . 1HO Yellow Jacket. . . . 40
Mexloan DO
London tiluoU UunttilluiiH.
LONPON , July ' 'U 1 p. m. cloilnf ;
in'v. . . 1 US-liil Mexican ordinary , "T5U
Consols. ui't . , 1 lilM 'St. ' LMut com. , . , . . oo
Can. 1'aclllc SHU \.Cmitral u.i
Krlo . . . . . . . . la
KrlulBtuid . 281 llcadlnj .
Ill central. . . . . . OJ Mcx. Gen , new 4
- .
MONKY ii l' r cent.
Tne rate of Ultcount In the open for
short Mild la 9-16 rrnfrt , thrccc month * " bills ,
H per cent , _ _ _ _ _ lli _ . _
HOSTON. Jnly 29.ClMrlns * . $11,401,504 ; lml
tl. 7.14. 292 , - *
, lULTlMOUi : . Juli * -Clcnrlngc , ! ,054,2i3 ! ;
balances , J40"i 3IC. 14 01
NK\V YOIIK , JulKiRir-Clearnlng" , $7l,6JOnS4 (
LftlnncCB , $5.021,716. V"'T
I'HILAHiLPHIA : , JuUW.Clcnrlngd , nM. '
tCC , balances , $ lS30,9cij"
ST. LOtJIS , July 2n'.1Clcarlngs , $3,222 ff ! ; hnt-
nnccs , JM2.119 ; tnoner , 'COS pr cent : New York
exchnngp. Wo discount ) i\l | , 2f 3 discount asked.
CHICAGO. July 2 < Tt-Monty t ltf. linrdcned !
on time nnd nn cnlli.f-irT cent. New York ex
change , lOc discount , sterling pooled rates , on
ilcmnnd , Jl $94 ! , on lHt > l das , JI.SS ; clcnrlnRs ,
$ I2,4iC,671 , _ . . .
HtHLlN , July 29 - nxcliango on 1/ondon , eight
dn } ' sight , 20 murks , 3714 pfg.
IjONDON , July 21 Gold I" quoted nt Hucno *
ArcB today nt 1ST. 50 , nt .Madrid , 19.21 ; nt Lisbon ,
IM/i ; at Home , 107 40
PA HIS , July 29. Three per cent renten , leif
"Oc for the nccount , exchange on IxnuUin , 25f
lie for checks.
CdlV.MMarket. .
NI1\V YOHK , July 2i.-COrrii : Opllons
opened steady nl fijilo points decline , following
weak rabies ; reacted on later favorable Havre
ndvlces , causing covering nnil sharp uchniu-e ;
closed steady nt a net advance of f. 20 point * ,
sales. 23.000 bags , Including July , $11 , f-eptcmbir ,
J975H9W. Spot , ilull. No. 7. $11.75. Mild , quiet ;
Coulovn , $15 OOJflC 2' , ; sales , 13(0 ( lings , Xlnni-
cnlbo , p t. Total uiiieliniije ilellverles from the
United States , bugs , Including 100- IIAKS
from New York ; Niwork plotk today , 107r > W )
bags ; United Suites Hock , 20i,701 lings , nllont
for tie flilteil Stale" , 237,000 bugs ; totnl vldlble
supply , 439,701 bags , ngnlngt tdOC12 bags liift
> ent.
iiAvni : , July 2i.-corrnn-ciosed nt in pfg.
net ndvnnce ; sales , rcoo luig" .
SANTOS , July 29 COKru-clood nverngc
Snntos. lu.Cdu rels , receipts. 31,000 bigs , stotk ,
24 < > , CK)0 ) lings.
IIAMIM'HG , July n.-COIVinj-Wcak ; 101U
pfK. decline , call1" , 16000 hags.
HIO. July 29. COlTKIQulcls No. 7 , Hlo , 10-
00 rels ; excliange , S'id ; ncelpts. ll.COO bag * ;
cleared for the 1'nltect States , 7,000 bugs ; tor
Kuruiw. 1,000 bags ; sto > k. K1.0UO bags.
AftMl ill ulu t Ion | t r C nil ii Stocl.M.
| Ni\V YOHK , July 21. Special cable nnd tele-
ginphlc dlspntthes to lnulstreet's } , covering the
pilnclpnl points of nrcuniulillnn , Indicate the
following changes In nv tillable BUplle | lust
Saturday , n compared with the preceding Snt-
nrdny : Wheat , tlnlleil Stntes nnd Canada , inst
of the llocky mountains , decrease , 210,000 bu , foi nnd In Hurope , deireape , Mb.OOO bii. ;
tolnl decienrc woild's available supply , 740,000
bu. Corn , United Stales and Cnnndn. east of
tinHocklCB , lnttea = e , Sll.OOO bu. Outs , United
Slntes nnd Canada , cast of the Heckles , ile
cixafe , t20,000 bu. The more nolnble decrensen
In tbo htocks of nvnllablc wheat , but not In
cluded In the olllclal visible Hlpply statement
for last vu k Include COO.OOO bu. In north-
wisttrn Interior tlevntors , 200,000 bit. at north-
westcin Cnnndlnn storage polntn nnd 12" > , ( K > 0
bu. at NevOrlenns ICorrtspondlng Increases ,
112,000 bu nt Gnlveston. m.OUO bu. In Chicago
private clevutoiH and 1U3.COO bu , ( it Cleveland
Wool .Market.
HOSTON. July 21 The Amcrlcnn Wool nnd
Colton Hiporter v\lll tomorrow sny of the wool
tiade : The wool markets of the country continue
extremely dull. Manufacturers manifest llltli.
disposition to buy. Pleeces nnd pulled wools rule
vciy quiet. The terrltoiles have sold In n mod
erate way. hales In lloston. New York and
Philadelphia aggregate 1,611.700 Ibs. , 1,118,000 Ibs.
being domestic nnd Ml , 700 lbi > . foreign. The
snme quotiillons prevnll In the Boston market
ns In the previous week. Foreign wools continue
very slow. There has been something doing In
territories , rieeces and pulled wools nro very
quiet. Sales aggregate 1.008,500 Ibs. . 723.500 Ibs
being domestic nnd 2s'i,000 Ibs. foreign. Sales
since January 1 aggregate 54.8S'i,000 Ibs. , ugnlnst
1,858,579 lb . last } car nt thlu time.
1'i-iirlii MnrUetN ,
PIXJHIA , July 21. OO11N UnByj No. 2 , 2UC | ;
No. 3 , 24c.
OATS PIrm ; No. 2 ' , white , 2lc ; No. 3 white ,
ItYH Dull nnd nominal !
WHISKY Market'Heady ; finished goods , on
the basis of 11 22 for Jilfclu'wlncs.
IlKC CUTS Corn , 32.10j ( bu ; onls , 12.1SO bu. ;
lye. none : whisky , none ; wheat , fi,400 bu.
SHIPMENTS Corn.,18W | > bu. ; onts , 21,800 bu. ;
rjc , none ; whisky , t "inat ; . ; wheat , 1,800 bu.
IMImii'n'iMilN Whfiit.
MINNEAPOLIS. .f < ily" & Till * wns n Genuine
bull session , nnd n'6mln.tls were nearly nil of
thai cast. Trading 'wnsj not ncthe until the
lust hour , when It S'lebletl ' to the oveiwhelming
How of news. SepU'n.ber whent opened al 54Vc
v\Hlch wns tie lownjwilnt for the sehslon , Bold
rather freely nt B4'/i.4iri5c | nnd closed BtronB at
the hlRh point for tnc ijes'.lon , fir > \ < riKilic. Dej
cember opened nt MVle.f declined early to
DCc. nnd closed at the fop price , G73 c.
FLOUn Stendy npd uichaniredi- |
Tolcilo 'Rrnln.
TOLHDO. O. . July"d. WIIKAT Hlpjieri firm ;
No. 2 cash und August. ' 64Uc ; September , " "
December. CT'Ac. '
CORN rirm ; No 'J JVifxed. SGjic.
9IlYH Dull ; No a cash , JZ'Jc.
CLOVEIl SUKD Active ; lowcV ; prime cash ,
:4.70 : ; Oclober , $4.50. ,
OIL North Lima , 59c ; Soulli Lima , Clc ; Indi
ana , 54c.
SiiKitr Dlnrkot.
NEW YORK. July 29. SUGAR-Itaw. flrmi
sales , 324 bags Jamaica Muscovado , (9 lei-t , 2c ,
cx-shlp. ; ICO bags Uemararra molnhses , M test ,
2Hc. cxhlp. . Hellncd sugar , stead } .
LONDON , July 29 SUGAH Cane , Java. Us
Ctl : Muscovado , fair rcllnlng , 10s. Ueet sugar ,
rather llrmer ; July , Os 4l4d ; August , 9s 4'Sa.
Dry GuudH Inrket.
NC\V YORK , July 29 The temperature wn
too much for buers In the dry goods mar.
kct and be > and positive orders for quick ship
inent , the ilcmnnd was not up to expectations ,
Printing cloths , dull nt 2 7-lOe bid and declined.
FALL RIVER , Mass . July 29. The cloth mar
ket remains quiet at 2'tc ' nnd no demand.
TrlHl-o Win-lit.
Ive ; December.
Ilniiril of I'lildtc AVorK'H Allnvviinci
Cut Several 'rhoimainl.
Counollraen Allan , Taylor and Mercer , th
special committee appointed at the las
meeting of the city council to exercise super ,
vision over street repairs , met with th
Board of Public Works yesterday aftcrnoo
to discuss ways nnd means for reducing ex-
jienscs In that department. At the end o
a long discussion a resolution was passe
by the board by which all employes of th
street and sewer departments except th
sidewalk gang and the Inspectors wcro dls
charged last night ,
Councilman Taylor began the dlscusslo
by stating the object which the commute
wished to accomplish. H'o said that enl ;
$49,000 remained In the general fund. Th
monthly expenses during the first si
months of the year had been $12,000
month. In order to avoid an overlap I
would bo necessary to cut down the ox-
penscs by $4,000 a month.
Chairman Munro ot the board said that
ho was willing to do anything suggested by
the committee. If the council would say
Just how much money tbo board could have
they would cut their expenses to meet It.
Mercer explained that there had been a
good deal of complaint from councilman be
cause they were not able to get men from
their wards employed in tbo street depart
ment. Ho wanted the board to keep a list
of all men recommended by councllmen and
employ thorn whenever there was any work
to bo done. He stated that this was one of
the main objects sought to be obtained by
the committee.
In this connection ! Street Commissioner
Kaspar said that K he employed all the men
who were recommcVmed by councllmen ho
would have to hftva nn appropriation of
$10,000 a month to'imy'thclr ' salaries. Nearly
every man now omnloyed had been put on
at the solicitation o'f'\urlous councllmen and
only two or three metnjhad been selected by
A long illsciiBsljiji op the amount to be
allowed to the board during August resulted
In an approximate figure of $5,173. The to
tal amount expended In Juno was bome-
thlng over $8,00d | Tt > bulk of this pro
posed reduction cojrjes out of the street de
partment. The cWpiiullturo for street re
pairs last monthi was over $1,000 , The
amount allowed far August Is $900. The ap
propriation for thc.JbJue barrel brigade was
also limited to $ PtiOO , us against $1,051 ox-
pcnded last monthij (
When this conclusion was reached the
committee ( lecldodfthai It might bo neces
sary to still further reduce the figures. They
would Investigate and report at another
meeting to bo held"at 2 o'clock this after
noon ,
After the conference with the council
committee a resolution discharging the
present employes was passed , Kabpar voted
"no , " It was stated that as soon as the
council had decided what funds It would
allow the board the force would be reor
ganized to conform to the amount allowed ,
Jesse L. Test eft ; un old resident and
highly respected citizen of our town , called
this morning and after purchasing a bottle
of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diar
rhoea Itemedy , wld : "If anyone asks you
If this remedy will do what la claimed for
It. tell them yes , and refer them to me , " II ,
Alexander Stoke , Hejnoldsvllle , I'u. No
one can doubt the value of this medicine
after giving It a fair trial. Then U l
pleasant and safe to take , making It es
pecially valuable for children , For sale
by all druggists.
AM t ii t t TVP oTn/Mr IM ninjTo
Handful of Oftttlo Received Sells ftt a Sharp
Advance ,
YnrtlM Smm Cleared of the Hooplptt ,
at Alum ! 1O Out * IMnliT lliittM
Tal < A nn Hi IT Slide
IIMim n ril.
Wr.nNUSDAY , .Tilly 59.
Cattle. HOBM Slieep Horses.
July 21 . ,
July zs . . . . . . MS as'.2 MM
July 27 . l,7f.a 1.17.1 4IC.
July a . . . i,2us 4Mi
July 24 . l.UU S.193
July 2,1 . , Jrn .
July 22 . 2,201 S.KI1 2 , '
July 21 . 1,310 4,7.1t' 1.120
July 20 . , i.isa 7ss
Jltly 18 . SIS 8.MB
The olllclal numbur of cots of htoek
brought Into today by each WTI :
Cattle , llogsi. Slurp
C. . M. ft St. I' . I !
O ft St. 1. . C
Missouri Paclllc . \ . I
Union Paclllu system . S O
H. ft M It . S 12
C , It. ft Q . i . 4 1
C. , H. 1. ft P. , east . I 1
C. , St. I' , , M. ft. O . S 0
I1. , 13. ft SI. V . 5 11
Total receipts . S.1 43 C
The disposition of the day's iccelpls was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
IHivers. Cattle. Hog" . Sheeii ,
Omaha Packing Co . Ill
O. H. Hammond Co . FJ 071 1ST
Swift and Company . 10.1 iW 7 < r >
Cudahy Packing Co . 2SI 1.2S7 430
n , tteckcr ft Degan . 2i !
J lj. Carey . IT ! . . .
I.olnnau ft Hoth phllds . . Ill . . .
Hammond. Kansas City. . 2il . . .
Swift , Kansas City . 00
Cudahy , from countty. . . 31 DS
Sinclair ft Co. , Cedar
ItaplilH , la. . . . \i . 1
I-ajtoii . 113
Huston ft Co . M
Other buyers . 12
Total . fll.1 5,101 1.T.5I
CATTLE The market looked up today ,
rallies on all kinds of cattle being stiongei
mil as much as lOc higher on the most
ileslr.ible grades The light ran for two
ilajs in 8iicco ilon , together with a fair
ilemand , was the apparent cause for the
Improvement noted.
All told , only & &tl cattle were recelvcil
oday , as against MS yesterday and 2.2C1
on Wednesday of last week. Of the cattle
on sale theio were a half dozen loads of
cornfed steers , some of them pretty decent
cattle. One bunch sold up to J"fv. There
were also a few grass cattle ; ooil enough
for beeves , two loads bringing $ .140. Only
about four loads of cows unit heifers vscrc
reported In the yards , or not enough to
make any showing on the market. Stock-
crs and feeders were moro numerous than
any other one kind of cattle , but there
were not many of them.
Under the Influence of i .ulr i Mve de
mand , practically evervtldng v as soli
early , and the yards wrc cleared. Hepte-
sentatlvc gales :
inur srnnns.
No. Av. Pr. Nn. Av. 1'r. NIL Av. Pr.
l..ll'0 ! $3 CO 57 , . . 14'l'p J3 70 2C. . . S10 1 71
4..132' 300 17. . . 12U 3 7f 34. . .10SD 3 M
4. . . 12r 3 SO 31. . . .1W 373 44. . .110J 393
S..1414 3 5 42. . . .10SC 375
. 730 100 . .10W 200 11. . . . 174 245
. E40 1 2" , . . Ml 2 ! ( ) r. . . . 870 2 fO
.10.-.0 170 . .1110 225 1 . . .11"0 355
. 900 1 7.ri . . MO 2 SO 11. . . . -ice 275
. 92S 1 7r . .1075 240 .10.10 280
. 983 175 . .1040 240 .1320 2 S5
1. . . . 880 210 1. . . . C80 240 5. . . 708
I. . . . 740 223 1. . . . 4110 240 1. . . 730 325
2. . . . 7233 33
S . . .1430 100 1. . . . 0 200 1 , . . 7fO 225
I..1CCO 200 1..1310 211 1..12JO 225
1. . . . 910 2 00 1 . . . . 910 2 15
1. . . , 810 .2,23 ,
1. . . . 270 400 ! . , . . 200 C (0
7M 2 CO 2. . . C33 301 39. . . .743 3 2S
750 2 fO 21. . . 942 SIT 11. . . . 98" 32"
975 2 CO 24 , . .1036 320 24. . . .1012 323
. 5TO 277 . S40 320 24. 5r.S 323
. 9JO 300 24. . . . 788 320 & . 942 330
No Av Pr. No. Av.Pr.
1 bull . 1WO Jl CO C cotti . 1000 J2 50
5 cons . 890 223 4 feeders. . . . SOT 300
5 cows . 10.4 250 14 feeders. . . . 1030 330
1 bull . IS'iO 175 12 cows . 9SC 26
1 cow . 1200 200 13 cows . 987 Z t < r >
1 cow . 1000 200 lr con . 880 270
1 bull . 1140 2 23 4J fte.lers. . .1004 3 25
1 cow . 920 200 7 feeders. . . .1085 300
llobert Harrison.
27 feeders. . . . 9CO 3 10
O. W. H nn.
1 heifer . 730 2 30 4 cows . 1IC2 2 80
1 KtllR . 10CO 2 40 & COWS . 1012 2 80
2 feeders. . . . 1180 2 75 17 Mcers . 1210 3 40
1 feeder . H50 275 15 steers . 1180 340
1 feeder . 1320 2 75 I
HOGS n\er since Trldiiy of last week tin
lioir rnnrkel has been on thedonn Kr.ide , vnluei
showing a steady decline. Yesterdio's llitlv
receipts showed the effects of the deillne , bu
It "tin sill ! more visible today , the receipts fall
Inn behind jesterdaj's record by 1,000 heiul
Yesterday wns 11 record breiikrr , the ninrkc
toucblnB the lowest point on record , but todn >
It was fc , and In many cares 100 lower Tin
market was not particularly active , but the liogi
mostly nil Fold In Kood season.
Heavy IIORB sold 1 ircoly at 12 C5f)2.70 , ns oxalns
12.70iJ2.7S ) esterd.iy. Some llKht mixed sold n
)2 { 0. nnd n choice load of light nt S3 00 , tin
top for the two dajs being the Mine. Represent
attve tales :
No. Av. Eh. Tr. No Av. Sh. 1'r.
40 393 80 J2 C21i W 271 ICO } 2 70
54 267 80 if 7J 201 80 2 7i )
51 300 120 2 C.1 57 80 270
16 211 . . . 2 G.r 50 . 286 2 70
33. . 3M 2 C3 120 . 2Ttf 270
81 314 2 M f 52 . 30 < i 270
42 299 2 05 Cl . 230 2 72'A '
280 40 2 K5 | 07 . 254 2 72' '
34C 2 cr fil . 245 27. ! " .
288 jno 2 & " . r . 2.12 275
CS . 324 ICO 2 cr . 76 . 251
111 . 315 60 2 ffi i CO . 2C3 273
Cl . 2C4 . . . 2 70 i (13 ( . 233 2 7ri
40 . 289 . . . 270 1.0 . 2CO 2 FO
07 . 275 80 2 70 CO . 219 SO 280
M . 31C . . . 2 70 44 . 227 280
G9 . 231 240 2 7(1 ( 70 . 233 2 fO
C3 . 259 (0 2 70 CO . 240 80 2 80
SO . 219 120 2 70 Cl . 254 . . 280
f2 . 2C9 M 2 70 1i . 181 80 3 M
fq . 2C2 EO 2 70 17 . 197 . . 305
59 . 281 . . . 270
2 MO . . . 2 40 C 338 2 CO
1 SV ) . . . 2 fO 1 300 2 CS
3 393 . . . 2 CO 4 330 2 C5
5 S22 120 2 CO
HliniJl' Tlio receipts of sheep were liberal , R |
loids being n ported In the > ards. The inarkt
dlil not i-hovv any material clnuiRc , values btln
just about steady. Representative suits :
No. Av. Pr
1 buck WO $1 M
147 Utuh mixed , 97 2f
139 Uta'i wethers tti 2
432 Utah wethers W 2
12 Utah wethers ! ' 7 2
375 Utah wether * , J7 2
20 Utah lamb .0 300
13 Utah lambs C8 4 ro
M Utah lamb 70 4 00
CHICAGO MVU vroclc MAiiicirr.
'Sult-H ut Cuttle Worn IlrlnU for Com-
11111 Aatlv UN.
CHICAGO , July 29. Sales of cattle wcro brisk
on a basis of from (3 25 to 13 TO for common na
tive d retted beef b leers up to fioni M-3 to (460
for choice to extra cattle. There wag a fair
trade In stackers nnd feeders nt from J3 20 to
1370 , nnd nonio common nortliw intern range
cuttle , weighing from 1,050 to 1,175 Ibs , , are taktn
for feedtrs at from 13 lo (3.30. Cows und hflferx
continue to fell at from | 1 23 to ti 25 for tan
ning fctufr , up tu from 13 00 to 13.75 for tholco
fat to cxlra grades , ami bulls sold ut unchanged
prices , CalveH wiru plentiful , and sold ut from
13 25 to | 3 50 for common to choice.
I'llteu for hogs \\tre the lowest that have
prevailed since 1S78 , with sales largely ut from
S.'IS to (30'i. Heavy linen sold lit from 12(5 to
S3 50 big 373 to 400-lb , lots h-olnif the lowfbt , and
choice iota welshing under 300 Ibs. helling the
best. Medium welgits told Ht from . ' . to
S3 20. and light w clkhtv ut from (3 23 tu 13 SO
Western range ulieep comprlned tno great bulk
of the trade today , and fold ut from II 60 to
| 3. tomparullvely few going bclovy I. SO. Native
Iheep told ut from J2 13 to | J S3. largely at $3 23.
Keeiferi * rold ut from 12 40 to J. CO. mid choice
fat from 123-lb. to 138-lb. export sheep went ut
from J3 15 to tl 25 leurllngu found purchasers at
from (3 to M , und common tu choice lambs mod
off freely at from J3.25 to $3 55.
nectlpts : Cattle , 14.CKKI head ; hogs , 19,100 head ;
sheep , 1J.WK ) heal.
Sliii-lc In hluht.
Ilecord of receipt * nt the four principal mark -
k ta for Wednesday , July 2S. UK :
Cattle. Hogs , bheep.
South Omaha fcW 2W 1.331
Chicago 14,500 19,000 IJ.OW
ICariRas City . . . . . . . . . . . 7.DOO .5lO 3.WX )
St ! , LouU ; . . ; . ; . . . . . UW 4,500 2.0UO
TotaU ,3S 3J.19J 1 > ,6J
Xrw Yiirk LU - H oU. .
NB\V YOHK , July . HBnVKH-Ilecelptf. 7I
lie.ul. > teer > . act he but vvrak , dr > cowv , tluidy ,
native tteers. pcor to good. 14 00fi4 50 , tui ; uml
oxen. IlbUfilio. built , I1.C563 IZVi. ury cow ,
Il.l5 < i2.10. European cables quote Amtrlcun
The Keeley Institute _
Vritc for terms nml testimonials. Corrcsporulonco coiifitlontinl. Neb , ION
Your ' mid lie (11 ( grndtin to from n Rood
f UUl Daughter's X . ii1. Hcli | | hirlns.U- lliii-Ba
_ , - - - ' -Oiii Milrdiiidin tint rlKlit "in- .
- 1 T iMimiLi r rr * ' in ii in IF iii , AIn.lio < > | H.iXtrour careful coni > iiiiiiiii'ii . I'or
4i . XMIK her i-M i lii-iiu. b IH Ij l 1-11 Inruimlinr. IKfldiKlvlnit tint vtry ln-t lii lriirilniilii
T.ltiniitri'liiiiu-iiiiLT"iii. ; : ( nt Inn unit Art i.invpniiii-tllionMiiliroiirw | In Munlo
in nil lt brunches.tlil ; < ilepurtnient b < < ltiiiiiid < < rtl Mlln > itl < inof n L-nuluntoof 1h Hcijul
Allhi'.Mn ) nincerl < ( Mch > i'iir A IliiiiiKoinn l > t > rUrr
iicn i lan < i Mrn niiriiiiiiu | iiiiil vorr liMlthtiil. Send for
lllun. c.itulog\io to . I.Ui : i.l..V VV1I.CO.V 1' < JI..V1 It , l > u , t. , Culliiublu , Mv
% /SIENTWORTH / Mi t imill.iirt.-iM MHIIin > -lu.iiUii I1n ( 'i iilnilVint. .
cs IJIIT. nul | | < mentCom : > tcle. Suin > llc l by the Govern
Srnil nn nl with Anni and Army Olllcer. Addre ? ,
for CutnloKiin HA10B SAHOtORO StlltRS , H. A. , SUPT. . IUINOTON.MO
Leaves ini'UMNUlO.V A. MO. lllViil.Anlres |
_ Omuh.iUiUoMl | _ > < i > ot , loth i < c Jla iii Sin [ Omnlm
"S. Oim . Denver Uxpresi . , . "oiVmni
4rpni : lllU lllll' . Mont. 1'tiKCt Klul Ux 4 0 < pm
4.C5prn . Ucitvtr Uvpress . 4 u * > pm
7 Wpni.NelnnfKn l.ocnl ( c\ecpt Uuiul.i > ) . 7,4 > pm
. . .I.lncolli l.ncnl ( except b'utnlav ) ll:25atn :
2tuim. . . ) ml .Moll ( for Lliuoln ) ilallj. . .
.C q 7-vrri\
OinnhaH nl n Uiptt , lOHi , < r ilntnn St * I Onnln
u.fJOpm . riilciiRo Vestibule . b wain
'iM'.im . ( "hloiiKO n\tneFS . 4 15pm
7 , " 0pm. . Chlcaeo nnd Ht l.ouls K\mc f 8 oo.ini
11 33.IIU . 1'nclda lunrtUm I.ornl . . r , lOptn
_ . Tiisl Mall . . . . 2.5011111
Leaves | (5TncT O Mil , .1 HI" T I'AUi , | Anl\es"
OmnhnllJlilon Uepol , 10th & Mn oibts. ! _ | " Omilin
C.nopm . Chlc.iK'o 1-linltcd . . s.a'nm
( ex bumlii . . 3.i'ipin
Irfnvc-i [ ClItCAOO & . NOHTH\VisrN.IAirl\es :
OmahalUnlun Ocpot , IQlh & Mason tUtt | _ Omnlm
LO.5 1111 lnstein ! U\press . . * . . . , . 3lOpm :
4 4".pm VcKlliulcil Limited . . . . 5'.4" > pm
Cr : > pm St. I'niil Hxprcss 9rOam
5:40nm : St. Pmil Limited 9 01pm
7 30itn. . .Carroll K Plojx city Local . .11,10pm
C:30pm : Omnlm Chicago Spec ! " " . f OOani
.Missouri Valley i.oc.i. 830am !
leaves ICIlICAaO , 11 I fe I'Ai lPlC ! Arrl\et
OnmlinUtnlon Depot. 10th A Mason StK ( Onialin
10:10-1111..Atlantic : t\urcn ( c - . Sunday ) KiVpm
7.00pm NlRht nxpro ! > > 8:15alM
4'5fpir. . Ch"iE" ! V tlbulcd Limited. . . ltpm :
4'COpm. . .Ht. t'nul Votlhulcd Limited ;
6.45pm.Oklnhomn & Texas Hx. ( ex Sun 1 10V > ani
l'40pin Colorado 1.1 m It ed . 4 t'H'pin
Leaves I C , ST. P. , M .Vt O lArrUcs
Onmlinl Depot , 15th nnd AVcbstir 5I I Omaha
8.15am Sioux eMt ) Aceommod iiion. . : t:00pii : !
12:30pm. : .Sioux City Hxpress ( ex. Sun. ) , . .11.51am . SI. Paui Limited . 9:10.1111 :
F. . 1 : & MO. VALLEY
Depot. 15li ! and Webster Sis. I Omnlm
"s OCprr. . l ust Mall nnd Uxpiess . 5:00pm :
r .win.C | ) > . SnVjo. ) . Hx. ( ex. Mon. ) . . 5.00pm
7.rum. . . Fremont Loe-al ( Sutidu ; Only ; , .
7.5rnm ( . Norfolk Impress ( ex. Hun ) . . . ,10:25um :
6:15pm : . St. Paul Express . 9.10nm
Leaves I K C. . M J. & C. II I Arrives
OmahallTnlon Depot , IQlli & Mason Sts I Omaha
9 05am. . . city Day lixpre-is. . . . C:10pm :
10 OOpm.K. C. Night Hx. via U. I' Trnna. C10im ;
Leaves I MIRSOUnt PACITIC lArrlves
Oinahal Depot. ISt.i and \\ebster tits. ' Omaliv
1.10pm . . .Nebrnhkn . Knnrnn Limited . "ipm "
9:30pm : Kansas City Impress C OQam
3.00pm..Nebraska I cal ( ex. Sun ) . , . . 9.00am
Leaves I SIOUX CITY fc I'ACiriC lArrlves
Omahal Depot , 15th and Webster gt . . . I Omilin
C.15pm St. Paul Limited : Ham
L aves I SIOUX CITV & PACIPIC. | Airl\es
OmahallTnlon Depot , 10th & , Masnn bif. | Omaha
5:40nm : fit" . Paul Passenger U:10pm :
7.30am Sioux City Passenger 9,0jpm
5 5".pm St Paul Limited
Leaves I UNION PACiriC. lArrlvea
Omnhnlt. [ Depot , Iplh & Mnton Sir. | Omqlin
9110am Kearney Express 4:10pin :
S:20im : Overland Limited 4:43pm :
3:30pm.nent'ce : & Stromfb'f : l'\ . ( ex Sun.12:05 ) < jrii
6M5pm..Grand Island Hxpress ( eSun. . ) .1crpir. :
1.30pm Fast HIull. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840am ;
Leaves I WAHA.SII RAILWAY. ( Arrive *
OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sis | Onnl'
* . ? 0nm t. ixTitli * Cannnn Hall
Telephone 1030. Oniuha , Nub.
Room IHKi Board of Trade.
Direct wires to Chicago and New York.
Correspondents ; John A. Warren & Co.
slecrs nt OUG'lOc , dre Fed weight ; refrlcerntor
iK-ef. SfR\c ; exports , 300 bccvis and 1WM quai-
ter of beef.
HHEEI" AND IAMH < VRecclplH. . 7f9S hend ;
good tock sIlRhtly tinner ; tnmmon nnd medium
grades more active , hut no better In price ;
sheep , poor to Rood , $2 f.Off.1 80 ; Iambs , common
to choice > 17riCOO
IIOQM lUiclntD , C.148 head ; vvenk at $3 COff
4 CO.
City I.lvtSlocU. .
KANSAS CITY , July ? i CATTLi : Receipts
7.00 head ; shipments. 2,000 bead ; best Krad s
steady to strong , others about steady , Texas
steers , J2.Jr n 10 ; Texas cons , $1 C0 i J I'O ; beef
Hteeis , JOfi4SO , native cows , ti 1'fii 10 , Tcxnp
cows , Jl C02.20 | , beef steers , $100(1420 , native
cons , SI 'Mi3 10. stockeis unil feeders , * ' . ' Soft
370. bulU. H KtffiCO.
11OG.S Receipts , 6r/00 bend ; shipments , (00
head , market nenk and lOo loner ; built of m\ev. \
2 CSffS-SS ; heavies. J2 rV7 < 2.K ! ) . putktm. . ' ( , ; &
2M ; mixed. $ J 70B2 10 : Ilk-hts , 2 SOBJ ( W. YolKers.
} 2'KIi300 , piss , $280fl3CO
HIIEEI * Reiclpts. 3 r > 00 head ; shipments , 300
head ; mniket hteudj ; lumbx , J3.D005 00 ; muttons ,
Ji.0083.CO. _
St. I.OIllH I , 111SlOI'K .
ST. I-OmS , July 21 CATTLIJ-Recelpts , 2f.OO
head ; innikel stronu ; native Bhlppirs , } 1W42" ) | ,
dresFPl beef Rrades. $3 M < H4 10 ; cons nnd heifers.
J2 SOBJ 60 ; Texas Hecrs , JJ.3Wj3.SO ; cown , J1.75W
O "if.
"llbas Receipts , 4 , COO IIPBI ! : market r.c lower ;
IlKlit , J310'ua2S ; mixed , J2 8003.15 ; heavy , J208 ! >
'miniJI1 Receipts , 2,000 head ; market steady ;
natives , JJDO j325 , Iambi , JJ ( W4 SO.
Oil < ; ity .Mnrkcl.
OIL CITY , July 2 . Credit bnlnnces , $1,08 ; ctr-
tllltnteii , opened , hlKh , low nnd closed nt J1.10 ;
shipments. M.733 bbls. ; runs , HG.kOG bbls.
Civii by tinNt'W OoniiHiny Hint Hc-
tMiini * < liu I'liruliiiHcr.
A deed lias been put on iccord In the
office of tlio register of deeds of this comity
by which the Knnncrs' Loan and Trust
company of New York traimfeis to the
Omaha Water company the entire plant of
the old American Water Works company In
Florence , Omaha and South Omaha. There
ore also two mortgages recorded , amount
ing to $6,000,000 , all told , covering the entire
property named In the deed , The first
mortgage , known ns the "prior lien
mortgage , " Is for $ l.GOnQ90 , rei > re cntlnn
twenty-year , fi per cent bonilu , nnd the other
mortgage , known as the "consolidated
mortgage , " for $0,000,000 , subject , however.
to the prior Hen mortgage , mid representing
lUty-year bonds bearing Interest at the rate
of 4 per cent for two- and one-half years ,
4',4 per cent for two and one-half years be
ginning at the expiration of the first pcilod
anil bearing G per tent Interest after the
expiration of the live jearn , covered by the
two periods named. Both mortgages are
made subject to a mortgage held by the
Farmers' Loan and Tniht company for $100-
000 , dated Augtibt 2 , 1880.
INSTJIUMnNTS placed on record Wednes
day. July 29 ;
C. F. Hurrlcon , u-c order , lo W. W.
Abbott , lot 3 , block HI , South
Omaha . . . . $300.01
JJ. II , Hiirdc-r ana wlfo to Winter
IIyk'9. lotn 1 and 2 , block 1 , subdi
vision of J. I. lltdlck'a add ( ex
botith 40 feet ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,50000
C.V. . J > ymnn and wife to Jcsslo
Davis , lot 3 , block S , I.yinun pluLO 400.00
1C S Nivvromb nnd wlfo to B K.
Alarlln Lumber C'o , lot 12 , blocc !
7 , AlcCormltk'a 2d add . . . . . . LOO
Warren Dutcher et al , to J3. I' .
Flti'h. south 23 % feet lots 13 , 11
and 15 , blork 2. Kcdlck pitrk . 1.00
Sumo to C. J. llarber , bouth ' , i of
north M feet of mine . , . LOO
Clly of Omnluv toV. . A. HIcKlliH.
part of lots 1 and 2 , block 7 , subdi
vision of J. L Kedlck'H add . LOO
Special muster to Frank Hager- et al , lots 19 nnd 20 , block 5 ,
Orchard hill . , . . . . 1.200.00
Total amount of transfers . $10.401.00
tnt c VTIOVVI , .
rounded \if \ l.i.linT. lUnlln.
. ( IrAnd stKrritM. rntrotis In 1
I | irnfp * < Nnri frain 8
lllrN. niul , % cnnipr-
A v , 1,000 tilnnit
T - i l lii-riiian cnii *
* * rrv iitiirv f rlinrurnuitt uinptur l.nrKivti
eluniicnt , bcpt. Send for prlus. Alciico , .Mo ,
KIMDALL HALLi.CHICAOO. . . Ill lirniiilii < nroo l
mill Jit-tiiiniintHl Mti'U * . liininfttlL Art. l > clArtct
TnilidiiKili. | t tot ( inthcriTnMir | > nf tilnd\niitAre ! * .
ToiiMxiii.Klcinlo. I alHcuutv < x'lni'Hoil.ili lllu lrAlc.l
tataluBUi ) nmlleU tree. i. i. UITISTIIIIT , lilmloiv
, lie > t liiflnu lion In nl I ilriint t-
imlonlMinh , > lno
Competent In ttiictui-x li\ e ir ilrvnitniLMit. VWII
ciulpi > ed nintloin liiitlillnir A Chtlctdin homo for
joiuii. l i.lli' * . Mi l riiltniiil 'iiirciiiii.lliit- ilte foe
lirii'pirtiil Dr. JO . It. \KKI.II. . I'renl.
AloJcm prnRrcsslv c school. Courses of sti'Jy nn
( r ii ) > plan. Music , Art , flocullon , Ph > slcnl CuN
lure. AJJress I'fcslJcnl. ARCHIBALD A. JONES.
rounded If03 Tor tin1 hlnher education of > onnR
women Clasflcnl nnd Fcltntlllo conisc of study ,
nlso preparatory and Year bcKlns ScpU
1C , ' 90 Apply to Ida C. AIK > nl > rln.niailfordMafS.
| Y purchasing goods made
nt the following Ncbnis-
lea factories. If you eniir
not find what you want , ,
uoiiiintinicatu with thu
ii * intinufitcttircrs ns tow -
w h a t dealers handle ,
their goods. r
Manufacturers of all kinds of cotton and bur
lap bags , cotton Hour sacks and twine a spcc-
lalty. C14.01C 618 8. llth bt. _
Car load shipments made In our own rcfn , , .
orator cars. Blue Illbbon , lUlle Uxport ,
Export und rnmlly Uxporl dellve-red to all pa-tu
of thu city. _
Manufactvlrer of Gold MeJal Hour.
C. n. IJlack , Manaecr. Omn a.
Iron anil IlniHH FoiimleTn.
ManufnctureiB and Jobbers of Machlnciy. fhn-
< ral repairing a sneclalty. 1501 , 1503 and IWi
J-ackson street , Cinuliu. NeD.
Mnnufacturlntr and repairing of all Itlnfts of
n.nchlnery. engines , pumps , elevntora , priallnc
presses , ImnReis , shafting and couplings. 14U ana
140S Hovvaid St. , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Archlteeutial Iron Work.
General 1'oundrv. Machine and Blacksmith work.
Ilntlneers nnd Cnntractois for riie Proof Hulld-
Incs. Olllce nnd vvoiks : U. P. Ry. nd So.
17th street. Omaha.
The only perfect protection to property llxnm-
Ine 't. Host thlnR on eaitli , Itcducea Insurance *
rates. 1304 Douglas street.
J. II. UVANti MillHAbKA blllll'C
Exclusive custom shirt tailors. 15VJ rarnam.
Manufacturers of tcnli , aunlnKs , tarpollans.
flags banncis nnd strumers. THNTS KOlt
HDNT. 703-705 South Sixteenth street , Omaha.
Elcctrotypins " < ! Stereotyping
ran TUP TIIADB. I'l Ite-n mudn by umro iioteil for
thJlr "iVporlor linlHl , iin.l . i.rlntinu . < unlltjr.
' . . errlcn ami
Kuurnnloo tlr t-cl M work. 1'
roa"n lilochuri.M. Wrlto fori-tlma'w. bondfor
one of ' jA'rtAiS1VPC
oaj. f
Jill Howard St. . OMAlU. Nl u.
made of pure rubber
holds the Bull-Bog : Garden
Hose together.
holds the ordinary rubber
garden hose together.
The strength of hose depends on these rub
ber rivets ( technically called friction ) . A short
rivet is stronger than a long one. Cull-Dog
rivets 'i short.
Theory and results prove Bull-Do ? strong
est hose for money made.
Boston Woven Hose & Rubber Co.
2' 5 Devondilrc St. , Uoston , or
,05 I-ake St. . Chicago , 6j Readc St. . N. Y.
700 No. 7lh St. . St Louis. 10 ji Water St. Cleveland.
mo Arawlioe St. . Denver. i4Trcmonl. Saul tan.
U'cr kncii & Ditprdcr oC
tO Yean Kiptilcnce.
0 Veail in Omalia.
llopl. Free , Coniulutio *
und Examination trer.
Mill and rarnim Sit. ,