Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY TtEEj WEDNESDAY , .TTLY 29 , 1800. * "
MIXOII jinvnojr.
Mr-it S A fierce tj > 6 dtt plrtcr have
orth on a short vacation.
Mrs , Jorn > i. Baldwin bar c ne to 'Walor-
llr K "V Tor the PBruH-or.
Miss Maud Myers 4M Park cvwme. is re-
orted ill wtth m-arlet ferer.
Mr ana Mr * H. P. Xfles of Stair City
* e 'he ' giiesu ol Taylor Woctlwr.
. JBR Viola R Ittjncwi I * rluJthip her rts-
er. Mr * Pr J W. HtJinn. , In WlitSeM. la
Mrs O. K. Oarven * of St. Ixmls It vlitt-
ng at the home of her brother. S. J. Keith.
Conm-il BluIIs t rt No. * t , K. O. T. M. ,
will Initiate candidates Wo4r > es4ay tnoa-
Mr. arid Mr * Cal MayaarS a 4 tw
daughter are visiting Irt B i > at Mtswrorl
Mrg M T Hohrer left last evening lor
Chillleothe. Mo. , where she wUl pf > t tbe
Mrs. n Hcrncr and daughter have gone
Lo Emernoc. Neb. , to ep nd a mouth visit
ing friends
Mr * H O. rook leaves tMm rm ni ng for
Chicago , where , he will vlnlt a clsler lor a
couple ol months.
Mr and Mrs. 3. H. Twins. C14 Myastei
utre-et are tbe 7iarenU cf a flne boy , born
yestwflav morning.
A TV Meisnrr has eamaonred salt for
D dlvor"e from his wife. Oldie it. Mrisner ,
who IE a nonresldetit-
"Ward caurupes will be held on Saturday
rvmlng to select delegates to the demo
cratic cout.'y . convention.
U. O. Stuart has been appointed by the
Hoard of S.ijwrvisora to collect the delin
quent taxes flue lie countv.
Mrs. 33 , A. Troutman and daughter have
returned from Lake Madison , -where they
have been rpendlng a month.
John Brno and John Beiio , Jr. , have gone
to the Blafk Hills country on a trip com
bining business and pleasure
Thr Woman's Christian association rea v
tlon lor Thursday afternoon at tbe hospital
Jms been Indefinitely postponed.
The Grand hotel. Council BluEs. HIgb
class In every n-rpect. natcn , T2.F.O per day
and upward. E , F Clarice , proprietor.
Secretary Baker of the Toung Men's Chris
tian association hopes to lie out again and
be able to do his work In a few days.
C. L. "Whitman leaves tomorrow for
Etanberry , Mo. , to visit friends and parents.
He will also go to Chicago before returning.
"W. C , Boyer received a telegram Ironi Sil
ver City , Idaho , yesterday , announcing tht
.oath . at that place of his brother , S. L.
Joyer ,
Mrs. "Will Cadwallader of Nebraska City
ias returned home after a visit at the
lome of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. L. B.
Cousins ,
A marriage license was Issued ycsterdaj
to Thomas TVUllam Thlstlethwalte of Coun
cil Blufls and Miss Lizzie Maude o !
lOlnesborough , England.
Dr. Shrlver received a telegram yesterdaj
Irom Cambridge , O. , announcing the deatl
of his lather. He left Immediately for thai
> lace and will be absent for ten days.
A subscription IB being circulated for tht
benefit of the Mr Svanson who was killed
by lolling Ironi a handcar on the North
western on July 11. Mrs. Swanson and hei
children arc In sore need of aid.
A paper Is being circulated among the
soldiers of Council Bluff B to form a McKln-
ley and Hoburt club. Over fifty persons hav
enrolled their names to this date Tbos
desiring further Information will call on J ,
A. Spaldlng.
Members of the Ganymede "Wheel club
who .have been talking up a wheel meet , have
decided to give a matinee following the cir
cuit races at Omaha. Prizes will be of suai
character as to Insure the attendance of somt
of the visiting wheelmen at the Omaht
The receipts at the Christian Home thi
jiast week were J427.44 , thus decreasing thi
deficiency to less than J1.000 for the year.
To lie accurate the deficiency Is J98L92. Thi !
will increase continuously until the Thanksgiving -
giving offering , "when It Is hoped to wlp
It out entirely.
Sheriff Morgan ias served papers In i
divorce case inwhich Elmer Smith Is plain
tiff and Mrs. Jesse A. Smith IE the deTe-ndunt
and plaintiff alleging his wife has "beei
guilty of adultery. Plaintiff formerly re
sided here , but IB now holding down i
place In Adalr county.
"Rev. Henry Coker. secretary pro tern o ]
the Toung Men's Christian association , hai
" ' " the entertainment
prepared a 'Wheel of Life" lor
tainment of the boys In the association be
tween the ages of 12 and 15 years. Nc
charge is made for tickets entitling thi
bearer to enjoy the treat , and 100 boys ori
Invited to caH for tickets ut the ossoclctloi
C. B. Viavl Co. . female remedy. Mcdlca
consultation tree TTedni-sdays. Health boo !
furnished , Annei Grand hotel.
TVonted to buy or rcnl A sli-roon
modern cottage- Address "D" Lock bo * 651
city.See the Hill family at L&ke "Manawa ihii
ItorUliuiT In Tronlilr.
Louis Boekboft , a saloon keeper on Lowei
Main street , reported to the police yes-
that he lad been leld up and robbei
while returning home Irom his place oi
IjuElness at 10 o'clock on the previous night
lie claimed the highwaymen came Tip behlnt
him and slugged him , and before he re
covered had taken his -vratch and t2" In east
Irom 1.1s pockets , Tbe police discredit thi
Btary and tell another tale. They say Boek-
iotf iad been on a spree for a week. At ' .
o'clock morning le was found lylnf
on one of the benches In Bayliss park In t
drunken stupor. Heas roused up one
started homeward. He was found again a ;
S80 o'clock yesterday morning on Malt
; trf et in an advanced stage of intoxication
Again the police passed him along in thi
direction of home. An order was given yes
terday to arrest him when found drunk 01
the streets , A complaint was also lodgec
against the saloon he is running. Adjolulni
property owners are the complainants.
During the hot weather remember ti
tend your wilted linen to the Eagle laundry
Clean , crisp , snow white -work and promp
rcrvlcc Is what you get at the "Eagle , '
724 Broadway.
Go to Manawa and ramp during the heatci
term and keep cool.
Davit , drugs , paints and glacB. Tel. 2E9.
Trninii MnUc n Itnlx * .
A fcrlghtwilted tramp frecured $3 ycEterda ;
liy being able to promptly grasp the eltua
tion and do the right thing at the rich
timeHe wts In a harness shop telling hi
tale of woe in the hope that somebody -wou' !
Eive him the price at a growler , when twi
boys came le and negotiated the purchati
of a saddle Tbe price was agreed upon am
the lioys returned home for the purpose o
Betting the money- The tramp had heari
jjl that UBS laid , and he evolved a plan ti
collect the prire of the eaddle. He wallet
near by until the hoys returned and inter
repted them at the it ore door and cuccets
fully played the part of a salesman. Hi
took their money and sent them to the bad
part of the store to get the saddle , whlcl
he declared was ready for them. He wai
cone when the proprietor learned that thi
boys had taken him for a clerk and givci
him the money.
I'll rU C < icrl .
' There IB some jucEtion about the furthe :
continuance of the Sunday concerts at Fair
mount jiark. Heretofore the expense ha
been divided , the park board juiylng hai
jvnd the other half being divided b twttuj
the motor company and the owners of thi
booth privileges at the lutrk. Last Sundi ;
tbe motor company failed to put tip it
bbare and the txitiifce cf the I. O. O. F
band vac borne by the pork commissioner
and Mr Kissoll. The I. O. O. P. bays as
cert that unless the motor company docs th
right thing by them they will refuse ti
take part Iti any more < nc ru.
crounds for private picnic jicrtie ;
at Grand Plato.
Hoffmayr'B Fncy Patent flour makes thi
best and most bread Ask your grocer lor It
At the Plau thl * wt'elt Haly ! s band. Ty
vtrUu-i and the Hill
rag tp tie Hirns fsi
Liwor Broaiwsy ,
Mntrrlnl BtilTirlcnt to mc lic Iln-
tlrc City In Mcht , , „ ! There U
\ Slrlac Altnclicd to tlic
Mayor Carson and AMertBcm Barstow ,
Cr < t ! iai4c dE , Pace a&4 Shubert on4 City
n gliie r Tortertn nccopte * an InrttaUoa
ITBIB E , A. WJekhaa yertortay to aoccmpanj
hitav lils new cravtfl pits north of Big
lake lor tltc purpose of aitcertaining whethei
or not the offer he made to furnish the city
free all the gravel required lor making t
new covering for Broadway was worthy ol
oeunlderation. What the aldermen found
seemo * to more than satisfy their expecta
tions , end they put in all of the remlndw
of the day talking about the rplettdld o ei
Mr. Wlckham bed made to the city.
The "bank lies alongside of the Northwest
ern railway tracks , and the gravel deposit
reaches to the railway grade. Overlying tht
gravi-1 bed is a deposit of sand about fortj
feet thick This ha been removed , until i
npace of more than an acre has been cleared
oE. The deposit is of unknown depth. A
two-inch prelecting augur wns used .some-
liuicb In an effort to a ccrtaln the depth.
It WDB sent down a distance ol sixty feet
and wis rtlll encountering coarse sand and
gravel. The surface of the bank now Ii
about twenty feet above the level of tht
railway trucks. A t witch could be put in ot
the grade level anfl an apron or trestle
built to load the cars below by the use oi
wheel scrapers. This would reduce the cost
of the gravrf very materially. Mr. Wick-
hain't object In making the offer to the cit ?
to furnish all the gravel needed to makt
Broadway n permanent street is , according
to his own statement , to secure trackage a1
the pit and open up the gravel deposits.
The offer is so Important and generous thai
there is no question about its acceptance bj
the city. The more the aldermen eonslda
the fact the more they are entranced witl
the idee that In it Is to be found the solutlot
of the paving problem of the future , Tbt
belief is that with the -proper mixture o !
gumbo earth a coating of several inches ova
all of the old cedar blocks will make streets
that will he more satisfactory for all kindi
of traffic than "brick or granite pavement
The blocks will make a good under-drainage
and as they rot away the little incqualitiei
left In the surface can be filled with mort
gravel. It will take several years to brinj
the streets into the best possible condition
It will make a street covering that will bt
faultier for driving in all kinds of weathei
and yet firm enough to resist the wear o !
the heaviest traffic. When packed ant
smoothed it will make a bicycle path supe
rior even to asphalt.
The other committees appointed at the spe
cial meeting of tLe .council on Monday nighi
have taken up their work , and It is certair
that they will be ready to report at thi
next meeting of the council. The aldermei
are anxious to "begin the work as soon ai
possible , to make It certain that the tared
will be In first class condition by the tiint
the exposition opens.
Fnn wllli Vii ; riia t EU-olrlcltj--
During the rain storm lost night an elec
tric light wire in front of a clothing Eton
on Broadway made a short circuit with thi
iron Iront of the building and sent fort !
a shower of spiteful sparks and n greal
blaze that endangered the awnings ant
the "building. An alarm was turned In anc
the fire department called out and tb <
dangerous wire pushed back from the wall
The Iron front of the building and the meta !
grating on the pavement carried ne.arly th <
full .force of the alternating current foi
nearly half an hour , and many people whi
happened to step on the grating walkec
pigeon-toed and yelled with surprise whei
the current shot up through their damj
shoe noles. When it was found that til
current was not strong enough to h <
dangerous the innate love of mischie :
caused a crowd to gather in front of thi
building blocking all of the sidewalk ex
cept the three-foot metal sheet extcndini
the full length of , the store front , and all o
the passersby had to walk ever it. The firs
touch of the foot to the metal gave a shod
that produced an interesting exclamation
and the surprised individual would lool
around to see who it was that hit him. Ai
long as hoth feet were on the metal plati
no shock would be felt , but -when hi
stepped off the most staid and sober citize :
never failed to perform antics that set thi
crowd wild with delight. When some un
conscious citizen hurrying home through thi
storm would start to pass the building -will
one foot striking the metal and the othc ;
the damp pavement his gymnastics would a ]
most create a riot.
Little Struireli-r Itoaml < > < l Up.
The police were asked lost evening to as
sist in finding a It-year-old daughter of E
Davis , residing at 1&04 Sixth avenue , Thi
child left her home shortly after C o'clocl
and no trace of her was discovered until
nearly . Then it was learned that she nad
started ifor Omaha. People were found tc
whom she stated that her home was ir
Omaha , and that she was anxious to gel
back , but only had & cents to pay hei
motor fare , Omaha police were communi
cated with and it was learned that sht
had been found on the streets a few min
utes after the left the motor car at Farnaxi
street. She was placed on , a Council Bluffi
cor again and sent to this side and left ir
care of people at the Pacific houi-e , iwberi
Tier father found her after several hours
It is the iaurth time the child had wan
dered away from her home. Each time shi
ho seemed to lose all consciousness of he :
home ted friends and has told the most re
markable stories of hen-elf. Some time age
the brought up at the home of H. P.
Barrett and was cared for during the night
MrlCllilcy-Ilolinrt dull M.
The rain last night prevented a largi
attendance at the McKinley-Hobort clul
meeting In the city building. Those whi
were present took a deep interest in thi
matters under discussion , and made up Jj
enthusiasm what they lacked in numbers
The question of appropriating money fo
the expenses of the marching club WOE lef
Jo the executive committee , with the under
standing that not more than $200 should in
set asldt for that purpose and that ol
money collected for campaign purposes Ii
connection with the club should be collecU.1
by the executive committee and diEburEpi
by It , This action was taken to prevent thi
two organisations soliciting for the some nur
After the meeting adjourned the esecutlvi
committee held a special tcBEion and com
pleted arrangements for the fominc week1
work. Another meeting will be held on
seek from last night.
lteci > llon to Dr. J'lirljtK.
A reception will be tendered to Rev. Dr
Phelps at the Pmbyteriun church parlor
at the close of the prayer meeting thii
evening from & to 11 o'clock. Dr. Phelpi
preached his farewell eermon on Sundt'
and will soon permanently sever his con
nection with the congregation. Members o
the congregation and friends are Jnvlted ti
attend the reception.
The Ladies society of the Presbytertti
church will hold a special meeting in thi
church parlors on Tiiurbdey morning , in
portaut bUEineB * will be considered ,
feltilr Surrrufcuu'k
Hur r.
Jens Sorrenbon. a teamster for McDouoli
& Co. , llring near Eixth street tnd .Nine
teonth avenue , reported to the polite at II
o'clock lait night that one of his horta
cad lu-en vtolen. The bone was tethew
on a vacant lot in the retrof the house , ti
company wth HE mate Shortly after 1
o'clock Sorrtniion heard : he bone passing u
front uf his house and heard the ammo.
v lutinc y for its mate He vent to the dou
and ttw the uilcial going north with
to 1 * a man on Its "lack. vrpteR H
with all the Kpced pestsiMd. He Irt-
hiwt-fl on the other lrttrf . bnt the only trace
he found was the infortnatimi given him "by
an officer thct a man had topn seen leading
a horse that cerresptrodt-d ta the dCRcrtptlra
ttf WE In front of the Merrlam Wwk BB
Main rlrtft. The animal U & bay amtt , K
years oW. tnd wekht between UN tni
1JOA ptmn4s. ? orrcnnon IE a poor man tad
can ill off rfl to lose hit hnrsc
DUlrlrt Conrl MnJtrrk.
An effort was BIB < ! C yesterday tc rxarolne
iato the financial condition of F. C. Re < 4.
t&e Manawa aspnttc , in the action of Ar
thur Evans ccMnst Heed fer the purpose
of fiervrl&g the J&flgment for Ki.OM ob
tained by Evans against Reed. Mrs. Reed
IE ee of the parties Interested In the ease
and owing to her nines * the cote was ] > oBt-
penrd until toflax.
Salts have btn commenced in the dis
trict wmrt by J. J. Stewart , administra
tor of the estate of Colonel Addioan Ooch-
ran , against a number of persons whose
notes were held by Mr. Cochran at the
time of his death. The defendants arc
J. I. Furrttn. John Bonebcrger , J. A. Mur
phy , George A. Lawrence , Charles Durlin ,
William Stadelman and Brown t Vnger.
3. B. Matthews. ThomaE Toftevin and
Perry Kerney hive heen appointed by
Judge Smith to admcarure the widow's
share of the estate of Pleasant Taylor.
Judgment by default In the earn of t-HS GO
was entered by Judge Smith yesterday in
cacc of David Xlcliolnon against John C.
Phil P. PcBchel has been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of John T. Klnsey.
The schedule of the estate of Charles
Shields was filed In the dlr.trict court
yesterday. The estate consists of 100 acres of
land. J4.437 in cas > h and a lot of farm 1m-
| plements and personal property. Thomas J.
i. hleldF. n brother of the decea&ed , IE ad-
I mlnlstrator of thn estate ,
1 Julia Debarr. guardian of the Stotko ht-lrs ,
three In number , filed a report with Judge
Smith yesterday showing that the estate had
realized but J4S.G9 each for the heirs and
that 6he was not In a poElton ! to support
them from her earnings. Judge Smith made
an orde- allowing her to use the funds in
her hands for the maintenance of the
Crlly Houirli HnnUlKMl Ajriiln.
The term of imprisonment of Celly Hough
expired yesterday and he WOE taken from hit
cell , where he has served out a sentence ol
sixteen days on bread and water , anfl
brought before Judge McGee to answer foi
his assault upon Officer Word when the lat
ter wes obliged to use a hay hook upon
him. He was given a fine of J1G.BD. which
was suspended upon the condition that bt
would stay away from the city. He told the
court that he had concluded arrancemenu
to go to the Pupet sound territory and
would start at once If permitted. He wat
given permiEslcn to go through town foi
that purpose alone , and .orders were giver
that If he was found upon the streets at
any time that he should be taken into cus
tody again and compelled to serve out the
sentence on a "bread and water diet.
The people's party convention of tie
Ninth congressional district will be held
In Council Bluffs at the court house August
35 at 11 o'clock in the morning. The call
is issued ly L. Kinnehan , chairman of tie
congressional committee.
The people's party judicial convention
will meet at the same place August 15 at
10 o'clock , a call to that effect having bees
Issued by W. FPitton. . chairman of the
Fifteenth district committee ,
Let all of your troubles upward go In tht
smoke of "General Joe. " ' Peregoy Moore ,
.sole agents , Council Bluffs , la.
The celebrated International trio ol
Tryolcan Warblers will be at Manawa this
w ee.k , _ _ _ _
IvJckc d l y n Horfe.
When Park Policeman Lamb went to hit
barn j-eKterday morning he found that hit
horse had broken loose during the night and
-was at large In the barn. Mr. Laml
started to lead the animal to the stall
when the horse turned and delivered i
vicious kick which caught Mr. Lamh on
the right thigh , ralcing a lump ns big at
j-our head and compelling Mr. Lamb U
take a rest for a day.
Fast or Abliorlj-
Hcv. R. W. Abberly , pastor of the Flrsl
Christian church , has tendered his res
ignation to take effect September 1.
Mr. Abberly came here from Lincoln
Kd'j. , fourteen months ago and has "beei
most successful In his rastcrate , bulldlnj
up an active and united congregation. Hi
resigns to enter the evangelical field ai
Pittsburg and vicinity.
A mcetinc of the church board will b
held this evening to take action on the ten
dered resignation.
Wall paper cleaned , new process , witl
patent right , ct Miller's 10B Main street.
Dentil Cnm - In ] Miic < - of Hrnltli.
Word has been received of the death Ir
southern Missouri of Alexander HardIe , foF
merly of this city.
Mr. Hardle was for a number of yean
bookkeeper at the Jowa School for the Deaf ,
where his wife was emploj-ed as a teacher.
Falling health induced him to resign hii
position last April and seek a home in tbt
Ozark mountain country. In Missouri , witi
the hope of regaining his lost health. Hit
death resulted Irom lung affection.
Tlirlr OHlorK. .
The Ladies of the Maccabees met at tht
Royal Arcanum hall yesterday afternoon an
installed the newly elected oflicerE of thcii
lodge with appropriate ceremonies.
For rent furnished rooms , 820 Second
Drntli * of n Dnj' .
William B. Noble , a wealthy citizen o ]
Washington , D. C. , who came to Coloradt
for the lienefit of his health , died in thi
swimming pool here last night , presumably
of heart failure. His family IE Euminerlni
at Bar Harbor. Me ,
VALPARAISO , Neb. , July 2E. ( SprclU.-
Henry E. Throop died yesterday afternoon a1
his name two miles south of town. Mr
Throop was one of the earliest settlers ci
Oak creek , having resided upon bis farn
nearly thirty years. The cause of hU deatl
was a cancer upon his right hand. Hi
It-aves a wife , two daughters and three HOUR
GORDON , Neb. . July 2B. ( Special. ) firs
Solomon Walls died toJay of < juick con
sumption ,
JUNIATA. Neb. . July B. ( Special. ) Mrs
Joseph Fikher died Sunday. She was an oil
settler here , having come to this count ;
teventecn years ago , and hud long heei
.a reEldent of Juniato. She was 7C years oil
and leaves an aged husband and a largi
.family of children. The remains were burlei
in Juniata cemetery today ,
Cltr Mutt Pn > ' lor Street Cleunliic.
KANSAS CITT , July g. Judge Scarritt o
the circuit court decided today that specla :
tar blllB Issued against property to pay Jo :
street Bprinklij > g or cleaning were void be
cause It was unconstitutional for the cttj
to isrue tax blllB for that work. He hell
that the cleaning sud sprinkling of street !
should b ? paid for by the city out of thi
general fund. Judge Scarrltt's decision ii
in line with one madu by Judge Phillips o :
the Vnited State * court last winter. Thi
decision will be appealed Irom.
Prekldeut HurrUi.u in Xew York City
NEW YORK , July 27. Ex-Pre dent anc
Mrs Harrison arrived In this Sty fron
Old Forge tonight. He comes to attend thi
session of the general committee of thi
general assembly at the Presbyterian churcl
which begins tomorrow. He declined to dlt
DUES politics ,
ArreitM lutt Tear' * i > ealr ,
PITTSBURG. July 2B. The wage confer
ence of the chimney branch of the Amerlt-ti
Flint Glass Workers' at.soclEtlon U belcj
nejd Ler today , and the protpects are thai
a. betticmect will be m " 4 on the bans ol
last year's scale ; AJi/at JOUO men are tf-
f octed.
George 31 Bobjcts OoHestiag Hafarial fer a
Invcotlcnllnn Show * Itonlttf Prlrc *
of Tlirlr Product * H
nrmnrknlilo Mnl'
the La * * Thirty
E. Hrtwru of F rt BnSee. author nl wveral
rrrrabMcatiK pluUenns In Iowa. a
-l tity as -writer on financial
Is la the city Ealhrrtns mstortat to lit
otcfl In the iireparatHra of a new Look on the
currency question. Rtboru Is the author ol
a reply te Ctrtn , tinker The till * "Ooln & 1
School in Finance1 vhhsh attracted atici
attoatton. Hit new tool ; will be prrparcd
CE campaign literature , fer mnsntnptloc
especially : a the aprlcttltwral BtcteK , and iti
dcHipnvlll l > c lo prove that the Irc
silver arcnunrat oliont the Increase In tb (
value of gold , ae meaEurefl by farm products
is false. The national committee hue beei
intercrted in the publication , end will dr.
culatc it widely.
nobertE U now looking up the aarlif :
quotations given by Iowa newcpoperE ulnn
the civil -way. He is Ertng throupb th <
fill ; * of papers In the ptat ? historical col
lection , with the assistance of a. corps o
clerks. T3p says he will prove from the&i
market Quotations that the buOicl of an ;
Etnple product of the Iowa farm has hai
a remarkable Btable value , measured ii
cold. HU work will bepin with 1SG1. l.efon
the war-time Inflation and the demnnrtisa
tlon of iilver. and will he carried down ti
the present. He promises to entirely die
prove the assertion that there hat been i
conrtant depression of the value of farn
products , measured by cold , since the de
monetization of 1K7" .
"Taking the twelve rears from 1PG1 ti
1ST3 , " said Mr. Roberts , "ye have a j > crloi
in which , if ever , prices of form proflucti
ought to bo high. That period include !
three great wars , our own civil struggle , am
the wars between Germany and Austria am
Germany and rronce. And all this wai
before the demonetization of silver in 1ST"
Then taking a period of twelve years fron
1B79 to 3FH2. utter the demonetization o
silver , and without the conditions that hai
existed in the former period , calculated ti
increase prices artificially , and we find b ;
comparison of the prices that were actual ! ;
paid for farm products In Iowa markets , m
shown hy the market reports of Iowa news
papers , that there was a remarkahle
formity of prices during the two periods
The argument of depreciation of values , ai
measured by gold , is completely dcmol
ished. This is the way the silver men xnal ;
their argument on this point : They tab
prices in London , Liverpool or Hamburg
and find that they have been , greatly re
duced. They measure our .own products b ;
the foreign market. In l Cl lt , cost abou
Jl to transport a bushel ol ieat to one o
those markets. Today it" costs about S
cents. The price there has ieen reduce !
in this proportion ; but thciharc which th
American raiser of wheat has in its valu
has not fallen in this decree. The fal
way is to measure values "bythe market
of our own state , 10 which the farmer haul
his products. What does ho .care lor price
In Liverpool , if those in his Jiome marke
.are all right. TVe will prove that in th
markets of Iowa towns there his been.n
depreciation , tailing the second period'
twelve years tnd comparing It with th
first. Since 1B92 there nas been a de
presslon , of course- The republican posl
lion is that it has been' caused by th
tariff and other matters , foreign to th
money question. I thall net go into" th
tariff question In my wort , , however. 1
will -dead simply with tie prices of farr
products. "While Itvil be shown tha
the prices received "by the farmer lave no
depreciated , it Is true , that the cofct c
things wnich the farmer buys have liee :
down constantly. "
Mrs. 5 < < > I1 nml Grorec Stnildi-n Tnkf
llnrk to ICiinnuK City.
DES MOINES. July 2S. ( Special Tele
gram. ) George E. Stadden and Mrs. Fran
ces E. Stoll , who were arrested nere yestei
day on complaint of Mrs. Stoll's husband
were taken to Kansas City today by an o ]
ficer from there. The effort to secure the !
release "by habeas corpus proceedings wa
given over , as it was found the papers Jo
them were correct in every particular. Sto'
came with the officer this morning , and d <
Clares le will Fend lioth his wife and Stad
fien to the penitentiary. He says his wlf
has squandered $30,000 for him. and whe
his money was all gone deserted him. Mn
Stoll says that her husband has never sup
ported her , and when she could stand it n
longer she sued for a divorce in Kansas Citi
but the matter was settled and the sul
withdrawn , Stoll signing an agreement t
support her. This he has failed to do. Sb
secured a position in Kansas City and lot
it because of trouble her husband made hei
Then Stadden offered to bring her here an
secure her a position , and she came wit
htm. She denies any impropriety in thel
relations , and her story is generally bt
lieved by those who have heard her tell Ii
She Is a very handsome little brunett
and devoted to oer B-ycar-old son , who ha
been with her all through the trouhle ,
Prc-ncli and E < l ! ir ISud n Word " \Vn
JEFFERSON , la. , July IB. f Special. ) Tb
church row at Lohrville , that lias been 1 :
progress for some weeks between the edlto
of the local paper , who is a member of th
Christian church , and the pastor of th
Methodist church , has finally licen declare
off. The preacher conducted a departmen
in the paper and roasted the editor , an
the editor replied in kind. Now the minit
tcr says in print that he Is convinced ti
department has done more Tionn than good
that it has stirred -up strife and discord
widened the breach that existed in a sma !
way. tnd that it has accomplished no goo
whatever. The trouhle was largely ovc
what the preacher termed proselyting on th
part of the editor , the former assertin
that proselyting was ac bad as Ktcalin
bbeep. _
Kocktirll City * * JVtMElcrtrlc PIuii
JEFFERSON. la. , July 26. ( ? pecial.-
The new electric light plant at Rockwci
City is about completed and .it is expect ?
the lights will be turned gn'ihf latter pai
of the week. The plant canEist * of a cm
liss engine of - '
neve-nty-'Eve-iiorEe powt
and a combination dynamoof,4ie jilttrnatin
! } 7 > e , with a capacity of WO jigbt , . Ther
are to t > e but four arc lamiif , on the buslnet
streets , incandescent light ' * T fifty candl
power furnishing light in thfe .residence po :
tlon of the town. Arrangl-menU are beln
made to celebrate the tunjinc on of th
current the firet time ifi " tn' appropriat
manner and with ceremoDJefc of a publl
.nature. Mr. Folsom , Jonnwj'yjfi.t ' Eidora. ' .
in charge of the plant
, , , -r ,
JEFFERSON. la. , July vSb ( i > t > elal.-
The Knights of Pythias iconic , an eve :
that liar come to be an erfibllshud feu tin
in northern Dallas and cnuhVi * ' eountle ;
will occur Thursday , Julr ; ; at Jamaia
under the auspices of theJP iiians of Par
era , Yale and Jamacla. TbTirincipal BC
dresn will be made liy Hon. Bdmun
Nichols it Perry , Hon. TV , M. Nurvls c
Muscatlne tnd M. T. Finlw of Jutnkic ;
Dinner it to be served Jn the "woods ac
Joining town , folfrwed hy base btll an
other orts in tht aftcmoon. Great crowfi
are expat-ted Irom til the surrounding towni
\V4iiunn JJroivurd lit SSoni Cltjr.
B10UX CITI * . July g.Special ( Telegram.
With her feet entangled in the -weeds 11
the bottom of McCook leL'e. near here , an
the upper part of her face actually tbov
the surface , the bo3y uf Mrs. Mcry Tripp c
this place was found lte last night. Sh
had l > etn drinking , and it supposed to hav
attempted tcewim / the lake , nufl nt ngiin
her leet in the -needs , been lield until eh
succumbed to exhauclioo.
Took Urr I'rir udV A < Ulcr ,
WATERLOO. la , July 2B ( Spet-ial Te'c
cram. ) J C Cornwall of Jcinesboroui ; !
Ark was In Waterloo today insearch of hi
wife , vho , lie says , hts tlopefl with Joh
MtMacuK tr iniaartrr for th * Ortten Bell
Itaf at JnnMlwrtmph. Cornwall ig a roo-
lortor en the SUB * roaft , Mrt. Cornwall
stfd WrMscnf wore berr a we k ago today
Tay went frum herf t * mitmtrtir. * i * t
Is thought thty are wtw to Ctietco. Bcfoi-t
leaving home , Mrs Cornwall wen In cerrc-
rjumdPBfre trtth a wmn u at MRnhU6a
Beach , who wrote hr. CKytBg : "Repe In
s rae mcker a romf to Chtengo an
& e l4e efnevks nt tke rfM rt. "
Mr. SnlliiKrf'ft llli > rlnltnrr.
MANNING. 1 _ , July Sfi. Te the
f The Bee : A paragraph which tats
very recently fimni n * way late Tbf
Bee creditR m with a desire te eopHaat
Mr. l > rtllvt > r in ctinprrne r.nt t rtaafl J r
mtmtoalHio against him. It 1 $ nntrutI
never hud irorh Inttmtlons or d * lrpK. Have
always F-ufqwrtpd Mr. DollJver an * he has
my sapjton now. n. I. SAL1NGUR.
I > < unr .llr Inft-llcllj I.onil * t 5 lcl l %
DES MOINES , July 2S. ( Special Tale-
gram. ) Mrs , William Peterson cwniBUted
suicide this evening , taking rtrycShnine. She
was fllVBrrrfl from her first husband last
December , married a recoud In January. aiHl
took her life becaupc the seeon * marriage
was more unhappy than , the first. She wat.
So years old and leaves one child.
South Omaha News . *
'SFSFE ' ?
The city ordinance , passed some time
ago. compelling the Omaha Street Railway
company to replace all -wooden poles in the
city with ornamental Iron ones , be
came a law yesterday. The com
pany hts slsrty days within which
to comply with the provisions of the or
dinance. At a conference held between the
street car officials and some of the city of
ficials some time ago it was stated by the
representatives of the company that they
were willing to replace the wooden poles
with Iron ones ns fast as the -wooden poles
rotted out. In that way Iron polcE would
be substituted gradually and at less cost to
the company. The council , however , pro
ceeded to force the matter In the hopes
that such legislation would bring the com
pany to time and compel the building of the
loop around Thirty-third street.
An official cif the city said yesterday in
speaking about this ordinance : "There was
no public clamor for Iron poles and the
patrons of the roud will not receive a par
ticle of benefit from the change. The re
sult of such ordinances will be that the
company will appeal to the courts and the
matter will be tied tip for two or three
years. It is an unnecessary expense to nsk
the company to go to , especially at this
time , when we ore asking the company to
build the loop and also to extend Its line to
Port Crook. 1 fear now that tbe building
of either line IB out of the question. Not
long ago representatives the street car
company called at the mayor's office to talk
the matter over. At that meeting the com
pany appeared willing to construct the loop
If the people wanted it , and suggested a
meeting between the members of the coun
cil , the managers of the packing bouses In
terested , and representatives of tbe com
pany. Such a meeting las bee.n postponed
until Mr. Cudahy returned from the east.
He came home Monday , but now since this
ordinance has been allowed to go into ef
fect , it is doubtful if such a meeting will
ever be held. The company thought 'favor '
ably toward the Fort Crook line. Such u
road would have brought this city in hun
dreds of dollars In the course of a year , but
with the opposition to the company mani
fested by the city council , the chances ore
that the southsiders will get the line out
Thirteenth street and South Omaha will
hardly know that there IE a garrison of
United States troops within a few miles 6f
the city. "
> for n Forfeited Chrck.
City Atlorney Montgomery Is looking ur
the claim of Contractor Campbell of Coun
cil BluCs , who has just sued the city foi
? 3uO. "When bids for the viaduct repair !
were first advertised for Campbell put in I
bid which was accepted. "With his bid hf
sent a certified check for the umount suei
for. After the contract nad been flrswi
Campbell -was sent for , Irut refused to slgi
it , as pay for the work was to come oul
of a fund assessed against the railroads
Campbell did not like the chances of get
ting his money , and said he would re
pudiate tie contract unless the city woulc
guarantee the cost of the repairs. This thi
city refused to do at that time , and Camp
bell's money was declared forfeited and wai
turned into the city treasury.
tr n Veto.
In response tourgent petitions the -cltj
council at its last meeting ordered electrii
street lights placed at Eighteenth and "tt
and Seventeenth and M streets. There ii
no money in the lighting fund to pay for thi
forty odd lights now in service and noi
long ago the maj-or gave it out that then
would be no more electric lights ordered
until there was money in the fund to pnj
for the same. These two lights , which wer <
ordered Monday night , were not considered
when the yearly apportionment of the levj
was made and as the mayor says ne is ii
earnest about vetoing such resolutions thi
chances for the lights being put in ar <
.Volhlntr Xrw In Pontnl Mntteri. .
Nothing new in regard to the discontinu
ance of the street car mail service is knowi
here. Postmaster McMillan expects n tele
gram from the department today in regard
to a temporary contract with the street cai
people It seems as though the businesi
men here had done all they possibly could
"to have the present service continued , ant
it will be a hard , blow to the business in
terests if the old system of wagon servici
goes Into effect again. South Omaha mer
chants had nopes that Congressman Mcrcei
could do something to prevent the change
but it appears that he has not been able tc
make any satisfactory arrangements.
I'u l"p tlif Price of Coiil.
The local coal dealers , who have an organ
ization of their own. are preparing to fal'
into line and adopt the schedule of pricei
adopted by the Omaha coal dealers. Then
are eleven dealer * . In the city and theli
organization is conEldered quite strong. Onlj
about bOQ tons of hard coal was left ovei
from last winter and is now In stock , Thii
was purchased for about | 7 a ton , towardi
the last of the season , but will be put 01
the market with fresh cou.1 at the price o ]
110 c ton. It is predicted here that th <
price of anthracite will go higher before th <
season is upon us.
LcK-ntliiK the II > druntfc.
The work of the committee appointed b ;
the mayor tovisit the fire hydrants In tbi
Third and Fourth wards with a view of hav
Jng the location of some of them changei
is blocked by the absence of the contract
The "water works company kindly of
fered to loan the city its copy of the con
tract , but the offer was not accepted. Tt (
city clerk haa looked through nearly all o
the papers in his office and has not ye
found the missing document.
UUK * lo Ie Shot.
It is expected that within a few day
the mayor "will order the policemen to shoo
all untcgged dogs. There Is no money ii
the dog fund to pay the poundmaster fo
such work , tnd the city cannot afford t
appropriate money from any other fund fo
that purpose. The mayor thinks the pollc
can do the work without Interfering witl
their other duties and with little or no cus
to the city.
T fntj--Fo rlh.
The commitiionerB of Douglas county hrv
appropriated $550 to be expended on Soutl
Twenty-fourth street Irom Q street to tbi
Sarpy county line. It Is expt > ct .d th t will
this amount of money the road can b <
leveled and placed in first class con junn
Work with the graders win commence ai
soon as the telegraph polct. which are > nov
planted in the middle of the road , tre re
Irfc t-d Mrut llu > ! iitti Good.
The fruh beet and mutton business at thi
packing houses hbs picked up considerably ii
the last week or u. Large eastern order
are coming in almost dally , which is re
markable -conslderinE the hot weather. Ex
port orders tr for ahead of what they wer <
lost year ut this time and Ihe covernmeu
micrpscopists have orders enough on hand
cow to ktt-p them busy for a month o :
C'llj Uu ip.
E. H. YanUirk of Silver City , la , , Trti a
The only perfect mild Havana smoke.
Beware of imitations. All genuine have
name "Gen. Joe' * stamped on each cigar.
PEREGOY & MOORE , Sole Agents ,
the yordt yesterday with three cars of cat
Miss Bdna Ward of Weeping Water is here
Charles Barton returned yo terday Irom
a trip to Chicago.
Mrs. J. M. Tanner , Twenty-fourth and D
HreetR , Is quite sick.
Tom Hortor lias announced htmsull at a
candidate for state treasurer.
John S. Knox , traffic manager for the
Cudahy Packing company , is borne from a
southern trip.
Sheep are beginning to arrive from tht
ranges , and while the trade IE not active
the demand Is good ,
Andrew Spence returned yesterday from
a trip through the Black Hills country
where he went In the Intercrt of the stodi
yards company.
It is currently reported that several largt
outfits in the west have quit the roundur
and have turned back to the range tht
cattle already gathered , because of the pre
vailing low prices. How generally this hci
been done cannot be told at this time , but
It Is certain to affect the receipts ut tht
principal markets to some extent.
Tlic tnj ) K of tlir AVomlen Mntcli Snf.l tc
He Ximilierert.
The time-honored scheme of rolling up i
piece of paper and using it for a llghtei
i has been utilized by an inventor in tht
[ manufacture of matches , says the Phila
delphia Record , The Invention promlres tt
I revolutionize European match manufactur
ing and IE particularly timely , because tht
wt > d for this purpose IE constantly grow-in ?
j scarcer and more costly. The new matches
t are considerably < ieape.r than wooden
j matches and weigh much less , a fact whicl
I counts for much in the exportation. Tht
i sticks of these matches consist of pcpei
[ rolled together on the bias. The paper ii
i rather strong and porous , and when im
mersed in n solution of wax. , stearlne an
' similar substances will easily stick to
gether and burn with a bright , smokclcnf
and odorless flume. Strips of naif an Intl
in width are firfct drawn through the com-
i bustible mass spoken of above and tier
| turned by machinery Into long thin tubes
I pieces of the ordinary length of wood oi
wax matches being cut off automatically bj
the machine. When the ftlcks are cut tc
size they ore dipped Into the phosphorui
! mass , also by the machine , and the dried
head easily Ignites by friction on any sur
Domestic Tronlili-it Lend to n Trnsedy
NEW TORK , July 2R. The domestli
troubles of William Lehmaier and his wife
which have been before the public at inter-
j vals during the last six weeks , culminated
i today in a shooting affray , which will prob
] ably result in Lthmaler'i death. Mrs , Leh
t maier says that Charles A , Johnson , whi
1 did the shooting , is "her brother ; Lehmale :
says that the man is Mrs. Lthmaier'i
I former husband. For some time a eontcs
! has been waging between the Lehmoien
j BE to the occupancy of a iouse in Wes
! Thirty-fifth street , each trying to oust thi
" \Vill Itnn nicnr-Kloiix to Colorado.
CHICAGO. July 28. A meeting ot thi
Colorado lines in the Western Passenger as
soziatlon was held today for the purpose o
determining upon the running of severs
excursions from the eastern territory o
the Western Passenger association. It wa
decided to run several excursions durinj
next month. The excursion business to th
west has been lighter this year than fo
many years , and the roads ore very anxiou
to do something to increase the volume o
their traffic ,
" \VnfchJjifrton for Hendqntirter.v.
WASHINGTON. July 2K. It is regardci
quite likely that the democratic natlona
committee will select Washington for it
principal headquarters and have a brand
in the west. Senator Dubols of Idaho , it i
expected , will be a member of the natlona
executive committee and will have charg
of the western end of the campaign , 1
will endeavor to keep the money question
to the front and will put an immense fore
of speakers In the field. All the bolting re
publicans Intend to take the stump.
OrderN n Cut ill Locul Rnte * .
ATLANTA , Go. . July 2K. The Georgii
state railroad commission today ordered i
general reduction In local rates to confers
to the C per cent cut on freight from easier :
points to Atlanta recently declared by th
Southern States Freight association.
A'evudn Iii ] er for Sli-Klnley.
RENO , Nev. , July S. The Reno Gazette
one of the leading papers of Nevada , ia
declared its intention to support McKinle ;
and Hobart on the ground that protectloi
instead of diver is the paramount issue o
the campaign.
rm.r Antlionj V Condition.
TOPEKA. July 2B. The condition at ex
Governor George T. Anthony , who iias beei
ill at Sheldon's hospital for Rome time pact
IE very weak. He suffered a sinking Epel
last evening , but later rallied ,
Grew \Torce undur Treatment of
Great Cuacge in rivr n y and To-day ll
liiitlrtJy Cizrt-d.
My baby had Eczema in its worst form.
Olio 01 the ben ] in > irtaiis jnthe city attended
hc.r , but tliu ooutlnuxU tn cut wo e all the
time. He nuUl.r admitted lie wnt ut his wits'
mil. 1 then cut CcTirriiA Kiuiiiio > , a U > u
t/fifilayt noticed u print cUunpt iu hrr cnn-
ditloti. She continued to iuiprtiie and in-day
it tntlrelu curt A , has nice biuid of hair , and Ik
IHclj una hearty. ] kpci > tootidcn ! > l money
for drugs and ductarVbillt , which wag ubelets.
3. It. JAOOl'.S , KC1 Wiilun Avt , lljJUMd.
Fn ci'T Citi Ti ttTKcrr.T rtn btthi nth Cm-
rrj-j * K AI . rruilr nwilcatiuu * rtf t i > i 101 I.A ( "iiitmniii.
tht-rrraltUn rnMS. tnd tnikd < ! lihit uf lUTIOl'l. ' * Jliul/ >
vi.i. . citau-u oj humor euro ,
Bold Itirnuzhnut t wrtls 4 jir ? , CrTirriu
> QAf : r . li. Ml.VChT.3i"l ) 11.
1 rvccUt IOJ Our * * TT ltOJ4k Jt
! / Jlriuut In Ur4mulUi mU
* * & vtlb Liu * riUMw
In chtrge ot tht
Thin widely known Institution has bcca
ScublPd In tire during the past Eummer cnl
made onr of Iht most jnidera and model
] Institution * of lit character in the west.
The new nddivon * w.ll be ready Icr occupancy -
] pancy by the firit of the year. When fully
. completed , ncrommcdntlont will be atrordsa
i for " 00 patients. It le beautifully cltuitt-d ,
overlooking the city of Council Blufft. A
full rtcff of eminent phyrlclun ? and trained ;
i nurses mlnitttr lo the ccmfort of Ui * pa *
i ttratt.
For fuller pcrtlcultrE. apply ta
Council BluEu. Ii.
219 MM\l \ 3il BLOFF3
- OF -
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , sioo.ooa
Ktrvons , Chronic
All rrlvnte lli D nt
tmtUlntu-ileri of il n
Treuttui-iit by ni
coiihultaUon f r o-
Cores tor life tni tlie t'0liic ' UiorcueblT
> ft from th rrtteia. PILE ? . nSTCLA
t VA7tlCOrin.lI iwrmMirntljr unfl uccc BtiUl
" " '
I cun-a. JJrthoa new uni
By new jncthofl without i > aln or cuttlne.
Catl on or odCrcJi * wltn ctutnii.
119 S. HtllSt ,
DL Seirles & Searlss
, 5 < a- .
Leu * * * irrrilLlNGTON 4 ; MO. IiIVElt.Arrives
OinahuiUnlon iJrtioy 10th A : ilaton BU..J Omaha
C2 itn : . Denver Eijirt-tK
< liillt , iluui. & l'ui-i-t Bna E
4S.Iim. DenvtaJij ireu ; . , , 4I
J -.OIinin.NebratUa. Locu-1 uiifjn Sunduy } . * i
, , , Ltncciln Licu.l ( except :
Mull { lor Ltu-oln ) rtutlj. . . .
Leutt-s IcaUCAQO. llt'KLINOTON . - < j. .ArrivcB
OmUiu.Uiiicjn ; Dcimt. IDUi & Mnknn Su i Omaha
. . .Clilcueo Vestibule
. . . . .Chleapo Erpr ,
: : lujim..Chicaco und St. Loulfc Exiin-iu. . .
n rurlflc Junction LociJ Cl iim
Fast Mull i&ujim
Lemes ICH1CACO. MIL. t ST. J'AX'UIArrlve.
Omklialrr.lcm Deiiot , lint t ; UEBUD Stfc. | Omaha
"ciShjTm JlCJilciiiro Llmltt-a lKam
Uliinm ( . .Ctilcupu Uriireiit Itn. Buiidmi. , . aarniro
Lruirt iCIiJCAGO 4 ; NOnTHWEKTJC.lArrtvtis
OmaliiilUnlun r > eiiot , lutb & Mumin f.t > | Omutin . . Eurirrn
4 : < Jiinj . Vertllmlefl Ltatta. . . . . . . . . . . .St. Paul Erprfub . . . . .
DUliaro . . . .Bt. Pnul Limited . l-lCiira
JOttm..C.rnjIl k filoji CltjLcicul . . .UdOjua
C:30pm. . . . . .Oinuim Chicago Epcdi. ' . . f:00am :
_ . . MlEmiurl Valley .ii&a. . DiSUara
Lvuve * ICHJCAOO , II. 3. & PAOlFJC.IArrive *
OmahalUnlun lieiiot. IDtli Mumn Sta.j Omuha.
. . . .
7IKipra . NlBSit Einrea > . . . tlut
4llijini . . . - hl ac" V tlLiiJea Limited . . . l:2Sii
: l(7iin ( - Et. Puul Yei-tltmlea Limited. . . . ia .
C4j ; > m.Cn.lnlitiniu Texuc Hx Kt. f > un..lD:30am :
"udo Llmllea , . 4'jOim :
Leul-tr I KT. P. . il b O.
Omuhu' und W
. .Fluux City Ao'jumnifjduUuii . . . btut im
. . .Eloux City Rcprcu i x. Bun..llUam
tzifjim tit. 1'iuii X-lmllfd HlJum (
IS vet" ) K Ert"MorVAiLZT
Omuticl Iriut. Uta uod Wctiittcr Pts. Omuiia
J ' iir. riuit Hull und Cxurcuf
: Miim. . rc. Sut. | Wyo. Cx. Itx M . . t:00jm :
7rHiEm. .rrt-mont Loud ( Bunsi.Onlr / . ,
j J orf olu Unirtiss ( ex. Sun j JOSSattt
til. J'uul EKJII-CU ,
LeAvefc I 1L C. . St J , & C It. jArrUt *
OmnhEiDtilon Dt-iiut. ilitb k Munm Bu I Omatia.
I-irum : Kunwm City puy Eiinn. . fTiimni
l ; licinn .K. C. Nlclit EtvUlT _ _ _ p Truiif. CiiOiLni
Leuvts ) _ MffiSOrltFpACIFlc"Arri ) e
Qmutial l > r"t l&ta and tVelim Omutia
. . . .KeiiriLEkB * ICn nai t Limited. , .
* : SOiun . Kantus Civ Exjireu. . . . . . . .
S:0iim..KeVjrtUu ( ; Lock ! ( ex. Bun. ) . . . .
OnrnliulSJOLTC fcpfl Wt Uhti-r Sts. I ir.ii.ha.
'tWpiu .St P U Limited
L mt * BlOt'X C1T1i PAOFK lArrUrn
Ix-jKrt , 1Kb a : tlijun fell I Omtha.
t:4tmm : . . . . Et I'uul pkcjiencer . . . .Uji : pm
7:3'atn . . .Bloux City rii : iiper .
. .bt I'liUl Limited ,
! t'KIOJf J'J CJriC. Arriiu
rnlon UrK > t. IKh 4i Altu-on Eu. OTZULJI& *
Keamrjr ExprrtT . .
1-JO.tin . . . . OvtrliLtifl Llmltdd .
. . ' 4. Stromzb'jr En u * 8uiu : Kj > ja
Gruii iKlbnd Emrtu trx , Kuu ) li : CT
. . J't Ms.ll . . .
Leuie * ! WAEABH RAILTTATlArrtvfc
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