Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1896, Page 16, Image 16

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7c ntrrT : o rrf rr n7trr , ; lr : ' ' * ? nf z * , , rtTvu er , ys9c ,
GltS T 01 'F , S SC IF1'CE ' OF LIFE
Lively Cbarcclcr Eketch of the el Premle
by an English Journalist ,
15o ilnd Ihthli , , ninad Sleeper and It
SVife 1ho 1Cuonr Iiuvv to ldlntl- )
Ills Life- _
IIIh 1Curry front -
Ituullue mil Ilnnurdeu.
( ( opyright. 16 , br S , S , MeC ore Co. )
As the weatcring sun sinks to Us setting
s whtte hnircd old man comes out from
his library and eft himself mt the alone
steps that lead from the caatle front to
the lawn , lie carries In his hand a boon
In which , as soon as he has aeated blmself ,
lie Is completely nhaorbcd. The old man la
hlr. Gladstone , the book he is alulying Is
one of the Innumerable volumes which he
1s devouring In the prosecution of the study
to which lie ) ina devoted his closing years ,
and he seals hhnsclf on the steps In order
that hla Impaired eyesight may catch and
utlilzo the boat rays of the settlug auu.
Time old stalcaman , scholar and aludent to
the last , Is now S6 years of age , but his In
lotleetual vigor Is not nbated , nor has he
lost the sinewy grip with which ha fastens
upon the suljects to which he devotes his
No one who reads the stretnlots argument
with which Mr. Gladatono nutmnarizes the
reasoning of Bishop Ihitler on the future
life Is conscioua of any weakening in the
vigorous dialetle vvhlch has so often been
employed with brilliant success In the
ilouse of Commons.
In that polemic Mr. Gladstone Is all
there , but as a recent visitor to fluwarden
remarked , "Although Mr , Gladstone Is Mr.
Uladatmie still , when the eye flashes as of
old in keen debate , or when you listen to
the Inexhaustible stream of his vivacious
cenversatlou , you ore regretfully compelled
to admit that it is but a tempcrary triumph
of nilml over matter ; when ten minutes
later you sea hlim again In the corner
of the i w In Hawarden church , dimly
visible ht the subdued light of the chancel ,
you are bound to change , however rc-
luctahtly , your recent ophdon. It Is Indeed -
deed a very old man who sits there , with
bent back amid pale wrinkled face , holding
his book close to ids eyes , apparently no-
able to find or to follow the text. A stray
auneam , while as sunbeams usually are ,
falls upon hint from behind , the Ivory white
of the bald majestic head gleam In the
light and time few slivery hairs round the
base of time head , from a striking contact
of the gllttering gilt edges of the
book he hnlds The day is far spent , and
you turn sadly from the contemplation of
the sad , quiet figure , " Frail thought he
1s , as Indeed he may well be , weighed down
as lie Is with the burden of four acre years
and six , still Mr. Gladstone is far amid away
the most potent personality In Ureat .
lie had retired from politics , but until
death has cloned that eager eye and stilled
that eloquent tongue , nothing can dim-
hush or Impair his authority ; lie must ever
remain the first among us all ,
\Vhnt Is Mr , Giadstone's secret ? How
Is It that lie has preserved uninlpalred for
eighty-six years , both his physical and men-
tai powers ? That he has douo so Is admitted -
mitted , although the body is at last ex-
hfbltiug sotnesvhmat of the Iiarmltlcs of old
age. Mr , Gladstone Is still vigorous , alert ,
resourceful , capable of reading and writ-
lug for hours together , and also able on
occasion to take tong walks'C hear a
great deal of the eight-Hours day and the
eight-houra nmovemnnt , hot Mr. Gladstone ,
wolf on to iiis ninetieth year , does ten
hours' work , amid no mistake. How has ho
contrived to do it ? \\'hat Is his secret ? For
If so be that we can discover It , It may
mean years of life to many men who , al-
thiouglm they have no dcsiro to be great states.
inch , do not wish to trouble the undertakmr
bcfcre their time.
Mr. Gindstomme started well , lie wns born
of Leahthy stock in comfortable circnilt-
stancea , with a constitution of Iran. He had
oeormnotr driving power and physical eu-
etgy ; the evidence of which may still be
seen palpable to rill men In time massive
fonation of the back of his head. From
hla parents he had every advantage of bored-
Ily and environment fromu his youth up.
These timings cannot be bespoken by anyy one ,
and It is well , therefore , and It will he Moro
profitable , to devote attention to the moth-
0d3 with vvhlch he was early endowed ,
The first thing that forces itself upon our
attention is the fact that Mr. Gladstone
from Iola youth up has contrived iii sonic
way r another to appropriate for himself
all the advantages which come from a sturdy
std assured faiths Ii the hovcrnment of the
universe. Looking at it altogether apart
from the question of time truth r falsehood
of relIgIous belief , there is no doubt that
from a purely hygienic point of view a maim
tvho feels that there Is outside of hmtmn amid
above blot , n nmoral order controlled by sonic
being infinitely wiser than himself , has ad.
vantages from the pohit of view of a life
i Insurance society , greatly superior to those
I possessed by a man who has no such con-
Mr. Gladstone has probably had his doubts
like most Wren , but they Imm e been as waves
to a strong swimmer , which carry him onward -
ward to Isla goal , Mr , Gladstone Is ono of
these met vvho are never so couvhtced of
J the truth of anything as when they are set
to work to defend It against the arguments
of its opponents , and Mr. Gladstone's faith
has vvaxe.l all the stronger because , like
the oak plaited on n w9nd-swept hill , it has
been compelled to drive Its routs deeper hi
the soil because of the tempest , which hurls
through Its branches , Over the mantel-piece
ht Mr. Ghadstoe's bedromn , there Is emblazoned -
blazoned a text width explains a good deal
of time tratqulllity which has saved Mr.
Gladatono from nervous cxhmaustlomm. Time
text runs , "Thom wilt keep hint ht perfect
peace whose nlbnl Is set on three , "
H Mr. Gludstone's aitmlmio but fervent rev
Iiglous faith Is tine first element in thle secret
of Ids conthnued anti comtlmmiug vigor , time
j second place must be awarded to the happy
hnlluence of u forlmmnto marriage. If Mrs ,
Oladstomo had been n cleverer woman aio
right have been hers helpful , for sonuo
natures have such an overpowering uulivid-
uallly of their own , that what they seelc in
a conmpadnn Is mil a posltfvo so much an
a negative capacity. As Iron slmarpetmeth
Iron , so n moan shnrpenolh the countenance
of hla frlcnd ; but Mr. Oludslnne was not
partlctmlarly In need of being sharpoued , but
be tvas In need of being rested , Therefore ,
Mrs. Olndslono was nut so numch as atolhcr
pword bindo clashing with his , as the scab.
bard of Ids sword ,
I Mrs. Gladstone. however , rlghly or
wrongly , held the vlot' that Il was the
wife's duty to make life as "cusidony" as
possible for her husband ; she would dls- p
play a world of patience and cunning
diplomacy to keep any' dinagreenhln thing I
art of hls way , even to the extent of sitting
tine-mm upon The Tines for a whole evenhlg
11 It should canlait an article that was
calculated to mule lda equanluilty. There
are a multltudu of Illile stories current
ooncernhig the way in which she eased oa
the pressure of time outside world , using no
i end of Innocent domestic strategy lit order
to save him wear and tear and nervous
strain. Neither has she over been known t
to have given lmim the slightest trouble on
j the score of jealousy. The prime mtn-
Isler. especially a prime minister ilko Mr.
Oladatone , who is gallant and courteous to
all women , and who has constantly found t
great allmulue to his vitality from the s
friendly Intercourse of women of hlgh and I
low degree and of all manner of moral i
states , mlgbl have found in the jealousy
or resentment of Nils w Ife , a formidable adt t
Elston to the burdens of stale ; but Mrs.
Oladalone siways showed a smiling face.
slways bad very good health anti a 2
ee t-iatlsfled temperaplont ; she was also a hi
food , motherly woman , full of charity and I
hUaatllropy , with plenty of little Interests
or her own wl h which abe solaced herself hi
ben the a1)sorbImg cares of etato swept her v
jbuabl d le rdllly out of her orbit , a
17qelges these two , his religion and hie
} fd , the two outside Influences which kept
, yladat4D9 tty yerDalll youth by mint-
M8 :
mlzing the worry of life rind lubricating the
rapidly revolving wheels of this Human
dynamo , Mr. Gladstone had various habits
which conduced greatly to his longevity and
physical vigor , Flrsl of these unquestlon-
ably Is the gift of sleep , a gitt ho shared
in common with Napoleon and other notable
commanders In history , Mr. Gladatono , I
throughout the whole of his life , had sleep
at Instant comnaud' ; he could go to sleep
at a momeul'a notice , and what in more
remarkable , wake up bright and fresh
within ten mlmmtes of going to sleep. lie
has always been a famous sleeper ; hls
niglmliy allowance of sleep Is fixed at seven
hours , Is a man who hikes sleep and could
enjoy an extra hour , brit the lmablt of getting
up after seven hours' sleep has been formed
and Mr. Gladstotto adheres to It.Vhen
Mr. Gindstono lays his ) lead on his pillow
he Is nble to nhut his mind off from all the
business of life ; when he goes to bed it is
to sleep amid he sleeps with all his might.
Bright used to lay' awake for hours
thinking out. his speeches amid the curse of
Insomnnla has played havoc with inure than
one prominent statesman on both sides of
time Atlantic. I do not think there ever was
a lime when Mr. Gladatono could not
sleep ,
After ida faculty for aleop must be
tloned the metlmdical regularity , time almost -
most automatic perslslencc wIth which ite
ndhered to habits which he had fotmd bene-
fleial to his hcaltlm. Mm Gladatoue's body was
Ilke a chronouleter ; it vas adjusted to a
eertalu time and kept so year It and year
out without a shadow of variation. Ills orderly -
derly nilud possessed a horror of umipuncht-
ality , mud the endless mmeertaluly that fol.
Iowa time hick of fixed rule. Not that Ito wan
n martinet or a pedant , hit he
took care of his health : A saying of
his that every piece of meat should
be bitten th Irly-ts o times Is ome of time
nlaiy Instances which might be cited as to
the attention he hays to small things.
Mr , Gladstone , although not a teetotaler ,
has hover emulated time exploits of bonto of
hits more bibulous predecessors , If Mr.
Gladntone is not a teetotaler , lie is at least
a total abstainer from tobacco ; lie neither
snuffs , chews or simokes , either pipe , cigar
or cigarette. Notldng has luduced hlnt to
yield to the seductions of time fragrant
weed. Another quality of his svas time
rare gift of concentration. The bump of
concentration , must , If there 1s anything
in phrenology , be enormously developed ,
"Whatever the work may be lie has ht
hand , said a recent visitor at Hawarden ,
"it takes hold of lilm so entirely that he
has to be roused from it as most are roused
( runt sleep , " Tills enabled butt to be almost -
most totally IndhmTerent to his surroundings ,
a facutty simply Invaluable to lint , ss'hen
as leader of time House of Cnmmmons , he
lied to sit for hours IIstening to the
monotonous drone of Irrelevant debate.
Whyhst abut to concentrate hlnaclf so
absolutely upon the subject in hand as to
be oblivious of all the world , he wan capalne
with the utmost ease of varying hits sub-
jects. It has long been his habit aivnys
to have three ( woks la readhig at time seine
time , aid with mil his strenuousness , Mr.
Gladstone is well aware of the advantage
of occasionally uastrluging time bow. He
reads hovels w Ith hearty gusto , and Mss
Friedrlctis , iii her charming little volume ,
"Jir. Gladstone in the Evening of His Days , "
mnentioims that when he was worn out with
several hours' steady continuous work at
Indexing Bishop Butler , he recovered the
lone of his mind by regaling himself In the
evening with "Robinson Crusoe , " amid "The
Aruhtan Nights' hhmtertalnntenls , "
Another thing which might perhaps be
classified as merely another phase of time
same faculty , but one which nevertheless
ltolped to prolong hla vigor , was that he
sedulously eschatved time practice of promiscuous -
cuous newspaper reading. Arthur Balfour ,
time present header of the House of Coin.
mona , lies always Wade a point of never
reading a newspaper at all unless lee is
compelled to do so , a rule which has certainly -
tainly Its advantages , but whielt could
hardly be adopted by any one unless au-
dactous or less happily constituted than
tar. Balfour. lie told me once that not only
did it save a great deal of time to let you'
newspaper reading ho done by other people ,
but it was so much more interesting to hear
things at first hamd for yourself Instead
of taklmmg them second Laid from news.
paper reporters , Mr , Gladstone , In time moat-
ter of newspaper reading , stood rnldtvay between -
tween Mr. Balfour and Mr , Brhght , Mr.
ilalfour read nothing , Mr. Bright read every
word In a morning mmowepaper , devoted
regularly tvo hours a day to Its Perusal.
Jir Glndslonc usually reads one newspaper
regulnriy. It used to be the Pall Mall
Cazctto before it clanged hands and
ferny ll hen been \Vestnllnster Gazette.
rite Times Mr. Gladstone has never read
regularly , I renlemher him telling trio hl
1877 hat ho never looked at the Times for
any other reason excepting to rend the
lelegrauts wldcltV , J. Stillman , time Thmumes
correspondent In Montenegro , dlspatched as
to the progress of the camupalgn against the
Turk ,
Another achtevemenl that must ho taken
No account is the lntmense diversity of
hlterests wiitCh Mr. Gladslomie elmjoys Ism
Ife , He touches info at every side , with the
oxcuptlon of rachmg or gambling , std
vehrever he touches it ho thrills responsive
to its touch. Merely to be prime mmiilutor
of time queen Is of itself sulilcient to provimle
topics of interest for any ordlllary person
for time rest of his Ilfo But Mr , Gladstone
vvas never able to devote more than a sec.
slut of his time to pollllcs ; ho has probably
spent more time over homer titan lie ever
ltd over the question of parliamentary ro-
fOrni , and at all limes Ida Interest in the.
logy outbahances hla Interest ht mm dame
affairs ,
It is thoroughly characteristic that hla
avorito hobby at the , presenu imomeot
hould ho time Instttmtlon of time theological
Ibrary , which ho has founded in the Inl-
mediale proximity of hIavarden , provided it
with a hostelry , where students vvho desiree
o study the tlteologlcal books may be
boarded and lodged for 10 , or 25s a week ,
St , Iolnlols 1lbrary coatalrs on Its shelves
0,000 volumes , chi efly theological , wblch
ave been weeded tomu Mr. Gladstone's own
Ibrary , atmd the institution has been en-
owed by him to some 30,000. It 1s the
obby of his old aQQ , aid no thonte of conn
oreatlou ever aroused the veteran so surely
s an gnus'on ' to 8t. Delnlols , which has
fey , Mr. Irew , his son In law t as Its
rrtion and librarian ,
II u almost impossible to start any sub
ject of conversation in which Mr. Gladstone -
stone cannot more than hold his own. Admirals -
mirals in the navy have told ma how
amazed time ) have been when seated next
him at dinner tiey have ventured to raise
some questitm relating to lima service ,
Mr. Oladatotme , they said , always scented to
know more about it then they did , at ( cast
whenever It was a question of atntistics ,
even although the statistics related to the
nunber of stokers In time fleet or the average
u Ight and weight of sailors in time navy.
"ere Is a tradition to the effect that on
0 occasion when M. Chevmllier , the
linent trench econoullst , wan Invited to
owning street to breakfast , he carne away
sadly dlsnppolnted , far Mr. Gladstone and
Mr. llright happened to raise mho subject
of corns , discussing chiropody in all Its
branches , with a wonderful array of personal -
sonal experience and literary rofcrenee ,
which bewildered time Frenclmtan , who at
first vsas under the allusion that time ptlule
mimisler and the great free trader were
engaged In the disettssion of the cant laws ,
Wide as are the interests of this life , Mr.
Gladstone is miot content therewith , and he
Is devoting his declining years to a cc-
stalelnent of Ills theory of him next life.
The last post card 1 had front imimmi , and
Mr. Gladstone always times post cards , waste
to express the great lulerest he felt in
rending some articles deallmmg with lie cc-
stilts of psychical research published itt
Borderland , nod prontlstng to refer to time
subject of splritism when he came to revise
his article mm Inttnortnlity. Add to nil these
tlmimgn the fact that Mr. Gladstone lies always -
ways lived n country life when he could
get time oppurttmnily. Dove at llawarden
In time midat of the stately park which his
tvifo Inherited front her fnthc'r , he has ever
shown the Icencst enjoyment of the pleasures -
ures of rural life. Not that he lies devoted
himself to practical agriculture , lie is ht-
treated lit the subject , no doubt , and lies
done what he could to raise time staimmlnrd
of fanuing In his own neigllboriood , but ids
interest iii agriculture tt'as nioro that of the
observer than ut time expert.
his exploits as a wood cutler have attained -
tained n world-wide notoriety , amd although
it rimy be a ndstako to Ittagfne Imo was
always chopping down trees , nevertheless
the fact that he could Iind aim Innlomse
fascination iii the joys of felling thubcr
: 9 y f x / ' . I
, . - i 1 lr m
1 , e1 ; I
, , ys \ i /J 1 ' )
! 1 t ? , t I
f I
'Tt' ' \
- _ .
' ( Fvmt an Unpuhtished Photograph , )
slmosvs in vhmat trim ho must have kept
his muscles aid how carefully he had
nursed amid developed his strength. lie was
always a very rapid walker , but now he
seldom walks more than three or four miles
i a day. Putting all these lbings together ,
they explain ltow it is that Mr. Gladstone
in the midst of the turmoil of party poll-
tics has ever been able to preserve an equable -
ble anti tranquil soul , w'htie his observance
of time laws of health , regularly exercised ,
and the continual variety of his hlterests
enabled him to keep his mind brightly furnished -
nished to the last , W , T. STEAD.
An in er Chntan , l'auorrtnut
Is afforded the tourist who selecta the itln-
erary laid down for the nmaguiflcent new
train put 1n conmission Juno 24 , by the
known as the "Sea Side anti \Vhito flour
taro Special , " It Is to charge of a Special
SYSTE\L Full umforinatioh on application
to L. H. Morrow , City Ticket Agent , 103
Clark street , Chicago ,
- - -
Duluth has 900 mmion saw-mill men ,
The V'estcrn Federation of Miners has
76,500 members and 1710,000 ,
Common labor in Italy averages 20 cents
a day , and the skilled worker earns tram
30 to 65 Cents ,
Efforts are being made to establish cooperative -
operative window glass factories to afford
employment for the 5,000 men idle by the t
shutting down of the trust factories ,
Ean Francisco compositors have asked the
netvspapers to set aside typesetting ma
chines for time present , as 250 men are
idle. Many firms slgncd the appeal , I
John Anderson , the general secretary of
time Amalgamated Society of Engineers of
Great Britain , has just Issued the forty-
ninth annual report , It shows that the
society has 79,000 members , and its resources -
sources last year were nearly 53,000,000 ,
Miss May Abraham , the new English au-
perintendcnt of factory inspectors , is a very 1
beautiful woman. Iler features are din-
tlnetly Semitic , of the purest and most cc- m
fined type. She began her public career as
Lady Dllke's private secretary.
\\'ith a property loss estlmnnted all tune
way from ; 20,000,000 to 150,000,000 as a result -
sult of tlto great destructidn wrought by the j
tornado , St , 141015 should be a busy piece
for mechanics of all bullding trades for the s
next four or five years. s
Time tin pinto industry in Great Britain C
is In bad condition. Wages have been recently -
cently reduced In some plants as much an t
15 per cent. At places where time employes H
refused to accept time reduction the works
have bceu closed , throtving 2,000 mcn out 1
of unplnyment. Iu
The Rtcinnond Locomotive works of Rich- t
mood , Va. , lies just received an order froru b
the Cleveland , Cincinnati , Chicago & St. ti
L.olmis Italroad conlparly to convert sixty of o
their loconottves front simple to compound f
engines as fast us they can be put through w
time sltops , The railroad company has been
making oxperlmotds for several years , and d
lies found that time ltlcimmend compound dot (
vice insures a saving of 80010 400 tons of T
coal a year without loss of power or extra o
expense , d
Mr. Jahtes Gordon Bennett , editor of the t
New York herald , hiss nuggestod a plait Ii
of Insurance to his employes whereby , If ti
time proposed plait is carried out , those who
imavo been In hula emiploymnent for one year n
or store may receive a policy oil their liven
for 1500 ; one-half of the yearly premnlums n
as they becoume mimic to be paid by Mr tl
Bennett , amid the other half by time person
taking out limo policy. If time holder of the It
policy should leave Mr. Bennett's employ , B p
he may , at his optiat , continuo the Inv
surance by payimg the full amount o1 the I
yearly premluuts. It
One of the most hopeful signs of the tines e
lit Ireland is time rapid and substantial at
growth of co-operation , At the time of Mr. sl
Gladstone's home rule bill adventure , it
waa practically unkuowh in that country. ti
Last your Chore were sixty'sevet societies , U :
with 3,500 members ; this year there are es
112 , with 10,000 ; std tire are seventy more , d
with 5,000 tn@mubers , in process of of anl' a
zatlon , These octettes exist chiefly In g
rural regions , a d are Inteadgd to promote cc
agriculture and to resist the repacity of d
storekeepers , mil
FUiFTy T IlOIJ t111D . I T TI,1TS
Washington's Arrangements to Care for the
Christian.Encleavorers ,
Pi-c Chrtrehes and ( 'eulrid lion Provided -
vided for theruverllov-1'nntous
111)100'S of V4prshthm , Ouch ( a )
the telernles ,
A coutbined seating capacity of 40,000
will he available at any given moment dur
hug the Christian littdcavor convention ,
which , it is expected , trill draw lu the na
lional capital , in n little over two weeks ,
scares of tlmousands of visitors anti ilclt'
gates. It lmaa hot been the effort of the
local committee of nrrnugementa to provide
as ntamy scats at the ttectmg places as there
are delegates expected In attendance , says
\Vashinglon Star ; If it had been enc hnlf
as loan ) amore nceomuuodatlous ttotld be cc-
quired , as far its presoil eslhuutcs eau
deterntihc time iumbcr tint tvlll attend the
convention. But time comnttttee lies exerted -
erted Itself to provide scatlugs for n tuajor-
Ily of the estimated throngs , and as there
trill be some 300 separate laid disllhct
ventinu meetings during the six days In
which sessions x111 be held , it Is very lilt-
mui mmisslot ono wiil ore e
gain n to r two orctetl several
of them if the proper effort is made ,
lint 40,000 elttulgs available at tune same
mlomeut is am omorntous utunber. 'Flue like
was never before aceim imi this city , mud se1-
doni , If ever , on this eonthtoih Of price
Itnpertance mind Idcrcsl , therefore , arc thin
arrangehieuls for the meetings of this
conveutlott-the fifteenth annual gntherhig
of Christian Endeavorers , As the utunber
of delegates is expected to be larger that
ever , amid more accommodations are to be
provided , so also wlU'o ' the the
be inercased over the u heretofore
for , \Vltch the coltv'entiuns were
first held one large church was capable of
sealing all time delegates who applied for
admlasiou ; with succeeding years larger
auditoriums were required and large public
halls were sclecled for the meetings ; ra-
cently , lenmporary' shelter him the form of
lingo tents has had to be provided to acconr
modate tite enthuslastlc Eudeavorers , In
Wnshitmgton this year it hna been found
necessary to cmnbl mammoth of
meeting places , an three
one large hall all five of the most capacious
churchca x911 be utilized for holding coh-
ventian sesslons. These x111 constitute the
principal mmiilorlumls , but at certalu tines
twenty or more of time local churches will
be opened for meetthgs.
Prunarily important as iuccling places will'
be time three tents , named , respectively.
" "Tent Endeavor , " and
"TentVillistou ,
"Tent Wasldngton// Time two first named
were dedicated at last year's convention
lit Boston ; that wileh has been named In
honor of the capital city of what might
be called "lindcavorland"-tor mho Uulted
States is the natal country of the orgauza- ;
tlom , and here it lmus its greatest strength-
has been provlded especially for this cun-
veutlon , amid will be used for the Ihst timee
here. Tent \Villiston is named after the
church to Portland , Me. , where the first
Christlan Endeavor society was formed , n
little more than fifteen years ago.
Each of these manumtit stretches of canvas -
vas will hold about 10,000 people. Approximately -
imately , 5,000 persons can be accununmlatcd
in time settees far the audience , while on
time great platforms provision will be umde
for over 1,500 more. In the accompatytlig
ground plan tile Irragem eiit of seats Iii
tile teila is thesS s s
dtvide the aulftorittnt hmto sections , and the
seals , except in the middle section , x 111 be
placed obhbiuoly' to the platform , econontlz-
log space and securing an arrangement
most cmtvcnieut for those wlmo are to see
and hear. Against the extreme ends of
the platform the benches will be act at
right angles to it , forming sort eof "amen
corners. " Numerous exits will be provided ,
so that it will be possible to fill amt empty
time teats in a brief space of time and with
a ndnhnum of dscomfort. :
Tile seats for the audience will he all on
a level ; time platform seals will be raised
tier oft tier , In scull-circular form , nearly
to time roof of the tcnta. The plalfonus alone
will hold more Arsons that most of the
churches of tite city. The maul section will
be reserved for the ciunus , and the two
tiatkirlg sections her nilulsie-s and those
holding platform aeala. Ftn ni six it a tlred
scats on tue platfor nu in caib of time three
tents will be sp ziaily reserved for pastors
and the speaL ars al 'he convicetion , Tickcts
for these seats tie even taw being Issued
at general hcadgntws ht Ilaslua. hum the
front and center thcr3 will be placed about
tt'enty-five or 'htcty chairs , for the use
of time presiding clllcers , chorus leaders ,
musicians sad nue.mlcers , and at time front
edge of the plntfnrm a rostrum Is to be
built , from w'hluh IIto null csres will he de-
Iltergd. Directly b''meatit will lie time tables
for the press reprsve'mtutvas.
The ideal convention meeting place , where
the three tents are to be pitched , 1s time
While Lot , lit the heart of the city , fret'
front the roar and bustle of everyday tropic ,
nftproachahle from all directions nmd close
the heading car lines. The other audt-
toriums are also easily accesslbhe front all
p arts of Washington std easily reached front
mho louts lllonselves. Half way down the
famous stretch of Pennsylvania avenue , be-
hviceu time treasury and the capitol-the
scene of the most magnificent allitary
pageants this continent has witnessed-s !
situated the Center market , over one w9ng
of which 1s Central hall , the largest of the
mcoting places provided
entlon sesslons , Th nau will scat
ghoul 3,000 persons , and Is mw of the most
nttrnctlvo and commodious halls In the
ctty. It wan dedicated for public tune by
alto Christian Iindeavorers of the dist tct
nat January , on the occasion of their fourth
annual convention , and many Important
sessions of the hmternutlonal gathering will
me held there.
'rho five clhtrches which have been chosen
for meeting places , in addition to time tolls
amd the hall , are all of them large ones ,
of historic interest , nil situated especially
convenient to ono another and to time V'Ittte
, ot , where time tents will be. Those from
uutaide the city , whto taro Inspected time
many ndvantages of sttlaliut and car
votlonce apparent in lima arrangements In-
ariably lmnve manifested time greatest en-
uusiasnl , and time close proximity of these
flvo churchca has been frequently the sub-
cot of host favorable comment.
One square east of time treasury-al the
oulh cod of winch the tents are to be
tretched-is the Fmmdry Methodist Epis-
opal church , one of time meeting places ,
ocnted right in time heart of mho lintel dis-
rlet. It is one of the dice of the churches
elected which are or have been lcnown as
presldents' churches. " President hfayca
'orsitlppe8 ( lucre during hls renidenco in the
white house. It is'the only one of the five ,
ott-ever. vvlmiclm is not the home of a Chris-
hum Budeavor socleq ! However , the mem
ors of that klndred young people's orgaulza
on-the hipworlh lcarsue-very generousi r
ffered the church + to the cornntittco of 1890
or convention purposes , and the proper
'as cordially' accepted.
Two squares north and east of time Fotnm-
ry clmurcii is time Now York Avenue Preshy I :
of time nmeellng places ,
rlan chnrcb , another l
Ida also hues been the church Route of seine
t the natlmt's chief executives , as Presi-
enls hluciiauan , Lincoln amid Jnhnnmt al- }
naded services there , It lies ate largest
lelniersllp of any bhurch of its denomima-
on In time city. I
Next in order of location comes niut First
ongregational citurcb , mm time r
a the Foundry church. amid four squares
nut. It has a large metnberslllp ; In size
rid influence it stands among the first of
me Congregatlnnal churches 1n time country ,
S doors have always been open for meets
of benevolent or re-
gs ht limo Interest c
glows movements , and the majority of Comm- am
options and meetings of such a nature c
ave been iteld in it. As an auditorium tr
is particularly adapted for large crowds ,
1t in convenient In arrangement , and its
mmstlc properties are all that could be do- 1 ,
To the north and cast of this church is h f
e ourth meeting three the larg
l church , distant squares ,
t and most progressive church of that
mominatlon In the city. Its Sunday
house , r completed , s
mrQql as ther Qdel to the t
intry , and its school , divided into six
apartments-kindergarten , prlr rim , c (
adult and boate-qumbers 01
edLate , junior ,
0 Fasil i
Those $25-$28 and $30
, tJy < CvI ( ,
U 7A I Lay s '
/ / / % ° ' 9 Pants
. r .
I E.1
Made to Order , 1 Made to Order v , L
y a
f' ! 1
s t
Thousands of } yards cut u1 ) during the past 2 weeks-but you'll
find that the assortment is still large.
Are you afraid that the price is too low for good wol lcinanship ? '
Ask to see the garillents made up-Examine the t r11111111t1 ' a s and
workmanship. . -
If you appreciate values = we'll get your order without urging.
If we can't fit - ' refund your money cheerfully ,
2,02 202
South t South
r o
15 JIz Sil 15th Slr
nearly 1,500 members. Its Christian Endeavor -
deavor societies , junior , Interumedlatc and
senior , are ht a llourlshiug condition.
Less than ten minutes' stroll from time
Calvary church , the Fiist Presbytorlan
church , the last of the five , is reached. An
old amid historic church , it has mumbcred
among its attendants Presidents Jackson ,
Palk , Pierce and Cicveland. ltccently remodeled -
modeled , its Interior is considered ono of the
very' handsome ones \Vasltingtou. . Its
centennial vvas observed lit the spring.
All of these ntlditorlums svill be profusely
decorated with convention 101(1 United States
flags , strcamners amid bunting. him the tents
trill he displayed a number of flag ; of foreign
nations , contributed specially for this convention -
vention by Christlan Emlcavor societies lit
the respective coumtries as an expression
of the intmnntlmmal character of tie gathering -
ering and iudlcatl e of the world-wide extent -
tent of time emgmnizatlon.
A corps of unlforved and trained ushers
will be constattly in attendance at all
meetings held hl the nine auditoriums provided -
vided , so that seating arrangeuents may be
properly attchded to. Thtse sectiou of the
chorus will assist in the singing at the
throe tents , and the fourth body of 1,000
vocalists will he dh9ded up among the other
meetings In the halts and churches.
With no many sort Ices going on sim-
ultalcnusly' , delegates to the convention will
fled ht tlltlcult to make a choice as to which
they will attend. There ame no assign
meats of meetings node to certain delga
lions ; anyy one who conies to the com'entton
is privileged to go to any meeting he or
sumo desires , protkted only there Is room
for admission. Doubtless the three tents
trill be time goal of very tnany tvhn will make
1VaGhiugtott their temporary abiding place
utter the Slit of July , but In time smaller
uteetilgs , where seeing amid hearing will be
less dlfllcult , just as able and popular
speakers will deliver addresses , and , betides
catching thin overflow froru the lent , tieso
meeting places will be sought out in preference
erence by hammy. vvho do trot care for large
crowds , _
I'0 I'ItANIC al.tYll AS i1.1VY C1t0Clili'1"1'
Jmnrgnret Itusmer in l'hlladciphla Tines ,
1s ( rue a knight am ; c'cr won' coat of snail ,
Or at a tour tiny set a lance in rest ;
An eagle's eye , man mtrnu that cannot fall ,
A heart of steel , lima' bucksldn clothes
his breast.
Crockett the woodsman treads the forest
scone ,
And manhood , nature's manhood , lives
again ,
Jfore fashion's pAllah pales heaido his mien ,
Of true nobllit ) ho w onderl then ,
"Davy , S hove you ,
Strong to defend , n lion's courage springs
\vItliln ii is soul it t danger's Hers' breath ,
t eowtmrd'a love of life nsiuln hut liinga ,
And ( earlu ss for bla love lie foccs death.
Nor dreams lie of ruwnrd ; mmuugh for hint
To nave her , tho' they infer shall meet
All sethlsh tlmoughla at lamer ° s lest grow
dim ,
So does the tempter's lure. What won.
der , then ,
llm'y , I love you. "
U\Vhlyperuig \ toaiIin Iitt0stoodliiiidsniusie
sweet ;
Tito ( all of water , birds' tongs , forest
moons ,
Or time slid voice of time tempests , time
maul Pent
Of rntn and hnll-nntmro ii Is only uclmool ,
Ife learned great lessons , nor forgot
ml gudl.
Condo to succor , slronm mind firm to rude
Evil In every form. , o wonder , then ,
'IiUVy , I love you , "
our U'cnh and beautiful the story scouts ,
Compard to tllsolcd sophistry and urn ,
, Iko nntmrds baiply mulch to opimn's
l to violet's horl
A chemist s Prfume n
Ycary wo turn ( ruin steel amid poison
scenes ,
'rho Intricnte plotlings of tire French-
unan's brain ,
Po naturr's woods , where the svarmn sun-
sltinu glnms ,
Nor false lights tire our eyes , to cry
ugnln ,
" 1)nvS' , I love you. "
All Free ,
These syho lmavo used Dr. IIng's New' Dle-
every know its value , and tire who have
f have now the opportunity to try 1t free.
ail on the advertisetl druggist and get u
lal bottle free. Send your name and ad-
ress to 11 , E , Bucklen & Co , , Chicago , and
et n sanlplo box of Br , King's New Life
Ills free , as well as a copy of Guide to
eath $ anti Ilousehold Instructor free. All
which Is guaranleeml to do you good and
at you nothing , Kuhn & Co.'s drug store ,
The Eagllsh courts have ruled that a
trlker cannot seek to induce others from
eking his place , Although "picketing" bas
cen the principal weapon of strikers , the
have discovered a law that prevents
o man persuading another ,
Until Further Notice Will Give
Free Consultation '
- and Free Treatment
Iii All . . . . e
New treatnment for Catarrh old Rhemnatlsm , Diseases of Women Diseases of the
Nervous System , Bladder and ladueys ; all ITiood 1)i eases , Sk n IIseasos , I'hmplee
and all blemishes of the ( ace ; diseases of the lye and Ear , 'l'hront and Lunge ; Los
of vitutliay ht young and middle-aged men ; Dlsenses of the Stomnch , etc. , etc ,
Robert \V. McOride , 2C' . . Manderson Street Omaha , says ; "I have suffered from
rheumatism fuur yemmrs. Tried doctors until I lost hone Your lust treatment rg-
lieved me 1mm PEN MINuTEs. have not been so tvelI for years"
nouns-s to 12 n , m. , : t" C end . to a p. m Sunday , a a , ut , to 1 . . m.
Rooiiis 114 Li 115. Arlinbtoti Block , ( leaf Ioor ) llrest of P. 0 , )
iirt i-ia-
Searles &
t'c , ' SPECIALISTS I. '
lierl'OUS , C11roifC
w and
Private DiSedSi9 ,
t j'm 7 polmeor Zero of M o
m by runtl
' coaeulnttlnrn free'
cm'V. . ' mil { SYWIU $
Cured for life and the , oisao iboroughhr
rleaueed from the system. I'iLmit , FISTUIA
vAnlcoCI L1 permanently and ucceetuluy
cured , Mathod new and unfailing ,
by new method without pain or cutting.
Call on or addree , with tarup ,
Dr. ScarlrS & SedrICi , ttOlnalmr r ° '
I ( you are saterIne from the eaecte of D
Tonthful buyer tlIn excesCe ut miulurer
7oars , rceultlng in nervuuencs , , ntatuiy p
1osics , , pane , lack at mernnry and
sonoral dell hated condition , wrimo ow
, tad 1 w 11 ho happy to non you. In pith ,
enveiopetltorecipe that enatp4 melycured
silo of u cnsu of ninny Sears' smandbig. 1 '
want NO l' % V. henna slam to help toy fe-
low'manhmhlsaNicttou , Correspwt00CC v
Ilox88l , Kalamazoo , Mich.
'p. .
t I'S i'4 b. " lmig tl for anuolnral
to I t Ju , , dlehargee , InduuumU"ae ,
neraut irrliatiuna or uirrmullous
Yreenu aooiyiun , ' , , c , s xinl not onlni. .
p ' Jrty
k tl 9a , or seat In plalmt srapper ,
by exrn ee , prepaid , for
I lo , ur 3 botmles , tern ,
. 'Ircutar , cut uit rotmmet
10 P . E aQlf
Discovered In 1800. "TIIEHIAKI"Lhook Free ,
Uttlce 312 , 78 Monroe Sliest ,
P ps.wraee ) , CHICAGOILL. ,
. . aaril u uLm..U lu t. .
ENCeteat.ttr. PILLS
UIIglasl. . , U rUe. lur.
.e ) t. fuNi1qCU UDY . Ssu
. ' l , I Ue
a..flo' Is Il p 1 ' ! aa ,
Net , , ulr IDIIma dl a , 't a o
aim at'
I rh .u t,1 . . . , . j ) red , .
to , t re fur ettta J ) , trUmeat.h m
, / , ipp Os ( hit ? . ti titanl
. ' . .
{ a. A'aM. JW"
tkvlmulL5starvunu. 3m..rCa . - + - - - lco. - ' ILlu ) ' 'ld'v/wLite '
+ 0 + 00 + 0 > 000a0POd04O4.OOCO +
ISumrrer '
At Cost
Tliis Week.
Oil Rattan
I Roc ¼ ers. e
Rocters ( $1.90 up.
Chairs $1.50 up. . ;
Couches $6.75 tip.
7fahles $2.25 up. ,
g r
Divans $6.00 up.
Stools $2,25 up.
Solid Colilfort
Durability Combined ,
DWEY&.l l (
. .STONE .l
Furniture Co. i ;
l 115.1117 FARNAir S'1'REl ? I' . i
0 + 04010100040404040 + O40 +
WI1.COt COArPOUlli )
. 4
safesaltb a1 a , . rUI Y x.G
sut . lltute. k'oslubylld , , . tr lu , ke .
t.r Jmun1 eef uir.A 1VILlO [ . ' / : v1r . 00.
.b 'puth htahto uet , l'UIWllLI.y IIA.Y