THE OMAHA DAILY BBBs MTflDl BSDAY. JULY 20 , 189G. SPEGIRL NOTICES. fnr < lirHt > coliitnm trill IIP Inlcrn until tUi.'lO p. in. for the cvrnltiR mill until 8 i . iiu for 4hc luomliiR mid StiniliiciMtlotin. . A lvrrtl orn , by ri'mirntlntr. n ntiin * lirrnl clicclc , pnn Iinvc wintrer * nil- Irmxril lo 11 niiinlirrcd lotlor In i-nrt of Till * lied Aiiairrrn no nililrrNHPil Till IIP ilcllvrrcil on iireHciitittltm nl the check otilj- . Hnlrx , ll-ic n woril flrnl Inxprtlnti : lo u Trnril thereafter , KntliltiK tnUon for IPHH Hi n n U. c for tlin llrnt Innrr- tlnn. Tltenc nil vcrtlncnifiitH tnimt lie run ronncciitlvrly. AVAXTEIMAI.E HUM * . . AN IDEA ; \V1IO CAN THINK OF some t-lmplc tiling to patent ? I'rcrtect youi Mem , they mny forliiR you wenlth. Wrltp John 'WpJJerbiirn A Co. . Beut. V. . I'ntent Attorneys , WnfhltiRton , D. C. , ( or Ilielr 11,800 prize ufTci nnj n llet of two hundred Inventions vrnntnl. WK WANT BTATK AND l.OCAt , OltOANIKKUF for the Athrneum Krfttcrnlty , onmblnlnt ; llf nml ncclilrnt Inrmrfinpc , KOWrnntrncts \ nnt choice territory : npply to J , M. Wnnl , nupn-tm nrunnlicr. 403 Ilee bulldlnR. Omnlm ; offlc < hourn 8 to 10 n. m. 11 457 A8I WANTKD AT ONCE. 1,000 MIJN AN1 > 11OVP to sell cnmpnlKti InilKCs ; 1 ilozen cither pnrty free. Address Howard Mfe. Co. , 1'rnvMence , It. I. 11 MMli 31' . lVAXTKIrnMAI.lS HUM' . ana , FOR OKNIJUAI , HOUSK work. Mrs. C. Q. INjnrec , 4220 Karnam.U . U MOT VOll ItlCVr HOUSP.S. 1IOUSKS IN I'AHTS OP TUB CITY THE O. ! ' . Davla Company , 1503 rurnam. D EDO HOUSKS , I1KNAWA & CO. , 108 N. 1GTI1 ST. . D-SOl _ _ 11ODEIIN HOUSES. C. A. BTAIUl , 025 N.Y. LIFE D SVi ItOUSnS , WALLACE. HUOWN 11LK. 1C & l > oug , L ) SU3 -noOM. DKTACHEU , MOUKIW 1IOUHK , SSJ inquire IG21 Cupltol avenue , U. II. lloblson. D SOI _ _ TWO KINK HOUSUS. ONK 8 , ONK 9 IlOOMsi 117 and 125 8. SiHIi st. ; nil modern conven < lerceii ; best residence part of the city. Inquire Oil N. Y. Life ; telephone KM. D MSOO STKAM HEATKD STOIIKS AND FI.ATS Huu'nrd llnnck , agent , 1010 Chicago street. 13 MSQ7 _ FOIl KENT. 1IODKHN 8-llOOM SlOUSB Al Oil Pnrlc avc. Inquire nt Fuller's dniff store , 14th and Douglas Bts. D MS03 I.\nai3 LIST OF HOUSES. THE UYItoS IlecilCo.2l2 S. Hth at. D MSOD _ _ _ _ CHOICE IIOUBES AND COTTAGES FOR. HUKI nil over the city , } f' to JDO. Fidelity , 1702 Tar nani. D Sic _ HOUSES. P. D. WEAD. 1CT11 AND DOUGLAS D 1000 nC < _ _ _ UIOUSKS FOR HUNT IN ALL. I'AllTS OF Till' city. Ureiinan-I.ove Co. , I'nxton Block. IJ SC1-A15 _ _ _ _ _ _ - " TUN-nOOJI HOUSE. ALT , MOIiEtlN IM" provements. Owen McCaftrcy , SS08 Harncy t U-ai2S4 _ 6-HOOM HOUSE WITH BATH ; S2G S. 21ST ! 5T U 455 A24 _ _ " 2537 ST. MAUY'S AVENUE NINJf : IIOOMS modern. Oarvln Uroa. , 1C13 Farnam. U M518 Al _ Fen HUNT ! rvro STONK AND imicf < houi-es IS rooms rach , .modern ImproveraentB : adapted to boarding house , cheap. J. w , Sim. oml. SS2 lice bldg. _ 1) Ml FOIl HUNT. KODEUN SBVEN IIOOM 1IOUSK , furnished , chcnp to responsible party. 1'erma' nent for Uie winter. Call at 020 So. 20th nt. D-553 A2 FOR IIEM'rUUXISHKD HOOMS. s NICK FunNiHiinn HOOMS ; LIGHT HOUSR. keeping. 1112 S. lllli. K J1410 23' nooilH.'ONE IN 11ASEMENT FOR HOUSE , keeping. COC North 17th. IS 007-28 * IIOOM "WITH OH WITHOUT HOA11D. C07 SO 25th are , 13 554 A-3 JCOOMS jiM ) I1OAUU. KICK "ROOMS. WITH UOAni ) ; TUANSIKNTS accommodated ; rates reasonable. The Hose , 20SQ Hurney. F M3G3 A2 * _ HOOM3 WITH 1)OAIU ) > . TRANSIENTS AC- commodated. Utopia , 1721 Daveniioit. Al * XOVKL.Y IlOOMS , OOOD I10AUD , J3.SO ANTE $4.00 week. 014 N. 19Hi. F M544 AS * SWTHUAST FllONT IIOOM , MODKIIN CON- venlencea. nice lawn surrounds house , private family. No. 702 3. ath St. V MC-30 * FINK 11OOJIS , FUUNISIIKD OU Jilsliod ; board It depjrcd. Handsome detntcJicd residence , large , ehady groundn. Private fam ily. Itcferenccs , 722 No. 10th Bt. F 550-25 * T-OH IlI3.VrSTOH13S AXU OFFICES. F1IIST CLASS 11UICIC STORU IIUILDINQ , 1011 Farnam ; three etories and basement : will altei to suit tenant ; low rent. 314 1st Nat'l U'k bldg. i su _ FOIl HUNT , TUB 1-STOHY IHHC1C UUII.DINO at flD Fainam at. Tlijs bulldlnj ; Ima a tlrefrool cc-ment basement , comiiletu strum heating llx- turcs , water on nit lloorn , gas , etc. Apply ut the omco of The Dee. I 810 AGICNTHVANTUIJ. . 75 TO 1150 A MONTH AND nXPUNSES PAID salesmen for cigars ; experience unnecessary ; standard goods ; Little del I : clitar maclilnn tree to each customer. IJIshop & Kiln * , St. Louis , Ko. J MOOS A3 * _ TVANTED-S.OW AQKNTS FOIl HUSSKLL'S AU- thorlzeil "Lives of Mclvlnley and HobarL" C50 pa es. elegantly Illustrated. Price only SI.CO , The best and thu cheapest , and outnellH all others. CO per cent to nuents , and freights Imlil. HaokB now reiuly. iinvo tlmo by xend- Inc CO centl ! In stumps fnr tin outfit nt once. Addre A. U , Worthlngton & Co. , Hartford , Conn. J MK1-AH * * AClKNTri WANTKD ALL OVBll TUB STATE to fell Youni ; Inrrots ; Rood proflt. Write at once to Oeltler'H lllnl Store , Omaha , Neb. J 501 2S AVAXTianTO UIJXT. WANTED , HOUSH OF AIIOUT KIOI1T Oil ten rocms : In good location ; E'VO ' full partlcu- larf. T 16. IliiO , 1C 353 WANTICD TO UNT , FAHJI SUITABLK ilali-yl"K ; would cam for ttock on almrf . T 3 llco. 1C 131 Al * WANTED. TO HUNT * . A FI.AT OF nvi u-i islx rooms ; centrally located ; with modern con. venlence * ; tli-am liont nml liatli. Adilremi G 10 , Ilcu olllce , Council Hinds , In , K 5SJ FUUNISIIEO MODEUN HOUSE ; ONE OIl TWO _ ycarii' lente , AiUlrceii T 5 , lice. K M5I7 30 STOItACi : . PACIFIC STOnAClK AXP WAUEHOUSE CO HS OH Jonef. Uencral elornEO anil forwanllne. M-tiH BTOllAQE , 1'HANIC E\VErtS. 111 bit. VAN & STOUAOE , 1115 FAU'M TEU 1559. M-STl FOIl SALK IIOHSKS ANIJVAOOXH. . VOll SAL15 OR THADK , QOOD PHAKTON. double lliht harnms , single liarneps , dlatnniul ring and diamond shirt tud. Will trade uny of the nliovo for hoi Eva or mares. Call at UK Harney nt , , upstairs. P 540 NKW OH GOOD SECOND-HAND CARniAdES and bugglcM , cheap , 1411 Podge. 1' SIB FOR 8ALI3. A HANUSOMU BHUTLAND lONvT e , harness and tnildle. T 31 , Dee , P-M8 FOR SALi3llSCKLLAMOUi , BAHQAIN FOU t'AHH. ONI ! 'M GKNTLB- rnen'a wheel , ridden K'sa than GO iiillei. O. M Hurt. 1311 Jones st , O 458 31 * PIANO. SIT S. 16T1I ST. WOOD , } J TO J1.60 A COHD , T. MlfnAY. Vl'AtiO. ALMOST NEW. FOR BALK CHUAR ut 1219 N. ltli. O.-S03 88 * BEST HARDWOOD Jioo AND CHICKEN fence ; alto "all wire. " U. It. Lee. 901 Douglas. Q-fcU _ _ _ ID-HAND IHCYCLEd. 10. 115 & 20. 11ICYCLK3 rented , rt'patrfid , Oai. Ulcy. Co , , 323 ii. Ktli t. van BA.IM-FOUH riusii FAMILY cows. n Knhlne tt , _ _ 652 q 3IASSAGK , UAT1IS. KTO. WMK. SMITH. 1111 DOUaLAS , JD VIJOOH , roam 6 , mussiafie , ktiuiu , ulcohu ) and sulphuring T-M4M Al _ _ WHS. DR. LEON , KLKCTTUC * MASSAQ jTpAlT J ? J * refnrshlns and curative ; don't fall to c lL 111 a. lltU L , miiitalra. 7 Mm At * _ AMK3 , UATHS. UABSAQI ! . tOT 8. 1STH . , room a. T MHJ A3 * 1'nusoNAi. . MIB8 VAN VALKENIUmO DKST11OY3 1'RH- mnnently by | pctrlclty superfluous Imlr , mole , warts , etc. Itoom 418 , N. Y. Life UldR. IHHTimK CUUKDl NO PAIN ; NO UKTEN- tlon from Imslnejsj we refer to hnnrtrcds of patient * cured. O. K. Miller Co. , 30J N. Y. Life building. Onrntm. Neh. U S2i VIAVI , IIOMB T71KATMKNT KOn trmiblcK. Physician In nttendnnco. Consulln- tlon or health book free. 316 Itee bldff.u u si IIOSTON nnnss CUTTINO ACATJKMY. n. s < a ICarbach blk ; learn the he t oyetem no reflttlns ; tench's wanted ; circulars sent. Mrs. Q , Shellcr , U B31 ASTHMA CUHKl ) Oil NO PAY. OFFICE 231 M-rrlain block , Council llluffs , In. U-M42 ? 30 * CUIIK roil MANOE ; u QAL. T 42 , HER. U-M5M AK- JJOXHY TO l.OAX IlIiAli ESTAT13. ANTHONY I OAN & TIUJST CO. , 515 NrY. L. Quick money nt low rate * for -olce farm loans In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska. W S2.i CITY LOANS. C. A. STAHIl , 923 N. Y. LIFE. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPItOVEI ) OMAHA real estate. IJrennan. Love Co. , 1'uxton block , W327 LOANS ON IMI'HOVBD it UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Itanium Smith * Co. , 132H Fnrnnm. MONBY TO 1XDAN AT LOW MATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. . 1505 Farnnm m. W 831 LOANS ON IMl'ltOVKD CITY AND FARM property ; low rates. II. 11. Ircy , 01 N. Y. Life. W-975 A5 P. 1) , WEAD , LOANS. 1GTH AND DOUGLAS. -903-A6 411 OM2V TO LOAN CIIATTICI.S. MONBY TO LOAN ON FUIIN1TU11E , PIANOS , horses , wagons , etr. , nt lowest rate In city ; no remornPof goods ; strictly conHdentlnl ; you can ) > ny the lonn off nt uny time or In nny amount. OMAHA MOUTGAai : LOAN CO. , 306 So. Kth St. X S31 MONBY TO LOAN , 30 , CO , 90 DAYS : FUIlNl"- ture , pianos , etc. Duff Green , rouni s Darker blk X S3J HUSIXKSS CIIAXCKS. FOK SALE , AIIOUT 2.COO LB3. MINION TYPE. 700 Ibs. agate , CUO Iba. bluvler typo , 150 pair tvto-third cases , 40 double Iron stands for two. third cases. This material was used on The Omaha llee nnd Is In fairly peed condition. Will be sold cheap In bulk or In quantities tc suit purchaser. Apply Ir. person or by mall to The Ueo Publishing Co. , Omaha , Neb. Y 713 , WEEKLY NET INCOME WITH 1250 Invested. Safe , conservative , prospectus , proofs free. I * * . Dally , 1233 IJroadwuy , New York. Y UaS5.A6 * _ FOIl SALE , COAL YARD AT W P1UCE. En quire 1318 Farnam. Y 511-28 J.200 MONTHLY GUARANTEED ; MAN U KA < 5 luring concern wants representative In Omnlin ( or nny city not taken ) ; must have few hun dred dollars cash to pay for goods on delivery nfter orders are secured. Guenther llros. , 10 ! Fulton street , New York. Y M52U A2 * FOU SALE , STEAM LAUND11Y AND IlAUIiEIl shop ; a bargain : Cheap. Acldress'T 44. Bc . Y-M535 A2 * A IIAHOAIN , A STOCK OF OftY GOODS AND groceries for sale nnd the utore to rent. This Is n good oppportunlty for n man with n lim ited capital to go Into business In York. Stocli haH been reduced to about $3DOO. Good reason for felling. Only cash buyers will be con sidered. Carl Xlimnerer , manager , Y 549 A2 * Fen EXCHANGE : . TO BXCHANGE SUBUnilAN RESIDENCE. St. Paul , Minn. , clear , for Nebraska land or Omaha property. Charles llaer , 500 N. Frank lin St. , Chicago , 111. Z M410 A5 FOU S ALE HIS AL ESTATE. FOR SALE , LOTS OR ACRES ALONGSIDE the railroad station nnd near the government buildings nt the main west entrance to Fort Crook ; prices low ; teims easy. POTTER . 'I GBORGB COMPANY , S. W. Cor. ICtli and Furnam sts. . RE MS77 31 ADSTRACTS. THE- BYRON REED COMPANY. . RE S35 FOR SALE Good houfp , full corner lot , 41st nnd Farnare streets , $3,1'00. Good seven room house , modern conveniences west part of city , S3.'CO. Good live room lioiise , larce corner lot. In Hans- corn Place , 52,009. Corner lot , two houses , 20th and Mnrtha streets H.5CO. Good four-room house , city water In house , 1C2D North 22d street , $1,000 ; terms easy. Five-room house , line lot , oed location , $1,100. East front lot on 3 h street , half block north of Farnam street , fronting asphalt paved street , with eewer. KUS nnd water pipes to lot line , Fnli lot fronting 3Sth street , which Is paved with asphalt ; lot on grade , $1,100. Nine acres near South Omaha , with good house , large barn , line grove , spring water , etc. . on jilace , } 1,700. T\e have many fine Improved and unimproved residence properties In west nnd touthwest parts of Illy , which can be bought very cheap tail nnd let us show them to you. Potter , < i George Co. , S. W. Cor. IGth and Farnnm streets ItB _ MiM .11 FOR SALB , SIX ! GRAIN ELEVATORS IN Gage county. Neb. , on the Union 1'aclllo rail way ; easy terms nnd cheap. Address J. G Shea , room C20 N. Y. Life bids. RE 973 FINE C-ROOM COTTAGE. CITY WATER t',0 ? Io'v ? lliiie'- < * cnn ut Jl.MO ; another for Jl.COO. F. 1C. Darling- , Barker block. RE M-SOfl-A 2 FOR SALB. C5 ACHES OF CHOICE GARDENIng - Ing land tv.-o miles and a half sontheaht of South Omaha ; a great bargain ; will Bell part or nil ; terms to suit purchasers. Thomas Hector , South Omaha. RE 533 A2 BUILDING AND l.OAX ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL U & I ) . ASS'Nl'AY cT S per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old ; always re deemable. 1704 Farnam bt. Nuttlnger , See. , _ _ 833 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURB GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. Sfli. Ass'n , Ii04 Farnam. a. M. Nattlnger , Sec. 839 MEDICAL. THE PEOPLE'S DISPENSARY , DOUGLAS pt. , u the only place vhero ladleo are sure to lie relieved of all their troublesome discuses peculiar to their MX. This Is the oldest ills- pennary In the city. Won't hesitate ; procrnntl. nation Is the thief of time , and In another month your ailment may be Incurable ; nil de layed courses nnd Irregularities restored , no matter from what caune ; wo lm\o line homo If you need privacy ; all hturs enclosing stamp onswrrwl und medlclno forwarded : confine * mcntrj , MO.OO and up. M 23' 31 * ASTitDLOGV. THE WONDER OF THE AGE ; PROF. A. Musory , ( he greatest astrologer and palmlstcr In the woild ; past , present , future told or no charge. 1924 Farnam , 8 to 12 in. , 230 ; to 9:30 : P- " ° - 419 A22 iiAiu mncssixo. THK PALACE BEAUTIFUL , FIRST CLASS Imlr dressing , manicure and maimago parlors. 1013 Douglas. S7 Alt UETECTIA'U AJKXCY. CAITAIN P. M03TYN. DISTECTJVB AGENCY : nil detective work carefully and promptly at. tended to : 310 Knrlmch block , Omaha , nnd 516 Roanoke Illdg. , Chleaso. MS58 31 LOST , LOST , AN IRISH SBTTBR , LAME IN FORE right foot ; return to Cth and Vlnton , Fr d Krug , new brewe-rj' , for reward. I.oit S1Q.Z8 * I.OST. LADIES I1LACK SILK CAPK IN COUN- rll lilufrs. iM-'twetn UrtmJwuy and Falrmount park , via Graham ave. Owner will call' with lewurd. AdJresa P , O , liox 412 , Omaha. I'AAVMIHOKlillS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. US JJ. 10 ST. WUSIC , AUT AND LAXGUAGU. OEORGB F. QBLLBNIIBCK , IJANJO AND BUltar teacher , H. US , Ueo Dtdg. Tel. S3S. IPO _ IIICYCLES. WEST'N II1CYCLE & GUN CO. , JUS CUUJNQ. S36 UIMIOLSTIJ1UNG FUUXITDIIE. KURNlTUni ! PACKED. WINDOW CUSHIONS lind mutt i tew. made and renoraled ; get our prices before placing your order , M. 8. Walk- Un , till Cumlny t. ; let. 1331. 837 S110HTJIAKU ATTIJ TVPEVVHITING. A , C. VAN S tiT-e BCUOOlf. U N. T. UFR eu pen THE CONSTRUCTION ot Thrvo Thirty Knot Torpedo Hont nnd Other Torpedo lioats for the Unllod Stntns Nfivy. Navy Uetmrttnont , Wnshlnpton , T ) . C. , Juno 18 , IS.OP. . t'lulcr mithorlty , conferred by the not of cousreBS innklnR npproprla- tlonn for the nnvnl service , npproveil June 10 , 1S9S , ncnled proposals nro hereby lnvlte l and will bo received nt thli dppnrtmpnt until 12 o'clock noon , on Friday , the ISth tiny of September , ISSfl , nt which tlmo nnd plnco they will bo opened In the presence of attending lilddern , for the construction , by contrnct , exclusive or sen-stores , nnd of the ordnnnce nnd ordnnnco outfit ot all kinds which , however , will be fitted nnd secured In plneo by the contrnctorfl , of three thirty Itnot torpedo bantu nnd other torpedo bents , which vessels are , for the purposes of this advertisement , deslBiinted an Torpedo llonts Nos. 0 , 10 nnd 11. Three torpedo bents to hnx'o n maximum speed of not less thnn thirty knots' an hour , and Torpedo Honttt Nos , 12 to 21 , Ten , or fewer , torpedo bents of two types , those of typo 1 .to hnvo n speed of not less tlmn twenty knots nn hour , nnd those ot type 2 to have n speed ot not less than twenty-two nnd one-halt knots nn hour , The contracts will pro vide that nil the expenses of nil trlnls prior to preliminary or conditional acceptance shall bo borne by the contractors. The thirty knot bents and the twenty-two nnd one-half knot boats are to constructed In accordance with the bidder's plnns nnd specifications , 1ml Kencral plans of u ves sel of the latter kind may be exnmlned nt thn Uurenti of Construction nnd Kcpnlr , nnd plans of the machinery of such a ves sel may bo hnd on application to the Bureau of Steam iStiKlnccrlnR ; the twenty knot bents will be built In nccordnnco with the bidder's plnns nnd specltlcatlons or with these prepared by the department ns the Secretary of the Navy may deem most in ] . vnntnKooiis. all subject to the conditions stnted In the "Circular defining the chief cliarncterlstlos of three thirty knot torpedo boats and other torpedo bents for the U. S. Navy , " Approved l > y the Secretary of the Navy on the 17th day of Juno. IS'G. ' Copies of this circular can bo obtained on appli cation to the Bureaxt ot Construction nnd Repair. Plans and specifications for the construction ot the vessels of typo No. 1 nt the smaller bents ( twenty knots ) may bo seen and examined , nt the Navy Depart * ment. Forms of proposals embracing n Benurs.1 statement of provisions to bo In cluded In the contracts for the vessels will be prepared , nnd may bo obtained nt nny time after August 1 , 1S % > on np- pllcatlon to the Navy Department , whcro all information essential to bid ders can also be obtained. Said vessels must bo completed , the thirty knot boats , within eighteen months , and the others within one year from date of contrnct , nnd payments under the contracts will be made on the former mentioned vessels In ten and on the latter In five equal Installments , as the work progresses , upon bills duly certi fied , from which ten per cent , will 1 > o re served to bo paid on the full and final com pletion of the respective contracts. It Is intended to construct three or more vessels ot type 1 , these having a * speed of twenty knots , nnd one or more of typo 2 , those ImvlnB a speed of twenty-two and one- halt knots. Bidders are invited to name the price at which they will build one , two or three boats , In order thnt contract may It necessary , ho awarded to one bidder for one , two or three such vessels. Kvery .lucccsaful bidder will bo required to show to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Navy , that within three months from date ot contract he will bo possessed of the necessary plant for the performance , In the United States , ot the work which he shall otter to undertake. The evidence thus r - qulrcd must accompany the proposals or be submitted to the department In advance Each proposal must bo accompanied by n satisfactory certified check , payable to the order of the Secretary of the Navy , and the checks of successful bidders shall be come the property of the United States in case they shall fall to enter Into the requisite contracts and to furnish the re quisite security on the acceptance ot their pioposals. The amount of such check must be nt least five per cent , of the amount of the bid , but bidders Including more than one vessel In their proposals will not be rqulred to submit therewith a certi fied check exceeding in amount the sum of $20 COO. All checks qf bidders Whose pro posals shall not be accepted , will , on the award ot the contracts , be returned to them ; the check of each successful bidder will be returned to him when his contract has been duly entered Into nnd the requisite security furnished. Contracts will be made separately for each vessel and every bidder whoso proposal shall bo accented will be required to enter into n formal con trnct by October 8 , 1E93 , for the faithful per formance of the work , nnd to give satisfac tory bond for such performance in n penal cum equal to fifteen per cent , of the amount of his bid. Proposals must be made In duplicate In accordance with forms which will be furnished on application to the de partment , enclosed In sealed envelopes ad dressed lo the Secretary of , the Navy.Nnv.r Department , "Washington , D. C.nnd marked "Proposals for the Construction of Torpedo Boats. " The Secretary of the Navy re serves the right to reject any or all bids as , In his judsment , the interests ot the cov- ernment may require. H. A. HERBEUT , Secretary of The Navy. Xotlcc < Coiiimciorx. We dcslro to bids , to be let to the lowest bidder , upon the laying and furnish ing a four-inch water main , tOKCther with five hydrants , with all connections com plete , containing about two thousand feet , more or less. All bids to be In writing nnd sealed , and to bo received before the 20th day of Au- BUSt , IS'JO. We reserve right to accept or reject any or all bids. H. JENNINGS , Mayor. I. L. PEASE , Recorder. Dunlap , Iowa , July 25. 1898. ftn Q ES ff&5 I ! & 16 Painless opium Uili di U byLLiNd and morphine antidote. Am. Exp. Mil ; ? . . OMAHA BEATEMT CRICKET Combined Chicago Tcaitfl Wina bj an In nings and Ffi$3n ! Kuns , FIELDING OF THE ( VISITORS V/AS / FINE riny T KiKK'k.I'ii ' Onp-Tir M > ty- of WlilcKiOnly Konr .Vrc lixtrn.t L'lilonwif Hrenml lien It Sir , I'uul. CHICAGO , July 28. In the cricket tourna ment today , Chicago gained a decisive vic tory over Omnlia by nn Innings and fifteen runs. The wicket was still very soggy nnd greatly In favor of the bowlers , Chicago hnd a very strong team In the field , both In bat ting and bowling. The fine Holding ot Omaha was ono of the features ot the game , giving only four extras , thrco leg byes nnJ ono no ball , In the second Innings New lilt up 34 , or one-half the total. Score : OMAHA , KIUST INNINGS. II. New. b Kenny 2 W. Richelieu , c Jones , b Wataon 2 W. H. Vnughan. o Davla , b Kenny , . . . R. W. Taylor , run out 3 O. H. Vaughan , b 'I-nngham 0 II. Lawrle , st llogem , b Watson 4 J. Cameron , not out 10 J. II , Slmms , c Rodgcrs , b Watson . 4 J. Hill , b Dunn 2 J. Douglass , b Dunn 3 C. II , "Young , run out 0 Byes , 4 ; wldcs , 4 ; no ball , 1 9 Total 45 CHICAGO , FIRST INNINGS. Watson , b G. II. Vaughan 3 G. M. Dunn , run out 2 W. J. Kenny , c W. Vuughan , b G VnUKhnn 4 Jlontln. b W. Vauchnn 1 Davis , b Lnwrlo 33 Jones , c Tnylor , b W. Vnughan 4 Honcll , c Slmms , b W. Vaughan Cl J. Langlmm. not out 11 Rogers , c Douglass , b W.auglmn. . . 4 Rooker , b W. Vauchan 1 Leg byes , 3 ; no ball , 1 4 Total 12S OMAHA , SECOND INNINGS. H. Now , b Davis 31 J. Cameron , st Rogers , b Lennon. . . . o C. H. Young , b Montln 5 W. Richelieu , b Davis 9 \V. R. Vaughan , c Dunn , b Davis 1 U. W. Tnylor , not out 14 G. H. Vnughan , c Jones , Ii Davis 1 H. Lawrie , b Davis 0 J. II. Slmms , run out 0 J. Francis , b Jones 0 .T. Douglass , c Rogers , b Jones 1 Bye , 1 ; leg bye , 1 ; no ball , 1 3 Total OS BOWLING ANALYSIS. Omaha. First Innings : Overs.Mdns.Runs.Wlcts. Kenny Lnnghnm. Dunn G 2 17 2 Watson f 1 10 a Rooker 13 Chlcaso. First Innings : G. H. Vaughan 14 2 M 2 W. R. Vaughan JJi.3 1 GO C Dr. Hobbs Little Liver Pills act gebtly'yct promptly on the Liver , Stomach nnd Bowel * . I To V/\m- They dispel Sick Headaches , I IS I OUr I I'evert nnd Colds ; cleanse the system thoroughly : curellabit- ual Constipation. They V _ S sugar-coated , don't gripe ; very . * small but great In results. Recommended by physicians and druggists. 1O Cents , d. Vita. ! . HODDS llEMEDr CO. . CUICAOO i > 'D SANpKANCISCO. JTOTTAltn'OlTIt KIDXKTS ? Dr. Hobbs Bparugus Kidney Fills will euro them. CO ct . a box. The perfect cold , water stnrcli is a saver of time , work and money. EVERY WOMAN Sometimes needs a reliabll monthly regulating ineolcin DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL RILLS , .Are prompt , safe nnd certain in result. Thoconu- toe CPr. ivnl'sj n vordsaDDomt. ! Sent any whera Sherman & McConncll Drus Co. , 1513 Dodge street , Omaha , Neb. Wanted For U. S. army , able-bodied , un married men , between ages of 21 anil SO , citizens ot the United States , of good char acter and temperate habits , who can speak , rend nnd write English. For Information apply , preferably by letter , to Recruiting Olllcer , Fort Crook , Bellevue. Neb. A NEW" AFRICAN STORY. a To Begin August 2d and Bun 12 Weeks. I N this story Mr. Haggard relates the terrible experi- _ cnccs of the Reverend Thomas Owen , whopersuaded that Faith , if strong enough , could accomplish all tilings even to the performance of miracles , gave up a comfort able living in the Church of England to practice his pre.iching among : the Children of Fire. He went knowing that this savage A/rjcan / tribe , under the spsll of the \Yizarl Hokosa , had pjittfo death the last "White Messenger" beaus3 he couljjjgpt prove " his religion by raising from the dead"hisCompanion ! whom they had slain before his very eyes.- This he learned through a third missionary whom tliey sent back to his people with this message : n'a" , "Tell them that having proved you to baiTiars they .dealt with you as all honest men seek 'tjjgtfjill ' liars should be dealt with. Tell them that thej feire to hear more of this matter , and if one can be se"'nito them who false tongue , who in all things'ji'lfills , ( ' the promises of his lips , that they will harkenUitfJum anl treat him well ; but that for such as you they keep a spear , " It was this challenge that the Reverend Thomas Owen accepted ; and in this serial is told the wonderful story of his single-handed conflict with the Children oi Fire and his almost miraculous success in baffling : their prophets and confounJing their Wizardry converting first the king and then the great body of his people ; among others his son and rightful heir to the throne. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. . 04 Rlmms S o 17 0 Lawrle 6 0 IS 1 Omnba. Second Innings : I.nliRhnm r. ! ) 1 Montln , . . . , 5 0 2o 1 Jones 4.1 1 12 .1 Davis Kenny - Chicago defeated the St. Vnul team by eight wickets. Score : St. Paul , JO ! Chicago cage , 103 : St. Tntil , second Innings , 03. In cluding Snulpy's 2. : Chicago , second In nings , 22 for two wickets , ( iAMKS OIC THU XATIOnr.VIi tiUAOITi : . Cltu'liinnU Win * lt Tlilril .SMOI'ONHVP Vlrtnry from Clcvt-lnnil. CINCINNATI , July 28. The Hcds won to day's gnme In the ninth Inning. Wilson was * knocked out of the box In the lltlli. In the ninth , with Mel'hco and Vaughn on second nnd third , Tebenu lost his temper over what he thought was nn unfair de cision siml went In to pitch , Smlth'n single oft him scored the winning run. Attend ance , 7,300. Score : Cincinnati . . .1 00142001-0 Cleveland 0 00330020 8 Hits : Cincinnati. 10 ! CInvolnnd , 10. ISr- rors : Cincinnati , 1 ; Cleveland , Ii. Karned runs : Cincinnati , 6 ; Clovehind , R. Two-liana hits : Vnnghn , Uurkc , Smith , Wallace , Young , Stolen buses : Miller , Hurkett. First on bnlls : Off Dwycr. 4 ; off Wilson , 2 , lilt by pitched ball : Young , 2. Struck out : } ly Dwyor. 4 ! by Young , 1. Hatterlett : Cin cinnati , Dwyer nnd reltz ; Clevelnnd , Wil son , Younp , Tcbeau nnd Xlmmer. Umpires : Uilly and llnhl. imOWNS OUTPLAY TIIR COLONELS. ST. LOUIS , July 23. The Rrowns defeated the Colonels today , outplaying them nt every point and knocking cunnlnirhnm , who wns very wild , out of the box. Their lidd ing wns perfect , while the visitors' record in the error column was thirteen. Some delny In the piuim was occasioned by the death of a snllor nt the chutes near by. He wo killed by a boat falling on him , and so for n time there wns almost n panic among the plnyere and spectators. Attend ance , l.WH ) . Score : St. Louis 2 -2fl Louisville 0 2000010 2C lilts : St. Louis , IS ; Louisville. 12. Krrors : St. Louis , 0 ; Louisville , 13. Knrned runs : St. Louis , 3 ; Louisville. B. Two-base hits : Turner , Connor. Pnrrott , K. McKarland , McCroery , Clark , Cllntrmnn. Homo run : Parrott. Stolen bases : tiowri (3) ( ) , 13. MeFnr- land (2) ( , Myers (2) ( ) . Parrott , Dexter. Tlrst on balls : Off Cunningham , 7 : off Palmer , -4 ; off Donohue , i > . Struck out : lly Dono- hue , 4 ; by CunninRhum , 1 ; by Holmes , 2. Passed ball : Miller. 1. Wild pitch : Cun ningham , 1. llatterlcs : St. Loula , riguohuo and IS. McKarlnnd ; Louisville , Cunningham , Holmes , Miller and McFarland. Umpire : Celts. SENATOnS AFTKU VKNGEANCE. BROOKLYN , N. Y. , July 2S. The llrook- lyns Buffered defeat by the Wnshlngtons this nfternoon. The homo team looked n winner to the seventh Inning , nt which Ktnge the visitors located Kennedy's curves and during the balance of the gnme they scored almost us they plcnsed. McJnmca wns very effective throughout the game. Sccrc : Brooklyn 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0- : Washington ' , Hits : Brooklyn. G : Washington. 12. Kr- rors : Brooklyn , 2 ; Washington , G. Earned runs : Washington , ! i. Base on balls : Of ! Kennedy , fi ; oft Mc.Tnmea , 4. Struck out : By Kennedy , 0 ; by McJnmes , 5. Two-base hit : Cartwright. Three-base hits : O'Brien , Anderson , Stolen bases : Shlndle , McJames , LaClmncc , Schoch , Kennedy. Double plnys : LnChance to Corcoran : LaChnnce ( unas sisted ) . Batteries : Brooklyn , Kennedy and Grim ; Washington , McJames and McGulre. Umpire : Hurst. Attendance. l.riOO. ADONIS WINS HIS GAME. CHICAGO , July 2 ? . Today's same was a pitcher's battle In which Terry came out considerably the best , Riving but one base on balls , striking out live men against Kll- len's three free passes and no strike outs. Attendance , 2.PCO. Score : Chicago 2 Pittsbur ? 000000100-1 Hits : Chicago. C ; PlttsburR , n. Errors : Chcngo. ! 1 ; Plttsburg , 2. Two-base lilt : Terry. Stolen bases : Lanso (3) ( ) , Decker. Dahlcn , SteiiKel. Double plnys : Pfeffer nnd Ar.son. First on balls : Terry. 1 ; Killen , 3. Struck out : By Tern' . 5. Passed balls : Dcnohue. Batteries : Chicago , Terry and Donohue ; Pltlsburg , IClllcn and ilerrltt. Umj.oire : Kmslle. GIANTS HAMMER OUT VICTORY. PHILADELPHIA. July 23. The Giants hammered Keennn from start to finish nnd , aided by his loose support , won euslly. Meekln pitched n1 steady pame , but loosened up' In the eighth'/when Clement's home run 'drive. Kcenan H'double nnd errors by Connaughton and Gleason cave the Phillies Ilvo runs. Attendance. 3,000. Score : Philadelphia 0 00100050 fi New York 30202201 0-10 Hits : Philadelphia. C : New York. 11. Er rors : Philadelphia , 4 ; New York , 3. learned runs : New York , C ; Philadelphia. 1. Two- bnso hits : Tiernan , Hallman , Keenan , Three-base hit. Tiernan. Home run : Cle ments. Stolen bases : Connauchton. First on balls : Off Meekln , 1 ; off Keenan. 2. Struck out : Hallman , Merles. Bnttcrles : PhiludPlphla Keenan and Clements ; New York , Meekin and Wilson. Umpire : Sher idan. idan.BOSTON BOSTON SETS BACK BALTIMORE. BOSTON. July 28. Perfect fielding and timely batting enabled the Bostons to bent the Orioles today in ono of the hottest Kames of the season. Both Sullivan and Pond pitched a line same and kept the bis batters guessing , while the hits on bolh sides were few. Score : Boston 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 'i Baltimore 0 10000100 2 Hits : Boston. 3 ; Baltimore , > . Errors : Bohton , 0 ; Baltimore , .1. Earned runs : Bos ton , 1. Three-base lilts : Donnelly. Stolen buses : Hamilton. 2. First on balls : Off Pond , 5 ; oft Sullivan. 2. Passed ball : Clark. Wild pitch : Pond. Struck out : By Pond , 2. Double plnys : Kelley to Jennings. Batteries : Boston , Sulllvnn nnd BcrKon ; Baltimore , Pond and Clark. Umpire : Lynch. Attend ance , 3,50) . STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. P.C , Cincinnati 87 Cl 2 70.1 Baltimore 79 H2 27 fio.H Cleveland S3 53 30 M. ! ) Chicago S9 51 3.S C7.3 Boston 80 43 ! ! 7 m.R Plttsburpr S3 44 3X 53,7 Philadelphia Kl 37 41 45.7 Brooklyn 82 ,37 43 43.1 Washington 78 34 44 43,0 New York SI 31 47 41.3 St. Louis S3 2li Fi7 31.3 Louisville SO 21 nn 2G,3 Games today : Cleveland nt Cincinnati ; PittHburir at Chlcapo ; Loulsvlllo at SL Louis ; Baltimore ut Boston : Now Yorl : nt Philadelphia ; Washington nt Brooklyn. Oiiii Aiilrce nt Grooli'y Center. GREELEY CENTEIl , Neb. , July 28.-Spc. ( clal Telegram , ) The second of the series of games between Stromsburg nnd Grceley proved oxcitlng and close , Iho score stand ing 10 to fl in favor of Stromsburg. This mnki-s ft game apiece , nnd the third is to be played tomorrow. SPALDING. Neb. . July 2S. ( Speclal.- ) Criildren Cry foi PBtcher's Castona. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children RScher's Castoria. IIOT1IL.S. oooooooooooooooooooooo § B 8O O 314,316 , 318 South ISth Street. O Just oponotl. Everything DOW. O o BESI HW HOTEL IN IHE GUY o 2 Rooms 7Bc , $1 nnd $1.50 Day , 9 O First Class Cafe In Connection Q O - O g HENBY LIEV.EN , Proprietor , g OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOQOOOO jsAxittEit HOTEL. 'rillllTKlSKTII AXU JOMCS STItUH'J'S. } 10 rooms. Latin , eteam lieat un < ] all moJern convenlcnceK. llauu , H.iO nod JU.W per day , 'J'oblf imejc.c lled. Special lour latrn tu reuular UuatUtm. J-'UANK HILUITCH. Mgr , VIFTEKK JMYS , COMMENOINCJ Sunday Matinee , Aug. 2 , The Woodward Theater Go. I'JFTKKN I'JiOI'IJJ. KKW . ftloet , lOe to all parti ot ( he house. Stromsluirg defeated Spnldlng hero Sunday In nn Interesting Miutout Kiune. Score : Stromsburg . . . . .0 5 S 0 7 1 S 3 * IS Spaldlng . 0 0 Hltfi : Stromabure , 18 : Simldlng , 2 , Errors : Stroirmhurtr , 2 ; Hpnldlng , n. Homo run : Finery , Hnsen on balls : Off Seott , 3 ; oft Smith , 2 ; off Sulllvnn. 1. Struck out : > Cook , 8 ; by Scott , 8 ; ! > Smith , 2 ! l > y Sulll vnn , 1. Batteries : Strnmsbtirg , Cook. Scott nnd Corbet t ; Spading , Smith , Sulllvnn nnd Gllroy. Umpire ! F. Orcen. SCOItKS OK TIIM AVHSTKHX M1AUUI3. .St. I'mil ItcMiiinon lt KIToH * < < > Srrtin * tlic l , < * n l In < lic lliu-i- . INDIANAl'OMS. July I * . Score : Indlnnnpolls . . . 0 00000002-2 St. Paul . 0 02010000-3 lilts : tndlnnnpolls , 8 : St. Paul , S. Errors : Indlnnniwlls , l ; St. Paul , 1. llntterlefl : lit- dlanapollH , Unvla and Uuckley ; and Spies. DETROIT , July 28. Score ! Detroit . 1 G Milwaukee . 0 10000000 1 lilts ) Detroit , 9 : Milwaukee , C. Errors : Detroit , 3 ; Milwaukee , 7. llntterles : De troit , Gnylc nnd Twlncham ; Milwaukee , Rettger nnd Spent * . CO1AJM11US. July 23.-Scorc : Columbus2 0020000 B9 Minneapolis . 0 001 00000 1 Hits : Columbus , 17 ; Mlnnenpolls , fi. Errors : Columbus. I ; Minneapolis , 0. Hatterlea : Co- Inmbus , Mcureevy nnd Wilson ; Minneapo lis , Cnrney mul Schrlvcr. GRAND IIAPIDS , July 2S.-Score : Grnnd Rapids . 03012001 3-10 icnnsns city . l 0300100 c-n Hits : Grnnd llnplds , 12 ; Knnsns City , 1C. Errors : Grand Rapids , 4 ; Kunsna City , B , llnttcrlcs : Grnnd Unplds , 1'nrker and Hodges ; Kansas City , Kllng nnd Lake. STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Played. Won. 1/ost. P.C. Indianapolis . 7S 4fl 2 ! C2.S St. Paul . 79 -17 32 R't.G Minneapolis . S3 47 / 3f ! KansiiB city . so 44 sr r > r..o Detroit . 79 41 38 H1.9 Milwaukee . 83 41 41 4S.2 Grand Rapids . K3 31 52 37.3 Columbus . 87 27 CO 31,0 Games today ! Milwaukee nt Detroit ; Min neapolis nt Columbus ; St. Paul nt Indlnn npolls ; Knimns City at Grand llnplds. AXITl KRISrS VI * ITS 1113COIID. UofcntM u C < iinlil ii < li > n ClnU ! > ? Htiril Illltliiu mul Daring Ittiiinliu ; . ANITA , In. , July 23. ( Special. ) Anita won another victory yesterday. The Massetu- ' ' combination Cumberland-Fontanollo-'U'loto club came nnd went down to defeat. The ground was very muddy and the game wns delayed until 40. : The feature of the game wns the base stealing by the home club. Stone pitched n good game nnd Hupp played a good gnme as usual. The condition of thu Rround was the cause of most of the errors. The Massena boys are gnntlemcn nnd It Is n pleasure to piny with them. Can-on plays here Thursday. Score : ANITA. H.II.O.A.15..MA8SHNA. . It.H.O.A.R IHmKiin , Ob. Harper , IT-- 1 1 0 3 2 Itlch'aon. cf 4 1 0 1 0 Mnrlow , lit. 11600 Hupp , c . 3 n 9 4 1 Raines , 3ti. . 0 2 0 1 S Stone , p . 1 004 1 HHlo , BS. . . . 1 2112 I.atf.BS. . . . I'llcntli ' , c. . . . 0 1 15 0 lloynoldR , 2b 1 1 5 2 1 Wilson , cf. . 0 2 0 0 0 Hourk , rf. . . 1 0 0 0 0 I. Cl'rten'r.Zb Hrnltli. If. . . 2 1 0 0 0 t5. ( Vil'n-r.rr 00001 UnUBh'ni , Ib 1 3 0 0 1 McU'm't , If 0 1 1 0 0 Totals . . . .10102710 s' ' Totals . . . .51021 Gil Anita . . . . . .0 0 1 0 5 G 2 3 ' 1C Mnssenn . 0 0-S Kaineil rims : Anltn , 7 : Mnpcrnn , 2. Two-base hits : Hupp (3) ( ) . Threc-liapo lilts : lllchanlson. Itni-es Htulcn : Anita , 17 : ilnsscna , 3. Uoiible plays : Duncan to llcynolils to IJaiiRliam. Time of Kamc : Two hours and thirty minutes. Um pires : Irlon mul Haley. _ \Vl-MllTU AKHUCllltlllll Hl-HllItH. ROGICFOUD.I11 , . July 2S.-Scorc : _ Roekford" . . . ' . .7.7 0"0 1 0 0 1 1 0 U 1 I DPS Moincs . 0 3 Hits : Uockford , 7 ; DCS Molnea , St. Errors : Roekford , 1 ; DCS Molnes , 4. Uatteries : Molesworth nnd Snyder ; Bonier nnd toll man. DUnUQUE , la , July 2S. Scorc : Dubuque . 1 10 Cedar Rnplds . 1 0-C Hits : Dubuquo. 13 ; Cedar Rapids , 8. Er rors : Dubunue , 2 ; Cedar Rapids , C. llnt terles : Dolan and Zahncr ; Klcley and Sulli van. _ Ti'liiMUi'M 1'otlUim Aiis 'ere l. CLEVELAND , July 28. An answer wns filed in the common plena court today In the celebrnted Injunction 'suit brousht by Captain Tebenu of the Cleveland Bane Bull club against the directors of the National leasiie to prevent the collection of n line alleged to have been unjustly Imposed. The defendants tiled a notice of n motion to dissolve the temporary Injunction , which will be up for hearing on Friday. The peti tion asks the court to compel the perform ance of a personal contract. BV MI Houlcforil Given It Up. ROCKFORD , 111. , July 28. The Western Base Ball association season will probably close at the end of the present series with DCS Molnes In this city , because of the withdrawal of Peorl.a. Most of the clubs decline to go on with the four club lentue because of the high railroad rates and fro- qucnt lon-r jumps. Mnnager Trallley offers to sell the DOS Molnos team entire to nny minor league town in this country , the members having agreed to stny together for the balnnco of the season. UESUI/TS OX THK HtJXMXG TUACiCH. In nml Out Work of l'r-iiiltr Start * an Iniinlry tit llriETliton , NEW YORK , July 23. There were a lot of upsets nt Brighton Beach today , the worst of them being in thn third race , when Ben Eder , M. F. Dwycr's purchnse from the west , wns beaten nt 1 to 3 by the rank outsider Premier , who in his last race could not got out of his own way. The result of the race wns the Institution of nn Investi gation by the stewards. It was too glar ing to escape ofllelnl notice. In the llrst nuo : Lambent was the favorite , but landed among the also rnns , the victory going to Patrol , the outsider. In the second raso the lalent returned to the attack , making Lady Mettle the choice. Shu fnrcd no bet tor , for sin- could do no better thnn third , Taral driving Sunny Slope Into Hie load und winning handily from Azure , the second choice In the bntllng. Then cnmo the Pre mier nice. In which no ono but a select few thought of him. Lady Mitchell , Frnnk- nnasi-o and Lndy Loulso were practically equal favorites for the fourth race , although Tunknnnt-eo was more heavily backed. Lady Mitchell Jumped Into the lead ut once and opened n Klip which the others could not mnko up , winning by half a length handily. The llfth rnco wns nt a mllu nnd a half , nnd Nankipooh was at odds on. The pnco wns very slow and the favorite won easily. In Iho Blxth rnco Religion was p. big favorite. The finish -wns Iho holtesl of the day nnd not until the last jump. when Ameer poked Ills nose Into the Hrsl place , was II decided. In the Inst sacu Lady Inez was a hot favorite with odds on , but ho bled und did not llnlsh , the rnca goIng - Ing to ilnnchester. Results : First race , flvo furlongs , selling : Patrol ( R to 3) won , Uarien (3 ( to 1) ) second , Right Roytil (5 to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:03. Second race , flvo furlongs. Belling : Bunny SIopo (7 to 1) ) won , Azure (4 ( to 1) ) second , Lady Mettle (3 ( lo 2) ) third , Time : 1OS : } } . Third race , mlle and one-sixteenth : 1're- rnler (12 ( to 1) ) won , Hen Eder (1 ( to 3) second end , Septour (4 to 1) ) third. Time ; 1SOV& . Fourth race , Vcstnl , Jmlf mlle : Lndy Mitchell (12 to G ) won , Lndy Lotiluc (11 to G ) second , Tanhunoseo CD to G ) third. Tlmo : . Firth race , mile nnd one-half , Nnnklpooh (2 ( to H ) won , Hornpipe (13 lo G ) second , Long Beach (12 ( lo 1) ) third. Time : 2:3814. : Sixth race , Mvo furlongs. Belling : Ameer (4 to 10) won. Refugee (3 to 1) second , Hu- Jlglon ( G to 2) ) third. Time : l:03'i. Seventh rnco , ono mll < > , selling ; Manches ter (10 ( to 1) ) won , Illusion (15 ( to 1) ) second , Sir Dlxon (10 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:44. : ST. LOUIS. July 2S. Thlx wns the IndlcH1 day nt the Fair grounds , nnd despite the tcrrlblu heat 0.000 people attended the rnccH , which were run over a fust track , Favor ites captured the third , fourth and llfth events. Results : First race , selling , six furlongs : My Maid won , Hnno Bella (10 to 1) ) second , Fannie Ilowrna (8 ( to B ) third. Time : ins-Jl. Second race , Helling , ono mile : Tin Irven ( Si ) to 1) won , Forseon (7 to l ) second , Shin- inn Ilplio (8 ( to 1) third , Tlmo : 113' ; ' < . . Third race , Hcven furlongs : Free Advlro (7 ( to 20) ) won. Honor (3 ( to 1) ) second. Amy T 00 to 1) ) third. Tlinu : 12S'J. Fourth race , mlle und one-Hixte mh : Ace (15 to 20)-won ) , Pinken Poller ( S to 1) ttecond , Juno (4 to 1) ) third , Tlmo : l:4 > i. Fifth rare , 2-yi'nr-olds , live nnd one-lmlf furloiiKti : Buck Vldero 43 tu G ) won , Junnlta (12 to 1) second , Dare II (0 to 2) third. Tlmo : Blxth ruco , Belling , ono mile ; Pnvmac (5 to 1) ) won , Outuwuy (7 to 10) ) xvcond. Robert III (20 to 1 > third. Time : JH3V4. CINCINNATI. July 23. The Covlngton stakes , a selling sweepstakes for 2-yuar- olds , wan the feature of today's racing at Latonla , Eugenia Wlikra , the favorite , won the rnca handily from Hal * Off , True Light Kftllng third money. Truck fa t ; weather not. ncuultu ; First race , .six furlongs , xclllng : Toorga (3 to 1) ) won , ArrncH (3V4 ( to 1) ) second , Bprlns- vula (1 to 1) ) third. Time : 1:10. Bccoud race , mile. Holling : Letchcr (18 ( to G ) won. ilamo tioodwln ( C to 1) ueuond , Gov. liolt-a ( I ID 1) ) thin ) . Tlmo : 1:41 . Third race , six furlong * , selling : I'tcston (2 lo ] ) won , Sutuuma (9 ( to 2) ) second , Huulu H (20 to 1) third. Time : 1HVS. Fourth raco. Covlngton stakes ; value , S1.410 , ilvo furlonKtt : Eugc'iilu U'lukt-a (2 to 1) ) von , HutB Off (3 to 1) ) ( iecond. True Llisht < S to I ) third. Time : 1:0214. Fjftb race , Ilvo and one-half furlouga : Rey do Angeles (4 ( to 1) ) won. Robnlr (4 ( to 1) second. Argosy H (12 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 'sixth race , mile , selling' ! Lily of tlio Wrst (4 to 1) ) won , Remnant II ( S to fi ) second , Birmingham (15 ( to 1) ) third , Time : i-44. MILWAUKEE. Wls. , July n First rnco , six furlongs , selling ; Umbrella won. Con- Blanco second , Tonfe third. Time ! llfi : > i. Second race , Ilvo furlongs , pelllng : Eaton Jacket won , ilnnquo II second , Pnrmcsnn third. Tlmo : 1:03. : Third rare , six furlongs , selling ! Thn Kit ten won. Master Fred { iecond , l ady Rose third , Time : 1:33. : Fifth race , mile : Pnros won , Dick Relmn second , Rey Del Mnr third. Tlmo : 1:47 : < 4 > six iv iiuYrila ? itAt'U ' nn ti.\ , Event ill flrnnil iNlnnil AKrnellnu Mueli AHeiitlitn. GRAND ISLAND , Neb. . . July 2S.-Spo ( clal , ) A largo nnd enthusiastic crowd at tended the opening of the six day lilcyclo race last night. At 7:15 : Wellington Uuller , L. C. Hnnscn. It. W. Llndloge. C. V. WIN lard , Hnrry Cttlbertson , II. P. Christiansen , , George Schlelger. Judson King nnd Clnrenca i Shi-mold of this city nnd Joseph Fllllon of North Platte lined tip to the sorntoh nnd Immedlntely begun llielr long race. The llrst few miles were slupglsh , but Hntisen nnd Christiansen noon set the pnco nnd thu running was then hot. Twenty mlla nnd one Inp were mnde In the hour. Bclilel- Ker did some most plucky riding. Twice ho fell , but ench tlmo quickly remounted and did his best to recover. Ho wns nt ono tlmo n lap nnd n hnlf behind , but recovered the distance just ns the hour expired , ShclHeiil nnd Fllllon tnvo out. King wns discouraged by a severe fall nnd dropped out , Chrls- llniiRen nlso had n fall , but by hard work recovered. The result Is : Miles , Laps. lltltler 20 1 Hnnscn 20 l Mmlhme art v Wlllard 20 1 Culbortson 20 1 Schlelgcr , . 20 n Fllllon 11 I King S 1 Shellletd fi 3 Butler cnmo In nhead nnd won the tlmo prlio for the evening. After the six day went n boys' rnco for hnlf n mile wns run. Fred Fllllon lowered the state record to 1:14 : , winning llrsl prlzu. Albert Wllhelm won second , niOYCl.15 IIKATS r.MMtESS TllAlff. t Ilitee * the "Empire Stni * ' uml Wlnw mi n Mlle Ilini. SYRACUSE , N. Y. , July 28. When the westward bound Empire State express was about two miles west of Syracuse this after noon It niccd six athletic young men on n Boxtuplet. Arrangements for the rneo were qulntly completed -several days ngo. At this point la n stretch of cinder path about four feet wide and a mlle nnrt n halt long. An soon as the Empire hove in sight the sextuplet got under way. The Emplro was boon abreast and the race began. For a quarter of a mlle It was an even IhlnK. At Iho end of n mile the sextuplet was four lengths ahead. The sextuple ! wns then -u obliged to alow down , owing to a short - < | 1 bridge a quarter of a mlle ahead. A num ber of railroad officers nnd bicyclists wit nessed the rnca ami four photographs of tlio racers were secured. Klu'itli Iliiiniil of ilu * OlioNM Tourney. NUREMBURG , July IS. The eighth round of the international chess tournament was played in this city , the result being as fol lows : Sehallopp beat Showalter In n PotrofC de fense , after sixty-four moves. Marocszy and Telchmnn drew a Rtly Lo pez , after Ilfty-soven moves. Marco beat Blackburn In n counter center CTimhlt , after elslitv-slx moves. Suhlelchler and Chnrousek drew n p-ql opening , after sixty-nine moves. Tsohlgorln boat Lnsker In a queen's gam bit , after llfty-slx moves. Schiffer and Slelnltz drew a four knight's game , alter thirty-six inovej ) . Plllsbury boat 'larrasch In a. queen's gam bit , after slxty-ono moves. Albln and Junovsky drew a Uuy Lopez , after sixty-four moves. Walbrodt brat 1'orges in a French defense , after forty-six moves. Winawer , a bye. Stiiiili- Scull Ilnei * : il Halifax. HALIFAX. N. S. . July 23.-Tho principal event of the llrst dny'tt program of thn oarsmen's cnrnlvnl wns In the professional single- scull nice for the "world's chnm- plonshlp , " distance , three miles. Seven , started , as follows : E. D. Ropers of Schuy- ler , N. Y. , E. D. Durnan of Toronto , J. J. Casey of Boston , Louis Lovott of Halifax. Gnorgo Bubenr of London , Edward Hnnlou of Toronto nnd G. C. Gaudaur of Atherly , Out. Gnudaur took the lend from the stnrt , being closelv followed by Durnnn and hu by Rognrs. These positions were mnintalnod throughout. Gaudaur crossed the llnlsfr line in 20:23 : , having almost a walkover. Rogers led Hnnlon nbout hnlf a length. Casey nnd Lovott did not llnlsh. The ex- champlon was somewhat handicapped "by . ( having to row In n borrowed shell , his ' , own having been damaged In transit. The - ' prizes In this event were $300 to lirst , $151) to second nnd $100 to third. Grimil Olrpiilt ItniH nt Clevelnml. CLEVELAND , July 23. The track at the jj Clevelnnd Driving park was In poor condi tion today for the beginning of the grand " ' circuit meeting1. Ruin lind fallen during- the forenoon nnd the polng wia heavy. About 2.COO persons were present. Both events were taken by Invorltes. Results : Trotting. 2:21 : class , purse 52,000 : Corlc Mc Gregor won llrsl fourth nnd llfth heats. Tlmo : 2:20i : , 2:1 : ' 4 , 2:1314. : Ben won second heat in 2:1914 : and was second. Helen 1C third. Woodford , Strathboy , Little Grimo. Island L , Nlnnescnh nnd Kate McCrnckln nlso started. , Trotting , 2:27 : class , purse J2.000 : Walter > * * S won In straight heats. Tltno : 2:1814 : , 2:19'A : 2:22. : Nancy L second. Marguerite third. Donna Ines also started. Cooiliroixl Mectluiv IleKln * . .A LONDON , July 2S.-Thls was the first i day of the Goodwood rnco mcotliifr. Tlio Stewards' cue of 300 sovereigns for ,1-yenr- olds nnd upward wns won by J. R , Ynnk'rt bay colt , Chasseur. Sir Thursky'H Tartar was second , M. R. Lebaudy's Sweat Auburn third. There were twenty-four starters , including Mr. WIshard'H American here , Ramapo , AVRSTKUX PKXSIONS. flm of ( lie Iiiite AVnr Heiiieiu- ltere l liy lln- Ci'iu'r.-il Coveriiiiu-iit. WASHINGTON , July 23 ( Special. ) Pen sions granted , issue of July 11 , were : Nebraska Original : Garwood Butts , Omaha , Douglas ; Champion S , Chase , Omaha , Douglas. Renewal : Henry Lanx , Mncon , Franklin , Original widow : Ellen E. Blackson , Hartley. Red Willow. North Dnlcotn Original widow : Amandii B. Sllkworth , Lisbon , Uunsoin. South Dakota Original ; Dcroy Enton , , - > Brltton , Marshall. Increnco ; Wllllnm M. j Shnff , Cnnton , Lincoln ; George W. Me- , y Glenn , Bowdlo. Kdmundx. Orlglnnl widow i ( special July 1C ) : Nancy A , Curtis , Worth- Ing , Lincoln Iowa Original : Samuel W , Anderson , KcoUnk , Lee. Additional : Jacob Boblett. Pnnoru , Guthrln , Relssuo nnd Increasn : Lpvl Anderson , Kllbourno , Van Btircn. Original widows , etc ; Alexander DavlM ( fathc-r ) , Burlington , DCS Molt-eu ; Huttlo L. Scrlbncr. Albion , Mnrxhal ) . Colorado Original : Jumes C , Coail , Vlc tor. El Paso. IHHUO of July 13 were : Nebraska Original : Augustus Morrow. Arnold. Custer ; Mlchnul Holllo , WnyJninl , Polk ; John J. Bunn. Omnlia , Douglnu ; John Steven , McfJook , Red Willow : Irwln A. Fort , North Plntte. Hull Additional : Inv Alnsworth , Fremont , Dodge , lown-Orlglnnl : Daniel D. Hoyd , Wllllamu- burgb , Iowa. Increase : Danlol Bnyder , Dlxon , Scott , Orlpltml widows , etc. : Fried- orlckn Husner. Strnwberry Point , Clnytonj Sarah D , Cook , Drlhl. Dclawnro. Colorado Original ; Robert O. EdwnnlH , Fort Collins , Larimer ; Pedro Domlngiiii- , Wnlsenburfj , Huerfano ; AVIIIIarn W. Rlckel , Fort Morgan , Morgnn. Original widows Burah Watson , Colorado Springs , El Puxo. J'uiitH iIiiUerH Join ( lie SlrlUe. NE\V YORK , July 28. Tiireo thousand pnnt worlu-rn joined thu tnlloru' wtrllio to day , Hwc'lllng the total number of hnnih- now out lo nbonl 22,000 , Tonight the chil dren's Jacket irmkerH ( socialistH ) nent won ! to the Brotherhood of Tullorw Unit llipy would quit work tomorrow. They hnvo al leged .grievance and would not admit that tlii.'y worn prompted by Hymjuithy for thu tailors , It Is thought probubla that the tallorx will break ilia alliance ; with thu contractor * immediately und enter Into in dividual L-outructs. FI-L H Of II HURLEY , Wl . , July 28. A disastrous fire broke out In u rut ; warehouse In tliU ( own this afternoon and before It waa got uiuipi' control nn entire block of liuelneaa IIOIIHCU was in ilamfH. Tliu pout olllco and n niim- ber of bUHinpKi ) structures were deatroyed , NEW LEWISV1LLE , Ark. , July Jtt-A,1 dbatitrouH lira uwept thu mill , lumber , planer , dwelling und Haven railroad vnru at bunny South Lumlx > r company lost nUht , destroying l.WW.tOO feet of lumber , The Ijs * In $50,000 , heavily Insured. Many a day' work U lout by nick hf adaclu * , caused by indigestion and atoinach troubles. PeWltt'n J.lttlu Knrly ItUert ) are the mu/it effectual pill for ovcrcomlug such dldlcullle * ,