Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1896, Page 18, Image 18

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Is Tina OMAhiA 11A1TAY z ; 1 : : 1 BlnAY , ,111NT 19 , 1994)
TII1 , Ij > :1 : { , ' , 1,1 )1711 ) ( , ' LlL'1 ?
Position on Every Issae Bohily Taken and
Tearlessly Mnlntaiued ,
Tile Itee Always Vutntd auhe Side of
ltighg tend limier rand litttinted
Iii Suppurt of Iioucsty
uud Iolegrllr ,
The flee has ahvays been recognized as
fearless and autspokou on every Issuu of
the tiny , lion tire very outset of Us career
it tins freely expressed Itself on all the
vital quest + ons ( Jr Interest to the peoPIO and
has utnlhtalned Ito position ngalnst nil who
sought to assail It. It has steed up for right
amid justice , luslsled on honesty nod Integrity -
tegrity In public ohice and between maul
amid man and has defended the cotnurorr
pcuple In their reasonable demands. As the
ycrsistuut foe of oppression and miauopoly
fn oC'y form it has won time friendship aml
cuundcnr'c of the fanners mud working
classes , and its editorial opinions have
altalned a reputation for souulnesa ail
logic' that gives them weight with time thhek-
' fug render , 7'he policy of The lieu of nil
the principal subjects was mutlitled dur-
lug the first two years of its extslance , During -
ing that time , It discussed nearly every
general question before the public and os-
aumed a position upoe all those of universal
s hnportance. The bruad views advanced at
that time have ever shoe been cousisteutly
advocated amt tome the key to the policy
of Time Lieu during the twenty-live years
that It has been lu existence.
1'01'111.1IC lilll'G,1'I'll/ / .
'r'ime ' Ilse Advornles n I 'rrc St heel Syn.
p ( rut limtunl to , Ihr Itesl.
Aa hail been blued , tha Ilrst campaign
r of The lice was hr support of the law for
am elective board of ednctioi and a coin-
; preheusive free public school system. 'fie
a giutoit took the furni of a series of
c signed letters , written by the editor , Mr.
Itosrwaler , explalning 111 dotalt the ad
laitoges of the proposrd law. The first of
these letters , published July G , 1ST1 , why :
'The cstabiishutent of a well regulated
system of free schools in thus city , heaving
+ , at its base the primary grade timid at its
R still mIt the high school deparLatent , inlet
the direction of u board of education , nrusu.
In our judgment , meet the approval and
co-upoatloh of every citizen In this en-
I llgttrned cmnmunity. The lice school sys-
tent was Inaugurated in New Entlaimd Inure
thou fifty years ago , amid lies , with mew
exceplious , been adopted in every northrru
and western state , as well as iu the states
ml the Pacific slope. School government
In large cities must necessarily be inure
thorough and swtmnatlc. To thus mid oh-
insist ever } ' city in the union with over
10,000 inhabitants has entrusted the mami
agenient of the } nubile schools to a board
of education , whose menebems are eleetcsl by
the citizens of each ward , amid who receive
no compensation for their services. The
hoard of education in evci y city-New
York. Boston amid ilrooklyn alma excepted-
Is seated with undivided control of all publfr
schools , Including true High school in large
cities , which Insured a harmonious co-opera-
tlen-otherwise utterly tmposslble In securing -
ing efficient school goveruuomt.'hlle we
considei' the cnmuuwu seunol law of No-
brm sica amply sutilelent for the educational
interests of small 'tbwns and Sparsely set-
tied districts , every dislntereyttd person
must , we think , be fully aware tutuII is
eadlywirithmg Ip. ) uany patticular s , cspe-
clally when , as hi this city. It Is cnirely
discmutccted fitfa7 t'hme board l of ] sigh school
go r nmmt.Vlth a vtew to secure unity
elltiiemicy and economy In mthe mauagement ,
of schools , a law was eu6eted by our legislature -
lature , providing for tile election of a board
of education in Omaha at time annual city
election next spring ; leaving , however , lay
a special clause , a privilege to our citizens
to vote fur a suspcnslom of the law in rpces-
tion at the clectlmt called for smog on
the school bond qucslioii. Every citizen w0
hope has read and digested the law as Pub-
itslied In the Herald last week , with the
mayor's proclamaliou. We shall lake pains
fromi dote to time to pole out the principal
provlslnis thereof , and we believe that ,
what fully understood by the mOSSels of the
pcop10. It will meet with general approval. "
The concludltg editorial on Board of Education -
cation questlomi was printed July 19 , 1871 , as
follows :
"Tomorrow the cltiznns of Omaha will , In
exercising their constitutional privilege at
the ballot ) ox , dctermhte upon what In our
opinion Is one of the most lmnporlant ques-
tlons ever suhntlttrd to their judgment.
Tliey are to tieoidc nut only whether they
favor time Issuing of bonds to complete the
hlgb school building nose under construction
on Capitol hill , but are also required to
lay the foundation of an educatlou0l system
which cannot fail to exercise the mnost
potental ! Inlluemice on true future prosperity
of thid city. In tine nineteenth century
educatlotr Is evemywhero recognized as the
foundation of civilization and hulepondence.
To this otTthi educators of all nations ha vu
devoted their hest energies in devising the
most prdctlcable methods for the systematic
gducalion of ( lee masses. In nearly every
Aulurlcat city limo free school system , unan-
aged by one floarel of Education , has for
many years almost entlrvly superseded the
old aristocratic pay salamis amid tins comber-
1501110 moot lods of divided public school gov-
ernment. in all these clues the children of
time Helm and poor rccelve the same lessons
from the satgn tutor. After many years' experience -
porienco this system has been' fuilnd to no-
couuplish all that Is desired of a conpleto
eyslmmr of graded schools , Tomorrow every
citizen slmodd moot thus question wilhont
prujudico and without favoritism to thous
Will froth self-interest or sonic little tech-
nienlily desire to continue time n1(1 system.
\\'e have In the past week played before
our readers the history of our public schools
and illgh school , and the reasons lvluirh induced -
duced the legislature to pass the new act.
SuiiIeloat tlnto has been given for the discussion -
sion of this subject to coullrm us In tea
belief that tine pcoplu will vote for a hioa def
of Education , notwltluslmuding the profound
sllonco eu this subject so carefully ab5efved
by. the professedly leading men
in times city.1'11 tutus' our cltl-
zees , who at ill tltnes maintain
U ldglm position In the ( rout ranks of western
progress , will lint allow Leavt'msvorth. # I umu-
sus City , Davenport mud even' Des Moines
' to outstrip us in a tpuretmgli , well governed
eystem of public selmnol goveeuuu'ntVliat -
ever may ho the aplnlomt entertoimted by any
Id indivhhtul on the bond gncetioa'there cer-
taitly can be m good reason slewn why
i they should not all salmi for the Ilourd of
T'ia canvass of time votes resulted : ho favor
of the Iloard of lducatlan , 91S ; agalmist , 101.
Total number of votes cast , 1,019 ,
1'itllsNl ) OF HIGHI'/t ' / EU1TCA7'ION.
The' lice Imas also Ii een the steadfast
friend of higher education and the upholder -
holder of limo State university Im all its
legitimmto nlrs and demm01ids. It first
referred to time university , editorially. /
August , 22 , 1x71 , In limo fullowImig Inngumtge :
\Vu are pleased to acknowledge receipt
of con Itvltatlou to be present at time formal
opmrlug of lime Nebraska Slate university
at Ghenln , September G , In Ihls era of
eduratlonal progress notdug Svjli to tbu l
historian of thu future seem more merely -
y alts thane the fact that , within Largo years
after throwing otT the robes of territorial
dependence , Nebraska opots a state umml-
verslty fit 15 spot lvlmete four years ago time
prairie wolf and buffalo svezo nwnarchs of i
all they surveyed \Vu hope lime people
wit support the effort of our educators to t
establish fit hohto Instlutlons of a higher n
grade of learnhtg by that liberal patronage s
vimieli wa believe this ipstlttdlun fully deI I
ser't e. " t
A year later. AtuguLL 6 , 187 : , Thu Pee i
again called uttentiat to tbo work of the
uulvprsl .
' , Tire State University of Nebruska will
reopen under very favornble auaplccs en
September 12. Chancellor Beutctt has t
sxhlblted cowmendabie seal and energy lu t
. /
taking Ids preparniinns for enlarging the
sphere of usefulmiess of that luslltutlon of
learutimm. As could have brew expected ,
the first yea's exhefiertee has hertz of
grit advantage in nprning the any for
a more thoroughr and systematic coueee of
studies , The agrlculillal college , which
Is so us nttsoiely mnlow ed by the rnunlll-
etnee of tlto geuetnl govt'rnmeut , is also
to be oprncd this season , Nebraska of-
toldo a splendid opportuuity for the student
In ngrleultural science. Her climate amid
prolife soil will draw IAtber themsands of
yotntg tech from limo far nest who nmuy
desire to cultivate the soil on selentllie
prhmcipies. Every farmer In Nebtnska will
rejoice to have an opportunity to give his
sous A thorough hail lculturnl and ngreui !
( oral education at a very moderate expense.
\V0 hope ere long to see time Ne1mrnska
university course as desirable us that In
Michigan or Virginla. Nothing will lend
to draw to our stale an intellectual aul
tulusl'ious cross of citizens as will a thoroughly -
oughly estnblsltrd ! system of public Instruction -
tion , conOnenetng witlm the free couunmt
schools mid ending in the university- and
agrculttttal ( college. "
1'11,11 l'I/it ' 1'111.1 : l'UIlilCtNIS1I.
Slaouvhly Ih pu blirnu , YeO / spoved to
Curruptluu 111111111 thie l'ark' .
The Itco's first hatlouml catnpaigmm was that
of 1S72. Stnuncbly republican , it vet Protested -
tested against dishonesty and corrupllau
vlthiu time party.'ith referencd to the
norninatlon of Grant and 1Vllsou , It spoke
thus iii its editorial columns far the issue
of Julie 7 , 1572 ,
"Nosy that the republican party , tlmrouglt
Its mdlonul comvemition , has declared the
prluclphes svlilch as a party it proposes to
advocate , amid nominatcil its standard-
bearers for tree miatloual canupaigtt of 1572 ,
we deem It our dutyto place their names
at our masthead , In taldug tills step we
isle by no menus abandoned oar intentions
and efforts toward isolltlcal reform. He-
itevhmg the language of Senator Stunner ,
that the vane of Giant was a synonym for
discord imm time republicami party , we have
up to the present made every honorable
and legitimate effort toward securing the
laity of our party by a constmit opposltlou
to President Grant's renouduatlmi , In the
exercise of this prerogative w o have ad-
vocatcd the mefmmsisltlclm , are now rnt-
budled In the platforu upon which General
Grunt nutst stand'o sincerely believe
that these reforms can be brught about
by the agmicy of the republican party
through Its rcpi'eseutattves 111 cotlgm'ess The
liberal rcpublicnui movmmient which In the
past we cn0ouraged as a means of reform
011(1 purification of the party , cmmunot succeed
without a direct coalition with the deans-
untie party , hum which the democratic ere
meat mast predumimte , 'lime denom atir
party may amid probably wiii emidorsc Ilorace
Urceley as their choice for the presidency ,
Hut they propose to do so nsa distinct
party organization and not as liberal repulu-
Iicans. it calling their convention at llttl-
Iinro'e tllay fatally stubbed the moveuaut
which they profess to encourage. They-re-
fused to disband an organization w4ilch has
outlived its useftdness and expect to break
up tine party which has a noble record and
is possessed of all the elements which
alone can nal tuslm a political o ganizattou.
SVithlu its ranks ise have succeeded lu exposing -
posing corruption and bringing maicfactors
Iu high places to justice , amid within its lines
we propose to Cotimiue time battle for re-
form.Vhile we therefore submll to the
judgment of the majority of our party and
shall susitn Its efforts to elect the ticket ,
svo shall by no uncaps cuter Into the sluuis
of political strife or du the dirty work
usually asslgucl to time partisan press. The
uatiomial Issues are , after all , of secondary
interest to time people of Nebraska. Nebraska -
braska hiss in tine past fcw years been
cursed with dishonest and ImitbccNO officials.
It will be our alnt hereafter , as heretofore ,
to expose and drive therm from power. We
shall drvolo our hest energica to regenerate
our party imm this state amid clean Its
escutcheon from the bunt 1)1000(1 upon it by
corrupt omcials , who betrayed their trust
and disgraced their patty. We believe we
ran accontplisli this result best within the
lineseL our party , and within those flues
we shall try to light It oat , If it takes all
SUImminr , "
Then follows laudatory notice of the
nominees , U S. Grant and hleury Wilsmi.
Further indicative of to a position main-
talned by The flee wIth reference to corrupt
political leadership far twenty-five. yeas , th.
following editorial of July 22 , 1572 , headed
"Time Duty of htepubllcaus , " may he cited :
The tine is now at hand when evety true
: epublicon dostrous of umulntaining time lioiur
and imtcgrtty of nor organization uusuilied
must step forward tearlessly to grapple ivttli
time obstacles that lie In our pith to victory
'luring the present political erfsis. We of
Nebraska , less fortunate than time republicans -
cans of our sister states , arc thrcalmued by
greater disaster from the fratmilcidal strokes
of unprincipled and corrupt would-bo lead-
ere than from the common political enemy.
\\'hlle the former have by their unblushing
mendacity and corrupt practices in ! nigh
ofileial positions disgraced oar party and
driven hundrels of good and holrst men
front her ranks the latter simply seek to ac-
comphlsh her defeat ii a legitimate political
war- Ours is tierefore a task wldch involies
a mortal combat with corruption , disaffection -
tion and Imbecility from svlthia and the
general assault of the enemy , reinforced by
deserters , from without. It would be bathu
criminal and foolish to disguise the fact that
this ! s a } herculean task , requiring muerul
eemmrago and an unbominded devotion to Prti-
clple. If the republican party shall tall to
rid herself of the pulsonous scorpions , w'hi h
in the shape of corrupt and shameless of-
ticials-republicans in name , but not in
principle are sapping her existence , thorn
nothing short of a miracle can save her , and
we say frankly that we would rather ivit-
mess her total annlhilatlon hl the presmtt
political contest than to aid these CON
mornnts fu strtpping her of her imomiur anti
goul came. Lvery honest lover of ro : u hl an
principle , every lndepcudeut , rlislntmcsted
thhmke'r must now step forward and Ionic thq
lbsuo mimmifully and bquarely lu the face
without a squlut at tlesh puts and olhicial
spoils. The republican party of Nebraska
only a year ago emerged front a most
lesperab : straggle with corruption at time
helm of our state , amid silo can du so again
by repudlatitg and bringing to justice mil
United States senator wino by his acts hind
forfeited all etlalmns upou the party whlcli he
huts dislmatmored. "
.ttLtl\s'1' s.tldi Ili I'Itt/Sliis ,
I'ro/esl / filtered Agalnsh Ihr' 'I'i'mt lilt'
in Brpnlrlienu Convnutiuu Voles.
In ibis , with Its refusal to suhmlt to
corrupt political leadership is The Bee's
opposltlon to the corrupt pulltteal ulntlmedo
ivhichr those leadea onploymL An apt Illustration -
lustration is fognd in this editorial tip time
proxy systmn ht its ! lies under lute of July
17 , 1872 : 1 ,
"In u few days the repuullcnn
ecntrnl conuulttco will hunt to deliberate
upou the lssuing of a call far a state Cob
volition for thin purpose of plucmu iii nom.
( nation time state tclublicat ticket. 11'11
ilesiru to say a few words In thorn by way
of adnuottiot. AVlthin the ! net few years
uuprimiolpled wire pullers have 11112(10 the
tm do in proXlea a siecisl hustness. Men
who pass ht hmishubs etrcle5 Ci dcadbeuci
aid nuang p01Itl cu ns us dead d n clls Ind trio
hinti of O'ade very ptutllabie when t oy lose
their political stock uud land themselves
left lilt lu the cold. Al time prL'semi ' they
Iind seine Indifferent or corrupt laiivldual
and imomehuw take his proxy to represent
/hat or this counsy iu the convention There
Is another class ut proxy dealers even toio
damr'ru ua mid paseascd 0f eras priiclplu.
We refer to the class of olhce maters islmo I
lay their pIaus fur months in ndvamice , mud
by varlnus trlc''s Dud udorepresentatln i
mown to the craft are iii the habit of iluh m
ilhlg up from ten to twenty proxies and go
La tlmo conventlun to east tea vote ( or all
of thcsu people. They generally get up a i
cornur In this' court utiop ttnd ntanagu to c
ecure a - otnin t'o } ty comltn fig % elth sauna
other rascal that \ . sits an otllce , If this t
iractiru Is to be rci , ted ut limo next state
cometmtimr mill reolonable hopes or a goal I
Icktt ! Lust at once be 5la drred. We know t
l + . , t In several iualica political bankers 1
vho hold u deadly grip bn lie small dealers
a the unsettle i cTIll ae hose already sewn a
Lu seed for a big horvtat at proxies. They j
u'opnse to Clone in ivlth a pocketful of these I
U big mires and ' tale the ticket.Ve hope
teat this system will recely'e a deathblow lu. 1
ho ra'i. by sit et prohtbltion of all proxies ,
et catch county elect its delegates and omit 1
or two sets of alternates. It Iii the end i
nI11I1cr of tltenl are willing or able to at. / II
mind time ceuvetlon , It will be much better a
I leave them without representation. Let
tim convention cast Its ballot for them ,
tnies the prnty trade Is broken up the
rcpubllearu Party will have to pack Its
satchel for Salt creek , "
' , ' ' ' ' ' '
l't'I'ItONtlI IIY 1'OLi'I'I'S
igtueful tilrret. : ; ; - ' ; - ; e 9poilr Simeon
i tlnred mud Ienrnnu crL
lime barter of ofilees and time arbitrary
distribution of political spoils , no moro thnn
the barter of convention proxies , found
favor with The lice : On time contrary some
of 1ta stromigest efforts wore early directed
aguhmst the misuse of patrmnage in politics.
The follnwing editorial , headed " 1'atrominge-
its Uses and Abuses , " prluted Juno 27 , 1S72 ,
gives nn idea of time original policy and the
pollcy to wldch this paper has constantly
nil hered :
"To the victor belong time spoils , is a
maximn which t first fotnmd its practlcnl solution -
tion with Andrew Jaclsoh and which siuco
his time has been adhered to by the party
In hewer with more or icss'toiacltq. The
people of time United States have therefore
been accustomed to hook at patronage as
the tnerttcml reward of pnrtp fealty.that
the ribbon or , the medal were to the soldlets
who folloiv'ed Napoleon and his eagles from
Parls to Moscov , the prospectlve hope ' of
sonic more'or.less rmnugerath q IOSitlal stns
peen to workers Ih the political nrena.
Thue was .wlmen Persons thus rewarded were
regarded , not like mercenary soldiers ldred
to do the ilgiithmg at so niacin per montim , but
like the volunteers , who , often leaving
lucrative positions behind therm , joined in
the Political frny to battle for what they
thought just and good. Of late this desirable -
sirable state of affairs has given way to
professional olitce hunting , instead of me-
svai dhlg persons of deserving merit and
enpacity for services to the cause , otu'
senators and representatives buy their ivay
into 0mce by pledges to scalawags mm ml
paiitlcal scavengers , It Is not the origlmal
syslon of patronage that needs reformntiuu ,
but the abuses which lately- have , snakelike -
like , crawled Into It. ail threnteaed to destroy -
stroy the party ; \\'liat difference is there
betsveeu a senator \vhio buys huts seat tvltlm
money amd the senator wim1 buys It witb
patronage which rightfully helomgs in the
party. llecogniilng time justice of the motto
hint the spoils justly belong to the victor , we
have a right to expect that time victor , for
his nwn cake as isell as for lie preservation
of the honor of the Patty , of which for the
time he becomes a leader , will act wisely
and bestow those rewarda upou men with
hratns , I11tegrlty , iunuemicu , anti. above all ,
some grains of conntou seven . has this
been the case Us Nebraska ? Aslc the men
who vote the repnbllean ticket. Mcn of
uxperieuce have given way to beardless boys
crud In the majority of eases appobuiueuts
were not time reward of mneritm lous service
but of ucknoivledged rascal ity. Our liberal
blends will tnnledtuteq' exclaim : ' \'ho but
the president is responsible for all this ?
\\e nnsiver : The president cannot possibly
have a personal knowledge of the 30,001) )
otllelals appointed by time federal gaverittncut.
Ile regards each senator as tie conmmander
of a district and holds him Justly respmnsible
for all changes wlthlu ids district , amid this
respousiblllly cannot well be shifted from
the shuuldcra of the senator to 111080 , of tile'
President. It is about tithe fqr this ques-
tlnn of patronage to be understood Ii all
Its Principal hearings by senators aul representatives -
resentatives , as well as by the people. ' 1'o
make use of patronage tar merely personal
mtds is not only reprehensible and execrable ,
but positively destructh'e of all party fealty
and dlscipllno. A semtor is simply the
guardian of the party's patrimony and a
mtsappropriatrou to hits own individual use
is as much a breach of trust as wotmld be
time appropriation of tue orphans' funds by
the directors of an orphan asylum. There'
is a liuilt to these abuses of privileges amid
in our oplnlun the time has conic fet true
republicans to engrave om each scuatorlam
escutchecnt ; 'Tins far shalt thnu go aua
no rartuer , even at tile peril of your own
existence. '
IIH11ii3HV ii V LOtliiv'1S'i'S
alere e11nry Leg'IslntarrsySeored tor
Their Iletrayal or "Coustittn nly.
Purity pf , the ballot and Jnmrity of legisla-
then go baud in hamud. It is not surprising ,
therefore , to find the infant flee invelghin ;
agahust bribery and lobbying as early rs
liay 2.1 , 1572 , in this fashion :
"Never was the foal system of lobbying
brought to such perfection of operation as
it Is today' , and never were legislators so
susceptible to the influence which it uses.
often so successftmlly. Senators and rep-
resenlatves i urcimse their seats iii cmi-
gress with the real expectation of receiving
back au luuudredfold the expenditure involved -
volved and Intending , as a general rule , to
come out front a senatorial or representative -
tive term wealthy , and we have just 1mai1 a
strlkiug illustratinu of the Influence of the
lobby In tile passage of the I'acltlo ! fail
subsidy scheme , And it ! s on record that
certain members of congress were approached -
preached with efforts , probably successful ,
at bribery. It surely Is Important that
this modern feature of American lcgisiature ,
so in antagonism to the best Interegls of tic
people , should he exteriniuated. It Is workIng -
Ing amend can only work general disaster and
serve to wreck the political ] motor of the
nation. The tmm ber of congress wino will
allow himself to be approached. everi in time
way of a pecuulary offer for his vote ought
to be rejected from that orlgfually august
hotly. Time only safety is ht retnrning to
the early purity which' distinguished time
fathers of the republic , that purity wimieb
led it up to Ito present atrength and glory , "
1'.tVOitS ( I Vii. SlHtViCl' itll'O1t91.
On Itecnrd Ems rl ) In its Cnrrer for mm
( hn-'i'eri l're.stdeury.
As a naiural sequoee , 'rue flee woad be
expected to ho a strong advocate of civil
service reform , and In this Its readers Nava
maser heen dlsappointod. Editorials iu favor
of civil service relents , and cndorslmg General
Grant's recommoelalioies In that direction ,
appear on the editorial pages of Septemnbm ,
October , November and December , 1871.
The lieu has favored and still favors a oue-
termn presidency , and the election of senators
by direct vote of the people. in thla con-
micctlon the foliawimmg editorial -'Present
Tapia ; , " of December 20 , 1871 , is interesting -
ing :
"The principal object maned at by the
advocates of civil servlcu reform has been ,
as la ivell iumown , to purge the comtry of
corrupt turd incompetent publla service.
\\ith \ a vista' to cuectually curr7tug out this
object , President Grant has recently surb-
utttrd to comgmens the resili 5 of the labors
of the civil service conuulsslon as onmbodled
hum that ' cotmprehenmtse report. Ono of the
most important rules told down by the eont-
mmmissiomers bur the ftmtu'o government of
federal onictltis is contaheti its artielo 11 of
their tetort ' All heads of clcparti"cnis and
mill subordlnato officers of tam governmetu
are hueeby proldblted tram Icrnllttlmug , as-
sisttmg or icvylug any usscssmtetll nu ttmeir
suiordinutes tJ time fora of voluutear con-
trlbutio0s , or utlmerwise.Vhllo these rules
! name us yet not received tire congressional
sauctiol required to maim theme a law , they
are nevertheless the rcllex of iho imoneat
centtnrats of time great 11'ULSIs of the Anterl-
c n people , In wiaso nostrils olilcial
trHlcry and cerrnpticn ill any shape is as re
pu.ah u as the stehchu of u Putrlfptt ; carcass.
IVhrthm' the purely i'olmteer cnntrihutions
collected from the clerks of time Ontaha
poslomco last week for the lesltnonisl to
l'ostuuaster ( Irlifin can he classed under this
svo leave min Impartial amid dlscening public
tu r judge. 'rite latest uivartlshed dethttiom n
cf afllelal presort talclug according to 501110
earned gramnumiaus la olliciul bribery. It
eau bo so dc'hmed enupuutically , wlmeu time
rrescntation happens of tie hceis of a
ouch needed newapaper eudorsememt of the
subnrdhunt c , w'imo , hi hecomhig t ho debugs toil
motor of the gift , hats suceeodgd
t placing hiuiselt amt his superior
dlicer In am unenvlablo light her
fore tie Jmbllc. imstead of accepting .
he proffered sliver salver and wino glasses ,
I'catmaster Grlmn should , It Imo valued his
'eputalion as a } iublle officer , Lave respect-
ully but positively decllned to accept them ,
lea acceptation of these presents anti time
reported contuendatlon of time official cmr
lutt of a auborditstu who acted as a pro-
ector of time great surprise Is a most do.
Iberale Insult to the amoral sense of the 1
canuuunity , as well as to the onlclal slatior
10 now occupies. Llke the bibllcaLpatrlarch
Jacob , Poslnastor Gritltl Is thu reputed
mossessor of great estates. lie is blessed
vith men servants and mall servants , greet
ocks of sheep , herds of oxen , horses , mules
mid asses , and whey should he , with a salary t
aof ; 1,000 per annum , accept sliver salvers . . . . .
1 f
r 1 r
ot'o + i ; + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o.o + o + o + GNO + o + o + w
{ ? ± g
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6 , I1e
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Keg : : j . ' , Bottled 1
' 1' v er'Z w = 't ra & 4Jh : . . :1. :
1 t q't t in w e { , .
err EXPORT 1 I . ' RIBBON a
s 1 . 1'
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1 { , / I , p N S
, I
. . /
. . - EXPORT ,
.OPO/ 10 w1w
Q . .
+ a . . .Pw
; ; : Highest A card for Beers at Nebraska State Nair 1893. .rte fog
. .r. . Pafro n lzc Itomc I n dustyy rr . . , . . City Bottled Tradc , ir
" 1
= ; All our Beers are "J
-.e.- rp11r iihltus " ' "ill { tlirnllnrr 1. .
l .
s made of western v . ' , ti te r ultra _ of our Bottled Beers , ;
1 -1 'p . c barley , which makes u\l/nta/aaA/urwYl ,1kKralCfttiJnlf and deliver to all ; :
I -0 „ for/ho et1G pest O etit , e
excellent Beer . r' ) ATTnfrRANNtrAtfAlRnfraAr arts of the city
, ' p :
( 9
: nil r rrf Jra s / ,
eco + o oao Oo + o00 + 000 $ Office st JtA' r2. > a t x6C. ' Bottling Dept ooooooaoooooeoaoaooo , Ig
Telephone. 171 Telephone 1260 ' i ,
rri , : - 'it goad Sh ptnetlts A ade In Our Own Refr > I e ator Ca _ , , , , Y / \
' ,
! + es y a
' OJO 0000 Ow 0wO PVO 00JPwOtfOOw OV Pw OOOOw OwOV OP Ow Ow Ow Ow 00 PV O O OV PO Pw Oww
1 $ \ L.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
uud cut glass s sn 't1 glasses from poor , hard
vorking clerks , pvho receive a salary of $ f0
and upwards.'N ; , , '
it131.IGION IN I'S ) L1'l'ICS.
No Tntrunion of Seetmuriunisut Int. ,
forty Couuelly Counteunueed.
Perfect toleration hi the matter of re-
Ilglon and the complete separation of cc-
llgtntts and .political protessI011s have hem (
a cardinal principle iii. The Bee's platform
ion its origin. As early as March 15 ,
1572 it outhlteotr its policy oil thus subject by
editorially endorsing , Horace Greeiey's mien-
thnemuts as follows : ,
"Front thins to time various foolish . attempts -
tempts 1m\e been made in this country to
organize political parties on the basis of
opposition to certain religious doctrines or
secret societies. Thus we have had antl-
Masontc amid autt-Catholic organizatlons ,
which , however , thanks to the cenmmmt
souse of time masses , have generally proved
complete failures , - Lately we havu rumors -
mors of another anti-Catholic party being
organized at Washlugtmm The following extract -
tract front the New York Trlbune shows
what Horace Greeley tlrluks of dragging re-
ligimm Into the political arena ,
" 'Is there amythiug in this ruiner which
reaches mils from \Vasltnglom that a regular
no popm'y movemcut has been organized
there ? s ' . We wish people would try
to mulerstand that Roman Catholics may
be religious exactly as Methodists , Presby.
terians , Independents , Unltarlans , Univer
5nllsts are religious. There la u nmischlovous
popular notion that time Roman Catholle
church may be dh ided into an oppressive
prlesthood and a perfectly subnmissivo laity ,
and that all the sheep of the Ronmiu block
are extremely discontented and umiluappy ,
and would bolt from the fold If the door
were left but for a moment open , Good
1)001)10 , will you endeavor to comprehend
that a Catholic may enjoy iuis religion quite
as much as you tb yours ; that he is not
necessarily an idiot or a lunatic ; that the
faith that satlsfied the 01111(1 of u Feuelen ,
or of a Pascal , need tot appear cottempti-
tale In time eyes even of an editor of a
Protestant religious newspaper ? Detesting
bigotry evei'ywiere , we find It unantuously
detested because It so spoils what would be
otherwise excclimtt , aid wih scone knowledge -
edge of the euermlties ou both sides of
eccleslastlcal history , i'o entreat Christians
to tell as Sow lies as posstblo about each
other' '
L.SIIOIt Itlb'tItll.
In Syuu pmu IIm itl/hthe . ) fist 1)t mnndn
of the S1'ngen'orter.
Always bum sympathy with the just de-
mnuds of trio wage worker The lieu has upheld -
held time rights of labor and deprecated
corporate OPprcltstgn anti capitalistic aggres-
slmt. Before lts , lirst yram had been passed
it wes defendlhigojlte right of parade that
had been attacked In New York. Ou this
sAije'et it said.Sybcrrenuber . 19 , 1571 :
"Not more pnrrhly to be preserved Is time
Ibborty of person. . than the liberty of public
Parade by all llmodlea dlsposed to use that
right as mint ; ljcstlassing upon the rights
fit othmers , and , jvq Imavu looked upon it as a
naat eetlselesllurunsistency ; ' that some of
do journals wmtcl'm ) eiaumored lnudly but a
tow nottlms sluj'o Sur froduam std protection
10 ibu o ra mg a n tan havvu lately b Pall equally
boisterous to denly the same privliege to
llm0 internat Hdl ] t looks as 1f the j J
Lieu of the jhIi e ° hinged ou first Guiding
nut whose ox is ! rat and whose bull etas
done the nUSCgthtf. Imm the latter ns iii the
Former case , ( move er , right triantphed , amid
on Sunda } ' 1.m.ml1 1I s rall uhula of New York
nmarched in P'receeaioll to time mgnmory of
hunt good'Fromelunuh'Itosselle , and In
token of symipathy tm the cause to whlclr he
became a martyr. Everything passed off
decemtiy and bum order , it we except the tall
at the affair whlelt was brought up by tae
foaale communists , \\'oodilull and Clalhlmt.
. The design of time huernatfonala is ex-
plalued by the Londorm Spectator as , o 'he'-
vote what Is coummody known as the work.
lug class. Our idea Is that the editor , au.
Cher , preanher , lawyer , atatommatt and others
who labor whit that grandest of ill lmu-
Plmuents , trio htumiars brain , s'u as rumrb
working lumen as the typo , ao farmer , the
nlacksmltlm and tine driver of a jaut ; " ! ive ,
mt there are bunglers and evtl dealgn'rs in
both classes woo need weedhig oft ; '
At the same time The flee has never had
much use for the professional labor re
ormer for ruvenua only or the vistonarles
who injure time cause of true labor by their
halr-brained sclenes. Its views on vlslon-
ary labor reformers wore expressed April
30 , 1572 , as follows :
" \Ventiell Pldlilps predicts a speedy decay
of repulmlicanism , and Its replacemmit by a
party based on the Ideas now advocated by
Henjamtn F , Butler. . According to the
splendid dreamer whose vislous are translated -
lated into golden speech , when tlmat glad
tilne shall conic the world will be a para-
disc and labor made the joy instead of the
bans of life. In our judgmmmit , the grand
ntistake an ivlmich 11r. Phillips and hurls fellows -
lows erect their splendid theories is In for-
getlhug or tguerilug the eternal fact that
labor , and not ease , is line law of existence
and time glory of life. Growth and strength ,
either' physical , moral or spiritual , comes
amid can only comime front struggle and con-
filet , and the first thing which can at all
ameliorate the condition of the werkingunan
Is' for hinu to understaml that the labor
which he is set to do is not a mere drudgery -
ery , but something , when rightly viewed ,
full of instruction and inspiration. The Intelligent -
telligent laborer , we mean manual laborer ,
commonly called the workingman , cat see
is time processes of his toll the illustration ,
axed and beautiful , of time changeless law ,
and learns to regard himself , as lme is , as
ono of the ministers at the bright altar of
sehtmce. He comes Into close contact with
the Infinite wisdom , to know which is after
all the highest life , and to obey which is
the most perfect happiness. The foundation -
tion of all amelioratlon of the workingman's
condition must be education , and to controi
leglslatlon and to mhmgie in politics fur-
titer than to secure this , since by so doing
ire becomes for the thus being time Instrument -
ment to sonic extent of desiguing nmou ,
is only fooilahness. All men most labor In
one way or another , At intelligent tiller
of the sell is min general priucipies a lisp-
pier man than the lawyer , whose urlnd is
hardly ever relaxed , or the editor , whose
brain can never rest , or time doctor , who is
the servant of overyhody. The tendmtcy of
time age is to the elevation of labor , to u
rovcrend recognition of its tilgtmily amid its
worth. It needs more tiumo for study and
perhaps recreation , amid it will secure Gnat
quicker by the natural processes of things
tlma by the arttuneiallats of mngnlitcett
theories by nmeii who have chieliy their
amen omds to serve. " _
ILtlLIt0.tI ) nlsl ItIJIIN.t'1'ION.
Nu lixense for I : + Inrllonate Itnles for
4'rtlisporlint ; 1'reighl.
T'Ime producer , too , Imas , iii The flee a
steadfast friend. Agaiimst raihi'ay extortion
and discrlmiuating rates time paper has never
ceased to protest , 'fume keynote of the
policy which has been Uursmeti throughout
ills whole career is to be seen hum the following -
ing editorial of March 11 , 1872 , headed ;
"TIe Union Pacific amid Its Policy : "
"Fromm almost every station along tlmq
Ilno of time Unlen Yachts betivecn Oualma
and North Platte compialts continua to
reach us threugh time country press against
the apparcutly mereasonable freight and
passmmger rules exacted by tltu Union Pacllic
cottpauy at these way stattona , In soy-
oral instances defimilte charges are ( nude
by various journals , exblbiting the capricious
dlscrlnelnatton n'hbh touts seriously to
olpple the business met and settlers In
certaiu localities. tier instances are
cited where time expenditure of a stimuli sum
tvould accommodate a connuuilty which is
persistently Ignored tm order to bemmeilt
other nmoru favored localities , For In--
stmmce , the Colutmbus Journal of time Gtiu
cites :
'Guy C , Ilarnumm left late city Morulay
last with a drove at cattle , which he tells
us le will tirtvti to time II. & M. road o to
Omaha , for ennvetionco of shipping. It le
a little strange to us tlmt the Union Pacific
railroad company does trot give facilities
here for loading amid uhlonding stock. Every
amimul tlmut goes an or ofr the curs here
must do so at tutu risk of a broken limb.
To put up one elute would not cent muclm ,
world be a great convcnienco to shlppe'rs ,
anti would umply repay tlm comitany for
the outlay. T'he truth is that it is a
shnnlo that our atockuien should be com
palled t0 drive elsewhere for ahlpping
facilities , '
"Time Scbuyler Itegister tells us that the
syatmn by which the Union i'aeltlc seeks
to develop thils country may be seen by time
following ;
" 'Onu of our ) merchants has
shown us the freight bills of a small lot of
mnerchandlse ( about 1,000 pounds , shlppud
from Ommaha , upon which { time charges were
115. About double what it would have
been ( net year. Freight Agent Vlnntug
understande how to induce ail encourage
emigration with a vungence , Our mer-
chants say they can make money by buying
at Fremont and hauling their purchases
' from here ii wagons.
"These are fair samples of time general
tenor of the Press on the line of time Unlomm
Pacific In Nebraska.'btle lmi somme instances -
stances the cotuplaiits uay be grossly exaggerated -
gerated , it is not likely that all of themm
are unfounded. Scone of these charges ccr-
taiuly require refutation , or an early change
of program on lire part of the managers of
tie Union Pacific road , Much as we regret
to criticise or condemn the policy of the
Union Pacific , we consider it our sacred
duty as an independent journalist , to call
the attentlon of the officers of that company
to these abuses , hophmg that , after duo deliberation -
liberation , they will see fit to snake such
changes as the exigencies of the case demand -
mandVe 'apprehend that the company
camot wllitlly maintain a policy destructive -
tive to the tterests of the settlers on the
line of its road and detriunental to an early
settlement of the country , which , lii time
end , is expected to furnish time life , sinew
and backbone of its prosperity. The company -
pany cannot well afford to defy public
sentiment and make every farnmcr and settler -
tler on the hue of the road its swore enenmy
when it is 1n its power , by hnpartlality and
I a liberal tariff , to encourage thorn and la
secure their good will. "
Nor has Time flee been partial is its criticism -
icism of differcht rallroads. Land grabs
and frauds upon the people m' tire govern-
nicnt have bemm denounced , uu muatter by
whom coumitted , Itt tills rnnurctlon the
following contmot under date of January
20 , 1572 , is interesting :
"Many of our readers will recollect that
when time legislature two years ago provided -
vided by a special net for tlo cucoutugo
moat of the construction of rall'oads within
the state , donating 2,000 acres of l umd for
every mtlle of tie first tan maliea of toad
constructed , special paimis were taken nrul
prnvlsionm w'eru mambo to exrludo train audio
privBegcs the roads ishlclt ba 1 received
aid from time general gnvornlnmit , Sonic
time ago the Burlington & Mibohri River
htalhvay company , which , murder these express
press provisions , was excluded from reedy.
lug lands front this state , in order to elr-
eumvent the intent of the I'm iv and thereby
rob this state of 101111 which it could not
by any direct means have secured , eugnged
the Omieaha & Somitluvesto'n ltaihway company -
pany to assume the construction of that
part of its road extending from Crete to
Bcatrlce , at the sane time furnishing Its
own bands to do the itecestmry work. And
tluus , after the latter coug1any luul : tuninalIy ,
conmplled with the ala' m u and rccehved 'hue
20,000 acres of land In direct vlolatlom of
the law , It again assumed control of the
said road. Thus siieuo : if one local t or
tomnporaries upon this palpable outrage can
only be explalnml by thnlr nttonupts to
cover up all inquiry mu time gen"riul bowl
of corruption and fraud against thin le'glsla-
turo , which iacy not only tall to pi osa ,
btt do riot att hmpt to smibataimtiate. "
s'1'IMlLS'I'INO ) } 1(1111 : INItJS'I'ItV.
Upbulldiug lit Nehrisl mi ) hniufnelurrs
l'ersisten/ly Urgwl.
Subscribing unreservedly to time doctrine
of moderate protection for the encohrage-
nnent fit nmanufaetures , The Bee has made
local application of the prluclplo in the
advocacy of hem industry. It began its
canpalgn for home mamtfactorlts in Its early
infancy as Is evldonced by time tollowItug
editorials :
August 21 , 1871 : "What we desire to
urge uaon our leading properly ownere and
bankers Is the necessity of offering sonmo
tanglbiu inducemnents to eastern manufacturers -
turers to embark in the manufacture of auch
articles ae can be nrodtced from time raw
materials usually transported to the eastern
nianutactories amend reshipped to tlto west tor
practical use , Why , for tmetamice , should
St. Joseph be more able to support a woolen
inlli timuu Omaha ? And why should sugar
he mnnufactttrrd from sueur beets hr 111
lnols mnru profitably than rlglml lucre in
Omaha , where sugar is Imported from New
Orleans at heavy freight rates ? Why , for
hmstamce , sbodd mint Omitaha have as good
au lunplennsnt mamiufactnry as Mollie ? "
October 18 , 1811 : "Tim present opportunity
nity to make Omaha time nietropalls of time
Missouri 'alley must not be allowed to
pass away without an organized effort on lima
part of our citizens to augnront our comnier
cial and nlanufactiring tacllities. Now is
the time for stimulating capitalists to come
to Omaha , to asalat fit hulldlimg up her whnlo ,
sale trade amid to manufacture articles from
time raw materials which have heretofore
been forwarded east for manufacture ,
Omaha limas been very liberal in aldiug railroad -
road ht the s
Comtpanles exleusiomt of their
lines. to the interior , but so far conpart-
tivcly nothing has been done to encourage
11cr mmmfacturiug hmtm rstsVhilo we
should oppose any further increase of our
comfy or nuuniclpal tudcblcdness tor auy
but the most iegithnato pmirposcs , iwe be-
Hove that au offer of liberal bonuses by our
city and country at this juncture would
insure beymld a doubt the erection of a
paper and woolen mlil , white lead nmanufac-
torles , tanneries and beet sugar manufac-
tories. Our bridge emmulttee we Itopo will
look for a favorable solution of the transfer -
fer queslloi ht tlmia direction , and mar word
for It , it will ho more successit iii lla
bang run than by soliciting the right of svay
over too Uniot Pacific bridge auto low a. "
Novcnber 9 , 1871 : "Time different soar
ndttees appointed at the boume mm uite-
turos' meeting about ten days ago to ln
vrsllgate time feasibility of iutroducing lima
inanufacturu of paper , Pottery , woolen fall-
rice , glassware , agricultural lmplmnents ,
beet sugar , etc. , In or near this city , meet 1
at the Hoard of 'trade roosts tomorrow even-
i + g. A Pei'9ollal acquainlaucc is'Itim ' some of
time gentlmnen who have maulfested so miumch
zeal and emiergy in the Investigation of our
branches of manufacturing referred to , lends
its to anticipate some very Interesting and
Inslructivo reports , Acting up + mn the fre 1
quetnt suggestinns of Time lien , the cltp conn-
oil , at its last umeetitg , appointed a couumlt-
lee to devise limo most practical means for
the eucourageumnt of mcuntaetnrem's by tads
city. It is to lie hoped that time gentlonen
on this committee will be present at the
meeting tomorrow mlghl , mid , if possible ,
act Ill concert \villt the citizens wlm inaugurated -
augurated this movement. Coutlrll flluffa ,
St , Joseph , Leavetmvurlh mid Kansas City
have already takeum practical steps ht thu
samie direction , mid Oulalta cannot afford to
ratmmale idle. "
IIYIHIS11'IEli AritICl'III'1'ItI'i.
tt/'mini of Ii'urnuv's Ilreetrd to the
Advuulmmgen of Dirterrut ( 'mops.
Along limo same hue have ecru Tile flee's
efforts to impress upou the farmers tam
benefits to be derived from a dive'rsllied
agriculture , Attentlmu was called to tlmo
endless opportunities of the Nebraska
farmer , as follows , In The lice of October r
20 , 1871 :
"Time fertile valleys of the Rliclarn nail
Paplllloi can be converted lulu fruit pro- it
ducing orchards and fields , wbero m utull <
grabs , potatoes and sugar beets , amid oven
tobacco , would yield rich Harvests for time
partly zuomms of toll , T'ho solution of thls
prubimn re'quires 5inply tam divislnn of
these 1011115 ito annuli ! arms liico timoso in
time vicinity of Cinclntmtl , Cluvulnnd and
ntuer large cities of the east and sotlh , stn-
ilally situated , Our citlzems slatbt , without -
out delay , organize a socluty with a apeclul 1
vigw of Inducing men of nuitleralu uterus 1
to settle on tits hand , There tire now
lhnusatmds in Alsace and Larraime , wlmo have ,
mndu a lifu Iong study of time augur beet ,
and who would wlllbmgly follow' u re1)ubhi ) 1
agent to febraska. There are others iii ;
New Jersey , Ohio and i'emiusylvania , wile
could readily be lat. ccd to purchase and
acttlo it llouglus coulrty. A eitrdy 111111
induslrions furnlug pupulaliun is every-
wheru rocogrmized us u necessary backbone 1
10 u prosperous city , "
Even time posslbllllles of suglur beet cul
tore ivere explolted by Thu lieu in lima
first few months of its Puhllcatinn-01r In-
dumtry whose estuhtlshcnmmt it tills stuln
was later brought about with Its co-
uporatl mu , In its 158111 of October 23 , 1871 ,
it said :
"llcuewed Interest is beltrg immamife'sted iii
the great emterprlso of beet sugar mincing
Ism California , W0 qultu tail to mute wlmy m
Omaha should not ovulate limo spirit of y
Sacranuutn : In Ontahn , 115 at Sacrunicnto ,
there are doubtless but few , if any , experts
just taw III the manufacture of sugar , but
where ! hero is a will , as all well know ,
there Is a way. Snmuu tiulu ago , accord-
IIg to our conlanmporary , "a ge0tleuan who
Is interested in time success of beet augur j
nunuufaeturo was sent to liurope to gala
practical Information and secure seine 5)110 d ,
to come to this country and taku time 1
proper nanagunmemt of the growth of the
beets nail their ntanufactmre Into sugar That
gotllenan bus , we learn , not only secured
such an elllcletmt person in one Mr. Vo -
Instuln , but has lkewise secured , under
the supervision of that gentleman , the
proper nmachiuery , made lu Europe , where. "
with to erect the neceseary mIIi 'r'lius , I'
then , does the atf5lr begin to assume pro.
portions , and we may sntielpate at no
distant day too successful conttauauco of