Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1896, Image 1

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JUSJ3 : 19 , 1871. UESDAT JULY 14 , 1800. SING LIU COW CENTS.
/ = -
[ Triumphal Procession from Chicago to Hi
Old Homo at Salem.
De-moernUe Nominee for I'r
lt VII Croat TolKlenl U"eH-
tloiiH Are lloth Keonomle anil
Moral Mitny ( iruet Him.
SALEM , III. , July 13 Never before In I
history has this quiet llttlo town ot 2,0 (
people been so abla7c In glory ns It was ti
night Hcd flio was burning all along tli
route by which Mr Hryan was comlucte
to the homo of his slater. Ho will icmal
for the next two days When the tral
pulled up to the Pnlem depot there wci
many people on hand ready to welcome M
Dryan from nil over Marlon county. M
nnd Mrs Dryan wcro escorted to n earring
by the local reception commltteo nnd take
to the homo of Mr. Dryan'o sister , Mr
James Dalrd Awaiting them at the hous
were Mrs Ma y Van Antwerp , Mrs. Davct
jiort , Mrs Scadock Jennings , all relatives i
the honored guest , nnd his sisters , Mil
Nannie and Miss Mamie Dryan. It v , as m
the wish of Mr. Dryan to have n celebratlc
hero at tills time. Dut two short weeks ai
he wns called hero to attend the dcathbi
ot his mother She was bulled hero by tl
side of Jndgo Drynn , who passed nw'ny i > l :
tern years ago Dut the people In theli .01
thuslnsm and dcslro to honor the man wl
went away fiom hero scarcely a score i
years ago unknown to fame gave vent
their feelings When the ciurlago reacht
the home of his sister his former folio
townsmen wore thcie by the hunJrei s Tin
cheered and shouted , while bauds playi
and anvils boomed They demanded a spcec
r.nd Mr. Dryan acquiesced , recalling h
childhood days In Salem
There was no ostentation or dl
play made by W J. Dryn
the democratic presidential nominee , on h
trip today from Chicago to this , the tow
of his nativity Ho bought tickets for hit
self and wife at the Illinois Central dep
and there v\as no special car provided. Tl
man upon whom the democratic paity thin
the greatest honor within its power roi
In a Pullman on a regular train , at
every paHsengci on board the train had .1
cess to the car and nctlrlv every ono
them came and shook hands with Mr Dryi
nnd his wlfo and expressed to Uiem the
good wlbhcs nnd congratulations The
was no demonstration at the Park Ho
depot when Mr. Dryan nnd his wife lc
Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Dryan rode to tl
depot in a cab a few mlnutc-s before tl
time for the train to depatt. A few pcop
recognized Mr Dryan and e\eiclhed t !
privilege ot all American eltl/elis town
candidates or public officers by shaking 1 :
The first btop after leaving Chicago w
nt Knnkakee Fully 1,000 citizens had a
0inbled around the depot and were eager
-waiting foi n chance to catch a glimpse
the democratic nominee The state 1
sane asylum band was playing "The St
Spangled Hanncr" when the tuin pull
into the depot. There was a general ru
from all sides , as every one bPcmed i !
tormlncd to grasp the democratic leade :
hand. Ihc tialn only stopped five ml
utcs , hut in that tinto Mr Dryan was
much sought for man. Just before t
train started , there weio cries of "speed
from all parts of the crowd and bomc c
thuslastic Individuals carried a huge d
goods box over the heads of the people , up
which they Intended to plnco Mr Dryan , th
ho might talk to them all. Dut before
reached them the conductor called "i
aboard" un 1 the train pulled out , much
the disappointment of the absemblcd cltlzct
Mrs. Drynn wag an Intercbtcd spectator
nil that went forwaid on the depot ph
foi m.
The little town of Paxton was the ne
Ptop , and as Mr Dryan alighted from t
car n stalwart veteran with long gray he
and flowing white beard piesscd his way
the fiont and grasped the presidential ca
dtdnto by the hand
"I know it would como to this some da
Bill , " ho said In a gruff voice. "I knc
jour father before you were born , nnd I ha
watched you from the time you until to Ui
up the diibt in the streets of Salem wi
your bare feet , and I have always said th
jou would bo a giont man some day. "
The people at Hantoul were given h
three minutes in which to shake hands v\i
the new leader of the democratic parl
The town only hoists ot 1,000 Inhabltan
and at least two-thirds of them , me
women and chlldten , were ut the depot
Krect Mr Hiyan , and ho was
cheered As Mr Dryan boarded the tra
ho turned about on the platform In respon
to loud calls for a speech Ho raised bo
hands and Instantly all was silence
"It you will only vote next Novemb
nn Industriously as you shout now , I w
bo sure to bo elected "
Iho boll on the engine began to cloi :
the tiuln moved away and the assembl
citizens roared with delight
Champaign gave the greatest demonsti
tlon of tlui trip The streets were block
with vehicles and people In oveiy direct !
fiom the depot 'Iho military band n
npnily every ono of the thousands of pcpi
who had como to do honoi to the democrat
nominee , eairled a flag A commltteo rcpi
KontliiK the citizens ot Champaign coun
nnd city were at the depot to meet thu d
tlnguishcd man from Ncbtasku
Mr and Mis Drynn wcro escorted to
temporary platform , v\hlch had been etect
an n flat car which stood on a side trnc
U was draped with bunting nnd flovvei
There wns an ovation of hand clapping u
chepis when Mi Diyan stepped to the fro
ot the platform Ho wns Intioduecd to t
throng of citizens by Colonel J. S Wolfe ,
venerable old gentlpinan bearing n stro
rcsiimblaneo to Mr Gladstone.
When cmli-t wab lestoicd Mr Dryan sal
"Follow cltUens 1 believe I have not v
Ite-d this city since about 1S79. ( Cries
"Good boy , Dryan , " nnd gicnt applaus
In that year I was n student at the II
nols college and we had n contest , I thi
an lutcKolleglatu contest wns held In tl
city nt your college and It wns my so
fortune to bo present and meet snmo
your people , and that Is the last time , a
I believe the first time , that I have he-en liter
or passed through hem I urn not going
make a political speech this aftcinoon
Just have been talking i-ome nt Chlcn
ami I am kind of between speeches. I i
glad to have an occasion to talk tu you I
a while and I am gratified to tithat
many people by thplr pnsenco hero ha
shown their Inti-iest in this campaign ,
ray Judgment it Is the most Important ca
palsn thiougu which this country has pass
In the tlmo of peace dui Inc our i
Istenco ns u nation. ( Applaus
A campaign In which tjtvut Ibbti
nto to bo settled , Issues \\lil
affect rxcry mini , woman and child In t
nation , And I beg of you that JDU bin
realize and appreciate the Impottaiit pn
which jou bear In thU campaign , idis
thu gicutrbt nation on the earth , u is
advance of all nations tlmt liui or ha
Ihi'd , In those great things and the oppc
tunltUs which pcaplo tlnd here have tin
hlghcbt and best development Wo ha
the best form of government and wo ha
the most perfect form of govcinment 1
rauuo It Is a government which can be Jt
us good ab the people dcslic It to bo , 2
Kin eminent can be better than the pcot
deserve , If our government U good , If o
laws ore Juvt. H it. because wo make tin
ourselves I ha-.o confidence In the Intel
EHICO , In the patriotism of Iho jrvat 101
man p,0ne | of this couutiy. ( AppUu *
T e only trouble that we have Is that pc
Plo ate to often ludirferent of their duti
KB citizens
Spmu have n idea tlM patriotism ci
only bo manifested In time of t.&r , I w
00 young to show my patriotism In Him
of war , hut 1 glory that In this land ever ;
rear gives n patriot nn opportunity to shov
tls love for country and there Is no yen
utter than this. ( Applause ) You hnv
the right to consider nnd act upon ever
question which arises , and when you find :
person who tells you that the masses am
Lho people are not competent to settle th
greatest and most Important questions tha
concern our nation , you find a man vvh
docs not understand the conditions ot ou
Institutions ( Applause ) ,
"Great questions are simple question1
Every political question Is an ceonoml
question and every grrat economic qucstlo
is nt Irnst n great moral question nnd who
you determine which is right and which I
wrong , when you come to the settlement c
n question where Justice U Involved , It ca
bo settled only by the great common peopl
of this nation. ( Applause and cries e
'That's right' ) No question can ever b
settled until the people sit In Judgment o
It. The politicians have tried to settle tli
money question The financiers have trie
to settle the money question , but It wl
not bo telllcd until the great producln
masses of this country cxptts
their opinion nnd from that opinion thet
Is no appeal ( Applause ) You have tli
right , not only to hold an election , but I
oxpiesB your opinion on the money qtic1
tlon , and you have the same light by yet
ballot to protect your own Interests nn
watch over the welfareot your family f
that tif any other person In this broad lam
And , more thin that , each man must lee
after his own rights and protect his ow
Intoicsts There Is no class of persons Inl
whoso hands you can trust the governmen
believing tlmt they will look out for ever ;
body else There is too much of splfishnn
In us all , and while wo must each look 01
for ourselves , wo must keep our eyes opi
that others don't take care of themsclvi
and ourselves too
"We have suffered more In this cotinti
from the people who IUIVP tried to care f <
every Interest except their own and In tl
end have taken care ot their Intetcsts enl
than from any other cause. The monc
question Is not n complicated question , ai
It Is presented In this campaign In the sin
plest foim It was ever taken before the pc
pie When this campaign Is on , before tl
election arrives , there v 111 be Just one gtci
question in this country , and that Is.
this nation gteat enough to attend to I
own people7 If so the people will denial
n financial policy based upon the AmerlcE
Interest for the caring for Ameilcan ilgh
regatdless of the aid and consent of at
other nation on earth ( Applause ) If th
nation Is not great enough to attend to I
own business then to what nation can we !
with the expectation of aid' Do you kno
of any nation that is standing ready to he
us9 IB there any nation that sets up tl
pica that It cannot take caic of Its own pe
Plo' Is It loft for the United States
humbly bow before the foreign nations at
beg them to do that for which this natlc
was instituted , to take care of the pcop
ot the United States' ( Applause )
"Dut I did not intend to make a sncec
1 simply wanted to thank you and to con
out hero and express my gratitude to yc
and to those' like you who have conferti
upon mo this distinguished lionot I n
prcciato the honor and appreciate the r
spoiibiblllty which that honor impose
Whether I shull be elected or not depem
not upon mo , but upon the peonle "
Dut hero the time had come for the tra
to leave and Mr. Diyan was hustled c
thioiigh the ctowd , which was loath to gl1
way to him Hundreds of people she <
him by the hand as ho came throusri tl
assemblage and pronised him tl clr su
A short stop was made at Toona. whc
half the town was out bent on seeing M
Dryan. The people weio gratified thoitf
the stop was only momentary. Then can
Tuscola thu county seat of Douglas count
At least 2,000 people stood on the platfor
and aiound the depot Colonel Wlllla
Hrlnton , United States district marshal f
the southern district of Illinois , was the
and Introduced Mr. Dryan and his wife
the cunvd As the people ceased to chec
Mrs Itrynn , who catried a largo bouquet
c\vcet i ous , began to scatter them over tl
heads of the throng Theio was a seiai
ble fiom all directions nnd evoryboi
wanted to set n bouvcnh
At Arcola Mrs Dry an received the bu
of attention As soon as they had been i
troduccd Mi Dryan said "Whenever
como to Arcoln 1 travel on my wife's rep
tatlon she attended school with tl
daughter of your distinguished citizen , Jlf
don Jones '
At Mattoon the crowd was almost as lar ,
as tlmt which asbotnbkd at Champaign Ti
streets were blockaded with vehicles at
men and women , and all buildings In tl
vicinity weie decorated with flags in hon
of the passing of Mr Dryan Ho was I
ttoduced to the crowd from the rear platfor
ot the train by Prank Spinier as the no
president ot the United States In addrefi
Ing the assemblage Mr Dryan bald"V
have hardly time , fellow citizens , to dl
cuss the questions which are the issue
this great campaign I have beui taug
that a public bervnnt Is but a hired mn
who Is chosen for a certain length of time
< lo a ceitnln work , and that those who sole
him are the only ones to judge whether
not ho Is competent for the plice You car
always tell whether a man will make a goi
man or not by tlio way he looks , but v
have a good platform adopted at ClilcaK
ami I believe any person who will honest !
faithfully and courageously carry out tl
provisions of that platform will make a go
hired man for the people of the Unit
States ( Applause )
"This la a campaign in wl-lch there w
le much feeling , moic feeling than has ev
been In tiny campaign In which you or
have beea engaged slnco the war And t
feeling arlbcs on two shlcb You find the
who bellovo the final policy v\ileh | wo n
vocate will bo ruinous to this country , a :
those who hellovo that the only galv.Ulon
this countiy lies In the Immediate restor
tlon of free anil unlimited colrago of gc
and silver nt the piesent ratio of 1C to
without the consent of any other nation i
eaith ( Great applautc ) I bellovo in th
platfotni. It expresses that policy vvhl
is nccessaiy to restore the pailty betwc
money aud property And In this campal ;
you will find that those men who are i
cunlarlly benefited in the rlbo In the val
of n dollar will favor that policy that w
raUo the vnluo of that ofollnr but the po
people will not bo in favor of such a pollc
When these people tell you that they wa
good money , you tell them that money m
bo too good It may bo so good that y
may pray for It and wish for It , but y
can't get hold of it ( Applause ) We wa
a dollar that will be Jubt , and not n doll
which will only reward the men who o\
money "
As the train proceeded south there we
btnall bodies of citizens at unlnipoitant bt
tlons who had assembled to kto the tra
drawing the presidential nomincu gothrou
on the fly The enthusiastic citizens
these placet were gratified In their desli
for Mr and Mis Diynn at each plnco walk
out on the rear platfoim , whcro Xli Dry. .
took off his hat and waved at the absei
bled people us the train rushed thioup
At Efilimham , although U "as quite dot
there were at least 1,000 people , man )
whom were women , assembled to sco t
democratic picsldcntial candidate As t
tinlu canto to a standstill there we
loud rrlcb for "Dryan" and 'free sllvc
and " \ltgeld , " and after the mention
each the crowd gave vent to enthusiast
chceis When quiet was at length restor
Mr Dryan was intiodueed from the re
platform of the train and bold "Fellow ej
zcim. I remember that less than
year ago , 1 stopped oft Peru for a few hou
and spoke t the court house All th
tlmo wo wished the de'inocratlo party wou
adopt a platfoim that was demociatle. Sin
that time a great struggle has been going i
and last week that struggle ended In
national convention and that conventli
adopted a platform which In my humb
opinion U demo ratio lu every line ai
every woul and the democratic par
comes before the country now appealing
thofii * who believe lu that platform"
At Efllngham , Mr , Dryan nnd hu wife we
( Coutluuc-1 ou SccoiuJ
Will Reach Lincoln nt 6:40 : p. m , Over thi
Burlington Eoad.
l\lK \ > fiiiiiirtlnHii l ) < ' ! iion ti nUoit
I'ltinticil mill ll\ fry linilj Vrri
to 'lnl - furl In I ( lrnvovil-
to home IXtriit.
LINCOLN , July 13. ( Special Tclegram.- )
At 3 45 this afternoon a telegram v\as re
celvcd from Mr. Hryan stating that h
would arrive In Lincoln Kildny aftcrnoo
nt C 45 over the Ilurlliigton. 1'reparatlon
for the demonstration will now be hurrle
to completion.
The general executive committee of th
Hrjan reception took lunch at the Llncol
hotel this noon , and aftcrwaids held
meeting In one of the parlors. Judge (
S. Hall presided and Thomas Allen serve
as secretary. Hcports fiom subcommittee
were received. A serious obstacle to coli :
mittcc work on the demonstration Is lac
ot Information ns to the exact date ot M :
llryan's arrival In Lincoln. Now that li
has set tnc time for the homo coming , th
reception committee can woik to some pui
pose Assistant Gcncial Passenger Agcr
A U Smith of the Iluillngton was preset-
at the meeting and suggested that In ordc
to secure n largo attendance , and to glv
needed advertisement of the event , th
time ot arrival bo postponed until Monda
or Tuesday ot next wielc. but It will t
left cntlrel } to the candidate to name tl :
day.Tho demonstration is to be nonpartlsa
In every way , and no political mottoes c
banners arc to be allowed In the processloi
The patnde , If at night , will revolv
around the state house square and pa :
thtough cot tain streets not vet designate *
The German bociety of the city of Llncol
has telegraphed to Chicago for a largo tlai
and at Its own expense engaged the N <
braska state band A large number i
prominent icpubllcnns are taking an ui
live interest in this affair , but on ,
strictly nonpartlban basis
Delegate Thompson , who arrived on tl
Silver tiain yesterday from Chicago , MIJ
that all dispatches to the contiary no
withstanding he can positively nssurc tl
committee that the notlHcatlon commltu
will wait on Mr Drvnn at Lincoln l'alnt <
Koske has generously gone to work decora
Ing Mr. Ur.van's home on D sheet with
new coat of paint. The original color
ictalned , a modest drab
The financial committee Is making KOC
progress In the collection of fundb Me
chants aic subscribing liberally , many i
them in blocks of $50 each , and the hole
arc doing equally well At the meclir. .
today Edward l/er , chairman of the con
mlttce' on par.ulo. Inquired If any bnnnei
or transparencies were to be permitted I
the piocesslon , nnd was Informed thi
bocictj banners such ns A O. U. W. dcci
rations nnd other civic embellishments wou !
bo allowed , but nothing of a political m
til re.
Several prominent Lincoln republicans ai
bitterly denouncing any participation In tl
demonstration by republicans or lepublico
organizations The fact now generally ai
mltted , that Mr I3ryan has decided to r <
cclvo the notlHcatlon committee In Maillsc
Squat e garden has also done much to co <
republican enthusiasm. On all sides this
admitted to have been a grave mistake c
the part of Mr Drjan , and one calculate
to lose him many votes In Nobiaska It
aigucd that Lincoln is his home , hero
his residence and hero resides his la
partner , Mr Talbott. To go oft to No
York to receive olllclal notification of b
nomination Is said by some to look vet
much like n bid for votes in the east , whei
his cause Is already ghen over as hopelcb
STHOMSnUKG , Neb , July 13. ( Special )
Much enthusiasm Is manifested bv tl
populists in Stromsburg over the nomlnatlc
of Hryan for thi > presidency as well as t !
democrats and the former announce to
man their detciminatlon to support hi
in any event This fact is significant vvlu
It Is remembered that Polk county is ono
the banner calamity howling counties of tl
state , but not a single republican has goi
over to Bryan and his free silver fallacy
Lincoln IlcpiililIciiiiN I'r | iiiNt > < < > < > i
IHit-i- ( lie Cnnctliliilc from ( In * Start.
LINCOLN , July 13. ( Special Telcgiam )
The Young Men's ItfiiiiWIcan olub of tn
city held an enthusiastic me-itln tonlgl :
It was addressed by Comjiessmoa Stroi
and Hon. Charles 13. Ca-ey , candidate fi
state treasurer. A rcso'utlon was pab'i
by a unanimous vote to I'-irnm from , u
participation In the lirvau r.'coptlon ne
Friday night , and also pra'tlially ordcni
Edward Sl < ! er and H. li Tovnley , v\ho n
members of the commlMiui or arrangcmen
and also mcmbprs of the club to wlthdra
fiom fie committee The followInt : tpl
gram was wired to William McKlnle
"Tl'O Young Men's Republican club of LI
coin , stronger In membership and Inllucn
than ever before during its nine years' exit
once. In meeting assembled , again sem
greeting to William McKlnley of Ohio , ut
assures him that In the coming co.Ue
for president the fact that our fc
low townsman. William J. Dry an ,
the democratic nominee will only make 01
organization more enthusiastic and dcte
mined that this county shall cast an Ir
menso majority for McKlnley. We ha
been In brittle array In this state again
populism until lighting vagaries Mich
the Chicago platform has hecomo an a
customed thing. Situated as we arc In tl
disputed territory , wo welcome this co
nict and are firm In our conviction th
victory will not come to Mi Hrjan
either this nation , this state or th
county , "
I'll 11 > . Cllj IM-inoornl" Hum 1'imili
mill lluve n .lolllllrnllon.
TALLS CITY , July 13 ( Special ) Tl
first gun of the campaign was fired he
Saturday night by the big celebration m
ratification of Iltyan's nomination. The Jc
fersonlan gun nnd flambeau clubs , about 3
strong , paraded the streets headed by tl
two bands of this place Donflreb we
lighted and thcic was ono of the most ma
nlllcent displays of fireworks ever wltiiesse
The tpcaUIng , from a temporary platfor
elected In the court house yard , was panic
pate d In by Judge Clarence Gilllsplo ai
lion George A. Abbott , both of this clt
Enthusiastic Urvanltcs from all over t !
county were present and remained until tl
excitement had subsided
SCHl'YLEK , Neb , July 13 ( Special Tel
gram ) Hryan s nomination was ratilli
here tonight There was a gathciine
all political fnlths to do honor to the ill
tlngulshed Nebraskan A few past rcpu
Means showed so much preference for hi
as to associate themselves with those up ;
the stand The speakers were O J. Phclp
C F Drown , formerly accredited a rcpul
lican , and Prank Cuba Aside from entlius
astlc cheering the noise was added to I
cannot crackers and the excitement by hot
11 ret , band music and discussions
KIIIIHIIN CouulK'N Cailni'Nf Hi' } un ,
TOPKKA , July 13 Conventions weie he
Saturday In forty-thrfe comities to choos
delegates to the non-partisan free sllvi
convention , which meets here next Wednei
day to bend delegates to the national eoi
vcntlon at St LouU Democrats , iiopulli ,
and republicans participated In the nice
lugs , end In tvciy county the nomlnatlc
of William J Dryan for president v u n
ilorscd and delegates Instructed to vote i
the Topcka convention only for men wl :
will support his nomination , Eeveu popi
llht county conventions were also held , an
all of these endorsed the action of ft
Clilctgo couvcctioQ.
S0.1IU POPULISTS rnigyim nuv >
Several County Con1rnfIon * of tint
Parly I'avor 1'iJMlon ,
ALUION , Neb . July 13 ( Special. ) Tin
populist county convention met hero Sat
unlay. D A Phillips was elected chair
man and A E. Garten secretary All tin
precincts were represented. The followIni
delegates wcro chosen to thu state conven
linn Ira Whlpple , William Silvers , A. I'
Trcadway , T. M Sllllk , D K Calkins , W
A. Poyntcr , A. H. Tlory. L E Ames , Join
fitting , W Mathlson , J W Drown , Jame
Sandlland , J R Drady They were in
structcd to use all" efforts for n comblna
tlon of the silver forces Congrcsslonn
delegates W W Daker 0 W. Wilson , Z
W. Thompson , C. LMaye , J. A. Armstrong
D A Houtz. C. 1) Smith , G M Dell Pen
ntorlal J P. Kellcy. M H Kelloy. J 11
Harncs , W A Poyliter Michael Lutignn
E C Stllllnger , John Omll and L W. Camr
btllELWOOD , Neb , July 13 ( Special -
At the populist convention held her
Saturday the following persons wereelecte
ns delegates to the various convention ! !
State nt Grnnd Island , O. D Chase , Job
Tucker , 11 L Chambers , W. D. VniiHon
S D. Yeoman , H Cawthrn ; Hastings , \V
F Wagner , K W Lewis , John Denson , 11
A. Devorcaux , J D Taylor , William Chain
hers , congressional convention , 11 H John
son , C Dunlap. T. G Reynolds. H. C Dlbli
J A Grccnlce , 1 J. Dowlcr , senatorial con
vcntlon , S D Yeoman , W. Wonslow , J 1
Denson , C G. Lewis. L Lydlatt , 1
S Hart ; representative , E. Hobcrts H I
Chambers , G W Lathiop , J A. Greonlci
Thomas O C Mlddleton , S. C Thomas Th
convention was divided by a vote ot (12 ( t
1 In favor ot endorsing Dryan for prcsiden
and It is understood that tlio delegates t
the state convention stand In favor ot ei :
LOUISVILLE , Neb , July 13 ( Spcclal- )
The populist county convention met at th
place this afternoon and ( hose fourtce
delegates to each of the following convei
tlons The state at Grand Island stul
nt Hastings , to nominate n state ticket , ante
to the congressional convention , which
not yet called The committee on resoli
tlons presented a sol , expressing the vlcv
ot Its party on the'questions of the da ;
ono ot which Itulotscd the nomination i
lion. W J Diynn , and recommended tin
he bo nominated foi piosident nt the S
Louis convention This resolution pn
vokcd nn animated discussion. Wash Waits
of Greenwood s-nylng that while ho wi
ready and anxious to vote for Drynn f <
president , ho could not support Sow all f <
vice president , who lie understood was
wealthy national bank president , the vet
fellows the party had been fighting bln <
Its organisation L G Todd , the old wi
hoi so of populism of CdRs county , Indorse
the nomination of W. J. Hryan , and sale
"This is our labt chance If Mr Dryan
downed this time the whole populist parl
Is dead and burled. " Another gentlonin
said Drvan i.s a good enough populist fi
him. The most serious problem that coi
fionted them was hovV to foim a platfor
upon which Drynn could stand without slli
in ? off the ono adopted at Chicago Tl
resolutions were adopted. The conventlc
adjriuned without nominating .1 counl
ticket , to meet August 22 , no place ot mee
Ing 1 cfng selected
TCKAMAH. Neb , July 13. ( Special Tel
gram ) The populists of Hurt county he !
their cotintv convention today A rcsolt
tlon was passed favoilng aunion , of the poj
ulist and democratic parties at the St Lou I
convention , thus uniting the free sllv <
forces J. F. Kcssler was chosen ns tl :
candidate for the legislature for the dli
tiict composed of this v , < " > d Washlngto
counties and H. I" . JOiitavas-member of th ,
legislature from county. Kcssler I
the man who served lu the legislature <
1S93 as n republican , and who ( rained j
much notoriety as a champion of a bill foi
bidding gas in hotels and who also chan
ploned the anti-stock yards hill that wa
to prominent in that session J. C Carte
of thib city was nominated for county a !
torney. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
WALSH or IOWA roil snciiivi1 vin
erntle Committee IN Choreii.
CHICAGO , July 13 C A Walsh of low :
who so ably handled the campaign of Hoi
ace Doles In the national convention jus
closed , was today selected temporary seen
tary ot the national democratic commlttc
and the understanding- that his appoln
ment will bo confirmed aud made permanoi
when the committee meets again. M
Walbh's appointment was somewhat of
surprise to him , as he hart not been an ai
live candidate for the position Ho WE
cclcctcd Saturday evening and was notlfic
that he could have the position if he wantc
it. Mr. Walsh today met Scnatot Jonc
the new chairman of the national coniinl
tee , and told him ho would accept Tl
two repaired to the office of S 0 Sheer !
of Indiana , the outgoing secretary , wl
turned over the books , documents and pi
pers of the committee to hit. successor.
"There is nobody whom I would rnthi
sco succeed me , " said ex-Secretary Shecrli
after the transfer hod been made. M
Walsh Is a man for whom I have the hlgl
est rebnect. He Is a shrewd politician ar
a man who has been remarkable nil his 11
for his loyally to his friends Though h
management of Mr. Doles' affair did in
wind up successfully jet it was as good i
any man could hnvo done under the circuit
stances. His methodical and buslncsslll
conduct of his affairs won the approval i
the majority of the national committee ar
ho was practically selected unanimously.
lima Mi'inlMTH of the * Pnrfj OIIONII | !
hlltt-r Art ) MnliiK ( 'p.
SIOUX CITY , July 13 ( Special Telegram
Leading local gold democrats are oiganl
Ing here for the coming congressional can
palgti At the outset the organization will I
confined principally to the city , but will BOC
ho extended throughout the Eleventh dl
trict Judge Arthur VnnWagcnen , ono i
the leading Doles boomers at the Chlcaf
convention and a lending silver man I
northwestern Iowa , will 'doubtless bo tl
congressional candidate for his wluj ; of tl
party He is eminently uusatlsfactory t
the gold standard men. who propose to pi
a candidate of their oivrt In the field I
A Jandt , a leading dry goods jobber hci
and one of the most prominent democra
In the district , Is taking the lead In tl
organisation , U II Drowp , another leadln
local democrat , who went to-Chlca'go convct
tlon at , a. bllver man , has returned to the gel
wing and will also Identify himself with tl
movement Besidesj engaging In the coi
gicfcslonal fight , the orEftnizutlon will tal
a prominent part In'the national fight.
Stair Convention r tll'nr > WI
Co n vr innt link-on' Toiln > ,
HUUON , S , I ) , July 13 ( Special Teli
gram ) The populist contention to nom
nate a full congressional and ttato tlcki
and seventeen delegates to the national coi
ventlon will convene tomorrow. The cot
ventlon will endorse Drjan Senator 1'ett
grow U here with a handful of bolters froi
the republican state convention and wl
oiganlze a silver party and select delcgati
to the sliver convention at St Louis. PC
tlgrew has already taken a hand In tl :
affairs of the populists and has prepared
blate for nomination tomorrtiw The vol
between the republicans and populists Is f
clo e In .South Dakota that great Interei
Is manifested (11 ( tills convcn'lon ,
ri-ff hll\vr Cliilt
PEATIUCE , July 13 ( Special ) A Drya
free silver club wes orcanlzed In this ell
Saturday night , Wih all the prestige give
by the nomination of the youthful orate
pnly nlnctr-two slniAturfi weie secured i
the roll of membership , A McKlnley pn
tectlve tariff.onc t money clu'j will t
organized here thlb week , Gage couuty n
publicans are not dismayed by the cry <
free s"ver and will be wide awake froi
HOW until eltctlon day .supporting J"i chaw
Plon ol protection to American labor ,
Preliminary Convention Talk Indicates i
Determination to Take No Chances.
Mm-lt M Ire WorlcIIIOIIK Tli nt > ( Jntli
ill Ite'H MollH'K Who \ilrtt
to SITVITlit'lr Mnt In
Sonic Cnpru'lt .
HES MOINES , July 13 ( Special Tele
gram. ) As the icsult ot several consulta
tlons among the leading republicans ot th
state , who aic hero in advance ot the con
ventlon of Wednesday , It has been , decldei
to Innitgui.itc the campaign as soon as pos
slblc aftci adjournment and push It vvltl
all vigor possible until election day. Ai
especial effort will bo in'ido In regard t <
the congressional tickets. H is feared tha
the silver movement especially , If it result
In a harmonious combination of populist
nnd silver democrats and republicans , ma
Jeopardise republican success in some ills
trlcts In fact Bomo ot the lenders , notnbl ;
Senator Gear and Congressman Hepbuin
who first took alarm at the St. Louis eon
vcntlon at their attempt to secure th
adoption of n. straddllrg financial plank , be
llevo that Iowa should be clatsed amen
the doubtful states this fall. Other leader
for the sake of being on the safe side ar
willing to have the campaign conducted o :
that basis.
The Iowa republican congressmen will b
asked not to make any great number of en
gnRtmcnts in outside states , and as man
fcpcakus as possible bo imported. Ther
is no attemy being made to conceal th
anxiety which some feel over the otitlool
About ono-thlid of the delegates to the u
publican state convention Wednesday ar
on the ground today and all candidates an
their mnnacors are active The dccpct
interest about the Savety hotel , where mos
of the headquarters arc located. Is centere
In the fight over the railroad commlsbionei
which within the past twenty-four hour
has assumed a distinctly railroad and antl
lallroad form , E A Daw son ot Wuverl ;
the present Incumbent , receiving the ral !
road support , and the anti-monopoly eli
ment are arranging themselves with P 1
Campbell , Deb Molncs' cs-commlsslonei
who desires the Job again. Ed Knott c
Wavcrly is managing Daw son's campalg
and ho Is assisted by ex-Governor r. 1
Jackbon , who appointed Uawsoi to th
place on the board. J. M Kemble of Mm
catino , who was n candidate for the plac
when Di-wson was appointed , does not sho' '
much strength He appears to be vvaltln
for the fight between Campbell nnd Daw so
to Hssumo u degree of bitterness which wl
tuin lite delegates to him as a compiomls
candidate. He hab had for a long tint
piactically the full support ot the state ccr
tial committee , but since the i.illroads hav
taken a hand most of the bitppoit has gen
to Daw son Chalimnn McMillan of th
committee remains true to Kemble.
There Is n story tonight appaicntly base
on good nuthoilty that a combination I
forming between frlehds of G. L. Dobsot
candidate for secretary of state , Mr. Davvso
and J , M. Weaver of Hnrdln county , candl
dates for supreme judge. Such a comblnn
tlon , If made effective , would bo hard t
down because of the geographical location e
candidates and the dlveigent interests whlc
they represent. Thcso three men are In th
lend In the race for nominations for whle
they aspire Dobson has James D. How or
chief clerk of the house durln
the last legislature , In charge c
his hcadqttartots Howc.ii gained con
slderablo local prestige as a politics
manngci by his successful conduct of th
campaign of Congressman J. A. Tlnjll c
DCS Molncs foi a renomlnation C. S. Dyt
kit ot DCS Molncs and Ed Chassolo , th
bright young Le.Mars editor , have headquai
tcis on the bamo floor of the Savery , an
with Dobson are In the center of the thcatc
of war. George Habford of Charles Cltj
the other candidate for sccrctaiy of stntt
will soon bo on hand w Ith a big force c
woikets from Pioyd county. Without an
laigo amount of pledged strength among th
delegates Ilanford , with his active lleiiten
ants , Is making things lively. Among hi
assistants are E. A Teetlng , who took seventy
enty proxies from the northern part of th
state to a icpubllcan convention held I
Iowa City in 18S2 , and has never since lot
Interest in politics
iinn bis TO nn v nuvAX1 ni
| ' < -IIIIH > l\nliIII Ii-mo < Ta < Who I'rcfcr
the Iti'pi'l'lli'nii I'liitform.
PHILADELPHIA July 13 Samuel Dirt
son of this city who was selected at th
democratic state convention as a preside !
tlal elector has sent a letter to State Chali
man Wright , resigning the office. In hi
letter ho says- "It Is Impossible for thee
who approved what was bald and done t
Allentown to accept the platform or th
candidates at Chicago It is impossible fc
nnv democrat who believes In the principle
and traditions of his party to support a pr <
pobal to make inconvertible bllver dolloi
a legal tender for more than they uro reall
w orth.
"Such being the condition of affairs , an
as the icpuhllcan patty now gives a reasor
nblo assurance of maintaining the gel
standard. It seems to mo that all soun
money dcntociats should In tills campalg
glvo it their sitppott unless democrat I
candidates should bcieafter bo nominate
upon a satisfactory platform "
1,1'iiKiii * of lovtu win .Semi n < > ] < > mi < '
| 0 S ( , I.olllN ,
DES MOINES , July 13 ( Special Tell
gram ) The Nonpartlsan Silver league <
Iowa will hold Us state convention hci
tomorrow. About 300 delegates will bo pro :
cut , It being a mass convention The ol
jcct Is to name thlrty-flvo delegates to 11
national silver convention at St Louis Jill
22 , It Is altogether probable the lowu deli
gates will bo instructed to vote at St Lou
for the endorsement of Dryan. Delegate
who are hc-rc say the demand ot the Indi
pendent silver people all over the state
for such an endorsement The convcntlc
will also appoint committees for an orgai
izatlan In every district In the state fi
the purpose of taking a hand In congrei
Blcnnl politics with the design of becurln
united action by silver men populists , den
ocratti and silver icpublleans In congrei
slonal matters , to oppose the sound monc
KlKhl on South Unl.olit r.illlralor
DIIOOKINGS , S. D , July 13 ( Spcch
Telegram ) The board of trustees of tl
South Dakota Agricultural college , whlc
has been In session hero today , has recon
mended to the State Doard of Hegents th :
the services of Profs Phillips , inathcrnatlci
PaiKlnson , political economy , Jones , phai
macy ; Mlrn Kolsom , preceptress , and Mn
Palmer , elecutlon , be dispensed with. Thi
Is the outcome of the fight between ex-1'rcs
dint McClough and Governor Sheldon Tli
Hoard of Regents will meet In Hiiro
Wednesday to pass on the action of the trui
tecs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hi | illhlli'Ii ( .Stud * Coil \ i-llHiill Cullri
CHEYENNE , July 13 ( Special Telegram
A call has been Issued by the repuhllca
state central committee for a state convei
tion to be held at Cheyenne August 12 fc
the purpose of nominating candidates for
representative In the rifty-flfth congrem
a justice of the Wyoming supreme coui
and three presidential electors Of the lei
Ulature to be elected this fall but ten men
bcra , the four-year term senators , will pat
tlclpate In the election for United Stutc
DrtiHiornttr Nominee Tomei III for n
IV * ! "Soft WorilM.
CHICAGO , July 13 Among the telegram1
of congratulation vhlch have been re
cclved by Arthur Sew all , the democrntli
vice presidential nominee , are the following
NEW YOUK. July 13 1 named you foi
vice president three wciks ago Now thft
you arc the nominee , the solid east vvll
break for silver and the * ticket Is n winner
Hurrah for American shipping and tin
people's ticket.
President American Merchant Marine' AH
AUGUSTA , Me , July 13 My hearties
congratulation ! ! , llnan nnd Sewnll a win
nlng ticket H. M PLA1STEU.
Payroll Tucker , vice president and gen
crnl manager Maine Central railroad , wires
"Maine appieclntcs the honor conferred upot
one of her bravest and truest sclns AR tin
glad news Went whistling thtough the plnei
ot Maine , It carried Joy to the hearts ot ill
her people. "
UENVEH , Cole , Julv 13-CoiiRiiiUllut
you on your nomination Colorado Is will
you n. H. MOl-PATT.
SAN THANCISCO .July n-DcllMiteil tc
learn of yout nomination Send my liouttl
c-st conglutination"
conglutination"A CHESEUOUOVOH
GAHDNI2H , Me , July 13 We hcnttll :
pongiaiihitp you on vour nomination 1
Is n gieiit honor for Mnlt-p ( liirdnoi lire
thirty guns tonight. WEjTON LA IMS.
Hon. M 1 * Frank , who ran for congresi
against Thomas D Heed , wired as follows
"Heaity congratulations We will carr :
Maine "
Krom Thomas W. Hide , president Uatl
Iron Works , Dathe , Me "My wannest con
gratulatlons "
Prom Lewis G. Mumford , New York
"There Is no tall to the democratic ticket
Doth heads "
J. W Dookwnlter , New York "Accept m ;
piofound and hearty congratulations. "
ciiicvoo vTTvrs nn.viMU1 VUTIU.S
IiilUc Clt nc' lr 'N to Direct tlu All
tloniil C'H m ( in IK n.
CHICAGO , July IS Memheis of the demo
eratic national committee are unanimous ! ;
In favor of establishing sub-headquarter
of the committee at Chicago Many o
them wish the main hendquntters lemovoi
fiom New York nnd brought hcio.
The members of the committee still IP
matnlng in the city discussed this pioposl
tlon nt air informal meeting held this mom
Ing In the headquarters at the Palmer hoiibi' '
Senator Jones of Arkansnb , before lenvlni
for Washington , said "There will bo nn
other meeting ot the national commlttc
some time during the ne\t thieo weeks , a
which the subject of cluingtng the head
quartet b will be more fully cpnsldercd
"You will bo safe In saying that In nl
probability tic campaign of IS'IG will b
dliected from headquarters located at Chi
i o I am In favor of the change fron
New York for many reasons "
TO riiiiiT ii''s
NamrM of ( lU'i'iililIca u Nnllona
I vecutlv e Committee * .
CLEVELAND , July 13. lion M. A. Hann
today announced the republican natlonn
executive commltteo M A. Ilanna , chaii
man , Cleveland ; William M Osboino , secre
tary , Bobton , Mabs ; General Powell Clay
ton , Arkansas ; Chprlos G Davves , Illinoih
W. T Durbln. Indiana ; Cyius Lclaml , Kan
sas ; Joseph H. Manley , Maine ; Hon M. E
Quay , Pennsylvania ; H. C. Payne. Wlscoit
sin ; N. D Scott , West Virginia. The nlnt
member has not yet been selected.
AVIiv llrjuii AVcut tf > Salem.
CHICAGO , July 13. W. J. Dryan , dome
erotic candidate for president , ncconipanie
by his wife , left the Clifton house this aftei
noon for the Illinois Central depot Thci
they took the 2 20 tr.tln for Salom. Ill , Mi
Diyan's old home. There was no demon
stration either * at the hotel or nt the trul
boy end a liberal handshaking by admlriii
bystanders. Mis. Dryan was presented wit
a largo bunch of American be.iuty lose
just as she was leaving the hotel
Mi. Dryan will remain In Salem for tw
days , and then leave at once for Lincoln
Neb. , nrilvlng there on Friday , whcro h
will take up his residence. Meanwhile Mi
Sow all will stay hero and make his head
quarters here.
Senator Jones of Arkansas , chairman o
the democratic national executive commit
tec , loft for Washington today and will an
noutico from there the executive commit
tco of the national committee , which wl ]
lave charge of the campaign. The time am
place of the notification of the dcmocrati
presidential and vice presidential candidate
has not yet been determined , but will be 1
a few days. H It. stated that personally Mi
Diyan prefers New York city , and it i
probable that this plnco will be selected
the time being probably the second week I
August , _
Cedar Count } Silver DeleKiileN.
HAUTINGTON , Neb. , July 13 ( Specia
Telegram. ) A mass sliver convention fo
this county convened In this city today t
select twelve delegates to u silver conference
enco to be held In Norfolk July 28 , for th
purpose of selecting to the several part ;
conventions a candidate for congress fron
the Third district to poll the united fie
silver vote of the district The conterPitc
was called to older by Coinmlltccman /
M Dalrd The ilelegattb are T r Sclg
lor H J Wathon , John Suing , 7 M. Dalnl
D M Wilson. D C Clark , Ed Havens , M
H. Smith , A A Husbcll , E. J. Sheiman , W
I' Dryont and Charles Plumleigh. Th
meeting adjourned to meet nt Laurel at th
call of the commltteeinan to take Midi ac
tlon as may t-ccm best looking to v , aid th
i ominatlon of silver men to the state logls
latitre. _
Senator < > rny \itt tor Iliynn.
WILMINGTON , Del , July 13 Sejtato
Gray Bald today In teferenco to the Chlrag
platform : "The financial plank of the plnl
form Is contiary to all my beliefs and t
what I conblder sound currency I hlmll nc
change these holltfs , oven ut thu bidding of
demociatle national convention Conviction
CPitnt ho compiomiHed 'Iho Delawaio demui
iccy is an organl/atlon distinct fiom tli
national democracy and has a history an
traditions of Its awn It Is too caily to sa
what Its course will be The democracy I
this btalu has always had and is likely t
continue to have strong sympathy with the
of Now York , Nosv Jersey and Maryland , "
Trill on Senator 'I oiler ,
MANITOU , Colo. July 13. Senator Tellci
who has been a guest of onu of the hotiO
IIPIO , was yestetday Joined by Senate
Dubols ot Idaho and Congrcbsrann Hut Una
of Montana , awaiting the anlval c
Senators Cannon. Petllgicw nnd Mantli
who are exnectcd on Wednesday , vhen
confcmice will be held Senator teller wl
return to Denver. He will bo In Manlto
again Wednesday , however , and at thi
meeting , an address will be dcllvcicd aa t
the course of the republicans who left th
St Louis convention on the natluiu
ll iiui Will 'Not Support Ilrjaii ,
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind , July 13 Ex-Coi
grcsHinan William D. Dynuin says In a
Interview this morning "I have ahead
said that I could not suppntt the Chliag
platform and ticket Pcisonally I Ilka Mi
Uiyan , but his views are bo at varlanc
with what I bellcvv to he the best Interest
of the cotintiy that I would bn ( also to m
convictions weio I to support his candidac )
The Influences which dominated the Chlcnt ;
convention were not ijuch as can bo Eafol
Intrusted with the administration of th
affairs of this great country. "
> olllleatlon e'oiamlltee Svtti Home ,
CHICAGO , July 13 The sub-commltte
of the notification committee met In th
Clifton house thin morning at 11 o'clock , an
decided to let the mcmbria of the nollllca
tlon committee return to theli homes , whcr
they will bo Informed in u few days UK t
the time of notifying Mr. Dryan and Mi
Sew all of their nomination Thin will b
decided by thu exccutlvu committee ot th
notification committee.
Thrco Punorals Hold Yesterday , but thi
Mnjority Occur Today.
iorlxlM unit I'mTi-rdiUori Kcit lliiwy
! > ( lu > I'lutxiiul CntlM I'lion Them 1
Mmp * to lit1 rtiiNiMl ,
All Unj . | j
Yesterday undertakers and the friends ot
the victims of the Logan wreck were busy
preparing for Iho burial of the dead Three *
of Iho funerals wcro held yesterday , but
by tar the greater portion will be held to
day. Out of respect foi the memory ot the
dead and the fact that EO many of the em
ployes wish to attend the futurnls the shops
of the Union Pacific will bo closed all day
today At 7 o'clock this morning the em
ployes will meet in the yard ot the shops
and organize lo nlteud thu vailous fu-
The florists have been taxed to supply
the demand for ( lowers for the occaslorik
The quantity demanded Is large and thi
work of preparing them has kept the en
tlio force busy e\cr since the funeral an
nouncements were madp.
Thp Hist wits that of Hobcrt Clalr , son
of John Clali , which occuricd nt the fnmiTy
lesldenco , 15 > 3y North Twentieth stlect , nt
! ) o'clock yestptday morning It walk
largely attended by the fi lends of the fam
ily , nnd the bervlces weio brief , but un-
UHiiallv impiesslve The funeral of Hugh
Dodbon , another bov , wns held nt the
rebldcnce , 43M Enunett street , yesterday
nftpinoo'i The remains were Interred at
the Holy Sepulcher cemeteiy
At ! i0 i this morning s > ervlccs will be held
nt the Holy Pamlly chinch over the icmaltm
of Owen Cnvnnaugh nnd the interment will
bo nt Holy Sepulcher cemetery.
The funeral of John Klnsey will bo held
this nfteinoon nt 1 ! o'clock nt St Andrews'
Episcopal church The Intel ment will bent
nt 1 oiebt Lawn
John Limin will be bulled from the Swed
ish Lutheran church at Nineteenth nnd
Crss blrccts at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Larson wnt , about 10 yenib old nnd was cm-
ployed ns a carrier on the Woild-Hcrnld.
John D Kllker , the member of the Sev
enth Ward Military band , will bo burled
fiom the icsldenca of hi" parentb , 8SO South
Seventeenth street , at 3 o'clock this after
Iho icmnlns of John H Jack , the lad who
was employed by the Omaha News com
pany on railway trains , will bo sent to the
home of his patents at Lucas , la. , today.
The funeral from 1410 North Seventeenth
street w ill bo one ot the pnddcst of alU
In this hotue live the Dradlcjs and the Car-
rolls Mis Kate , Diadlcy who was a
daughter of Thomas Cabcy , n well known ,
citizen , wns killed In the wreck along with
her young baby Mib. P J Carroll and her
S-yeai-old hey wcro both killed , the hus
band nnd father being severely Injured anil
is now in St Josephs hospital The serv
ices will bo l.cld at IToly Family church ,
the procession leaving the residence at 8:3 : ( >
a in Interment at St Mary's ccmctciy.
The funeral over the remains of John.
William and Mary Cosgrove nnd Miss Mary
Tracy will bo from Eighteenth nnd Nicholas
streets this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The
services will bo held from the Holy Pamily
church , with Interment at Holy Sepulcher. (
The funerals of August Frederick Nlel-
to'i and Fred A. Nlclson will bo held this
nioi nlng at the family residence , 222 North *
Thlity-thlrd sticet. Interment will bo nt
Forest Lawn. > ?
The funeral of John McDcrmott will beheld
held Wednesd ly foiPitoon at ! ) o'clock from
the Holy Family church , with Interment
nt Holy Sepulcher.
The fiist funeral of the Council Dltlff *
victims of the Logan horror occurred ycs-
teidny afternoon at i o'clock , when Lawrence
Petals was laid at rest In Falrvlow cem-
otety The casket had been taken froin
the undertakers to the rcbldenco , 1914 Ninth
avenue , nnd there the friends wore given
tholr last opportunity to gaze into his well
remembered face , and they v,111 carry In
momoiy a countenance ns uiimaircd as it
sleep had gently lulled it Into uncon
sciousness All ot his comrades and fel
low workmen who were In the city found
( line during the afternoon , to diop In and
take a farewell look. Floral offerings wcro
profuse and the casket was almost hidden
with the fragrant offerings of frineds The
funeral wns under the auspices of the Odd
Fellows and was conducted according to the
iltunl of the order Dricf services were
bold at the lesldence , conducted by Hev.
Conrad Hooker of the Tilnlly Methodist
chuich. The funeral cortege was a Ions :
one It wns headed by the Odd Fellows *
band , followed by the mcinbeib of the order.
While the head of the piocebslon wns crossIng -
Ing the North Main blieet biidgo the rear-
carrlagis were crosblng Willow avenue.
At the gi.ivo simple and beautiful services
WPIO held
The funerals of the other dead will beheld
hold today Little Olllo Wilson will bo-
buried at 2 o'clock fiom the Christian.
Tabernacle. A funeral sermon will be *
prcachpd by the pastor , Hcv Mr , Abcrloy.
'Iho little git I WOH one ot the brightest and
most actlvo w others in the Christian church.
Sunday pehool
Mis. John Kalcr and her Infant will bo
burled In the same cnbKet t C o'clock. The
funeial fr'lll htart from Iho icsldence , 208
Eighteenth bticct The Daughters of lle-
Ukah will have chaiRO of the > funeral nnd
will conduct Iho services Mrs Kalcr waa
n member of the onlur and pn energetic
worker foi llu good. The giava will ho
made In Walnut Hill ccrnpteiy
llii\MMi : TO l ! | lVI Til 13 COST.
Noi-lliucNlern Alreail > HUH u Corn * ttt
Claim AneiilH on ( he ( irounil ,
Asbletaut General Claim Agent Smith oC
the NorlhweHtctit said yeHtciday afternoon
that they had found affairs In no condition
to talk of settlement of claims to any of tha
afllicted families Ho said they weio doing
all that could bo done for the Injured and
the IK rented families , and that If there wan
any thing fuithPi that any ono could suggest
that could bo done for the comfort of any ;
such ho bhould bo pleased to learn It. Tha
ilalm ngcnls , undei the direction of their
chief , Halpli ( i Hiclmids , have taken up
tholr headquarters at the Puxlon hotel. How
long they will bo hem is not known , but It
In ( crtnln they will bo hero for some time
urljubtlng claims.
.Mi .Smith was one of tha Hint represcnta *
liven of the road cm the scene of the wreck.
Ho was on un eautbouml train and had gene
as fur as Carroll when thn nowb of tha
wieck itnchi'd him Ho hastened back to >
Lilian ami there insisted the tellct corps lu
its work. Ho fuinlbhed the Union Pacific
officials with the first lists of the dead and
wounded , nbklng that they bo scut to the
Omalu headquartcrn , Mr Smllh bays tha
fnlluro of the papers to get better nowa
service wnu duo to thu fait that the opera
tor at Logan wns simply tnvampcd with tele-
ginpuio matter that was filed
There was considerable talk about town
yesterday concerning damage stilts against
the Northwester ) ! railroad Several enter *
prlblng law Hi ins had their rcprescnlallvca
out hecurlng the right to picbs the claims
against the company of as many persons an
possible A number of ono firm that la gen *
orally expected to obtain a largo share ot
tint business said last night that ha did not
cara to make any statcimnt Jubt yet awhile.
Hu said there < ould be no doubt about the
liability ot the company , but stated that
nothing definite would be done until after
the f uncials of the deceased had been held.
The nlloiney of another railroad said ytg-
U'Xlny "It's a mighty fortunat < thing tojf
thi Noiihwps'crn road that so many of the
victims of tlila horrible affulr wcro children.
The dauago vultij for the killed and wounded
air not to apt to lie so largo In the cane ot
minors as In that of adulta. This jvill '