Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1896, Page 10, Image 10

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    - - - _ -
10 OMA1TADAT1U StT1)AY , 1Tfl21,189.
_ _
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i , r '
SI 3flhIlL
Xlii tIli , fltiiI , , ,
. % rl tt Iti OI'Il , liiPrI , .
I N1V VOItIC , Jnn' IS-In the vn1ut1ons
of fashIon thr're liavo becfl ft few
? 1Ilgorlfl , the inosL enmplettotls ot which
IL fl IV(1OtttI'lIt ) O color III IUIfl1' Of thO till-
t1irwenr. It Is clirloun , Isn't It , how ranhion
vc'erM about III her iiotloii of the fitness of
Not iio many ninona ago , accorBng ( to the
OlIfl1liIS Which iiiako or mar a illolle , to
wear coy tinted iiudcrgnrrnent-tIio pettiCoat -
Coat exccpteI-was ? to evidence a i1vrnvIty
In tnte It Hot Iii ninras. All 111111cr-trap-
pings nnrnleil to ho of the sno\vlest white
. ! Rv
anti flfl ) elaborate lace trimming Was con-
hillorell ba4 forzii Then , long , long ago ,
"shirts anti petticoats" of coarse nankecits
In raw colors were worn by the finest lathes
IlL the lanil ; 01111 000 historIan of Queen
ElIzabeth tliiie chronicles that the favorite
sleeiilng sack or nightgown" of the great
daiiies of tlittt day was a Plahil affair of rcl
or yellow ilIc not alvays "over clean. "
The underwear of the present Inorilelit ha
nothing to fear at the hands of the future
historian. The best lingerie Is distliigtilshed
by a good taste nnl elegance without paral- .
e1 In tile annals of fashton. And tnco
quantity , an well as ( Illahity , Is one of the
nlot strlngeiit laws of the hour. the charge
ft.A -A
ft.- - ' h .
; f not being _ 'over clean' ' wIll hover be
brought agaliist It.
No iijro escrlptIoii couii do entire justice
to nil the delightful tiniler-rigging just now
being ithowu In tli slios for llununcr use.
I'iagile textiles are the ones most iii
favor , bitistea aitti hluhian ilimities , aiitl Per-
it itili a 1111 1 utl in hits's. Fii ese 111c nI I of a stab-
I I ItO fitch L'5H tI ii ili tOll kCS tiieiii lilost acceptable -
able for hot sveatber wear , when even the
rir-i : " \-I4'
1' 1I : : : : : : : _
' i'
, '
L =
.r ' "
A ; EIdflORATE 11I1'T1CO.tT.
thinnest unlusook is often A burden to tilt
Trimmings br 1110111 are delicate 'uien
ciennes iltcts , III uro tyhilto or yellow set
between rows of it 111113 cambrIc beatlilig that
Imitates heinstitciilng ,
% 'hatover the garinctit there arc rzttv-
strliis of wide or nairow ribbon , iii white ot
delicate colors. wIth hev.- anti tbee perky
boivs Anti rosettq its a coIIieittsli beetling
a tAct' I rInllllCIl tiolllt0. %
TIit' I nil iatl tI I n I t las In 1)1(11 ( II colors , p11
npitlp-grecn. ( 'anary-yeliow neil palt' lii
are iliatit' Ill ) 111(0 ( itets of four Piec'S. Tint
ehina silk cud a few of the ticlicately figur
anti stripeil epear ) in these i'ets.
TIIVII tiightilrcss , llt'tticOat , irasvers a
( 'lipifliSt' still cli ito trinuncti with the ai
lace auth ribbon. the liflitorinity of color a
( ? coratiolls adding itiucli to ( lie effect a
rirliiirs Of the garments. In illatil lawn ,
color lIds are lnalo cheaper , of course , tli
I he fra I icr ti liii I I ten , h ii t ( rein a beau ty pal
at irttitt they are also less ilesirabie.
Silk , likewise , is less in favor thiaii
ticilcato Cottons , though front ItR lurahil
as tvcii as coolness ninny buyers eiect
chum Rilk tinlerst-car.
\Vhito ihotteth nltitiiil anti Swiss In pIn
figured , iitrlpeti cml ipottetl weaves are iiiti
tiseil for dressy Petticoats , stichi as acco
patty organhie anti eveiting gotvns.
They arc Illuch be-ilounced , one frill os-
the other atot the last one very ticep , wi
the lace edgings mit on 1aiit or 111101) ' lciiii
Iiatted or else tue flounces showing t
stiltit cording so much in favor for si
slctrt. Thioso In the tine Tulle cud 1'ren
iastiis have sonietitnes the ticep top Iloilti
iiiatio of horizontal clusters of nan-ott' ban
run tuckR betst'ecii lace cntro-ileux. 'r :
lOttOlfl of this may be left sIt-night ci
etigeil stltli a heep lace lIOt on Plain.
Again this f1oiitCe ntay be it3iwi1 up in
1)010(5 cml flntsied ! with a ( till friil of Inc
shorter lace-trimmed frills shiowilig betwci
the lOilltS ntitt gisliig a charuting fu
bciosvctl iook.
All Petticoats are Inatlo to ( IL snugly alto
the hips and very wIde at the bottoni. Cot
taCitly tlit , toll aiiotv a yoke at the fro
and 51(105 ( , and a ( ailing at the Itack. throut
which a ribbon is run. enables the wear
to tiraw It iii to thesireil limits.
A Swiss jettlcnat with the hack liresnit ]
covereti entirely with corled Ilounecs
one ilevico for holdIng evening skIrts o
at this irnint.
A tiny square called the "tharguert
neck , " is a feature of many of the summ
ilight gowns. These are itiost becomIng
line throats , the round white columns U
Poets 1leak ) oL The square , howes'er.
Sn shallott' that It auiows little inoro tits
that first pretty swell of the shioutt1er esu
it1o of the thii-oat , so that , unless ti
"column" is uncommonly fati a Margiieri
neck Is a comfortable prittiego that nu
ho widely eiiJoycd ,
Mailof the nigiit 1resses Iiase rounil
tqtiaro yokes niatlo separately. Other 3okl
are simulated by tucking the garnient Itse
and InsertIng entre-tlouc of lace and cii
ProPhecy between. tim whole often bolt
ntitiined with a riltiton-run beading or cit
with a tiny iias of the gown ntaterI
fastened down with an elaborate berrini
Sleeves are either bishop shapes , thret
[ platter ieiigtii antI finished svltii a inc
Ddged ruffle , or else are long gigots wit
Ilie cuff Ilortion rather close fitting an
rrcquently made entirely of rows of tucl
intl lace.
Some of the Inexpensive nainsook gnw'i
has'o pttffe or coriheti yokes of white dott
muslin nnt a band finish to the sleeves
the same that gives them quite an elegat
Drawers arc' au cut very wide and ser
; hort. Methods of trimming the bottorn
Lhlougli. vary enormously , so that In thi
me , at ioast , simplicity may bo said to Is
ho fashion as much as elaborateness , A
sxtraordtnaiily stido shape Is called tli
'bul , , ' ' and I It is is so lieu ticeil an si ill
ton trimmed thnt it has quito the air of
short. dlvitiol skirt.
Some ( If tue tirawers have deep Inc
iotiiic lItit nn slatititigly , shorter at Ui
titer timit the latter leg.
'I'IIO bottoms of another sort are cut i
lie shape or a litigo scallop. also shorter a
me point than the other , illit w1itos-er th
rltntning below , the hcaihing Is coinmoni ,
if some sort of ribbon rtiii beaiiiug , .wlt
0(13 ( of the ribbon escaping to tie some
Vlierit In a bow or rosettes.
Corset coveis of wash silk end fine lawn
iC maie in the boiers shape which tic
racoftili- scarf tiltis at the istittt auth ar
i'iinmetl simply all round svttli a narros
c1go of lace.
There ni-c also others In the olth corset boh :
liepti , with the iust trintincti as of yor
cit ii titeks atul eiiltroltitry , liii t thciI I ,
, s-ei.y sign that tue clienliso still In tinto di
tm ) . tvitli tills garment entirely. For tb
11010150 is liatik again. vralso to tue fashioi
takers I Da littler , iirottler. nnro comfort
ijie than ever before. this time-honoret
armelit it ; seen In vast numbers in tli
hops , anti at prices that run fiozu 39 cent
0 O
There Is no reason w-liy nil tue world nta
( It take to chemises again. and if ai
0fl1011 only kntttit there is no article o
tiderwear more fein I ii in e or hecoin I ii g.
in make and material iiio nets' chemises
ro of liii exquisite fluiciies anti shots' i
DIlilItilig variety of dcsilgii. ' ( hey arc almnas
tilde length , aitti to obviate time isecil of
hart petticoat tile bottoms of imsatty will hi
ihIli'd cmiii tucked skIrt-fashion. It Is at tim
rIp , however , that fashion anti tlio chionmise
Latccr got Ill their best Itinings.
Except wIth an Empire siiapo there an
( I sieotes , a tiny baitti edged both ItIe
iltil lace tahltig titeir place , hut such quain
wn runt mulch ilaint- yokes , bentlias ant
tickers store surely riovei tu'eii before.
Tile Fltllire chemise Is itiso very long
iltli till ) ' ituff aicoves and a ( irasretrini
t the itacic and front to shape a short
nitttet hoiico t'Ifect.
These , In the hottest weather , svili ht
5)111111 tot- pretty figures a charming bed
1)0111 ) neglIgee.
Tue liaiiti-otnlroltlery which so bug dis
itigiilsiieti French tiiidertvear is seen ni
There Is plenty of fine stitcitery an ci
f tue hiest things are inatlo iy lianii , Iiu
takes tile shape of lionistitcit , iinnsvt
b reads , lid-ri II g-bntm a a nd OXj ii i' It a 8etv I hf
11011 as ililid-cycti 111105 (10 III sleepy con
( hi Is.
Iii the negiigco line there arc , in all tin
: iiii cottons aitti ileiicato silks , 501110 ( mint )
littiiie jackets , with aenimmeti backs to iflak (
(0 ( figilrt shut aitii stralimlit. nut ! ieeso fh'outi
r conifort.
For lotticoats anti other garmemits to i
iaiio hit homite there are city ititinber ci
ret ty a tid I ocx ItehIstyc laceL I ' 1)1 hi t d' ( 'Slh'lt )
lotilig hi an vffcettvo entletlotix , aitti titert.
a scoliopeci anti Iloilitci edge to iilatt ii
h itlafly WldtIlti. Tiil is sory ornamental
l Styiss shirts , lint it 111(1) ( ' also be used
Li lawn nod slicer naiimstmok.
% ' ( )1ilN ) Al : ) ll.t'lfl. (
iii Siiiiiitii.i' ; ; ; iI'iCiiuisIii
( 'U line.
For real , rollicking , exciting fun tue sum-
or girl has 'Iccitled ' that Iletiting compares
'itii ' Canoeing.
The calitie itself is a fascinating , iietvhteii.
ig little craft In its beauty anti graceful-
Iltis , cliii appeals to a sviiiiman tisthetic
'lisiblittles us zio oilier boat esii.
'Iiieii one Is so linlependent in her little
) oil 01' iicketj canoe. although theie is
ltitt ) to do , both ( or head and iiaiids ; situ
itist act as crow , Captain. isiiot amid bailast
lthSt look out for suaila , isoata , driftwood
liii SICItiS.
'liie entice of which tue maiden of 18C
iult. it selection % velgiis titily elgiittwu
ouliti3 , Is ten atid ono-imitif feet in length ,
as a tweLlt-slx-thl iI beani , is inailo ol
itdar stith oak ribs and tviil carry elgiit
otihitis Ililti OhIO'S "tiulfle , " I. 0. , kit or few
ersonah belongings ,
It Costs 65 auth can be transporteti am
'eight for 5 withIn a sllstatico of 1&O iulkw ,
As to pathiles , svlmere there is a small
bacon a single biadu Is used. a doubic
bide for heavy waters. 'flu stogie biadc
tioiihtl be quite stilT. tlIii every spring
to time blade and ilailtile , tile titihle blatlo
shotilti il ( about eight on iiIil feet bug ,
with a joint in the unlilihit' . so It ran be
talwui apart and stotteti below svlieim tint in
tiSfl. The bindes should be comparatively
long dlii lint very Stitic to get tilt ? tit-t ci-
fct wIth the icast effort. Just here a
worth to tue wise-aiways take cii extra inni-
tile with you for feat- you breitk one.
The water train time iiiamles is apt to mu
dowti the roihild of the irniidio to time liauids ;
to prevent this drip , little cups of rubber
"tillt ) (5111)5 , ' ' haVe been itivelutetl ; these are
ctiihlouts amA11irrc1i with cork antI are
angels iii tliflIsp so to speak. A cushion
In times nt nut ! iuuooth tinilhiug ; a
life ireservW. , lii cno of accident. Could
LUu3'tiling be Inure deiigiitfuii ? Your boat
IilIsetS--)011 . that pretty iaio btituo
cortiuroy emishitlit. iioiti it before yell and
float cahhniy'nhuJ ieacCfttily to shore. with
bicilsIhIgs ilium ftho bead of the clover Ic.
e1utot ! . S
Not oniy uaro , tue seats mittle comfonta.
bie tvltlm these iuih1on , hut wicker hick
are Provided : tiie make a life on the
ocean wave as paflas st-lien reclining at
bionIc , tilsilim a. hlkxuriotus ihivall ; a carpet-of
Wiitoii or lJjusmes-covcrs ) time lloor of the
boat.Thur St. Lt ¼ eeuuce skiff , It l. cahbol. auth
It Is one q tli easiest rowing boats over
built. it i llttthi with sails. If desired , anti
an expert In nabbing can tb nib the steering
buy sliiftiuug her svcighit by ttikltig in or pa'--
log omit the bieet. so carefully hiase time hues
of th craft been sttttiid omit. Those boats
tim ft-nm tlttc'i to tsvrnity feet in bength and
cost about \'Iieui Provided witii sailing
gear , canvas , cars. seats , cuhitons aulti
carpet , the cost Is 1 it , .
if exin'hise Is au object. for less titan
half tiio itnice , or $ It' , a I OW boat can ho
Jill reimaseth ; It ss'i I I svt' i g II II to ci ) POU ii 1114 ,
anti one can fit It lull PrettilY niutI Cllii
fnrtabty ? with "huounc'-unatho" things-
cuisiulous , stint-backs , carpCts utiti the 111cc.
' ' ' 'i' .
SIiI M RitS'Pt'i'i4)NllI
NiIt i'i S II'Pt Of I IteSitifl rSi-s5 .th-5 J ii
l'lihIeV , SlhilhIM iiiil liliht,114.
There are a luau-dozen now , quaint con-
colts hlu juirejy suinnuer stationery. hh the
suuluphy , tahcmi1atin to write at 1eat one
11010 a tiny. Only red or black lettering
Is thi1 for thIs alIens ) 1)llFPO5t. % 'lthi
thin tinteti Pallor in onthinsu-y colors aunt
simowitig an Initial uununn or eomlntr3 house.
or uiauuup of day timis stamping is dohut , on
the top of ( lie iuuitie of ( ito first iage.
Time whelp unite IS written on tue htisido
lages fluid thou directly it Is tiu&lhieti , bcforo
t1i& Ink is dry a single fihicet of Jti1tiuueso
blotting i'npor Is ( iroppeti between the two
pages of still wet wortis. This blotting
maper is. of couurse , just the size of time uuote
lc.tvcs autti i really a piece of tissue lailer
woven thick , soft and i'nlntcih wlti ( lie
irottiest little shadowy colored Jnrnutese de
sIgns. Soitte authors of tiuty Shying notes
tle'hicntciy Porttuhuue tiu'ir hiottitig l.'avcs auud
oil opening otue's billet a ssluttT of sss'eet
tudor falls out with tli fairy blotting path.
'liii' ter ) ' 1111-to-date country hiotiso owluers
hite borrowed cii Pica for their statiouwry
fiouuu thio ProPrietors of suutmluuuer hotels. At
I ha to ii of it crea iii Ia hi s itt-v I , on tv li icht , iii
a. stately Etugiislt hand , Is Itiscnilted a
tcmnptl img I liv i I at toll . appears a ehiamni I tig i'n
an 1 I nic sketch of I Ii n 1101110 ciii' I s a sIc cii Sn
% -isit. 'rule sits at time toll Ill the center of
the page. suhilip beulenill it Is lrlntei ( ito
nuulle of the resli1euee nod to either situ' , ( ito
ftiii address , POstofilco and telegraitim
directiofls. This , of couursc' , bobs very like
tim e sum muuumuer lint oh s' 1 et I er head s , say itt g
( lint tile original tirawillg for ones prise to
( Ohuhltuy house hole il8P ' is uistialiy doumo by
14(1100 nub ItCil ahul lulk artist who sights
iuis svnrk. lie either skuteiiest the gates
bealhitlg to ( Ito itark , tlio lodge htotise , a
tIletuiresqun' chutuuumoy stack , oteii thoorwa or
iwnclu cattier. A lIlt of tllo itnimso niuthier
titan the whole Is thoite , anti then his draw-
I ( Ii . .iI ' ( ( f . . ( 1
11IW1) ) .
TI it' '
' '
- . .
- -
. . 1k
= - _
- I-1 _
. -
= L : : = ! : / -
L:1 - ? , -
- . . _ .i : = = _ ; . _ . . -
. -1 = - - : : i ,
ft f- -
t L _ .
itht On the round of the paddle , just above
time blade at each cuutl.
in regard to steering gear , paddling canoes
are somnethnios fitted with a rudder. fmoun the
head of whIch lInes run to pedals in the hot ,
tmll of ( lie canoe against svllich time feet
rest , and by tills uneauis a slIght unovenicnt
of OIIO foot or the other steers the cauuoo ,
titus relicvthlg the arhns of considerable
stork , especially In rough water.
Tim canoe Is very steady alid not at all
likely to upset when tue paddler is sitting
tbotvii , as time weIght Is then so phaced that
tue ceitter of gravity Is very how , much
more so titan in a rowboat , In which the
oarsman sits on a seat ilear the level of the
gunwale and far allovo the water line. A
little practice In getting afloat and ashore
at time beginning wilt help the beglumnera to
avoid an upset. which of course is dlscourag-
lag anti shouuiui not be on tile prograha.
To leant tin , art of ' 'featimeriuug , " join the
two parts of the padthlo with the blades at
right auugles to each other , so that the blade
lIt the air , at- each stroke preselits Its edge
simple , conventional sizes of linen and baumic
note Paper , In tint standard tihIts amid mono-
gramns , are stilt USed by conservative svomon
and for serious occasions , but nearly every
owlior of a prettily appoitited cacretoiro
keeps a drawer anti lig000-liobe constantly
refreshed ttitii ( lie wlmimsical little modes
in cards , sheets and cuvelopes.
Olie of the most attractive notioums Is time
big palo blue anti very thin linen sheet. on
emIly one lde of svllich ohio svrites A whole
letter is put oil that side anti then tue sheet
is (01(10(1 ( scpiare , two of its edges stuck
down , and behold nh old style letter , wttllotut
au envelope , is neatly. On the broati bianlc
side , left by folding , the adtlress and
stamp are idaced and the effect Is very Sinlt-
lar to old fauimlly letters hoarded 1 attic
trniiks. Time failed blue , in thmihunest Ilumoti
paper , is supposed to ho used for foreign
correspondence only , viilie a very odd , thick
ridged ShIcet , in waves nuid blotches of brown
and yellow , Is called 1S30 paper , sluice it Is
. - .
I /
' LLLc'1 - ;
z4 < 1 -
(4Ai4L /iJr ( '
\ : . !
\ ! . . _ _ _ _ _
ff .
to time winil-'fi'atliers , " tim other words ,
A slight turn of ( Ito wrist , at cccli stroke ,
necouuiitlibln-s the mesuit , It tvihi be foutiti far
easier to liaddlo against a breeze when
'fitu svliid you caumnot control , thiereforo
learn to vadiiio tmguiumst It , tvItit ( Ito li'ast
friction of ituddto , canoe , tInIly alit ! nuiud.
'Fake esery advahmtago of eddies cr111 slack
water aloog shore shcn patldhiug up streamer
or agailist ( lie title.
h'ossibiy ( tie suinuner girl's affectieo do
not mu to cailocs ; sIte , perciiaulco , prefers
ft hunt or a skiff.
Pthulta are not CoIhilmiOlt In this coumutry ,
although they flourIsh in Eiiglaumd-1'uigiish
111050 "doublu-t'ntl
girls fairly dote upon
scttvlt , " tuB soitie 01111 rattler ditlresIhICtfIlii ) '
styles a puuut amid life to thorn without a
Intuit i ( ftthiC intiettd.
Tue row-boat or time skiff takes Its place
in this country , anti I can assure any one
who thitiks of lnvestltmg Iii one of these
craft , timat they are fitted , this season , In
that leaves absolutely
all up-to-date style
I nothiltig to he desired-and notlmimug to be
I iearud for the pretty little corthtLrQy-coVereil
- -
I. -
cleverly siIlleti In exact timmitatlon of
tune's ravages anmoiug cpistlet 60 years
ohil. Tue 1830 PaPer COInOS in big
doubled square iiects arid very smart per-
Eons tie not mucIlage down time folded edges ,
but liberally splash on plenty of sealing
svnx and atcinmhi With a lingo rIng seal.
As is ito freqticnthy the case , fashion tome-
poraniiy adopts tWo eXtromlies , amid one either
writes on very large or s-eu-y stimali sheets
and a tiiiy , perfectly square envelope of tim
IIOW hlut.brown or Jersey cream cartridge
paper Is very nuodishi Ititleoth. The erealti Is
such a deep ivory ( Slit as to be althmost YelloW
shill the lsroWhl is the shade of a dried Rag-
lish walnut slicil. Thu texture of the paper
Is Uilcic nod fibrous , looking IIkQ tile car-
( ridge Pallor on olltfs wails , but ( lie surface
is qtuittt agreenbe for the lihitist 11011 , lii-
stead of a coat-of-at-nis or monogram
stamlmpeil on the pages of this pa-
imor. it. is the custom in clear , raiseh ,
rep imnlnted letters , to have the date
- July1. . 1896-clearly written out. Is
for example wllat tolls time tago and one '
buys oi this sort of stationery a zuontla's
ing is m'edueeti to a steel plate and state
nil the summer noten and letters.
W'OIuEN . % ND ill"l INSUlttCI.
l'iie Ft-ui iii I iii. liiiiiliiii I lie Sti Jijt'et
l'itlli'lts for " .1iiiicii.
\\Oumafl 500111 to have a rooted dislike
iumsuu'ing thoulives. . " 'Flits was ( lie asscrtli
ulmade to a PIliladelphlia TImes juan by om
of a new ( li-rn of svoiiiemi "Itisuranco brokers
55110 have cstalliishicd themselves In tl
hope of educatihug the sex to tile domnauids
muotionit cis'Ihization in this respect. It
chleiitally the brokers are earning a fo
dollars in the lIusihteas. The now wools
has been steadIly liItt1ii1ig lit'rself into incus
of tile avenues to riches and fauna hithort
traversed by men , mIt ( ito tsvo keen-cyct
but mnothest s'idows svlio have hitthioi'to take
to tbenmselvcs ( lie title of "insurance brof
ens" are the first o venture on such a roclc
road to preferment.
'l'hoy represent several Jargo Insumanc
compamites , the ailti life , ( lfld they svIhI bit
oil sell real estate , or trade a second-bali
bicycle for a fast horse , or buy you a sils'c
mIne him Colorado or a gold mine lum Cmippi
Creek , or negotiate tiny kimiti of ' 'paper , ' ' Oh
In fact , do anythithig that a live malt c
lnusihless ( bIds to lila advantage.
' ' \'hiy will not svounen Insure ? ' '
"If It Is a uitarried wonman , site will tiny
' \Vliy tilmoititi I iCY 1110110) ' for another we
umtaui to ehIjoy after I am goIter You see
they are always timihmking of that tenrihil
other wounati that is to ocetpy their pIne
ssiuen they have shituthied off ( lila mtmortal coil
It Is strange that married svontemi always
take it for graulted that their hmusbaulds
still utttuiy again It they over becoim
widosvet'ti Tills thought In itself Is hut
emmougli , but tIm idea of No. 2 ilas'Iug tilt
lutehtO3' laId till by No , 1 is worse , So sv
have to etilmeato ( lie womnoul imp to insurance -
suranco , amid it Is aulyttlillg but an easy
task. "
"But nil wolnen arc not marrieti ? W'li )
lioiilui not sihigle womneli get ilmathred ? "
' 'rlicro , again , tim suumglo woman husm
plenty of icasotis for rofhisilug to Imuslure , ant
nest of them valtti , Sue says that tilue cail-
tiot afford to , for cue thing ; then thu will
s1c wily silo slioultl tnsumro her life anil na
rmuut hitOhlOY allmluall ) ' , ivhieui isiuo luas no cliii-
lrcn to chijoy tue 111011t ) ' SIlO itlti leave. hihuc
wlil say ( lint there Is absolutely no Iniluuce-
miclut for her to go lulto autclu a spoculmution ,
Es-oti svlic'im svo lOilIt out tim alvauitutges ( ol
Ui chmtiotvmnent pulley , which trill give her
hue ummoney at thmo onih of twenty for twehlty.
[ isc years , shio canulot SCO It. Shio fools that
hue wethld rather have $10 ium liar Imooket
Loilay ( lIen wait tw'onty-flvo years for $10 , .
)00. I ani a woman , anti I hcuiow icy sex. "
'l ltmt do not some svouumuui Insure timuir
I tves 7"
"Yes , bilt tile ) ' go to lumen to do it. I
iU1)lOsO there joust be nhiotit t2.000,000 iui-
Vtstetl by tile rich womeum in this city In
hlsurailco POhiCl's. ( Your nichu woman kulots's
the value of Insurance , nutti 1iu does miot
hesitate to ( nice any uueamu' to auth to iit'r
tvealthi. os-cu If tue ghOst die to tin it.'o
Limo trying to ciluicato svoinen to insure wIth
Voillelu , auth we hope to succecil , limit we luavo
10 Ittustie. One of tus stays In time oillce
111th ( hue other goes out to mdc for lJuuRillOSti ,
511th WO are umeu'er itllo. Wo rettroncumt a
uuuimbor of excellent comimpauuies. of world-
lvttle reltiltation. bitt we are lisuimpored by
ur sex. 'l'iio 110W WOlnahi has it muot all her
) Wll way yet-nt least not iii ( Ito ihisunance
busIness. "
A 't'tXiEht lii I/i' I'll ItESS
Slcet.'li ( if lli ( IItIIIe 1ifn of Ihit , jtf-
fill iii'i'ii Hi-ill I. ut tl r , Vli I S n ev.
IIss Gertrude Vanderbilt , whose engage-
shout to Mr. Whitney , son of ox-Secretary
Whitney , lies been tmnmiounceti , is at thIs
tmo ono of ( be niost atrlklng figures in
ftnierlcan society. Site is hedged In by
ereumOny anti guardeil by Iamnlly pride uutli
lie world seldom sees her. Yet from her
) riginato countless charitIes , llumt'roils eta-
) lOyJuiCiitS for persons who would lack them
tilt for time 'Aunorlcaui ilnlnceas , " anti en-
tsntalhiiiieiitti foi youug slid old , /tmerleanui
ititi atraltgcra sviuo vIsit titia country ,
It Is said tlmat t1s'antbenbiil has cuter-
atnetl clunihig lien first two seasons In so-
slcty uuioro families of goveruors cpU preat-
leatlal aapirauuis thuahi ally other young
u'omnaui ( hint ever hived since the colontal
lays of General Lafayette , wben one young
oniam1 was hostess for the nation , Tue
Omientcau priocems has a tbousad times the
uxury of the oItt world princess ,
Thu subject of this sketch La a
ti-Onutli of nitouut 0 year of age , Sh. is
IlICIhititli height nutti dauk tim tit vie , iiiio
s'ery lIrlinettI' ahitl is not a huaumtlsoint' gi
11cr hair t1oe lilt lie in natural rihilti
arouutud lien fare , aumil lien i-yes are a lit
too far apart for great beauty. There
Iluiws in her app'arallee , btlt titi ( ii
immtikti her uulone hike sum everydayyou
woulmahl with the halo aronumil 11cr of netl
gold -a I I I lit' hlmoimey- tmd l'ossess lotus that
) 'Oih hug svoluumtmm ( ' ( lIt itt hunt-c.
Take ( host' conditIons nnti you have
Alu'cnleauu Princess as tihit' ii ; bun- .
Miutti Ometudo'Itullitinbili. . , ossess t
first h'eqllireliuents of a prIncess tim that s
Imas a castle. Yes , atmil immone thnti one. I
tularvelous i-esitlenco In New 'York ( 'icy st
ltuuiht. for 11cr spt'cial litie aloute , i'or y-em
tiul' either house , Itself ( ito grsmhmiest ( ( hint
to ( hint thin' hmad ever ltpeui ltl'eil , serveil I
fnumiily s-cry- vcii. hut as snoul as ii
daughter gross' old enough to couume out
i.ociely a imewoimo hati to ho built.
At a C,4 ( of half a llliiliClui for ( lie Pr
erty , nil the nthjoiniulg houses sverc itotu
antI (11111 dots n , nil il tln t lit , Pbt Ii POti I
rear isaut constructed a lawn , svhmiehi I
muumdcr time y-ouui a g ml s sri iudotvs nHul bet
her \ - iis'leer to ( . 't-umtrnl Italic , This itr
only is opposite ( lit' opeul lulaza by whil
tii hark Sit oimtcr.d , mutt ( I ) c'stiuuate I
cost of this Auncrieauu ltrilmcess' lass-ti svni
lte umtt'ppiuug 111(0 ( flguum-es blunt svoulth not
hurl iptt'tl , Sn lii t-o I o tin y I hue t I t is I hi e uuu i
( 'is 11011 si te tioti bIt' Itlot I lu t lie st-orb 1 , Es
tile SQtifllt' 1mm front of Wttuisur castle wet
sell for lens iii uluilars ,
FA1lt' SU1tlOUNilNGI.
Time suite of rooms overlookihlg time ; dot
fairylnuutl itself. Ilelow tluonm lie svoulth
fiit plauitu , ltt'lt ) csor glorious bya traii
gardt'Uc , ClOt tltsltle tiierc lit a hreaiui
ss'liito cud 111110 ilecoratiotu. It is tiutid ti
fuiulmotms lualuters Iu'escood thetie stalls. 4\
thIs must ho tue truth , for such lucauti
frescoes as surroihtmd the iumuiuuy- mirrors tl
set lii the tvnlls wore iios'er scott tuefo
There are lumamly u'ooutls in ( lie suite , amid I
bath retail Is an easterui Phyl in onyx , ssli
B nil coittrt'th stolt cit a ti d sent -Isreciotis I gem
Time tthmmenlcaim hurlucess Is here only a uuioi
or so ill ( lie year , but her suite asvatts 1
al svays
Like all lurhulcesses , sims has moore tll
OhIo castle. hut Newport ( hero Is a iou
ttioui tie stately' that reports of it. isero calti
uttOitultl ( lie svorld as Its work progressu
Fotuuutaiiis phay tuusldo , conservatories miii
theIr hioouut through the house , statues ( IL
55'010 motolo itt iteutic amid are ( siLlIer
actual elmisehings of ( hue ohil mlmasters or grt
rL'prohuctioums , stuiuuti ai-uuih , The two
icimsal llgurca that support the slab In
grauuul ssiloii are declined ss'ortti a fortuiio
auuy' llOO mmmii.
Iii gettlhig tIp all this time father of
Amlientcaui priulcess imitti Imeehi 5013' liberal
hIs oss'ii cotuuitrynmeut , atiti , 111cc the father
all lIriulcesses , ilehiglitsm tIm ktmowitug ( hInt I
tiunighter's popularity is due largely to
iitihuiber of 11001110 ho sthlmilorts in S151L
luxuries to her.
iii Louidon ( lucre is aulothier palace. It
occupIed y-enrly , umnless forgottout for a bu
sensoum , smith dossn Oh Long iuilaumd Is ammoth
Some idea of tIme elegance of this last cam
little country house ummay be had svhlen yi
couistulcr timat ( hue twin house to It was s
lecteil for a graimil hommoyumiooniimg for U
duke amid thucimesit of Zilarlhorougiu It o
cuples acres of land with Its sununor liounc
outiiouses , butter houses anti arbors , am
the Aunericati ilhilicCSS , witch she nuns dow
imoro with Imer yotmig ltIayummate , emium forg
shio Is a princess and be r little girl agaIn.
A CI lARh1' 11 LII 1'fl1NCSS.
As princesses are khuowu mmot so much 1
ss'hat they have as ts'huat they glse , th
Aiuierican primmcc steps far over tlm i'eyL
boundary Itt lien benefactions. These , b
sities bolmmg imuineroths , are generic. Si
has certalui set charities svhmich she m.u
Imrta herself.
Iii St. ilau'timolomnew'a church , where ml
iii it ummelmmuer. ! there Is a charity for ama
children which loolca to Misa'amideniml
yearly for its sustenance. She git It ,1
ouiiy cit.uthuiug aimd cast off thiiumgs , hilt umi1mitc
clueckiu. golui auld dohiars-actunt doliars
AhiothiCi cluauIty-aumd this oii.3 Is said
he almmmost entirely stmstnlmmed by tier-is tli
Iuistltuutiomi of St. Bartlmolouumew's mimissloi
This occimities a large building in a hsusluics
qthartcr of Now York , auth m'eaches out it
amumms In every collceivablo dIrectIon. Iilc
flumit stork aumd clmlldreui find both. Notbtim
lmtit Cttii be got hero. Edtmcatlouis are ( Ii
shmmUhieSt of gifts. Referehiecs of cbuiactc
amud rccomnuneuitlatlons are given as mci'ol
1,0 iimutuiY gracious words.
To this charIty Miss Vaimdcniuiit gee
ofteum to person. Aumd to it lme gives iou
1uic1mo sUms. It tt'otulul umot be fair to Rn :
that she suliports it , (01' thIs tsould cos
iseuha ps a umi I I I i Out ft ) 't'Sit , hun t it lu ei Itrl s'st
coumtrtbutiofl svuno wttlidrawui a year th
unisslouu would lack nIl thimigs sadly.
l'rlszuteiy. this Aunem-ican princess giie
away stacks. No other svord tolls II
Ciotiuiimg , mmmtmmule it'smSouis , railroatl ttchets-
osei'y'thiing ( lust the strtugghiuig can svs
conIc froumm her. Sue gives these thiiuug
incithehltally as they' are asiced for. I
takes up noimcu of her time. It Is domme b ,
word to her secretary or comnpanloa 0
asPI. A word frouum tIm lmrincess carrie
miunost a forttuumu to those who svant
after her mcgular cimnzitit's are coiintei
onmO tile boneiactioims whIch slio does b :
ier own hlIxtinies. No yOumig WOlmiahI owum
eummployinug so man :
uug so mnnimy equipages ,
mmutitl , presiding over so lumany sets of gal
tuilca , auth hiavlimg at her call so imiany keum
ueis of dogs , calm help suppontiug mnauiy I
ainliy In cum'ilmg for them. The Auneu'Icnr
Inihmeoss Is allowed to pay liberally for at
silo gets , auid to ho lit her ( lhmmilOy is to b
itmiutetl of p. onmfontabio support ( or tilt
nd a security for ontfs fatuIty afterward
o this there are mnumay iut timlug imoinem
.rouumd . Now York svhuo can testify.
The Iuunerieahl Pl'immCCsS is very fond ot
togs , Atm artist , mieeiumg her outco wIth a
oumg-ieggetl huoumiti snuggling by her stub ,
lcctciied imur with a tiehiOUui look tipomi her
. 11cr wealth is
she comnmolmly sveurs.
(1 her a matter of cohrse , hut she feels time
it , youug as
c.siuouisiblllty of tiispemuutlng
he is.
Fallihious stories are told of her private
uxtirIemt. It is said mime fins four acts of
elf liimks for her favorIte gauumo , wherever
me lumay bo-ln Loimtloml , at Non-port , ilowlm
the coimlitry place Ott Lang Islauid. or sup
to hiudsoum. Ilcir lcenlmebs of dogs anti vacls
houtids are dwelt tmpoum by those 55110 5CC
sr. If mite swore to let loose her dogs of
ar , accordihmg to those st-ho have seen her
Ith her animals , Bile couhti titnuiti in a flebul
iur nilics aqiunre anti have hiomuulds gatluored
'omund her uuitli they fcitletl off 111cc toy dogs ,
I unlu Ii y are Ii er Itenumel s
11cm- horses aimil cijuipages are wondoriaghy
uucnihed iii tint uiahiio tinY , but to nil is
bled tIme fact that mcii iuavo couistant eni-
tmyiumeult carillg for them. 'i'lmotmgli the
iumccss nitty not mute tlit'tmi for seasouts ,
Ley IIOVCI cimo rehited oi' loaned to throw
one oi of worlc.
costing $ l-
A ammusull green citamnol 1)1db , -
0 , ts'ellt the roiluids of (11(1 ( w'luispurti it few
_ vtsitetl aumul histetuod to
anti was
5)a fl50 ,
' almo
tb joy' . Ahiti there arc tales of ss'huat
iloluug 110W ( or a New Year boimcfucttotm
latest rumor is ( lust ( huts American
Incess Ill eagageti to tie , ima'rJtlil. Thorn
fotundatinn for ( lie story. Al-
us . hut , hike
oat imfe to say that It Is true.
' ' tluits AIrmen-
Matitlo of W'umi's ,
0 Pniiueestt embarrass-
Is 1tt'otectOi ( tOOl
' '
ii hmmihtt''Sti Is ready for ( lie world ,
out until the news
that ( lie umiost
iti ( lieu all ivill rejoice
to ( alto a
voted girl of the nation is going
of all
( Ito eouitiuinmation
L'l ) which unetiuts
immgs fou a princess.
, sI I . ' 1' -ttu : EN CA N I ) 0 ,
thu. V'4u111111i111 MIlt't'i'PtttI'N Iii Ill , , ( uciit
% 'ttrItl tif llislui 'sN ,
TIme "liluttitiefltl woiimriii' ' Is at last an no-
mnphlshetl fact , svrltcti a New Ypnic coiro-
ontient. It Is several yeaua sluice her evoith.
) ll. anti ttlio bias hat ) rathmer us lively ( Into , not
thy imi luremilciuig dosvn ( Ito barriers of mnns.
111W disapprosnI , but iii tuurootiimg a tow
mmmliuitmo characterIstics which proved to be
poiiluoUs possessions.
'tIme busIness swoman of today Imuis no-
tired the habit of thuitilcitig loglcahly , of
ofenriug justice to scultinmcnt , and of faa-
S a sharply outlined fact without displayS -
S time slightest tondouiey to hysterIcs.
Arid alma Is ovcryivhero , this ntnetconthm
uttmry business tsoutiaui , ilignifleti , well
oounctl nuid taihom-nmatio. Site is very often
pretty ivomnan , but sue never flints-in
iairmcsa htottrtt.
Alto was uocently in our midst a5 ohmIQf
giuieer of the great olectnio iiow 1r hew
ilic , She is Jecturleg on the coa of Kor.
ix on the cIIpse of tIme sun. She le bu-
nIntcuidiu funerals 1cm fasten , Slue I a
in corropondiit in Cuba , anti nfl ophoior
the wid. of Africa , Very often she is
S umothOr of cbhlrbn wbo sniora bsr , and
( CnL1nusd on hsyeath 11ae , )
Yale Beauty "
Yoiziig Girls
Old Girls
1totlicrs flhl(1
6 rniul iiiotliers
Ihicnc'n14cj your linutuuty nut ! reumew your
\cuutim tvuiiu 'tlmlme , Yn1o' Scietititic' Conipiex-
It'll flfli 'i'tu hint I 'reps h-a t tons.
I tail ( ' ( ulnIllex i 1111 ii ii hId iv il imlde'u nra s-cry
ii tll'eOtllm ( I It l. ttm you. I I t'ut ii I y s-t I I Please
ymtt all . : i immo. Ye In is very ii tmx I iuui to imavti
Cter ) ' tViuitltiul in ( lie worlul ltiuflt % by liar
great dtst'uvci'ieti. 'fhuey are itil thin rage.
\\'uvld's Fuji' IesIct1s a uttl Iiphotztnw
of i honor nvctm'ded ,
Mute. lfl. Yale's
Toilet Prepnratioiis
for PLhh'Ity und ii lgh.Llnss 'tIem'it ,
Yale List.
Yiit"ts Sit I ii li' rc'rnos'es wnuuiicietu and
tli trstues' of ago. flu-stoles yotutlm , St 51) and
$ i Outn o sizes ,
' iul'ut 5 hiuiiilil llhIpMihihi ( ' , hIIhh)1Ciilhi
C r on in I hietOtt tieS lb t' hienim I y of t hi i' enutmplx.
iou es'eny tiimmt it is. uiithlltt'il ; itesallulg iOihtlig ,
500(1111mg aIlti lmeatuttfylulg. i't'ii't' $ j Jun
' ( ui I i"u. l.ii lL'reellhttIic ottly hiOsitisC t'uirO
for fut'elclc' ; rs-lmlo5'l's thmeull iii fiutmi ( lute to
Ii t Is o d tys uimul I p515-es the skiii miiLitlt''uti , vi imk
auth svhmttc. $1.00 ,
'l'ui I c's Spt'Iii I 1i , I liii-a sure cure fir
but tb hi csmti " , . h .0) Per hot ( It' .
Ynii-'ti Si-t'liil Oliibineut-simi-c curt' fir
lihmlPleS aumd all known skin dieus-es. $1.0' ' )
Pr Jar.
ilI lt's 11,1st Vooih-tieveiops nnil mmmnkes
illuiimi ) the mueck , amitisi and bust. $1.50 anti
Yiule'ti Fihiit ir of In-u iiSt-a wonderful
skin toiilc hnmmkes stud gites mItutui'e's rosy
Liiow of yolhthl to tIme slciut. Ii 00.
Yule's ( .iiiiult'il. I oh llleiii'l.-a perfect
leaner of the skium ; it lertmmaumeum sly u'eumios'es
tfll cures mmmotii patches , aliown-sti anti
enulen Imues. excessive redness cuRl all known
kin tliuueoioratioims. Price , $2.00 imor bottle ;
I for $5.00.
Title's Iliuiiii'lii1tiit.r s'ftens ansi
flakes the hands iCy white. Every lady
Oois it as a toilet article. Puce , $1.00 per
jotthe. q
Yitie'ts i''e-IrtNiL niul le-llniv'
its't'r makes tlmtck , loimg insuios anti lox-
rlant eyebrowsVonderfuul , $1 00 tIer Jar.
Yale's tilLU iiii 'tYii rt I S I-lItltor- _ .
xtracts nmoies and ss'arts swithout tumjury$3. .
h'ii ( - ' ( iils I Sciut S kihl ntmd cures Imaira
lint grow on the face , imet'k or au-ms. neummos-es
Otos and nil in flte Imliulutetu , $ O0 per iuox.
Ili I t s I I ii i r ' 1-ti hi I e-Stops hair falli umg in
t hotmrs , brings hack tim natuursil color to
ray hair , increases its col.rluig ummatter ,
nlngtrmg it into circimiatloml ; hOt a (1)-c , but a
onle ; flimest hair du c'sstng iii ( lie svorltl to
emmoral use : intikes ( iry , ilarslm hair sft an
lossy ; incroaso-M its tiiti'ucncs5 , makes it
LI Ott' mole rapidly titan tuumytiutilg else ever
, lti or ever will : for biuflde brunettes ,
hildremi and adults , $1.00 ier bottle , six for
5,00 ,
Iiih"s II I neil Ttiii Ic senrelmeti tile illooth
rot ) hi drop murifyiimg and enririutiug it It
cts alt ti'e kidneys and liver , restot'iimg tilOit& )
i'gamls (0 perfect action nnil soitati luestith.
t lit a11'e-glsing hold that Itlen , st'ounea nimil
itllduerm need to toum up their sy tt un9 anti
ur-ify' their blood. $1.00 Per bottle , sIxfor ,
iii le's V'iii I ft'urui lit ( hue answer to ( hiatt-
nds of w-omaerm's prayersi. A rpeesmy cure fop
il totals of female stoaicimess. A Intuit tonto
elic'iomts to take ammO exlmliiarnttuug itt effect.
( me , Yale is especially' aim'siomms to have nil
c-k wotneli try it $1.00 Per bottle' , sIx for
00 ,
'sui lt'ui l'IeC i'uvtter-thtree shalt s 1)111k ,
'luite ' and lm'iuumette. 50 celmts
'l'uiItl'M Ctiiiiilt'.init Htiiup , 2 ceibit.
Inquitro of druggists mmii dealers in
hlet article and lsttelmt ummedis-itmis fir tlmemie
00119 , and if you estumumot tlmmii 111h ( ) send tit-
? et to Aimno. Yale nitd blue s'iIl scud timilll to
cult lY CXiti'CSS tlmo same day ( lint your or-
or is reeeis'eii.
ilmnt' . Yale's 'Guide to fleauty" swill be
iaiietl to nih svbmo reqttest it.
Nt1E. : i. YALE , 'l'eniple of Beauty , Ciii.
igo , III ,
Cut ( Ti I.e oii ( , It' tt'il ( : liit ( fPJfr ( qI(3i
Word Contest ,
I ! )
. 4
. , J
[ it PrcnlIthtlh . . . . . . . . . $ .OOOO
d ' ' . . . . . 2OO.OO
3d ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . I0OO , ( )
It , ) " . . . . . . 50,00
10 iIilXt $5 crtcli , 150.00
VI Ju'CtfllUiflit ) nimmotititing to I ,001),00
'Fun abote premiums ivili hrn awaltiat to
its stuCcessfuii roittCsuimntsi in iL'NIIAAIIi
1501(1) ( XIN'I'flST , the object Ii.-uutg to
ii ItI a list tontalnlng the gri-silust tiuiiulutir
It Enitilmiui WordS taunt tIi 1i-ttMI , ' .11 .4
01(10(1 in the wordm ltJN1iAMt $1titiiD
: ocuANuT , I
II tIi.l ANt ) (10N1) i'll ( I 'S. '
SVonits mntust be formed enttrcly fruiun the )
! , I ' N I I A1 iLl
L at bets ( orttntIleui In the warT I I
hIllEl ) COCOANIJ'F. No ii tiur call tie
iseul oPener titan occurs in tiiutia ttiro
t.uuiy wools tb'fluii-l In Weti.i. . t N tn. !
ilrlctgtd iittionstuy iviil be aiIo , % -nuns
itiu'i is , I
( 'ontct cloiueq Aitatist 31 , itIf , antI ene-
rntuiums awau led iuiunmed a iLl ) ' I i i.t' , f5 or ,
, tst of awaud ruualleul to any uaa vai.lustng , . ,
ttt ; nccetveti firM ivill be gts 'ru
lace itt case of 4ii $ . Write u I' umnti
'uiint'th ) ' . glvirutr ( ttli rusitne aid u.Jil ' 5 ,
iticl SitiOt niutuitur iii Wudl * c.aiutO' i in
list , Alt pistigu hItulut l ) fully u' ' 1.411 ,
iiy iflittlt-y i , iiUii Iutj aulitisti hOuSt tU tiC
ouiiitnloi1 l' siahnD for iejuiuy
1u ii lIst lutIst 11(1 tiCoiuliiIiflhitl I'm' bite
ha'tl ) inuil Iss cut ( rum tiium Ii nt fliaj back .
f one IIUCItUSU of liummtmaitS liuie0 CocOa.
mu ( ( Oily 1zs ) .
fllWilAfl is ( ho 0 ft I Cl I N A ti '
'SIiftiD" coooartUt. Over one mnuitiun
) lekssges are utact mmmtttll' lIT I'1At'i5 ift'
iitflslI COCOANU'rfl for making calteS ,
lieS , DuIldIngU candims , etc. and fo t
, priitkilutu 05cr fnuttii and berries. It Is I
etter for all pumpo.ts. tILing tDttt ) iii.
-oted ansi iiuiVillI bite iIt itch ( ta'or I-'Q
.OT , hit VhlOlit OTUEit KINi)13
lItichi 10 ( ptie1cim Coiitij Us
Ii.m jiiotiue ( ot 0110 ivlitiulm 1'hICOhi- . 4
lit ,
It Is fur sub by over 'IOOODO
roller. iii 10 , 20 aizd 40 cclii
rot sold Ii Depr-tinent tore ,
ddnese iUflhiAM'fl tOCOAHV' WtTh
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