Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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    TIT ID Oat AHA DAILY B13E : TUESDAY , .TUN E 80 , 1800.
Organize n Ohib with Over lour Hundred
Members ,
ItfNciliilliuiN I'HHiM'il ScUInK 1'iirdi
Tliclr HfiiNiiiiH for .SiiiiiirtliiK |
Him for HviiniitliinUiiii Tlcl.i-t
( or < lie I'rliinirlt'N.
The conRrcBslonnl candidacy ot David 11.
fiercer received Bubitnntlol Impetus at n
rousing meeting of Ninth ward republicans
nl Twenty ninth and Parnam streels lasl
flight The halt won Oiled lo Iho doors nnd
All Bcenicd n null In ciidorsliiL' Mr Mercer.
\V I Klerstend presided , and Inlroducod I
It Andrews who made a vigorous upee-ch
In behalf of Meiecr In the courco of hli
re-marks he fired some hot shot at the gen
tlemen who wcro aspirins to succeed Mer
cer nnd his hits at their peculiar manner
of conducting a campaign were received with
vociferous approbation The speaker re
marked that the simple fact thai n man hail
voted Ihe republican llckel anil worked for
Ihe Inlercsts of the parly was no icason why
he was entitled to a nomination for con
ic gross If they did not believe In Iho prln-
| r clplea of the republican party they should
not uphold them , and If Ihcy did they could
do no less Hvery man had n right to as
pire to go to congress , but It was no part
of his duty In lhat connection to endeavor
to vilify and drag down an honest ami
faithful man
At the conclusion of Mr Andrew's spcecli
Mr Mercer arrived and ho was greeted wltli
prolonged applause , which was ii'iiiMvecl
when ho was liilroduccd by the chairman.
Mr Mercer dlHcredltcd llio Illusion that he
could nol make a speech by lalklng In n
mosl vlgoious and enteitnlnlng manner for
nearly an hour lie paid but scant atten
tion to the nllacks of lila opponenla , merely
referring to them In a good nntured way
nnd declaring such Incites could not
bent him The intimation that he had jug
gled the exposition bill until the last dnj of
Irj congress for his personal Intcrcsls , he dls-
| n missed as absurd , and brlelly outlined the
manner In which the bill had been passed
to show how desperate n struggle It had
proved to be " \\liy , " he concluded , "If I
can juggle legislation on the flngera of m >
hand an mv opponents seem to tlilnK , send
| l mu back lliere again , and I will have Ihe
II capltol moved here Inside of another l\vo
IJ jcars"
Out of Ihe thousands of bills thai had
been liilroduccd al the last session of con
gress only 320 had passed. Among UICKO
had been two o [ the most Important bills
of the session , the Fort Omaha bill and the
TraiismlsBlssippI exposition bill. The Tort
Omaha bill ho hnd got through the house
nnd It has also passed the senate In npltc
of Ihe fuel lhat there were flvo othci
similar bills Introduced none of which even
got a place on the calendar In the face
of a deficit of $200,000,000 the request of
the Omahn people for $200.000 with which
lo make a fair had been granlcd , even before
Ihoy built n chicken coop themselves
Ho proposed lo go back , because there was
much that remained to be done to make the
enterprise n success , nnd his experience had
taught him thai ho could do It bettci than
a new man
At the close of Mr. Mercer's speech ho was
given three eheerH and the ciovvd listened
to speeches by James T. Powers , Charles J
Greene and olhcis.
The following rcsolullons were unani
mously adopted
WliPrc.iH , Hon David II Mercer Ins
served this district In voiigi"ss faithfully. .
etllclcMitly and h itlsr.ictorllv for two terms
lie H kn n ic-electloii niul appeals to hi'
uc-ord to vindicate light to be u candi
date on the republican tloket this fall. Dm-
Ills' the four \earH Invhlch lie has s-irvei'
this district Mr Meicer IMS hcetircd up-
propilatlons for Foil Cioolc , for the poit-
olllce building for the Impiovements of tin
rtvi-r front , for construction or a post-
otllce building nt South Om.ihn. for tin
Tr.iusmlsblsslppl exposition and for u toi
pcdo to be built on the Mlssotul liver
lie nisi ) ttociired two briinca poslolllci"
for Omaha Mr Mercer Miccei'dcd In pass
lug through the house a bill don.Ulug tin
Fort Om.iha inllltaiy uscivatlou to tin
Htate foi a military school. The bill vv.i1
vetoc'd by Ihe president , but the pios'eet'
are that both houses will ugice to <
Ihe nun sin o over his veto
Mi Meicer has Blood btcniUnHtly ut hi1
post walehhmcoiiBtautlj and skilfully tin
Interests of his constlHieiicv , yet uevei
b ( en too biisv nor too Indifferent to attenc
Ihe rpqm'SlB ot his coiihtltuentH Hinco hi
waB eh < U < 1 to otlico Hveryhody know :
ho would walk fiom thecapltol to tin
Uonsiii } building on Ihe hottest day o
mldmimiiK-i If b > doing It ho could securi
a lure postage Btamp foi the non of out
of his friends nt home Mr Meicer hir
been eve rj hocly'H filend and everjbodj'i
nrrvatit during his ( ntlro olllclal careoi
lie Is on exeellenl terms with all hl UK
HOC latcs In congress , known exactly when
to go und when to go to accomplish t
given object and la now better titled thai
over for the responsible duties of the of
lice of congressman from the most linpoi
taut dlHtrlct In Nebnmkn
Ilciogiilzlng In Mr Mercer nil Ideal con
KrcsHiimu and appreciating the bcrvlce-B h <
IIIIB leiidcrtd thlH district In the
tbiTi'foro , be II
Hcsolvtd , That Ihe Ninth Wiinl Meicei
club endoi- IIB | candidacy for renomlna
tlon and hereby plcdpcH UB membeiH , col
Icctlvply and Individually , to UM > all honor
nble meaiiB to secuio his rcnomliiatlon am
A motion was then made Ihal Chalrmai
Klerstead appoint n committee of fifteen ti
Belecl a delegation lo ho voled for nt tin
prlmarlca July 7 , said delegation to bo pre
bcntcd lo llio meeting lomorrovv evening fo
puhllu approval , The following Is tl'o ejm
mllleo. I , H Andrews , Simon Trostler , T
W. niackhurn , Charles J. Johnson. J. 1'
Ilornn , C S Hmitlngtun , II P. Sloddail C
D , Iltitcheson , II C. Akin , C. U. Davidson
George II 1'ayne , Dr II. \ \ ' . Dalley. H i :
I. < lveney. Dr Joseph Neville , John L. C'ar
nnd Abraham L Heed.
Parties precenl were given an opportunlt ;
to Blgn the club roll und a huge numbe
responded , making the total membeisulj
over 400.
riicnp TriM flint ?
Chicago J7 2f > July 4 , B and C.
Chicago and iclurn $12.75 July 4 ,
nnd G
Washington , 1) , C. , and ret. $30.25 Jul
3 , 4 , C and G
Duffalo nnd return $20.75 July 4 and E
Hot Springs und return $10 .IS July
and 24
Denver and rolurn $19 July G nnd C
Colorado und Ulan half rale plus $2 Jul
7 and 21.
Call al UcKel olllce , 1G02 rarnam St. , an
arrange about steeping cur berths.
TinIIuluii 1'iirlllc AVIII Coli'ln-iilf.
by giving Its patrons a rate of ono fare fo
the touud trip to points In Kansas or Xt
brnckn , not more than 200 miles dlgtanl
on account of the 4th of July celebration !
Join In Iho telebrallona und visit > oti
frit nils. Pull Information will bo given b
clly ticket agent , 1302 Farnaiii , c
13. I * homax G , P. and T A.
"Oiniilin-ClileiiKU 1,1ml ti-il. "
ItulU for speed ,
Comfort and safety.
Short line.
Illock Ejstrm.
Kleclrlo light.
Fine Cuisine.
Cl'y ticket olllce , 1504 Parnam etrt ; ,
Itiii'lv iHliinil Kiciirxluiiu ,
Chicago , ono way , J7.20. July 4 , B and i
Chicago und return , $12.75 , July 4 , G and <
AVashliiKton , I ) . 0. , and return , $30.2
July 3 , 4 , G and 6.
lluffalo and return , $26.75 , July 4 and I
Denver and return , ono fare plus $ . ! . < ) '
July G and 0.
Call at Tlekct Ofuco. 1C02 Farnam Blrcc
Toke the official "Dajlight Special" \ |
thu "Northwestern Lino'1 to Chicago coi
Million , July 6. U P depot , 900 a. n
Prce thalr cars Half rates A tumultuot
end prolonged ovation from start to llulsh ,
1401 Kornam street.
Jll.V ITU , .VI'II AM ) Uril.
Vlu Itiu-U Ulanil Huiito ,
Chicago , ono way , $725.
Chlcaco , round trln sia 7K
sorm < < imits nni'OHT
< lrr ' Hnllwny I'.tioimlou in Illi T-
Ion I'nrk .MioiU C inilclri1.
The South Side Improvement club held the
regular weekly meeting last night for the
purpose of considering thu plans for the
Fourth of July cclehrallon at lllvcrvlew park
on South Thlrtecnlh slrccl. Morris Morri
son rcporlcd that the Omaha Street Hallway
co.npany was extending Its South Thlrtecnlh
stieel line to Sackott ulrccl , within thrco
blocks of the cast entrance of the park , and
that the work would be completed within
two or throe days.
The members of the Van Camp Addition
club wore raked In as members ot the Soulh
Side Improvement club , thus adding sixty-
two to the club membership
The committee on street railway was con
tinued and was Instructed to uigc upon the
stieet railway company the necessity of
extending the Thirteenth street railway line
as far south as Dominion street
The Nobiaskn Telephone company was
tendered a vote of thanks on nccounl ot
It having donated a BOVonly-foot flag polo
for the park.
A committee of flvo was nppolnlcd lo se
cure transportation for Orator Dolllvcr , who
will deliver the Pouilli of July oration.
The commltteo on Transmlsslssippl exposi
tion location reported progress
A \oto of thanks was tendered B Hose-
vvalcr for Hio work that ho had performed
In the matter of pushing along the Fourth
> f July celebration.
Morris Morrison reported that a republican
nass mooting will bo held at National hall
his evening
John P-nvors severely criticised Mr Mor
risen tot bringing political matters before
ho club He said tint the club was organ-
zed for the good of the south sldo of the
pity nnd that It should abstain fioin touch
ing nnj thing of n political nature
Ily a unanimous \olo It was decided to
prohibit thu firing of fireworks In Hlvcrvlew
park on the Fourth of Julj.
Dcllevuo property and lots adjoining Port
rook for sale on easy terms. J. T. Clarke ,
219 Uoaid of Trade , Omaha.
tfiid.rr nurrAi.o A\t > uirrtm.v. i ? : : < ! .7.- .
Cur Scr loo.
The UOCIC ISL.AND HOUTU offers you on
Ail ) 4 and 5 the nbovo rate to the N. n. A
neotliih at lluffalo , N. Y. , or lo visit your
rluiiiU In Iho east Through cars will bo
run via Chicago , Detroit and Niagara Falls
caving Omaha 1 50 p m . Saturday , July 4
\ Hosk island representative will accom-
lany this excursion If passengers deslro
lei ets wilt bo honored on steamci ono way ,
Jetrolt lo Uuffalo , or Utiffnlo to Detroll
\Ilhout extra charge. Per sleeping car
reservations and full Infoimatlon call at
city tlckel ofllco. 1C02 Fainam slieet
C A HUTIinUFOIlD , G. A. P. Dept.
' . S. M'NALLY. C P. & T A.
lllllKlit Spooliil to lliKTnlo.
Via the Lake Shoio & Michigan Soulhern
railway , July Glh Through Iho great
itates of Illinois. Indiana , Michigan , Ohio ,
'ennsjlvanla and New York and along Ihe
iouthern shore of lake Ei lo by dayllghl
. .o.ive Chicago , S n m. , arrive Buffalo same
evening. Ono faro plus $200 for round
tip Limit , September 1. Visit Niagara
"alls Stop at Chautauqua For full
laitlculars address 13. P. Humphrey , T. P.
\ . Kansas City. Mo. , or C. K. Wilbcr , A.
(1. ( P. A . Chicago.
GolilbtiKs mill SIIMTM |
equally welcome on the Democratic special
caves Omaha. 1 45 p. m , Sunday , July
UURLINGTON HOUTC reaches Chicago
cage al 8 next morning Band , buffet
unch service , tourist sleepers ( $1.00 a
> erth ) .
Nice cool NIGHT trip Fans unneces
sary , but they'll be provided Just Ihe same.
One waj $7 25
Round trip $12 75.
Reserve berths NOW.
City ticket ofilce 1502 Parnam St.
Vlu tinMlMooiirl I'nellle Itnllivuy.
Buffalo , N. Y. , July 4 and 5.
Washington , D. C. , Julj 3 , 4 , 5 and G.
Homeseekeis' excursions , July 7 and 21.
Only line to St Louis , Mo , without change.
Past train leaves at 3 30 p. m.
City offices , N. n. corner 13th and Fai nam
Depot , 15th and Webster sts.
Rcporl was that "Tho Overland Llmlled"
on the UNION PACIFIC was discontinued
when other lines took oft their fast trains.
Not so. however , for the train still makes
the unequalled fast tlmo of 2D'i hours lo
Ulah points and CO1 * ; hours to California.
The equipment of this train surpasses that
if anj other line In the wesl.
Get llekels , foldeis , etc. , at City Ticket
i7c - > , 1302 Farnam at.
Six Thirty 1' . M. Train.
of the
Best service.
Dining car.
City ofllco. 1501 Farnuin.
.Summer Toiirx.
Don't make final nrrangeracnl for your
summer vacallon unlll 3011 have secured
a lourlat folder Issued by the UNION PA
Call on or address A C. Dunn , City Pass
& Ticket Agent , 1302 Farnam strept.
Toiii'licfM infill o.
Through car service via "Northweslern
Lice. " Many unusual privileges. Inquire
i' the city ofllce , 1401 Farnam strecl.
Omaha lo Chicago for $7.25 .Tickets on
sale July 4 , B and fi al Milwaukee Uckel
olllce , 1501 Farnam street.
I ) M , Crcal , Clarlnda , la. , Is a Barkci
E. W. Nash has gone lo Chicago on a
short business trip.
T. M Conway ot Chejcnno was among the
jestcrday's nrlrvnls
C E. Wllklns , Philadelphia , Pa. , la rcg-
Istered at the llarkoi
Mrs Dora M Ilccd rolurncd from a short
eastern trip last evening.
E. Illgncll , superintendent of the I ) . & M. ,
was In the city > usterday ,
P S. Hollowny and wlfo , Oak , la.
are stopping at the Barker.
J. D Kllpatrlck of Novvcasllo , Wyo. , was
an Omaha visitor jestcrday.
James E. Ilojd left for Chicago ycstcidcy ,
where ho will remain a week.
John T Dougherly and wlfo left for llu
west lust evening on a short outing.
II. J Helps and D. Hawksnorth of Plaits
mouth spent Ihe day In Omaha yesterday.
Mis Rector , wlfo of W. S. Rector , re
turned from Hot Springs , R , D. , last tncn-
MUa Bragdon of Boston , who has hem
visiting MUs Grace Allen of this city , for i
fortnight , left for her homo jesterday.
Booth Tarklngton left for his homo Ii
Indianapolis , I ml , last evening , after i
short with Herbert M. Rogers of thh
Jay Cook , manager of the hurdle races
nnd e'Ight assistants , with Pain's "Pompeii,1
are latu arrivals al Iho Barker , reglsteret
fiom Chicago.
Io\\a people at the hotels : H. II. Lymer
Claiinda ; J Barry , Emerson ; W , Robblns
FarraRUl , Homer Tuppcr , Sheldon ; II , M
Hughes , Eagle Grove.
Leo Gibson , a former resident of this illy
now engaged In Iho real estate business a
Ogden , Utah , was In Omaha jcsterday , wblli
en route to his home from St , Louis.
Miss Fanny Gilbert left for Fort Yatea
N. I ) , last evening , where she will remali
the guest of her many friends , who wen
formerly located at Fort Omaha.
O'Neill was represented In the city jes
terday by a largo delegation , composed o
Ma > or H. E. Murphy , J , P. Mullln , J , H
Hopkins. J. W. Moss , T. J. Everett , D. C
Blondln , K. J Mark. J , E. Stlllwell , W. W
Bethea and Prank Moore.
Nebraskans at the hotels : F , Ball , Cam
brldifo ; George C Barker , Beatrice ; E. C
Bailey , McCook ; J. R. Bangs , North Plalto
Frank E lleaman , Kearney ; E , Gray
Ponca ; C J. Miles , Hastings ; Robert Byera
Holdri-go ; E WIIlsc , Pendcr : E. M , V
Lellong , Lexington ; A I ) Scars. Gram
Island , J , E Knldler , Puller ton ; J. H. Van
taaslicek. Nellgb ; J , W. 0\vcus , Chadroa.
Cliurcli AVIII Mnkc nil IJfTort to tn-
crnnnc tin llcv * iinc >
A large portion of the congregation of
ho St Mftry's Avcnuo Congcgatlonnl churih
was present at a meeting held last night for
ho purpose of taking action on the rcslgna-
lon ot Rov. S. Wrlghl Bullcr ,
Samuel Burns was nppolnlcd chairman
with L. M. Talmago as secretary. E. II
Jalncs was Ihen called upon lo stale Iho
object of the meeting which ho briefly
lid by saylnc that n commltleo of twenty
md been appointed as a special body to
examine Into the finances ot the church , and
hat another ono of ten persons vvaa ap-
> olnlcd lo sco the pastor and request him
o withdraw his resignation. The last
named commltleo had rcporlcd an audience
wllh Dr Bullcr Dr Duller snld thai nflcr
lonsldeilnK Iho Biibjecl ho had decided lo
cave the inallcr In Ihe hands of the lom-
The former committee of twenty had been
ound unwieldy In slzo nnd had been reduced
0 five. Through Its chairman , W P Man-
ilng , It was now ready to make n report
1 was slaled by Mr. Manning lhat It had
) cen found the ehurch nxprnccs per > cnr
would font approximately $7000. Including
ho salary of Iho pastor , which was $1.GOO.
Dining Iho past thrco voars the congrcgu-
, lon had been much diminished and II was
< nown nl Iho present time that only about
lalf of the scats In the church were yield-
ng a revenue by pew lent. Figuring upon
: hls basils the present jear would yield but
> 4700 Ihus leaving n dcflcll of $2,300 The
committee recommended a plan for dividing
.ho work ot raising the necessary revenue
which It thoughl would bo effective nnd the
reporl was mlojitcd.
Di Butler , In response lo n rcqucsl
slaled his motives for resigning. One of
Jictn was that his parents , who were aged ,
lived In the cast nnd ho desired to bo with
.hem In their last years In addition ho
'elt as though his staying at thu present
salary wag a greater burden than the church
could bear. In March the deficit was $ U,000
and by a special effort $1,100 of this had
ieen raised , but that had appnronlly Inxed
Iho resources of Ihe congregallon nnd Ihe
leflclt wns piling up again
Al the request of Ihe commltteo the ques-
lion of his remaining was left with It
and It resolved to make an cffoit to pro
vide the revenue. Dr Butler will take n
vacallon during July and Augusl and al Iho
conclusion of Iho vacation Iho quesllon of
ils remaining will bo definitely decided.
rti-o mill Police Coiiiinlstloii Allows
Ills flalin ttlth Iit < -r.-s .
The long disputed claims of Mnrtln
White , who acted as chief of police during
ho police commission fight , and of Thomas
McGuIre for services In the dog catcher
case , wcro finally approved by the Board of
'Ire and Police Commissioners In cxccu-
Ivo session last night. White's claim
amounted to $407.05 and McGulrc's lo
:234.47. : Bolh sums Included Inleresl from
he lime lhat the services of the two men
A report was received from Chief of Po-
Ice Slgwart on the progress that had been
made In closing up the assignation houses
The report stated that the four established
louses that had been running had closed
voluntarily with the exception of one , and
hat had been raided night before last
The report further mentioned some houses
hat arc suspected of being run for asslg-
lalion put poses and which arc lo be
nilled by Ihe police In a shorl lime.
A pelltlon was received from a number
of citizens asking that James Bowen be
appointed to the "secret service" of the
boaid. The communication was placed on
A contract with the New York Belting
and Packing company for 1,000 feet of hose
at a cost of $875 was reported.
At his own. request Lieutenant N. S Nel
son ot hook and ladder company No. 3 was
reduced to the ranks , the change to take
effect on July 1.
Patrolman John Scbck was granted ten
lays and Fireman Scott Jackson live days
cave of absence.
TcnoliiTH' n.vcursloii ( o IlnlTiilo.
On account of the annual convention of
the National Educational association , the
B. & O R. R. will sell excursion tickets
from Chicago to Buffalo at rate of $1100
'or the lound trip. Tickets will be sold
July 5th and Gth , and will ho valid for re
turn journey until "Septembci 1st , if de
posited with the joint agent of the rallioad
lines at Buffalo on or before July 10th. The
[ 1 & 0. route Is via rail to Cleveland , and
thence via the palatial Bleatncrs of Ihe
Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co Ask jour
agent for tickets via the B & 0. R. It.
Cllt'lllt Tivl.ftM KtlKt
\ln the
Buffalo and return July 4 nnd 5.
Washington and return , July 3 , 4 , 5 and G.
St. Louis and leturn July 19 , 20 and 21
For tlckcls lo any polnl cast or south call
at Wabash ofllce , 1415 Farnam St. ( Paxton
Hotel block ) , or any agenl of connccllug
Tlie nemocnilH' Special
for Iho Chicago convcnllon leaves Omaha ,
4-45 p m. , Sunday. July 6 BURLINGTON
ROUTE reaches Chicago next morning al
8 band , buffel , lunch seivlce , tourist
sleepers ( $1.00 a berth ) .
One way $7.25.
Round trip $12.75.
Reserve berths NOW.
City ticket ofllce 1602 Farnara St.
riranil KxmrHioii
to Fremont via the UNION PACIFIC , Satur
day , July 4th , under Iho auspices of the A
O , H. of Omaha. Faro for Iho round Irlp
$1.00. Trains leave 9 00 a. m. , nnd 12 00
noon. Pull Information nl Cily Tlckel
Ofllce , 1302 Farnam St.
TinniorloiiH 1-onrUi.
The Missouri Pacific will sell round trip
tickets on July 3 and 4. limit July G , at one
fare , to polnls within 200 miles. City olllces
N. E. corner Thirteenth and Fatnam , or
depot , Fifteenth and Webster Blrects.
'lliro' Trnlii to Iliiirulu , X V.
Via Ihc Burllnglon Roule.
In charge of a Burllnglon Roulo repre
Prom Omaha , 4-45 p. m , Saturday , July 4.
Hound trip tickets $20 75.
Lake route If desired
Cull nt ticket ofilco , 1502 Farnam St. , and
reserve sleeping car berths.
" \ \iirllov ( < Tii I.lnr. " Itati-H Hi-iliic-oil.
$7.25 one way and $12.75 round trip to
Chicago soon. Besides Buffalo , Washington ,
D. C. , Milwaukee nnd others. Tickets good
on the 4 15 p , in "Overland Unlimited" nnd
Iho G 30 p. in. "Omaha-Chicago Special. "
1401 Parnam slreet.
Ili-ilui-cil Hnle ,
On July 4 , G Al G , the Milwaukee R. R
will reduce thti present fare on all tickets
to Chicago and the cast $5 50.
City Tkkct Ofllco ,
1504 Farnam St.
The delegates to the republican state con
vention will leave Omaha at 7:05 o'clock
this evening over the B. & M.
Tuo women of the Lowe Avenue Presby
terian church will give a muskal and liter
ary entertainment al the church thin evenIng -
Ing ,
The librarian will be al the High ee-hool
building tomorrow morning , when BtuilenU
can secure books for use during the sum
J. L. Phclps , who resides at 2510 Capltol
avenue , received word jesterday thai Ills
son had been drowned at Duluth , Minn.
The telegram gave no partlclars ,
Mrs. Anderson , living near Tenlh and
Davcnporl slrcela , applied to the police yesterday -
terday for Iho arrest of a 15-year-old boy
named Johnny Fagen. She alleges lhat Sun.
day evening Johnny enllced her llllle
daughter , 7 > cara of age , Into a vacant
building near Twelfth and Chicago , and
Ihero committed a criminal assault upon
her. The boy has been arrested.
S. L. Kardoakl , a saloon keeper at 902
Capltol avenue , ha * been arrested for keep
ing open on Sunday. Three parties , who
applied at his place late Sunday night , as
sort that they were accommodated with any
thing In the alcoholic line which the )
ordered. It was on their testimony the
saloon keeper baa been arrested. Kardoskl
denies the utoiy , ana says H Is merely u
piece of lolta work on the cart ol the ineu ,
llTITXTtT O ( P11IT t T fMlT'fT i PI It
Thousands Turn Ont to Sco the Lost Dnys of
Pompeii ,
I'liu * Atlili-llr Porrvit-nimii'c anil llrll-
llattt Si-oiilc HlTrctM Concliiiloil
nil K-v irtHliinul IHxiilii )
il f
The first of r.ijne'a summer nlRlit car-
nlvnls , ihc "Last Dajs ot 1'ompcll , " vvns
held nt University park last evcninK In the
presence of a tremendous crowd of specta
tors. The sun hail hardly sunk before the
throngs were pouring parlivvaid , antl long
before the hour scheduled for the com
mencement of tills Kraml spcclaclo almost
every scat within the vast arena was taken ,
while hundreds ot men , women anil bojn
swarmed In thu streets surrounding the
canvas-vailed enclosure , and crowded the
porticos and rooftops ot all the adjacent
buildings. It was well enough that this
Kiand army ot excited people adopted this
mode of wltnewlng the greatest of all out
door creations , for had they all attempted
to secure accommodations within the crush
would have been llttlo short ot dlsnstious.
As ! t was 1hc long and commodious re
served amphitheater was crowded to Its
fullest capacity with the best clement ot
Omahr.'s cltlrenshlp The bleachers , wallIng -
Ing In both the east ami west end ot the
park , were densely crowded with their hu
man freight , and nil the Intervening spate ,
on the la-Mi , between thu seals , and the
rlrrlculmn , were hundreds and thousands of
shoutiiiK , expectant and gleeful chllilicn.
As darkness enfolded the earth and the
numerous big arc lights , suspended In n
circle about the park , and the Gieek llrcs
began to burn In Unld splendor befoio the
doomed city , the spectacle was a grand and
| ilctutestue one Indeed , and before n move
Imd been made the vast sea of people broke
foith Into frequent and sportiiiu'oua ap
plause. They prolnbly imagined that they
v.ero facing the once fall but fated city
la look on nt the festivities that wcie upon
tills day annually held In honor of the
goddess Isis The evening was serene and
beautiful and only faint breaths of smoke
rose from the Hat-topped peak of grim old
Vesuvius who ominously re.ired his ghastly
lead up into the rose-colored lights of the
clouds bevond the marble battlements of
As the ancient feast begins the streets
fill up with the populace Presently n trum-
> ct Is heard and at the same time small
tower-ilecKcd barges paw ncioss the orna
mental lake , and the prows of the gallejb
make their appearance , as fiom under the
triumphal arches a group ot t-oldlors , with
standards and musical Instruments , emerge
anil announce the coming of Arbaces Then
come priests in white robes ; na\i n number
of dancing girls , and n senator with his at
tendants This procession crosses the stage
and bows to the oniclals of the city The
procession then turns to the left , and part
of It , including Arbacts , passes down the
steps to the water's idgc to await the
arrival of the gallejs , which now enter In
'ull view. They advance gradually am'
'roin the first nliqht soldiers and slaves
from the second lone and her afllanccd
bridegroom , the Greek Glaucus The pro
cession re-forms , the guests take positions
under the portico of Arbaces' house Music
strikes up and upon the signal of a blast
of tiumpets , the doors of the temple ot Isis
are thrown open , and the temple's illumi
nated Interior Is discovered
The Innocent orgies are at their height
the golden calf Is brought In and Ar
baces commands Its worship , when sud
denly all halt In Instinctive dismay. The
earth trembles and the air grows thick
and heavy ; then there Is a tremendous
clash of the thunders , anil the horrid Ve
suvius vomits forth Its deluge of molten
lavn , of blinding flame and steam and
smoke. The fair city Is overwhelmed midst
the glare of lightning and the lurldlty of
tunning rivers of fire The citizens arc
terror and panic stricken and uncertain
whither to fly. The sea , which had shrunk
awa > from the shorn , ottered no haven It
was wrapped In a preternatural wrath , and
the frenzied people clung to the land as
the least frightful tomb of the two.
This wild nightmare of mingled light
ning , volcanic fires , Hoods of .scorching ashes
and earthquake thunders is followed by one
of the most superb exhibitions of fireworks
ever sstn in Omaha. The black vault above
Is kept glittering with scenes of Indescrlb
able bcautj. The set pieces , of which
there are ten or a dozen , arc the riflnc
ment of pjrotcchulc Ingenuity and work
manshlp , and as one after another unfolded
Its magic charms to the vision of the spec
tators they kept the welkin ringing with
their startled cries of delight and their
cheers of hearty approval.
Preceding this grand spectacular creation
Is a splendid mixed program of attractions
from the Roman hippodrome of centuries
ago , chariot races , wild horse and hurdle
races , festal songs and dances , athletic
feats of skill and daring , living tableaux ,
wire and trapeze performances and other
features of remarkable superiority and
merit. The engagement runs for live more
rim MiiAVAL'KKi : HY.
IMV ItlltOH tl > CvCMirMlOII I'llilltH I2llHt.
Omaha to Buffalo and return , $26 TC
Tickets on sale July 4 and G.
Omaha to Washington and return , ? 30 23.
Tickets on sale July 3 , 4 , 5 and G.
Omaha to Chicago and return , $12.75.
Tickets on sale July 4 , E and G
Omaha to Chicago , $7.25. Tickets on sale
July 4 , 5 and C.
The Chicago , Mllvvaukeo & St. Paul Hall
way city ticket office , 1501 Parnam street
Secure good accommodations by reserving
berths today , V. A. NASH , Gen , Agent.
IlPft Midi ( IlC SlllllllTH.
Schuster , n 15-year-old girl , Is
suspected of liavlnjr run away with one of
the soldiers of the Second Infnntiy who
were transferred yrstcrday to Tort Keogh
The matter vvns ref < rreil to the chief of
police * , who telcginphcd to the uiUhorlllcH
at Sioux City rcriuostlng Unit the nil ! lie
liehl when the t-olelleis nrrlvo In that city
The ulrl resided nt Twenty-seventh and
fnmdi.ii Htrtcts with u widowed mother
The man with whom she departed Is suld
to beiu the name of JDIR.H.
Kll Mf'llOfll Alllllttll UllMllU'HI Ml
About fifty graduates of the Omaha High
school met at thoj Young Men's Christian
abKOcliitloii roomH lust nlpht and effected
n Hlronjj re > organlz.itlon of the Alumni as
sociation Several Important amendments
I"or SulToni-rn I'roni l'ilti.
! > r. liedmond , an specialist In the study
and treatment of ll'lles and rectal diseases ,
recently stated thut Hie r > ramld I'llo Cure ,
the new dlseoveryifor llio cure of piles , was
tlio mosl remarltdblo remedy lie had ever
seen or tried In ana respecl , and that was
thu Instant relied experienced In all cases ,
no matter how tevere , from the moment the
Ihe remedy was applied ; tills was the moie
surprising to him because he had care-fully
analzed the preparation and no trace of
opium , cocaine or similar poison could bo
riijblctans look with great favor upon the
Pyramid IMle Cure , because It Is rapidly
taking the place of surgical operations and
because It Is so simple , so easily applied
and contalnb no mineral or other poisons so
commonly used In pllu cures ,
Or. Esterurook reports that the Pyramid
Pile Cure not enl > cures the various forms
of Piles , but uevcr falls to give Immediate
relief on the first application , up matter
how severe Ihe pain or discomfort may be
People who have suffered from piles lor
yearn are often astonished at Ihe Inslanl re
lief experienced from the first application.
Another Important advantage Is Ihe fact
lhat any ono can use the remedy without
detention from business or Interference wllh
dally occupation , Bold by druggists al CO
cents per package.
Scud for free book on cause and cure of
Pile * .
wcro mmlo lo the constllutlon , which nrc
to bo published eooti.
The flection of olllccrs resulted ns fol-
IOVVB ! J. I < Houston , Jr , " 93 , prrnleU'iil ;
Victor Ho c\vnter. ' 87 , first \lco prcsldeul :
Mabel Kelley , 'Hi , second vice presldeui ;
Mnud Urynnl , 'S > C , serrelnry ; Oe-orRO Knr-
bnch , 'PO , Irctnurer The live olllcers , , wlth
two members , form Ihe exrcullve com-
tnlllcp , Ihe two cleclnl being J.V Thomp
son , 'S3 , nnd 13. I ) . Prntt , > S
The entire , meeting vvns marked by grcul
Gladness Comes
With a bctte-r ittulciMiiiiding of the
11 : ui sic nt iiiilnio of the ninny phys
ical His , which vanish bpforo projicrcf-
forts ( jcntle-e'lYorts pleasant euoits
rightly ilhcotcil Tlu-ic is comfuit in
the knowledge1 , tlmt so nituiy foiin ; of
sickness nri ? unt due to J'.nv tieltml dis
ease , lint sitnplj U ) 11 constiptiteduondi
lion of the system , which the.- pleasant
family ln.\atHo , Kjrupof rig . prompt
ly loinovcs That Is why it is the only
remedy with millions of fniuilies and is
everywhere ostoomert M ) liiphly hv all
who value ( rood health. Us hvitcftckil
effects ate duo to the facl , that it K the
one lemedy whieh piontotos internal
cleanliness without dehililatitif ; ( ho
organs on which it nets. It is therefore
all impoitant , in order to trot iU hone-
floial HTcclb , to note when jou pin-
chase , that you have the genuine article
cle , which'is"iimnufactuied by the Call-
foi nia Fig Syrup t o. only and .sold by
all reputable ihuirgists.
If in the onjovinoMt of peed health ,
and the byhte-m is leguhir , ItiMitives or
other teincdies arc then not needed. If
allliete'd with any act-till disease , one
may bo comnu'iided to the most skillful
physician i , but if in need of a laxative ,
one should have the best , nnd w ilh the
well-Informed even , where , Syrup of
L'it/sstands highest and is most l.irpely
assd and gives most general satisfaction
Teeth ! Teeth ! i
f.03d Dentistry Cheap for Cash.
Durlni ; the itiont i of lult we will
make prices In 111 ft claps PentlMry
iverk lint will i niibk ah In nvall
thomRclvos of llio njip i tunit5 to
Ket their letth put In i ic IK.M con
dition I'oi tills month I'llltif , nt
utioiit hnlf UMi il rnt . eet nur
prices In fore Ruing e\\hcre. . ] . \ -
umlnillnn fuc
DR. BAILEY. The Dentist ,
31 Hoar Pnxtott Ilo ! > .k ,
lOtli nil 1 I a until Kt
Telephone JO'S I. ulj Attendant
Terms strletl > e'ash
ncllablllty oforli out motto
Know the
Remedy for
diseases of the
Liver , Kidneys and Urinary
Organs is
It Cores Female Troubles
At Druggists. Price , $1.00 Per Bottle
HIRES Rootbeer is pure
in substance , easy ill prepa
ration , satisfactory in drink
ing1 , beneficial in effect.
Jliilo onlj I y TI e Cliarli-i r lllre < Ca , 1'hll. li-l | hit
HM picklfe luak ft
All Druggists.
Ve efivl Ilia murvfloin Krcnch
Itrmcdy CALTIIOS frtf , niiil a
Kcnl KUarunUatlmt Cimioe will
Hi-Ill' rmU.luni ,
CUIII KIM rmutitrrhril.V arlcoCilfl
and Itr.sTOUK tMft V Iffor.
{ / / < it anil fat ifsatisfita ,
faali l irlcn IfrnU , Clatliltll , Clhlo.
deed boallng , Latlilnc mid
14) looms , tallii , lt-am licat und all modern
convenience * . Hates , JIM and JZOO per day.
Table unexcelled , fcpeclal low rain to regular
bciirdera. FHANK HILDITCJI M r.
riHi-Hi anil CiiolcMt HfNiirl tn ( lie Cll > ,
hi > luudl < ll > - Illiiiiilniitcil liy u Ciruiil
Grand Concert rv ry night by the
t-lr t n pin-lira lireof .MISS r.DITII
ii.MOIli : , llio trt'llt oc-ll 11 "I , mill -Mlhh
JIAF : JVUHMi , lu her Illicit url
dlllicln ,
i J&Al&AL& Mi & & & MifkiMi & &teMMl&
Hoc , Juno 2S ) , ' 00 ,
"Building Business"
Is the name of a book gotten up by a noted adver
tising export in New York City. It is an expert book
from start to finish. It tells all about how to build a
business , ( on paper ) and ho\v to make people fall over
themselves in a grand rush for the store that "goes by
the book on advertising. It is a big book. It is a
readab'e ' enough book and it is a good enough book ,
too , for peop'e who build their Business on modern
methods one third values and two thirds advertising ,
It couldn't help "The Nebraska , " It cou nTTcTp
us to give better values and it couldn't help you to get
better values and better values are what "The Nt >
braska" depends on to build business. The men's
sox we sell for toe are better values. The silk sus
penders we sell for 200 arc better values. The men's
straw hats we sell for 250 are better va'ucs. ' The
light summer coats at 500 , 750 and $1.25 are belter
values , and the Men's White Duck pants we sell for X , ,
7 rC are better values than you can get anywhere else.
Telling tlie truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the
truth in the papers and giving better values in the store
that's building business.
21. tt
We Sell Ihe Celebrated Bit'tu ick Patterns.
Suits ami Skirts.
Pour grand lots of niazcr , Hex anil Uccfcr
Suits , neatly uiaile ot nil v\ool black and
blue hcrRes , Scoteh mixtures , cte' , home silk
lined ele-Rnntly Inllorcd , such as an niillniry
retailer must ask up to $15 00 for , go Tues
day at $3IS , $1 48 , $4 9S and ? u OS
Ladies' Duck Suits at ? 1 50 and $1 75.
Full line of Linen Suits nt $1 75
Ulaek flgurpil brllllantlno Dross Sl.lrt , 4Vj
jards v\ide , percallne lined , pe-rfcct lians ,
regularly worth $2.KO , v\e sa > J1.1S.
End of June Sale
of Wash Wrappers.
InventorjIiiB enlarging and readjusting ot
stock Is responsible for August prices ilgbt
In tlio inlildlc of summer on line \\ashublo
House Dichscs at CUc
Odd lots , small fiuantltles nnd broken as
sortment of dimity , lawn , 01 gaudy and per
cale Wrappers and 2-pieco HOUKO Drcsucn ,
lace , ribbon and embroidery trimming ,
pretty stripes figures nnd colors.
J5 00 House Dresses at $2 ! ) S
$3 00 IIouso Dresses nt $1 CO.
J3.00 Wrappers at $1.48.
$ > 50 Wrappers at $1 85.
$ . ' 00 Wrappers at 08c.
$1 50 Wrappeis at GDc.
A new hat for the Fourth of July ? We
have afcsorlmeiils lhat are unequalled for
beauty and btylc. All Iho fashionable
Tilmmlngs If you wish lo relrlin jour jircs-
enl hat or Him a new one.
Dainty Trimmed Hats at D5c and up.
The new Sailors nt I5c ! and up ,
A new linn ot fancy Hammocks Just re
ceived , Ilought futo In the season , wo
are enabled to offer them at very loprices. .
Klrst number at tic ! !
Second number at 4nc
Third number at USc
Fourth number at $1.48
Piftli number at $1.78
Cth number at $2.50
Tlicbo Hammocks are vvoith from 75u lo
A Special Sale on
White Satin Ribbons.1
\\hlto Satin Hlfobon. for bows or"sag
at Uc to 21c per jard.
New Belts.
V. o are special agents for a new
ton and v\e are enabled to malto
price's. The new Harness Helt 9&owi }
at omul town nt $1.CO , our prlco 50c.
1.logout fiOe White He-Its only 2Ce.
KcKiilar 25c While Holts only inc.
A full line of Leather Hells at lOc ateg'JZOo ,
f.\ \
The Home
of Bargains-
Go l juicy Lemons
Pull Cream Chcchc 5o
Ilrlilc Cheese
Guaranteed sli Icily frcsli KKRS
( "oinilry Duller 7o DO
Ue i Country Butter lie nil 120
Se-iurator Creamery
California Sugar Cured Ilnms
Salt I'ork
Corned Heef
1 Im Bacon
TVVD pound cans Corned Heef. ,
I' Ham , Devcled Ham and Polled ]
Ox Tongue all at , can
Hol' < xna
I'il , Tect
I'Riilcd Ox Tongue , pound . Uy4o
the satisfaction
" 13. obtained from
ordinary soap
nnd only half the expense
and bother. That's why
thousands of thoughtful ,
thrifty -women tise Santa
Claus Soap. They have
learned by practical , thorough
tests that for washday or everyday -
day use there is no soap in the
world that nearly equals
Sold everywhere. Made only by
The N. K. Fafrbanlt Company , - Chicago.
WSV9n&SlIlCW & * $ ? C
* .