- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ , THE OMAHA , DAILY BEE. - - .ESTAJ3LISIIED JDNE ) , 1871. ( ThAUA , MONDAY MOUING , JUNJ ) 15 , 1S9G siNGrAi oo'Y FVE CENTS. I PLAIT DEFEAT J Ta'k ' of' Bolting the Convention Is Now Very Vague. L PECULIARITIES OF TIlE SITUATION i JlcII1entM ( .riniIs Out ot ( lie hitter YIgiit Aiiotg tile Ntv York ; 1)cIegsIl.M tO tlio Coit- I tUItIl * . , I ' ( ' ST. LOUIS , Juno I t.-"lt does not feel so cE badly to bo bent'n as I though It would , " remarked Iclegate at-largo Fdward Lauler- bach this afternoon as lie stood In Thomas - C. Piatts room and discussed 'itli NatIonal Committeeman \VihItain A. Sutherland , .3. Sloat F'asset and others the decision ot the national committee on the contested seat ' cases In New York state. The InCorinah meetIng had taken up the 1 consIderttIon ot the matter to decide # ; vhether a further contest ehould be made before the committee on credentials In the 4 t convention. It was decided that the action . of the national committee on the New York contests was disastrous to Mr. Platt's t friends. The districts in which lie was Intensely - , tensely interested were those in the city ' of New York. lie never felt alarmed about the contests In Brooklyn , and It appeared that the mcii who intended to contest the seats of the I'Iatt men abandoned them and , . .i : the Platt delegates were seated unanimously. The greatest fight made was that in the Twelfth district , where Cornelius N. Bliss and S. V. IL Cruger ( anti-Piatt ) were coim : testIng with the I'iatt delegates , hlowarih Carroll and Thuriow Wee4 Bowes. This was the strongest case the Piatt men presented - sented , and yet the I'iatt delegates secureti hut half a ote each. shared with the antI- l'latt muien. In the other districts the amiti- ' l'Iatt men were seated with full delegate powers-William hirookflcid and Anson 0. McCouk , In the Thirteenth , and C. II. T. Collis amid Robert .3. WrIght In time Fifteenth. There was no question about the claims of l3rooktieid anti MeCook , as Mr. Stitherianui , vhmo lund been fighting in Mr. PiatUs Interest - est throughout time entIre meeting t the committee , claimed the rIght to mnalu the motion to seat them. t \'imen Mr. Laumterbacii made his sage remark - mark about the hack of bitterness In defeat , Mr. Platt smiled and salt ! : "Its a good way to look at It , Lauterhachm , anti all our defeats should be accepted In the same spirit , " whllt' Mr. Fassett. vhmo a year ago was outside of the breastworks , smiled acceptance - ceptance of the theory. It took butt a few moments to iecltie time question of further appeal in time contests. It was time almost unanimous theory that no good could conic of such an appeal. antI that it simply meant delay for time con- ventlon. Time chaIrman of the Now York state committee , Charles \V. Hackett , vimo had come to tile conference , sided in this decision by stating that he had been givemi to understand by persons in authority that a plan haul already been prepared by time IdeKinley managers that would preclude any appeal ly providing that a decisIon In any contest made by the national committee should be considered final. Mr. Lauter- bach said ho had understood time same timIng. Notbing wotmid be gained by makIng another - . . other fight to reopen time contest. - Mr. Sutherland , who had made a brii- liant standjor Mr. hiatt In tbu uationai i : committee , aiso tlimparage&1 an appeal , anti so time New York contests arc finally dis- hosed of. Mr. Platt , asked for lila personal opinion in time matter of the Twelfth district , said : 'Messrs. Bliss amiul Crumger did not have a leg to stand upon. and the national coot- inittee knows it. It is surprisimig that a man of Mr. Bliss' fine sense of honor would . 4 accept a place in the convention under such .u circtiinstanccs. however. we got more than : , . we were told to expect. " , Mr. Piatt stated explicitly that time New York delegation had mm Intention of bolting time convemition.Ve shall , ' ' Ime said , ' 'leave - time ball only wimemi the conventiomi ad- ' journs. " t NO CONTESTS TO rn ItEOPENED. It vill interest the states that imave bail contests before tue national committee. as - It viil also interest those viio imOpo for a ' short convention. to know that timose In control of the convention have formulated , a llaum whereby time numerous contests wIll not be ocened again by time convention or by tIme committee on contested seats. It . has been time gemmeral opinion up to late tiuls evening that time bug and wearIsome task Just fiuulsiied by the national cotnnmittee svlli t be repeated Jay the committee on credentIals of the convention and that a delay of at least a couple of days would exmsue. when the tiefeated contestants and contcstecs applied - plied for a reopening of timeir cases. Eltimer time McKinley managers are fearful - ful of delay or else they believe It is a waste of time and energy to reopemi these cases , for the edict svent forth this afternoon - . noon that time conventioim would , by m-esolu- . tlon , either formally accept as flimal the report of time national commuittee on all contests - tests decided by titenu. or woumlti instruct ' . the cotmimittea on credentials to so report. . This imucatus that only such contests as the Texas and Ielawaro ones shall be referred to time convention , because such action wotmhul make the temporary roil call a ei- mnanetit one , wIth the exception of time two states named. Timat time Now York delegation - tion anti Mr. I'latt coincide with thIs course Is one of the peculiarities of ante.commven- r tion happenings. : 1tt time sessicti of time national conumnittee I last imight time vork of settling contests was . . . . , pushed rapidly after midnight , aitimougim time a comuimuittee sat until l o'clock a. m. In time Twelfth Texas district , C. W. Ogden - den amid J. Tweedy ( Allison ) were seated. him the Thirteenth Pat Dooling and 0. T. - ilacon dciCinley ) voro seated. In time Alaska contest four tieiegatcs were seated , with imalt a vote each. QUAY TAKES A 1LNL ) . Time vote in the Eieventh l'ennsyivania , h by wimleim 1)avldtthler anti B. II. itedro were Beateti , was reconsidered , amid .3. 0. Luby 3 untl 0. IL Towimsenti vorc seated. M& . Quay , who was a mncnubcr of the comnimuittco by proxy from time District of Columbia , nuoved to seat Towosenti anti time contestecs , with lmalt a vote each. lie said that lie (11(1 not vant time dirty linen of - PennsylvanIa aired Imu time national canyon- ; ; tiomm. It couhti , . ime Imeld , not clmangti time . rvstmlt , as botlt ( actions store for hint for president , with MciCimmley as seconti eimoice. p 1)avid Martlim , time mnemnber ( runt l'ennsyi- L , vammiti , opposoti the motion , and cmi a roil call time motion was carried-29 to i. A lfl time Second VIrgInia district there was . , .ds L spirIted contest. .3. S.S'lso of New York , represemited the Recul contestants , 'vimile M. hiowtlen represemmtetl himself amid cal- leagues. In closing tIme case. Mr.Viu ' i Bald that there Vmus no tight agaimmat Mc- . iClnltuy , but Ilowdemi claimneul i uas Iii order to get himself elected. The contest- . smuts auth commtestecs cre st'ateti , vitim lmall a vote each. ilouvden anti SmIth arc for McKinley and feed. , 2 The Sixth district of Now York was thou calieti , iii tlmls tlibtrlct liemury C. Saftcmm 1 . . smith George W. l'aimer vcro contested by , , Bdwarui if. Sclulctmter auth hloxmry C. ) iIschuer. 130th delegations vere for Mor- t1 toil , Time comitest haul bcen wlthuirauvum , ammul Saftemu anti l'almner were seated without opposItion , Time Seventh district of Now York , 4. Cornelius Vancott and hugh Itoimerts ( Piati ) , ; t ivert ) contesteil by Martin II. hicaly and A. Cole ( anti Piatt ) . 'I'hme latter lmatl lit ) PaPers - muiti a request was made by MmStmthmerjanti to liostpomme. but objection vas nhmnie muiti IL anti John .3. CollIns , vcro seated , iii tIme Ill8trict contested by Iiowumdr Carroll anti TimurIou' W'ecihlarnes ) ( lmlatt.Tho ) antl.l'latt case ( Continued on Seconut Page. ) .t.tiiSlS ( ) t' C0N'i'IS1' llClSiUNS. % 'im' tlire : ieiii.-- ; ; Mcii Se'tmred 4.tt 'I'hnmi of I lie ( ) , ( ) . ST. LOUIS , June 14.-An nmmaiysis of time work of time mmational committee iii regard to the 168 contests which verc origimmally filed with It simows timat 13G eases were acted emi , 501110 of the original number having beemm ahamutiommed , wlmlle several , notably those of Delaware and a portion of time Texas dde- gatioti , were referred to the convention. In litany cases both contestants and colt- testecs % vcro understood to be McKInley Immen , notably In all of time Mississippi and Sotmtim Carollmma districts and from certain districts front Temunessee , Virginia atmti else- where. Of the 136 claimants rejected by the comumittee sixty-two were arowcti McKinley - Kinley mcii. Time Imnircssion wlmich lure- vailed during time consideratIon of these eases , that time committee was deciding a large majority of time cases in favor of Mc- Kiimley. doubtless grew out of the fact timat iii umearly all of the mutates where there were a laige numnher of contests , both time cout- testnmmta amid time contestees were avowed McKlmmley mcmi , and as a natural resumit moore McKlmmley men svcre necessarily givemm seats than were ammti-McKimmley lumen , since , iii so imiany of the cases contestants amid contestees % ere , according to their own statemnetmts , MclCimmley omen. In Now York tlmreo districts were cotu- tcted. coverimmg six tleiegates. Two of time conttS decitleul in favor of time Mc- KitmIcy tlelegates , anti in the otimer tilstriet both deiegattoums were admItted , givlmmg each delegate a imalf vote. In l'etmmmsylvnnla there was a contest in time Third mhistrict , TIme contesting tielega- tions were both adniittetl , each delegate having a half vote. In Delaware tue contest was referred to time coimvention. In Virglumla thieve were cotmtcstamits In the Second. Timirti and ilghmth districts. In the Third and Eigimtim time contests \vcre wltimtirawmm amid In time Secotmul dIstrict both delegates vere ati- omitted , each ticiegato being glvemi a half vote. 1mm North Carolina there was a contest - test In tue Sixtim district. Both delegations vere nuimnltteul , eacim delegation witim half a vote. In South Cartdina there was a contest itt eaclm of time districts ntmti as to time dole- gates-nt-large covering eighteen votes. ihotlm time contestants amid eommtestees were MelCin- Icy ilium , time contests turmuing on differences betwcemm local factions. All of time contests were decided in favor of time Webster fac- tiomm. In Georgia there were contests In three of thci districts and as to two of time ticiegates-at-large , all of wlmiclu were tleclded 1mm fmuvor of the McKInley delegates. In Florida there were contests imu the two dis- trlcts anti as to tue two delegates-at-large. Time MelCltuiey delegates were accepted in time Second district , also delegates-at-large , time McKinley delegates in time First thistriet being rejected. In Alabama there were' contests - tests iii the First , Timirul , Fourth. Fifth. Sixth , Sevemitim , Fighmtiu and Ninth districts anti time delegates-at-large. Time Flftlm amid Nimutlm districts vet e mlecitleul against time McKinley merm time otlmers seated were Mc- lCinley nuen. Iii California there were contests - tests in time Third anti Fourtim districts , irntii of which vere decitluni in favor of time Mc- lCiimley men. In Mississippi timero wem-e con- teats iii time seven districts anti as to time delegatesatlarge. . All were avowed Mc- Kitmicy omen , tue fight being hetveetu local factions. Tile 11111 faction \'as stmccessfuil , except In the Second , Third and Sixtim dlit- tricts. Iii Loimisiana there \vere contests in the First , Second , Tlmird , Fotmrth , FIfth amuui Sixth districts. the McKinley delegates bcitmg sue- ccssful , except In the Fourth district , wimere time tieclsion was against the McKinley deic. . gates. In Texas there were contcsts in every tiistrlct amid as to time delegates-at-large. None of time delegates-at-large were placed upon time teumuporary roll. In ten of time mBa- tricts time contests were decided in favor of time MclCiniey delegates. whIle In the rc- malning , the Seveumtim , Tenth anti Twelftim , time decision was agaimmat the McKinley ulcie- gates. In Kentucky there was but one contest , the Fifth. wimicim was decideti In favor of tue McKinley delegates. In Tennessee there were comutests itt the Sixth and Nlntim tils- tricts , contestants and contcstces being Mc- ICInley muen Itt one district , wiulic in the other. time Sixth. tito anti-McKinley contestants - ants were seated. In Arizona there was a contest as to the silver delegates-at-large , all belmmg atimnittel ( wltlm a half vote to each. The comutcst in Alaska was ticcided in the same manner. itt South Carohlmma. Louisiana anti Texas there uero organizations commonly known as time 'iiIy rimltes , ' ' cialtning seats In time conven- tion. but iii all of these cases time committee tiecided tlmat time organizations were Irrcguiar and could not ho recognized. 'I'll I N1CS 'I'll EY AC'l'fll ) hIONliS'I'l % 1"rI..iid fit ilt'ICiimIe 'l'mmi1.M oil liii. Nit ti ommiti C.uuui liii t Ice Iecisiomms. ST. LOUIS , June 14.-lIon. .3. II. Hahn , the Ohio member of time national committee , speaking of time contests , said : 'SIt has ieen apparent for at least two months thmat Govcrmmor McKinley would be nomnimmated either by acciatmuation or on tito first ballot. It was nt timottgimt , however , that be would have simch a large number of uncontested delegates. The roil as made up by the na- tlonai commIttee will very largely increase his vote itt the conventiotu. Timese contested - tested cases were settled witimotmt reference - once to who time delegates favoreti for pros- Ideumt anti the coumumitteum , as time records will muimow , seated time delegates that were electoti itt regular comuventlons which were caileul by time regular Imarty orgummtizatloums In time ro.pective congressional districts. "I thimmk every nueinber of time communulttee will bear me otmt In tlmis. In mmuy opinioti if a vote were taken at thIs timmue , McKInley wotmitl have front 610 to 075 votes , It may exceed time imiglmer ulgimrc ; It will not fall beiow time lower. From convermuatiorm withm delegates over time country I leant timat they regard McKinley's mmomltmation as sure anmi timey predict that he vIll receive the electoral Vote In mnammy states heretofore ro- garticul as safely democratic. ' .1 believe timat time comnmitteo on creden- tiais mmuade imp from every state reluresenteul will seat time delegates practically as made mum by time national conmmittce. There nuay ho three or more exceptiomus. I want to cia- idiasizo the fact that tue mnemmubormu or time natltmnat committee in these contests votcti front an unbiased anti tmmmprejudiceti statmti- Imoild. McKinley already inul a imiajorlty of time votes. exclumsive of contebts , anti eveum If the conimnittee had been so Inehlmmed , timero would have Imeri no temmmptauion to vote for MeKimmhcy mcmi not legally elected. " MAY I'AS OS CIVIJi SBIIVICE , iu.munrtiit . ( tuestinli i.iuihie to ito iti- * rod tiecul from Nuv York , ST. LOUiS , Jimmie 14.-The commmuitteo on platformn may have to wrestle wIth aim lot- Iortant qimeation imen Abraham Grtmber of New York lurosents this proposeti plank : "Time repubiicamu luarty tiemanmis that public oihlciais be thorotmgimly quahifleti to performmm time servIces requlretl of them ; that civil services examinations be cotmductcui only by imucum who , ( tom experience , kmtow time dtmties to be perfornicul by , or vork requireti of , iersomma imohillng otiicet anti tlmat tlucstions ammketl of appllcammtmm ito emily such as tlircctiy Concern time service to bum performnctl. ' It Is expect-ul title piaumic Is a shrewd imiovo to draw time conventitmmm into time civil I hem-vIce eotmtrovcuiy now ott tim Now York state amid u'huleiu immvoivemm state cotmstItu tlommal poInts anti time aluimolmmtmcnt of sixty or mmmore olliclals to curry out time vrovlsions of time new ilqtior law. Time convention vlll 1 tmmmtioumbtcthly refiwo to Imavo tummy part In m the matter mmrmd tiechitmu to expi cs Itself on time qucuuiitun , I New York still Intends to Interfere In u tilt ) plmttorlmm mumalulmug by lrmsisting that mint ommly shall the " cm d "gold" be umseti , but that the tleciaratlotm shah be for PaYnucmmt of mmatloimal obligations 1mm "gold of time anui stamidarti of value antI Ilmmtn".s as ( Imat how in use. " Mr. Lautcibacit s'Iil Iroioso ) m iimii ut commutmuitice. ; . ' New York delegate ciosa to the well. I sprIng of InIormuallon , said tonight : 'uir. l.auteibaeh vill introtitmee tItle sImply to C m imleabe 'aIi Street 0)011 iii , wIll , when imm essctL withdraw It , and tbeu chalet ito has made a concesaion. " l SILVER NEIN IN A QUANDARY Certainty of' Defeat Leaves Them at a Loss for Puturo Plans. WILL MAKE A FIGhT FOR WilliE METAL .tftor liei tug liOn ten iii ( 'otuitimit tee until Cii im-eli I I iut 'i'1143 -i II i.Iiei ) ii'uie tIit' Mi , t br to time I'eolle. ST. LOUiS , Juno 11.-Timore have beemi maim ) ' surmises as to shat time silver omen will do vimen silver is knocketi otmt by time big majority 1mm tIme convention. Time silver mItch iii the commvetmtion vIii flghmt for free silVer - Ver in tIme luiatformn colnnmittee. If beaten timero tIme- will tIght for It in the convemutlomm anti will oiuiuos any Platform that is against free coinage. anti aumy mmmii wimo Is nomimmateti impbn suclm a piatformmi. If beaten In time convetition , as timey expect to be , they will take the case back to their people and let thenm decide what timey wish to tio-wimetlmer timey will vote tIme republican ticket , organize a timird Party or stay front the Polls. Thu is is tIme cotmrse tlmat sas tiecitheul umpomu in the several conferemmces iteltl itt Washington - ton between Settator Teller of Coloratlo , Mantle of Mommtana , Itmbols of Itinimo ammd Camimuomm of Utah , amid lteprecemmtntivo hart- mmmcmi of Montana , anti timis is tue cotmrso ss-hiclm u-ill most likely be agreed upomm Momm- day at a commferemmce of slIver mnemm. together wIth Selmator Carter anti others now in St. Lotus. Sommator Mammtle arriveul irommm Moo- tamia today. whither imo wemmt upon a imumrrietl tl iim after leavimig W'am'hltmgtom. , lie himows time scmmtitmuemuts of hmi constitiments amid wimat ime says mutay be ( leIelldeui ) upon as eximresshng tlmeir views. "n } declaration uhicIm time reptmhhican party mnal < es ztgalumst time free coimmage of all- ver , " said lie , 'xmutmat miccessariiy be distaste- fui to the silver nuen amuth all time talk of at- telmtitimmg to conciliate them by offering themu a ditty oil vooh ammul otlmc'r westctmu lurodumeta is htmmmubug , for time simple reason that there are emlotigim westermm repumbllcaim senators to conmpeh a jtmmut recognition of every westermi interest lIm any vrotcctlvo tarIff leglalatlon wimichi may b lmereafter Proposeti. Time sint- Pie fact Is timat time eastermu Interests which have been In time Past anti ate now nmost clammuornus for a Protective tariff will In all probability be emmtirciy tiepemmtlemut tmpolm the free silver repmmhiicamm votes of time vest in orier to be able to secure it. " \Vimoii asked lf time Indiana idatfornu \VCtlld ie acceptable tt ) the silver men , Semu- ator Mantle saiti It wotmlti not be by any Imicans.Ve tb nat believe In waiting for an international agreement , ' ' salti imc. " \Ve do not thInk stmcim a timing Is possi- ide. " " \VIII time silver nuen bolt ? ' ' was asked. VIhL NOT \VALK OUT. "Not in the sense timat you seem to think. I do not believe any silver mutamu swill walk out of time convention. Vo are going iimto this convention upon time tleclara- tion made by time repubiicamm party In Its last piatformn , wimich was the -last of the utterances of the party upon the financial qtmestiomu. Timat phatfarnu declareti that time republican larty , front tradition amid inter- eat , was itt favor of gold anti silver as standard money , " lie comutlntmetl. . , WIll you stand by time republican platform - form ? " Semiator Mantle rephieth : "I do not be- hlevo timat time delegates from any of time so-called silver states camu , tinder the in- structicims which timey have receivetl , support - port a gold plank or a goitl statmdartl can- didato. " ' \\'imat will be time next step after the convention wimetm you are beaten ? " " \Ve wIll relegate time whole matter back to time repuithicans of our states anti new conventIons will be called and tit imcopie can say what their policy will be" , , ' ili Senator 'l'elier walk out ? " 'I think Ito will take the cotmm-sc , I have outhlmmed. We have talked matters over imm \Vasimimmgton-Semtators Tehier , Dubois anti Cannon anti hlartmnamm atud Inyseif-and we believe that timis is the best course to lur- sue.Sc viii have another conference hero Mommday , wimich vIil also be attentlemi by Senator Carter anti other silver delegates. \Ve , of cotmrse , will be governed sontewhat by circtmmnstanccs. but from present Indica- tietms timi-s polIcy svill be followed. " Senator ii. M. Teller of Colorado anti Mrs. Teller imavo arrlveti front Waslmington. Semtater Teller was asketi about his recetmt statements in Washimmgton amid Cincinnati , but he declined to he interviewed any ftmr- timer. lie said he would stand by what lie imati said , bitt that there haul been more Published titan lie had stated. lie Insisted ito wotilti not commsider anything connected vitii time convention until Monday anti that hue wouiti not be immtervlewed or Itt any man- tier express himself until that time. Time senator anti Mrs. Teller are stopping 1mm time suburbs with friends. Senator Teller said ho would not comne Into the city and take any part until Mommtlay , vlmemu Colorado anti otimer silver delegates will hold meet- lnas. TELLIt OUT OF' SIGHT. Senator Teller was anxIously Immqtmlreti after at McKinley imeatiqumarters anti else- whiere last mmigimt , but muono could reacjm hint amtd imis intimate friends said he would not imarticipato until after time sliver conference vim Montlay. It is expecteti that an umiti- matuni to time McKimuiey managers will be nmatlc Monday night. Some of the silver macmm are cimargitmg timat concessions are be- immg nuatlo to the uhtra-golti uttantiarti macmm frotum New England , Now York anti other eastern states regarthiess of time sentiunent of western states. Judging froumu time In- thispositlon of time sliver leather tonlgimt , lie Is commtenuplatlmmg somume radical actlomt in time evermt that time conmmitteu on remtoltmtlons reports in favor of time gohmi stantlarti. lie wlil muot express himself Iii advance of simeit actioum , but his immtlmate frientis assort that ito woimlti itot sanctiomu a cormubination of time extreme silver men wIth time extreme gold miucti to defeat a plank that voimltl leatu towamtl silver lit amu' degree. It has been asserted that such a conmblnatlon might be made , bimt It lit understood that Mr , Teller would not , in case of conflict hetweemm time I extreme gold men anti thosu less ratilcahly I immchineui in favor of timat metal , take time sitle of either , but stand squarely ( or a declaratIon for time free coinage of silver. lie Is understood to Imold thmat time silver men cammnot afforti to combine whim any facI I lion to defeat either 1mm the Interest of the I other. Semuator Itmboimu of Itlaimo amid hiepresenta- tivo ilartumuatm of Montana Joirmcd Senator Toiler tommight. _ _ _ _ _ 1'ito I'OS.i m.s V ( ) it ( ; 0 Li ) I'l.t x m s. Comm fi'remiotof Stmme * ioIi'gii ( iuun. * lie- NimliN iii ii iet'iimi.t , , , , , ST. LOUIS. Jimmie 1I.-Timcro was a coxm- feronco tomtlglut at time Soutlierum lmotel , at wimiehi time following states wore represented : Malmme. New lianmpsimlre , Vermont , Commnectl- cut. Massachusetts , Itimodo Islammd , New York , m Pennsylvania , Tennessee , Illinois , ? uiinne- ota anti \'Isconslmt. 'fimo question of a inanclal plank In time Platform was dlscimased I stmd the following was agreed upomm as sat- sfactory and wili ho vresentetl to the coin- nittee on resolutions : 'Ve favor time mmualmmtenance of the exIstIng I old mutandarti amuci are oppusetl to time free J coinage of silver except by Intermmatlonal igreemnent for hilnuetallismmm sultim time leading otutimierclal mmatlorms of time woriti , ' Time macn irm time coimferenco vere timoso who Vill probably represent theIr states lmu lii- , oimumlttee Oh resoluttomus , l'rt'dIeIs a itimi $ t'HMlom ; , ST. LOUIS , June 14-\ ' . B , RIley of ICen. ucky. wimo Lisa been selected as the first sslstant secretary 1mm time temporary or- anizatlon , said tonight a nomnirmaflomi could tot be reached before Timurmutlay , and tht4 ho commvention would last through Vrlda- , wlng to the tact there will be no nlimt es a dons omm Tuesday. Vetlnesday or Titum-aday , lie ball havimig been ivcn for ober purs oses ott those nights , 1 Altl i ) M'iClbI1. ltt4lQt-.tIt'I't.lLs. I mmformmn I lou ( II cm , Omut , fromim I liii I Slumir. ' , . .t iuoiit tIic 5U1 imimt hum. ST. LOUIS , June 1 1-WhIle time imeatl- quarters of some , rtat have not been crowded. as is usual the case two days betome thin convention assembles , this has been a big ( lay at hue rooms of the Oimio tlolcgatiomi , known a MolClmmley Iieauiqtmir- ters. Some of the 01mb district delegates anti Mr. hianita are 'oa tiumty there all time time , whmile Ielegntes-at-Largo Forakcr , ilmimuhitmell amid Grosvemtor anti some thistrirt ( iciegates arc mit vIsIting othmcr state dole- gatiomms anti leaders , VImemt lion. Charles W. Fairbanks , the temumporary cimairmnami arrlvcti this mornimig from Immthlanapohis. tr. hlanna anti others hail a lomig conference with liimti over time keynote speech anti later this keynote speecim was suhmmnlttod to a conference of time McKInley Ieatlerse It lit unuierstooti that tue keynote sicechm will be iii time line of tIme Inthiana platform , which specially do- clam-cs oppositIon to the free anti intiepemiul- emit coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. 1.At At McKlmiloy hueatiquartors there is still time fimrtltetest confidence In the favorite imavimmg 633 votes on the tim-st ballot of a total of 918 , imut there Is hot any fixed slate for time nomination for vice vrcsiulemmt or tummy tmltlimuattmmn ohm the currency Imiank. There is mme trouble about time vhatfornt except nit thin divergent vievs of time east for gold anti tIme West for siiter , wimlle Miclmigamm , Intilauma anti 01mb , witim other middle states , wamut time eastermm ltiea cx- htresseti 1mm the currency piamik witimotmt time worti "gold' ' In time phraseology of time tiec- lam-atinut for a sIngle stmmndarti. As Semmator- elect Foraker will be lIrossed for the chair- tmtanslmlp of time cotumttlttee ott resohumti mis it is expected timatho 'uvlli ummiiCe time flgimt. for a declaration for 1ttmn mmtalntenance of time hmrcaemtt statuuiard , " v'lmicht mmtenns a simm- gb or gold standard , without time use of time word "gohtl" before the worth "stamutiard. " hly time use of tue ward "goiti" It Is as- sertetl that tIme caruuImain cry of 'golui- bmmgs" woulti lme usei itt a lurejumuhlclal imuami- tier dtmrlng time eattvtmss. Not only delegates. but also republican tandldatea for congress amid others frommi Ohio , Indiana , Michigan ammd other states calleti ott Foraker anti liammtta today to say that us Positive fl doe- laratiomu am possible was uammted wltimout the imse of time wotd "gold , " which was offensive to imuany wanting to support i-c- hmubhicamu state ammd distrl t tickets , as weii as tIme national ticket. Messrs. Foraiuer , Ilotuna anti otlmer leaders InsIst that it it Is the will of the comnmtuittee on resoititiotis and later of the comtventlon to imisert time votti "gold standarti" that McICimtley's friends . would not oppose it. This Is time Itmiport of the reply mrmatio to nil viio have bcemm solieltouS in their lnquirlea Ott this all-absorbing tepic aroimnd McKin- Icy's heatlqimartcrS. Last' week was a "goltI' week lucre , btmt there Ia a vigorous effort today to imavo time presetit week's agitation result itm the gold Idea under the muammue of 'lmonest mnommey" or a "s6utimi currency. " Willie tIme southern diegatca are divided on time technical phraseol6g' of time currency plank , time western tielogates are expected to go with time middle spites In the comut- nuittee ott resolutions. EXPECT A MINORITY ItEPOhiT. At McKInley 1meadtuartcrs they expect a mtuinority report from time sliver members of the resolutIons committee. The managers arc for this reason the more solicitous to get aa mtmany as possible to sign tue maJority - Jority mep rt and to Sa.o a financial plank qn whicim there can b general concurrence , excemut from the silver exgetnists. ( The Mc- ICinley mcmi amtIcuate ) no trouble in agroe- log on th other tekolmtipns. which will ia- elude Foraker's lndktmeut of time Cleveland atiminlstration Otm eVaI cOtmns. The McKinley mnanaer had calls today from unsuccessful cofltestanta who thought the national comnmiiittco had not decldcth cor- rectly. To lion. William Id. Hahn , time Ohio member of the nttiorial conimnttee , anti Jumtlge A. C. Thomapson. the prospective Ohio meumber of the commIttee on credentials , these cases were referred. Habit and Thompson have imad cimarge of this work for McKinley. Judge Thonipson of Portamoutim , 0. , has been at Washington for months lookIng - Ing after the vIce pr sitlemmcy. Time vice presidency is announced at McKinley imeati- qtlarters to be in doubt , owittg to tIme coma- plications In New York. It seems lmnpossi- ble to select amiy onp from that state as yet. No word can be had from Speaker Reed or lila frietids that ho wIll accept. anti time Mc- Klmuloy muten say they cannot nominate ammy otto with amiy doubts as to his acceptattce. Governor Bulkiey and Senator Hawley of Connecticttt are boim unentioncui , anti tlmere Is imo doubt about the McKittley tmien regard- log Fettator hawley with great favor If lila state will comae out fpr. hirmu. Govermuor Brown of Rhode Island dnd others are proml- neatly mncntlomued. iobart of New Jersey is luelmug aggressively presaed , bitt ito Is considered - ered a suburban re ldeut of New York , anti that militates somnu aalnst bitmi. If any one sitoulml be taken frpni tlu south for second place , It woimid be no doubt II. Clay Evans of Temmnessee , but the sentiment around McKinley - Kinley headquarters 19 for a rummning mate from time east and for a moan of imatiotial rep- utation. Reeti , if he will accept , if not , tIme best man from the east - , umnosl'lJmts i'OuItlx INTO s'r. i.oUms. Nosy York ConrIJutlmut a hil Cronil to thiS t41toi ST. LOUIS , Jumne 14-Jolmmi B. MIllimot- lanmi of New York , 'witim 150 McKinley aiuoimters front Govcrrnir Morton's anti Thomas C. Piatt's state , arrived tonight , preceded by a bammti of music anti wearing elaborate McKImmle badges. They marcimetl tip to time same hotel where Mr. l'Iatt was stopping and Into time corritlor. where they were received with cimeers by ZuicKimmley people amid hisses and groans by Mortomt adherents.'lmen Mr. ? ulliliuoiiand imati quartered his people he said : "Tue story that we wore tielayed because we huatl mmot paId our carfare is ummtrue. Wa are mieariy 400 strommg , amid wo represent a signeti ieti- ) tlomm whIch vo briig with its of over 17.000 voters of Now Yorc , vJto believe McKlmmiey l time true repremmtatlve of time people. " Later Mr. MiIhiuohanc ) visited Mr. Ilniuna. it was noticeable , bowflver. he showed little Interest In tiuh auess of Corumehius hihlas In the New York contcat anti diti not call an Mr. Bliss. it ; A.aa slulti in thIs conooc- Llotu thmat imp to inlulplghuf. Bliss and Kiumger Intl botim tiecitieti ! tIma , tholr total of one rote should ho cast oct the first ballot for io'ernor Mortomt , 1121.14 reduces McKinley's rote 1mm the New Y3urk delegation to only teven , where flmIo r11t1 been formerly - - laimcd. lit A 1'.t ittlii. SVI.d ii u silzi y . 11mm I t to r t lie AlYmuir. . ST. LOUiS , June 1.--A monster McKInley Imaratlo , that hits been trangeu1 for W'edtmes- lay night , Is iatenti dt9 be time largest otte at time klzmti that imawtpvr , beetm seen. Tlio parade , wimiehm will wove at 8 o'clock % 't'ednesday evenIng wUl be reviewed b nromnlmmcmmt muon ffwIt1 be baIcom' of time outlmeriu imotci , Itwill ho Iii twelve dlvi- uiorms. ummuder time ( hirtciQn of General Jammtes ? . howe of ICentour. , 'IKy. in time parade will ho clubs , many of them uolforzmieul , ( remit very state and turrltpry. and all time repub- leans in St. Loqimt imnya beemu Invited to lake part. General howe. as grammul mar- dual , imas ammnoumuceda staff for the parade , nciudiumg E , .3 , MUr. _ . Columbus , 0. , au- utant general , eight assistamut adjutant geml- urals anti a lame number of niules , inoludimmg Iittx l'raclmt , Ortugomm ; ii , .3. Clevoiamtul , Arl- l : ona ; C. N. Akremm , Arizona ; Charles F. cott. Kansas ; James M. i'erkina , College Ieaguo club , and W. F. Collins , Liumeoln , eb. I I it Imod-'s ( 'a iud Idmi ( it for Scm-coil l'huittt' . I ST. LOUIS , June 14.-Ex-Govermmor Russel Irowmi of Rhoe Iiumid , whose pictures I tiorn the corrliiors imp a caudldato for the 'ice lmresldemmtlal nominatIon , has arrived. I ix-Governor Llppltt of Itlmode Islammti Is also antlitlate toe second place ott time tIcket. Vitim lime camididary of Governor Hawley mid Governor hiulkicy of Connecticut , being Ulto actively pushi , IL In frequently oh- erveti that ie smaller eaffm ; ttates are uoking up in preshdemutiai conventions , c . STRUCCLE COIES ON SILVER rinancinl Plank of the Platform Not a Foregone Conclusion , M'K'N1E ' 'S ' NOMINATION APPEARS CERTAIN IuiIti Fentuire of I lit , St. lnuihs Comu- OuutIuuLVhIi 1k' tIlt. l'IgIt Over 3ioiii _ ' ) , time lt. siuit hiehmug 'tet 1mm luubt , ST. LOUIS , June 14.-Speclal ( Telegramn. ) -Timis Is time fifth repubiicamu national coti- vemttioti tlmat I have attemuicti as au actively imiteresteth spectator , anti time most immm- Pressive tact vorth mmotimmg Is time commipara- tive tanmemmess ammtl lack of excitimmg immcltiemmt. Meltimuley's mmomtiinntlott beimmg a foregomme commehimsion , tite mitost Potemmtiai factor for drawing time multitude is vrnetically cilia- hinted , Thttt rcmnalnlttg bommo of commtention Is the mmuommey plamule of the plattormtt.'hlle every clear-imeatied irnhltlclamm concedes tlmat a atratiuhle on tIme muoney question votiiti be impolitic amid cowartlly , sonic very promnl- mmemmt leathers appear anxious to avoid a positive - tive expresslomu in favor of time existing gold standard. Most prommilmmemmt ammuong these Is Gemueral Foraker , wlmo told mae thIs after- noc : timat OhIo is not yet ready to drop bi- mutetallisnu , amid shmile he was willing to tie- dare agalmist time free amid unhlmuiltetl colmi- age of silver he did not ( leetmu It prumulemut to declare for gold , even timottglm , as every- hotly knows , time existimmg standarti lit goltl. Cotmgressntem hietmderson and hlepbtmmmi of Iova also expressed that vIew , altlmotmgim Semiator Gear favors a flatfooted tieclara- tloti for time golti stantiarti. Time Nebrasica ( k'legatiotm Is also divided , ammtl vimIio it Is a imnit against 16 to 1 coimmage , Semite of time mumemubers woimlti 111cc to hedge by ut- darIng aim a ratio to be fixed by Imttermma- ' ! tr ! agreemtmemmt. it is hot safe to vredlct what the conu- imtittee emi resolutions will do ilmually and iii atty event the battle Over silver will be fought out on the floor of the comuvcmutiomm. F : . IlOSE\'ATEhi. . HmmuI.tmcA is mNmtm.t'I' 1"tvomt. . .th1 limivi , I lit' l'eriumn mmcii t Ciuiiiiiumnmi II ilil .lmtmI- ut I he 11 I itor ST. LOUIS , June 14.-Spcclal ( Telegratn.- ) Natiommai comma Itteetnan , Thurstomm ; commIttee - tee emu credentials , Cowin ; emu platform anti resohtmtlomus , Jammscn ; on permanent orgatuiza- tioti , Thtmninucl ; on umatiommal vIce resident , Kennard ; to mmotify the mtomninecs of comuvemi- tlomi , Bessler ; on rules and proccdtmre , Wetherel I. Time Nebraska delegates to the national republican - publican convention mnct at t o'clock this afternoon anti perfected their organizatiomt anti selected commtmnltteeimten of the state to serve otm the national committees. The list given is time result. John L. Webster , chairman of tue delega- tiomi , presided , anti lii the absence of Secre- tar ) ' Bobbins. Chancy htIgg of Beatrice acted in hula stead. Semuator Timurstotm was re-entlorsed for national committeetnati , Gcnral Covimi was idaced impon tIme ha- portaut committee on credentials , to which will be referred time large number of atm- tlcipated contests ; on the all Imnportaumt committee on platform anti reselutiomus. Peter Jansen , Nohraslca'a outspoken sound money man , was umamed and instructed for "soummtl mnomley. " The committee Is unanimoua that a clear and explicIt declaration for sound ntoney , be Inserted iii the natIonal platform. declarIng against time free and unlitnlteti coinage of sliver at 10 to 1. Time Indiana platforni on the money question was favored as the nearest expression of the sentlmnemut of the party. Thunutnel of Grand Isiamuti was cimosemu member of the committee op permatment organization and Tom ICenmuard of LIncoln otto of the 'ice presidents of time national committee. To notify the nomuirmees of time convention. Bressier was named and Wctherell was placed on tIme comnniittee en rules and procedure. Time action of the comnmnitteo was imarniomuious In Its varIous aelections. 'FICKE'tS FOR NEBRASKANS. No Nebraslcmin neeti absent himself from St. Lotus for want of a ticket to the convention - vention on Tuestiny. Timcre will be enough and plenty to spare. Semmator Thurstomi alone wIll have tile dIstribution of seventy , due him as national committeeman , delegate anti porniantjmmt chairman. Eacim of the thirty- two delegates amid alternates hiatt three admissions - missions for hmi friends for each daily sea- slomi of tile convention. As time real work of time conventIon does not take place until Wednesday. or possibly Thursday , there is sufliciemut time for all vimo amtt to avail timemumsolves of time opportunity. Delegates from Nebraska wIll macct In time mnormiings at their lmeadquarters Imi tue Southmern for the tiistributlon of tickets. Tue delegatIon arrived on time special hIm- Itetl Missouri Pacific Sunday morning anti at. once took possession of Its imeadquarters In the Southern hotel In room 16 , Placed at ita disposal by Senator Tburstotm. The quarters are near Iowa and Massachusetts , amid are pleasantly located. Iii the distribution of convention imonors overythImig is cornIng Nebraska's way. It Is settled timat Thuraton will be lernuammenl cimairinan of time comivention , anti wIll see- onti MelCimuley's nomination In a speech. whicit time senator says wIll be the effort of his life. Mumt Dotmghmcrty will be imommoreti as one of time temmuporary secretarIes of time comm volition s'iien It mmueots Tuesday. Eiewemm of time doorkeepers anti assistamut sergeants at- aroma wIll be Nebrasicans , among wimom are johiock of I'lattsmaoutim , Herb Leavltt of Ommmahma , Charles Itlgg , henti doorkeeper. Beatrice - atrico , and II. Gillespie of Limucolmi. There is only omme proxy 1mm time delegation , timat of Jenkins , vice Camden .3. Garlouu' . SOME ALillADY ThERE , Nebraska people are hocking In. hluuh LIndsay imeauied time Limmcohn McKInley club. Oilier Nebraskamms about tIme imotels are : Etiward Itosewater , Joseph MIllard anti tlaughmtcr. Mrs. Thurston. Mrs. Cowlmi , Dan hiommlmi. (3 , S. Elgutter. Omaha ; F. N. Day , lavitl City ; B. T. Wemutervelt , Goring ; L. I _ , . Austin , E. li Law , Lincoln. At h'latts- imuoutit two belated Utah delegates , W. S. McCornmlck anti Thomas Kearns , were picked up ammd brought safely to St. Louis on time delegates' train. The gallammtry of tIme delegation was mnmstalneti by lieu. Jima i Walsh of louglns by lila presentlmmg Mrs. Timuraton and Mrs. Cowln with boumqueta. t _ _ _ _ SC.E. % -imnhti NEmImtASlCA is IX't'EmtiS'VED , lmivornlule to omie Ai'tJ.mm omm tit Siur lie-el iuidietry. ST. LOUiS , June 14.-Nebraska , CalifornIa anti Utaim vIll urge the adoptIon of a dechar- ation lit favor of encouraging the beet sugar industry. National Comniltteemmman M. II DeYoummg of CalIfornia says lie expects timla iiropositiomm to receive time support of all limit states where cereals are produced because time beet imudustry will give a crop vaylng 50 an acre. wimoro corn anti wheat pay only 15 to $ iO. Last year California juroduced 10,000.000 poUntis of beet sugar. Time follow- lug Is a thu-aft of the piamik to be proposct : "Time practIcability of successfully glow- I lug sugar beets thmrougimout the United States maying beemm clearly mlemmionstrateti , we be- love time expamtsioa of this Inuiustry wIll I natertally add to the wealth of our tanners mud Increase time value of our farming lands. I itii Wit timerefor favor such a uneammuro as I ivili Imicrease the lroductlomu of tlomnutatle mmii- ar up to time himumi of producing all of the C I25.000,000 now sent to foreIgn countrIes Iii u maynuent for tlmls indIspensable article. We I utivocato muflicient protectIon to develop a c iatiommal sugar immulustry. r Vo favor atlequate protectIon to any new mitlustry which will help our agricultural c : luss ; for instance , a national sugar Indus. ry. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II loiluIi , i U riler I mm 'l'i'zis , CAIdw'flLr , Tex. , June 14.-At 'l'unis , ten muilemt from here. Jesse Masse ) ' mind J. P. 'lmunce , both white , vere murdered haiti might about ti o'clock by unknowmi partIes. dtissey rcceivctl tuveaty-two buckshot unti 0 Thanco tweiye. C AS 'l'O 'Vl'il I'ltlSIlHN'l'hAl. llOOiS. SiuceuulimI I.um * Cuuiut'eriiiiig tIme Suiesj Iuf Vuirh.uui. t'mtmulhhiite' . , ST. LOI.'lS , June 14.-Time vice lresithe boommi stood still this afteritoon amiti time development of a hrntcti wire spommulence between Plait amuui other ru lican lentiers amid Govermuor Levi 1' . 'tIme inuport of time nmessage was to coitsent to itlace lmis minute lit % tue vice presidency. Cimaumnecy ? .i. I was mmot a luirty to the urgency call ! u steatl , Mr. hepew ) aIti : "W'imy , ( lou Mortomm't Idea of lmavlng mite presen nanme for time luresidcntial imomnimmation , tiiotmgh I fomesaw defeat , was to have mite demnotistrato , aye , anti say to the comivemi- 110mm. that Ito sns miot amid oumlti hot be a eammtiimiate for vice presitlemut. ' ' That Mr. l'latt hits forsaken all imope in the lreaitiemutial boommi of Mr. Mnrtomi is Perfectly npparemit.'imemi asiceti this after- 1100mm if lie hmatl ammy hopes , lie saimi tersely : "Mr. Morton's nammto will be ltrcsemmtetl to time conveumtlomi. ' ' There vas a ruttier ctmrremit that the Nev York delegatitmmm woniti prcsemit time minute of General liemijamuimi 1. Trnci'y for vIce pres- idemmt , amid that time amuti-organlzntlomi PeOlle would Itresemit tito mmnmne of Cormmehius llllss nmtui ask for Mr. Platt's support. To both of these rtmmmitmrs Mr. l'httt said tonight : "All bummmcomtube. If Govermmor Mortomm will not accept tue second idace ott time ticket thou New York state has no camitildate. " it i.tiit lntimmuated that sottrn of the Ohio PeoPle were not at all averse to Mr. Mortnti being ( hue tail of tue .ticket , bumt it was also said very plaInly that he eoimitl get ito lmehp front Mr. Ilmtmmna. Cormtelius N. hihiss saul tomilght : "I alit not. amimi at ito tinto have been a canthitiate for time vice iircslthemmtlal muommulnatiomi. I nut aware that kimuui frlentis imave mmicmitiomteui my miammue iii that coiitiectiomi dtmrlmug time Inst few days. There has beeui mmiore or less 2meu a- paper talk of mite , but I repeat , I ama not a camtdidate. " Tue distinctive portion of the gossip was a temitioiicy amtiommg time supporters of MelCin- icy to throw the vice presidemmey to some mmiamtvito mmmigitt be seiceteth by the opposi- tiomi. TIme effect of this turtu in thme talk imaui time effect of Itmcreamtimtg to somuto extent time Interest in Mr. Dhmugley of ? uialtue because of ills close relatlnmmsimii ) to Mr. beth. Time at- tlttmde of Mr. Piatt is bciieveti to lrecltt1e time possibility of his umaving a cotmtrolhimmg in- fitmemice iii throwing time itommuimiatlon to New York , evt'mm If he simoultl imave atty desire to fIgure itt that capacity. Semuator Allison's supporters being western mcmi , as Is Guy- erlior McKinley a westermi umian , the advisa- bihith' of giving the seconti ninco to otto of imis supporters itt time case of time mtommiimta- tion of McKinley is generally argued. Time agitators of the Dingley utunvemnemit recall itt his imitercst time fact that he is Mm. MeKimu- hey's republican successor as ehmairutuan at thme commutmiittce ott ways and mmmeatms , amiti urge that , aside from being frommu time cx- treme east anti a stanch supporter of Mr. Itceul , his owmt itmalities are sticli as to mmualce hultut a strong possibility for second itlace. Mr. Hobart's canmilmlacy was also sumaC- what improvcti by the ummumiouticemnemit ttiat a large number of the New York delegates \vere zealously supporting him. as wn Mr. Evans' cammdldacy by the arrival of the \Vla- consin thelegation. Mr. Evans is a native of WIsconsin , ammti many memmibers of that dehtu- gation began nit earnest canvass 1mm his but- half as soon as they arrived. s'mmnmtti SENA'I'Oit ( tL'.tY 'l'.iSD' . I'rohnll , ' Admit ( 'real 1imr II tiolu Cumim- mim-iit . % iimomu.r Cmmniiimi t.it. ST. LOUIS , June 14.-Senator Qumay's ntti- tude In -couveItion contituueshte subject of no small degree of speculation. When asked whether his name would be itresented as a presidential candimlate , the senator replied - plied that tue matter haul not been definitely determined , bitt that itotmhui probably de- penti upomi the wishes of time friemids of other candidates. Quay is In a somewhat em- barrasslng positiomm. lie has for sonic time realized tile certainty imi his opinion of Mc- iCinley's nomination , anti has advised that time other candidates acquiesce in the itt- evitable anti retire from tIme commteat. Previous to arriving at this conchimsiomi lie haul entered into an agreememut with time friends of other cantlitiates to remain In hue race. They are now ulisposeti to ) iolti iiimn to his ngrcememmt. Hence lie fhmmths iministuif iuesitatlmtg between lila own lnchina- tion to get out of time way of the MclCimuley maovemottt anti a desire to conmlily with time wishes of Imis co-workers. A prommminent macmimer of time natlomual cam- nuittee asserted tonight that Quay was still urging upon other canmiimlatcs the nuivisa- blhlty of allowing the McKinley nomination to be made by ncciamatiomt , and that faiilm-tg to secure their acquiescence , ho would probably - ably , wiuett l'emmnsylvania was reaclieti In the roll call , retire front the contest amid throw h'cnmusylvammia to the Ohio camididate , Time fm'iemitis of other candidates are still quite determimued to contlntme their candidates - dates lit the race to tile finish. Mr. hiatt , as the representative of Gay- ernor Morton is especIally persistent Itt urging this cottrae. Ills reason for thIs is lila desire to secure a roll call , for time purpose - pose of putting time New York thelegatiomi on record. lie , however , thecided to abide imy time decision of time national conuntittee iii uiisposlmug of tile New York contests. amid not to make amuy factious opposition. Ciiam- lucius of otimer candidates coimicideti in tlmo desirability of mu roll ( 'all for tito purpose of beitig able to locate their friends. MIt. It EEl ) mtI'sciNe Foit h'i.ACH. Ilooiuu Of flit' Mmiii friutum 3ltuhime C.rmv- I 1mw at sit. Ltiilit. ST. LOUIS , Jumuo I 1.-Today time Reed Itootu was gIven time first impetus it lisa had dtmrlng tue aumte-commventlomm days. Time arrival of time Maine amumi Massachusetts dde- gatloim , witim glittering badges amId waving banners , gave time first real appearance of itectl'mt candIdacy that has beemm seen. Scuma- tar Lotigo of Massachusetts , wimo is to place Reed In nomination , has beconme time recog- nizeul leader of time heed forces , amid sInce Imis arrival has iueemi tryimmg to gatimer tIme scattereti Reed : mmcn amId retrieve tue loseit that imltve occumrretl In tIme past few 'lays. ' Mr. Lodge imas visited several of the antI- MeiCimuley leaders , caiIitmg upomi Mr. I'i' Mr. Quay anti mnenubt'rs of the Iowa tielegum. lion. Cimairmmmaim Llttlc'Ihiml of tIme MaIne dole- gatlon. vimo t'iil probably second ltt'eti's uiomlnatlomm , hiatt been actively at work ( or Lime big slmeaicer. Time Reed lmeaultlumarters uro formally olmemueti anti tonIght time delega- Lion Imati U mncetlng , Iii which steps Vcre taken toward pressing tIme canditincy witim ill possible shoed. Time Massacimtmsetts dole- atlon held a omectimig. anti time coummt of the 1tlegatlon ruimowed liceti was a favorite. anti eimator Lodge announced after the mmmcci. log. that there were tlmirty sollui deiegates ram' liectI , Time delegatIons from Maine mmmd Mamtsacimusetts tire not tahkhmig of aumy uecommul choice for presIdent , nor of a candi- late for vice president. lUV GOVhlitNOIt lmhtAiiiiy viirs. % , . .lim lii .tC'OJI I S.-eoumi Rimice. it I I ' .Ymis iitetmimi moo tiumim , FRANICFOIIT , ICy. , Juno 11.-Governor IIm'tmthiey anti party left for St. Louis this uvelilmug. Time actIon of the govermtor 1mm m mttemmdlimg thin colmveiltlomu Is construed to nean timid hut name vIli go before time na- Iommai convention. 1) . Eiilutt Kelly , who vas secretary of the state convention wiuiclm nstructed for Bradley ( or ilresidezmt and vimo accommtpauiietl Governor iiraullc'y to St. oimls , miaiml to an Assoclatt'cl Imress re- torter : "Governor Ilrauhiey has asurec1 Ito that ho does not mieslro seconul place in time ticket , btmt If time nonlnatlomm for S 'Ice iurCHldeflt gods to thio saumtim it ahmoulmi to temmuieretl to Kentucky's governor. ( iov- I rmuor hiratllcy , u'ltit limo Kentucky people , epresemitmu the cmmlmimmatimug point of hmummiami I reatness , anti lila well known s'Iows om time urrency vommld serve to strengthmotm time i Icket mmhoimlui a milan wiioso stand on time IsUC is miot as strong as Bradley's be umeut- mated for presIdent. Bradley broke tile C cud soutim last tail , anti as tuiciCImmioyit umunimmg aisle time omtco south south would t ) permamientiy aimatterod thIs fall. I ho- Ievo tlmat If llratiley Is tenticred tue sot'- mmd place by acciacttlou ho would cc , apt it. " ON TIlE CONVENTION EVE Scene at St. Louis Preseiiting a Glittering Array of Statcsinell , TALKING OF A VERY ShORT SESSION Xu'lirn.1ii't , luTurts I it lli'lu oh t of ' het'lmsrmil Iuuii for hoot Sugar likely C.uuimii ii I iire Of ( lie Pii.iit. ST. LOUIS , Jimtto 14.-Wimemi time repumb. hicatu mmatiommni comivemmtiomi Is enhIeti to orties Out Tuesday it will he foumitmi that time lure. himaimmarics have beemm looked after with cx- ceptiotmal timorotigimmiemus. Tlmere will be no obstacles in time Way of imiumneuhiately begimm. miimmg time work for wimicit the comiventiomi has beemi called , ammtl present imuhlcatlomms are that thto mmlcetimig vIhl stat be of iiimratiomi , Time comivemi t loll immtl I . ' II I be I mm coummpleti reaulimmess. Time states are expecteul to hays thmeir recommilmmeuluttlomms for cotmtmnitti'e places iii rcntlimmcss by tommmorrow mtIlmt. Time tin- tiommal commimmtittcc' imas emmtirc'ly commclutieti the consideration of ( lie umutumsuahly lomig list oi Coiltemtts. amid it is believed lu3' thmoso vima have givemi attentIon to time subject that tills vot-k viIi be fouittl to imav lcemi SI well domme tltnt commiparatively little will be left for the commtmnlttctu out crotlcntials , Necessarily titere imas hmeemi mm formmmni con. sitheratiomu of the declaration of h'riimciiulcs tipomi Wimleit ( hue party will mmmmtiue its appea' ' to time country , but It viii itt' fotmmui that timis bramuch of time sork has hceii by nc mmteamts mmeglecteml. There lice hemt a very general exchnmugo of views umpemu tlmiit imu' portamut htoimit anti mmmumch ( mIme looklmug te t ime immmrmmton izatiomm auth cmyst oh izmttlomi ol view's. whieh : it Is beileveul Iil render ii possible for tlmt' piatformn commmmmmittce to react a conciusloti witim comupmtratively little delay. Selectiumi hmas leeti mmmntle of th'c temnporar3 clmairmnami anti other olilcers of time temmmporar3 orgammizatioum , aimmi a programmm limit bi'eti lIme. tically nree'i umpomi ftr time mmermttamuemtt or- ganizatinti with Seumator Tlmmmrotomm of No. braska for mresitiimtg omhicer of time comivemi , hot ) . \'t'imemi omte atitis to th'tmse accomuuplisit. imiettts time tact timat time iwesltlemmtiai miotmiimmc hiatt practically beemi mtnmmmeul , it umuimat he comu' cetlu'ti that time convcmitiomm has aupamemitly a commmparmitiveiy easy anti itrief task before it Obstacles mimay be emmcoumtmtereti hnmt ams ye comparatively few of tltemn are tliscernlble. AS TO TIlE TIME. Time length of time time eonvcnticmt simahl sit vili , 1mm all lrobabihlt3' , 1)0 thetermumimued largely by the luau of procceuiltmgs which simail be arranged by time comntmmittee on crc- dentials. If ( lila comnmmiittue miiiommltl elect t reopen all time comitosts for seats In time comi- vetition and to mmuake an orIgimmai investlga. tlon of the varloits tmimcstiottll wimichu timeso ( hhsiutteS cover the mtc'ttlemtucmtt wotmid ho iuttmcii helnycd. Time contests lmuvolvo time rigimt to 158 seata anti cover a witie range of comttmou-ersy. 1mm- cltmdlmmg tile contparative validity of ninny rival larty ergamuizatiomm , state ammd tiistrlct aim ti I mivol V I mug mutticim of lies t , ul imersommal 1 % ah y , race rejit lice atid 'a'tlo ah jealousy , to say muotiilmmg of qtmustiolms or prnceetilmug Ia rival conventions , anti vvemm of mmmetimnds eta- ployctl at the polls. There are stacks of papers that titight be examimteui imi almost every case. The PrePommulcrnmmce of opinion is that the crculentinl eomnmmtittee s'ili tiot deem it necessary to go into many of the contes's iii detail , but that ott time con- tmaryilp erdict of time natiommal coumimnitto wIll be practically accepted as final , In s large majority of the contest cases. The committee spent four days , anti a large Part of mis mnany nigimts lii sifting tmo facts itt tii'Se cases atith heariitg arguments by either time principals or their counsel. The meetinu of time umatiommal cotimmnlttee was caiieui earlier titan tmstmal in order that tills work ntiglmt be tione with mutore titan the ordinary timorougimness for tue facilitation of time progress of tue convention's work , Time comnmmtlttce also departed from the usual practice imu imenm'lmmg each case , as a boiiy. and muot itt deiegatimmg time task to sub- conunulttces. It Is hellevad timis course will have a strong imtlitmetmco iim commncrmtilng tito verdict itt nil cases In tue eomnmltteo to whichi time conventIon simall formally assign time task of Inquiring lmito the qimahificatlon of its imtemnbers. Ott time otimer hand , there will be strong iressumre on time part of time delegations whose claims imave bcelm auhversely passed upon. to have time controversies reinvesti. gamed. The defeated tielegates generally regarti the creleutlaia committee In the light of a cotmrt of appeals , amttl iii litany cases they vill immslst upomi a hearIng. In exceptional instances thIs m'oqtmest wIll probably - ably be granted , and the commmtittce will imnanimnouisly take up cases lute timat of Dela- \'are , vbeme both sides to time contest were thenleul seats. or lIke that of Arlzoumtt , where time miantes of t'otlm parties vere placed upon time roll , anti each delegate awartied only half a 'ote. In sommue Instances it is imnthcrstood miD pres- simre wIll be broimgiit to bear to secure a reopening - opening of cases amid New York Is ammo of these , 1mm tlmat state 1)0th ) luartics to time dis. ptmte wIll abitlo by time decision of the nit- tional committee. It Is even simggestctI that a propositlomm may be imiatie Iii the converm- tIon to muualco time temporary roll permanent in all hut exceptional cases , wimlehi would of coumrtu' , If aulopteui , relieve the comnmnhttce oO cretlentialmu of the greater part of Its labor ammtl nuatemlaily expedite time work. Tlmu work of time comanuittee emi resolutions is cxpu'cteui to be simnrp , btmt mmot imrotractetl , it now appears that titere will be little or no thifficimity In agreeluui-i tmioli ) aumy of time Idamiks of time pltttfermti except that relating to tU. financial policy of time imImrt. AS TO TIlE NOMiNEH. 'VItim ' the selection of a mann to head the ti'ket ito comniuletely ellmmulnateti from the realm of spccimintion , time tinamucial question imas ahitiost completely monopohizeul time at- temitlomu of iiCii 1mm lmotol corridors , no less thsamu in time retirt'tl aimartmnemmtmu of time party managers ever uiimmeo they begamm to comigra. gate imere at time beginnimig of limo past week. Timimu quiestioti is still ( 'lnimmmiumg time greater utimame of commsimieratloii and will comitimmue to lmoiti its iuiace in time fromut mammk or specumla- tiomu amid tiellimeratlon ummttll it is fIlially set- tied l' the eommvemttlon ltsteit. Tire problemna lreaent themselves ; tIme first , how munch to do for silver ; time second , imout' little to do for goitl. Around these iuestlomms mammge time specumiatiomi tmmtti time Interest of nil. These hues of policy will be presemiteui to tIme comn- mnItteo ( ifl resolutions as mneetlmmg time differ- emit shadeit of opinion of the delegates , These are : FIrst. to deciaro In explicit tem'sns for time gold stsmmtlarul. Secotiul , to take a positive uutamtd ( or thmo free coimtnge of silver at time ratio of 10 to 1 , intiepemtuivuit of tlmo course of all other na- tiomms. 'rimirti. to practically tieciaro for gold and mtgaimmuut amuy further recognitioum to sliver timaui time itrosent lavs give , CXCeImt impomu In- termuimtionni agreement. bitt wltlmout mnentioo- ing in terms time goltl stanmiard anti with a few words of encouragement to the frIends at sliver. The contest will be prIncIpally hetwee dma advocates of the first anti mueconti propo. cltions , umtd. as It now appears , time oimtcommuo teill lue a compromise between tlmeso , wimicis mioans , of course , that time platform wIll be thmnost all that time gold p001)10 wIll tie. nammti. Time extremne gold forces will lie led time Now York amid Massachusetts dele. ationmu , secommdeti strongly by oilier eastern unul western ( iclegates. Time advocates of IIi extreme declaratlomi of sliver are confined murgely to time tieegatioms ; from time Inter. muountiuimi states , with some support ( rota imo maititile states and possibly a few scat. ering tiolegates front other sections , 'l'Imeir roprt'seuitatIomm Iii time committee will 10 larger timan in time comtventiomm , but neither ummihicient to obtain moore timami It respectful mearing. They are expecleti to announce lmat ho conPl-omise ! whatever will be ac. eit.uiuie , to them , anti by timis prmmcttcahly limmilloate timembelves from tIme york on ito platform. \'tIhi this femutilre of time silver qilestiomi t'mnoveul fromuu time thehiberations of time corn- rmititt' it is not believed they wlii hut greatly rolumm rul One question remaining unsettled Is that