Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Till 0:1IAIIA DAILY i3. EE : TUItSDAY , JUNE 11 , ,1898 ,
Western Roa8 Not Inclined to Allow Them
a Profit.
a }
t Acllorr Tnkcn that Is Intended to I're-
d lent Illegal Use of itelurn
'rickets Sold tu Conten-
Pi , , ( lout S'isllurrm. I r
'rho ticket scalpers who expected to do a
nourlshlhg business with unused portions
$ of tickets 501(1 at reduced rates for the St.
t Louis and the Chicago national conventions
have been tolled by the action of the Vest-
emn Passenger association. fn addition to
! j the rata of ono taro for the round trip from
Omaha to both Chicago and St. Louis that
m , had already been granted , the association
has declared a rate of 17 from Council
1 Illuffs and of 17.25 from Omaha and Sioux
City to Chfcago. Tim same rates will hold
good from Chicago to Council Illufta , Omaha
and Sioux City. These tickets will be sold
I on July 4 , 6 and G.
While no advicca concerning reduced rates
One way to and from St. Louis have been
I t i received , it la altogether probable that they
will be put in. Reduced one-way rates from
Il Itniisas City to SL Louis and from St. Louis
' to KansaCity , have already been de.
1 dared.
Itnllroads Iteeover from the EffecN
( . , of Recent SLrms. ,
' } I The Union Pacific yesterday morning reported -
I ported that all repairs necessary to tim
r running of trains had been made
on the Ord branch and that trains
would get there last night. Trains
U for Loup City are now being handled
11 via Dannebrog. It is expected that the
Loup City branch will be in good condition
l by this morning , Tin dhnmago to
the trnclc al Cedar Rapids and at Albion
ru was repaired yesterday and trains on the
l I Columbus branch were running on regu-
Inr time last evening. Fast work has been
dorm by the several work trains sent out
on Saturday morning , and although the
jI extent of the damage to tracks and bridges
b i was greater titan at first supposed he
f ( damaged portions of the road have been
repaired in comparatively short order.
ti Tim Burlington reported that it would
ho nblo to operate trains on its Arcadia
' ; branch ( today. The damage to the
' track and small bridges an the Burwell
branch is such that regular train service
there will not be resumed for a week yet.
Gaud Nemvs Awaited Ilium.
t General Mandersom returned from the
east yesterday anti found much good news
on his return. To a Bco reporter ho expressed -
pressed great delight at the passage of the
exposition bill. Shortly after the announcement -
ment of thda fact came the news that the
United States had formally declared its
abandonment of the land grant suits
tt agains purchasers of property from the
Burlington road. The abandonment of the
cults Is in accord with the stipulation entered -
tered into soma time ago between the officials -
ficials at rVashington and General Man-
Expects , Ahaudualoent of Suits.
General Solicitor Kelly of the Union
Paciac will soon go to Washington to con-
suit with Attorney General ilarrnon regarding -
ing the disposition of the land grant suits
against the settlers along the line of the
road In this slate who have purchased their
' prepertles from the railway company ,
i Judge , Kelly said yesterday morning that
he felttiutte conlldent'that tire suits would
yralrandoneilr ne 1n. tllo , gpsS' of those
against the purchasers of"laude from the
Burlington road.
I' 'Rid4wa/'NJrttN ' nud'GasS11p.
t Gcner'al Manager 11oldrgge { of the B. & M :
is'etpected back from the Chicago headquar.
tell the last of this week ,
, ' , Tie procecilrlgs lit the American Itaiheny
association , at Cincinnati , April 15 , have
bocn'publlshed in neat pamjmhlet form ,
'rho ' annual meeting of the Association of
Rallway. Telegraph Superintendents will be
held at Fortress Monroe , Va. , next Wednes-
The Union Pacific has appealed to Chairman -
man Caldwell of the Western Passenger association -
sociation for authority to rim cheap excur-
flons from Omaha to Deatrlco on the last
two Sundays in this month ,
Herhert Taylor and A , If , Stecs of the
master in chancery's office , Union Pacific ,
were in St Paul yesterday , attending the
commencement exercises of a young wo-
man's seminary , Mr. Stees' sister is among
lie graduates.
Failure to secure the unanimous consent
of all this roads interested is responsible for
the defeat of tha nrn.-ni"n to extend a
fate of one fare for the round trip to delegates -
gates attending t e annual convention of the
Woman's Christian Temperance union at St.
Louis , November 13.20 ,
The prize of 125 recently offered by General -
eral Passenger Agent Leo of the Lehigh
Valley for the best name submitted for
the' new express of that road between New
York nnd , Buffalo was won by Charles M.
Montgomery of Toledo. The name chosen
wna , "The Black Diamond Express , " There
' were moro than 35,000 names ( ecelved by the
judges. _ _
--J - -
1'ntent Jlediclues ,
l nom the ifanfrod , Cal „ Sentinel.
R'hilo talking with J. T. ( faker the other
day the question of patent medicines came
up , and WO asked him how Chainberaln's !
medicines soul , Said Mme , "They are the best
selling articles I Handle ; i never hesitate to
recommend them. As to Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ; It is
slniply superfine. I never think of taking
a trip to the mountains , or any where else ,
for that matter , without having a bottle of
that remedy with me. " The 25 and 50 cent
' slzes'aro for sale by druggists ,
Ckt lllsxourl I'nclae Itail yY.
Only hue to St. Louis , Mo , ,
Without change of cars.
Leaves pmalia 346 ; p. m.
Arrives St. Louis , Mo. , 7:20 : a , m.
Very low rates for the round trip ,
, To St Louis , Mo „ Juno 13 , 14 , 16 ,
To San Francisco , Cal „ Juno , 15 , 10 , 23 , 24.
To Waehllgton , D , C „ July 3 , 4 , 5 , 6.
To Iluffulo , N , Y „ July 4 , 5 ,
! 7iomeaeekers' excursions ( south ) , Juno 9 , 23 ,
Missouri Pal lfio trains leave Webster street
depot , Omaha.
, Arrive at ( union statlcn ) St. Louie , Mo.
City offices :
t N. E , Corner 13111 and Farnam streets ,
Omaha ,
, % . _
- t '
I Viii the 1VnbUNlm ] blllronl ,
CONVENTION the rlabash will sell tickets
at IALF [ FARE , 111,60 , The Omaha and St
Loub Limited.
9 -Leaves Omaha ( union depot ) dally 4:90 :
Arrives St. Louis ( union station ) dally 7:00 :
a. an ,
For tickets , sleeping car accommodatlons era
a convention folder giving list of hotels with
rates per day and other valuable information -
tion , call at Wabash olilce , 1416 Farnatg
street , or write 0 , N. CLAYTON ,
N. W , P , Agt , Omaha ,
- - - -
al I A NI1'V ' 1'IIAIN.
( t ) tiaaourl Ihtclllo Itmlllrny ,
f Only line without change of cars.
Leave Webster street depot 3N6 p. m.
Arrive at St. Louis union station 7:20 : a , m ,
N , E , Corner Thirteenth amid Farnam Sta.
Loty hates Yln time hlurlingtoa Route ,
I'ortland , Ore , , Juno 10 add 11 ,
St Louie , June 13 , 14 and 15.
- an } t nsjsco , J me 15 , 30 , 23 and 21 ,
f hlQab , Jul ' nd 6 , ,
utfpIQJul1 I I !
' q hitig Jul uryI . 5 qpd 0.
I 61mVer , 14 and 16 add July 5 and 6.
1t' Lakv Jt y ; August 7 and 8.
; lot Springe , 8. D „ Juno 12 , July 9 nail 24.
I , Yellowsthao ! park , Jupo 1 to September 30.
1aI' ' t ticket ote _ , 1602 Farnam St. , and
It 'l . 1UiI Intorniatlpn , , J. D. RBl I ' Gnu ,
City Pai'etngor ) Agant ,
h.a..a , . . -
Mtrttlers of interest ilcfore Ilmc
Ltatberno Synod.
The greater portion of the session of the
Lutheran Augustana synod yesterday morning -
ing was occupied in a discussion of the
mission question. The debate was heated
from the fact that there is a clash between
the synod and the various conferences In
the mission hock , which covers the entire
area of North America.
The result of the discusslon was the
adoption of a resolution , in which an appeal -
peal w as made to the individual congregations -
tions throughout the country for financial
means to carry on the synod missions. Another -
other resolution was passed , requesting the
various conferences to collect and turn over
to the synod-rho amounts allotted to them
for mission work before September 1.
There vas an amount of heated discussion -
sion before these resolutions were adopted ,
as there were mammy champions of the cun-
A resolution authorizing the synod to
borrow money for the purpose of carrying
on amid extending the mission work was
voted down , the apparent sentiment of the
body being unfavorable to a borrowing
Another portion of the morning's work
consisted ht the election of members of the
board of missions. Thu voting resulted in
the selection of the following : 11ev. F. N ,
Swanberg of Oakland , president of the No'
braska conference ; Rev. F. A , Fogelslrom
of Omaha , Rev. Pereh of Sioux City , Rev , J.
Toreil of Swedeberg , Neb , , J , F. helm of
Omaha , C. A , Falk of Council Bluffs , 0. A.
Ossian of Stanton , Ia. , Prof. S , M , 11111 of
the college at Wahoo.
The work of time afternoon consisted largely
of a discussion of time advisability of making
lima deaconess institute of this city the
mother house of the deaconesses in time
synod. The institute is run in connection
with the Immanuel hospital.
The proposition excited a considerable
amount of discussion , Inasmuch as it was
an old ore. At the meeting of the synod
iii 1894 Itev , l : , A. Fogelstrom first presented
it , as runny mnenmbers of the body were
even at that time desirous of bringing
time Institute into official relation with the
synod , it was finely decided not to adopt
than plan for two reasons , as shown by time
discussions. One was that the body did
not care to shoulder the responsibility that
would be necessary in case 71me institute was
officially connected. The second reason was
that it was feared that it might be injurious -
jurious to the institute to be connected ,
The discussion , lmotvever , resulted in the
passage of the following resolution :
Iii grateful recognition of time hand of God
and man the synod rejoices over the success -
cess of the institute at Omaha and expects -
pects , hopes anti prays that the hlesscd
work will continue. The synod recommends -
mends that a free will offering he made
by every congregation in the synod on the
thirteenth Sunday after Trinity , for the
benefit of the institute.
The remainder of the afternoon was occupied -
cupied in discussing an appeal from the
Kansas conference , where Rev. Seleen of
Fremont , Kan „ load been charged with and
found guilty of acting as an agent for a
real estate firm' of Chicago. The Kansas
conference had investigated the case
through a conmmnittee and had accepted the
findings of that committee as final , before -
fore it had made its investigation.
The case being in this condition Dr. P ,
Sjoblom held that the conference had not
proceeded according to its constitution in
delegating its judicial powers to a com-
ndttce and that that therefore the case
should be returned back to the conference
for a legal decision. The Kansas delegation
contended that its conference had acted
legally. The discussion over the point was
very animated , but was brought to a sudden -
den close by the discovery that there was no
quorum present oh the convention floor.
Irma consequence the matter was laid over until -
til today.
The charges agalnst the preacher are
grave ones in the eyes of the synod , as that
body positively refuses to allow any minister -
ter to engage in business pursuits of any
Among the other matters discussed by
the members of the synod yesterday afternoon -
noon was a proposition from E. A , Fogel-
storm of the Swedish Emmanuel hospital.
Mr. Fogeistrom Is the founder of the Institution -
stitution and has conducted it successfully
a number of years. Ho requested that it
ho admitted to the synod and he hereafter
placed under the direction of the Augustana
officials , It was decided not to accept
Mr. Fogelstrom's offer for the present , but
it was resolved that the synod should encourage -
courage the work of the hospital by giving
It their individual support.
The evening was taken up by two sermons.
The first was delivered by Rev , N. J. Johnson -
son of Brooklyn , N. Y. , who preached upon
the "Redemption of Souls. " The second
speaker of the evening was Rev. E. J ,
Werner. Ho discussed the question "Is
the School System in Accordance with the
_ _ r---
xtesulls Tell time Story.
A vac mass of direct , unimpeachable tea.
timony 1 mva beyond any posstblllty of doubt
that Ihxd's Sarsapullla actually does perfectly -
fectly a t1 permanently cure diseases caused
by impua blood. Its record of cures is unequaled -
equaled , and these cures imave often beer.
accomplished after all other preparations ha
Ifood's Pills cure all liver Ills , blhllous
fleas , jaundice , Indigestion , sick headache ,
Where Arc lee Going
Never before has such an excellent opportunity -
tunity been given for making a trip to the
many points of interest In the west , reached
via the Union I'aclfic.
A Blanco at the list below of meetngs ! to
which special reduced 'rates have been authorized -
thorized , wll : convince you that mho advantages -
tages for a western trip this year are exceptional -
ceptional :
llomeseeicers' Excuralons , Juno 0 and 23 ,
July 7 and 21. Rate , ono faro for the round
trip , plus $2.
Junior Order United American Mechanics ,
Denver , Cole „ Juno 16.20. Rabe , one fare
for time round trip , plus 12 ,
National Eclectic Medical association , Portland -
land , Ore „ Juno 16.18. Irate Iron : Nebraska
or Kansas , 163 for the round trip.
American Society Civil Engineers , San
Francisco , Col „ Juno 30. Rate , 160 for the
round trip from Missouri river and nest ,
Itetall Clerks and Music Teachers , Denver ,
Cole „ July 7.10 , Irate , one fare for the
round trip , plus 12.
Fire Chiefs' Convention , SIL Lake City ,
August 10.14 , hate , ono fare for thq round
trip , plus 12.
Summer tours to Denver , Colorado Springs ,
Manitou or I'uebo : , May 16 to September 30.
Special reduced , rates from Kansas and Ne-
brasku ,
Summer tours to Salt Lake City or Garfield
Beach , May 16 to September 30 , Special
reduced rates from all principal points.
For full information as to limit of tickets
and stopover privileges , etc. , call at the
Union 1'acifio city ticket once ,
1302 Farnam Street.
Six ThlrtM' 1' . MI , Train.
of the
& ST , PAUL ItY ,
Dent service.
Dining ear ,
City once , 1604 Farnam ,
I , DIED ,
OVERTON-Mfrs , Ollve , Juno 7 , 1890 , aged 72
years , p months , at residence , 2516 Parker
mat. The remains were taken to Marshall-
town , Iowa , for interment ,
Grmdest Sale nnd Drnaing Illggesl
Crowds Ever llnppencd In Omnhn ,
Immens6 cash purchase of new , desirable
merchandise go on sale tomorrow in addition -
dition to the others heretofore mentioned
bargains ,
Over 1,000 pieces of strictly nil wool imported -
ported cashmerca , Itenrlettas and serge's in
black and all the latest new colorings go
on sale in our front bargain square al 26c a
yard ,
46 inch all wool and mohhlr black novelties
in very stylish designs , Mohair Jeequartis ,
French serge's and figured brllllantlne. The
latest material for separeate skirts , tomorrow -
morrow 49c yard ,
5,000 , LADIES' WRAPPERS , 390 AND 760.
\e purchased from a hard-up mahufnctur-
er his entire stock of ladles wrappers. They
are all in the latest style anti worth up to
12.60 , and go in two lots at,39c amid 760 each.
Selling more SilOES than all the rest of
the stores in town ,
16th and Douglas SL
A Tiara ' 'l'rnla fur lhmlrnln , N , Y ,
For teachers and friends en route to the
annual meeting of the National Educational
association will leave Omaha via
At 4:45 : p. m , Saturday , July 4.
Round trip tickets ( good until September
1) ) , 126,75.
Sleeping car reservations nifty be made al
any time at city' ticket office , 1602 Farnam
street , J , R , REYNOLDS ,
City Passenger Agent ,
A FNlt Story
With elements of truth , easily possible by
mining the Nortlrtvcstern line to some of the
many lakes north. Cost you 12,00 to 110,000
Depends on the "financial question.
1401 Foment Street.
Spccinl 'rrnlnN Io the itnees.
On account of the races at the fair grounds
Jutre 9.13 the Union Pacific will rat special
trains as follows :
Thursday , Friday and Saturday leave
Council Bluffs 1 p. m. , Omaha 1:15 p. in. ,
Shecley's 1:18 : p , m. , South Omaha 130 ; p ,
m , Arrive fair grounds 1:45 : p. nn. Returning -
ing train leaves fair grounds 6:00 : p , in.
The Union Pacific will give the best service
between the city and the fair grounds. Get
tickets at 1302 Farnam street ,
--p - -
0 authn.Clmleago-Spccinl ,
Train to
travel excluslv&y.
6:30 : every night ,
, inpnnese iII'etrlclnns mat a Tour Ia-
simecling Telephone 1'inns.
Yataro Wadachl and Rlujl Nakayama , two
electricians to his majesty the mikado of
Japan , are iii the city for the purpose of
Inspecting the system of the Nebraska Telephone -
phone company. They have been in America
several months , having landed at San Francisco -
cisco from their home iii Toklo and are now
traveling eastward inspecting all the plants
in the larger cities while en route to Bos-
They visit this country under special
orders from Minister of State Senichi
Shisano of Japan and are ht America for
the purpose of familiarizing themselves with
the latest improvements in connection with
the underground system of telephone con-
structio . Roth men spcalc English fluently
and display considerable knowledge as to
the late inventions in the electrical world ,
Mr. Nakayama stated they had visited San
Francisco , Sacramento , Salt Lake City and
Denver thus far and had been shown every
courtesy by the managers of the various
companies. They Intend to visit Chicago ,
Cincinnati , Buffalo , New York and Boston
while in this country and wlI ! then inspect
the systems in vogue in nil the Iargei European -
pean cities before returning to their homes.
The telephone is far from being a novelty
in Japan and has been in use in forty-three
cities since Its introduction in 1891 The
largest system is located ht Tokio and its
business has grown to such large proportions -
tions that the government is now investigating
tigating the hest methods for placing the
wires under ground , all of the systems now
used being built on the overhead plan. A
detailed report will be made to the minister
of state at the conclusion of their journey
and the most modern appliances culled from
all the plants will be ingrafted into the new
one to be built in Toklo.
Under the care of Manager Lane of the
local company the visitors were shown the
workings of the system in this city and then
taken from time basement to the operating
room where the long line of young women
minipulate the drops" and snub fresh
young men when they grow personal , Both
expressed themselves as very much pleased
with the perfection to which the Omaha exchange -
change had been brought and were very
complimentary , stating that it was time
finest visited since leaving San Francisco
They leave for time east today ,
There is ono medicine rightly named , that
is Chamberlain's Pain Balm , One application -
tion will relieve the severe pains incident to
rheumatism , and its continued use , effect a
complete cure. The 25 and 60 cent sizes for
sale by druggists ,
Second Immtzmnr-Giye , , on Exhibition
of Actual Warfare.
Yesterday afternoon the garrison of Fort
Omaha was marched out to Afiller's park for
a series 'of field exercises , and though the
fact had not been
announced there was a
crowd of fair dimensions present before time
tnaneuyers were concluded. On fine afternoons -
noons like yesterday there is a continuous
string of bicycles and carriages passing on
time boulevard and the attraction was great
enough to induce all who came along to
The troops were divided into two divisions
and each put through lima skirmish drill
separately and then the entire command
made an attack en an imaginary enemy ,
They gave a very realistic oxhlbitlon of
just how fast trained men could pump
Into an enemy should occasion require it.
Time exercises were concluded with a charge ,
nnd if the Second infantry goes into a real
action with the dash and spirit with which
it assaulted the unaglnary enemy it
would certainly make things lively while
limo engagement lasted.
Did you over thin ! how readily the blood
is poisoned by constipation ? Dad blood means
bad health and premature old age , DeWllt'u
Litho Early Risers , mho famous little pills ,
overcome obslinato constipation ,
- - - pIn
In time Unltcd Shmtes Court ,
In the 'United States court yesterday
morning George Crowell and John Ilant-
mo mi of Decatur were found guilty of selling -
ing liquor to Indians , but were not sentenced -
tenced ,
C , W , Jackson of Valparaiso was arraigned
tor using cancelled postage stamps , pleaded
not guilty , and was remanded for trial ,
Time trial of Jacob May of Ceresco for
passing a 110 confederate bill at Lincoln , Is
In progress ,
M i
Harness Belts-the very latest-all shades in Leather -
er Belts-Bicycle Belts aid Purses-with solid silver
® 1 4 r . .
. . .
A.111 '
. ; .t
_ r-
Soano Great llnranlns la Welnberg's
lt'nlstsrnnd Dresses ,
Ladies' shirt waists , nicely laundered ,
choice goals , the 6/c add 7&c kind , go at 26c ,
Laundered shirt waists that sold for 11,00
and 11.25 , go for DAc'and 76c.
All time percale andtcalico wrappers that
have been selling atx)2.00 ) and more , go for
The clmllie and Mik wrappers , some of
them good sellers osdinarlly at 120.00 , go for
12,98 and 14.00.
The figured and TIAin black mohair skirts
of the regular $6OOlqunllty ; on sale at 11.98.
Black mohair andirerge skirts , the best
that Weinberg could buy. In three lots to
choose from , at 13,00 , 18.25 and 11,00.
Perfectly elegant duck suits and wash
dresses that Weinberg intended to sell ut
15.00 , go at 11.75.
Buek suits and wash dresses In a great
variety of patterns , regular 17.00 and 18.00
goods , for 12,00 ,
Dotted Swiss dresses , trimmed in lace and
rlbbona , beautiful creations , that Weinberg
Intended to sell for 115.00 nnd 118,00 , our
price , 15.00.
1611 Douglas SG
'i'erle he r.iIas l t.u ,
Through car service via "Northwestern
Lino. " Choice of steamer trip In the Great
Lakes without extra charge if desired , Mommy
other unusual privileges. Iuquirq at the city
office , 1401 Farnam street.
" ( ) nuthn-Chi iengn Llntllcd : '
Built for speed , ,
Contort and safety.
Short line.
Block system , -i
Electric light.
Fine Cuisine.
City ticket office , 1604 Farnam street
A Cool lltt'eeption
Awaits the wise purchaser of a Spirit Lake
ticket via the Northwestern line , Acconmo-
datlons there hotter and more reasonable
than ever. Tlmermometers hot allowed to go
above 6S ! § degrees ,
City ofilce , 1401 F'arnanm street. .
For Itetiueed Itut'N ,
To all sumnmer resorts call at Iloclc Island
City Ticket Office , 1602 Farnam SL
GOSI'131. MiISSION ASICS h'Gtt 111:1,1' .
\S'orlc'1'oo Great for 4hme llearms sit its
OM AIIA , June 10.-To the Editor of The
Bee : Would you please publlslm a few of
the marveloua results accomplished since
we established our gospel mission iii this
city ? Several tines during time whiter
months It has been brought before the
public by those who were rescued from
want anti suffering nnd ministered to both
for body and soul. 14hila our rooms were
on Capitol avenue , for want of proper support -
port , we had to move to cheaper quarters
at 320 South Thlrteentlm street , where meetings -
ings are held every evening at S o'clock ,
and where te0 feed destitute men and
women. Some of the incidents , which are
of great occurrence , are worth recording.
Two weeks ago wo picked up on the street
a man from the country , who had fallen
in bad company ; had been robbed of all
his money and was wandering on the streets ,
delirious through tdriak. When we fond
Imim lie had not uv cent We took him to
our home anti caredtfor him ummtll he recovered -
covered , and wasmsent home. One week ago
we picked up a minister of the gospel from
the country , who had ran away from his
family and charge in a fit of despondency ;
took to drink , and would have ended his
life ( as ] me said himself ) , only God , in Ills
providence , sent us his way. We paid his
hotel bills , brought shim home , cared for
him for a week ; when hia wife and a member -
ber of his churah ( came after him , All
this , and [ such more could be told of cases
turning up nearly. every day. Will not sonic
of our wealthy cltlzens , who believe iii time
Lord Jesus Christi and His work on earth
to save sinners and trescue , the perishing ,
come and lend ustahand : ? t. JOHN FINCH ,
At time''CoapnimMlesiopaZ20cSoutb ' ; Thib-
tcenth street. e r
Newiife ; newatrengdm , new vigor ,
will bring back your lost powers and stop
forever the dangerous drains on yoursystem.
Theyaetquickly , createaheatthy digestion ,
pure rich blood , farm muscles , rugged
strength , steady nerves and a clear brain.
51,00 Per Dos , 6 Boxes ; 5.00.
A legal guarantee , to cure or refund the
money wlii , every$5.OOonler. Address
I'eal Miedicino Co. , Cleveland , 0.
For sale by Sherummtn , C McCuunell
1)rmrg Co. , mili : Dodge street.
made of pure rubber
holds the Bull-Dog Gar& .
Hose together.
. .
, A Jr
, J ( "holds the ordinary rubber
garden hose together.
The strength of lrosedependson these rub
ber rivets ( technically called friction ) . Asher ,
rivet is. stronger than a long one. Bull-Dog
rivets 2 J Silort ,
Theory nnd results prove Bull-Dogstroug
est hose for money made.
Piston Woven Hose & Rubber Co.
1,5 , Devonshire St. , Boston , ern
205 Like St. , Chicago , 61 Reade St „ N , Y.
7o. No , 7th St. , St. Louls..0l ) Water St. Cleveland.
m7moArapahoeSt.Denver , r ( Tremont , San Iran ,
You can reach
the great resorts . I
of America ; ' '
by the tltti n gll
car lilies uf
' 'Anlerica''lGreatest
The New York Central ,
tRA . .pE I
Good boating , balldag and thing ,
Tllllt'I'LL'N'19l AND JONES S'I'I10JO'r5 ,
1/o room. , baths , Stearn hest and all modern
eoaveatence. , ! tale. , $1.1.0 . and 15.00 per day.
Tabla unexcelled , Spec/al low rate. to rrtutar
boardersm flANK IIILDITCII , Mgr.
thththf ll dt dr u
lice , Juno 11,18)0.
l. ° , ) eW1Q&1U& 1)
IIinlI , Toned Suits. Style swellest of the swell , ' fabrics -
rics finest of the fine ; fit , finishfindings , the best that l
ready-made tailors can produce-tile same suits as
other stores get 20 , 22 , 25 dollars for-arc selling
here from 8ti oo to 815,00. They can't be as good bd
suits , you say. Yes they can. Not only can they be _
as brood , but they can be-and they arc-better suits
selling at i5 dollars than are sold in other stores at d
825.00 , for the reason that we know no fancy profits
here and "Sunday" suits and cvery-day suits are -
treated just alike. L'
IIere are two instances that prove : No , I-
11'Ien's ' Suits of fine A
imported diagonal-the new weave i
-made , cut and trimmed in the best manner , every b
scam sewed with silk , every buttonhole hand worked ,
every button sewed on to stay on and every detail of
cloth , make and material as good as you ever got or a
saw for 815,00 anywhere-our price nine . dollars and l
® 10
a half. No , 2-A fancy cassimere suit , Harris Mills , '
linings of double warp Italian , sleeve linings of soft a
silesia , edges a satin piped , all seams of silk and in ate
every respect a high.toned , high-grade suit , known in
other stores as custom made and sold for 820,00 to
S22,00-our price is twelve dollars and your m oney
back if you can match it elsewhere for a twenty dold d
tar bill. And there are others. Vt e deal in cold facts
. / .
"I never thought , " said Nary Gray ,
"II0w soma things will pass away. " ,
011 all Our Furniture
and Curtains
is not a regular thing-but is being done during June
just to reduce our stock-hurry up , .
. . . , . .
' ' V . i'
, '
r 0 - ,
. ( 't
m .
-I .
5 LE : - , toll hcE : ,
. . . .f . .
r .
Tl is discount of 20 per cent applies to
' all furniture in the house-all curtains
and draperies-and is taken off our plain
marked figures-the same figures-as
before the cut-deduct 20 per cent and
the goods are yours.
Orchard c Wilhelm Carpet Co. ,
1416 Douglas Street ,
, , ' 'j,1 CURE YOURSELF !
cVIhi Ue Big (1 far unnatural
t.1 s4 , . . discharge. , ludamwalion ( ,
o..rm , t Irritltlomim or uicer.tioar
.on.vutaa , of mq sour membranes ,
rrnmu.oabmtoa , P.Inielr , amid not citric '
1alflxlraIIIDtGD , old r
. $ byl prurgaw
aA r .gut In phio w pp ,
115 x ' e
tp' cane , apf' bes. eo , $1.75.
sent roga.tL
Cal..bten F.auta ta.a.a. nr..a
. . . .
pdi pda.d0.1Ue.ul.aut
. , aL.p . . . ut
.aylt rN.tOh.JLc'.WntU
wrr.J lto add fo l t 44'/rttmaesulo
. , - .ome. a.d.3.ltatnu.rittos , Tto
.Do(1.r. ( AWnJanp .u rt r. .
m1 U. atJ t IlatbNai ntrtnr , or not a.
a.ncr. ar . , , n.aa.aid , a (
p. „ t. o . ulad. to tabr t1 ret.r.'I 6d '
/alts ( lAa.lUS Wi { . . Caatd + ra'
THE ' '
4f Big Store Leads
{ - ill t11c Race for Trade ,
- -
{ Selling to the entire wesf
we handle such immense
Quantities of goods that
{ ' manufacturers give us this
b/ / very lowest prices. We ara
Wy thus enabled to show the
most complete assortments
m"t and to undersell all coln
ldc Rend felt'
n special bnrgntiig-W a
L are ( lgeuts for the nutteriJk
LL 1'nttct'ns , tits hest iii miL ) .
r 71J
Jl Jl A Sf
{ 1,000 dozen men's ' llalbelggnu Shirts and
Drawers , our regular SOc quallty , go at
25c each ,
Ldp Nen'a Negligee Skirts , Soc. 75c and 11,00 ;
reduced from 11,00 , 11,50 and ,12.00 , ,
+ { We are showuag mar elegant Ilue of Fnnc t
- Laundered Shirts this week for 76c and
11,00 ; others aslc 11,25 and 11.50 , 1
! _ IQO dozen men's Lisle Thread So ; cam 1
! n black and tan , 12t4c per pair worth 25p' '
{ IODO dozen men's British Sox , 12e ; ;
_ worth 25c ,
Our 11,60 Sweaters , all wool , reduced t o
! . OSc ,
Boys' Sweaters , 22c ; worth SOc ,
{ 100 dozen men's Uulatndered Shirts ,
- double back anti front , New York mine
nmusilm apd lumen boson , , only SOc ; worth
{ _ 7Men's t
Men's large size SI1k Handkerchiefs , 25o ;
of worthm Soc.
r 100 dozen Wren's Sumner Neckwear , coma
in Tecks , Four-in-linnds amid Ilarhl flows ,
1l your choice for 12Qc ! each ,
Ladles , Waists.
Everything that is chic , insteful amid core
reel in Waists , 'fie vales are unequaled
{ Rcad the prices and see the goods.
1Vasll Waists , plahm , striped mrd dotted ,
{ at 15o.
Fine French Percale Wnlsts , laundered <
collars and cuffs , all colors , at 26c , 400
{ anti SOc.
Ladles' Novelty Waists , detachable col
{ hers , very effective , at 05c and 08c. m , _ ,
f - Silk Waists.
d r
, rl .
A manufacturer caused an overflow (
blunder by sending us several tuttlaftbb
Silk Waists at about ore-half what lie ha
expected to realize on them. They
dainty , rich and elegant garmimoata , a )
China Silk and Crepon Waists , in iii
colors , large sleova , at 11 Na sad 11.95 , ; ,
Japanese Wash Silk Waists , all colQrd ,
with the fasbionable sleeves , at 12.05 Afl
13.95. r , i
A full line of the season's fashion-an.
proved Capes at less than half openlu
prices. ,
Dress Goods Special
32-inch wide Clmilis , this season's cbolcC t
patterns , Thursday IDe. 8 ,
32-inch all wool Challis , time heat mad0 ,
BICYCLE SUITINGS , made especially fo
Ilnydens' , 48 inches wide , in all the cp
reel mixtures , Thursday 75c. m
Notion Dept
We always iced in low prices on Sta )
Notions , , 4
Spool Cotton , lc per spool ,
Silk Thread , 2c per spool. I m , J ,
Linen Thread , 2c per spool.
'rwln Wire Dress Stays , 4f e bunch. .
Seamless Stocldnett Dress Shlcids , 4' % ; m
pair. i
Best one-Inch hack 10c Corset Steels , 4 > c ,
Beet 6-inch 10 c Steel Dresshig Combs , 44aoi
Elegant Coin I'uruos , 4c. „
lOc Celluloid Purses , 4c , f ;
" 5c wortim of Pins and Needles , 4luc ,
3 fine Crochet hooks in care , 4c. '
Time best pure thread -Crochet Silk , 4,49 ! ,
spool ,
The largest size Curling Irons , 4mf c each , J
Tracing Wheels , 4/c.
1 gross Hooks and Eyes , 410.
1 gross Agate Buttons for 41/c.
SO other lOc and 15c articles at 40
The Three Best t ,
Pianos in the World ,
STEINWAY , lim/ a /
And 21 other different makes , ? I 1 .
I'ianoa moved , tuned and repaired by eI
perlonced mcn , m
Everything in Music.
New Delineators'
Do not miss the summer number , sang i
price as usual , with extra colored plates a 4
special ounmmer fashions , 4r
r .
Great daces at the
Home of Bargains. ,
I'iae ! , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 0c and 11Q
Finest Country Butter , , , . , , , .12c and 14
Separator Creamery , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , It
Strictly Fresh Eggs , , , ; , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 0
Full Creammo 1 hceso , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Salt Fork , , 2 %
Sugar Curpd Bacon , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , (
Sugar Cured ( lams , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Oy1o
Corned Beef , , , , , , . , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , . 5a
Boneless ham , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 8,0
Bologna . , , n , , , n.nn.uu , , , a } Q
MY tMi : :
1 '