Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1896, Image 1

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( Be
Declaration of Principles Sot Torth by the
Chicago Convention.
Opposition to tha Present National Banking
System Announced.
Constitutional Amendment for an Income
Tax is Called For.
Statement of llonrlioti Prliielples for
tlie Penillnw ; National CiiiniinlKii
Unilleall ) nine-rent troiii
1'orinejMiien. .
CHICAGO , July 8 The platfoim upon
which the democratic campaign of 1SOO will
be fought differs radically In many respects
from the party's declaiatlons In previous
national contests The demand for the fiee
coinage of silver at a ratio with gold of 10
to 1 had already been anticipated , and ita
nffectH discounted Some of the oth-r pla.iks
In the platform , however , come ns a surpilsc
to many of the older leaders of the party
11 e demand for the abolition ot the national
bank currency and the civil so.-vlco plank
are now features In national democratic
platforms Sympathy for the Cuban revolu-
tlorlM" Is expressed In very nuardjd terms
Oove-nor Altgeld's Insistence for a plaim
denouncing federal Interfere-o In strlKfs
IB modified to a protest against "govf-rnmeh-
ly Injunction. " The platform In full is is
We , the democrats of the United States
In convention assembled , do reafllrm out
nlltb'luncu to these great essential prin
ciples of Justice and liberty upon which oui
Institutions ! are founded nnd which the
dcmoeiutlc party has advocated from Jcffer-
BOII'H time to our own freedom of speech
freedom ot press , freedom of conscience
the preservation of personal rights , the
equality of nil citizens before- the law am
the faithful observance of constitutional
Recognizing that the money system Is
paramount to all others at this lime , we
Invllo attenllnn to the fact that the fe'dera
constitution names silver and gold togethci
us the mcney metals of the United State--
und that the first coinage law passed by
congress under the constitution made tin
Mllvor dollar the monetary unit and ad
niltted gold to free coinage at a latlo basce
upon the silver dollar unit
Wo declare that the act of 1ST3 , clemonetlz
lug allver without the knowledge ! 01 up
provrtl ot the American people , has rc-sultee
in appreciation of iold and a c-orre
npondlng tall in the prices of commodltle-
produced ! > y the peoplea heavy Increase Ii
the burden of tnvitlon and of all debts
public nni.1 private- , the enrichment of tin
money lenclfiiK class at home and abroad
paralysis ot Industry and Impovcrlsluncn
of the people. .
We are unalterably opposed to mono
mutalllsm. which has locked fab I thi
prosperity or an Industrial people In tin
paralysis of hard times Golil mono
inetalllsm Is a Hrltlsh policy and its adop
tlon hlis brought other nations Into tlnancla
Hcivltucle to London It Is not only un
amerlcan , but nntl-Amcric in , and it cai
lie fastened on the United States only bj
the stilling of that spirit and love of Jlbertj
Which proclaimed our political indtpciidc-nci
In 177 < > and won It In the war of the revolt.
We demand the free and unlimited coin
rigc of both gold ami silver at the presen
legal ratio of 18 to 1 without waiting fo
the aid or consent ot any other nitlon
\Vo demand that the standard silver della
ahull be full legal tender , cquilly wltl
Kold , for all dehtn , public and private , am
vve favoi such legislation as will preven
foi the future the demonetization of an :
kind of legal tender money by private con
We are opposed to the policy and practlci
of surrendering to the holders ot the obllga
tlons of the United States the option re
nerved bv law to the government of re
deeming such obligations In either ullvc
coin or gold coin
We are- opposed to the Issuing ot interest
bearing bonds ot the United States in tlni
of peace nnd condemn the tralllcklug wltl
banking syndicates , which , In cxchaiiRlni
for bonds at an enormous profit to them
m-lvcH , supply the federal treasury wltl
iold to maintain the policy of the goli
Congress alone has the power to coin am
Issue money and President Jackson dc
clurcd that this power could not be dele
Bated to corporations or Individuals W <
therefore demand that the power to Issui
notes to circulate IIH money bo taken fron
the national banks and that all p ipe
money shall bo Issued directly by th
Treasury iltpirtmcnt and be redeemable Ii
coin and receivable for all debts , public am
Wn hold that tariff duties should b
levied for purposes of revenue , such dutle
to bo readjusted so ns to operate equal ! '
throughout the country and not dlserimlii
ate between class or section , and tha
taxation should ho limited by thu needs o
tbo government , honestly and economic ill ;
administered We denounce as djstuiblnj
to business the icpubllcau threat to rcstor
the McKluley law. which has twice heel
condemned by the people In natlonul elec
tlons. and which , enacted under the fals
pica of protection to home Industry , prove
IL piolillu breeder of trusts and monopolies
fiirlehcd the few at the expense of many
lestrlctecl trade and deprived the producer
of the ( neat American staples of acceh
to their natural markets
f [ Until the money question is settled vv
niu opposed to any agitation for furthe
changes ; In our tariff laws , except such a
are necessary to maUu up the deficit Ii
rnvenuo onusc-d by the adverse derision o
the mipromn couit on the Income tax
IJnt for this decision by the supreme eour
troro would bc < no deilclt In the levenn
uiicltr the law passed by a democratic con
Kress in strict pursuance of thci uniform dc
c Islons of thit court for nearly ino
that court having under that decision BUH
tallied objections to it
ennc-tnieul which have been overrule-i
by the ablest Judges who have cne
wat on that bench We declare that it I
the duty of congress to use all the con
Hlltullonal power which remains after thu
decision , or which may come from Its n >
\Msnl by the court , as It may hen after h
constituted , BO that the huiclens of taxatloi
may equallv and Impartially lend to th
end that wealth n ay bear its due propoitloi
of the expenses of iho govornmcnl
Wo hold thnt the most ofllcltnt way o
inotcctliiR Amcilcnn I ibor In to prevent th
Importation of foreign pnupoi Inboi t
compete vlth It In the homo ivmrr-t ! : am
that the value of homo nuuket to cmr AHUM I
ran farmers and artisans in greatly ledncci
by a vicious monctaiy xy.stcm which depresses
presses tin * prlres of their prodiic ta belov
the coi * of production , and Unit , depilve
them of thu means of purchasing the prod
ueis of our home maiiufnctorlcb
The absoipllon of wealth by the few th
consolidation of our loading- railway system
und the foi motion of trusts and pools re
qulro u stricter control by the fidcral KOV
ernment of thosearti rles of commerce W *
demand the uilntm ment oC the powcis o
the. Intel stain Common , o commission nm
* mich rentrlctloiiH ind cunrnntli * In the con
trol of rnllro.uls IIH will ptotrc-t the peopl
from robbery nml op > rc. sion
TOO MANV ori'ic-js
We denounce the orollUate wiihte of th
rnoiie'- wrung from the people byopprcsslv
taxation and the lavish nppiopitatloim o
recent republican con : ici-ie ! ( . which hav
Kept the < taxes high , while the labor tha
pays them IR um-nmloycd. and Dm product
of the people's toll aio depressed In prlc
till they no lontcr rop.iy the coat of pioduc
tlon. Wo demand u return to that him
pllclty und economy which best belllx :
democratlo govcrnnitnt. and u rcdurllon ti
u the number of untlri > olllcos. thu salarks o
vhlch drain the mtlibtniiro of DIP country
Wo dcnouneo arbitrary Inlerfcu-neo I )
federal ituthorltlts In local affairs us n \ lolu
tlon of the constitution of the United St ite
nnd a cilmo against five Institutions on
wo especially object to government bv In
junction ns a new und highly datueiou
form of oppression by wlilch federal Judct
In contempt of the law a of the state an
r'ehts of cltliNia , become ut ouco Ic-slsla
toiH , Judges und executioners , and we uii
prove the bill passed at the last iczslor. o
the senate of the United States nnd now-
pending In the hou p relating to contempts
In federal courts and providing for trials
by Juries In certain cases of contempt
No discrimination hould be Indulged In
by thn government of the- United States In
f.ivor of any of Its debtois We aprove | of
the refusal of the Tlftv-third congress to
pnps the Pacific railroad funding 1)111 and
denounce the efforts of the present con
gress to enact n similar measure
Recognizing the Just claims of deserving
union soldiers , we he-nrtlly endorse the
rule of the present romnilnlonvr of pen
sions that no names hall be arbitrarily
dropped from the- pension roll , nnd the fact
of enlistment nml serv-Iee should be lUemeil
conclusive evidence npnlnat disease nnd dis
ability before enlistment
Wo favor HIP admission of the territories
of New Mexico and Arizona Into the union
as states , ami we favor the early admission
of all the tcrrltoiles having the necess\ry !
population and risources to entitle them
to statehood , and w hllo they remain terri
tories we hold that theolllclals appointed
to administer the government of any ter
ritory , together with the lllstrlct of Colum
bia and Alaska , should he hona tide resl-
d'/its of the terrltorj or district In which
their duties arcto be performed The Jem-
ocrntle paity believes In home rule and that
puhlle lands of the X'nlteil States should be
appropriated to the cstabllshinc lit of free
hnmiH for American citizens Werecotn -
mi nil that the territory of Alaska be
granted a delegate In congress and that
the general land and timber laws of the
United States be extended to slid tenltory
We extend our sv mpathy to the people of
Cuba In thi Ir heroic struggle- for liberty nnd
We are o posed to life tenure In the public
eivlce We- favor appointment bisecl upon
merits , llxiel terms of olllce and such an
administration of thu civil service laws as
will afford rcuml opportunities to nit citizens
of ascertained fitness
We declare II to he the unwritten law of
this republic- , established by custom and
UHape of 100 years , and sanctioned by the
examples of the greatest and wisest of the e
who founded and have maintained our
government that no man shall be eligible for
u third term of the presldentlil chair
The federal government should care for
and Improve the Mississippi ilver and other
great waterways of the republic so ns to
secure for th" literior s ntes ensv and cheap
tiaiisportatlon to tide water. When any
waterway of the- republic Is of sulllclent
Importance to demand aid of the govern
ment such aid should he extended upon a
definite plan of continuous work until per
manent Improvement Is secured
Confident In the justice of our cause and
the necessity of Its success at the polls , vvi
submit the foregoing declaiatlon of
principles and purports to the considerate
judgment of the Amirlcin people Ae
Invite the supiort of all citizens who approve
them nnd who desire to have them made
ofTective through legislation for the benefit
of the people , and the- restoration of the
people's prosperity
, riisiiT ovnnUICIIKJVN viis. .
Coin nil t tee on Credentials Has 1)1111-
ctiltj InKiecliiK. .
- CHICAGO , July S The committee on cre
dentials met at 9 o'clock the special order
being the motion to reconsider the vote by
! which the sitting delegates fiom South
Dakota were retained Objection was made to
making any report on the South Dakota
! case until the Michigan case was. finally
disposed of. After some discussion , the
- committee agreed to report on al ! but the
Michigan case
The committee reported that the rosier
prepared by the national commPtce vvni >
11 concct , except as to the names cf t'is ' d"c !
gates and alternates from Michigan crd
Nebraska , and as to Nebraska , unanimously
reported in favor of the contesting dele
gates and alternates , headed by W. J
The committee recommended that the
convention accord to the District of C'olun
bla and each territory six votes.
It EC' ms that the furore that the decision
to seat the Michigan silver contesting del
egatlon caused set the committee to think
ing and there was a hurildely called meet
ing this morning just when the convcrtloi
was about to meet. 'Ihe silver men pre
sented first a proposition for a half vet
each , gold und silver In each contest. Thi
was refused by Smith M Weed of Nc.i
York , who had taken charge of the minority
end ot the committee. There wab an cab ;
discussion and after consultation the sllve
men made this proposition that the four
delegatcs-at-largc of the gold peoples be
: seated and the two gold debates Ir. the
Ninth district and the two silver men
In the Fourth district be seated. TMs
would make the delegation stand fourtee-i
for gold nnd fourteen foi sliver , uucl would
destroy the unit rule and give an equal di
vision of the vote. Up to 1 o'clock iu oe-
clslon had been definitely arrived at.
° The Nebraska case was decided IL. favor
of the silver men , headed by oCuuess -
man Bryan , and there was no disposition to
reopen the question.
The committee on credentials recon-
vcncd at the convention hall at t lj p m
and , after sending in the partial report. It
considered a motion to reconsidci the ac
tion on the Michigan contest. Chairman
Atwood said that he had not read tue testi
mony and as they were to ho opposed on
the Iloor by the leading talent of the country
Whitney , Vllas Hill and others , he wanted
to bo prepared to defend the action of the
committee. The chairman then ordered a
roll call on the motion to reconsider , which
resulted. 38 aeys and 5 nays
This was a vlctoiy for Delegate-at-Large
Warfleld of Maryland , who made the fight
for reconsideration. Ohio moved the
appointment of a committee of live , of
which Chairman Atwood was to be chair
man , on the facts and political law
ot the case , to report at 3 o'clock The
subcommittee was then enlarged to sfven
The chairman named ns the subcommittee
A J. McLaurln of Mississippi , Warliel 1 of
Mai y land , Smith Weed of New York. J
W. IJlako of Texas , Ulrlch Sloan of Ohio ,
O Oonncll of Coloiado , and Chairman At
wood of Kansas
The subcommittee decided to seat the con
testants In the Fourth and Ninth Michigan
districts In place ot the gold contestces. The
subcommittee was evenly divided on seating
Contesting DoIegatcs-at-Large McGrath and
Fisher , in place of Stevenson and Weadock ,
and It was agreed that the sitting gold dele-
gates-at-large , Dlackcr and White , should
.Terrj Sliui'NOii AAiiniN Teller.
CHICAGO , July S i\-Congiessman Jerry
Simpson of Kansas , ono of the best known
populists In the country , talked to the As
soclated press on candidates He said
"If the democrats will nominate Teller o
Colorado , or Slbloy of Pennsylvania , th
populist convention will latlfy the nomlna
tlon. Wo will not ratify the nomlnatloi
of Illnnd It It Is mado. Teller Is a na
tlonal insii ; Slblcy Is a very liberal demo
rrat. with a consistent record for silver
but HIand li > such a democrat as wo can
not support. To ratify him would be t
give up our party organization , "
II 111 ml Ciilim Tfiiai'NNi't * .
CHICAGO , July 8 The Illand boom ha
gained an Important accession In the twenty
four votes of Tennessee' , which will be CUB
for the Missouri candidate on the first bal
lot , and until the delegation shall decide , {
It sees fit In the event of a long contest t
take up another man The decision t
support lllaiut was made at a meeting o
the delegation , held at a late hour las
night On a roll call thirteen delegate
expressed their preference for Bland an
eleven voted for Doles , As the unit rul
blmla the delegation , Its twenty -four vote
will bo cast together
I'litllxon IK Nil I.iuiKi-r In It.
CHICAGO. July S. It Is probable that 1
the convention adopts the proposed straight
e out silver platform , which has been ap
provrd by a majoilty of the resolutions com
mlttcc , ex-Governor Pattlson of Pennsyl
vanla will not bi < placed In nomination In
tbo event of a failure to name Pattison , th
votes from Pennsylvania will In all like
llhoo.1 bo divided between Slbley. Bole
and Matthew c Many of the delegate
from the Keystone state , however , declar
they will refrain from voting.
CuiiKi'il u Sfiiuallun jn Court.
-MO11 1 LI ) , Alu . July S A sensation wn
cuusid in police court hero today In vvhlc
MUhael Itiirrclt. a tough character uncle *
trh 1 for assault on n woman , dealt her i
fe irfnl blow on thu left side of the fae
tthlihc | > wa testifying before Actin
.Mayor C irrcli AMicu llu woman rccoverei
llui' It u.iri uli J fcr assault und glve-i
six months' imprisonment.
Committee on Resolutions Puts in the Best
Part of a Day ,
Iminelnl Plank stniiit < Milistnntlallj
US Ilceollllllendcil l > > tllC Sllll-
voitinilltee ( inlil Men Pre
pare a Minority Heport.
Chicago , July S After remaining In ses
sion until 2 o'clock this morning the mom-
> ers of the subcommittee on the platform
and resolutions did not appear very bright
vhen they filed Into the committee room at
9 o'clock today to make their report to the
full committee. As the day wore on they
wanned up to their work and the fagged ap-
H'arnnce of the members gradually cllsap-
lenrcd from their faces and by the time
they closed their labors at & 30 this aftcr-
10011 thej appeared without exception to bo
n good form physically and ready to meet
any demands which might be made on their
The day's session continued for five and a
: ialf hours and was devoted by thu majority
to the careful scrutiny of the platform as
prepared and reported by the subcommittee
It was first read as a whole , many of the
sections receiving applause. The document
was then taken up section by section and
the sections acted upon There weie very
tow changes made by the full committee ,
though many v.ere offered Probably the
most Important change was that suggested
by Mr Jones concerning the admission of
New Mexico and Arizona as states Several
of the sections aroused considerable discus
sion , though comparative ! ) little animosity
was displaced This was largely due to the
fact of the absence during the greater pan
of the time of thu gold members of the com
mittee They withdrew to an adjoining pri
vate room early In the day nnd were en
gaged during the greater part of the time
of the meeting In consultation among them
selves , and in preparation of the minority
report which they nnnounc d their Intention
to present to the convention , though not to
the full committee.
In announcing this Intention on behalf of
the minority Senator Hill said the minority
did not want their absence or their failure
to present objections to the platform to be
misconstrued as a waiver , and If that con
struction was to be given to their action
they would come in and participate , but
they did not want to Interfere with the prog
ress of the deliberations by raising objections
which they were satisfied would not bo en
tertained , and the raising of which would
only prolong the session.
In reply the majority sain , through one of
their number , that of course thev would ac
cept the explanation , but th .y added that ll
was desirable that the committee shoule
have the opposition report befoic them. T <
this Mr. Hill replied that It had not yet
been prepared The committee would be
glad to hear the objections of the minority
but if they did not feel disposed to make
them , both before the committee and the
convention , they would be excused from at
The most e\cltlng portion ot the proceed
ings occurred when a resolution by Senator
Hill endorsing the administration of Pres
ident Cleveland was presented. Debate on
this resolution was cut off by a motion made
T > y Senator Tlllman , but there was -great in
terest in the roll call , the members standing
and gathering about the center table with
evident concern expressed upon their coun
tenances The gold minority was prcseni
during the roll call and , of course , opposcc
by their votes the motion to lay on the ta
ble. The motion pievailed , however , by a
vote of 29 to 17. The minority also lecorded
the votes against the adoption of the plnt-
foim as a whole , the vote In this proposltioi
standing 33 to 15.
Shortly after convening the full committee
heard a delegation from the Women's Suf
frage association who desired to have Incoi
porated In the platform a strong woman suf
frage plank. The leading argument in favo
of the resolution was made by Df. Jullu
Holmes Smith of Chicago Other arguments
were made by Mrs. Catherine Waugh Me
The antl-suffraglsts were also given n
hearing and argued against the adoption o
any suffrage plank In the platform.
William P. St John of New York made oti
argument In favor of his free coinage plan !
which had been submitted to the committee
He made an aigumcnt to show that then
are many votes in the east In favor of free
coinage , and claimed that New York am
some New England states have a majority
for frco coinage.
The subcommittee then made Its report to
the full committee , submitting the platforn
which had been adopted last night. W W
Gatevvood , a Texas delegate , made an a. u
mont In favor of moderation in the tariff
declaration and presented the following
which had been Incorporated :
llebolved , That WP fnvor n tnrlfC for revenue
nuo bufflclent to defiay tlie necessary ex
penses of the government economically nd
ministered and so adjusted ns not to dls
criminate against the Industiles of nny t > ec
tlon , especially the raw materials of the
south nnd west. Including their wool , hides
sheep , cattle nnd other live stock Interests
Alien W. Thurman of Ohio offered Mr St
John's amendment to the financial plank
providing for the Issuance of coin certlfl
catcs In time of money stringency In ex
change far United States bonds and spoke ii
its favor The amendment led to an anl
mated debate Several mcmbeis opposed the
amendment on tbo cround that It was nu
politic or wise to make any suggestion o
the possibility of the free coinage of silver
causing a panic. Others , In support of Mr
Thurman , declared that they believed tha
the banks would not hesitate to precipitate
a panic In catc of the adoption of free coin
age , In order to regain the power which they
had wiongfully wrested from the people 1
was declared that the banks were even now
locking up their money In preparation o
such a chance
The previous question was ordered on Mi
Thurman's amendment and It was rejected
Mr. Thurman's amendment was offered as
such to the paragraph In the platform dc
daring that the demonetization of silver has
resulted in appreciation of gold , etc , am
this paragraph was adopted after the amend
ment nas rejected.
The secretary proceeded with the reading
of the platform section by section , develop
Ing no little discussion as he progressed
Senator Hill of New York made a suggrs
tlon when the paragraph demanding the I in
mediate restoration of the free and unllm
itcd coinage of silver was reached to the
effect that there should be a declaration for
the picseivatlon of the parity of the metals
This brought about a dUiueslon as to the
minority report , several silver men claiming
that the minority report was being unduly
delayed and saying It should be before the
full comml'tee to be considered together
with the majority report Later it wan
stated by the members of the minority tha
the minority report would not bo presentee
to the committee , but to the convention
The paragraph condemning the Issuance o
bonds in time or en-ace caused a discussion
which was participated in by Mct > srs Till
man , Thomas , George , Thurinau and others
In which the possibility of a panic was freely
discussed Finally the paragraph won
slightly amended on a motion made by
Thomas of Colorado
The s'ctlous re'atlng to tariff and the
Income tax were read co-jolntly and botl
adopted with comparatively few amendments
The only Important amendment In the pro
visions was one declaring for a tax that
would be sectlonally impartial , These two
paragraph ! ) are In practically the bame Ian
guago as contained In the report of the plat
form sent las > t night by the Associated press
A motion to u.rlke out the Income tax pro
vision waa promptly disposed of by being
laid on the table on motion of Senator Till
The plank condemning the refunding o
he Pacific railroad debts was accepted with-
jut debate , us was also tho'parngraph in re-
; ard to pensions , which takee the position
among other things against the dropping of
he names of pensioners tinder pcr-
ectly Justifiable circumstances. The Pacific
allroad plank Is as follows-
No discrimination should be Indulged In by
the povernment of the United States In fa
vor of Its debtors We approve of the re-
'u nl of the rifty-KOcoml tongre' < s to puss
the Pacific rnllro.icl 'funding lilll anil de
nounce the efforts of the present republican
congress to enact a. Elmllnt measure
The gold delegates took very little part In
ho discussion of the platform section by
section , and did not vote upon the sections
reserving their right to concentrate their
pposltlon to the platform as a whole.
The action on the money stringency plank
was afterwards recommended and adopted.
A paragraph declaring sympathy with the
_ fforts of the territories to attain statehood
aroused some debate , Mr Jones of New Mex-
co contending for the Insertion In lieu of the
[ ilank reported by the subcommittee of the
platform declaration of 1S92 , which takes
explicit ground In favor of the admission of
the territories of New Mexico and Arizona
and other territories as they may bo able
to show their capability bf conducting the
affairs ot a state He declared that If the
democratic convention would take this posi
tion It would make the territories demo
cratic when they became states The amend
ment suggested by the gentleman from New
Mexico waa adopted
The Cuban paragraph aroused considerable
debate and numerous amendments were of
It was about 2 o'clock when the committee
concluded the consideration of the platform
by sections and a motion was made and car
ried authorizing the chairman to report It
to the convention as adopted
After this action Senator Gray of Delaware
asked for reconsideration In order to put
the different members on record by means
of a roll call This reiiuest was acceded to
and a vote taken by states which resulted as
Yeas- Alabama , John Dankhcad ; Arkan
sas. James K Jones ; California , James Ma-
Rtilrc , Colorado , Charles If Thomas , Florida ,
H W Davis , Georgia. E P How ell. Idaho
IJerry M llllllard. Illinois , Nicholas WorthIngton -
Ington , Indiana , JaraeB McCabe , Iowa , J S.
Murphy , Kansas , J. D McCleverly , Ken
tucky , W P Hardln. Louisiana , S M Rob
ertson , Mississippi , J. Z George , Missouri ,
P W Cockrell ; Montana. E D Matthews ,
Nebraska , N. S Harwooci , New Me\lco , A
A Jones ; North Carolina , E. J Hale ; Ohio ,
Allen W Thurman , Oregon. Charles A Mil
ler ; South Carolina n. lit Tlllman , Tennes
see , A. T. McNeal , Tevtasf John H Reagan
Utah , J L Rollins ; Virginia , Carter Glass ,
Washington , R C McCr'oskey ; West Vir
ginia. William Kinkald , ( Wyoming , C W
nraincl ; Arizona , W. H panics ; District of
Columbia , Robert E. Hatting ; Oklahoma , M
L IJlxler ; Indian Territory , H. L. Owen
Total , 33. '
Nays- Connecticut , xrnde Harrison ; Del
aware , George Gray ; Malno , Charles V. Hol-
min ; Maryland George Preotls Pee ; Massa
chusetts , John E RusBellj Minnesota , James
E O'nrien ; New Hampshire. Irving W.
Drew ; New Jersey , A. Li McDcrmott ; New-
York. David B Hill ; Pennsylvania , E R
Wright ; Rhode Island. David S. Baxter ,
South Dakota W R. Steele ; Vermont , P. J.
Farrell ; Wisconsin. W P. Vllas ; Alaska ,
Charles D Rodgers Total. 35
Not VotingMichigan / George H Hum
mer : Nevada , G W Hcaly ; North Dakota ,
W. R Roach Totnl. 3 '
.lust prqijous to adjournment Senator Hill
of Now Yorlc created something of a sensa
tion by offering the following resolution
"We commend the honesty , courage and
fidelity of the pictfent democratic adminis
tration " In prcscntlqpf1 this resolution he
nald , ns oho of the Bllvcrtuen afterwards
characterized It , ' 'in hfif bland nnd easy
way. " that ho assumed that the resolution
would bo votqd do\vn , but it had been de
cided to present It , nevertheless , to give the
party an , opportunity to put Itself on record
He was requested not to persist In his pur
pose , but ho Insisted upon exercising his
Senator Tlllman of South Carolina fol
lowed promptly with a motion to lay upon
the table , which prevailed by the following
vote- . *
Yeas- Alabama , John H. Bankhead ; Arkan
sas , James Magulre ; rvjorado , Charles H.
Thomas ; Tlorlda , R. "W ; Davis ; Georgia , E
Powell ; Idaho Berry' SI. Hilllard ; Indiana
James McCabe ; low , J. S. Murphy ; Kan
sas , J. D McClerverly ; Kentucky , P. W.
Hardln ; Louisiana. S M Robertson ; Mis
souri r. M. Cockrell ; Montana , E. D Matts
Nebraska , N S. Harvvood ; North Carolina
E. J. Hale ; Ohio , AlignJW. Thurman ; Ore
gon. Charles A. Mllloi : South Carolina , B.
R. Tlllman , Tennessee , A. T. McNeal ; Texas
John H. Reagan ; Utah,1 J. L Rollins ; Vli-
glnia , Carter Glass ; Washington , R. C. Mc-
Crobky ; West Virginia , William Klncaid
Wyoming. C. W. Bramel , Arizona. W. H
Barnes , District of Columbia. Robert E.
Mattlngly , Oklahoma , M. L. Blxlei ; total ,
Nays- Connecticut , Llnde Harrison-
Delaware , George Gray ; Illinois , Nich
olas Worthlngton ; Maine , Charles V.
Holman ; Maryland , John Prentlss
Poe ; Massachusetts , John E. Rus
sell ; Minnesota , James E. O'Brien ; Missis
sippi , J. Z. George ; New' Hampshlic , Irving
W. Drew ; New Jersey , A. L. McDerraott ;
New Mexico , A. A. Jones ; New York , David
B Hill ; Pennsylvania , R. E. Wight ; Rhode
Island , David S. tiaxter ; South Dakota ,
W R. Stcelo , Vermont. P. J Farrell ; Wis
consin , W. F. Vllas ; Alaska , Charles D
Rodgers ; Indian Territory , R. L. Owen ; to
tal , 17.
Not voting- Michigan , George P. Hummer ;
Nevada , G. W Healy ; North Dakota , W. N.
Roach , total , 3 '
Among those who voted against the reso
lution to table was Senator George of Missis
sippi , who laid that he thought that the
administration of President Cleveland had
been unfortunate for the country , but that
he was not prepared to say that the presi
dent was not actuated by right Intentions ,
and ho suggested that the motion bo couched
In different language , sothat , they could vote
upon It without disobeying Instructions
With proper changes the motion would be
admlssable and could bo entertained
Senator Hill Inslitcily however , that the
motion should bland as offered
An offer was made on the motion of Mr ,
Bryan to Include In.tjie platform a plank
endorsing the Initiative and referendum sys
tem , but objection wa-s made , on the ground
that without some chatiKe constitutionally
In the form of the government , these sys
tems could not bo 'experimented with , and
the motion did notprevail.
William II. Tliontiixiiii f/luiHe-ii IIH hur-
( HHur to Tubltin Cimtor.
CHICAGO , July'8 The victorious silver
delrpatlon from NebrJsXa this afternoon
elected \ \ llllam H. Thompson a member ol
the national committee- place of Tobias
Castor , wro belonged ( o the unseated fac
tion ;
The organization wat > perfected as fol
lows Chairman , C J , fimyth. credentials
C Hollenbeck ; permanent oiganlzation , G
A Lullthardt : rules , W. X ) . Oldham ; resolu
tions. W J Brynn , honorary vice president
Charles H Drown : secrotury. F A. Thomp
son ; notification , J. A. Crelghton.
IleittliH fit iv Uii- .
OAKLAND , Cal. , July S. B. M , Cooper ,
general manager ot the Wells , Fargo Ex
press company , died at his home In this
city last night. Cooper was one of the
oldest express officers in the country ,
FREMONT July 8. ( Special. ) Wcrd has
been received heio of the death of Mrs
Thomas Wilson at Great Tails , Mont. Mrs
WlUon bad beeu far many years a teacher
In Indian schools , _ s > ul was recently locatet
at Blackfoot Ageifpy , Mont. She was for
some time a teacher at the Genoa Indian
tcliool She was very well known urn
highly respected here and had an extensive
acquaintance among teachers. Her remains
will bo brought to Fremont for burial.
SIOUX CITY , July S ( Special Telegram )
John May , a pioneer In northwestern Iowa
died here today Ho was born In Quebec
ninety -six years ago , came to the United
States while a young nan and settled In
Sioux City In 1SS3 He leaves six children
and twenty-six grandchildren.
Advocates of the White Metal Have Their
Way at Chicago.
* < < \rrnl ClreuniNtnticrN Coinlilne in
Him IIH Available mill
u 1'rolmlilc Man for
the Niiiiilitntlotu
CHICAGO. July S ( Special Telegram )
The democratic convention Is a silver con
vention and Its candidate will be a silver
candidate. Hut his Identity Is still uncer
tain. Bland has gained no new ground , and
delay Is dangerous for him There Is with
out question a growing undercurrent for
Dry an. All the Nebraska sllvcrltcs are out
In now resplendent badges , bearing his portrait
trait , and arc now talking for him aloud I
heard a Montana delegate say he was going
to vote for Bryan , and no one should be sur
prised If he develops considerable strength
Ilryan Is n possibility. It Is urged that
lie would bo a strong bait to the populists
at St. Louis , and the platform , with Its
free silver , Income tax and anti-railroad
planks , Indicates that a spirit favorable tea
a bid for populist endorsement Is abroad.
Nebraska admlnlstratlonlsts had their fun
yesterday. Nebraska silvcritcs had their
fun today The shifting of the scene was by-
no means as specular as had been promised
The credentials committee report was
adopted without debate and without division
The sound money men filed out unnoticed
Their successors marched In behind a hugo
Bryan banner , held aloft by huge Dr Ed
wards of Lincoln. There was some applause
but It was of short duration Bryan was In
attendance at the resolutions committee and
there was therefore no personal demonstra
I talked with Secretary Morton at the Chicago
cage club this evening as to the futuic of
the sound money democracy of Nebraska
"I am decidedly of the opinion , " said he ,
"that our organization should be main
talncd , and that we must Keep up the fight
for democra'Ic principles. If those prin
ciples are to be preserved It has been
the free silver faction that has disrupted
and destroyed the democracy of Nebraska
They began in 1S92 , when I ran for gov
ernor. Judge Irvine was the next victim ,
a year later , and they forced two organlza-
ttona in 1S94. The sound money organiza
tion Is the regular organization "
Referring to the general political situa
tion. Secretary Morton said he rcgaidcd It
as the most critical he had ever witnessed
When ho returned from California a few
weeks ago and predicted just what has bap
pencd here , he was accused of being fright
ened Unless some means is found to get
all the friends of sound money together
there Is , In the opinion of Mr Morton , grave
danger that the repudiation frenzy may
sweep the country.
Tobias Castor Is not so positive as Sccrc
tary Morton ns to the maintenance of the
sound money organization In Nebraska
"U will decencf. savs he. "on what the
sliver democrats do This much I will say
They cannot make us vote for ponultst can
didates any more than they could in 1S94 "
The unseated delegates remain in Chicago
I asked some of them if they expected to
join in a bolt. They said no.
XnjtiF llelvliili-j Will AililrcsM a Iiirt ; < >
C'riMiil at MIMCI-'H I.aUi- .
CANTON , O , July S Mrs. N. Coe Stewart
of Cleveland was here today to complete ar
rangements for the Cleveland women to
visit Major McKlnley on July 10. There Is
cuch a lively Interest taken In the affair by
the women of Cleveland and surrounding
towns that a big crowd Is already assured
Street cars are to be in waiting to carry the
excursionists to Mover's Lake , two miles
from this city , where the exercises ofthe _
day will be held. Major McKlnley Is to'ad-
drcss the assembly at the lakeside To give
every one an opportunity to see the McKln
ley home , the party will stop enroute to the
station on the return trip and after escortIng -
Ing the major to his door , join In a patriotic
song of farewell. Mrs Stewart has agreed
to write a special song for the occasion
Mrs. Eliza M. Vcrrer , who is the recognized
leader of Cleveland women In politics. Is to
deliver the address to Major McKinley Sev
eral hundred former soldiers and sailors of
Cleveland will also come the same day Mrs
Mary Stewart Coffln , president of the Mich
igan Republican club , will be one of the
ui : vnr.ocicnD ON MONHV I \.MC. .
South Dakota Hfimhllc'iiiiH Dlililcil
Ili-lu roil Son nil II o in-j ami Sll\cr.
ABERDEEN , S. D. . July 8. The repub
lican state convention has been In session
hero since noon , but proceedings are
blocked at midnight upon the question of
adopting the St. Louis platform. The free
coinage republicans are represented by
Judge Patterson of Sioux Falls. Ev-Unlted
States Senator Morris is defending the
national platform. At midnight only one
section of the proposed state platform hail
been adopted and the financial plank was
under discussion. The conventlno will oc
cupy another day.
ltfiiilillciiii | Slaie 1'ollllex.
STROMSBURG , Neb , July S. ( SpeclaD
A big republican rally for Polk county Is to
take place In the public park of Stroms-
burg August 1. Many prominent speakers
will be present from abroad to address the
M'COOK , Neb , July 8. ( Special Tele
gram ) At the republican senatorial com
mittee meeting held In McCook this evenIng -
Ing It was decided to hold the convention
for the Twenty-ninth senatorial dlstllct in
McCook , on Monday , September 2 $ . at C
o'clock p m The representation Is the same
as the state convention , and gives the fol
lowing numbers of delegates to the several
counties Chase , 4 ; Frontier , 8 , Dundy , 4 ,
Furnas , 13 ; Gosper , & ; Hitchcock , C , Hayes ,
4 ; Red Willow , 11. U was recommended
that no proxies bo admitted to the conven
tion , Delegates present will cast the full
strength of the delegation ,
WAYNE , Neb. , July 8 ( Special Tele
gram ) A McKlnley and Hobart republican
club was organized here last night with an
enrollment of nearly 100 members and much
enthusiasm prevailed Tha following offi
cers were elected President , Frank Fuller
vice president , N Grlrasley , secretory , Berl
Brown , executive committee Senator John
T JJressler , W H McNeal , A A Welch , F
M. Skcen and A T Witter. The member
ship of the club will reach 200.
Warm FlKliI ill the Fourth ,
MASON CITY , la , , July S. ( Special Tele
gram ) The result of yesterday's caucuses
In Wlnnlshlek county puts Updegraff In the
lead In the Fourth congressional district
contest. It was the hottest campaign ever
waged In the county and Thomas Updcgraf !
carried the county over James E 111)thu by
a vote of 42 to 79 This gives UpdtKraff Al-
lamnkeo and WlnnUhlek , two doubtful coun
ties , and bis chances of securing the nomi
nation are very promising
rim n llfi"l | > llcaiiN In Coat edition ,
WATERLOO , la. , July 8 ( Special Tele
gram ) The Illackhawk republican county
convention was held here today. Nomina
tions were made for county offices ant
delegates selected to the state and con-
grceslonat convention : . The latter will beheld
held here tomorrow.
Dllllil ) Co u ill ) | ' | | | | ,
BENKELMAN , Neb , July 8. ( Special. )
The Dundy county populist convention waa
held here July 4 , Senator Dale was here , as
advertised , but failed to bf a magnet , and
elicited very little enthusiasm.
MJW ionic nnctnr.s M T TO IIOI.T.
leli'Ka e Dlvlili-il In Tliolr Opinions
< M PI * the Situation.
CHICAGO , July S The New York dele
gation after an exciting conference this
morning decided not to bolt. There was no
vote , but the sentiment was strongly against
it. Perry Uelmont was In favor of Immc-
llate withdrawal , as was Congressman
George 11 McClelland
There were about twenty members of the
lelcgatlon present nt the caucus when Chair
man Flower called It to order. There was a
: > rlef discussion on the question of leaving
iho convention The majority was In fnvor
of remaining In Congressman Uelmont was
'or a boll and was supported by several oth
ers , but their words were not accepted with
much enthusiasm The meeting adjourned
without action being taken , and the dile
gation was given to understand that then-
would be another meeting after adjournment
There was i rumor that New York had
ileclded to remain In the convention , but
not vote for candidates Governor Flower
said "We took no action No vote was
taken 1 believe that the sentiment Is e-on-
scrvatlvo and tends toward our staying In
It Is possible wo may not vote on candi
dates "
Congressman SuUrr said "There was ab
solutely no defined policy adopted We did
not decide not to vote on candidates , and
nothing that I can remember was said to
Indicate that we would take that attitude"
General Charles Tracey ot the New York
delegation says ho will feel compelled to
leave the convention when the silver plat
form Is adopted or to announce to the con
vention that he cannot support the can
didate on the platform He Is undecided
which course to take , whether he will Ici.-o
the hill quietly or make the statement from
the floor that he will not support the nom
inee and then retire If there are objections
to his remaining under such clrcumstinci's
The New York delegation did not mont
tonight and there were no small meetings
The gold people did not confer , but talked
ot the display they made In the convention
and the appHuso they had received The
rumors of a bolt from the convention were
pinned down so ns to demonstrate that only-
seven Individuals think of bolting They ore
said to bo Charles Tracey and George B
McClellan , Now York , Perry llelmont , in
the Massachusetts delegation , McDcrmott tf
New JeiFey and a couple In Pennsylvania
Further than these nobody Is talking bolt
and all the others will stay In thu conven
tion , even It they do not cast a vote for
the candidates Even thobc who say they
will walk out will do so quietly and without
any speeches
It was learned late tonight that ex-Post
master General Iflsscll of Buffalo a dele
gate from New York. Thirty-second dlstllct
had left the city and would not be present
again. Franklin llartlett of New York and
Delancey Nlcoll of New York were added
to the list of those who would leave the
convention and allow their places to le
filled by alternates
MIViil MIJN MT AT AM , bCltnn. .
Sa > Tlii-ri * IN \n Doulit of Their
\ lillltIn Control tinCIIIM ciitlon.
CHICAGO , July 8 It was generally sup
posed the adjournment of the convention to
night , previously to the presentation of the
platform , contrary to the original progiam ,
was taken In order to enable the silver
delegates to confer among themselves 'n '
regard to future proceedings , and cspeclilly
with reference to the arrangement ot a pio-
gram to prevent the consumption of time by
such demonstrations as thobc made today
Such does not prove to bo the case. No
conference was held. The delegates gen
erally made their way direct to the restau
rants and to the dining rooms of their ho
tels , and , after refreshing themselves , sought
their beds The lenders , without exception ,
declared the reason for the adjournment
wan to bo found In the fact that the dele
gates were generally very much fallsJ'J.
many of them having been up during the
greater part of labt night , engaged in com
mittee work They felt that to take up
the platform and not conclude Its conslden-
tlon would be bad policy , nnd that It could
not be put through In less than three or
four hours , which would throw adjournment
to too late an hour under the circumstances
They also Hay there Is no occasion for con
ference at this time , because they regard
the result of today's proceedings an ample
demonstration of their strength They say
there can bo no longer any doubt about
their ablTlty to control the ocnvcntlon They
have practically abandoned the Idea which
took such hold of the silver delegations
while the Hill demonstration was in prog
ress of formulating a plan to clear the gal
leries , and have coticludc-d to endure all
future manifestations , rather than resort to
heroic measures to prevent them. The sil
ver movement Is they say. a popular move
ment , and It Is believed'that as many people
ple should be allowed to participate In the
convention as practicable They no longer
regard the demonstration BO seriously as at
i-itoriitAM AHII VUID rou rronw.
Ut'lmto on IMntforni Will lie Short
ami 'I'llMi NomlniitloiiN Ile Iii.
CHICAGO , July S There will not be such
freedom of debate on the report of the com
mittee on resolutions , which will be the first
order of business in the convention tomor
row , as there was on the report of the com
mittee on credentials tonight. H hav been
decided to allow an hour and twenty min
utes on each sldo of the discussion on reso
lutions , after which a vote will bo Insisted
upon Senator Tlllman is to consume tlfty
minutes of the time for the majority report
He will be followed by Biyan , Jones and one
other sllvcrltc Senator Hill will make the
principal speech on behalf of the minority
Vllas , Gray nnd RtiEsell will be the othci
minority speakers It Is understood that Mr
Tillman will make n characteristic speech
Ho Is contemplating moving as on amend
ment to the platform thu South Carolina
plank denouncing the Cleveland ndminlfitia-
tlon , but he has almost been persuaded to
desist from this It Is Intended to begin the
nominating speeches as soon as the platform
Is adopted.
TUI'ASUIV STIM , ruii , 01siinu. .
Iliinilrcil anil Thirty Million Climeex
of Illllllon Vvviillliit ; Co I ll n e.
WASHINGTON , July S On Julv 1 the
treasury held of the silver bullion pur-
< -hnsed under the net of July 14 , 1SOO , 131-
841,424 ounces , costing $118,900,453 The
coining value of this bullion in silver dollais
is $170,441.40 . Since November 1 , 1893 ,
11,157,491 standard silver dollars have been
coined , and It Is said at the trcasuiy that It
is probable that the coinage of silver dollars
lars will bo Increased to 2,000,000 or 3,000,000
per month after August 1 next.
Tl-IU'lUTH nil'l't OlIllM-l-M ,
BUFFALO. July 8 'iho nominating- com
mittee o fthu National IMiiL.itlon il associa
tion convention today icrommendcd the fol
lowing olllcers for next year , the reoom-
mendiitlon being equivalent to election
President , Churlcs R Bklniu r , Nc-vv York ;
Bec-rctury , Iivvln fahcrd , Wlnonn , Minn ,
treasurer , 1 C .McNcIll , KIUIH.IH city.
VloeiliililN of OCTIIII VCHMI-IH , JillS. .
At New York : Arrived Ems , from Genoa ,
Teutonic , from Liverpool , Hnvrl , from Ilro-
men Sailed New Yoik for Southampton ,
Germanic for Liverpool , Wc'Hlernland , for
At Baltimore : Airlvcd-Nekar , from lire-
men Sallod-Cipft'ld. for Urcmui
At Gibraltar Balled M.ivHlIu , from Mur-
sc Illea for New York , Olympic , from Leg
horn und Constantinople for New Yoik
At Rotterdam Bulled Spaardtim , foi New
At Hremtn Arrived HoUnd , from Haiti-
At Liverpool Arrived Majestic from New
York Sailed Wnesland , for Philadelphia
At Hamburg- Arrived Patria , fiom Now
At Genoa Arrived-We ria , from New
At Boulogne Arrlvcd-Amstcidam , from
New York
At CopenhaKen- Arrived Thlnuvallu ,
from New- York : Virginia , from Now Yoik
At Southampton Arrived-Spree , from
New York for llremdi , ht Paul , from New
York. Ballcd Trave , from Hi amen for .New
At lit omen. Arrived LtraunnchuolK fiom
New York ; ttoland , from Baltimore.
Democratic Convention is Now in Shape to
Do Business ,
Free Coinage Delegations Seated from No *
braska and Michigan ,
By the UEO of the Unit Rule the Gold Mcn'a
Rout is Thorough.
Permanent Organization r.lTeeteil nil01
tin * I'lal form Until > ( it lieI'rc -
Hfiiloil Ilii'N 'x-wiloii Oeeil-
ptecl Midi Sliver "MteeelieN.
CHICAGO , July S The battle of giants
was waged all along the HMO today with the
silver men In control In the commlttco
rooms anil In the convention No quarter
was shown. The committee on resolutions ,
\\hcro they hail a majority of twenty ,
crushed the opposition and , with a fcwt
modifications , adopted the platform
by the snbcommltteu late last night and
teleginphcd to the country by the Associated
press Senator Hill , following the biblical
Injunction to turn the other check , after the
resolutions which Inferentl.illy condemned
the president nt thuo distinct points had
been adopted by the committee , offered a
plank commending the admlnlstiatlon for
Its honest } , fldellt } and courage 11 y a vote
of 27 to 17 It was defeated
Every v.hcre toda > thcie was talk of a gold
bolt and It seems now very probable there
may bo deflnltc action of at least a portion
of the mlnorlt > The leaders. howe\er. are
sill ! exercising their Influence to restrain
thrlr followers The New York delegation
decided not to wlthdiaw. Ex-Governor
Flow or , who nt first advocated a bolt ,
changed front today , but Colonel O K. Me *
Clellan and Terry Uelmont were for radical
action. The course of the committee on
resolutions last night In deciding to unseat
the Michigan gold delegation had the effect.
In an Indirect way , of staying the strong
hand of the bllvcr leiders It precipitated
a btorm of protests fi'om the gold men , who
said they consldeied It simply an cxcrclsa
of force The Masbachusetts and Connecti
cut delegations weie especially Incensed owl
they threatened to either withdraw from the
convention or decline participation In Its
action If the Michigan delegation was un
seated Coupled with this was the intima
tion that Senator White , wbo Is selected as
permanent chaliinan , would rule that a
nomination could be made by two-thirds or
the delegates voting In the convention. It
was this latter threat more than the other
which decided the credentials committee to
reconsider the Michigan case. If such a
ruling were made the Bland men , with their
big lead , could perhaps compass his nomina
tion If the gold men declined to vote. The
friends of the other candidates became *
alarmed at the possibility and , with swift
combination against the Mis-jourlan , made
hacto to recoiihlder their action.
Tor ovur three hours the convention
awaited the end of the struggle in the com
mittee on credentials , occupying Its tlmo
In listening to the fervid oratory of silver
champions Hx-Govcrnor Hogg of Texas.
Senator Blackburn of Kentucky , ex-Gov
ernor Overmc > er of Kansas , Governor Alt-
geld of Illinois and ex-Congressman Wll-
Ihnis of Massachusetts addressed the con
vention The dashing Blackburn and the
palo but alert governor of Illinois made
a deep Impression on the convention , but
It was the clean limbed , collcgo-brcd young
convert to free sliver fioin the Old Bayr
state who carried off the honors of the day.
The net result of the day's session was
the seating of the Nebraska silver dele
gation This was the signal for a wild
demonstration In honor of Bryan , the "Boy
Orator of the I'lattc , " who Is now every
where rccognbcd as a formidable darkl
hoise. The sudden announcement of the-
determination of the Illinois delegation to
desert Illand and vote for Stevenson after
the first ballot fell like a vyet blanket on
the Missouri candidate The Alabama
Bland men also changed their allegiance ,
hut the Bland men still keep a bravo
front. The combination against the MIs-i
saurian made great progress and confidently
claimed before the evening session o ! the
convention that It had blocked bis way
to the nomination. McLean's power was
manifest everywhere and the dcslro to
nominate Teller grew more formidable with
each development. The prospects of a gold
bolt strengthened the argument of those *
who favored an opening of the session
with tbo silver roriiblicans and the popu
lists adopted the politics of the situation.
The crowds returned to convention hall
expecting a piotractcd night session and
decisive action on the platform. There
was further delay , l.owevci. In the committee
on credentials and In the meantime the
band played , and , as the evening advanced ,
in > rlads of electric lights added brilliant
Illumination to the seem * The Michigan
contest , which had excited sharp divisions
In committee , was reported at C o'clock , giv
ing the silver forces a majority of the
delegation and thus permitting them to
( .wing the twenty-eight votes of Michigan
for silver It excited a warm debate that
gave evidence of thu Intense personal feelIng -
Ing aroused When , after two hours *
spccUimaklng , the final vote was taken , It
gave the occasion for the most spontaneous ,
and stirring demonstrations that have oc
curred. As the New York delegation cast
Its vote to sustain the Michigan gold dele
gates , a great chout went up from the delegate
gate- ) and spectators , which grew In In
tensity an It proceeded , while men Jumped
on chairs and waved hats , coats , handker
chiefs and shouted themselves hoarse. It
was eighteen minutes , before the rapping
nf HID chairman could "hrlug the convention
back to order Then a moment later , the
rhaliman announced that the silver men
had a decisive majoilty , and there was a
icpotltlon of the wild demonstration , this
tlmo by the sliver men. lasting close upon
twenty minutes It evident that the
leaders bided their time for council , and
they determined to urge the platform to an
IEBUO tonight With the forcible speech ot
Senator White on taking the chair , the
putmancut organization was perfected , and ,
at tO. ) , the convention adjoin ned untl )
10 o'clock tomorrow. .
siLvrm roncns scAiinn.
The prolonged demonstration which tooli
place in the convention tonight beginning
with the announcement of New York's veto
on the Michigan contest , was construed by
the silver men as prearranged Some ot
them regarded It as an effort to stampede
the convention and nominate Senator Hill.
They Immediately Jumped to that conclu
sion , and declared that the hall had been
packed , and many schemes were hurriedly
discussed looking to the prevention of any.
futuic demonstration of the same character.
Several of the silver delegate * mounted the
platform during the firm period of the dcmr
onstrntlon and remonstrated with Senaton
Daniel , who was presiding over the mild !
ncm of Ilia manner It was , however , bo
jond the pov tr of any presiding oltlcer to
clink the exhibition , and the Virginia Ben.
ator whllo feeling ay keenly as any m tl
nniH the desirability of checking the en-
tlui Uhin , could do nothing to In any degree *
} i > iiii-h Its force Gestures and tpeecba
were as vnavtillng a would bo a fojtiorj