- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; . , _ _ : : - _ - - - - - - = : F1 - ' . - _ S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAHA DAILY B.UE1 : TUESDAY , JUNE 2 , 189G. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pi1VE1ENT TO PAIR GROUNDS Business Element of the City Goncrally Pleazed with the Proposition , I3IDS FOR DOWG TIlE WORK TO BE INVITED PIUIIN Will lie Ojpocd b but One Meinlier of ( lie Coiin ( ) 1Ionr,1 Cotiil Sarcur 'I'iIIii Hf liieit1gtiit. " 'l'he rco1utIon Introduced at the last meet. Ing ot the hoard o County ComrnIoner by Cornmsioner ! KtersteM , providing for the paving of a road to the fair grounds to connect wflhi the pavernent on Center street and to extend from the east gate of the fair groiim1 to the city limits on Leavenworth street , making two pave4 roails direct to the grounds , with the exception of a little over half a mile inside the city limits on Leaven- worth street , ha9 cause1 a great deal of favorable comment among buslne men and these Interested in the complete success of ( ho fair. The resolntIo provides for the paving of a roadway with macadam from the Jo1t Line traekii on Leavenworth street to thie east gate of t.ho fair grounds and theno south to connect with the Center street real , and directs the county surveyor to prepare rpec1flcatiorii , anil the county clerk to advertise for bids. This reroiutioii was referred to the committee on roads and wiil be reported back at the meeting of the board Juno 9 , when it will probably be pa'setl. of the $ lOOOO vote.I by the people of Douglas county In the a11 of 1893 , for the improveitient of county roads , there remained unexpended on May 1 of tith year the sum of 28,161.8. The balance of the amount Voted had been expended hi paving three county roads. known respectively as the Old Military road , the 1)oge atreet road and the Center trcrt rend , The first wim paved with rod Colorado } 'anlstone from the city ilmits to a point two miles northwest ; the other two roads were each paved with macadam to points about five miles from the city limits. Nebraska limestone was used on both thcso roads , the D3dge street road having been completed about one year ago and the Center street rcad haul fall. When it was decided to macadamize two of the road9 last fail , It was generally pro- ( icted that a macadam road made of lime- etone , and particularly one made of Nebraska - braska limestone , womi1I not survive one winter - tor , especially If the winter wai' ' followed by a wet ipring. It was argued that time great extrenice of temperature to whch ! the roads in timis mect1on arc subjected ould cause the upheaval of the roadbed amid the heavy raln.'i of spring would cause the whole road to sink out of ighmt In the mmmd , It will be genormIiy admitted that the past immtcr was a constant succeesion of freezing an'l thawing weather , and the most skeptical 1lI admit that there has boon plenty of rain during the apring. The manner - nor in which the two macadam roads have stood this 'over teat is bett shown by the .tatements of County Surveyor King , who lisa driven. over both roads several times within the past few 'seeks. "Time macadam roads are In excellent shape , " iitI Mr. I1ng , yesterday morning , In reply to a question. "There is absolutely nothing the matter with them 'a ith the exception of a very few small breakR , caused by defective culverte , which have cauad the storm water to wash out one or two fills. There is no in'llcation of water hay. ing gotten under the macadam or through it , and time pavement 19 58 smooth as a floor. Time beavy travel , which has or necessity all gone over the pavement during the muddy 'weather , has not caused any ruts or other irregularities in the- pavement , and there is , as yet , no necesalty for any repairing except - cept In the few lnstamlcec' where the water hao caused slight ilamnago. by reason of a culvert being toppcd up. " There is one member of the board who Is opposed to the paving ot a road to the fair grounds. lie explalms his positisa by saying - ing that time money cannot he so expended on account of the previous action of the board , but inatoad , must be expended upon 0110 of thmO thrce.roads already partly paved. The "previous action" to which lie refers iq a resolution by ox-County Commissioner Paddock , which was passed by the board May 10 , 1SI , reading as follows : "itesoivod , That it is the Intent and purpose - pose of this board to use and apply the funds arising from the sal of paving bonds and known as the 'road improvement fund , ' and as nearly as possible of exactly time sanno amounts , on each of the roadways heretofore designated anti upon which bidnm kayo been received and contracts authorIzed - Ized ; ° Itesolved. further , That any action of this board hertoforo taken , conflicting with the provisions of the above resolution , be and is hereby repealed. " The record of proceedings of the county board shows. time following vote on thmis resolution : Ayes-Jenkins , Ltvcsey , Padlock - ( lock nnmi Chairman Stenberg. Nays-Wil- hams , wino explained lila rote by saying : " 1 vote 'No' on tlmis resolution for the reasomm that I believe time expenditure of army mormoy vihI be totaily lost by macadanmiziug with Nebraska limestone. " omo of the other members of the hoard say that the massage of this resolution can have no effect in time matter , as it will be a very easy matter to reecind that action , but they say the opposing member is snore interested in seeing tlmo immoney expended in paving a roami whicim extends along one of the roads already favored with a pavement for a portion of its lengthm thman in seeing it put into nmacamlatmm on another road , even th ugh that action would accommodate more people in the few weeks each year time fair grounds are in use thman travel over the cUrer vaved roads in a whole year. Nimmety I'er Cent Of all the people need to take a course of hood's Sarsapmrihia at this season to pro- 'rent that run-down and debilitated condition - tion which Invitea disease , TIme momroy inVested - Vested in half a dozen bottles of lIoomi'm Sar- saparihia vhh1 coma back with large returns in the health and vigor of body and strength of nerves , lIod's Pills are easy to buy. easy to take , taS ) to operate , : uTe all liver ills. 25c. - Union anti National bicycles are time lead- cr8 , Sold on easy paynmentmm. Finest line of la'les' ' whmeois in thu city. A. L. Deane & ( Jo. , illO Farrmam. Open evenings. _ * p it i's'rya , Yomi m. Ilt'r * Is Nov in time eeciai N. F , .A , train for iluffalo , N , Y.vimlcim rihi leave Omnmmhma via the Bur- ' iinmgton Itouto at 4:45 : p. mu. Saturday , Jmmiy i , Ilimigrammis at city office , 1602 Iarnmznm , atreot , 45- - Maims ; Time enormous engines that Imaul "The Northwestern Line" 0MM IA-ChIC/mOO 1'ECI/tL east at 6:30 : every evening ( Union Paclflo depot ) mimi into Chicago at 9aO : next morning-well 'orthm taking a little time to see tlmem-nmotiming in this country iike theni -nearly a highs as the Union depot , but not quite as long. CII ) ' ofilce , 1401 Farnama St. "Onmnhmn-CIiIeugo Lhiilvml ; , ' ! mtIMVAUIC1 * BY. . lluiit for speed , Comfort and safety. Short hltie. Illock systeni. Electric light. Fine Cuisine. City tiekct c.tlice , 1504 Farnamu ateet , A. UW 'ItAC' . Iflisimomiri ; ; ; ; ; Uillimy. OMAIIA-ST , LOUIS. ' Otmiy lne ! without change of cars , Leave Webster etrct'L depot S45 p. in , Arrive St. Louis union station 7:20 : a , in. CiTY OFF1C1S , L. Commr'r : Thirteenth and Iaraazn Ste. Lu'ltmmtcm % 'hmt time iimirilngtuu Itaute. St. Louis-Juno 13 , 14 and 15 , Enu Franosco-Juno 15 , 16 , 23 and 24. Chicago-July 4 , 5 and 6. I3utfaIo-Juy I and 6. WasimJton-July 3 , 4 , 6 and 6 , cmiycr-JUnt 14 semi 15 and July 6 and 6. Salt Lake City--August S and ii , Hot Spring. . B. D-June 12 , July 3 and 24. Yehlowstono I'ark-June I to Septemlmer O. Call t ticket office , 1503 Farimemn street , md get foil Inforumation , 3. II. htoynoidii , pity V&veI3er Aont , - TILtItd OMA itt SilOubi ) CU1T1A'rE. Montnnrt One af theitIelmct Scs in lime tIrilan , 1IL1A , Mont. , May 27-To the 1ditor of The flee : Montana is one of the richest states in time union In mlnera'i ' , , stock raisIng - Ing and agriculture. Its hills and mountains -aye , the sanda of Its rivers and creeks- seem to grov minerals. Hack In the moun- tabs , all over the state , remote from the railroads , are mining towns , and new camps are being formed all . the tine. Time wealth of the stab in this respect is not confined to iiver , as one mIght at first suppoc'e. Gold , iron , copper , silver anmi coal are found In large quantities. Gold mining has In time last few yearn received a great Impetus. This is true botlm as regards hedge and placer mining. The great value of the copper mine Ii , well known ; the town of Anaconda 18 entirely devoted to copper. Enormomis snueltera are bested at Anaconda , flutte , Great Falls anmi East lIchens , employing thousands of men. Coal , botim for fuel and coking , is found at many placemi , rendering it entirely Independent of outside localities for a good fuel supply , The Iron depomite of time state are very great. When time tltne ar- rlves for timelr utilization this , industry wilt take a front rank witim coal , copper , silver and golmi. It Is claImed tlmst the aepimalt found at fled Lodge is of as fine a quality as time celebrated Trinidad aspimalt. The omit- put of Valuable metals found in Montana for tlmo year 1895 exceedei that of Colorado by over $12,000,000 , Ormhinarily a person will see little evidence that this is , time stcclcman's commntry , Time cattle range Is far back among time plaine and uplands. Timero they crop the rich lierbago timat fattens tlmomn , ammO when fail arrives are in prime condit'on for shipment to the stock yards. During time season of 1805 there were shipped between 0,000 and 10,000 carIoad of imeef cattle , aggregating considerably over 200,000 head. Large flocks of sheep arc also raised , The wool clip for 1895 was 20,660,000 pourmtts , worth over $2- 0po.000.WhERE WhERE \1IEAT FLOURISHES. The great valley along time Missommri Yci- lowstone and many smaller rivers is an ideal ono to carrying on the pmmrsult of farming. Time crops raised are simply enormous , Grain fle'ds greet time eye everywhere ; wheat and barley are the principal grains ratoed. Time barley grown In time Gahletin valley Is the fimmest raised in the world , Over 2,500,000 bushels has already been contracted for for shipment to the breweries in Germany , Time .tato of Montana Is full of growIng cities ann towns , whmichm would be a credit to many of time older eastern atatos , and they are also well built , the material used in timeir construction being principally brick , sand , stone and granite. The principal c'tio are Iteiens , flutte , Anaconda , Great Falls. l3oze- man , nrillmrgs , Miles City , Missoimla , LivIngston - ston , Deer Lodge , Marysviile , Town.end , White Sulphur Springs ammO Glendivo , rang- lug In populat'on from 5,000 to 50,000. Iutte Is the largeat mining and smelting city in the world , the average monthly pay roll at tire mines ani smelterm averaging over $1,000,000. At time base of the RockIes , 4,250 feet above sea level , lies helena , the capital of Montana. It is time center of a mineral region unsurpassed for richness. Witimin twenty-five miles there are over 3,000 quartz lodes that have been duly recorded. It.s streoki are roomy and ilgimt ; its buildings of brick , granite and iron are , the mnoat of them , positively elegant. Some of time large imuildimmgs , its hotels , no'sspapors , bank , 010cc and pmmbhic buildings , etc. , would grace any city in the land. Lint the great clmarni of Helena is in its fine resident streets ani residences and fume lawns. The sumnm r resort - sort hero is known " " at "Time liroadway" and is sitmated about two miles west of time city , at the foot of Mount Helena , where one of the finest hotels in time country Is situated. Around the hotel are bautiful flower beds and natural fountains , supplied with water from time mctmmmtains near by. Tire natatorium situatemi just east of the hotel I a very imposing building , built ir 'time Moorish etyle of architecture , and is sup- piled wIth nrm water from natural Imot springs. The batimlng room is 300xlOO feet in size , - SOME BIG ENT5RPRISES. Many public improvements are going on imere at present. The damnIng of the Missouri river at .East Helena , wimen completed , ciii furnish 20,000-horse p'ower , and cost In the neighborhood of $750,000 , of which over S,000-morsm ? poser inns already been cotrapted for. The smelter Is getting ready to double its present capacity , which will give employment to 100 additional 1.nds. Work I about to be commenced on the now capitol building winch vihl cost in the nelghborlmood of $1,250,000. Time federal govornnont has already - ready purchased a site for the oew postotfice and custom house 'hicim will cost $100,000. In Its policy of conceatrating the army in large , well-appointed posts , the United States govornmmient hiss constructemi at this point what Is probably time finest post In time country ( not excepting Fort Crook ) . It is named Fort Harrison , after the ox-president. It lies just to time north of time Broadwater , and is entirely built of red pressed brick. Time Commercl3l club of Omaha ehould take hold of tItle matter and cultivate the ac- quainta000 of the biriness men of this state and a very large share of time trade could be converted their way. Everytlmlng is in Omaha's favor. The Burlington road is rmearly a day's travel neare Omaima timan St. Paul ann Minneapohia , and freight rates are clmeaper armd time freight arrives so much qtmickcr , On account of St. Paul and IWo- neapolis wholesale imotmoos taking their tray- cling men out of Montana during the crisia two year.r ago Montana's trade went to Clii- cage arid New York. This trade by rights belongs to Omalma and if she wont after it , I timink elme ; vqmmld get her simare. The proper vay would be to organize an excursion of business mneim and jobbers wire should spend a week visiting time different cities and get- tlng acquainted witim the Montanans.tt the same time time Transmississlppl and In- ternattonai expcnition could be boomed , and timoso of them that wished could take a week's trip through the Yellowstone park , which is without dommbt time finest spot for scenery in the world. F. J. L. As the hot weather and its attendant evils approach , bear In mind time clii adage : "A tmtitch in time saves nine. " It Is wail known that a dose of Cimamberisin's Colic , Cholera and 1)iarthoea Remedy taken In time is bet- tel' than nimme doses when irostrated witim clmolcra morbus or diarrhoea. It should be kept in every borne , ready for instant use. The 25 and 50 cent aizc for sale by drug- gists. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Six 'I'Imirty P. M. Trnin or the CHiCAGO. IIIIL\VAUKEF ] & ST. I'AUL itY. Best servico. ELECTRIC LIGhTS. Dimming car , City omco , 1501 Farnam , . Far itemimmeeti lintel. Ta all summer resorts caii at Rock Island City Ticket eflice , 1602 Farnamn St. , No litmrvV ' 1,111 an Idrg. Spend all day in Omaha and leave via "TIlE NORTIIVESTERN LINE" OMAHA. ChICAGO SPECIAL at 6:20 : p. m , ( dinIng car. ) NO lIVERY TILII YOU START , Then thmoro's conaideablo hurry , for the train arrives at Chicago early next morning. This traIn is equipped with EVERYThING , and words are very hard to find that do it justice. If you must leave earlier , inquire about time 4:45 : p. in , Overland Limited. City oiflce , 1401 Farnam St. OIAIIA 1VOAN AT ST. LOUIS urroundea by the Wreck of Palling Buildings. LIGhTNING FURNISHED TIlE ONLY LIGhT Mrs. W. S. SrntmsL of 1'hai City 'rltea . nu Jimterestlmg legm'r of 11cr lxierlerec mmt St. Ioui , Mrs. W. 5 , Strawn of thIs city 'sas at St. Louis when time tornado passed over that city last week , 1 a letter to The Bee , t nmler date of May 27 , sue gives the follow- log vivid account of time storm and the in- cidente connected therewith : "St. L.oule is such a quiet1 sedate old city that. aside from an occasional national convention - vention , or the uprising of time "Father of Vaters" nothing that could be looked upon as disastrous tins occurred to tlmrow it off its usual dignified pedestal for many yeara. It imas been Its elmaracter to extend aid and syimmpathy to othor.s , and now na time millions ' of friendly hands are reacimed out to it , it bows Its recognition and is grateful for the charity , even if it rices not need it. "Vhen time storm burst upon time city we vere seated at time ( honor table , Mr. Albers and iris son , Clifford , havIng commie lmomo early in time afterncorm.'e were but just settled at table when the wind , which had been steadily rising for two minutes , seemed to immive reached Iti lmeight , and the fine old trees of Nicimolsomm Place were twisted froimi time grommnd amid thrown against tire windows of time east side of time Imouse , breaking timemu and lettimng time mb , which by timl time came in blinding torrents , have full sway. In anotimer inatant time roof , and indeed time entire to ! ) story of time house next to us , was timrovn in upon ire , filling our ilining room with debris. We but barely cecaped the flylmmg bricks. We lmuddicd together upon the stairway In the center of the house , as far from time windows as possible , ann I devoted myself to my friend , who was by thie time in a highly nervous state , screaming at every falling brick. "I can give no description of the deafening sounds or the fear that cornea to one when one feels the building sivay.ng. We were driven from tire stairway by the crashing of a tin roof against time west side , and in an- otim r instant time windows on that side of time house were thrown in. We sought refuge in the hallway leading into tIme dining roomn. The light struggled with the darkness aiii the gas was eseapirmg through tIme hommso , making it imnpomsible to hare any light other than that supplied by lightning , and at each flash it revealed time white faces of each of u9. Now tlmmit it is over and our lives wore spared , I am bound to say it was "mnagmmifi- cently fantastic , " 'rime very hardest part of it all was hi hear amid the imom'ribo din time cries from the nelglmbors and know that to try to assiat them meant death. "After time storm abated , having lasted only about twelve mimmutes , Mr. Alberi' , Clifford and myself wont out , anti , clirmibing over the debra - bra , and In the fallirmg rain , brought abommt thirty into our house , which was in the be3t state of preservation of army in the nelghborimcod. "It was impossible to do mucim timat nlgimt , but we climbed anmong time fallen timbers and broken trees and brick and round timat In all Nicholson l'lace timero was but one Irmjuretl , timougli one vonman nearly lost her reasan , The neXt mornhimg at awim wem'ent out to view the ruIns ani so It we could aid some cno. We lmad gone but a half-block wimen we met a woman wringing lmor hands and clasping a'omne object to her bosom. It took but a glance to shrew us thpt her mind was gone , and , taking her by the arm , I led Imer to an officer , and 'we , took fr m her am-ins her dead baby. Both were ptmt\lnto an mbu- lance. . , "The great power house of time electric railway - way was a total wreck amid eight mon lay Onder time ruins , whUe their frantic wives called loudly for help in their pitifmml sorrow. "Wavcrly Place , next to Nicholson , botlm running out to Lafayette park , is terribly wrecked , and sarerai persons were badly injured - jured , one being a young woman who used to sing beautifully and was greatly beloved iim the neighborhood. Sire died Frday. "Time scenes at the hospitals were hmorriblo and reminded mime of time Johnstown disaster , hut as I drove about and climbed where I could not go otlmerwise , I was touched by the proof of the truth and greatness of Imuman nature , for m' ( iisastor like this brings It to view a. nothing else can , and it is no spontaneous , being tire prompting of the better impulse. without thought or appeal. "Time firemen and volunteers did fine work and never wavered , thougim some of them lost their lives while timeir comrades i'erit marmmiii en. "in the fury of the storm men forgot their own rlanger to aid otimers , weaker and more timid tlran themselves , arid rio wail of angu'sh ' or terror , or appcal for aid which tell upon imuman oars failed to find a response - sponso in some brave ireart. I could write volume.a , for there are so many exporlemicee in a disaster like tins. hilt I just give you a glimpse. 1mm a few weeks tb beautiful city will be as it was and the violtor will scarce beilevo time tales told by thee wire were in the thIck of time battle. But as I write I remember timat I Imave stood at tire foot of Mount Ve.iuvlus and seen tire flame.s airoot irIlm into fire air and felt no fear. I felt awed by time ruin , timon sommmany centuries old , but no fear. I , irave been thrown about upon the ocean and lifted almost to the eky upon time bosom of a tIdal wave , but I dId not know my danger , and was not afraid , I Imavo been almost thrown from my bed by an eartirguako In Los Angeles and lreard the bric-a-brae crashing as it fell upon the floor , but was not alarmed , for I could not understand. Bmit in tins great diaasler I was brouglmt no dote to actual combat anti taco to taco with danger tirat I was speechless - less with awe , winch is really anotimor name for fear , and it mirat be many years before tire vivid picturea will fade and be less ter- rible. " - I'otemmf Mt'dicirmes , From time llmmnro' ] , Cal. , Sermtinel , While talking with .1. T. Baker tire othrer day tire question of patent medicines ensue up , and we naked imtrn lrow Cimnmberrmlmm's mnoriiclnes sold , Said ire , "Tlmoy are time best selling articles I hmandle ; I never hesitate to recommemmd tirem. As to Clramnberlaln'e , Colic , Clrolera and Diarriroca Remedy , it is simply superfine. I never timink of taking a trip to the mountains , or any where else , ( or that matter , wltlmout lmaving a bottle of tlmat remedy with irme , " Time 25 and 50 cent sizes are for sale try druggists , Union Stock Yards , Soutim Omaha , Neb. , June 1st , 1890 : We wish to extend our sirmccro thanks to tire members of time South Omaha Live Stock Excirringe , and also our many frelnds for tircir kindness and sym- patlry during our recent sid bereavement , Mrs. Sarah. A , Shields and family , Simmimmmii'r Iliemiraloims (0 Calormimiri. Time "Rock Island Route" iras now on sale tourist tickets at greatly reduced suites to Denver , CoIorado Springs and Pireblo , Remember this is time only line summing its own trains without cirange from Omaha to all of time above points , For full information - mation cail at Rocic Island city ticket office , 1602 Fmmrnam street , - - e1 IY1 9N Cut glass wedding presents of the very newest designs - signs viI1 be on exhibition i our "Cut Glass Palace' tomorrow-all new , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lila % 'iIb TAl(1. 'IT 'r ( ) CONOIUISS , Inenck l'rama.e..ln lCnoiv W'lmy lie Vu ltbs1hemi Mmmii. 'II will ask theostmaatcr general to Interfere and I havemooerai friends wimo are congreasmuen. " 3 , 1I , Laycock uttered threso dire threats in theaireeence of the police judge as ho turneritimIs back on the court , after receiving a Sentence for diaorderiy conduct while attemptitig to get imIs mall. In his haste Laycocklimad jammed imis Ierby over hia ears , wimiimbiiface grow livid with Inward warth at tiid Indignity of his treat- nueni by time Omahrpoiice. Sunday at mmoon , 0.ayeock , so ho testified , lined up along \vlth citizens wire were do- slrous of prbcum-ing their Sunday mail , Laycock , wimo hails from Fremnont anti is a traveling oman by occupation , was especially anxiomms to get lmb. mail , as ito lund come 100 miles 1mm order to imiake a requisition on l'ost- nmaciter Martin for time same. lIe In not a large maim and on a crowd began to htros' lmlmn out of the way , "They were mostly ( ludes ami such like , " Laycock explained to time commrt. "and I vowed I wotmld holml my own , So I eleowed nmy way to the window , but was refused any mail by time attentiammt. It was .tiren that tire polIce officer ordered mo back into line. " Officer Jorgemmeeri , wire mmmdc the arrest , testified that Liycock made time air buc when hue fommnd that the line ime irad been following , Was to end out , and eli "time dudes amid cthmers" were to win in tIm scramble for Sunday mmiii. hieforo imassing sentence Laycock raised time Point timat tire police jtmdgo luau no autimorIty to make arrests on Uncle Sammi's territory , A sentemico of $5 vas Imposed and ens- pendcd , but Laycock eays before the affair is ormricd ire will Irmive time cus'a before time fenleral amthoritis , even It his congressional friemrda have to be appealed to for aid , Time llseuver Oz'vel Ills Lift' . Mr. G. Callouetto , Drtiggit , Beaversville. Ill. , says : "To Dr. ICing's New DIscovery I owe mmmy life. W'as taken with La Grippe anti tried all time physicIans for. miles about , bmmt of no avail , anmi was givei imp and told I could not live. Having Dr. lOmig's New Die- covery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its u and from time firot dose began to get hotter , anti after using three bottles vas up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold , We won't keap store or hommee withoirt It. " Get a free trial at Kuhn & Co.'s drug Store. I , lidId'VlN ( OF ItEAL. IS'i'A'L'lI MIdS. 'I'itey CoimsiIer , tinu. ltelmmdtve to Mortsire F'ore'lsimr-M. Tlrore was a fairly good attendance at the mneeting of time Real Estate exclmange yesterday , but no bimsincas of particular imnpor- tanco was transactod. The roost important matter considered was time subject of Recur- ing a more satisfactory law relative to mortgage forcciosmrres. C. A Starr read a copy of senate file No. 323 , whmicim was in- traduced by Mr. llnimim two years ago , but was never imeard of after tlmat. Some of time members asserted that it would he impos- clblo to pass suclm a law as would be desirable - sirable , owing to tIme popular Idea that any cimango would be umifavorable to tire borrower. The mmiatter was finaii3 referred to the com- nmittee , with instructions to bring in a report at a future imiecting. - Time special committee wlmich wa ap- polmited to lock aftrr tIme apprehension of partIes guilty of stealing phimmubing froni vacant imouses report-edt that two men had been arrested amid it was belleved tlmat tlmey were respommoible fr niost of the losses tlrat Imad beemi suffered recently , The corn- ruittee was Instrmmctedm to conifer with timO couniy attorney and assist hirim in time cent- viction of time parties. L. Cimilds was appointed as tire special press agent of tlmeeexchange , to serve until further aetiun. -L THEY NAICRO'mVLY ESCAI'ldl ) JAIL. l'roimmisel - In IOyt' . oil imjm.1Vere 'l'ii5it'tL Loose. An empty stomach nearly cost J. Purcell a period in time county jati , and had it not been for the fact that. Jtidgs Gordon believed that Purcell wquhml be a rhotter citizen in nomne other nmwnthan Omaha h would have been sentinced for vagrancy. Purcell was arrested wlrile tryIng to get out of Omalra Sunday niglmt. He testified in court that wiren part way over time railway bridge ho suddenly became hungry and returned - turned to buy focd. It was at this time h was arrested. Charle Jones is another porpetimal pedestrian - trian who told the cotrrt. timat had the arrest conic five mirmutes later he would Irave bcen far on hum way east.Vill you bid goodbye - bye to Omaha it you arc discharred ? " riueried the judge. " 1 go , " solemnly replied Jones , who turned on his heel and went. Among the list o travelers was ale Joimn Hart. He had been to Oma'.a twice before , a.s lmo lives but twei''o miles east of Council Bluffs. 0mm this trip ho fell asleep bunch of weeds. lie was given a permit to leave town. 1'r.'o SIvt-r utimmi the Olmi Soldier. KEARNEY , Nob. , May 20.-To the Editor of The Bee : Why is it tlmat in advocating the use of dollars timat will buy a dollar's worth of anything time world over rio orme Imas yet tlrouglmt of the old soldiers , nearly au of wimum , or timeir widows or orphans , are getting pensions , amid God knows tirat time majority need it bad enough even how , arid immure So as timey are advancing in years ? Itenicmnhor thrat wo are not all Judge Longs. Won't it reduce tlmeir pcxmsiorrs about one- imalt if the tree sIlver idea should be carried out ? It looks that way to roe. I have reference to time purchasing quality of the dol'ars ' we will probably receive , 1'leasa gIve this matter soimme attention in your paper. I believe it will do mmmcli good. P. PIIILIPPAR , One of Thorn , RABIES WITH SKINS ON FIRE from itching and brining eczemna trod oilier shin timid 'c..ilm . tortrmrmM , . None bumt I.arcnt8 , i-cal. iso how these little onto , emmuter , 'l'o lmnow timat is warm bath whim Cirricuirs HeAl' , trOth ml slrmglo mmppilcatiomm of CurmcUnAoirrtmnenm ( ) , the great srLln CtIrO , svlil iii tirc4tnajority of cases 4fford iritant romief , 1)erimmltircIt arrd lecp , rrrrd Irolat to a sp.ody ruru ammdi.-mrot to UBO tircma without mm momcnt' delay itt to ( Oh in our duty. Soil tlrrouhout Ihe'-cI.U l'rlee , Criricumm * OflC. SOAr 2C. Itgsomrs'trr mar , an. . ! II. I'orssmm Jimvci .Ns ( . .imsi _ , . Coup. , some i'n'.a lto.mocm. 0-- How to Cur. Skiu.2 , uiturcd IJabiu"snmJicd free , SUMMEfl IIiJ ThE EAST The OceaniRhset Atlantic City , Cape.Mtmy , Ambury Park Ocean Grove , Lomrf Imrammmh , imd resort , along tim , , flew Jersey Coast tmru oil the l'erinsyivmirmia Lines , Which lost hem Chicago t Netm pot t , fiurrmi. gaioott i'ier , Martha's Vineyard , Nantuiket mmmmd Iopuirmr watcrlirg pieces along tb stiaait1o Scum Chesapeake Bu to i.lmtino , hi the Matiotalos Creason , Bedford Sprfegs , Ebenai.urgAhtoona and other rVkerIS tim time Aiiegimeaham mire also on the i'errmmm'ylv.tuia . lioufr , oter which limo 'hite h.iounumltms , lire .t1lmnr1acks Ytitkiu ( lien , Mt. Ivssefl lelamJ , and Irleess e sojourn in Emmetermm New Yorl , 'ermoflt- , flew llmtuisirire end Maine may be oimvetulemuiy cud cuumfoa-Uibi' reached froLri Ctuicrmgo. For tmrommrle. eomcrel' . ret , , 1mm. of trite. s.d ( be Smel-ci , , , ttooub entire ii" $ Ipry m it. It. 1)kiUZ'U ; 4mi.m Usenet l'e.nijer 4.et , Cjmi-ugj , lUs , OMAHA i'fdi'l.i O'V I1.tSII , % ' SCAhtli ) Feel ( limit 'l'itcr : ; : ; ; On.lde of the Toni nil U lid t. "Omaha people don't scare worth a bit , " said a roan who insures against losses by myclones anti tornadoes , to a lice reporter yesterday morning. "One wouid have throtigtmt after reading the Hat of losses , deaths anti serious aecitlents due to storms of a cycionle nature tirat have been printed almost daily for time Past fortnight , timat agermta of tornado inmnmrammcc companies would be overrun - run with leopo desIrous of being insured against such losses , I expectei a rush of business , mnyselt , anti was cointemimpiriting pitt- ting on an additIonal cierk to write out imohicles. I'm glad I ( ildm't , Since time series of dIster of timI kind I've renewed three policies timat happened to expire about this time , and imavu Issued just one new policy , "Yomi know timere is a popular opinion imere- abouta , " eontintmed tire agenmt , "timmmt bocaimse of tire peculiar fornmation of the earth's surface In the Inumuediate vIcinIty of Omaha , cyclones cannot enter imero. So far as tire records slimy none of timose creatures imavo ever visited here anti I Presrmtno time leolile think none over viil. At any rate , it is qmmito evident tlmat , however mmiii regret many image been expressed for time cyclomme irumffcrers by time peolnle of this city , timey lmavt' not been greatly alarmed for timoir own safety. " The agent of another tornado imisuranco comnpany reported tirat there lmnd ireen a slight increase iii bmmsitmess , lie ajided that time increase -as not what ire hail , a rlglmt to expect after time deadly work of time at- mnospimerlc ilimrtumrbances of time last two or three weeks. hItieitleit' i % ermicit Salve. The best salve in time world for emits , hi-muses , sores , ulcers , salt rhemim , fever sores , totter , chapped hands. clmiiblains , corns , anti all skIn eruptiomme , anti positively lilies or no pay required. It in gimaraimtee'l to give perfect satisfaction or mooney re- furideti , Price 25 cents per box , For same by Kuimn & Co. 0 mmmii iamt.Clmtcnjo-5ipectsi , A Special Train to chicago for Omalmr. travel excitmsiveiy NOR'rIIWESTERN LINE. 6:30 : every tulgimi , Crs. Coo mmmiii Cit liii remi mm t St. fummls. Mrs. Clmarles A. Coo aimd irer four children are in St. Louis visiting friendS. During the tornado timat struck that city last week , tlmey ban a very narrow escape , having been 1mm the patlu of tire storm. Tire imouse at which they were stoppIng was totally destroyed - stroyed , btmt fortunate y none of tire mnenmbers of tire family wore injured. EOzeffla All Her L1fCQ Mr. E , D. Jenkins , of Litliommia , Ga. , says that his daughter , Ida , iuiherited a severe caie of Eczema , which tile usual mercury and potash remedies failed to relieve. Year by year she was treated ritli various uuietlicine 3 , external applicationS - cationS aimd internal reiriedies , without resuit. 11cr sufferings were intense , nncl her eontlitioii grew steadily worse. All the so-called blood remedies diii not scent ft reach the disease - - ease at all until S. - - was giVCIl , wlieui -'il animprovenient was at once noticed. , I / Time medicine was - . --cu ' \ continuecti with fav- r - . . $ orable results , and j'- : ; , now she us cured I.2Vcf clear and pure and % - sue has been saved tb from what threat- cued to blight her life fOreVer. S.S.S. ( gna'an/cad purcly vegelaWe ) cures Eczeimma , Scrofula , Cancer , Rimen- nmatism , or any other blood trouble. It is a real bleed remedy and always cures even uf1.r all else fails , A Real Blood Remedy. Take a blood remedy for a blood disease ; a tonic won't cure it. Our books on blood and chum diseases mailed free to - j - any address. SwiftSpecific . , . 0. , an a , G3. There ils No I-a. Need . - . ' ' Of discarding your Lrloowcrs orasreat - - ersttmmayerurbeeamms tbcylravo stmmtreicd - , . . ' tIledubtnflhlporspt- ratlonuttcrniarmt.on - Lityclimrg , 105 nou-tmi-iflkig WL SLW anti ti-icy will come out bright rind fresh as iiew. Never Shrhiks , Never Fades. The oojy soap in the market which can be reltemi on to % vftsi ) all mammmmcr of woolen fabrics silO i'errect ' satmimtctIon no.1 jrre serve limo corers mm mba rmmott Oclicato smiks , mnubs , orgarrtmles anti cii vrteii goods. MadobyRAWORTHSCHODDE &COCHIOAGa O3LeonardSt.NewYork , 3Chotliam5t. , flostor NO PAIN ! NO GAS ! Teeth extracted absolutely without pain try our local anaesthetic. hiarniless as water , No cocaIne. Ijili IIAftEYJ Lodin llolisI Office , Third Floor , Paxtot. .Jlock , 10th and Farntmmfl atreet. Telepimoos , itas. German spoken. Lady attendant. Vuhl Sot of 'J'ecth , l'crfcet Vu , ttOQ 11nest ln best Tectir , per' ret . , , , , , , , , . , . . , . $1.50 AlumInum Plate 'J'ecth Without I'lntes at Moderate Cost flridga Teeth , per tooth and tttaehmnemut,46.t0 nold Cm-owe 21 1(1. , , , , . . . , . . . . , . . , , , . . , . l5.0 tO i. lllcimmnond 'rown . . , . , . . , . . . . , . . . . . , , , , . , . . . . . . . Ii. Tooth filled without pain * nd at prices corn- . epeading whim time above. A-Il work gim&nt l. ieprvatxmtt. ' ttthML t lice , Jumme 1 , 1&hi. 4 ; A Little Surprise Monday morning we lay out a little surprise for ' - . - "the men folks" in tile shape of three distinct gi tiers of Suits , which we viIl sell , while they last , L ' k1t for the nice and handy figure cf $4.75 a suit. f l'he first tier is made up of singlebreasted , -r round corner , medium cut Sack Suits , made from the new "l'lijbet Cloth , " iti a rich blue-black sliad , 'rlis ; ttTjljbct Cloth" is a strictly all wool fabric woven a little Ilarder than Cheviot and a c _ little softer than Serge , aii'I for every-day-in-the- vcck.and.bunchy wear is just a little better c _ than either Cheviot or Serge. The other two & \ : tiers consist of lighter shades of fancy mixed 4f g Clieviots , having all of the 'gracc and elegance" - of suits that cost double the money and all of the wear and durability that gocs with "Nebraska" t . Suits. The trimmings of these Suits are exactly f tile same as the $7.50 Suits Ofl the next tab'c , and "goitig by the feel" the y might easily be mistaken - - tc - - taken for the amc suits-but they're not. . I , 39W 3 ww HAYDEN BROSM Treiuendoiis Sale of Silks PillS WEEK FROM THE AUCTION. . of Ne' Silkp. ' absolutely Two lmUltmliPtl 011(1 1ift iiieces-12.fiOO yards Pi'Ices - lutely lower thmmtu goods of equal qurility limtve ever before been offered in titis cIty. Our New York buyer attended the large auction nlo of Silks in Now York lnt week , when 7,500 pieces of Silica were moli , withotmt remervo , ruin hms ! liurchases are now on our counters at lirices which defy comnpetitiomi. All kinds anti coors of Siiks go in this great sale , amid ladles who will need evening dres.es or street dresses for next season's wear vii flmmd this to be a preat opimortUflhty. NO SAM1'LES CUT OF' TIIESE GOODS , btrt mali orders will be carefully filled it selection is : ert to us , and goods cu be returned if not fuhiy satisfactory. Brocaded Taffeta Silks , ( mill 20 inches All silk Crepe do Chenes , in pinks , all stile , 10 colorings , creammmrm , hight imlucs anti Nile , worth yard wIde , . absolutely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 $1.00 , for , yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590 750 quaulty Striped Suralm Silks , 21 Brocaded Taffeta Silks , printemi warps , wide , nh sik , in four colorings , . . , , . . . . . . ) for inches regumlmtr $1.01. goods now yumrd. 59o yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c Black SatIn 1)michesrre , absolutely all Printed 511km' , Ii inches , in binck , , browmm nctmmai sc quality , for , ynrtl. . . . . . . SOc anti grotmnmis , mrmnrtli figures yard 29c navy 24 and 27-immcir Printc.i Irmdlmi Silica , in Colored Gros Grain Sihi , in bm-owmmmr , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , heliotrope , etc. , worth flew lai'ge designs , for , ymurd. 49o 750 bimmes. yard grmemis , for. yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc New Dresden tieslgmis in Ireavy fancy Plain colored Taffeta Sliks , in navy , Silks , wcrthm 6.c for , yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , tan and mode , worth $1.00 , for Blrtck l'oau tie Solo 1ress Siilc , 21 Inches yard green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOC wide , regular value , for , 'rmrd. . . . . 75o Ilmacic and white check Taffeta Silks , Black Otos Grain Dress Silk , fi imuchies also stripes , actual value iSo , for , yard SIc wide , reguiur $1.2 value , for , yard. . . . . 75o Seine of time above lots of Silks consist of a few pieces ommly , and time early purchmamrerm will , of course , get beet choice. WE LEAD TH1E ALL IN SILKS. _ _ _ _ _ - Special Wash Goods Sale. , of Lawns and Dimlties , worth 2,800 fully yartls 12mc anti new lSc yard , on sae at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Shirtings , 32 imiches wide , Men's new stripes Negligee , yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19c 28-Irch yard fine . . . . . . lace . . . . . rtr'pe . . . . . . . . Dimities . . . . . . . . . . , . . very . . . . . . dainty . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 12c . 50-inch Grass Lawns , dIrect imitatona ! of ' newest tire impDrted effects footls , yard. and . . . . . simovrm . . . . . . . . . in . . . the . . . . . very . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-c ' 30-inch mmtrictly Organdies washable , , yard. mm elegant . . . . . . . . . styles . . . . . . . . . anti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19c I0-inclm yard . . dark . . . . . . . . . ground . . . . . . . . . . . Wamrhmable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Challs . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc NJ ' Black Sateeri , absolutely fast , yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c . Staple Apron Checked Ginghams , yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3C Your Olngirrimns choice , worth of time from finest 25a to impomted 40c , yard. Dress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c , - Special Sa1e Wimito wool flannels at lSc , iDe , 25c , ISo ; also time celebrated aon-shrinlcabl. flannels. Sieclai tins week. ilglrt amid dark outing flannels at Sc. Men's shirtiimg at 6ic , Sc , lOc. All wool cassimorca at SOc , 7Sc , OSc. ' Tire best values ever offered. . Blue , brown ammd striped dorrimns at lOc yard. Suntmor i.kirt patterns at 25c. I DRESS GOODS 82-imich Iralt wool challie. lOc. 02-incim nil wool chiahlie , 25c. None hotter made. . , Five Great Specials. Full Cream Cheese. . . . . . . . . . . . Sc 'I Separator Creamery. . . . . . . . . . 15c Strictly Fresh Eggs. . . . . . . . . . . . 7e Sugar Cured No , 1 Hams. . . . . . .8c SaltPoi'k. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3c 0' AT THE BIG HOME OP BARGAILTS 1-TAYDEN'S. ' - - - - - j---'t.--a , , OF ZNT.EREST To CountryPublishers. ' . I ) _ -5 , . . . , PORSALE. . . . ' Abotif 2,000 .ftounds viiioii I' ' . ' 700 poztilS agate fyfte. oo pounds breviar iype .150 'air twa-ffird fyfte cases. io double ire : stands ( or two-Iliirdccrses. This nuzfcriczl was used on The Oflj7/a ,5 jj ( ufairly good condi/z'an. Wi'1 bs sold theain ulk r in quaiIiIfes Ia still urchasers. A r by rnai4 ( a he Bee Pb1is1ihig Co. : Nctfra8l