- - _ r4 IItr , . - . . . . :4 , THE . OMAHA DAILY BEE. : T'1 ' ' : . . ; . - ESTABLISIIED JUNE 19 , 871. OMAHA , SATURDAY M0RrnNG , 13 , 189G-TWELITE PAGES. SINGLE UOY FIVE CENTS. , EW YORLi BOLT iS POSSiBLE Ex-onator Thomas 0. Platt atd to Be Makthg Terrible Throath. SIXTY DELEGATES READY TO WALK OUT Ettipiro Stntc LcznIr 1p % er'roth ( it the % ctIiit o tile sitIotiitI CflIIIttee Coneerntiig Cuii- tCItNCUJLVeIttIOfl ( , NMIL' . ST. LOUIS , June 12.-Today there was In : circulation reports that Thomas C. I'Intt had declared his Intention of boUltig or walking out of the convention IE the sIc conteRtants from New York shoulI be seated. It is learned from members of the national committee that in all probability the six rlatt men vIli be thrown out and the other men placed on the temporary roil. The rc- port of what Platt had said was reported to Mr. Ilanna today and lie declined to discuss the niatter in any way. , I shall not get 4 , excited over this even If Mr. Platt FnIl It , " , I Mr. Ilnuna remarked , and when assured that Mr. Platt had made the remark ho was hot disturbed. Other frIends of McKinley who heard the talk said that Platt was Iuttins up a grand - bluff and that no one was to be alarmed ' over what he might say. S From the manner in which the report of t Platt's intentIon to bolt has been circuiatcd by his friends quite freely , one of thorn Btated emphatically that the position of Mr. Platt was that In case six regularly elected delegates in Now York should ho unseated there WOUIl be sixty more delegates - gates who would walk out of the conven- tion. This view Is controverted by some of the delegates from New York now on the ground , who say that there are twenty-live to thirty delegates from New York who are ardent McKinley men and cannot be expected to follow Platt In any such move. BELIEVE IT IS A nLur'F. / Members ol the national committee think the talk of a New York bolt Is wholly for the purpose of the inuiuciice it may have on I the decision , of contests' yet to be decided. There was a report going around today that Mr. Piatt had sent a message in the shape of an ultiinutuni to Mr. Ilanna , in k which ho stated the national committee just not treat lila delegates like they hind treated some of tim anti McKiniey contesting - ing delegations in the south ; that the thirty- six electoral Votes of New York were ox- pcCtcd to be cast for the republican nom- J { U Inee , but there would ho danger of losing . . ' 1 thorn If the Morton delegates In Now York , . were unseated. When this was reported to , Mr. Ilanna lie said that Mr. Platt had not 10 sent any communication dr message to I him , directly or Indirectly , upon any sub- - jcct. . While the action of the national committee - ) tee upon the various contested election I is not final , It places upon the tern- porary roll of the convention the various delegations Voted in by the committee. The usual rule is to have the contests settled ' by the cornniittec on credentials for the permanent organlzatloii. and a report inado by that committee. Owing to the length of time taken UI , in settling the contests , It . 15 possible a motion will be made to adopt the temporary roll as made by the corn- mItteo as the permanent roll of the con- vention. A 'notion on this proposition would declare the McKinley and antI-McKinley strength of the conveutioli. If adopted , it would ho a great. disappointmeut to those contestants , ninny of whom are hoping for a reversal of the committee In the convcn- tion. :7 : RIDING IIOUGH SHOD. To an tssociated press reporter today Mr I I'latt said that lie had not spoken'particu- larly of the Now York delegatcs which wcrc contested , but on the whole procecliIg In - the committee. "They are riding rough shod over everythIng , " ho sMd. . "The , uostiofl of a juan's title to a seat is flat. considered on its merits. but as to his posi- t- tlon on prcsilential candidates. Mr. Ilanna , I , the member of the committee frwn Ohio , ( ( had saId that the only question involved . 1. Ia these contcsts is whether or not the man p. p Is for McKinley , and that line of policy Is what New York objected to. " Mr. Platt reiterated what lie has continu- t ally declared , that Mr. Morton's name viii r be presented and voted for. 'When asked what hie had to say about Tdr. Manley's manifesto he said lie did not ; think it 115(1 made any appreciable difference - , once In the situation. lie sins very sorry that Mr , Manley had iiiaile the statement and was at a loss to explain It , except that the Maine committeenian must have become - ) ' come demoralized when there was no neces- I. ' sity for it , Mr. Piatt line received a dis- I patch from Mr. Reed , vlio says that Mr. F Manley's utterancO was wholly unauthorized and expressing his astonishment that Man- Icy had taken such a course. Mr PlaIt is Interested in having a gold standard plank In the platform. "From all I have heard , " he said , "I think that the , convention will take that coiirao. There . secms to be a demand that cannot ho resiste.l . . In favor of a firm declaration for the gold ' % stanlard. Tue silver mcii will not be satis- 'I fled with any kiiiih of a straddle that iiiay ho prepared and there should be no attempt . . to have anything but a straight gold declara- . tion. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' - : 'M 1tli1) IS S'I'II.i. IN ' 1'ltl 1tACI . fiiit from iis * tue is Not FrIgIat.nuaI ill tIit tcIiiii'y SIIIl $ . WAShINGTON , June 12-The friends of Speaker Iteed in Washington said today that flotwIthStatlliflg Mr. Manley's statements they would continue in the tight to the Inst. Aii day yesterday , Inst mmighit and this morn- log the speaker has been in telegraphic coni. snuimication with his friends at St. Louis , ! J - . Ho has asked theni to go into the tight and ' they have responded that they will stick te . birn. The spealcer's mimost intinimitu triendm , . bore are indignant at Mr. Manley and sa that besides Its effect oil the spoaker's caim .1 _ vass it wili demoralize time fight which is IC , ' be made for a traight golil platform unilem the leadership Of Mr. Ileed's lieutenant Senator Lodge , Mr. Lodge , they say , is to be on the comn : initteo On resolutions anti Is to make thC t tIght on time money idank in tIme commSniitte . and later , if necessary , on the floor of th . conventiun. The sPeakers vili remain hcrf until Sunday , when ho will leave for No York. lie had no liublia comment to IiflkC - today On Mr. Manley's statenn'nt. Ills prj ate secretaiy said today ; "Mm. hterd could siot believe It and so stated whcn lie wa ltrst inforiiied of the existence of time state snent. 'rime expression of that belief spenk cloquently enough , It seems to me. " Senator Allison will leave here tornorro . - for his home in iowa. On Sumidy Senatol Duhois viII leave for St. I..out to assist Sen .4 ator Teller in his fight for silver. l'ii.ilii uisr Ilinud's IIslIIL in 3llNsourt. ST. LOUIS , June 12--At a meeting of thmi Missouri democratic state central corn mnittee here today It va' ' decided to or ganlzo on the school district plan in over : county in the state , It vas decided ti PUsh the hhlanmi boom in every state that ha not yet hmcl its convention , pml to urg his endorsement by time conventions ii every one of thien. In the evening am * ova tion was tendered Mr , Bland at tIme Planter , I hotel , at which the leading donmocrats a # the stair siOke. declaring Ime was the logi cal candidate for presimleut on the delmtci V cratic I ! Vnirbtiks Visitte leICIiiic' , F CA14TON ) June 12-The morning traii from Cleveland brought to Canton ( lenera C. W. Fairbanks , who went to the McKiuie : residence 'where lie remained until noon At that titus be was lobed by Judge \'II 11am 8 , Day , lie left for Cleveland a * 12m'Q , General Fairbanks In reply to a ques tItZ 5ftI1 lie bad nothing to lay for ntbIIc-a iton. ALb ltO.tflS 1HAI ) 'TI ) ST. I.OUIS , Mmn , l.strgi. lriegnIIotis Slart for ti'e Concnt lOll City. ST. LOUIS , Juno 12.-Representatives of the American Protective Tariff league viIl arrive tonight and open headquarters at time Planters. The eastern representatives are the guests of lion. Cornelius N , hiss , presi. dent of the Amnerican Protective Tariff league and treasurer of the reiublican national - tional committee. Among those composing the tariff league party are time following : lion. C. N. Bliss , Now York ; Horace Porter , Now York ; lion , J , S. Wise , New York : Congressman FV. . Mondeli , Wyoming ; lion. William l3rookfleid , New York ; Congressman Itobert W. Taylor of Ohio ; Colonel S. V. It. Cruger , presider.t of the park board , New York ; homer Laughlin of Ohio ; General Anson 0. McCook ; W. C , Chamberlain of New York ; General C 'I' . Collie , commissioner of imbue works , Now York ; Ii , T. Oxnard of Nebraska ; \V. F. Wakoinan , general secretary of the Amneri. can Protective Tariff league , Now York ; George \V. ngllsh of New York : Andrew D. Jacobs of New York ; It. .7. Lewis of Now York ; lr. 13. A Itobinson of New York ; lion. J. II. Newins of New York ; T. St. John Oaffney of New York ; State Senator Frank D. Pdvey of New York , and Taliesin Evans of Now York. SALT LAKF CITY , Utah , June 12.-Time California delegation and a part of the Nevada delegation to St. Louis left Ogdemi in a special train over the Rio Gramido Western railway at & :30 : this afternoomi. Time train is in charge of Gemicrai Agent Sanborn of the Burlington road and will go over the 1110 Grande Western , Denver antI Rio Orande and the Burlington , reaching St. Louis on Monday morning. A. large icturc of WillIam McKinley adorns one end of a car while another carries the motto : "Pro- tection to American Industries. " Wlmile the California convention declared for free silver - ver it was a noticeable feature that each delegate wore a badge of pure gold. A Prominent member of the deiegation said a strong light would be made for sliver and it a gold platform was adopted , time results in California in Nosember would be mnixed vitIm uncertainty. Tlmere seemed to be a feeling that George C. Perkins of California would receive consIderable strength for the second place on the ticket at St. Louis , in case the convention decided to go west for a candidate. HASTINGS HAS AN AMI3ITION. HARRISBURG , June 12.-Governor liast- ings and party of friends started from this city at noon today In a special car attached to time Pennsylvania road's Niagara express for St. Louis to attend the republican mia- tional convention. State Treasurer 1-laywood starts tomorrow niglmt for St Louis in corn- pany with ox-State Treasurer Samuel M. Jackson. Governor Hastings' friends on Capitol Hill believe he has a qulendid chance of being the nominee of time convention for Vice president. State Treasurer Haywood says that it Senator Quay is not given the presi- ( lential nommiination the Pennsylvania dde- gation will insist on Hastings' selection for time second place. HARTFORD , Conu. , June 12.-Time Connecticut - necticut delegation to the republican na- tior.al convention at St. Louis leaves at 6 o'clock this evening on a special train , which will go via Springfield. The twelve delegates - gates will he accompanied by Yell known ineim from all parts of time state to the num- her of thirty. The headquarters of the Connecticut dclcgation will be at thmo La Clede , hotel. NEW YORK , Juno 12.-Something like 250 New York republicans bound for St. Louis left this city today fully charged with enthusiasm for Levi P. Morton as a presidential candidate. They travel westward - ward on a chartered train on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad , Thurlow Weed Barnes heads the party. PORTLAND , Me. , Juno 12.-A special train iicarlng iho. Reed Republican club of MaIn4drew out oftho union station here at 1 o'clock this after'ionn. A big crowd witnessed - nessed the deparume , and as the train moved off a chorus of hearty cheers , accompanied by onthpsi stic applause , followed it. "No surrender" was the cry , and the delegates were unanimous for the nomination 0 ! Thomas B , Reed for president and mmotl.inc else. Each delegate wore. a bade of white satin Inscribed : "State of Maime" In gold letters at time top. l3eneatim this is a large mimedal liomi bearing a portrait of Mr. Reed , INDIANAPOLIS , IniL , Juno 12.-Time New York City delL'gatiomm for St. Louis , twenty- two 1mm number. among wimomu are contestants for representation 1mm the convention , lassed through here this afternoOn. The party is headed by Cornelius N. Bliss. General FIor- ace Porter was the spokesman. He said : "Our choice for vice president , we have none. We have only ammo object in view and that is to nomninato McKinley. " hero a delegate broke in to say that Now York would have as a candidate for vice president Cornelius N. Bliss. LINCOLN , June 12.-Speciai.-Tlmomas ( ) P. Kennard , delegate-nt-large to the repub- licaim convention at St. Louis , and 14. L. ( Bud ) Lindsey , delegate from the First congressional district , will leave tomnorrow for the seat of war , Kennaril will go to Omalma amid join the otimer members of time Nebraska delegation , and Lindsey viii leave for Nebraska City , wimero he will make commnectlon witlm the regular train for St. Louis. lie will be acconmpanied byV. . J , Crandali of Firtim , member of the republican - lican state central committee , anti lion , E. R , Spencer , candidate for time state son- ate. Lindsey announces himself as for Tom Reed for second imlace. Iconimard is for General Benjamin Tracy of New York , : but would be satisfied with either Reed , Hobart or Morton. . XFsv : iinsoi' 1tIt'iLESIiS'i'ATION. CtlIUImitt'iIIIiI l'uu"s Seiiviutm for .tlI Pitt ore CoI'lIluIN. ST. LOUIS , June 12-National committee- juan Paymme will press his resolution for a different representation in the mmatiotmal conventions - ventions , lie wants the natlonai conimnittee to reconmmnend to time conventiou the followIng - Ing : "Resolved , That the national committee reconmmnelid to tlit , convention tlmat hereafter - after time basis of representation from the several states shall be fixed at tour dIe- gates at large atmil one additional delegate for each 7,000 votes or majority traction thereof , cast in each state for time republi. can electoral ticket at time last preceding . elcctioim and that each territory and the District of Columbia be entitle4 to six delegates. " Oim time basis of time votes cast at time elect - t tion of 1894 , tIme representation would be as t follows , as compared with : the representa. t tin : : in time present conveimtlon : $ tnte , 1intNesv State , Present. New , r Atat.ania . . . . . .2 37 New Jersey..2' ) Z Akansaa . . . . .16 II New York..72 lfl California . , . , .1S 4 N. Carolina..22 21 ' Colorado . . . . . . . S 22 N. Iakota , . . . . . C ml L connecticut . . ,12 20 OhIo . , . , , . , . , . , , 46 G Belawaro . . . . . . C U Oregon . . . . . . . . . S 1 Flort.Ia . , , , , . , . , 8 10 I'ennEylvanla . .61 91 Georta , . . . . . . . i 1tttoto IH'anI. ' , . S 11 m Iinho . . . . . . . . . . . 6 tt H. Carolina..15 ll ililitula . . . . . . . . .49 73 H. Iakota. . . . . . . S 1 r Indiana . . . . . . . .30 5' ) Tenne8ee , , . . . . 24 2 ( ovs , , , , , , , , . . , 21 42 Texas . . . . . . . . . . .3 2 InsIts , , , , , , , . 20 30 Vermont , , , , , . . , S 1 ' O Virginia . . . . . . . .24 2 14'ttIslaaa . . . . .16 \Vastiington , , , . S 2 : Maine . . . . . . . . . .12 38 v. Virgtrmla . . , .12 2i Maryland . . . , . m6 22 % VIieenin . . , . . , 24 F TIsacliuetts 30 32 V.'yomntng , , . , , , 6 (3 ( 1ttcImgnn ! , , . . . , 21 4 ( huh , , . , , . . , , . . , Mlnneeita . , , . ' 8 30 ArIzona . , , . , . , . , 2 MIFIISSII'pi . . . .18 m x , i.lexico. . . . . . . 2 - Mitonurl . , , . , . , SI 35 OkIaliotna . . . . . . 2 Mntiintt . . . . , , 6 11 IndIan TerrIt'y , 2 V . . . . . . . 22 I ) . Cf Columbia. 2 D , , . , . , , , 6 9 Alaska , , , , , , . . . 2 5 N , . , 0 Time scenes through which the nations I eommmmnitteo 1:58 passQd 'luring time few tlayi . it Imas been considering contests % vill iroba S Wy influence it to tavorabiy consider Mr f Payne's resolution , - I- I'r.tnt % * lii Pit tI : ' Hf : : ieilie'JoItn , FREMONT , Nab. . Junt' 12.-Speclal.- ( ) Time republics : : prinmaries for the solectiom I of delegates to the county convention to hi t held imere tomorrow were imoid la5t even lug. There was a good attendance and mu it contesti. Thu delegates selected noly fit L , vor Jdciklejohn , though MacColi imas mazi : - supporters. and the county delegation wil t probably favor him for second choice , TiiI . delegates favor hammond for congress ant . in tlfc Fourth vArd a reolution instrtCtini In his favor wait passed , IANYTANT \ \ SECOND PLACE Lively Struggle in t , Louis for the Vice Presidential Nomination. SENATOR QUAY RETIRES FROM TUE FIGHT fleelnre it It li'idcttt MclCinlcT SVili lie % lInhiiIttetl on First ilnllot nitti tite Stioner it In 1)0110 time hotter , ST. LOUIS , Juno 12.-Time principal devel- opmnent of the ( lay has been the agreement UlOfl a gold standard plank for the platform , It has been asserted in these dispatches for several ( lays that this would ho done , but today time mnatter was settled so far as it could be in advance of the convention. Time incoming delegates from every section swelled time aentiumient for an unequivocal declaration for the gold standard and agaimmst the free coinage of sliver. There imave been arrivals of some prominent men , among timern l.cing Senator Quay , Cornelius N. Bliss , General Horace l'ortor , lion , Cimaries Foster amid General Grosvenor. The vice presidential - dential candidacy has been disctmssed a great deal , with conclusions indicating that ho- hart of New Jersey is the coming mmman at present. Time ratimer savage talk front Mr. Platt has assumed a milder tone. Delegates iiavo begun to arrive and shouters and brass baimds are heard Lu the streets and corridors. St. Louis lies begun to assume a real convention - tion aspect. A nmost Important conference was Imeld in Senator Quay's rooms tonight at which Senator Quay hinmselt , lion , Mark Ilanna , Mr , Hahn , national committeeman from Ohio , Hobart of New Jersey , lion. Samuel Fessenden of Connecticut and \V. Andrews of l'enn8ylvania were present. It was prac' ticaliy arrammged that Mr Quay should retire front the contest for time presidency. He said the contests which were now uimdcr consideration by the mmationai committee were of little or no consequence because it was evident McKinley had over OO uneomi- tested votes , making it evideimt that time peo- pie demanded his nontimmation. lie acquiesced - quiescod in the suggestiou that McKinley should be nominated by acclamation and the sooner the convention performed its work and adjourned the better It would be. HOBART IS IN TILE LEAD. There is some difficulty about the selection of a vice presidentiai candidate and it is by no means a settled question. Garrett II. Hobart of New Jersey amtd H. Clay Evans of Tennessee are the niost prominent candidates - dates at the present time , A man who hmami been more promineimt in political at- fairs titan Mr hobart is wanted , while timere is a feeling that Mr. Evans would make a stronger rumm as candidate for governor of Tennessee than ime would for vice prostdemmt. Many people believe Evans was elected governor - ernor of Temmnessee and think democrats would vote for lmirn for governor who would not vote for him as a candidate for vice pres- Went. Time question of giving the second place to New York lmas been considered and Governor Morton and 13. F. Tracy and J , Sloat Fassett Imave been considered , but it Is very apparent that any nominee in New York would have to ho dictated by Piatt or an anti-Platt man selected. The coil- elusion is that the vice presideimt must come from outside of New York and as time ease now stands , Hobart stands the best chance. It is probable that the National League of Republican Clubs will have something to say about the vice presdential ! candidate. The league Is largely for McKinley , but there Is a division of sentiment 'in regard to the second place. Ex-Governor D. Russeli Brown of Rhode Island is a mneunimer of the league in good standing and his friends viil put him forward - ward as time right mmman t combine with McKinley - Kinley on the national ticket. E. Mc- Alpin of New Yomk is imresident of the league and naturally his friends are anxious to see him honored. McAlpin is adjutant general omm the staff of Governor Morton of New York , anti the argument will be advanced - vanced that his nomination would please Morton. Governor Morton seems to be the choice of the national committee among all the New York candidates and if he would accept time mmomination there is some reason to believe tittt the vice presidency would be imeld out to him by the powers that be , provided that Quay's consent could be secured. QUAY FOR hOBART. The friends of Garret A. Hobart of New Jersey clam : timat Quay is committed to imirn and there are surface indications that give probability to this story. Senator Quay , however , is very cautious in making promises anti time Hobart people nmay ho counting their chickens before they are hatched. Quay may take into his head , for example , to name Governor Hastings of Pennsylvania for the vice presidency. haying - ing Hastings out of time question it is probable - ble that Quey , it ito had to cho6se between Hobart anti a New England man , would select the fernier Time objection has been raised to Mr , hobart that New Jersey imas always gone democratic 1mm a presidential election , but the friends of time Jerseyrnan say that tlmis is an unusual year and with hobart on the ticket the republicans would carry the state by a sweeping nmajority. Time boom for Ii. Clay Evans of Tennessee lisa gros'n to a wonderful size. Evans himself has made no effort to secure second place on the McKinley ticket. lie has other plans in view , wimicim would make his acceptance - anco of the vice presidential nominatiomm impossible. Another candidate for second place on time ticket is M. II. Do Yomng of Califorimia. lie is a strong favorite anmong the free silver mcmi of the west , lie has done notim- ing himself toward securing tue place , but his numerous frietmds in time west Imavo done a good deal of hustling. General Grosvenor arrived tonight in St , Louis. hot : . Charles Foster , secretary of the treasury under hiarrisomm , also joined time Ohio delegation. Ex-Governor Merriam of Minnesota has been a prominent thure in the Ohio headquarters - quarters today , It is quite likely he will be a member of the conirnittee en resoiu- tions and may be cimairman ef timat coin- mittce , Tlmero imas beet : sonic talk today about : presenting time name of Benjamin F. Tracoy of New Ycrk for vice president , but it has only extended to time sugiesion to repro- seitativLs of different statc that they might inquire it Mr. Tracey would be tic- , "ntqblo to their delegations for the second I place. HAUTFOI1D , Conn , , June 12.-A telegram I received by ex-Governor hiulklcy just : previous to his departure for St. Louis , this m evening. from time chairman of time Kansas I delegation. statitmg that Kansas wouid support - port imini for time vtceprcsiclcncy. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' utIoohIA'l'sni'Gl'J 'vu li'I' it Iitl)1' , Sat lonni itteri'tii r ii nil Si'rg-n ut-u t. . Anus Open iIvsiuttIuiirttEN , ChICAGO , June 12-SInton P , Sheeria , i secretary of the natiotmal democratic onnmmit- tco , opeumed headquarters today. Colonel i John Martin , sergeant-at-arms of time com- I vcntIon , also opemmeti his headquarters , Both I expect to attend the feiltibiicaii gathering 3 at t , Louis , just tu get some pointers qii . how that imarty does things , Mr. Sheerin . said there had been no change In the sltua- tion slmmco the committee was last in chicago. lie adimmits timat it looks as it the'rec'sil verites vill be strong enough to do wiiat - ever time ) ' want in the way of atloptin m lilatform and otberwise running the COU- vention , - - lre' Still iii * lii' ltitet , B. Irey gives out the information that - he is still a candidate for state treasurer on c the republican ticket and that lie 18 in the S race to win. Yesterday morning Mr. irey said' 1 "Vben the conventIon is held I will urprie i aorne of the candidates who think bat I lack ittrength. " MIt. THIidlL PA1.k qu4 ItIlilIil' . ItetuseM to Sny tittit hi 'iVi3l unit the St. Louis ConvetJyn. CINCINNATI , June 12.-dmtor and Mrs. Teller remained here tonight huie en route from \Vashington to St. LoiJs. They re- 5(1mb their journey tonmorrow , Senator Toiler was interviewed by the Enqulrer , the free silver organ , as follows : "What do you think the republicans will do at St. Louis , senatorl" "I think that MclCinic' will be the nom- moo on a gold stantlard platform. " "him that event , what will you do ? " "I do not wish to make any statement further titan that which is already on roe- ord.Vimoim time republicam : state convention of Colorado was ii : scsiofl I telegrapimed it that I ( lid hot desire to go to St. Louis , but that if my party sommt me I would not support a gold standard candidate for imrest- dent on a gold standard platform , or oim a Platform of doubtful import , or , In other words , a strad1lo. Not oimly ditl the convention - vention elect me , butt it. immstructed the other delegates to be governed by my ac- tion. I did not like that , because it is rather emnbarrassltmg that other mom : simould he forced to do us I mulgh ( , do. " " 'rime : : you will bolt the convention ? " "I did not sa aiytluiiigmbotit that , but my declaration to the .eiublicans of Cob- ratio is on record , atidyou can draw wimat- ever conclusion you Imleaso tram : : timat. " , , \vili any of the c.ti.c.r senators from the vest eCute to aupiort a gold standard Imian ? " - "Certainly. " "You have an idea that. Senator Carter of Montana , chairman . ot. .Umo republican mmational committee , rlll refuse to support the ticket ummder such. cireumtmstances ? " "Yes , be will , and so , wfll Dubois , Mantbo and Cannon. " TELLER IS CAUTIOUS. "Do you believe the democrats will gofer for silver ? " "It. looks very strongly that way. " "Would yotm support 'tt fl'e sliver dent crat as against a gold republican ? " "Really , I do not vIsii to be interviewed on timat point now. I go to St. Louis as a ropublicaim , representing the republicans of my state. The republican party has not as yet put Itself ott record. as a gold standard - ard party , and until that , Utmmo I have nothing - ing to iay further thai : nmy record before the Colorado state onveition. " 'lihe inevitable conhlusitln drawn from the talk with Senator Toiler is thathe _ will bolt if a gold stanaard ticket and platform - form Is named. lie was asked furthe'iat fIgure 'mviii the tariff question cut 1mm the campaign ? " 'Not much' : all thp tariff in tile world won't help this country without time free and unlimited coinage , of silver. If time republicans simould elect ( cKlnley on a tariff platfornm , tlte titnea fyould not in- prove , and in two years , t4e discomitent of the people would wipetbe marty out of cx- istence. ' t Among the callers on Stinator Toiler were ox-Senator Henry \V. : Biair , also en route to St. Louis , and Hon4 W. D. Wilson , the Indiana republican who actively advocated free silver. DUI3OIS REJECT $ CMIROMlSI. WASHINGTON , June' 12-Senator Dubois of Idaho , wiio is Senator Teller's chief lieutenant - tenant in the fight for free shyer , will leave tomorrow forISL Louis vjhhre lie will join time Colorado senator and the other re- puhilcan silver' mcii. t'Wo : swill make the thgltt for sliver. " saidSent9r Duhois tonight - night , "in time committee dpsoiutions and on the floor of timconvgniiomi" We believe that a majority of' thedyapihlC ns In the country believe in tiw'dOiaC o , , ilver 6 : : the same termd3cgo1d , ad that should have been the 'interpretatoa of the piat- farm adopted at Minneapolis in 1892. If ve fail we 'shall go do'menwitim our , colors flying. " t , "Wouid a compromise be acceptable to you ? " lie was askei. "Time time ( or iamnpromlses is past , " replied - plied 'Mr. Dubois. "There can be no corn- promise of the issue. It is' plain and clear cut. ' "In the event the convention adopts a platform unsatistactiiry to you and the other silver repubiicams , what will be your course 9" "What we 'mviii do if the platform does not 'declare for silver , " replied Mr. Dubols , "is a matter for the future to determine. We will battle for our convictions to time bitter end , If the majority is against us we will act as our best judgment dictates. " SENA'I'Oit. WhIi'1'1AhI JfhS V1li'S. ' JiIiiIIc.4 of Se's'erul 'I'eiln 'VIiiit 110 . NlLtitlIltlh lt'Ibleflhtt. ? GALLUP. N. M. , Jqne 12.-Senator Stephen M. White of California pdsod through here today on his way front W'ashington to lila home in Los Angeles. When asked about the runlCrs conmme tlng iis nrme witim the tiemnocratic presidentiml apd vice presidential norninatloims , ho said he was not a caimdidato for eltimer olhice. In dcusslng the platform - form to be adopted by the democratic na- tionai convention , the iteatOr said : "I would be heartily infavp' ? ' of arnendlmmg ( lie constitution so as to ive'cpimgress the power to impose a tax upon ait incomes , Time do. eisioim of time supreme court on the inconme tax. bill I regard as a grpjmt"tnisfortune , not only because of its direct bearing upon time probleimi of raising revenmjc , hut because it reversed time precedents or a century and discredits time court itself , The dissenting optniotltm of White spd 'iariamm seem to me unanswerable. After that first decision , I would not have volqd tol' an income tax but of any sort that could be drawn in conforn : . lty witit tile doctrine laid down by time court. A just income tax is needed to provide reserve servo and I think the pepplt generally ar in favor of such methods of raisng ! niommey to meet time expenses of time governnmcimt. " On the Cuban question timq senator said' "It is not likely ammytiming decisive can be done at present to assist Cuba. Time preFi dent told time coinnmltteo that waited on hia to urge action that , time mererecogimition 01 belligerency wouid be of bitle benefit anti that armed intervention oimb' eomlil : put an end to the state of affairs mmpw existing in time island , Ho told tip cqmittoo ( lint con. gross had time powpr 4 ° apply that. remedy anti asked time m miicrs ifmey were willing to assume time responsibility. Of course they mvere not willing. As Uieresident cannot ' and congress 'mviii not ai4iorize armed in- terventiomm and war wIth5paIn , there is little prospect of lpmethitrilet for Cuba. " GASS CflvN'i's . . 'Viic' Iiii'et tn' 1ilSltA1 Lively Cois- 1'iitllii l.tI1m , ' , PLATTMOUTIi , Neb.yime 12-Speclmml ( , ) -A mmuimmber of thu doIeiiei3 , to the repub- Bean county confcntionerived this after- naomI , ammth time street prea 4d a very hivey appearance , with knotstf pohiticians di's- cussing time probtmlo ouqoxno. 110mm. Orlando Teift , , wamts ( 'ass county's delegation to 1ftmMtate convcmmtiomm to endorse his caumtiidao. ( or' lieutenant goy- crime , is on tii grotind uehlng time nnlse of the lool delegatcs in tbdircctlon , while an emissar' of one of ( imo candidates for state auditor is lzo hcr. hi iintlrril ( iirhlJn liii null 'l'eii for huh's LITTLE ItOCK1 Ark , , June. 12.-Returns front the democratic prirnarioi throughout the btato showiiat ex-Coimgressmnap Bland nom' has 107 instructetl votes in tile state convention , wijch nmcets here June 17 , against tcxm votes for Boles. . GOhuI W'iIhuulr'ymi fur Iiapor * , WAShINGTON , June 12.-The treasury totlay lost 2,131,4OO in gold cciii amid $5,400 in bars , mnakiug a total ( or 'the day of $ ? ,136.SOO. True goJd risi'rve , $104,308,754. Of today's withdrawals , $2,000,000 was for export. ( 'uriII'glLv4)rlto hi iixtt'lmuled. P1TTSIIUIIG , Jun 1-'Ftmo Carnegie peo- 1)10 have decideti to buiid atm addition to their works costing at lcuttmt $1 O.0th : , The ZICW plant 'mviii Lie for the rstpIt construe- 110 : : of heuvy orinance. - IYIIITE 1ETAL IS NOT IN IT Republican Platf'orm Will Give Silver Men No Crumb of Comfort. M'KINLEYITES ' IN- FAVOR OF SOUND MONEY i'iiuti neinl i'lnmik'Ihi ieclnrc for ( lie Sliigie Stit iiilnrul itliui Agniiist Free Coliiiige lIcemt hiy litter- itfltlOIlLi Agreeiiieiit. ST. LOUIS , Jtmne 12.-It is generally be- iiovetl toimighit tlmat time declaration in favor of time gold standard in the repubhicam : hint- forni will be very emphatic amid tmnequiv- ocal , \Vhen time men from the east reach : St. Louis they vili find that the close fricntls of Major McKinley are ready to offer timeni a finaimclal plank that they can agree upomi without hesitancy. Several drafts of a platformi : have been PrePared and it is now believed that a torn : has been secured vimiclm will be satisfactory. It will declare agaltmst time free coInage of silver unless it simotmltl he brouglmt about by internatiotmal agreenment. No ratio is : nentiomcil and in this respect it is more acceptable to time gold men. It will also declare time reptmb- hicans are against the debasement of the currelmcy , and are timero- fore in favor of the present gold standard. The republican party 'm.ill be given crothit for having brought about the rcsumImtiOil act , which has always - ways nmmtimmtained every dollar at a parity , whether coin or paper , and that tIme stand. arti of money siiotiid be as it always imas been and is mtow , equal to tlmat of the most enlightened mmations of time world. These declarations embody time wisimes of the friexmds of McKlmmley ammd time mon who are now here approve timent. If time resolution - tion should be changed it will be by time comumIttee oim resoltmtions or the convention - tion itself , but timis Is mmot likely , as it contains all that is asked for except by the most extreme gold mneim , wimo want a straight siimgie gold stamidard declaration and nothing more. Tlmcro Is some opposition to time reference to an international agrceniemmt , but those m'iio desire that iaimguage inserted in time resolutlomm say the party should not place itself in opposition to the coInage of silver untler an international agreement if smcim am : arraimgement coimid be made , imut that time party is not to be pledged to bring about such amm agreememmt , whIch is a con- teimtiomm of some of time delegates. It is believed by those wimo have examined the Iroposed financial resolution that it will mmieet every demand timat can be made by the eastern men and timat it will be iocor- poratod into the platform when adopted. EASTERNERS SET TIlE PACE. The mimovements of time men who are opposed - posed to McKinley imave been very quiet , but it is uimderstood that since time arrival of Mr. Quay today timore has been a con- foreimce of mon representing the different camidldates , those present being Piatt for Morton , Quay for himself , Henderson for Allison amid an eastern man representing Mr. Reed. It was understood the conference wgs not with : any 'flope of defeating the nOmination of McKiniey , , iecauso Mr. : Quay and Mr. Manley have 'already conceded the nomination of time Ohio nina emi the first ballot , , but It Ivas proposed to prepare a platform on themnoney question' which waste to be insisted upon at , all hazards and to give it to McKinley men as one of the demands of the opposition. It was understood - stood that time declaration was to be unequivocally - equivocally for gold. In this connection , it is said the declaration will be so pronounced timat It will not be acceptable to the great middle west , wimichm is imere solid for Mc- Kiniey anti may precipitate a fight. This Is one of time nmany stories timat were in circulation , indicating that the arrival of Mr. Platt amid Mr. Quay had made the opposition - position more fornmidable ( bait was suim- poseti. As time McKinley men hero are for time most 'part talking In favor of a strong declaration in favor of gold , they say there caimnot be much difficulty in atljustimmg a flnammclai phammk to suit time men who will vote for time other canditiates , INDIANA PLATFORM POSSIBLE. CLEVELAND , 0. , Juno 12.-hlomi , C. W. Fairbanks of Inthiamia , who is to be tein- porary chairman of time St. Louis conven- ( ion , spent time day svitlm Govermior McKin- icy at Canton and starteth for St. Louis to- night. 110 was seen by time Associated vrcss corrcmipommtient on time traiim tommiglit and asked what lb regarded as the probable action of time convention on time money question - tion , " 1 am of time opinion time convention will declare unequivocally for mmountl money , I should not be at all surprised to see it adopt ( lie fimmanciai hilanhe of time Indiana platform. " "Vitim time ratio clause heft in ? " "No. I rather expect to see the ratio clause stricken out it the convention adopt time plank. As it stands now time plank pronounces emphatically against time free coinage of silver at a ratio of 15 to 1. My opinion is that if time convention sees fit to adopt timat Imiank , it will simply ob. literate time worths 'at a ratio of 10 to 1. ' That will place it squarely agaipst time free coinage of silver at any and every ratio. Wimethier time Inthimmna plank is adopted or not , you can rest assuretl the convention Is going to pronounce in no uncertnuii man. imor on time financial question , There will be no straddle , nor anytiming appronehmiuig a straddle , It 'mviil be a plain statement , one whmicht be who runs may reati , in favor of sotimiti money. ' ' , ' \\lli tue tariff or time money question ho time issue of time campaigim ? " "ihoth. But I eximect to see time tariff dominate before time campaign is over. " NEW YORK \V1LL INSIST , UTICA. N. Y. , Jtiimo 12-"In the committee - tee on platform , New York's representative mviii demand that time money platform simahl be an unequivocal stateniemmt ( or gold. By ( lint I mean timat imot emily shall it avoid a straddle , hut ( lint its laimgtmago shall be imhain and pointed for gold , with imo cimance ld miscoimstruction by any indivitiumil , In tloing timla , tinder instruction lmy New York's cn- ventiomi , we bchieve shall represent hot only time interests of New York state , hut time eimtire business and financial 'ms'orld in these United States. " Edward Lammterhacim , delegatt..at-largo to 'time reptmblican convention at St. Louis , made ( lila stateimuiimt this afternoon to a represomm. tativo of time Associated press 0mm thu special train going west. Mr. l.aiiterbmmcim Is to ho the New York state member of limo corn- nmitteo on platform of time etmimvcmitioii aimd time statement therefore Iii probably more signifi- camit timaim if coining from any otlmc'r lips. "New York , I repeat , will accept Ito rnm certain platmk , " coiitinueti Mc , Ltuttmibmmcii. : "Ihy that I mean that shall uveim go to the Iengtim of refusing to abide h' sucim a phammlcVe owe It to thu iummiiemmuue hual- 1:055 iimterests of time countY ) ' . " "S'hiat is your idea of mi. IioPcr pI.mnk upoim the financial qtmt'stion ? " Mr. Lauterbmmcim took a pad tuid a jtencii amtl wrote this : \\o itre entirely' opposed to time coinage of silver timi full legal tentler mont.'y mind to itny cmalmgo in time oxistiig , gold stanil. nrd , except Imy itmternmitionmil ngreemneit , to which Englaid Frunce mind ( leriimnmty mmmiii ime parties. Au dehiis anti olilignions ( of the govoriminent simnhl ho payable In gold , "With perlmaps 801mb moore explicit Ian. guage , " added Mr. Lauterbuch , "Hint. expresses - presses nmy Ideas. " p 'i'lii rt.'cu i'okt't 'l'ou- * , , , WAShINGTON , June 12.-The list of bills passed during the last ten days of the sos- siofl of coimgress , which wer' miot almjmrovcth by the prositlent before amhjtiurnnmelmt , and so have been pockct.vetoetl , miumimers thirteen - teen , They have not been announced , but among then : is time Arizona bond bill , ammd ( ho bill providing for the punishment of persons selling liquor tinder unauthorized names. - , , a THE BEE BULLETIN. Weather Forecast for Nebraska- Fairl Warmer ; Southeriy Winds. Page. 1. Nemv York Miy Bolt at St. Loiii. Crowding in for Sedintl l'Iaet' , Colti Htaiilimrui i'lank it Ccrlitiiity. Vork of time Nritloimni Coitmumittoc. . tomva tClirzmnts Clo.itmg tim 1.ttte. iixteimuliiig the Life of Mitli. Spain imntt Cuba Hot Ii iluitied. 3. Third lriy ( it ( lie Onirtiiim Rncc. Uimivcrslty of Nebraska Agullit lieateim , 4. Etiltorial atid Coiiiimicimt , Lm , Mcrcer ( ' ' ) liusy lit W'nsiiiiigton , Sitlitla ) ' School iumstitutu I'itmtis. Affair , . itt , South ( Itimithium , ( I , Cotmuicli iilimtTs hdCiil iliitt'rs. Ittiildiimg uttitl Loan AsioicIimtiuiii % 'amrncd. 7. Coiuiin'rciiui uititl Fliiiiiielttl News. hiitlimu's' , of tlio Last % 'et'k 1o'le'ived , a. Soiiie ( Irimphilo leseriptioims of S'torins , 0. itflhltl Of thu State's Vl.ctti Agu'iit. flritisiu Ctiininm'rce with the Cuioimieit , City Askcl to l'uiy the lamiiages. CltMe of the Lmtthim'ritii Syiioui. to. Fitting Out an ( ) c4'amn Liner , itiimtliig for the Oiititiw.'ul iCiul. 11. Mcii Often Mistitkeii for Otiiu'r. Itiupr.im'cniu'iit iii Ariiiy lmilpmncnt , 1 2. ' 'Triihi forimiti t lou. ' ' Tcsii : lodges ltittit by it thur. , Sl'oiii li'olt 'l'llii I'ANK'VON hiiilhfli , it ViIl Coutme fI'OIIt the Qunm'ry ut 1 % l'Nui Ii d rlui. ALEXANDRIA , S. D. , June 12.-Special ( , ) -Time commtract for building time bridge over time Missouri at Ynimliton was let to a Kansas City company. It was decided to use Jasper - per for the stomme work. There are but three available places in time state where timis rock can he obtained-Sioux Falls , Dell Rapids and Alexandria. George Harris of time firm of Harris Bros. exainimmed time other quarries first ammil timex : canme hero thmls week. lie decIded to take ( lie stoime front time l'ierro Creek quarry , jtmst east of this city. Time decisiomm was arrlvetl at for tlmreo rca- sons-ease of quarryitmg , lower freight rate to Yankton , and the fact that stoime of any reqmmired dinmension can be got out at this quarry. Time 'mvork vill require 1,000 cars of stone of three cords to the car , amid will necessitate - sitato time elmiploynment of a large force of skilled workmcm : until late in time fall , Time qimarry , a viry valuable ommo , belongs to George W , Sammbormm of Mason City , in. , form- eriy superintendent of timis divimmioum of the Milwaulceo road. The stone with wlmicht tue Methodist university at Mitchell and time State Reformi : school at I'iaimkintemi were built canto front time quarry , bmt it has not beem : worked for several years. Muirrle&i After n Pecultnm' fleiny. WOONSOCKIIT , S. D. , June 12.-Special ( , ) -Dr. W. E. Crane of Mitchell , vimo is one of the enmimmotit physicians of the state , and Mrs. Emersomm , the divorceti wife of a lace- motive engineer , were married lmCre last evening after aim Immediate hmre-nulmtial experience - perience somnewimat rare. They came to time city Moimday that time doctor might imave a surgical operation performed on hIm : by a local surgeon. It was his desire tlmat time marriage occur the next day , but imis friends opposed it oh the ground timat ime 'm'as Imot recovered front time effect of the opiates given at time time of the operatiomi and on their advice the county clerk retumcd to issue a. license , though strongly' imnportuii to do sq by. % ho doctor and , Mrs. . Emerson Last evening time friends of the pmtrties withdrew - drew thmeir'obJ ttons as time doctor seemed futi recovered and the wedding took place. luG hhUSlHSS Foil. ILAILhtOADS. i.uirje Nuuuilier ofsit'elnl Trniuis to tite Nntl ouinh Coiivcimthoiis. CHICAGO , June 12.-All the roads in the Western I'assenger association have made arrangements to run a large number of spt5. cial trains for the convention at St. Louis , Of the roads runuming put of Chicago toward St. Louis , time Alton , Burlington and Illinois Ceumtral have contracted for time most tramc. A imtmmber of thmrougim specials have heeti taken on all of these three roads and in addition - dition their through : trains are crowded to the utmost wit ! : public excursions. Time Altom : imas made arraimgeumments for a large nuniher of dehcgatiomms froimi tue south : and soutiwest for tile deimiocratic convention in thus city. The Illinois Cemmtral imas also made arrangements to hold much of tills business. Time Burlington will bring time republican delegation from California to St. Louis. Tills will nmake the twelfth time in succession that the California delegation has used tile Burlington in getting to the con- vention. htuites for OthIet'rs of iteseuiue Cutters. CHICAGO. June 12.-A proposition has been subnmitted to time Western I'asseimger association by the roads of time Tramiscon- timmental Passenger associatioim that officers of time United States revenue cutters and time dependent members of timeir families shall be allowed time same rates wimen traveling as are given under similar circunmstaumees to tIme commissioned omccvs of the arnm onil navy. Time transcommtinentai roads at their recent mneotimg lim San Frammcisco adopted a resolution to tills effect and timey are now anxious that the roads of time West- em Passenger association shall take sinmilar oct10 : : witi : tue uiitlerstahmtiiumg that tIme rates shall be adopted only on transcon- tiumental buslimess , Time request of time transcoimtinentai roads 'mviii probably be acceded - ceded to. . , t tphiiqiui SeIl lag' to Shike ii Z'rieuuJ. NEW YORK , Juno 12-Negotiations are penthing between the Atchmisoim and Atlantic' & Pacific interests , lookiimg to an anticable arrangement. Ruimmors were currcimt timat tite Atchison lmatl nmatio a fornmal lroposi- lieu : to time Atlamitlc & I'acific , covering oltimer the hmurcimase of time last mentiommed lmroperty or a trdulfle agreonieimt. Couimsei for time relresentauivcs of time Atlantic & Pacific amithiorizo thu statc'itient thmat thus far no serious proposal has been made , IL is expected , imoweror , tue two conihmaimies mvihi eventually m'eacii a fi'iendly uimthi.'rstand- log. 'rho c.'cuiitit'e : comiumlttt'e of the At- lammt Ic & l'icitlc will meet tomorrow to consider routine umatteru. i'UXliIt.thj OF 111 ( . i'Itl ? iLtYO , Noe.l ( , tsetor ' . % 'liulli'ii in Nu'Jruiskuu Is hhuii'letl lii 1'Iuihuiuk'hiiiuiu. PHILADEI.i'IIIA , Juimo 12-Time funeral of li'ank Mayo , time netor , took place today at Holy TrInity thurchthis city. Ii ii i giii rs it alt us iCisuisius lluiiilc , KANSAS CI'I'Y , Juno 12.-A tuhmecial to the Star from i'utlhtwr , Kitn , , says ; Tue ilamik of Puhiner brokeim into at 3 o'clock this umotumitig , thu : mte blown open ; umd entirely dm.'stroyetl mind time eashu box roblirul of 11,100 nIl it cofltmtiulcti , Tue doum- age ( U I ime smite nitil building aummolmuits to ; mb'iut $1bOl. 'I'lme burglars escaped , icavlmg : ill ) clew' , - - P's. I iii iuidl iuir of n Lovtrs' ( tmiiirm'tl , (1ilLtICOThIE ( , 0 , Juimo 12-'l'lmomnutt 'imit. alter im brief iummrrel last night at time hlotc'l Carson with Miss Editim Ale. JCeivey , his an emithmeart , idiot tier ( mitutily nuti tlmt'mm kIlled himself , 110th were yotlng iujtl fuvorithily kilown , Jo'muiCui tit ii t Ot'enmussels , h uuuie iii. At New York-Ari'jvoti-Putiatla , ( room iitmumburg ; CLiflmltiliifl , from Livurpuol ; Thimgvimlia , from fitt'ttin ; , Augtmsta Victoria , from hlaunhurg. HaiIet1AIu'lmeim ; for lire- men ; State of Cithifornhmu , for ( jiasgow , 1t Liverpool--'Armived-i.uciimiu : , front Now York ; Coriutlmitt. from lioston ; Cevic , ( , ro21 New York. Suiied'-'i'nurie , tom' New VAtk . Geimoa-Arriyed-Fuidmt , from New Soiituinmitoim-'Sniled-Fueret Ills- tnimrck , for New York , yAtii Mom'iile--lhumijeti-Aimelmpria , for Nc : ' , I.t ' ' from C'oprniinen-'Arrim'ed-Islnhid , New York , At Ihuniburmi.Arrived.Piioenicia , ( rein New Yorir Coiumtnidn , from New York , At Cherorg ,43aiied-.Fucrst Ihlsmprck , ( or New York. At Queeimstowhm-Arrived-Lucamuiu , from Zew Yor % for i4yerpool. - . _ _ , rM n SLOWLY SETTLING CONTESTS National Committee Has Now Boaoh'od th Lower Half of the List. , ACRIMONIOUS FIGHT FROM DELAWARE Auluhit'ku aumul hhiggliis luduigo in Per. ouinhtties , mimid Nu'ithier lelemruu- ( Is Seated-Five fleet ! Aieiu trout 1oulsigmimn. , ' ST. LOUIS , June 12.-Ui ) to 11 o'clock tonight - night the mmational relmublican committee imad talceim action upon cohtests Involving minety-six seats it : thin republican national convention , leaviimg seveimty still to ho passed mmpon , Of timese imitmety-six , thirty- six 'mvoro disposed of today. These timirty- six inclutletl time contests on time delegates- at-large from Delowaro , , Lotmislana and Arizoima ammtl district delegates froim : Virginia , hiiississilhl amid Alabammma. There yas es- Pedal imterest : in time cohmtests front Bela- ware betweem : time Auldicks and Higgins tactiorms , Tlmo irocccdiumis in this contest were of a very shiii'ited character ammd time remmmarks immado by Senator hliggirms and Mr. Adthlcks were very rersommal and acriinommious , In thus case mieitimer delega- tloim was seated. In the Arizona case the mimenibers of each : delegatiom : vcre awardeil a lmalf seat eacim. Of time sixteen delegates seated froimm Louisiaiia fire are for Reed ammd the others for McKilmie3' , Time conmimmitteo voted to lroceei ) tommmorrow with time contests - tests in the order reached whctimer the lttrtics at immterest are lresemmt or not. Time natiommal coimmmittee rather slow in getting togetimer today. The scssioui was hot set until , 10:30 : aumti it % viie a ( lmlartL'r of an imour later whexi they got tegetimer. On motion of Mr. Scott of'est Virginia time tinme for time Imrescntatiomm of the cases of claimants to seats ii : contests was reduced front fifteen to tell mmmiiitites , by a vote of 25 to 10. Mr. Scott saitl , itt nmakitmg this urn- ( iou , ( list it was clear that at time present rate of progress time coimmimmittee would be engaged - gaged entirely too bug if time tiimme was not reduced. Ii : support of this staternemmt ho said ( lint only sixty out of over 100 seats in contest hind beem : awarded. Considerable tiimmu was spoIlt by time committee - mitteo ill discmisslotm in executive session of time propriety of permmiltting stenographic rum- ports of time proceedings of time comnimmittee , Mr. Claytomm made objection to time presence of time private secretimry of Mr. Sutimerland , saying that if each : menmbcr uumdertook to ha'e a secretary prcsemmt the eimtiro committee - tee would be disconmniotietl. Mr. Sutherland explaItmed that ito appeared for Mr. Clarkson' anti had found it necessary to have notes taken , 'fiic matter was so arranged as to nermit the otenograjiher to be presemmt during the hcariumg , but miot wimlic tile executive sea- sions vero ii : progress , Notice was givem : of the withdrawal of time contest front the Eighth : Virgimmia district. W. G. B. Shuniate and ii. Y. Wale were timereforo declared entitled to seats. Shmummmate and Wale are iimstructcd for Mc- ' Kiimley , while Edwards anti RObiimson , who " had filed a commtemit , wcro'opposed to the Ohio candidate. ' START WITI't MISSISSIPPE ' James Francis , Burke' of"I'ittsburg' 'was , , elected offiolal reporter of tile Iroccedings ' & ' the coiiTv 'nlohi.Z , iio : am'Gergo Tharim' " " ' - ton of Buffalo , N. Y , , w'ct time only candidates - ' . , didates whose names were presented. The comtmmitte time : : resumed consideration of the Mississipimi contest , heglining with tat from time Sixth district. This contest presented mme points otespocial interest. The contestants , C. A. inmpson , and George F. ' Bowles , the Lyimci : niemi , were seated. They are friendly to MelCimmiey , Time Seventh district concluded time list of Mississippi contests. This \'ias anotimer case of two conventions involving mutual accusations - tions of Irregularity from tue 11111 and time Lynch : forces. James At. Mattlmews , secretary - tary , and George C. Granberry 'mvere , the Hill claimants and J. Morotilty Matthews and Tlmonmas Ii , Richartison the Lynch men , all being ativocates of McKinley. Mr. Mattliowa , one of time Bill delegates , made a pica to ho seated , derotiumg most of ills time to a complaint of Mr. Lynclm's effort to manage ( Mississlimpi hoiitlca front Waslmington. Replying - plying , Air. Lynch said ho had mmover heard any coimmplaint from Mr. Matthews on the groummd of residence uimthi he ( Lynch ) had failed to support Matthews for delegate , "i made my conmplaint , " responded AI Mattimews , from his seat , "as soon as I dia. covered imow rotteim your metimods were , " Time 11111 men were seated , TIme conmnmlttee thmeim returned to time contest - test of S. Al , Murplmy , a Reed nman , against John harmon , for McKinley , for a seat from time Third Alabama district. Murpimy , who is a colored sclmool teacimer , argued lmis own case and declared that nothing coultl ho brought against imim except that imo would not do ' nil tlmat ho was wanted to tb , harmon asserted - ' , serted that Murphy hind voted for Mi' , Cieve- land for president , There hInd also been a coumtest over tIme otimer seat from this this- ( net , Samuel S. Booth being the contostee and D. H. I'rontiss the coimtcstant. Corn- mnitteeman Yeuumgbiood read a letter from Proimtiss withmfirawing lila contest , but the opposition announced its refusal to permit the witumdrawal. Before time coimtest was do- clded Mr , Sutlmcrland moved to refer time case to a subcommittee , but Mr. Clayton made time poizmt of artier that the motion was net Ii : ortlor , A veto was takeim arid Mr. Sutherland's motion was lout , is to 20. Congressman - gressman Settle nmovetl a declaration tiat none of thin delegates were entitled to seats. The motion was.Iost. Both : Booth cliii liar- muon were seated by a vote of 12 to 31. The cenmimmittee timemm took a recess until 2 p. m , WtITiNG FOR ADDICICS , When tile sftermtoon sessiomi was opened time Dolawara coumtest was caileth , but cx- Senator Higgins beathiumg omcm : of tim deho- gatioims asketl ( lint it should be lOstP000d uumtil time arrival of Mr. Addichus , who imeadu time other tielegatlon , It was axmimomiimeeml that Air , /mcitilclcs would he here at 3 o'clock totlay , 'limo comteumt , vus temporarily passed. 'I'ime Lnulsiaima contests 'mvere thcgi cotmsiilereth , All ( lie seats train ( lila state , incitltilhmg timose of time four clelegates.at-largo mmimd the Twelve district delegates , are contested , F'roumm time state at large , time cimairinaim of the state comimniltteo certifies time election of A. A. Magiumuis , It , 11 , llackney , B. N. Carmmoy ammd A. houghmerty , All these were Iimstrueteti for McKinioy , Time comitesting delegates , lion , William Pitt Kellogg , A. H. Leonard , are ( or Reed and ileimry Dernas and 3. Al. Vance are ( or MeKimmicy. J , M , hbeiman alilmearod or time Maginnis delegation , lb said there m'ere two repub- hican state committees , hnmt that by wimichm his convention was callctl was the omme whiciu had mnads tIme light for time republican party two years ago anti represented the rumvoit agaiimst thin rule of Mr , Kellogg , who lie claimed wan a noim-resitlent , lie repro- seimted wimat hue called time new republican party , which bail grow , : out of time opimosi. tion to time deimmoeratie imarty oim ( lie tariff , but said that time mmow republlcaiis had not ( amid It agreeable to affiliate with the old republican hiarty as it humid imeet : managed ? for years , They therefore met 1mm mass con- vemmtinn antI organized a state committee , Mr , Beuian asserts that time republican party lmmmd madu very rajmiti imrvgress since its or- gaimizatloim and saul that with prdper en- cnurmmgement Louisiana could be made a re. pubiican state , CAit'l'IiR GIVES REASONS , After Mr. ilelman lmad commeludeth his speech - stith without requiring any statement on behalf - half of Kellogg time Kellogg delegation was iemtte'i , This action was taken ott time mo- tioim of Air , I iaiiim of Ohio , because time coin- iimlttcu , under whmleim time Maginnis delega. lien was clectetl , was mmot commeidereti regular , it wan felt. however , that time : mow republicans - licans in Louisiana uthiould be eimceurumgcd anti timey were recalled by the eonmnuitteo to allow ( 'hairmimami Carter to eximhain time ream soimit for the conmnmlttcu's decIsion. This ho did , ( 'ihililmiIig that time action of the eonmInltLCe tm'as miecessarily techiIcaI. lie 541d Unit be onmumItteu coul4 nut , uwlut Ui , - _ _ - . '