Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1896, Page 21, Image 21

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    ) . I'TTE OMATrA. 1)ury 1EE : V1IT1)AY , .TTNE 19 , 189L ( 3 I
:1 : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -
'C : i I . .
s Bee Men of BGoneDas. _
. It .1IMIIaIL II. fl'II lIi'IIl , 1lti 1) ' I ) . INstlIrnl)1c ,
i . . : OF ' 4' lI AIfrt.dSuretiflfl : ' . re , '
- " ' ' . 1111811 % 1. . .t ttitIii I Iiitii&i W : . IIIzu hIiria ,
, jt:1 E rAJ. A DT _ .1 "J'TT7I . . ) . JliiiiH 13. IIlIYlt' I4I nrd ' % ' . SIaitrnI ,
-i:4Li 'I'JIIIIIIUM J. Vl ( zIIInrrIN.
; ; ; ;
u are t1 bright men who have been
eniInye ! on The flee. onie of thorn have
) ISC(1 to the great beyond whnice none
retirn. Fonie lrnve turne ( to other eaflings
cii1 aImot Invarlalty ) tna1o tcces In
the now tlehihs which thin ) ' have ehon.
( ) tllO Of them have continued In newspaper
oiic , either on The Bee or upon other
vPaIers. AIniot all of thicni are do-
Il orvIng ot the best fortune that ( lie w orlil
J It goes without saying tit ) io ni"n , past
41 or present , In whieitever occupation they nrc
1 , IIIrv outplayed an4 vhicrever they may be ,
' Ionic upon the tweitty-fhith anniversary ot
the birth ot The lice with a feeling ot per-
solial Interest and shinto In a small degree
the Pride experienced by Its tountlor , who
has been constantly at Its head for a quarter
of a century. Thu occasion naturally stlmu-
hates reminiscences ot Incidents of the early
days--Incidents that nrc of absorbing mo-
Ilment to the iartkliammts and cannot fall
to be entertaining nnl Instructive to the
general Public. A number of TIme Bee men
of by-gone days have kindly written out
their ramidoni recollections as souvenir con-
tributloims to Time hico's anniversary ntimber.
, 9.--- .
. - - -
' 1'it' Ih'e's P1 rst 1'.Iitr.
Twenty-five years ago-a quarter of a century -
tury ! hly comparison with tUne , only a
fleottmg moment ; In retrospect to a man of
2flY years , imumme too vigorous lii health , as I
hirtisli up my memory to tell of details , In-
algtmlflcaut at the time when Omnaha was
. but a town. flI to think of the events and
, ( ho history that have been crowded Into the
hCIIO(1-it ( acorns IIke an ago. Jilut I re-
ineniber when The lice was started. Mr
llocwnter and Mr. Gerald called at the
printing chico of fledlicid limos , and asked at
. wiin Price we would Print a daily adver-
' tidng ilmcct. Ny brother , Charlie , and miiy-
. ielf talked with themit on behalf of time firm.
Mr. flosewater stated that it was all an
experiment. but If the sheet met with suc-
I CCM It would eventually l'ecomo a news-
PaPer. 'rime name which he proposed to
give the hme.t was Punchinehlo , but the
, prospect that the paper might some day
bfcomo a regular nevapapcr Influenced a
change of name and "Time Bee" was finally
e1ectcd , The contract. was entered Into ,
enmithltioned that wevere to charge an
agmeed rlce per day , the iroprIetor to dls-
CIItlflUO any time he rieascL The ternms
01 the contract were so much for new moat-
tr , so much for standing advertIsements
anul so much for press work. The first
! fEsIe , as I remember , cost 15 to $20. and
aubsequent issues were fromii $3 to $10 per
/ t ( lay. This arrangement continued for a
\ short t Imno , when The lice was mimado a
' megimlar subscription newspaper , the pro-
. - Prtetor renting room and material from our
11mm and having his own printers , we doing
the press work on a Cincinnati cylinder
. t ) h'res. Subsequently Mr , htosewater rented
- an adjoining building , known as time Cedar
lmamlils ; house , formerly used as a hotel ,
wimt'n he purchased material and we con-
ttnuFd to dO the press work as long as lie
remained there. AftOr the building was
bum ned we furnished typo and material
. yr Iii a new suipiy arrived froni the cast ,
I. hiexm The flee was moved to lower Farmmam
r street.
I remember quite well that the characterIstics -
. . Istics In the editor of The lice , which have
at every critical period of Its life determIned
, the question of success or failure , were
, ' never imiore vromhmicnt thiaii when time In-
cendiary's torch attempted to destroy It In
the early days. An Iron constitution , dauntless -
less courage , energy and Industry which
: mmever flhiiched under the strain of hard work
and long hours , and an abiding confidence
. .
hi ultimate victory-these characteristics ,
, which hlCij ) to imiako up that uimdctormniimed
quality called genius , were the elements
k which have mmmdc time advertising sheet of
l , 1871 a great daily newspaper in 1896.
' I have ai'ays fancied that Mr Hosewator's
taste for Journalism was encouraged by hIs
, a experience with a paper known as the
t . Omaha Argus , Previous to time establishment
' of The Bee. Time senatorial contest was on
t. , $ between General J0110 M , Timayer and Alvin
f i , I Saunders , rtosewater being a candidate for
, the legislature on tIme straIght republican
. . tickeL There were Imblishmed at that time
time Omaha Republican , the Tribune anti the
herald , and the Itptibhican refused to put
the straight republican ticket at the head
of Its editorial column , as was customary
in those days. The Tribune supported the
bolting republican ticket , and time necessity
for aim organ for time atrnigimt ticket brought
. the Argus Into life.Vo ; mriimted time imaper
tintier a contract for eight days , but it was
' , given omit that the Arugus was to be a per-
Q mnanent publication , As I remember , there
m wore a dozen or. fifteen writers , may brother
Clint-los being tIme nmammagiimg editor , On the
, vtatT were F. Rosewater , John M. Timayer ,
judge William Morris , lJr. Theodore ilaumer ,
; 'Ai.'gmistus Kountzo and others , The paper
: was imriimted to time end of the eampaigim ,
'which resulted successfully for time straight
legislative ticket , but General Thmayer was
defeated in time legislature by I' , W. Hitch
cock. Our tmssoclatioims with Mr. Itosewater
during the campaign led to the business ye.
] atioimmi which subseqtmeimtly immatie us the
. hrinters of Tue lice , antI no doubt gave him
an Insight into Oimmaha jommrnalismim that in-
dimeed him to start the paper.
; I have beemm a reader of The lice from Its
fotmmdatioim , ; have seen it grow from limfancy
to becoimmo one of the strommgest apers in
the land , nimil time erioti of Ith life mnarke
aim era of progress anti ilevelopmnent , wlmich
It imas helped to fashion , unparalleled in time
history of any country.
Omaha , June 18 , 1896 ,
I I 'I'lit Clt-
I Tweimty-fivo !
. years ago
It secilis but yesterday.
Time flee spraimg limto existence June i9
; : 't 1871 , It was In the tail of that year that I
] aimdeil iii Omaha. I had been in ChIcago
; two years wheim the great fire of October ,
871 , coompelied mime to turim my course west.
V warti anti cimammge time whole cimrrent of my
life. My experience teaches imie tlmat 1mm
. rare Iuetaimcee circummietaimees control mmmen ,
Bail It not becim for time
A \ Chicago fire I would
r \ in all probability have been a struggling
lawyer jim time Wiimdy City by the lake ,
it , was In Novemimlmor , 1871 , tlmat I awoke
one immom-mmlimg on tIme east bank m..f the MIs.
soWi river , oimposlto Omaha , Four railroad
1 . .t teritmliiated there aimd masseImgei-s aimd frolgimt
, t . , moro traimeferreti on furryoats.
, % vae then a Idaco of about 16,000 people ,
: hA aimml about as demiti a town as there was In
. ; the United Stat's , It imad hind a boont
¶ anti Its glory hail tenmporariiy departed.
Fallimmg to liimti emmmimloynmemit him a iawycr's
ntitco I cOimciUtiti to earn a few dollars
. , by setting type on Time lice , wlicim 'ae thou
located in a frame building at time south.
cest corner of Twelfth itti iouglae streets
I worked as a "sub" fr a few eoke mmmiii I
. thou bought a "ease , " or regular imositton , 1
for $5 , which I paul to ommo of the regu. I
, mrs wimo Wished to leave town ,
t A man Imaimmeci i'ratt was the ltmcal or i
"city' ' editor of l'imo lice , tumil Inlmrli. .
. 1872. ho resigned to accept a liositlon On a
. 3t. Joe palmer. I ampIied for Pratt's lmiace ,
amid to conviimco Mr , Itosewatar that. I could
write I Protiuced him ovitlenee a scrap book
commtaltitng seine pieces of work I bail dommu
, for time Chicago Times , Mr. htosuwater at I
I old to go cad and try my band.
Pratt was a 'rery sensational writer , and
when there ttS imo I1OWS imo immaimufacturemi
imews , itimit tue nmaimimfstetureti article was
generally mote readable tlmnn nimytimlng baseti
( lii facte. I felt a little elmaky about step-
plug into Pratt's shoes , bUt coimeitmileth to
trust to luck , and fortune favored mmmc.
Pratt quit on Saturday niglmt atmd my
first rork was to appear on Monday. I
lmUtmtetl nrtititmd all atmmrday imight to get a
'starter' ' of momne kltmd , but utterly failed ,
amid to say that I was PrettY veli discour-
ageil is mmmttlmmg It mmiildly. Stmumitty after-
11000 I started down to the Union Pacific
depot to ace the traimscoimtlmmental train
collie In from time wemtt , and just as I
reaclic(1 ( the depot on alarm of fire was
sounded , Never was timerti a nmoro welcommie
soummd to mime , however unwelcome It immimlmt
have been to timtmse whoso hrolerty vami cii-
I lmtmrmietl back , and at time itoutimeast eor-
Imer of Twelfth anti Douglas strOets 1 foimmid
a big fire In progress. It tiestroyed soy-
oral franmo builtiings , among tiicimi being
llubermann's jewelry store. Jake Markol
vnn then cimief of time fire department. W oil.
to millie a bug story short , I wrote tlmat
tro up iii time mmmost lurid style for The lice
Montlay evening , having a scoop on thifl
itoni , as there were imo _ tiommday inormmtmit
papcr. I mimado a temi strike , as it wcmc ,
as I inatlo a fricmmtl of every firenmaim. ibid
It hot been for tiirtt lire the imrobatmility is
that that Monday eveimtrmg's Bee would hmmmvc
iroven a fiat failure , so far as local hews
was concerned , and very likely Mr. Itose-
water would Imavo had imo furtimer usc for
mile In the capacity of local reporter.
That fire settid mimy cameer as a news-
raper man. It is but aimotlmcr iwoof that
man , as a rule , Is the victim of circuimi-
stances. F'roin that time I fiourisimeti as a
mmowspaper reporter , amid Mr. Itosowater , who
lmatl not fixed my salary , gave imic at the emmti
of time week , a raise over mny exporiemmceti
prcdcctssor. I soon excelled iiiimi in time way
of scilsatione , which atlded much to the
popularity of Time hoe. I made it a rule
to imave one sensation a day. If I could not
get a geimuiimtm sensation , I would build oimu
out of omy limmaginatiomi. lii a few incmmmths
Pratt returned from St. Joe , anti flntliimg
imI old place satisfactorly filled , anti there
beiimg ho openiimg for him anywhere Iii
towu lie became discourageti aimd goimmg to
Jake Oistts umiiiertakixmg shop conmimmitteti
sucitie 1)3' taking poison. ' 'l'ut Inc In a
iilne coiiln so that I calm go throimglm hell
a-simapming , " m'as lmis flumal mmmessage , writteim
on the back of aim envelope , and pinned to his
coat lapeL
Peace to imls ashes !
One mormiing In time sunmnmer of 1S2 I was
awakeimetl by the cry of fire. Hastily dress.
11mg , I ran aroummd time corner amid found
The Bee buildimig In Ilnimies , and in a few
mimmutes it was out of sight-a total loss.
however , Time lice appeared at time usual
time In time afterimoon from the job mrlnttmig
office of Itcdfleld imrotliors , next door. It
Is safe that In writing mum the fire , I stated
that Time lice , phoenix-like , arose froni Its
asimes. if I didn't , It must have becii a oyer-
Time building had been fired by an In-
cemmihiary imanmed Anderson , vimo was cmii-
ploycd as bookkeeper by Time lice. It Imas
always been believed that Ammderson was
hired to do timis job by Mr. itosewater's
political enemies. Mr. Rosewater boldly
charged such to be the fact , and I kmmow
that three or fommr quite pronmineimt men felt
very uneasy for sonic time. Andersomm was
suspected , but was not arrested ummtii ho
was discovered soon after irm an attempt to
fire time Methodist church block , which was
tormm down to nmake room for the Omaha
National Ilank huildimmg. Ammilerson was eon-
\.iCtOl ( of inccimtiiarismn anti semit to time
Penitentiary for a termmi of years.
Time lIce soon after time fire moved limb
Mr. Jtosewater's brick builthing On lower
Farmmammi street anti continued to iimcrcase
in size amid grow In influiommcc and patrommage.
Two or timrce years later another attempt
to destroy The lice by fire was mimade. Sonic
omie early In time morning broke immto time
eommmpostng room iii time second story amid
sot on tire a lot of oiled rags. Time lire ,
however , was dlscoveretl tim time to Prevemit.
serious damimago. This occurred &iuriimg a
irimmters' strike , anti suspicion poiimtcti to
two or timree printers , who were arrested ,
but time proof being Immsutllcient to proceed
against them , timoy were dischmtirged.
lii timose days there were three daily
lPO5 iii Oimmaha-tho lIcralti , tue Ito-
publican , both mmmornimmg , anti The Bee ,
ovemmimmg , Time herald and fleimmmbhicamm rcre
exceetiingly bitter in their fight against Time
Lice , which kept making steady headway
against them notwitimstandimig the adverse
circunmatances mimider wimichi It labored. It
was flimally decided to inibhlsh a immorning
edItion of Time lice. flmt imow vern we to
get the telegraphic dispatches ? Whmy , we
siniphy waIted for ( lie Herald and Re-
pimblican to appear ammd timen took thmeir ills- I
patches-such as we wanted-and published
timem In The Bee aim imoimr anti a half later
and thmen be able to catch the outgoing
traiims. We imaimdied time mmigimt local mmews
In the annie way , anti many a tinmo got out ,
a better morniimg paper timami our "esteemed"
contenmporarles. Time flee had offered to
ptmrcimaso the AssocIated press privilege , but
the herald anti ltc'pubiicamm stood pat. 110w-
ever , timey soomm imecamimo convinced timat it
was better to accept $10000 ammil let Tue
lice 1mm thmmim to get nothming. i
1mm those days time city staff of thio Omaha
papers consisted of one oman , whmo minim
calleti city editor or local ethitor or re-
liorter , as time case immigimt be. Ilonmer Stuil
a stately , dignified gentlemiman , now dead ,
ditl the herald local page , and a good , clean
reporter Ime was I. W. Miner was time
local for time Ilepubhicami. lIe was a rapid ,
vohumnuimmaus writer-a great space filler , lIe
was great on "Persommals. " axmtl mmmdc a host
of frlentls by hits Indummerlitmimiato bestowai of
nil I itary tities-prtmmcipahiy colon oh ammil
major-upoim every Tommm , Dick antI harry.
In his day there were moore colomiets amid
mnajors In Nebraska than there were pri-
Yates 1mm tIm regular army.
It was In 1877 that Will Visseimt'r-timat
Btmhmcmnian mmmiti imrince of gomd fellows-ennui
to Omimaima from St. Joe aimd stmcceeicti Mr.
tiiIt on the herald , time latter having
wisely conelutieti to emmter upon time practice
of law , Vieachmer used to copy inaimy iteimma
verbatim from Time lice , aimtl one tiny I
commipinimmed to Imimmi about It and asked him
why lie didnt ehmango tlte wortling ,
"W'by. mmmy dear fehiow , ' salti lie , "yomm
have no kick coinIng. lily copying your
Iu nis is a comnplinment to you. I do It , not
htorauso I aiim lazy , but because I camm't
I immprove oil timemmi. ' '
Oimiaha was time imiudillest town in the
world anti tiurimmg the raIny tlays of tIme
spring aud fail it was no unusual thmiimg
ttr onmimitmusea and carriages to get stuck
1mm time mmmtmti to ammti rommi time depot , bay-
lug passengers lii an emubarrassing situs.
tioim. It was about that ( home that tIme classic
"jmem' ' 0mm Omahma was written :
limist ever been to Oinmihi ,
Vm'imerLt rolls time dark Missouri down ,
Where foimr imtroimg Imorses scarce calm drnw
' ttmft tois'lm etc.
Amm ummmlmt ) wngqmm througlm ,
We all used to svcar imigh-top boots-
regimlar vatiers. I still preserve mmimmoiig 1mw
most cherished Omaha relics a pimotograpim
of Vlssclmer , Mtimer anti myself. taken oum
a imiutitiy day In Omaha.
One day Vlsschmer imatl his pimotograpim taken
In latomm'e gallery. Ills face etoppeit time
clock aimtl hi-eke Eatomi's best canmora. A
second effort iIthm a reserve camera , how-
aver. caught Vlsseht'r exactly a he looked
without furl her accttbemmt , Time young woman
smnpboyed iii time gallery to touch up liimoto.
raplms SUCC'ttieti in taking out several
wrinkles frommm Visscher's phmysiogmmoimmy and
ave It an Immiimroveti apimearammco geimorahly.
'isselmer felt Iii love mvttii that gIrl at sight
intl immarrletl her a week later. ills wife
mmmd daughter have been in l'ortiammd several
nonthe. ills iiaughiter he about 18 ycars old ,
: abented ammd beautiful , with aim ammmbition to
) Ofl the stage , Visacimer for several years
as on the Pacific coast-at San Fraimcieeo ,
L'ortland , Tacoma , Seattle. Fairhmavemm aimil
10 Ofl lie is mmow in Chicago aimd is a I
'ontrhbimter to time TImes-herald ,
ho immy early career as a reporter in Oamahia
did an otmorimmcus aimmouimt of work , I coy-
'rod ' the whole city-thu county court house ,
- -
lOiit'O anti justice courts , postomee building.
federal courts , hotels , ilepots , coroner's of-
flee. railroad offices ammd headquarters , mmmlii-
tory hmeadrpmarters , 1Jlmion I'aeific almops ,
snieltlmmg works , several law oillces ammd a
dozen othmtr iflaces wimero I knew I could
generally get sonic mmows , cmiii also theaters ,
commcertmm , races , base ball , socIal partIes , etc.
I was everythmlimg rolled into one. Today
time saint' work is doime by at least hmalt a
tiozeim uersons and of course mimuch better
auth mmmore thmomoumghily done. Iloim ever. I
rarely nmlssetl a hive Itcimi. W'lthm all immy
mork I hail somime spare tilmie. Those mere
amy hmaipiest , days-tue busier I was time
happier I mvas. I was also telegrnimiilc correspondent -
respondent for thirteen beadiimg imewepapets
ammti yet found tilmie to write a ' 'Ilistory of
Ommmalma , ' ' "ilantis Up. or time History of a
( 'rilime , " beimig time story of the Union Pacific
$60,000 roimbery at Big Springs ; 'Oimmahma
lliustratcd' amid "Buffalo Hill's Life , ' ' tile-
latetl by lmlmmisclf , ammui wimicim was imuibtisimeti
by a Ilartfmmrti subscription pmmbhishimig house ,
and for wimlehm 13111 gave mmmc $ S00.
Time Umilon Pacific transcommttimeimtal passenger -
ger traIn imseti to leave Oitmahma nt mmcml , atiti
oime of mmmy duties as coi'm'eslomPieiit Was to
pass tlmrougli time Puhhmmmnmm cars ammmi oimtalmi
time Imnmmmes of California passemmgers iumtl
t.'legtaltbi time lIst to the San Fraimcisco
lmaicrs ) , which patti mmmc hmaimdsommmr'iI. Fre-
( btICiith. ' there were three coaclmemi full of
passemmgors , amid wheim such was the case I
could not get thm commipiete blat before tIme
train started. I voohtl then rule oumt us far
as Siiecley's or time Sumnmmmit. vitcre tIme train
siumved imp , mmd jummimim miff ammti walk back to
towim. Iii thmis way I moot mnammy hmi'ommiiimemit
( 'ahiforimia peolmie. One I remimeniber very
vehh-Mr. Mumrpimy , of the great dry gOttlS
firm of Murphy , Grammt & Co. of San Fran-
cisco. I mmmet Imini several tlmimes. nmmti oim
t achi occasion Ime gave mrn a $10 bill "to buy
I cigars vitIm , " as lie i'xpressetl it. Murphy
was a brilliant mmmaim anti a great traveler.
I lie was immatie a mmmarquis by time hope , iiimd I
511111)050 lie is mmow floating arouimd with time
aimgels , as Imo took hits thelarturo fronm timis
I mmmuirmtiammn Slmhcre mevcral years mmgo , heayimmg
a large estata to be quarreheti over by Imis
imeirs ,
One tiny Major Frank MeLauglmllmi. wlmo
was then Ethtscmn's buslnss agent , Imasseit
through Ommiahia , anti when I took imis imammic
lie askei ( if I 'vas time agent of the C ailfor-
mmlii i'ress assoclatiomi. I replied tlmat I urns.
Iii' themi asked immo to semiti a disimatclm to time
amm Fraiicisco PaPers about lila mmminliig
operations at Feather Beimd , wimeru lie Pro-
1)1)50(1 ) to turn time chamimmel of a river amid
try aim Edison electrical Process for ox-
tractlng gold ( lust fromn sand. I wrOte time
tllspatclm , and he imammdeti me $30 1mm gold.
lIe also offered inc an opportunity to introduce -
duce Edison's arc bight , as vcll as time iii-
cundescemit , In Ommmaha , and I 'wemit to several
partIes witlm the prtmposltton , bttt as it re-
ciumired money anti time electric bight was
not commsidcreti fully developed , timey were
too shy to take aulvammtnge of what would
have imrovcmi a bonammza it lmantiietl prolm-
This reminds mmmc of another good timimmg
that I host. About time time timat Onmaha
streets becammmo almost Impassable time project
of paving began to be agitated , amid I
( lUietlY eimtereti into comnmummicatioim m'1tim a
liimffaio imian to Introduce what was cailed
asphalt block pavement , vhen one tiny
Barber , witim imis Trinhdati aspimait , dropped
into town amid captured time pitmmmm.
Still aimotlier opportunity which I failed
to realize was a good thing , commmes to mind.
A. J Iianscomn , when he and Megeath pre-
seoted time ground for a Park to the city ,
offered to give mmmc two lots 'opposite the
park and let nmo bumy as mmmany more as I
wanted at bedrock prices , omm bug time ,
without Interest , If I would go out tlmerc
and htmlbd a cottage , I thammked lmiimm , amid
( ciii imimmi I couldn't afford to live 1mm the
A simmilbar offer mm'as made ( cm rue by 1)r.
Mercer wlmeim lie laid out lila \Valnimt 11111
atiditiomm , ammul I gave him about the same
reply mis I hind to hlamiscomim. I'll icimow
better miext time. I'll have immUre faith iii
the future.
In the old tia's ammo of time best news centers -
ters was the old St. Joe railway ticket 0111cc
at tIme mmortimeast cormier of Farmmani amid
Temmth streets , where time Straimg buIlding
miow stanti.s. This place \s'as called the
Benevolent Corner. as the "gammg" timat mantle
itit heatiquarters there was compoaed of a
lot of happy-go-lucky fehiows-Timeodore E'm- '
sigim , Joe Teahmon , Frank Iiaolon , Jack Gaul-
gami ammd so on , and later that great wag ,
Frank 2mloores , joimmeti time "gang , " whemi lie
supersetled EnsIgn. Timere was moore genuine -
uine reatiniile local news to be gathered at
that corner than him any other umiace iii
Onmaima , It was a cold day mvhen Joe
Teahion dltimm'L have a rood story to help omt
the reporters , and he has always kept it
up. lie is one of tIme mmmost observing mcmi
I over kmicw. lie saw the little odds amitl
entis and ammmusing peculiarities of cvery-tiay
life that time ordimmery observer would not
notice. The gang were true and loyal
friends anti always stuck together.
Wimenover it was oxceetiingly ( iUli I woulti
write imp a coltmmmiim and a Imaif sensation amid
give it aim air of truth by insertimmg time
nanmo of some oiilcer-Judgo Porter , Sheriff
Burley or some Pohlcemmmflhm-aimd have time
officer corroborate time story If immmy omme
doubted it. Jutige I'orter altieti mnc In this
way on mmiany aim occasion , anti as for that ,
lie couiiml slin a pretty gtmod yarn himself
wiicnewer called upon to ! lo so. These
seimsations would mtlmlear in time immorimlog
imaumers mmext maormmhmig ' 'boiled dowmi" by our
enterprisiimg contenmlioraries , who generally
took timenm for the ti-uthm or else mud not care
whether they \vero true or not.
The city coummeil generally furmmishieii a
racy ilemmi oimco a iveek. Tue nmt'mimbers usum-
ally became involved In a ime.mted war of
ugly s'ords , antI frelitmemithy threw lube bat.
titts at each otimer. Time walls of the Citmii-
cii cimammmber imm hlctiick's alleged opera house
ivero liberally bespattereti with lmmk froimm
these immissiles of war , Frequemmtiy time imieni.
hors cimimie to biowmm , aoti one evening Marsh
ammil Stepimemmeumm grappled mmear aim opm'mi mviii-
dow anti tried to thiromv eachi other out.
Those were lively coumicil clays , amid time
proceetiimigs mm'ere reported 1mm 'FIme lieu wltim-
omit fear or favor ,
Omme of may contemporaries for a tinme wait
\v. J. Ctmthiy , uvimo was tloiimg time local on
time Republican. It suas hits immonthm also to
ftmrimish tIme imnportammt local mmcmi's to time
Associated imress , for wimicim lie recelyeii no
pa ) ' . One mmighmt time Grand Cemmtrai hotel
burned dowmm just as it was about to be rc-
opemiemi by lCitcimemm limos , I seimt off a
dispatch to mimy papers , but no tllspatcbm was
smnt to time Assuclateti press by Cuimttly , whiti
lied lmhmibctl too much fircuvater , Next tiny
a tehcgrmiimm caine from \\'ihilanm Henry South
ammklmmg the Itepubbicami why time tIre hami not
lmeeui tc'legratimed to the /issociatctl prt'ss.
Mr. 'ost imantied time teiegramim to Cuibiy to
ammswer. Ctmddy , who was still nioro or less
zlg-zaggy , ammswercui It thus :
" \'ihllam henry Snuitim : Piease go to h-I.
\v. J. Cutidy. ' '
No mmiore Aesoetateti press work did Cutitly
tb , Ills service's were imo longer required.
ITo Is flow living in Portland , a total aim-
etmuimmer , an Industrious moan and ( liii fathmer
of a barge famimily ,
By time vay , other olti Onmalia newspaper
imien are ilvimig In I'ortband , aimmomig thmem
being Mr. Mordeim , ( oreoman of lmo Oregomilarm
commiposing rooni amid formerly of 'I'ime flee ;
Ernest liross , fom'iiicriy of the ltebmuhiicami.
into Is aim editorial writer cii time Orogomilaim ;
J. C. Crawfortl editorial writer ' '
. , on time 'i'cie-
graimm , anti I ) . It , Stearius , frnmeriy inmaluiess
mnamiager o.L Time lice , vhio lit engagemi In real
Ommu tiny I coumcludetl to sever mmmy connec-
( bit with The ihetu , It was In the fall of
1878 or tlmercaboumte , IC I remember rightly.
It was time day aim uvhmicim ttmo returning board
decided that I was defeated for the office of
clerk of the district court. My opponent
was W. U. Ijanis , an out-timer , anti who at
that tinme waa a etmrewd pollticiamm , anti one
of thmo mumost Imopumlar tHen Iii Louglas county.
was a mere "kid" coinpareti with Imlimi , amimi
merimaps a little too fresh to seek the best
olhtce in time state. However , I was beaten
by ioa thamu 400 votes , and imati not , the
Ihoimenuiane bolted time relubhtcan convention
Dii account of what they considered unfair I
trcatumiemmt. I believe I woumitl have been
elected The hiolmemnirmns got up an Intie'
pentient combinatioiiIket , anti on the Sun.
( lay night imrccedint election Mr. iJamn , who
hind nmoney to spend , ' 'kit some of it where It
did imlnu tIme most gt'i-sL' Through the xrmanlp-
uiiatlon of FramikVabcrs lie soemmretl seveim
of time ton Iloimeimitaim executive cotmmmlttee.
who put ljauos' nnmtmotk theIr ticket. Timere
ivero 216 llolmvunlanivoies , which , if they imaml
gone to mao. would ) mav elected me.
\'eil. as timorit was a 'iioimemmmian paper pub-
hished in Tii lice 'hmilitihmig ' , I commaltieretl I
hail been slatmglutc-edilmi time house of my
frlemmtis. So I wrote niy resignatIon , tim wiml'h
I gave time Ihoheimilafis' nimmi others tIme devil ,
Sihlbiet1 it Into TimmrflrP aimd mvalked nut of
the office anti over to mthme ltepuimbicnmm , where
I vetmt to work thmmt yry evemming at liii 1mm-
eienseil salary. ' '
hut Time lice vnm ltueti next day Jumet as
initial. .
t '
\v _ fl. Amummiti was { miy successor no Time I
lice. I to at ommcc attt'Inptetl to keep tip the
itimitatiofl racket amid wrote a immuif coinimmim
story about an ahlegemi Capital hill scamitiat ,
invoiu'Immg it mmmii amid a woummamm ammti a shot-
gun. I mliii lint iroiose to be outdone. I
took his short story amid hot omuly cor-
reiterated it In every detail , but ehmubmmrameti
it Into ( mu o coiummmmms. I Iimteriihleml time itmi-
agimmar3mmmii aimd wommiami nmmmi time shotgun ,
amid time' rosebmisim , lmmto whmlchi time luau hail
juimmipeil frommi a secoumti story window. Time
imitcrvlew mm'ithi the shmotgumm was iarttcuibari
lmmtvresthumg and was intemmdvtl to hmomr time
mvhmobe thimmg a umure lmivemmtioim , yet miimioty-imtmme
Peoide out of 100 beilet'ed time C'abtitoi I 1111
scisation. as It appeart'tl lii time htc'pumitilcamm.
to he true. I wits besieged by tlnzemms of
mmmcii to tell thiemmi comititlcmmtiahly wimo thm
partIes m'ere ( lint vc'rc iuvoived tim It , but
I let thmemmm kee'im guesstmmg.
Omme of imi' duties as a reporter was always
to give an elaborated mmotice of time ' 'i'lensammt
' ' ' nmumi isim time mmaimies
I i ours' eltmii iai'tiea imumbi
of those ii ho attenileil. Ono iiigimt'ood -
brIdge of tIme herald su'eumctl time list nimt'ad
of nit' amid hail a ' 'scoop. " This 't'xemi lime ,
hint , a I Ittie hitter time samne evemmhmmg I hail
nmy revemmge. There was a repubilcaim nicet-
lug in time Acailenmy of MusIc vbmicim'otmti -
bridge hail not attended. So lie teieplmomitul
flue to give imimmi sohmio poiotit anti I gave
huimmi sonic little inforimmatiomi , but half aim
hour hater I go may work In emi imiumm. J.
\Vortii Spates. secretary of'yommmlimg , wimo
mm'as on imis va' hmomoe trtmmn New York , was
oime of time eiteaiwrit at time nmeethmmg. I
secumreti aim accommmpbice . II , lCc'mit , a mmcii
knwum reporter. amid eahhimmg imp ' 'central' '
told it to coimimect vitim the Herald and
say timat soimie one at time i'axtoii imotel
mvaimtetl to talk \\'ootliiritlgo. . Timls vus
doime aimti timen iCeiit , at immy dlctatiomm , said
sonit'tim i mmg I ike t ii is :
"Is timat the city editor of time Ilerald ?
You , you say' . Well , themi , alt rIght. I
want to talk to you about tonIght's repub-
iioami mmiectimmg , as I desire snmmitm mmotice. I
aiim J.Vortlm Spates. secretary \'yommiimig. .
I mvlsh you tim mitate In your account of time
mmicetimmg that I was consitiorai.'hy eumibar-
inssetl 1mm imm' sp3ech , ov1mmg to time fact ( lint
I was precetled by such a mmmii as liaseahi.
\.omt kmmouv what kiotl of a fellow he Is.
sow , mvimibm I stated him mimy speech thmat
Now York , sviiere I have becim stuumipiimg
is stmre to go republican , h Imavo coimeitmded
that It is safe to say that while Nor : York
immay go republican. yet it is In doubt , " etc.
\Voodbrltlgo took this as coiimiiig train
Spates anti umatle halt a colunimi of It iii
time mnorumiiig herald.
Whmemm J. W'ortim Spates awoke next niormi-
hug anti real the herald Ime was sImply
itaralyze'l anti couhtiim't cat his lireakfast
oil accoummt of thm3 miamimnabie libel.
At 11 o'clock ime canme over to time Ito-
bmubiicaum 0111cC iiuuti poured hits woes tmmto time
( art of ltiitnr Bi'ooTnt , wimo dashed off a
ohtiummti editorial tIm set , Spates right before
the public. Time 1gyaimi was tlemmotiiiced
in time immost vigorous fm'rumms. Time iibei on
Spates was regarded imt a greater outrage
than time fanmous Cimimmese More ) ' . letter
Mr. Spates hmurriily ; ivestlgatetl time mmmys-
tory , but coulti not o1vo it. I-Ic hiatl no
idea how lie had hie 'im ' 'doime up' ' in ortier
to get a joke \Vao.ijmritige , who was en-
tireiy inmocemmt , of thm i matter. Spates tic-
mnaumded a retractton from the herald , and
lie got it. It watt si Ily thus :
"As to J. Worth Spates , the lierahmi will
Sec Imiumm inter. "
Spates took ( lie trami for Cimoyenumc anti
hlnmsebf anmommg imis
he was a week squarlimg
mepubllcami frieumd3
After working abott ; two years aim time
Republican I returimLd to Time flee , which'
Mr. Itosowater hail reorganIzed. lie hail elm-
largeti the staff. eimmploytng several reporters ,
a city editor , mica's editor and mimammaging eu-
Itor , this last imamned Positloum behiig given to
mime , and mvimicii I hmebmi for several years ummtll
I was heel astray by John A. McSimamue to
take time mnanagiimg etlitorshmlp of time Ilerahii
which lie imati ptirciiased about time tune lie
becanme time ilrst eleomocratic commgressmafl
Nebraska ever hail. Ills umemvsbaper veiittmro
lu'ovemi a failure , itiiti iii six or eIght imiomiths
I was looking for a jot , , as McSimaiio on-
loaded his miewsiammer upon a imarty who
likewise failed to nmake it pay , aumti finally
the Woritl swahloweth It. Time old Itepubhicaim
500mm disappearetl , anti of time three original
iacr Time lice alone survives.
So The lice celebrates its silver ammniver-
sary today. I 1101)0 to lIve bug emiougli to
see it celebrate its goldeum anniversary.
Twenty-five yearnVhmat ! marvelous
changes have taken Ibace lii tiat ! time , which
ttcoimis so simort m'imc'mm we hook backwarti. Especially -
pecially Is this true In time improvement of
nemvspapers amid newspaper equlpmneumts. it
Is ( iilliCUlt to believe that 1mm time umcxt twenty-
five years we shall see greater devehopnients
In time arts , sciences amid mmmechmaumics than
we have witmmessetl durhmmg tile vast quarter
of a ceimtum'y. Yet we are ahuntist daIly slur-
lrisetl by iiemm amid startling discmverles auth
imimentloums. I mumipposo the imext timing wlii
lie aerial nam-igatioim-at least Prof. Lammgley
seems In a fair way to solve that great huroif-
bum. even If Time Bee couiitlum't do It with
that faimmnus Fourth of July balloon ascen-
siomi.Time lice , however , hits always hind wimmgs ,
mmmiii its flIght imas been ever numward amid upward -
ward in time reahmmm of jotmrmiauimmimi. May it
ever commtimuuie so. ALFRED SO1tENSON.
Porthammd , Ore. , Jimmie 10 , 1896 ,
. - - - -
% YILbI.tM mIi'tIsIS % SmN ,
Vorimiei .tssoclii It' Hil I ( or ,
I am amuketi to give may recollectiomme of Time
lice of 1879. 'i'imo Picture of time great paper
of tomlay houseti in , its vahatlal quarters
mvltii Its score of editors ammml reporters anti
Its 200 mmewsgatberers iii ulifferemut harts of
tIme state , the west and time great eastermi
Cailtabit , rises before mmmi , as I attempt to
imk'tchi the imistitutiomi on ( lint Aumguumt nmorn- '
hug whmemi I first vrcseimteti niysoit as aim
aspIrant for a llace on Its staff. Time timno
whiicim has elapsed makes tiio commtrast mmouio
the less vivId , despIte limo ummaimy ciiammges
which have taken Iuiaco iii time interval ,
Of tile editors , repcmrters , foreimmemi , clerks
anti "birimmts" mviio Iii 1S79 helped to mmmako
Time Onmahma lice , scarcely a hmalf tiozen re-
mmmaln. The rickety. ohmI ileake , tables , cases
anti immiposimmg rebihacemi by imosv
amid lmammulttonme furniture. 'rime single c'iiim-
tier hoe iiresmm vil im , we thou thought a
marvel of speetl mwmI watched iii youthful
rapture Is replaced bf monster Webb nma-
clmimmes throwIng off theIr thmoumsamimis of Pa-
imers au hommr. Timtj little corner 1mm m'hijcim
time wimeezy Baxtem : cxjimmo timreateumeti witlm
Iimstant mleatii time mmurrouimdlmmg mmelgimborimoo
hmas given way to aim acre of boilers , ilyima-
mmmos , ummotmeter Ctmriirmi emmglmmes , elevator
iluhmmps , smvltchiboarts , : ttimmg machInes , amid
ti Iimimuimuerabie imle.CeS of Ilaraimlmerlmalia
cltim which time mmmolermt mmowspapcr structure
him equillmeul. Let. mum.u ask sonic of time m
Hbirigimtly yotmpg gejiqiuneim coimnectt'ii with
timat imuwmmpalmer toils ) ' , amid who glide up i
liirummgh sovemm-stor mpaco 1mm time cabs of
hmandsomumo oievmttorui to aecommipamiy Inc on a
'tait to Time lice bumlltbitig ammti Time lice es- t
tabhlsimmimemmt is It was ten yeara ago.
Time dusky two-story red brick structure
In which Time lice was then iiriumteml mvas
scarceby bess inferior to thom olhico from
whmlchi It has lately moved thami Its lute t
quarters are to timoe which It today occu.
plea. A barge bee.mtye imainted on Its front
wam'netl all applicants for pommitiomma that miork
mitt not style % vas what was ritmiulyod of iii. L
mates , immeido , aim the groumnul fitior , tticm
eoummtlmmg roumimi dtyidd wIth ( lie eli ottlee m
time Itommors of gboomim miami dirt , A seiumi.clr- h
cular coumme' . ' , surznounteeh by a hideous
cast-Iron railing , kept at bay employee I
thinning fur ativaucre on their salary and a 4
public aot too iinpatlcmutiy m-ushlmmg to got L
lii ativertlsemipmute , At time rear , a doieo 1
LYItO casco , a battered proof press , anti three
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -j-- - - - - - - . -
' ¼
v >
\ \ e display a great variety of the
late mmovebties of thIs seasomm In Shirt \\'alsts ,
vitli attacimeti amid dt'tachmable collars.
Full assortment of the renowned
See the jrctty fancy silk batste.
Our dainty white mmmuull W'alsts , m'Itim cmii-
broimlered fronts. stylish cults anti collars.
25c eioshmmg price , good style , excehiemit per
60c , late styles , best percaic , great bar-
7ic , wehi mantle , bmrctty percale , yery attract -
tract lye ,
$1.00 , best ittyhes , well made ,
The very latest novelties.
Styblsim compact Summm Ummibrehias , $ l.10 ; steel
rod , exqtmimmite imammuhics.
Persian paragomi framecbosimig at 63c.
Poimgcc Silk Parasols , thm latest fashion ,
banmboe lmammdies , iretty anti serviceable ,
The very latest creations are to ho ( tiumimi
Iii 'thIs depnrtmmiemmt. Time tmest time immarket
affords at low prIces mluriimg timls itaic.
© . 7 ft \ \
or fotmr imposing stones on rickety stands
announced time uresemico of the Job olfico ,
and pointed time way to the ethltomial back
stairs. They were dark amid crusted with
dirt ; anti , as I clinibed them auth entered
time editorial moult , I thought that I hmati
never seen suicim a dtumgy set of quarters as
those into whIch I stepped. Time editor's
dcii was situated 1mm time center of tIme build-
lug , witim no light except such as straggled
ium through a glass sash biartitiomi which di-
s'hled It froumm time comumposlng roonm 1mm fromt.
'I lie wimmdows m'ero thirty-five feet dista .mcc
froni the tiesk , and time sumibeammis Were
forceti to dodge a score of stamiths , cases anti
lunposimug stones beftmre they could reach Mr.
Itosewater's table. 0mm time other side was
time city editor's room , simIlarly sltuate'l '
with r shtect to time rear of time huiidummg ,
anti cut off from its wliidows by time iou
olilco anti etiitorial room of time Pokrok
Zmipadu , that exciting liohiemnian joumrmmal ,
( lien us imomv edited by stturtiy John flosicky.
Time coinbloatloum of smells anti noIses , tIme
odor of prlmmttng ink , roller composition , ttmr-
iteuitiuiO amid old clothes , time calls of "Sing
Five , does A 2 cud evcmm , ' ' anti "Pull out , "
time ciamilcimig of the proof vrcss , tbo umnimm-
telligihile jabber of a party of Dohmenulaums iii
time rear room consulting the editor about
a nmarrlngo license , jolmmcml to aim acrid controversy -
troversy betwec'mm the city dltor and an
angry subscriber , amado a sceume m'hmich heft
aim imideltble impressIon Oii iiiY iiiitmtl.
Tiiere were no mlroiies 0mm Tile Bee of old
days. Each man was expected to do six
ouch's work , was wIlling to do four's , amid
generally comnpronmised oim five.
Mr. itosemvatcr and Ai Sorensoim comisti-
tutetl time staff before may arrival , tIme first
hearing time title of etiltor amid proprietor
anti the latter carrying time burden of time
city departumit'iit. Mr. Itosc'water was uiar
excellence the all-rotund man of time estab-
lishmnmetmt. lie seetmieti to have obtained time
secret of two of time attributes of Deity ; lie
ivail onmuiprescuit auth appareuitly oimmuuiseleiit.
lie mvrote hmeavy eiitorials amid pumigent ccli-
tonal paragraphs ; contributed local poh itl-
cai news to time city page , clipped sebcetioums
for time news colmunumis , selected items for
timese startiluig chmestiitmts iluibbeml ' 'Commmiubial
Bliss , " "I'eppernuiimt irops' ' ttmmtl "liommey fertile
tile Lathes , " reguhatemi tIme lnisiuiess 0111cc
a dozeum timmies a day , aimmi took stubscrlimtiommtt
cmi tue stm'eets aumti ativertislumg commtracts
train , time mmme'rcimamits. I tised to thmiumlt his
only sorrow was that lie had not hum addition
been borum a steammi engine so ( hint ime comuid
rimum time imresses. They were about the oumly
thimig In time estabilshioeiit that hum dId imot
mmmove. In mmtiihitlon to lila ortiiuuary tiuties
above mmmcd , lie coumstamitl9' developed stromig
Iumtortmt lii local politics , amid aiways had mm
( iOZOfl fights and twice ( lint umuomber of svartl
pohiticlaums 0mm imis iiamitls. Omi city or couuity
election days , Time lice 0111cc mm'as ustmably
depopulated anti every ltmmm , fronm emitter
down , after rushilmmg In copy , early took a
wimiri at time polls. After a imarmi tIny's work
0mm election dii ) ' , followed by aim all night
sessIon 1mm collecthmmg r turmms , hmo editor
w'ommhmi bob up screzic'ly at 9 o'clock time mmext
immoriuiimg svttim imis arm full of excimaumges amid
hits iimouithi full of imuggestiomis abommt time
baPer. time inst mmlu'ays pertimment , limit not as
ummiformiy agrot'abic' . lila intloimiltabic energy -
ergy , i Is uuncomnpromlsiuig terciistcucy ammd
hut inviumelblo pluck uvero amt ommco the won-
tier and athiniratlon of time omee. Cnrryimmg
the heavy liumammelal burdeim of a paper do-
pemid I rig aiomm e ii iOim I tim e , ct.l I emico for itopu-
bar suplort ) , aimti ligimtlng ttim Patties single-
hamudcd. Iii the darkest da9 a lie uiem'c'r tioubteui
Its tjltlimmato suiccess , aumil hopefully iuicrenscmi
expenses with every lumereasmi of receipts.
Overworked bulmimseif , ime took imls owmm high
tension as time noruume of work. auth found It
dilllcuht tim tmimderstammti mvii ) ' all of his emmm-
ill 03'CB COO Id not emmml tire cli cerfumi I y time sa mime
racking. Thus nmatie hmlnm often' m'ery ummimloas-
aumt as aim employer , but it llsclphtumeml imPs
euumployes , mshio foUmmii imo dilflcultb' elsowlmerp
tim lucre thmamu attaining time loveb of work
of other olflce.
Time cIty editor was anotimemjouirumuihlstic
"Pooh huh. " lie hami imo other copy to etlit
hut lila own , anti muas ttItCCtCml , mvitim time
aid of "paid locals , ' ' to tIll five columoums
daily on time fomirtim page. liii urns m'tuilglous
amid society reporter , reflector of thu mioingim
of time courts aimd railways , driuummatte critic
amid sporting , fire aummi coimmimiercial editor at
imic ammtl time sammie tlmime. Ills tluithi' began
at 6 o'ciok iii time immormmimmg s'hen lie commi.
mmenced to turn In copy for time immorimimig
omittloim , then printemi at ' 7 :30 : , aimmi vmmdeti
whmeim time news gave omit for the clay. 1mm
hat immterm'al of from twelve to elgimtceim
hours bmo uvas expected to cover , solitary anti
ibouio , time twelve mucatteretl square miles of
stores amid dwehiimmgmm which tell years ago
ionmprised time bailiwick of Oiumaimn. 'rho
cariy inornhmig roummd began loimimeihiately
after breakfast. it coummpm'Ismi a rimimId visit
o time coroimer'ms mmd untlertaker's , tIme
ilimtrict cotmrt , time eouimty clerk's ollico to
b'uimscribe the real estate transfea , an In. I
erview whim nil the city apti county ohilcials ,
B brief usually as a society call , auth a imamity
return to time editorial ritoums iii artier to
% rlto up time immaterial gleammeti before noon ,
ula little journey urns followed at H o'clock
my a visit to the tbeimot to take Pm the ever-
mint ] westbouimmi train , to pummmmp tIme delmot
miflolals anti to himterylemv clistingulttjied
raveiere real or iumiagimmary. After this
timotimer hying trip was mmmado before 2
felock to the coroner's anti court house ,
NoveUles in acs
l3ruxcUes , Mecklin and Lci'ric Applique-
Cream noel butter color ,
Point Bretonne and Point d'csput Laccs-
l'roni 3 to 10 ilmeimes i'lt1e , mit 2fk' , 2Se , ic , t'Oc , 75e $1 a iurd ,
French and Italian Valencicunes , Laces-
Iii cumeilesit variety at 20c , 2e , Ze , 5e' , 3t' , $1.00 it dozemi
ymm reis.
New Linen Bastists Laces and Insertions-
A tteruuutituil nssortnmeiit.
.At l5e , 20c , 25e , 8.e , SUe amid e mm yarti ,
22-IIIC11 Rich EnbroicIerecI Silk ; tncl Linen
l3astistc 'I'issuc-
Very ime , Jo st time tlmimmg for blouse fronts , etc.
New Nainsook and Swiss Enibrokicrics-
Nemv hoop t'ti gi' ( himllmumlre nnmi lrlsim i'olimt ( ffet'ts , I to 7
Iimciies w tile' , St' , hOc , l2c , 1c , 2Cc , 23c mouth it yam-tI ,
New Doube ! Edge Nainsook Insertions-
iii'muuitlfuii desiguis at lt' , 20c , 2e , 8Otm nmmti ikc a yard ,
Ladies' I-land Embroidered 1 nitial Linen Cain-
bric - - -
1c each ; worth 20c.
Ladies' Lace Border and Embroidered Slicer
LiliCfl l-Iandkcrchicfs-
Oimhy usually itold tut 3cc.
Ladies' Combination
Pocket l3ooks-
Iii mmii time new ieiitimerm5 , all colors ,
itt 60c , 75c , $1.00 , $1.25 amumi $1.50 each.
Ladies' Leather
1-larness Belts- J
lim all time populnr leathicrum , all cal- gJ
ors , at 250 , 3c , SOc. We mimmel 1,2
Boston Bags-
lii mixed cloth , gralum , seal anti nIh-
gator , at $1.00 , $ l. , $1.65 , $2.00 up to
$ i.50 each.
mvlmi'mt copy was prepared anti handed iii for
( lie afternoon edition , proof reati , visitors
received , advance agcimts of shows enter-
tainetl , anti ummimumerous otimer minor niatters
atteumdeti to. After time paper went to Press
lie was oftemm at biberty for time rest of time
evening , exeelmtlumg when a fire broke out , or
an entertmilmummmemmt presenteti Itself to ho rePorted -
Ported , Iii which case ho was expected to
be on haumti. Ouimaha hmns never seen a ye'-
lomter , witim time reportorial "legs" of Sorensen -
son , lii time years gone by , wbeum lie mmmdc the
local images of Time lIce time despairing envy
of all competItors , even whmemm they ineltudeui
suucii flea's rustlers as poor Sammm Doimumeily
of time floral 1 , Edwartis , Miner anti Ctudtl-
of time Reimultuirami , anti Kent of time Now.
Tout Fitzmnorrls was foreman of the news-
maul , with sevemm or eight printers to imermi.
lie adtlc'tl to time duties of cuttIng up copy ,
mneasuriumg strhmmgs anti cmpioyiumg aimil dis-
charghmig typesetters time respoimsibilities of
editIng tclegraplm , making imp tIme forums for
two tinily cdltioums amid selectimmg nmattei' for
anti arranging time weekly. Ills skill as a
head-humor mvas pimerioumurumal. Time mmmost conm-
moumpiace ttemmi or article , uuiticr the glow of
hits lmmmaglumatlomi , nhmpeareth garimed In aim
attractive hue. 0mm eccasloims when time cdl-
tars were out amid time calls for copy were
loud , lie used to rush iii tiesperatiomi Immto tIme
editorIal roommm , seize the shears antI cliii
miscehiany imy time cojunmn , thus ummurmimmg time
ftmnctioos of time imews editor. It is oumly fair
to m.ay that time paper never suffered by
reason of hit inctmrstons. Litter Fitzmnorris
gaiumetl a wide reuiutaumon fem Time lice by hits
concise anti witty imantiliumg of time depart-
mnent of state anti occitientai jotthmmgs which
\m'ere exteimslveby copied throughout tIme west.
It was a email staff , but I doubt if ( lint of
aimy other newspaper of time coumntry worked
as imarti , was half as ammmblttoums or moore
faIthful to the luiterests of time paper wimlclm
they served. There was an esprit tie corps
whmicim iii spite of hard times , mimnail pay antI
time comistant contentIous in vimIcim the paimer
was engaged , bound together time hittie banti
of workers. They were au lice inemm to time
backbone. tried to nmake Its Ilgimla theIr owum
aiitl felt that Its interests were their Inter-
( ' 5(5 amid its reverses their uimisfoi'ttiimeit.
They fought Its battles on "soft pac'r" anti
drove In tIme flume of retreat aftermm'ard on
the streets. Among timemmiselves anti iii time
tifflee they cursed , buerimaims , time Iimfermmal ,
drlviimg imersisteoey of the lmrolrletor ) , limit
( lucy Invariably defemmtleti iiini cii time outsitic.
They ummacifishly amid manfully did five moon's
work , each mmmamm of them , because they hcimew
it was necessary in ortier to keep ahmeati of
time proeesslomm , but time > ' never allowed their
grummuibllmig to Interfere with time regular out-
four of copy. Time flee ativanced steadily ,
pm'imarlly , of course , becatmse of limo push
anti time lmluuck of Its editor , who was a mann
of Ideas , bumt no less because , ilbie a good
geumeriul , he gatiuerc'i mmroumnd imim a staff of
subortliumates who lmmtchiigemmtly anti faithfully
earrleti omit hits paltry.
I ventuire time assertIon that tbere lit imo
one of time multi staff of 1879 , ms'imercver or
however lie mommy be emmgagmul today , 'us'imo does
not feel a seimse of persoumal gratification at
the showing which Time Ibte himakes on timis
its anmmiversary. The old builtihmig iii aban-
doumeti. 1mm its place rises tIme largest him
area auth omie of time mmmntit Imaltitini imewslmalior
structures Iii time worimi. Time old faces imo
lommger peer ammxluummly over time batteremi ccli-
tonal talmhomm , limit tim their stead yoummger ammtl
Iterhmalis brigimter mmmcii direct frommm emlltoriai
desks time reporters anti writers who servo
ill ) fresh news amid virile opimmions. Time joim
ePics bias bommg been commsigmmcti to jummk , but
its old manager , tharry limmekoil , a little
grayer nmmiyimai' ' , hnmt 110110 the beits vigorous ,
preslties over time largest , time higimtest ammtl
time best arraumgt'ti counposilmg rooimi in time
country. TIme dingy , tilrty anti hot editorial
dcii of ten ym'arim ago Is nmetamnorpimosetl Into
a imaimtisoumie lrnritmr sm'Itlm immassive immammtel ,
Immlahtl floor , orit'mmtai rugs anti elegant ftmrnt-
ture ; hut at time' central tlemmk sits totiay , as
hue diti a decatie ago , time mnlmmsprlmug of time
estabbtshmmueumt , time editor anti proprIetor ,
Mr. lLosomm'atcr , justly proutl of time results
of years of babor. W. E. ANNU' ,
Omaha , Juumo , 1889.
'I'lf)31.tS , f , l'J'I"/.MO it It IS ,
Omit' i , ( t iiiFl u't l'rt''is.
I iiecaiae acqummimited with Mr. Romsowaltir
hack In ' 69 , two years before the jomirimal.
lathe boo buzetl 'rommmmtl his ears , whemm he
ummammmmged ( lie operatitig room of the \'eat-
etrim Union , then hoeatetl 1mm the iim'bimmmaim
btmiltulng , Later , as nmaiinrrm' of , tii Atlmmumtip
& I'aeltle telegraph lii. it' dlsphmmycil that
faculty for. mmemvsgatlu'm it , . . wimicim has since
( lcvebolmed amid mmmmlcle 'I lie lice time omm' ) ' of
rivals amid the atimnirathtimi of the Profession.
Theim , as imow , time SVemitermm IJimion hind a mimo-
imopohy of time Amisociatctb press mlimipatehes.
Time rival cormpammy was ammxious to secumro
the 1101mb ammti ( lie boys who carried itmani-
fold sheets between time toii'graphm ollico anti
( liii ilerahul anti iteimimbllcami were oimjcctii of
Mr. ltommewater'mm sumeclal attentIon , Tile in-
orhimmate appetite for imows was emily equaled
by time fatherly care bestowed upon the
'boys , anti they soon learned to look upon
himim as a friomiti amid protector. Time emmergy
amid Perseverauice simowum iii those days imoomm
itc'cammme a coumapleumouts feature of lila citreer
1mm jotmrmmimllsmmm , mtmmtl the mnmccess which has
crowimeti lila laiors lii that field Is mmot sumr-
prlsiimg tim tint boys whmoumm lie patted oum time
back with Paterimai affection twcumty years
I was not a stramiger to Mr. hioseuvater
mullen , iii the fall of ' 71 , I m'eumt into time
infant live otIhco lii seam'c'im of work. Tue
0111cc was located on time grouiud floor of the
old ltctlili'ltl builtliumg. Iii oumo cormmcr of thio
room time cihltor-In-chmicf was perched oum a
box , umervotusly nimsaumhtimmg vimitc paper. Near
time mloor wits located time fnummouis literary
bureau of Getmrge Fraumcls Traimm , presldemi
over by lila private secretary , George 1' .
liciumls. Traium watt timeum layiumg hIs phamms
to calmttiro time prcsltlency , anti Time lIce was
clioien as the omeial om'gaum of time hroslmcc-
time atlunimmistratlomm. To the left a tall ,
slemider omuthi bent over a ImriumtCr's case ,
emmgageui lii a imalmmfumi effort to deeiphmer
soumie of .Tralmm's abommilumablo hmierogiypumlcs.
Time effort was cvitlemmtby a fahiure , for tIme
typo exploded a vigorous , iosv-imcekcd cx-
hmletivo amid fireti time immmmnumsci'ipt timrouigii
time wiuitlow. This lnchlcumt served mmmc as aim iii-
trotitictlomm to Al Soreumsoum anti two days' sliPPing -
Ping on bus case. There was mme evidence
of luxurIous ease hum time estabilsimimmcmmt. Time
editor Jostbeul witim time prlmmters , exchanged
opimmlons m'ltim theumm , ammti urged thmeimm ti ) ' 'ptihi
out for a punt take" wIth time ease anti
abnmmdon of a vetcramm typo. No Partitioumit
ihiviuled time Immstittmtioo. ilmisimmess mmmatters
were dlsctmssed as reatlhly as ItohitiCs , aumtl
conlitlences excimaiigcii as freely as the soap
box , whIch servomi as a lounge for visitors.
There were imo ehegaumtby furumisimed roommmmm
for the staff , because thiel'e was no staff.
Timere were no imantlaumumie onkemi tiemmhts. A
tlmrce-leggetl table was a ituxtmry , anti time
washstantl , reeking with tIme grime amid
grease of forgtittemm ages , was ( lie foummitia-
tion of many a scorchming ctlitorlal or a
caumstic local sensation. ElectrIc bights were
not thmotmgimt of hum those days. Candles vero
good , koroumemmo lunnmeiise. The whmolc force
fromim lmroprletor down aggregated seven , and
they were a htaplty faiumliy , a mmeimii-pubhie
tlebatiimg society. with Mr. Itosewater as
presithiimg oillcer.
1)umriumg the suicceetllng eight years time
staff of Time flee coumtmistcth of Mr. hose.
water nimti Al Soreimsoum , While time mdi-
viduahity aimti ptmgmmacity of Mr. hiosewater
micro commmulml000tls iii tIme etlitorial colunmos ,
Mr. Sorensen imlaceti time stamimp of origInality ,
energy anti vigor emi time local page , anti
earuied hot a little of prestige which The
Bee secured as a imumer of iutrouug olmlmmiummit
and fresh , crisp news. Soremmitomi's vlgiiammco
and Iumtiustry did imot mm'aver uumtll 1SS3 , wimen
lie umufferetl defeat as time republican cammdt-
miate for clerk at time mllstrlct court. Every
vagrammt , bummm aimml crook mvhio hinmi felt time
scorchmumig vlrims of his ueim rose tip to wreak
ameet vc'ngt.'ammce , anti tilti it to a turn. lie
resigmmemi mtmmd muent to time Itcimmibllcan , hut
miOOii tIred of It. lie dId umot tintl ( lucre tIm
large commstltumemmey wimlclm tbcvouircd his ut-
teranees In The 1ie. 'i'abkimig to "a vast
array of emmupty beumeimes" math , Imlnm weary.
An opportunity offeriumg lie rc'tumrneml to Time
lIce aimmi mlisitiayeml sigmial ability 1mm time
onerous pomiltiomi of immammmiging editor.
% v. ii. Kent took time position of city
emhitor montlo vacant by the re'signatiaum of
Sore'mmsomm Iii 1883. Kent wits a peculiar anti
prolific genius. lie imossessed time rare
faculty of uumaklimg every acqumaintammco a
tricmmmi. him all time toivim lie dId imet have an
ouemm cnctmny. lIe hmmid a good worth for
evei-y one anti miotimiimg grieveml hint immum'o
timaim to be forced by tiuty to "write umim' ' an
attiua I mm t anec. TIm iii tiual I ty imiatle ii I mu iii-
vimicible as a iiewmmgatimt'rer , Ills friends
actotl as relays of reporters aim ( ho routes
and grabbed ammil hicimi for itlum every scrap
of mmcmi's lloatimmg aromimmil. ito was a imimil.
osopimor ammti a vitiloimary at time saiimo timoe.
i'or many imiommtlmmm ho ( liii time emmtlro local
work ( or botim immorlmlmmg ammd evcmmlmmg etlitlommim ,
took bits lumicimes oim time rout anti slept mliii-
11mg immeal hours aim tIme table. ito m-em'elvetl
two mmmcii's pay anti tiid four immeim's mvorlc ,
Hut luau of life m'as to crouvd as munch
cuujayimment as lttSitible limb a tlay , bimumlteti
oumly by tIme cost. Iiy resting oumly four
hours out of twcuimty-ftmmmr imu argued that
ImPs fifty years of life uvould emjuab seveimty
ycam-mi of the average immortal. Oime of Kemit's
great iioimbiemi urmis all imuterimatiomual ratlro.mti
across lierlmmg straits , etmiummectlng s\laslta
mmmiii Amiia , lie bt'lieveml it was vraeticable
mmmiii suec'eetic'd lii int'remmtim'.g U jmummmhic'r of
hocal capItalists iii time schmcmmme.
liy 1879 'Fhmo lice fully eiumc'rgcti tromii time
gboemim of fimmammehal distress ammil immilulgemi iii
arm assimitaimt ethitor.V. . J. iiimnimu , a Itahmi ,
delIcate , mmervous yoimimg niami , was ushered
lii to time cmi it o&ial ileim cmi cm iliiy a a 1 giveui ii
cimair ammtl baltic. 'l'lmo rtmommm miami iocatcmi In
t hue ccii ( or ( If t lie Pu I Pb imug. 'fimo part I tloums
uvere of glass , eht'giummtly frescoeml with simiolto
aimd dust. 'rime editor's roomim fucitI time c'ommm.
poimimig rowmm antI tie occimitammis rt'm.elvcmi
stuehu Iimyigtmratlng air mmii Ilitereti timrotigh
trimuters' cases , iuumpomiuiig miiin's anti otimom'
paraimiitrmmahla , lluvoremi with Immic , lye , etc.
Tue wlntiomvs of time lvo were generally
raisetl , emuahihimug time scribu's to bear tim
eouuiiiieiutii of the h > m'lumters aim time literary
efforts. I confess to a llngerlimj adumulratlami
for tim Itaittu Pot mvhuiciu stontl 1mm nitmtmi
digumlty tin a table. W'huat it hacked Iii lii.
teriual decoratioum it immuitie up 1mm external
strm'umgthi aunt coimc'sim'e tlavor. I kimew Its
value smith respected Itim taste. There were
femu' files vim It , becaubu thvl 1iuimw itmt pouves'
- -
- -