Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - TIVE OMAITADAILY , flflhi TITUTISDAY - - , JUNE ii , 1896.
1uyLng ( ho enato concur n the hotiio
nmon(1mI1t ( , and ho brought to bear nil hhi
influence on I'rcItent ( CIoe1an through
2i1 .ienatorlal conneetton
Serene Payne or ew York , In Bpcaktng
ot Mercer , aI4 "Ito ono or the bct
iumtlors In the house. No one but him
would hAve got the bill through. Originally
tbc ways and meana commltteo wa op-
poled to tils bill. but It waa won over
and thty were found supporting t118 ? measure.
I do not recall greater vlelssitude met by
any popular meauro than expcrleneel by
this bill. lirat. the opponitloii of Kern
and then or Halley worked to the dl8al.
vantage of the measure. Proviieneo removed
Kern from the city and then Halley was
taken care of. All tribute to Mercer , who
passed the bill without. a quorum on the
floor. I semi greetings to Omaha and hope
for a magnifleent exposition. "
llartman or Montana , who worked shout.
dor to atiotililer with tlto cbraska delegation -
tion for the success of the bill , said : lor-
cer ! as matte a persistent and courageous
light for the bill and Omaha deserves to
ho congratulated alike with her veoplo
% : zen the result. or his elforts which cu-
niinated today in the rasae or the bill.
Thu original idea or holding nfl exposition
or this character for the purpose of bringIng -
Ing to the nottco of the world at large the
productive capacities or the transinississipPi
states wa Itideed a happy one. In no other
, way can a greater degree of publicity ho
given the many resources or ttioo states ,
and it is only necessary to say that with
the treater knowledge or the resources and
possibilities an lnflu or population will
come and In no distant day , In my jqdg-
mont , vIiI shift the population of the country -
try from its present center farther toward
the west. You may put mo down for the
ewosItton. "
\ vh1F'OItT OM.ltA SUFFFMtFM- ) .
As Assistant Secretary I'rudcn left the
white house wtth the veto message or the
I President 00 the Fort Omaha military rca-
orvatlon 1)111 , Mercer , with ( Ito exlosition
1)111 , entereti the president's apartments.
It was a decided coincident , remarked after
the veto Incasago was read in thi house
late in the evening. The veto nicasalgu
recaia ! the legislation of July , ISSS , pro.
.vidlng for a flow military reservation in
Nebraska , refers to the proposition In the
pending l1ii to leasd the old reservation
andbuiidlnti3 at a normat rent and to the
provision allowing tlio government to repossess -
possess the reservation , only "When the
. Satereste of the United States hiall require
audi action. " The president then says :
. , Of course It would be claimed that this
language In view of statute or 1888 should
not ho considered as permitting the government -
mont to retake the itropotY for the pur-
rose of selling It , because that Is not. stip-
tilated in the lull , For that reason It
would be plausibly urged that the lease
was paramount to the power or sale , con-
' tamed in the law In 1S88 , that the omis-
t1 sion of any provision that posacslon might
j : be resumed for the purpose of sale plainly
r : Inttitatrd that the Interosta of the United
States , which allows such resumption , contemplates -
templates sonme other different emergency.
We nil know that transactions of this
character relating. to government property
anlount to a jerinanent alIenation , or cert -
t tamely vavo time way for aim absolute grant.
x .10 not think there should be anything
done with this valuable property , which
will in the least embarrass the govern-
' macnt In its sale , and to that extent reimbursing -
imbursing itself for the cost or the new
military post , which "as plainly contern-
plated In the law of 1SSS. "
Immediately after the readlimg Mercer
moved that the message be referred to the
committee on military affairs , which was
p done. had Cleveland waited four hours
'onger the bill would have become a law
without lila signature , the ten days being
.up at 6 o'ctock thia evening.
Representative Andrews atd , "Good for.
Omaha , Nebraska and the Transrnfssisslppt
country anti praise for Mr. Mercer In his
5pendId ! fight against the embarrassments
of the past few weeks. With one exception
the members of the Nebraska delegation
have supplemented his efforts in every pea-
aiblo way. Success to the exposition. With
genial showers , toltowed by rich harvests
and restoration of bustnosw and prosperity
our people will come to time exposition with
such a display of products of their soil anti
laboras will demonstrate to the whole country -
try the alulost boundIes resources of the
'Transnmlsslsslppt region and mmtrengthen our
financial credit at home and abroad. Let
the good work go on. "
Senator Allen salth "Never In my whole
legislative career have I felt so much interest -
terest In time outcome or any measure as
in the exposition bill. Ita signature by thd
President ghes assurance of great sdcccs.
It immoans new life , now hope for the Trans-
ZflISaiSSiplI country , and for time sako.of tht
ati4e I ama content to have assisted hi the
passage ot so Important a. measure. "
Ex-Senator Paddock when he saw the
president stated that if limo bill would bu
mmigncci Omaha would in time next five years
show a larger percentage of incroasu thami
any city In the Upited States.
'Ilow do you know this ? " sahi Mr. Cleve-
land. '
j L do not know it ; it is only my opinion ,
but I will stake my reputation as a
prophet , " salt ! Paddock , as he left time White
, . house. When the bill was signed a teic-
graphite imiessago came to time caplttoi with
this message from the president : "I will
hold I'athlnck to his statement about the
' : increase of population. "
As for Mr. Mercer , it is needless to ay
p4 he Is happy , for lie passed the bill on the
& anniversary of lila marriage day and sent
to 1mb wife tills lacomitto but joyful maca-
sago " 13111 Is Passed ; kiss the baby , "
J Itepresentative Haitmor saith : "It is a
, j great victory for Nebraska and the north-
t ; weaL Time contest was long and ' attbborn.
While hard times mmiako an 'cxpoa'htion very
desirable to' the city , tatb hfld stctiomi
securjng it , a bankrupt treasury presented
an ugly oimstacto. Added to this the eorts
muado for Limo Nashville expoattiomi , ICemu's
objections and Bailey's opposition , each him
turn caused serious comlmhicatlolis , which
scorned certain to defeat time nicasure. Vie-
tory came lit last because the busimmess men
of Oumahma hilt Ui ) ft plUcky , brainy light ,
because tlo ; measure lied mmmcrit which ittatic
ht _ friemids ; because our neighbors were all
loyal amid helpful , anti last , but not least.
because the Omaha distrIct is rcpresemitotl
by . mime whose nammu Is a synonyimi for
tact , good nature an tithioso other ajilenditi
qualities which have made lave Mercer
the Ideal hustler , ills tact and tiescrycti
popularity 'rot' the fight at the critical mao-
mont. We are assured of governmental to.
operation , Now for time expoaitioii itself.
Mr. ilaimier succectied In passing through
both houses at a late hour totlay a resohi.
tion , extending the time of paynment for one
year eu Imart of all purchasers on Indian
reservatioiiii. This will ho gooti miows for
settlers on the Otoe null Missouri remmerva.
tions In Cage county , who have beomi fearful
of eviction , pending time settiememit of their
lntorsts. Ilaiiicr , wIth Sayers of Texas ,
will see time president iii the niormihug anti
asic lila signature to th resolution , vhiIcb
in all lmrobabihltl , will be secured before
congress adjotirims.
hAl ) 1IthlhNIS E\'EIIYWIIItItE.
Not in years lies the Imassago of a measure
affecting local interests been ttcntied with
so atimehi interest as has the 'fraiismlssissipjmi
exposition bill. No bill had had more tltjttjr. .
amitmeti opposition from the leading nwmulmcrt
of the ways and mena committee until its
merits were understood , anti imo bhil lies bad
mop friends on the floor of the house , its
popularity in the house has been largely
duo to the energetic labors of Congressman
Moroar , vlto has worked night and day for
Its success.
The exposition bill was originally intro.
duced in limo tipper branch of cougres by
IemtaiOr Mien , and pmtssed there without
opposition. As orlglnslly drawn It provided
for the expenditure of 5OOOO by the goy.
. - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Liver Ills
Like biliousness , dyspepsia , headache , eOtmsti.
patton , sour stonutch Indigestion tire hmromulmtly
cured by hood's l'hiIs. They do their wuvlc
easily neil thoroughly. a
fleat 'thiee thinner pills ,
6 epats. All tlrugglsts
l'repared by U , 1 , Hootl & Co. , LopQhI , MI $ .
ThI only I'UI to lake ithi hood's 1arsahmlrilLZ. :
' _ _ _
ernment. Its provisions , briefly outlined ,
were timt the Transmissimiaippi and lntf'-
national exposition shall be held in Omaha
from Juno to November in the year 1S9S
that the government shall erect a building
mind make a tmitabie exhibit , and that immethala
for awartla shall be mamlo at the United
States taint.
Vhmon the bill came to time house Speaker
Heed referred It to the committee on ways
anti nmeana , of which lingley of Maine was
chairman. After munch effort to overcome
the objections of Chairman Dingley , the bill
wan referred to a subcommittee of live.
with Oroaveenor of Ohio chairman. Ior
sonic reason Grosvenor withheld action anti
a tielay of many ( lays occurreti , during which
a delegation of Otimaha citizens , imeaded by
President Vattles of the exposition coin-
pany , viitetl this city In time interest of
the measiir. .
Finally the bill was favorably reported by
tue subcommittee to the full committee.
After several conferences with Chairman
Dingley the Omaha delegation agreed to
accept- several atnentiment to time senate
hill. One of these retiticetl time appropria.
tion for the govermmmoimt exhibit to $200,000
anmi that none of the governmmment's appro-
priaIion should be expelmtie(1 until proof had
been furnished thin secretary of the trcaa-
itry timmit tlmero had bcen obtained from all
atmurut's for the pimrpoat.a of time exposition a
stun aggregating not lee.s than $2&0,000 ,
These amenthmnents were incorporated in
limo bill. After time bill bad been favorably
reported to the house It went to the calendar ,
where it renmaineti for many weeks. Speaker
Iteeti was yet to ito Won over to the measure.
liut even time speaker's opposition was over-
Caine by the efforts of Mr. itoaevater of
Otmmaha , who made a specIal visIt to this
city on behalf ot time bill. I
Twice within the past few days has Con-
greasman Mercer obtained recognition for
the passage of time hill , ills first attempt
was defeated by Kern of Nebraska. flahiey
of Texas prevented the bill's passage last
imight , hut ho was more reasonable thami
Kern , for today lie quietly left thai hail
vhtilo Mr. Mercer called up time bill.
Time bill as it was signed by time presitlent
makes no direct aimpropriatiotm. The frientimi
of the measure have no doubt that. time
anmotmimt autiiorhzeti to be expended by time
bill will be included in tIme appropriation
sheets of time next session of congress.
ixpresilaimmm of Amiiro ttl hicuril ott
IOa'ery Ml4I ( ,
The news that the exposition bill had
passed the house sirenti over tile city like
wlidtlro. It was known emi time streets
within ten mmminutcs after time vote was an-
noimnced iii the house of rcpresemmtatives.
Men shook one anotimer by the hand and
mutually congratulated thomimselves and
everybody else. hIumtincs amen assumnetl a
satisfied air and on every hand were beard
oxpresaiomms of joy ammd predictions of im-
trovument in tIme near future. Flags were
quickly displayed on public and private
buiidhimgs and within a almort time the city
lied put on a gain appearance. irmtitcativo of
the joy felt by every citizen at the receipt
of tim long expected news.
At time Comnmorcial climb the board of
governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar.Ben
vcro at lunch and a mighty shcut went
imp as the imows was told to timemmi. The
light on liii , chandeliers shook with th ,
noise and those lummchlimg in the adjoining
room came running in to see what hind
occurred. The talephone was kept hot by
time joyous members in calihmmg up their
respective places of busincas amid all their
frientis and telling time news. Hearty cx-
presslons of approval were heard on every
sitle from the members anti the exposition
formed the solo topic of converantloim. The
i'oard of governors sent the followimmg tcie-
gram to hlerezentativo .Mercer at onctm
lion. I ) . i-f. Mercer : Time Knights of Ak-
Sar-lien congratulate you on your success-
liii tight for the exposition bill. Wo ard
with you to a finish. hip ! Hip' Hurrah !
SAMSON , Lord high Cimancelior.
The fire bell on the engine house mit
Eighteenth and Harney trects , which imas
been discontinued .as a fire alarm , was
rung for 'tiverai minutes to animpunee thin
glad hews.
The telepimones In time newspaper omces
iycr9 kept going all afternoon , answering
qucatioms'rcgardlng the bill and confirming
tile reports circulateti omftho streets.
I PresidOnt Wattles of the Transmississippl
association returned home yesterday in time
to imear tito news amid' at ommee commenced
making arrangemcnta.for having the event
properly colenrateti. The other members
of the directory of time association were at
time fair grounds attending the 'races.
Speaking of time future plans of the of.
ficers of time Transnmlssisippi Exposition
company , Secretary Wakefield last night
said : "The mmewsl of time passage of the bill
collies so suddenly tlmat we hardly know ,
just what to say. While we expected that
tIme bill would pass , time actiomm of congress
was somethimmg of a sucorise.
"Within a day or two we will issue a
call for a Public meeting , when we whit
lay thmo proposition before time citizemms of
"Thu bill has now become a law amid the
mmoxt timing is to hoid the exposition. We
imave got to have $1,000,000 and with that
amount of money , which Nebraska , Douglas
county anti Omaha must raise , we will have
time greatest exposition that the Itcople of
the Ummitod States have ever seen , barring
of course , time World's fair.
'Timo 'ivimolo matter is now' in Limo bammmis of
time public and everything must ho domio
for tIme public good. The citizens and otimerq
who are interested must agree upon somnti
plan along which they would have the of 4
hmcers wor ! : anti In this way wo can accomn-
plish time desired emmda. 1mm the first viace ,
we must bao subscription books and thq
citizens must subscribe liberally to tiid
stock , raising in this way at. least $250,000 ,
thus eimabiimmg us. to imavo money with which
to begin active work. Timis Imaving beem ;
accornplit3hiem-I. " 0 aimticipato little trouble
iii securing time balance of the mnohoy that
will be required. This balance we iviii
raise in time city , county and mitato by
hommils and donations.
"S'itimimm time mmext few days exposition
matter will take on now iifo and all of
time members of the iocal directory anti
time vice imrcsltlents of time several states
svill beglim imushhimg time work. "
'l'hme vice prcsitiemmts who have been np-
pointed are aim follows : mi , 'John Don- !
Imiman , St. Joseplt , Mo , ; 110mm. W'iiiiam No.
viiio , NorUm Platte , Neb , ; 110mm. George 'WI ,
h'arsons , Los Aimgcics , Cat. ; 110mm , Eugene
Wallace , Oklahoma City , OkI. ; lion Thorna
II. Wells , Hot Simrimmgs , S. U. ; lion Gum
Roymimorsimoltor , Galveston. Tex. : lion , B ,
I' . Shmmmwlman , Vayette , Idaho ; 110mm. C. A.
Follows , Topeka , Kan , ; lion. George F ,
\'right , Council Bluffs , ha.
( lOot. ) Ei.'leF.C'l's , .t LitIIAtY Vl0L.'J' .
l'mimmsimgs of lime ExiitsItIim 11111 St.mrtt
'tric oil U iIlI IiimiI.Iimg. !
Time affect of time passage of time tramms +
mmmissippl exposition bill has already beemj
felt so far as stimulating business con.
fldcnco is concerned ,
Last sunmmner John A. Creighton con-
celved the idea of constructing a three.
story brick and stone building on the vacant
iota at Fourteenth anti Iavemmport streets ,
to ba used as a future homt for time Croigim-
ton Medical college. Mr. Creightoim excavated -
cavated aiim ! built time foundation , after
which be 4hiscontinueti work , At that thee
ho state that ho woulmi not lay another
brick iii Otmiaha until time tldo turned.
Last niglmt Mr. Crelgimion telegrapimoti his
architect , telling him to come to Omaha at
oimco to lireltaro plamma for the Creighmton
Metilemil college , as lie desired to begin
work witimimm thirty days and push time con.
atructiun with all possible speed. In speak-
leg of the umatter , Mr. Creightomi said : "Time
future of Omunima is now assured anti ( room
this tinmo henceforth , the city viii grow ,
it will take on aew life mind will rapidly
develop into time metropolis of time west.
' 'l'lmo ( rtilghton Medical college ivili be
erected at oimco , and I hope to have a force
of men at work within time next six weeks.
Time building , whoa completed , will cost
5,0O& Ii will be of brick and stone , three ,
stories imigim and will be modern In every
respect , " -
3Iurint I.ivemmse ,
Permuits to wed have been issued to the
following pa.rtlea b' the county judge :
Numne nntl Address Ago.
Leroy Comiiss , Omalma . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jemmnia A. Ueqd , Otupima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii
W'iitianm Reed , Omnimmi. , , , , , , , . , , , , . , , , . . , , . , , ,
Amelia fleithlor , Omnmihma . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Uiisoii Swickmmrcl , Ornhb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
tioiimi i'ctrack , igtth ; .tommmima . . . . . . . . . . .
] : ller ) - B. numo. Oimmtth
Grace Mey Packard , Omaha , , . , , , , , , . , , , , ,
Mcoting of the Oonmoro1al 0mb HoltI Under -
dor AnspieIou Circutnatancca.
Oninhin Pluck nimsi interprlai' Eqimel
ftp Cu rryiiqr 'i'hmrotigli I Ii t. ( irt'il t
Ex , , ' . lotm.-Ot lm'r 'J'npiea tif
limferest ilaeimsmmel.
'Fhmo Comnmerclal club imeiti its regular
quarterly mcetlng under most atispicious cir-
ctmnmstatmces last evenIng. It took time form
of an informal dinner and was foliowed by
one of the most brilliant series of PraCtical
timiks 'by ronminent Omahans thai lisa over
been lmeartl iii this city. Time fact that time
Trammsinisslsslppl oxposittomm bill had just be- ,
coimmo a law gave atiditionni interest to time
tni'ctlimg anti emmihused. the speakers ammi
aumlitors to a high degree , l'rcsithent. C. F.
Weller prcsitlctl ammd at the speaker's table
with him were seatetl iltiward hhosewater ,
ex-Governor htobertV. . Furnas , E. M , flart-
loll , Allan T. Rector , Wihhiammi 13. Sterling.
Major Robert S. Wilcox , J. 11. Dumnont , (1.
1t1 , hitchcock anti \V. II. Taylor.
irotmnd time three long tables which
stretched at right angles away from time
speaker's table were seateml : Charles S.
hayward , II. II. Hardy , James A. Munro ,
I ) . I' . Benedict , iames It. Jhtmcimaimmmmm , .1. A.
Maurer , Ilenry Whitmmoy , Jammmes ihiacic , J.
E. haute. lb. I' . Iicrrymamm , 0. 0. Wallace ,
Robert Dempster , F'raimk Wand , A. B.
Sonmers , 11 ! . 1' . .O'flrien , ilorman hleyn , W.
fi , Clark. George I'altmmer , Francis A.
Brogan , H. A. Thompson , B. F. , Dowti , C.
Pritchard , C. B. Tlmonmpaomm't'htlimtmh J.
Ihroatch , ii. S. h'enfoid , Emrmil Branthies , A.
hiospo , jr. , A. J. hheaton , 10. II. hiranclm , h.
M. Price , A. J. Mandelberg , Edward M.
Aimtiressen , Alfred C. Keammedy , Wilhiammi II ,
Itobersoim , John Steel , U. A. Dayton , Jules
Lumbarth , J , II. Gayimart , Frank Barrett , A.
II. Comstock , \V. C. Comma , 0 , N. Davenport ,
B. C. Bryant , It. S. Hail , 0. 0. hIonmes ,
C. M. Wilholmmm , W. S. i3nlduff. A. Shivorlck ,
F' . T. Carpemmter , C. fi. I3etiweli , Laths thug-
gins , J. B. Utt. Sammmuei hues , C. II. Pickoim ,
M. B. Copelamid , 0. N. Hicks , 'WI. I. ' . Allen ,
T. F , Ken , St. A. D. Balcombe. A. B.
DeLommg , J II. Vammco , George W.Vattlos ,
P. J. Scnnmmehi , II. E. I'alimmer , George H.
Payne , A. U. flrisomm , A. L. . Caromm , Dr. Foote ,
James H. Wheeler and W. S. Jarthimme.
Presldomit Welicr opemmed time iost-prandial
exemcisco by calling for timreo cheers tom'
Congressman Mcrcer and tlmo exposition
bill , mmd they were given with hearty goodwill -
will , him 1mhz address i'residcmmt Welier do-
taihcd time imian' discouragemcmmts time club
had labored imatler , time prevailimmg hard
tinmes beimig the chief , but in spite of that
had been able to ncconmphishm a great deal
amid hat ! never been discouraged at. time
failure to get anything anti everything
strivemm for. They had team-tied that business -
ness mmmcmi could best help themselves by
helpiimg each other and that the selfish
policy of not caring for otlmcr people's welfare -
fare was micitimer right or profitable. The ,
dawn of a brighter ay was in sight and
the club was encouraged to go on and
strive for still greater timings.
President Wattles of the Tranammmississippi
exposition directory was called upon for
a few remars. He said : 'Thme hurrah
period is now uxmon us. We have meet with
our first great smmccexs. The directory froni
time start has umken the position that. Unless -
less we secured the endorsement and the
co-operation of tim government the sue-
cess of the exposition would be do btlul.
Now that we have secured what we so
ardently desired our work is fairly startetl.
Time government has pledgetl itself to e -
penti $200,000 on its exhibit , but I feet sure ,
judging from \vlmat I've been told in iVashi-
ingtomi , that it will appropriate $500,000 before -
fore time expsitioim Is'ftnlsh&l. ' '
"It has' ret'mmirCd 'no ltttlo diplomacy me
get tids bill timrougtm' congr'es3. The work
imas been accomplished only by thelmnrdest
kind of work upon the part of Omaha's
leading citireims. Their friends miii over
the country have been importmioetl to use
their inhltmcimco 1mm hmchalf of the bill , ' and
I am sure the greater part of the citizenr
of this city do not know to what extreme
measures we have resorted in tlmo interests
of time bill. All tIme while ivo Imavo hind
an abiding faith in the speaker and we have
not been tilsaimpoimited. Now we begin
to appreciate the mammoth proportions of
the exposition. We now realize thmat much'
work must be doime on our part. , The
great benefits of the exposition will accrue
to Omaha ; therefore time greatest mmhmare of
the burdens must. be borne by this city.
\'Io must got our business men imito tIme
harness , and I firmly believe that they will
give to the exposition their energy , their
time and the money that. are rcquircti to
make it
J. 11. Dumont , chairman of the Commer-
elah climb's executive conmmltteo , spoke upon
the future work of the club. lie advocated
work upon the same lines timat the club imas
been following. lie timotmimt that every ef-
tort shouitl le immatle to bring conventions
and other large gatherings to this city , say-
leg that thmey encouraged the merchants
amid mantle trade for time railroluls- deprecated -
cated the offering of land or niommoy to
nmanufmictmlrlng estabhishmament in qrdez" to
induce them to 'locate herd. Ho wao glat1
Omnahma beth not pursmied tbis , poliey..4 ho
thought time safer' anti b tter plamm was to
imave a large number , of the citizens subscribe -
scribe for stolc in tlm 'coimcern atm'd inti-
nmateiy mtsociate thmemnsehrcs with time in-
tiustry. He believed that time questloxm of
railroati rates wait vitally important to time
up-buiidummg ot Ommmlma as a mnammufacurImmg
center , lie hoped to stoop see thd' Missouri
river made time basing hue for freight rates
by all roads. TIme ioimg haul ( rein Colorado
to Chicago would thus" ho broktmmm 'imp.-
Major Robert S. Wilcox told of time birth
of time Knights of Alc-Sar-lbomm on Mar li 28 ,
18i5 , and of the work thm4 body hind since
done toward brimmghmmg In trade to Omaha.
lie , In company with other members of time
board of governors , had recently taken a
trip to other cities and witnessed their
street celebrations. They foummd none that
excelled the "Feast of Mondamin. " Last
year time hcniglmts expended $10,000 , , only
$2,100 of which was spent outside of Omaha.
This year every cent would be spent witimbm
time bortics of this city amid the pageant
would be oven superior to that of Ias
'year. . . . -
lion. William fl. tprllng , general so-
iicitor of time Elkhorn'vaa then introduceq
amid immado the moat oldbuent atidrecs of thG
evening. Always , pieasing ; his spetcim'waH
lit times brilliant , while the delivery was
that of an orator. lie said that altimcfiigh
be lma been a clthzeam oL Omaha less timami
a year ho had coniti tofregard the Coin.
muercial climb as a potent factor In the mrog'
ress of timta' city. lie expressed In lofty
terms hIs admiration for loyalty anti ad-
mmmitted hits stmrpriao at flndJmmg a form of
disloyalty existing within the city , He
said that he had met many men and a few
wonmen who were prone to noint out the
wealc Imints of time city to all their friends ,
"while they completely ignore its mitrong
points , which arc no macsuit in time
minority. " Ho was imm favor of preaching
time gospel of loydlty' to Ommmlma and to its
best immterests. lie had been a citizen of a
mmetghbortmmg stab for ten years and there
imad found a truer stmpport of this city's
strong imoints than In time city itself. le
was coimfldont of Omaha's future amid - predicted -
dicted that it woul4 be , a brilliant one , 1mm
conclusion he paid a beautiful tribute to
tlmo city and its prQ-eminemmt iocatiomm and
declared that time faith of those who bad
stood by the city should crc long be ro-
Ex-Goverimor Robert 'tV. Furnas spoke
briefly on the stab fair. He told of the
Introduction of the question in the tot ; ! .
torlmml legislature nearly a half century ago ,
and noted the steady iniprovoimmont since
that time. lie declared hits satisfaction at
the manner In which Omaha had received
the state fair last year , anti promised that
this year's exposition would be.better than
ever , lie stated the fair grounds were mmmi-
fortunately a. little too fr reimmoved. ( rein
the center of the city , but as transit was
hOW measured by minutes anti not by miles ,
And 'as increased newer was promised for
this year lie thought all would .be welt. He
said that time people would leave $500,000
here this fall.
Allan ' 1' . Rector followed with a business
man's address and encouraged all present to
. -
- .
remmcmw their 1It In' Onmahma anti liii com
mercial interests. lie mtiti that it lt aim
Ill wintl that 'Mt" no good and that the recent -
cent pcrioti itati succeeded iim
driving away a lArge bare of eastern corn-
iwtitlon frommi ilmis. territory.
W. Ii. Tayl . sjoko . of Otmiaha ( rein limo
point of a real estate dealer anti
announced tli lo'SaIt $ of tlmat class to the
city's best Inter sts. lIe moved that tete.
grains of con1iiiiiation ( 1)e sent to Semmator
Allen anti Coaqp4smttn Mercer Upon time
passage of timt ingpoaihimm bill , eximressiimg
the thanks ofmithmassemblage to the aena
tars and representatives of Nebraska amid
to Speaker itbtih. ii The motion was imnani-
immously carriede'f I I
B. lit. hhartlitt ( 'mitvmke of the coming of the
Conmmcrcial La(1Jtagime of America to this
city and appeaidti for aid in entertaining
tim 1,500 vlsttbrmf. lie urged all true
Onmaimamms to lay aside their bickering anti
to joimi lmantls 1mm h mighty effort to build tip
the 'city.
Utlwartl hioscmvmmter spoke briefly upon time
Trmmnsinississippi exposition. lie said that
-on Icccnther : i , 1863 , hO bath stood on time
river bammk mmear time t'oot of Farnamn street
anti Witntssetl the t1iging of the first spade-
tel of earth preparatory to , the beginning of
time Uimltmmm l'cIfld rahlway. At that titmmc
Andrew J. Poimpicton oxclaimeti :
This is tIme tiny we , iong have sotlglmt ,
And mmmotirnetl because we found it not.
That ¶ vaa time way ho fet over time nasa-
ago of the exposition bill. tie said that
u1tim the exposition woultl conic a now minion
depot , greater hotel accomomiatiolis. a great
immarket Imoutme , nn auditorium , better street
railway service , ammtl time removal of time
wootietm pavements. lie nmoved that a teie-
gramii he sent to Senator Allison ttmammking
imin for time assistimaco time Iowa- delegation
imad rermtierctl in securing the passage of time
hiil. The motion prevailed.
a , iti. hitchcock elosoti the prOgDafli mvitlm
aim atitircas on "The New Omaha. " ito atl-
vocated a frieimdly alliance with time vcst
and mmmdc a strong pica for time support
of weaterim products , not barring time white
metal ,
SCOlLIbS Oil. 'l'IIE VES'1'EliN I.I2.tGUi.
Colmmmmmhiis ; immI ( r.liid hitimmitia " , Viim
frmiti Intl hail zmpolIs ft mmtl 11 I I mmml imicce
INIIANAPOLIS't Juimo 10.-ihcore :
lmmtlimmmmnpolis . . . . . . . I 4 0 (1 ( 0 1 0 0 00
Columnbtm . . . . . . . . . . 1 1. 0 3 4 0 0 1 -J0
II I is : Intlimmanpehis , I i Colurnlflms , 13. Er-
rem s : lnthlammmtlmOlis , 5 ; Coltmnmbus. 2. lImit-
tetiest i'hullipa niitl Uuclcie3' hhoaweil anti
GRAND RA1'IDS , Juno 10.-Score :
Grand Rmuiid' . . . . . . . . 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 3-8
Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-3
hits : Grantl Rapids. 11 : Milwaukee. 3. Errors -
rors : Granti itapids , 3 : Milwaukee , 3. lint- ,
( cries : Briggs and Snmlnk ; Baiter and
l'iaycd.Von. . Lost. P.C.
Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 St 13 61.9
IimdIammapo1t' . . . . . . . ' 3i' 2t 15 SS.3
ICaimsas City . . . . . . . . 40 22 18 53.0
St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . ' 37 20 17 . 51.1
Minmmenpolis . . . . . . . . , 40 21 19 52.5
Miiwmumkee . . . . . . . . . . .42 2L 21 50.0
Columbua . . . . . . . . . . . ' 43 16 27 37.2
Grand Rapids . . . . , 41 13 28 31.7
Gaines tothiL ) I5ettmit at Grand Rapitimu ;
Columbims at Imidigmmaolimm : St. I'aul at Mu-
wnukee ; Mitmimeimphlls lit Kammsas City.
State Uumis rNI I y 'j'omimormti %
Tomorrow and aturtlay the University
of Nebraska , t3j\md"tijti team will ho hero
for tIme two cocltiflmmg games of the series
which they arranged withm tIme Umuiversity
club early tht prin. hut which was
marreti by mitt. ' The UnIversity boys are
tukimmg mm , ( rip 'timroti'gii ' ' the state anti will
rnmtlto Ommihma ttielr.hmmst ) stop , so that they
vili be 1mm excellent7 prnctic to meet the
one team 1mm time 'ttm4e which it is their tie-
sire to defeat hio signally. The. tennis
with line imp tar' thi Friday game as foi-
loiss : 1f' I
L.itmcolim ' mPosituomm Omaha.
FrlelJi.i..Catchmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . Abbott
Thorpe . . . . . . . . -.iiitclmer. . . . . . . . . . . . Jel n
hCimmtiitmr . . . . . . . . .1"rst base..fllttliiger ,
Benedict . . . . . .S'cctfluti base. . . . . . . . . . Creigh
. .
Rain . . . . . . . . . . . . .l'hWti base. . . . . . MchCclvy
Iace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shortstop. . . . . . McAUliffo
Rectier . . . . . . . . . . . 'Loft dclii. . . . . . . . . . Lawbir
Packard . . . . . . .LCeimer . . . . . . . . .
Gordon . . . . . . . . field. . . . . . Crawford
Ganme called . , .
ICiremilOn's Itzmec at. Mimrshimmhltomvmm ,
- MAnsrIrj'pwIa. . qiie 10.-Spe- (
cii : ; , relrmtrn.jTfmo. wqatfmIr 'toiay yns
portent , * ith clotmt1fc sk' . Thii nmormiing
occurred the grand Inrada ot' the firemen ,
time opening e''etmt ut tha Iowa firemnemu's
tourmmamtmt. Over 1,000 were in line. Iowa
City received the , $150 prize for time largest
deparimnemut on parade , nail Ida Grove $ l25
for the best appearance. Over ,00O people
witnessed the contest this afternoon. 'ihe
coupling contest , . three trials allowed ,
aantiard drop resulted : Grinnoil first
time 0:02 : 1-5 , 0:02 : , 001 ; 1-5 scoimds , ' ' t ttl
O:0'3 : , breaking time mitate rocomd Mitrelmali-
towmm second and third prizes. Straight
away 00'yarti hose race ten teams entered :
Coriuimmg. Grinnell anti Harlan tied on
0:13 : 1-5 , La Pane , 0:33 : 3.5 , Coultons , lilmir ,
shalhtowmm , 0:3) : . TietI teams will lJlely di-
i'idc time purse ot$1. , , Three hummtlred yard
team-leaders' mncO. oimkmt entereil : L. E.
Timompeomi , Grlnnfmll , fIrst. time 0:31 : : Ellis ,
Marshalitowmu , mmecommd ; Moore , Missouri
Vaiiey , third. ,
Stromim'41umriZ'hlemits hirzmtlsltimuv ,
STROMSIIUIIG , Nob. , June 10.-Specal ( !
Telegm'ani.-Stronmmiburg won time first ganmo
of a surics of timtofrom Bratlslmamv today.
Time game was tie most exciting contest
seen omm ti'e home grcmtmmmds timis Tim
time seventh immmmin'g Jlrmmtlslmmmmv got three
mcmi omm bases and Imjtthnfoy struck out the
next timrec batters. Iii time last knit of time
ninth , with one man out nimd it macmm aim
first , Cdrbet of Strommmburg knocked a
three-bagger over tlmd center fielder anti
von the game. Score : .
Stroimumburg . . . . . . . . 2 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 18
Bimitishaw,0 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 07
Struck out : nr Mmilmaftey , 13 : by Ahhhim ,
11. hIts : Oft' Mubaffoy , ' ; off Alum , 10.
Batteries : Strotnshurg , Maimafrey anti Cot-
beth Bradshmmtw , Alum Rimd Douglas. Urn-
vito : Shmoernalcer.
Novice Unee 'at hush ligs.
hASTINGS. Jumme' 10-SpecIal.-A ( ) novice
bicycle race at. the Northm 'Side Athletic
grouimds last muighit proved a. great mittrac-
tion for about .100 'lCOPIO. It was a five
mile ride for mnemi anti boys who hmavn not
rimltlen much utid 'miever iii mm race. 'rbmerct
ivere tell t'imtrles. , ilcmmry Spotis won first
mcney , which yn $10 , with Jolmim ltoamw
seconti and George Victim third. Timne : 20:00. :
Iurimmg time macst excitimmg Imart of time race
timreo of the riders Cell.
( tiiiIi3' mmmiii 'St. .Tt' lImit Out.
DUJ3UQUJ , Julio : l0-It Is statei tonight
timnt Quincy has drop'ed out of time \Vet-
em amtsocimitioim amid that it meeting' will be
heimi at Burlington'omorrow to form mm six
club league , leavIng St. Joseph out ,
The national cOnvention ot the Swodlshm
Lutimcrnmms iihi , adjourn Juno 13 , stud as
maim ) ' of the deiqga'ftm' did imot attend when
"Creation" was'U1i t floyd's opera house ,
time samne will Lpprotiuced by request
next Friday ovonimgjmt time Swedish church ,
Ninetoemmth and , as,4rccta. , The singimmg
mviii be in time S1 igJ1hc language 'and I6ug-
lishm librettos emay' bti had at the Ciitrammce. .
This mviii give eg1py a ciia'nco to bear
the great oratorjq piobabiy for the last
tirno in a commsldei4O period. Mr. W. T.
Timber , time favorto , o1ianist , wiil rrcmide at
thmo organ. .
hItioiLlelt'F.rimtea ' itnlve ,
The best aslv& fm" the world for outs ,
bruises. sores , ulc& sail rhmoum , ( ever.
sores , totter , clmauhmP hands , chilblains , corns ,
anti all mikin erujut'lolilt , ammd positlvoly cures
piles or no pay 2110jed. . It Ia guaramiteo'i
to give perfect % ( or money refunded -
funded , Price oenl8 per box. For mb
by Kuhn & Co
( ) MtIIA Ji VIs1IAG1IA1'iiIf ,
An cmxpioslon of tgum.sohino at 1618 Burt
street caused an alarm 'of lire to be turned
In last night. . : rb _ ? 2qse is occupied by
'F'rammIc cioodmtahi , limo- damage was con-
lined to the stove ,
The state oximminittloa ( or applicants for
teachers' certificates Is In progress at the
Kohlom school In curgo , of Miss Anna Fees ,
As there iii only one , dandidate the pro.
ceedinga are not jiartictilarly exciting.
DurIng the mnonth of May $5,69U8 worth I
of property was pawned and sold to pawn-
brakomi , second-baud dealers anti junk shops.
Of this amount $4,224.80 worth was pawaed.
Time value of stolen property recovered dur.
log the month aggregatc4 $319 ,
a. J. Washibourne of Davenport , Ia. , was
lii time city Tuesday looking alter time iii.
torcats of his coffeq business here , lIe
stated that trade was steadily Improving ,
anti that In time inst 4mw months his Omaha
breach had done mm good' business. that corn-
pared favorably with thAt done by the Han.
sas City and El. Joseph houses ,
, , - -
- - - -
We're Looking for a Mother
That we cannot suit with a suit of our clothing-Could
suit mother-even if hadn't cut the in
, : any - we prices two-
, to clear out oul. over much buying. . :
. ' These high grade lines to be
closed out at less than actual cost.
Boys' Boys' Boys'
, . 'Wash , ,
, ' - ' ' , . \T1
. - - 2 2 2 ' -
, Pants ' Suitfs
Piece Piece Piece
, Suits Suits Suits . 95c'
: , . ' 2 $3 .
_ _
Outfoots Miss Williams in the Sixth anti
Seventh Heath.
Umillimlshicti hi'ml I of Timeaizm Gives a
1tel : , ' liiiiuhi , timid tii , lteurmmhiur
Card Aiftirtis 'I'p Excitimig
, COimteMtm4.
Yesterday was aim ideal for time second day
of the Granti Circuit trotting meet at the
Onmaha Driving park. Time track was considerably -
siderably immmproved by the work of the
lmrevious day , amid was s commtls faster , not-
wfthstamidimig Jo-He's record of time opening
day , in the aceolid heat of the great pace ,
2:0S : ½ , was not touched. This , thus far ,
stammds as the track recorti , but it is reasonable -
able to believe timat it will not renmain so
long , as Omaha's new track is undoubtedly
ammo of the best , the most compact and
speediest Iii time whole broad hanth.
Time judges yesterday were J. L. McCartlmy
of Kansas City , presiding , and John C. ICes-
terson of Fairbury amid D. T Mount of tlmi.
city , while the timers wore Morris Jones
of Red Oak and C. H , I3rigga and Sani
Contes of this city ,
By half past ' one , when the unfimmiahmed
2:09 : pace was called , theta were several
thiousanti leoPle on hand , anxious and eager
for the commemmcement of the excitomnent.
All the horses hued up fresh and strong
amid evidently eager to settle time question
of supremacy. Time betting mvas 2 to 3 on
Miss Whhhiaimis. Jo-iBm and Badge , 3 to 1
on .1ffrite , ; , 5 to .1 Mnlla T and 12 to.
1 against Direction , On time fifth scorimmg
time sextet was semmt away in splendid
siape , with Mire Wiliiamns at time pole
showing the way , Jo-He , Affrlto aimtl
Badge on equal terms close up. Miss \Vhi-
llama waS urged ( rota the Jumnmp and by
steatly work kept tier vantage clear 'roummd.
Eastomm , however , was handling the ribbons
over Badge in great style and kept the
girl imustiing. Jo-lIe was indiscreetly
held oft for time first quarter and fell hope-
iessly to time rear and when Miss Williams
came under the wire the flag toll in lila
face. Timne : 2:09. : The quarter waa made
iii 0:3114. time hiatt In l:04 : and the three-
quarters in 1:37 % ,
Under the rule a horse not having won
a heat iii five , wimere time starters were
ummder ten , lit debarred froimu starting , anti
this left iIiss Williams amid Badge to con-
temid for first honors. Time sixth Imeat was
a damitly , liatlge going to tIme front anti ro-
mnairming there for the wlmole reuto , winmmlmmg
gallantly iii 2:11 : ½ . Time seventh and tie.
citing Imeat was also taiten by Badge , time big ,
fine Joolimmg gelding stepping eli time nmiie
without a skip iii 2:14 : % . Miss W'lihiamns
left her feet at time outset anti was imever
mmhie to redeem Imorself. At time finish two
open iemmgthms of dayiiglmt separated her
from the wiimner. Atid so tue great race
went as follows : Badge flrt , Miss 'mvii-
llama second , Afirito third amid Ella P
fourth. Suninmary :
Tmntigcm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 2 5 2 1 1
Miss Wiilianis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 4 1 1 2 2
Aifrite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 2 3 tir ,
Ella ' 1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 4 3 3 4 tir ,
Iircetiofl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 5 5 tlr.
Jo-lie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C 1 1 0 diii. -
' - 2li . 2i3t , 2:09 2:11 : ½ ,
Tlnmo : 2:0'Jt-2:0S : : ½ , : , : : ,
2:1431. :
The Brat event omm tIme regular aftermmoon'a
schmeilule was the 2:19 : trot , nurse $1,000 ,
with time followifl cmmtries , all of wimnmn
started :
Tiranim , chm em. by Pemureso , C. A. Colt' ,
De Moines , Galhm'aith , driver : Godelia , b.
in. by Aberdeen , A. S. I'atrick. Omaha ,
Kyle. driver ; floss , e. g. 1) ) ' Sir lCmmigimt , J.
IL Stetson , Ommthn. Stetson , drivcr Imi-
range hbeile , b , flu. by lmirungo iiir. , brimest
C. holland , Sewmmrti Nd ) . , Tiollammd , tiriver ;
iick hubbard , Allimtborft , ii. o. Gntvea ,
\Vichita , iCmum. , Ewimug , driver : W'ttuseon ,
a. g , by Vaqimer Texas Stable , Paris , Ter. ,
Vetch , driver ; ormtbena 'm\'lkes ! , b. m. Imy J. Van hlt'mmsseincr , Fort
1.Vortim , Tu Alexnmmder , driver ; Gcntivrt : ,
im. m. Imy Alibioy , J , A. Mchernmm , Guthrin
Center , Iii , , liibbeims , driver ; Lucy B , huic.
me. bY Gypsy 1101' , J. It , Jlurrougims , W'itmmhm-
lngtofl , xmL , , Foster , dmivcr.
There was some d ulny In getting the Ileiti
thowil to its work , butt McCarthy got thioimm
away , aim a line Oii the sixth attempt. Ross
mapped emit the ivay up to time turn , vhon
hubbard relieved imlni of the pilotao whim
liurrouglms' little blacic mare coming fast
aimmi strong , Simo was hot to bo denied and
oil leaving time quarter alma' ran flick tiown
and asttmed the head or time cavalcade ,
She trotted beautifully imimmi was never
bothered sctioualy from this omm out , comniimg
under the wire a head to time good on Ross
km 2:21 : % .
Tlmey wont away on the second endeavor
for the second beat , with Lucy 11 acting mmmi
pacemaker atm the first tumrim , hmowcvrr , Al
Patrick's Cotieiia Caine stepping along .anti
displaced her , witim Ilcic hlumbliard cud Tapm-
miena Wilkes 'close up , At time halt Oo'Jell.m
and Hubbard were nostm anti itoso. in thu
order they swung 'rominmi Into the stretch ,
where Godeila , who was trotting in admit-
able forte. loft Imer feet for a brief sceomm.h ,
and hlubibarit caine into the bead , which ito
bold home by a half engtim , clodoila ecemmtI
aqd Lucy B thmirti. Tiumiti 2:21.
Another good start myns the order for tmo
third heat. lInes mimic a break , running the
first turn amid Lucy Ii mmmammagcd to work omit
of time bunchm into first place. ivimercu shin ro.
mmmcd to time close , altbotmgim Patrick's r.mare
gave her an argunment. Time 2:22l : ,
Dick iltibbard , the favorite , almwed time
way for time whole mile in the fourth In a
jog. Ewing sat his bike like a man going
after the cows , mind altitomigh Lucy Ii made
pr'otentlotms at crowding him , tier frantic
efforts mmmdc no Iimmprcsatou on imim. auth
Lie drove in a winner in :23. : Londena Wilkes
getting time flag.
Time fifth was a surprise party. Time sixth
scoring saw them off , with Vauseon , a big
gray camel , strIding out Into time van.
Ewing loosened up on Ilubbani , but he
made a jUn11) 00 the lirsi turn anti ( cli back
into the ruck , leavlmmg Lucy B to flglmt It
out with the Paris ( Texas ) gelding , She
made a royal rate out of it , but she left her
foot rounding Joto ( be trotch , amid the long !
necked gray caume on in under th wire iq
I walir. Time 2:20. :
There were but three In time sIxth-the
tlmrce heat wimmners , Ilumbbartl , Wauseomu and
Lucy II. Time trio wemmt oft as if struimg emma
a line , anti thins timey forged tlowmi to time
quarter , wimero time big gray went up , ammd
with Lucy B , fell back of llubbarmh for soy.
oral open lengtlms. Time latter two trotteti
iveil to tIme hmaIf , wimemm Ilmey began to crawl ,
and eu time third quarter ivere on iltibbarti's
im'imecis. hiero time big gray demonstrated
imimimself 'umntl imumlied aioimgsitie of hiumbbartl
amid together they emutered the stretch , 0mm
they came like amm avaiammclmo , head mmmiii hamad.
TIme heOPle filled the air witim excited yells.
Amiotimer secommd amid time hmoraes are ummmdor
tii wire. "A death heat , " time crowd ericti
out. 'i'iio jmmmlges thought duffereimtly , for
they hung emit a card bearing the imunmbera
2:19 : , aimtl nmmnouncetl 'V.'auseomm time wimmumer.
Time seveumth imeat was easy stuff after
W'aumseoum hiatt mnatbe his customary juummp imp
on time second quarter , Lucy B coming Imomo
secommul , Timmie 2:23. : Godehia , Al Patrick's
mare , took time fourth immoimey. Smmnmmmmary :
Dicic hluibbarti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1 3 1 4 2 1
Lucy Ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 3 1 2 C 3 2
\Vmtmimueon . . . . .t S o o i i a
Gotiella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 2 2 8 3 0 0
Genem'rrm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 5 a o 0 0
Tirzaim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 4 7 7 0 0
itosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6 7 4 2 0 0
lur.uim.go hello. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 9 0 8 (115.
Lommuleima Wilkes. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5 S 9 tils.
'rime : 2:21a1 : 2:21 : , 2:22m4 : , 220 , 220 , 2h9
2:23. :
TIme second carded event was time 2:23 : ,
pace , purse $1,000 , with the following
starters :
Lina V. ch. f. by Albert Lambert , Wii- .
hianu Vizzarml , St. Edwards , Neb. , ICennedy.
driver ; Dimur , i ) . am. by Fergus McGregor ,
i\L Amiimmt Wilson , Vaicncia , ICan. , East ,
driver ; Waummetimhm Proctor , hr. m. by For-
tuimrttumt , S. C. Puller , Sodalfa , Mo. . Fuller ,
driver ; Maud Dowmming , elm. m. by Joe
Dowhlng , W. H.Vvcorf , Dahimmmm , Tex. , Wy-
colt , driver ; Alice Iirowrm , imr. m. by Wins.
low Wilkes , John Griffin , Carson , lmt. , 'mvii-
hams , driver ; happy , jr. , b. g , by Itcls'l
Metbium , zmr. Gaiiegher Frement , Gal-
I'ght'r , ( iriver ; M3'StiC , lmik m. ity Stornm , G.
It. Smith , Mason City , Ia. , Turimer , tiriver ;
McGinty , iilk hi. by Inveterate , C. It , Evans ,
r.incolmm. Bailey , tlriver : I'ilancy , h. in. by
Jetwood , L. J. Deardorff , Kaimsas City , Mo. .
McKlnney , driver.
Time big bumich was sent off In' artistic
shape time first dast out of the box , Mc-
Ginty ieadimmg the way and nmaimmtaining his
vantage for the entire trip. Maud Downing ,
Happy , ii- . , and Lina V were Imlmm only corn-
petitors , and they failed to annoy time gen
theman from the hmottomim of the sea to any ,
very measurable extemmt. Time 2:2t' : .
In time seconth heat a quiet tip weimt out
that Pliancy was due to cimt. mm hittie freeze.
The tip 'yes straight. time didn't do a timing
but hop away and cat up the quarter in
0:32. : After timis alma showed a bit , but wan
careful to keep her lent ] . Maud Downlmmg
a brainy looking Wilkes , gave her a figlmt
but it was useless , and l'hiammcy won as she
pleased. Alice Brown boating Matiti out of
second place. Timne 2:15 : % .
Pliancy matie time three.quarters of time
thlrti jogging mmiceiy along two lengths to
the genii of tima field , but wimemm time stretch
wile reacimetl Mcfliimty immnvcd up out of time
cro'vtl anti time race tiowim iiommie was time hcst
of time day. Time Llmiccmlmu horse lmtmt Oii a
meteoric fInish , and imad time mile juost been
inovemi fifty yards further on time heat woulti
imave been lila , and easy. As it was Pilaimoy
won by an eyowimmker. Tiimmo 2:16 : % .
The fourth iookcti like ready mnomiey for
Pliammcy , who leati all time way round to the
stretcim by three leimgtims. Here. imoivever ,
McGinty came imp with a rush , qumicicly cal-
lareti I'hlaimcy , passed her and won time heat
iii time bdst time of the raco-211 % . Mauti
Downing anti Alice lirown tiistitnced.
As a side isstme to this heat , McKinney ,
tiitm driver of i'hiammcy , as soon as Ime got off
his bike , stepped up to some uumknowmm individual -
dividual who imami been batlgerhimg him timmrlng
time race and btmmocketi hiiimm down. jfter lila
frientls ima'l dragged hminm off , time starting
Judge announced from the stand that Mr.
Mcl'Cinimcy had ommly tlorme what wommlti hare
boemi expected of any gentleman under time
circtmnistances , tlmat time imman who got the
brokemm Jamv was alomme to iiiamne.
Time fiftim host was a race hmotween I'liammcy
anti McGiimty. Imiiimncy hmelti the way to time
thmrce.qmmarters , wimcn McOinty canme imp nmmml
on even termums they came hiito time stretch ,
it watt a bruising ( hush down home , hut
Mcfiinty lrPVcd time better horse , getting
lmis black miozzle under time wire first. Time
2:17. : Summary :
McChiimty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 7 2 1 1
Piimmimr.y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 2 2
\'I 4 0 9 3
Wm'umiiotimhm i'roctor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S C 3 4 5
Ding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii 7 I
Mauti lowniimg , , . . . . , , . . . , . . , , , . , . 2 8 5 ( ibm ,
Alice I11'own , , , , , , . . , , , , . , , . , . . , , . . 7 2 4 dls.
iml'atIt : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 tIls ,
hlmtppy , ir.'I die ,
Time : 2:2i,4 : ! , 2iS : % , 2:1l'.h : , 2l14 : , 2:17. : ,
Time special ( or 3.yeur.old trottormu post-
ponpth until this afternoon nil o'clock.
1'iiS'I'Jtht. ( ttSOClA'1'iO ht1IStU.'I'i.
htihhimit' ( ii ims Itmmm initiea Ifs 'J'Im Irti
Beft'tmt tr I iii' Setisomm.
DUTIUQIE. Juno 10.-Score :
0 4 0 3 2 1 0 5 O.15
iubtmriue , , . . . , t. . .
Des tloiimt's . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1-
hhltem 1)mmbmmriue. 12 ; Des Moiumen , & . Er.
mote : ruiimmquo , 2 : iCmt Molimt'mt , I.
ismi : Dolaum amid &mhmner , Settler timid 'runt-
RAPIDS. , lune io. Score :
Cct'.irhiaimitiS . . . . . . 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 1-13
Si , JQmfoitbm , . . , . , . . 1 t ; o 5 0 0 0 0 1-12
Jilts : u'.dam' Jtmptds. ; II ' St. , Jcte phi. II , 1r.
rots : Catitir limmititla. 2 ; ht. JoCil , hi lint.
tories ; W'OLXimtitlfl Citrrlmmhi , Itiummmiem'er iiimd
hlrcemu : 1)onoramm. ,1nmick amid i'aker. ,
hIOCKFO1ID , lii. . .Juno I0.-Scora ;
neehifrti , . , , . . , , , . . ' 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 3 3-12
hiurliumgtofl . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 1-7
Jilts : 'mtodktortl. it ; Jhuirhngtomi , 6. Er-
I ors : I1ockfum'l. 3 ; Imum'iuimgtomi , 2. himitter-
ten : Molemusvou'th numd Sumymier , mlnhintrey antI
( , jrinhmn.
i'iiOiUA , Jima' ' , 1)-bcore :
I'oorfa . . , . , , , , . , , , , . , a o o a 0 o o s 0--s
Qulney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 1 0 1 0-1
hits : } .mnrn , 5 ; Qutiuicy 10. Erm'ors : l'o.
aria , 5 ; Ciuuincy , 7 , iintteries : Sotmdermt antI
'Zeittler , Lmiihrop amid uhimmi.
STANDING OF 'rift : Tb'.tMS.
Ptayed , Womm. Test , P.C.
Des Moines , , . , , , 31 25 3
Peoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 21 hI 61
Roekford , . , . . . . , , , , , 39 13 16 53 0
Imtbuquo . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 41 17 tts.3
Cedar htapids . . . . . . . 31 15 22 11,3
St. Jomempim , , . , , . . , , . . 311 ii : 23 30.1
Jiumriingtomm , . . , , , , , 40 . 13 37 32.3
Qmiincy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 II 21 31.4
I'o games scheduled for today ,
Carson 'm'itms ii Corker.
CARSON. Ta , , Juno 10.SpociniTho ( )
Avoca and Carson tennis immet in their eec-
amid gains of the scaoii1 i'csuliing Iii time i'ic.
tory of time Carson team imy a score or i to
0. 71 waif without doubt time best amateur
gumnue phmml'cti iN Iowa this season , and Ix the
acond notabla victory for Carsaim , the feamn
havIng Imenteim Metz Eros. of Oimmnima May 4
30. Score :
Cnrmmomm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-i
Avoca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0-0
Ilmitteries : Carsomi , W'imiteul : umd Ifmmgc-
hooch ; Avoca , W'ootl nui htupp.
( A3li3S IL' 'l'iuiO NA'I'LONtI. IliAGUiI.
Nt'i YttrIt Muukes it 'l'uvii Ommt of Three
ivi 1k CIui'iniimm ti.
NEW YORK , Juimo 10.-The New Yorks
made it two omit of three frommi time Reds to-
dmmy. Doimeimy abutted to pitch , but had to
give mviii' to Dad Clarke imm time secommui
lamming on nccomlimt of a hammum armmm , Glenmmon'mi
hommier iii thu fourth canme whmemm two were
Oh bases. Score :
Now York. . . . . . . . . . 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 1-10
Cincinnati . . . . . . . . I 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3ii'
ihits : Now York , 13 ; Cincimuimati , 15. Er.
rora : New York , 2 ; Clncimiimati , 2. Emmrneti
rmmmis : New York , 7 ; Cliucimmimmitl , 5. First
base on balls : Oil Clarke , 1 ; off Fishier , 5.
Struck out : hiy Clarke , 2 ; hy Fishmer , 2.
hiomno rmmtma : Uieammomm , 'l'Imreu-bmuio hilts :
Miller. Two.lmnso hits : tV. Clarke. Stolcmm
Imitses : Glcnsomm , Burke ( :1) : ) . iotitmlu lilnl' :
Commnatigittoim to 'mV. Clarke , . hlatteries :
New York , Ioimemm'V. . 11. Clarke muimti Farrell -
roll ; Citmciimtmnti , 1' ihmer timid \'mmumgimti. Unt-
imire : Emalie. Attciitiiiimcc , 2,500.
iIALTIMOI1E , Jumtmn 10.-Time Clmnmmmpioimmu
played a swift game of ball totimmy. 1.otmia-
, yilio sns ummitbie to score , Ummupiro Siueritlmmmm
ordered Cmtlmtnimm Miller to time btmiichm iii time
cigiitim Shmimnmion going to short. Attend-
mince , .h,022. Score :
flaitiiumore . . . . . . . . . 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 4 - 9
Louisville . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
HIts : Baltimore 12 ; Loumisvihie , 7. Er-
rora : Ihaitimmmore , 6 ; Loutsviile , 3 Nettled
rumna : ilaltimnare , 5. Two-baso imittu : O'hjrimnu.
Timree-base Imitim : Ilemmmmmming. Ifoimmn ruins :
htobinaomm. Stolemm bases : Clark , Xciii' > ' ,
Koyster , Keeler. First base eu balls : it > '
ilemnmlng , 2 : 1 > > 11111 , 3 ; by Mcicrmnntt , 1.
lilt by pitcimetl halls : Jeimmmimmgmm : Struck
omit : By Jit'nmming , 5. Batteries : HaIti.
more , liernummitig a ml Itobitmecim ; Louisville ,
11111 , McDerimmott , Miller amid Wam'mmcr. Urn-
pire : Simerimlan ,
PIIILADELI'lhIA. Jmmno 10. - Cleveland
mmmdc it three straight from time Phmilhies today -
day by timnely hmittimmg. Cimimpy wits effective
throumgimout , time lIve tilts ott him being scat-
hired. Attemithnhice , 4,5S1. Score :
Clevelaimd , . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 1 0 0 (1 ( 1 0 2-5
Pimiiadciptmia . . . . . . . . I 0 (1 ( 0 0 0 1 0 0-2
hits : Cleveland. 10 : I'hiiadelphmia , 5. Errors -
rors : Clevelaimmi. I ; l'hiiatieiphiha , 0. Earmiemi
rumms : Clevcimnmi , 2. 'fwo-basti hits : liur-
halt , Ilalimamm , Cross. 'I'hmrco.bnso hilts : Butt-
liett Teimaaui. Stolen bmutes : Cimlitimu , himmrkctt ,
ImicAlcer , Iulemm. Struck out : Tcbeau , 'LimO-
flier (2) , 111am' . Carsey. Iotihmle nlmmys : Te-
beau to MclCenn. First base eu halls : Oft
C111)p > ' , 4 ; ofT Cmtrsoy , ' 1. Pamuetl Ball : Grady ,
Ifattemics : i'hmiiadeipluia , Caracy mtmmti Grmmtiy ;
Clevelanti , Cuiy amid ? imnmer. Ummuumiro :
wASIIINCTT0N , Juimme 10.-After they had
the garno nil in Imnd several titnemu. time See-
ators , through hutiimm'ous : errors anti stupid
bmm i'uumiiiumg , allomm'eti time Colts to carry
oft time vltmtory by it run. Fi'ienti mvtms limof-
f'ctivo anti wait iohioiveti Ii > Term' > ' , myho , iii
the t'ighmth innlmmg , tom cctl iii a ruin ii > giving
lntiti'mt cmi halts. itlereer duil imot Pitebu in imis
uniform. Attentimmnce , 1,100. Score :
\Vasimington . . . . . . . I 0 3 U 2 2 0 4 1-13
Cimlcago . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 0 1 0 3 1 2 3-hi
Jilts : Wamuimington , 11 ; Chicago , 10. Errors -
rors : 'mVtuslmingtomm , 8 ; Cimic'mtgo , 7. llommmo
rumus : Ltmim , Dalmiemu. Timrecm.letsc hilt Luish.
Tii'o-inse lilt : i'feffttr , Stolemm bases : Cart.
wright (2) ( ) , imiercer , Lush , lli'owiu. Virmut imatm
ohm inh15 Off 1hercer , 3' off F'm'itmrmtl , 4 ; off
'r'rry , 4. lilt by pitcht'th Immuil : lIy ? , lerct'r ,
1 ; ii > Friend , 2. 'mVilti pltim : Mei'cer , Strmmcc
nut : By Id nicer , I ; by I"m'ieiiti , 1 , lImit tories :
Wmmm4imitmgton , Mercer mtmmd ImlcGuire ; Clmlczmgo ,
Fm ientl , Tem'ry nmmd Kitrctlgo , Ummmpires :
Keeft , mmnth IVeytimmman
iiROOIL"t'N , N. Y. , .Iunmt , 10.-"l'ink"
hawley imttl ioit'i of ( 'In whim time Iirotiiynmt
at Naqterim murk this aftermmooii. Four hits
numd alt mmimmglcs badly cattercti wmts the
smite lie itlloi'Jt'd thicmmm , ierritt wmts re.
sponmmmiimle for limit hmotmitm tommie's tflily trmiiy
m'imictm reemmitemi throughi mm Itapsed bull ammd
iviltl throw to ( ho niato. Score :
Ilrooklytm . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 I ) I 0 0 1) 0 01
l'ittsbtirg . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 (1 2 2 0 0 0 0- ' 1
hue : iii'eoltlyim 4 ; Plttmmhurg , 7 , Errormu :
Brooklyn. 1 ; i'ittsbuurg , 2. Emrimpti millie :
h'ittitbmirg , 1. Base oum halls : ( iii' hawley ,
4 , Strtmtic : olut : fly iCcimimm'tly , 2 , 'rhmrco.
imas Ii its : I ilem'inm Imur. 'I'ivo-hnmiuo ii ii mu :
iiamm'icy. Stolemm lmases : Stmmumzei , McCzmrtim > ' ,
Grimumni. Double : tiays : filtintilt , , to Corcornim
to LaCimmmnct' . lilt by litc'lmeti ) ball : It
ICenimeti > , :1 : : by ilawit' > ' , 1. i'mttmmt'tl limit
Itit'rrit t. lint tcrles : Ilrooklymm , ICeimnmeily
atmti Grimm ; l'ittehmmrg , hawley miami ititr-
ri I t. hJrmmpire : Cmi iumtmlmci I. A i teimtlnn c& , 1,2' > ) .
IJOS'I'ON , Junta l0j-i3ontnnmb't. LouIs
i7nuno itostitoimeti cli iiccotmimt of rmmiii.
Piayt'ti. Wait. i.ost , P. C.
Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 20 13 00,7
Ilaltimore . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 27 13 61,3
Citicinflati . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 , 27 18 60,0
Pimlhmdulphio . . . . . . . . . 'is 20 19 57,8
Junstoim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii Z'i 18 ri ;
VaslmIimgioim . . . . . . . . . . 'ii 21 2(1 ( 51.2
Cimic.ago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4' .222 I 48,9 y'
Iirocmkiytm . . . . . , . , , . . , , . 43 21 2'4 43.8
htttsi'ttt'p' . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii 20 2i 45,11
New York . . ' .i . . . . . . . . Ii 2' ' ) 21 ' 41.5
St. l.auii . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 13 211 3h0
i.otmlsvilie. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 12 9 33 214
( lattice today : Clovoirmni , mit ] Jronkhyn ;
Cit icim go mit liii I Cnmnm't , ' : Lommimuville am t I 'ii i In.
tltIhimimu : I 'I t I shut i'g a t Nine 'mn'k ; Ci n ci a tin t I
lit itostifim ; St. Louis \Vasimington. .
'mi ding mm I % % 'zu muss , ,
WAUSA , Neb. , Julio IO-Siecimml-Mr. ( )
F. 11 , Crimimaum anti Mist , Fammuty ilrummmir of timis
town ivere married totlay. They loft for a
trIp to time groolum's olmi home \Viseoimsln
to him ) gene soverai weeks ,
iiiurvturml lieu Is l'rliitqfou , ( lii I ,
l'ItJNCIdTON , Jtmimtm lO.-ifmmrvmrtl dtmfoatctl
I'rimmcoton today lit time ihmIri , gimemo of their
nnimual series by limO score of S to 5.
tfy little hey was alluded whim Eczema in
acute forum ( sir a year , dmtrfttg wimlt'h mrs tried
without itmccee , evury kitowni remedy , 'use di. .
outer sppesroi oil mIu ; igltt cima.k antI wits of a
blister > ' miami LIeoty bOlt , his Itiliow , immortiimmgs ,
wotiil m.ear tit' biotsty isitlirimmt of lime idr of his
tacit , ¶ vhmlis II vmm4 ismmposeiblu to prevent lime
( rote .cratcimlit3 L14 face owiutg to 11am imchiimmg ,
'ttleled to Irytiumricutm * , I t'omiid a box , 'Item
t1rt mmp.ticaIbn 'vas made at silgttt , aimti it Is a
( sd , iLiat time tmpl.emmrmmnco of them uffmmttd i.uri.
simowod ta VO kS(4hh' hn.rousuemml V.a next moors ,
limp , imimi ' comiiimmultg limo tremmtmmmuit. as a
say child' its , mim ( sir miod .ttmoothm akin as eec be
fuuud minywliero ,
W S. NEIIIIIAU , l'mmtaakaia , (1.l l
PrigOy ( 'vs. Tei'smi'sr. - iVi , . , bitt. , wIth
Cii mev. , 5',4p , .ftIi .ppmidk.ns uf Cvrueus' lois- ,
, ) ertot tIlt , { , me , ie4 IU4 deis Qf ( tiIc'UML
imesom veer , femu , . , vi I , . , . . , rena.
5o14 tloui.oo $ the wuvl.i. ? ee , CeTiceiS .i
5a8i , li.WLTIOT. , i.5 , ced II. l'eu.s haute
asbCepm.C'ir.e'.e 1'oi , li.twm.
fl4TiJ5ISvUhmaDm.u.autjh.4fl.m ( , I