Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' , tI
' 1'lil OMA1T1 < , n11TLY 1tiI : SATITlfl)11Y , fiTTNI O , 1411 ! ; .
than G66 Inennrleerent ilglls nrrnnged ht
rows and nrllstie designs nround the pnrnpet
amid on the 1'nrnatn start einvatlnn. It rc-
quired "J0 lights on the I'arnam street side
nion0 , and under their cornbinrri radinnrn
the street and the court Iiousn grounds
exulted In an illumination that almost
equalled that of midday. The huge areh
nvrr the main entrance tvtts surrounded
with n row of red , w'hlln and blue lights set
Close together aml these served as a frame.
work for the legend
"OMAHA IiF : "
' 1S 1.189G"
which was vwrltten In wldto lights In the
enter. The large mullion windows on cacti
side were similarly decorated and Just above
the entrance the lice-hive built of red , white
and blue lights banked In compact rows
compl"t'd thin harmony of the decoration.
The whole front of the building was hang
with ( lags and over the entrance and just
beneath the parapet hung an immense star
of cnlored lights which was visible to the
snntherti limits of time city. A complete tow
of lights adorned the parapet , .00 lights be-
log rrquirerl to complete the circuit ,
The Interior was even more magnifirently
adnrne1. The pure wldlo walls of the court
flowr1 ; resplendcnUy under the electrical
radiance and afforded a dnzzlig contrast
to the rich ( and art htla colorings of the
decorations , The fountain In the center of
the court a'ns booked with ferns , palms
and potted plants , witiclt included many rare
varieties of ferns and ( lowering shrubs.
from between their clustering leaves in-
slated a bunch of colored incandescent
lights in the center. The arch over the
grand staircase opposite ( tit entrance waa
overhung by two Immense American nags ,
above which w'ns at lllundnnted repetition
of the motto that was seen over the Fariaui )
erect entrance. Beneath it the flags were
artistically dropod hack to almit a stuffed
speclunen of the American eagle , whose
talons grasped a large shield resplendent
with stars and stripes. Smaller flags were
hung on cacti side aul over the whole vsero
draped loops of roil , white and 1)1110 hunting
slni11ar to that which formed the general
decoration of the court. On the opposite
side soil against the elevator staircase were
draped two other lingo to correspond with
those which crowned the stairway , aid
around the entablature that narked the first
story vvere hung a row of flags of all na-
tlons , twenty-nine In nil ,
l aeh of the large French panels al the
right and left held n large American shinld
In the reinter anti above these the balusters
of the second story were brilliantly arrayed
In the colors of the AIc Oar-lien , The halus-
tera of the third story were decorated with
mnde designs of red , white and blue , which
extended min into the arches surmounting
the nnaln pilaalers. These were supplemented -
mented by the long atreanueis of mtwhn'd
red , white and blue , whicht were draped in
loge festoons from the arches and whlcli
continued In various designs to follow the
other deeorations of the lover stories , laci )
of time numerous eleetrollers wound the
court was set In a half nmoou design coon
1)050(1 of rectangular squares , In w'hirlt the
saute colors altei'nated that composed the
main decorations.
SOME 11'110 WEfll' THERE ,
Among the throng which was In attend-
slice were the following :
James It. iluchauan , Allen 11. Smith , \V.
1'aruanm Smith , Miss 11011 , James \Vheeler ,
ItohQrt itosetzwcig , Simeon Bloom , itohert
w' . I'atriek , J. H. N. l'atricic , 'Iltonas Murray -
ray , Mr , std Mrs. D , iL Goodrich , Miss
liItu ball Colonel Dallas ! ! ache , Frank
Brownlee , J. M. Metcalf , Frank E. Moores ,
John A. Creighton , 1) . S. Carraway. ChIef
Jnim ltedcll , wife and son , J , 0. Philllppl ,
W. F. Sweesy , Mr , and Mrs. George Iiohu-
rod , Mr , and Mrs. Samuel itees , Colonel
Champion S , Chase , Randall Brown , ii. D.
Neely , Harry Ilayvvwd , Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Meyer , Fred Metz , Jr. , Thomas C , Clark and
Miss Lydia Tukey , It. J. Pcnfold , Tliomas
C , Bruner , C. J. Smythe , Mr. and Mrs. It.
T , Ifodgln , Mr , and Mrs. Russell McKelvey ,
\VtllIam V. Morse , Philip Crape , \Vllliam
Cowin , J. II. . Adams , F. B. Bryant , Miss
Prance , Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Franklin , Miss
Adams , Mrs , Louis Fries , Mr , and Mrs.
Medley Council , Dr , Paul Grossman anti
Mrs. Grossman , Joseph Barker , Judge
liemieko , Major D , II , Wheeler , henry Voss ,
Frank Lea Short , harry Miller , Mr , and
Mrs , Iloudebusl6 State Superlntendemt of
Edhcntton Corbett' anti Mrs. Corbett , Thomas
Swobe , L. F , McGinn , Mrs , I' . 0 , Hauvcs , Mr.
and Mrs. Clement Chase , Frederic \\'Irth ,
John Grant , Mrs , Katherine Iean , Miss
Kean , Thomas Wilson , Miss flesslo
h9eid , Mrs. Field , fl. Subway , Miss
Ma'v Fairhrother , Mrs , Belle Llndwall ,
E , P. Schurig Al Falrhrother , Mr. and
Dirs. A. I ) . Morse , Frank Crawford , Mr. mid
John \\'alrofiehl and daughter , ex-Captain
Mostyn , J , II. DeLong , Mr. and Mrs , G , M.
Nattinger , Mr. and Mrs , George West , Mr.
spd Mrs. Z , T. Lindsey , John itusii , Mrs.
Fred F. Engel , Miss iahl , Charles Engel ,
D , A , Elmlgcr , Miss Kate Johnston , harry
\ \ oodward'alter Wood. 1 flss Sarah Slc-
Chcane , Dr. and Mrs , Richard Stebbims ,
Janes P. Ituslt , A. J. Falriey , Mr. and Mrs.
Tlmmnas Orr , Charles Wilson , R , S. Hall ,
Mr. and Mi's , William Wyman , Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel 1' , Megeath , Simon Goetz , Miss
Goetz , John Merritt. John It , Webster , Br.
R. M. Stone , Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Alien , Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur C. Wnlceley , Mr , and Mrs.
Samuel Burns , Mrs. Eastman , Miss EdIth
Burns , Mr. and Mrs. J. I : . Preston , .L W.
Ilaltin , Isaac flattln , Mr , and Mrs. Charles
I Ai. WIhelm ( , E , W. Dixon , Samuel P , Urlg-
han , Luther Drake , Dr. J. E , McGraw , E.
M. Andreesen , Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dillon ,
\v , N. Steele , J , I { , Steele and Miss Allen ,
Tlmomns Swobo , A , J. Webb , Charles IL
Schaefer , \Yllliam Lyle IIckey , Mr , and
Mrs , A. C. Powers , Richard Tzard ( , D. Clem
Uraver , Captaht IL E. Palmer , Gould Beitz ,
Moses ( 'Mogy" ) flernstelu , Mr , and Mrs.
A. Maulciberg , Mr. and Mrs. theory fillet- ,
Mr. and Mrs. I'at Ilvlauti , Mr , and Mrs.
Frank W. Swecsy , Judge Charles T , Dlck-
Inson , Tekatnnlt ; Mrs. Joseph Burns , Miss
Selena Burns , C. A. Iowd , C. Dl. Mayne ,
Jolul C. Wharton , A. C. Sergeant , Thomas
Crelgh , henry Allen , Miss 1)o Ford , l'aml
H. LtldlllgtonVllllam Gadso , Ilev. lmV.V. .
Everts , Miss Edna 0. Itobkson , Millard Hopkins -
kins , Itoy C. Wagner , Mlss North
std Miss Fuller of Cleveland.
Mrs , Fantile O'Llmn , Chadron ; Anton lenient ,
Robert ( 'injury , Council llhifts ; Mr. and Mrs ,
J. J. Welshans , Mr. and Mrs. Charles hlrt-
debeckc'r : , Judge Duddy , Judge and Mrs.
Infests the blood of Iiunluily. It
fippnars i1 Yuried forms , lint js forced
to y'Ii'Id to Iload'S Su-IIpnriIlit , tvlijclt
ptu'ilit 811(1 vitalizes the blood cold
etu'us all such ( litcetsc5 , lleu(1 ( this
'i ' 1 n September , 1891 , I node a ntisstcp and
lujurcd my auhlo , Very Koam afterwards ,
\ A "A,7
two Inches across 'turmoil ttnd In walking
to favor it I apralned my nnklo , 'l'ho sere
became verse ; l could not put my boot
at 011(1 I thought I should have to glv'o up
at every step , 1 could not get any relict
? , mmd hail to atop work , I react of a cure of
' a similar case by Hood's Sarsaparilla and
1 concluded to try It , ihuforu I hail taken
4 all of two bottles the sore hind healed an(1 (
the swelling loud gone duuvii , My
' 15 now well and I have ban greatly boner -
filed otlmorwiso. I have increased In
vvolght mod Dun la better health , I cannot
say enough fn praise of lloodb Strsapa
rllin , " Mims , II , 131.ASlc , So , hierwick , Mo ,
This and other slfuilar cures Provo that
.a. )
Is the ( hum 'rrue Blond I'urlfiea All druggists , $1 ,
1'rep.trrd oily Iy l' I Ilan ! , t ( 'tam , hou'cll , Alm i ,
. time best fanulycalhtartlo
flood S J 'ills ail lives tlimihnlt , sc.
Maccomber , J. J. ) toucher , Dr , and Mrs ,
Coffman , Dr , and Mrs , J , C , Denise , Mr. and
Mrs , J , E. ferry , Mr. and Mrs , T. U. Hunt ,
( 'ltirago ; Mr. and Mrs. A , 0. liurhanan ,
South Omaha ; Lewis 1100(1 , 1atrlck Fermi ,
Snnntel Oamlile , Fred 1V. itteharda , Mlss
ylelen F , I.unger , West Point ; John ii ,
Foray , Mr , and Mrs , John A. Dempster ,
Iientrlco ; Mr , ad Mrs. Vance Lane , Mr ,
and Mrs. 0. N. Iavenport , W. F. llechel ,
( l , W. Iiolbrook , lr , and Mrs , William
Itcsoat , Mrs , M , lie11man , Ilallluiorc , Md. ;
Mr , and Mrs. James Bulla , South ) Omaha ;
C. II , Squlrca , Joseph.lhedtiman . , Mr , and
Mrs. Albert ( 'shin , Mr , and Mrs , Martin
Cahn , Mr , and Mrs , Aaron Calm , Mr. anti
Mrs. Fred M. Ynungs , R. S. 110r11n , Mr ,
amid Mrs , Frank N. Clarke , Mrs , Detweller ,
Mr , and Mrs , R. D. MgCutclioon , Dr. Spnid-
lu g , Miss Naotna Schenek , Charles F. hleln
dorm , Mr. and Mrs , \V , fl. Palunatler , Prof.
and Mrs , Gillespie , Joint Westberg , James
Swift , ir , tuid Mrs , Henry , John T. Clarke ,
It. T , Clarke , ,1 , N. Cornish , A , G , Edwards ,
\V , F , Magner , Mr. and Mrs. John A. Jolmn
son , llnu'rsnn llenedlet , Mr. and Mrs , S ,
Frank , Charles J , ( Ireene , Mr. and Mrs.
lien Nmvumal , Thomas Swift , Jahn Steel ,
J , Q. Bergner , Dr. S. D , Merecer mid Mr.
anti Mrs. George Mercer , Mr , anti Mrs , W.
E , ltltcheock , Mr , null Mrs , John \Vllber ,
Jnmcs Taylor , J. T , Wertz , Frank J. has-
Par. Charles Offult , Mr. anti Mrs , II. A ,
\Vngner , Franlc limier , E. L , 111erbower ,
Moses P , G'Irlen ) , Major Clarkson , John
Lewis , E , I' . Davis , Mr , and Mrs , John I' ,
Uteen , Mr. amid Mrs. Silas A , Cobb , I ) . 1. .
Carta ( , Mr. and Mrs , lteiehemiberg , ( 'rank
Muir , John C , llow ard , M. It. Itedfeld ,
Frank Murphy , Mr. amid Airs. Ed llauey ,
Charles I' , Deuel , Colonel anti Mrs. , T. J.
1)lchey , W , S , Shoemaker , ex-Governor Alvin -
vin Saunders , Charles F' , Catlin , ,1 , hi ,
irloi , Councilman Franek , South Omaha ;
fostah Redfield , I , Levy , Mr , anti Mrs ,
llruno Tzschttck , Major ,1 , C , Wilcox , Charles
F. Weller , Ur , Itnlpli , Thonmas Crelgh , Franlc
Uandhauer , Hey , 1V. P , llellings , Jules Lunn
bard , Judge S , i , Gordon , W. it ,
I'crfcct , C , J , Ica'bach , Fred Irag ,
Dr. Jonas , 0 , It. Burchard , M. 11.
ifnll , Mr , and Mrs. Fred Ihuller ,
J. A. Love , Mr , nod Mrs , C. F , Itayuunid ,
1' , fl. tier , James \Voodard , Frank J ,
Durklcy , Thomas Hector , Thomas McCaguc ,
Gus Stephen , Charles F. Stoughleiborough ,
l'laltsmouth , L. iL itorty , Judge lrv'ine , 1)r.
0. S , llofman , Judge \V , S , Slrawn , Councilman -
cilman Sol l'rtnre , Mr , and Mrs. Chiles
Childs , JnltliV. . Ilozker , Mlss WorttnatV ,
ii. ] tnberson , Otto J. Langer , West Point ,
Charles 1' . Seldom , George N. illelcs , A , S.
@itchle , A , 1 ? , Tukey , Tltoumas flouvniaim ,
Council illuffs , L , Kirst , Jr „ Mr , and Mm's ,
101)11 t1'Ithuell and Miss W'itlmmiehl , ,1r. anti
Mrs. C. 1) . Tlempson , Charles Finger , Fred
Sehnncke , 'J'homns IIlpatrick , General Cop-
pinger , Lleutemmnt Ilutchisou , Charles Dletr
harry Merrinut , Charles Pickens , Colonel E ,
C. Timothy , wife amid daughter , Ilov. English ,
Rev' , Frank \V , Foster , A , W , Jeffries , Mr.
and Mrs. Huciid Martin , \i'liliamn Diclhuglm ,
j. Il , Sbccan , Mr. and Mrs. I' . L. I'errinc ,
Jamues 11. Kitchen , Judge Leo Estelle , Mayor
insor , South Omalia , Jautes F. Martin ,
South Omaha , Jh' . and i,1rs , A , J. Simpson ,
\Vliicun Wagner , ltev , D. W. Morearty ,
South Omaha , St. A. D. lialeombe , Michael
Lee , Ed I' . Taylor , Mr , and Mrs. Frank
Planclcs , Dr , and Mrs. Coulter , Moltz
Mayer , Jnht llliss , South Ommha , Howard 11 ,
Smith , Thomas Fry , harry D. Reed , Dr.
Abbott , Llncohn , Chris Iharinan , Air. amid
Mrs. J , 1i. Ba'rett , Mr. and Mrs. Amos
Field , Ilruce McCullough , Councilman
Christie , ltcv. Luther M. Kuhn , Paul Bolos ,
Miss Det voiler , Anmh ew Pella , Mr , and Mrs.
Frank 11011er , Jolni Long , J , E. Gutcs , H.
IC. IlurkotV , E , llamnllton , Dr. Charles
ItosewaterV , A , Carter , Cuuneilmat
Denawi , Dr. and Mrs. J , E , Summers -
mers , Jr. , Mr. and Mrs. George Arllmurv
Arthur' Mctz , F. L. Smith , Mr , and Mrs.
A , hlospe , Jr „ T. J. I'eunoll , Mr. and Mrs ,
C. H. Allen , John Dale , John Butler , Dudley
Smith , Robert Douglas , E. L , Vmmglm , 1. .
G. Doup , Ir , and Mrs. Ludington , Carl Lang ,
M , 0. Maul , 11ev , Newton Mann , II. E.
ilutchins , henry Dlath , Dwight 11cr , John
\1'ilson , Peter Roland , Dr. and Mrs. Bryant ,
Miss Eva Burns , Frank Medlar , Captain
Cormick , Itfchard O'1eeffe , Frank Congdon ,
John ilenderson , J , B , ihughes , Martin Su-
garntah , Fritz Marti , J. Ili Burnout , M.
Selilauck , Joseph Blain , Morris Barnes , J.
H. Dumont , George Sclflcii , Charles Willie ,
Frank Keysor , T. J. Kelley , Dan Farrell ,
Jr.V , L Iilerslead , Mr , and Mrs. 0. A.
Scott , Judge WillardV , Slabaugh , Arthur
Smith , A. E. Coggshnll.
Shmortly after Mr. and Mrs , itosewater ,
the members of their family and a few in-
vlled guests had returned to the htoueuvater
resltiauce , they were visited by the numbers -
bers of time Orpheus Singing society. Fifty
shigers , led by President Charles Ilerbertz ,
Vice President Spitko , Secretary Mertens
and Trrasurcr A. C. Drelbus , went uD on
the lasvit surrounding the house and there
serenaded the recipient of so mammy honors
that had been expressed it other ways.
Three choruses ender the direct tor of ilans
Albert , numsical director of the society , were
rendered In an admirable mmnner and drew
forth much applause frmu the small crowd
of spectators , which had asseaibied to hear
the inpronmitu ) concert.
Immediately on the conclusion of the last
selection President ilerbertz stepped forward -
ward , and tai behalf of the Orpheus Singing
society congratulated Mr. Itosewater on time
marvelous success that had attended him
during tine last twenty.-five years. He spoke
of time great admiration for The Tice and Its
proprietor entertained by the German cR1-
zens and expressed the hope that they might
be able personally to congratulate the latter
on time celebration of the tlftieth anniversary
of its parer.
Mr. htosewater responded in a few well
ehoseu words. ITu sated that of nil the honors -
ors and coumrtesics tlmat ho hind received dur-
lng the day none had touched ] dm more
deeply than that just extended to hlm , lie
appreciated It all the more because ho be-
IlevCd that it cane right from the hearts
of the givers , Ile Inferred that too honor
w'as conferred upon him not only because
of time twenty-filth nhniv'esary of the cs-
lablishuterl of the paper of which he was
time proprietor , but because the members
of the society esteeneti the principles which
It hind au'aya been the policy of The lice
to advocato. He spoice of The Beo's fight
for the cause of personal liberty and stated
that It stood shoulder to shoulder with the
Gornman Journals 1n standing up for the
rights of time German citizens of Omaha ,
lie expressed the 1101)0 that he night meet
his serenade's again and with them recall
the memories of a pleasant evenhg. )
Mr , hlosewator then extended an invl-
tatiun to tie singers to coma wllhht his
hunto and pni'tnlce of sane refreshments ,
i'residmtt llorbertz , however , expressed the
fear that the singers would be intruding ,
amid , tlmaiktng time host for his kindness
said Imo thought It best that they should
witlmdraw ,
Gltlll'i' l'.AUIFIC COAST Still IXJIiiS.
1'mtrty alet mil Grand Island by n Loral
Iepuhttlea of Ilie Order ,
Nearly half n pmmdred of Mystic Shrlters
gathered at the lfnion depot yesterday after-
1)0011 to great Imperlat Potentate Charles 1 , ,
Field of Sajl'Vfnnelsco and hurls party , In
the latter wamany distinguished nionbers
of limo order from'timo Pacing and limo Rocky
mountain stales , In this city they were
joked by these represontalivcs of Tangier
People ; Philip M. Rose ; tea A , Itmoades ) ,
Henry 0 , Aki i and C. A. Slevmns of Grand
Island , All were on route to Clovelcuul ,
where the annual meeting of time solenui
cutler will soon ho In cession ,
Under oho direction of General Traveling
Passenger Agent S , A. llutchisom cif the
Unlit l'aclile , nljue nmeuibera of the order
went out as tar ns Grand Island yesterday
niorning to meet the eastbound party.
Those w'hn wort out ' '
w'o'o : Frederic Tnylo' ,
H. 1' , Perect , 1. . H. Wonting , henry Ilartiy ,
it. C. Alto , Charles S. Ihoitingtoi , 1) . \ \ ' .
VanCott , John \\'cstberg \ and S. A. h utch-
isoti , After time exchaugo of courtesies and ;
greathmgs , usuul when the Immbie nienibors
meet Ilid I' iuipcrlai potentate , eon vlt9allty i
reigned hutch above everything else , mind the 1
run front ( irnnd island Into Omuta was
made so qutckly as to astonish even those
used to thie read. General Passenger Agent
Loutax of the Uimlon Pacific had glven orders
that thin slmrlncs slmuld tint runt for any
thing anti tilt ) nth unite Ili saying that his
orders were carried out to time letter ,
.thout heady for Cnn/rnrors ( , t
The archit0ct elf the new Creighton Mcdl-
( mil college buUding , to be erected by John t
1) . ( 'relghton , stiles the plans wili ho
pined thia week aid readyy for the comm.
tractors who , wish to tdd on the work. It
wlll probably requiv a couple of vviceks to I
get tin the bids , anti in a couple of weeks I
111010 uctlv'o work can be ccmnuenced. Fm uui
that limn on the conatrucllou of oho build1 1
lug will be pushed
Prominent Mon Everywhere Send Best
Wishes to The Bee ,
hellor M nmid 'l'elegrit11M itunnueraile
iteeeired by the Editor or ' 1'he Ilse
flit ( kvvtMlun of ii IM Quncter
Cepteoninl Celebration ,
Tha letter carriers anti time telegraph mcs-
sengers knew that ft was the tweu't' ffth
anniversary of time founding of The lice yes-
lortlay , All tiny lung the messages of con
gratulation cane pauriug In upon Its editor ,
't'hey cause by wire and they carte by mall ,
fhey came front every qunrter of time United
States. They cane from men in every
fesslnu mod occupation. 'they cauue front
foruder employes of The lice , from edito's
of other papers , frmu business nun , frmu
utet amid women of every station. They attest -
test the high standing which The lice oc
cupi0s both at Monte and abroad aumti time
esleett ht svldclm time editur is held by prom-
hiemt 1)001110 wlmo know hhn. A few of theta
that may he Interesting to the hiuubilc time
here lrhmtm d ;
CHICAGO , Juue IS , ISDG--I nut just In receipt -
ceipt of an lnvitmutlou to participate ht 'the
coiobration of time hwcuty-Ilfth anniversary
of The Ommnlma lice , My parilcipaliou lutist
be Ilmulted to time expresalon of my sincere
congratulations to you on the very great
success you imvo achieved wllhln a cutt-
parath'ely short period. I trust that ( lie
eomning twenty-live years will add propor-
tiounteiy to the success and pm ospri'ity of
The lice , amid that you may be personal
In charge of ( lie celebration of 'rime lice's
nfticth auulvcrsary. Very sincerely yours ,
llLm J\El t , Cala Juno 19 , ] 596.-I coot -
grntuimtte you et this , the twenty-fifth aunt.
v'm aary of the foumicitng of 'fie lice. You
imvo established n great and prosperous
nowwspaper property , and I hops } ou may
live many years to guide It aid oJoy ) time
fruits of yuut quarter of a century of toll.
I { . G. COOPER ,
Manager Denver htepubllcau ,
PORTLAND , Oregon , June 19 , 1S90.-Ac-
cept hearty cutgratumlatlotis upnu lice's
quarter centennial annlversary. May you
live to celebrate its lift birthday , I regret -
gret that I caumtot be with you this caning.
CHICAGO , Ill. , June 19 , ( SIG.-Many more
imappy birthdays to Time Dee amid its editor.
CHICAGO , June 15 , ( SJG.-I juat hap-
pomed to see , in the iteview of Itevlewu ,
pictures of yourself and sons , with a sketch
of ; .our career.
Twenty-five years more for you and fifty
for time young nmcu ; eternity for The Dee
amid homiest noose } ' .
You have heeu at audarlous cuss In retard -
tard to the rulers of } our state , amid I am
told you were very saucy to u judge on
time bonclt. But you appear able to stand
the recoils.
I believe I hind the honor of sending
from here to The flee time first fresh cablegrams -
grams it evm' printed.
SIDNEY , Neb. , June 17 , 1S96.-it is with
ho small degree of pleasure ( lint I beg to
acknowledge receipt of your Invilntlou to
be presort on Friday evening to participate
in the sliver jubilee amiversary of The
Omaha Bee.
I deeply recognize the Important part
that yog and your vahmable paper have at
all tlmes evinced for the great west , aul
what progress lias been achieved Iii Nebraska -
braska through time hmfiucnce of The Bce.
May it continue to gather honey and enjoy
the fu'mits of your assiduous labors. Be-
Hove mite , sincerely yours ,
COLN , June 17 , 1590.-'hanks for the invitation -
tation to participate in the celebrntloti of
the twenty-fifth anntve'snry of The Omaha
flee , Friday , June 19 ,
I have endeavored to nmako my plans so
that I might attend , but I Ord that I uumst
heave the state before ( list dale ,
Accept my heartiest congratulations upon
this twenty-fifth anniversary of our dis-
tiugulshed success and services In this
state. Belivo mime , very sincerely yours ,
SILVIIit CREEK , Neb „ Jima 18 , 1S9G.-
I very nmch regret my itiahility to be
presmit tonight at 'l'imo lice building
sonaliy to extend to you my congratula-
( b u s and good wishes , The Bee is a nmg-
nificent success anti you may be justly
proud of your work.'hila yet and I
shall he eu different sides of the fence In
the political camnpnia this fall , we can
both hurrah for Nebraska and Nehrnska
Instituttoms , Below I attach a chipping
from today's Tines. Very sincerely yours ,
CHICAGO , June 18 , 1596 , Mr. Charles IT.
Fuller regrets tint It wiil not be convenient
for him to accept the kind Invitation to
time reception tendered by T'lmo Ontaha Lice
to celebrate their twenty-fifth anniversary ,
lbu wishes yon continued success and extends -
tends thanks forr ,
\VASIiINGTON , D. C. , Juno 19 , 1S9f-
ilopo reception in honor of lice's silver nn-
tmivorsary will be as hearty and as spoim-
tameous as has been your persistent light him
favor of truth , loyalty aid right ,
Ts' , C. SNYDER ,
NE\V YORK , Juue 19 , 1896-George N.
Kicks : lxpress to Mr. liososvaler my re-
greta at not being shin to participate in
hoc calebratlotm'M. . T. il00TTT.
NEENAII , Whim , , Juno 19 , 1890-R'e'ex-
tend greetings anti heartiest congratulations
on this , your twenty-fifth anniversary , lmop
ing that all limo ( money of Ilfe may still be
yours std that prnsPerltY may attend you
to time golden vvcddimg linlt is the uvish of
} our friends , IIMJ1EItI.A' & CLARK CO.
NEW YOITK , Juno 19 , IS9G-Ifenrtfelt
eongratulatloms anti continued prosperity to
Time Onmlta lire , amid all cmumecteti with it.
Hope its founder wlil live to parllcipato in
its fiftieth unjulversary ,
UTICA N. T. , Jmmo 19 , 1896.-You have
limy hearty congratulations upon passing limo
first quarter of your century run in so pros-
pm'ous and healthy a slate. I regret that
I au doimind limo plcastu'e of being with you
( hits ovouimg , OTTO 17. MAYER ,
l'ubllsher Press ,
CHICAGO 111. Juno I'd .
, , , 1S96.-4itow moo
to extend limy heartiest coigratulationa of
tits , your tvvoriy-litho ammivttrsary , The
lice hiss been a factor for time nation's
good. I hops It cony have umuy years of
further usefulness. 11. Ii. . KOTILSAAT ,
SIDNEY , Neb. , June 17 , 189G.-Received
'oar kind levitation t0 hurt idpate in alto
celebration of the twentyfifth anniversary
of The Ommaha lice. '
Accept hearty congratulallejus upon tlds
nappy occasion , and trust that your valuable -
able pnper will romithma , to lead in the
march of prosperity and education , and for
Ito advancemment of the great stale of No-
biasha auh the growing west.
tVith assurances of profound admen lratlomr
for tutu cause you have so ably espoused ,
mud with rcgarda , I an , slnerel ) yours ,
JOSE ! ' ! ! OBhitF13I,111I1 ( ,
OMAiiA , Juno 19 , 1896-I will take pleas
fro on Gds occasion to add umy teathmmeulal
[ nth great respect for you and your success.
fu ) efforts in time twenty-five year to give
he publlo one of the brat papers ( hits aide
of Chicago , St , Loma atmd New York ,
In your career you kayo met fie small
amount of obstacles in forwarding time great
n eject , and today tlio mmonunment stands
uroudly ht the front , to your great credit
for your ucver ceasing energy amid will
\Vell may you feel as the many victors
) lave w'h0 Lave , won laurels In the many
fields for nges.
You hunt' enemies and professed one-
moles.1)at ) loan has not these things ?
whets min tlme'right smith determined to stay
in time rigtil't
They wilt pass in time. Scone may live
to carne luip The lice ulvo and truly admit
its ltouey' is 14mo best ,
Your cnutpa as n republican has keen at
nil times ft the beat lnterests of the party
in our statem Set the Peter 1'uimks , on all
occasions , i emnhrneo every opportunity to
prevent a1117gpo11 men mud measures of acting -
ing or to b9 enacted.
You havb ( tlley say ) been led out of the
rcpubflenn''party , but what of ( lint ? You
are still al meniber and in good staudlttg ,
anti noon prPml0ent today for tie good that
is in y'int than many lackeys that live for
no good , cooly to rule and ruin all good
interests. ( 'oil have rondo snpto miataltes
in the pnst , but none serlols enough to
prevent you ht your onward course ,
Alsvnys ready to further time hest interests
of your party , slate , cou11ty and elly , yet
can feel within yomuwlf a just pride tint
you have performed a task and duty toward
your fellow men.
No outer monunmcnt need llmey raise to
your uamit' thnn that edifice that stands
of the corner of Seventeenth and Faruaul
sti'ecls , aul the great pnper of twenty-five
years' standing , The Omnha lice ,
Long umy ynu live to add to time future
good throlth ; your world-knawu lice.1'Illi
great respect , 11VIalumLLIAMy J.oKENNEDY.
1GI0 South Thirty-second nvcntme.
DAVIT ) CITY , Nob. , Juno 19 , 1S96-It was
my fond hope to accept your lcinll luvltn-
tlou to participate Iii time celetmratlon of
the twentytiftlm auunlvorsa'y of The Omaha
lire , lint unforeeen clrcumustances contpol
me to send cony slurere regrets , depriving nu
of time privilege of refreshing the most cor-
dlitl relations that lmavo alwuya exiated during -
ing any service ho The lice olnce from 157 :
to 1571 ,
1Vheu I reft'ct nn your early struggles
to cslablish a newspaper him Ommaha , frnnm
the view of a practical printer and mmewa-
Pape : mhamt in the past , I heartily eongrmttu-
inte you on your great success nltahed
in the splenlhl results you cam uow cx-
hliit , having verified yon' oft-repeated ax-
pressiou that "appllcaltoil Is genius , " to
which I often responded that "gm'mmltis iii
appllcatlon , " neeortiimg to your phtiosophy ,
little drranmlng ( hint our steady nl phicatlnn
of nbolt sixteen hours per tiny ceuid be
so lomg endured by your physical orgaulza-
tiou , and be still so active. None know so
well eu those swho hare worked with you
limo temrcrate life you have lived amid the
tl eniCminll5 worlc yon have performed In
the lust qua'ter of a eeuhnry to build up
limo foremost da"y newspaper in lime broad
cxpanso of time Missouri amid Platte valle'a
of this great western country.
1 con lmenrtily congratulnte you oft your
eininomt success , well-earned amid well-de-
\\'lahinG you personally coitinued good
health to strigglo : an aid The ihcu prosperity -
perity , I reumain , as ever , yours ve'y faithfully -
fully , " - l'IIOMASVOLPH ,
VALENTINE , Nob. , June 17 , 1S9.-1 sln-
cercly regret my luability to be present and
participate in the celebration of the twenty-
fiftht anniversary. of Time Omaha Bee on
Friday of tJti. week.
ilavtug , urp ) a resident of this state
since 1St ° , with my parents whom
a baby , Th The and I have grown up to-
getlmer , then ord I take pleasure 1st congrat-
tminting ' nit time success attained by
The lice as 4ne'of ' time leading amid foremost
ncw spal o's''of ' lie land , aid wlshimg that
the sutccess lml time fmtlim'e vela be eveh mo e
marked. It"is a mmiunmemt of your tireless
work and eilmrg , of vvhieim you may justly
feel proud , ' iltustrating u'hat one nun can
accninplish'by jurststeiit labor. Frater-
ually yours , \V. S. BARIEIL
CIICAGO , . Juue 17 , ISJ9.-I am just In
receipt of ymurtllhvitatiem to be present at
oho cclcbratio..of the twenty-fifllm aunlver-
nar'y of Tine-Omaha Bce.
l'ot' this , please accept may thanks , I regret -
gret very hiuchcthat I cannot ha present ,
for nothing"wommld please me more' than. to
spend a da 'ihvith ycu amid Juum with you fn
your jellificatiomm amid look over your uing-
nificomt plant , which does so much humor
to you and Is a great credal to the city of
Omaha ,
\I'fslming ynu evm'y success and hoping
tlmat you may live to celebrate the ilitleth
auufversary of The Omaima Ilse , I am , sin
cercly yours , m\VASIIINGTON IIESING.
LINCOLN , Neb. , June 19 , 1896.-I regret
that buslnesa emmgagemeuts prevent my ac-
eoptauco of your invitation to be present
this evening and to personally extend to
you the congratulations that are your due
upon this the occasion of time twmmty-liftlm
auulvcrsary of time establlshnmmmt of The
lice. The spirit of fraternity and brotherly
love has not been ltlghly cultivated by the
nowspapernlen of Nebraska , lint notwlth-
standuig that fact , I am sure that not omit'
of them limit will concede that your ability
as a newspaper director aul your capacity
for bard vvorlc tins succeeded iii firmly es-
tablisl(1ng the best newspaper property in
the west amid time strongest and best mmews-
paper , viewed from time standpoint of what
constifrtes a real newspaper.
My eomgratulations to yon , and may the
yearn to come give yam time same , if nnl
greater , courage std strength to unmask
public enemies , to overthrow political
bosses and to malty the oily fight worth
fighting by an editor-the fight for the pen-
phe. Tours , H , S. DOBIIINS.
Daily News ,
CLEVELAND , 0 , , Juno 19 , 1S9G-Ileartl-
est cougralulatlons on The lice annlversnt'y ,
Not time least admirable thing about The
Omaha lice is time strong aml fearless Individuality -
dividuality wlmlch coW'els It. Avhllo the
people of Nebraska a'lll recall al this timme
what you have wrought for the state
newspaper workers everywhere will think
of your splendid service in journalism ,
General Manager thu Plain Dealer.
ST. LOUIS , Mo „ Julie 19. 1S9L-\ccept
hearty cnnglutulutiots ) on this nmeuoable
auulversary of your lrimuph.
iIENBY T. OXNA111) ,
PIT'rsuuRG , Pa Juno 19 , IS96.-Accept
congrutidatinns upon suecessful rounding
out of a quarter century of The Ommaha lice.
\V , II. SELF ,
I'resblent time Pittsburg 'rimues ,
Ore. June 1J heartily
ily cograhdate ) you ou this atmutversary.
l.omg life to The Omalma lice , time product
of bralm , hard work , courage and persistency -
sistency , 1) . II , S'l'EARNS.
NH\V YORK , Juno 19 , ( SJG-Comgratula
bens , In tlme-world of time pact ' 'It is not
birth or rnurti'h''state ; It's git up and get
that nmakes melt great. "
I , tla - -
NEBRASIgl-TY , Neb , , Juno 19 , 1S96.-
I cougratmtlaSq , qu upon your silver annb
vorsary , Nouy , t11Rt McKinley will be our
next prcaldeit , your' golden celcbraliai is
assured , . _ JOIN C , WATSON ,
NE\\ ' YORK , Jmto 19 , 1896.-I regret my
Inability to fill ivlth , you lnnlght. Thousand
congratulutiils. ipy you comihnio growhmg
younger , Ll NEST' F. fl111MINGIIAM ,
1 : htor ! limo Fourth Estate ,
CIIICAGQ , 111 „ June 19 , )5911-Tlmo ) Chicago -
cage Eveniti Past leartily congratulates
The lice of time attainment of Its twenty-
fifth birtimdal stiil still umore heartily c0u-
gratilialca Oniaha on having Its Itose-
waters , Regret that I eauuot celebrate with
Managing Editor I'est.
SARATOGA , N , Y. , Juno 19 , 1896.-Ac-
cept cordial congralulntlons , Wish I could
participate with you today.
NE'i"ell : W , COLLiNS.
PIIIhA1)ELPIJIA , 1'a. , June519 , 1896.
I wish limo editor atul 'rho flea long life
and prosperity. 'FRANCIS C. tIllABLE.
NE\V YORK , June 19 , 1896.-Accept cons
gratulatloims eu tie quarter centennial of
T'he hire , ALIIERT SHA\V ,
CiNCINNiTA , 0 „ June 17 , 1696.-Your
kipd invitation received this morn-
Rig , but aunt afraid ( lint you will hiav'e
to accept limo wish for the deed. Would
like to be with you , as we know you will
T FtM Cmi © , h 'oId
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\y I Ic tab
This Great American Recommends Paine's Ceery ! Compound to Those
Who Suffer from Nervous Ills ,
half a century of pioneer work for time
advancement of women has made time life
of Elizabeth Cathy Stanton an Inspiration to
thousamds , and an appropriate object of
homage and congratulation ,
It is a year uovv since time Immense ovation -
tion was Civcn to Mrs. Stanton at the
Metropolilau Opera house fu New York on
the muilwr5 u f 1mcr 80th yca min t ter the
alspiees of the Nathonal Council of Women
of the limited States.
A rceouimnendatlon from such a brilliant
plmllosopher , so good a mother , such a great
aid true woman , vvhlt be heeded by men and
women everywhere ,
As Mrs , Stanton herself saki In reply to
the nmanr addresses of affection and devn-
tlon front women representing homes all
over the land :
"Lm this struggling world men often lean
on the Judgment of mothers and wives ,
hoioo vvotimcu need a clear tmnderstanding of
time vital questions of the lour. "
U .ZN ir' the balance of
this month we will
give a discount of 20 per
cent on every purchase of
Furniture , Curtains or Dra-
peries-taken from our plain.
marked figures No goods
charged -Terms cash.
Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. ,
1416 Douglas Street.
have a pleasant timeOur regards to tat
Itoaowater and all that tr in time
Time Iico , and may It conllmo to grow and
prosper , Tours respect uluN
Thom Quest City ( 'Muting Jnk Co ,
CINCINNATI , Julie 17 , 1896.-I hereby
aclliovhedge your very kind tttvltatlon to
parklcipato In limo celebration of the twenty-
fifth anniversary of The Omaha lice.
I regret that circumstances are such that
It Is Impossible for me to accept your flat.
teeing hmvltatlou.
The 1)01)01' that you have founded twenty-
live years ago aid for wldch you now cola-
brata your silver anniversary Is certainly
golden in its results , and we have no doubt
that you 'unlit live long and yrospor and
The guardian angel ho every hone is err-
talnly u woman. Upom her shoulders rests
lire respoialbllity for the health of the faun
No wife , mother or sister who has the
health or happiness of her family at heart ,
will see day after day go by with nothing
done for souse tired , stele or ailing men-
her of time household. If she Is a wlde-
avvalte , thoughtful woman she will make it
her first duty to see that Paine's celery coni-
pouncl is used to hiring back the vigor to
the neglected nerves amid time poor blood.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton , writing to the
\Vells & Richardson Co , of Burlington , on
Jan. G , said :
"Some members of my family have been
using your Palne's celery compound , and I
hcartlly reconmmend it to any ono who is
run down or suRerimg from nervous Ills.
Hereafter I shall always keep a bottle eu
hand , "
It is the plain duty of every wife and
time paper continuo to be limo paper of limo
west ,
' 1'hanlcimg you agahm , I am , very respectfully -
fully , A , IIOR'AItl IIINKI II.
WASIHNGTON , I ) , C „ Juno 19 , 1896.-
Congratulatious on your lwcrmty llfllt annie
versary. Dray your prosperity and success
contluue , MA ItV O , STE\VAIIT' .
BALTIMOIIII , Md. , Juno 18 , 1896.-hest
wishes for silver amiversary. May you
live to enjoy time golden wedding of Thu
OMAHA , Juue 19 , 1896-Allow me to cone
gratulalo you today , not whuolly on account
of the twenty-five years past , but because
it seems probable that you , with your good
health , wonderful uewspaper amid its ma -
mother to Ivatdi the health of those whom ;
( lie worry and vrearhmcss of time office , tine
store or the factory mattes heedless of their- .
failing health , ( 'ale lips and cheelcs , dls-
turhal sleep , pain of neuralgia or rheumatism -
tism , Imoadaehcs or that constant feeling of
weariness are causes enough for lummcdlalo
recourse to that best of all Invigorators ,
Paie's celery cenpoumi.
Thieve is nothing vagmo or uncertain about
its working. It goes straight to time cause
of the nmlschlef ; purifies the blood , enriches
ft iii volume and in quality , and lrmly but
gently stirs the organs that imvo become
sluggish. Palne's celery compound drives
out impurities , restores strength , renews
vitality , regulates the Iddueys , liver and
bowels , and nmakes people well. That 19
why it is the wonderful remedy that it i
today , and more In timnand than all the
ordlnary sarsaparillas , nervines amid tonics
( hunt pronmiso so much and acrmnplisii so
little. Every year conllrnms time faith of
the people In Paine's celery eonmlmeundn ,
nificemmt imonie , may confidently look forward 1
to anotlmor quarter century of far greater
pleasure , If not aclmlovemncnt. Very sln
cutely , MAltl' PAhhtBItOThiElt ,
CINCINNATI , Jutmo 17 , 1899.-Your Icind
invitation to be present on Friday , Junu 19 ,
to join with you and friends In celcbrating ,
limo twentyfifth aammtvcreary of 'limo co ii '
received. I regret exceedingly my Inability
to bu prcsent on ( hunt occasion , but beg to
assure you , my dear sir , that I most cor. l
dtally congratulate you on the success of i
your great Journal. May 1t cotilmue to be
la the trout rank of journallsiu , amid at the
uxplrallon of auothen quarter of a csulu fy
be ovot a more potent factor In moldlug sad
directing public sentiment than it is today +
Very cordially yours , r
Business Mang Cfncluuatl Eutjutrep.
- -
- --i