" Jr ? t-J ? ' " -T T " PART 1. FHE OMAHA UNDAY BEE ESTABLIKLLJED .PC E 19 , 1ST1. OMATTA. SC2TDAY MORXtXG , JTJ E-SS , 1SOG TWENTY PAGES. LE COPY FIVE CENTS. T THPP frn i r\p TYTnn pr FREE TRADE JbBlLEE London Gtrwkl * TaM Oppartaaity t Leciore usted States. BLAMES PBOTECTOWSM FOR HA3D TIMES Tariff "wall GfearredsiA Sk ibf Ckt * _ Aasrsea's Ftraica Marks- INTEREST IN U HUN6 CHANG'S ii Charles DJM Do * 3ot L&e Gs Hiss. CHINA'S STATESMAN TALKS TO S4SMARCK Trro Old Men Exehnnce a.nd Ul-.cn. ! . Allmrnti Ilcturrn Mlnlxter and Halrr StruiKr Armr A"e "ded. bt. . . by PITM P-bltalrtnc Cotas > sy ) LONDON. June J7. fNew York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The inter esting point la made by tie London Chrrnhrf * tiia moraine tkat by a strange stroke of fate tt happens tiat tie Jubilee of fre < > trade which Eng- Iind is celebrating today fa synchronous with tie enthusiastic aomteaUea of "tie rvost noted living protectionist" as a. can didate for tie presidency of tie United States. Oo tiis text tie Chronicle , which is tie foremost advocate ot free trade in tie English pres. as opposed to tie ob- vicusly strong reactionary tendency tirough- out the conservative party , discusses at jig- aiScantly unusual length tie entire subject. Its editor admits tiat Cobden's prophecies of fifty years ago have been to tie careless and uninformed apparently disproved by events ia tie United States aad tirocgi- oat Europe. As to tie United States , however - ever he says. "Rich as America is , bouadlees as are her resources. It is quite certain tiat during tie last tea or a dosen years , witi wealti in creasing at aa unprecendented rate , there has been immensely more suSeriag among the laboring population. Immensely more d location ia business than In tils old and crowded country. Dr. Carroll D. Wright , tfrTi whom there Is ao more trustworthy authority living , declared officially tiat in tie crisis of 1SS6 tiare were setae 2,900.008 of unemployed. la tie later crises of 1393 and 1894. tie number of unemployed rose to over 3,000 60. The cause which conduces to tiis condition of things in American in dustrial centers is ia tiis wise : Protection ism is tie most formidable ageat la buildIng - Ing up huge monopolies. These monopolies , when completed , rush on production witi- out tie slightest reference to tie needs of tie community , being aided by the wonder- -f.,1 development of machinery , ia wiici America n ahead of tie nrst of tie irorid. Immense -stares are accumulated , far which tiere is no effective demand. Vnen a gen eral cut in wages takas place , tius rendering t P consumer even less able to make . de mand for commodities than before , then a xviolesale shut-down takes place , aad there Is the spectacle of idle mills , unemployed workmen aad enormous masses cf goods crammed in warehouses. SHUT IN BY TARIFF WALL. "The natural thing would be to sell this surplus to foreign customers , to tap tie rich markets < f South America , China aad Australia , which the United States ought ta be able to do more easily than any Euro pean country , but protectionism , whfch has built a great Chtaee wall of tariffs arocad tie United States , forbids this , aad so tie richest ef tie iroductive countries , witi tie most perfect machinery. Is unable 10 dispose at that sttrplas witch her economic system compels her to produce. " The writer coctinoes ii argument against tie abaa- docment of tie EagUah free trade policy and points to tke exact fulfilment through out Europe of Cobden's thesis tiat tie pro tectionist system is allied to monopoly tiat lea is ta public jobbery aad extravagance and that , rtlvisj ; as It does on direct taxa tion , it is tie best implement tiat could be forged tor the armoriiLg of militarism. As to Secretary Chamberlain's idea of an Aagte-Cotonlnl Zoilvereia , which in fan t * * * not met witi much favor , except among extreme protectionist * ia England , tie Chronicle argues vbat even under such an arrangement EngUnd must still depend In tie largest measure upon tie importation at American cotton and breadstuZi ; and as ta exports. It quotes the stsaHteant statement of the president af tie Belfast Ciambei of Commerce , wio declared some montii ago tiat tie liaea trade in Belfast with New York Is gre-ler than witk al ! tie countries of tie BriUab empire put tagetier. I quou the article BO fully , sot aaly became ai its intrinsic interest ta tke United States , but because it bears evidence of being as inspired declaration of the policy at th liberal party. DILKE SAYS IT'S NOT RIGHT , TierU aa iauB di-i , specife : and im- portaat jw4et af tkfe suajtet ia tie pr s aj tour af LI Huag Cfeaas la Europe , His forticomlas vtett to Baglaad Is of alaioel as maci interest to Aawica's far satuirn trade as ta tint of Bnstud. Ii _ joost iaex- pltcaUa d nrtonm-at U.tkat tke gr a Chinese * avar ias beea giveo in Russia aad Germany a racupUaa far more iactaute aad eanaidarate tkaa was gives to Marskal Yanvacata < Japoa. and tiut Yanugiu wiU not eaaac u Ba Und at aO. altkougk Ea- Cland iss been Utkvrto suppawd ta favor Japan v * _ in oppoailloa to CUaa. Tkt J views oa tiuc qiwi-tian af Sir Cbarkw DUk 4ft > by far tk beat aatkorttr aa foralsa airt outMdw tk soa-aaMBt ttMU. w rt scagkl by tk * WarW oamwpoadeat ytmentoy S | tie House * Common- Sir Ckcrtac deeply hnpreiBod witk tke aaueaiM eacr of _ 4 ° c n ; aciUanc. H _ 4d : "Tb evfnt af tke Jooraey ua-toobtadjy kav s very ittaagT-aabJn appaaraact far tkii try RIUU-I. ftataM and Gormaay kav [ _ been u tg ia&tttoer la dw far -uc aad now teaks ac if tk r will cnailao * ta do M altkawsk it ia ' ta Gorauv't iabiraK u murk & ourc tkat FitiriiJ -H prv- -entad fraatiktarttag tke aortk at CUaa aad Face frooa atMorhiaff tk * tmttti But 4 Cer-iotr. fr OOM - runm vklck 1u &M yet been revaalad sad wkick ooa > ietiay ts frocgtt ta same y uk diudvaauici. to u * . hju JOUMM ! tku M-a-tantton aad u , evidently iu ba f a 4 _ ow 6r further petted. Oar iotcnat t > to kaap trade of CUaa ape * . Tic latarnrt af ike V United State. i > tie USM. So is ttiit in tertieriae tke i-JnuH af France tie mutt bare a. proect al cin < - campecsat-ry advar'a.r ' t "To Treat do r a a' -l.-j V - - ' _ - Y a c t s UOmrt to vteft Eagtindrtke World evciCTpmiiltBt a k 4. "WeBaaeTfrrt Sir Ctertes. "tfcat is aba. to atr ia4. a dtonrbe fact , aad It la nvpomibfe ta AmMavtete it from tke actMa at LI Raw ; Ckaa < c. Tbe iaaportaat fmt ts tkat Lt IB aat M poirerfat a > er- saax at tke Ckla ee court a w u Ve WM. and It ts < | stiaaabte atrw fir aar ea meiafat k * a r eater faita win V ateerv a by ta Cki ese gtrv-raaieat. My view s 3 alwars beea tkat tt Is Great Britain's tr t policy to k&ve an alliance wtt * Cktoa aad Japan as tie best security far oar latercets la ti ? fa.eut. . but tkat be wttiia a polHicians geoeraQy tie came view prrvin. ti ack a ataa hs ParUament outside tke coveraatent eea speak wtti tke Mate authority u Sir Chirks Dttte OB sack qvestloas. LI ts aot to arrive hi London uatil tie end of July , by witch time be wOl iave been thoroughly saturated witi tie vtevi of Russia. Genaaay aad France , aad wtti scarcely be free ta accede to tie demands at the Engltei policy. Lord Salisbury's most grevVras error , as fareica minister. Is his faitare to prevent tie coDtla aaee of tie Tlu o-Fraaco-German cotabtoatioa to the far east , though Its results are aat expected to becotae immediately apparent. TWO GLINTS MEET. "SVhen Li weat to pay hte respects to Bis- marek he ware tiat famous yellow jacket which ao one but ie aad his emperor may wear. Bicra.irck wore a decoration which the old emperor save only to Bismarck ind himself. LI was supported oa either side by a Chinese servant. He stumbled , aad but for them weuld have fallen when crossIng - Ing tie railroad tracks. As soon as tie two physical and mental glaats got witila ra- lutiag distance , eaci gave tie other a tre mendous bow , while the assembled multi tude cheered and shed tears of delight. Then tie two stock hands aad fell to talking through aa interpreter. The compliments were overwhelming. "The greatest aad most celebrated states man of your country. " said Bismarck. LI was gaila ? at Bismarck's rucged face aad eagle eyes. "Now tiat I iave se a your serenity's piercing eyes , I for tie Srst time understand your successes , " whereupon Btenarck replied : "Your loftiness too. ias had great successes , " but LJ deprecated tiis witi : "Not nearly so great as yours. " "Well. " responded Blsaaarck , "we all try to do our duty. " LI is muci crippled. He stood as long as ie could , and wien ie was about to sink witi fatigue Bismarck lavited h > m to sit. Tie two old mea tien fell to discussing their ailments. "I sleep badly " said tie Prussian In re sponse to the Chinaman's eager ia < juiries. "I , too , su2er great pain , " said Lt. "But I have no paia , " retorted Bismarck. "It is la my face. " continued LJ ; "it hurts me , " and he invited Bismarck's attention to his homely face , which is still further twisted by neuralgia. ASKS BISMARCK'S ADVICE. At luncheon tiey talked politics with sev eral German reporters present and takiag steaographic notes. Li talked recklessly for a man who ias a yellow jacket to lose. "Tie purpose ofjay visit , " ie remarked , "Is to ask juur sereaity's advice. " "What tijTice ? " asked Bismarck. "How caaw best reform China T" "I cannot judge from here " "How can I act successfully agaiast the court in Pekinr * "One caaaot act against a court. No min ister can resist the wfll of the ruler ; he only executes it or gives advice , " "But how can the ruler's wfll be carried outr" "Ooly on the basis of aa army. It may be quite small ; not more thaa 59,600 men , perhaps : but it must be good. " "We have the men , " replied the former viceroy , "but training is wanting. Notiinr ias beea done In tils direction. For thirty years I have striven ia vain against tifc lethargy. I iave now seea tie finest army in tie world tiat of Germany Tiougi 1 shall oo locger be able to expend means of my owa , which were at my disposal as viceroy , I shall do what I can to act up to your advice. We must reorganize and w must do it irtti the help of Prussian of- Scers and oa tie Prussian mode. " "The army , " remarked tie prince , "need aot be distributed all over the couatrv. U is only necessary to have it at oae's disposal at aay moment and to create means of com munication in order to throw tie force quickly aad easily from one poiat to aa- otier. " After luncieon tiey were sketched and poowgrapied singly aad ia groups. Tien tie prince produced aa autograpi album and Li covered a page witi Chinese characters , which the interpreter translated aa a series of flowery compliments. U had been listen ing to the echoes af Bismarck's fame far thirty years with rapt admiration. He was now "overwhelmed by the felicity of beia ? ia the presence of tils almost supernatural greatness. " At parting tiey embraced and agala gave tie excited multitude the specta cle ot a series of profound bows. Tbe Ger man press is profoundly agitated over tiis meeting , nhici is reported witi minute per sonal detail. _ BALLARD SMITH. Mliil-crr of Commrrre Ke Irn . BERLIN. Jcn 27 Baron van B rlepsch , the Prussian minteter at commerce , has resigned aad hi * resignation will probably be accepted. Tie prabable recigaatioa af Banw von Beriepaeh iu beea discussed ( era a loag Use past. Tiere ias bea an ill- feeUB betnees tie minister af ffHamcrce aad En- . Van BaetUcier , tie Imperial mc- mary af statt Jar tie iMerier. eia e No vember list , ereacioBed by tie fact tkat Or. Van Boedikor , president af tie imperial lawrance oSce. prematurely published aB phtai af lua own ta Cet reforms ia tke U UHB af aid ig * iacuranee. Tife aagarad Dr. Voa Bcett teker. Bsrao vae B ri B ek ram : M tke support af Dr Boediker aad ate o UBM It w report * * tkat batfc Barun voa aertepack aad Dr Vea Beetdekar would _ _ _ _ _ _ LiMiLrd Into LI lions : Chans' . HrnJ. BBKL/K. JWM 37. U Hag Ckaa * b- nrined to tke . . . . Baeatgaa rr - ! - TlTO a , tka Ckartounbar ; MytaeluUe tastitate yo-tardar- akowad tk u _ k < rf tka bul- tet trby tke w ) M-k # - " - inia a ( tke Cttimrst _ unuaa at _ WaMetal. Japaa. vkee tke treaty § * cwo CUaa aad J.a WM b < t-ig arraad. . Tke builatt r d tb k-tt duck aad toriwi lt eU to t _ * Uaaaec tke T -t lrr fur m > ttmut-blt Line. OTTAWA. OatJaa * _ . At a awatia < at UM rabla-T raautf * r tke autlcr at tke ocuaa Ma-aMtni feat HaeMdctm wu _ * e- caaaed. Maaf i-n-.rs kad bwa raertvad. IHM It * * uid tke Altaa Uae was tkaaly eaa wktck eaa ltad with tie tpeaAcatiaac ' t Srure LJ about JSe 'MO It was not "a s . 1 " -t eren If * a Far jLjcer. ' - - -a t , r * lie conr ct is t _ i2s- PRA1SEFROHAPRKCE a nisa LVkNLNT STATESMAN ON EDWATKJN f Ac Miad Mere Tbaa Erer Bdbre. NEEDED TO OFFSET BASER TENDENCIES the Sace fr a tla "TT COUNTESS WASW1CK tS PROSTEATED Heroine of Tranbj croft FIn I Iler Mreneth I3nr | nal to the Gnlt Mie Ilai E ard and Jfnnt Krcoup. ( Copyricst. MM , _ jr Press P-bltobis ? Coar ar- > LONDON , Juae7. . ( New York "Work ! Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The recep tion af Mr. Gladstone at tie installation of I tie prince of Wales as chancellor of tie _ ew i Welsh saiversity was aa extraordinary i tribute to tie veteraa statesman. The prince said at luncheon ; "Most cordially do I thaak you , ia the name of .ie priacess of Wales aad ia my own , for tie way la which tiis toast has beea proposed aad re ceived. You will all Join with me , I am sure , la thankln ? tie veteraa statesman aad eminent scholar. Mr. Gladstone , who , aet- withstandlng his advanced age. has under taken a Journey , necessarily fatiguing , in order to pay a compliment to the University of Wales aad to myself as Its ciaaceltor. "I may truly say tiat one of tie proudest moments af my life was when I found my self la the flattering positioa of beiag able to confer aa academic distinction upon Mr Gladstone , who furnished tie rare instance of a man wTio t"S achieved one of the high est positions as a statesman aad at tie same time ia tie domain of literature aad sciolarsiip. His translation ot "Tie Odes of Horace' would alone constitute a lastias monument to fr * even had he aot accom plished so much besides which ias ren dered him illustrious. "Nor do we extend a less warm weleom * to Mr. Gladstone's very faithful companion rmd ielper during maay years of his busy lire. " GLADSTONE ON EDUCATION. Mr. Gladstone's address was characterized by all his usual eloquence and force. Ol wealth aad education ie said : "Tie University , after all , speaking largely aad generally , represents tie prin ciple of mental cultivation. Well , sir , tiere never was s. time when it was more req uisite , more urgently necessary that ti principle of mental cultivation should b thrust late tie foregrouad aad held up ca high before tie entire commnalty. Foi we live ia a period when what I may cal ] wealth-making conditions are multiplied tt aa enormous extent. The enjoyments- life among those who iave the means ol commanding those enjoyments and ti * conveniences of life have gruwn around uj ever since my boyhood Ja a degree that cas hardly be conceived by those who havt not witnessed tie change. "The meaning of all this is that weaiti is acquiring a still greater hold upon us. The hold of weaiti upon mankind was always sufficient , but my lord , president wealth which is a good servant is a ba < S master , aad there is ao master who has had tie power of degrading a inmaa beinc more fh 7i tie uaciecked dominance ad wealth. Against th'e dominance of wealth the UaiversUy represents the aatagcateu ! whtei is oCered to it by mental cultrra- tkm. "Tie naiad of maa should be treated as it is , as a rlcfi domain , requiring only tc be well ploughed and to be well sown and to be attended to la order to yield ti richest harvest , and la order to make aa effectual protest asaiast tie unchecked pur suit &f material Interests witei , believe me constitutes one of the greatest social aad , I may even say , one of the greatest ipritua ] dangers of the period ia which we live. " The most notable wedding in London to : years was that in the vast nave of St. Paul'a eatiedral tiis week of VTscouat Milton ( ieii of Earl Fitrxilliaia , one of tie richest peen of England ) and Lady Maude Duadas , a daughter of tie marqnis of Zetland. It wai the third weddiag celebrated ia St. Paul'i in a century. It ie mow said tiat boti tie youthful bridegroom and his bride narrow ly escaped death the aight before , having been poisoned in some unexplained way by something eatea at dinner. Ooly prompt emetics saved them. They were hardly aM ta attend tie ceremony. WU-L PABALYZE PARIS. Paris papers say a remarkable fete ia u be given July 1 by Count and Countess Bacj de Castiliase , to tie Cerzte den Acacias , ia tie Bate de Boulogne , ia tie grounds oi what formerly was tie Cer.de dee Patin urs. Three tiou-asd iavttatioa * iave btrao J- su l _ _ d all great fuactinari af Psrii wai be present. There will t-e a wacoerfu ) firework * display , -a hick the public can s tram tie avenue outside tke CercU dts Acs. etec. It i * to ( arra as a-aet raeoostiuitioo at tke fiftk day af tie f t s eoia-ruioa at Verc U ! * aa tie aee-aiaa at tke a-trriae ot Lawis XIV vitk Mark liMraca af Aoatrla. Oa a raised platform oarrpa 9 , cbarci a > _ . aad oceB , aad stu-M&ac cf tk Opsra , _ ad r tke dtraettea af M. VUat , ml ] rapreditee tke daae-c aad ckaru-j af tke s v at * tatk century. After : ki ar warkii taer * will be dancing OE a larg * U a iatid tke ckatiag food. Aaotkr laurr aUag larial huetioc la Pans ill be tie s rrtuye ot MUM Lontaa PatUrBoa-B-Baaane .ad. Caaat Aa-iai voa MottkeHv1tfiaTk Uriy ttJt K > u of Jr9ie , wro _ rif * def of Wattpkjlta ly ti atd < it kraU-ar , halo - lo ly _ ai a-ci tke dtaagatar af a riek Balt atei " aaat Joaaic beady rcjmdLu d at tltm aarar's htddtag. tkough tfce pupe i fuAd a kaabaad te tk sea af a veil Irvtowa a ; lo- autlat wka kas x-aarasaa vd l ewark te rM e Jor tkirt7--v yr < , aad ta u at uck at tke Sptaiafa lag&tkw ia t. PUf - aursTke Daaiak faaiilr af Moijk-Hirit- fidt ki ia aa war aoaaactod1tk tk M&dt- la-tinars kouce ta wkiek tke late PteU iar- kkai voa Maltka brloaca < t MME. EAM8. ' MOVKMBVTg. Maie. Ea M ( Mrs. Jnlitui Story ku al- rwtdjr appeared tt aiae of tke Tt-n > a gran ] perfoncaaces for triiri sie was ecgagf. aad has beea tie 'eaurs cf * _ . . seaarn a "P n a Pxris. Tie Frea-i f e-sara : has boaekt for tk alio.a Stary's xknt pteturt. of this Tke Labaratory at St Laiaxe. " It te ? n > b M tkit Maw. Eaaes fwui go to Rnwia this winter , aad tfera , { eourw. b aWg 4 to ibsndoc her Mea at aa Am ri- tour ta mx-tatte mal scpported br a Detected eoafwar af tone git arttots. hbwck tke Baciieb ea ru refa e4 only ta-e gtk-r day ta criat UK extradltioo af Dr. Orlh s H-n. rsp n tiaa Hcatlaa af tae French ggTcfatntat , BB tke grand Unt ke was too ill ta be reaMrrrd tram tke vraeBHratk kotet , where ke fcu Ute for tiree ymrs. U ts aaMvaeed that h ta- teads ia try ti * citaute af New Y rk , for wMeh port be will sifl oca frvta South ampton. He will be ieo ma nl by Ita faaUly. Tbe two yw g r MBI kar be B rsalDC taetr studies at Bton. Dr. Hcrz kas sold ate oairnttJceat vflVa at All les Bains , boacht some years ago frwn M. de Freyetaet , because ie is sever likely ta want It again. Every Americas aewsaaper reader doubt less thinks of tie beaotttvi eovntew f Warwick. fomerly Lady Brooke , as a woman devoted eely ta tie most frivolous pursuits of 1KMost peoaie know ocjy ot her eoBBecttoo wtti tke Traabycroft- Baccarat scandal aad of cenaia widely discussed facts , which ualversal report says prevents her acquaintance with the princess of Wales , ( to that degree. tafJwd , that her raytl iighaess cocspicuaasly absente l her- el ! frata tie year's drawing room whea the ceuatess was preseatedj , but I have been surprised since comia ? to Englaad by reading ia a wspapers of her continued charitable , educational and even political activity. I beard yesterday from friends of the countess that she ia . la fact , at tempted more tiaa the most robust and energetic of men would dare essay. HER ROUND GETS HER DOWN. Shortly before Christmas lie arrived on a visit at her couatry house at S o'clock at alcht , having huated aH day She retired to rest at 1 39 a. in. , was -up again at 5.39 and oC to a meet. She huated throughout tie winter six days a week , whea hunting was possible , while at least fire evenings la the week she had either public or social eccagements. which she vigorously fulnlled. Besides belag poor law rsardiaa for her district , she is aa active member of every tory organbatioa and Is prominently identi fied with every philanthropic uadertaking in her own. couaty of Warwickshire. She is now. my friend says , for the time a com plete wreck. Her nervoua system is scat tered , aad sie is suCertag from iasomaia aad abject depresstoa. Eie Is not expected to be able to reappear ta society until next season. Tie reception of tie "Women , Journalists' society at Stalord House this week was a aotieeable proof of tie advance ia social position of tiese hard-worked , people. Half a dorea years ago a woman reporter was sot only looked at askance ia a. newspaper oSce , but tie great world of society tabooed her as practically disreputable. Yet tiis week tie most splendid .residence in Lou- don was tirown open to tieai.i.iriti serv- aats , full decoranons aad by ; tie duchess of Sutherland upon her own. suggestion , and she and the duke , together -rJth Lord. JSose- bery , Arthur Balfour aad'a crowd of others noted ia fashion aad goUtics were present to greet them. Mrs. Cragie ( Joha Oliver Nobbes ) g worked wonders during her term ia the presidency. Sie probably will be succeeded la that omce by the Hon. Mrs. Kenniier. daughter of Lord Houzhton and sister of Lrri Crewe , lately voceroy of Ireland. It was of StaSord House that the queen said while visiting the last duchess tiere : "Madame. I have come from my house to yonr palace. " HALLAED SMITH. FEATURES OF LO.YDO.Y TIIEATE5K. Co tljr Prodnctlon of Dr. FaaxtUK to n - Glv n on th - Fourth. ( Coprrisbt. IS. % . by liw Ajwoctated Frews. ) LONDON , June 27. The Elizabeth Stage society will give a performaace of Markrwe's "Dr. Fausms" oa the aft- eraooa of July 4. The principal fea ture at the performaace win T > e tie introduction - tion of the "sevea deadly sia s. " tie deigns tor wjiici wUl be taken from engraviag-E b * > to the BgU3S sixteenth century aad are BOW to befound la tie prist room of tie British museum. la consequence of the heavy expense of tisse productions tie so ciety will tiis year give but oae perform ance. Slace tie patriotic -wave swept ever En- glaadafter tie aati-Engtoh dUpatci ol Eaiporor WHliam of Genaaay , ao greater enthusiasm has been caused at a place of public entertainment tiaa by the exhibition of tie animated picture of tiis year's derby sow being nightly gives st" tie Alhambra. The popularity of the prince of Wales' vtc- tary with Persimmon in the great race is almost incredible. The eieertns. especially from tie gallery , was as enthusiastic as that wniei greeted tie priaee'a success on the course. Tie cuatoia of dramatizing novels is now meeting with great favar ia London. Dat)4 Frotman is anxtoas to s eore J. M. Barrie's "Uttte Minister" far tie AEJeriean stage It is kim d that tie work trill be dramatized by Paul Potter. Leanard Merrick ! Jraa a.tzlog its eterer book , "The Maa Wka Was Goad , " aad Mrs. Hod * oc Bursott tx. doing the same with her Lady of Quality " Artimr Bereitor has secured a saeceea ia "The Qeeea's Proctar , " witei bids fair ta rival tiat of "Tie Chad f&tow. " Last week a aew "eurtain. raiser , " eno- U d "Dt ar * l Mamma. " was reBent d to the patrons af tie Bofal theater Marital P. WUder iasa been engaged as &Bttalntr at tie disner ta , be gtren by ti Haoarakl Artillery eonncsr af Bottaa. Aamng tke Americacs ia London are if rs. Joka A. Logan , Joha A. Legaa , Mr. and Mrs Alexander Salviai , Sc al - Hear af Maua- ckueetts , wbo has Juat lecaffed from Pan * aad Antwerp , aad WJM wUl aaeompany Mr. Thaaiis F Bayard , tke Ua | ( id State * am- haaamlar ta Gaiasfeerautiu teday Ban Albert Grant ia a a < B la tke bank ruptcy caurt. of Ir An iuT * * UarrJ * . Jua STi "lea r l af Sir Haxrte Saok pasoe at BroaiBMB taday Th t vu a r iarkatl af aauMMtiM aad tke casket was eav rd witk a rxi witMtiu. Aaweg tke eaoera af tkese trit > Bie tt rfc i ct wu tke Bfiaoe < * f Vaiec , ike d J e aad duekecc af Tark. axaay auuaintra af tke : nattily aad all tke b at kaawa Heku af tk tkaatrfcal arld. _ _ Toronto K - -lubrr tlir Drad. TOItONTO. Oat , June sy Tbe HMnnaniit to kaaar of tke * aj > imi n wka % 41 ta. tk jidlina. wu m-nrilml today in af a ! > a t 1M ftrtmrt. Aka c tk statiw U M damwa aa ta inatiniiKU aad dra Maj wltk ttna * atiriiir mu at Toronto s tkrfee vaiuat ar ; f- * b * w re lieljverf i by tie S-vt-z-jr Mar Ftcg ! H 3 G W READS UP OX MOSEY r f & 4T3UJ a Stwiwt W tie Csrrsaej Qveedm. KAISE3 TAKES A LIBRARY ON VACATION t Ma ex tie PnUna Beiag Hk Seaosr Oraise. CASiN'ET ' APPi50VES EMKSATION BILL Ec ra t Zsep tie Eeidssias Twrstber AI- noet Faavailiac. BAYREUTH WAGNER SEASON NEXT MONTH Sent * Are Apttrl- All Sold Alrrn.lj nd . \ mrrlcanAVlll He There fn Forc Gvnrral % err and Gcianip from M. iy tl AsmetatM BERLIN , Juae 27. According to tie diree- tfcms left at tie oaurt marsial's oSce. the emperar will remain away for iis mldena- mer vacation untfl August IS. la Chrieti- ana about July 18 his majesty will meet King Oscar and the members f the Swedish rayal family. Emperor WHMana's traveling suite is muci larger than ia former years , but BO prominent people will accompany him except his usual companions on such trips. During the long cruise along the ceast of Norway , tie emperor will devote his time , apart from current busiaess. to tie study of the cur- reacy question. He U taking with fetm aa extensive library beartag on tie subject , in cluding 129 Eaglisi books aad pamphlets la addition to a large number of German. Frenci and Italian works. Directions have also been left with tie ciief of tie royal library of Berlin to forward his majesty aay new books , magaiiaes or papers beariag opoa the subject , aad they win be sent seas as to meet the emperor at the various points he will tocch at. Baron vun Kiderlea-Wachler , tie German minister to Copeaiagen , and a corps of for eign omce employes have beea detailed to make extracts from the writings on the currency question aad submit them to the emperor , witi ' "remarks aad a comparative glossary. Ia oficial cirrles it is expected tiat a fresh attempt wfll be made by Ger many in tie autumn to arrive at an inter national understanding on tie currency matter. The preparatory work in anticipa tion of tiis course will be done during tie summer by a high oflcial of the Foreign 3ce. The currency issue in tie United States as a political factor is engaging the attention of tie emperor , who has been sacci interested ia articles upon , this sub ject thai have appeared la American maga- rtaes. Everything has been "quiet , polit ically. since the f-mperer's departure. Baron Marshal ran Biebersteia. tie nfa- iEter for foreign aitairs. has also started OE a vacation. He will soon be followed by tie chancellor aad the other members of tie cabinet. The Reichstag will probably ad journ next week. Prince Hohealohc wflj spend part of his vacation on his estate al Acsaese. Styria. trhere the priacess has pre ceded him. him.REICHSTAG REICHSTAG BREAKS UP. Durtag tie week all sorts of strateireaie were resorted to ia the elorts to keep the Reichstac tocetier. The Center party WES trying to establish its capacity as a govern ment party by engineering tie adoption of tie civil code ia spite of all obstructions. Setae of President voa Bueol-Barenberg s decisions were arbitrary aad were hotly de nounced by tie radical press. A large portion tion of tie German press , iacluding the Hamburger Nacriciten , is condemning tie majority ia tie Reteistag for wiippia ? through tie civil code bill na stores o ; popular protests are reaching the Reichstag asking far more liberal provisions for tit property and civil rigiu of women aad tor married woman's rights , but they have alS beea unh * ded. Tie government emigration. bBl ias beea approved by tie cabinet aad Till be among the arst measures to be submitted in tie autumn. Tie commercial asd political sec tions of the Foreign offlce hare had a leading pan ia framing it and colonial needs art paramount ia it. It is not expected , iow- ever. tiat tie bil ! will meet with tie ap proval of tie liberals , as tie pet projects of tie latter are elimiaated. PoHee eontroi of emigrant * ia made more strict and ob- soxious. except when they are golag to the Gtrmaa colonies. ' It ias eropp < * d out tiat upon tie occasion of tie recent dedication of tie KyShauser laeaument the police frustrated aa attempt to Wow up that memorial. Tie eulerit. a man named i-ahn Sauser. was arrested , and Tie diapered Lfppe tuece ion ie to ie eUted by a court af arbttratiaa eampoGod af tie king af Saxaoy as preeideat and six Judges at tie imperial court. Of tie three claimant * , tie emperor's brotier-ii law , Prince Adoleb , U tie favorite. Before ite departure from Berlia , Dr Frit : Frttodaoaa , VOB Kotze's foraw lawyer. wbo tun recently acquitted at tie charge af wabtuzVment after having been extra- Ht d from Bordeaux , told a repreeentativ * af tke Associated preas tiat ie was eoa- tUerims several offers. Barticatzrly ane of a parUMTckia witi a wdl kaowa G rman- Aaerieaa lawyer af BaGa are. Dr. Freed- sua will Brotabir start lor Xew Yark ait w ek. Arrmag a > efiU are Wing na4 far tke siaialtaaMMU pakltcatiac af fate book an tke G rauia aaurt ta G naaa , Fr ei , EngiUk and Italian. NBW TTPE OF IROMCLAO. Emperor WUlum ku ia etad at KM aad kaa nicaly aare * d a a w type af iraa- elad taaaatad bjr t a naval affieerv. rtcdirr iekMa aad Haraftddt. Hie aujcacy ga aa audicaec ta UM lav at ti aa board tae im parts ! yacnt Hokcaaoltera , aad kttow d kigk apca ik m. Actia * upon tk * ia- of tke ca < w tk * aarai * * - I > art afat kac takaa tk * autttkr up. Prteec Max af iauwr ku b aa ardataed a priaat aad wiU eelwfcrate ait ti < at mam aa ingvat 1 ia tk * Bnatia Cstkaiae ekanek at DncdcB lad ia tke prtieaca a < tke ecu oaurt. TiM ttocrioa * ta Alaace hire baa aa iBra anl * surprt to tk * gB * m nt. At ai tz t atv inunfcp'&td G rauuM ware eteiMd M tkd eamuU of tkirty-twa ; at 3traab rz att sa aat af taeatf-tkTM er flurtad. aad fnit mi of t atr-aiM wcr * riattad at Mnlaome. Tm 1-riia * Isutuatrtal ft oatttaa M Dread * * ka < BMB aaaaad. Li H * c Ckanc ta tke suast af tke awr- ckcau ban uti * ud fete t Eerlji po- i.i.n t-cieit On tie big cupcia ot tie 3i.a t.d = 5 a. < i cse Irag n * i .t.utc t-giu. Tie ser.t THE Weather Fnemft * T Q-nmilT rsir ' 4aV5lirrtble V " * * - I. Kncfc nd ad Cntt EgHh iCoatr * ted. V.lr - Illeh rraM EgB-d'tmiv. Emfx-rnr % VUItani H-j9l Fln ne * . ASryt | M5Mp * " " " ' - Crntrds VU BjJjntnn. Btfoa * . 3 , H w the Fir * t D < wlc * Brean- Eaworth Lea ru r t Cne d. Manlrrrr Il-iacrJ from Iride. 4. Lji t Wcrk la L4 cal > > nrlrty. 2. Dave Jlrrrrr aad the Veter a . Affair * at MMltll OaMtti. 6. Cfxtnril niaff > Lnral M Itrr . TerrJWe Derd of a Jat ia Ix T r. T. CncU h Kip rt CritlrUM Tale. UaTrrfanf * rTr t M-tt h Drawn. 8 Cltac Eirc * r at D. JB < - C Be. . Vl lt to thr mrttrr at Msrht. ChorchUl Ot FT < ? Drfpcal * . 10. "K xlnry xtwHe. " * ( ikKKtiy Fourth Forty Tar Ac . 11. Woman : Urr Way and lirr World. 13. Editorial and Comment. 13. Tel craph m < of th War Tlmen. 14. CommTrLil and KlninrLtl w . 13. Echor * from th l ite Rmim * . 17. Grrat -idrr of Uemocrary. IX. In the \ VhUnr Workl. 19. WMkly ; rUt of sportlnc Go Ip. SO. "The lll h iave been going on between tie Chinese statesman and Colonel Lelbert , looking to the latter takiae charge of the reorcaaiB- ttoa of tie Cbiaete army , have failed oo account of tie fact tiat LJ Hung Ciang ha cot po-aer to guarantee tie degree of in dependence considered by Coiooei Leibert to be necessary for success. During the last three months thirty-two Prufesiaa generals , including General Von Lecike , all under 68 years of age , iave been retired. The autumn naval maneu vers will begin at Wilietesiavea oa. Sep tember S. lie Bayreuti Wagner opera season com mences oa July IS aad contiaues i.atil tie tnd of August. Oaly the Trilogy aad the "Song of Nibelnajren" will be played. Near ly every seat has beea takea lor the sea son. American aad Frenci people are tie largest foreign seat iolders. Mr. and Mrs. Joha B. Jackson of tie United States em bassy here will stay at Bayreuth during the entire Wigaer season. Mr. Edwin Chi. the United States am- baasador , accompanied by Mrs. UiX has paid a brief visit to Spreewald , Mrs. Uhl will give a luacheoa to the ladies of tie consulate on July 4. Mr. James the United States minister at Brus sels , aad his family are paying a short visit to tiis city and will stay here until after tie Fourti Among tie other Americans present la Berlin are Mr. and Mrs. J. B Eeiter of Texas , Mr. Artiur E.odmaa of Boston aad Dr. J. S. Sayre. U. S. N. LO.tDO.V OCT TO > ClTCIl CHICJCET. Politic * for One % \ > U Attract > "o At- tfntion for Ea lllii n. ( Copj-rtght , IK'S , * r the Anw iated Pr s . > LONDON , Juae S. Tie attention or a large portioa of the ccuatry dcrlag tie ' pait i-eek has net been directed upon th'e de bate in tie House of Commons oa the Afri- -j situation , " or upon tie Venezuelan d's- pute , but has beea eaacemrateii upon Lord's cricket grounds , where tie visiting Austra lian eleven sustained a severe defeat at tie bands of All England , tie latter wlnalag by six wickets after putting tie Australians out for fifty-three ruas ia the tatter's 2zst Iraiass. There was nothing in politics or anything else which in aay way aeoily equaled the Interest taken in the contest ing cricketers , and the crowd pres-sjt en the rrounds oa Monday , the first of tit three days' play , numbered 30.00 persons. Socially the week has been the busiest for a long time past. The entertainments included eleven balls givea by well ksowa hCEtesees. At tie state concert on Monday the Jewels of the duchess of Marlbor-wgi outsiore thoie of an tie others. Stalord F ise , which , ias been coasid- ered tie swEt e * Isaive in Lee > 3oa , was tirown opea Wednesday aigit by the 'luchete of Sutherland in order to celebrate ; ie first asalversary sf tie foaadatioa of tie society of lady Jouraa.lar.sThe guests mtre welcomed by Mrs. Craigie ( Joha OUver nobbs ) aad her colleagues , who ttood ia trcnt af tie graad fetairca e. The guests included Mr. A. J Bailour. flrst l rd of the treasury ; tie aar < | uis of LaaSsdowae , IN-C- retary of state for war ; Lord RoBebery. Mr Henry Asquiti , Lord Ronald Cower. Oscar Browning , TftTJliam Black an I otheri of equal note. The duchess of Sotierlaad , lke her sister , tie eeuatees of Warwick , is aa occasional contributor to tie prsfle. Mrs. Mania ( Victoria Woodhull ) has ia- cndated London witi invltatiaac to a Fourth of July reception , at which the stars and stripes , it is proposed , will be entwiaed not with tie union jacic , 1-ut n-lth tie royal itandard. Tie Globe , commenting upon Mrs. Martin's proposition , fcay * : "Ws uader- tind tiat the Fourth is ladependceee d y. but however independent tie Americans may be , tiere is no reason -riy tiey should disregard tie tradition which makes tie royal standard tie peculiar badge of royalty ATTEMPT O3 L1FK OF THE SHAH. v Vj > . a i in , Who \Va One ol tile Italii * Pasiatlck , Proraptlr Arr - td. . TIFLl ; ? , June 17. It is rer-onnd here thjt an cUemst ! mi > bees cuJe s > an tic life of tie * hai at Ttberaa. Tie attempt was n- uccestful , tUt aasauia Ixing arreued aa ike spot. He proved ta be a aensber of tit Rubi MaSiomavedaB secret society. MazuflVrdDin , tk * . scmod MC of ti * late * bai af Persia. Na r-ed-Difi , vis pre- clalmtd thai af P n > U M y : 1W5. Hia fatkvr , Xair-ad-Dia , was aseuaicated May 1 br a taaatic when about ta eater tke la ter conn or shrine af AbJui-Auzi. abaat li rnilat troa : Tek ra . Tie " * ? -nin. MoUak Ktea , wu a ateaib r of the Biki t t. tie aaate taaaucal society wkieb , acenrdiag to tke report tram T k < ras. U reaeaasjfcl * uw tk atuuaat upon tke life af tk * pr eeat aak. Tk dlaooateat af tke Baaihtz is ceid la be doc ta ike fact tk.it tke tenner * ki aad kji * u e a r. Mnuff rdDta. . would oat aiietr tkesa ta MtaaUsk tkeir iwittfon The rafuaaj was k&sad aeo * rcpreatataUaai vat it wcuid eaaaiet witk tk * es-Mtiaj jih af Ptrsn and pbt tke > > tl * tata tlisiouc firtteat. At tke ti * af tkc mmr- > r of Naar-ad-Dia auar J r OB tkaugiu ck * t.l4 r brothw at MuiaI rdlJln. . M xad Uiraa. aovaraor af tapahsa. wka wac bxrrad fraat tke uirrfutnn becaua * aw avotkar WM af tafartar raalt , wauU try \ t tM tko thraa * . tt t RuittU watUd fcodt aa it aad Vngiumi tke atber aed ikat naeiplif it laai aUcfct Kesult. It wu ea B- Uut M a.d X4r a v&s rxllr M- tor tke ntfMnutlaa af ta far- met akak , it being kBawa be * atmaiac4 v + rj kUMr Ur\ms \ * afiziaat kte Utacr. Ali LfooMe wu averud. kow v r. by tb flae - 'ui ubtEJ KjC at tiell < r brixhtr ub. " declared a-aes'anre j M ± z tie .a' r the- , r < n j .5 . . r u iai by tie TWO SOLDIERS SHOT S aaati l ASair at I rt SMeua 3vsl-i fa LM _ Lift. QUICK WSK WITH TBER EtFLES f Itst wrgi-si LMaertoa Ezeeated & tie Sp _ KILLED BY LIEUTENANT CL4KK Private "Wearer Pap tie E5c-ft6t Psealtj for His Crime. PBtfATE STRIKE ACTS AS EXECUTONEH Uoth Victim * Drop D - d Within n FCTT 1'cct uf Each Other After JInnj- Mint * AVere VALENTINE , Neb. , Jane : : . ( Special TdegrasB. } Tito Moraiw ; j t before g-arl s at t Fart Nlobrara. Private Weaver cj coapafiy C , wio was waiting uader arms tope po an guard , sitting on tae eorapasr porci , suddenly drew his riSe and , after taking de liberate aim. shot aad instantly klll < ! First Sergeant Livingston of company D , wko was passing alone tie roadway la front at com pany C < juarters. When the sergeant dropped four men raa nd picked him upwhen Wearer fired four shots at them , forcing then ta drop the ser geant aad rua fer shelter. Weaver tiea fired several more shots , aiailag at aay one wio happened to cone within range of bis rtSe , but without eSect. Then First Lieutenant Clark. Twelfth In fantry , who was In D company * ! quarters. ordered Private Striae , D company , a mem ber of the guard , to shoot Weaver , which he did. tie ball striding Weaver's ri2e near tha butt , shattering it and afterward entering his body , from which he died within as hoar. The only provocation kaowa for the act is that a few days ago Weaver became en cased in an altercation with Private Me- Leroy of D compaay. in which he followed MeLeroy into D company barracks and was expelled therefrom by Serseaat Livingston. He swore vengeance an. the sergeant at the time. time.Weaver Weaver ra been drinkisg hard of lit and it Is thought that he was crazed frocx liquor- First S rgeaai Livingston -was a young man recently promoted , bet of excellent qualities aad very popular. FOUGHT SIX IIC.VDUED CCDAX-S. Innnrcrrntn Dl-prr l by 5pnnl h Troow Vet Far from Havana. HAVANA. June _ 7. Maier Z.cia Tr jillo. wirh ihe Fara sco stpiadron , while recon- noiterta ? near Nebe , tils province , met a. force of 500 inorsents uader Alberto Rodrfcraez at the Brajo bridge near tie Caliloraia farm. Cnder lie ire of the enemy tie squadron charged at a gallop and dispersed the insurgents with a loss of twenty-one kflied aad many wocnded. The main body of the troops then started is pursuit of the fugitives and inflicted further loss npos them. Eight troopers were wounded with machetes. It is stated here that AntonJa Maeea be ing informed that nineteen of his followers intended to go over to the Spanish lines ordered them to be hanged. The repeated denials of General Ftelragh- Lee. tie UaUed States consul general , that he fc * aide unfavorable reports to Presi- d ot Cleveland , as announced in the United States , have produced a favorable effect here and have counteracted tie bad feeling occasioned by the publication of the erron eous reports. Jean aad Hnberto Echnardo , propriet-ra of the color r of Central Z&agronize , th-s proviace , were ihown to have caused tie traaapottatioo of ire arms to the colony. The acthontk * thereupon seized the be longings of ti Eckuardoa and tie latter have joined tie iniurseBtE with several people ple of tie same vicinity. This afternoon the authorities of Mataa- zas that aad tilled Ctemente Martinez aad Candido Crerpo , who w re accused of be ing rebels and incendiaries. Captata of tie Volunteers Oryan , and tie guerrillas of Vteana. aad Nlguera , recently left Campe- eiuela , for Maazaniito. While oe their Joorney they ran into a large amboscade. Five of th Insurgents were killed. The in surgents were sucverlor ia number to the volunteers and gu rrillas. Aa eogagement resulting in a hand-to-hand encounter fol lowed. Many f tie Cubans were killed ia the conSict. Tha troopa lost ten killed and four seriously wounded , among them Lieu tenant Careaas. LI HC.-VG'S TKEATV WITH RtSilA , Contrniplntrm < lir Coil it rucllu n of KallvrajUlsbt to Port .trtlinr. 4Copyrl tc , liWl br Uw JUuttcuUrf Pr M.j LON'DOK , JUB 21. In dipio aUc cir- dfs it is BO longer doubu4 tiat Li Huag CtaBg. during ais visit to Moeoow , ar ran gad a elo > military uaty b tw * A C4Ua aad Jtn ia. tacl l- tag tke \aracl torn el a railw y to connect the nzioJaj Rrielia Siberian railwsyi i Purt AnSinr. Cseeral U4uusuer MeD. lloOok wlo was a sisafre- tk Uatied States c-c- atwton at Moceav UI OD tie acgatioa of tr owonatiTa 't-iee Miid today far N'ew York. He has had trt fnaa. iawrriews lth Prince Khilifl , Out Hmwiii aUateter ot ways an ! cam amatoatAciM. ead tt. Is b lle M that tlmte iat' 'K.-v-i itlat d u tke cea tni'-i na of lie raUroaJ M Tort Artkor , wkieh bo'a BMcia aad Chta d ire to Me oocruc d uadcr As tricar amyinmi. LI II. nf Ca s. wul hi tic UalMd State * it'll make a uttttil mtftfHoa ii Aauriria raiiroada h - will ira * rnkile an LIM m-y ( TMB Neve Y rt M &UI ] "rsBcicca aad Piirra KlUlkeS will s * ii * UaUlar Ia p-t.c3 at U nute > raOrosJa M u 4 > MaI ] oarB r , - fci b * jbaut la ssakc tir&agh Siberia U VteAwctacIc a d HMD to China ant ko e via tiM L' Jrd States. Prlace KUIht T , - bj i a yc ws scaa. stuided for im a. rtpaix * &ap en te of iha Ci idiaa fcsou-m vh have bees part te tt lM rsa iaAa.l t ursaseat ben ar * jrwiUy < ai d witk tit rejection wWcfc bas k e ard ad timAt ti HAM C tk * t M a c t today tfc y * UI tiau ! * SM ! wiU aoc Kirt ter bame te- ' - - > rt tikJCj ia nuLsy of ti itjbu oo the en ! E- n5ii l . ! probat.y pottpuce litlr tar- . ; to U.e n.I te cf July it tii i a..t t.