Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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. TIlE OMAhA JAILY : flEE : 'l'UESIAY , .JUNI tO , 189G.
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lMgan ouIi1 In ISS , nr I1'n(1rjiks and Thuir
man cnul4 wlwn tI'y vrt IIaPl ) OH tlic
( ImueratIr tlelet In 1RI nriI ISSS , respec'
TnIgit ) th tret wcr' brilliantly Iliti.
flhiflaI $ nnil ii 1I1OIISUI McKinley 4Icinon.
fitrAtton wa ini1e.
M tY iiiTtsics , t'r s'r. i.orrs.
i IIorN rr4lII fIi.tnhin.i Stfl
glq. II& IR 1hig
f 'r r.orti , Juno . - ( ' Tkgrnni. )
-The j'at twenty-four hoiir 1ins crcntct (
Ii mark'tI ehang' In the hotil eorrhlon nni
pubili' tbtrntlgIfnrtM ) of t1ir to" ' etitlon tIty.
'Totan'1s ) Iiavt' tcii prni r ng I ii hotirl y , a liii
there are' now fully 100.000 strangcr quar-
t'rd llr4. The Nebrnska contingent liai
1tcfl lnrg'ly reltitorceil , and now counts
several liiiilr'il ( 'agr to wlttipN the quail-
ilr'nnlal speetarli' of a prcslilcnt liii tininhia-
ting eonviitloti. W'liflo ninny will , as usual.
ho illappoltltl In tilr ) ( xpetnt on of s-
(11 ii n g t 'k its lii rOUgh t ii a del egatlon , t lie
very best of feelIng prevaIls so far. The
rostir will grow byVcdncsdny. . wlieii th'
inoiist'r McKinley parade oc'curs. fraik
v. Collliiii of Lincoln , preslili'nt of the c
brnsla 5tat lagiio , huM hcnn nhrnlfllel ;
one of th assistant adJiitatit of tlit dciii-
onstratloli aiiil will corntnaiiil the Nehraika
Mont of the delegates are quarh'red at the
Van Stitildiforul liotcl. ciiator Tliuriiton
an4 wife are at tli. . Southern , and John L.
Webster and U. E. Oxuard are at the Plan-
ters. elraskaiis , are scattered at. all the
The adoptioli In tli platform of a plank
favoring beet sugar Is lwliig urged. No-
lirniika will join liand with California antI
Utah iii reuiseting the recognition of the
Industry by the ( onention.
Aiiiong tllit Nebraskans regiRtered at lirail-
quarters and itcen In the convention city
are Frank II. Kennaril , W. 13. Iluwaril ,
Albyn Frank.V. . .1. flryaii. MitJr Ci'owder ,
T. IC. Sudhorotigli , C. L. ChaiTee , mliii ll
1vaiin , C , . l , Sparrow. fl II. ltoliitison , I.
w. Miiicr , l , S. Crocker , W. E. Quinn , l.
If. Price , C. A. JSCO1)ROfl ) , A. fl. Wnlkiip ,
Frank E. Moores , J. C. Lowe. Itobert Patrick -
trick , Omaha ; W. II. McNeilVayiie ; I ) . L.
i.yoii , Lyonn ; C. i3. Miller , IaIriitont ; P. A.
V.'illiaiiii , itiverton ; II. F. Mills. Daweon ; l.
* II. Linilsity. Friend ; Ti. C. Ilowaril , II. I.
Fehrninn , Granti I8lanil ; C. A. Atklnsoii ,
Lincoln ; .1. 1' . Parke , F. W. Hoille , L. C.
Cowan. H. eyniour , C. P. Nolwr , York ; C.
H. Patterirna , Stratton ; S. J. Johiiiuiii , Jacob
Ostvrberg , Minilen ; II. G.Vilson , Stoddaril ;
Henry llnrlcson. Dave ) ' ; Torn Draper , hin-
colii ; V. W. ieICeiint'y ! , Illair ; F. A. Wli-
son , lincoln ; C. l. Stifle , Superior ; J , I.
Carter , .1. M. Canieron , LIncoln ; Mat Doulli-
erty , Ogalulla ; Sam E. Law. J. II. Ciinnhiig-
ham. E. Fl Giiieiiie , F.V. . Collins , Lliicolii
I. II. losciikraiiz. { Ilaigier ; 1' . A. Fhtlier.
Liiicoiii ; F. It. Spencer , W' . J. Crandall. II.
E. Norton , iCeiicsaw ; J. K. Ltvergood. Llii-
coin ; J. G. liitiiiiit n , Norfolk , J. II. IIaiiic-
man. \ 'eepiiuVater ; it. Miller. Norfolk :
H. P. tllodgett , Long I'ine ; E. TI , Sawyer.
Lincolli ; CL N. Yoiingson , J. A. Martin , Miii-
dcii ; P. C. Vork , Seward ; F. G. Gruff , Clay
Center : H. 11. llrown , Edgar ; W. T. Orcutt ,
Miitord ; Julio C. Alien , hincolit ; It , S. Nor-
vat , seward : W. IL Edgar , if. II. Waite ,
Beatrice ; A. It. Talliot , Lincoln.
A large ntiniher of oid time citizens of the
state are i4liowing iii ) . Captain L1eveiieii ,
formerly Uiiited States deputy marshal at
Omaha , Is a delegate from New Mexico ;
Judge Sweet , at one tiifltl on The I3eo , is a
: delegate from Iilalio. Jaku 1tobert. tide-
gate from Okiahiotna , was oiico well knowli
as a , rotnineut voiiticiait ( real Nebraska ;
A. L. Straiig of Texas was otico a cantit-
date for mayor of Oniaha , years ago ; 11. IL
Vorthiitigtoii. flOW of South Carolina , is also
reineinberesi by old settirs.
Warner Miller and Judge flianchard of
Now York called at Nebraska headquarters
tonighit and held an infornial taik , urging
the importance of declaring squarely in
favor of sound money based upon the cx-
Isting gold standard.
sIIvFa : uFN AIt ! NOT OF' OSF MI1) .
fll IMIiIi lit MOIIInHU hUh ijitihi Htic
i.iitiiiiH OM to % Vlsuliiii ef ii Bolt.
S.1 , . LOUIS , Juno 15.-Delegates from the
: silver states have aiaizi postponed their
ncotitig anti it is now uncertain whether a
joint conference of delegntezf om the differ.
eat states will be hell until the committee
on rcsoltttioiis acts tiEtOn the platform. The
- change of Plan is due to the fact that a
difference of opinion has beeti developed in
? J Sonic of the stateH as to the most ailvisable
course to be pursued. In seine instances
' there is divtsion as to the wisdom of a bolt
whatever the platform. This fact wae
, brought out at meetings held in different
: state delegations today. It may yet be pus-
) stblc to t3ectiro an uiidcrstanding upon which
: the delegates may act together. though it
; is conceded this is hot altogether probable.
Division exists in the Montana and Utah
r dolcgatIoIllt. Tue Montana doIeation is
evenly divided , Senator Mantle heading the
wing favorable to valking out of the colt-
veiition nitil Senator Carter headiiig the
j forces olIOS1'i ) ( to thil , there being three I
delegates tat each ttiite.
This suliject forineI the basbi of quite a
stormy sceiie at the meeting of tue tielcga-
' tiwi today. Senator Carter advanced the
itloit that the siiver men could lie Just as
$ effeetive by uttering a strong protest
against thiti ailoltion ) of the gold plank ailti
; stihi reinatit in tue convoiition. Senator
; Maiitle contended a bolt was the only
coiirs left to the iiver mcii , in case tile
conveiitioil sliotilti decide iipoii a course alt-
tagonistie to their belief. as the ahiOitiOil of
J a gold standard declaration. l3oth senators
t are anxious to Pr'serve harmony in the
varty in the state. hlothi will hesitate before
separatiilg UpOfl this issue.
In Utah there is a alajority favorable to a
boit. Senator Urown. vh did not tafld
with tIle other senators from the silver pro-
tiuciiig statPt4 iii their antngonlsiit to the
Iiiigtey tariff bill , wilt not bolt. Otio other
nieiiiiier of the iielegatioii may stand with
him , hut other delegates vlll walk out. of
tIiO COiIVeiii Ion iii the event of the adoption
of a ilceharat ion for gold rnonoinetahiisin.
Colorado and Idaho delegations arc oiid
for a bolt.
Tue prijicipal coiitroversy among thitt
Montana thojegates at their meeting was
coiitiuteti by Congreasinait Ilartiiiuii , svhio
favored a loll. anti Judge Strovilie. who
COB t etitieti I ha t such a coil rstt Stoti iii be ii I-
ativiseil t1r Streviile represents a wool
growing onstitiieiiey anti lie ctiiiteiids that
protectioll is of greater importance to his
Ieollo thiaii biiiietaliisni. There as a very
eliarp ) assiigo ietVL'eil hini aiiti iartnian. !
Senator Carter aniiounceil hIi2 hearty coit-
eurrenco iii the hiians of tue silver liten ,
except , fl8 lie iaid , he thought nothiiiig could ii
be gaiiltMi liy leaving thie CoiiVt'iitioii hail. S
lie was willing to Join theta iii all other acts a
IiloP0SeIi iii the interest of tli tbito nietal. p
Aceorling tti P. il. Lariiiiii , editor of the ci
Salt Laia 'l'riliune , tue free silver tlelegiites 0
to thu convention will throw their atrciigth
v i tit tlitt gold stantia ru PePl e. C
A iiii't'iUpiit hits ltt'eii sprung to have the t
con yen I ItiiI Ida CC its ca liii idato in the field "
before iiioptiiig a hilatforin , on the theory
that tills course would permit western delegates - C
gates wlo couteiiiplated Itolting on a gohil t
itlutforin to ilrst nssist in liontijiating cantil. a
ilittes The Proposition has tact with lfttle 0
favor sinil t iii probably notbe vusiieii.
Ilaiiiiii fur iiliiisl ( lI.niriiiitii , i
ST. iours. June 15.-It is conceded oii all
bands that Mr. Ilanna will ho made chair-
IliaD of tue national eoinniitteo If lie wiii
accept. lie hits not yet signified his ccf
celitailco iii explicit teClus , but has said
eiiough to convince his fricittis of his will- i
lilgiieit3 to USStliiti thin duties of the llaCe.
Tiiti cieetioii of national ( 'ilairman is always
next to the Prest'ldIItiaI caiuiitiate. Seiiator
(1 au luger's us inc has been niezi I toned in
colitiuctitili witit tile chlsirniantiblit , but lie
viii Prollably 1101. bit pressed if Mr. ilanna
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - - - - - - - - - -
Causes fuiiy half tim sickness In tue world , It C
rctaiiis the tilgested food too icing In tue boaels I'
anti itroiiucc iiliioiiiies , turithi II er inch.
Ho d's
gUtlOii , 1)4(1 ) 145W , coitetl
tongue , ileic IWtilzChti ; , In .
oiniiia , etc. hood's i'lll iii
cure oh&4tipalioiI atiii all itt
reulh casiiyuii'i ' tiioroiilily , c , AiItlriiggii ( . ti
1'rp.iirii Liy ( j. I , lfoiti & Ci ) . , lMa'dli , ! t1as.
Th euly l'llit to take with hIod' Sarsapullla. :
- - .
- -
Only Eight Votes Are Raised for a Strati-
duo in that State ,
( ) lIict'r for I I. e ( on Ion Art'
( ; hiosi'ii ii iii ! lust ri' ( l t'ii Iii
( ii.t'M h'or ( ir . ' .giiiiist
( lit. SIiiglt' Stitii.Iiird.
ST. LOUIS , Juiio IL-For three hours
this morning the Illinois delegation
struglcd iii discussion over a inoitey
irsolution. It containeil the words
' 'gold stantlarii" anti it was this which
catisoil tIm contention. The inoiiibers fiont
sotitlierti Illinois wanted ho inentioli made
of gohil. The farmers In that llortion of
tint country vefli suspicious of any nien-
tion iminile of gold. They said they thought
it savorcil ofVali street. The resolution
adopted reads as foiiows :
htruttiivi'il. Tiln t thit' r.'preientativp of thin
I I I I ii ( us ih'Iepn I I on on t Ii ii colil t I et' oil
r'tiohcii butt mihii l ho rt'qiic'tctI to zuhvoiit
ft reMoi Ii I IoU tvhi ich au it I ox p1 it'i I ly ih'cijtre
iii favor of tilt , ( 'xlHi ing gold mitztiiduiril
amid in favor of hit' misc' of itliver to tii , ,
t'xtemit niily that itii PuritY gohil cull
Ia' inni ii tuti licul. ' .Vo futvur mc ci ccl : t rut I on
for t ii i' fun ii em. roinuiqo t ) f iii i vu'r shu'ii , I'vur
It ii fl lC'ill ent foi' i tS list' by t hue it'ui ci i mit
coIn mncrciutl on t ioiiH of I hi' uuiiii ( 'II it 11,3
arriveui itt. , hutit vc' ztrt' imntiteraluiy : oppnst'ui
to tim rn't , cohiiuige of itliver uiiiier lreuent
coliti i I ioIui4
A iiiotion wait made to strike out thie
word "gold" precethlmig thit word ' 'staiiulard. "
\Vilhiamn I'enn N ixoii. editor of the Inter
Ocean , said thin reptibhicami party diii not
% amit a vord about gold In its iciatforiil. It
would be disastrous. Thu ' 'uret'iIt
gold standard" lie said. was too lndu1h.
nite , It vouiul Injure thue larty strength
atuiong the farmers anti labor cleniemit.
It.V. . l'atteromi of thin Chicigo Triliiiin
sa iii that i f thin \vorl 'guih il ' shioii Iti be I eft
ulult , It wotiki 11(1 comusiuicuotms by its absciico.
Thm vart' voultl be accused of cowardice.
It. shtnilti celtic out in a square , niaiiiy
"If we shrink , " ho concluded , "ve are
host ; we arc for gold amid let us say so"
Nearly every aieiiiber of tile ilelegation
spoke , but on a roll ccii vote the motion was
lost 40 to 8. The following resolution was
also adoptoti :
Itesolved , That protection and reciprocity
5)1 ) DII id itt. Intl tit' t lie po iut ill 00 ii t iiisiies of
tiitt cItinpaign anti u4h oil I i I be given Ii rst
proniimiencn in the hiatforni uLi4 thio great
amid fuiidttliientutl ptineliIes of the ropu ii-
ilcami pnrty.
There was some opposition to thin sciec-
tion of Ir. 'P. N. Jniiiesori for national
cciniiiittcelnan. He led thin tight in the II-
hlmiols state convention against inatructiug
the delegates for McKinley. The McIiniey
leaders ii thin state opmscti hini , but he
was elected. General Itichard J. Ogiesby.
thiret , tinies governor antI tice tJiiitud
States senator front Illinois , was chioseii
chairman. It.V. . I'attcrsnn was selected
for nieniber of the resolutioiis anti platform
Alabama elected oiflcers without delay. selecting -
lecting C. W. Buckley , chairman ; John
Harmon , secretary ; IL V. Casten , member of
platfnrm committee ; N. 11. Aiexanuier ,
member of crcdeiitials coniniittec. Colonel
Wiiiiamn Younghlootl was unaniniousiy re-
olecteti natiouni committeeman. Castt'n , flue
platform coininitteenlan. Is uiircservedly imc
favor of , , a platform 'dcciaring for souimi
Arkansas' delegation today made the foi-
iowiiig appointnwnts : Member of national
eolniiiittce , General Powel 1 Clayton ; chair.
man. of delegation , General Poweii Ciayton ;
committee on resolutions , John C. McClure ;
rules and order of business , W. II. II. Clay-
toil. The caucus was brief and harmonious.
Counniitteeman McClure Is in favor "of thin
Plesent monetary standard. " Tue gelierni
sentiineuit iii the delegation is not favorable
to thu insertion of the worth "gold' ' In the
platform , although no determined fight
WOUIl be inauhe against it.
The California delegation arrived at 9:30 :
today anti took qtiartcii at the Southern.
They were accompanied Iy OO other per-
butt. They were four days amid iuights mnalcing
thni trip , hut alt of them were iii good spirits ,
declaring for McKluloy and protection. The
delegates were in session all the afternooii.
J. I ) . Spreckels was chosen to succeed M.
II. DoYoung as national conlinitteenian. A.
ii : . Lemon of Santa Rosa was made member
of the committee cmi resolutions ; George C.
Knight of San Francisco , member of the
Donllnittco on credentials , and 0. M , Howard ,
IilCiiibC'i' of tlio commnittce on business. No
action regarding thin finaticial h ank or vice
Iresluhential candidate sas taken by the
oninii t t no.
Four of the California delegates walked
Dot of tue meeting of that delegation today
In high ( iutigeon. They were thin four iii
whinn favor the contests from tInt Thiirui and districts acre tiecitieti by the an-
iomial committee. Their departure was pre.
eu1ed by an animated controversy in the
heht'gation over thio Justice of the miatloiial
omnhiiitteo's decisIon , which many of the
lehegatos were disposed to ( htIeStiOfl. The
utate committee hiati given its approval to
tim delegatioii from the Tliirui district con.
'cntioii , composed of Messrs. Iiehshiaw and
Parker , anti to that froni thin Fourth , corn.
iosei of Messrs. Shortriuige auth Montague.
rite national committee recognizes Messrs.
Ieiinisoii ) anti Hockiieimer from the
rhuiruh , anti Kowahsky anti Slicer from
he FourthVhion thin delegation I
iiet touhay a proposition was , iiaule
0 admit both sets of dehegtttPs , a
aehi of the districts to sit with the ijelega-
Lion , giving them a half sent each. To this 1
ilvlsion , hockhieimer , Kowalshy and Shear
rihjecteil , ( iemiitiillhimig that in vie' of thin
iction of thin national committee In their
tavor they ithioulti have foil seats amid Ito
[ hivision of honors. 'rue delegation dechuheul l
iaiiist them , however , amiti they left the ' 1
Lonilnittee. After they hind taheii their do-
partimme thin coiuiniltteo Iroceetled , to elect Ci
Its officers tie follows : Chairman , Harvey C
Flnuhioy ; natiomial commnlttco , J. D , Spreck-
315 coniiiiittee on resolutions , A. JL Lem-
non ; committee emi creulentials , IL A. C
Fcnight ; committee on htermnnemit organiza-
ion , 0. A. hale ; vice hresliciit , 11. S. Grant ; hi
tlles and oriter of huisiit's , , F. IL Short.
Mr. Lemnmon , time iiiemnber of thin commit-
Co Oh resolutions , itt for free colnago.
The Colorado delegation arrived this
morning , bearing aholt thin banner of tree c :
liver at a 16 to 1 ratIo. 'l'hiey took apartc
1011t5 at tim Souithiorii , anti later in the uhay
artlahly perfecteul their organization. The n
ohegation olecteti Setiator Teller chiairninn , tu
nti at tlut muamimo time antI In thin same mcii-
or adopted a resoiutlon to fohiow his lead.
rshmhp in any course that lie niighit t.'lt'ct
0 vursun in thin coitvontloim. Senator Teller
nut also chosen to represciit the state on
he COiIlfliitt'tJ OIl resohutiomis. ilomi. Frank e
owtiy was ilmnih , it mnenihe'r of thin commit. 1) )
cc on cretlentiaha , and J. W. luwmiiog wa
utslgiied to the comniittco on itiles and j
ruler of btisiiiess ,
'l'iuo Coloraiho delegation met again to.
I Itch t aitti a ft er nppol ii t i 1mg t ho follow imig
un'iiibcrs adjotirned to macnt toiuiorrow iiiorn-
ng : hlesolutions , St'tuator Teller ; creilt'ii-
isis. F. ( ( ] Otiuiy ; rules mimi order of bus.
Dells , Jamne M. flavnoy. Thin delegation
lecideti unamiinioiiithy to act as a unit cliii n
olhou the heati of Senator Teller.
Time Addickit uicl'gtitioii from Delaware v
net today and elected : Chairman of tldlt'g4i i
bit. J. Etiwarti Auiuilcks miatiomial commitii
cenian , J. Etlivard Addiclcs ; rttsoiu' di
ions communlttcemiian , J. Etiwarti Adii
licks. Mr. Adulielts , the member of
ho Coiiiifllttee Oil rcsoiutloims , is iii
ii favor of a declaration for ohih in time 'F
hatform. thougii lie clot's not object to a c
huitisn rt'hntliig to intertiathoimal agreememits.
'lie ihiggimitu thelegation will take no actiomi iii
lath the contest is decIded. imi
IlVtlLOCIC ) l1hiT\\'EEN T\VO MEN , ° '
There Is a ( lecuihock in the District of
olunibia ilelegatioti over thin rivalry of et
erry hh. Carson anti Andrew ( Ueasomi. 'fhieso
L'hcgates have the honor of all luositlOn mind
itlc's gi'vmi each tieIegitttoi. liothi wish to to
13 mmmemmtber of thin ( 'olliiiiittee on resohum-
oils anti iiatiooal C0it1mmijttCCmiin. : I'err )
arson bias beemi natiomisi colimmnitteem-nait for yr '
oars anti is still In thin field. Gicasoti °
tints his place , and as the vote emi every ir
illot hits stood one and one , there has beeti
I ) election. The caine ima been thin m-estiht Au
haiti thin tiehegatlomi votes on a limeimilier of $11
in rc'soltitiomiu IOlilllilttetj. Each delegate Iti Sil
the other shall have all oIlier posiPi
The Florida de'legatlon elected J0hiii (1. cli
01I national cpnmmltteonian , amid I , 14 , hIs
irceil , moemuberot the Platform committee , coi
. . .
- - - - - -
I l'ureehl flflfl0tjflc hmInieht as for a tintI
money tht'eharathon In thi' platform.
Thin ( lunby faction of the h'ioriiia dehega
thin met tonight anut electe"h the fohiniting
Conmmn i I tet'immri mm . F. il . ( hi mihy ; mcmii bier ol
eomiitiiltt'C Oil rnsohtmt loiiq . 1 V. Arehlhmahi '
the dehcgatloii Is south for Morton nim'l gohd '
Idaho ulelegatioii s&'letpi : ColmInhtLtit4 oil
ro'rolul inns , Senator hmiiini ; cro'tlentials ,
LIt tht'tnim I'rkn : htermanemit orgaiuintttii ,
lien Itlehi : artier of hnislnc'ss. A ieammd"r
Ifobertanmi ; chia irate n , Mie Ca tnpha'l I il nrii
her of mmationnl coititnittee not schectu'ul.
hntilamma deht'gatiomi was one of the lust
to eonillo'tn , ifs caucus cmi with srutreeii
Cii ) ' Ohipotthitoim it 1eehnrcui ogaimist time usc
of thin word ' 'gold" In thin vhntforn , . its
dehursitc's were lmistruirteih by itrac ( leahly a
tinnijinmous vote to athvocnte thin auhoptlomi of
thin miloney plaiik of thin limuhlaima lthatfornl
with icfcrm'mien to a ratio at it to I omnittu'uh.
v , 'i' hltirbin. a nroiniiicnt hiaimler of An-
thcrmoim , was ehesemi miu'mnL'vr of time nn
ti'nmal cuinimimitto t' to nuecceti x-tTnltrui
States Treasurer J. N. ihustomiir hlustomi
ret ired without city effort to retnimi flit ,
hilnec. Gemieral Lt'w Wnhlnce sas ehuosemi
nit iiiber of ( lit' committee on resohiitlomis.
Thiut aelection of ( lent'ral Vs'nlhaett Is tuinat
a I g it Ilican II , hits ci I ccl ly ili'uiml , iig thin ilc'ln-
gatioli to a iitrairiit gold stanuhuirti luhat-
forni. CtmmeralVahhaen later nppearcui ito.
fore tiic' miehegates timid uheelar.'ti lie W.ts
ciii lihiat leal I y r miul nosit i vel y a ' 'gol ul immami . '
Thin I milami Territory tielegatlomi comnpleteul
Its oranlzathnn today as follows : L. E.
Soiter , chmairinati ; J. P fIrmly , resohutioiia ;
it. I ) . lbs. , ; t'rrumamit'nt organizatinmi : John
Coyle , viec preshuietit of thin convemitirmmi ;
T. Morgan , rule umiui order of biistiiess. It
vas tiecided at t ii . ' mnu'ntimmg tim I no oimi ii mu
510)111,1 be exlmresseul out thin niomicy qiiestiomi.
CavIl to say that time dehegates vere ompposeui
to the free coinauu of silver.
Tue Iowa delegation orgaiilzeui this after-
titOll ) auth minnie the followiiig sohectioius :
Colonel I ) . hi. lIt tiuherson , chtniruuiuuim ; A. II.
( mmnimins. miatioimnh cotuiuiiittee ; Johimi ii. Gear ,
meutoluitions ; 1 , ' , ' . I' . Ilepbuirn. crculeiutiahs ; E.
C. htoachm , permnaiuent orgaiiizatioii ; L. hi.
W'llsoui , vice hiresluhent of thin convention ; II.
M. Macomiibei , rules amid orther of btuslmmess.
Senator Gear si0 that hue ihid miot care to
give ida views fully lii regard to thin muniiny
i'hanl : . I he siii lie favored mnalntaiuihimg the
lureseilt mnoumetary 'values.
Time Maryland delegation went in a bouly
toiluty tim tile- Southern hotels antI cahheul on
Thomas C. Piatt. Tue New 'orht Icaulor
was assiireui that Marylaumui was solid for
a siuugio gcuhui stanuhard dt'ciaratioii in the
Platform. Today thin tiehegatloit elected thin
folhowimii oihhccrs .Mt _ , ' muihet miatloliztl coin.
nmlttee , George L. Wellingtou ; member coat-
iuiittoe emi resohuitiouimt , .lauiies A. Gary.
Thu 1uiasaachiiisetts uhelcgatlomi selected thitm
following : National cotunhlttenuuiaim , George
II. Lymnaui , I3ostomi ; resolutiiiis , Senator
The Mici1gan delegation had a iong
uleelaratlomi on the flnamiclal hiiaumk.
Gemmoral Alger anti Captain Allen
representing tile two extremes , tile forummer
favoring a straight thceharatioui for gold utuid
Captalim Alleit appealing for free silver. 'l'hie
mmmaorhty of thin delegatiuuii. lltwevcr , believed
Ill It immiuhuile cotimse auuul expressed time opluihon
that thin liflmmk shoumiti decharo for the minlmi-
toumuiice of thin present monetary system
gold , silver anti paper. but avoid a speclihe
declaration of the gold staiitlarui. The hche-
gatlon solecteti time following ollicers : Itoso-
htutioiis , Mark Brewer ; mmatloual coniunittee-
mnan , George L. Maitz ; chaIrman of dehega-
lion , It. A. Alger.
Time Minnesota delegation this morning
caummn out iii a strong declaration iii favor
of time malmitenance of thin goiui stantiarul anti
instructed ex-Govermior Merriam , member of
thin committee on resolutions , to iasist on a
straight gold hilanir. anti pledged the eight-
teen votes of thmo delegation to stand by him
to the emi. Reprcsentatlvo Charles 0.
Towmin of Minneapolis is infiirlatcui over the
action of the delegatIon anti openly dc'clarea
that imi case a gold piank is placed In the
Platform ho will stump the state for sliver.
The fohlowimmg seheetloums vtirn made : Na.
tiomual comnultteemnan , ox-Governor L. F.
hlulbarui ; resolutions , ox-Governor W. R.
Merriammi ; ereieiitiais , W. P. Iltmnt ; porma-
miont crganizatloum. L. S. Swenson ; ruhea , C.
Sammulcrsoui ; vice preslihent , C. I' . lionuirix ;
notification , William MeNiu'olls ; chairmami of
delegatlomm , Charles A. I'illsbury.
Montana delegation elected the following :
National commltteoummaa , Charles It. Leouiartl ;
ciialrtnr.uu , Lee Mantk ; vIce chairirlami , Coh.
noel T. C. Marshall ; rtsohuitions , Congress-
mimaa Ilartman ; rules aumd orher of bimslmuess ,
1' . C. Marshall ; cretieuitiais. E. 'V. Metzei ;
Iernianent organization , Jtitige J. 'tV. Stre-
'l'lio Nebrasica delegatiomt muiet today anti
rhechareti Itseif opposed to titn free anti on-
limited colimago of sliver amid also In favor
ut the single guhi ( uttatmuinrh.
Nevada delegation organized withi the dcc-
lou of A. C. Cfevelanti chairman , amid C. It.
iproule , secretary. The fol lowing commIttee
tehections wore unauho : Credentials , W' . D.
Phillips ; 1ihutmorm. A. C. Clevolanti ; rules ,
3tC. , C. F. Tuurrittlii ; Iiermaiieuut organize-
iou , C. ii. Sprouuln ; notification of noniinoes ,
\ . P. Overton ; natiouial commnitteoumuan. E.
Rrothuer. No action was taken by the dde-
atiomm oil the rujomicy question. Platforzn
ouninltteounan Clevelaliul is tirunhy iti favor
If time free coiimage of silver at the ratio
) f 16 to I.
Thin New llaunpshlro delegation tiovoteti
ts euiergicit to securing votes for a gold
tamidamoi platform.
Thin Net' ; Mexico delegation muiet last
tight anti selected Don Pedro l'erea as
iiairniami ; resolutions , Soioinon Lice ; era-
Itimitlais.V. . II. Lhewehlyui ; vice Piesident ,
) oit l'ctiro i'erea ; rttle anti order of busi.
icas , ' I ) . hums.
North ( 'aroihuma delegates eclecteul Senator
r ' . i itcharci chinirinan aimd auljourmmed till
Itornooti ,
The North Dakota delegation met today
intl clectuti the ( ohiowin officers : Chair.
tiami , S. T. Sohthalwalt resolutlomus , Alex
lughues ; credentials. George Ilingenlielulmer.
01110 hAS NO FlGhIr.
Thie Ohio delegation organIzed iii a ( ow moo.
iments without a uilsutentluig vote oiu thin so-
ectiomi of Kurtz for miatlommal comnunltteeumman.
'lie foi1owint sviuethumii were mimatle : Chair.
mu. A. 3. l1uhmuieIl ; utiemhcr of national
onimimittee , C. L. Kimutz , Cohmmnihia ; mmiejnluer of
oniunitteo oh credentials , A. C. 'rliouiulson ,
'ortenmotuthi ; muomutier of coiuimmiitten on iter- I
mamietmt orgnmmizatiotm , C. Ii , Grosveumor. Ath.
mitt ; rcsitioumt of the convention , left to
nmniumittee oh permumamment organization ; iiiuuut-
er of commmiltteo on rules numui orther of 1)051-
1'IoS , Georgu L. W'ilsnn , Lonuhomi ; miotiticatlomi
oumimlttee , Marcumut A. Ilanmia. Cievelamid.
Tile Omegomi tiohegatlomi iiiaulo the followI I
mg seheetioiis : National coimmtnltteeiuuan ,
corge A. Steel ; vice prcsideiit. cut thin colt-
ontion , J. 11. Cohbreathi ; resolutiomia ,
huurles S. Moore ; credentials , W'utliaco Mc-
aiuiamit ; periruaiiomit orguuiiizatioui , J.V. .
Ituidrumit ; miotilicatlon. Charles Filton ; chair. I
iutti of delegatloui , Charles I'arriiuhi ; miecre-
try , If. A. I3oothi.
Thin Poiimmsylvanla commimimittee appoint-
toots uero as fcmhhows : National counmuilt.
o , M. S. Quay ; chuuilriiami of tiologatlon , I
c-Governor hastings ; resolutiouis , Smnedhoy
Arhimmgtoml , Thin caucus chinned the iuiomme-
try stamutlarui atioptcti by the atato coiivon-
oil lii fa'ai of flue gold mituinuhard.
hthiotin Island delegation elected : Na-
noel counimiittceimiaim , General Cliuirheut IL , i
inyton of l'roviuleimco ; resohutlomis , Vaitoii C
. ifeeti , Glouiit'ster , a htecul gold moan.
ituUtii Luikotui ) delegatiomt elected otlicers :
. hi. Klttrculgo of Sioux Falls , miuttional corni i
itteuiuaii ; ; . U. French of Yatukion , chairI
an of the delegation ; iavlui Wilhiaiuis. coma.
ittee on resolutions ; Senator I'ottlgrow ,
lee chiairmnnim ; vote stood U to 2 , thus show-
ig iii.ajorlty of 3 to I. agaimmst l'ottlgmosv.
is enmities have ConmhlefO ) control of fib
legation , W'Iiiiamuuua is a gohui stumidard
Cii. a
iliimnetilatohy after the meeting of time Ten.
.imiseo thelegatioum , Il. Clay Evtiim eaiti thin
Ltiitit'itttCO delegates vouhul favor what Is
ulbiuui thin imulimimma currency 1)100k.
Veriumont delegation tie'elutred ( or aim ciii- C
tzttlo gohti llutforun , National Cemmimmiltti'e- 1
all Childis was chosen to succeed himself , ii
mciV. . ii. l'routy was a mneiuiber of thin i
inmumittee ott resolutions. Somiator Proctor v
as foruimalby recognized as tbo leader of the II
ate organlzatloui. a
VashiIiigtoui delogntlomm elected oihicers as 6
hlows : Chairman. P. C. Suhilvami ; iiatiormal \
mnunlttee. G. Ii. 1mumeriuomi ; resolotlouis , A , L
hiurleigli , creulemitials , J. M. Gilbert ; vice
'csidttmit , not selected ; rules umiti ortler of Ii
isimit'us. Ij.V. . Carried ; nomiiicatloii of a
esiuteiit , II. Ii , "tvhlsoum , iiotllicatiom.i of vIce hi
esluhemit , 11' . I. Wilson No resolution was
tolitti , but Mr. hiurloight will imiaka a a
romig fight in ( lie cotummmiitteo anti if micros.
my lii thin t'oiivoiitlomu for the golti mitamidartj
atik of thin Vashiimigtoii convention.
Fun \'est Virgimila dehegatiomi today cia. ci
ired for a gold stamidard anti ciected its it
t ( If rclurCsc'iLutives out the comtveuitioui mi
iutmiltteeus , but tied itself lute a deadlock 1'
' . . . .
over the 0flc1 f imatInnh commiiittecmmian.
Tuo cauidi'la9t' ( or this ItOsifloC vero hire.
. st'rmtod-M Ii Scott of WheolIimg , time h'rs-
cut macmiter. cmiiVlihiammi Seynmotir Edwards
of Chiarht'ston , t'x-sinaknr of flit' state house
of mepresemimatIv ( . . nether mmieetimig siil ho
held touimorro4u- .
I Thin Wyoutflfg1 dohegatloim elcctei today
elected the folhttwiumg officers : Natiomial
ennimuittepunami'Ihil \ ' ' ; chair-
. alan , J. C. TutIs : rIco ciuairintufl. Otto ( iran :
rumaulutiomis , ht F. iiuvIer : credentials. 13. U.
Tirok.9 , ; pt'riimanen orgaulizatmnim. Otto
Oranitui ; order of buitigg , V. ' . F. lirittain.
1 , Iq--- - -
I ' ' lh 'm : flp I'll l'M I I ) I'i'IA I l'I Elh ) .
I ) I ( lIeu , I ( , lit Si1.'t'I I utw 1.1 Ic..h . II ) 1).lut ) '
I ht'Coitseiitlimi.
ST. LOUIS , June . - - is generally ad-
liiittt'ti flint tIm large miuinlei' of vice premil-
thential catidhuiatea will miecessitatn aim ntl.
nurumumuciiL after thin mioiuiiuatloui of thie
I h'r"s Id cii t ial Ca mid lula tim fluid a couisequi cut tie-
lay iii the work of tue comivomitioii. The
New York deiegation lion gIven up all
hitipes of si'cuirliig it favorable ammawer fromim
( buverumor Mortoti , but will uirgi , Idum , it Mc.
IC iiiley is iioumiliiateth , to acic Pt. lii thin
muit'amitliflc. however , rumiumor is bits ) ' vitii
flue miamime of J. Shout Puutmuett cit New York ,
auth thiui mileiitlciui of lila name is favorably
received by the \vcmiterm delegates. It Is
clammed in hiis behalf that hut could obtaimi
rlxty ( t flue aovrlmty-two New York votes.
Until tim ( liuulo'Oah of Mr. Morton's clainmut for
time presidcmucy , however , nothilmig will ho
uhuito iii thin him of a vice hrcsttlentiai caimuli.
Thin boom for Garrett A. Hobart is being
lflisht'uh with great vigor thIs morning antI
lie will miumthotubteuiiy prove a 'er ) ' formniti-
abho tuntagoniet to thin mimammy other macui
mimentioned. If New York decides not to
ha've a caumuiltiate every effort vil tue made
It ) sectuuo time Vote for ItoimuirL
Time Maine 11mph" huavn two camiuhluhati's ,
icavhtig out of consitlcmatloui the mimoveumment
lit Mr. Diimgleys favor. Seimuitor F'ryn anti
( lovemmmor Cleves hiatt open support this
inomnimig In friendly rivuuuy , amid it is I ) ° s-
slide that time friends of time latter unity sue-
Ct'el ( iii obtahniumg support for iilumi froumi the
The McKinley pcoidn hmave buieu1 tlmeun.
selves 'ith time imanies of tvo casterimers
this mmuoruiltmg , Chmaumimcey M. Depnv amid
\Varimer Miller. both of Nuv York. Mm ,
hepew wotmiti be acceptatmhn tt 1)0111 of time
New York factious , bitt Mr. MIller woumlul
0 nt.
It Is time gcimorah view that time vice presi-
iicumtial umomimiatinn shall go to tue east ,
anti hence tim eastnrui canduthates are mom
uuuumerotis than those In the 'cst and south.
Thut' appearance of two flhmIn Isiauid muutiui
Iii thin field as ranuiltiatemi for the rice presl-
ilemicy hmas threat upon time tiehcgatioui froiti
tIiut state a moat emharrassiuig situation.
. \hi Urn delegates ame fricimuihy to Governor
LilIltt anti to ox-Govorminr himown also. hut
hroughut to flue brink of a choice betveeii
the two they are at a loss to kumow how
thmny cali imrouuoto thin iuitemestc of thin state
vithioiut creating factions The ihisisioui
hia u'axcti warm in lime delegation with tlmn
result of a practical agmeniticuit that titi
tiehogates are to refrain from taking nujy
Part iii either mmmii's canvas. Both hiImt'im
Ishnumuhems have estabilshicul hieatltluarters
'I ( ) NS'i'fltt M'II ? IIt' i.tSS 3m EE'I'ISIL
I'-I'umugresMmIuil Ii 1lt'toui Says Sli aer Ia
Not lit Real Issue ,
ST. LOUIS , , .luno 15.-A monster Mc-
Kiithey muiass umcetthg was lucid tommighit in
the muicis hall. whiicht forms a part of th
Exposittomi htulltiing , in which eight years
ago Grover CIes'ehanti was mmominatcth. The
auuullemieo was nmade ui largely of visiting
'iclegates , although local politicians were
In ovidemice anti a minumiber of ladies attended -
tended flue function. Introuluced by Mark
linutuma , ( io erumor liushnehi of Ohio vre-
sIded over th m mxeetlng. On taklimg the
chair the governou said William MclCiuiey
was the choice not only of Ohio , but of
tue natinum , 'uuiti 'flue audience lose uuii
hiowleul Its acquieselnuco. Like Vlrglimia , lie
calul , Ohio huis conic to be the "mother
of prcsiulcnts , " anti' shin was meetly with her
unite for flue Pmeseut occaioui.
Thu governor , , was followed by ox-Con-
grcssimmamt Wiltam E. Masotm of Chicago , who
tartetl out vfth thb 'atatetttut that tttmor-
mow the ru'piubllc'AnsHf tim country woulul
uneet to iuonmluiato a president. Thin auilemice
: ict UI ) C torrifle shout. for the maui frommi
' \Vhty don't you saeuihc about silver ? " in-
" 2iler. ' said Mr. Mason , iii response. "is
a great issue , betweoum deniocuats and-deun-
ocrats. " t :
Mr. Macoh's speech was almost wholly an
elegy of MeRluilcy. Congresantaum Grosvenor
of OhIo salt ! aim attenipt was hioiumg made to
blind thie Issues of flue campaign by thin
introduction of the silver questioui , but the
American people were not to be deceived.
What they wanted in the Immoimey liute was the
Ainericaut (1011am , Tb gmeonbaeic dollar hail
no symptoms of tlelllity about it , ( or it
was worth its face iii gold.Viiat h
vtts vantcd vas tIle Protoctioui of
Amuierleami imduistmy rcpmcsemiteih l' Govermior
McKlmmloy whlcim would lUt morn of thmemui
in thin jockets ( If the American worklngmnemm. a
( Cheers. )
, I' . 1) . Wooduthincy of Ohio , ox-ymeululcuit a
of tile ltmiiomt L'ufIumo club. 51)01CC of McKiui-
Icy as tIm "athvamico agent of lirosperity. " 'I
SlilIJ'l' CONi"iIt1iNCm oI IlitLElti4. a
- 1' '
t'Iut t 'i'iil La to , ForiulCer , Quay timuti a
Itltct' : u itti A ft.rivitr.l It , Ilmu it miii.
ST. LOUIS , June 15.-Thomumas C. I'iatt C
strolled out of hula ron mntomiiglit and alone
walked miii oime iiigiit of stairs and siowly a
alomig tim corridor. Ito was macf at flue ti
amid by Joseph 13. Foraker anti together they a
uveuut directly to tue mania occtiplt3d by Mat.
tiuew Stammlny Quay. Mr. cay was theme
in couimpany with Senator Lodge of Mas-
lachitisots amid thin four geiitlcmuieit sat tiown a
In CtV ) fer beimiiid cioed djors.'hicut the a
oumfcrencn was over , all iiccliiicti to utnto
why it % 'as hi hul. but It was learned thief
both thin gold Plaumlu matter anti tiio vice a
Itmesitidntial matter were talked over. It C
Is uintirsctood tlmat tile project. of tiirowiuig
Lint vice Preslulential uiontluiutthomi to ilormoii ,
i'hIJitU ills wlmuiies , was broachieti. Mr.
ItmmaIuer vemit ( hlmectiy to Mr. llautiia's ioouu
ivhtoui un camime doun , auid was choseteti theme r
it a hate hiotir It Jut further umiutlemumtooui
hat Mr. Foruiker Iirescmitetl for conuilderaa
iou mu ftimauiclal iihauilc , whIch rcaths about us
ohhown :
\Vn favor 1)imflctutlhiuil onhy , If a ) mlttional °
tgmeeunt'ult recognizing that its a iutaiiolamti
: , itn but ohufitimmeul front tile heiuiIuig commonerc
L'IitI cotmurtrlemo. tmthnrwisn we ufayoi' thu n
reseiit iututmiclitrd of s'itlumemu.
bi'K1NIlI ' ) $ ' ' ) .t IitI' , ,
l'IINNCN ii Quilet ; ) fl:9i1 ( lit' Ivi , of the
I'it'sltiiuiLiui * Noi.uluiuitioii , tI
CANTON , 0 , , Julie i5.-Goveriuor McKiitb
'ert'luIht3t day. Tbero
oy luasacti a were no
uut.of.towii ylaftoimi--of muoto amid uio occurjj
otuco to attract Iurtctmlar attemttibui , Front o
lie Associated ie' report furmilehiod by a
001) lii lila reuuIlheruw , lie received thu foil
lou-s of the eAtiitIon. lint It was hot
if a nature to ctirtJIis hilmu to thin extent of
; lviuug uIi a iiioriIimm drive of uti houmm or so
vlthi Mrs. Meliai' . Nor vas ho so deeply
ntorested as UI kidp chose to the iumstru'
ifliuit. tI /
JI'It 'i'OhJltN.tM mIN'i' .
'lit ) ' Sliurteti 1
Omututhuui I'nui jSIM ( iluli's ( roumids ,
Tile cIty tcum furmmamnent , imnuler tue
upices of thin Omaha 'i'cnnls club , at its
; moumnds , 'X's'ciity-fntit'thi amid I larmiey , was
naugurated Jviijuiuig , Early in the
vunimmg tile flvq u'ere tihicti with
ouitestamuta , nod tInt struggle for thin cbamti-
iujmmshI , of tluo cIty was waged umithl thaik-
less closed 1mm. 'time results of thin even-
nc's work was : hlavermitlek beat hirock-
t'clh , 6-2 anti 6.0 ; Spemiccr beat \V. Il. Whl-
ems , ti-i amid 0.2 ; llascail beat l'oluo , 7-5
mmii 11.2 ; II. 13. aullesple beat Fhmitiloy. 8-10 ,
.1 amid 6-3. Itt flue uiouihjlouo , Packard itiiul
V. hi.'iIllammis boat 11. fl , W'ihllainut amid
I , hiaumn , 6.1 cud C-i.
Thu asslgmimneiut of players for this even-
ig Is : flaumu agalosf Backer. Crepe
galmist IL U , Young , hlaskell agmilmiat Oil-
Slio , C. 11. Youtmg aialmist Montgomery ,
lcCrary agatuat Packard anti Culhlmmgbamn
gatmit Gillespie ,
I'liu I ( ii Cemiter . 'sgmui mist ( gl mu mnhtis ,
I'IjA'I"L'fl CEr"rElt Not , . , June 15.-Spo- (
Iai.-Columnbus ) amid l'Iatto Cemmter PlaYed
pretty game of bali cmi thu hioumio diu-
ioiid yesterday. Heome , 2 to ii Iii favor of
latte Center.
National Committee 1eJcth a Rouoliition
from Payi1o of Wilconain.
3titt fit Itrge mu Ni'i Ilasi s for Couuu-
Ittiallltumi of ( lit' ( 'iuuueiilIoui lIui.Is
( iuly lou.r Sliuttirtnrps. . . .
0t her
ST. LOUIS , , lunu , l.-Thue reputitilcan mm-
tiommal coimiuiilttee hind umuitier coumsuuieratloui
tue resolumtioo offerei r'y Mr. Payimo of
\\'Iscoimaiim , proviulimig for change of tim
iiaais of represo'umtntluum lii time mmatioimuui Comm.
Vention. Mr. l'utymue has ammit'ntiuui tbmn rt'solum-
tioum since thrat preiuircti , As imc Presm'imtu'i1
It , it Is as follows :
ltesol'ti , 'l'hmutt time natletmal romninittno
rq'omum lii u'tutimo t 0 t Ii i' comi'mm t ion t Iuut t hu t. me-
itfter liii' bnmitmi of meluieuu'umtuttiomm frommm thin
minVU rut I a lit t ( a miimu : I I I in II x eu it t foti r itoh'-
gitti-s.uutTarge itmimi oume aduiltiomial delegate
tar euieii 7Otj % 'ott'H or cccli mnaJorlty ( rae-
tiou thieltit eutitt itt niucit i4tuttt for thin to-
lOhllenmi .lt'rtnrnh tieket af the lust preceti-
limit nlectlomm amid thoU citeim territory and time
listi ict of ( 'ohumimitlit Is , niutithed to clx
Votes utmuul timutt tile uhehegittes hue utpptlm-
I ioimt'ti to tilt' mut.veral comugmesmuiommnl cia-
tri'ts of t'iucii stitto tupon time cumniu basis.
Mm. l'ayiutj muiathu , a Slueechm iii sumpport of
thin movemnt'mmt , maying thuat the states which
hmaul cast repumllhculn votes siiotuhtl have imm-
creamied represemm tatloim at tile couivemitiontu
uiimd that thin representation ought to ho oii
tue bashg of republican votea. "If , " hit'
lti , "Nevauha cast 25,000 repubhicait votes
ammui MiSSiiSIlIlI , for imistammce , cast the sulimmo
iitimnhtcu' , Nevada should imavit tIme samuic rep-
resemmtatiomm iii coimgr'aui that Mississippi hmaum ,
but thief cannot hiu under tIme Presemit
syateumm. "
lie ulecharcul that the reiutihiicamis of thin
northt % cre duiihiufltic ium thmeir demmiaimd for
refomnm lit this respect. lie imupt'ti thin tiunn
votiIu1 conic wiucmm thin reptihihicamma of thmo
smith woulti 1)0 able to cast cmi immereaseti
Vote amid sectiru its beiuug counteuh , buit uuiilem
time oxlstiuug cimcimnmstutimees ho thiougiut time
lroh'cseth chmaumge liecessary anti hiopeth the
conmuiitteo wouuid reconimmienil time chauuge to
thiti commventiomm.
Mr. Clayton opiloseti tim actioum out the
resolutions by the coumimittee , couitenuhimmg
that tii quiestioui was a proper olin for
time coumvcntlout to deal with , html mint for tiuc
Couflhilittce. lie , however , would vote for
time comislderatloui of time quuestiomm him coti-
vt-ntiotm. Ito wouhul mtot say that ho wotul'l
imot vote for tlmi or sotuie moiniliar itropositioui
In tbo convention , hut lie did mint believe time
national comumuimitten haul ammy power to con-
either it. Ills good frhcumui , Mr. Payne ,
uieeuuietl , lie sai'l , to doubt thu south. Thin
soutlierui reluulilcaums luau ieefl told timat they
moust work out their owum salvation and they
had lCu'ii tryimmg to do that. l"ummthuermiiome ,
lie tht'claretl , growimmg very earnest , they
wouilul hmave stmccceie(1 ( if they bad beomi left
' 1f northern money Iuaut been kept out of
time souutim there would be no roasomt for the
charges now ummade , " a southern member in-
terrtiptcuh to say.
Commtiummmimmg , Mr. Clayton said lie retemretl
to no special catmiiluiates efforts to control
In that section , but that all lmmformation
froimi thin ouitsiuhe was perniciotma , Yet , bad
aserc affairs in thu south , they vemo mm
worse , as It imad heoum shown hem , than they
were him soimme of the great northern states
to which time resolution Proposed to give
more remmesentation. He conteutleul that
many of thin soultimemn commtests bad riseum
out of a misapprehension as to the power
at the committee , arid gave notice of a
resolutloum to have the imational commnlttee
umoro closely tlefluio this.
Mr. Leonarul of Louisiana supported the
resolution , saying lie lmopeti to never again
see a presidential canuiitlate norninuteul by
itoutimemn votes anuh tlefeateui at thin polls.
Mr. 1-Jul of Missouri complaimmed of Mr.
Pa3'uio's wauit of comisistecucy In proposIng to
alto three votes front Mississippi amid cull
mIx to time DIstrict of Coiummmtimla , lIe do-
ioumnced thin plamm as one caiculateul to cia-
raumchlse tInt south on the dounocratic thaii.
itr. Suithuerhanci smuppomted the Pmoposltiom , ,
maying imt never wanted to agaium have to
iear flue recital of such thiagraceful scenes
t bath been detailed hero tltmring time Past
, c-ek. lie thought time natiommal conmniitteo
uhtouild be irmstmuuctcii to require the certiulea-
loit of all tielegates by time state delegation.
lime comnimilttee today reftused to Increase
hte delegation fronm the District of Columbia
mcmii . two to six. Thu proposition for an in-
n.cose weE bitterly opposed by Commiilttoe-
mimi Perry Carson , otm the gmommnti that It
vould give cmi Undtie amhvauitage to his op-
Mr. 'Youngblooih of Alabama mnado a qumlte
crusatlonal thmougli a very brief m'pt'cchi imi
qiposing time resohntion. "W'e will be all
'lghmt In time south , " lie said , "if you will
10011 your boodle anti the enilssarhcs of
our camudidates from thin north at 11011113.
t i jtust as vehl to be Ilium itbout it :
htis is thin imEhujenco which ti nmomaiizes the
otith. W'lieim a eampaigti is oui , time south
S ovomrtun by these emnfsaamies who conic c
Inong tms , get our mcmi out and give them
000ny to lix things for their eantiidate.
'lie unoimey mtehdoumi moes ( urthmer thaui to the
lmt mmiamm to 'honi it is handed , but lots
pernicious c'ffect all the saumio. Now , I me-
eat , just keep youur corrullutlommlsts at hiime
mmti your huoouiin also. " Contlumuming , ito siW
hut time souutliorui ieitibllcai ) dolegatlomis c
oimdtmctcd theumiselves with all decency ttumt ii s
880 wben Inca were sent through tile south r.
I ) corrtilmt the % 'ote lit favor of hhlciume as
gaimist Geuteral Gmammt , anti asserteti that C
lie miman , ; 'bo was responsihtin for tht Ina
tuguratiomi cC the systommu now lmulu.i a seat
ii the United States st'mato. Ho saId that
lie atlOhtioum of the resoutitioum wouuitl muiemely
p0n time coors for mumome fratuui ,
Mr. Scott of W'st Virglmila. thin original
uithuorlty of time iulan proposeti , declared nut
rotmthmern nmaut that Cue vresent systemmi
as vrommg and asseu'tt'ul timet but ( om tile
urge vote of chico huolilorto iii the Mimmmie-
iuohis commveiitIomm , uamiy belumg iii the south ,
lemieral liarrisout catihi muot have secured ic
Ito nounlimatioti ,
Ex-Senator Carey of Wyonilmig ophuttteul tile t1
( litOltitiomI cli lime jmnumuiul thief it wouuld gIve
irger states aim ummduo immtluemice lii uiatiommuml r , ,
( lairs.
At time commchusioim of time debate , Mm' . Clay-
rn of Arlcammsas offered a retoohtitioui as a a
tibmitlttute for all mmitttlomms ammul anmenihmuemuts C
I ) thin effect tiuat tile eomummmmlttec , shall ciha-
1dm jurlutuiletlon to mmmutkn aumy sucht recoin-
temtdatloums to thin mmatIotmal convouition. At
lie request of Mm , Feutsomiuleit of Commmmectl-
lit the resolutiojt was niodutheti to read :
That lids coimiummittee deeot it lmmexpetlietmt
3 ummako nmmy mesoiotion whatever to thin na-
lomial couiveiitioim on tills stibject. "
Thin reshiutiomm as mnodiflctl was uuioptcti It
y a yea cmiii nay vottt-31 to 4. time mmeaK
vu votes hioimmg cast by W'iluuorm of
ehawuure , Cott of Vest Virgiumimu , Payne
f Wiscomisimm anti Ilatchu of Alaska ,
Clmairmimutmm Carter stated that thin mmationimh c
" 7 AJ ( I K
V 1' .il
Be1idere. '
They are the Lightest Running
Wheels on Ilarth and 5trictly
High Grade , ( i
We Always Made Qood Sewing
WhyShouldn't We Make Good
VlIeoI5 ?
TI4 r Ia
RECTOR & VILI1ELMY GO , , Agcnts1 ,
OMAhA , NUU. till
( hUt
committee imnol be'n rceeiimmg rt'stihtmtioummi
from chambers of eonmmmeree. ioaruis of tmaI
amid other orggtmiIzatIon. omm a varhi'ty or uiii.
Jt'cts flmmti It was prommptiy deeIull to refer
tiucmn all to the t'tumiiumilttt't , oui nuts anti or-
dcc of htiiiics at time eoiuveimtloum
Mm' . Carter than statti thmat time mimic of
the reptubhleami party requiring thmat time no-
ttommal eoiulimiittet' shall give six imionthma mio-
tire of a imieetlimg of a umntlouial ennveumthomm
gave thin oppoattioum nrty utoiuit' athvaumtage.
It was usual tot time party tim power to hold
I t a comi vomit iomi Ii rat amid I lie ot hi em Imuirt %
cmiii tin' alvnntnge , it any shtotihd
aceruue to tin' imohuiimmg of a later coiivpntiomui.
'rime 'Itummormatic party was conmyclieti to give
huut SlCt ) ' days' miotico. In thin fimtuime it
iiiliiit tui' of great at1vauitng to have it
shutmrtcr miotice thou six mumomitims , mis at preut-
cli t
Mr. l'miqcnulemi offered a resohmitierm direct.
ing hue cimairmnaui of time cotmiiuiittee to pros-
svumt to the emniitte& ' on rules anti order
of huuuqhness thmuit it thin semian of flue
eoiiiumuitteo thmat time Interests of thin party
wotilit he nuivammeci , by aumtimorlzing time coin-
muilttee to rt'iiimcc , if it uhesireti the fInn , limit
of miotico , fromim six mouths to mihxty ilays.
At this 1)olmmt a very Phensant episode oc-
curreti. Mr. tiutyton oiTeroi a rrsoitmtloui
expressing the appreciation of thiti corn-
hilittee to ( 'imairmimaum Carter for the
able , impartial anti dianiflei maim-
muer In which hn hail presided over flue
comnnuittee durIng its tisilboratiommut. Thoi me-
miollit ion vas amnt'mmiieti to lticiUuie thaumkiu to
Mr Manhey aimil other omeers ot time corn-
mmiittcn ( or the satisfactory manimer in which
thmey lied ilerfomnmetl their service , . The rose-
hutitmn u'nmt iiasseii umnaniniotimuly by a rlutiumg
Mr. Cuirter responiiing said it was time
last mimeeting of time full coniniitteo In bumuti-
floss scsslomu. lie witthcth to express his slim-
core alupreciatlomi for time kindly wortlut which
haul hicen autopteti. "I wimdm to thank , ' ' lie
continueth , "time couuinmittee as a wimohe anti
each tmmember of time committee immiiiviiiumahiy.
ammui time hiarty throughout time coummtry for
time mmimiimmmer in which time ollicers of thin coin-
mmmittoe have ienn stimutumineti. It. was tile mimis-
fortummie of the comiimnittce to ummeet an over-
vimclmniimg party defeat. I auii grateful 110(1 (
tile officers of the commmiitten are grateful
thief neither the liarty press nor time 1)atty
as a wimole made any effort to trmuumsfer tIle
responsibility fronm the party at large to the
men who s'emo struggling In thin camupaigum. ' '
Mr. Carter referred iii a touchmimmg mammmmer
to the tienthu of mnenliers of tIme cnuummmitteo
aimil coimtintueti : ' 'As we now tiisbamtd to
niet ho more as an orgaiiizeii bothy. I 'atmt
to say timiut thin fouur years I have lresideti
over this comnnilttee have gIven me some
of the most tinhighitful remmiembrances of mmiy
life , anti I mihall carry thin sentimmients of time
most geuterouis anti kindly tceiimig for every
mneniber of It. "
Mr Carter said thief it in the heat of cia-
bate ammil opposing viewut harsh words had
Itneit spokemi. ime felt summe they hail never
lCemi meant to wounuh or offcimul anti that tIme
present comnunittee nihjoumrmmeti wIth time best
of fehhowship anti indivlduiah estceln for eadi
l'hto couminiitten adjourned until 4 o'clock.
which meeting Is slnmply for the Inmrllosn of
thistributimig tichets.
( ; A I ES 01" 'I'IIE Nt'I'iON.tL LI.t ( t'E.
Ciitt.i ii tint I InruisuuYietory by liii t-
ttn& ; at tmit' i'rul-r 'I'Iiuit- .
cINCINNA'rr , June 15.-hireiteumstehmi wns
very wild , hut Ciimcitinatm earne'tl the vie-
tory by uimalcing hits at opport000 tinieto ,
wimihe the Ilmowuis ccattttroh their dozen
drives too wIdely. Attendutmice , 3,00. Score :
( 'incimmnati . . . . . . . . . I 0 1 0 : t 1 1 0 - 7
St. Look . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-I
lilt ) ; : Cllicinnatl , S ; St. Louis , 12. Emmors :
CimicimmmmaU , 0 ; St. Louis , i. Earned rouis :
( "Inciimnati , 3 ; St. Louis. 1. Ihutttnrles : CImm-
rlmjimmtti , Dwyem ammi'auighiml ; St. Loulut ,
lireitemisteln amiti McFarlaniL
CLEVELAND , Jumie 15.-No game ; rain.
UOSTON , Juno 15-New York - Iloston
game postpon"ti : Wet grotimids.
WASHINGTON , Jul11) 15-Wasiuington
t.on the gmtuno today , tvhlch vaut withmtiuit
itilY special featuir , , . Imi time first iuimiiumg
Mi'rcer 'ac poorly stuppom'tctl mimlil time vis-
Ltors tallied their ommhy ruumis. Errors by the
L'hliiies vemy mitatomially asiuttel the Semi-
itors in micomlng. Attontiamice , 3,7th ) . Score :
mushiingtoit . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 2 3 0 1 0 0--fl
Pimihuielphmia : . . . . . . . 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03
tilts : \Vaslmlngtotu , 10 ; Phlladelpluiu : , 7.
Nrmors : Wramlhlngton. 8 ; l'imilntlttluimia.I. .
Namimel ruummit'ashimmgtoui : , 3 ; Pluiludelplmia ,
I. flatteries : \ VutsimlulirtoiiIemt.r amii1c -
hurt' : Phiiatlehpiuia. Taylor and Gu-mttly.
1mIIOOKLYN , N V. , .luuie 15.-The lirook-
) 'nS luiumcfmeti their hiit iii the sixth utmiui
e3velitil mnniumgs tocitty amid scout.i enotih , C
'uns to defeuit the fast Ihytuig Orioie $ . Sore : I
trookhymi . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 (1 ( 0 0 2 2 0 - 4
Jaltinmoro . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 02
tilts : hirookhyii , S ; hlaltimmiome , S. 1'rrorc :
: lrookiyim , 2 ; Jiultimnore , 2. Earlmeil ruumis :
Jrooki3'ul , 2. I1atterleu : 1lmooklvmm , In umb
Lilut Grim : Baltimore , Rafter anti hobiumson.
i'i"rsnurto , Jimmie 13-The home toammi
vita leuiteum because of its los' IhuYlbmtt
' : ihit'n jitehteul a fair gaummi' , but was mooriy
upported. Attelmlaumce. 2,00) . Score :
'ittsimtimg . . . . . . . . . . . 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 15
hic.ugt. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 3-il
tilts : I'Itt'tliurg. 10 ; Chicago 1G. Errorut :
'lttsbumgI ; Chicago. . Eiriuui riimms :
'Ittsbuirg , :1 : ; Ciiiuarto. 1. Iiatt'rIes : I'lttc-
uumg. Kilinmi unti Merritt ; Chieaio , Griulith
iumd Kittinuhgo.
Played. Won , Lost. PC
It'veIauitI . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2 1fl CI .9
ialtiuiiomt' . . . . . . . . . . . . 40i IS IS Ct ) 9
'Immc'Iumuitti . . . . . . . . . . . -iS 29 10 59.2
'Iiilut'ielphiut . . . . . . . . . -19 2 21 57.1
lostoui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 25 i9 SILS a
mtuthington . . . . . . . . . 4 1 'I 20 rt.s \1
iroklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 25 22 51.2
'Ittcliuirg . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C 23 22 51 .1
liicigo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 25 24 51 ti '
ei % ' York . . . . . . . . . . . 17 20 27 42.13 ii
I. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 II 22 2S.t ( ( i
, ouisville . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 10 15 22.2
Gaunt's today : Loumimivihie at Clevehi : ml ; ci
luicmtgo hi t Plttciiummg : St. Louis rut Ctmmeiut-
muti ; New York at lio.3tout : llaltiumioru itt
trooklymm ; PimlliLtitlltmi at. VtshmtIigtoum.
COItES 0l' 'l'I1E'I1i4'h'IIitN IFi.t(1 IL
iuiisits Cl I ) ' ( lvt-s tt. i'ziiil it I'rt' ( I y ci
mitIr Si'Iiitt * Iigit'k ,
KANSAS CITY , Jun' 13Scorn : lit
utimsmts City . . . . . . 0 0 8 0 0 2 1 0 00
t.l'tuh . . . . . . . . . . . . 000002020-I
Jilts : Kamisaut Cily , fi : St. 1'tuh , 12 Er-
Dm5 : hCumisuuu4 City. 0 ; St. 1'timl , : m. flutter-
ii : Iauuieis utmud Vt'Ieii ; t"iuzem multi Sities ill
IL\VAUKEE , J tine 15.-Scomes :
Illwuiukee . . . . . . . . .
Liiiuleitlohis . . . . . . . . I 0 2 1 1 2 1 0 - S
hits : 'tlllusuiulcen. i1 : ' , liuiiiettOItmi ; , 11. Er-
) rh ( : ti I I % vittikto , 7 ; 'h I ii unit pol 18 , 7 I tat to I'-
s : i hi mum es mumuti Slucit t ; 1 1 ti t cit I ii SOIl it iiti
cii river.
UflANhI ItAPIDS , Jimne 15.-icor. :
i'uiiii htutphuls . , I0000IOI000000-5
OiilutiIUs . . . . . . . . 11300000000001--fi
I I I tut fi i'amiti I tapiil ti , I I ; ( oh ii miii imuc , II.
urorto : ( I rut mmd I to iuhi5 , 5 ; Coi ii ill Iii ma , 0.
it t I ' ' nec : 'ol I crc , I i mi ggm4 a mud imiu luik
oswt'II uiuitl'ihsomi. .
ll''I'ltOIT , Jimmie l5.-DcitroIt.Immdltuimipolli3
( lImO I)0tIOIiCtl ; 'e t groummmds.
S'I'ANIING OF 'l'hhi 'I'EA2dS ,
Piuiyt'd , W'oui. Lost. P.C'
otm'oit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -Il . 2 10 610
utl litimauoli'i . . . . . . . . . .1 23 1 1 59.0
Itmistis City . . . . . . . . -Il 21 20 515
Imiii'uijOItlt . . . . . . . . . -I I 21 20 fitS
ilivmtmjleo . . . . . . . . . . 47 21 2i fill
i'itumh . . . . . . . . . . . . . -12 21 21 5(1.0 (
) ItlmuihtUio . . . . . . . . . . . -IT Pt 2i s3
mmii Itaplds . . . . . . 16 16 :1) : II 8
( iii iii cut todit y : I mid in num pot is itt lu't i-oh t
I n iie'ui Itoh I a at t 'tl I I'itIi kit' ; St I 'ii U I itt
itmi sac CI t ' ; Col uimimiumis itt U mutiii ( I lit lIlds
'i5'I'lIlX tSS0Ci.t'l'I0 It ESii.'i'i ,
iii uut' ' 'l'i ; kOs Ausotli u'm' Fit I I ( lii t itt
( lit' li'a iiiIuu's fluitlit ,
tJINC' , III. , June 15.-Score :
illicit. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1-1 l'I
's Molmues . . . . . . . . 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Ills : Qulmuty , 4 ; Des Moines , 5. 1rmomut :
mlti'y. 0 ; Iniu 'doimmes , 1. Jlattcrieui : '
ithrop amid Quuiiimi ; iiuuhrttsvn tuuud LouCl
'tim. ti
tO'Klcolfl ) , lii. , JulIe 15.-Score :
) el.forui . . . . . . . . . . I I ) 0 1 1 0 0 0 1- 1
'oria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000000001-i 3
llts : htot'kford , 8 ; PeorIa , 5. limors :
tukoit1 :1 : ; i'uoilui , 2. iliittei ins : I lortoum 0)1
ul b'tiytlej' ; Omt'gom'y omiti Iiugihmilo
S'I'ANlING 01" 'l'ilfl ' 1'iVt.ilt4 , cii
I'luuyetl'Oil , 1tst. P.C. em
5 Moimmes . . . . . . . . . . .i 2) ) 7 I0.6
oriut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 21 16 000
cliorij ( . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 26 II 59.1 01
uiiuirjtI . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 21 ID ri.t mu
dam ItuluIds . . . . . . 41 17 21 4i S lit
t'Iiiigmomt . . . . . . . . . . t3 10 21 )7.2 ) ,
limit' ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 II 25 11 9
Joumelim . . . . . . . . . . :31 : 13 26 ' 1.'J ci
ittiti'm4 today : ien 1Iolneut at liuirhiimgIn
m ; HI. Jotoejili at Qumlmioy : Cedar itiIIitiut ( iii
ltcom Ia ; iubuihuo at itockford.
li4iuuiO'iI ( l.ziIIt'utgts lImit ' , 'orIti , RE
Yui ) ; ? , Juimio lI.-lmt a cable to the ut
hhy A mulei1I'anViieetmami , hloubemi , the nil
iloims lk'igliii muck , vbuo defeated Zluo-
riimutmi lomi hun muumt the ii Is laut I Freuicim phi
p. Issuieth tt ciiullcmmgu to time u'orhi for
imIttCii nice I ) ( 2,000 inotlS ( oumo utile utmol
quiulter ) without llaeemmmlukers 'l'iio % ' (
fly AmoemIc'pmm'iieo1mmiaru hunt been rotjt'j
stcd to tumuango thIs match between
mis of the plomnlnemmt Aiitciricami amid it
I ! the stakomi are suithielently large ihoumlien
vtli comae IC this coumuitry , umitliotugh l'iuria
hu givemi time Iwet'rommoe ,
' I't liM & 'l'I' $ i'l 1.1. V l"I'OhI lflt. ' .
' Ilutriu's 'I'i'iiuui (114011 II 'l'roiuiueluuit hiy
tlitt ltIt'hsuirthsituu ( 'IuiimuiiIiti.
hit.i.i.H Cl'I'Y , Juirmt' -Speciai-'rtmi (
hlomtoum , Etimi. , 011th huoimme l'uilh leonimu mr t
on time oilitnmoumtl at lhmI'u phutce yemutem'iuy :
nm'i ni t ui It ( iii I' of flu t' lit'st gui iflu's 0 f I ii ti
snmlu'otm. hum. ' of ( toil ultee of tiut' gtimno
vi Ii I ii I hit' hit mit liii I f of I hit' sevemm I Ii Immmi immg
vimt'n llorloum vt'nt to iuiit , ( timly tiurce
hiill : % -tre 1 bmrovmi imv ( 'inik , u'ttch Iteing a
ituig foul. ( 'lilt. \uIM cttmtiiit lii' I luill ,
( 'it t tim or ; I hue set'omitl iu' Coum ha' . I it I ru I 'a so ,
ii liii I iii' I hi I rd Ity tit'i mutt mm mlrmit mm scuhitum ,
itlintit twt'tity ftt't cult o time ftimmi line.
t0tiii' gooti work Wtiut ohommc' 1mm both fields.
Scorn : '
l'iiilit City. Ibm-ton.
itIl.n.t. Ii ii C ) A.
0l'i atom Iii. . . I 3 5 0 hiiivn to . . 2 i ) 3 0
lfru'lctmian : , If. . a I ii I I i4mIrkl'r. : .h . C I 1 t
IblI , o' . . . . . . . I I I 0 iTem , ' . , It . . 1 1 5
i"rry. . . . 2 2 1 .1 ib.'wI. p . . . . . (3 1 i I
it"-mi.Elut . , 21 , . . 0 2 0 5 ( 'iinllfl. lb . C ) (1 ( S 1
( "omuztmmum. . . . . (1 1 4 0 lttngm-y , ps. . . I 2 2 4
Il' ilunusmi. rt. . , 2 2 0 0 IIartnin e . . I I 3 2
( ' . 'tulP. , 31i . . . . . 3 2 4 I iuiry"u. rI . . . . 0 uS 0 0)
Clark , ; . . . . . . 3 3 0 1 MoNthly. ii , . a a I )
Ttal . . . . . .IS 17 s ; 't Total . . . . . .S V 1.1
l.utlls ( Ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o e a o 3 n i us
Ilori.n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m m a i o e ' s
Eittn'i runs : Falls ( lty , l. Two-has , , h I
1l''Irunui. Tnrt'' , him : l'erry. Itoni ' run
'tman .ihol , ri he.s : (5tman , 2 : bt'JI I
( ) tdtsc'r. 2 lirowym , I ; $ tCmo'kler , 1' Ibutmr u.
Ii'tt.'i , , ri Isimi ( 'lirk. 2 lIlt h1 t hr
im 2 : II'wI. I i4tnmok mit : n , 11ii.
2 : by ltw'i 2. b'ss..I hails : miami. i u' , - .
Dill , . 3. % Iil muitrh : Jtowu'l. I. Errnrut huh 1
l'crrN' m Itflti'l'I , I t'iim'I ; Clark. I mbsni.r ,
i : t'nhIn I ; Miniy , 2 : luiryt'.i , 1. 'I'lmit. .
hour an.i army mmnnts. tmplu' : Jamt.i JiiI-
. MIt-luy itni'p nt Mt. Itnnl.
S.F. I'M' ! . , Net. , June l-Sp'otai I-
Thti six-tiny llCCIfl mitt-u. of the I' ° week
ohotucil Satuirtlay night. The racing was one
hiour'tu rile each o'vt'm1tn. from 7 . ) to 10
Thit'rt' were eight contestants rut tim , ' start ,
of whont stutyt'l , to th. eloqe. making
tbmt. fohiowimmg ri'rortis : Wtlltam Anrierson ,
ifl7a miles ; Stamiit'y Pa ttWttkt , 10'7i3 .
'tulegate , iA0 ; C" , K L"ttwlcb , 103. Fiovui
J'ffomuls , 1oIm. Aumiprsomm , iummui Appl"gatt ,
% Vern each iiutflthit'tppc'ti two cmiii one-h tif
mnlmiuitcut , ninhclng their limo emily fifty-
mi'tiii mtumil nmmi' half inummumies. First pro-
ti mu , it golil vat cii , tm i'd "ciVt I I is ni An-
tiu'rsofl ; , it'coimti ireiimiuitmi , silver pitcher S.
l'awhoshtj ; I hi lrtl premium , opera glasses ,
Ray Applegutte.
Itiuxiui liii iI mig n t Iu'a ibiti ns.
Dl9 MOINES , Juimmn 15.-Special ( Tehe-
grmtnl-'h'ho 1).a Moiimemi'hec.i club gave
its lirat roati race of time s'asotm today.
'rim. ' cotirse wino a trifle over thirtenum niiieit
uinl thin ru.cmilts . % 'nil' chost' aumti oxcitimig' .
Thmimo w. , , forty shimmers .tnl tVeuity-Iivn
1)1 thiemii Ibumhuhieih iit"t'iu' of two mnhlmutcio ,
Frank lIii Iti of los Molnomi , with nine nun-
tilt's iiimulilical ) , tluiiheti tirat iii 4S:15 : ; I Il
Ibui'illtmiui Ct Mtrmohmalltown : , hutlmiiIcnplnl ,
two miumulit's amid tiitrty st'coiiiimi , us mice-
onth iii tund t ( ( ( tic tl u at ti tne pmlz , ' , I ii 4 1 5-1 ;
A. It. Elder of tTtrsimalItowui : , 2-50 liuimtii.
r'np , w's third in mind sceommul in tiltmo.
l'ttime II :8L'
: : . _ _ _ _ _ _
lzuI. . Cii lu'it.t'it'il II R'Iiiiutti&tl ,
Time emttc'h'ltc-cutth'Cmtn wresthimmg muiateh
it'tven Toni iavleut Of Cruhifomnia itmul
I Iutrry I tit'hmn1ouuti of' Otuiahmut , a t t lie Charles
Street Iiui'iC Inst mmigiit. was a very taune tuf-
fair. ltvit'mi : fuim oulte'mtsseti ' ltleluuimomii ntmti
tilmiliositI of hint Imi shuort iuii'ter. 'l'ht. mlmuut
hotit requlireil tlv niiuiutos ittmI thirty-live
tiocoiltiM Ituiti wliHomi Ill' ii tiotihile Nelson
The seu'ouiti took lttmt fitty secommiha. time big
Ca I I fornia ii vinni mmg vi tim a Ilyl img ( a ii.
F'roIu'it'l.stui mind iIittll'1I to it't't.
Thmo mmmatehm luicycie race luetween Fre,1- ,
i-ickcoui mtmii , Maxwell , hub heats , for it vtumso
of 100 , comes off at time ( 'harltt Street iirk
tills evoumimug , mtmid ought to ho arm iumtoreiuuing
amii iOlit'eil' ( affair , 'J'iit'rc' will uulmio he Iwo
iru'llniinmtry evcmmtc. It live anti two nllhl
aimiaten 1 race , I nivliichi 1 , ' imgi I 1 1 a 1 I , Ill I I y
Keiiey , Oils iloitomi , Ilarry Elgiilhi ( , C. Id.
l'mirlter amid hioIi'rt , J.Vlilte will conipetti.
Card 3IaIcu'ut a Ni-s-v IIit , 3butrIc
DIfN\'Elt , Jmimme 15.-George Carl broke
thitl womlti's recorti for itmt mtnmiatt'um mtced :
mile at thm record macct at the Denver
S'iieei club park totlay. lila oliit'iuth thmt
wtts I : 18 t-5 , til' ) lirevious mceom ci ieimmg ,
I :0 : 2-5 , iiu'ltl by A. It. hughes. Card vas
laced by it tiuid.
I'rumt' * Ion ilItIu. ci' ( rIu'l.ej _
All 1)IltYL'iut of the Gate City Cricket club
mu requested to Ineet on the Fort Ounahma
roimmmds for a lurmuctlcu. match emi Tustlmty
iviumminig at 6 p. In. Visitors mire eomdl.tily
uiVltttt. 113' order of thm exeetitl'e cciii-
muitice. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '
Sipitihers S'Iiu ( ito iiilia.- .
FOIt'i' ItOBINStN , Nd , . , , Iuime l5.-Spe- (
iliti Telegrumum-Thmo ) garnO of ball between
'ot't flthulmicon amml , Ciiauimoum-Cmawfor,1 for
201) rosiitte'ti : F'ott ltobiuisoui , 21 ; Ciuatroii-
iaw1oi-d , 13. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iluist iutgs Ccl Ii'rt' uuui ii ii lgli St'liool.
HASTINGS' . Neb. , Jun , 15.-Spc.cial"I'ele- (
; mmtmn-h ) Imtctiumgs college mull , ! I lirhm school
iahl eitmis phtyi'ul thui'lm lirmit gammie today.
c'o , : College , 22 ; High mithmooi : , 9.
titriirIst' 1)'I'cstlut Slit-Ilty ,
St'Itl'IIJSE , Nd , . , Jtumue ll.-Siteclt1.- ( )
; um-im-ise ( htf ( 'Ittel Shelby lui a gimimme of bull
utile Stttuiu'luy , the score utnuidluig : Sur-
rIse , S Shelhiy,2.
; _ _ _ _ _
lIt'itit V1iI it'iiits1ittl limu rcnral.
CAMI1I1IDGE , Juimn 15.-Hi ouvn , 4 ;
Iutrvard , 0.
LOCAl. Ihitm7' I'i'hIS.
Mmmi. 'dauns , who has beeui living mit the
Voiutau'ut hiommie , 816 South Elghiteeumtli street ,
ttt'iiipted to bum-li tile cstmtbhishmuumemmt auid
( as arreitteti Oil flue chmau'gu of imusa ulty
Joimum Barclay of Hardy , Ncb. , was fommuuti
11111) ' lit the feuierai couit yestertisy muiorui.
mg of emimbezziltug a letter ctuiitiihiilmig a
raft for $150. lie tus ihiied $50 amid costs ,
Time mnemumhers at thiti First Motlmouilat Eiiis-
opal chutm mcii v ii I lmavtm mt mm i um ( aroma I sutelal
, lt hit'rI hg a I tutu itarlors of t ho church th Is
t'emiliig amuti at time close refmesutmnemuts will
0 served.
Jauuicmu Sin itli , fit C mu egmo w Ito atteuumpti'd
mmmcliii liWit ) ' 'uvithi it vahliu ( ulutmtliiiuig
othing aumtl $15 lii lunacy beloiigiumg to a
ms Close , was centeticeth to sixty IhalS
I thin cotmuity Jail aim the clusigo of iarcemiv.
Jimulge I'oivehl gmammtni a divorce ) t sterolay
orimimug to 1dm-ut. Elsie , iamtut Jtuhiuusoum fi ttmum
n 1 rev Johi ii soum aim I lie grouim Is of ciuct ty
i'l ii tiiutli ) ii PC it . , h i mu. Jolt it miami was mtl si ,
Lvtmim Limo custotly ut time six umilmior chill-
1adness Comes
Al Itim a bt'tter iimudermtumutl big of time
tVi1ll shout mUtt U It ) ( ) I I I iti m m in umy piiys.
iui his , vhmichm vamuishi lafom'e ) of-
) rts-gentho c'ffcrts-pit.mthmuml I t llollb-
ghutly directed , ' [ 'unit' it. c'ouimfoi't Iii
me hmtous'ictlge , thimut tct iimummy foiriuts .tf
eicmmess imt't , mint ii tie I I II m iy ittlit : mm I ciii , .
15(1 , 1 , ii I hI mmm)1y I C ) it ( ttmiSt lJSl t eth u'r'n ti I.
011 of tue t'ybtt'mti , viiic'hm t hue ( : )
uiiihly laxittive , SJ'rtmp of Figs. pi'tuummpt-
' ' 't'JimtL is ' ' it tite
rcmmmoI'es. s113' iii tuiiiy
tIll tu1 , ' vi fit mim i h I honui a f In iii m I let , , ii mm ci ha
'Or'tS'iICtre , ebtettummeti ma ) huighuiy h.y mull
I mo s'iii nti geoul haul ti m . I tm , heim e II chit I
bets nte ii um it to thue fact , t I i n t I t ha I lie
113 mc mmt'ly ( uvli helu peni mOd ci ; m I t tell tat
eminlhtiess withmnutt cieliiiilttthmmg Lnm !
gumus omm w'hmieiu It acts. it is thuemofome
I iumuportammf lii order to get Itr bauie'
11111 effects1 to note \vhlemm , ' , 'Ott hitur. '
I LISt' , tii mut yOu ii mts'ti th u ii g'ii II i n e :1 : m'ti.
a , ss'huiehi hut miuaiutiuc'ttimed l' tlau CuhI' ; 5
mimhit Fig Syrtip CO. only uimd acid iuy
I repmutmtltlo driiggl'ts. t
If 1mm time tmnjo.yuiemmt of guc,1 hicelt. " ,
tI time systt'imm Is rc'guitmr , laxative t'r
imem' reimietBes itru tIuomm Iltl imeeded. If
lhleteti with amiy atitumni chisuitse ommu
ll ho comnmnemmoh'd to time Inebt situ Ifiut
, t'slCuitIi3 , hut If in mitt'd of a hiuiiui ve1
0 simommhtl have tue host , unci wHit thmi , .
ihl.Inoi'mtmttd tmvczytvlterc , Syrtlj ) of t
gshtitnti hmljhueit Ililul Is xilit hiirjely
tid ueth ihi'e : not'citt'ia1 atkfmetcu. !