' ' . - - - - ' - - - - - - - - . I THE OMAH ) DAILY BEE. -r _ . , \ \1 \ ( - - 3iSTABLISIIED JUNE _ _ _ 19 _ , _ 1871. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAIIA ' - _ , TUESDAY - _ . OBING , JUNE _ _ 9 , _ _ 189 _ ( _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ SINGLIi COPY FEVI OENTS. - FRIEND PREVENTS hER DEATh l ( Liano do Pongi , Parisian Occotte , Takes Laudanum to Die. WEARIES OF HER WRETCHED MODE OF UFI t Strnnize Sloric , . Uf flu IJflhflPI)3 Mnr- rIsg 1tcVICd b the JIcruIiiei' UnNIcCeNfiIL % tCIIlIt sit ' Stilelute. ( prIgtit , 1SO. by rre ! f'ubllihlng , Company. ) I.ONDON , Juno 8.-Now ( York World Ca- blegram-Speclal TcIegram-Lano ) do I'ouglui , IROUdO actres8 Of Lea Folics 11cr- t gores , and the most notorlouB cocotte of l'arls and Monte Carlo , ha Just made an almost - most tmccessful attempt at stilcido 'with Intidanum. Slio aaya ho took the poison hecauso of her disgust with her wretched ' mode of life. The l'arls police say it WaR because of terror in conseqUenCe of the threats of a gang of blackmailers. She appeared early the other morning at the apartments of a lnarrie(1 woman friend Ofl Iloulovard Voltaire , having left her own handsome hotel In Avenue Victor Hugo before 6 ocloclc. No ono was awake , but after a while , lp response to her ro- peatcd summons , do l3ourgoy , her friend'n husband , a urosperotis wino merchant , came to the door in his night clothes and ad- initted her. To Mine. do Ilourgey she saidt " \Vell , I was lonely. I was sad , I have many troubles. Then I thought of you and that I would pass the day here ; that will ootho inc. " She passed the morning with her friend and alter lunch at 1 p. in. vent Into Mine. do I3ourgcy's room to lie down. "My husband % 'Cflt out to his office at atioUt 2 o'clock , " said Mine. do Ilourgey , in tolling of the affaIr. "A little later I went Into the drawiii room on tip toe , thinking Llano was asleep. I then heard her moaning. 'Llane , ' I called , 'are you ill ? : She did not reply , but continued to moan. As the shutters were closed I could distinguish nothing In the dark corner , where lie was lying. But when I ap- Iroacllell closer I saw a sight which froze my blood. 11cr face was contorted , her oyeH were staring out of her head and licr lips were still yellow with the laudanuni ho bad drunk. On the floor was a hot- tic. " Mme. (10 IlourgeY immediately thrust ' a ftiiger down the unfortunate woman's throat , then gave her some intllc and sent for a doctor. This was about 3 p. in. Not till 7 P. ' m. did Mile. do l'ougis sufflclontly recover to permit of her removal to her interval ho repeated over house. In the and over again : "I shall do it again ; you will see. I wish to tile. " . WAS W1AW1 O1' TIlE LIFE. \ ( Several letters were found in tIm draw- .tj ing room , all written In pencil. One n- dressed to Mine. do Bourgoy was signed with Liano's real nanie-dar1o Chassaigile. This letter read From the bottom of my licnrt I ask your pardon for the trouble I urn nboUt to caiie you. I uk pardon also of your husband. but I know you arc good and that you will break titc news to mother. 1)0 itot leave her for some tIme. I do not wish to be taken to AvenUe Victor hugo , but to the house of my mother. I canot ttiiid it any longer. This lire dlsgub3 me. For the sake of my soil and everybody It svlli be better . I am that I tthoultl completely disappear. no longer the chIld of former t1ay4. ignorant of the horror of living in tlil fushiOn. I made IL 'will thi morning. It Is at my house. Mother will be provided for. I leave to you my two large solitaires. Accept them and pardon me. Adieu et pardon. , The police say sIlo received an anomyinous ldtter the day before. threatenIng her with eposuro aliti oven violence if she failed to send 3,000 francs to the postoftico In Ituc tie Louvre Monday , The suili demanded by the blackmailers was not one to cause her any serious embarrassment. Its the Figaro tieli- cately iut it , she had Just brought back a neat. little fortUne from Russia , "after an F allinilco which morality must certainly dis- approve. hilt which vatrlotlslll may , at n pinch , permit. " She had been receiving anonymous corn- municatlons for several wecks threatening her with vitriol , dynamite and Poison. "She thought , " explains Lo Tempo , "that ho was doomed , that 1te lived in a sort of mys- terioua Vctiico In which assassins were lurk- lng at every turn. She got frigtitencd and lost her bend , and in order not to be mur- tiered tried to kill herself. " The Temps says that "Friday one of our most gifted dramatic authors received a note , after reading which he hurried off to Inform ho prefect of police. Tim note said : 'Adieu , I have had enough of life. Adieu and vardon - me. Do not forget your little Liano. ' " "Liano do l'ougis' father , " says the FL- garo , "was a gallant major of marino artii- lery , who lived at Lorient and who thought her future was acconipllsbed , when lie inarrlel his only daughter to a distinguished naval officer , M. l'ougis. Unfortunately the union ended with a scene , a pistol shot and a scandalous divorce suit. M , l'ougls finally died of consumption , hut Hot before ho had removed the child of marriage ( rein the custody - tody of an unfaithful niother , " BLAMES HER IIUSLIAND. I have hearti a different version of the story. A follow officer of her Inisbalul told me that wlieii they were married they were called the handsomest couple in France , anti were desperately in love with each other , M , Pougis tonic his bride to the port where ho was stationed , but the romaii with whom ho hail livctl before the niarriago found him there , anti by threat or otherwise led him to renew former relations. This caine to the lcnowledgo of the wife , and she lIed to Marseilles. HO found her there , and on her refusal to return , shot her , Desperate , per- hap ; or for other reasons , sIte ( led to I'arls anti plunged into a very iow stratum of . vice , meeting her first lover at Tour Eiffel the very day of her arrival In the capital , She had a teIitiCstUOUS career from this on , hut lately lived Lu splendid luxury , According - ing to the American idea site Is not at all pretty now , being thin to emits- ciation with sharp , even gaunt lea- tures , but Rho has all time air ' anti chic which the men of the vorld of l'arls aulmniro more than beauty. Like her equally famous l'ariRlan predecessor , known as "Skitties , " and the cualiy notorious widowed mnarchioness of Aylesbury here , who married Into ( ito eoragu from a music ball , her ( ace antI expression are ( hose of almost Infantile innocenco. At Monte Carlo last year Rho was accompanleil to the tabies 0110 night at least by a foreign amimbassador and a royal prince , who showed thiatlnct ' pride In this privilege. I3ALIAlU ) SMITH. \ I'iuil Ifomnil go It ) I'Iieir I1uj , IIUD.t PESTII , June 8.-With great ccro- mony and in the preenco of the king and queen , the imperial crown was today taken to the now parliamentary buildlimg amid later the king attoimded a festival session of l'ar- hiamnent , after which all present returned to time llofburg anti vaitl homage to the king , viio , in reimlyllig to a speech , said : "I have experienced great joy at beimig grcetdd by my people antI hmavo accepted their homage while thankiug lirovidence that It has ens- bled 150 to celebrate time mnilicimnial which baa enforced liii ) lesson that the country can oxuly prosper when devoted to the crown and 4 thiie Inonarcy wltlch I inherited , and which it is mmiy BacretI duty amid desire to hmaud over to may auccessor inviolate , " cooziil ltvuiiiis of Iriih Inmuit flUi. LONION , Juimo 8.-The chief secretary for Ireland , Mr. Gerald liaitouin , time house of Commons today moved the second read- big of the hriRh land hill , luriumg the do. fr ijjjijeditjjOujcadjjtbouL i ' ' ' GOflS OX. 1)A'bIY'S tXA3LINA'riON . harper' , . wcck1Corrcspuni1cnl lie- lug Tried by a MIIltnr Court , ( Copyright. IIM , by i'rcs. ' h'ubliiing Company. ) hAVANA , June 8-NeW ( York World Ca- blegram-Special Teiegram.-The ) cxamln- lag magistrate of time military court today continued the inquiry into the case of Thomas Dawley , the Harper's Weekly cor- respondent. Dawley himself was not her- mitteti to ho present. The exam- inatlon was held iii the city. General JlradleT Johnson appeared as lawloy'a counsel , Mr. Dryson , time New York Herald corrcspopdent , testified that ime kmmew amnan named Dawley , who represented h1arer's Weekly , but lie could not say that the prisoner was Dawley , s be hind not been allowed to see him. TI.a government will make inQuiry of a goimeral In the fieltl who knows Dawicy and ella tetify that lie Is mint a spy. In time mne'an- time , Dawley and his friends and counsel are th'niott permission to see him , how long ho will be imprisoned no one now can say. Consul General Leo's published remark tlmat ho did imot know whether or not ho woulti communicate with the insimrgenta is taken seriously by La Lucia , newsparcr , wlmicli says : "We do not know wnethcr it should ho permnittetl. " Time insurgents Imavo burned fourteen hmotises at Gabriel , In the southern part of hiavamma province. Before attacking the town they sent a "paciuico" with a flag of truce to iheimiand the stmrrcntler of the fort , and the troops detained bun as a prisoner. The insurgcmmts ordered amiother paclflco to carry thio same message to the fort , but the man refused , whereupon they shashctl his arma vltlu a mnachetto. They then attacked the fort , hut veru repulsed. . .1 we other stories of ill treatment of irncificos by the rebels is told In the imows- Paimers here. In one instance , a negro was strippeti naked anti compelietl to ( lance for the amusement of tile rebels , after which ho was ordereti to run anti jump a felice. They shot at him as ho ran , but ho escaped unhurt. In time second case a negro woman , it is said , was treated with great intlignhty. 'rime stories are told by correspondents in the interior , Cahixto Garcia , with a lago force , is said to be entrenchietl at Duaha , on the imorth coaat , between Macair and hlaracioa. General - oral Llnares with troops and two gunboats has left hlaracla to dislodge imlrn. Jinm Macen is saul to have attacked Jiqumni not far from from Duaba but withottt result. w. v. GAY _ _ _ _ _ , GItJiT IIItITAIN " .S'IL.L mi.vt 'ro i'y , In Itestrgiiniumfvoin .tlvuiiieluig IItI ( ' ) ( ( PC IIIC SOildutiLVnr. . CAIRO , Juno 8.-The mixed tribunal rca- tiered judgment today against the govern- mnent and the four commissioners of the Caisso who favoretl advancing ftmnds from the Egyptian reserve for the purposes of the Soudan expedition. Time tribunal do- dared that this advance was made in violation - tion of all existing decrees , condemned the governnient to repay the money advanced and enjoined time commissioners from advancing - vancing ammy further moneys from the reserve - servo fund. The government and four commissioners immediately lodged an appeal against the decision of the tribunal. IXSIJI1GESTS IEFEAT TIlE 'FIJUKS. Ilotli Sides Suffer Severe Losses nod the CrclnllM Cniitiire Guns. ATHENS , Juno 8.-Advices received here from Canea , island of Crete , announce that the Insurgents , on Saturday , defeated the Turkish troops anti captured four guns and 200 Martini-Henry rifles. Beth sides aims- taiimed heavy losses. Ex-I'It1J:1ItIt : : JULES SIMON IS IEAD. IIstInguJMJel French Slzitestngiii Ijics nt it Itlie Dial Age , PATHS , Juno 8.-Jules Simon , the (115- tingimiahed French statesman , formerly pro- muter , who lies been dangerously ill for some time past , died at 11:40 tills morning , aged 83 years. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FILHNC1I MINISTItY hAS VITA LI'I'Y. ttrvives IL Soeiuillst tdtzuck in the Cjiutiibei' vith Iigmity Sintre Votes. PARIS , June 8.-A socialist attack upomi the government was defeated in tue Chain- her of Deputies today , the order of the day being adopted by 318 to 238 votes. G eritin il4 'I'ren t y ( 1 .Jai miii ii. BERLIN , Juno 8.-During time debate to- ( lay OR the comumorciai treaties in the reichstag - stag , Count von lCanitz admitted that Germany - many itatl secured overyconcesslomm possible under the circumstances ( rein Japan. Sub- aermuently Coummt von iCanttz stated tima international - tornational iiver currency would more servo Germnatmy's needs than the best treaty of commerce. Baron Marachall von Ilieher- atom , minister for foreign affairs , in behalf of the government lustified time policy of the Commercial treaties , especially the clause in the Japanese treaty providing for the. protection of trade sarnpl's , as compared with the state of timings which had hitherto existed. _ _ _ _ _ _ Cltiinms flomnuges ror Seizure. ODTAWA , Ont. , Juno 8.-Last ( oh time government crimiser Pctrci captured a Detroit - troit tug and garbage scow in the Canadian waters of the Detroit river , Now CaptaIn Delpier of tile captured scqiv and his crew have sent Iii claims to the British govern- mmmoimt for illegai seizure anti imprisonment , askiimg 20,000 danmagemm. Time Jlritisim au- thorittea Imavo referred time claim back to thd Canadiami government. iiiici'lctitt 'tVhitt'iiiii Au IIeii'ii , I'ARIS , Juno 8-Ray MeDonaltl , Anton and John 5 , Johnson antI Weinig , the Amer. ican bicyclists , rcre all beaten at hloubalx on Summtlay , Johnson , pacetl by a triplet , lowered the European half mile record to 68 seconds at the same place yesterday , l'erslgi's Nem ltiiier flhidiuroimeil , TEIIERAM , Julie 8-Muzaffer-Eti-flin , time new slink of Persia , was formally enthroned - throned today at 12:30 : p. in. Ills majesty will receive time members of time diplomatic corps in audience this afternoon. hiur''iuilzL Vinier 118r ( liii hmii' , DAICELONA , June 8.-Martial law has been declared here. Time total nummmbem of victims of the bomb explosion of yesterday is : Eight dead , twenty-one dying and Injured. immammy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1111011 I'ri n ters on mu Strike , M1NNEA1'OLIS , June 8.-The printers of time Typographical union of the daily pitpera of thu cities of St. Paul anti iulinmmenpolis struck tommigimt. The scale refused was $ O a scelc for thity and $ Jt ) a veck ( or nlgtmt work , fifty Imourit cotistituting it veek'a work , 'I'imo ummmiomu refused to arimitrato the Imttter , Time pnprs viil appear as Usual iii time muormmimmg. There is imo trouble anti 110110 is expected. a- Churl ieui tutu Correethiis , GRAND RAI'hlS , MIch. , Juno 8.-The ( ca- turo of this morning's mn eting of the nu- ttomrnl corrections amid cimaritiemi confcremmce watt time ditteusion of the tramp questiomm. No originmul theories were vropountled. Fifty of time deiegtutrs aecepteti aim iimvitmtulon to vim'it tite State llmdustrjai school for Boys at Lzmmmslmmg this afternoon. a- - 1iiuvemimvmmts of Oei'nn 'V's.eIs , JmmIe 0 , At New York-Arrived-aaie , fmo.n Uro. mmmcmi ; Mammitoba , ( room London ; State of Caii- fornia , from Glasgomv , At l'hiIadelplmIa-.ArrIved-PennsyIyania , ( roam 'ufltiVrp , At hiaitiunoro-Artived-Whileaiiad , troimm hiremnomu , Ia I'hiladelplmia , At Oibraltar-Arrived-Fultia , ( rommm New & 'ork , for Genoa. Sailcd-.Neuaimiu , ( mom Marseiliei , for New York. A t IIarnburg-ailed-1tatria , toi' New York. A I LIverpool-Arrived-Indiana , from I'imil. ittielpimia , At hlremen-Arrivel-Aller , ( rein Now York , via , Southmiuitozi BEDS REFUSED TO NECROES St. Louis Uotes and Cafes Combine Against Colored Deegatos , NO PLACE FOR THEM TO EAT OR SLEEP itCiiUhull'flfl Ntit Cunilil I tteemicfl simmil lemmtiers Of liisl ticKs ilcii'i Iengime ( Iremitly Iistumrleui II ) ( Itim lirenelL ( if l'altii , ST. LOUIS , June 8.-What shall be done with time colored delegates and alternates to time national republican convcxmtion ? This Is the question which is puzzling time meni- bers of time national committee who have arrived - rived in the city anti the fluBiness Men's league which secured the commvetmtiomi to St. Louis as well. Every hotel anti boarding imotiso and cafe came out flatfooted today anti declared it would entertain imo negro as ft guest or a ctmstonier. Money Is mio object. Threats of prosecution have imo effect ammd ( rein the present outlook it. would seem timat tmnicss tents are sectmred time black men vili have to go hungry amid mmmmimoused. "I am thoroughly disgusted anti dis. couraged , " said Natiommai Commimitteeman J , U. Long of Florida tonight , iii speaking of the matter. "I have been looking all ( lay long for it hotel , boartling Imnumso or cafe that wotmli admit the negroes , but it has been a fruitless searclm. I even went so far as to try to clmarter a steamboat , but when lmo owtmers learned for what purpose I wanted it they fouimd an excuse for rcftmsitmg me the use of tIme vessel. It. is time emily timmme imm tito history of the republican party where such aim enmbarrassing predicament has arisen. " When asked wimat the national coinniittce would (10 , Mr. Long rephieti : "I have con- suited time members wlmo are here amid we have decideti to offer a resolution as soon as time committee meets , condemniming tito lintel and limmi keepers and for time setting aside of a fund for remmting a hail in wimicim cots shah be placed for time accommodation of time imegroes who may conic to time convomi- tlon. We viii also require the empl ymnent of a corps of cooks to supply them with food. " This trouble has been brewing for nearly a week. A nummimber of days ago it was learncd by the Ilusimmcss Men's league that some of time leatling hotels had been cancel- tog agreements with certain state delegations - tions when tim landlords learmmed that negro delegates were imumnboreti among thorn. It became so apparent that the mmogroes were being discrimninateui against that time league issimeti time following manifesto : T.he Dimsinesim Mcmi's leagime when in Wnshimmgton securing the national republican - lican convontiomi for St. Louml miromiseti that colored ( iclegates anti members of time mmationni cxecmmtive committee should receive - ceivo time simc recognition from the hotels timiut mummy of the other delegates to the con- vemmtlomm wotmitl receive. W'itim this It was implied that time citizens represemmtimmg the city of St. Louis woulti ask anti endeavor to immuluce public placea , hotels , hoarding lmoumse anti bathrooms , at lettst for con- vention. week to necortl to the reputable anti respectable coiorcd mcmi who ' wouitl come here represemmtimmg their section antI timeir people in the republican pnrty , suCh treatment its any other rputahie umt1 repectnbic porsomi would receive. It Is miot believed a great runny will vnnt to accept time privileges , but it wiil ho very liumnmiiiittimmg it one of them , witim timeir coi- Icaigumes nntl frIentI , or alone , should present - sent himself 1mm any public militce and be refused - fused atlnmittanco or service. It is hoped , expected and desired by the gentlemen representing the eltizcn w'ho secured the commvention thnt all will endenvor to meet the situation as lustice amid propriety' re- quire. Army parties in interest ( ailing to rectivo ncconmrnoda tions viii please report to time general hotel comnmlttet' . C. C. IIAINWATER , Cimairinan of time lltmremum of Immformation , ' S. M. IflNNAItD , President Busine Men'mt League. JAMES COX , Secretary , CiAlti Jr. SAMPSON. Chairman Committee emi Arrnngemnent. FRANK GAIENNIE , Secretary. \\'imen time imntel inca read tills they were exceedingly wratimfiml. They said it was mmm Imivitation to the colored delegates to prosecute - cute timenm ( or damnages. They went. to the league conmnmiUce on imotel accommodations antI protested. Concerted action timen (01- lowetl , witlm the result that time negroes cannot fimmtl lodgimig' places - nor oven a i-cpu- table place to eat. "Timis aftcrmmoon I received half a dozen letters , " said Comnimmitteenman Long , " ( roam patties wlmo said they wotmitl gladly roceiyo all colored delegates ( luring tue convention. I was greatly relieved for a time. but upon Imivestigating learimeti timey were keepers of disorderly houses. This only added insult to the imijury already done. " Major C. C. Rainwater , a member of the fluslncss Men's league wimicim went to Wash- lngton amid of the locaientertainment conm- mittee , is quite as much displeased with time turn uffairs have taken as is any morn- ber of time national committee. Ho , with several members of time local committee , has been huntiimg for a place to emmtertain time negro delegates , but without success. Perry S. heath antI ox-Congressman Thompson of Oimlo , who are hero in the Ia- terests of Major McKinley , are quito as much disturbed as time national committee. They imave been in telegraphic communication - tion whim Marcus A. ilammna all ( lay , but as yet no solution of the problem has bectm rearhed , Jamnea it ! . 11111 , a negro and the national comnmmmitteemnamm of Mississippi , has been bumsy all day today trying to flail quarters for time tlelegatiomm ( rota lila state , lie was mint successful , lie was informed mit every hotel in time city that "all rooms were engaged. " lie cotmltl not oven ( Intl a room for imim- self anti was chute Indignant , "I imoimo to lmavo time mmmatter settieti before tonmorrow zmliht , ' ' lie said , ' 'but it is an outrage to he . so treatei in this manner iii the ( ace of time pronmisca made by the representatives - sentatives of St. Lotus In Washitmgtomm. " PLANS FOR ORGANIZING. In ito former relmublican national conven. tiomm has the general comuniteo % imati cc heavy it duty to perform In makThg up the roll ( or tomimporary organization as the pres. ent commmmitteo has before it , Timero are 158 contested seats from fifteen states anti one territory , and of these the emmtlro dole. gation is contested from five states mind Arizona. Time comnmittee as a whole will conmniouco the bearing of cofests Wodnea. day foronoomi , and the indications arc timmit It will hmartily be able to finish timem before the coil of the week. The hearings before the committee will be semi-judicial. All time contesting parties have come prepared with printed briefs amid affidavits as to timeir regularity amid riglmt to recogimition , ammit each case will be presented by special coummsei. Time committee wIll prabably take up time contests with time states in alphabetical - betical order , Time conimitteo's con. ciusions , however , are not fimmal. They are for time purpose of making up the roil for tonmporary organization amid to show who , In time commtmittee's judgment , is prima. riiy emmtitlcd to seats in the convention. Time wimolo fight by every delegation may be gomme over ammow before the committee on creermtfa's , wimich Is to be named by the cbairrnamm of time convontiQn , anti their con- tats do not ovemm stop with that committe&a m-eport , mis the tielegatca vimo are unauccess- ( UI before it have time right of appeal * n ibe cozmventloim. It would be imard to predict now , wIth any degree of accuracy , who will be selected iy thto natiommai committee for temporary chair- mtmamm of the convention. So few of ( ha com. rnltteemnen have as yet arrived anti there I are imono of the iromninent leaders of tile I party hero , Amommg the muon u'ho.havu been I rimentioucti , however. are Governor Mci-i-laIn I of Milmnesota anti II. Clay 1u'ans of Tea. nessee , a candidate ( or the vice presidential nominatIon , Mr. Evans is also talked of I for permanent chairman , a. also are I General Goavemmor of Ohio , Senator-elect i ( Icorgo \Vellimmglon of Maryland , Senator I Foraker , and also Mayor John A , Caltiwell of Cincinnati , \S'om tl was received from M. A. hfau a that he and lila purtT Would leave Cleveland - land at 1 p. m. tomorrow. mind arrive hero at 7 a. Ta , Wednemiay , that time it is expected the entlsm national committee will be here , as it nt4tiVetlaestlay morning. It is probable TboTha , l'iatt of New York , Senator Gear of t wa , and Joep1m Manley or Maine will alijo' have arrived prepareti to look after the cbtitestiI delegates of timeir respective eantlid4e , To vor1 AS . .4. VXZI' 1Olt Shl'Elt 4irip.onuictuernt Sotiul iciegmite Dim l'rCe tciilnI4C I'ltitform , PHOENIX , Aria , , Juno . -'flmo demmmocratic territorial conventioti which assembled here totIay hail one peryatling i'lea anti that was free silver. IV.tA. . Itowo of Vavapai , for thirty years a sil\cr miner in Arizoima , was elected chmairman. Ills speech expressed dissatisfaction with time policy of time its- tional ( lemnocratic 'aulmimmlstration anti calletl upon tue convention to express its prln- ciples witlmout hesitation. The follOwing is tite money plank adopted : We favor the immdiatc restormitiomi of tue free tutu ttimilmmiited coimmuge of gold amid sliver at the lmrimmt legal ratio of 16 to 1 , 85 stmch coinage exlted ni-br to 18,3 , witim- cult waiting ( or time aitl or time consent of timmy other nation ; stmchm gold tuimil silver to tie n. full legttl tender for all debts , Public nmt'i ' prlwttc. We mire opposed to tue retirenmemmt of time gmeenbiclcs : und demand Ilmat tIme secretary of time ti-CltSUi-Ye instead of issumitig immtereat- imearimig lmoniI for the vurehtmso of goltl , shah recognize sliver mis tIme mmmomicy of ro- ( lomptlon itilti Oxorelsd the right to redeem - deem greemmtuteksi : trt'asimry notes , and ztii other coiim oldigtmtlommi4 , 1mm silver whore miii- ver is mom comivtflieflt. Time delegates to timt national conventIomm were immstrtmcted toJta as a 'unit anti to vote only for a free oinage cantlldato for the mmominatiomm forprsldent , anti vice presi- den t. Time platform aICQ demands time immediate admission or Arizona to statelmdod. A reso- iution pledgitmg time Chicago delegates to fllatmtl was voted down , is lnstructiomms were not deenmed advisable. The foilowlmmg were elected delegates to the natiommal cotmventiom ( : .1. II. Alexammuler of Phoenix , I. F. Wilson' Prescott , W , II. flarns of Tucson1 ,11uih Campbell of Flagstaff - staff , Wiley II. Jones of Solommmonvlhio , W. H. ilurbago of St. Johns. 'rime altermmates are : Murray Maitterson of Yumna , E. J , Edwards of Oiobe'I. U. Scrihimor of Tomb- atomic , harvey hIuibs of Kingmnan , Dr. It , C. Dryden of Winslow , IL 'C. Price of Florence. CASS COUTY IEI'UiiL.1CAS. I'roMjiecliIs of dime Conveimtiuii do lie held Szitiirdn PLATTSMOUTH Neb. , Juno 8.-Special. ( ) -Great preparations are being made iii this city ( or the 'repumbljcau county coimven- tion to ho held Stttirhay The country tielogates i'ihl be entertained in a most hospitable - pitablo manner. A tllnnmt'wiil be given free to the out-of-town deidgates. Music will be furnished and eVertZilzmg done to make the visitors feel at imqma. It is so Iommg simtcc this city entertaineti a republican convention that mmotimtag will be left undone that would add t 'time comfort of the gusts. Further reports from the country pre- cincta show that the , repimbhican primaries cahieci out a large attandancc. There are twenty-tlrp precimThtst anti wards , with a total of 201. delegatca. So far twomity pro- circta with 174 delegates , have been heard ( mom , and according o time declarations of the delegates the pryferences stand : For state' senator-Johtm A. Davies , 04 ; Jesae .L. . flo9 , 713t. 1i'or county attorney , A. J. Graes , 1O5 Polk , 6i. These ftguu-c&tft&hased bponpromse. ! Out of flt live 'rettncts , tvit1m 'twnty-seven votc , John A. Davies says. lie s t1sbIdtdy cer- tauim of twelve. whelm "couId"-gvo himnr the' ttbn1Inationwith fiie vtea , to sraro . I GREAT 1'LiJ1i1 F'0i4 SLIdEL'ING GAItS. Mtiim' fle1t'gnteNlotlle 'i4t. Louis Cczi- CiltIfl % 'ill _ Oeuiipy I'iiiiiiiitns. ST. LOUIS , , Junmi-Mammy of time delegates to the retttmhlican n ti nai convention t'1hl be elmai' ' red in their ieeping cars iii time St. Louis terminaIyards. The assodlatiotm lmaa 'snace for 200 sleeping cars , anti ih y will be so placed as to afford , theim' occimpamma no trouble in reaching them. Already space has bcemm reserved for. 110 cars. Among the organizations that iiavo'sccured such accomn- modations are the followimmg : Time Cool : county republican 'elub' of Chicago will , occupy - cupy ten cars. The Mmrquetto club of Ciii- cage will have a sveial train of ten care. 'limo Yoummt Men's riae ; climb , o Cincinmmati and the Cincinnati Lincoln clubs vihl occupy twemity-thmi-ce cars. The Republican club of Minneapolis will occ'tmpy ten cars in the same locality. and titoTippecnnee 'lub of Cleveland will hmavottn sleepers and two bpeCial cars. The Buriingtoq Will have ix special trains witlmtimoalcepitmg cars , which ivill be stored in their qvn yards hero. They will he occupied by , thQ Golden Gate club of California ; Kansas City McKinley club , the delegation of St. Jpsi'tdi republicans and a special party frn Mnneapolls. \'IlI IJMO flU jiIzubornte . , , Gn'sch. ST. LOUIS , Juno 8.-Time gavel which 'will be used by the permanent chairman of the national conventlon , v : received at headquarters - quarters of the iocih epmmitteo today. It will be presented to , thochairman by Senator IIerry , one of the Illinois delegates. The gavel is an excelltntplece of wood carving - ing , done by W. II. Bartols Carthage , Ill. , who Is reported ne pf the macst artistic carvers in the country. Mr Bartels selecteti the wood-a hickory 'og ' , taken from the log cablmm occupiCd by 'Presitlent Lincoln at New Salem , Ill. , in J812. There are panels on either side of wmi ) m are filled in wiim suitably inscribed plates of gold and silver. Cohostel Iireeh imri'Ige ii Couitidcnt , LEXINGTON , Ky , , Juno 8.-In teply to a direct question from k'reporter of the Lexington - ington Argommatmt , CblonblV. . C , P. Ilrcckitm- ridge is quoted as foiIows : "Well sir , I do riot intend to , sayimuch on that point , btmt you may just say fOr qo that I intend to ho time next ticmnocrati cmigressman ( room time Jtsimlaimil district , That is all I have to say just now. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ltepullienn 1'ziiiir1es Ut i4tumirt , STUART , Ncb 'Jumme 8.-Speclai.-The ( ) republican primaries d ( this township vere heltl yesterday. TJ9f44iogatca to time coummty convention whmlcimm 8aturday next are : Gaileher , ChittIck' ' 4ilford , jr , , hligolow , Doherty , Powell , iummkj Werts , lirayton , RuBsoll and Wiliiana'9iiI , \'smnz.tiuicer Lnues tile IeICW&ItVR. I1UNT1NGTO,4'a.'Jmmo 8.-In time fight for senatorial dolegaLe4ii this county , State senator Payne a ch over ex.Postmaster Gemmerai Wanam ker lion majority In Ito popular vote reaching bhoimt 410 ammul his majority - jority of the 'delegateIahiout 200. ' No Cutitestfi Colorado , DENVER , Juimo L--1tda said tUat Frank p. Arbuckle ; chairm9 'of ' the state demo- : ratlc committee , h4'tibammdpnel lila 1)15mm Df calling aumotber stale , v nyemmtiomm with a u'iew to sentiig a otading delegation to Limo national commventioi. . ItAIy-S'RI-2 ; ' IIY. 'FJlhtLH HOUIIS , _ _ - T- hllinijis 'I'OU'Zi ' % 'is1eiI hii Violent iIcefwlt-si Storsu , ST. LOUIS , Juno 8..4.special to time Post- Dispatch from Spriogtehil ! , Iii. , says : For three hours last nigh this city was swept by one of the'mu4 , violent electrical storms that ever ocurrtI lit this section of Illinois , Many thousands of dollars of injury I occurred , Jn. many cases .thlo first , floors it residences , weru flooded with several feet 1 if water. The ' pUntclpal , telegraph , lire I and police electricai' systeuts were knocked imi for eight imoura anti the city left in' larkncss most of tbc night , Several alaruis I if fire added to time terror of the situation. m Fhe state house electrical system was do1 mnolished , time telegrapJ and telephone m iwitchmboards were scorched , and other danm. igo done. Thousands of sparrpws cover the I round , lmavimmg been drowned by the deluge. m Fho Sangamon river hiss risen live feet , antI Is still ativancini. ' 'lmcro .mmu , been , rcat 8WgQ hi the lowlands , - - - - - - - ONLY ADD TO TilE DAIACE Berort8 of Wild Wator' Work Through . sherman an' ] Howard O unties , MANY FERTILE FIELDS LAID WASTE liierytIitiig for Miles Swept Avny or liut ieut Uuitier Sminul miiiul tuisl Left 1i3 tIi itecculilig Flood , ST. PAUL , Nob. , Jtmtmo 8-Special ( TeIc- gramn.-Swinimmming ) , wadimmg tnmti by boat , flmessemigers have now arriveti bringimmg miii- ditional news of' the terrible disaster by winti , 'atcr amid imail iii the imortlmern hart of time county as well as atijoinimmg parts of Shmernmamm , Valley and Greely , 1mm Daimnevirko precinct a large district va8 devastated by hail , wimicit also haitI s'aste a strip thm'otmgim Colcsui'eltl , Fairdalo amiti Logan precincts , anti many farnmertm have lost all their crops by hail and washouts - outs , The body of a little girl was today foummd floating in Oak creek. A wommman amid child mire reported drowmmed hi Turkey creek. l'cto Collimma , llvimmg imear thmo bammks of time North Loimp , whcmm the waters rusimed dowmm tmpomm imini and fihicti his house , imad barely tinma to chimmmb a large ti-ce where ho ro- mnalneti all night. lie was rescued the next forcmmoon , Time whole valley from Elba to Davis creek is Still immummilated. Many farmers as tim water m-ecedca fimmd tImeir flmme planted fields covered with otto or two feet of sammtl or slimy immtmd. ' Timotmsammds of' acres in the Lottp valley arc ruineti , at least for time sea- son. son.Kotek & Jorgensen's irrigated farm imas received aim accossloim frommi time river of about twemmty acres , but mmcarly tue whole farm is eovereti by ommo to three foot of sand , Their loss is estimateti at 2,000 to $3,000. Abel Eastabrook , eu Simoritig crcIc , lost all Imis buildings , all imis horses , cattle anti ( aria mnaciminery ; Niels ilammsen on Munson creek amid Stanslow ltosmierek , George Kukttck anti A. Cern on Turkey creek sut- feetl aimmmilarly. Many homes , barns amid smmiahl buildings , as voll as tlmreslming imia- cimimiemi , harvesters , wagons amid ammimnals , were carrIed alommg for miles and scattered along the banks. At one place on Mummmsotm creel : a large horse was foimnd lodged death in time crotcim of a tree. Losses eu bridges , huiltlimmgs and stock anti ruined crops in this county are now estimated at $250,000. Time towmm of Dannobrog , en Oak creek , was immundated Saturday afternoon and for a time there was four to seven feet of water in the streets. The waters rushed immto every house and store in time south part of town , doing great damage anti causing the inhabitants to fieo to the imills and elevator anti Union Pacific depot for safety. GREAT DAMAGE IN SHERMAN COUNTY. LIOUP CIT 1 , Neb , , June S.-Spccial ( Tele. gram.-Remorts ) from time country continue to show timat the devastation caused by FrI- day's storm was greater than at first sup- 1)080(1. Thmolmail cut nearly all of the mmortim- cast quarter of Shmerrnamm county amid about tlftemm inches of water fell in about six hours. The .Irrigatiomm ditch is badly damaged - aged , there being about a dozen bad breaks. Tlmd canal to time flouting mill at this point is ommtircly- washed , away f9r a'di8tanee of , forty'rods. . , , ' . ' 130th the 13. & ! , and union 1aciilo arf 'workipg constructiou , gangs on , , their , branches , but it will take two or fiji-ed dayif 'yet , to make their tracks passable to this point. 1\t Asimton , elevenniiies , east , three brilc store builtltngs and the Presbyterian churqb were wrecked. At Dannevirko the large Catholic church was badly racked afihi nmovod' from its ( oumndation. Many barns anti outbuildIngs in time country were d - stroyctl amid considerable live stock killed. NORTh LOUI' , Neb. , June 8.-The rain of Friday evenhmmg amounted to mmearly six imm imes , falling in a few iiotmra. There was a washOut of about 700 feet on the 0. & it. V. railroad at Davis Creek , which cmmuot be repaired for several days. Telegraph service was interrupted until : 'csterday noon , Ilail did sonmo damage to crops. Mi-a creek overilowed its banks and filled cellars imm time town ; many of the bridges in this coummty were damaged or swept away , DUNCAN , 2'eb. , June 8.-Speclal.-Ed ( ) Stiteky , living six miles southeast of Genoa , vent to Genoa Saturday and left for home in limo evening , btmt , hiss not been seen since. Some of hIs groceries amid wagon box were seemi floating down time Lotmp. It is supposed hh' was caught in the sudden rise of the river and ho antI his team drowned. A yoummg son of Joseph Olbricim and a son of John Tryba were seining in the Loup rtver Saturday , when the sudden rise of the rIver forced. thorn to take refuge on a small island , where they were held prisoners timi.ty. six mours without food and no clotimirmg , but a shirt , time dangerous condition of the river making it. Impossible to rescue timem sooner. ELOIN , Neb. , Juno 8.-Spocial.-Peoplo ( ) could be seen in every direction Saturday afternoon running for their cyclone caves. At about 4:45 : very dark , mnutldy clouds rose , imp from the soutimvest amid a good strong wind from time aitme direction gave good reasons for fear , but front some cause it suddenly turned in a more mmortimerly course anti we only got a very imard wimid witim terrifIc rain , It is reported timat it tore up trees and everytlming in its path a few miles north of Elgimm , but there is no damage to life reported. The rain fell with fearful force for about lTalf an hour and It Is tltouigimt has caused the washout of several britlges. About one and one-quarter inches of rain fell. MANY BUILDINGS WRECKED. SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Jumme 8.-Special ( , ) ' -ltelortS receiveti from all parts of time state show that Saturday's stormmi was unprecedented - procedented , mmot only in time amount of rain. tall , but iii time violence and destructiveness of time wind. At Alpemma , three funnel-shaped clouds developed in time Wctisington imiilmi and tore their way nortlufastward , destroy- lng several farm buildings , and passing on to time sinai ! village of Virgil , where timoy domnolishmetl half a dozen houses and barns , a grain warehouse and other buildIngs , knocking time inhabitants about and breakIng - Ing Iryimm Daily's leg. A tornado struck Delmnont , in Douglass county , blowing down a warehouse amid aev- oral. buildings , but injuring no one. A tot- natlo also hiassed over the nortimen part of Lake county , destroying many farm housea and barns anti devastating the country over a space of ten miles by two , At Wentworthm , : tili another timrcmy the town ball twenty feet off its foundation , wimilo many bimild. Ings were unroofed , /unotimer twister tie. I stroycd a mmunmber of barns and small build- hmmgs at Alexandria anti still anotimer tore to ileces a church and mummy farm buildings mmear Dridgowator , ThmO rainfall was unprecedented - dented , At Wessimmgton Springs it macas- ui-ed 5.35 , at Alpemma 4 and no town imm this I section of the state reports less than 3 incimcs. All creeks , streams and dry runs are flowing bank full and the ground is I soaked several feet in depth. The amnail grain crop timrougimout the state is now assured - sured , Lightning killed Charles Cray , a promi- font citizen of 'Vhito , and struck several I buildings at Flandreau , ALEXANDRIA , B , D , , Juno 8.-Special. ( ) -Saturday's raimme wound up with a deluge I if ivater and a heavy ivind , whicit turned Into a small cyclone. Time total rainfall was 2.GO Inches for time day. After raining md cicarimmg all day the final heavy rain rehi about 6 o'clock , preceded by a violept ivlmmtl , Time vlmmd wrecked many slgmms and : himneys amid upset numerous smali buildI I mmgs In time city , On limo west edge of town t granary anti aimed were destroyed and I L barn badly twisted for lion , A , II ! , hetts , umd a small barn wrecked for D. E , hietta , lust as time raimm slacked the cyclone formed ii a field two miles northwest of time city , touth of the railroad track , Where it 'ornmetl the grain was destroyed In the fleW , roaing the track a telegraph polo was lstcd out of the ground , Continuing northwest Ii , N. Vt'ootl's barmi was tie- mmmolished , time 13 school house wrecked , \v , J , Hull's imtl granary destroyed anti \Vimmter' , mm uimroofeti. 'I'Imerq the cloud lifted am . setl nfl toward time mmortheast , tloimi . - ( ui-timer tlatnage in tlmis coummty , Tue , lmotmse was insureti against cyclone - 1LOSEIIUI ) . J _ 8.-Spcclal-A ( ) ralti of over an incim , half ( cii last nigiit at Rosebud. This . o first heavy rain of the season. It com 0 late to rave itmuchi of time somali gre a r the Indians , but will insure good gr " mmd hay , PARICSTON , ) . , , Juite S.-Specinl.- ( ) The storm of . lay demmmollshmed time large frame barmm of hlosmimer , also tiemmmohlsheti time barmu of Timommina DoMoulimieti auiti removed - moved lila dwelling froni time foummmtiatiomm amid diti otimer nminor ( iaummmmgo 1mm time neIgh- boriiooti. JEFFEltON , Ia , , Jumne 8.-pccial ( Telo. granm-Ammothier ) hard shower fell timis afternoon - noon amid it is raimmimig again tonlgimt. - VAL1lNC'S S'I'OILV Di' 'l'iH CI1IMIL lt'clnreR lie lielieves lIlt Itoomu 3lmite , , Jnt'ksoii , ECu leti I'emurl liry miii , Nfl\VI'ORT , ICy. , Juno 8.-Today was mo- tiomi day imi the Catmmpbeil coummty court , atmti tlmls huslmmcss consummied so mmmcii of ( lie fore- mioon as to leave only an ltour mmmii twenty mmmlmmutcs for the \Vnlhing trial. Timis time was commsummmetl by arcummmemits on time ad- mmmlssibility of time evitlemice of Ed 11. Aimtimommy amid Cimief of Police Dictsch of Ciii- cimmnati , given last week , Time tiefeimse mnoveti to exclutle time evidence of botim of titese w'itmmcsses-timat of Aimtimony , because whenite obtaitmed it lie told Walhimmg lie was a detective ; that of Dietscim because ime semmt for \Vaihimmg anti told lmim ' 'it i'ihl be well" or ' 'it nmigiit be volI" to mmnmko a denim breast of it. After lmearimmg argtmmmiemmts atmtl citatlomma of Itroceulents , cliicily by the defense , time court ruletl this testinmommy out and instructed the jury to disregard it. Testimmmommy to simmmilar admmmlsiomms by Walling Oil diffcremmt occashomma mmmatle to Mayor CaltI- well anti Sheriff I'lumnmer u'ns held by time court as conipctent. Timlir testImony vnmi Imowerftmll3 corroborated by Walling imimmm- self by admissions ime inauie wlic'mm tmmmtler cross-exammiinatiomi emi time vitncss stammd this afternoon. Time whole aftermioon , ( mmmi 2 o'clock to 5:45 : , Alommzo M. Wailing was nit time witmmesnm staimti. Ills mother , t\vo brothers amid a mis- ter-ium-law sat near himmm. More tlmamm 200 women were amommg time crowd of spectators otmtsido tIme liar. It was nmanifest from time drift of tine di reet exatmmination that time purpose of tine tiefemmso was to timrow the whole guilt of time mimurtler on Scott Jtucksomm , ammtl , if possible , establish an alibi for Waulitmg himnselt. In Imis direct examination Wallimmg smith lie miever knew Pearl Drymimi till mime caine here. F'urtlmernmore , hme said lie knew Jacksumm at Indianapolis , hut never was intimate 'itim imimn till lie came to the dental college at Cincimlmiatl. Since the two caine imere they had roomed iii time miamno room amid slept 1mm the same bed every niglmt except time tlmird after the arrest. This , however , was broughi out mm cross.examnimmatiotm. lIe said both 1mm direct and cross-examination that Scott Jackson first mentioned Pearl ilryamm to hum early in Jammimary , just after lie hind rettmrmmed fronm the holiday vacation at Green Castle. . "Then , " saiti Walling , "Jacldsomm took mc in a corner of the room. lie told inc lie imad got Pearl Bryan immto trouble ; that lie woulti brimmg hCr Imere to have an abortion anti asketi me to help' him , I agreed to help him by ettimig'a suitable room amid a 'conm- potent physicinq to do time work. Jackomm , It little later , amId ! me would bring the girl here give imer some quIck poison' and kill her in some hotel , witlm tIme imprcnmmniomm that she had capmtmmitted suicide. Still later he proposed , to kill her "with joisomi km a pri. Sate room. cut her up ammd s&xttor the pieces in the city catch basins. " lie said if on Monday night , January 27 , ' ho had met Pearl Bryan at time Cincinnati , Hamilton - ton & Dayton depot , lie would have taken her to Waliimmgstord's saloemi 1mm tIme tentler- loIn district , where Jacksomm hind Instructed him to take her. lie said ho saw Pearl Bryan only three times when sue \s'as there , The first time was Tuesday wimetm lme took a message to her ( roam Scott Jackson. Tlmis was the only tinmo ime had spoken to her. The .aecont ] tirno was on Wetimmesday night ben ho saw Jackson and a woman he atmim- i)950d was Pearl IJryaim leaving tine \Vnhl- immgsford saloon. Time timird time was Tlmurmt- day night , when Jacksomi sent him to meet I'arl at the postofilce , He ditl mmqt go to the postomee , but went by and peeped 1mm arid saw Pearl llryan without her seeing him. hI3 wont to time Dcmmnisomi house , wrote letters anti that Timuraday nlgimt ho- fore the mnurder dIti not go to his room but stayed at Holder's hotel. lie saiti time rename hum stayed at fielder's was that lie had become suspicious of Jackson abotmt this girl. Friday nighmt , January 31 , Imo sav Jackson at their room at 10 o'clock , but him went out with Albion till midnight ammd went to beti and dept all mmlghmt anti saw nothing of Jackson till lie awoke in the morning about 9 o'clock. He was witim Jackson at Ileider's 0mm Saturday evenlmmg wim n he first read about a muurmlereti girl near Fort Thomas , Saturday at noon he bad taken a package at Jackson's request and put It in lila owmm locker at the college , It was a iair of trousers. Ho maid they belonged - longed to Jackson. lie was required to put thenm on and stand bolero time jury. Time pammtaloons buttoned all right , but thmey were a trifle mimort. The witness maid in Ida cx- planation in brief timat whomm Jackson first broacheti time mimatter to him just after time imohlilays ho thmotmgimt lie was taikimmg thiroughm Ills lint , hut timat now he hind every reason to believe that Scott Jackson murdered i'earl Iiryamm. Colonel Helson In cross examination asked Waihimmg"Do : you macaim to say to time jury that you slept witim Jackson Saturtlay , Sunm1ay Monday amid Tuesday mmigimts-wimo , as you believe , mimurtlered h'eari Ilryamm , of wimomn you becamimo susimicioums on Thmumrsday , whose murderous intommtiemtmm toward Pearl llryan you hind lcnowmm over since time imohi- days , amid in all tbmese miays reami every day about time mmnmrder , timat you walked witim him , ate with imlmn , slept with iiimn amid yet never emmett spoke to imim about time mmmumrderi" "Yea , timat's what I mean , except timat on W'edmmestlay night. February 6 , at Sixth anti Elmmm streets , Jackson said tlmtmt those d-tl shpes were about to give the whmolo timing away , " Time court announced tlmat hereafter time trial would contimmuo one hour longer eacim day. _ _ _ _ _ _ MISSOIJIII li/iS MOitli 11.11)'JIA'l'hI lilt 'Vu-n Coo iii li's linil I y liii mm roil hii 'S'I miii mtiiut Floods , ICANSAS CITY , Jumme 8.-A special to tine Star from Mexico , Mo. , says : A tornado struck hero hate yesterday evening , causing more or less demmtructiomi 'to houses , barns , trees and crops , As far aim known no one was injured 1mm Mexico. It is ( eared that the coumitry suffered more severely , but details ire meager. Rain fell In torrents , fully six incimes coy- rrimmg , thai grotmnd , The damnago by water is considerable. Many residences were untler- mined armd timeir occupants comnlmelied to leave thorn. Seine were rescued by horses and ithers In the bottoms waded out in water waist deep. One old womnami went to bed arIy in tbe evening anti whmemi sue was iwakenoti time water was up to the beth , She yelled for help anti was rescued bart'hy iii Limo , The creeks are hmigimcr by several Iii- htca timan they vero during last fall's Il'Od md for that reason communication with miner parts of time country is simut off , A speciaj to time Star from Webb City , Mo. , maya : WiIa appeared to be a cloudburst mtruck thmis's ctldn early this mornimmg , flood- ng mines , basernemlts , etc. , and doing a n'eat amount of damage , No lives reported oat. p Murdered Ilecuimso of a Girl , VINCINNES , lad , , Juno . -Dr , .1. IT. Dailey of Ilird's Station , Ill. , was murdered oday by Sanirisomi ' Miekoy , Time affair tas the result of a quarrel over a girl , I ) r. Bailey was ammo of limo most lnromninl'Imt mimysioialmi3 of southern Illimmobi. Jtlickey ! t , gmnineqt dUi.'ator. ' , _ 10111 REED'S ' PROII1E Worti of the Speaker Given that the Eze 1mosittofl Bill Will Pass , MERCER TO BE RECOGNIZED TODAY Last Obstacle to the Bill's flnactmont floe I ' Been Rolnovet'l , OBJECTION WILL BE OF NO AVAIL house is Still Acting Under the Logisatvo Order of Saturday , EVERYThING READY FOR TIlE LAST ACT l'n'i' Mereer i'rt'liturcs the'mu)5 to litislt the lull to Mr. I CielniidVltimout Delay , , ' 1 i W'ASIIINGTON , June S-Spccial ( Telo.- graimm.-Ummiess ) sommmetlmimtg at hmreaent cmi. tirely untorseen sumoumid iimtorfere time Ti-aims- mmmississipml expositlomi bill will yams the house tommmorrow. It is a hmolti statement to mmmake iii view of tite vicissitudes time bIll has been commmpchied to undergo tiurhmmg time past ( ow weeks , hilt commthltiomms tommlghmt seemmi to wai'i-ant this assertiomm. Speaker htecti has commscmitetl to rccogtiizo Reimrcsemmtative Mercer tommmor- ro , , ' , amid as it will ho still imidividual suspemmsiomu day , objection 'ihl mmot be a part of parhiammmemmtary nrocethtmre , The house will liroceed as ummiler Saturtlay's hegislativo tiny , time flag over time soutim wing of time capitol ltammgimmg himmip as a disim rag , but mnarlclng a recess , which was take mmlnst tommighmt , until time rise of another sun , the dawmi of tim sammmo legislative day , hut forty-eight limits memoved from its origimmai inauguration , Thmis is ommo of timeso legislative fictions seen durimmg time closimmg ( lays of congress , but niade mmecessary by very exigemmeics of hawa , Time day inns beomi ommo of commtercmmco with Speaker Reed , Net only has Mr. Mercer immiportummed ( Ito speaker , but a long talk was hind vltim Mr. Reed by cir-Semmator Padtloek , who hints taken a lively immterest him the bill. Mr. Paddock called Mr. Ree'il'a attcmmtiomm to time conditiomm of the wholt , tramismimississippi coummtry , how it had apt- fereti durhmg the past few years , and simowetl lmimn the bammlc clcarimms for Omalma , immdicative that recovery fromim business do. pressiomm had just comnmimeimccd. CATCHES TilE SPEAKER. lie said it was a lOPt'lnr measure , antt ( hint time states imicltmdcti in time great Trane- mississippi coummtry voultI hail ( lila exposl. tion as amm opportummity to shov time world time greatmmcss of thmo wcsterq half of the' continent. ' There was commsitlorahile personal talk betcemi tmo two of a character boydnml time' ' riimngo p ii noivapapmr's columns , ' bu that the comiveratttion was satisfactory' I ulpon tine authority of the OX-senator . hi acml , ( . . _ - . William Pitt Kellogg ' inns 'Ethso done ypo. mami service for the biji , anal Mr. Reed , is quoted mis' saying timat no' 'popular measure this s ssiomm imas called out such hircssuroani time transmmmississlppi bill. Mr. Mercer , when be saw ills last chance for today go ( lOWli thrpugh ( ho filIbustering of the demimocrata on the Umiderwood elec' tion case , approacimed Speaker 11cc-ti , and a decidedly animnated ( nile rcsulteti witnimi slgimt of the ircss gallery. When they Parted timere was a smmmiio on both faios Time bill was safe. 1mm order that imo time ho host when it is put upon its passage , Mcrcer will hmare time bill emigrosseti iii ( ho mmmormmimmg , ready ( or time signature of the president of time aemmato and timp speaker of tine house. It will be rushed ovQz to the miemmato , and that hotly will concur in time house amentinmemmt at once , ammtl if aji goes voll it vili be in the presidemmt'a bands br.fore ( lie sun goes dowim tomorrow. 'tlmo cimief executive will ho seen by Mcrtier , Senator Warren and others , amid tlmero are no feira iut ( lint ito will sign it at ommee , as it carries no appropriation , but simply guarmmmmtees time goverimmnemmt to erect the humiidimig anti make aim exhIbit at time proper ( I mno. SCORChING ROAST FROM JOHNSON. Grove Johnson of Cauitom'miia , umnder a queu. tlon of personal privilege today , indulge in wimat Is conceded to be time most scathin denunciation' an editor of a mmowspaper ever heard in the lower Imahl of cengrc8 , lie called Hearst of the San rFanchsce Examiner - aminer a limir and other similar , cxoresaion usually taboocti in , polite society' , and all , because that paper hind made a personal attach : upon lilmn as to his conduct of the mnimmeral lammtiu bill. ha imis , sjet'cii , wimich attracted wide attention , ho said of Mr. Onmcr Madisomm Kemn of Nebraska : "Wimomm time bill came back fromim time semmato Kern imaml already engaged in timat warfare whmichm imati demmomninatcti imitmi assiatamit speaker of ( lila house , amid was mimaking ob. jcctiotm to the consideratiomm of all bills by ummaninmotma consent. I know of no way to silence Kemmi but to 1(111 hIm , but I hiati not mmmommoy emiougim to pay thmo fimmo it I did thmat , thmoimglt porhmtmlms I would have becmm ju'ititleml lii doing it ummtlor time circumstamiccs , " Time deficiency bill , which s'ims sigimeti to. tiny by time presitlemit Inmmnetiiatoly after imassumig time aemmate , carries the following alim'OlriatiOima for letter carriers for over.- thmime charges ; Omaha . , . , , . . , , , , , , , . . , . , . , . , , . , , . , . , , , . 121,00000 [ imicoImm . . . , . , . , . , , , , , , . , . , , . , , , , , , . , . . , , 4,217 00 Jieatrice , , . . , . , , . . . , . . , , . . , . , . , . , , , , . , . . I,29 00 South Ornmtima , , . , , . , . , . . , . , , . . , , , , , , , , , i3 00 lrt'mont , , , , . , . , . . . , . . , . . . . , , . . , . , , , , , , . , 482 00 Nebraskit CitY 057 00 Fom' Iowa : Coiiimcli hmlumirs . . , , , , , . , , . . , . , . , , , . , . . . . , $ 0,043 00 lavemmport , , , . , , , . , . . . , , , , , , , , , , . . , , . , . :1,0:3 : : 00 1)05 Moimmes , . , . , . , , . , , , , , , . , . . . , , , , . , , , 7,142 00 iowa City . , , , , , , , . . , , , . , , . . . , . . , . , , , , . , 1,13000 Itmnrshiahitowim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,73. 00 Cedar ltttpida . , . , , . , , . , , , . , , . . , , . , . , , , , 1,119700 OtturnwtL . , , , , . , , . , , , , , , , , , . . , , , . , , . , , , , 2,957 00 St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29.708 09 Minneapolis 28,531 5 luiutlt . . , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 7,434 3 Htlilivntor . , , . , . . . , , . , . , , . . . , . . , . . , , , , , , . 2,860 4 * Comptroller Eckles totlay approved time First Natiommal bammk of Kammsau City as reserve - serve agent for time First Natiommal bank ot hiumnboldt , Neb , , and time National l'ark bank of Now York sit reserve agent for tinci Nebraska National of York , Neb. lie has revoketl lila approval of tine hanover Na- tiommal of New York acting as reserve agent for time latter bank , ' Lloutemmamit Colonel Joseph P. Fancy , Ord- : mammce demmartmnemmt , is ordered to rFankfort arsenal , l'cnrtuylyanla , Captaimm Levi I' , Hunt , Tenth cavalry , Is detailed to attend time cncanmpmmiemmt of the MIssouri National Guard at Springfield , Mo , First LietmtommammtYilliamn l. Burnimam , Twentieth infantry , is also detailed to Iiprimmgflcld , as well as at Lamnnmr , Mo , Leave of ahmeflce Is granted Sccommd .Aou. tcmmant Charles Miller , two days. Captain Crosijy , l , M 111cr , assistant quar- toritnaster , is ordered to Little Itoek , Ark. , cii btmsineso , 14011 F' , iloydsomi , postmimaster at Monta zutna , ha. , halt been here several days ihgbt lag time confirmation of It , L. Mortiamni , I is thought a new appolntnmout will ho nmamlO 500mm aftem' congress atljournmm. Semmator Gear and wife loft for imomo today. Otimcr Iowans will follow tonmorrow , Commgrcssmnan Bob Cousimmu returmmetl totia frommm Anmmapolis , where lie bait been ou board of review , Xcii' ( l'uernl Iit'llIi'uie' 11111 HlgnetP. WASIIING'ION , Juno 8-Time president tlmis afternoon shgtmet time revised gcners leficiemmey bill , whmieiu had been aucutlo g , imeet. liii ; pnJticuv' . ' . , . ' ' . S. -