Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1896, Part III, Page 18, Image 18

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    Is 'CITE 0MAITA DAILY R1rij + : : SIJVIAY , r1IJN 11. 1$9fl
n n
Tandrm ridhtg Is Increasing to popularlty
tbls year , Tim added tntere8t In riding
two aratrra cones from the fact that riders
nIay enjoy earl ) other s co iinny this way ,
but scarcely do so when riding Ringiy.
Then , ngnbn , n lady who is nervoua and
berates easily frighloted at posslblu dau
gar , thus loslug control of Iter wheel , is perfectly -
fectly sate with a eau on a tandem. The
exertion for enett rider is much less , as Is
ehnwn In the fact that the more riders on
n marhino the faster 1t can go. Agatn ,
there is the pleasure of a country tide ,
n ldrll 1s lNUlcd to ninny of ( ho women for
the reason that they are not tibia to ride
for any length of time , anti are unable to
pull up tune lulls encountered , \Vith n man
bohln i , the Wontnn can slnck up on her work
whet she gels tired old does not need to
exert hearlr so nmch In Pill llug up hill.
This feature , however , x )11 ) not commend itself -
self greatly to the riders of thu other sox.
The glowing tendency to use tandems has
been rreogulzed by manufacturers , and now
slutoSt all of them are building the ma-
A novel way of hiring conveyances to go
front tine part of thti city to another pas
becu devised by tun culerprlstng bicycle
dealer in Berlin , lie has recently IetitlolleI
the llrriln city council for a conet'saion
to place some 230 stands nil over the city
of Berlln anti suburbs , where bicycles anti
tricycles can ho hired rot a small fixed
aunt. 'I'Ite wheels hired by the pablle can
he taken out fret any one of taw sttt ° ds
tutu ft'hlEIled to may other of the sttubls
of this company. TIlO wheels are painted a
light gray , provided with belt , lamp nud
holder t ° carry small packages , A large
number is stamped npOU the tubing in trout
and at both sides of the tratne , so that it
would be hnposslblo ant to recognize such
a vhcri as cue belonging to that company.
Tha litre for either blcyce { o tricycle is
to be 10 pfemdge (2'c ( ) for the first fiftceu
minutes. From mdniglit { to 9 a. in. the tas
will be 10 peunige for every ten nmluutes
the wheel is in use. An exact cheek is
dept nu nil tratsactlons by means or duPll-
calo coupons , tvhlch me issued when the
wheel Is taken out and stamped with n
tine slnmitp , ouu coupon being kept at the
atatlot s lere the wheel is rotted , the other
coupon beilig taken by alto rider. At the
time he takes out a Wlit el the rider pnys
1 mark (2 ( tc ) , and when delivering the wheel
at any other stand of the coupamiy ho re-
celves his change or pays an additiou , whatever -
ever the tariff calls fo .
Soatrthlug which syonet riders ought to
Study with unusual care is a graceful dla-
nto tit. Fray are able , or , rather , few do
dismount in a graceful and easy nonller. '
Ntuelcea tines out of twenty tie woman
jumps dawn front her wheel as thought it
were n dogctu t or sonic other vehlcle
equally high. There is no teed of this.
She will find it 1ntinltely caster and fa'
more becoming to her dignity and modesty
to step off lightly mind at the proper time ,
wiUt the down st.roko of the pedal. Another
thing , how ninny WromOII riders ate taught
tlutt they should not dismount on a street
until they have wltccleti to a curbstone
on the right tilde of the . .road'omen very
often juagt from their ssltecla ht the middle
of the mo t as if every vehmlclo in the rear
must collie to a stuudstill and wait until
they have walked to the curb. Thu counuun
rules of the road should he lmhreseed (11)011
all riders , aid many woven who are not nc-
etistomed to driving anti have spent till
their previous existeur ° as pedCSlrlaua or
passengers on cars have yet to learn that
there' is a code of rules for the coutrOl of
tlmo highway. When a woman dismounts
in time ulddle of the road she has no regard
for her owim safety , anti Should not expect a
others to lhiak for her.
A letter from art otllcer connected with
the ltnllaa troops in Abyssinla to an Italian
paper Speaks of the bnpressloi mitade by his
, , appeaance alt a bicycle among the children
or nature. Ile says that wlmile riding with
a wltfle tang attached to limo steering gear
toward the lines of the Abyssinians the out-
1)0515 and Picket guards were So utterly surprised -
prised that they forgot all about asking hdni
what errand le canna on. ho calmly descended -
scended whenm reaching the post and 110-
mantled t ° bo shown to limo headquarters of fa
Ras Mangasha. Ito was shown the direc- n
tion , and , accompaded by two Abyasi ° { anTh
horse ° mOll , cuutinuOd on his way. They role
at his Sldu lu auto adutlratlou. Wiles they co
arrived tit Lho Camp of Rua they laforned
thu latter that a metlenaer of the Italians
had COllle mm a hose Reut to him by heaven.
Tile wily chief , not quite as gullible 115 lie ab
rest of his troops , was considerably amused ,
and requested time ] .titan ohiicer to give mot w
uxttthillot of riding at the wheel , wttlch time
latter gladly did , thinking it would bcoeflt
the pttrpnso of hla errand. After looking at
the dliereut evolutlots of time wheal for a t
time thu has ntlowed the messenger to return -
turn , but gave him uo answer to time message -
sage ho brought.
A bicycle , time ( rune of Which is coilh i
Btructeti With 1)ape fibre , similar to that h
used ill time ntanutnctlre of car wheels , is
tie latest luventlon to utlract time attention - n
tion of tilt wleeling fraternity. The in-
vedlot is time work of a Mr.'rightioy of not
Chicago. Autotg other ndvantagcs , it Is
clAhned that time paper tubing will tint kink
or deft as easily as limo steel tubing , std
that hI consequence it 1s nmch more ii ur-
alle , wilt the udditloml reconunauhllluu , ol
that It Is also tnucit cieaper , The Inventor , '
has constructed n wheel ut the regniar { ( li
roatistem pattern which weighs but tvedy !
pounds , ° 1111 hies satisfactorily stood the t
test of hard rlding him Chicago and ItS J
vleimge , patents have hecn applied for
and it his Oxpected that whc ° Is surmounted 1 t
by paper fibre ream's will be ready for ) o
piaellmg on the ) nnrket during time presort ,
summer ,
, mru
Iilcycles are now geared by tllo average ut
cyclist up to time highest p0531h1e notchm to ,
obtain Speed anti comfort without raving.
1 n
As a Consequence , the subject of genrlnl
is interesting lholssntla of riders , 'file d
average gear is sixty-eight , wide ) ) Is turned la
out nn time regular stock whce15 , but spvelal c II
gears UCelt to ho the order of lhu day- ,
A well known rider , Iii discuNSiug tutu Inca. b lit
tins of gear , says :
"Gear wheels of great diameter mean lesa
tihofnisbIII tension on clmaln , amid p
COnseque ° t pressuru on rear shed and t aft
crank bracket bearings , niso a tendency to A it
prevent be tlhtg of rear forks. Tnkhig
fiftyaix Inch gear and a crank 0f seven
tnches with tilt preaaart + 111)011 the pedal of
100 p ° mnda , with tveivo teeth front std ] ' ' * ,
six teeth rear , there ivill be 306,9 pounds
tension of tint chahm ; with twenty teeth
! rout and ten teethm roar , 320.1 pounds telliv
aloe os the chain , which represents a leaA
Seuing of time pull of the chain of 39 per
c (
cal. Thu uresmuro eu rear hearings and
crank shaft IS reduced by nearly the same ty '
propoltiou5 , and will ho fomtd to be 3S4.3 tt
1)ouud5 in iho one case amid 245 yeunds ill I ) -
the other , a tlocre.iso of 139,3 pounds pres ss' he'
u f
sere on time bearluga , which to 36,2 of the ]
load duu to driving time bicycle. "
\Vbllti the popuiur gear last year .vas in it It h
the sixties , time call this season la for ( coin ei
seventy t ° auvcuty-Ilreo Inches for road is
rldlug. it
The scorcher fe ( loomed , front all pottlte sr .col mu
of the c ° ntp5as romito reports Khers mumble. h {
lpah authorities have talceu It mull thouIt e
selves to auporesa Ihla lndlvldual , in most at
cjtiea time speed at which time cyclist le Ia r
p ° rulitted to Ill over time pavotnunta is w
elght mlica au lour , and tilts should tie et
autticient , Time reckless munttor with Which the vo
time low handle bar "flond" disports ilium. tr'lim
self 1-s altogether too "killing. " People 'lim
lave heel ntnhned for life by falling to itsau
cape thus Juggernaut of the scorcher , but til e
hla cud IS near , ! t le very wall tor a rider s + '
to ape'ed at any bait over thu deserted ab e
country roads , but when he brlnse thus th e
' .
a1- R X.
praetlre Into a rrowded thoroughfare of
a city it iu time that he was suppresser.
At last the ldcycle seeuts to have comate
to tie' relief of wouteu who abject to their
husbands , brothers or sons using tobacco.
It has been asserted that time wheel has
made Iltt'oatia into many branches of corn-
uiercial pursuit. Numv wltolesalo tobacco
dealers declare that there x 111 be n falling -
ing Off this yenr of 730,000OOG from the ene'-
sumptimm et cigars for 1Si5 , 'I'hlmt estimate
Is made by them on time basle that there are
1,000,000 wheelmrn 1e' the halted Stales ,
anti titst they will cnnsunto two clears a
day less on n ° average by reason of tutu
limo which they will give to riding n
wheel ,
Dan Itrewer , the promising young nma-
.cur , rides a "Sterns" racer ,
' 1'llt'1' MLP.1 MlNt'l'1) Ililil : .
Tonic 1''our 11en In 1111111 It After It
ilnd hilted IIM luveutnr ,
S. 1. Roper , the Inventor of a atcam
blcycle , tiled of heart disease tehlle making
n trial of tats mnchinc on tile tench of the
uesv Charles River Park iii Cambridge , Mass. ,
time other tiny , } Ic land made an 1 d0penub
eat trim of his mnchinc , nrconpllshinl n
tulle In 2:01 : 1-5 , relates the BOSIan Trn a
trip. and at the time of his death was mit-
hug another trial against Nat flutter , time
noted Professional. ] Io hati emnpleted
three-quarters of file tile , giving IlutlOr ,
who is mw of time speediest amen lii till'c
country , all lint he wonted to do , anti tuna
conning down to limo turn on limn lust lap ,
when suddenly It was seen that he was
w avering in ills seat , mind an luatatt later
he plunged forward onto his face. Tile
trourndota speed tit which lie was gohmg
carried man mid mnrhhno over each other ,
the bicycle coining down on top ro [ ] taper ,
nhmu dld not move aline ho struck the
' 1'iie men at time trahmiug quarters , vita
had a harssed the lccidod , rusted down
t ime track toward hhn , ] Io hind Bled so
sutidenl9 that he had not hind time to shut
otP time power , nud time wheels of time ma-
c hine were flying round at n fearful rate ,
tearing imp time track , while the coals hind
fallen out n1- the door o [ time arebax , which
had come mt the under eLle lu the .All , so
that it honked nn if bold man amid machine
w ere nn fire. Time umchlno was lifted ( con
Iinn , but the men who did it were nn
ncqunhded whlh Its Worldugs , amid ts crc
unable to stool Ott time power. As soon as
i t was set up , with iho tvhres { on time
track , it tens all that they coed du to hold
i ts. and it was sane ninnies before thug
could an4 time throttle , shut off the steam
and apel the safety valve , to prct rnt time
danger of at explosion. As soon as the
nauhDne x'115 quirt Roper was picked tip
a nti it woo sera that the man was dead. A
physician x 115 autimnioned anti pronounced
that he died from heart disease , There
IS no question lint he was dead before hmo
struck limo ground , as there was no injury
upon LUn which would have been sutilcivnt
t ° have caused his death. it Is probable flat
ti me tremendous speed at which he was
going and the excitement of his success
veto time cause o [ the attack , lie was a
mrdaniclal engineer , 73 years old , living
at 2 9 Flustis street , Roxbury ,
Time affair is a particularly sad one , as
the trio ) in wlmlclt he met his death x 1111 the
rousumwatlot OI a tuba which had cost
him years of study nud hard labor. Thr
machine on which h ° was riding had been
bled anti altered as defects were found
over and nve + again , and he had just sur
creded lu gaffing it t0 salt hhnaelf. As far
as eau be learned , it was n snccc-1- in ovary
s ny , as it stns worked up to a great + tperd
this morning svlthuut siwwinl any n [ fir
straluhmg or tetstDig witch has always been
th e trouble u'llh bicycles operated in no
other manner than by foal power. Tit
ails w hlch ho did ht 2:01 : 1-5 represents o
fraction of time speed.whlri could be a'
pained by the mnchinc , as lime leach Is r "
rmall that ha wan unable to let it on at
ruysvhrre its toll poWrr , and nu the turns
shut aft limo power entirely amid
coasted around until he cat e onto
lime straight again. It Is the opin-
io n tit fanny good judges of pace
oho watched the trial iLat ill the straight ,
where ] to was able to speed tip pretty well ,
ito was going at a speed of nearly a mile a
mhumle , and that lie could hove attained
quite that of n straightaway course. I
There was no one at the track wino was
miliar enough s Ith the machine to give
detailed description of It , ill it is appar-
en tly of about three n1- four bona power. mum
Th u firebox , holler and water tan ! . are all
ntained 1e' an anti box shoat theca fret ft
Idgb , two trot 1nnF and tru or eleven inches .
wide , placed lunldo of the [ rant of an old-
style Culumblu bicycle , with Ihn bottom
out right inches from time grnmul anti the
top n little above the top of alto frame , time
hole mnchhtu weighing In tire neighbored -
od of 390 to ? 50 pounds. The application
time pasver is on the right side' tit the
mnchint , and is auteh the sn w as that In
e on marine mnglnes , except that tin bin
ptstnn svorL a lu n hnrizn tal direction hmalrad su
' vertically , as i5 the case with. most ' '
marine curlnca , all flint for end of the
crank , htslEad o [ running In n benrhtg , is
free , with tin eccentric rod Applying to
o free cud , tin other end , of course , bnllU , '
ixed to limo rear svhccl. ti
it utiht bo thongld Ilml Ihls wood give
good dent of trial if the paver were
applied very lord , bun thus appnm0ntly is h
se' , for in snlto of time rnuth hnndlhtg
which iho nachinu hind all this part of 1t
was In perfect cundlllou , nithnugh oh the
othe side , whoa 1t hind fallen , it was u of
good deal smashed up , 130th time piston t rn5
and time eccentric rod ran thrtiugb Nnv
'rnl guides , which were attltautd to law
ver slur of time ( mimic of time LlcyclN , se' y ou
hint law ltnln Is lira and cnrnpact. Time
hrottlu is on time culell0 of time mnchinc , 1
net n1.'ovo time rylhuler , se' that if limo cord h
unnrcUug tyllh limn handle I Ar , by which
111 nsnnllY 0pcrntrd fella to work. It can nett
shut e'4 by n direct application. Thu ) Oh
nnchint Is n coal burner , all pas a fun- r ado
, projecting backward almost of a
tralrht Ihro. Se that time' slunlw Is throve' )
behind iho rider. The running of the "
nachlno works an automatic pump , which ?
provldvd w'llh n cut-oIP , width operates
sbrn the bailer 1s full. It has also n i hem
taught regulator by w 111ch time lira can lw fm
lotv11 up to nlrun5t any height. Tim ma- "
inn usunllY carries 1f0 pmmda of steam , h
the ) acssuro could ho run up to Ice ,
Fl Irrlrlo Li lryv'le IaiIll I . d ay
Every rider ahnuld havu one. They a1- ° ' 1 '
0rfert anti cheaper titan nil Inmps. Special
+ a rondo in clubs. CAII and eCU tietn ,
- [ Cycle Ca ,
Sar-lo' ' _ - y
NOVILJ11S I'/It 1'111 : CICLIS'1' ,
ii. ofhr / Arnrssurlrx 1)e ( + nn + 1 \1-r- ll IC
ewsnry for Ih1''hee1syon + nn. U vcrt
Then' Is aometlinb wrong about limo now
Oman who Is rortent with u Inure hluycle , a day
wheel without its trappings no longer lit 5 )
rants for anything 1e' time eyes of limo
nutan win lea tnnllzml time faschmatlun of In at
'applugs. Aaensorlea almost wlilrout n '
are nosv duaauded by flu whanlwoman at ret
' has become lultlap + d ! n Ile luxuries
blcycle riding , of l
u the first place there Is , at course , time
of tools , end If tin cyclist is vary modern Pr
° tastes , her tools ° 1-o mantled ht solid
Ives It makes a pretty Illtlu outfit , wlfch o ice
Of courav , kept In u neat lunllwr rasa D
caring the asner'a monogram lu sliver , ! c
nuxt to multi to limo wt'hht n ( tin Do
anti prutocllon of tutu rittur la lire m oat
cycle rho , s + hlcl le also atawcsl away ! n
llsathnr sheath amt eatly suspended by set if
raps. THIS Is a e'a'sily , but a very POPu
une , anti It Is what makes limo wheeln
Oman the nrosl daugeroua auhnal one can
mcouutcr ou a lonely road , for site Is so Ill
ted to her new toy that oho pulls time
Iggcr on iho allghlcat provocation. fit ti
e bicycle cuweru is anothur novelty
! )
luptvd by time vhcrhs'Omun It Is of to
elaborately constructed aunt , for time Do
heuhromau wants to duntonntrale that kn ow
knows haw to do utaro thou un'sa D
Lofton ; and It Lae an oblouK case col
with m an arrangement of straps which
attach it neatly to lute handle bar.
Then comes the bicycle lantern , with
Its new arrangement for givIng light
both at the front and at ( lit , rear. Tile
wlmcelwonlatm la very ) , rood of this Pretty
amid useful novelty , especially when it
Is hantlsonehy got tip fu sliver , as Is
usually time case , ft Is fastened , of
course , to thu fork of the front wheel ,
and by shedding a clear light In both
directions does Its best to avert casts-
The bicycle tell , with its pocket for
change , is a new addition to the wheel-
woman's personal outfit , as itt also limo
bicycle glove , the back anti wrist of
which Is of silk , anti the palm and under
parts of the fingers In kh. The perfora-
Liots in the pain ) arc made In the form of
a wheel.
The way to do Il is to do it on a "Sterns , "
the world's leading bicycler
UII1sAh'EItt'Illas'1.S ,
i''urtiler iteduetm a III I'rleee ( iener-
nll ) Fcpr Bled.
"Illcyelcs are cheaper this year than ever
before , " says Limo Now York Sun , "but still
rho botton figut'o cannot be reached as yet.
No longer ago titan last year people heal-
tatod betoro huyimig a cheap wheel , or otlo
of a model that had not received time test
of several seasons ; and with reason. Those
w Do bought n how-priced wheel tor economy
orlon hntl to trundle it lmomo as the result
of a breakdown , or slelilf nearly time ma-
chino's price ht keeping It repaired ,
" \Clmeelmen say that their experleee with
cheap wheels this year hoe beau different.
'they believe that time veep fact of old bl
CCle lllakCi9 having main so great a 1-c
ductlon ! n the prlco of their 'i6 wltcels ,
t ogether with limn increased facilities for
maummtactu'ing , is proof that lheb is n
chaise' for a still greater drop ht price
"tl few years ago Olin invested In n hi-
c ycle as lie tvonld in n horse or n bulgy.
Ho had no lutenllon of selling or trading
i t at the cull of six modhs. A bicycle of
any sort was n luxury , anti its rider hccnute
more nltncled to it each year , . \Vhceis were
bat sllghtlp modhted from year to year ,
nod t ° ride one machine eta or six years
was not at all uncouunon. Like fiddles , hi-
c ycles svaro said lu grow better with ago ,
Now , It any be sold , a wheal moat be built
f or limo occasion , 'Mine is time latest ' 9G
model , ' la the proud boast of cyclists to-
d ay.
ay.Timis desire for new whecla of time latest
pattern has doe much to bolefit manufacturers
turers young in the twhecl uaking business.
Cyclists fret that Whlio n wheel may not
h ave great etd rauce. It will suffice for °
seasmt or two , whcu they will avant n new
ono any syn. .
"It liar been rmnorcd that a consignment
of bicycles la likely soon to arrive hero from
Javi ] , and that they will cell at n xur
prisi glp lose agora , \Chntevo may he lima
truth of ills report , it is generally believed
t hat bicycles should be cheaper than they
now are , and that bright prospects await
the cmmcenn which will fltrnlsh a rich man's
svhccl al a poor man's price. "
ltcgardhig the cost of manufacturing n
b icycle n carreapondcut [ urnlaLes time Sun
the following aslmtisidng figures : \Chllo
iu ilullnio recently [ ran across nu 0 m.
playa of etc of time bicycle works iii that
city. Brlug pcrsmnnlly ] mown to 2nInL 1
salted what suns the absolute cost of proi
ductlon aP a $100 high train wheel. lie
bCgAil t0 figure 1t out.
, , 'The best way to get al it , ' he said ,
'i s to take fire highest prices Pahl to nte
cha tes to produce eertat11 parts until time
sheel is Cotnplete nud ready for time mar-
keL Tatting the wages paid Ilte men to
matufacunr0 all these parts , limo absolute
cost to this bosses to put upon iho market
a $100 high grade wLcel is $13G0. The
; mosses o [ tint shop where I work sell their
w heels t ° retail dealers for $50 , '
' . 'Now , as an erupioye , ' I asked , 'what
w ould you finvu to pay your cunpluy0ro for
n $100 wheel ? '
'Olt , they sell them to us for $20 , but we
camot resell them unless we want to gel
d Ischar.ed '
"Don't you think a $ t00 high-grade wheel
cal be sold for $50 with Uro3t t ° alto mant-
faelurer nud still m11lulain the presort rate
of wages paid mechanics to mahO .ham ? "
"Certafuly. What is niece , sales wouhd be
itcrcasrd also , anti more men employed to
p reduce thorn. The big end of the prollls
toes to the retail dealers , whereas hi the
mnnuactarers had their own selling agents
They could well aYfurd to sell $100 wheels
) r $30 , yea , amid $10 , wait good profit. They
- lose wages. 'Their rents are small , the
.sp aa befog geum ally located In country
1au a , AS a mecLaulc , I luww the parts
of a w'hcci are not nearly se' intricate or
de licate in ntechaulsnt as thole of a sewhtg
auuhine , yet I au told by brother uerhtn-
tes who utaho sew'htg machines that it casts
but $11.15 to produce a $ GO utachhte for the
maritet To produce au $50 bicycle , we
filura it out in time shop that time ahsoutc ; gr
cost of ntnnnfacUtre is but a trite over $10. "
Of cntuso , n hen as a workman ou bicycles
give } ou the cost of tltclr production to
our bosses , I mean the cost of their manufacture -
facture by time luuulreds. Thu utakitg of bicycles -
cycles is generally regarded by nechanles to
the simplest kind of mechanical labor ,
with less loss to manufaeUmrorS by Imper
> ctly constructed wheels through bad work-
r.manship than is the a1.w lu Use canstt uc
ilmt of a aea'htl machine whit' 1G1 floor ,
mechanism , "
1 time recent six day race at time Bicycle
parit the Sterling bicycle , ridden by "Kid" '
J1lcrsteln , was time only vhecl ridden ,
throughout time cane without change and
this , too , nohvlthstandhng the thrcu Lerri lot
fn115 the iCid had , Time Slerllul lhlnx
stains Its reputation far solidity anti speed , r
'l'imo IVOSicrn Jaectrlcnl Supply Co „ 1515
liosvard St. , are solo agents.
. 1
- - - - -
] tIt ) III.OMlllt5. ( ) { he
le / Grutlenpum'1'huuRht Shr 1L'ns
Suntelhinrr LDu lve Ill 'I'hr11i , it
Skit stealthily descended the stalis and find
aid ter hand nn time itrtob of time front j ust
dom. Sue hoped to get out of the house 5
wvltlnnt attracting attention. ] tut time door
time ] ( Crary swung softly open , and ale y ,
"Jay daughter , " said the svhitwhulred old , "wlutt is that-seLal Ara these I io
hnyu of ? " i 5
She hung her head anti turned law door n ma
stub uneasily back and forth bnhvicet her h
inters , but did oat answer , ti ou
"Did you not prnunlsc mile , " the old mat ti
ou , "that if I buugltt you u bicycle Ii
wmdd not Wear-that is , you teould ti on
In skirts ? " t o
Shu stopped impulsively toward him , that u
"Tut , father , " she said , "I did ; and I
resat lt. ] tut I didn't know these then , try
mor'o I saw of them time huticr 1 liked q
, 'fhop Improve en acmitmaitmtamicO. ii :
Uter , 'limoy grow at one p ay
"Jay dnughun , " lie mm'nutrcd " 1'so'a tl
nrmenta ; 'row un : :1-r , "
Ned ltcadhtg non first In tile great six- im and
taco an nn clghlen pound Slnrus , t o'us
'hero are oilers. \ i'n.
7111)IIDt11.1N'S nN'"I : ti ,
hurl nud t'nlnled rtdrloe for the ( "y- l oln
allot , atul/lludl ,
ere fa a collection of " ! ) on'Un" from ) Lay
New Yolt World , that if beetled will r nh.
trouble : St h.
llon't expect to aecouqllah overythlug in i rip
: Pt
1)ou't go late u century run without trainG
for it. 0l t
llna't forgot that time ruse la wen lu the T
aprhnt. 1'
lion t leghn la ride for at least an dour \ \ 'lain
meals , hi
Don't occupy more than your own share A
imo road , C :
Ikin't drink cold llulds whet overheated W and
f t
Don't lose eight of limo fact that you sycro 0 r
a novice , ' ho
on't lack conlltiutce in yourself when lit f
orate' , to ride. P a rty
n't lase' aught of the fact that you tit t
pr + lul straight , tv
Uwn't rata nail you have prepared youra pt +
far tie aural : ) , irk
' pass a wdcolman in dIstress without an ta
Rering neslatnnco , 2 o'c
Uan't ride so long that you return homo
nrougUly exhuuated Ti
llot't put all time force at your pedaling fn tim
le downward posit , bl cy
oa't wall until you become tired before
rning about for dome F ,
n't rush out on time road before you 1st ill'
how to ride , cl o
on' blame time other fallow for every da y
lblon you happen to be in , Sb
Don't forget Jhsb others have as much
right on the road as yourself.
De'n't ride mare than a tulle al n time if
I n greater dlalance tires you.
Don't try to do too much at the start ,
particularly if you tire a Woniott.
Don't allow your leg to get perfectly'
stralghl at any time while riding.
Don't have your saddle so far to the rear
that your posillou Is not 01159 .
Don't junmp off .your wheel and throw
yourself dos'e' na the damp grass.
Don't go out of n ; long run without being
prepared for acoldiats to the wheel ,
Don't think you can get a high grade
wheel for anything1 but a high grade vrtce.
Don't foret 11tat Itt n collision between
a wheel anti + n wngot ; the wagon never
eta"Ora. I ,
Don't drink 'the ttnntmon drlnkhtg water
in time different towlts you pass through.
lktl't drink cold water. tiargin the throat
and rhtac life milolh whit it when thirsty ,
1)ot't ) prrndl a feeling of nervous appre
henslm ) to affect you when learning to ride.
Don't deviate from a regular mode of
living. This applies to time track utnn
Don't be afraid of the luau wino palls out
Ahead of you at the begiuuing of the race.
Don't ntnko any sacrifice to secure lightness -
ness of the which Lightness means less
rl idlty.
Don't fail to remember tlmnt those almond
camnot henr you canting unicss you ring
your bell.
Don't lmaghno yon are an expert until
9'011 can nonage tt'o wheal Without. putting
your hands 011 the bars.
Iii time recent six day race at thin Bicycle
park limo Sterling bicycle , ridden by "Kid"
Mlersteht , was the only w'hccl ridden
throughout law race without ehauga , and
this , too , nolw'ilh5lnnding the three letrl-
blo fails the Kid had , The Sterling thus
sustains its reputation for solidity and speed ,
The \Veslern Rlectrical Supply Cu. , 1515
Dosvard St. , are sale agents ,
' 1'b1 ( mrent iteluy Itae1' ,
Tito time Is drawing near for the
start of lime great Journel Ixnmhner
Ycilow Follow Relay race , Time details
are being ropldly imerfecteil. Time
h ay City st bcehncu at Sao 1'raeisro , who
are all mounted on time sane make et
a'hcel , u'lll perform time dlDicult fluty of
crossing the Nevada desert and nuuulafns
with time precious message , It hex becit
declded to rim n special baggage buffet car
and engine on the Central haclllc , over this
part of the route , to assist the relays by
dropphnl out elders in that uaDuhubitable 1-c
glue' , and pckhng ( thou up again when their
dunes are ended ,
Mr , Lyle Dickey , who has hecn appointed
ntnuager of the fourth division. has node
nrrongemeuls t0 receive and post telegraph
hullohms nl Ids store , [ con orrery station
bchrecu Ogden , Ctn. , and Carroll , ht. , and
enmpnrisous eau be tondo with limo tithe n [
law overland fast mall , amid Alsv with tile
regular schedule of the ride , ahnw'ing gnhns
or losses , and reporting nccldenls u1dcinys. .
This WIII interest many. Owing to the his-
lm icnl nature at this great ride , as well
its time local Interest It generates , we predict
that time elders partlcipalhtl will long remember
member with pride their experiences iii
c overing their relays , and time handsome
silver modal given by Syr. Hurst , the owner
of these great ursvapapers , as n molten of the
ri ders loyally anti faithfulness to the trust
i mposed i ° then. , will be held as n lifting
s0uren Ice aP limo r vitality and effort cx
pc ded Thc' names of the riders in tin
fourth dh Isinn w iIJ b0 given nut for publl
cation next ss'eek.
Look omit for "lrnltldul Gadke. " lie is
mounted ' on n "Sterns , " the proper WDeci ,
R'atch biro , +
+ -r
T/rtrlxt.l lrr Ilse Saddle.
Just because It reins every Saturday night
is e'0 reasons why time club can't make Its
schaluled runs , or at least that Is what
Fitch says , and , Judging from what time
w riter ohservull of limo country roads him thu
af ternoon last Su tlay , ho wonders why mare
of the ntrmbcrs did not go to Bennhtgtoa
srlth the Ganyrucde5. however , time Tourists
svvre represented e't that place , allitough
not in very large numbers.
The majority o the ntcmlers who are
wont to tales their acrustomel Sunday spin
tatt the club rooms at 2I0 p , t. , DeAde4 by
Captain Spencer. and "coa5led up Lcnsen-
srmlh street" t0 the park , nhiee they n
se lected a nice , cool , shady place anti sat
down on time grass to listen to the music.
fart of their number thought if they went
tint a little further perhaps the tousle would
sound sweeter ( ? ) , so , acting on that belief , "
shit h'ew from "tie push" and while they
were enjoying themselves to their hearts'
contort another of the boys amused hhn- +
sclf by appearing very uncxpcctetlly 0e' the n
Scone std took a snap shot with his raanet : t.
Before the club left Danscont park for a
little spin ever time Center street course it Iii
posed In front of ene of time large trees In
Oder that time writer might got a photo-
aph of it. Some of time party tsho had
"looked pleased" haters and lime would-he
photographer had pressed time button and dr
told then it was all over , but forgot to
pull the attic , " gently reuthmded Din of b0
that Occasion and cautioned him to b0 acre
point time mnchhne { ° Limo right dlrecllon
this time std not forgot to press time button
and pull the slide.
Several of the members have recently
rowed a vow that hereafter "The Rnln-
rlkers" or Taurlst5 ( time same club , but a
dlGcrmtt name ) would be repreaouted at limo Lim fu
schelnled point every Sunday , rain or shine.
Are you 'aid um ? " Last vvnr time chub on
mileage raft up Lcyon4 f,0,000 miles for the Lim
9casn . Don't let's fall bvhlnti this year. ]
Tarn out m ) chub runs. Tmn trill Ond n Jelly
of sshcelumen and you'll always be acl
come on ° u1- country trips nwhcel , whether i fa
numbers of iho club 01- oat ,
T oday , weather permitting , theca will be ' ' \
grain joint run of limo various clubs of I 0(1
city l0 1'npllllnn. ] vast year limo mtmher
vin went to this place numbered several s
hundred and time universal verdict tsar tint t , 00
lad n very enJoy'able tine , You will
that time residmda tit that place hnuW o
Low t0 catcrhiu visiting tehcelnmen , nud , t lie
they have been immfonmmmcui that it large hi met
mber are expeclal to b ° present theca
mmy. yrou can rest assured that yrou will t hint
S hu
nvo n gaud limo
_ s
L eonard Darlsnn to hack from Chicago , n -III
nna wears n natty suit of green and he b
time reclplent Ot many cnmpllmmdnry no- '
rks front hla coupaulons. Ho expresses
Intsulf as having recolred a cnnllAl reeepi IJa
nt the hands of time Chicagoites std runn go
mplute5 rrlurning to the \\'WdY Clly some s
tuo nazi fall. Ho wllucsacd time Decoru. B
day road race iii that city anti was ablO it
entertain time Tautlsta on his return frith
graphic uceouul of that day's spurt 9 ,
Oharlex Whit , , time newlY nppohrttvl seemt' wo
, says h0 is'Koing ' right out after dellu
urn. members , mm If yeti know you ore In ,1
rhlcd to time club Il wrouW Du advisable to ill 1-
up befnrN ho calls nn you , as lie will no
oubt go "lokded for bunt , "
\\'e D the d genii aaaorhurnt 01srrmul oii
bicycles. Camlroma , 1895 and 'PS pat
; Ramblers , Cras lerds std others.
. Lyle Ulekey .c CO ,
Are you gDing to iho state meet at Lin
? A numhcr'or the 'fnurlat5 are ron '
onplating ti't'ISIt to Ulo Cnpllal City an'i
prn51b ! Pedal up over law country
ode o ) th ' )3d'rcUtrnlug ' on Boutin. , time
It you' 4111 lhhdtlmg nI making time
haul in'yittr'narnu to'lllo , limo clulie
esent accrptary soon thno in time near
uturo , amid , lf iln trip is main lot's turn
a good deittrflinn. ;
he writer recalls to memory ° trip to E
Inrnbl naa I3nX last fail , when ( 'harlea
, tiermall 0tyutLcr ; , \Ylldrrtnai and
ossil pumped over the hills vin l.ouisvlllo
gnlnat a brave wlpti amid the Capital City
cling club dulegatlen lost them at Olrcn
, piloting time party ogover time balunrO
he road. Were we tired ? Ask Ountbrr
\Plllu , ihoy will toll you all about 1t
Lheninitea are all right and If B had
hecn 101- them setting time .lace . for the
over tbp last Aftoan or twenty malleim
ime trip we're a little afraid that wit
auldn't barn caught the train , as Limo
clai train which. Brae uxpectcd la couw
fnllu + t to connect 011 account of tint
ll crowd and the boys curve back on time
lock Ayor. E
me "Sterns" coutbinatlon anti dlatuond
e lanioma a1to be aeon at Ulckey's
cle store , '
! 1. J1rCal1 , who rode under the Tour-
colors during time alx day race uldch
sed at quo pharlea Street park last Tllra
oveilng , secured third place , nottvllD
audUlg all of tits bad luck In getting a fail
on ene occasion end hta lag his wheel punctured -
tured on another , necnsellnttug time ciimtmtglng
of wheels , in whieh hr host a lap cvteh )
lie dlaplayeii some' fine ahllltles for fast
riding as well as enduring qualllics ,
After time anlslt of the six-day cont'st
eltallengcs flew Hick amid fast for n ante
and It is anuounct'd that there will be several -
eral exciting rates durlmmg the c0udug week.
Buy the beat. don't he lair content with a
"j st as good" blcycle whcu a few more
dollars tvlii buy n "Sterns , " finished In
black or orange. Wnm. Lyle Ulckey , solo
SonN little dftflcully was experienced last
year al i'npillloa for all the wheelmen to
get a sufilrie ° ry to aupply the imtmmer maim
owing to time tact hint the hotole and reslau-
rants had not been Informed of the fact
that iho cyclists expected to come in such
l arge numbers anti or course Wert n pee-
Pared , TIdS year It la vmtfidrntly Nxprvlyd
that there will be nn abundaneN far all. At
all hazards , n good dlnncr ran b1oh -
lnlncd he' 1'apilllou nl n umuhlnl cost all
t hose who ohs this rut ) will ever regret 1.
as 1t la expected to eclipse that of any
previous year and n geimernl good lime Is
Thin writer wan very forcibly struck with
a n net of n TOUrtal who chanced to ho riding
along the street nod attach a rock or sour-
thhtg , w hlch came near tlrruwlug him , to
stn lime rider turn around anti go back to time
spat anti remove the some front lime street.
lu this connrMfon w ° thfnh this ss nuld he n
very good 1)1mt for all whcelnen to follow ,
oven it yet don't chance to hit tile article.
It takes but a m0uu'td's flow to slop nod 1-e
move It and hums avoid any pnsslblu chnitrc
of nccldenta to yourself or any other cyclist
who ntlgitt cn ° to in contact with ) It nftor
dark. hear this 1 muhul and cycling viii
thus bccotna Wrote n1n peasumre to you titan
If } on tire constantly harLaring tents that
9 011 will he thrown from your wlmerl from
sontt such thing wldch might lie ht your
P ath.
\\'lat did Dad lfolten ride ? A "yehlots'
telkiW , " or course. They are always 1e'
t hin lead.
AIll ) lilmlNAh1'I11.1N 1'nld'1'ICLtN.
AcDlrrwucule ut n Cheyruue 11141 lii II
14nnian 11'urleer.
The recent na11outtcenment of the death of
" \i'anbre" hInrk ) , the Chvyrnno hullnn
ss ontnu pollticltuL bnR caused n renew ttl o [
Inlrn'al fn her unique personality , Accus
tinned as people bud bvcone to the tads nuQ
ercentMcilles of tire eud nf the cethrep
u omru , writes a Fnnsns correspondent of
ti me Huston ' 1'ransrripl , they were htu dl } (
p epnrr4 to sw ulluw al oar gulp the story
t hat un Indian w onnu hind achieved immtmomtg
her own people a reputation its ii politician
nud munlpuhtlor of pubilc seutitnenl fluff i
even Mrs Lease might envy. Your r'or- '
tspondenl staffed the late home o [ this 1-r- i
mnu hnble woman , Wen \\'utongu , Okln-
hnnnud is w arrnntvd 1 drrlariF oust
Jiro. Bloch tens ant myth , but a riararter
from real Ilfe , anti lima she + urU tny did pas- '
Bras time tilatlugulshetl Urtite tint nrv ultrlb-
ulyd to her. I
For twenty-two years saw taus ate of the
Ii adhtg lights n [ the Cheyenuu tribe. Slur
was a strong chnmplen of vrrrythtng huy-
Ing n irnllr cp to Dnprnrc tribal eundillos )
and was its fcarlrss In dr uomu Ing mtmu'ti tutu
measures that cuntlielvd syfth he' Ideas of
Justice toward tile [ ndinn. Sue saw with
prophetic visiot'tmt ) time tribal gut ernmeuts
eouhd not Witbsuntd time uusyard nutrch of
.lnwrictuusm , tad that their uhimir ; dis
Intrgrnllon svgs only a iptestion of n few
yvrmra at moat llnldhtg these vl0svs , it fa
not in be ts ondrred at that , when time Fov-
ernmrnt bvgut ; OyrCtures looking to nlint-
mvnl of Aullan lends In what Is now knasvu
as old Oklnhantt and the oprnln8 uP of time
reNlduO to honeslrnd s0llirnwht , ihr cnm-
ndssianrra appointed to treat u Ilh theht
dians anti secure signers to time lj"titIofl
found a , willDig turd valuable ally la
" '
Soar of the must pnw'erful melt In the
Chvyemn and Arapcmtor ) tribes-mnotig
ttrm old Chief \\'ldriw ind anti ids xuh-
vhlrts , Ited sloe. l.ltlle Big Jnkc , R'ltlte
Slilelll , Old ( 'row , Lllile Bear , Cloud ( 'hlrY
and Rolf Face-urrnyed thonsah es ts ilh
the opposition amid Sir + nlftstl } ' rntused to
slFU time petition. \ alubLorn Indian is tit"
ilydrst ; person 1 tin' world With whom to
drti , but " \1'ashre" Itlork , uolhDmg daunted
undertook the task , and n goodly pnrUon
[ lime credit for time ultinmtc success of lime
mm onrnt bolmigs lu her ,
She spent nro ths in visiting the eampa
and "iOg-rolling" for the lnecrumrnt's ( line ,
ridhtm ; horsrhnch most of time tone. Sic va ;
an expert holsrw'onuui , and her Ines far
"Old 11111 } , " her favorite animal , seas so
gr eat ihnt , at her dyhiF request , the horse
tans IIllyd over her grave.
Phillip Itlnck was n German w'ho hind lived
unmig the Jim thin tin hta fife , It " 1Vnahee"
ns n prntotypr of Jlrs , l.rase , Phil nos n
errltnbh JL . Lrnsr , for hr allawrd his brll-
Iitutt hall umbltlaus info to have her tvty ;
everythlug. 1
" "
"Wnehre" tens a prepossessing woman of
medium height tad B mu' form , stralghl an
arrow tad with soft brown eyes that
guvttly nudes to her charms. Shr could
Spunk good English , and but for her xIunss
ess. which sir refused to give up for
styll5h get.ns ill tilt ( .i PnhrlrN , might easily
nlatulrn for n white woman. Sono of
her cost umes wire brautihilly orntunented
offer iho iodise' fttahinn , but w Ilit better
taste' ihnn Is usually displayed by squtnya.
timer titer sensibillllr5 kept her learn par-
tlripathig 1 nunq' 0P time srntl-bu ; bnrouR
umusonrnts indulged ht by' her tribe' . But
she regarded time Jlesalah dance its au Im-
purhnt cell.loos rill std sbarcd , in ) stet ,
o strange brllCfs of her tribe respecting
ture cowards std punlalunentie ,
Shin w'ts nutrrird twenty-two years ago
the North Canndln. In what was then
e ( 'hvye nO turd Arapahoe county } of time
ndinn . lice husbamid had pre-
eiEUxly hecn m rrlcd in a dozen dlfferon
squaws fn other Irlbra , but w hcn he nuu -
Ird'nahcr" they bud all hecn provide + d
In some way that Sutlslled time Incline'
SrnSO nP lnenor. 1'hll Block gave $ ; ,0) amid
pastes 1111 a present l0 Jluscotah ,
\Tnshvr's" r olhre Old Muscotuh Is alive.
( t ( ' , though In Gvblr hruith , ! )1111 Is eou-
0rdrd to hr ihr gm'rutest ] ndlatt nmdirhu >
vmnat now Ih btF. She Is soul to be over
pears old.Ynshrc" Illo4c had learned
ram her mother a Irrut deal about ihr
Irtues of ] ndinn mrdlrinea , trod tills knowl-
flee , from tut Indlai vlety pyiat , cmnprl5es
highest edurilon au 1-111 } possess , Llkr
ugrti rnnther , "Wuahoe" was a very
angel of mercy Dt time Rcourgr5 of sirknr as
perlallcitlly vi 51t the Indlat utmpa.
Would httvr became lime nu dlrUe
cannot of time Cheyennes hind site iurelved
nt0utrr. AS It ! x , 1luxruUlli's uuintlc
probably Rip aeon ihr shoulders of taw
right0sl of Itrr Frnntichildrrn.
1'hero 1x scarroly u reform that has been
uggeslcd n1tvorkrd out nmo11F the '
ones that lute net been helped ulag , by
won derful ssonuut , and her u'oply long
recognized lint he' ' her lute ) ' pod n
leadluat friend anti 0hnntplo.Vnshrr" .
Inclt'S death tuns husteuvl by her forced
coeval h on he' cumfnrtnble hnmr In Uurg .
nglnn out to her nll0pnoil on Ih + la >
teak. 'l'ime gos ernment otllrLals drewr all
ullnus , save limo ] ndinn police , nn to their
Ilnlments , r emnrdirss of svhnlh0r they
rd uuntfnrlnblu homes n ea r Iho agency 1-r
rruuso of tin ronwyuont eaposurr
wushv ( + " cnntricted n nnvrru cold , wblrh
cvrloprd Into rulCk { consuntptlon , cuuaing
1dotal. .
_ - 16
Don't hay a tat that loops well on time
esglrl until you are quite sure that ll Is
natty bevomiug to you.
We Make ,
' Too !
R ! .
lEd red e
They are the laightest Running
Wheels on Earth and Strictly
High Grnde.
Wo Always Ifado Good Sewing
blvclmines 1
Why Shouldn't Ve flake flood
Wheels ?
TIIE UEST. . . . .
Rector & iyilhelmy Co , , Agents , .
OMMIA , Nnii.
QP'F1N ® 9l rdi IS \
" rr " , v.r w " .vv. " 'vv " vH w v ' . .r ' " n. wv "N..n
J1 Don't grow in your pocket
_ _ like hair on your bond , , '
t y \\TJ \ \ 1 When you can. 'I'o
+ L e t.i , , ,2 morrow morning we
; ' will dace on sale
i at $8500
11 orld Bicycle is the best
that capital and shill combined '
, with 15 years' cxIriencc )
' ' i
C111 produce. 'I'11e fiush or smooth joints in the frame arc
all brought ii JOVCrdrop ) forgings 'I'hcrc's no tiIiw'arc orchca )
stampings aoout it any\v'here. 't'he famous Fauber one-piece
crank axle. Your option on tire , saddle , handlc b1r , etc.
Easy payments if you like. So far this season the "World"
holds the mile 111(1001- ( record , the Colorado state t1uarter uiile
record , three Nebraska State records , anti firsts too iu illltlUlla
to mention-for it's oh l so easy on a " 11'orltl "
for a week at $8500
. .AT. . . . . .
J I Salesroom Coil. 15th and Capitol Ave.
: Gn ; i' ! v nn "nr w " w wvw v'o'w ' iwv . ' w H n 5 'ww
6G 61-11
\ 1
u f1-
ear _ Why do we sell more
- -
? Bicycles ' -,1 B1CYCICS than any house
Truest Rearin s 11'I Omaha , Rigid Prance ,21G1 : c CtJC
Because we
sell them for $15 less
VIKING All $100 Wheels.
1 CC 'd6vLw l4G.'Zer'tu' IV
Our Price , $85 Cash , :
. , , $90 on Time . , o
THE BELVIDERE is a $90 Wheel-Our price is $70
Cash-$75 on time. +
THE RELIANCE is a $75 Wheel-Our price , $61.75
Cash-$65 on ,
$22,50 will buy you a 1101'S' or G I RLS'VI1ECL ,
with pncttntatic tire murtl wuud t'iut ,
School open evo'y day and llondtty and 'Tuesday cvcninoa ,
when ladies are taught to ride free
Most cotnpl.'to line in the city to be seen at
. 15th & Harm y , e ray a
; E , .11iekc1 , 9
' . Cycle Co 0 s
The Rambler
The things we can't put in words-the
balance-the glide-that easy glide-on
c the Rambler-that is " 365 days ahead
of them all ,
Piec N'orld'S itccords Broken iu Onc 1)ay on Ranlhlcrs.
- -
"r,5110-t)0 ) i n ( o 1d Paid as 1)I'U111IllIllS.
State Agents For G. thud J. Tires.
I e11 a$75 F. M.
1Vhcc1 for $51) ) Cas1L 9
313 South 15th St.
Scc llimnthlcr In T ii. Norris' Shoe Store H'iadow-to he ( liven Away.
° ce 0 ® ®
Can save you from $15 to $25 on a Bicycle.
Call and see us before you buy a Wheel.
E. Frodericksonr ® ALL Rllll ;
W. 13roWr ,
'J 'ho m aul w'Ith n uo let , ii hurt Is Inuring nrn nd y Fo " 's'-1 e t's
the world , volt slap tit our store fur several Y ,
days , and !
he t301diej'8 The R'orld's Ioedlug
\Phostarted for (11mIcagn \\'uduesday. . Illuh.ratiolllcycle.
Sec our new $75.OO hO\VI,1R ; without truss franto.
firnadL'lucogoSly , OMAHA BICYCLE . , ' , , ,
Saul your rupalring t ° us , lye rmmt whoel't.
. . . FOR SALT . . . e"I
About 2,000 pounds minion type.
700 pofr/tas agate type.
boo poftfrjs brevier type.
150 pair two-third type cases.
o doable from stands for two-thirdeaser.
This material war used on The Omaha Bee and ? s
in fairly good condition. Will bs sold cheap ffc buf4
or in uanlilies to suit purchasers. Apply fn trrrsoya
or by ntaf7 , to
The Bee Publishing Co. , c
O Ii It hit , Neb H