Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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    - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ , _
PATtY ' 1'ITJS1)AY , JUhY .
2 - _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAhA 1896.
Chairman Jones Wa k 01030 Communion
- with Mr. Bryan.
- -
Jutieji fltlII Go.-rtior S1ntii Opnscs1
Ileziilltig titt 'Iclegrittul ( ip tile
, CotietitIti ur ( lIiig It flut
: to ( lie J'rc , . .
ST. LOuIS , July ItepuliIc tomorrow -
' row will ay Mr. flryan's telegram declln
: Ing to allow his name to go lniforo the
poputist conentton and the eonvernatlon
that was carried on between hhn and Senator -
ator Jones , chalru'an ot the ( lemocratic na
- tional committee , were not iiiade j1fllIIC , It
. Is aatd , becauBo Senator J000B anti Uov-
ernor Static of MIssouri saw flt to SIIJpte
them. FnrIy Saturday afternooll Senator
Jone * wired Mr. flryan that hIs friend. In
the convention Intendeti to nomInate hIm ,
. : posailble , In SIItO of the tact that his tele-
, grain of the previous evenIng declined to no-
cept the nomlnatton It Mr. Sewall waa not
nominated for vice 1)rCII1Oflt. Senator
- Jones had prevlousty iiotlflc4 Mr. Bryan
that Wat8on tHtd been nomInated for vIce
presIdent. About : o'clock an operator
In the Western Union Telegraph olflce at
Lincoln , Neb , , the home of the etiiocratIo
canlldate for presIdent. called up the St.
. Louts omce and atd that Mr. Bryan was
' there (10(1 would lIke to speak to Mr. Jones ,
, . Senator Jones came to the key and the fol'
lowIng telegram wa cnt to Itryan :
lioti.V. . J. Bryan : The COflVt'fltlOfl Wilt
' . ureIy nominate you. Your frIeiid 500111
to 1)0 In the majorIty. 'rile ) ' 11CC UbOUt
rendy to proceed to a ballot.
To thig Mr. Bryan sent substantially the
reply that was contatncd tu the dIspatch
sent out from ChIcago by the Assoclateti
press Sunday night. At tim concIuIon of
the paragraph eliding wIth the words Amer-
, lean people cannot afford to surrender the
right. to legislate for themselves on all ques-
ttons , and so long as the right Is dlsptite&l It
iurpasses all others In Importance , " senator
Jones Interrupted Mr. Bryan's message wIth
woUld be ailvlsa-
a querry as to whether It
blo to inalce stich a statement to the canyon-
tlon , when the remaInder of the dIspatch
c WaS seiit by Bryan ( practIcally the same as
, sent out by the Assoclateti press ) , eIther In
answer to Senator Jones' questIon or as a
. continuatIon of Mr. Bryan's statement. Sea-
ator Jones then replIed :
. 11011V. . .1 , flryan : I think your pmdtlon
has been clearly stated and that It I clearly
anti fully uhIleriitooh. ( I vIlI urge our
friends to read your HtzLtumCflt.
At thIs Juncture a message was sent to
. the convention hail over another wire to
Governor Stone askIng hIm to conic ailtI
got Mr. Bryan's telegram In artier that It
, might be read to the conventIon before
the ballot was taken. Governor Stone got
, - the telegram anti hurrIed to the convention
hail. where the scene between him anti
. Senator Allen of Nebraska , who was the
chaIrman of the conventIon , was enacted.
Subsequent developments Indicate that
neither Governor Stoito nor Senator Jones
thought it would be good pulley to read
tile telegram to the conventIon. WhIle tills
was going on at tile audItorIum Mr. Bryan
. sent thIs.
. To General J. K. Jones : Both frIends anti
, , opponents are entitled to perfect candor
110(1 frankness upon ins' part. anti I thInk
the statement should ho read tto that no
criticism can arIo hereafter.
\v _ 3. Bifl'AN.
fleforo tue consultation over thin wire
was brought to a close Senator Jones sent
a telegram asking Mr. Bryan If ho was cm
g ploying all the assistants necessary to carry
on his work. "If you are not employ the
necessary help and I wIll foot the bills , "
' was the way the dispatch closed.
' Mr _ Biyan replleti. , ,
To Senator J. K. Jones : Am employing
iecessary hielii. I wIsh you WoIIIU ( : ame
, here as soon : ts convenient agaIn. There
L are seVeral nucMtions about which r mtlMt
Ix. consult you. Yeti need only tny one day ,
F - w. j JJitYAN
. hero is the answer Senator Jones sent :
! lion. 'IV. J. Jiryan : I thInk convention vili
¶ - adjourn thIt afternoon. If so I will leave
, . for rIncoin Immediately. J. K. JONES.
: After the failure to hare the telegrams
' , rend to the convention , Mt. Bryan is saId
to have virct1 Senator Joncs to give them
to the St. Louis papers and to the Associated
pre.s iii order that. they might be given
a wide publicity. To this senator Jones amid
I Governor Stone dissented. Senator Jones
was going away on the 0 o'clock train. So
the matter was turned over to Governor
Stone : who hail another confab with Mr.
' Bryan. The latter urged that hIs state-
' bent be given to the press , hut Governor
Stone satti it would not be polItic and
that his case wan In the hands of lila
friends , who would do what they believed to
( be the m teat politic thing to do , as they
i vioweti hio situatIon front the field of bat-
I tie.
; "I vtiI bow to the wishes of my frIends.
but It Is duo to myself anti tile rneni'icrit
of the popuiist party that I treat them with
perfect candor" is the tenor of one of Mr.
Bryan's dispatches to the Missouri governor.
. But thu information vias withhold from
the press. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ChIiVILAi'S JltOI'I1F'IIC J.l'F'I'lili.
: ' nggestesi 1)enoerntlt , Ierent
- . F're , SlI'rr iii
, NFV ORLEANS , July 27.-Tlie Picayune
specIal from Jackson. Miss , , ( limotcs a lot-
ter. written by President Cieviand on May
1 , 1892 , on tIm eve of thu deniocratie con-
f vention of that year , to the intO L. Q. C.
. : . Lamar. In vlitch tile presitlent , discussing
his vrobabio candidacy , says :
, I can easIly bu dIsposed of. either by the
. selection of IL cnlmdIdatt' more availuble or
by limo iidoltion ) of a citipnlgn : , PolicY Oil
lliiaiiclnl ( ltletlomiS wimlcli 1 am not 'llIlmn.
p. . to further , lit thin Iirst ctlsc I shall bo i
lliiil)3P helper. in the ueeomld I iiiail SIllily
, await thu announcement of a PartY dctt'at
' vhtvh WI ii ho prI'lotI'rilllnel. Our southern
I friends , it they persist , will ho lt'tt atomic
. Witil tileir freu colimmigu lleresy. 'fIle timi.
. gor is ( liii t mt not her Soil them itlea ii nil n
charge or imeedlessimes for the Public safety
; on the liniint'IiiI ( ltil'ttlOn vill do service iii
. , thu llfleo of the nhL'niorie:4 of tint nivil 'nr.
'rim u t'st I ( I II lit 0 ft cmi mi Ii 1 j list itl Ii I ) ' i
, . by fz-icmitlly soiltimerimeis : Citii Cinvelaiitl
: t Nev Yolk ? The iimiswor Is reatly ar
, , to ClOVelafld ol iill3P otioi' ) mnan if the d.
mocracy i' at all weak on tIme coinage
quest loll. As omii who loves hIs count ry nmul
bulioveii that lice imitnri'st is hound imp lii
' . ilemnocratic supremitmicy , I mitmi Inost lincoln.
fortitbie 111111 tinhmppy : in the fear that the
: r tiotitii vlli hot st'n until too latt ( ho ilitIlgiti
, ot I heir mnii i'rlng ill I. I C I lioti lii road t tm l
, I liii rd I y t Ii nk 1 li ( lU Id st'liil it , bti L I I
lnileii 'ith miffectioti militl the moat ttilltltil
' liiOlliorieit. Yours iilTectionntely ,
; UitO'Elt OhEVEL.AND ,
.i.Ys llIt.tN 'I'AlIS ' 14)0 MUCh ,
t. IgIilitIll ltlIiICli ) ; ( IiiIliii1 'l'IIi.git
1. ir i ti , t'ieshiit'iit lii I Cii.l.i. ,
MINNEAt'tl1S , July 27.-ignatius ioii.
L null ) ' retuinctl 1101110 today from St. Louis ,
In tim iioxt issue of lila vaper , time Repro.
entutlve , Mr. 1)onuelly will say ; llay (
. t1on it. % e shall support Mr. Ilryan and
. the Pohlidlst stahi ticket Until the eiiil 01
time canilialgo , and we shall tIleli vItlitlra
froni public life braver , Ve are tired o
working for hhnso wilD would destroy us. "
. In sieaking of Mr. liryami's iloinlnatlon , In
- says timere vcro so I1lUhl nion at St. Louii
vim yuro eantlidates for otllco anti who iiopei
for tlonioerntli : endorsement In their respect
. lye disiriets that they swept the convontior
. to liryan. Ito adila that llryzin is talkin
ton nitleit and la standing over a powdei
. / niagaint' _ _ _ _ _
it 1erkIllN for P11-Nt AMi.itull $ i'erri.r )
cIIIo.tGO , July 27.-The Tribune says
"It is practIcally settled that S. A. l'erklns
cbalrinan o the executive committee of tin
American ItCltiblIC'afl College league ant
member of this executive colllmittee of tili
National league , will be gIven thin place 0 :
first assIstant Beeretary under Secretary Os
borue of the national republican caulpalgi
committee , wlthheadquarters at New York
OIiiu'w ( hiiiiiiilgii Olbeilii .tmiguijt 12
. - CILIQAGO , July 25-Cbnrles A. Kurtz. on
, tionsi cozumihteenlan from OhIo , is authorIt
for the statemiicnt that the relulicn an
tional campaign will be oflicially opened a
Columbus , 0. , on August 1. On that dab
. a ratification meeting will be held , nod it L
expected that Major McKInley wIll be ires
out to ruako the fIrst iipecch of the CAUl
l'ojiiillsts ' .Vili lini1orr the Jimu-
'rutii' hlcvtort.
hA:4SAS : CITY , July 27.-RelatIve to fit-
slon of lansas democrats antI populists ,
the TImes prints an interview wit-h cx-
Congressman Wihilam A. 1lnrrI , in which
lIe iii tiunteil as s&yIng "The Kansas plan
Is for tue popullsts In their state convention
at Abilene , Amigut 6 , to endorse the Bryan
and Sewall electors whom the democrats
will name at flutcillnson the preceding ( lay. "
Continuing , ox-Congressman Harris said :
"It is generally untlerstood that there will
ho fusion in Kansas tills year , although
there have been no conferences on the sub.
Joel anti consequently no pians have been
formulated , but fusIon Is In ( ho aIr'e
wIll nomInate our camitlidates for state nih-
cers and telegraph the ilemiiocrntlc repro-
sentatires , They wIll endorse our nomInees
nut ! we wilt emlilorso theIrs. "
} x-Congresstnnn Jerry Simpson of Kan.
sag , who was Present , lurIng the Interview.
Is quoted as saying there was nothing elan
to do but accept mulch a plan. and ox-Con-
nressman Jeff hluilson voIced the same semi-
Totiay , mimitler a Topeka date the Times
prints an 'interview wlti ox-United States
Senator John Martin , who approves of the
plan as far as it goes. lIe , however , would
imavo conference eoiiiiiitte npioIntetl by
the Iltitchlnsomm antI Abilene convcntlomla to
arrange the detalla.
Ex-Governor Lcweliing of Kamlans in a
PUblished intervIew also approves of the
plan of fusion United States Senator \\'il-
11am A. I'effcr , Intervieweil as lie 1)IISSCII
thlrougll tlle city enroute homo from the St.
I.ouis convention , snltl : "Tue mass of the
populist porty vlshies to ace William J.
Bryan time miext president , antI no matter
vhmat differences of oIiiinn iminy arise , mioth-
lag can prevent lilni from carryIng every
southern state. Ito vill also carry every
western state. " lie ahiied , , slowly : "lie
wili carry Kansas by &O,000-5O,000 major-
SIl.Vllt l'Ait'I'Y IS LLI ) thY .1OSiS.
v. i' . st , .loiiii Thii- 'll I Act
Aenrd lug Ii , li.a.iot.rnt Ic IIett t 11)11.
NE\ % ' YORK , ieIy 27.-'iliIamn P. St.
John , treasurer of tue natIonal silver party ,
returned today from the St. Louis conven-
lion. tie said : "Time national sliver part'
ilas accepted an invitation from Ilaltimnoro
merchants to notify Messrs. Bryan and
Sowall in the city of BaltImore. Tiie noti-
fleatlon iihI be made about fourteen days
after the democratic notification in New
York ,
" 'rho place of headquarters will be tie-
termined by Senator J. IC. Jones of Arkansas -
kansas , chairman of time democratic na-
tiommal committee. It looks at uresent as
though ho wouitl select W'asliington for
ticatiquarters. W'hatever he does will be
followed by the sliver party.
In state anti munIcipal affairs the national -
tional silver party will not move. Tills
viiI leave tIme repubilcamla to vote tiielr
own ticket , but the national sliver party
wilt have a congressional candidate in
every district where the democratic iionii-
flee favors time gold standard. "
I'IY1"l'lGltil % ' SNlS A
N. ) I.iiig&'r hheinber ( if hip Steptib-
Itemsis ( , iigressluiiil Colillill t tee.
WAShINGTON , July 27-Senator Pettl.
grow of South Dakota , who followed Senator
Toiler in his bolt front the republican mia-
tlonal conventIon at St. Louis , has resigned
as a member of the republican congressIonal
committee. The vacancy has not yet been
There are a number of avowed advocates
of the gold standard on tue democratic comi-
gressional committee standing practically as
much In opposition to time Chicago platform
anti tIcket as Senator Pettlgrcw did to the
St. Louis piatform , but no resignations have
been reported up to this date from the
democratic committee. It is said that viion
the demnocratlc national commIttee opeims
headquarters a few days hence , one of the
first subjects to ho taken up will be the
attItude of certain muon toward thu nationai
platform anti ticket who , having been natal-
natoti as presidential electors on the dentu-
cratic ticket prior to the Chicago eonventioa ,
have since that time repudiated both the
platform and th ticket amid are publicly
credited with the intention to vote for Mc-
Kinley. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'L'.ALI OF ' 'I'FihIJJti'lNG ihIt1N
Extremmit' 1leminrt'sliseusst'I by ( ov-
( ' 11101' StOut' isimil Ciiulriiinim Juime , , .
JEFFBRSON CITY , Mo. , July 27.-Chair.
man Jones of time democratic national corn-
mittee arrived hero this afternoon antI sent
for Governor Stone. They wore in conference -
ference several hours and it is said they
considered the matter of withdrawing
Bryan's Imamo from the populist ticket.
Major T. 0. Towles of this city , 8ecretary
of time National Bimetallic league anti who
was closely allied with Governor Stone anti
Senator Jones In theIr fight for Bryan ilur-
lag the St. Louis conventIon , met Senator
Jones in Kamisas City this niorimimig anti
accomapanied him to Jefferson City. Coy-
ernor Stone macI them at the depot with lIla
carriage , Major Towles wilt not talk tonight -
night about the interview.'lmen Governor
Stone was seen tonight lie nositively do-
dimmed to be Interviewed about his confuremmee
with the national comnmimltteo further than
to say timat there was nothing for time press
in the Interview. After the conforemmce , Sea-
ator Jones took time evenIng train for St.
Louis. _ _ _ _ _
1tlG Al'l'JiA IS 'l'o M'lcJNI.Fy.
urges Ilium t ii l'IaeeIhIs Nmiite II 1gb on
thl ( ' hull of ifimi or immil Imtiii , ' ,
\VEST NEWTON , Mass. , July 7.-Iion ,
HoratIo King , ex-postmnaster general. whose
official life at W'ashimmgtoim , I ) . C. , covered
time timno from 1837 to 1861 , has sent a
letter to lion. Wiiliamn McKinley , in wlilclm
ito says : "The danger flOW tlmreatt.'ning tIme
stability of the United States is most appalling -
palling , I earnestly entreat you to listen
to tile warning apeai of lion. Wilhiamim
. C. Whitney. ft i your opportunity to
. place your imamne along with that. of LImm-
eohmm , Imigh on the roll of honor amId famimo.
: \'Oil can vehl afford to set asIde ( or time
. titan being all minor political questiomma
. and lead off absolutely 1mm a war against
time free silver craze of popuiists amid an-
arch isis. ' '
: lInji ht'iIiii cy's l'uitiiri' I'laliM.
CLEVELAND , 0. , July 27.Majorlc -
Kimiloy today tlecldcti to remaIn in Clove-
I iammtl until W'edmmesday miext anti will return
. to his imnmmmo in Cantnmm on that day. lie
: spent time morning \Vimmtleinero , tIme homno
of Mr. lianima , quietly cimattimig witim tile
I limenlilcIs of the household and a few callers.
. This uftermmoomm if the weather hermits lie
will review from the stand In front of time
city ball time great centennial bicycle pa-
ratio , wimichi is scheduled for 3 o'clock , Time
weather is very thireatemiing , however , and
is nossibie that time varaile rmiay have
to again b hlostmonci on account of rain ,
. Chalrimiati Ilamimma will depart for New York
this evening anti has armaimgcd to meet nit
the Imarty leaders.
I Soil lid lOilt' iIIoi'rittM Oi'min izing ,
INDIItNAI'OLIS , July 27.-Ex.Congress.
maim flynum , siio is a member of the sub-
comummmltteo of time souimd umoimoy democrats
r that Is arrangIng fat' a natiommai convention
to nomnimmato a aounl money ticket , saul
I today that fifteen states have already 1mB-
I cateti that they vill be rcpresemmted at the
I Inoeting In tiiis city August 7. Timere are a
- tow of time western states that will not bc
I rcprcseimted at the nmeting of August 7 , lie
. says , because tue time is short that time
cannot get their representatives tiiere ,
States art' beginning to organize , Mr. Ilymmuma
. says. Minnesota has already appoimited dole.
. , gates , Texas tins organized anti Kansas lIal
aunt worti that that state will be organized
; iimmniedlately , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I Ut'i'iitii its tutu ltiihitiiiijii itS for Gold ,
3 Charles R , CaFey of l'awmmee City wam
f in Omaha last ovenlng and in response
. to the query as to bow the campaigu wa
I progressing stated lie had not been oul
, over time state enougim yet to terra an Ides
: any moore than that In a genral way tin
: reports vore encouragIng. ConcernIng him
. own immedIate neighborhood tie said : "Th
Oernmana and lioliemniamis iio have formuerll
. voted thu democratic ticket are 'ery uman
t of timeni coumirig out for & 'ounml money ant
i viil vote the republIcan ticket this fall
a lion- extensive this semmtimemit Is over th
. state I only kmmomv in a general way , bul
- down in Pawnee county it is oiug to cul
quite a figure. "
2T' : - - - =
MICIt 1'OI'tll.IST OhttTOitY OS 'VA ) ' .
1,1st of l'runiinntienkCr for flit'
hIrn mm ii tmtl " , Vntsoii 'Tlckt't.
ST. LOUIS , Silly 27-Among the speakers
who will take tue stump for time populIst
ticket will be Senator Butler anti ex.Chair-
01511 Tamibeneck , Eugene V. Deha of Terre
Ilaunto , Ind. liobort Schiihlng of Milwaukee -
kee , Senator Allen of Nebraska , Senator
reffor of Kansas.- Governor towelling of
ICansas , MI'S. Mary Blizabetli Lease of
Kansas , Mrs. Roberta of Georgia. amid many
others , triclutling Coxcy antI Cart lirowne.
Delis is a strong supporter of the Inltla-
tive and referendum. Time current' ) ' will
be tlmo hmivot aroumul which the majority of
the speeches viil revolve , anti upon it
the women who will 1)0 sent otlt Will make
their especial imolmit of attack , Mrs. lioberts
made a speech Iii time commvention secontling
time mmomntnstion of Bryan , and in time five
muinutemi that she was before the commventlomm
comm for imerselt time reputation of being one
of time limost forcible antI logical speakers
that imas over ndtlressetl a PlPlIli3t gatim-
cr1 ng.
"Cyclone" Davis was mliscusslimg the otmt-
COIfl0 of tue convention with a imarty of
friends in the LImmd ll corridors yesterhimy (
aftcrnootm with several of his friends , lie
said : ' 'There , ere a thousand men in that
conventiomm who illfrereti with me , and timero
could imave been but omme result-tue selection
of Bryan. it Wfl5 a case of eIther nmaking
them beltevo they were s'rong mmii myself
anti ny little bammil of 20 were right , or
give tip. We hail to give up , of course , We
'cre tInt all atatesmnnmm , amid their tliousantl
all the oilier aIde were micithmor fools or
traitors. We commciuthetl they vere right , "
F'IC liP i ? MICI1 ltN fllltCitAY.
( mlii ntiil $ l'erl'orccs In f hi' Stittt'
( 'unmmiIIt'e ( . , iiihiig to it Clitii.
IETItOIT , Mich. , July 27.-TIme demo-
cratlc state ccmmtrai conimuittce wilt meet.
here tomorrow afternoon and there are
intilcatkmmms that the immeeting will imave about
it sonic features similar to tlmoso whIch die-
timigimisimed time gatheiings of time Miclmlgan
democrats In Chicago during time national
convention. TIme silver wing hopes to secure
time cimairmuamisimlp of the conmmittee , which is
to be relinquisheti by Elliott C. Steveimsoll ,
but the soimmmtl money awn are commfident of
provemiting timls , Mr. Stevenson says losI )
ttveiy that Ianhei .1. Campau shall not sue-
cecil imini , although lie does mint know i1mo
the ann' cimairnian will be. Mr. Carnpau
was re-elected Miclilgami member of time
national commmnmlttee , after Stevenson hail
been seicted by time first caucus of MicimI-
gamm mnemnbers , It is miot at all certain that
the Michigan mcmi will be able to control
the action of time conmimmlttee tommiorrow , as
its members were chosen by time satmie demo-
ocratic statti convemmtion which selected the
sound money delegation to Chicago , enough
of whom were ummseateil by time sliverltes
to give the white mmmetai muon a mimajority
or time dviegatiomm. Leading silver mcmi say
that it time commmmittee Is mmot controlled
by tue silver mmmen the mmext state conveim.
tion will be asked to appoint a flew commm-
\'A'I'SUS : iirs't' GET OU'F OF' TIlE % 'A 1'
lhotttmu.r Repuhihhenimsof 3lontnmlmi Imutmic
'I'Iit'hilmiimi.lifc. .
BUTTE , Mont. , July 27.-Senator Mantle
and Congressman llartman have arrived
imere. Both say' they vIhi support Bryan
because lie is a binieciihist arid mint because
he 1 a democrat. When the question is
settled they will be republicans In nih
thimmgs once mnoro.
"While I deplore that the popullsts put
up another ticket , " said Mr. Ilartrnan , "yet
I tiliimk In thirty days there vtl ! be but one
bimmietahile ticket in the field. I think
Wntsoim will allow his mmarno to be wltii-
drawn. The ticket , frommi a polmit of good
iOhitiCs , must be Bryan and Sewali. On
the second thought , W'ntson and the macn
who nomnin.'xted him mnuzt concede this. "
Mr. Mantle spoke on the sanme hues and
said : "I regard the iiction of the popullsts
in putting ami independent ticket in time
fIeld as very bad politics , as time party has
been crying for free coinage so many years
louder than others , It is one of theIr
eartlinal principles of faith. I bhieve the
vast nmajority of tile populist party is honest
and sincere in the advocacy of bimetahilsmmm ,
consequently I believe influences will be
brought to bear to get Watson to with-
im.t'E MADE ( ) i.l ) flRStilt''E SOLID.
IhzmiiI'rs Still ihzmiIiig Lmmre lcposits
lit I itt' 5111)1 rt'misiirhes ,
NEW YORK , July 27.-Dank payments
totlay toward the replenisimmnent of the
treasury reserve amounted to $495,000 and
fistic time aggregate $18,115,000 ,
The Brooklyn bamikers arc beginning to
tender goltl to tile United States treasury
through Mr. Tappan in exchange for legal
tender nOtes , The Pcoplo's bank of Broole-
lymi today offered to deposit $10,000 anti time
First National bammk and others in that
city anti time Queens Cotmmmty bamlk of Lomig
Island City also will give up a pronortion-
ate amount of its gold for tile treasimry.
WAShINGTON. July 27.-The bankers are
making good their promIses in the mattem'
of turnhimg gold into the treasury anti today
time reserve was swelled by the addition of
$1,145,000 iii coin , $100,000 coming froni
flostoim , $250,000 from Chicago and $495,000
fm-am Net' , York , There was drawn out
today $129,100 in goid coin amid 5,400 in gold
bars , leaving time reserve at the close of
iusinees standing at $105,073,919.
S't'uid Suit , ' ( 'OIi'LIm t for 11ii ii , ' .
BATH , Me. , July 27-Mr. Artllur Sewall ,
in an interview on the prospects of another
state democratic convention , says there will
be anotimer convention , amid it will pass reso-
lutIomms endorsing thin Cimicago platfom'mn.
Chiairmmman hluglmes of time state conmnmittee
anti Mr. Sewahl 'ere in conference totlay.
As to another gubernatorial canditlate to
take Mr. Winslow's vlace Mr. Sewail had
notiming to say ,
Goriisnn Slays vitii ills J'zirt- ,
MIIMPI1IS , Temmn. , July 27.-Senator Isimam
C. Harris arrlvc'tl in Memmmpimis today. In amm
interview time senator saitl that just prior to
tile leaving 'mVashilngton Senator Gormnami of
Marylammd had assured him thmat lie would
accept a place on time national executIve commm.
mitten. Senator harris says lie believes the
silver sentiment will spread rapidly In Maryland -
land amid Ponmmsyivania.
h'r.''n I liii rm'I still In Se'v 'uric Cii y ,
NE\\ ' YORK , July 27.-llx-Presitlent and
Mrs. harrison aI'l'ivell in timia city from
Ohil Forge tonIgimt , lie conies to attend the
session of time generai coimmmittee of the
generai assembly of limo Presbyterian churclm
wiilchi begIns tomorrow. lie dcclineti to dls-
cuss polities , _ _ _ _ _ _
Sliutiit ( iii hiryimn mit % ii t.'rloo ,
WATERLOO , Neb , , July 27.-Speciai ( Tel-
egram.-A ) Bryan amid Scwaii ratificatIon
meeting was imelti Imoro this evening , Atl-
dresses voro immailo by 1. J. Iunn anti C.
Il. Scott. There vero about 400 present ,
but tIn , crowd was miot a very cimthiusiastic
Cii rri' * t unhurt it ( itT I'layer.
PLJATTSIIURG , N. Y. , July 27-lion , Oar-
rett A. Hobart Ilas joiimoti the Hotel Cbamn-
Iihattl Golf club , anti is ami active player of
the ,
game _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'I'i'ti i'i'r'uiiiw Shot ,
VERMILLION , S. D. , July 27-Special (
Toiegranm-Mrs ) , Wiiilammi Trusty , wife of a
prominent jeweler of this city , was acci.
dentally shot in tue rIght ankle in Riverside
townaimip yesterday. Site and hmer husband
were sjmendlmmg the day vlthm friends anti took
; thin gumi along , White her husband was tale-
ing the wealon from2m the buggy it was 4is-
charged , The injured member was amimpu-
tateti this afternoon.
Alex Mtmmmaon was allot in the iland yester-
I day willie foohimig with a revolver ,
'Fin lflOoikM ills C'c Omit.
YOUNGSTOWN , 0. , July 27.-While
watchImmg a game of bali yesterday Oscar
i Gilcbrlat was struck 1mm the eye by a foul
ily with sueii force that the eye was knocked
i into a pulp anti tell out of his Ilead. It
' rolled down over his cheek and fell to the
, .
ground. _ _ _ _ _ _
Gaintlu or's 1'oirfoiit I'osteil ,
LONDON , July 2S.-Gaudaur , time oars
man , has depoSIted 50 in London for a
match nmm time Thumemo with Stanbury , who
recently defeated hardIng , in September.
- - - - -
Categorict1tiRoiUcs to rout Questions of
Pitssing Import.
.tscrt lIiIt 'tliie Iife ( if ills l'mirt
1)epciVliI'Vim illS StIciLiiII4
tile t fl. 'I'ii'Iet i t ii
iir miii.
Nii\S' YORK , July 27.-The Worhtl this
nmorniimg ptmblishi the following signed dis-
patclm fromn Thompson , Ga. , algmmetl Timomimas
ri. Watsomm.
'To tiio questions asked moo I rePly as
( oh lows :
"l. I will nut the race to tile cmiii.
' 2. 1 wIll mnltkt , time lIght cr011 if Mr.
Stmivmill doc hot wlthilrmiV-
" 3 , My iflIomm of the Flfty-seconti coil-
gress , 'vhlcli wmimi imrralgmietl Iii my book ,
hits ii imihergonim no cliii ago.
" 4 , 1 nni not a imhitical trntler , mmmiii viil
not resIgn tim 8esnll' favor evemi If oilcreil
it ettidimet POSitiOml.
"Slaving ammawered yoimr qtu..tlons , Please
allow Inc to state briefly toy reasons for
thin replies to questions 3 antI 4. 1 nhioweti
time use of my imamne to save ray party from
extlmmctioii. In my opinion thin contlnuetl cx-
istetico of the leople's party Is Intlispemma-
able to the success of free silver , 1or lao
to withtlraw woithth ho for mime to sign the
death warrant of amy party. Ours is the
party of free silver niiil Wa mmmaiimtaineml timat
policy SVllile tIme democratic party' in 1S92
and 1894 was mmmaklng war upon it. We do
not think our iartY shmouitl now close tip
anti quIt busitmeas sIinphi' because the ibm-
ot'rats hmmmvo partially thiiiilicfltetl our slgmm
board , It thin demmmocrats are so tmnrcasoimabic
as to , refuse Its imopuhists of tIme otithm amiy
rt'cogimitinn at , all , that fact votild show that
tue apparent atioption of our lrimmelplcs ) is
to kill amid imot to enmict these principles
Into law.
"If the demmmncrats are sincere , they svlii
not try to put upon mme such tel'ma that every
flmmii in our hlarty in time south will feel in-
suited ailil hmunmihiatcil , It Mr. ilryali diii
not want our atmpoprt Senator Jommes had no
bimsinesmo at St. LouIs at all. It Mr. Bryan
ibocs want our support , hte .otmgiit to be will.
trig to alopt tile policy which vihI most cci'-
tmmimmly assure imimmi that support , amid that
policy is to accept as a running monte a
sotmthern hiophilist mmmcd lii' time tmnanImmioum
i'oice ot time populist national conventiomi.
Our imarty has gen to time extreimlo limit of
gemierosity in time effort to itrocure a union
of the silver forces. We did not ciaiimi
first place on the national tIcket. We are
content with time atcontl. "
' ' ' ' ' ' liltYt.
'I' ( ) huSh Sl'l'OIt'I'lihtS ( ) l
Soiiic Iteiimims % 'ii % . ( le'i fs Slinuhti Not
, , , , ii Imii.
SOUTH OMAhA , July 27.-Ta the Editor
of Tile lice : I desire to avail myself of your
taper to address a few wants to a portiomi
of the Celtic race , wimich is supportiimg W ,
J. Brynim for president , In preferemlce to
Major W'ihliam McKinley , who is the author
at a bill whlbhi4iall done more to hurt Joimhmmy
null than aft thmeagitation our race has car-
ned on for tmc last 100 years , Includimig time
conveiitlon that fs to take lilace 1mm Dublin
next Soptcm1b r , Now , fellow countrymen ,
it is incummibtnt on tat to so educate ourselves
as to be able to 'Cast our votes intelligently
and not allov ourselves to be deceived amid
lured into anibuSli amid betrayetl. If we
fail to do thla we' are at thu mercy of every
ghlb-toimgtmed tenm'agogue who appeals to our
passiomm or prejtii1iees during the hurry of
a heated camnpain. Men of amy race who
sincerely bye. Amperica anti Its immstitutioiis
ammd who intelligently Imate England , will
vote for that , soimhier and stateemnan who
can trace lila lineal descent fromn King
Heremnon , son , of Mileslus , mnoimarcii of Ireland -
land , who ruled Irelamiti long before time
coming of St. Patrick. 'Ihis is abumidantby
provemi by Prof. John J , ltobnoy , an erninemit
authority 'on 'Irishgcncalogy.
\\'oll,41 may bosaitl what has time ancestry -
try of a cammdidtitc t do with a mnamm that is
to he elected president of the United States.
Torn Moore said :
"Mmiii for his ilory to his minceatry flies
But a vomaml S bi'lglit. story was toid 1mm
her eyes. "
Now , I am going to take up time cantlidaten
on all the other tickets , tiemo-pop-silver , amid
silver-pop-demo. It is like his name , W. J.
Bryan amid \V. J. O'flryan , O'BrIemm. anti you
will bctolU Billie Bryan is an Irishman , but
he took off the letter 0 that wa one time
befom'e his ziame as large as a wash-tub.
\Vchl , be did rigimt to keep it off as editor of
the organ of the Orangemnen Imi time Belfast
of America , amid it is a. plain proof that
iho chickens are coining home to roost by
time support lie Is getting in convemmtions that
nontlmmated hiimn-tiie Chicago demnocm'atic comm-
vemmtion turned down Itichmard I' . Blamid for
the atrocious crimno of belmmg the husbamid of
a Catholic wife , anti the father of a Catholic
Allen \V. Tburmiin caused iiimmiself to bi
interviewed , and , he saId "politics are poll-
tics , amid wo mnust face facts. Time cry
against Bland on a religious Issue would
hurt us wontldrfmiliy. Time democrats cami-
not , on thin condltiomma existing , afford to
have time cry raised against thmomn that they
are goimig to erect a Catholic altar in the
white house. " Mr. Thiurmnan said he talked
on the subject with thin Ohio delegatIon , amid
they mihmared lila sentiments. It iii imo womm-
tier that Bryan's stipportars here would brag
flint they will try to carry Ohio. I need say
aotimlmmg about time silver convention , any
nioro thamm that leading battle-scarred
patriots , Judge Cunnimighamu it. Scott , after
delivering his harmngiie , called for three
cheers for Camulitlate Bryan.
As regards tIle populist convention at St.
LouIs , they could imot afford to make lgmmmm-
tius Domumeily chitmIrmaim. Ills name was
an Indicatiomi of imis race. anti it would ilurt
the tender feelings of tIme patriots.
When you iioiimt out timese convemitiomms to
Mr. Bryan's supporters , as I had an occasiumi
to tb last Frltlay night to George Parks amid
Miles Welsh , they wilt tell you theme was
a liberal plammlc put In the democratic pInt-
form , anti tile less said about the Catholic
batters time better This is the way all
Bryan's supporiers talk as long as tills ole-
mmmont supports their cmumchldate , Alt you
cami get out of timeni Is that they wIlt talht
free sliver ; that Is timoir hobby.
In conclusIon , I ask for a reply from Parks
and Vm'elsh througil Thin 13o , or time Still of
Soutii Onmalma , showing their reason why tile
Irish m'aco , as a whole , should vote for Mr.
Bryan and stippQm't his paper that never lmad
a himme in our favor in the thou of need , Evcmm
When Alias Stmmcio Crowley was deprived of
her position as 4 mi'cbool teacher aim accoimnt
of her rellgiomm , Bryan and hmls Iaper kept
atlll. But I'hImm laPPy to state her tiiscimnrgc
proved a benpfl , Yflr she is getting twice the
salary that mip 1S getting UI Oniahia , lii
the language tt'tenry Estabroolt , Ommialma's
lass was cimicggo kaimm , nail time samne can be
said of Ml , EBtLthlooiC hiinmsolt ,
Elt1IilIA II liO\'ARI ) ,
"J , ! ' _
' hinder Arrest ,
BOSTON , JitYf.-Tlie I'lamlt him steamer
Ollyotte arrto troni halifax today with
First Mate lmq ) , and time crew of the
Macrican bmmrkcJilnC Herbert Fuhier Oil
board. Tiio miwmithrho are tinder arrest pond.
ing a furtiiorl'iliYutigation Into time immurdor
of Captain Nsoiiiirs , Nash amiti time second
mate , were taUfl fin charge by time police.
The prisomlers ailem to be in good spirits ,
Lester Ii. : tloiiitht , the passemigor on board
time Fuller amid I tile chief witness 1mm tIle
case caine asiaijf s8eager on time Fuller , but
accoimmpanled Lh'bilicer to the police statiotm.
After being tht1dned a short time at tIme
station , tue lritoaers wore taken before
United States Commissioner Fisk. Brain nail
Brown were both formally charged with
murder mmd both pheadeti not guilty , the
hearing was thmem aihjourned until 10 o'clock
tomorrow afternoQmi , the accusetl men being
ordered held without ball , Tile otlmor mnomn-
bars of the Fuller's crew anti Monks , the
passenger , were ordered held as witnesses ,
Mr. Iiiommls was released on ills O"S'O
recognizance after the hearing.
Eittl ( it mm l'ohltit'iml Vi'iii.
ORLANDO , Fla. . July 27.-Captain W ,
Bailey Tucker , general manager of the
Travers , Atlantic & Gulf railway , was shot
last mmlght by Alfred St. Chili' Abrams , pros.
ecutiog attorney of Lake county , Thu shoot-
lug occurred at Tucker'mi bomne. The phyai
clans say Tucker may iecover. Abramas wao
lately the anti-railroad candidate for the
legislature In Lake county. lie was tie.
featoti and charged that Tucker bad brought
it about by unfair means ,
- - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
% 'OULi ) VI11IA.TII A GLIT OP Shl'Illt.
opinion ut no Iliigtluh htn.ikt'r on flit ,
I'ihI I l'nt Shunt ,
LONDON , July 27-The 1)aliy News has
aim lntervIw with Mr. Joseph herbert
Tritton4 a banker of time fm-rn of Barclay ,
lievan , Trltton , Ransom , l3otiverie & Co. ,
In whIch lie is quoted as saying : "The bios-
slbtllty of Mr. llryan creates great immse.
ourlty. 'rho passage of a free silver bill
would camiso a rise Ill Prices anti would glut
niorien with sliver fromn foreign countrIes ,
caimsing a complete dislocation of the eim-
tire basis of exchange between vast anti
west , It wouhtl also cause the hiosriling
nail ilisappearamico of gnltl frommi circulation ,
( ioltl wotiltl go to a vremnitmln. There would
ho a disappearance of foreign cash , cammalmig
a severn Paulo antI general commrmerciah panic.
"Time first' cure for Ammiericaim imnancial tlls-
tress mount be' the collection of theIr hmaiior
isatmemi botim bank notes 51111 treasury Issues.
If Mr. Bryan 'lns , lmmternatiommni imlnmetal-
lIsts will see aim opportuimlty. llut It Is
very doubtful if they will ho able to eize
it. Tue history of thie Latin union has coii-
chlmsls'cly simowim that ammy interimatiommal hi-
metallic union imitist collapse through Its
owmm veighmt , ' '
In nilthltlomi to time interview with Mr.
Joseph Ilerbert Tm'Itton thmere vere other
interviews on time curremicy question in thin
Utiltetl States printed in the annie news-
iaper. but the names of time icrsons quoted
were imot giveim. TIme DaIly News , comnmmmient-
lug UliOli these Interviews , nays that Amigho-
Aimmorican llnammciers thmink that time silver-
ites are developing nimexpected strength ,
adding : ' 'lInt they ( thmo Anglo-American
financiers ) tb not believe they will succeed ,
as , If the people Inmngiimetl free coInage was
really coining , there would he a panic amid
the chief sufferers wolihil be Ammicricamms. "
They also point out tlmat time supreimmo court
stntmds lmetvcmi investors anti UncomistItu'
tiommal laws.
1'lNiiZLJliI..tN S'L'A'l'ilM RN'l' iNitOU'I'E.
II lIe l'r's'iit'sl (0) I'itrlliumi.'ii t us itS It ArrIt'es ,
LONDON , July 27.-In tIme house of Coal-
muons today time parliamentary secretary for
time fereigmm cube , Mr. George N. Curzomm ,
said that tim Venezuelan statemeimt had
not yet reacimed the governnmemmt , but was
on its way hero from Waslmlmmgtemm , and
wouid be laid Upon tue table upomm its ar-
Mr. Curzon was asked wimetlmer time gay-
ornnmemmt was aware that another kiimg lmmitb
been elected in Sanmoa In oppositiotm to Kiiig
Mahieton , and at Gcrnman Instigation. Mr.
Curzon rephieti in the mmegativo.
Later Mr , Curzon was questionetl as to
wiietiier the government hail beemi imiforined
that lIen' llrandos , whose endeavors to au-
heir Samoa to Gernmammy some years ago
wt'ro only defeateti by time action of the
United States , was returmmimmg to Samoa in the
capacity of chief justice. Mr. Cnrzon replied -
plied that time governmemmt was not i'are
that such was the case.
Mr. Joseph Chamberlain , replying to Mr.
Joist1 Morley , wile asketi himim waetimor time
govermmnmemut woulti lay on time table infornma-
tlon relative to time hauls and population
of the settiemnent witiiin thmo territory In
disiute betweemm Great Bm'ltaln anti Venezuela -
zuela , said that tile definitIon of settle-
memmts would hmaye to be decitleil first by
negotIations ammtl then by imivestigatlonmi on
the spot , anti time government could not
give the desired information.
Sluhiiyiir.Is % 'lted Out lip' Fire ,
BELFAST , July 27.-The Darhantl & Wolff
and Workmamm & Clark shipbuilding shops
amid their contents have been almost wiped
out by lire. TIme conflagratiomi started In the
establishment of liariand & Wolff and
spread to that of the Worlemmian & Clark
It Is estimated that tile total loss imy fIre
at tIme shipyards will amount to $1,500,000.
The property destroyetl was partially 1mm-
S'erI hf ( .ui t lie Drui umimuioumi Czif he.
LONDON , July 27.-The Board of Trade
has decided that the loss of the steamship
1)rtmmmond Castle off lJshiant on Julie 16 ,
resultutmg in time olrowmmlng of about 250 per-
colic , only omme passenger anti two seanmen
being saved , was due to time fact that she
was not mmuvlgatcd with proper seamanlike
care , in view of the prevailing conditions.
Imisimi ted mm Spun isim ) ) oii ,
MADRID , July 27.-A nmamm , believed to be
insane , forced his way lmmto time eresence
of I'remnler Senor Del Castlile anti insulted
and threatened him. lie was promptly arrested -
rested ,
iu4m'uIuLlc.tN LEAUU1' OlLGtNlzhin.
[ euiilit'rs of tiic1'iirt- Mitchell
Are' 'ery Active.
MITCHELL , S. B , , July 27.-Special- ( )
A republican league was organized lucre
Saturday eveniimg , 'ihiicim started out with
but very little canvassing with a macnm-
bei'siiip of 150. W. H. McKeol , a promnl-
nemit ftmrmmmer , was elected president ; T. J ,
Spangler , vice president ; C. E. Newbury ,
secretary , aild JeromneViitse , treasurer.
The league intends to hold two meetings
a week to commncmice witim and more if
found necessary. The organization of this
league has been quite a surprIse , because
it baa been thu means of bringing Imito
time party a great nmammy free silver re-
pubhicana , wimo , until how , have not been
in sympathmy with the money mdank , and
as unany of theimi stated , vimen It comes
to i'epublicanlsiii against popocracy , they
are for time grand old party every time.
1fltnur Illatti'ra Ill Court ,
Judge Bakem' yesterday morning made an
order grantlmig twenty days further time in
the case against Hemury liolIn for the filing
of time viii of exceptiomma in tile supreme
Br. J. C. Whinnery Iia applled to time
courts to dissolve time lmartnershmit , existimig
betwcemm imlnmsei ( anti Burtis E. Luwtomi iii
time dental business , Dr. Whinuie-ry iii-
legec fraud on tile hart of imis partmuer eumtl
charges timat lie has collected mumommey hemumig-
lug to time 11mm amid iias m'efusetl to account
for tIme saimme.
liui'iut.i Uiiilo'r a Siuiug ilunt ,
WhEELING . Va. . July 27-Frank
CunnIngham , Mrs. Sylvester Lomig and Miss
DaIsy Long vero ilrowmmed yesterday wlmihe
tryimmg to cross the Ohio in a scull , 'Die
cum'rent was so strong that it carried them
tmntler a cuing boat
FOlt'I' CIUiC'O'I'liS _
l'm'Ivmmte Corral , commiparmy 11 , imas hmcen ap-
vointetl field nmuslciaim , vice Riptka , deserted -
sorted , of camno comnpany ,
Corporal Ban , coinmammy E , after five years'
good aumib faithful service , i'as thiachargeti
Sunday , Thu commiimany loses a good mmmamm
1mm imlmu ,
Musician Charles flhmemmbottommm , compammy
TI , was discharged Summtiay , time 26th , by
nurchiase. The rogimnemit ioscs a good
trumpeter ,
liattailomi anti regimimental drills vcro resumed -
sumod July 27 , 1896. Of tIme latter , it Is
time fIrst opporttmmmity to drill tile m-e'gimmment
as a wimole in years.
An aliditiomlal battalion amid two ailtlitionmml
immajors , as contemmmimlated In tue imow biil
for ecorganizatioml of time army , will Place
the rt'giniexmt emi a footimmg earnestly wisimetl
for by mmmilitary inca ,
Sergeamit 13. F. Smmyder , company hi , after
five years with Uncle Sam , was diseiiarged
at the expiration of his termil of service.
lIe was very Popular aimmomig lila comrades ,
both as a mmomieonmmniscioiied oihlcer amid as all
excellent soldier ,
Time base bali game Sunday was quite cx-
citlmmg. There was a very good cros'mi froom
the city to m'atch the Soldiers and hayden -
den Bromi' , teamui play , 'l'hme score was 12
to 7 1mm favor of Hayden Bros. ' teammi ,
'rime trumpeters of the reginmemmt , under
time able imimitructiomi of Musician Charles
Ilartii , company P' , are iiaclrmg themselves
in the front rank , amid thmerei can ho no
doubt but we vihi soon have cause to ho
proud of them , if they continua advancing
as they have.
Sergeant L. M , Maxim , ono of time primm-
cipal umusiciamis of time band , an acconi-
pushed baritone horn player , was , after
five years' good anti faithful service. ilia-
charged. anti will proceed east with his
wimfo. wimero ho expects to take charge of
a immusical orgammlzation of some repute.
The sergeant is not only aim acconmplished
baritone player , but baa great iommnazmd over
both cornet and trombomme. ho Is also a
brilliant jwrformer on the violin , as well
as a thorough musicIan , composer and nmaa-
acer ,
hNOflfl.t'l'hil ) A ' 'OMINth LAV''llt ,
huiteresthmmg Ouitgrovthi of it Cht'ycuuimc
liiirIer Cast' .
ClRY1NNR , Wyo. , Jtmiy 27.-Special- ( )
At the close of thmo celebrated Crocker trial
in the district court of Laramie county a
motion was mmatle by the prosecuting cotium-
eel askIng that Hugo lommzalmnruiimi , one of
the attorneys for time tlefcime , be diebarreil ,
In support of his motion there was flhetl aim
aflltiavit mastic by one ihirry A. Steveme ,
cImo sm'ore timat lonsehmmmaumim imati rmttemnptetl
to Imavo hmtmii testIfy falsely in Cracker's lie'
halt , agreeing to pay hmimmi $2,000 for his tcsti-
1110111 , of wimich aummotmmmt he hind received $ i iii.
Judge Scott referred time mustIer for imm'estl'
gallon to Messrs. J. C. Baird , hi , W. Mann
and T. I" . lImit-Ito of th Laranmie county bar.
This comunmittee yestertlay lrcscumted tiuo following -
lowing report to thme eommrt :
"Time comnnmlttee is of time oplniomm timnt the
afibilavit of harry A. Stevens , which shows
lilian Its face tlmat tile saul Stevemma immis been
convicted of sonmo fehommy , Is hot In itself
worthy of cretlit , and that saul imitlilavit be-
log unamipporteti anti not corroborated In ammy
way Is unworthy of credit anti should not ho
takcmi as the basis of flll IlFoccoding looking
to , time disbarment of ( lie party accused ,
The commmmnitteo is of tlme opinion that time
titter failtmre on time part of the attorney monk-
lug tIme charge to imlmpear before the coin-
mmmittee amid Imreseimt evidemmce 1mm support of
tIme necuRatinml commtaint'il in time nfll.iavlt of
Stevens imidicatea Ilut the party or Parties
who instituted this proeeethiiig are utterly
tunable to Lrcsent ammy t'vlilemmce in mitupport of
tIme charge made against hugo 1)omtzehmnammmi
otimer timan tlme aiflilavit of Stevemme. That
imotwlthmstnntilng tIme fact that mio evidence
of weighmt or value was olleretl ngaiimet iilmmm
tIme accused vohiummtarily apperireti before the
comnmmmittee aiitl liresonteti testimony in hula
owmm behalf , consisting of lila own testiummony ,
the testlmnommy aimil aflidavits of Joimmi W' ,
Lacey ammtl Samuel T. Cormm , lila colleagues in
time case , anti a mmtunmber of afililavita mmmade by
otiier parties in hits hielmmtlf , indicating that
there \'as no attemimpt en the part of time
accused to comummimit tIme offense at subormmatiomi
of Ieriury.
'The ' eommnittee therefore recommmmcmmds
that no proceetlimmgs be iumstlttmtetl for the
lnmrloce of tiii diebarmmmcnt of tIme aiti iltmgo
Donzeimmmanmt or tIme revocatiomi of his licemmee
to Practice law. "
SAiUEl. SliI'I'ii'S : SiClIL11TON. ;
Fuiiiiil Iii t lie ofVyomniim
N-iir Silge Cret'Ic.
GREEN RIVER , Wyn. , July 27.-Spcchah. ( )
-Tile remumnins of Sammiuei SmIth of liemiry's
Fork , who disappeareti in Jtmly 1SSS , have
jtmst beemi found about thirty miles fronm
Fort Ilm'idger , smear a bearer daimi on Sage
creek , Time renmaimma were idommtimicd by tue
saddle ammti revolver wimicim were foimmut mmear
the skeletnmm. Timere hail always been seiime
mu ) story commumecteti with Smnltli'mi disappear-
mince. lie was , at. time tlnme of his disappearance -
ance , in charge of tIme store of Ijriscoll
Bros. at Burmmt Fork postolllce. Time store
burmmod tIme mmlght of July 10 , 1888 , amid Smnitim ,
who was sloeimiimg iii time store , narrowly
escaped with his life. Five days later lie
wemmt to Green Itiver to consult aim attorney
as to what hme should do with time stock
whmicim remnaimmeti mnmtl started for hmonme on
July 15. lIe never reached there , amid as
aim extemmeled search for iiinm was without
results. it was chiargeib that lie hail skipped
out nail taken a Irnrtioml of thmo firm's tmnds.
TIme discovery of lila hotly establishes Smith's
innocence of thus charge , hut does 1101 clear
tip time nmystery of how lmo ( 'amlic to ills
death , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
hinterprise of i'hrm"kmi. Icim.
BUFFALO , Wyo. , July 27-Special.---A ( )
party of Lincoln , Neb. , mcmi , who imave been
immapectimig the gohmi bearing property of the
Burlington Mining conmimany near timis Place ,
hmavo 1mm consideration of an interest 1mm time
maine commtrnctctl to put up a cixty-tomi mitanmp
mimill oim time property within ninety clays.
The mmiiii is to be of the latest design and
time cyammide procec will ho used in testimmg
time ores. The contract requires thin invest.
ors to nmine 1S00 tons of ore for time first
mmmlii run. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
V'oiimiuig I'iu itrs ( uimsohlhmtte.
LANDER , Wya. , July 27.-Speciah.-TIme ( )
Fronmoumt County Gazette anI Winti River
Moumitaineer , both published In this place ,
have bccim commsohimlated timid will lie published
imi time futuer as time 'ind RIver Moumitaimmeer ,
by I. C.'yimmm. . TIme politics of time parer
wihi be democratic.
I.iiriiniie ltohliimi.r iiIhI Ituumiiiium.
LARAMIII , Wyo. , July 27.-SpecImmi.-For ( )
the first time in immany months time rolhimmg
miii at thus tihaco is now rtmmmimiimg full blast
amid aoimme of the amen are vorklmmg overtime.
About 150 niemi are emmmmloyemi ammd a large
quantity of fish plate iron joints for rails
are beimmg turned out.
Jul11. 1)OOliN ilOiJS 11' A S'VtCh.
Itegis tered llmiih mimmol I'miiseiiptt'l's' Vii I-
unities 'Iii heit by th . ' Ilmiiidi Is ,
WICHITA , i'an , , July 27.-hi a lonely
gulch several miles west of time village of
Lacey , in time mmorthmermm part of Olelaliommma
territory time regular immail mmtage was held up
thIs afternoon by a band of outlaws wham
ruled time express ammml mall sacks , taking all
the registered letters azmd all the valuables
carried by thin two passengers In the coach ,
There is little doubt that the rolibery vLis
the work of time reorgammizeti gamig of "Bill"
1)0011mm , time condemnned murderer anti ouml-
haw , who escaled ( roam tIme jail at Outline
several weeks ago wHim a dozen ileeperao (
cutthmroats amid robbers. A big force of
Umuiteti States marshals has beemi 1mm liurstuit
o ( the outlaws ever since their escape.
p'l ruler mm ii,1 Child I ) Pr ' 1't'thier ,
MARYSYILLE , Kim , , July 27.-lolmn Sd-
idiot ammil kilk'il timi'
vage , it yotmiig fmurrmmer ,
13-year-ohil daughter of Daviti Il nffnmtiim. mu
marmmmer , mmmiii tiicml kIlled hinmc'lf near the
little towim or Aftoum , ten mniit's ommiluwem't of
hmere oh Sn t ii rilImy mm igli t 111:11 : . 'I'll e gui's
har'mmts had fonhililticim imer to Reeli c'omumuimy :
with Si'lvngo. 'rime mnumrilerer left mu letter
iii whmit'lm lie ttmitctl thmmut lie could mint live
'itim ou t tIm ii ciiiltl Ii mmii I ii I I I. Ii em' iit mt'mitui
were turnuimg mugmmiimi4t bun after emmcotmrmtglmig
hiS litteiltiOmis at iirst.C .
Volt hiLIS'I' OI' 'i'OhiY'S V hi.t'l'I i lill.
i'rumiiisc r Gri'i teehieli t to. r N'Ji mlNIiit
'i'hicse hist .1 iii Iii N.
\'ASIiINGTON. July 27.-Tue ( orectist fou'
Nebrmickui--FUir wmirmmmer ;
Ttmeday is : For
variable wltuilc , becoming southem'iy.
For Aiisstoiri-Fmilr slightly cooler 1mm
somitimerit nortioum ; vnrimihmlt , sintl9 ,
F'o r iCmi OnuS-I'll1 r ; vii mum lit 0 % l'intis.
F'or Coloralo-OCmmeriillY faIr ; southerly
For \Vyonilng umiti Mommtamuii-FIiir vest.
erly wiimiis.
1"om' Somithi laleota-Fiiir wnrnmt'r ; suu lii-
only wiiiii.
Fe r Olt I mu ii a ama a nub Smith in ii 'I'cm'ii t orl'cmiV
t'rmuhly fmiIm' cooler 'l'iiestimiy miflernonim or
umigiut ; 5outhurly wlmmils , imecomimmg variable.
Iueii I Itt'orii ,
OFFICE OF' 'i'llli W1IATIIER liiiitliAU ,
OMAIIA , July 27.-Omllhmi record of loin-
Imermmtimnlm mimuil raimutiili , tamrnpam'eti uvitii mime
corm'csiondlmifl ) tlmuy of time bust four years
IS16. 1S9. 1891. 1193.
ziriixummmum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1i 91 ar 19
ii liii mmmli in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gil as 76 i
Avermigo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ' ' to 72
i'm'cclpitmitinml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O T .00 .12
Commtiition of temnhmernUre and preeii.ltmi-
tion at Onialmis for time day and chIco March
1 , 1896 :
Normal tempermitUrt' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Ieihtiency ! ( or tile tiny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Acciuiiiillmittii eXtCS8 inro ! ulmumcii . . . . . .
Normnl prt.cipitmition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 iimeim
lellu'iemiCy ( or time tiny . . . . . . . . . (3 ( inch
'l'otiml imnet.iIItmLlOmm since ihuurch . 1.19.15 lmmciieui
March 1 .21 immcfmi's
Excess Imieo ' ' '
lt'IICiC'OCY Ion cot' . per i'tI limciies
lcliieiiCY for con. henioml : 1891. : : :9.93 Imiehiec
ltcports Si'tiJii Siitiomi mit H 1' .
- - . 1
. , - - _ s
p ; i
OF' W'EATIiiBt. .
.2.i :1
. : - ' - '
' .it
( imumaima. tart cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jr-j3
Nurtim I'iattt' . ciear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ; sI so .o
Sail Lake City , marl cloudy . . , ,
i'lieyeimne. l'HrL cloudy Toi ' 74 .01
itapiti Cii ) ' . iart cioUdy : : : . ; : : : : : 55 .00
Huron. ciemir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701 80 .01
( nilcago. clear 521 86 .01
St. Loul , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02 . 55 .00
St. Paul , char . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 50 .00
Iai'enltort , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 ! 86 JO
gns City , part cloudy . . . , . . , . . 861 92 .00
Helena , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rsI o .00
Ilavre , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mi 54 .00
Iilsnusrck , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sot 54 .0' )
Wihiistoa. clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gi s .00
( Iaiveatoui , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 _ _ .00
Flmidiaii trace
14. A. Y1tLS1t , Observe ; ,
Const1orab1o aroalt is Given to tito Stath
Board of Arbitration ,
lmplo'es ( itt ia'er' heuiuunil limsiseil
Uhiolim muumsi Au of 'l'i'ni S'lIl lie. .
hint to Vork 'l'huis
2lormmImie ( ,
CLliVihANn , July 27.-Time lomig-tirawn-
omit strike of time eniploycs of time lirowim
I totaling anti Commveyimmg works , which was
inauguratel mmiime weeks nr ° antI has rcsulteti
In a series of Imlootby riots , Is at aim cmiii , a
satIsfactory setiemmieumt ( between ( him eomnpitny
anti Its old enmployes hiaviumg iieetm remucheil
today , Time ( ernie of uettlemneimt have not
beeui mulatto lmmlblle. butt It in kmiowlm tlimmt time
conihmammy concethes all time mimain PohtIts colt-
tested for , It agrees to reeeio grievance
commmmnttees ( fromn eniphoycs , grant a halt
holiday on Saturday anti timime anti a immtit
for nil overtiiml ' . All of time eimmpioyes are
to lie reimmainteil , regardless of any vart they
tacit 1mm the strike. Thin mcmi will retunml to
work tommmnrrow mornlmmg ,
Thin ammmiotineemmmemmt of tIme termmminmmtion of
the strmigghn caumseti wild scomues of emutimu-
liltusUl at time himill of time locked omit tumen.
( lrammil Master O'Comuimcll saul that it imad
been time linnijest fought auiot time cleanest all-
mmrotmmmil victory for labor tlmat hail tnkemm
place In mammy years.
Much credit is due to time State lboartl ef
Arbitration , Mr. h. A. Russell , imttonumey for
time strikers , anti Mr. Janies O'Coimimell , gramid
Immiuster of the Immtci'natiomuai Assoolatiomu of
Machinists , hmo labored timutlniimgiy to bring
the great strike to a close ,
Cimriuemmtt'rs 'uVill leimnmtot I.il1it ilomirpi ,
l'iIILADIILl'IllA , July 27.-At a mumcet-
ing of NatIonal llumlomm of Carpemiters anti
Joiners tonIght , it was resolved to demnamiti
Oh May I next , an eight-hour tiny at mm scale
of 35 cemits au iloumr. The movemmient is saith
to be gi'mieral , , 'tduiresses were immaihe by Vil-
I iaimm J. Slmleltls of hiostomm S. J. hcemm t of
Limmcohmm , Nob. ; A. A. Catfi'rnmumhi of Chmiemugo ;
Jo0 Wihiiammmc of Utica , N. Y , , anti 1' . J.
\tcGmiIre of l'liiimmtlehphmia ,
'l'imiiors' Siriki' I , , .Sirt'na1iii ,
NEW I'OItC , July 27-TIme latest no-
quisitlon to time ramilma of time striking coat-
nmakem's nrc 5,000 overcoat amid sack coat
mnmileers , who qmmit work today , Tills force
wilt be augmnemmted \Vetiumesdny by nmm
assenmbly of 6,000 jacket mmmmmkei'c , amid will ,
iii alt lmrobabitity , be followed by 4,000 knee
pants makcrii.
Lost Ufe Force Restored and
Shallor d Ferv2-Powor
Quick'yHepared1 '
'I'hm , , ' 1'ohiitco-V1ee Iiuioleriuiimmes Vigor
nimul VI tim lity. No'rm'ous pm'ostm'n-
flout , Gemiermil Ieiility Iemtml
'i'oiimecO Noise i'd 'numimig ,
Tobacco-UsImig Is a reckless waste of life
force , mnotic'y amid mmmaumhmood.
It iii a dirty , miusty , mnemu-wreckimmg disease
amid e\'er toimacco-Usem' lemmows it.
The tobacco user's nerves are simattereti
m.ud brokeim , his life iii golmmg omIt of haimim ,
ho'S losiuig his grip , but Nu-'l'o'flne , ( hum
st'romlgcst , quickest mmerve tomile in the world ,
braces hits bralmm , mmourlmihemi lila mierves , kills
nIcotine. mitlw5 mnaiiiiood. Sunmmmmer nmolC-
ln utimortens life.
if you wammt to quit tobacoo'u gain
strength , w'iglmt vItality-
It you auimt all time timmmo to look , feel amid
act ilie ml. rnmul-
Talc. , No-'ro.iiItct Get mm cure om' your
milommcuy back. Over 400UO0 immuvu beemm cured ,
mUlti mmmiiiiommli imse No.To-Buc : to ntgulato to-
bacca uslmmg , or iirelY for its woumtiurful
powers as a umerve tommie ittiti stinmiilammt.
If your umerve nmmui hmu'urt mietioii is u'ealc , no
nmitttdr whmmit time cause , Imike No-.L'o-ilaci
Soul amid gUliramiteetl by tim'uggistmi every-
where. Our fnmnouit booklet , "Don't TO ;
hameco Spit mind Smimoke Your Life itwny , '
written gimnrammtee msimd frco saniphe nmmmiled
for time asking , Atltlt'esc The Steriimmg
liemnedy Co. , Chicago. Montreal or Now
York ,
252 ? ! & .
made of pturo rubber
holds the Bull-bog Gardci
Hose together.
24 I1OIdS the irdInary rubber
garden hose together.
'rue strength of hose depmmds on Ihmese rub-
j'er rivets ( teclmuulcally called friction ) . A short
rivet is ftrommger tliamm o. bug one. Bull-Dog
iivets iort.
TIiecry amid results prove Bull-Dog stroilg-
rst hmos for money made.
g.ton Woven Hose & Rubber Co.
2 5 levonshilre St. , Boston , erg , ,
105 i.amto St. . Chicago. 6 Peale Si , , N , Y ,
Ne. tli St. , St. l.oul. iom Water Si , Clevclanl.
709 , . . , . , , ' , , , , , ,
- - , i , iijuSf , , i'v"r z 'rremitm Smmm lrii
' 1hme I'eopIc' Ctmiiimlolm Feum'.e
1Ttliemiiiihm'i'er. . by ic. ' .
B 'l 1'-"tm l'iemte , M. I > , Cimicf'mimmlt-
lug l'lm'i'ieIaii to the I miva-
I J hittei & Simrgkal
: I tilt L' , 110 Iliil ( ' , N \ ' . i
' " II Iui'.t rmitcil. ( , , ce.ooj
'i m.oitl vim mm : it cmi mccci ; tt ' ti' , . i cemit
: : : Ftflhlill't for i iiali I mig eu/.i ; or ,
. , ( , f r p eemml'i
dress the tutlmon , no
c : flUFFY'S
- - -
I I ( I'J'li 1.5.
0 0
0 0
C ) 0
0 IJPN o
0 0
0 0 HOTEL 8
0 31 I , 316JPO South 16th Street , 0
0 , : i tuit oieiiocl , E'ou''tltIiig 110W , 0
0 0
C ) iOOiiiH 75C , $1 iiutd $1.60 iay , 0
0 Elrst Clusto Cafe in Couuutoutiomi o I
- ' -
0 HENRY LIEVENI Proprietor. 0
CO'I'IIi'I' , CA i'1 ( ) ) , 3IASS
OI'I'N l'ur 10. JtMEii wiimii , Prop ,
(10c4 boating , batitinit iitl ihaluing ,
'l'iiI ht'i'itLi'i'hl .tNI ) JOiS
240 roonis , l.alb. , siesta iieiit slid nil inodsil
corivmmiencei. Itsie , , lh.10 anti $1.00 per day
Tblu umiexcelied , Special low to
boarders , VflAHIC HILIl'rCII , Mgr.