Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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. , , Mw , . - . . - < . . . . . . . I. , lp , li.1,1 , I l.iMVOV/
„ ( * * ftf / ' fn' < * . . - fXH * „ j
Tbcro Waa ft Sharp Dcclino in Wheat
Corn AVnwKntn AVonlc nml Sllll I'nr-
Hier Di-cllnvN Were Scoretl
1'nlrlr Active Market
InVlicnt. .
CHICAaO. July 2S. Tliero wnfl a sharp
decline In wheat today on fine weather and
manipulating by bears. September closed
nt D7ic } , or IHo below yesterday. Corn lost
1'ic find oats UOTtc. Provisions made alight
recessions ,
Thcro wns a good trade In wheat and
fairly active market , the range being 1 % ®
l',4c. The feeling manifested early was
fairly steady , all things considered , but n
woalt spell set In later. Good buying by
Hevernl of the largest sellers of yesterday
rib.sorhcd the early offcrlnRS , but Increased
realizing followed and In the absence of
support prices weakened. Cables vvcte
rather disappointing , early ndvlccs showing
declines of UfHiid. which , In the face of
the fact that prices were maintained on
this sldo yesterday , was taken ns an evi
dence of weakness. Another depressing
factor was the nbscnee of bids for cash
on forclsn account , nnd then bids to the In
terior vvero said to have received more
ready acceptance. The break In corn wits
IIBO ) felt In wheat to some extent. The
weather wns more favorable , being clear
nnd warm In most sections of the winter
wheat belt , and the forecast Is for season-
tiblo conditions. , ,
Corn was tiMaln weak nnd still further
dfcllncs scored , September polling oft to
21c. The further reduction In rates , the
Atehlson coming out with n. Hat rate of
He from the Missouri river , equal to about
He per Int. , together with the heavy re
ceipts and excellent crop prospects , owing
to the recent rains and clear , warm
weather were the inline factors In
causing the weakness.
There was a fairly active market In oats
nnd an unsettled feeling. A moderate num
r ber of outside buying orders came In early
nnd crop reports from parts of Illinois
were unfavorable. There were also reports
of damage by rnln In other sections. The
break In wheat and corn made holders
rather timid and after a % c rally long
Btuir came out frcclv. There was also
good selling of September by St. Louis nnd
nil the early advance was lost , the close
Itelng easy at "iS a under yesterday's.
Hog products were weak from the begin
ning of the pension to the close. Though
heavy In feeling the trade was light nnd
Din decline was chlclly In Innl and ribs.
September poik , In fact , tested with a
gain of fie nnd January pork without
change. Lard closed 5c lower for Septem
ber nnd 74c ! lower for January ; ribs wore
nt declines of MHHc for September.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow arc :
Wheat , ICO ears : corn. 758 cars ; oats , 115
cars ; hogs , 24,000 head.
The lenulng futures ranged us follows :
( t.1 20 ; straight ! ! , } 2.20ii3.20 ; sprlni ; patents , J3.1.
© 3.rr ; slrnlKlitH , 2.r.0it3.00 ; baiters , $2.00iij23J.
WI1I3AT No. 2 Bprlnif , 07tcj ! No. 3 spring ,
C89io ; No. 2 red , C9\fJ19c. !
CORN-NO. 2. 2ifl2mc.
OATS No. 2. ISClSVtc ; No. 2 white , 21' G >
22Hc ; No. 3 while. 20ic. }
HYC No. 2. 30'4c.
HAHLI5V No. 2 , nominal.
Ji < IjAXBiii > No. I , 72ic.
TIMOTHY SnKI > Prime , J3.15.
PROVISIONS 1'ork , me s , per bbl. , JO OOff
( ! 03. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , J3 0715. Short ribs hides
( loope ) , J3.0riifI.10. IJry salted nliouldcra ( bosed ) ,
J.1.M4H (0 : short clenr sldei ( boxed ) , ; 3.0f.1.C2 < A
WHISIir DIstlllcrB' nnlslicd seeds , per gul. ,
SUOAIIS Cut loaf , unchnnKcd.
POIILTUV Stendy : turkeys , SJJlOc ; chickens ,
8',4O12c : ducks , 8j9V5c.
rue follow Ine were the receipts nnd shipments
loday :
| i )
OnlheProliijo oxs'uiifj toliv tha butter mar
ket was linn : creamery. Ial4c : dairy , Uffl
12c. ECCB , nulot ; frejh , 10 ! < c. Cheese , quiet ;
of tlic Day on YnrloiiM
NKW YOIIIC , July 28. rLOUR necolpts , 20-
00 bbls. ; exports , 9,391 bbls. ; ruled dull ; demand
lm been checked by the brenk in wheat
nnd extreme views of holders ; low grade
patent * . J4.COff4.5 ; winter patents , J3.43H3 CO ;
winter stralBhts , J3 20OT.30 ; Minnesota bakers ,
J2.40QJtO ; winter low imules , $1,9082.10 ; rprlnir
low Kradcu , JJ.10H2.23. ll > e Hour , easy ; superfine
$2.45.0 | ( ; fancy , J2.KffJ.SO. " - ,
COItN MIJAI Stendy ; yellow western , CCc.
HYlQulct : No. 2 western , 3Gflj37c
1IAHLEY Quiet ; western , 320-33c.
IIAKI.IIV MAI.T Quiet ; western , 43J4Sc.
WHEAT Kecelpts , 2kOO bn. : exports. 101 , CSS
bu. mint , weak ; No. l hard , ( tfftftUiUc , f , „ , h
ullont. Options were demornllzed today by ex.
ccsslve ofTeilncs of lout ; vvhent from both local
nnd forelicn hourees : closlnis l'i ? le net lo\vcr ,
better weather In Hie west ; weal : cables , north
west selllne nml absence of export contributed to
the weakness ; July closed at t2c ; Heptember
C3 d-lGlC4Vic.
COKN llecelpts , 77.000 bu. ; exports , 153,07ri bu ,
Spot , weak : No. 2 , 30Hc. Options demoralized
today by nno crop prospects nnd blir rccelptn nnd
Iltiuldatlon , inaklm ; new low records ; eloped 7 f
l'/4o lower ; July clofe-d at SO'.tc ; September , S0'/4lj ' >
OATS llecclpts , 38,400 bu , fipot. wealc ; No , !
J2't 23c. Options steady at llrkt , but later broke
with corn ; closed Uff'lo lower ; July. closed at
I2V4c : Beiitembtr , 22622V1C.
llAY Slcady ; shlpplni ; , (5c ; Rood to choice.
HOPSStendy : slale. commun to choice isai
cron , 2VJtf4iJc ; U9'i crop. JW7Wc ; Paclllo
J8S4 crop , SMI to : UM ciop. 3JCV4o.
HIDES Dull ; wet Milted , New Orleans. EC.
lecled , 2SH'ic : GalveHlon , UQll' c ; lluenos
AyreK , dry , ICc ; Texas , dry. 9o ; California ,
ISc * .
liliATIIRH Quiet : hemlock sole , Huenos Ajrcs
IlKht lo heavy weights. 20 i2lc ; acid , 2Uj(2Jc. (
IIL'TTEII Hecelpts , 18,618 pki : . ; steady ; western -
ern dairy , S12o ; western creamery , llj ! 15c
I lKlns. I5c. ;
CHEEHE Hecelpts , 6,410 pkKP. ; niilet ; larite
CWCHiSc : small. 6H&7o ; part skims , 2 4 Sc ; full
Bklma. '
101 .if.
EiaS-lUcelts. | 44,659 pkgs. ; ttenily ; stnto and
IHnnsyUanlii , Ho : western , lli > ] 3c.
PHOVISIONS-lleef , steady ; family , I8.COIW.OO
PIIOVISIONSIlecf. . quiet ; family , IS tOii M '
tMf hams , JlRfOniC 00. Out meats , uteadyj nSit'ieJ
bellies. 4jJ5 o : pickled shoulders
pickled hams , UtttflOe. Tiillow , dull ; city stfe ,
country , Jfyf. , boned
shouiU | > rs , J4.40 ;
b > ,
clear. (7.0 < | S.60 ; family , J9,7SO10.60. ort
( ed
Co ;
tie ,
I'llUldllTB-To IJverpaol , quiet ; cotton , by
pli'Hin. S-'IJil : Kniln , by eleam , 2d.
MirrAI.8--I'lB Iron , nulet ; southern , J10251T
1.W ) ; northern , J10.76M18.50 Copper , i-ftly broil.
* rs. Jll i rxclmiiKc , J10 POfill.lS. Lead. Heady
lirukilii , : .M 2 0. Bpeller , uulet ; doinratlv ,
Nt. I.iinlM ( ienernl .1fiirlc < > ( .
ST. LOIJItt. , July -WIIEAT-ruvornblc !
\veulher. recelpln end ndveise rnbleK
H diprusnInK t'ffect i-arly on the speculative
Xct. which beeame very weak late In the mar *
elon. A further decline resulted und futures
closed winy nml lower t'ian lestenlay :
rattler ; No. 2 red , cash. 6S3.o In elevator :
I9o on track ; No. 2 hanl , 67007Ho : July , tf.
AUKiu . 5I4C57Iio ; September , C7MiH c I > M
COUN Ixivver rubles , continued laruo receipt
and line vvrdther weakened the market and .
caurcd a lovver close ; t-pot. lovver ; No. 2 cash ,
hid : July , tta ; Augutt , : : ho a ked ; fc
T. :2Uc nsketl.
OATS Pulures weak , but not much lower ;
pot , dull ; No. K ca li , ll , o bid ; July , 17Ko did :
August , 17o ; Septemlier , 17 io ; Uuy , 20i4c.
UVK-5So In elevtttor ; 2SOKHC on track.
I'OlU/ntV Mnikei lower ; chlckeni , old. 6 lie ;
, . THCj turkey * , lOCllc ; ducks , 5ff7c ; Be < e ,
Kl XRKKD-Nomlnal at tie ,
TIMOTHY BKED-Nevv. J3.COi73 05.
HAY -Steady ; prairie , net. J5.50ff7.00 ; timothy.
new. I8&0&10.00 ; old , JC.W01Z.tO. thU side.
lU'TTKIxi . eri creamery. lOltcj dairy , 71 ,
naas Quiet at ( lie.
and w ak at a declln * ; xllcr *
nfklnfr tt.ttH , unit very llttlo demand evrn at
J26R , nt w lch three enr fold. Hpclter frcelr
fTTeil nt 1170 , nnd no demand nt Hint.
I'HOVIStC NR 1'ork , Mendy , stnndnrd
corn , 112,000 bu. : onts , 6,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Hour , 8.000 Mito. ; whent , C.OOO
bu , ; corn , 8,000 bu. ; only , 15.000 bu.
Condition of Trndc nml
nil St.iplo mill I'11 n or 1'roilnoo ,
KOG8Cholco stock , if.
Ht'TTEH-Comtnon to fnlr , 707Wc ! choice to
fancy , country , llJ12c.
VEAIr-Cholco fat , 50 to 120 Ibs. , l quoted nt
BiJ.WL ! Pd coarse , < Cc. _ . _
CHIIEHE Domestic brick , 13c : nditn. per J. . . ,
19 W ; dub houte. 1-lb. law. per dor. . . I3.W ; Llm-
berger , Inncy , per lb. , I3c : Ho.nicfort. Vi-lb.
Jan. per iloz. , $3.60 ; Young America * . 12c ; twins ,
fancy , llUc.
POl'LTIlV-Llvo hens , CO V4c : cocks , 3c ; tiir-
ke > s , Cc : old ducks , Cc ; spring chickens , lie
per pound ; rprlng ducks. 9W10C. . .
PIOEONH Live. ) c : dead pigeons not wanted ,
HAY t'plnnd , J10Q ; midland , M.M : lowland ,
tl.OO ; r > e straw , JI.OO ; color makes the price on
bay ; llRht bales tell the best ; only top grades
bring top price' .
11HOOM COKN Extremely slow sale ; new
crop , delivered on track In country ; cholco green
Fclf.vvorkln < r carpet , per lb. , 21ic ; cholco yiecn ,
running to hut ) . 2'Sc : common , lV4e.
WATEIIMELONS Per doz. , crated according
to size , J2.&OS3.00.
CANTELOI'PEH-Per U bu. basket , C0075C
TOMATOES-Pcr 4 > bnflct crnte , COSeJc ; VS bu.
box. 4"i/.oc.
VNEW 'oNIONS-Houther'n Block ! per lb , ,
MMA HEANS-Pcr lb. . 4c.
1IEANS Hand idcked navy , per Int. , Il.40ffl.t0.
i-AULirLOWEK-Pcr doz. . "So.
CAIUIAOE Honn1 Brown , per lb. , le.
rni.iilV Per doz. , 2.VJSOc.
POTATOES-New potatoes , per bu. , 2oC.
GHAPiS Southern , iier 6-basket crate , Jl.73.
HTHAWlinilUIKS None.
CALII-'OIINIA mnilltlES No shipping stock.
HO.Mi : CIUOWN eiliUIUES.-Nono.
CALll'OllNIA PEACHES Ilnle's Early , per
bov , S > i7Jl,00 ; Crawford's , Jl.lOffl.2" > .
OALII'-OHNIA PLUMS-Pcr box , Jl.COiJl.76.
APPLES-Cooklne , per bbl. , J2.OOS2.2o ; eating ,
So'lJTHEHN PLUMS-Per 2l-qt. case , $1.25.
SOUTHERN PEACHES Per C-bnsket crate.
CALIFOIINIA PEAnS-Ilartlctt's , J1.S5C2.00.
According to the New York Journal of Com-
IIIPICC thert ! v\ns a decided Improvement In the
situation In the lemon market during the past
week. The hoi weather tins had the effect of
htliiKltif * out buyers , though the demand hat
hat illy come Up to expectations , owing lo Ihc
fact Hint during Ihe piccedlnc two weeks ills-
trlbulers , especially In the v.est , hnd been well
tilled up' , and have teen" occupied In walking
oft their stocks. These have been prently les-
Fened by Hie demands of consumption within
the past few days , nml Interior ns well ni locnl
dcnleit nru again beKlnnlni ; to send In outers.
Old stocks have been considerably reduced
since the week opened , partly by stiles to tils
IrlbutcrH and pnrlly by what Is technically
knovut ns "meltlnK" In the wholesale trade
that Is. the hot weather has caused n good denl
of rotting In spot stocks. There wn but one
auction sale of lemons the pnst week , nnd the
prices realized were COc to 76c per box higher
than nt the preceding sale.
The tulvance In prices last week was most
marked In the choice nnd extra Brndes , In which
competition In buying nt the public auction
was more active than In the fancy kinds , lirok-
ers ' orders , as a rule , were limited to certain
IlKiitcs , which were not applicable to Rrntlcs
above extra choice , nnd for Hint reason most ot
their purchnses were of thli prnde or of choice ,
The outlook Is for a steady market nt present
prices durlns the next week. It Is not ex
pected that a further Important ndvnnce will
occur In Ihe near future , unless there should
be n marked Improvement In consuming de
mand , for the icason that there Is a consider
able stock on the way. Quotations :
ORANGES Mexican , J4.25S1 1.50.
I > EMONS Mehslnns , fancy. J4.50 ; choice , Jt.23 ;
California lemons , J4.00.
IIA NANAS Choice large stock , per bunch.
12.00ft2.2' > ; medium-sired bunches , J1.C002.00.
PINEAPPLES Per crnte of five to seven doz. .
J7.00ff7.0 ( ! ; ; ' ,4 crnte , J1.C003.75.
HONEY rancy white , per lb. . 14c ; choice , 13c ;
California , amber color. lOc
MAPLE SYRUP rive gal. cans , cnch. J2.75.
Kill , cans , per doz. , J12 ; H eal. cans , J0.25 ; quart
cans ,
CIDER-Clarinetl Juice , per half bbl. . J3 ; per
bbl. . S" .
PRESERVES Assorted , 20-lb. palli. each , J1.40
TIGS Imported fancy , 6 crown , 30-lb. boxes.
He : choice. JO-lb. boxes. 3 crown , 9@10c.
NUTS Almonds , California , per lb. , medium
size. lOc ; Tananona almonds , per lb. , larRe.
1 2 lie : Hrazlls. per lb. , tc ; English walnuts , per ;
lb , fancy snft shell , 12c ; medium size , lOc ; III-
berts. per lb. , lOc ; pecans , polished medium , EC ;
laigc. lOc ; peanuts , raw , 6JQ7c ! : roasted , 7'4c.
DATES Halloween , per lb. , Cc ; fords , 10-lb
boxes , per lb. , 7c.
BEEP Dressed steers , 400 to COO Ibs. , CJfOUc ;
wcstein steers , 6H6Co ; good cow Hand helfere. 6',4
SfCc ; medium cows nnd heifers , Sig'SV-c ; good
forequnrters , cows nnd heifers , 3 04'c ; Rood
forcqunrters , native steers , 4iiO5c ; good hlnd-
qunrters , cons nnd heifers , 7S7V4c ; food hind
quarters. steers , SV c ; cow rounds. 61ic ; cow
plates , 3c : boneless chucks , 4c : cow chucks , 3',10
3V4c ; steer chucks , 3 ic ; beef tenderiolns , 22c ;
beef rolls , boneless , 9c ; sirloin butts , boneless , Oc ;
loin backs , boneless , 9c ; loin backs , 9c ; cow ribs ,
No. 3 , 7c : cow loins. No. 3 , 9ic ; beef trlm-
fiozcn , , 3o ; rump butts , Cc : shoulder clods , Co ;
on ,
3o ;
' '
PO'll'K Di-esse < t ; - , " ; " ' "io7nsr"65c ! :
fimre libs , Sjic ; ham saUi.iBcs , butts , tc ; pork
shoulders , 4'ic ; pork shoulders , skinned , I'/c- ;
P rk trimmings , 3c ; leat lard , not rendered.
HIDES No. 1 green ! . ( aes , le : No. 2 preen
hldte. Jc : No. 1 green salted hides , CVc ; No. 2
green salted hides , t'Ac ; No. 1 veal calf , S to > 12
Ibs. , Cc ; No. 2eal calf , S to 15 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1
dry Hint hides , 70SC : No. 2 dry Hint hides. C 7c
No. 1 dry salted hides , Go ; part cured hides , 7cic ;
per lb. less than fully cured. /
SHEEP PELTS Oreen raited , each , 23SCOc ;
green salted shcarllnga ( short 'vooipil early
bklns ) , each. 15o ; dry shearlings ( shoit vvooled
early skins ) , No. 1 , each , ivu ; dry shearlings
( shoit vvooleil early skins ) . No. 1 , each , Cc ; try
Hint Kansas and Nebraska , butcher wool nclts ,
per lb. , actual weight , 4ff5e ; dry Mint Kansas
and Nebrntku Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , .ct-
ual welKht , 3@4c : dry Hint Colorado butcher
wool pells , per lb , , actual 43Cc ; dry :
Hint Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 3fHc ; feet cut off , as U In useless to
pay freight on them.
TALLOW AND OIIEASE Tallow , No. 1 , 2',4c ' ;
Inllovr. No. 2 , IVSc ; grease , white A , 2l4c ; grease ,
white B , IVJc : grcatc , yellow , Itfc ; grc-atc , dark.
IWc ; old butter. 202140 ; beeswax , prime , 153
22c ; rough tallow , I He.
11ONRH In car loin , weighed anil delivered In
Calcago : Ury buffalo , per ton , JI2.005IH.OO ; dry
country , bleached , per ton , J10.00ffl2.00 ; dry
count i y , damp and meaty , per ton , JB 000S.OO. l >
WOOL Unvvns'ied. fine heavy , 8TC7c ; fine , light. (
Sj9c : quarter blood , 10itl2o ( : seedy , burry nnd
chaffy , SIJSo ; called and bioltcn. courte , 7fiic ; ;
called and broken , fine , CWSc. rieecs washed
Medium. ISiTlfc ; line , 1401io ( ; tub washed , ICf
lie : black , Sc ; bucks , Cc ; tag lacks , 2J3c ; dead
pulled , B6c.
lleiiKfer KnIt'H nml fieuvral LIxtleHHiiesn
tli < - KoiitiircH.
HOSTON , July 28. Meager sales nnd a general )
llstleFFnesa arc the characteristics of the wool
reassuring. Advices from western points Indi
cate that holders there arc Inclined to meet thu
views of eastern dealers , but the latter , OB IV (
rule , nre refusing to take any more wool ut
p ent. Many woolen mills In New England
are still closed and lurtc orders that vvero looked
for IIUVM not come. Territory wools are nomi
nally quoted Ihe same an before , und few quota
tions In any grade have changed , Helling prices
are UH follows : Ohio and Pennsylvania tleeces ,
X und nl > eve , ICWIClic ; XX and XXJC above , 17 ©
lc ; dollilng , 19c ; combing , 2Cc ; delaine. 19c ;
unmerchantable , 13c ; unwashed , 12c. Mkhlgan
and Wisconsin , etc. , X Michigan , H'iOISc ; Mich-
Imin clothing , 17iUc ; Michigan combine , lUo ; de
laine , Michigan. 1'jJlSc ; MIchlBnn , unmerchant-
able , IHjOlSo : unwashed. Michigan , lie :
unwnsheil , medium , Kentucky and Indiana blood
romblns , Kc ; Missouri blood combing , Kc ; Ken *
tucks- und Indiana blood clothing. H'ic ; Missouri
blood cloth , HGUHc ; lake and Georgia , 15c.
Territory wools , Montana line medium and fine
lOifllc ; scoured price , 30c ; Montana , No. 2
medium , i(13e ; scoured price , 27Olic ! : Utah ,
Wyoming , etc. , line medium and line , lifillc ;
rcouird price , SOe ; I'liih , Wonline , etc. , No , t
medium , llWISc ; scoured price , 27Q2l > o ; California
wools , northern spring , 10B13c ; ccnuicd price ,
SOfiSlc : middle country spring , 9IOc ; scoured i
price. 27tf2Sc ; muthein defective , shipping. CflSc : ;
fcoured price , 24iJ2Sc : Austnillan hcourcd , basis
I'lunblny , superllne , ( SfiOCc ; comblntr , good , 43
Sim Franel.eo MlnliiK
SAN FUANCISCO. Julv tS.-Tli3 ! onicl'll clowns
quotations ) fjr mlitiif Bt jtuolivverj m ( 'jl-
lovvu ;
Alti . 8 liibttco T"
AlDhaCon . lt : Cuiitucky Con u
AmieH . 211 Mexican ns
llolcher . . . . SH Mono IK
IIOBli llelolior. , . . 03 ) ccldcutalCjn , . . . .17
IlodluCon . . . . . 4rt Oiilnr ion
Ilulllou . 17 OvoniKiii 17
UulwurCdn. , , . 28 I'olosl no
Caludoni.l . 11 S.ivurtt : , . . . . . . . 711 (
rhullcnk-0 Can , . . , 40 scorpion 7(1n ( i
Rhotlir. . , VIA Sierra Nevada. . . . , CS
Con. A Vi. ; . . , 105 bllvcr Hill. . , . . , .
Con. Imueiln ! Union Con . . , . 41
- '
Ri-ovvnl'ulnt ' Yellow Jacket , , . ! 113 !
8llv r biM. ilSlij : Mixlan djllirj ,
Sl.-lu dr.ilti Sc ; t-'le.-r.nplilc. 7 c.
Toll-llll ( il'Jllll.
TOLEDO. July . - :
2S.-WHiAT-Lower anil weak :
cash und July , Wc | August , Wiic ; Serteinber ,
COKN Dull and lower ; No. 2 mixed. 26c ;
No. S. SSc
OATS-lull wille but steady ; No , 2 mixed , JOc ; No.
t tic
UYB Dull but steady. No. 2 31c.
CLOVKR SEElJ-Dull but steady ; prime , Jl.W ,
Ollr-South Lima , Me ; North Lima , We.
Ku n NuiT'cTtr ilurli c t * .
Miout Mently : No. 3 rinnl , t3c ; No. J , WifJSIc ; No.
t ml. N * . No. S. mimic.
COUN Mnrket Irregular , closing about Jo
lower ; No. t mixed. 21HV"c ; No. 2 while , JIKO
22c.OATSMnrket nrm nnd nctlvt ; No. 2 mixed ,
JOHc ; No. 2 while , 2JfI2lc.
RYE No. I offered nt K\br- \
HAY Market stead } ' , unchanged ,
HUTTER Mnrket unchanged ) creamery , 120
13c : dairy. I0ffl2c.
Eaas-ilnrket firm , 7Mc.
DlMrlliiKInn of TriiilliiN ; AVnm lloUcr
Tlinii Untiul llfCfiillj.
NEW YOUK , July 25 , The stock mnrket to-
. lay _ wns In most respects the same as Monday
In point of Us professional character , nnd the
sagging tendency of prices. The volume of bus.
Iners , wan , however , fairly Judged by recent
standards , but the Increased dealings were not
due to commission orders. London wan n fairly
large feller throughout. The dlslrlbntlon of
the trndlng wns better thnn usual recently , nnd
considerable attention was pnld to some , of the
usually neglected shares In every Instance nt nn
cxpcnrc of values. The opening was weak In
icspoiifo to lower London prices for the International -
national slocks and selling for the account In
this market , especially of St. Paul and l ouls.
vlllc & Nashville. The Initial declines ranged
up to > J per cent , with Lenlhcr preferred ex
ceptionally dropping IH per cent to 47 ? , Man
hattan nt the low point attracted some covering1
demand nnd rallied a point to ! > l'/i. ' After the
flrrt llftecn minutes the market became
apathetic. The inillcat cuts In rallroa.l tales
In the south nnd vvcsl , the prncllcal fnllurc lo
float the several blocks of New York Oily and
llrooklvn bonds offered vestenlnv and today , and
the lack of commission business nt the declines
all denied an unfavorable Impression , which
vvna not relieved In the Oay by the announce
ment that the principal rate disturber had been
enjoined from continuing the slaughter or
The Hurllngton statement for .June , showing
an Increase of gross earnings of $228,73(1 ( , ' nn In
crease In net of , J32.021 , and a decreased deficit
of J21'J7C , was more fnvorntile than had been
cipected , but nlso failed to create a tipple. The
market continued feverish the greater part of the
ilny , and the extreme low points represented
declines from Monday's Hnnl figures , extending
to 3IVA per cent In Consolidated Has. Sugar
led the netlve stocks with nn extreme loss of
2 6 per cent , nnd closed at the lowest. The
other more Important declines ranged from IH
per cent to 214 per cent. Chicago , Oreat West
ern dropped 21 ! per cent , but rallied later. Iowa
Central preferred and Lake Erlo & Western
preferred lost 2 per cent each and other special
ties declined to a less extent. Trading In honm
was dull , but marked weakness prevailing gen
erally. The snlcs vvero JISX.OOO. The principal
losses were : Hock Islnnd debenture Cs , 3 % per
ccnl ( ; St. Paul . Slou * City Ists , Toledo , St.
Louis & Kansas City Istx , tiurt receipts ,
Ilochcslcr nnd Plttsburg "Consols nnd Oregon
Improvement Ists , 3 per cent : Hiirllngton Ne ,
hraska division 4g , 3'i per evnt ; lown division
4s , 2 per cent ; Peorla & Pckln , Union 2s , 2V4
per cent ; New Yolk Central debenture Cs , 2U
tier cent , and Kansas & Texas 2s , Northern
Pacific consol Cs , and Heading 2s pi of en ed , 2
per cent.
Government bonds dlsplnvcd marked heaviness
on dealings of J101.COO. Silver ccillflcntes vvero
dull , but steady on Iransactlons of 12,000.
The Evening Post's London llnlinclal cable
gram sajs : The stock nmikets wcie Mat today ,
closing nt the lowest. The settlement shows a
comparatively i-mull account , and contnngoes
and Americans vvero meiely 3 per cent. The
weakness of" the position here appears lo have
been much exaggerated In cable reports to
America. It Is true thcio nre big differences
on Americans to face , and tic nbscnco of bear
operations nl o gives an-element of weakness ,
but nothing serious Is really apprehended here.
Americans were Mat , closing at the lowest. The
combination of bankers lo nrrcst gold shipments
has had little effect on prices of securities , not
exactly because their power to do what they
piopopa to do Is questioned , hut because nil
such action Is regarded us almost nrtlllclnl and
temporary. liar gold Is In strong demand hero
for the continent. As I recently cabled , 1 be
lieve that considerable sums will soon go from
here to Russia , and that the drain from
America may as a result be diverted for the
Paris Is nt present the center of weakness.
The success of the Russian loan todny has been
far fiom demonstrative. Paris operators ale
loadc.1 with Turkish , Spanish , Italian nnd min
ing stocks , nnd the last named have been sold
today In almost a panic manner. The minor
that n new Chinese loan Is about to be Issued
Is not conect. Kaftlrs were Hat here. Char
tered company leading the decline. An operator
In Kalllrs in Paris Is said to have failed. The
Uerlln market was flat.
The following were the closing quotations on
the leading clocks of the Nenr York exchange
today :
Atchlson 11 dODfd . 144 ,
AdnniH r.t 1411 N. Y. Oentrni . IMIH
Al'on.T. H CO N. V. .IN. K _ . . nr.
Am. Express 108 Ontario A , W. .
Oaltimore & Ohio. 1(1 'scm Imu .
Cnnndii P.iclUc. . . . Bl ) Ore'con Nav. , .
C.IIKKl.lSOlltllUI-ll. . 44 O. S. L A.U. N .
Central P.iclllc. . . . I'aclilo Mill :
Chen. & Ohio I'corm Dec. &E. . . .
Clilcaco.t Alton. . 150 I'lttabtirir 104
C. . U. fcQ IMillinan Palace. . 144
Chlcairo O.-va.j 10
Consolidated Oai. U. O. W . 15
c. . a. a .t st. L , . . . K. a.v. . nfd . 40
IColo. Coal ftlroa. HOCK Island .
Cotton Oil Cert. . . . St. Paul .
Delavvaio.b Hud. . 118 do pfd .
Del..L.tek. i W. . . 143 St. p. A , Omaha. . . .
U.&Il.O. pfJ 41 do pfd . 122
U. iC. F. Co IS14 Southern Pacific. . 1M
KliHtTontl uear Kellnerv. . . . KM H
Erlo 2ti Tenn. Coal , v Iron. 10
ilopfd TcxitBl'aclflc . 10lj
Fort Wii vno 5T. .to. Cent. DM. . 08
O.Norlliern pfd. . . 1IJ11 Union P.iclnc . 08r H
C.iE.I. pfd Sll U. S. UxnreBi . 40
Ilocklnfr V.illuy. . . 13 W. St. L , . A.P .
IlllnolH Central. . . . DO W. St. r. . A , P. of I.
St. P. ADiilutli. . . . 17 Wells Kirco BX. . . vu
K. JcT. pfd 18 W.'Btern Union. . . . 78W
Lake Erlo 4. West 14 UH
donfd (1.1 "o pfd . 24f !
LiilccShoro 140W. M. A St. L . IH
Lend Trust W. D.AiK. O . IHUK
Loiilavlllo.tN. . . . 4.1)1 , G. M . H2
f , . .VN. A ' N. L . in
ManlmtlanCoii. . . . 88' C. F. XI .
15 do pfil .
Michigan Cant T. St. D. .VIC. C. . . .
MI'Kourl IMcIflo. . T. St. L. &IC.C. pM
Mobile .VOIiio HI S. K. U .
S'ashvllluChit. . . . OS S. It. Ilnfil . CorJ.'u- . .
) Am. Tob. Co . .
Nnt. Cordnzo pM. . do nfd . Cll
N.J. Central OHH Am. Tel. A. C. Co . ,
N.&W.pM IDs Com'lOabloCo. . .
' IDsM
N'oith Am. Co M Am. pfd . If
Northern P.iclnc. . fil , U. S. Cord uo ptd. . H
N. PnctfUinM 1(1M U. S. Loatlio pfd. . ft
U.P. U. A.G ( U.S. Rubber . in
Nurlhvvcbtuni 03H do pM 70
1bld. 4offe red.
The total sales of
stocks todny '
were 210.2 "
shares. Including : American Tobacco , 12,300 ;
AtnhlEon , 3,000) ) Kllk'nr , 02,100 ; IlurllriKtun 10200 ,
Chicago Gas , 4,300 : General Electric , 3.CCO : Loulo-
vlllc & Nashville , 13.400 ; Manhattan , 10,700 ; Hock
Island , 8,000 ; St. Paul , 33,400 ; WcMtern Union ,
4.600 ; Wheeling & Lake Krle
, 9,200 ; New Jersey ,
Central , 4,000 ; silver certificates , 12,000.
Xe\v Yoplr .tloncy.
NHW YOniv , July 28. MONEY ON CALI
Easy nt H4Q2 per cent lai
; = t loan , l per cent-
clored nt m per cent.
- ? per cent -
bTUKUNO EXCHANOE-Stendy , with nctun
buslnefcH In bankers' bills Jt.SS'/jJH ' SS51 for de-
mnnd and { 4.S7' { 4.87J1 for sixty days ; posted -
Q" Ml 3Sl91Si commercial
OOVEUNMENT llONDS-Weak ; btnte bonds ,
Clouln ? quotations on bonds vvero as follona :
U.S. la , res. now. > . Ulsof'
U.S. 4HCOUP. now , 11:1 : fc K. (5 ( , 7s ion
II. H. ( J , roj- . Ill ) D. .til. 0.4-1 88
U. a as. coup . Ill KriH'.Ms fiH
U.S. 18. nv . H > O. II. AS. A. IH. . . . 103
U.S. 4H.C01IP . 1117 H. K.4S.A. 7- . . . . 117
II.S.iB.rar ! . IU U.&T.Q. CH 1(12 (
P.icltleiOso/'Oj. . . 100 ( lolls 1011
Ala. , clais A . HID M. . K..VT. 1st. 4-i. 78 ! $
Ala.cliHHll . ion
Alll-cHslC . US Minimi Union ilV" KID
A1n.Ourr.incV . U.l N. J.O. ( Jon. Si. . . . 114' (
Ln , Now COM. 43 , , II I No.P.iollla lull. . . il
MluBoiirlils . ] lU ) ' ' 1(1(1 ( (
N. O. Ill . 11A N. W. Consols . HIM
N. C.48 07 do 3. F , Uol > . . ) i. 1(10 (
S. C. noufiind . 1 R.U. WuiU iBtH. , .
Tenn. new Hat Us. 77 St. I'.OaissH 7H. . , |
Tenn.nnvv 115(01. , IDS < loO. .tl > . W , ( .
Tenn. old ( Is . < iu St. U X 1 , M.Gan. 5 (111 I
Vii. Conlurie-t . 64 St. Us. K.GJI. I. no )
do deferred . 4 TuxnaPa ? , latt. . ,78 1
AtuhlHOii 4x . . 7.S llO 'JllH . ] fll/ > '
AtcnlNOU''d A . U. P. iHtaof 'tlj. , . . 100
rnnnrtiiSo.'JclH. . . . 101 U'ont.Shorj 4l . 1D2
L. A. N. iiuined 4a. 7'JM n. H. AN. i t . . . . lee
Southerns * . N. I'M. U 08
HOKtou Stoeli lt" < > fatlnn * .
I1OSTON. Julv SH. Call loam. .TJ5 ojr cant :
limn loins. S3U par cunt. C103hu prisei for
BlockB.Oj i H 11 Iml'il ir lu-Ji :
A.T..V-S. K 11) ) Vent Kud nra. . . . , B.-S
Am. lllUH ( voHiiiurii , isioo. . . ,
Am. pM. . , . UH v. Kino , nm , I
HavSlntnOaH , . , . ' , . . . , <
Hell Tulsphone , , . ins' i n , Kloa pM .
llouton k Albiuy. 20'l' < vicbUon l
C.II. .VU ion. Electric Ss. . .
Filchbilrc 88 VlloiifzMluln/U )
Hen. Klixstrlo . . . . E''V \llinllo
M xlcnnO . ? llinllo.V ; Mont ft V
N. V. AN , R , 311(1 (
Old Colonv 1711 Pr.iuItUn 311(1II
Ore.Short Line , . , .
Kutiner. in Uscooli . . . , , , . . in Oinncv ion
Union P.icltis , . . . , track.
U'i'Htiml tVolvurliu
I.oiiilini Slovlc Quotation * .
LOKIiON. July VS. 1 p. in. closlu / :
Oin. Pacific st , Paul en n. , 7ij ( ,
Krle > N. Y. Cniitni , . . . . nnj
Krlu Ibtufd Poiiiiuvlvauu. , , . , . & . '
HI. Central Ituadhu , . .15
Mexican ordlnr.ry. _ lti ) ) Mi'X. Cull , now 4s „ _ . CS !
HAH SILVEII si 7-icd per e-
MONEV-UO'.i per cent.
The rale of discount In the open market for
short tills , 9-15 per cent ; tlirc-e months bills ,
( i per cent. _
Nen' Yurie Minim ; Cluutnlloim.
NEW VOItlf , July 28 Tiis fallj.viif arj thj
niliiliiit qnatallunn ;
Uulwer , Ontario. . . . ,10(10
Ul.ollar. J75 Onhir 100
Crown Point. . . . . Plymouth VO
Con. cal. A Va. . . HID Uulckbllvur K 0
ouicKBiivor pra.iaou
Gould & curry. "s Slerrn Nova4i. . . . . I > S
llaleA Korcruaa. . 1IU btandanlCou . . . 195
Humeiitaiie 2b'"i Union Con 4 < >
Irou Silver. 7O Yellow Jacket. . . . 40
Very Light Rocoiptaf-pf Oattlo and Only
jlirco-Fifths ofThijiii Placed on Sale.
I'rlee Him Jfiiw > ( Mfic Hn H < > Two
Iim 'Ht 1'olnt
ill VcnrN VHf < lr AVcrc Alimit
TUESDAY , July 23.
Cntllo. Host ) . snccp Horses.
July 2S . 60S 3.W2 MM
Jlily 27 . 1,7iS 1,173 440 37
July a . 1 2W 4,504 30 2
JUly 24 . 1,033 2,19-1 S5
July 23 . 2.C23 2i3t
July 22 . 2,201 3,643 2.G3I 1
July 21 . 1,3)0 ) 4,730 1.120
July 20 . 2,513 1,152 7S3 27
July 1R . MS 2 M > 3 . . .
July 17 . 1,147 6,931 . . . . 15
The oiltclnl number oC cars of stock
brought In today l > y cacli road was :
o. ft at. u it , . .llt 1I08Si ShctV :
Missouri 1'nclllo Hy . 2
Union 1'aclllc system. . . . 1 ! > "
u. K M. it. u. n. . . . . . : : r 23 2
C. , H. & Q. Ky . 10
C. , 11. I. & I' . Ky. , east. . 2
C. 1C. I. K V. Hywat. . . . . 1
C. St. ! . , M. & 6. llv. . . . 3
R , IS. & M. V. H. 1C. . . ! . IS
Total receipts . 22 " 7 4
The disposition of the day's receipts was
a.s rollout ] , each buyer purchasing the num.
ber of heail Indicated :
Ituyors. Cattlo. HORI. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co. . . . 41 t > 97 .
O. II. Hammomt Co. . . 2. " . 1.0T5 .
Swift and Company. . . llr. 9'il 4G1
cuduby Packing Co. . . rso 1,011
.1. lj. Carey . 20 . .
W. I. Slephcnq . 33 .
llenton & Underwood. 11 . .
t'udnhy , Kansas city. . 193 . .
Cocy & Co . 2ifl .
Other buyers . 10 . 240
Left over . 200 .
Total . -MO UO 800
CATTLE There \\ero just about enough
cattle hero for 11 Saturday , but for a. Tues
day It was extremely light , In fact the
llBhest In u long time. There were hardly
enough cattle of any one kind In the yatds
to inaku a. real test of the market. Of the
f > 03 head reported In 190 were consigned
direct to n packer , leaving only 300 on
Three or four loads of half fnt steers
and a few cows and heifers constituted
the entire supply of beef cattle on sale.
The market was jilst about steady and
was without feature.
The few fcedeis hero also sold at about
steady prices and the meager offerings
wcro cleaned up In good season. Repre
sentative sales : ,
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
IS. . . .1000 53 45
1. . . . 610 150 1..1MO 223 C..i:00 240
1..1020 ICO 1. . . . ! W > 22.1 26. . . . mo 2 CO
1. . . . S70 1 73 1..1170 2 30 5..100S 2 fO
1. . . . 9C.O 1 7S 1..10JO 2 30 7. . . . 81 2 C3
1..10CO 173 7..1W ! 233 10. . . . SlGfi 270
1. . . . S70-2CO 8. . . .1021-2 33 2. . . .1470 270
1. . , . & 20 2 2 > 2. . . . ! 00 233 1..1210 275
1. . . . S30 223 4. . ( . .77052 33 B. . . . SIM ) 2 SO
1. . . . 770 221 3. . fitCh 2 43 L. . . G30 250
1. . . . 570 2 40 1. . , , f0 2 60 11. . . . 707
l. . . . r.O 1 73 l..J.1t ri 2 00 1..1200 2 10
1..1010 ISO l..limO.X ( ) 1..12JO 213
1..1340 2 CO u , . -
L. . . 770 2 CO l..t'.1010 > (3 13
; . . . . sco t to i. . sff-ijoo i. , . . 2000-
1. . . . 230 4 CO 1. . . * 22q'5 00 1. . . . 1W ) 523
3..1120 2 SO - - - - - -
NinjiUTSKA. * *
. *
1 feeder. . . . ! WO J2 2" 13 cows S71 J2 CO
1 heifer 7SO 2 33. . 33 feeders. . . . 1033 3 15
1 heifer CSO 2 SO ,
r w.
2 cows 1123 assr - * . "
J Coders. . . . 905 32"
1 COW 1220 2
45 ( rllfccder S20 3 30
1 cow 970 2 70 2 feeders. . . . ! M3 330
4 COWS..I..W DOOZ 70 n G feeders. . . . 756 3 40
8 feeders. . . . 932 3 23
HOGS There were over 4.CUO hogs on sale ,
counting the few held over from jesterdny. The
market opened about : 10o lovver and after nbout
two-thirds of the ofrcrlngs had changed hands the
tiado became very dull , but the yards were prac
tically cleared before the clofo.
Some good light sold up to J3 CO , while the
great bulk of all tile hogs brought J2.70 < S2.SO.
as against $ yesterday. The popular
price was J2.75.
Today's decline carries the market to the
lowest point touched FO fai. On Thursday of
last week the hogs sold nt f2.7003.10 with the
bulk nt tJ.iOC2.8.r > . which was the lowest average
previous to todny. Heprcscntalivo tales :
No. Av. Oh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
10 211 SO J2 K ! 01 f-,3 fO J3 75
28 2 7 iO 270 CO 2S1 W ) 2 73
10 334 . . . 270 04 237 200 275
10 332 . . . 270 ( B 2M > SO 275
DO 310 210 270 53 ? M . . . 273
C7 20 . . . 270 62 238 ICO 2 7S
M 312 EO 270 G3 2 l ICO 275
12 2CS 120 270 01 31X1 SO 275
r,2 332 fO 270 73 2'K ) SO 275
CO 259 120 270 ' . Cd 270 SO 275
C2 321 40 270 C4 2C2 SO 27 , " .
K > 238 ICO 275 D2 2" ! ) . . . 2 75
07 20S . . . 2 75 10 2SO SO 275
f5 2S2 120 27" M 365 SO 273
C8 202 120 275 Cl 2.1S . . . 275
34 20 . . . 275 f.7 2011 . . . 275
Cl 2CI SO 271 73 253 . . . 2 771 j
GO G1 M 2 ii f < J 241 SO 2 774
f,8 M7 120 2 7i'i 74 27S . . . 2 77V4
C9 COO . . . 273 fS 2C7 . . . 2 77H
C4 2SI Iffl 2 7"i XI 243 ICO 2 JO
70 2",7 SO 2 r > 6S 270 240 2 SO
M 2 C f0 2 7S I C7 2W ! EO 2 JO
73 IS5 40 273 11 22" " ? . . . 2 FO
02 278 40 273 , 74 219 40 2 * 0
ni 274 HO 2 7 1 73 247 SO 2 M
01 . . . .240 . . . -75 (17 ( 244 EO 2 SO
cs ! 2si so 2 r > 70 2.12 . . . 2 ro
57 270 . . . 27" 12 272 . . . 2 0
41 JCS . . . 2 "t 12 220 . . . 2 EO
07 P < 2 . . . 2 75 fO 2.M . . . 2 SO
C8 " 91 . . . 271 12 27J . . . 2 fO
C3 . . ,298 SO 27 Cl S44 ED 285
M . . . . . .265 . . . 2 75 _ 71 203 EO 2 90
C2 HW 120 27' r C3 200 . . . 2 S3
f.l . . . . .270 - . . . 2 7r > C3 200 . . . 300
C3 2CI SO 273
15 76 . . . 2 f0 4 ,100 . . . 270
. . ! ! . , . . . . . SCO 2 3.M . . . 270
C . . . . . . . KO . . . 2 CO B 342 . . . 270
B " " ! . , .2CI . . . 2 fO 4 VJi . . . 270
. , . . EO 2 CO C 2SO . . . 270
1 3SO . . . 2 CO " 2"i \ . . . 270
1 310 . . . 2 fl ) ' C 2S' . . . 270
K " . . .291' . . . 2 70 1 110 . . . 2 75
! ! " " . . . . . 270 3 1'lO . . . 280
. . , . . . 270 9 2C1 . . . 2 SO
SHEEP The receipts of sheep were liberal and
the market fnlrly active at good , steady prices.
Hepresenlatlve sales :
No. Av. Pr.
3d culls S5 J2 CO
9 culls i * 2 2i
101 Wyoming mixed 60 2(0
C3 Utah wethers 97 2 CO
17 Utah welhers 91 2 iT ,
32 Utah wethers 97 2 .t.
19 I'tnh wether * t U , 2 T ,
90 natives , mixed 90 2 T./
27 Utah lambs , .i2 4 CO
Arc Srnrcimul Klrm iinil
CHIC'AQO , July 2 . SuMcs of cattle were on a
basin of from H,23iJap > , for the poorest ) lre sed
beef steers up to fiom H.23 to JI.45or cholco tote
extra catlle ; rales nre Jnrgely nt from $3 lo
1430 , wllh heavy steers selling mostly within
that range. Choltjijj handy steers averaging
1,200 to 1,350'lbs , , are the favorites , IVeders reef
very t > carce and firm , and stackers are higher ,
with sales at from * ? ' ? ' " J'-80 , largely at
nnd upward. HiillsHliaat an extreme range of
from 11.75 to 13 to , und cows und helferx fell at
from SI 25 to J3.75 forjtftcjl > iuallly. Calves were
plentiful today , wllh hales ut from J3.iri to 53.20.
Texas cattle fold alj.from 12 M ) to IS for nrasi
fed steers at from'U lo( ( for bulls , tings : ,
tows nml helfejs , Hfll'S" ' cows und helfern sell
at from IS.J5 to | } SMJJi
A good ehnre of IJie , hogs sold at from J2 83
lo 13 ; heavy selllniiijU an extreme ranee of
from $ ! . to J3.16V medium weights at from
> 2.t5 to 1320 : inlieiiai..froni ( KM to 1330 : llelu
at from $3.10 to IS. * , WnU pigs ut from I2.S5 to
Native sheep were ynlnble at frcni ! ,7.i In
ITS for Inferlur to cdmmon. up to from 12.75
to } 3 3 for fair to prime and westerns vvero
In demand at from 12.10 to I3.C3. Lambs void
nt from 13 to 15.23 for common lo ehokc. for
the extra were fallible at from 5. < 0 to J5.CO ;
western vearllngs told as low as IJ110. Bheep
of cholco cla > u wU largely around 13.
Receipts : Cattle. 4,000 neadj liogn , 11.000
head ; sheep , E.fOO head.
HI , Liiiil" Ll\t >
BT. I.OIHB. July . .
head ; market steady : native shippers. | 3 COQ < : ) ;
drefcte-d beef Blades , jrsoff * 10 , utockerx and feed -
ers J2.SOB3.0 : cows and helfim. JiW63W ) ;
Texas teer . . 4fSM ; covvii. Jl 75W _ .
HOOS Hecelpts 6,000 head ! market Cc lower ;
licit , t3. S34di mixed. J300C3M ; hcs > y. J3.15W
Sl'lEEP Ilfcelnts. S.CCK ) head ; natives , J3.SO ©
3.23j lambs , 13 W8B 00.
i'lty I , Me .S ( u'I.- .
KANSAS t'lTV. July 2S. { 'ATTLEHcelpl In.
7,400 headi fchlpintnts , 1 COO html , receipt * In.of
calves. 1.000 head ; t * t trades vteady , others
low ; TexdB lrer . H ' 58 ? M , Ttxaii cows. IIMU
ZK ; beef fc leers. | ! 7504 00 ; native lows. ll.Ktt
3 15 ; kiockers and feearrii , | 2.tOi/3-W ; bulls , Jl 75
llOGS-nccelpt , 7.300 head ; BhloiucnU. ZOO
hfnd ; light prndes tartly steady : mftllumn find
heavies weak , I0e ? loner ; bulk of sales , j : fOO
3 < Oi heovlrs , J2 70JI2.M ; packers , J2MfJCOj
ElVSt. . " " ' " "Rhts , JJ.MW1.15 ; Yorker * ,
JinifS.lf. , pigs , jtHl ( 3.15.
SIH'EP Hecelpts , 3,900 hend ; shipments , nnno ;
mnrket steady , lambs , J2.750C 00 ; muttons , J2.Xff ( )
. Ml
Xotr Y irk lilvp Stock.
NEW YO11K. July 28. 11EEVES llecelpts. f,0
hend ; no trading ; cables quote American steers
nt jmnwtc , dressed weights ; refrigerator beef
nt 7in c , exports , 700 beeves nnd 2CO quarters of
bees .
SHEEP ; Estimated receipts , 4J3fl hend ; qulett
pherp , poor lo prime , fl.OORl.8iH ; lambs , common
to choice. > J.7tO3.FV
4.10 HOas Ilecelpts , 1,097 head : steady at tl.COO
SloiUIn Mdlit.
Hecortl of receipts nt the four principal mnr-
kels for Tucfdny , July ! S , 1SW1 !
Cntltc. Hoes. Sheep.
Smith Omnhn , tH ( 3tw tS
Chicago 4,000 11,000 8.WK )
Knn ns City , 7,4 7.300 3.WI1
St. Louis 2KK ) fi.OOO 2.004
TotnU .14,708 , 27,132 H,70fi
Llvorpiiol MnrketM.
L1VEIIPOOL , July \VHEAT-Spot nrmj ilc-
mnnd motlernte ; No , 2 red. winter. M 2d ; No.
2 red , spring , f.s i4d ; No. 1 California , 6s Hd.
I ulures opened quiet , with nenr nnd distant
positions Hd lovver ; iloscd dull , with nenr nml
positions lid lovver nnd distant positions > aiT
* lil lower ; business about eipinlly dlstrlbuled !
July , August , September nnd October , 4s ll'id ;
November , 4s lHjil ; December , f.s.
COHN Spot quiet ; Anicilenn mixed , new. 2s
fi'Jd , I'nture opened quiet , wllh nenr po'ltums
? td lower nnd distant ] iosltlons Hd lower ; closed
dull , with near positions Viil lower and ills *
tnnt po ° ltlons 145Mil lovver : business nbout
enunlly divided ; July , 2s 4Vid ; AuguM. 2i 'J d ;
Heptemticr , 2s ind ; October , 2s lo'id ; November ,
2s I0id. Dei ember , 2s lllnl.
PLODIl I'Irm : ilennind modorntc ; St. Louis
fancy winter , Cs ( id.
PROVISIONS Ilncon , quiet ; demand moder
ate ; Cumberland cut , 23 to 30 Ibs. , 23s M ; short
rib * ? , 21 to 29 tin. . 2Cs : long clenr. llglit , SS to 4'i
lb < . . 22s M ; long clenr , ho.ivy , f. ' . lli . , nenilnnl ;
short clenr backs , lisht , 10 lb * , , 23 ; short clenr
middle * , heavy , M lh . , nomlnnl ; clear bellle * .
II to lO Ih3. , 12s. Shoulders. Ktiunle , 12 to IS
lb * . , 22s Cd. Hum * , stnrl rut , II to 1C Ibs. ,
41s. lleef , Imlli mers , I7s Cd ; primp mess. 37s
Cd. Pork , prime mcf * . line , 4 * < Cd : medium ,
3St Oil , I iiil , dull ; prime western , ISs M ; re
fined , In I ni I IK , ! ! ! < .
TALLOW l-'lne Nnith American , ICs Pd ,
( " 1IEEKE Quiet : dcmnnd poor ; llnc t Amorl-
cnn , while , 34s Od , llnupt Amctlcan , colored ,
* "ls
lillTTEIt-rinest 1'nlled Slates , 7is ! ; good , ft.
OILS London Iliifeed , 17s Hd.
llEI'ItlOEHATOH 11EEI1'orequaitcrs , 5d ;
hlnilcimrters | , tii1.
HOI'S At Ixindon ( Pnclllc const ) , IM 11 * .
RECEIPTS Wheat , three ihos , 136,000 cental * ,
Including tJ.OiK ) centnls American. lletclpts ,
Alueilcnn corn , three days , IC..COO centnls.
Weather fine.
NEW VOUIC , July 28. COFFEE Option *
opened Fteudv nt fffo points decline , ruled ncl-
Ivc under llquldntlon and covering ; during
weak owing to light Hrazllliin movements nnd
unsatlhfnctory cables ) , closed steady nt un-
chnnRed prices lo lro lovvei ; snle * , Sl.fiOO bags.
Inrludlng : July , fl070R10.S.1 ; Seplember , tli.S'itr '
? : . Spot codec , Hlo , dull ; No. 7 , $11.75. Mild ,
quiet ; mles. Hlo , No. 7 , offered at M0.2. > ; 7ro ,
bags Mnrncalho , p. t. ; 500 lings Central Ameil-
cnn. Total warehouse dcllverle * for the 1'nlled
States. 1C,273 I > : IK , Including 15,010 hnsn from
New York ; New York slock today , 19S.01S bags ,
United Stales Flock. 214.209 lings ; nllnnt for the
United Stale * . 217,110 bags ; lolnl visible for Ihc
l'nlto.1 ' Stales , 411,209 bigs , ugulnst 011,512 bigs
lust year.
HAVHE , July 23. COI'PEE-Closcd Irregular
nt lHWlf net decline : sales , 31,000 lings.
8ANTOS , July 29. COrKEE-Qulet ; good nver
age Santos. 10.700 rels ; receipts , two dns , 19,000
bag * : stock. 215,000 bags.
HAMIH'IIG , July 2S. COFKEIl-Qulet nt .Jff 4
pfc. decllnci sales , lf.000 baas.
IHO , July 21. CUrFEE Quiet ; No. 7
Illi ) , 10.600 rels : exchange , 9',4d ; receipts ,
two dnys , 21.000 ling * ; cleared for the Unlled
States , 0,000 bags : for Europe , 1,000 bags.
Dry ComlM ? lnrk < < .
NE\V YORK , July 2S. The dny'B demand was
fnlrly good for nssorlmenls of fancy
prints , dres goods , noltons , fancy
good * , furnishings nnd brown e-ot-
lon * . There was n better tone to the mnrket
nnd man ) * nenr engagements were outlined
Printing cloths dull nt 2V4c ; exports ot domestic
cottons for Ihe last week. 9.COO pkgp.
KALL IlIVEIl. Mass . July 2S. The local print
cloth market closed with no demand for goods
at ' ; 214c.
MANCHESTER July 2S. The cloth market Is
fnlrly steady. The market for y.irns shows
prices in bujers' favor.
IVorla Mnrkvtn.
PEOIIIA. July 2S. COUN Easy ; No. 2 , 245Jc ;
No. 3. 24'Jc.
OATS nrmcr ; No. 2 white , 20c ; No. 3 while.nt
: OHo.
HYB Dull , nominal.
\VIIISIvY-Murket steady ; finished goods on
the. basis of 11.22 for high wines.
RECEIPTS Cotn. NO 0" n bus. ; oats. 13,600 bus ;
rjc. CfiO bus : wheat , 10,200 bu * . : w.iisky. none.
SHIPMCNTS Corn. 12,5T.O bus. ; oats. 3(1.150 (
bus. ; rjc. none ; whisky , 523 gals. ; vvhent , 3,000
SUKiir Mnrkct.
NEW YORK. July 28. SUOAIl naw. steady.
sale * , Into Saturday , 3,570 hints. . Muscovado , 8' "
tei-t , 2Hc , ex-ship ; 7,379 lings centrifugal , 96 test ,
3V4c , ex-ship. , and 2SO hhd * . molasses , S3 tebt ,
2Hc , ex-hhlp. ; rellned , steady.
LONDON , July 28. SUGAR Cane , steady ;
quiet ; centrifugal Java , lls M ; Muscovndo , fair
refining. 10 * .
11EICT SUOAIl Dull nnd lovver : July , 9 * 3d
August , 8s 3d ; stock of beet sugar In the Unlled
Kingdom , 103,000 ton ? .
Oil CHy
OII CITY. July 28. Credit balances , 10S ; cer-
tificates opened at 110'4 ; high , 110H ; low , 110 ;
closed at 110 ; shipments , 01,073 bills. ; runs , 1C3-
750 bbls.
Ilrinl lro 't'K He-port De-lnyetl.
NEW YOU 1C. July 28. Owing to the non-
receipt of cables llr.idstrcet's grain slock re
port will not be Issued until tomorrow.
Flniiucliil .Notex.
BOSTON. July 28.-ClearinsK , ? 13,311,000 ; bnl-
nnces , J1.C47.441. "
HAI/riMOItE. July 28. Clearings , J2.158.212 ;
bulnnces , J4C3.791.
. NEW YO11K. July 28. Clearings , J79,790,230 ;
balances , f6,24 ( . W.
PHILADELPHIA , July 28. Clearings , J18.398 , .
918 , balances , J1,375C97.
ST. IjOUlS , July 28. Clearings. J2i27,729 ; bal
ances , J370,40i. Jloney , 068 per cent. New
Yoik exchange , too dUcount bid.
CHICAGO. July 28. Money , steady on cnll nt
M C per cent. Commercial paper. C per cent.
New York exchange. 5c discount. Sterling posted
rates on , J4.89 ; on sixty days , $4.88
Clearings , J12,7J8 , 10.
ForelKit I'liiuni-'lnl.
DEIILIN , July 28. Exchange on London , eight
dn > s' eight , 20 marku 37 j pfe.
PARIS , July 28. Three per cent rentes , lOlf
Ko for the account ; exchange on London , 25f
17o for checks.
LONDON. July 2 ? Gold Is quoted nt Iluenos
Ayres today at 184.30 ; Mndrld , 19,2i ; Lisbon , 2SV ;
Rome. 107,20. Amount of bullion gone Into the
Hank of England toiay on la'unce , 5,0 0.
Still III I'llTNIlIt lf < ! ' IlollIlCTH.
HENNESSEY , O. T. , July 28. A number
of deputies are Btlll in pursuit of the out
laws who yesterday hold up and robbed the
stage near Lacey , It Is stated that two of
the registered letters stolen from tlio mall
sack were very valuable.
in tin * \ r < Invent A nlii.
WASHINGTON , July 28. The forecast
for Wednesday Is :
For NeliruHlm-Genorully fair ; Bouth
winds , becoming nortlnveHterly ,
For Missouri und Kansas Generally fair ;
HOlltll VVlllllH.
For North and South Dakota Showers ;
clearing ; and cooler Wednesday afternoon
or nlB'iti ' variable winds , becoming north-
For lown Fair , followed liy showers In
northern portion ; cooler Thursday morning.
Ltifiil Hi-e-id-il.
OMAHA July 2S. Omaha record of tern-
iieiuturo and rainfall , compared with the
corresponding day of the past four years ;
1S9C. 1803 , JS1I. 1S91
Maximum M " J $
Minimum M 2 > ;
Averauo , . . ' " > > ° t '
Preclpltatlbn 00 .33 .00 M
Condition of tempcrnturo and precipita
tion nt Omaha for thu day and slnco March
1. IMiO : *
Normal temperature . . i
; ;
Aecutnulnted oxccsa filnco March 1. . . . . . 78
Normal preclpltfttlon 13 nch
Oellelfncy for the day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JJ Inch
Total precipitation sincu March 1.19.15 Inchon
Kxeess Blneo March 1 , JK)0. ) . . . . . . . . .12 Inches
Ucilclency for eor. period , ISM. , s.61 Inches
UellcleUcy for cor. period ! UW..10.U9 , Inches
Hi-liortK from bliilluiiN at H I' . AI ,
T Indicate * trace of precipitation.
Obxrver ,
Last "Week Unusually Oool with nn Excess
of Rainfall for Nebraska.
Stttlkn ( iriMV I.armami Knrn
IK'V flopliiK I'l'iiiiiliu * u TremiMi-
iliuiM Vlcltl Kit 11
Weekly crop bulletin Ko. 17 of the Ne
braska section of the climate and
crop service of the United Slates
weather bureau Issued from the
central olllco of the section nt
the University of Nebraska , Lincoln , under
the direction of O. A. Lovcland , for the
week ending Monday , July 27 , ISM , says :
Itulnfnll for the week.
uch [ t [ | | | [ |
The past week lias licen cool , the tern-
peraturo averaging a degrees below normal.
The maximum temperature for thu week
has been below ! ) . " > In the KI eater portion of
the Btntu and on most days the maximum
temperature linn been decidedly below so
The rainfall haw goiier.illy been above
the normal , and linn exceeded tin Inch
over n largo aiea In the vvestcin and north
eastern poitloiiH of the slate. Along the
southern border and In localities In the
central portion It IIIIH been less than half
nn Inch.
The harvest of small
Brain Is about com-
plelcd over the preator portion of the state
Threshing IH general nnd the reports Indi
cate that as a rule the small grain
will be below the average- . The oats will
bn a very light crop. In many places fall
plowing- has commenced.
The corn has generally grown well , the
stalks are largo and they nro enrlng In n
way that Indicates a very large crop. In
some few localities , however , the crop has
been somewhat retarded by the lack of
moisture nnd In the southwestern counties
the corn has suffered permanent Injury
from the dry weather.
The hay crop Is " nn unusually good one.
Pastures continue"good.
Ileports by counties :
Hutler Whent and r > e being threshed ; a good
jleld and fnlr quality. Onts very poor yield
and v < ry light weight. Corn doing well , but
mole rain needed.
Cnss Wheat yielding rather light
: some of
fnlr quality , but generally poor. OntH light In
quantity and quality. Corn In tplendld condi
tion nnd promises nn nbundnnt .vleld.
Clay Tlueshlng under way and crops turnIng -
Ing out ns well ns nnllclpaled. 1'lax good.
Sorghum c\cellenl. Corn doing well. Some
are plowing stubble.
rillmort Corn doing well. Threshing of small
grain In progress. Oats llglit In quantity and
weight. Wheat a fair j Ivhl and good quality.
Gage Kull plowing has t > egun , ground In line
condition for plowing. Corn , cane and millet
continue to showup In line shupe.
Hamilton Harvest completed and
commenced. A good rain put corn In goot
Jefferson Corn Is shooting nnd some of the
early llelds are In roasting ear. Hay crop Is
line. Corn. In western half of county needs
Johnson Wheat Is turning out good. Oata
very poor. Corn Is looking cry tine and the
ears arc Illllng out well , a good deal of mull
In early corn.
I.ancnsler Corn conllnues In good condition
Frequent cnonera have rctnrded tliieshlng and
some grain Is In bad shape. 1'otatoes where
well tended are a full crop.
Nemnhn Corn making n good growth ; nil
early corn In ear nnd In line condlllon. Whent
nnd oats In stuck and shock damaged some by
Nuckolls Corn doing well , but more rain
needed. Pastures good.
Otoe Cool , cloudy vvealhcr making corn crop
about sure , but stopping shock tlueshlng and
making grain \ery damp. Apple crop
promise ot great abundance.
Paw nee Small grain hns been damaged In
the shock by the heavy rain of the previous
week. As threshing goes on oats make u. very
poor showing. Corn and graps still In excellent
Polk Corn sllll doing finely , enrly fields In
ronstlng car. Some oats threshed ; jleld light.
Winter wheat yielding fairly well. Pnsturen
nc pill lit , ' rain.
Saline Another good week for corn. Fall
plowing1 commenced. ThreMilngdelated anil
some grain growing In Ihe shock on account of
wet weather. Pastures good.
Saunders Corn doing well. Spring wheat Is
about all cut. Oats oie being threshed. Wheal
and onts a parllal failure on account of rust
and chinch bugs.
Howard Corn silking out and promises the
heaviest jleld for many jears. Wheat jleldlim
htai . Onls light. Many will not be threshed
and few marketable. Some lire plowing.
Tlinjer A dry week nnd ruin Is needed. Corn
Is In good shape po far.
York A good rain would be beneficial , al
though ciops nre not fufferlng.
Antelope Stacking nnd threshing small grain
dclnjcd by rnln. Corn laid by In good condi
tion ' and earing nicely.
Hoyd Hnrvesllng nbout completed and some
stacking beingdone. . The lain of the week
about insures the corn crop. All kinds of crops
far BUI pass any previous year In the history of
the county.
Hurt About all the oats cut : wheat harvest
well advanced. Corn still climbing up and
since the rain of Thursday has i-ent out ears
without number. Hay Is heavy on bottom
Cedar Harvest in full blast. Wheat good.
Oats fair , but not as good ns expected. Corn
growing splendidly and curs filling out nicely ,
Millet doing well.
Col fax Prospects for n large crop of corn.
Potatoes Immcnfe. Small grain being threshed.
Cuinlng Harvesting Is being done , Ilust has
caiifed the ginln to full down nnd the yield will
be light. Corn prospects excellent. Potatoes ,
hay and beets good ,
Dakota Harvesting Is well under way ami
shows wheat and outs quite lindly dnmngtdwill ;
rust. Corn looking well und much bcnelltci' '
by the rnlns of the week.
Dlxon Polnloes will not yield ns good us Insl
> ear. Wheat harvest In progress. Coin verj
' "Dodge ilarvesllng In progress. Onls being
tlnashed nnd n very low test quality. Timely
rain gives promise of nn abundant corn crop ,
Hugnr lieel * growing finely ; hoeing nil done.
Douglas Corn Is lassellng and silking nm
has nn excellent color. Not much winter wheat
planted this season , but n good many fields wcro
injured by nut. Pastures excellent. Onts not
ns good ns expected. . . .
Holt-Wheat and oats nenr y nil cut. with
nlmut an average yield , Corn In good condition
stalks unusually large , well tasseled and carlni ,
Knoi Harveft about completed. Oats nrr
badly rusted. Wheat will be n llttln better than
expected. Corn Is In splendid condition ,
Madison Harvesting about over. Home onls
lluehhed , yield light. An Inch of rain the pas
week has placed the corn crop almost bejoni
doubt , Corn earing well nnd very protnltlng
Sugar heels doing exlra well.
Platte Weather favorable for corn , nnd It Is
making a very heavy growth of stalk : nlghls
u little too cool for rapid development of ears.
] > | rrce Hnrvcft Is In full bl-ist. Whent wll
be nn average crop. Outs a full crop , Has
good. Corn much benefited by rain of th
- Kraln mostly In the shock , bu
erv little tlueshlng done yet. Haying
pushing on rapidly. Corn looks will , and Is
In tassel and cars are starling.
Blanlon-Hnrvcstlng in fu I blast. The las' '
rain has put the corn li splendid shnpe.
Wayne-Harvest In progress. Oats In bm
hni > e > n IlKht crop. Wheat average nnd HOIK
quality. Corn In very promising condlllon.
Hlalnc-Bmnll jirnln hf Ing harvested nn.
promise ! an excellent > leld. Corn doing finely
and promlies nn abundant crop.
Huffalo-Oat harvest nearly completed nno
cron good one. Corn l probably better thai
any crown In the country bifore.
Cusler Threnhln * commenced. Corn tnr el
Ing and some silking. Oood week for con
i jaw POH I , , . , vo , * . . . . . . , . . * . . . . . . uais noi } ieni
Inif as well as expecled. Oruss badly dried
The rains of Ihe week of great value to corn.
areeley Harvesting- ' nearly over. Whent
heads well filled , and but little damaged by
rust Corn enrlm ? nicely , but will need more
rain to nil well. Htalks &re unusually tall.
Hall-Small grain about all rut and ome
threshing done. Wheal a good yield. Oats very
light. Corn bids fair for H big crop.
Howard-A favorable week for harvist ng
which It now about coinphted. Wheat yielding
moderately. Oats badly runted , wllh little ex.
reptton. Corn looks well ! much tumclliir am
tllklns out , but needs ruin ,
Loop Harventlns about half done ; jleld wil
very IlKht. Ileeent ralnt will save Ilia corn
and polutoen and greatly Improve paetures.
MerrUk-Haylng well under way ; lar-te crowUi
but mere weed * than formerly they Imvlni.
come In places where grass was killed by W
driiut'i , Corn In good rendition.
Hhfrmon-Harvesting about all finished and
threshing U-Ing dona. Corn In llk ami looking
well generally , but needing rain In tome lo
Valley Hun ectlnr almost done , Oati Hgai
ot nut. Whcnl blighted some by hot
Adams Wheat about nil cut nnd n pooil crop-
I nte onts folr. Cotn In uminmlly ROW ! con
illllonj - potatoes fnlr , some complaint ot rot- 1.1
tint- . Sin
riinrr Alfalfa heavy nnd Sinnl
In stnck. liny
good. Corn badly Injured by drouth , except nl
In we t part of count- , whereIt Is good. iti
Dundy Alfnlfn bring cut nnd Is n fnlr croir. lai
Corn needs rnln ; some pieces urine In eastern
pnrt of county.
I'urnns Too ilry for rorn to do well In south * cfc
crn pirt of county. It Is not Injured > et , but '
Is not caring us well ns It would with morn 'a
llnrlnn Corn Is nil right jet nnd Oolnis welt ,
but It nerds more rnln to Insuip a full irop. I ?
Mfnlfn being eut the second time , Pnslura
: Ml , rail plowing commenced ,
Kearney Harvesting nenrly completed , Pmnll
Iinln Mturnlly below nverngn crop. Corn Is hi
ivcillenl condition , wllh prmpeits of a full
tvp. liny good til jleld nnd quality.
EedlltovTIie rnln of fie 2.1id helped llm
oin , but there are pnnngli bum patches lit
ihorten Ihc crop Harvriillng nearly done , ami
nine threshing. Small Rrnln much below nvcr-
ige ,
Webster Pastures nre getting short and drj'
tiff up In plnces. Corn Is generally doing well ,
ml Is needing rnln hmlly In some localities.
Chosenncnml Deuel Hnlns of the tOth an *
22d tcvlvcd corn , Having Is under full head *
vny , nnd n big crop will be hnivented.
Lincoln The rnln of Ihe Zltl unveil n great
lenl of the corn crop , which needed It very
much. PnMUrc nnd polnloes were also bene
Scolts llluff Some -corn beginning to ear.
Mfitlfn. being- rut the second lime. Potatoo
vcrj' good nnd uirly ones ripening
llox llulle A wet week , Small grain too
mlly Injured lo recover , but coin comliiK out
all right. "
Clionj' Whcnt Is being harvested and will
vleld well , Corn In line eondlllun ,
l'nwe Small grain nearly nil being mown
'or liny. Cora looking good. Potatoes necil
nln.Keya Pnha Whent harvest well under vvn > ' .
urn silking nnd looking ilnely. ( lrn ? liuMicrs
mve ilnmnKed ciops mine.
Uock-The slow , drlzrllng lain of the 21d all
'oaKed Into the ground and nhntit iiK ures tbo
coin ciop. Corn bus not tolled this neuron , and
looks ' vi i y lino. Hay Is very light , but rnntio
'eed Is good.
Shcildnn-Coolcr weather followed Ihe light
rain of lust wetk , Improving condition of small
grain. Coin needs rain.
Corn HUM hulVoreil In Illxxnurl.
COLl'MIIIA. Mo Julv 2S-TIH ! Missouri
weekly crop bulletin , Isrued ind ly. sn > s : liv
nany eountlrs llltle nr no piunress hns been
ninile In Imjlug , stnrKIng or ilirrshlng , ami
considerable hay has In en losl or li.vdly dnm-
ined. Considerable whcit nnd eals In shock
ind slack have also been by heavy
rnlns. nnd In u few of the lenlral nnd soufi-
western counties much tlnmnge lias been done
to llnx. Coin bus suffered some Injuiy fiom
wind nnd rnln In n few locnllllrs , hut gcncinlly
Ihe ciop Is doing well Too much ruin In soulh-
e-astern counties for cottnn. I.nle potatoes gen
erally promise n good jlold. U Inter npples nro
sllll falling hidly , and the cmp as a rule will
be poor. U rape * nveingc well.
Too Muoli Hutu III lown.
DES MOINEH , Julv 28. The lown weekly
wenthcr bulb-tin , Issued today , mys : Unusually
cool weather nnd extettlve rainfall have mnilo
viry imfavornlilo conditions for hnrveKlIng nml
Ihreshlng , nnd grain III shock has turfeied mate
rial Injury. Onls lecelved Ihc grenler damage ,
lediiclng still lower the ccndlllon of this unfor
tunate crop. A short period of drj * wenlher M
now * nuuh to be deslted lo give oppoiluntly to
save the unslaeked grain , Coin is gencinllj' re-
porled In good condlllon nnd there Is nn nmpln
slornge of moisture In the soil to develop and
ripen the early and Intu planted fields.
Tito Much Witter In IlllnolH.
CHICAGO , July 2 ? . The Illinois weekly
wcalher bulletin. Issued lodny , sujs : Exccss >
of water bus resulted In very wet low lands ,
much flooding being rcporled and considerable )
damage to whent , rye and onls III fie shock.
Wheat nnd oats especlnllj- have begun to >
spieiiit , to mouitl , or to rot In many fields ; ami
timothy , where unhoused , hns been damaged.
Tlueshlng wns stopped by the wet , and Is Just
being resumed ; plowing iil o. Corn has been
benefited Kenernllv. nnd except on low land1 *
Is doing finely , although somewhat blown down.
Kino for CirottliiK CropN III KIIIINIISI.
TOPEKA , July 2S. The Kansas weekly cror.
bulletin , Issued today , rajs : A line week for
growing crops. Corn nnd forage ciops arc gen
erally doing well : In some soulhvveslcrn coun
ties , however , rain Is needed. In Ihe eaulern
ilUIMon peaches nnd grapes are ilpunlng. but
fie wet weather Is rotting many po
tatoes. In the middle division but
little has been done In thres'-ilng or plowing-
on account of the dampness. In the western
dlvltlon harvesting Is over , and threshlnc and
hajlng have begun.
XntliliiK : AVrontr l NrliriiKkn.
LINCOLN. Neb. , July 28. The Nebraska
weekly crop bulletin. Issued today , fajn : The
past week has bun cool , Ihe average Iwlng
nbout B degrees lielovv the normal. The rain
fall hns been heavy over n considerable r'Ttlon
of the stale and sulllclent for Immtillnto needs- -
In all sections. The small grain harvest Is.
completed In pouthern counlles. and Is well ad
vanced In Ihe northern section. Corn hns grown
well , nnd there Is every pioinlte of an unusually
Inrce crop. The stalks are large and arc enrlnff
.MIiim'JipoilH Wlioiif.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. . July 28. WHEAT
Ijowcr ; closing , July nnd September , f.4'4c : De
cember , CCVJc ; on track , No. 1 hard , CCc , No. 1
northern , 65c ; No. 2 northern , ClUc ; receipts ,
147 cars. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cotton MnrUrt.
ST. LOUIS. July 28. COTTON Quiet nmt
steady ; no cnles reported ; middling. C H-ICc ; re
ceipts. 41 bales ; shipments , ( J bales ; stock ,
23,897 bales.
'Frlnoo AVhciit ( liiotntloiiH.
December , SSJc ; new tellers , SCc.
InBtruracnts plnceil on record Tucselay ,
July 28 :
U. S. National bank to A. K. Ken-
nurd , BO 4-1C-11 $15,000.0 ?
William Preston and wife to A.
H , I'reston , lots 2 and 3 , Preston
& WH mid ; IOIH 1 to 1C , block 29 ,
Wllcox's Becond add 1.00
Alfred Preston to K , V. I'rcHton ,
Ha mo 1.00
J. C. I.owls nnd husband lo J. L.
Ilutlcr. lot 24 , block 3 , 1'otter &
C.'H second mid 5.00
Special master to J. A. JackHon ,
lotI , block S , lHancH & S'H add. . 3,233.00
Same to C. 13. Stursls , lot 10 , block
8 , Deer park 1,010.00
Sheriff to H. H. Ilelffrlch , lot 3 ,
block 3 , Kountzo 4th mill 1,250.00
S.imo to New England Loan nnd
Trust Co. , west 1C7 feet lot 20 ,
Horbnch'H 777.91
Farmers' Loan and TriiHt Co , to
Omaha Water Co. , water works
plant , franchises , etc 1,00
Total amount of transfers ) $19,200.91
no more fruitful field in
i ) which to exercise their
genius thanindesigning
Prices for
Summer Sports *
be certain of finding in
GORHAM Silver * * *
something not only of
Sterling quality , but
unconventional , "differ
ent" and always in
the best of taste. * * * *
Too good for Dry Goods Stores-
Jewelers only. , Jj (
S. E , Cor. 15th and Douglaa
Telephone 1030 , Oinalui , Nub.
Hoom 11114 , Hoard of Trude. ' ,
nirect wire * to Chfca.o and New Yurie /
Corrupo-denti ; JoUu A. Warrta fc C * , 'J /