Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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k 4 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - : TI1E : OMAI-ILA DAItX fjj 'uI1UllSDAVJUN1 ii , isna.
_ _ _
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- J. H03)WAIF.8 ) . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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= - -
iUflt.tICt iiitY ; tORN1Nt.
JMty : ( wfluut : nIy ) One Ynr S B
XJMT ) H , nnd Sundir. One Yeair 10 G )
fIi . G t
Tlir.p nionttti . 2 W
Untt ) . IJd Ci. . Year . 2
Petunia ) ' Uce. tine Yetir 1 G )
Weekly IJe , One Tear 63
OTnfllft , The Dee flulhilng.
south Ombn. HI.r 111k. , CoT. N L'nII 1th StL
Council nhirre , 18 Not-th fnn Strct.
ChIcaJ ( } Or.le. Z1 ( .hambr of Commerce.
) ; ew Tork. floomj , , 13. fl tirnt 2 Tribune 1fldg.
VaebIngton , Il.7 ! Htrcet , N. V.
, .
COtuLi3IOx.1jNCI. :
Mt ctnimunIcetIon. reIuIng to newe , un3 c1l
tor2al rnttter , ihoeild M n1rec4 To the I1Itor.
fltflUNs3 I.ITTJ:1tS.
AH buelneec Ittere nn remRtnnceC jihouhi be
OdIreMetI to The Ie PulIIeIiIng OnIeflY ,
thllflhR. LrAte. chek ziM 'oetotUee riIcr to
be made pi'nhte to the onr o the comnInY. $
ttat of Nebraetn
Douglac county. I
Ocori 13. T.qchuck. secretiry of Th flee rub-
fliilhg ! coniran , being dilly Iworn , eiye thtt the
netlifil niinther ut hilt iin4 enmpleb' eptc3 Of the
ThIT ) . MomIng , MvnIn ntut sunday Ice trtflted
during the month t Mny , I3. ne e tuItnSe.
I . . 13,332 . IG
: . . , . . . . , , . , . . . . iq,2 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O,2. )
: . .i . . . . . . . . , . . , 1.2IY ) I . . . . . . - . . . . . . .
4 , . . . . . . . . . . 1e.2s : 19 13.741
& . . . . . . 16.14I ; ' ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 , . . . . . . . . . 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 . . . . . 13o7 :2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
It . . . . . . . . . . . . 16lJ 23 . 1S.T
U . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS 163 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
31 19,17. 2. , . . . . . . . . . . . . .
31t . . . . . . . . jt.t . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 1 ! , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1q.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IqI.I 2 . . . . . - - . . . . . . . -
l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1q.13 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13 . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 13.344 O . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1S,7C' )
I 31
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &SS.S2
Lse de1itetIone for tinenhl nn1 retutned
' copIes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,332
Net iatez . . , . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . I. . . t2.4TO
Net daily average . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
01:011(117 11. T7.SCIIUCK.
Rub.'rllet In my pre.enci nnd nvorn to befote
Inc tlibi let day of Juno. A. I ) . 18D6.
( Seat , ) w'JTd ; t.3t HIMI1fl.t1. .
Notary l'iibtlc.
, My commieslon exptrci December 13 , 12.
I't nIso Crover from whom all Iiless
Itig flow !
} The 'l'exns steer still ItOlIL6 forth Iii
i coligred.
- - -
TIIIH 18 It reiiiI > Ilcaii yetr , but It Is not
0. YCflI' for
k Now for the greafet HIIOs % ' on earth ,
the 'l'raIItlfllssIssIppl exposition.
Now David may cotito lioiiie nilti re-
, celvo the COflhlliIflCfltS of his cotistitu-
_ _ _ _ _
4 % bOg 1)1111 , fl strong lItIJI OtId t 1)1111
t' ' : all together , its they say at sea , 1ia
landed the exitositioli 1)111 safey ] at last.
i Give Nebraska lppuiileans a. clean
A ticket 111111 tIny laItY vilI SWPCI ) the
4 state 1y the old-tune iiuijorlty. fusion
: or no fusion.
Carry the utews to all the world , anti
' 1 nil the iuulutlItaIlts thereof , that the
TrahlsluIssissIilt exposition % 'li1 be
lucid In Onutlitt In the year lSiJS
3 ,
sit-- : If the silver states tiecitle to secede at
i1' 13L Louis loyal republicans s'IIl say , In
the language of Irorace Greeie3"Let
11 the erring sisters (1elart In peace. "
; The reptiblie'aii It1tY shotulti steer
4 : ' clear of side Isttes. Nothing has ever
; been gained for the larty by coddling
nuty of the "Isuuis" which bob up In
every campaign.
Postoui has decided to Intry the police
- : and lire alarm vIres. Oiiialua will
sooner or later have to d ilkevis anti
l Wliell that time COIIICS all the telegraph
w ; 4 niid telephuouie lutes will have to go
under grounul also.
! The flrst delegate to arrive in Chicago
hails from Alaska. 'I'Iuo uuiutui front the
maui of glaciers and totem poles has
taken tiutie by tue forehocir , so as to
ituthe sure that nohotiy ) jtulnps his claim
to a front seat In the 1)Oar show.
Tlnro nrc 852,101 school ciuildretm in
Nebraska and in their instruction the
ptIhliC school teachers iutvo iii recent
years done most creditable work. That
tito l)01 edit of Illiteracy In less In Nebraska -
: , braska tItan lit aIIy other state Is not
ultie to chance. It is tile direct miet re-
I tu1t of tite liberal l4ohie adopted by time
constituttoumni convention of 18Ti muuid
the fostering care wltfclm time tnte iitts
: llice given Its eliucatlolmal ss-stein. _
' , The IVOPOSitlOfl to hold the Grand
Army encaluplilelit In tlui.3 city ihiring
tate fnii' week ought to comuineiitl Itsult'
to time veterans of Nehriska : , as w'ehi as
c to the leOihti ) geiievnliy. 'JIie old soldiers
, ClUhl thus see the greatest fair In the
i : . ilia4tory of time state without athiitlonui
. expense , sslulch Is an Imlortahlt con.
c slileration 'is'itit them , svhile hotel tutu
. lodging aeconnnodatlons as w'ell as
trumsportatfoiu : Tmtt4iitieu ) vIhl ,
Htnto fair w'cek , lie lilore ample titmuut at
: any other tinie. i'ilmtko the crouvui its
big as Possible. SVo w'mmiit everybody Iii
tim state to be 1mm OllifliliL ( muir week.
VIth the State Board of Agriculture
It Is no longer a quie.tion whether or
: Dot tile ( tilt' timis year sviil be it success.
Time irolileluu ) confrontilig the board Is ,
: llosv can nil thin exhibits oIfer'd lie
projmeriy imotiseul ? Aireatly tim iressulri'
is so great tiltt Iluemusurtjs for providing
enlarged ineo ) iliuist at once be coim-
aidt'reul. Exitihitortu lmlprecimute Uw fiuct
t that Nclti'zisktt vroduiets this year sviil
- In qunhity iiiitl extent excel iuiy at lwes'I-
Otis yeiit's , s'iIieim lueuuims tllat illore pt'opiu )
'viii visit time stIute ( aiim' tilis year tliaii
. over before. $ uccess breculs iuuiccess.
'uVhmea thieve Is p big crowd ( uveryiluiy
vaumts to be In it. All roads svlli lead
to Omniuima in
- 9'iiti mtpparelut duteriimiimmttlon of time
: coumnty ctiummimmismtone'rs to see to It thmztt
limo county imoor roller rmitimoie Is imhuiggeti
gives ztsstiranco that faivoritisumu mmmiii limi-
, _ x lmomuture will not irn toicriuteui by the
board. ' [ 'hero I no branch ot eouluty
I buislnt aus whmicim calls for a iIgher tiegree
, - . at vglimtimco tumid cute In Itt comnhuct.
, : Motley of time taxpayers can thua bj
diMlilated ti ) no itlrioso anti Iii large
: in a vu'ry short tiummo umimls i con.
- sttuimt check ho kept upon time poor sup.
ply depot , whmotm daily ammul mnontimiy
. truunsutetIoii mulmould ho imiuulo time sub.
' ject of iictaiiusl report , attsttnt uuluti
IirOVcuI by thu auniltlmmg clerks ot t1m
: cOtlIIt ) ' . I 1 $ Imossflmie to stippiy limo
urgent wants of the pour without squaul-
dozing money.
rin ; ixz'osriux ASS fJIWO.
The TraimsuimissisIiipi exposition nt
Omimmuima in the year iStiS Is at Inst
dellniteiy nssuiretl. Tue biii granting
coimgtssIonni rceogmmitiotm to the eiuter
pulse anti picdglng 2OOOOt3 from the
mmatlomnil tretmstiry for a governineiit
building numul exhibit. has passed tile
enicial ordeal of legislative nut ) cxc-
entire assent omit ! is now a hiss'VIth
imntiolmai recognition gramiteuh nut ! liar-
tlcliemtion of tue goveriuiiwiit guinrutumfeeui
liii , great enterprise is safely itlllIlCliiMl.
Tlieco-operatlon of tima respective states
and territories In the triuuusmuississippi
coislitry sviii follow as a m12tturti tic-
titmelmee. 'ilme ' uud'uumltngcs vhhi'Ii this
gru'nt cxptisltloti viit afford for the tie-
veOjtflelit ! ) of the vast i'eSOtlrCflS of the
country dhrectiy cdtmccrime'il svihi lie time
stl'OIlgeSt Incentive for ParUciittiofl. :
Fot- the states comtiguoums , to Nt'bu'askll ,
aulti especially for Ommimuima , time expoI
tiuiii svhhi inaulguiute a umesv ermu of do-
' (1Oiulileilt anti prosimcrity. 'l'hme C011
test over tito expositlomi iIii ) lii the imoutse
lied otigrosei1 imlililk' attention in this
socttoiu as no ot her itlelSllFC : linth before.
Time more lummlouliicelllellt ! ( limit tile CX-
iusithoii hill lied ismsseti through both
houiscs of coimgress mmii rt'ceiveut time
ireskicii t's signature 11115 created uiim-
botiiutli'd popular entlltmsimusilm imnul a. geim.
oi'iul res'ivimi '
of commlitlt'miee.
Tile glory and credit of tile hunt suc-
CL :45 : iiiinuild be accorded sviieme it
ProperlY bt'loimgs.
'LIme people of Onittlia have reason to
feel gratefimi mm mtd they will not be sioss'
to appreciate tue sers'Ice i'eiidered by
their iimdefmutigabie representative ill time
itoauut' . Coiigressumttiu : ' , Icrccr itmt4 : immitie :
II. gthiutimt : light tuimd in the Itust stages lie
55ils tihily sccoli'lLtl I ) , Setiator Allen ,
ss'lmo hits fi'onu time outset gis'en time cx-
iositiun his elut'ileit iuumul nctlse
Secretary Carlisle's comimimuuuuuicatiomi to
time setimi te coal lii I tt cc I mivest lgt : t 11mg
botul stiles is a strnighmtforss'nrul sbtte-
niemmt of ss'ehi-knosvim fiucts. 'l'ime secre-
tmmry siiosvs that In every cast' of time Is-
sunmmce ot bonus tlmere was an urgent
exigeitcy aiud that time course pumrsuel
wIts absoiutely uieccsstry : In cutler to
urotect time ei ctilt of' time gos'eriinteiit and
avert titreatemieti coinhit wlmkhm
'WOtmil lats'o becim itiiit disastrous to
time financial tuimd buisiiit'ss Iimtdrests of
the country. As everytiouiy bu aware ,
imonti Issues verd delayed until time
peril to time puibhie credit became so
great that not to have acteti wotihti lmtve
hieen a culpable disregard of dtity tuiud
i'espomisllilllty , Esicciaiiy vmts t his time
case vimeti tile stile of boiids to the
Morgmun.Bolimiottt syimdlc.ate WtLS itego-
tinted , about vhmicli so itmuichm limus been
sniti iii criticism of time secretary of the
treasury. At that time the situmatiomi
was so perilous , Secretary Carlisle
says , timutt indifference at 'SVnslmington
would hmas'e 1)murtlcipated a liiutimchal :
paimic and vimere time nullninistrmttion
ss its wrotmg wus In muikmwlimg sucit mu
IOiflt ) to be reached. Thu presidemut
ouigiut to have sceli , wimmit ss'as obvlotis
to es'erybotly else , timat coimgress woumiti
tie imotiming , ititleiihittb' : in time three-
tion ito ( iesireul , vimIcim iYus : that of an-
thorizimig the relireimment of time legal
tender imotes.Ir. . Cles'elaiid's stroimg
conviction that only iii this \vly coutid
time treasury be giveim relief amid lire.
tection led him to imuit off imrrowing as
lomig as lm0ssilmle iii tile hiolie of foreIimg
e-iligress to adopt 1mb ; iiohitmuimmi It is
hot to be doubted timmmt this cost time
govei'iuiumemit It couisidel'muiie sumimu. Un-
quiestlolmabIy better ternis could imas'e
beemi obttuiiued for time bomids tulmen by
time syimdicate It time uiegotintloim imad
takitit iittce before time exigeticy be-
cmuituo extreme. Secrete 17 Cuurlisle cx-
[ ) i'esses time opiimioii that time prices ob-
ttthited for time several issues of bonds
"were as imighm as It w'mus imossibie to ob-
tztin nuttier the ciretminstamuces cxlstiimg
itt time titmies sviieii time sales were mimetic. "
Doubtless this Is correct , but time clr-
cuiiiustmtitces in time early hiart of 1S95
iuutgitt Imave been mts'oidcul-thmat Is , imonds
coumid Imeve been sold before time cir-
cuulmlstances bee-mimic so ct'Iouis anti lmad
that beeti uloime time govci'nnielmt woumid
hmmts'ti reaiized imiore mmimd time syiutiicate
less. It was tiluwlu4e to allow time gay.
erlilmItmilt to be forced bite time 1)05111011 )
it ss'mH ill at timmut titmie. 'i'Iiere is ito
( hIuit tima t t lie humid atm hes haul a. good
effect iii elmeekhmig distrust , but timey
ss'otihl not lauve beemi mmece.ssmut'y loud not
time ( leimlocratic lmmurl' imecit lIt control of
time governluicmmL Timoy represelit In vmurt
time emmorimioums cost to time eotlutry of
deniocratic imoiie' .
( ) uinLvrtf colzrITrrIoN.
Tue report of time ciimuhm'iimniu of time
sYttyil aitti immeaims coinimmittee IlL regutiul
to tltn growtim ot' limuluistries 1mm Jimptuim
muid the p1'OSlCctiVO coumipetitloit of
Oi'leimtai immmuiiuml'muctuireti prouiulets in our
mimuurkets , simosvs there Is reasomi to uti-
primimenut that 4Vmnerknii tutu nufacturers
lure llieiy itt imo very rellmoto time to
elucotmuter it fornmiuiiuble colmllu't itioti
train Jit1auiu and Cimina in timelr imoume
lI1itikt , It time ixtrmuoruihimiury ituuiucu-
trial progress ] mmImuii bus immiudo In time
last toss' years simmuil be inmuititmulmmeul sty :
for time imext ti-mu yezurs timmut counitry
will be till emiorliloums imromiucer of cot-
toil , silks aini otiler net Ides w'imicim lice
lilmuittiffletuirers svili hat able to sell below
siiiuiln t gootimt mnauie iii timis coummtry ,
owing to time iltlcit lower cost of labor
itt Japan , Of course , its Mr. Dingley'tm
report says , wulges there will not at-
sYuu3'ti bit nut lois' as now. As tim labor.
big chess bectummes uteri' runillhur svitiu
civilized iuietlluis ( of living it s'i1l adopt
those imuuttitoulmu naiL this vhiI iuittessittu , ,
mum ilmlpl-oYe(1 stnntlmtrd of wages , There
Is nireatly obser'veul it temmihtney iii this
direction aunt It sviii incyItnliy become
111(1CC ( umam-hed ( rain year to year.
Very fumss iCOll0 immtvo mummy conception
of tutu rapidity of jain' Iutdtistrimui
grosytit. 'l'Imo apiimmulmig and immmuutm-
( aeture ot cotton timto cloth by imwer
mnchtiuuei-y Is cue ot timat eoumnti'y's iieuy
imuuiuustries. Mr , Robert I' . Porter , in
elm ot his letters tromn Japan , stated
that imi &mn imiereuihlihy simort tinia thm
Jap1ulut:4o imiuve rilduicemi tlmt'lr iniports
auth CX1)el'ts istileve tiiitt. they miosv imave
facilities eiuouigim to sumpjtly time 11011)0
iiinuutni , 141st year Jiuptuul xpoi'ted a
considerable quantity of manufactures
_ _ _ - i--- - -
of cotton , mostly to Chum , timouighm
there was marketed In thin United
States cotton rugs to the 'mule of over
$1,000,000. 'rue growth of cotton 111111)11-
factuiring has conslulcriuliiy more than
tlouibieul In time last live years and it
Ii ; still advmuiichitg , it being estimimateul
that within the next two years .Tuupiit :
yIih have inorti thinit a nilhiioit cotton
spituthies In oerati0ht. This Is a ntore
serious matter to the 1trittshm than to
time Ainericaim cotton nmaiuimfnctuirers ,
but ft sviii uimnioubtedly t-u'uluice oumr cx-
itrt. of cottoum gimoihi It ) Chum. lnpan
Is , : tiso ifltilClmliig out 1mm otiitii' hues ( If
matmufacturing. 'lime statentoult. In Mr.
Dimlgley's report regard big the svnges
of hiulmar in .1111)01) ought to Cflmilmiflild
liii' serums lIttetitiOli of 4'uuuericmmui
svoikiiugmlm'li. Tlllliii ) is a silver stamid-
iurmt country anti much engaged itt cot-
tomu simimunhiig there receive less thimui 10
edits ieu iiziy of aliouit tss'eive hours ,
vhihie woiiieii get about r edits a day ,
niul tim Is Is gooui , el1ic1li t humor , I ha
umugu'ii thimtt thu. ' ; cnuiimt1Y iuutt5t have time
free coiumage of silver as mu in'otecttoti
mugmuhmist , llllIilIlL'St ? conilmetitioli , html there
% vlmiuiii b no irotectloii frumimi tint t lilt-
1es Aimiet'Icatt svuiges ss'ere reduie'eu1 to
till ) .Tttpttiiese staimuiittiL In mull silver
staiuiarui enuimutries 1nhr Is elmeal ) mtiid
time free cainmige ci' sils'er by time Ummiteui
States SVOI1Ih immevitiubly brimig a like
coiuiitioii hmere.
'I'Imc 1)iimgiey report ColliiHlIS thi
timeory thlit : .lliitttiC5Li ) iliailuifmuettii't'lu
elijoy tin advittitagu- time vorhul's
ninrkets by remusoil of the fact lieU they
hmmus'e zt silver staiiuiuurml , pollitltig out
timmut on tIle eoiitrmtry thus is a disad-
ymuntage. 'I' uk femituire. of the report is
esieclnhiy , iiitert'st lug mutti iimstruictlve _
'I'imer.t Ii ; it great lieu ! fotTapullese : en-
terirIse It ) operate iii before it shah
iluviutie time AmerIcan iitarket to imumy
s'el y serious exteiit , so tlmut : as we lutve
hitherto said iii tpfereuice to Orieimtt1
coiuimetltloii , there Is no remomi : for tires-
eitt alarm.
it'inci , , ; us
Covert attacks on the courts arc being
1)lfldO by a good inaiy newspapers of tim
t)1)e 30 COm0fl these times that eeem to
bo devoted to the object of fomenting popular -
lar dIscontent and suspicion , In connection
wlthi the trial and scuitence of henry Boilmi ,
the defaulting treasurer of Omaha. It is
pnrade1 that hie "got it in the neck" v1tii
a sentence of nineteen years in the pent-
tentiary , whihe sundry other otTentlers who
wrecked banks anti dofauitod to even a
iarger amount have beemi escaping with
ilghter sentences.
Ihit there is a great difference usually
In those cases. The defaulting treasurer
aiwnys begins with a penal offcnse , In converting -
verting to his own use for speculation
mouioy belonging to people , which Is on-
maniiy dishonest. Met In most cases of
bank falhtlres the Initiatory offense has been
nothing atone serious than an error of judgment -
mont in discounting loans or carrying a
bumstiiess man who ultimately fails In liEs
projects or proves dishonesL
The money in the treasury is sacred.
It is net to be loaned as an accommodation
or Invested in any sort of venture , and the
treasurer is guiity from the very inception
of the mIsortunes that result In his dia-
comfituro and inability to 'siiovr Op. " With
the banker. however , the depositor ef'motioy ,
either subject to sight cilecks or drafts or
oil tifle , expects that time banker viil use
hits money in his business. It is only on
that condition that banks are possible and
that tile banker sviil consent to take your
money ,
It Is only In rare cases that a bank Is in
time first instance involved through time deliberate -
liberate ( lislionesty of Its president or cash-
ion. flut in the course of its business it
runs against hard heck , resulting either
( rota the vant of skiil In Its managers or
from the ordinary rlsks.or the business. and
in endeavoring to extricate themselves from
difficulties that arc not the consequences of
criminal acts or dishonest intent , the bank-
ens have taken bigger risks and hiavo
phunged themselves into greater difficulties.
-Lincoln State Journal.
This is notimimig more nor less timuui :
aim iimgenious phiut on behalf of the
linuik wrecker. Time grauuumuiwork upon
sviilcim it rests Is not borne out , by the
irresistibic logic of experience. During
time Immist tell VCiLi'S hiiiiik wreckrs , ew-
lzziers :11)11 dufauultersImas'e uobhrd
time iWOtle of Ilmis couliltry of over 10O-
(100,000 ( , 1111(1 lIme % 'Oitiumie of tic ! rob-
buries immis Increased imtateriaiiy svltiuimm
time 1)ast timree years.
Ibtitims are puiiiic Ilusiltumtion3 , and
time pulhdlc is vitally colteeriteul in time
integrity of their : uammagers. Koruimerhy
thin greatest daiigr W-ait to appi'c -
imeimdeti ( rout the skihieti bttc..iie w'imo
couiid blow 01)1.111 ) vault (1(1015 , ( t'lCL time
Iatimk safe 1111(1 mummmle off vitIm the umlanry.
Noss' it is time skihieul Ilitaitcier vimo
coolly tutu tleliiet'mtteiy tmE)5t1ilCtitui'l
imuismtpphles ftiumds and fmui.dllen mueiuummtml : ,
'l'ime burglar , svhcit detected , brouigilt to
truth muimil convicted , gets tss'enty years
ill the 1)L'iiiteltllarY. ) 'J'lme bmuiiic su'recker
generally mmuuimmmges to liming tile Jury or
gets otT s'Ithm it light sentelice ,
4 % . iiatiommumh hmauik exiummilmier of uimnuiy
10u15' : exILrIelmeec ) imu this to say coim-
cerimilig bamlk wreckers Iii it recent hum-
her of uiinga'.iime : "itlmuuuy i5uumkm4 limuvim
hicen started Iii femiumul , time capital stock
iielng 1511(1 ( fet by lime lntiiyiulumul ilottiS
cit time stocklioldimrs , these itotcit umes'er
imimug 1511(1 , htut teiiesvcul wlmen tue
iitttmk cxmtimiiitei' Is tuxIlected. Yet It h
reported its 'capital stock held Jim , '
time w'iiohti scimeimme beiuig to Hbutt a bamik
for time iiiii'iiostm of ohitmulning ( iclioltits ,
1111(1 ( tllCl't'hy ) getting ( tunis with which
to simecuihitte , _ liankmu imave ICcil robhicul
bjthmo , fi-uuniuuieimt utso of ct'tiIleatt' of
( it'lkmt , muid dotulle sets of ledgers have
hmeeit kept , 0110 rcpnt'semmtlimg time trite
coitulitloit of time lninlc , time otimer ( tilsi-
lush so its to cover that frmuuidue , time iimiumJ
oxLtuliiuier seeing olmiy tIme ( mulsilled titiL"
Is umot this an X-ray mllotograpii ( if time
baiikwi'eektirs who inive robbed muid
rumimmed depositors mtimuh creditors at. Lii- :
eoiii , Ontalma uimul otimer 1)011115 Ia thmi
stiutu ? What difl'ereuico Is tlwre Lie-
tsveeu tltemue iroessiohmai cravksimwum
tiuiul time defiuumltliig treasumuetu vimo gee.
orally have been bieimtiied with titian ?
Time vtto ot Ilium F'ort Oimmaiia huh will
Lie deplored by our citizclu4 who have
eonlbieumtly lookeul fprwurd to thu con-
versioii ot time heautitul groulid4 iittl
buiihiings Into i imililimury triminiumg school
for time youhig timmam of the growiimg geum-
oratioii. 'l'hio trk-imds of this project
need imot , imowever , itliutution utli imope.
\VLmiio time act t'stuubhlsimmig Fort CfQohi
niso imioviuies for time aio of Fort
Onmalte , it Is doubtful wimethei- time War
! % . } ! ii tonstriuc time itis' xis
uiuuuthmutnu'y ( ummdt'r existhtig
cniitiittoiis , winch trotuid ROt juiatifV time
dlviitiomm of xtr ! gt'ouiiith Into towli 110
auid their ) flcetI sale. S'hHe we tire
yet in till ? 'Iart am ; to tim gtoutiuls tilion
which , tue presldemit 11115 'Ithiiieiil hmis
iiIlu'OVltl (1 fl/c / Filet. Oumnuta 1)111 It Is
muon , titan hfllbaiie ) that tue ohJcetiolis
tiuuihmothii'd ycto nicasege imimi3' lie
overcome , uimm,1 a , now 1)111 irnssed imext
Whiter in , tliu& ' for time iegislmttuire to
ttike utetlom" cii
ittisrTuz : t
Thieve vihI llmd0tuhttiii3' ( be vciy geti-
em'mii oCfluuh'SCl'lteIl 115' deimiocrets Iii tue
vies' of i'x-UoVermmtit htiies ; limit t I lie uioiiii.
lice tIC time Cmicmugo cottveimtioii must be
a tleiiiimit it iuily : be thought oniy
uatutrnl tinut . . 2tir. , 1ioie , beimig liiuiicif
iiuoiitiiieuit iii ; it imosSihilO t'ltimliihitte ( ,
ilhHuuld tmtke tue llnsition lie ( lOt's lit lmis
letter to SOIIIC One Itt liVattrioo , him. ,
htut i'egnrdt's4 of thus tit hash iou i4
ss'ist ? auth sotmitul. 'l'hmcre Is mint :1 : shiugie
valid t'esoii wily time free iiii-er di'iimo-
cents at Ciileigo ossuiiiming Ilimut thmt'y
sviil coat mi titt' iioitVciltilO ) , sitotild go
outside of tllelr OSYlI i'mumtks to 1111(1 ( a
ennullilate-for Iuisttuimce , 'I'ehii'r or
Cniuieron , replmiiiicmuuia on evers' , litiest ititi
i'Xc'ht ) the cuurrency. I t is isM1imle ) timmut
I I me imomum I ummu titun a f 'i'd I & 'r ss'o ul ti attract
trce silscr r iuuiitcmliis , , , hut it wouthul
just mus cem'tn iiIy repel deumtoerats , es'i'ii
thmosti of time free suiscr eieimwimt sriw
lies-c oIlier irituchimies distiuictiy deummo-
erotic s'imicim they regtrd : 1114 of tin hess
iiutlortuhmi'e ) tililli the free ( -oiluagm ) of miii-
Ver. It. Ia u'rgcul In behittif f 'I'ehher
that lila umoiiilnutloit : at Olmicago wouilti
pr0hmnbls' be thidorsetl by time hater lPu1 )
list tuitd iuatiomimtj silver iurti : Comis'euu-
tions. lInt svhiy svoumiti mmot these couu-
seuitiis be 4uiite as likely to euuukmrsc
Blunt ! or Boles. vimo mire quiiltm tutu souiiid
muntl truatwortimy free silver ummeum as time
Coior'iilo selilltor ? Time tnos'euiieuut iii
iit'itahf of 'Teller ' , to wimicli Mr Boles
immus refeu'eitce , hun not deveioimedery
gmeut : strcuigthi 1)1)11 tii deciturtttioil of
tile iowa cmuimtlidate vIi1 iii'olaul > ly iitlt
:111 cmiii to It.
For tsveutty-flve yeiir Time Bee humus
ululVtCatetl noire equu itttllfl tax assess-
luients iii this' city amid couimty. TImeS
w'ithout imtuuitlmei litis paper 11mm cmuiled
attentioui to time fact hInt iiniclm assess-
mihii l)1)e1t' ) hiere escaped time missessors
oversight ( ) JJesign ( , thus causiumg time
o\s.imei.i. ; of niail properties to suture tin
tuumdue ) ) ' ! of I iu hitiruiemi of nimmlum-
tiulumi ig locut , govern umtent. Comiti itiouis
that halve pfis-ailc-l for years still exist.
Unequal 8d.SSlitentS $ presen t tue ever-
Lurescuit iirohihnlii iii timis as In esery
nietropoiitu Iteforun in this direction -
rection scents 1 be a vain hope and t
1iifls' lie necPsItnPy to nuneliti time revcuine
haws to iIjViIi for a suuig1t 'tax assessor -
sessor befuveua trtma rentedy cmiii be
- .
Siuthiid ti1b sahfer clerk youichiae
fmmlr weatimoriJmitiay evening it _ Is safe
to putt1ict that 1evei-y able-bodied per
P1k ; ! D Qlta1giiiU .ciij
will biiuuimuml tim stteetmi Ut vltfltss time
nohmlepdkjaiitof Ylk imifimt of Ak-Sur- :
lIeu. Tub i't'gtul appearance is rnaule
out of CoimtpliuuiQimt to the litany strangers
slmo ulihy be iii tite city attending time
iaces duirlimg time ( lmty It will not equal
iii imuugnitlcence time iecent mgeauitry
attending time coroimmitioum 'of time czar In
? iloseosV , but It vlhi be uuimiqiue in this
rart of time worimi , It. is novel amid inter-
estliug anti out of time convemmliommtl ; oruiem.
People want sounetliiumg mmciv mmmiii time
kiiigimLs immtve set about to irovlde It.
There Is a tide 1mm time affulrs of mcii
witleit taken mit time Ilooti leads on to
fortune. 'Titi muppiies , If ammytbimig , is'ithm
greater force to cnmnmunItles. Oiualmmt
is lii front of tlme } 1oo uuie amid it ouily
reumittiuis for imei euiterprlsing , puihmile-
almirited citi'oulm tG iret torsvartl timid
imoist cveiy smith flmoy can fasten to a
SlLtr- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Is Gr-j , t Coiiliizzt iou.
Isllnneapoil , Journal.
The Oregon legislature contains goldbtug
rcubiicans , silvorbug republicans , goldhuig
democrats , isiivenhiui democrats , populist
blmotaliists anj "doubtfuis. " And they
are going to try to elect a senator !
1,1 itIUntii' 'tVeuui.-ui I tug f
i'llnneapohis TrIbune.
Sedretary Mom'ton or time agricultural bu-
roan has been one of the stroligest gold
standaril adherents of tile democratic party ,
but his recent Importation or a "siiver
tree" to this copumtry nrouses time suspicion
that lie. too , Is beoming tinctured with
the Iroynhhlulg democratic malady.
'sVnuioum Vnslt of 1're-Mtn
Time timber wealth of the United States
gives a yearly irodutct of over i,000,000,000 ,
or inane than twice time value of the entire
outmtmt of all time mines. Yet nowhere en earth
is time wealtim oft the forests wasted more
walitoniy than in this coulutry. Trees
and forests are Blasilod ulown mmot only without -
out coimsideratlon , but with something akin
to contempt.
, tul Overlooki.I Cztuistroiihae ,
St. i'api Pioneer i'reu.
One result iiot wholly tlephorabie of time
st , Louis catastrophe is that a great many
people eli avette couimtry imave learned
for the llrst time that a tornado Is not a
cyclone , and iTfliio word cycione hummmi
been coustantiy imilsused for time last ten
years. NeanlPf ali extensive storms are
cyciones , neil w.ltimlhm timeir circuit tornadoes
niay or mayhlot be deVeloped ,
ticayer nuu 1 hue fluifloli.
New York Hun.
There appears to be some force in Oen-
erai llawloys criticism of a pictorial cozn-
pond of timis nathtue Imistory , designed for
time rotunda of nation's capitol , which
omits so cohossAi event as the meeting
of Grant and fojat Appomattox , and yet
makes a vromnIneij figure of hlott , Ore.
ver Cleveland heroic' act of pressing
an ciectric , butt4x/kwilllo Chicago doxiis thu
rest. * 14 tIn t\
In depictlng..14f weumty-second president
of the UnttedSt e in time performance of
an act frequently connected with the sum-
wooing of cocktaliui , , . the artist has doubtless -
less intended to eflhihaalze the eisa rather
tliait the dueti.iiut wiiy was it necessary
to leave out 4ppqwaltox In order to get in
Mr. Cleveland ? iot Apponiattox anti the
twenty-second preslaeiit could have been
Introduced by this- simple device of paintlmig
the great scene at the appho tree tied quib-
stunting Mr. Cleveland's figure , in uniform ,
for lust of General Grant.
'm'm. , l'zirnuionut Thene.
rlmliadeipuuus Times.
The qumestloa of maintaining our national
honor by maintaining Soillid money in terms
that none can misuimdt'rxtnnd Is paramount
to xiii questions before the American pcopio
mind tIme friend of sotmnui money who shall
vote a cheap money ticket in November , Lit'-
cause it Is labeled republican or dt'mocratle ,
must be false to his niost sacred duties , to
himsoif , to time great lndtistrlai and coin-
mnercial Interests of the country and to the
grandest republic of the carOm , whose uictit-
cheoru is as yet tinstaineti by replmiintion or
by the amatory of time agrarian.
tiuierleuuu In the % % 'eiut.
Senator Teller in the' North Anuericaa Review.
The , vcst is not only rich in the prceious
metals , bumt in lend. copper and iron. With
imnieliso fields of bituiniinouis anti anthracite
coal slid the fimmest tiiumbcr on the contilient ,
it 1111181 in time secure its full share of Amen-
caum inamiufactures.
Agnlcuittlre must increase conrespontl-
inghy , anti. with the increase of poimuha-
then and wealth , time west will no 'onger
complain of the east , no will time east treat
the West , as it has heretofore. as a tie-
pommd.ency ; anti , cud ilistenhl of the east and
svcst growlitg farther apart , I believe they
will be citiser in their relations than they
are now or ever luivo been. The west is
loyal to time interests of time whole conuitry.
Vitiiottt uimantlfactimrers the westcnim repill-
hicans in congress have maintainoth witim
great zeal the theory of orotection to Ann-ri-
calm industries. Their interest In coast
defenses has hot been ices titan timat of
those who live on the seaboard. Time tIe-
manil for a navy commnemmsurato iii sti-cngtii
with our natioiiai greatness anti umationai
danger lies foulnd Its strongest advocates
amnoug time representatives of time states
that coumid not lie ilisturbeti by a Ilostlic force
by land or sea ,
The Aiiierican svirit is strong in time vest.
An insult to our flag would be reselited by
the Ieoliiu of the siest , us it would in no
other nart of the country. They woimhil
hot inquire what it would cost nor how it
would atTect trade and commerce. There
never will b two republics made oumt of
thuis one. The vest will never desire it ,
anti it thu east ever does. the vcst will
prevent it. A coinnmorm flag. a coniunon ancestry -
cestry , a common Interest. justice to all in
legislation anti administration will keep the
states in a union never to be broken by
foreign or domestic foe.
'I'1133 sumi'itu3ui1 issvi.
Spriuigfleltl ( Mans. ) Republican ( kid. dam. ) :
V.'hoever lie nmy be , let him stand for
some-thing. If free silver is to be the
cardinal faith of the party In the coming
canmpaign , let him stantl for free silver ,
not nmerely on the tdatfornm. but on his
own feet. Away with colnpromnisors and
St. . I'aui Pioneer Press ( rep. ) : Since the
democratic party is certain to declare for
fiec silver in platform anti candidate , it I
plain , therefore. that ooulnd mooney of the
clearest ring is the winning card for time
republicans. For it. rihl win uiot only in
all time normnahly republican states , but In
four , and probably live , of the tmsuahiy
democratic statcs.
Chicago TrIbune ( rep. ) : Time sounder time
republican platform on the umoncy question
the greater time majority for time republican
ticket from top to bottom. Time greater
the contrast between the couragcous boncsty
of time republican money plank and time de-
flamut dishonesty of time democratic plank
the more sweeping will be the republican
victory. Honesty is truly the best noiicy
bore as elsewhere.
New York World ( dern. ) : In brief , the
utmost strcngtim possible to a free silver
democratic candidate is 1SZ votes , with the
l'robabhiity that it will be reduced to about
120 ; hIle as against such a candidate-
even granting Oregon , Washington , Idaho ,
Wyomning , Moumtana and North Dakota to
time democrats-the miimimnuinm electoral vote
of the republicans will ho 229 , with a orctI'
spctmro prospect that it will rise to 289 , and
a possibility timat it will excecd 300.Vhhl
the demnocrtits at Chicago surrender au
Ipipoof election .1mm , advance by thus yielding
to a factional craze ? WIii the party that
imas survived so mammy heresies and won so
mnhimy glorious batties iimgioriousiy comrmiit
suicide ?
Philadelphia Times ( them. ) : The only
party of tIme tLirco to wimich time friends of
national hemmer , business tranquillity ammd iii-
dustilal and commercial prosperity can now
turn is the republican rarty. and it it. shall
follow in tIme present tendency toward an-
tionai dishonor time great republic of the
world would receive a wound deeper and
vastly more dangerous than that inflicted
by the madness of ecossion that muslim-
tamed the bloodiest war of history for
four long years. netter far that l'ickett's
charge at Gettysburg had riven the imimion
array in twain and defeated it without hope ,
timamm that after time acniflco of countless
timotmsands of hives to maIntain free government -
ornment , it should fall in dishonor , smitten
by its own suicidal hand.
Louisville Counier-Journai ( ilem. ) : The
molt who on Saturday captured the name
and organization of time democratic party
of Kentucky have completed their wdrk at
Lexington by fornmahly coimslgning it to this.
ruption and defeat-a consigmimnelmt which
can only be frustrated by cooler counsei
amid saner action at Chicago. So far as the
state convention of Kentucky has power to
speak amid tie. time democratic panty is a new
party , retaining some of time principles of
the imarty wimicit has heretofore beau known
as the democratic party , but making an
alien faith. hitherto the creed of tile poptm-
lists , the keystone of the cciv democratic
arch , Tlmis an-aims , if endorsed by the notional -
tional convention. that the democratic panty
is to ho revoiutionized-mOrO radically revo-
imitionized , in trutim , timamm if the Chicago convention -
vention simould ileciare for time imigimest of
protective tariffs. time re-enactinemit of time
1c1iniey law , and simould nomnimmate Mc-
ICiulcy himself mis time denmooratic standard
bearer ; for in cemnparisolm with time issue of
sound immommey the issue of the tariff is as aim
iumiot to the ocean.
l'iIIESONAL' AXI ) O'l'Jhilit.VISId.
W , C , I' . jirecklnrudgo is a sound money
nmmimm in spite of imis silver tongue.
A growing industry of eastern Pcnnsyi-
vaumia is time exportation to Germaumy of sun-
cimred sliced apples. They mire known as
"Poumnsylvaflia Jiutcim suits. '
Thomas In-icy i3ouvo , time iron macreliant
of Ihoston who hiss Just died. was an enthum-
elastic student of natural history. amid was a
immetnimer of time Boston Society of Natural
History for nearly fifty years.
According to the New York Tribune J.
N. Baldwin of Council hilufTmi. Ia , , viio hiss
been chosen to make the speech nouiinat-
ing Senator Allison at the St. Louis cOnveil-
tion. is looked ulmon. as the greatest orator
In Iowa.
King Ihumnibert. in the name of himself
51111 Queen Margimerita , and of time princes
of the royal fanmily , has given to time government -
ornment for tilt ) faummihies of death and
wounded soldiers in Africa time sum of 4,000-
000 ( mimes.
The Journeymen hiarimors' International
Union of Mmmerica line issued a decree forbidding -
bidding its members to accept tips. When
time Intonimatiomial A malgamated Association
of itotci Waiters and iusmping Car l'orters
does the same thing , life will be worth liv-
lug.Just Liofore abe left tihicago on imer
Hawaiian trip Kate Field was asked why
she did not give up globe-trotting and settle
down to peaceful middle age. lien answer
was : "Jiecauso I have a horror of in-
activity. If I had a niiiiiou dollars I could
not ettie down. I went to die ia the liar-
ness. "
One of the beat pistol shots In Chicago Is
Dr flcatrico Schultz. a descendaiit of Tous-
saint L'Ouverture , the black Haytian chief-
han. 8ho can shoot a hole in a dinme at ten
paces. and perform other tricks of marks-
mammebip. And ho Is a handsome young
Higlict o1U in Lcavcxiing Power.-Latcst U. S. Gov't Report
I ? & ' I B&kin
- - -
- -
- -
wonmen of 20 y"ars , almost white , atiti a
sktllfui ohysician.
The annual sate of beer and Me In the
Vatted States htt limereneeti time $00,000
In P176 to t3tl,0O.U00 mit tIme lmresent time ,
William Churchill , who tins been mmcm-
Inetted by time president constmi general at
Apis , Satin-a , Is on the editorial staff of time
llroakiyn Times , has written a good deal
for tim magazines and a novel , 'Tbo i'rinces'i
of Fiji , " lie vIhi be at bourn tim Saumnoa , Its
110 lisa lived there , as well as in other South
Semi Ishantle , and SPeaks the language of
Samoa , where lie mastic time ncqtialntauico of
0i1.'IilL IN SOUTh AM1I11IC.t.
hdlTeet ( If fltltne.tttIollh t'rices uauuI
% 'onltItuee fur $ Ili'r.
Colonel Thomas Moouhigimt of Kansas.
territorial ax-governor of Wyoming and
now united States miumister to ihohivia , was
a radical advocate of free coinage of silver
when lie left this country In lS9 Experi-
emico In a free silver coummtry demolished
lila flmmanciai theories anti converted him
iiito a sound money advocate. In ii letter
atidressed to the thomnocrats of Kalmeas , itimich
vaa tint lermnittetl to tin read in tIme state
caims'entiomi , .luumo 3 , Mr. Moommiightt describes
the effect of free silver In flohivia antI adjoining -
joining countries as fohhowem
"Iii view of time coining democratIc us-
tionni convention anti time mncetimig of our
state convention in Jumime to scImli delegates
to that comvcntiomm , charged with time ro-
sponsibie duty of nommilumntimig cautthidates for
hmresitlcumt anti vice president amid of forum-
utlntimmg a phatfomnm of princlple , selectlimg a
national conmmmmittee who shah not only have
cimarge of time campaign but who shah give
voice and expression to time piatfonimm , I have
thought timat immy old democratic frictids ,
coimmpaimions anti co-workers niighmt be olensed
to hear from ate anti to have an expression
of immy views touchmilig the immmportant question
and principles immvoivcti iii time camnpaigum ,
"I am him a country having for its financial
basis sliver. Now , permit mite Ili all frank-
miess amHl in time spirit of pure , tlisiimtereste'i
friemidsimip tilid witim an abiditmg faith in nmtd
( led ) love for the deimmocratic Imarty , to say
that if you were hero or iii any other freu
sliver country you would at once see time
misery and wretchedness caused by a cur-
roimey below POt ValUe in the comimiercial
world. You could not find a place of holly-
iamm gold coin if you should imtmmmt for a week.
Time basis is silver , with a good circulatiimg
mediummm in paper frommm a dollar upward.
There are in silver i0 , 0 , 20 nod 15 cent
pieces , and witlm 10 nimml 5 cent pieces largely
in nickel as aim acconmmodation. In this eli-
Vor country timere is aim average premuiunm
omm gold of 230 imer cent ; timat is , $100 of
Ann-rican golti wilt buy 230 flohivian dollars
of 100 cents each , called boiiviaims. In Peru
the shies of 100 centa are worth less than
50 cents , and remember that timey are of
good silver. In ilohivia and all the other
silver countries everything is sold for the
niotmey of time country anti all time labor is
paid iii time money of the country-don't
forgot timis fact-amid au tOO importations ,
cmmmbracing flour. liquor , clothing of every
description , ( imrnituro , paints , piammos , hardware -
ware ammd time like lutIst be paid for in gold ,
time money basis of the world , froni which
they import. Time flour comes mostly from
Chile , now struggiitmg to got back to a gold
basis , in wimichi she will succeed. Clerks In
the stores here. who would receive in otir
cotmimtry l0 a month , get only 40 bollviamme
in silver or its eqimivaiclit. equal to abotmt $18
in Americaim nmommey , and find themselves ;
laborers receive per dieni , aumd find themselves -
selves , from 25 to 75 cents lit sliver , equal
to about 22 cents in American money on
an average of 50 cents liohivian moneY. Mc-
cimanics receive on an average omme bolivian
per diem and find themselves , equal to about
44 cents in American nmommoy.
"This condition is true more or less of
all countries having silver for a basis. Oh ,
my delnocratic friends of Kansas-free Kan-
sas-imow would you like to live on this free
silver scab of living ? In all countries
whore siivcr is the basis of the currency
there oxist8 a species of senmf-slavery among
all the wage-workers and particularly among
time laborers ammd farm imands , as in Mexico ,
Central amid South Anmerica , China , Japan
and India. Argentine , mmmv tile great coin-
potitor of time Ummited States in wool , wheat ,
cattle anti even Jo lieu-sos anti uniihe , Is en
a silver basis and lmer semni-peons or work-
muon produce by their labor these conmpet-
ing articles on less than 22 cents per ( henm
and feed and ciotimo themselves. hut imow ?
Do wo want to conme ( toa'fl to this level ?
Thank God tlmero are mme longer bondmemm
and bondwomen in time United States ! No
pcons. 1)0 silver systeimi mahcimmg time work-
iimg classes work twelve hours each day ,
steel ) on a simeepskiim omm the floor and feed
and clothe themselves on 22 cents per
"Is it your belief that we should come to
this condition ? I cannot believe it , and
yet , with free coinage of silver at 16 to 1 ,
we would in six months be on a silver imasis
with not a dollar in gold to be found , Just
as it is in Bolivia. All the gold coins would
be smelted into bulliomi and buy with time
proceeds double the number of silver dollars
and pay all the rabor with this depreciated
Wlmy do time tree siiverites call for unlimited -
limited coinage at 16 to 1 ? Why , in time
umame of cheap nmoney , not make it 8 to 1 ?
With the ratio of 16 to 1 it is about half
time value of gold , and hum making it 8 th 1
there would ie mtmch more money in circulation -
culation and tito degree of dishonesty would
oumly be a shade darker , I nun sometimes
amazed at the moderation of time free silver
tlcmaumd of 16 to 1 , when it would be Jtist
as easy and about as imonest and honorable
to make it one ounce of silver to one ounce
of gold. "
Predicts a ( irflntlSweeii of It.tovin
( iothnnt ? ot Year.
Ni1 , YORK , Jtmns 10.-The herald this
momnitmg sayE 11ev , Cbarlcs Ii. Parkhumrst
anti wile 'will leave time city today on the
Gcnmunuilc , The3r will go to London end ,
Paris , where they will stop for a short
Willie , after whmiclm they 1,111 visit Vevey.
hake Gemmova. where the doctor hiss a cottage -
tago , anti then go to time higher mnountaI.
of SwltzerhantL
In an htiterviow ho said ho would take no
interest in the coming presidentIal cam-
rialgis. The time was ripe when steps shmouilml
be takeiu to make preparation for the first
nutmnicipal elections of time Greater Now
York in time catupalgim of ISO ? . After me-
viewing time local situation , Dr. Parkhurst
saul In conchtmslon "it ottghmt to be uimther-
stood by us nil at tide early date that there
is a terrific conflict in store for New York
between now coil November 2 , 1897 , The
ramiks of decemicy anti time Taummaimy borties
of indecency are goIng to be nmarshiailcti in
deadly array , Time camnpaigmm of iSO ? wiil be
hotter timan that of 1804. Time presitielutial
lhmrry so fills the air at first timat plans of
time ummtmmthclpai cammmpalsn wilt imartily be
drawtm prior to the mmmi of next autumn.
lhumt tiiero is zumnouig all classes of people an
aumxiotms anti dctci'iuimietl anticipation of
events to coimme that already Is beginimitmg to
kmmit up to solidity the lax itbers of nmeuue
tlititlghits amid purposes. New York muover
Immi a greater opimorttiiiity than is going to
be ours at oumr next coumnty election , lUg
as was tue stritle that was minutia two yetmi-s
ago , there are yet larger upportuiiiitie opeb
before wi 1mm the two years that are to come. '
There hiss heen a tremmientlouls gmmhim since the
election of Strotmg anti Gull , wimicim , if tiis-
erectly anti imtmimestly umianageth auth as-ailed
of , nmay be immado to conduice to a galmi of a
far fluter anti grander hmroportloim. Concert-
t'duiess of righteous purpose durhuig the mmokt
sixteoii mmmommtimmt mmmay ummako iossisin' a loqt
art iii this city numd may make Taimunmany a
doiefuul anti fatal uneummory , "
Dr I'arkhurst said ho woumhil not preach
wimile 0mm hIs tour , nor would lie attend any
religious assemblies.
eolilCtTa CI1AI'F' . ,
Chmicago Record : 'Don't mosqtiitoea
nearly worry the life oumt of youV
"Oh. imo ; baby geumeritlly lceps with mao. "
l'lmiladelpimia Times : When a girl hIts
taken a youtmg follow kindly in litmuS nlmd
tIn-fl siiakt'ti imini there Is reason for his being -
ing rttttled
Cievelanti Plain Dealer : Gt'orgtMmtun-
emit , mmiay I go out to play vitii Jimmie
Brigga ? Ills Mttmmmt-No , dearest. Youir
golden hair woultl ho quito out of harmony
% 'itli Jlnilmmie'me miuirroiiimihiuigs. hut papa be.
iieves iii a double staumdttrd.
Washmiimgton Star : "Do only trouble 'hiout
or maim's being good.immtturmi all do tinme. "
said Uimcie Fibemm , "is ( hat lmo'S ii'lmlo ter git
sorter easy amnu satisllt'a wit 'iimtsu'f. same
ox he is wif cv'body cIsC. "
St. i.otihit liepumbhic : "The count seems to
hate umo troulmie iii gettiimg nicked lii ) by
society. "
. 'Of course not. Time handle to his nouns
was suchm aim aid. "
Iloston Transcript : Time intelligent coin-
iiositor haiti hiimmmtoif out to please witeim ho
rendered "the mild anti gentle sway" Its
"thin wild anti genteel swag" Time lie was
hold out to please the uiumLpprecmativo writer.
Detroit Fi'eo Press : 'Whn-fl do you timilik
woman will reach time climax of liar abul-
I ty ? "
"When shin cnn senti a ten-word telegram
without mtdtling a postscript. "
TexaS SIfter Countitmg time chickens be. '
fore they are imatcheti is the imigimest way /
of etmowing colmildemico in the reliability of
tiio imoim.
Philadelphia North Anmorican : "Of course
I'nm afraid of time workingnman " said the as-
pining politician. "Then. why tlomm't you
work occasioimaliy ? " nke-1 one of lila titu-
tutors. "Oh , that's siimmplo enough. I don't
wish to crowd some more dcservllmg nman out
of a job. "
_ I
Truth : Poilthcian-i'eopic .nro ncctmnto'imed
to look with pity or imorror Upon fl difor- '
unity , mimi yet I can imonostly say that I look
vith envy emi tlmimt two-hiemidt'tl maim down
nt time mnuseunm. 'Emmvy lilnm ? Iicmtvoims !
iVhmy ? " "Ilecauso lie can slmmtvn lmlnmseif
witimout a lootfiumg gimtsmiV' Poiuticiamm-No ;
lmtlt just think it he were to go into IOlitiClt
and use both of his mouths judiciotmel ) ' on
the nmoney qtlestion , wimat a prcldcmmtiai
POSsibiiitY lmod make !
New York Stun.
"Where are you goilmg , my pretty mnido ? "
' 'Down to the water , tr , ' ' she mtitho.
"I want to see mono of you , my pretty
munide. "
"I'm going in imatiming , sir , " milmo saidq.
, A SONNJdT OF. G1ti1It' .
( Wrmtten for Time imee , )
I never thought I loved you so
Uimtii time day we parted here ,
AimO in ttlmttress , you shed a tear-
I nevr thought to see you go ;
No did I tiiiumic-I whOm I hmttl-
Or anything. my dear , save you
Anti your enctintiUflif eyes of blue.
But noW the thought-it dnIve me ma4-
\Vimeum wo were in thu I'ullmnmi , maid
I about to extetmd to yotm
My heart an" name , Imt. with a view
Of winiilng your ticar little haumil ,
'rime reclining SCOtt , Wiloito ctisiiioflht yield
'ro slightest touch-a
Omaha , Nab. , lESS.
. off
. "
+ c
Sttit .t-
or Overcoat .
in the house-same as the men's , Suits-
- '
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because we rc
Getthig eady to Remodel.
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'ii- 45
Largest in the Wor1i.
Browning , King& Co. ,
. S.V. . Cotz5th and Douglas.
- - - - - - -