Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1896, Image 1

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r . 1 . . :
t 3STABL1SflED JDNE 19 , 1871 . OMAHA , MONDAY toica , JUNE 8 , 1S9h ( _ _ _ SNC UOL'Y PIVU CENTS.
Cuban Antonomists Looking to an End of
the FrescntVar. .
( itetittit ! ) cclnrtttg the \IIIIigtte"
or ti 1'strIos * u tCIelit All-
tIIIIIII3' Oil 13 tgi I t' 'I'I ) S1.
iigitiares Iefurc 1reNclltltttl)1l.
( npyrIght , 1FG , by l'reis 1'uliIIIng Compflny. )
HAVANA , Juno 7.-New ( York \Vorld
Cabtcgrarn-Specktl Tclcgrani.-It. ) Is under-
Btoo ( tlUtt eatUng spanIards and Cuban
autonornlst8 are nrelarlng a statement do-
daring their wIIlIngncBs to accept. inedlatton
by thu Untted Statc for coding the war on
the ba9I at autonomy , provided ho United
Itate8 guarantee pence. t is said that the
petition has met. the approval of 170 poll-
t1cian and Cuban autonornistR , vho watt
only tlio decision of ltatael Mentors and
Julio Sanguilly to sign It in bchalt at the
Cuban autunoinista anti eparatlsts rcpcc-
! _ The petition. it flnally signed , will be
preaentcl to ConEul General Leo. Much
doubt is cxpreescd ot Sanguiilys acqtiic-
A morning neswpapcr prints an Interview
With Consul General Leo on the aubject ot
hia inlsIon , In which General Lee Is quoted
flIl saying that ho CaIflO to tilform hirnelC
on the vroblern Ircsefltcd in Cuba , and
woulil report \'ashington , with 6trict
Impartiality and juatico. 'flie reasons why
ho was aelected were : First , his great
frICfllSlll1) With l'rcddent Cleveland , with
whom ho Is identical in Idona and cent- !
IflelItil. flnl second , having conunanded General -
eral 'It. F , Lee's cavairr and licen nectis-
tOflCl to reconnoiter. ho is better than
anybody else able to understand the kind
ot war the insurgents are wngiiig Contnu- !
lug , lie sald "I know vell that public opin-
A ion attributes to inc a special mission , and
gives extraordinary Importance to lily con-
aular wOi'k. and tile very fact liliposes UpOn
HIG great reserve. 'Veil may he sure that
my destro is for the welfare of tim Uiiitoil
States anti spain , anti for the maintenance
of the friendly relations existing between
"Thoo Who believe that part of the Amen-
can people favor recoiiiton ! of the beiligen-
en cy or the Insurgents because at hostility to
paiil or friendship to the insurgents are
mistaken. They at4c it because they be-
hove that the intereet of Americans would
thus he as'uned , alid because with be- )
ligeroncy recognized , the Insurgents cu1d
not destroy the IIands , as they are now
doing. I , as consul , wotild ho the flnt to
k protest against lavlesrness. It would be a
glorious thing for my government and give
\ It lmmezii'o satli'factlon to be able in a cor-
LL > dial and friendly way to re.stono peacc to
Cuhi , aiitl so avert destruction of this irland ,
so rich and i'o beautiful , to which we are
ulilted by such great Intercsts. flIt tills
affair iii so dellcnto that I bog of , you not to
tjucstlon me eu tile subject. I can ast'uro
you that the relations between Spain and
tilO United Statci are very cordial. "
The Interviewer asked General Leo : "Is ;
it true that ti intend to have comniunl-
cntion 'with tile Insurgents ? " General Lee
enilleti and said : ' 'I tlon't know yet. "
r senator Morgan's Interview In tile World
causes much disetissiun in Havana. La
Diseilsioli editorially reviews the ltuatIon
I1IIII concludes that President Cleveland's
course IS 1omInaed by personal and poUt- !
cal intereets.
It is rcportcd that there are large for-
CIn orders ftr cigars III antIcipatIon of
the Increased export duty that , It is thought ,
viIl ho tinpoacd in July.
The inayorbVConsolaelon dci Sur reports
that ho has assurance that Berinudez. one
of Macco's prlncival lieutenants , is dead.
Large rewards itavo been offered for a ,
German who weara eye glasoes and a Gait-
1 , clan , said to ho the men who are dyna-
' 4. nilting trains iii Matnnzas. It is said that
t11e11 names arc known , but they are 'tyith-
General Zayes , with 3,000 men. is said to
liaye been skirmishing near Vuchis. In the
northern part of Santa Clara , In which ar-
ttllory was employed. There are no &lotnils
Colonel FUCOtCS has arrested eight labor-
ens In Pinar dci tie province because they
were found lyIng IU huts lii the vicinity
of the rebel camp.
Consul General Lee today visited the soy-
oral Americans imprisoned in the Cuban
fortrcs. lie 'trill apply for their relief to-
morrow. It is reported that no formal
charge has yet been made In Dawloy's case.
It lB said that ho 'tvllI be released tomorrow.
Ito compltiiiis that lil'i arms 'tvcro tied be-
bind him when ho was arrested , and that
he was threatened with death because lie
could not carry baggage. W. W. GAY.
COMl'F'i'1'1' ( ) ii CA S P1 1'Ai'IItS AIIIIIVE. '
SiiiiIs1i Court ( ) fNlVlll Ajii.nliH No '
IIIMill iii I' 1)lollilllltN.
( Copyright , 1Sii , by l'ress l'uWIsiIng Conpany.i
MADiUD , 312110 7.--New York \Vonid
Cablegram-Special Teiegram-Tho ) ininleter
of marine , Admiral fleranger , received by
the le'st m3Ii from Cuba anit Immediately
sent to the eupronlo court of naval appcalii
all tiio papera arid the extenivo report froni
- tlio adniirzi commanding tueVe't Indiiin
station nh the case of the fthIbustenIn vessel
Competitor , The supreme court will apirnlnt
a ElCCbl judge to c'xanilne the caiio. and
draw IIIi a report bctore the full court liro-
nounres on the merits of the s'ntcnco of
the havana court martial. A deelbion can-
hot hO oxpecteil earlier than a fortnight.
though thto government liaii allowed the
L court to know Itii desire for prompt In-
tcrpreitalloii at Ilie text of the trcatIe ,
cepeclally that 1S77.
It Is clear that niost Spaiiishi jurists
anil Inhlltary men believe that the
court of appeals 'tvlll simply quash the
liavaiia sentence anti declare the whole pro.
ceediligs unwarranteti an'l contrary to the
treaties. The court wIll tlieii also rule
that the case ho trleil afresh In Havana
by ordinary jurisdiction , with all the guar-
antoca of fair Play stipulated In the treaty
of 1877.
It Is again iald In otflclai circles In Madrid -
rid that thu American Stab iiepantnieiit
slgnifleil that It would not object to such
a decision as an ordinary jurisdIction In
such coiiihltlons bight pronounco.
SIltiUS 11 IC ) ' ! ' I N SI' , 1'i'I'IitSliUit(2.
s\ ' 1'i n ihiiiiilri'ii Iliad l'erollh
\ id ihti all Corountlllul iia- .
LONION , JUlIO 8.-A dispatch froni
' Vienna to the Daily Noys says that accord. ,
Ilili to a PelIsh.Gullclaii paper there vai
a riot at St. l'cteisburg oil the evuning ot
the coonatIon day. A dreinken crowd , It ,
lii alleged , flIcii ) the NewskI Prospckt anti
itecamo unnlansgeahile , wlieretlioii Cossacki I
galloped Into the crowd 1iicIt resIondcd b ,
thorwlng 5toues. 'ile Co81acJts tIiertiioii !
' IISCII their satircs rIght and left au' ' ! IIiiall
Iiret Into the crowd , nut ) 250 veions were
kllleil anti wountled and GOO were arrested ,
GhIlA'1'flS'l' SCOUIIit 01' M.lXIlXi ) ,
Gliislstont'rti's Another T.etter ( III
thu Luisit.nIabJi. ! 'l'.srtc.
T.ONDON , .ltliio 7-Mr. Gladstone has
vrltteli a reply to a COrresionticzlt , In which
ho says : "Lu 181 opInion , the Tuikisli go-
eminent Is Ilio greatcEt scourge of iiiaii.
IIILIII , anil Is the greatest seaudai cliii .ils.
jwaco to relliton , Iticiuding the religion of
p Mabomul. on tlto face of the earth , "
Another \'iti' ShIp fur Spsilii ,
MAIlili ) , Juno 7.-The munIcIpal aithoni.
tIes of iuyillu have offered to furnish the
governtncu & second Ironclad to bc bui'.t at
Uenva ,
i.ic's i'itisrcr Gt'lS COSVlflENCi
Arnerlcnn.s Iii IIIIZIIZI Vccl tnrer
Under the New Conttl Generni.
( Copyright , iSR. by Prep1'uhlIiinS Company.
hAVANA ( via Key \Vest ) , Juno 6.-New
York World Correspondonce-SPCCIaI Tele-
gram-Thomas ) ft. Dawley , the harper's
correpontlent now In Mono castle , ciisrges
that lila nrret 'tvae made by a police official
of Antemisa becauro he was an AmerIcan
citizen , in spite of the fact that he had
been permitted by General Orolos to retdo
In Arternisa. General Leo yesterday to-
ceived this letter from Dawley , written in
prIson :
Sir-I have the honor to call your nttcfl-
tioti to the fatet that I am IIIi Amerleall
citizen , born In New York , nild am ithw
Imprisoned in a military ItrisotI 'tvtthout
having IIIiy hearing whinte'er. I took UP
toy ri-sidence In Artclnift nbotlt tile 1141
of May last , Thu celatlot of the place
tlirt'iiti'ned Tue with arrest at the time , be-
Cntll'c I Wali an American. I obtnitwd permission -
mission from the oflicer in commnlul there
to rcnutin. .AlOUt ) a week ago thiM oillc'or
clime to hIrtVitliii , and ( loneral Melquiso
'tYeflt to Artcmlsa. The celador tried
lIglIlO and succeciled In having me arrested ,
I lUll COtltlfletl among iollticni prisoners.
't % lao are awnitilig court-martial. Trusting
that you will give your immediate ntten-
tion to tills case I urn your obr'tii'nt sery-
Alit , ThOMAS It. lA\Vli'EY.
General Meiquiso , who iiitd Dawley arrested -
rested , Is the same general who is charged
with the responsibility for ninny murders
of 'iiaciflcos. " General Orolos , whom lie
succeetled , has recently gene back to Ar-
tenilsa to restlina command of the trochiit
Oil tiio promJse of General Weyler to rc-
Iiitorco the military iliio and give him free
AmerIcana In Havana breathe more easily
now that Getierai Lee has coiiie. 'lie hina
pleaseti everybody. Ills lromptness in tue
flnwley CR50 gives Iu-oinise of a vigorous adminIstration -
minIstration of the consulate in the Intcrcst
of AmerIcans. it may ho Interesting in
New York to know that a Havana paper
has already nomltiated hUn for vice wesl-
dent on a ticket with Clevelaiid Pawley
has been in Cuba for some time as come-
spontient of harper'sVuekly , anti all thin
recent work In that journnl on the Cuban
'tval. has been from him , Ills camera has
been turned on nearly everything of interest -
terest In thin field. ho is very fearless and
iia been very popular with the Spanish
officers. This is the ninth timejie has been
arrested , but It hi the first time a Spanish
olhlcer has sent him to Moro castle.
NotwithstandIng the reluctance of the
American government to recognize that 'a
state of war exIsts here , General Weyler
and the Madrid government eceni to roe-
ognlzo it. In denying General Bradley T.
Joiiiie'on permlxslan t vIat Dawley In Moro
castle yesterday , tim captain general used
these significant words : "Uiider Spanish
iaws no foreigner 'cati enter a Spanish fort-
mesa in time of war. " 'rho words are much
commented on in havana. They are cam-
iiiendetl to the coneidemation of r. Olney.
Another ( aet of much interest here Is the
action of thin Madrid government in eending
a note to the powers complaIning of the al.
legod USe of explosive bullets by tile rebels.
Why , since no war exists , and the rebel
gpvcrnmont Is not recognIzed as a behhlger-
ent power , should Spain tb this ? It Is
customary for a government iiot only to
avoid bringing Its domestic concerns to the
attention of foreign powers , but even to
resent any notice taken by other govern-
iionts of Its ( ioinestlc troubles. Tile fact
Is , that war hero Is so palpable , and it 'ox-
. lsth In such awful form , that the sophistries
and web spinning of voliticlans seem a
Tue World's Madrid dispatches , confirena-
tory of the story of General Wcyler's ro-
tlrememit , have excited renewed Interest in
the reports. InvestigatIon brings belief in
its probable truth. General Woyier's position -
tion Is not comfortable. Ho line beeii
hampered by diplomacy , insumclent military
forces and criticism of his civil and miii-
tary pOlIcies. Diplomatic agents have been
sent , hero from 'V'ashington and It is said
W'eyicr resents it. lIe was put out by the
interference of Madrid In tile Competitor
case and the more recent case of the to.
bacco edict. FrictIon and jealously in the
palace ara commonly reported. It Is known
that seine omcera here would welcome a
change in the supreme command , but while
it seenis to be true that a change Is itupenti.
ing , it Is not likely to come at once , On
good authority It is said that it may not
ho made for two months.
The milItary situation remains confused.
The recent movements of Macco and Gothcz
are not clearly understood. Macco seems
to have retired to the hills between l3ahla
ilonda anti Candelania , while Gomea is said
to have settled down In the vicinity of the
capo to tile north of l'uerta Principe City.
Gomnez seems to have made a rapid move-
meat through I'uerta Pnineipe and Santa
Clara into Matanzaa anti then retired , At
one tlnio , no doubt , lila movements gave the
Spanish much concern , The rebei bands
from the cast continue moving into the
western provinces , but the gcnerai move-
meitt Is not now so marked. It is thin corn-
mon belief that the recent activity 'tvas
only port of the strategic policy of Goinez ,
who seems to be constantly striving to wear
out the enemy by forays and harassmOnt ,
which keep the Spanish in constant but
fruitless action.
Time rebels In Matanzas are snaking raIlroad -
road travel Impossible. Trains are dynamited -
mited almost daily. Yesterday reports of
( our or five train wrecks and attempted
train wrecking on thin United raiiway In
Matauzas reached havana. In one case large
loss of life Is reported. Apparently that
roami has become useless for the transporta.
tloii 0 ! trooDs.
The most Important fight of the week
seenis to have been at Marabl , on time north
coast , In Santiago province , near flayuco
Time country them is billy , hut the rebehs
have ctimmtniandetl the port and coast for a
hong time , Recently General Pombo , withi
i.oo men anti two cannon , w.nt from Santiago -
tiago CIty to thislOtigti them , Reports of
severe fightIng for coveral days have come In
anti thu Spatlisil claim a victory.
_ _ _ _ _ _ \ v.V , GAY.
ItOMB II 'l'iiItO'tVN 1X'I'O A CItO'I ) .
( Jmmtrmige lit Ilnr'eIpImt. In ' % % 'lmIchs
.tri lIiIed itmisi Fifty itijitreti.
IIARCELON. , June 7.-A bomb was
thrown into thic crowd ( lilting time Corpus
Chiristi procession today atmd Its exhoslon
resulted In the killing of si. persons antI
the Injury of tlUy , Tiio perpetrator of the
deed is as yet unknown , and Imis motive Is
equally a iitystcry.
MADItID , Juno 7-Two dynamite vetartts
were exploded In front of thin house of a
vrlest at Orlemidan. near Sun Sebastlami , In
thu flay of iJlscay. Mmmcli damumigo resuitoti
train the explosiomi , hut there was no fa-
Newa of the throwing of the bomnb spread
maplilly over the city and caused a Ianic
among the great crowds mlravmi to the
streets by tile religious festIval and the
Sunday merrymaking usual to ( lie city , The
explosion occurred Just as ( lie Corpus
Chmisti proceslon was cimtenlng the beAui-
( UI cmiii ancient church of Santa Maria dcl
Mar , This Is Iii out , of ( lie most thIckly
hiopuhated quartera of tlmo city. The outmcl
of the explosiomi anti time thistresecti Cries of
tue Injured and the friends of the killed
created ami indesciIbahlo panic among ( ho
great crowd in the procession sod iookors
cli , 'fun PeOlile 'tvei.a terror.tttr1cceq with
dread of oIlier bombs being tiircrwmi mmli it
was with thifhiculty th y , wcro retmulmied
froni btawpedillg ,
lcUIIls illj
htritisim , Prt'nt'lmm.mid ( ' .ernmnml
mlt'i'r , hut lii I ii . % IlLt4-'I'lmr1iy.
ATHENS , Jutme ' 1.-An z , fflcIaI 'reuionj
stuteim that a baud of Iurds iis ataewl ( t1 }
omiiployua Cif the raIlwn' Yrunmmlng from
Hmiiymna to Karaba , killimig fljauy , tadltidIti
the BrItish , I"rench anti'Letmnan.elIginerra ,
'l'llrkN Jin mit Cretmin Ylilitixeat ,
AThllN $ , Jumie 7.--Advlccz have been no.
CCIVCi hero trout the Island of Crcte to the
etTect timat ( lie diiturbancea in the various
harts of the ielau'i continue. The Turkish
ti oop are burulmmg yjflagcii.
British Drive the Rhalifa's Men Tuthcr
Into the Sonan.
Tlioinimml Iers'Isiies ltimortemi Slain
1mleliiilimi iaiiir Ilminindn mtiitl Imtii
l'romiilmment Cliiefi.-i"Irst Hmmgmmgc-
illemit of the NIie Cnimitmtigll ,
FEILTI'l' , Egypt , Juno 7.-This point was
taken by Egyptian troops at an early hour
this morning aiid their manner of acquitting -
ting themselves in this , the first engagement -
mont of thin Nile campaign , has given great
satisfaction to the British officers in coin-
mcmi of thorn. The Egyptian forces left
Akashehm , the Egyptian outpost , last even-
lug , Jumie 6. The inovcnieiit was a surprise
as it seemed to have been determined to
holti Akasheh as an outpost until the season -
son 'tvas passed and thin period arrived for
the advance upon Dongola in the hatter
part of August , or Iii September. Thin force
responded promptly to orders. however , and
was soon under way for this point. The
distance is twenty miles and it took tue
whole night to accomplish the march.
Time greatest svcrccy has been rnaixitaiiwtl
as to au the arrangements and Precautloil
'tvai ; taken tq prevent ( lie news of the advance -
vance from leaking out. 'The nigiitlon
match was pursueti 1mm absolute silence. hn
consequence , the arrival of the Egyptians
at the dervisbes' camp took the enemy corn-
phetely by surprise. They quickly rallied ,
however , amid rusheti to their arms. I' am
from being routed in the first skirmish of
the attack , thimiy atooti to their positions
and matlo a stubborn defense of thmo camp
for an hour anti a half. during which there
was barth fightIng. Thiti dervishes were
fimmally hut to rout by a flank nioveniemit
executed by the cavalry ,
SeeIng themselves in danger of being stir-
roundctl , the forces of the khahlfa took
flight to the south'tvarti toward Suarda , pur-
sticti by tlio cavalry. Stmartla is nearly 100
mIles otitii of hero , btmt it is strongly hielil
by a force of several tirnusanti dervishes.
Reports teceived Indicate thilit the loss to
the dervishes wIll amount to 1,000 men.
Among those killed is Emir hhiniuda , who
was their commander , besides many prominent -
nent chiefs. hlaniutha was In command of
time larger force at Suarda. lie was of the
tribe of hiabbania and was 'tvehl known to
Slatin Psalm , while ( Ito hatter was a captive
of tile kiiaiita in the Soutlan. Si tin hat
described him as a great favorite wlthi time
hhallfa , who promoted hIm to time rank of
emir because he left hils own tribe when
the insurrection first broke out to servo
time khahlfa personally.
It is iirobable the taking of Fertit was
declled upon owing to thin doubhe strength
of Akashehi as an outpost. surrounded as
it is by how hills , the . taking of whIch
would make Alasbehm a death tr p The
finishing of the raIlroad limb from Sarras
has been rapidly pushed sInce the expedl-
tlon was determined upon. thy extending
it to Flrket , the worst cataract wIll be
turned anti early advammtago can thus be
taken of ( lie rise In the Nile at the end
of July for water transport to Dongola.
The oflicers in command of the Egyptian
forces express great gratification at the coim-
duct In this morning's fight of the
Egyptians , about whom some thoubte have
been felt , and the Soudanese , who have
been hooked to with confidence. for good
fighting. Both the Egyptian and Soudanose
disphayed great steadiness and dash. The
Egyptian loss in the fight was twenty killed
and eIghty wounded. hundreds of dervlshe I
were taken prisoners.
LONDON , June 7.-A Chronicle dispatch
from Fertlt says that Dervishes madp a
barth fight with a large force of rlfiatnen
anti not only held theIr own ground but attempted -
tempted to advance with a perfect roar o
musketry , whIch was repulsed by shrapnel ,
MaxIma hail and steady converging vohleyu
'tvhichi shiattereti the mud houses of Fertlt.
SUAKIM. Juno 7.-There Is a report here
that the Negims Meneielc of Abyssinla has
offered to altl time Khahlfa , Abduhlah , thin
leader of the dervishes , again at time friends
of Italy. _ _ _ _ _ _
I'iilIleiitloii ( if Coii1IIemi timil Corre-
smoiiiIence Cminses 'I'roujle.
LONDON. June 7.-Thmo correspondent of
the Times at Rome says time ItalIan mm-
istry Is in very rough water , owing to the
publication of time green book on Abysslnla ,
which contains communications from Great
Britain regarding time Soudan expedition , In-
ciudimig information whIch the oppositIon
in the British 'Pnnhlament complaIn that
Lord Sahlsbury refused to comnmtmnicato , and
the publication of which was criticised by
Mr. Lialfour in Parliament on Friday. The
Times' correspondent says there is a wide-
spreai opinion that a cabinet crisIs is In-
evitablo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Amimerlenu Ilommts ( Ii e 1iltLieIes.
LONDON. Juno 7.-A dIspatch to the
Times from hlhuiuwayo. mhatcd Juno 0 , says :
The American , Bumnhiam , has reported that
he rode into an inipi of 000 Matabeles last
evenIng. A column was sent out wimich
routed thin impi , killing 150 natives. Numn-
bers of repeating rifles were captured.
. _ p -
PIIv1s I , Lilt G I N I I ( I 1,1 I.tY C A U Ii.
All Is Itemtd fertise omu'nliig of time
Nim tiomimi 1 Smmeiigertt'st.
PITTSBURG , June 7.-Everything is
iii readiness for time openIng of thin twenty-
eighth natIonal saengerfest toimiorrow night
anti a number of delegatione of cingers who
vill participate have arrived. The city was
vIsIted ( lilt ovemming by a heavy rain , whIch
biati the effect of destroying the brilliancy of
time decoratlomie , ilready up on many bemlid-
Imig. ; but fortunately time imrlnclpal decora-
( Ions svIIl not ho in place before tomorrow.
Thu central board of control held a i'peclai '
imiec'ting tothay to arrange tbo detalla of
( lie opening event tomorrow night , I'esI-
dent Clevelamid , at V'asblmmgtomm , vIhi , mit 8
p. in , , toucbm the button which will Illuminate
the Itnmnemise electrical lyre Imi MusIc hail ,
thimma opening limo saengcrfoat , After time
formiai opejilng , Paul Schmneido ; , prosldent
or ( lie control board of time twenty.ecventhm
feat , held in Cievelantl In 18i3 , will present
( ho lest hag , time tropimy of thin Saenger-
bumid , to President Irmiling. ! LleutensnL
Governor Lyons will make an adtlrem of 'tvel-
comno anti Mayors Fermi and Geyer will act
-In a similmr capacity for I'ittsburg and Al-
leghmammy , Tue fest oration by Rev. Frederic
Itauft , of the German Evangelical I'rotoaant
ctmurchm , will follow.
Iie'mtIis or mm Izm.
( Copyright , 1SU , by I'resa VUbliailng Company , )
LONDON , Juno 7-New ( York Wprlmi
Cablegram Sveclal Telegram-Arthur )
Padeltord , formerly of flaltliriore , and well.
known In New York , died In I'anis today of
ce'rcbro.splmial menIngitIs. hUs razor
shipped while be wait shaving hiniself a
-few weeks ago anti his hand was badly
cut. Illooti poIsonIng set In , antI braIn foyer
mmuptrvemied , developing menIngitis. Ills
brother lives In New York. Each Inherited
ii hamidsomo fortune.
'm'ATRIiIURY ( , Coon. , June 7.-A cablegram -
gram received ( rein l'aria tonight annoumice4
th , athi of Augustus 5 , Chase froimi a para-
l)1Jc troko. Mr. Chase went ahroitl for
the bemmofit of tile health a few months 590.
mr was iiresideut of tlme Waterbury a -
tinah bank , \'aterbury Watch anti Vator.
tnfry 'Clock cornpanie , ( ho BenedIct and
llunimlmanm ManufacturIng comnpammy. and ae
tirehy Interested in other corporations ,
PIIiLAIhL1'hIIA , Juno 7-U , S. Fox , for
mammy years one of ( lie most prominent
bankers and brokers in this city and well
known in street railway circles all over the
country. died tonight at lila home near
Qmen Lane sUction , Ito was about G5
years of sac.
I , altr of SIILC $ Iftlii,41 Mm'relmnimts
PItkC On 1Ve'v.Porm.
( Copyright , 1i'O , bt th.A sedated I'rcm'tm. )
hAVANA , MayTbio Spanish newspapers -
papers teem wIth aTiclc on ( be loyalty
of Spaniards In Ibd republic of Mexico ,
Uruguay anti time Aren(1no Republic. But
that Is too welt kflvn to require extendeti
iiotico. Spaniards of , Argentine and of
Uruguay lma'o enrolled as volunteers in
Cuba , and tel y oY4r ; 3O0O of ( hiemn are
aemylng In thIs Islan4 to maintain Spanish
rimho anti Spanish stmptcmnacy. Spaniards In
( ho United States nud all Spanish.Ainerlm
hmavo Initiated a nmiv&l ftimid , time stmbscnlii-
( ions extending over three yeas. Time hat-
est evldeimco of loyalty of time Spaniards iii
SpanIsh-AmerIca hasl taken a how form.
\'hat is deemed totbq aatroug anti-Spamilsh
feeling 1mm the American animate and in the
United States , gencrdhiy , has been noticed
by the press itt the mother country , as well
as In Spanish-America. It has led to a
calling togothmer of Spanish merchants Iii
the republics of Mexico. Urtmguay anti the
ArgentIna Rcptmbhic. . They have lirotesteth
against what they regard' ' as thin unfriendly
tmtteramicemi of ( ho American people , amid
have unmtmiimnotmslY decided to cease further
; iurchases In time UnitbdStates. Thin move-
nient was Initiated in South America qtmito
recently. The Spanish in rcimammts of Mexico
City and Vera Cruz have decitied on email.
tar action.
Eports to time three repubiics have been
comimmlilcrable. The ' follo'ting are ( lie halest
figures obtainable. They are from Umiitci ,
States sotirccs , ( ho rcpot of time bureatm
of statistics of the Treasury department at
Wasbingtomi , for ISOG
VaitmeotArnerletnl . . ssI. ( - ' 1(03. I 1SJl.
% irt : to : I . I
M'xko , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .II1.243.V9I $ iit,168f.31
Argentine jtClUiIIe 'iIltS , $ 4,99.O911 4.2.Ct
Urtmgtiay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V35.030 CO.4')4 inmrim
Cuba _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ntir,3zo1 2-tl5.GtS
' Some noidiers on detaciminemit duty at the
Olympic estate nearCimarros. oil the afternoon -
noon of the 24th inatat , went into the hills
of the near by Toro ettate to brIng in somimo
hmeneen placed thorofor pasture. Time Spanish
coitinimi of I'ravla wb eimcumnped on the Tore
. eatate. Time men seirching for time horatio
mmiistoolc them for : in&mrgenta and fired emi
, tlienm. The tlnliig alarimieci the remainder of
the detachment at. the Ohymiiplc estate and
: they weiit to ( be relief , of tIie'Ir comrades , but
teeing the iuppos d emierny In large nummi-
hers in the troods they fired a voliey amid
fell back to ( lie sugilr mills cii tim Oiyrnpic
estate. TheIr retreat deceived time I'arvla
cclumnn , who niso had takemt theiii for rehelt'
and , concludIng thttt timey were retreating.
the Portia column rtctivcjy pulmed them ,
whmen thin proprietor'of the Olymmipic estate
recognized time imiutual mnletalce and rode in
between time lines. lie 'tt' lvod a wumite imanmi-
lcerchiiot. lie , in turn , was taken for an
Incurgcnt and was 'fired , at. by bath Idcs.
hhie hiorca was killed imniler himn. how ever ,
lila courage and daring put a atop to ( lie
firing. As a result of 'this bungle , a soidier
of tim 1Iavara battiton , was killed , while
one of time royal engineero was dangerously
I La Diacuco'Ion of this .clty , on ( lie 27th ,
tinder the hmeatlimig 'We General Weylr , "
cdltoniahly refers to the suspects Imprisoiied
iii thisclty , thin firstcaa'e lmuliig that of Juan
PonceJoneZ. a teamster proprietor. from
time imiterio ' t tIme Ishand. , Ho owmn 'a trans.
port 'eystemn of tearn , ahd previous to hia
arreat , hati been engeged n Plactan in tramis-
porting niihitary auppUes. for ( lie govermi-
mcml. Ills alleged cirne coiislsts Iii hmaving
cxprooaetl a wish to 1iurchflsa a revolver from
a volunteer , as ho , alicgei , ( a defend hiniself
when near thin ' 1tielmrgontz La DietmssIo
sttite8 that Senor G m CI.'ehi Itmmowm to time
military and city autizonhles of Plactas aimd
vicinity. Wimllo. in tie' ) eomrnoa'rlson slnco.
January"last. no Epecitc charge hmio besn
made aa1mmst him , norhas any lnwye or
judge been nathCd toin4ulre into tIme caee.
No doubt thio goverbr.genoral will put this
minfortunato matter . Continuing , La
Diatisslon adds : "
"We alep ask clemency for Antonio Perez
Guerrera , , anti Jose. Vaquero Torrcs , , lIke-
wlsepniseners since January last , "hio
far have not bcen.i'lentifled by time u
thorities anti wlmo have had no judge narlied
to try them. There a'rp well known. reliable
citizens who will vouch for their loyalty
and fidelity. "
omcial atlvices from Censolacion do Sur ,
just published. state that durimig the illness
: of General Vaidez , 'his cornmaimth In that the-
partment of Pinar dcrltio will be trans.
ferred to General Mokina , General Valdez
wilt bo promoted foi avery iii action.
A resident of Cauuaiabo reports that in.
surgents following' /batties of Caimoto
and Caigunabo rccovcr 130 wounded from
the field and safely tansfcrred them to
their own linen.
El hleraido do Madtd , referring to thin
stateniont pubhlshed jy ; the minister of
war giving thin casualties among thin Insurgents -
surgents , makes the foilowing summary for
thmo eleven months of 1895 : Twenty-sIx
chdefa or leathers' amid , 1,190 rebels were
killed ; tour chiefs anti 358 men were
wounded and 218 nien'tqere made prisoners.
El Heraldo draws a cohelusivo contrast between -
tween the early mOnths of 1895 and ( lie
early mnonthis of I8O , During January ,
February , March and 'April , 1896 , thirty-
seven chiefs anti 3.05 men wore killed ,
while twelve chlct and , 30 men 'tvora made
prisoners. TIme resu't ' , in favor of four
months of 1890 , comnparoth with eleven
months of 189 , shows,4 dIfference in favor
of 1896 of eleven chiekfimid 1,895 men kiileti
and eight chiefs arid 1,260 wounded , while
1i2 prisoners were captire.d.
KEY WEST , Fla.5 June , 7.-Jose Lopez ,
who was on tue steamer Mascotte , Wedmies-
day night at havana , 'Just before her tie-
parturo. on accoupt of. bie auspiciotma action
in destroyIng a note hiandetl to htlmn ( mona
a small boat alongside , ; wamm released Friday
anti has arrived here. lie reports miserable -
able trentmcmmt by tht officers who arrested
him , but ho said hoa accorded very con-
sithomate treatment Ily the elmief of iolico of
TAMPA , FIn. , Juno 1.-Advlccs from Cuba
tonight tay : Frammcjsco1 Tarrina , a veahthy
planter anti an Ancm'Icami citizen , imas been
imprisoned at. Cardcna for the past fifteen
thays , wIthout a hearing and deprived of
nil commntmnication , wiLIt . thin outsIde worlml.
Rafael Carrcra. iii reported to have cafoly
hantied au cxpcdttioi t Punta do Canado ,
near Neuvitmis. witl.j,000 rifles amid 600,000
cartridges. , , , I
ONE 1(11,1,111) ND Ir1IhtEii DYING.
Overlommiled Trolley Cur
Itmiums AsYzl ) ' d , usmm Imicilime.
NEW YORK , Jdn 71'-An overjoaded
trolley car maim ay. down a hoig decllmio
on the Naeaau ae tt ) aUway extension to
Coney Iehtmtmtl wlie'n treveh was at Ito hmoighit ,
More than 100 pat'qngr were in peril of
their lives. One la va htllietj outright ,
failing en lila head vm1amumuiming It. Twenty
peraons were bruiae1 cne1 batCercd In a
hiorrih.mle famhilon , .A. rciro or nmore were
sligiily hurt. Amqn time dead and Injured
are : S
UNKNOWN RUSS1M .UOY. 12 years old ,
skull chmurshmed ; htlil * hi hmutanthy.
Lena Ihiee'smnan , fly York ; probai3ly
Mro. Mary 7yant. 4flrockiyn ; probably
-I ,
fatally. '
Leonard Forto.I3rookl'n ; probably
fatally , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Norwcginei LmfIiernhi ! OfIicers ,
LA CROSSEW1r. . , Juno 7-Thme'Norweg.
Ian synod elected plikers yesterday , Re'y , V.
Koren of Decorali ; Ia. , fills limo vacancy
caute'l by time tleajb of ( lie president , Itv ,
IL. A , Preus. 11ev. 'Mr. Preus of Morrison-
vllho , Wia. , waa elected vice prcoIdent ; U ,
0. flustol of ecarahm. ha , , treaatmrer ; nmem-
her of chunchi council , E , Borresep of IA-
cremate ; L , 0 , Tbcmne of Wilmimsrx , MIami , ,
aseia'tant. I
Itose ilCilirs tile , Clisirges.
WASHINGTON , June 7.-Postmaster ltoso
of Cripple Creek , Cole. , hma submitteth to
postmaster General Wilson a formal denial
of time charge of citizent ( list ho burasi muafi
indiscrlmmilnatc'Iy just after ( lie big Cripple
Creek fire. lie ays ( hut at the timime al.
legod , lie burned an aceqmulatIcn of value.
len newspaper imiall but fiat no other mail
iWS5 .damsgt0' Its amm 'tTiy
Barely UaF a DozIn L5acling Politicians
have Yet Arrived.
hlcelares Timt're Iii lie limit One hInh-
lot amid tli l'luitformu % 'I ii lie
. Omme 'Flint .thl mtemuhhicitmmPl
Guilt timiiort .
ST. LOUIS , Juno 7.-Up to ulate there
are fully five timucs as many out-ot-tewmi
notyspaper cemrcspomidents iii St. Louis-who
bavo come to thio mmatiomimti commvention-as
pohitidans. A baker's dozen political news
thissemnIiiators arrived last week , amid to.
tiny's tralmis brouglmt in as mnammy more ,
while , all told , less thiami halt a dozen pelt-
ticiamimu of mintional repute imavo put iii mcmi
appearimace. It Is hot expeeteti there wiil
be much real poItlcai ) activity until the
arrival of M. A. hianna , Major McKInley's
mmianager , with his forces. lie is expected
Tuesday , as is also lIeu. Tlmomnas C. l'iatt ,
'tvhio is coming to hook after the interests
of Levi I' . Morton. It is alto said ( hint ox-
Governor Gear of Iowa will put imi an zip-
hiearanco before tIme middle of ( lie week
wIth a corps of assIstants , to engage in time
lirehimimmary skIrmish Iii behalf of Senator
\Viillamii 13. Allison. The bill-posting brig-
athe of the Ilawlceye state candidate was
imere today amid as a result lithographic
Portraits of Senator Alhlsomi have beema hung
in shop wlmidows anti posted up on the dead
Syalls of thin town. The natIommal conimmiittce
will all be here before thin cloo of thin iveek.
With timemu will come scores of delegates ,
especially thmoo hiavimmg commteats , and a
hiorthe of cztiiiii followers iii thin way of
citIzens whio desire to servo thin state , or
rather party , in ( lie capacity of assistant
doorkeepers and other useful anti necessary
) iOsltiomiS about thin convemition hall Then ,
too , time crowd in the hotels 'tvill be aug-
mneutcd to a consIderable extent by mom-
born of congress ammml other statesmuen and
patriots from thin miatlonal capItal.
All arrammgemcnmi for imanclilmig ( lie con-
vcntlomi have been conipheteti , All thto boa-
( nInes anti boarding. hmoimses lucre laid imi
their eupihies of food anti extra betltiing.
Time street raIlway companies have , by work-
imig forces of men night anti day , mepaIreti
thin damage wrought by tue tornado suf-
ficleimtly to cmmabio thmorn to hiamithie ( lie
crowds of people that are expected to come.
The comivention hall line hint ! all ( lie finIshing -
ing touches anti will be dotlicatod with ponip
anti ceremony thus week. In fact. St. Louis ,
In pIto of thin fact ( hint a fortnight ago a
storm swept a hole a mile and a half wide
through its center from ( be western limits
to the river , is ready to comfortably nc-
commoditte and handle time scores of thousands -
sands of visitors whom it is expected will
attend ( he convention.
None of the mamiagers of the republIcan
presidential camidldates have as yet arrived.
McKImmley ha a number of lieutenants hem ,
however , who arc busy preparing tIme way
( or thmo Ohio candIdate's manager , Marcus
A. henna. Time latest arrival is ox-Con-
gres'amaii A. C , Thompson of OhIo , who ,
with General Grosvenor. wIll argue time
casc of tIme contested McKimihey delegates
before ( lie national committve.
Aayetbut two national committeemen have
arrived , They are G W. 11111' of Temmneaee
amid J. G. Long of FlorIda. Ilothm arc avowed
McKtnley men.
Judge Thompsman , who Is looked upon as'
the emily McKinley spokosnian yet in the
field , said lie was certain there would be
but one ballot for the nanmlmmg of a pros- !
mhentIal nominees lie also said lion , Thomas
B. Reeti would not accept time vico..presi-
denlial nomination. lie was quite ne poxitive
of thIs as lie is'as that McKinley would be
. pornlnated on tIm first ballot.
S. 'Iii regard to time vlaformn ( lie hind this to
eay "It will ho a sound money platform.
It 'tt'Ihl he a platform ( hint will be acceptable
to the roptmbhlcamia east and west. however -
ever , some of ( ho delegates may go away
dIssatisfied at not having been able to word
It just a ( hop dealred , yet It wIll be a plat-
forni they can rimpport. " In makIng tlmla
statement , Judge Timonapson saId lie did not
wish to be understood an attonmptimmg to ( lie-
tate mientiment to ( lie delegates or to time
party ap a whole. lIe was macrely epeaking
from tIme knowledge lie had of the platforms
adopted at the various state conventions.
When asked as to wimo ho thmatmght would
be named for time secontl place on the ticket ,
ho caid lie had heard no one talked of by
the McKinley men.
Regardimig thie contests , ho said lie had no
idea homv many would be brought before tIme
national committee. A week ago there
'tvere contests , involvlmmg ( lie
rights of 156 delegates , from ( ho states of
Alabama , CalIfornia. Delaware. Florida.
Georgia , Kentucky , Louisiana , MissIssIppi ,
North Carolina , Pennsylvania , South Caro.
hIma , Tenmiessee , Texas anti Arizona. Many
of thmeso contests , han believed , would be
amIcably settled , or libandomied before the
meetIng tf time national committee.
Amiothier leader of the McKInley forces in
reference to the platform. saiti it would
malta a square issue with thin 16 to 1 demo-
crate. It. would read so as to admit of no
doqblo interpretation , It would be for a
gold etamidard. U. W. 11111 of ( ha national
commIttee said ( lie ( iclegates from Tennessee -
see were squarely for a single gohmi standard
amid for McKinley. "TIme Tennessee mlelega-
tiomi will present time name of II. Clay Evans
for time vice prcsltiency , " lie saul , "and will
mb all in Its power to secure a victory for
hmith. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( I , t. I'iiIe Sstya'IeKimiJ' ) ' viim Not
hii NommilmilIteul ( ill First hlumIlot ,
ST. LOUIS , Juno 7-According to an In-
tervlow with Chmauncey I. Filmy , time to-
publican loader In Miasotmni , which appoaremi
In time I'omt-Dlrpatchi , William McKltmlcy will
not be nominated on time first ballot.
"Can McKinley be nomnlnated on the first
ballot ? " was asked Mr. Filley.
"Yes , but ( Imero is no purpose on thin part
of hilt friends and managers to attempt any
c'uchm condiiomm , Thmoao who mIle that way
zmro not thmo friends of McKinley In ( lie real
SOOiiO of true fnientlo , They arc cvi-
dently unfamiliar wltbi ( lie rules of re-
publlcan naLlomml conventIons , anil the
courtesies duo to every candidate and 'bile
right to have his name presented , voted
upon , and to lave ( lie vote nammounced.
"It would be the , hmeighmt of presumption , If
not Imnpudenccto attemmipt any other course.
The friends of Iteed , AlhIan , Morton and
c.thors , even In thmo mIiiorily , Imavo theIr
rigtmte , and thiey will i , respected , Time
rulea of tIme convention , hike others of thio
pset , ivill without doubt provide ( list whmlie
the roll is being called no chmammgo of Vote
will be in order , and that it will be an-
nounced. Then , it a majorIty bias not boon
had , another ballot will bo proceeded with
and so cmi until there Is a majority of all
time delegatea elected anounced.
"hence no etanmpede or acclimatIon vote
will be In order or possible , \Vlthmout time
contested southiermi votes , comae 116 of which
are MeKlnbey's , IL It , impossible to imomimiato
hilmn on the first formal ballot. SometImes atm
Informal ballot is taken.
Ji'ttersomm ( ioimst , I'lpllhlsti4 ,
lAIhtflUItY , Nob. , Juno 7.-Speclsl- ( )
The people's Independent" county
( Ion was heiti at time court house he
( erday , Iliad Williams was vhiaInmnam iteti
Charles Q , DeFrance secretary , llectqIIop
reaiflrming the Otmisha platforp' 'wertm
adopted ; also one endorsIng Senator Mlpn's
effort ( ci secure a law requiring pqqmIious ;
vote of the supreme court on question. of
cozuitliutlonality of awa , 'rime timh , dec-
gates tq time Grand hsianti COI1VtIrIOUI ( July
16e 5r9 , bmarlee York1 W , It. Barnes , ' 'jma4
Williams , , Alonzo Ilumbarger , if. J. Btirge ,
' \VIhIIamn \ Robinson , George I ) , GahbraiIi , nd
A. .1. 11111. Time eight alternates sr , U.
1'owIi , John Cramnb , .eoflsd Cliapimian ,
, Janaei Amno. Marvin Warren , George
ens , W , J , Wqau , WllIJsmn 1 , ; sit ,
- - ±
- - - - - - -
CimnumnceV 1. PIhIesItI Suimi-
miiommcui to Visit , tql "
ST. LOUIS , June t gossIp
has been catmseui by ( lie udu1e rturo of
htichmartl C. iCeremis of , hmaummctiy
I. FIlloy's political oliponCflt ¶ aton , 0. ,
last nlghmt. It Is saId h"a $ 't n : - a telegraphIc -
graphIc reqtmest from MJor f uley. Imi
regard to tIm mmiatter tub I I In thin
mmiom'nlmig will say Kcni'ns' t I a declare
thin object of lila visit is to confer with
McKliiloy licutomimints throughout time coumi.
try , who are to be aszmernbheti before hlanmimi
loaves for St. Louis. The theory of the
Fliley mcii Is thmmit McKinley lronoses to
call Kerotum off amid Imisist timat lie shall make
ito further warfare on the regular i'cptlb-
hicami orgamiizatiomm In MIssouri.'i'hmlle Fli-
Icy Is mint in a itosltiomi to throw ( lie MIssouri -
souri delegation agaimist McKinley , immerely
to gmiimi a nornnal poimit , . eto iiiammy comniihicii-
( mime are likely to arise iii view of ( lie
etirremicy smpmablilcs ( lint it will be to thin
interest of thin Ohio eatiuhidate to keel ) hIm
in a good iiumimur at miii ) ' C05 ( . "Flhhey is
simnply shrewd emiotmghi to see ( lint McKimi-
Icy Is mint out of the wootis , " saul 0mm of thin
local politicians today , "amid lie line salt !
jtmst emmoughi to warmi McKinley ( lint It will
be Politic to Ptit Keremis In the back-
ground. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IEi'EAT Ilt ( LU-tV , Ai' vi'r'rmhiImtG.
Alleghi. ; ll ) Ciimmmfyl'rilimlirIeM II
tui-y Inc ( lie "hlegnimtrs , "
PITTSIIURG , Jtmmie 7-The AhleglmniiY
county republican prImarIes hiehti yestertiny
'tvcro ( lie hottest in thin history of thin
cotimith' . The resuit shows titat thin reform-
era , or Qtmayltes , wnro hadiy defeated. They
secured fotir nwmnbcrs of ( lie legislature iii
Ahleghmany CIty , two iii thin Sevcmith district
anti omit' itt thiti Elgitthi. limo regulars wIn
two senators amid eight immninbers of the
iegislattmre , anti probably all of the cotimity
officers. Thieve seemime to be somne little
doubt about comptroller amiti jutlge. Senator
FIymitm , chmairmami of ( lie county commimnitten ,
says they have elected their camiditlatce by
majorities rniiging from 5,000 to 13,000.
hUNTiNGTON , Pa. , Juno 7.-Tonighmt
forty-three nUt of thin sixty-one dIstrIcts iii
thIs county have reported on ( lie result of
last night's prlnmarics , sliowlmmg ( hint for
remintorlal delegates , I'cmmrose line recelveti
fifty-eIght to forty-mime for Wanamaker.
COI.OIL qEI1s'I'moN A'L' S'l' . LOUIS.
ililshllerIN Mt'm's i.'mtgi ( ' IssileM It Cir-
etilli rS'ii Ihm Hott'lM lo Not 1.1 Ice.
ST. LOUIS. Jumme 7-Muclm indlgmmatiomi has
been expreseed by the mnamiagers anti ownero
of time leadIng hotch of SI , Lotmls over a
circular issued by thie Business Men's
league. mogardimig time ommtertaimamomit of
negro delegates to tiio miatlonal republican
conventiomi. It was agreed by time league
wimemi it bit ] for tim comivcntiomm , ( lint time
colored delegates would be treated thin romne
as their white brothers. Time leading hmotele ,
however , have talcemi care not to mminke any
comitracts wltim any state tlolegatlomms that
ccntaiii negroes. Time league's officers
learned of this fact anti ecmmt out a circular
hotter , requestIng ( ito macgre delegates to
mmisko comnphaint. if any of them failed to
find accomnmmmothatiomlS at any hotel where tlmcy
applIed for roonis. The hiotel consider thIs
mcmi imicentivo to time negroes to prosecute
( imemim for damages , and cay they will hold
( lie league reponslbie oliould any trouble
arise. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Soiiethmi mmg ( I t fl I"Izzhi' .
BENNINGTON , Nob. , Juce 7.-Speclal.-- ( )
The meeting of time hlarrhzon Republican
club , billed for.lm lro , at i I' . rn. , yctcrdiy ,
turned out to be a disfigured , fizzto. Among
the "prominemit" refhdIcans , from abroad
pedt'tva1IIi'nianmt 'Pybumu , and 'ho ,
couldi t sa' . dttiiltI ti scetit1g , owing ,
'to . ! Ofl'tO .dcte ttvo busineso In oilier pnrts
of' the county thitit needed 'hiIs'peronal 'at-
tentlon. Time mid olficoru 'tvishi to drvo no-
( leo oh the mCmbors M the'ciu that they
will hold theIr liispectivn oi11ce until their
successors are elected and qualified to at-
temitl. to time afitit'a
' ltluuzml.ev lAtiktit mit lieu trlee.
BEATRICE. Nob. , Jthe 7.-Speclal ( Teie-
gramn-Thme ) republican primaries , held yes-
termlny , developed a hot contest for delegates -
gates betweemi the cttmmdiclnteo for coumity
attorney and etne semmatom' . Time city citst a
heavy vote , Rinaker carryimig every ward
except thio Fourth , where thin Rimmaker ayimm-
imathilzers 'trent In withi thin Kllien amen amid
carried ( ho day. Only a few country prc-
ducts hiavo been hmearul from. but imitilca-
( ions arc that Gmahmamn. will be imomuimmateti
for state senator anti Rumiaker for coumity
attorney. _
Com'm 'Intl mm Is light mm Imtmr Strmmttlc.
WICHITA , Kan. , Jumme 7-Time McKlmiley
decorated corn train , which will start from
hero for St. Louis , 'trill depart three care
of corn short. Lighmtmilmmg struck the train
of forty cars at Oatvihlo , this county , ( lila
mornlmig , anti burned timrco cars before it
could be put omit. Thmo depot was aloe
burned. 'rime train of forty cars , relmreuemit-
Ing fort ) ' coUotic , 'tvas got up by Slivers
DIxon to ho run to St. LouIs icr the benefit
of the jomnado sufferers , Forty oratorm no-
company time tmatmi ammti 'ts'ihi aid McKinley's
lioomu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'reulIcH it hiilt.
ST. LOUIS , June 7.-TIme Rev. Robert
McIntyre , one of ( ha prominetit divines
In time MethodIst EpIscopal church for nmamiy
yearn in Chicago anti afterivard In Demiver ,
sayn it time republican piaornm does mint tie-
dare for free silver , ( lie Colorado ticiega-
tioti will bolt tIme convemitlorm , lie is a wamni
friend of Senator Teller ,
hi eutimi tM I mm CIINM Coumi ty.
PI4ATTSMOUTI ! , Jumlo 7.-Spcclal ( Tcie-
grnm-Retumns ) fm'omma the county Imrcclmicte'
prImaries show a majority of time delegates
selected sufficient to nominate Hen. Joimn A.
Davies for state senator , whim A. J. Graves
'tviil have time nomninatiomm ( or coumity utter-
ncy by a large majority ,
1)11 QUEI4AIs % . IS Imd.ti ) .
I'mli.Iils Cimbm. mi ' , % 'mirm'Ior Simecti maims to
I . mum tIL'rntlomm Iii , Nim'
' NE\V YORK , Jemimo 7.-General Rafael tie
Quceada dIed iii hilt apartments in ( he lintel
Endicott yesterday , lie was tO years old.
1Thio imnziiediate cause of mlcathm was imlood
) olsoning following an operaiomz on hIs
throat ,
By lila death Cuba loses one of Imer besi
amid aimlcst ( nlenmhs , ( i'cmimirai ( luctaula was
horn In Puerto t'rinclpo Imi 1837. lie went
to Mexico , whiero , at time brvalIzmg out of
tIme trouble caused by time arrival of Muexi-
mlllmum , lie orferoti lila services to time goy-
omnntcmit to fight agaInst limo timutmrpemVhmcn
tIm ten years' war hiegamm in Cuba Qimesada
at once enlisted against Spain. lie was
made a gemmemai and futmghmt all tlim'mjughm the
revolution , \\'hmen ( ho rebelhiozm cnmie'1 lie
wont to Venezuela amid was uioon promInently
identified wIth the Venezuelan natlomial
guarml , In tIme revolution thmcro bin fought
with Creapo anti when lie came to New York
only a abort tlmnu ago lie was rhmiof of
President Crespo's tidY and he stood goil.
father to one of Crespo's eons , lila coni-
Immg hero was to offci lila services to Mm ,
[ 'alma , tIme Cttliami tht'iegitte , muitl It was gtum
orally believed time next exp'nhltiuu ( list heft
Now York for Cuba would by headed by
p -
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
St'EC'I'A'VohI iS Silt ) ! IN 'I'JIE JIIIA1I'I' .
Street Piglit Iii ' ' ; 14.h115 to nit
Au'htliil till 1(1 I liusm.
liT. LOUiS , Juimo 7.-A street fight oc-
emmirctl hero tonight botweemi Andrew SmIth
n'h Peter h'otersumi , a hmrico figlmtr otimer.
'tyimiti known as limo "Tcmrible Stv'le ' , " rc.
sMltlmmi in Soitii % imnlntemitlonally kiliimmi ;
.ImWez ( iliokey , a tllsimmterest d simectator
Hlotij yae ivztkItig sycet on horton strcct
vhinji , be usia , ho wait imistmlted hiy l'ctcr-
an vitlioit umly 'CU''h wiutevcr. SmimIhim
rVCltspti tQ tell what time nature of time In-
stilt was , but aIci htu ammti I'ctersomm l.eguhi
to fight , flurhp tIme fight , accordimig to
Smith , some onu bmsn'ied lil a pistol ammii Ime
flretl at Vut tnqu , strilclmig llkLcy 1mm time
) tcert1 killing blmn Instantly. $ auiti.m ias itr-
rested a atiprt flame after 'fin killing antI
) hicky' 1o.d i Iakeq o ( Ito zndrgmsc' .
Petcri9a Is tUI mit largq ,
Plood Wipes Out a Path Over Two Miles In
Width ,
l'strmiis 3)cviitmmteui nmiih l.i'e' Stn1c b
Immimiul veils I ) mu lmi'd I it ( lit. ltiislm-
lmmg Vnli'rsOtIier l'lnec * . - '
Smatter Snverei.
ST. PAUL , Nob. , Seine 7.-Special ( Telo. .
graumm.-As ) reports frommi ( lie storm a1mi
flooded mhle'trict commtintin ( a comito In tile ) ' oztly
show the stomni to have beemi worc'e , ioro
wiiicaprcati amid Iouca mmumch greater thami at
flrst estirnateth , It in miow evident that ( lie
1051430 , eveui Iii ( his coimmmty alone , wIll cx-
coed $100,000. TIme large bridges here anti
at Elba , across time North Loup river , are
gone , together whIm all limo brlmlgcs across
Oak , Turkey Sprimmgs , emit ! Mtmmmson creeks.
Time ivnter fromii ( lie North hotmp river rusimeil
timrotmgh time beatmtiftml North Iotmp 't'nlley ,
clear thmmoimghm ( lie cotmmity two miilies or imioro
iii width , tinimig an enormmioua aimiotmnt of damn-
ago amiti throwmmltmg a great miummmher of horatio ,
cattle auth hinge , ommn iiian alone losIng over
200. Mamiy farnmera have loot all ( heir.
bulitllnge , 'tvashmetl away , atiti theIr stock
mhrowzietl , barely escmmplmmg wIth thmelr lIves
( mmmi time raging elenmemit , L'mrge tile'tnlcts
lmmtvo been also ilnrastateml by hail nail ( lie
m'alim ( cii at places reported as lmighm as from
twelve to fourteen Imiche.q. The imeigimborlmig
towit of hanmmebrng is iloodeti frommi time rushing -
ing ivaters of Oak creek.
'rime , large irrIgation planto of M. Antler-
eon , lCotelc anti Jnrgensomi are ntuimmetl. Front
Iammnevlrke preclnctc' , lit thin mmorthiwest cornea
of hiowarti coummty , amid in the cemiter of ( ho
storm district , mmohmlmmg has beeii hearth yet.
All hirltlgoe are gomie amimi Mcmmieamm creek is
sa Iilghm ( hint eli ccmimmmimmmmicatlon Is cut off.
BEAT1tICLI , Nob. , Jcmmio 7-Speciai ( Telo.
gramii.-Tlils ) sectlomi of thin state was visicd
last night by mc perfect dcltmgo time rain be-
gimmmmlmmg to fall at 7 o'clock timid keepimmg It
up thin greater part of time mihghit. Time ralmmms
to thin mmnm'th of ( ho city 'trero ei'itiomitiy
heavIer ( hmmtii hero. ammtl as a eomiseqeicncd
tmbotmt S o'clock thIs mmmoriiimig hmmdlamm creek ,
wlmichi imasscs through a portion of the city ,
anti ommiptlu's iimto time Blue rver , began to
rise , ammth Caine up so rapidly that many
( memimilles hivlmmg on thin bottomims alomig time
creek hind to be lielpeti nut , the overflow ,
commihmletely surrotmnthlmig thimiim' hmommmes before
they were scarcely aware that ( ho creek
Was rising. Mammy others have bcomm able
to get to and frommi their honics today only ,
by imicaims of boats. Time 131mm rIver also
caine tip 'tvih ( a rushi , lint has tlomio but
little tiamuago , aside from wazhilmig out ( ho
fiummie at Black's iiouring mmmlii. 'rime rlve
auth creek mire both subsiding thmI oven-
iimg , although cnmmmmmmutilcatiomm is still cut
off froni that Part of ( lao Lit ) ' lying went
aimti mmorthi of tIle creek.
A resldommco belonging to F. hi. Siicldor (
anti occupleti by " , Viillammi Pace , iiiVcst Be-
atrice. was struck by lighitmilmig during last
nlgiit'mm storiii amid badly daumiaged. The
fire thepartmcnt was caileii out , amid sue. .
ceeded iii saving time builtllng amid vm
touts , altlmotighi thin latter wore bathly damn-
aged by water. hinuso and contents fullT
imisumed , 1
O'NEILL , Neb. , uno 7.-Simeclai ( Tole.
gmanm.-hcimort ) reaches hero that Lynch.
Boyd coummy , was wiped out ii a torzmad
'ostertiay afternoon. No lives host. , '
CIIADI1ON , Neb , Jimmie 7-Speoiah ( , Toie-
gram-Thmn ) storm of yesterday was most
severe In ( lie Ihlacl.z hIlls. Thin Elkhorn -
horn Chicago express , due here last night
at 12 , has not yet arrived amid it Is reported
stiveral small bnlthges and culverts are
washmed nut. Time Eikiiorn , however , starteti
its usual Chicago express out of this city ,
at 6 o'clock , only six hours hate. A large
force Is at work upon time mmortim onmi track
amiti trains ivill shortly bim rummmmlrmg eu tithe.
PLYMOUTh ! , Neb. , June 7.-Speclal-- ( ) '
One Inch of water fell hero In. two hours last
mmlght , with the most severe eiectric storm of
( Ito seasomi.
DUNCAN. Ncb. , Jumio 7.-Speclal.-An- ( )
otiic'r terrific two-immchi mum fell here at
:20 : last milgimt. ThIs makes over four
inches in twemmty-sovnn hoursA heavy
wind accommmpanIed time zitorimi amid blew down
a good many trees , but mme buIldings wcro
dammiaged to spealc of , In spite of haIl and
heavy wimitis the crops loolc first class today -
day amid 'tin have suffered very little fron
( lie storms in thila vicinity , althiotmgii hmeayy
damage is reported north azmmh west of here0
COLUMBUS , Nob. , Jummo 7.-Speclal ( 'loi
gmnm.-Tiio ) worM freshiet ever cxperlenceij
Iii Columbus occurred last nIght. Thug
immornitmg streets amid gardemme were tmndot
'tvater , Tim maIn line of thin Uulon h'gtclOo
and long stretches of the yam'd trackage word'
waahmctl out. hut the niost useriotma damago'
Is ( lie total destruction of the smimahl bnldg s
( hint form time approach to thin wagon bnidgj
across the I.Oimh ) river , whIch Is now a r ara'
big flood , miles Iii bmnatlthm , beaming en ita
stmrtaco the wreck of time lowlammdmm , Thid
worst iii eVer for ( ho ivater line receded
thim'ee feet nine tncimes elimec niorimlng , The
Ummion Pacific commcentraed Its forces imox'b
anti fought a wlmmmming battle wIth time flootil
No. 4 'ti'as delayed a few hmoimm's , and a
few freighitmi 'tvero sidetrackoti anti timon alt
wan clear again , 'fhmo hail line mowed
a itathi a mIle wide , half of 'tvhmicli is total
destructIon of all mimmmall graimi , Columbumi
is nim the edge of ( Lila avenue of dcaola-
( Ion ,
WINSIDE , Neb , , June 7-Speclal.-ThmO ( )
hmeavlt'st rain of time seasoti liii hero last
night , Ciecks are out of their hamikmm. No
timunage reported as yet , but we expect to
hear later of several brltlgcmi wasimn'i outm
Water is stIll rising amid ( lie hiroepects are
i'ery ginil for amore rain.
FAIIIIIURY , Nub , , Juno 7-Speclahj (
Last cvemmiiig ammotber heavy ralmi toll imero ,
ammioumitlng to 1,44 indict. A strong wInd ,
whIch accommipamilcti it , ditl a little damsiage ,
but imothmimig nem'lomms. Time iroummd will be
dry cmmougim by Montlay for time ( armors t
reisunlo eonii piamiting.
IIUIION , S. D , , Juno 7.-Speclal ( Teic.
granm-Ncws ) i'as receiveii hero title after-
mioon hint VIrgIl , In thin aoutliwcmit part. ot
Beadle coumity , was badly damnaged by yesterday -
terday aftermioomi's aorimi , Jammmeit laloy'zl
house svzts destroyed and a boy's leg broken ,
Otimer hmommics score tlammnmgcd amiti humus blown
uiowim anti warehouses comifulnumig a large
qtmaiitlty of grain dcstroyeth. Reports from
other localitIes say that hmtmnmlrcthn of acres
of croiis ivero washmeti mit anti miomno stock
hullemi by llghmtmiimig. Semiahl wtmslmoutmu arc ro-
hiorteti emi ( ho Great Nontlmemn amiti Chicago a
Northiwestermi raIhm'ouzls , but imot. set'iousl
Interfering whim ( rafhlc.
Sh1'flN S'I'.t'I'IlS Ahtil 510113 ! HVIlI'P
'I'mirl It'u oath PlsimF'iilJ i'itJi Ilzihmi mitii
hull iii Jt'ule i'umhc , ' ( Jlmlcnga'o ,
ChICAGO , Juno 7-Soveno iitonmumm prod
veiled timmoughmouLVIsconBlmI , Illimmois , Iowa
Kansas , Nebraska , South Iahotzc and Michi-
gami today , wit ; heavy rain amid In several
sections with cyclonic mnamilfcslmttiomms. Three
hicat storms itassed ovet' lImit cIty , accomu-
i'aimled by heavy rains ummd halt. Hail stoncs
foil in some ilaces In ( lilt vicImilt ) ' so thmiclc
( hey could Ito tiikctm up by thin simoVoIluJ ,
After thin mclii in hyde imark nearly a peck
of shells anti gravel ivero Iuiclrcti up , In ommo
place iii ( lilt suburb small 11th timid turtIe
ivvm.o fotmittl Iii large imuimibers , ( IC tblma re-
markabie' occurrence Obmsert'er Ccx states
that time tiamiapurtation of fishes aimmi shells
amid ivatci' gi'itvel ( roni their oi'Igimmai restImi
IlliiCCb to liolmits mlii's away 'tVitH title to thu
aIr vmocUUimms , whmirlwin'la amid straight windul
which have iircvahlemi throughout ( be wes
( ui a wee'k itast.
A sail boat was capalzetl omm time lake ( liii
aftomimoomi li ) the high witith and its ( otir oc-
ctmiiatmttt hardy citcaiiwl drowmilmig. Up ti
a late hour tonight no fatalities lied bce
At "rena a heavy rain dlii conslclerabl *