, I ' , < I ' 1 . TIlE OMAhA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , flJNE 1 , 1890. - - - - - - - - - I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r j _ _ Pitise _ , - - , A W7ornIng S to ave a new tat1ona1 park , anc the St. l'aul Vtonoor P&a tvoc the foHowing parUcn1an of the park and the ptr'Thoto from Lb. 1nlani In t1e northwest- em part 01 the state : tnIn : tnspctor Zfc1.aughIIn arriveil In the city after a trIp to tlio Shoshone - hone agency. In WynIng , , whore ton weeks ago he con1tidcd a treaty with th Shoahono anil Arapahoe tribes for a ecetton of land tcn iiillea squro In ono corner of their roeervatloi ; , 'rho purchasu Inciudea the fa. IllouS hot sprlng&i at. the heed of the fig Ilorii rhor , in the Owl mountains , and the price to ha pahl I ! $ GQ.000. The purchase will ho converteth Into a reaerve and hold as a national i'ar. ' ri SI i'hn sprItgs IIM'o long been famed aniolig thus ltuur' tcr their curative prop- ortles , ' said Mr. Mc1itighiIn. 'For genera- ( lena the 1nuana have resorted to the pIac , J , and I have no doubt but that they will be V equally famous ntnolg : tim whites before long , 'they are stttlatt4i among the most inagiiifl- cooLly pIcttlrePlIUo scenery It has nver hioun my privilege to look upon. It Is doubtful it there Is any portion of this country where there is audi ruggeil grandcur as among the Owl mountailis in northweitern Wyoming , and the hot springs are In the midst of the lilost niagnificent Iirt of the range. The troulilo now wtIi the springs is that they are ix , dhlileult of access. I ro4e atout 250 mUt'a froiii the railroad to got to the ground , and building a railroad there Ia a qumntlon that engineers will have to aettle. The place looks 'ery forbidding and i nimoat mac- cessiblo , anil even with horses it is not ( tO easy Journey. * , . 'After going over the ground I returned to Fort \VaihakIo and called a council. The , Indians are very much scattered and tbuy ' had great dmrncuity in getting in on account of the streams. Thin rcorvattun Is occupicil in common with Shiohonei and Arapahoes , 011(1 the tribea arc about equally divided as to numbers. There are about 1,700 of each. Nt'ariy all the 457 adult males attended the council , which was hold at the agency proper ton days ago. The famous old Chief Washa. kin , who Is now 02 yearn old , but ve1l pre. served , conducted the open council for his people. ' EXTINSIVE MICA MINES. The World group , embracing twelve chainis , lOCatet two and a half miles vc3t of Custer , near Ruby creek , and ownoci by H. J. and J. L. Orr , says the Custer , S. D. , Chronicle. may be safely placed at the head of the lkt of the promilng mica claims of the hills. At no other point in the entire region Is this valuable mineral an strongly In evidence. While its presence may be note's in quantity upon all of the claims of the group it i eepeclaliy marked upon the claim being developed. which embraces a mountain towering 400 feet above the valley of Ruby creek near its batw. Upon the sur- taco of this mountain are shown Innumerable books of the mineral , exposed by ercelon , of varying ( Immonrlona and exceptional quahlty The mica Is found in a solid white granite fornintlon having a width of about 400 feet , with two svehl defined walti , forming an ore body which , in its exceptional magnitude , Is not surpassed by any ore body mf Its character - actor known to the history of mining. Beyond the development work wrought by' nature , which In Itself has boon sufilcient to expose tim mineral upon the surface In ample quan- tRy to warrant profitable operation , but lit- tie ha yet been done to show up the hidden wealth which thioro is valid reason to ho- . - ' . hove will be found at greater depth. An open cut near the crest of time mountain , Varying - rying In tiepthi from five to eight feet , five , . - feet In width and thirty feet in leimgthi , shows the proocnco of the mmcml lii a pleaslngpro- fusion of dimensiona varying from the sinaI- lost to the largest commercial sizea. and of a grade that has been determined by the most careful and thorough teSts to be of the most superIor and desirable quality. Having unlimited - limited and well warranted confidence In the 111gb merIt of their property , the owners L , have expended coc.sidurablo 'money In pro- - luminary work , and they are now engaged In the actual development of the ama , with every indication pointing to the most suc- cesaful results. A mica cutter recently purchased - chased Is utilized In cutting the product at times when the weather Is unfavorable for work In the mine , and from the sale of the product' thins periodicaliy cut , a fund Is secured - cured which figures as a considerable factor in defraying time oxponsa Incurred In the tie- velopnsent of the mine. PIEItItE'S ShEEP INDUSTRY. Besides the cattle IntoresLs on the range west of hero , says a Pierre dispatch to the SIoux Falls Argus-Leader , the sheep men are rapidly coniing to the front ae a factor in the r" prosperity of this portion of the state. 'I'cr- nil I'attion , one of the loading sheep raisers , gives a few facts and figure. In regard to that branch of the mtock industry. His estimate - mate of the number of sheep on the ranges vest and among thin farmers on this side of the river km at about 100,000 , an lncreaso from between 60,000 and 70,000 last year. That increase Is practically alt natural Increase - crease of the herds , au but few elmeep ) mve come in from the outside the past year. Time estimate lie places on wool shipments foi this year ho places lower than moat other estimates for the year , as ho does not think that over 600,000 pounde will go out , and Is doubtful of reaching that figure , while others who claim to ho in a vosltion to know place the amount all the way from 600,009 to IOO0- 000 pounda. Mr. l'attkian Ia of the opinion that time prices secured for wool this year will be slightly under that of last year , whems the hmoep men secured an average of 11 cents per pound ; lie puts the average price for this year at about 10 cents. Tie price of sheep on the range last year was about $2 per head , and vihl be about fiG cents higher this year , after shearing. 'Jhis rise is at- trhbtmtetl to the bright protects of an Increased - creased tariff for the wool growers. There have been practically no iosses on time range front climatic reasons the past year , and time whole range of this state is fVeo from scab , wtmtlo 00 other sheep dlseaeos are kuosu lmere. The shipnsonts from title point last year voro light on account of the low Price through mn.mt of the shipping season , the whole number siot being over 5,000 ; but If time market is at all favorable this season a Ritimber of heavy shiipnients will go out , probably reaching 0,000 head , aLITl'ERING BONANZA. Undoubtedly the largest strike over made in the Ainsworth camp ha been made on the > Terminus , a claim owned by Spokane partIes and under the managemnont of floorge W , Filloon , whoi is also one of the owners , says an Ainsworth , U. C. , special to the Spokane Chronicle , At the end of a 200-foot tunnel a forty-foot ledge wa. atrtick of high grade ore , aersgirtg fl47 per ton , gold anti dliver. Tia ; property ii situated Ithmin bait a mile I of 1.ake Koetenay end opposite the PIlot I Hay smelter , and wiil soon be counted among the great producing mines of Kootonay die- trict , Much activity b ihown this spring in Ainsworth eamp Thonm a McGotmrn is put- timig In a concentrator ems time Little Phil min , and lne ahout 1,000 tons of ore on the dump. The flue hell Is taking out and shipping to the Pilot flay anselter about 100 tons ver day. It is rtmmoed that a twenty stamp mill is soon to be erected on the Skyline - line , and no less than fifteen mines In the camp will soon be added to the shipping list of mines tlmat heretofore have been under coimroo of development. FIlESNO OiLs FIELDS , Articles of incorporation of a company which yiil develop the oil rgian in the western lar of Freano county are ready for filing in this city , says a Fresno dispatch to time Samm 1raticisco Call. The company has gained 17,000 acres ef oil btaring land , anti its capital stock is fixed at $5,000,000. Among time directors are : J. M. Oufty of Plttsburg , Jodge M , IC. Harris of thIs cIty and Captain Frank Bmtmrett of Selmna , Mr. Ouffey is cx- tenelvoly Interesteml in time oil business in l'cminsyivanla , Teans tuil Colorado , anti his weaitim Is estiniatetl 1mm lImo millions , lie huts turmied lila attention to Fresno county , and It Is evident io has faith in its resources. lie vtls one of the iirst settlers in timis re- giomi. It to the imitentlon o the company to lore 100 wells this summer , anti the con- etrtlctlon of a itipo Ilmie to this city is con- temnpittted , 1mm that event frelgimt competition - tion ihitiuced by the Valley road wIll be taken advantage of. A large shIpment of nmaclminery is on Its way to the wells , and somno is already on the ground. Operations will begin imtneillati.ly. I"romn Indications there will be a great boom in a few weeks. The commnty recorder is tinily deluged with the filIng of minIng claims for sevorai miles around tIme oil whls which have already been bored. Many email companies are being formed , anti. agenttl are about tue streets selling shares of stock. STRUCK IT RICH. Developments re.pectlng the Clara mine , three miles up the Idaimo City road , are cx- tremely interesting , says time Boise States- man. A second assay has been made , which returned 73 per ton in gold , Work that has been done ainco the strike ivas first reported - ported shows that. the vein is wider than was supposed , anti tlmo Indications are that the rich ore is In what Imad been mistaken for the hanging wall. In running the cut Mr. Souther had assumed that a certain streak was the wall , hot a portion of this was shot out during the work. It was from thIs rock , apparently , that the high aseays Wore secured , though the original piece was IiCkd up at random , The ! ater work mdi- caic that the vein is fully twelve feet wIde , and there are oiglmtcen Inches of ore similar to that which yielded the large return. ThIs streak has been sampled and will be assayed - sayed , It was mmot touched when the average - erago from the eIght feet of mineral was taken , A. great many persons have vIsited time property. Among them was a gentleman who imaml in hit , pocket a piece of ore from Stratton's Independence ntino at Cripple Creek , the property that hoe been so famous as a gold bonanza. It was so much like the ore in the Clara timat no difference could be detected. This man gave It as his oplmiin that time Clara ore is a syivanite or tellurido. The vein has been traced through tue full length of the claim , and found cropping on the bank of Picket Pin creek. ADVENTURE WITH A DEAR. James Chair of San Leandro , who is visIt- lng frIends In the mountains a few mike from Chico , imad , a thrilling experIence with a do- namon hear ceveral days ago , says a Chico dispatch to the San Francisco Call , and ho will have a bg story to tell when ho gets home , DurIng thm present spring cold weather and frequent otorms have caused many WIItI animals to cock hiding places and food around the foothills , and quite often cinnamon boors are reen lumbering through the woods. Such big game was , however , the Iat young ClaIr was idooking for wimen ho etartedout wRit a rifle on time day he met brulu. Ho had elmouldered the weapon at sun up and began a tramp through the foot- hills. As the forenoon wore away he resolved - solved to return to the imouse of his friend , despairIng of taking home a mess of squirrel or wild fowl , Clatr had Just started on the hack trail when he saw a cinnamon bear tearing the hark from a dead log lying on tlio ground about aeventy-fivo foot away. lb raised his gun and fired , the bail etrik- log the beast In the flank. WIth a roar of pain the cinnamon wheeled and started toward Clalr , who , realizing that ito had a danger- Qua animal to contend with , commenced umplng iohmohis into imls rifle anti firing. Continually - tinually roaring , the bear approacimod time hunter , and 'hen near raised Its huge body upon its haunches. Clair , during all this tlm , had stood firm as a rock , hut as the bear reared up time young man discovered that his last cartridge was gone. Ills nerve fled , and , dropping th rIfle , he began a race for Powollton , On reaching camp Ciair'i breath was too short to tell his story drectiy , bitt in a short tinmo It as ; uado known , and , with gune and dogs , a party started after the boar. On reaching the spot , the animni was found dead. On examination seven bul- hot holes were founj in It body and legs. Ten wnpty cartridges lay on the ground where Clair had stood when simooting. Time bear vito weighed and tipped the aaies at 440 pounds , which is time largest that has boon killed In that section for sonto time. TIlE DAKOTAS. Time county contomlsslonere have decided to build a stool span bridge over tito Jini river imear ilecla. A now town called Kenned' has ieen started on the Yankton reservation south of Armour , on the Armur.Greenwood stage route , Tbmis is the first town to be cstahliahmed on time reservation , Some of the ore in time Iieddy mine at Deadwood assays $60,000 to the ton In gold. The ore looks hilts mud. Timat which is being taken out of time mine right along runs ov- oral huudred dollars , J. Q. Mama and D. Frakor of Spencer , Ia , , have gone to time Blue Blanket country , lit Walworth county , with a party of twelve representative Dunkards , wIth a view of locating. If reports are favorabio large aura- bore Intend to come from OhIo and other portions of the cast and oettlo in the localIty selected by the committee , New strikes of rich ore are of daily occurrence - currenco in time hills , and they are not confined - fined o any particular district. In Strawberry - berry Gulch , three pubs from Daatlwood , ore carrying ( remit $10,000 to $16,000 a ton In gold has been struck in time Bristol maine. 'fie ore is a carbonate of iron , almowing free TIII FOIL WOM1ON. . . . . . An extreme razor too-fine kid lace simoo- price $2.50-you can't-to save your life- toll time difference between theta and our regular 4.60 styles-though there is a dif. foronco-ot course-but of e iittio consequence - quenco that you wont care-even after we toil you , It's made in the very latest style- price 2.60. Drexel Shoe Co. Send for our tiles- tr&ted Cataioguo 4jii ! 'I'll ! ) N10YLY IAILIIiI0l ) Size up their friends by the presents imey beautiful pictuTe-somothing artistic-you'll beautiful pieture-somotehing arttetic--you'li find our gift to ho appreaciated moore than the usual spoonhoider gift-then-be.ites- pictures are about the lowest priced nice gift you can buy , We are doing the franming now-a-days at half former prices , A. Hospe. Jr. Music and Ari. 1513 Douglas and the name of every subscriber Is worked on a quilt , and eAit one ha a Chance to draw the quilt. Ii ; I George Small , i Silver Lake , will start for the eastern mArket about June 10 tlth a barmtt of 350 niUl& . lie wiii drive nfl the way. ft Jj , Time John Dnutalley Is surely experienc- log a potato famtnq1 and "murphies" are up to $1 a bushel 1tm that-"tho boat vetato country on earth.'m Time Eugene abanit says the monthly output - put of the Lane cqnty soap factory Is about 3,000 pounds of laundry soap , bos1mls a large amount of dlfTeritm' bromide of toilet coap. Time Coqulile valley coat output is receiving - ceiving an impttl5. as facilities for hlp- meat Increase , At heaver Hill the cut- put now is said to be about 270 tons per day. day.The The loss of Lsimtbs In Malimeur county this season , conseiurnt Upon the continued cold spring weather , has been very great , the loss in a few Instances exc3oding 60 Per dent of the rop. Some of time timmmbers being driven for the Miles' floating dock , at Newborg , are eIghty feet long. The water is forty foot deep , and time tinibers ar driven Into the earth c'glm- ' teen feet. by a hammer wclglming 1,300 lOUntlS. One of the biggest enterprIses up the Samitiamn is time big saw mill of time Enter- pm'Iso Sawmill compaimy being buIlt near ilerry , It will have a capacity of 125,000 feet a day and California trade wIll ho do- pendel upon. Huntington is lively by reason of the laigo numnber of sheepmnen , shearors amid others drawn timitimer , awaiting time. cent- mencement of shearing , about 36,000 head of sheep being within three miles of that town to be shorn of their fleeces. The sheep bands are for the most part trout liarney county , but one or two banas are owned in linker county. An oid gentleman and little boy passed through Canyon City on lmorsebnck , tquth- vard botmmmd , Tlmey caimmo front Woolburn , imear Salem , arid the old gemmileman knows jtist tIme very location of a very rich quartz ledge in time mnountalmms south ot town , where ho vicked large nuggets amid bars of gold forty years ago , but was drivcmm out by hostile indIans A Petition signed by citIzens of time Lower Siletz valley has been duly forwardoJ to the authorities \Vaslmington , asking that. a poatomco be establlaimed at Kernvilie , the new town near the mouth of the Sileta river , wimere the cannery of the ICerns Bros. Co. , Is being erected , and whore , It is cx- pected a large raw miii and other industries - tries will be added durimmg time Present season - son , WAShINGTON. The Eureka cannery has packed nearly 20,000 cases of salmon already. TIme fisimermon along tIme Coiummmbia are talk- log of etarting a cannery , to be run on a co-operative basis. l'otatoes arc worth $11 a ton now at Yakima. A tow weeks ago timey were a drug on time market at $4 , A Washington mniil company recently in- sued $350 in scrip. Witimirm tlmroe days $250 of it turned up in the saloons of time town. Arrangements hayc been completed for thm eatablishmont of a barrel and Stave factory in Aberdeen , in connection with one of time shingle rails. Petitions addressed to time president and congrC , asking that 1,800,000 acren In the Olympic nmountains be s'et aside as a forest reserve , are being circulated in Tacoma by time Mazamnas. . Tim government stocked Bonney's lake , near Illaine , wltlm1'trout , about eIght years ago. Recently an amateur fisherman caught ninety-aeven bsautJ , aggregating 4over 200 pounds , one alone welgiming twelve pounds. For time first time n several seasans muany of time farmers around Davenport are break- log up a lot of pri4rie land , which they are preparing for next year's crop. The season has been unusuaify' propitious for spring breaking. I fart Parton of Toppenish has a herd of 700 bogs in tbp , i4lis of Yaklma. This Is probably the largtht herd of parkers 1mm centraL - traL Washington , ir1ot In tIme state , and before - fore fall Mr. artoji expecte to liavo not Ios titan 1,200 ilwtth The Seatco Manpfacturing company of fucoda , Is bubldiii 'a big flushing damn on the SkookumchuCktOloVon. miles above the mill. Thedam s fifteen feet hIgh and clglmty feet long , and wlliThavo two ten-foot fluehing gatee. It is figured that wIthm two flutdmes all the logs that will be put In will be ned down tbe.rlver. MIScELLANEOUS. Santa Cruz is erecting a palace of canvas for her carnival queen. An English company lmas been farmed in the City of MexIco to fatten Mexican beef for time English market. A company imas been fprmed at San Jono to manufacture and operate a patent ma- cimino and device for miningi under water In rivers. Time Alaskan rays otto man passed through Juneau en route to ConIc limlet , whose sole eqiupmant was a pair of blankets and a can o lard. Campbell , Cal. , sends canned fruits to Len. don evcry year , end the Fruit Growers' union or timat place Imas reteently packed a carload of prunes to fill an order sent from fruosele. Eggs are beIng peddled around Tucson at 20 cents per dozen , time lowe3t priee ever known there. In days gone by they were considered cheap at 75 cents and $1 per dozen. Mrs. Hannah Sutton of Petaluma has in her possession time original decaration of California's indepondemmce. It will ho read at the Dear flag raising celebration at Sonomna , The imet proceeds of Utnim mimics will be taxed as other persommal property. The as- sessnrs will list this year on time basis of time net rirocceds of mines for time year ending June 1 , 1896. Time city trustees of likiam ) , Cal. , have paFsod an ordinance imposing a license tax of $10 per quarter on coummorcial travelers wimo ecu goods t persoims not regularly engaged - gaged in buelness. 'I'mO late April frcto completely ruined time Frencim prune crop on time Von Sclaroder 2,500 acre prune orcimard in San Luis Obispo county , California. It Is cstimmmato'i timat time damage to timlu one orchard will exceed $20- 000. 000.Time Time direovery 10 reported of an mopal mine five miles from Genesee , Idaio , tlmot. Is proving - ing to be of immense value. A large quantity - tity of tlmeso valuable stones have already been takem out , and some of thorn are of excellent quality , Colonel Merritt , by authority of time irs- tenor departnment , imas appraisei time hinds amid buildings within tlm limits of tlmo Fort Lowell reservation near Tucson. Land tinder cultivation anti lying in time IliaRo valley hmao been appraIsed at $5 an acre end the mesa lands at $1.25 per acre , r - ' 'SOW i.kL : ; ; OLD ANI ) YOUNG Ai.IICE. _ . Take to 'ICun' Korner" for soda water- because that's the only place in town wimero real soda beverages are concocted-fresh fruits every day to flavor-the glasses and counter are aiwayg clean-the gontIamnan in cimarge ho the cqly expert soda slinger in Omnaima-it's worth the price just to sea him "do the act"-and somehow soda water tastes better at ICubn , Kuhn's Drug Store , Really the only 15th & Douglas Cut PrIce Drug Store - - - - - - At Less than Aettial Cost- TI-TAT'S the way we arc closing out the balancc of the Children's goods bought with thc grcat Michacis , Stern & Co. puichase .s. CIiildi'eit's S'AmlI $ PANTS 5 WOOl , PANTS Paiitalooiis Boys $150 $ J75 $ Paiitalooiis- Long pants for big bays doimblo AN ELEGTRICk\L \ FORECAST Development and Commercial Possibilitie of Electrical Science. WONDERS OF TIlE NEAR FUTURE ( emierimtiumm of Hlretrielty % 'itImoml Steqmmi , Iiglmt % % 'itImoit hlcmmt , Ioim Jtnsmge I'Imugrnmm1tr misid Vision mliii ! 'I'elegrzrplmy ' 'itIiorrt W'ire. Prof. Elms 10. Rica of Baltimore , one of the beat known electrians and inventors in Anierica , Contributes to time Now York Jour- imal the following tnteeating forecast of time possibilities of the near future In clectricity The development and commercIal possi- bllities of electrical science are not , as one iii so frequently told , "still iii their infancy. " While IL is true tlmat in tIme application of electricity to manufacturing and other arts , to immtorconmmnimntcation and transportation and to buslmmess , social , domestic and otimer pur- p0502 , mituclt yet remains to he done , the principies of science and time methods of its applIcation to timeso various purposes are now So well understood that this phrase cami no longer ho applIed to It. Time age of electricity is today so far him advance of its progenitor , time ago of steamn , as to lmavo ainmoat super- soiled it , notwithstanding time i'team engine is still leaned upan to a certain extent by Ito successor , Anmong the important possibilities of the near future may be mnentloned , first , thm generation of electricity In large quantities directly from coal , wltlmout time waetefu intervention - tervention of the steam boiler and steant engine ; second , the electrical production of light wIthout heat. Time realization of the former would permit of time production of electricity at macre fraction of its present coat , and would make it so cheap and abundant ad t reomddr its use umliverral for all purposes to which it can be applied , amid eeppclaliy for dommiemmtic and manufacturing Purposes. w1aro its advnntqges as an electric and imeating power mnediurmi are apparent. An emclent system of direct. electrical generatIon - eratIon would render obiaiote all steam engines - gines and boilers used for power and heat- log purposes. and would he mmmore far-reachiimg in its benefits to humanity timan probably any other single electrical invention. The economical prodtmction of light without heat , wimich on a somali scale has been ac- comupltsliod by several experimenters , wouid enable us to save nearly 95 per cent of time electrical energy muon' used In imicandeacent lighting and give us an absolutely perfect artificial light without imeat or combustion in comparison with whIch that prodtmced fromn acetylene gas or any otlmer known illumninant is exceedIngly asteful and crude. These two inventions taken together would , from their direct and Imidiroct influmenco upon our commercial and social development , produce a greater effect upon civilization timan any conquest of ancient or modern times imas over done. The possibility of communicating wltim other planets depends more upon time condition - tion of ilfo upon those planets titan upon the availability of electricity for time purpose. It it could be shown that the planets. or any given one of them , wore Inhmanited by baing possessing reasoning faculties similar to our own and 1mm time sanio or great-r stat' of tie- volopment. time question of communication , or at least of signalling by electrical means. would be solved quIckly enougim , assumIng timat tim use of a telescope or its equivalent were also known to tlmm. Aerial navigation is , in amy opinion , more a problem of aeronautics than of electricity. Thu oulutlon of mechanical lBgimt lies largely , If not entiroy , 1mm the perfection of the poroplano. As a source of poor the storage battery Is at present entirely too cunibor- sonic and heavy for time power developed. It is pralahlo that for aerial navigation the mimOst available power will be found in the use of a compact form of gas engine using a smiltable hydrocarbon vapor , or ga generated directly front coal or calcic carbide , Alu- minurn will doubtless be Iarge'Iy used fu the construction of the engine and in the framework - work of the aeroplane , because of its lhglmt- nesi amid etrengtim. Conaidorablo progress in thins scieaco imas airoady been made , but its fmsturo is as yet tmncertain , so far a. Its avail. ability for general transportation purposej is concerned. There is a possibility , however , timat some future electrical discovery may be made by which the attraction of the earth's gravitation may be overcome or opposed by artificial macaims. as by imparting to an object - ject suspended in tIme air , dIrectly or mdi- roctly , a repulsive charge , Should such a nliecovery over be made , it will not only solve time Imroltomnm of aerial navigation , but will be so far-roacimimmg in its Importance 1mm other directions as to dazzle the mmii beyond con- temmiplationm. There is no reason whatever why dee- trlcity will not sooner or later permit us to see Itli the eye at lung distances over wires , and ai.'o tq photograph iii New York an object imoid to time "camimera" in 'ashing- ton , The electrical conditions for time fulfil. nient of this object are as simple as tboo required for the trandnrmissiori of pecli by toleplmonme. All that i neces.mry is to sub. stituto for time tramm&rniittng diaphragm of tlme telephone ( wimleim varies the electrical ro- sietammee of thin viru commimeeting it with time distant receIver according to time SOUtH ] vibrations - brations that fall upon it ) a tramisnmmitting lens or tusk of aelonlumn or oilier substance wimich will vam-y the resttance of tbt , trans. nutting circuit 1mm accorlance wRit the do- grce of lIgimt or shade that falls upon time transmitting disk. TIme electrical vibrations thus set imp 1mm time wire caim then be easily reconverted by a t'ommmowlmat nimnilar riovico at the receiving station into light amid shade effects , wimicim will form an exact image of time object at time tranmsmittitmg statIon , which imnage , if desired , cui be readily photographed or enlarged - larged amid timrowmr upon a screen. Iii tins way it will become possible to see time nersomi with whom we are talking over the telepimono , or to see time actors upon a distant stage whmile onto is listening to time opera timrough. his toicpimone at his Ironic. At present timl process involves the use of a large number of transimnittimig wIres , and is , therefore , inipracticabie far comnmmmercial lur- poses , but time writer iwo invented a. inetimod by wimicim this result can now ho satisfactorily produced over a single wire. It i probable time Roentgen rays arc also capable of vary- lag time electrical resistance of a conuluctimig plate upon wimicim they fall after iassimig timrougim an Iimterpoaed object. In this event It woimid be possible for a conculIrig surgeon at one end of a wire to locate a bullet in the body of a person at the other end , or for a ph'acian ! In one city to diagnose arid proscribe for a patient In armotimer , In the sante manner , by utilizing the prirclplo ; or varistiop in electrical resistance - anco in various umubotances that are permue- able to thmerre rays , It becomes possible to construct - struct a aimrmpio apparatus that will permit one to see directy In broad dayiiglmt time image or slratiow produced by time Irmvioible Roentgen rays witlmommt time necessity of Into- tograpiming timemum , and , in all probability , by instantaneous action. It is exceedingly doubtful that electricity will over ennhl us to penetrate the bowels of the ertim os the Roentgen rays stow enable us to penetrate througim solid substances , it by penetration Is meant to render risible. Electricity baa been stmccefully used in locating iron and otimor metallic orc.s buried below time eurtace wimere the depth is not too great. It vIli undoubtedly be used for tire detectIon of electrical and niagnetic dls- turbancem. and possibly for giving warning of impending earthquakes , etc. ElectrIcity will hover , In nmmy opinIon , enable - able ins to travel faster at oca than we now rio on land , unless our present methods of shipbuilding are materially changed. The re- sictanco to a vosmoi moving through water increacs enormously with Incrca8ed speed , and the amount of fuel requIred by a few extra knott , per hour in out of all proportion to the gain In sleOd. Should it become possible - siblo to convert time energy atorod in coal directly Into electricity a now era. will have opened for tlmo transatlantic liners of time future. A few of the vessels will then be built of comparatively small carrying Capacity - pacity , exclusively for imlgim spoeml passenger and express service , the smaller surface be. low time water line and tlno greater concentration - tration of power makIng a speed of about twice the maximum existing speed possible. in time matter of railroad travel electricity will materially reduce time best records now made by steam. Tine limit of nnpeeLl depends largely upon tire condition of tire track. On a nnubstanttally straight amid level track , witim electrically ' welded rails , tree from joints , audi as the writer advocated ten years ago , and which are now coming Into use , an express speed at 125 to 160 miles an hounr could ha easily attained. At speeds imigimer than this tito air resistance to tine move- macnt of the train becomes objectionable. There is no dulflculty in obtaining this mrpesrl from time electric motors and In maintaining it , Electric brakes would gnmard rgainst danger from these speeds , and the train could ho perfectly conmtrolieil. In speaking of genera ) electrical progress I would state tlmat , altimough oieeirlcal science Is no longer Iii its infancy , time future givoms liromniso of event greater discoveries than time past. Most of the more immediate inventions - ventions and improvements to be rondo are already foresimadowed and will lie Jo time direction of time more general extension of electrical onogy to variants existing as well as now and uoful Industries. The genera. tion of electricity in large quantities by the utilization of natural water powers , of which time Niagara Falls insist is an cx- ample , and its transmission to distant and PEN PICTURES FLEASANPLY AND POINTEDLY PARAGRAPH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ mm ! _ j1 110 itt ALL ItifihiT- Dr. I ) . N. Aicorn , 1,1. B. , professor of optics in the Chicago Optlraiomio college , says that Dr. 'iS' . I. Seytimour has taken special courses of study under irma covering a long period , and that front a profesotensi ac- qusintanicu with him ho imeartily recomnmonds limo as a competent optician-tire only optician - cian who nnmakeci a thorough oxanmination of the eye tree. Aloe & Penfold Co. $ Igni of Big Lion ijot&o1Iurs. arnnui - - - - - - golAl in large quantities. The ledge uncov bred is twelve feet wide , and about tour feet thick , The state secretary's office at Pierre has received a medal and diploma from the world's fair award for the best exhibit of flax , which was made by tIne state , on averages from all exhibitors. Coal in large quantities has been die- covered about nine miles sonnth of Pine Ridge agency. on the edge of the Bad lands , and In- dans have been put to work to develop. Thio discovery was made near a place where gain has been escaping for some timne , and where time cattle congregate in the cold weather on account of the heat , The surface 1mm covered with loose shaice. The Juniper iode , located thirty-fire miles couth of Deadwood , soul for $60,000 , which i limo highest prlco ever paid for a prospect. Time shaft Imad only been sunk to a depth of twelve feet , and a two-foot scant of ore , carryIng gold to the value of several thousand - sand dollars tier ton , was discovered. It lies half a mile south of time famous Holy Terror amid Is a richer mine than that was In its palmnicat days. COLORADO. Tlmoro Is a niovenment of prospectors from West Creek to i'Ine Creek. Time saw mill Is runnIng anti the outlook is good for a lively aeasn in hear Creek. Arm Important find is reported on the Modoc on lluhi bill , Cripple Creek. At a depth of sixty feet a level was run and twelve Inches of ore was entered that shows free gold anti assays Into the tbopsands. Tine Battle AX property , located on time east sld of Straub mountain at Victor , has a vein of ore that averages about 30. Sonic of the samples show free gold. Some of time ore is novbeing savet for a shIpment , The shaft Is only twenty feet deep , A largo etrike on the Bear and Taylor property made much excitement In canup at Apex. when it was learned that they mad struck free gold. at a. deptln of fifty-fomnr feet on Colorado bill on the Gold Marion lead. The ore asmayed $400 to the ton and has a vein three feet wide. From Victor cannes the report of a good strike in the Modoc claim , on Bull lull , at time sixty-foot level. The last shot opened a vein twelve inches wide. Whether it Is a woli defined vein has not been fully decided , bunt at any rate time assays already had upon several samples of the ore , which is filled with free gold , and aonne in wire form , gave returns of about $8,000 per ton , John Wlster of Colorado Springs , repro- sentimig a company. lisa comupleteti lila assese. nient work on a group of ten claims In Lazy gulch at Trumbull , and Is now preparing to sink a shaft 100 feet on two of them. Assays - says of $5.20 and $6.40 in gold have been obtaIned front two of these claims , Galena in a white quartz appears to be the general formation and all ehow a well defined veimi. The now workings penod up by the Colorado - orado Fuel and iron company at Crested Butte , about 300 or 400 yards fromni the present - sent workinig , expose a twelve-root vein of extra fine coal. It is auppesed to be the same vein that was worked previous to tire explosion about tweivo years ago. Coke made from this coal Is undoubtedly superior to that made from time present workings. A car lead of machinery has arrived and will ho placed at the new workings at once for the purpOsO of pushing work on tine same. The town of Apex is assuming the appear- sf00 of a lively raining camp. Stores are being built , ealcons opened , hotels filled with guests. Lodging houses are being erected and town lots are in great denmand. Time daily stage from Central City and flack hawk , carrying the UnIted States mail , is loaded to its full capacity and many other atages which run on the same route are also loaded. Freight wagons are loaded rown when they arrive in camp in the evening. Prorpectors are increasing in number and scattering over the hills. In fact , everything - thing indicates that Apec i. destined to he- comae one of time permanent gold camps of tIme state. WYOMING. The builders of the Fetterman canal , In Converse county , expect to have the con- atruction work completed and water turned 1n within the next ten days. More discoveries have just been made up the BIg Laramie , but nothing definite as to the exact Iccatlon can be obtained , Assays made on the ore by resident assayers give $176 gold and some copper. The first settlers to locate on Colonel Cody's land in the Big ibm are mortly natives of Tyrol , on the borders of Switzerland , a sturdy mountaineer race , by nature well fitted and equipped for this country. Orin Junction , the northern terminus of the Denver & Gulf read. just at this time presemite the appearance of an old Unto west- em camp. About 100 cowpunchers are there receiving cattle from time south for large cat- tie outfits In northern Wyoming and Mon. tana. tana.A mIner ramnied Joseph Wigile was work- log on a clalni near Sheridan when the drift oavod In , None of the dirt struck hint , but be was so badly frightened that his niind was shattered. lIe Imagines that be Is Un- tier tons of dirt and Is digging out and is contented only when provided with a shovel anti allowed to dIg in the ground. Ho works desperately until exhausted. There Is quito an excitement over sonic new discoveries on Doubler ridge , a short di.otanco southwest of Tb Siding. Specimens of very tine looking ore were brcught in. The new find Is in a porphyry formation and report says that there is a large mountain of it. Assays of tile ore give from $3.60 to $20 gold per ton. The indications point to a large body of low grade ore , The rich copper strike ninado a short time since at Polo mountain , on being surveyed , i found to be on the government wood reservation - servation , with the exception of about 750 feet of one claim , the discovery shaft being only a few feet from time boundary hue. Time Laramnie Mining Exchanige is in correspondence - once with Senator Warren on tire subject amId immediate steps will be taken to have the reservation opened or done away with as the timber imas nearly been removed and it Ic of no further use as a wood reservation. OREGON. The Eugene mill is now running day and night in order to supply tire demand for flour. . Time Lane county court has approprIated $700 for time opening of the Glendale road between Eugene anti Fiorcnce. The ladies of Cottage Grove. Lake county , imave a novel way of raising money topay a cimurcim debt. They solicit subscriptions , ' Stilts- C1tildreii's Two-Piece - V'o canmiot quote prices tlmnt aommtl ciiiflp these tlmt.ys-prlce cutting misilally illeahis quality cuttIng-but tliiu sub ir a distinctly diatlitort feature iii vliicli there i4 hot it slilgie low prlcerl gnruicnt. In fl imlitshrehl , there are over ( 'mOO Suits at tOc or time dollar , $250 $375 $4OO . Tin's Saic i's ftr Cash. N. > - - , - _ tt . ; , . . , : ; LIlT uS o.titity Tl11031. . . . . . We can put the entire cpntonts of a seven- room house iii Olmo Of OUC "BIg yanrr"-and tote it off witim loss fur' , than anybody-we furnilu two reliable men with eacim job-do everything up in good shmapo-asmd wherm you get 'our bill you imavo time satIsfaction of knowing it's less than usual-and we don't owe you arsytbiog for damaged goods. We store houaehold goods , 0 maha Van urid Coiuprtny Storage Our telephomnd 1659- 1659415 Farnam Lu % Vabssro 0111cc , L .ttlIj " % 'OOL AND Y.tltl ) WIHlI- That applies to ounr irngrain carpets svltli a distinct emphasis-there isn't as mnucim 1mm. grain In all Ornaina us we are showing now- have a large wholesale trade-forces us to buy go largely-and therefore for less than tinoso who do not mnako carpets and curtains their sole busIness-as we tie--we always Irave every now design at time most mnoderate price-good Inigrairs carpets as low as 40c a yard. yard.Omaha Omaha Carpet Co. , Only exclusive 1 % I Carpet lIou.so ierc. - ' oge Boys' Long Pant Suits. - - 1v.l of these Suits jobbed . foi' $10 , $11 aliti S12 1)Cing ) the best fic1iaeIs , Stern a Co. made , the low Iriced ) goods being all sold out , as is common - ' Ii inaii u factu i'crs this yeai- . ' 'I lier weie left with thd high- Jl'iCCd ) goods. We sell them for just SOC on the dollar. $10 , 8 , $7 , $6.50 , Agcm 14 to Ii' ' . less favonenl poInts , is mrotv an Iniportmint trird growlmng inmilustry , 1mm agrictnlttmrmmi dIstricts field will b. itlOaotl amid crops harvested by electricity , turd tIme products of our farina will be trans. porteni by electric motors traveling on over. head cables to time nearest Point of shIp- nienit. Tie Imrttn' e railway will be an entirely - tirely diffcr.'a amid nmoro rational affair than time two streaks of ateel tlmat nmow reprcsemmt it , amid its doveIopiient will ho in time lIne of greater safety nt bight electrical speeds. Ferry. river anti sea-goimig vessels will evunm ttmahly lit ) swiftly rind anmootimly nropellcr.t by time samrmu mnniversal force. Electrie lammuclies amid Pleflsimmo beats operated by stored electrical energy \vIhl soon be found I mm abmm nmda nec ii pun on r imminurl lakes amid rivers , winile tbn developnnment of suhmnimarlno VeseI arid torpedoes conitrohlod by the santo agemmey wIll not be r.cglcctcd , limit perlmnps tii shoaL nmotice.sblo feature of time electrical activity of limo next quarter century wili ire tine almost universal ran- pioymmrcnt of electricity 1mm our Inonnibs , and limo cimangenn winicim Its conmveniemices will bring about 1mm our social anti business life. Electricity vill i)9 irsod enmtlrely for all our hreatinm amid cooking , as well as higlmting. Smelt tmmlnmgs as stoves , fires anti names will becommic a relic of barbarlsni anti frictlont immatdlmes fit objects for lireervationi as curios of nineteoniim comitury civilization in our snmnsounus. Tire telephonic will ho 'i fixtmnne of every irouseboltl armd all ordInary shopping and mimarlueting vlhl bo accomplished wltlmoint leaving one's imonnme. Electric currenit for power , heating , cooking nail ligirtinrg pimr- P0)0.9 viii ho ant tap in every immune Just as water Is today , and these vrIomns classes of service wiil ho performed by time current from a simmgle hair of Mtnlily wInos , Among tlmo immihmoutant futnmro discoveries will be a ystonni timat will enable us to tolegrapln ttmmni telepimonmo to long dltancs electrIcally witlroint time use of wires. Tins , in nil opinion , iill be soon accomplisiietl. It is also lmiobatlio tlnat an entirely hew system of eloetnIcal gemierationm and trans. mission wltimornt wires will he forthcopning , arid that we may be able to directly utilize tIme electrIcal enrergy of tire earth itself. The electrical trrtnmsmnlssion of odors , touch and taste , in addition to tinrmt of sIght , to also amnonlgthne possibilities of time future , arid it is comiceivablo tlnat even time iercep- tiorm amid tIre electrical tranisnulsslonm or lrmnnnnn timougint iimiry some .niay become aim accommi- pilsimed fact. p slroit'a'is'r , S'I'lti iio ON ILE'Oiti ) , Snpt'rhnilr'mslcnm t 1rmmi VimihIc linmnl Eln tLi-nn mm I ' % % 'urk In mnsn hour. "J. Q , Van Winkle , general superintendent of tire Dig Four , once smmndo time qimickest settlement - tlement of a big strike on recorrl , " said the old-tinier to time IndianapolIs News man. "It was at Springfield , 0. , I think. The inert , era a great portion of them , had gone rant , an-i ant effort wee made to got the others to\ strike. Van Winkle arrived and found time town placarded with notices that there waste to be a mass meeting of railroad omen at a certain Inmihl to take onno action ant tine strike. lie said tinat ire would attend the mimootinig. Tire men vore iniclined to be turbulent , anmil an attempt was made to persuade imlum riot to go. Dint at the hoinr net lie presented hiinnselt at time doer of tine maIl amid was stopped by tine sentry , wino Informed hIm timat ito could not come in. , ' 'This is a railroad man's meeting , ian't it , Jack ? ' ached Van Winkle , wino knows nearly every man on the system by his first name. . . 'That'e what it Is. ' . , 'Well , I'm a railroad oman , and I want to come in. ' , . 'Can't do It , Van. The boys would oh- ject. ' , , 'Youn don't dlsputo amy holing a railroad man , (10 YOU ? ' " 'Ohm , no : you're a railroader all right , but not time kind we want at thIs meeting. ' , ' 'Jack , I tell you wimat you do. You go Iii aniil tell tine boys that I am cmnt more antI want to come in. I don't think imnany of tbonm vlll object. ' "I'lmo doorkeeper went inside , and in a few mInutes returned amid Invited Van Winkle into time hint ! . As soon as imo was mM the door a yell that shook the building went. up , Before timero were ony deliberations Vain Wirnkle was , called on for a sPeech. lie got on tine platforni and talked witim a lot of intent ho naomi to do yard work with , pointed out to tlmem time mistake they were making , and assured - surod thrum that ho vouIrl eeo that army Just grievamico they had was righted at once , Winen he mad finisirerl lie was asked to retire , and as inc loft time room nmore tinani unit the men walked out witim lnimn , remarking : ' \Vimnut Van says ii. good enmoulm for us. ' In an hour's time time strike was at an end , arid all tire men were at timeir places. Van Wimmkla investigated the cause of time trouble and ar- rangerl mnmatters satisfactorily to all corn. cermmcd. " ; . , ! 'Ii 3IP ' 'ti ' - ! . - , : - ' . - . tI , gCol'ci ( hiUi'FINGS 0(111 FIt'l'lI- We are sinowlng a nnost attractive line et ulcotclm suitlngs and other foreigmi piece goods -also an unusually large variety of trous. eringa-in all tine very choicest patterns. If you-or your Irietsdi-arc to ho mniarried seers it will he to your advantage to inspect our wedding suitinge-we guarantee to give you time beet , Williams & SmithTallors Opp. Paxtorm Hotel , 1404 Fariiain L'est Lor the Least. . , - . - - - -