Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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    ! - - - . ii- : - - - - - - - - --a- - - - _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 4 TIIT U:1 Ail A DATril' t ' ; E I1 ! IDAY , .TUN 12 , 1890.
TH1s 01jA11A ' ' ! Y PEG
n. ItO31a1 ATnt : , 1S.IItor.
1'Cn1JnltCD 14v1rtY SIOfNiN0.
TI ails OF SUn9CnrTlo\- : .
IJally mien ( w'Ithaut Rendnr ) ( The Y.wr I 300
Dally Ifen and gnndey , Ono Yenr. . . . . . . . . . . 10 p )
mix nonhu , . " ' . . . . . o 00 .
tree mnnlhe" . . . . . . . . . . , . 2.0
Handzr nee , On , Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "t,0
Rat irday ike , One Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ad
Weekly Ueo , One Year . . . . . . . . . . Cr
o6'FICEs :
Omaha Thn Dee ISUHIing ,
Ilauth Omaha. Slt er Ilik , ( tor. N end 14th Ste ,
Council nluas , as North btaln Street.
Chlcze , omre , 117 Chnmber of Cnmmerre.
New York , Meant , 12 , 14 dad IS , Tribune DIdr.
Washington , 1107 1' Strc + t , N. W.
cotuusroDl NCi ; :
AU com iurk atlas ) releltg to news and eII
tOrlal matter should be eddreaacd : To the rdltor.
1 IlUsiNsg I.L'rrl.fs ,
AU Iuslaen letters nod remlthmcca ehnuld be
a44reaeil to The Hee I'nblhhlne Company ,
Omaha. Draft , , clicks and p..etoihce nnlers to
ba made tintabte to the nn1 r nt th lompanY.
Tllf : Jttt : 1'UI11.IS111N0 COSIt'.1NY.
ilttle of Nebrnekal
youglas county , /
Ueorga It , Tzechuek secr tiry of The 1 o P1 I )
llehtng enm any , being duly sworn , esya lint qua
actual numlkr of colt and cnmll to copies . .f then
Dally. Murning , liecnlrg and Sunday Urn prlnhd
n during the munlh of May. 1340 , as es tottnwat
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.1'2 l a , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 G l
1. 1t,262 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21SW
a. . . . . . . . . 11.2'1 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SF.h1i
4. . . . . . 1R t9 1" . . . . " . . .
6 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1t.lst : r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13f71
11,193 "L. . . . . . . . . . . . 197 8
. . . . . . IF,057 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B. . " 18,210 . , , , . , . . . . . , 75.782
s . . . . , "t. . . . . . . . . , . 14Wr ;
le. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.15 ; zl. . : ; . . . . , . . . . . , nrtet
11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it211 2r . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 19,12t
12 . . . . , . . . . . . . . 19,207 27..u. . . . . . . . . . . 14,271
11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,711 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2I,4r7
1 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lt,7.3 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
15 , . . . . . , . . , 13,114 : . . . , . ] , G1
Totnl . . . . , . . ' . . . . . ' 684,302
Lens'ior unecld nnd'retnnne.l
coplee . . . . . . . . C,112
Net enlee. . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65",170
: ict dally m ernge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.782
Gcono1 ; IL TzscuuClc.
5ub.crtbed In my presence and an orn to heforr
me lhle let day of .Stmt , A , 11. 19.
( Feed. ) w1Li.xui siMFitAL.
Notary I'ehtt0.
My commlelon ecplres December IS , 1)0.
Omaha dirt vI11 soon be In brlsh dc
Tlie word of Tom feed Is as good
as ltis bolud.
SL Louis can now boast the biggest
fake uiIls lu Amerlut.
Congress bus once more ndJourued
and the country Is safe ,
Croakers nod mossbacks to the rear
and enlerprlshIg ntetl and pullic-
spirited melt to the front.
Accor cling to (1lspntches frmu Spring ;
field Govetor Altgcld's pinions re-
hnaln o1 nil the issues uueltnnged 1Vlse
111011 change-fools never.
Even though the colored delegates are
exeludt d front the St Louis lioteb , they
have the satisfaction of being hieluded
in the pictorial editions of the St. Lords
dnllie $ .
[ low Sooll will the newsmnngers at
St. Louis slop their gush an(1 gabble
and entleavor to give the 1)001)10 some
inforntttiel flint Is not contradicted
every ton uthnites ,
1tarh Ilanna need not worry over the
dnnger of an honest money plan ) ; in
the re1)ubllcau platform. 't'he more .
i specilie anti tlnequlvoctll it is the Lliger
will be McXluley''s .
1Vhy can't the street railway company -
pany extend its hue to hvervicw ! park ?
The distance trot their Thirteenth
street lei'Illlnlis Is only three blocks and
Itirerviow is certainly the most popular -
lar resort next to llnnseom park tun ]
deserves equal facilities.
Several of the largest bicycle factories
in this country have closed dawn for a
5085011 , and We Simi not be surprised
If the men throwit out of employment
Were infarnleti 1)y the champions of the
nvhite metal that their loss of enploy-
, nient is c11ageabla to the crime of 'TI.
The architects of Omaha will have
reason to Congratulate themselves upon
the exposition law. It will Incrense
their 1)liSilleSS ten-fold , to say nothing
of time revivill of old plans half finished :
Which have been laid aside a1'nitlug
More promising tinies The action of
MiCrelghto'a will be emulated by
many others.
Let its mint , in tills hnur of supreue
delight , coudenm the nation of the presl-
dent i1 vetoing the military training t
School hill. IIe approved a measure of
nntcll more vital concern. Omnha as a
city eats , if permitted , preserve the fort
front vaninls until the gove7nuelt or 1
the state can provide lllellll3 far Its pro.
toclioi. Only a fens months heuco it
nv111 be different lit the whmhtu house. t
Postmaster Ifeshig of Chicago , who ,
1s also propt4etor of the Illilels Stoats
'Lofting , thu lending Gcriimnm : dully of 1
the west , pesitlvcly declares ills lnten
thin to support the republlcai ticket f
this toll if time natlohnl platform pro-
Bounces ngniremt free
squarely coinage t
anti for the gold standard. In title llr t
hosing simply relleets the sentinelt t
Mt GceHUUi Aneeicnns Who are for
sound money nbovu all other tlilhgs ,
good CITecis of the exposition law ti
are already felt 7'o thu prospectlvo ti
hivestor ! t ulnLcs the way clear ; 1o a
tilt property owner it gives conlideuee ,
timid to everybody' , delight. Yet time
passage nn(1 approval of this hnpnrtaul
n1efS1)ro hams ( . upon Otnulul 7111(1 ( liar 1
people n long of responsibility timid hard 11
vo'k such. mts they hoe uuver before e
assumed. Somexaly''s bruins and Sammieu
body's utuuoy are now in aetivo roquisl p
tion. Both are hero In graft aluuiauce , i
All that Was ntvde(1 ! 1o put them into u
motion u as am exposition bill ,
From the moment the oxpoeltlon bill le It
algned by the prealdant Omalia'e burden of i t
ruspoaelblltty will ateadtly Increase. A task
compared with which all other public on-
torprlaea eapouaod by Omnha dwarf Into In- v
signltlcance will be Imposed upou the lead. s
log men of thin city bT thu aucceea of the
bill. The exposition la not , strictly speakc
lug , an Omaha enterprise , but our people ti
cannot evade the respo eibillly of provlding
a place for it and arranging all the prelim.
Inartee for tha greatest exhibit of resources
and products tire wont hoe ever attempted.I'
-Omaha Bee , May 24 , fl
'rite exposltlait bill has been signed Ii
h ) ' the 1)resldellt,1111(1 upon Omaha 310W 11
Ilel OiVC8 limo raspunsiblllty 1111(1 the task
to iiuke the enterprise u success. C
Ia .1 L tluonPsitF iVT.
't'he first imcslon of the Fifty-fourth
congress , aldch enlled yesteriny , did
hittlo for the general welfare amid noth
hug whatever for lima removal of distrust -
trust and iepresslol. ltespommslLlllty
Lot' thil ; rests upon tilt senate , where a
tlillon of thmmocrats , free sliver repub-
Ilenns such populists prevented ( lie pns
sage of a eo1'enttC lu1'flStlLC tutu
other legislallol intended to give relief
to the treasury : 'lime house performed
nnmclt good work and the republican nut-
Jurity in that body is to be conuuendci
for having shmvmi an cattiest deshe to
reuwdy existing cotiditions. Early hl
the session tilt' house passed n revenue
hill tvhleh would have furnished time
trunsury tvllit sufliciemt ndditiohal revc-
11ue to have put a slop to t1el1eIt , while
at the Satmle time h0uellthtg numerous
ludastries which are sulerhug front that'
effct'ty of the demoeratie tarlll' . This
nwasuro was killed oil' by time free silver
ver nu'u in lime senate Iii combination
with the homiest nmoney ultitproteetinli
deruoerats , th' latter nellai ; ngreenbly
to the opinion of the president and see-
retnry of the trnnsury that therm' wins
nn need of further revenue leglslntiou.
The lmouso niso pnssetl n hlil nullaorizing
till secrt'lnry 'of the tretlstury to issue
a piloted ahotntt of eerlilcatog ) of 1u
debtedness to meet drtleleh'los in the
t evenues , In wllielt the senuto failed 1o
coueur. A. bill providing for the issue
of sltort tinte lowaate 1)011(15. Which
1S'iiitl ' havu stved : a large nnnnult : um-
uually In htterest , tuns passed by the
hotaso and foiled it the seunte. It is
thus seen that so far as provi(1iug rent
odlnl legislatinu Is concerned no fault
can justlyy be found with the house
amid the sennto mast Ire hell ] solely rte
sponslble forr to ! fure h1 this respect.
Perhaps , lIO V'VeL' , the nduthlstratlon
shnnld share the blame , for Iidti it acknowledged -
knowledged at thu outset the ncuil of
legslutiou ( for additional revenue it is
hardly to be doubted that udnliidst a-
tloi demiocrats in the seunte Would
have supported a revenue mensure aumd
thus node the pna5age of one 1)05511)10.
'Chile eonunlendlug the republicans of
the house for tine faithful discharge of
ditty , the same colslderation is due to
the seunte repuhlicaus , svitli 1110 Pxcel )
float of those front time sliver stttm. :
hlvery effort was male by Senators
llorelll , Shornuum old others to secure
legistttioi for tin relief of the treats-
uty and the sound money repuhikaus
el' the seunte arc in nn 501150 uilnnsibl0
for the failure of such leglslaliomi It
is trite that they were not disposed to
: tccept propositious for raising revenue
which v.'ro not in accord situ reptib-
1lCan lolley and in this they were entirely -
tirely right. It would have been a grave
blunder on their pnrt to have agreed to
lull hicrease in time beer tax and to time
luipositlou of ditties on teat amid 'coIrtn ,
for while such legislation would ] tare
given the treasury mare revenue , It
would hot have helped a single Am erl-
can hndnst y or given a single idle work-
inglllalr t'mployineut. Iit'ptllhicaa 1)01-
Icy contemplates not only more revenue ,
but revival of Illduetriai activity and
the creation of a dehauul for more labor ,
It was madfestly time duty of time no-
pnbilcans ht congress not to do any.
timing ht eontavuntioti of this policy. or
svldch aught interfere with putting It
lute effect heron fter.
Sluice the civil war there has hcen hint
one earlier ndjournuteit of the ll,3t ses-
stmt 0f cmtgtess than time present one.
That was 1u 1St ° , when the lhml ad-
Jourunelt took place on Jimmie 10. In
every presidential year since 1S72 , until
now , congress has been in session when
time natloual conventions were held.
CLflan 0CLalltTIONS.
There can be no qucwtInn as to the
Gleaning of the currency declarations
of the ltarylnnd and Connecticut ieut
acrats. Tuley are unequivocal for the i
fold sta11111rd 1111(1 against the free cohu
Igo of silver. ' ! 'here will be from now
on 'utorc of these exprcasslons auQ their
tendency will ho to elcourage timid
stengtllei the Honest money semitlnment
of the country. The democrats win an.
tray tmeutselves ) 0h the shoo of the gold
standard probably eunnot prevent time
Chicago convention Uehtg domuinttud : by
ha free silver element. 'Clint seen ; ; a
foregone couchlsfon , But their corn'1
tg0ols example cauuot lath to exert ati
vholusomo influence him ateamgthellhg
h0 purpose of sotto [ humpy i0mncrals
averywliere to stand tlrmly by that
n'inciple. 1'hnre is nttihhtg In the tat- 1
orances of these conventions which be-
rtys : iluy lutentlou emi the part of time
01d standard democrats to bolt a free
liver plutfornt aid candidate , but it is
nnrdly conceivable that they can be
ltisuadud to stultify themselves by
ailing into line with the free silver
1 )
element 'limey must understand that
o do this would be utterly dlsnstregs
o the democracy as a party ttud thttt
he only way ht wlicl the name of that
aallticnl o g7udxatioh can be preserved
s for the homiest. humu y men to repudl
tto the free silver cenent ) amid present
eir own platform mind candidate , even a
ough the result slmould"not b0 a single ii
iceboat vote , f
I )
'I'lw demonstration of lmnstility to the C
lnitt'd Stales which was nHrdo at time C
peulmig ni'etlmmg of the congress 0f time it
haunbemi of cinllmercn of the British
nmptre , on time part of tl dulegates (1
roan Cautada and Aush allam , Is lnteeest s
mg , lholgll root partleularly surprhylug , u
t least so far us the Cahullaus ore s
ommccrmied. 'l'imo attach 1)1)011 Anlerlaums
runt trout n represemutatlvo of the thou- ,
dteturern' Associatb it of Cahudn sal
! s no revelation that the niaumfactir'
15 of our northern neighbor have a
cry' hearty hatred of this county , Tito la
ripener energy and euterprlso of the 1)
lomericnn manufacturer umke him a
ontnatltnr of the Cautlhul nutnufucq
ror in the tatter's home market , s
vithstumidin „ a tariff made to shut out
mu and the lower prlco of
Ahmen'lenui ' s
abor. Ilulco the progress of manu-
ucturlmag Industries in tlue 1)onilnlol
as not been rapid amid the outlook for di
mum Is not illo most encouraging , di
'l'imo Cumadlut : represelttttlvn told tint ti
0ugress that t1u larger body of the o
yt , tea , , S . t" wJ .
people of time ITnited States liesire a war
with EnglaHl and therefore there is no
hope of commercial reciprocity. It Is
probnblo that not to exceed 10 per
cemtt of the American people would like
to see war with i tmgland nttd yet there
is little ] tope of reciprocity between
this country anti Canada for time rensotu
that there is no chance , so long as the
tort' party Is in control of 1)oiuinlon
atTairc , of effecting a commercial arrangement -
rangement tlmat would be fair to the
Umilted Stttes. No proposition coming
from Canada shuce time tubrogatloi of
the reciprocity treaty years ago has
1)och of a nature that our goveruuleut
could accept without a sncrltlee of time
interests of our own people. If the lib.
oral party should be successful in the
coming geue al electloi It is passible
that n reciprocity agreeutelt might be
negotiated , hutt miutling could he accomplished -
plished lam the event of dory success.
'L'ime AlitCVICiiIt people must CXll'et time
hostility to this country of tltu Cala-
ilau uuunlfateturers , its well as of all
those tvho uta sdlmercuts of the Inipurlnl
idea , but it is not' a nutter n'hlch iced
give us nuy serious concern. As to the
hostility of the Austr flans , it Is nut
so easy to understand it , except oat the
score of syulpatthmy. 'I'Ite great benellt
thait Australlnn wool growers Have do-
dyed frmu free wool ought to have
uindu its frleHls lam that pnrtiou of the
lltitislm enmpi'e , It tl liS creditable to the
English delegates hi the congress that
they maullfeslcd disapproval of the attack -
tack on this cmmimtry.
Onuilm is tvilllng to tvitltpnticntiY for
the ] espouse of time Burlington directors
to the petition of Its 1)usihes)7 m cu for
conuumliols depot fnciitles. ) l3uit time
Burlington mmuaagetu lllld directors hurry
a5 well uhderstuul now' as latter ou that
Italy lrnposiltou to coutpete ) time llnsou
street moustroslty will not he satisfactory
tory to Omnhn. A depot that iw acces-
sihio only. fronm a vItduet : traversal by
four tracks of street r1111wny' cannot amid
twill not meet time aumts of Onuuln. A
depot Sutt will compel women , children ,
hlvnllds and cripples to climb a forty-
step stalavny will not nmeet time demamis
of at city that is enlled upon to eliter-
tahl two nttllious of viSitot s in time year
1SIS ) 'lime talk about time inconveimletice
to the Ilurliugtou or any otter road of
eontfug into Onmima amid gnimig out of
Oumatha by aft overhead viaduct is the
veriest bosh. Such approaches are col-
sidered perfectly feasible in nearly every
ltrge : city ou both sides of the Atlantic.
Thn day of grade crossings in cities is
past , and the entauice into couunc'cial
centers , hither by tunnel or viaduct , is
becoming universal. It is if nnythiug
nnre lreposterous to talk about time
half-million dollars which the Burlington -
ton claims to have expended on the
lfasou street site. 1Vhere was tlmat
half-tuilliomm c pcnied ? Surely not
oil any improvement that is visible.
't'Iu. only huprovement the railroads or
tilt depot compaples Have paid for is the
founlialtlon sit ) wails of time first story
of nu iusignlticnnt railway station.
Coulputed at time nmost extravagant estimate -
timate , Its cost did hot exceed $60,000 ,
find that nnmouut has l0hg since heen
repaid by the vnrlotis roads for rental
of time sky parlor quad huumigrant sited
that have served Omaha us a union
depot thhlug the past five years. If
any hlouey hats beau paid by time B1)r-
) lugtou for idiot ground no loss will
he sustained by Its eht nnce into the
proposed Farunum street uhton depot.
Time ground they 1)urclasei is still
theirs , and every square itch of It is
needed by the Burlhmgton for transfer
amd trackage pu11)aSCS. If the Burling-
tou directors have : hit' proposition to
make to Ommaha to coumponsatc it. for
any tanglblt loss or extraordinary expenditure -
penditure incurred or to be incurred ,
is pr01)osal vii1 receive fair aid frinudly
coasIderatiou. Any scheme to placate
Omaha with at promised conlpletlon of
Lime llnsou street abnrtiml-oithcr on
the old pluu or a new plan-may ads well
h0 dropped. -
Japanese electrlcaums , studying the
telepllohe systems of America , pro-
uouucC time systemic ham On11uimn superior
t0 that of western cities. They arp
naming tall the good points , amid will
eport to tin ntlk11do. Thilk of tlls a
uoumuut. 7'ho first telephone was used
u , inpnn live yeas ago. Now there
are llllllly thousanis of IHiled of tele-
) l1011e wires. 'l'ima govoa ument secs time
necessity of undurgrniumd wires mt mml
ends a commisslol to the United States s '
0 learn time hest system of couluits , c
Tal)111k owns aui controls time luiepimomme
n that khmgdnnl , and noSV , after using ,
t live years , proposes to put time wires
trader ground. 'These reforms have lnag a
)0011 demandal by time people. Time
tutulcipallty should own the teeplmone ) t
ysten and build conduits for all wire's. n
Tapan gets .lnmeictia Idtus aid Ilmen f
Ieatts Us omit In calrryhtlg tilelnt into j
tfcct , d
't'he consensus of local old nloam among
( tlxens of all p11etles is dolt Congress1 t 1 u
ilt Meteor deserves the highest praise a
1)1' his svo ! c in behalf of time exposition o
Ill. } While lle ctur's nltlno is ou every- s
ody's tongue , the runners of otter I
aumdidates for congress are active lam
haglhg that lfercer hind resorted to i
nH'au politlcal Irick ht holillug the n
hill till time email of the- session , 1Ve
uubt very muclm , however , whetter e'
mach deh actl01l will inure to time benefit
r uuybody who aspires t0 11I1 llerccr's f
hoes , tiI
Ii I
'Why ciuulot time Board of Edticatioim
iso ubovo party spoils imunturs just
nag enough to api)0illt ) leutlhmg immetl to the h
ho vitcancics upon tlm board. Let the
igilea4t hliter'e.tu of lime sflmuols figure t hi
1 the selections. Put men oai time s
oard wpo are wise from experience : a
mid who are putrons ; of the schools ,
hero are too mummy cheup men lie Umo T
drool hoard already. It possible met em
vho are not aetivim partlsuus should be
' 1 lie Omaha Conmluerelal club should
sist front ntteumptlug to hununer 5f
wn too ninny mulls at olio time. If b '
o club would ceutcr nil its energies mil
a ruislug the necessaiy ftmuds for the In
exposttiolmni bring nil its hifluence
to bear broil the rnlltnads to ngreo
u1)on lnllldithe naion depot time club
Would neelJmltisll ) more for Ommnln
that by u tt@rilg its fire into every
(1irectlon nn
Again lt.heioimi0s necessary for the
Union Stocks Ytirds coulpnuy to increase
tilt capncl4hq ' tlio yards , I'resent tar
ciiities are Jiwbolly inadequate to nc-
comiuuodate thl trorleudous movement
of cattle thutuust begirt next month.
Corn amid d7ltie this yead are bringing ,
amid will bring , store gold than has been
drawn tutu this regiet for several years
litlst. 1Ve are right in it.
A ( ' . '
Cdcage ) Chronicle ( deco. )
The repeal of the two-thirds rule would
prnmoto tire dlesulutlon of the democratic
party. It would be a radical bolt and do
partee from the prlnciplas and usagea of
the democracy , which would dissolva '
tie of allegiance to the organizatlom.
MonupuiIeln ( the h9uur.
Cdcago Itecord.
After having been Informuad for several
days as to what this political manager is
doing and that political manager is going
to do , some of the meeker members of time
party naturally and occasion to wonder
where the "voice of the people" conies lu.
.t Sign IIIcnnt Omission.
( Fan 1'rancisce Cal.
The senate lies voted to pay wimat the
government owes the Southern Paeifc for
transportation , but ! t has not voted to make
time company pay what It owes to tlm gov-
ermmnmit There 1s a good opportunity hero
for Senator Perkins and Senator 1Vhite
to rise and explain.
3tntealllrltlehtil Costs tilrtl y.
Counting in clerk hire , mlleage and ln-
cidcmitals , a member of congress now re-
colvcs a total of about $12,650 for his two
years' service. Daniel Webster used to get
for the same period 3,32S. The expansion
in time pay has at ienat kept up with that
in the statesmanaWp
Ilene , 't'hese Cltbtllet I'enrs ,
nugaio Ixpteas.
Carlisle's detest in Kentucky was paralleled -
leled by Iroka Smith's overthrow In Georgia.
Of 137 counties only ten have supported the
admhiistrntoo ! at tlelr primaries. It needed
something moro than the judicious disposal
of cabinet /races mid other olllces In order
to vea i the democratic party from its her-
- o
An Unavnrrnirted Squeal.
Kansas City Tames.
France grows exceedingly hot under the
collar widen the United States retaliates for
the exclusion of American cattle from
Franco by excluding French cattle from
this country , but unless France is tvilllng
to deal fairly with us she will have to put
up with the worst treatment we can give
her in return.
FormuluM of the iin possille
Newt York Sun.
have Mr. tforlou's labors lam the vegetable -
table klmigdoul has a bemiuntbing effect upmi
his sense of Imaimr ? lt'lay , even his ornithologists -
thologists arid'mammaloglsts can taco the
joke , which is as obvious us the capitol or
the Itocicy mouutt Ins. To ask a telephone
to be original , to insist that water shall run
up hill , to beg the bricks In a cblmney
saterol by a gale to fall upward , to demand -
mand that thh m&an set up an lndepeaident
light plant , tp , call upon the leopard to
put on a imlala , suit , to entreat the Ethiopian -
opian to chaQ u hl3 skin , or a cash register
to skit the change , to command the float
Julius Sterlllg Morton to shut up , are all
formulas of the Impossible.
I'ronila Itouitllfl Ilarvest.
{ hllmytelphla Press.
Judging from..ttip reports , the
ICansas and Nebraeka mewspapers tlio5tt'two
states are to-he. blessed 'again with' the
most bountiful harvests , The Topeka Corn-
monwealtit says that Kansas is on the eve
of one of the heaviest crops it ever produced -
duced , and The Omaha Dee claims that
from every section of Nebraska come tidIngs -
Ings of a prospective bountiful harvest. This
wlll be good news for the whole country ,
for there can be no assured prosperity without -
out good crops. The Omaha Dec estimates ,
that the Nebraska crops this year sv111 be
worth $109,000,000 , and it adds that the total '
silver product of the whole country is
$30,000,000 or $40,000,000 short each year of
the annual agricultural product of Ne-
braska's fauns. Such an illustration shows
what a difference there is between the size
of a product and ho noise it Cali make In
the commercial world.
- - + -
Tlic Vest Pocket Ilolt.
Chlctro Jumnai ,
The story that President Cleveland and
several maniLers of his cabinet will support -
port McKinley agahmst a lace silver democrat -
crat is probably nothhmg more than conjecture -
jecture , but It 1s ryssonable enough , There
are timousanda of the rank and file of the
party who will pursue that course , and
thousands besides who will trot vote at alt
Frmn individual experience It Is safe to
prcdlct that time deserters svlll be uunbered
by thousands in this city alone. There is
no business ntau in Chicago who cannot
name at least halt a dozen democrats in his
awn circle of acquaintance who are so dls-
Iusted at lime thought of the silver convention -
tion that they have bolted already. Men
svlto have voted the straight ticket far thirty
years svlll assist at the party's defeat and
mejolce over It. They ammo far more bitter
than the republicans in their denunciation
of Altgeld and the other wreckers.
Some Pacts fur % Vztgc Earners lu
Poudei Over ,
Chicago Times-herald.
It is conceded that Japan is the most
progressive of the countries having the
liter standard , Today a feature of the
'ademmcad" condition of Japan is that
hiltlren of 7 amd S yea's of age work for
cent a day at rugmalring. It is also a
act that 1 to 6 cents a day are current
vagos for a day of twelve to fourteen hours.
Ttue Japan , Ut its progress , is beginning
where England , ou adopthag the gold stand-
rd , left off.
The first effort to ameliorate the condi-
imt of child labor In England was made
hortiy after the adoptlomi.of time gold stand-
rd , The first ; pill for factory inspection
showed the adoption of the gold standardd
n 1833 chlldronunder 11 ware prohibited
rom worlcing'uhomier that mime hours per
ay , and weio oblijiod to attend school two
ours a clay. . . , . . . .
Legislatloa In' every gold standard couai
ry has beeam coykistent and proressivo
reducing tlmb .hbura of labor for adults
mid protecting children from the rapacity
t parents. ] m-must of the states of this
nlon chltdrali afro prohibited trom miming
ud manufacturing under 14 years of agar
n New York o labor hours are ilnilled
o sixty per for persons under IS and
or women u 2 . In Massachusetts tune
our llnmlt in r fight a week for minors
ntler 18 and n.
11'lallo mtm tiptalne to be done for
hildbood la o old standard countries ,
ery one o , he o countries has shown
lute the ad on of the gold standard a
rater dole mat on to rescue children
ran ovary a doe of abuse and to keep
9 largest sib o proportional number
school unt ahyslcal , mental and immoral
evelopmont 11 have assured a sound
dnd In a healthful body.
If this ho thd.condltlon of childhood hum
e note Japan iimder free coinage of alt.
her , and it these he the hours of labor
ecessary for earning 4 and 6 cents. a day ,
s advocates of tree sliver la' the United
hitatee should take steps to prevent iator-
nntlon contenting "progress" in Japan
am becoming common knowledge.
The highest standard of money is an ear
aomtlal feature of time highest civilization.
he treatment of children and women t a
premo teat of clvlilzatlou
One Dll/itUUC Stitt tint balled ,
SAN DIEGO , Cal. , Juno 11.-The jury has
teagreed in the suit' for $100,000 $ for alleged
but , brought by Dr , J. C. Ifearue against
, II , Do Young , proporietor of time San
'rancleco Chronicle. The jury stood eta to
r , The ailegod libel connected Ilearno's
ama with the murder of Amos J , Stillwell
Hannibal , Ida , eight years ago. o
IiiiXRY'ns'.lnno01c 021 rni .
Ilia M drene Pincee Ilint'lllgh In tlto
unit of Chicago Orators ,
CItICAGO , Juno OrTo the Editor of The
nee.-Tho dedlcalion of the Franklin statue
in Lincoln park Saturday afternoon was an
occasion which will be cherished In the
memory of the thoughtful Americans prca-
ant as long as they live , and I should
Imagine it will be moro lhah usually in-
tercsting to citizens of Omaha in that it
was time means of introducing to the nation
an orator of uncommon gifts. Mr. Eala-
brook's oration was the supreme topic nt
conversation in circles where conversation
means anything. It we were given to lion-
Izing-happlly we are not-i should say that
Mr. llstabrook would be the lion of the
hour in Chicago , It you will permit to till
a stickful or two I promise to avoid any
repetition of the proceedings , limo report of
which , of course , you have already read ,
The hour , the place , the time , were Welk
chosen , and all went off to the satisfactlml
of even time idlers and time wlmeelmen and
limo wheel girls , ss'ho thronged the outskirts
of time great gathering. Assembled In the
latter group svuro mill that Is left of the old
veterans of lima case , and they were a
goodly set of men.
Thera are very few in a gmmarntion who
can compel the attention of a anlseellaneous
open-air audience , Daniel O'Connoll , we
have heard , could keep a crowd together In
a rain storm. I remember Colonel Ingersoll
at Iudianoplls lmoldiug a multitude together
under pelting showers for more than an
hour and a half. lint they were stirring
national issues in those days whlclm people
conprohmuled nmoro clearly than they do
time silver and gold conundruni of the present -
ent day ,
One wotmid have said there was nothing
iett to stir the popular pulse over the ru-
cilal of Denjantlu Franklin's virtues. Mr.
Estabrook came late In the program , and
after tin rcldlng of the speeches of Joseph
Madill amid all the others-excellent ht their
way-limo audlence began to feel like going
honto , Mr. William J. Onaban , who was
on the platform , owned up to time that lie
felt like sneaking away whom lie hannil the
anmouucentoit that a Mr. Estabroolt was to
dellvor the "oration. I was ml the point
of suenWng over time ropes myself , but i
Lad not heard three sentences when I determined -
termined to stay on the spot and hear tliat
man to do end. I noticed this , that not a
maim , woman or child left the circle till time
nugnifcemmt finish.
I ant not attempthmg to say anything about
tlio merit of to speech. What I seep to
describe is the effect produced by a lawyer
of Omaha who came hero unheralded and
carried away the honors of the tiny. Let
me uuolo a comment of a literary friend of
inlne , Captain O'Conor , wino did not listen
to the oration , but who read it twice over
on Sunday morning , He said : "Twenty
years ago I heard a speech of Garfield at.
Madison , anti I ronember saying to my
wife at the time , 'that man will ho president -
dent some day. ' Now this young man
Estalrook-is he a young man-has made
a deep impression upon every tllnkiug soul
by that apeech of his on Franklin , amid I
shouldn't be surprised to ] tear of him again
in great circles , "
I quote this , as I might a great deal more ,
from observant mid reflective people whomim
I have seen , just to express to your brilliant
townsman that he did make a very palpable
lilt , lint I presume this will be nothing
surprlsiug to the people of Omaha.
P1IItsONAI. ANn o'r1Inmt w'lsml.
The president of the republic of Andorra ,
in the Pyrenees , receives a salary of $ i6 a
Rantmin , the originator of the Moorish
palace at the World's Fair of Chicago ,
committed suicide ht the forest of Kcope-
mek , miear Berlin , not long ago.
The towpaths of all Now York canals are
flow open to bicyclists , and a series of Iii-
leresting arguments between the wheelmen -
men and the towing mules may be expected
during the season.
A writer In the Augusta , Ga. , Chronicle
2sys : "Onto at Liberty hall I was present
when Gmmeral Toombs made a statement
that was hero and there punctured with
mild profanity , lie concluded thus : 'Don't
you agree with he , , Mrs Stephens ? ' The
old commoner piped out , shrilly : 'All but
the damn , general-all hut. the damn , ' "
A statue of Geimeral Kruger will soon be
erected In Pretoria. It will be forty feet
ugh , and will represent time hoar statesman
In thin quaint garb , tall lint included , which
lie affects on Sundays aad special occasions.
rho statue , which will be of bronze , will
be mounted on a pedestal and column of
granite , and at each corner of the pedestal
liters will ho a figure representing a Trans.
vast burgher in an nttiludo of defeuiso.
Ifalsor Wilhelm stopped at Frankfort for
a few hours for the ceinbrntlon of time an-
nlversary of the treaty of peace , aad within
three days there were forty arrests for lose
hajestn In the town.
Alt the presidents of limo I'rench republic
but one have been honored with statute.
M. Cannot has sovcral , ono at Notay , an.
other at Nice , and a third at Pontalnbieau ,
Five mnore are being prepared for the victim -
tim of Caserio at Atmgoulcmo , Cbalon eur-
Saone , Deauuo , Nancy and Lyons ,
Senator John Beard of Alameda county ,
Cnlifornia , ten years ago planted nu micro
of locust trees. Last season ho sold nil
the trees thereon , measuring six Inches in
diameter , to a sea csplnln for ship tlumber ,
and utade $613 by the transaction , besides
cutting thirty cords of wood for use.
CLOSING o1' COXiiliSs.
ilnte of AshJourunien ( of the I'iral
Scssiom Nnuhl' Inrlm' .
The close of the fast s0aslon of the Forty-
fourth congress conies within one day of
being the earliest on record since the civil
war. The earliest adjournment iii the last
thirty years was on Juno 10 , 1572 , The
oilier three adjournmeute In Juno vere June
27 , 1874 , Juno 20 , 1875 , and Juuo 10 , 1850 ,
Thu latest filial adjournmiuonl ahmce the
clvll war w'as November 10 , 1858 , but that
was wldle tlto fight between congress and
President Johnson was on , and congress
kept itself In scasiou nonthally by adjourn-
lug front ammo date to another , becmiso if It
once adjourned it could not meet again
till December , unless the president called
It lam special cession , which Mr. Johnson was
little certain not to do , Next to tli19 time
latest adjolrnnment was October 20 , ISSS ,
when congress spent the Rmtuner in discuss-
lug the Mills tariff bill amid nmaklug speeches
for distribution as campaign literature. Two
years later tin McKinley tariff bill occupied
tire attention of eoatgrras , and time session
did not close till October 1. Five sesstone
since the war have ended in August , as follows -
lows : On the 2Sllm in 1591 ; time 6th , 1S92 ,
and 1896 : the Slim , in 1882 , and ( lto 76th , iii
1870 , Adjomrnments in July have becu on
the 7th in 1584 , thu 15th to 1ST0 , acrd the
"Sth In 1866.
Ian no presidential year alnco 1872 has
congress adjourned heforo time national conventions -
ventions , although than is always a lot of
talk early in the session about Its doing so ,
in 1854 , lmowever , it adjourned just after
the dmnocratic convention began ; litany
democratic members of congress were able
to stay to the etld of the session ad get
to time convention before it was over. The
republican convention had already been
held ,
'rlH : SUPIt111IE IS51fE.
Chicago Times-Herald : The St. Louis
platforu must declare for the maintenance
of the present gold standard mud against the
unlimited coinngo of silver at any ratio.
Glvo the nation a chance to spurn debasement -
ment of its currency , to down time conspiracy -
spiracy to declare it a bankrupt before the
world , Leave the white feather to the Chicago -
cage convention. No white feather at St.
Louis !
Boston Advertiser : Time platform Is by
far the most ummentous question to be der
elded , and of that platform the financlal
plank is the paramount problem , More depends -
pends upon It than words can tell. Tile oh-
ject to be mahdy sought Is not party success -
cess next November. That will come any-
how. It would come with any platform or
with none. Above party is country. Before -
fore time question how to win at the polls , is
the question how to insure the public welfare -
fare , to preserve the national honor , to secure -
cure time peace , the prosperity and the hn-
dustrlal and commercial stability of 70,000-
000 people. To that end the St. Louis platform -
form must declare for sound money in terms
that will leave no room for doubt as to what
is meant by sound money and how it is to
be maintained. Away with glittering generalities -
eralities ! Evasion and equivocation in sucit
a crisis as now confronts the country are I
an abomination.
Globe-Democrat : The experience of Cleveland -
land has demonstrated that a democratic
president cannot be better than ills pnrty'
without making it worse than it was before.
Chicago Chronicle : A Des Moines paper
says that if Horace Boies is nominated by
the democrats for president an a free silver
platform Iowa will go republican by 100,000
majority. It appears timely to add that
under similar circumstances , or with any
other silver and populist candidate ad
platform , Illinois will go republican by 170 , .
000 majority , of which Cook county will
contribute more than built ,
Sioux City Tribune : Governor holes has
written a letter to 11'ashington , ssying that
"if the sliver delegate , control the Chicago
convention a democrat will certahdy be _
nouthtaled , " It le easy to say this , but it
is lust as easy to believe that henry M ,
Teller of Coloratlo , the lender of the silver
forces , could poll moro votes thou any other
man to ho nominated on that isstlo , lie
possibly luight not pull more democratic
votes , but ho certainly would poll more
republican voles and more populist votes , 6
and moro national sliver men's votes , regardless -
gardless of their parties , than any other
maim to be nominated , "
New York Trlbuno : With its wholesale
adoption of the silver heresy the democracy j' '
becomes more than ever the party of dia-
humor. Whom tha gads would destroy they L
first make mad , its tiosltlou on this ques
tiomi will probably wind it up Llstorically
anti brake an cud of it. It is hard to rub
the mmno cult , and that is not to Lo looked
for , but it Is likely to be set up as the
figurehead of sumo nosy craft not so oh-
vlously amid openly piratirnl ht act and In.
teation. It is tinco ( hint tbo old one wont e
to the bottom ,
"It tots that fatal and perfidious bark ,
but in th' eclipse and rlgg'd with comae.
dark. "
The rats began to leave it some whims
ago , and are still scuttling away in multi.
ttulos , like those wldcii followed the Pied
Piper of Ilamelin , Its nppenrawco as time
champion of the tiebasenment of time mm-
tlon's currency would be an appropriate
winding up of its career , anti that is what
the outlook is at present.
Iiarlem Life : Jones-Good morning , lien.
sot , ltow do yotc faith hualmiess ? liensun-
By judicious ndvcrlishmg.
Cldcago fecord : "Mrs. Tngby' , won't you
come to our picnic tomorrow ?
"As a guest , or do I have to brhng a baa-
ket ? "
Washington Star : "Sane man , " said Uncle
Ebeu , 'dome' seem tar lath only jes' Haft'
sense tor dlscutbber new' ways 'or gittin'
Inter trouble , au' not 'null ter glt out"
Lndtannpolis Journal : Morrows-What la
the hest wheel on the market ?
Hills-The best wheel Is not on the market
any more. I bought it myself two weelca
ago ,
Texas Slfllng , : After mill , It's neither tire
guldbug not time silverbug ll tt Is n steady
evil in this country , but humbug ,
Chicago Tribune : Ilroolcs-I have bean
toil dial a mnn Ioarniug to swim should
imitate as closely as possible the motions
of a frog.
Rivers-I don't know. Did you over mice
till otter swlmmhtg ?
"Yes. "
'H'ell , that's the wny you otter swhu"
Cleveland I'lnin Dealer : Mr. Mimms-
Anastnsia , I found our son Robert him a
pool room today , Mrs. Mimms-Lt a pool
room ? The dear boy , Taking a bath , was
he ?
Detroit Free Press : Mr. Nt'wwcd-I-I
may not be homy until hate , dearest , an
this Is our night for a business meeting.
Dearest-how do you expect to get In ,
Mr. Newwed ?
Mr. Newwed-l-I thought , dearest , you
might leave the scuttle open.
Indianapolis Journal.
On n twenty-milo run Mss Dotty
Starta out , looking witchingly pretty ;
And the shlna of the sun ,
Ern the hot tiny Is done ,
Makes her frowzied 101(1 tousled
And hopelessly , vulgarly "sweaty. "
THE 1i C , AND 771E CAPiTOIw
Wushincton Star ,
rime place where tumult once did swell
lltmst soon bu dark and still ;
Tin hard indeed to say farewell ,
Oh , house upon the Hill.
With scant applause we now are bid
To hurry front time spot.
i11uch do they blame the things we did.
And more what w e did not ,
Though we forsake the halls of state ,
We mind no better station ;
mhthough our places we vacate ,
'Tis not for a vacation.
[ 'cameo may not smooth the ruffled brow
And calm our indigestion ;
We leave off dodging ink wells now
To dodge the money question.
That our suits are the equal of tailor-made has been long
conceded-That prices half the usual tailor-made
ago - our prices were -
figures is also acknowledged-True , on account of the fabrics-
the fit-the finish-the findings-the fashion-we have had no
"bargains" a to sell-taking a ' 'bargains " as "bargains" usually mean -
-a suit made cheap to sell cheap-but they were bargains a just the
same-the kind of bargains that wear as long-look as well as
a a
tailor-made-which is about three times as long as the cheap
bargain can lasts -
On top of the fact that these suits are the finest to be had we
are giving a discount of exactly twenty Per cent on any suit for
boy or man in the store , The a goods are in the way with the old
plain marked prices still sewed on them-We must get them out ,
of the way-It's better to stand a loss of 20 Per cent than to
have thCITi covered with lime. As to Prices we have men's suits
as high a as $25 that go for $20 and as low as $7.50 that sell for 6.
This is exactly as it is-the suit we sell for $6 is not a $12 or $15
suit as the "bargain giver" would claim-but its a sight t better
suit than any suit that was ever "bargained off"at twice the
m9neye '
Getting eady to Remodel the
Sm W. Corner 15th and Douglas , Omaha.
- , . . . . . . , " , , . . v.