Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Money Appropriated for Improving West
Farnam and Cuming Streets.
I'n nsent of CIaiIni of Firemen % 'Iio
Vere bitlil OtT LnMt Suniiien
JtcferrQd to tIi I'Jrc nnil
l'ollce CoInIiMIuII.
There Was a pecIa1 eiIon of the city
cuncI1 yestordtiy afternoon which waa
chiefly remarIab1o for the spasm of street
tmprovernent that seized upon the members.
21. all Otflrtet with Mercer , who submitted
a resolution which irovited ) ( that the floord
of l'uhlic Work8 ho directed to cxpend $200
In placing Cumlng street from Thirty-sixth
to Iortieth in a pnieabIe condition. flefore
the question could be put Wheeler declared
that F'arnam tteot necded repairing as badly
as Culnlng and if any money were to be spent
Xdr the benefit of the constituency of the
gentleman from the Ninth a similar omount
ought to be spent on Farnain street , lie
2novcd as an amendment that $300 ho ox-
cndetl in the improvement of Farnam street
Wcst of Twentieth.
flingham tittickly ouggeetel that [ ho Sec-
end ward was also entitled to attention and
nsked that on appropriation ho made for the
! nhIrovcment of South Sixteenth street , which
wa also ihupasabio for heavy traffic These
tUflefldIlOIltS were afterwards withthawn on
the suggestion that it would bcbetter to attend -
tend to each case separately , and Mercer's
original resolution was pased. Then other
resolutions were introduced flfld Whefl the
councitmanic appetite was appeasd the cx-
endlturo of $ t00 on iarnam street vaa
directed , as velI a $7 on Sherman avenue
between Locwt and \VirL etreets. Krnent's
resclution which provided for an expenditure
of $1t0 on South Sixteenth street was referred -
ferred , on the su'gestion that there wa a
prospect of an early repaving of the street.
Treasurer Edwards vna ( Itrectod to arrange -
range with the local banks to take up anti
hold interest coupons aggregating $23,13
which mature June 1.
A request from the Pcop1e' church for the
use of an election booth for Sunday schol
purposri woe referred to the committee on
public property and buildings.
The Board of PublIc Works wa author-
lzd to expend $75 In removing pond of stagnant -
nant water at Twenty-seventh and Bristol
Thcro vas an extended controversy over a
rop3rt of the ilnanco committee in which
a reference of the claims of the firemen who
wore laid off in July anti August , 1894 , to
the Board of Fire and Police commisnioners
was recommended. Those are the claims for
which the Leedor cae was made a test case
and in which the courts decided that the city
must i.ttie. They aggregate abtut $1,700.
Ilascall moved an amendment that the
calins be aliowt.d and ordered placed in the
aoxt opproprlation ordinance to be paid out
of the flre fund. lie made a vigorous fight
for his motion , but lost by a tie vote. Then
the carnmltteo report was adopted. The
members i.tatcd , that they would vote to pay
the claims , but thought that the matter
ahouid come up as a recommendation from
the Board of Fire and Police C3mmteioners
The city engineer was directed to prepare
plans and estimote on the constructkn of a
atorm water culvert at Forty-third and 11am-
iRon streets.
Thin plans and specifications for repairing
the Tenth and Eleventh street viaducts ,
which were referred. at the previous meet-
Ing. were approved.
Wheeler introthiceti a now coal dsalers' ordinance -
dinance which provides for an annual Itcense
of $40 to ba phid by all dealers in coal and
coke. In 1ts addltlonal provisions It Is very
similar to the old ordinance which wan'
knocked out by the courts. It cotnpels all
. dealert to submit to a reweighing on city
caies. when it is demanded by the customer ,
and directs the Inspector of weights and
measures to see that no utort weights are
sold. The ordinaice was refc.rred to the
committee on judiciary.
1)0 1ot Do This.
De not be Induced to buy any ether if you.
bavo made up your mind to take Hood's
Sarsaparilla. Remember that Itood's Sar-
aparhlla cures when all others fail. Do not
give up in deapair because ctlior medlclneo
have failed to help you. Take Hood's Sar-
'saparilia faithfully and you may reasonably
expect to be cured.
Hood'o PPls are purely vegetable , carefully
prepared from the best ingredients. 25c.
Six Thirty I. 1I. Tralis
& ST. PAUL flY.
Heat service.
Dining car.
City omco , 1504 Farnam.
- .
. tllIIsterM.
The enormous engines that haul "The
Northwestern Line's OMAIIA-CIUCAGO
SPECIAL east at 6:30 : every evening ( Union
Pacific depot ) and into Chcago ! at 9:30 : next
morning-well worth taking a little titus to
Lee them-nothing In this country like them
-nearly as high as tlO Union depot , but not
quito as long. City office. 1401 Farnatn St.
You Ohiiht to See
the business the Burlington's ° Vestlbuled
Flyer" is doing nowadays.
\Vornlerul-simply ( wonderful ,
Ixtra coaches amt sleepers every day last
You ought to see it. You ought to truvel
In it.
Loaves Omalia-6:00 : P. M. EXACTLY.
Arrives liicago-8:20 : A. M. NO LATER.
Sleepers-chair ears-diner.
Tickets at 1502 Farnani street ,
No Hurry 'Vu ) IIU tnrt ,
Spend all day in Omaha and leave via
ChICAGO SI'ECIAL at 6:31) : p. in. ( dining
ctir. )
Then there's considcvablo hurry , for the
train arrives at Chicago early next morning.
'i'lils train is equipped wIth EVERYTHING ,
anti words are very hard to find that do it
justice. If yeti mUst leave earlier , inquire
about the 4:45 : p. m. Overland Limited.
City otfice , 1401 Farnan St.
- p
Vurevell to Mr. and Mrs , Olier ,
Frank 'tV. ' Ober , Who has for a long time
performed the exacting duties of secretary of
the local Young Mon's Christian association ,
vill leave Monday for lila now fIeld of labor
III Chicago. ThurBday evening from S to 10
o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Ober will be tendered
ft reception at the Young Mon'i Cjirlstlan as.
sedation building , when their mazty friends
and co-workers will unite in Indicating their
tcgret at their departure and their best
wislrca for increased success and happiness
in their now home.
c. are
: g Your Kidneys ?
0 Dova Your Back Ache P
JJbb" Makothe g.
II ' neys strung
I SiAL !
I1JiP1lls ' 'r ' :
the blood , Healthy id'd5y seiko
Dr I olg Sp r apis hidnev P Ii Is
cure Rhctsjst sW clctut , P zW * ,
AnmIa , PIrPpie 4dHIoed.LrI2t' .
o Dlcu. MIai , Uackacb. Kidney
Ptiniflo JyPaln a tbAtdomin
Frc-qucnt & ( ntjoa , lnflawmstiott o
KIdu 1 etc. s.pdorsed b l'bysi.
f clans nI Irugists. o cen a box.
Sample Pill , And Valuabiciiook tree ,
U.bL Xi4j C. . , Cuq.iid ba Irndu. .
lOI1V S1'li.ia 1tIIMAlS IS COUItT.
l'oItce Ji1ge IIc : ; ; ; ; ; do Surrender a
Cxtsh Itotid ,
In police court $ & 0 cash bond was given
for the appearance of Birdie flriggs , a white
girl , as a witner.q Jn a case brought against
a colored man , Thomas Manley , the corn-
pinining witness , the man's wife , alleging
that her husband had been too familiar with
the girl. The boml was furnished by a
negro , Thomas Manley , who was acquaInted
with the girl , and who has since married
her ,
It appears that C. C. Cochran , who is defending -
fending Manley , lies been very anxious to
get hold of the money and substitute a paper
bond , alleging that the police authorities
have no right to accept a cash bond , lie
came into Police court a couple of weeks ago
witi an order signed by Manley and lila wife ,
dIrecting the court to turn the money over
to him , Manley , however , appeared before
the judge and stopped payment.
Last Saturday afternoon Cochran appeared
withi another order signed by Manley nod hia
wife. Judge Gordon declined to act at once ,
but yeterdfly morning he drew a check to
turn over to Cochrin , when Manley and Attorney -
torney Smith entered a demurrer.
Manley alleges tbat Cuchran was at hit ,
house Saturday and agreed to lend him $5
antI thou requested him and his wife to sign
a paper. NeIther cotid ! read and they signed
their names to the paper without knowing
that it wan an order for the money.
Cochran presented the order first to P0-
lice Court Clerk Schwenk , who refused to
recognize it without an order from the police
judge. Thereupon he intimated that the police -
lice court clerk was taking un more authority -
ity titan belonged to him , In retaliation ,
Schiwenk explained before the court that he
had refused to recognize the order because
Cochran bad provioucly oromlr'cd to "divy"
the bond with him if lie would turn it over
and he therefore believed there was rume-
thing wrong in the transaction.
Attornay Smith , who ) taa taken the side of
Manley. stated yesterday morning that
Cochran had promised to give him $15 of
the bond if he would vlthdraw his opposition.
The rcoult of tire matter was that the
check hich Jutlge Gordon had caused to be
drawn was cancellei anti the money still remains -
mains in the hiands of the court and vill
stay there until all parties have cam-
liromiced. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sensoti OIitieiI fluiri ,
'fire hotels at Hot Springs , ' . H. , have
been crowdoti for tire past week , ceason , o.
ing opened by the Odd Fellows , who hell
there annual state convention tinro. Nearly
oh visitors are taking advanare of the
cheap rates offered for side Leips frarn hot
; t iiic to the various polnt' ijf inlet-cat ,
frcln'hing 1)eadwocd , Elk Creek canyon , on
tite Black 111115 & Fort Pierre railroad ,
Cryrtal Cave , and the Bald Motintain seen-
cry. Party of 85 went from flei1oi * ver
the Eikhorn narrow ga 2.a line up Bald
Meuntnn Friday last. This is fast hocoin-
lilt ; the favorite resort fo vestern peopto.
Many cures of rheumatism ha'e been recorded -
corded recently , and with the improved ( a-
duties at tire various sanitariums and with
the pleasures of tite plunge bath , all are
repaid for their visit.
Tourist tickets at cheap rates are en
sale every day , with frequent special cx-
cursions. Do not fail to visit this resort
and the noted disrict surrounding during
the coming summer , anti buy your tickets
over the Northwestern Line ,
A. L. Deane & Co. , 1116 Farnam street ,
sell Union artd National blcyc1e.
The Union bicycle never was known to
Oittit hIL1-ClLtCltgoaecjnI . ,
Train teCh
Ch cage
. for
- . Omaha
- - -
travel excluetveiy
G.:30.evtrynght : ! ,
- Tue OIII ) 'zIy
to go to California nithout. delays or annoy-
ancos4and in comfort , I via THE UNION
You don't have to change cars , and y
get there several Hours ahead of all other
lines. -
For time tables or other inforinatlr'n. cell
on A. C. Dunn , City Pacsoner and Tioket
Agent ,
1302 Farnam stre't.
lasv ) tntes Viii the Ilnrhiiigton Tfloute.
St. Louis-Juno 13 , 14 and 15.
Chicago-July 4 , 5 and 6.
Buffalo-July 4 and 5.
\Vaobington-July 3. 4 , 5 and 6.
Denver-June 14 and 15 end July 5 and 6.
Salt Lake City-August 8 and 9.
Hot Springs , S. D.-Juno 12 , July 3 and 24.
Yeliowst'tne Park-Juno 1 to September 30.
Call at Ticket Office , 1502 Farnam street ,
and got full information.
OlSH'S SUIT GOES OUT OF COURT. Scott lioltis flint the Article
\v:4 NIt LlIelotas.
The libel suit of ex.Comptroller Theodore
Olsen against The 13cc Publishing company
tar $25,000 damages was thrown out of court
by Judge Scott yesterday morning on the
ground that the articles complained of by
Olsen was not libelous.
The matter came up on a demurrer flied
by th attorney for The Bee , a motion being
made to dismiss the suit on the ground that
the matter complained of was not libelouc.
The motion was argued ycaterday morning
and Judge Scott sustained the demurrer ,
thereby diemisslng the case. The attorney
for Olsen raid in court that Ito Intended
proscuting an appeal to the suprerna court.
The artiee of which Olson complained was
aq editorial which appeared in The Evening
flee of December 12 , 1895. tinder the caption -
tion , "A Groundless Complaint , " The sub.
ject of the editorial was the report. of the
city council finance committee on the treac-
ury shortage , and particularly that part of
It in wiithh the finance committee complained
that it had been unjustly criticired for delay
In arriving at the exact condition of tire
affairs of the treasury. Tire course which
had been pursued by the committee during
thie entire affair 'as severely commented
ripen and in the course of the article the
action of the comptroller in not properly
autliting tire LOka of tim different city offi-
cars as required by law was commented
upon , Tile santo article also appeared in
Tire Morning l3ea of December 13. Olsen
brought suit December 30. -
A printer in tire onlee or Ilic News at
Morgan , 'Fox. , suddenly disappeared from the
office. On his return a few minutes later
tie produced a bottle of Charnb rlain's Cough
hlanretly. lie had a severe cougir and cold ,
and in explanation r.aiti , "What is tue use
of my coughing my head off. when Chamber-
lalmo says hi Cough Remedy will cure nrc.
lie says so himself , and ays the news.
papers to say so , I have set up iris adver.
tisernents in twenty different states and It
must be so. " It did cure him , then he
know it was so , It always cures , Tire 25
and 50-cent bottles are for sale by druggists.
'Vito "Trim In on I he Sec'n nil 'i'vnek"
Is the Burlington's "Vostibuhed Flyer" for
Cii icago ,
Ycir don't have to climb over car plot-
forms or fall over baggage trucks to get to
It's "time train on the second track , "
Easiest to reach. Best to moke tIre trip
Leaves Omaba-5:00 : P. M.-EXACTLY.
Arrives Chicago-S:20 : A , M.-NO LATER.
Sleepers-Chair Cars-Diner ,
Ttclcets at 1602 Farnam street ,
p -
Cliargeil itlr Ilurgimory.
A. cornflaint was yesterday morning Issued
against harry Goodman , alias Goodrich ,
charging him wflh burglary. The property
stolen consists of some clothing and a bunch
of keys belonging to "General" Field , floth
parties are colored.
Field alleges that last Friday ho gave
Goodrich a meal at iris home , 1515 llarney
street. During ( ho afternoon he rayo that
the fellow found a bunch of keys and going
UI ) to his room entered and stole the cloth-
tug , Goodrich left for Council fl1us , where
ito was arrested Friday. Ho was brought
back to this city Saturday.
It is g well authenticated tact that a sprain
may be cured within three or tour days by
applying Chnrnhcrlain' Pain Balm freely ,
Any one who baa been laid up for three or
four weeks with a sprained ankle will be
likely to rerilcuiber this. The 25 and GO-cent
sises are ful' silo b drugtsts ,
Iowa Roliroaci Officials Decline to Aid In
the Olaycomb Prosecution.
Case Gits to tli .hiirv aaith l'rncti-
etil l lii Stitite EI.leiiee on ' % % 'li lolL
ui5 , Ioflmmnt % ' , is Aeiitiitteit
In a l'rcvioiis Trial.
Tue hearing In the Caycomb grave robbery
case wan resumed yesterday morning and was
submitted to the jury during tire afternoon.
Some mysterious but strong influence seemed
to be at work In the case to prevent the
prosecution ( corn securing important cvi-
dence. Tire evidence at the command of the
state In the fernier case was not sufficient , In
the eyes or the jury , to connect Ciayconib
directly with the bodies , the state not being
able to recuro the attendance of two em-
ployes of the Rock Island railway at Coun-
cii Illoiffs , by wirom it expected to provo ( lint
Claycpmb bought a ticket to Des Moines and
checked the two trunks containing the bodies ,
paying the amount of excess baggage cirargo
for overweight.
Last Saturday morning County Attorney
llaldrigo received a telegram from DlvlIon
Superintendent Fox of tire flock Island at
Des Moines , in reply to a message sent by
I3aidrige. In which Fox stated that he ham ]
ordered MessrsVhysong and Griiten , baggage -
gage master and ticket agent at Council
Bluffs , to come to Omaha Saturday and tes-
thy. As the telegram was received too late
to tire tire evidence of thin nemi In tire first
care , they were t&ephonetl to hold themselves
in readiness to colon to Omaha yesterday
morning to testify In the soconti case. Yesterday -
day mcrning they wore notified that the case
woultl be taken up at once and were requested
to come over before noon. They replied that
tire. order for timorrt to conic to Omaha had
been countermanded and they ouirI not ap-
\'hen tlil feature of tue case was rp-
ported to the county attorney iris patience was
exirausted and Ito denounced tire proceeding
in unmeasured terms. lIe at once sent a
second telegram to Superintendent Fox and
asked him if it could be true that lie Irati
countermanded the order ire gave Saturday ,
repeating tire rearrest tiiat ire aid tire cause
of justice by directing hl empioyes to conic
to Omaha and assst Rio prosecution of tue
grave robber.
Some of the officials who have bean itlen-
tified with thin prosecution of Ciaycornb are
at a loss to account for the actIons of the
railway officials , but one of theni thinks a
ataternent made by Ciayccirnb not long ago
throws seine light on tire matter. ' It is oh-
hoged that Ciaycomb said that If the medical
college people dli ] not "stand by" him in
this trouble , no would -"squeal" on .them
and make things pretty -warm for some
prominent residents of Iowa.
It Ia also alleged tirat some df the legal
highte of the flock Island system have been
retained as counsel for parties who are to
be prosacutod for complicity in the body
snatching iffair , and that since that was
done the ardor of some of the raiiway sub-
officials , who were very active in pushing
the case against Ciaycomb , has cooled very
The case -was given to the jury about 5
o'clock last evening , the tcotmony ! on the
pare f the state and the evitlence of the
defense bng exactly the mo ao at tire
trial of Claycomb on the charge of rcrbb'ng
the grave of Mrs. Larsen. Nothing further
was heard front Superintendent Fox at Des
Moines by tire county attorney and the testimony - .
timony of the most important witnesses
could qot ho had. ,
-requisition from Iowa Is awaiting Chay-
comb , he being' wanted ID that tate for
the same hargeonicj , lp has tieptried.
hero. It is also understood that Currycomb's
attorney has proparet papers in a habeas
corpuo. procoedng n'hlcb he intends to file
if ( ho jury brings in a verdict of apquittah ,
hoping by that means to prevent -lila delivery - -
livery to tire Iowa authorities.
Air Hirthierslrist.
Mr. L. Hayden of Wahlonia , Ky. , s enthusiastic -
thusiastic in ) lis praise of Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He
says ito has used it in his fatally for years
and can safely recoarmenti It to thw pubi.e
as the best medicine in the world for bowel
troubles. The 25 arid 50-cent sizes for sale
by druggists.
The National bicycle cannot be beaten entire
tire road. and for tricky track tactics it is a
top notchor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Traits 10 tO 1,00(1
feet down gold is found in abundance : the ,
deeper you go the richer the ore. These are
facts concerning Mercur , Utah. Thre Union
PacifIc is the only all rail- line to Mercur ,
For Mercur leaflet giving full particulars
call at City Ticket Office , -
1302 Farnam street.
p -
Far Ilediiccd Itates.
To nil summer resorts call at Rock. Island
City Ticket office , 1602 Farnam St. -
Stiririner Itesorts.
There are many of ( item on the line cf
THE UNION PACIFIC. and before arrangIng
for your summer outing you should make
inquiry on to rates and routes. For ( Ui ! information -
formation call at City Ticket Office.
1202 Farnam street.
Built for speed ,
Comfort and safety.
Short litre. -
Block system.
Electric light.
Fine Cuisine.
City ticket office. 1504 Farnam street.
IN TIlE UNI'J'Iil ) frIL'iTHS COVIt' ! ' .
.trgucd tile tIoIOfltO tiircir.l In ' , Vnter
W'orks Crise.
This is Judge Shiras' last week here entire
tire bencir in the United States court , a on
Monday next. . ito opens court in Sioux City ,
Judge Drmndy is exhectod borne on Monday
and It is probable tire session will be. con-
tittued on tire following day ,
Tire motion to amend the report of the
special master in tire water works case ,
which was argu rl 'esterday , was taken
under advisement. C. 1I Vernier claims pay.
meat on certain coupons amounting to something -
thing like $96,000 , earl winch the bondholder -
holder insist were paid with money sent to
their fiscal agents in aw York , -
The case now occupying the attention of
the court Is that of Moore & Hutcirison of
Idaho against the Union Stock Yards Na-
( tonal bank of South Oaiahia , involving some
$15,000 on tIre sale of seven carloads of cattle.
Chariect Burns , from near lied Cloud , war
arraigned on a charge of counterfeiting. arid
pleaded not guilty and was remanded for
trial ,
H. 5 , Woodruff , for using the maiis to de.
fraud , will be tried this afgrrioon ( , as will
also Robert Ciaueen , for selling liquor tc
tire indIans ,
Thomas Twiss , ex-pcrstmaster at Minden
for falsifying reports , vIll be arraigned today ,
Judge Scott Ord-re , Hx-Cierk tonret'
to Mirku it Conjlete Aeoutu1uttW ,
p. E Moores , so-cIerk of the district
court , appeared in , Jumlgo Scott's court yes-
tertiay afternoon in'retponse to a citation
issued Saturday , reqnixing him to show why
ha had not complied with the order of the
court Itt the case otAeicerrnan againtt Acker-
man , directing him to 4ieposit certain mon-
eya held by him in ttrat. case In the German
Savings bank , TIre-showing was read to the
court by Moores' tattorrrey , being to the
effect tlrat before tho.ertler to deposit was
marIe a portion of the money had already
been deposited in the Nebraska Savings antI
Exchange bank on a certificate of deposit ;
that wiren the order was made the baianco
of the money was at once deposited in the
Gernian Savings bank antI both certificates
were placed in an envelope with the files
of the case ; tirat subsequently the Nebraska
bank irmul failed and that all of the money
belonging to the caoo had been turned over
to Clerk Irank and his receipt was attached
to the showiniz.
Frank's attorney substantiated the state-
meat that all of time tuoney hat ) been ttrrnerl
over by Moores , inchirding every cent ef
Judge Scott commented at length on the
showing , saying that it was a most remarkable -
able production. It simply showed , ire said ,
that tire order of tire court had been gnored
and nothing had been said to the court
about it until nearly two years afterward.
A showIng had been made by tue prcoont
cierk of tire court , he said. which showed
that Moores hind gone out of offi e witlr rev-
cml thousand dollars which shouitl have
been turned ever to his successor. lie anti-
fled Monroe tirat ire would be given until
next Saturday to make a ftrrtlrcr showing
regarding every ccitt of money which bail
been paid Into iris irands during the timno
ire was iii office.
J , C. Wharton , Moorea' attorney , attempted
to explain that it wetrll be impos'aiblo to
nrako a showing in tire case of Ackermnati
against Ackerman which wcruid show thin
disposition of money belonging to another
case. lIe also said it would be impossible
to make a showing covering Moores' entire
term unless there was some baeis to start on ,
Judge Scott interrupted to say that he
hind another case on trial and he could
riot hear anything furthrer , but would hear
the matter next Saturday , He said lie diii
not wish to do anything irastily , but ire
should do Iris duty , no matter how no-
pleasnnt it might be , anti if a showing was
not made as to every penny , anti it every
penny was not paid over to the present
clerk by Moorce , Ire only saw one thing
to do , and ( lint was to commence proceed-
ingo against Moores to recover.
Mootc'-s addrersed the court briefly , saying -
ing next Saturday would be Decoration day
and as Ito was one of the flower committee
he would have to be at ( ho graves of his
deceased comrades unless ho was put in
jail. lie asked the court to et thin cace
for Friday or Monday. Judge Scott then
cot tire hearing for Juno 6.
Mar-icloiis ltesmihim.
From a letter srItten by Rev. J. Guiltier-
man of Dimondale. Michr. , we are permitted
to make this extract "I have no hesitation
in recommending Dt. King's New Discovery.
as tire results wern most marvelous in the
case of my wife. While I as pastor of th
Baptist ehurchi at fiVes Junction she was
brought down vithpnaaimn'onia , succeeding ha
grippe. Terrible pruoxysrns of coughing would
last hours with little interruption and it
scorned as if she couid not survive them.
A friend recommendbd. Dr. King's Now Die-
covery ; it was quick in its work and highly
satisfactory in rem1ts. " Trial bottles free
at Kulrn & Co.'s drug store. Regular sio
SOc anti $1.00. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
On tire Court Itouse-Groernils lie Met
iltM'C 5l2eia ,
-Ed Stout , the rnftable bailiff in Judge
Shabaughr's court , is about to combine the oc-
cupatiohdf thurt officer with 'that of boni-
fa'ce. 'lt' ( harl.-leased theraWiqdsor.iptei
property' ott South 'Tebth'-streeL anti. Intends
to throwithat- hostelry open to the public
about th let of the coming month. -
Stout is a noon of fertile resources. lIe -
has lately acquired quite a reputation as a
slayer.of'iargo and dangerous snakes. 5ev-
oral days ago end of iris friends about the
court housO called Ed's attention to a men-
ater. blacksnake lying partly- coiled in time
grass on the Farnarn street side oftire
court IrOUso terrace. The body of the snake
wasiridden fromn view except a portion about
a foot long , whichi extended in the form of
a letter U over the cement gutter. This
portion was about two incites in diameter
anJ the indications were that the reptile
was a monster. Stout's tactile was up in an
instant. It there iii anything he is proud
of it is Iris ability to kill more snakes in
( ho same time than any other man cn
earth , lie hunted about for a short. thick
club. It was some time before ire could find
one of ( ho exact size ho considered nece2-
sary , but at last tire stick was secured ,
By this time a large crowd had collected
and Staut's bosom swelled with pride as he
tip-toed down through tim grass of tire
terrace toward his snakeship , club in iiarrti ,
arid closely vatclring to eco if the snake
showed any -signs of hearing him.
Wheb ho had reached a point within strik.
ing distance the club was raised to administer -
minister tire deadly blow , and then the
specthtors were surprised to see the club
go sailing ( brought ( lie air , while Stout
jumped over tire retaining Walt and started
toward- neighboring soda fountain. Some
of the unsuspecting -went toward the snake
to leara the cause of Stout's strange be-
iravior , but Mhes Ilouclc , superintendent of
the court house , exclaimed : "Tirat's only
an iron ring tirat was put in there to ItoH a
rope winch supported a derrick when the
city hall was being erected. " Stout did not
return to the court house for several hours
and he declines to discuss the subject of
snakes for tire present.
; ( . Aruba Salve ,
The best salve In the woriti for cuts ,
bruloce , sores , ulcers , salt riroum , fever
sores , totter , chappeti hands , chilblains , corns ,
and all skin eruptions , and positively cure"
pilas or no pay required. It is guaranteei
to give perfect satisfaction or money to
funded. Price 25 cents per box. For rete
by Kuhn & Co.
- -p
0mm Foreclosure at Mortgrrges.
At yesterday afternoon's meeting of time Real
Estate exchange the necessity of having a
better law on tire matter of mortgage fore-
clostmres was discuss&i. Nearly all the room-
hers present. epokejirpon the subject amid all
were in favor of rpetttlonlng tire legislature
for better laws onj tue subject. The chair
appointed H. ( ltoOfl , A. F , Tukey , C , A.
Starr arid C. C. Gearge to act In connection
with the presideittitamld secretary to devise
ways and means altoecuring what the memo-
bers of the excirangp so earnestly desire.
When Baby was eiok,1mro gave her Castorta ,
Wires she was a ijIrI ho cried for Gastoris.
When sire becamoiit * rh clung to Castoria
When ho had Cirfldrot , she gavehern CaStOrla.
i ; ayi-tioiid- . WiilStand by
Among the new arrivals of Gorham's Sterling
Silver wedding gifts is a beautiful tea set. that
we can ofTr for $ I75Oo-aflOthCr fo 5250,00.
9'y ! bowls from $30.00 to $6.oo.
aymoiid , Jeweler ,
. . 15th and Douglas.
- ' - -
Gladness Comes
AfItli a better understanding of the
V V transient nature of time litany phvs'
Jcnl Ills , which vnnlsh before proper of-
form-gentle efforts-pleasant eftorts-
rightly directed. 'rhere is comfort. in
tIre knowledge , ( lint so many forms of
alcltness are trot tine to utly tretual disease -
ease , l.nit , simply to a constipated cornil.
tion of tire system , vhic1i the pleasant
faintly laxative , Syrup of Figo. prompt-
y removes. That Is why it. is the only
rcmnetly with trililloims of families , arid Is
everywhere esteemed no IrigItly by roll
who value good heroltir , Its bcncticlnl
effects are ( lue to the fact , that ILls tire
One remedy % ' 1rieIr promotes Internal
cleanliness vitliou ( ( iebilltnting the
organs on which it acts. it is therefore
all lmriportnnt , in order to get its beric-
iicini effects , to iiotc whemi you ptrr-
chase , that you have the genuine ariA-
do , wInch irr manufactured by the Call-
forum. Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggFts.
if in the enjoyment of good healtir ,
and the System is regular , laxatives or
other remedies rove ( hen not irc'eded. If
afihleted with any actual disease , one
nitty be commerHkl to the most skillful
physicirina , but if Iii riced of a. laxative ,
one should have the best , and with the
wehl-'rriforrned cvcrys'lierc , Syrup of
Figsstanls highest and is most lnrely
used and givesrnostgcnoral satisfaction.
Ec TIre first part of a new serial Ly
JohN KuNon1c BANns
entitled r A Rebellious Her-
ohio. " \Vitlr illustrations by
- SImgnl.Ev.
Tire Greatest. Palntcr of
P Modern Cermany is tire title of
an appreciative PfllCt on Adolf
flemizel by Dr. CIIAIrm.Es W.u.u-
STtmN. Illustrated with examples
E of the artist's work.
An out-door flavor is' imparted
to this issue by
The second of HowAnD PYLE'S
papers. doscribimig an uricon-en-
( jonah joorrney Through inland
S 'atcrs , cliarrriimtgly depicting life
oil a canal amid including Lake
Cbcopiplamn , with many illustrations
by tIre author ; amid
The Ouananlcho -
- arid Its Canadian Environment ,
which is an cmrthrursiastic paper on
S. Iv' ' ihedelights of freslt.water.sahmnon
fishing iii Quebec , by E. 'I' . D.
CmIAMBERS. There are also Ilius-
A trations of typical fishing-waters
and of the hill coontry in whose
rapid streams tire ouamraniclre % vaits
for the sportsman.
Dr. ANOREw W'rm.son of Edinburgh -
burgh vihl presemit , ill a paper bear-
big the suggestive title
The Battle of' the Cells ,
an interesting arid popular discus-
of tire germ theory of disease.
A Visit to Athens
a vivid descriptive sketch by time
I Rt , Rev.VIm.LIASi CmooswgLo ,
DoANa. Tire illustrations arc by
Ccv libsu.
N Short stories by MARY E. Wit.-
! &MES IIAPNE5 , etc. , etc.
Harper & Brothers , PublIshers , Now York
There is lots of pleasure ,
satisfaction and heal ! ! , corked
lip in a bottle of HIRES
Rootbeer. Make it at home.
) tde only by Fh , CLaire. E. lure , Co. , IThit&tmpLi
A E'c. 5nkao , flkL. I gLitofli. 8055 ererwmicrc. _ _ _ _ _ _
Teeth extracted absolutely without patti by our
lot-ni anrrei.thetle. . llarrniees as water. flo
Ijill DAILEY , loading Dentist ,
Office , Third Floor. i'axtoa Block , bttb anti
Farnamu itreet. Teiepirne , loss. German
spoken. Lady attendant ,
truil Set of Teeth , I'erfect Fit , 5oo
Finest and best reetrr , per set , , . . . . . . , . . . . . .
Aluminum Plate
Teeth Without l'lptea at Moderate Cost
flride Teeth. per toOth and attachment . . , , , * 5,00
Gold Ciown 22 kt . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . $5.00 to $8.00
Itmchmoad rown . . . , . . . . . , . , . . , . . . . . , , , . , , , , . . . $8.00 $
Teeth Oiled without pain untl at prIces corre.
epomrding with the above. All work uarentecd
as represented.
p -
5---- . We ienti tire Triarveiouu Yrencb
- Uemedy CALTIIOS ( se , amid a
M . E legal guaranteetbat OAm.Tuoa will
, ST)1' hl.ebaqcea St Emluton. ,
( I BE oIIHI 5permntorrbe.Ymrlcoeele
r' ka &nd ILECTOUE Lest Igor.
W'tAt. - Use it aadav iJiaUjfed.
' 1 ddm..VON MOHL Co. ,
-S Sot * Arita AgeaU , fliMnacU ,
Boo , ittny 2t , 1800.
. . ,
It's a novc1y for the male portion of this corn-
inunity to buy genuine Baibriggan Underwear forless
than 5oc a gariiiciit-i.oo a suit , Just to remove this
c _ novclty and to make a few honest pennies at the same
_ f _ tune we are selling this season for the first timethe genu-
Inc Simon-pure Balbriggan ShirtsorDrawers in all sizes
and in four different shades for 25C a garmcnt-5oc
- a suit , The shirts of these suits arc furnished wtlt t
the patent French neck , which always belongs to the t
75C shirts , and the drawers have solid waist bands , i.f
which is considcrtid good reason for selling them
for 5CC. Our line of shirts and drawers at 3SC has
more colors than you saw yesterday in Flanscom
pztrk , and the garments we sell for oc apiece arc dollar -
lar goods in cverythirig except in price. We are very
.4 % _ much in it oil Underwear this ycar.
t _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Silks , Dress Goods ,
Wrappers and Suits
Marked to sell at
We Sd the Eutterick Patterns.
V -4
Oitr Silk Buyer : :
When buying si1lcs for the Bpring borsiness. made calculations for soiling
Every Omaha Lady a Silk Dress--
But He Did Not Do It ,
And lie no' iirts on hand air citoriri 0110 stocic of Silks w'iiicli must be Ye-
( Iliceti comishlerably before July 1st , art U In order to do this jirii'es have been
ii ade ott Silks In which cost lirtr etit ii o flgoii'e , and no inn tier' what kind ot /
Silk you trimly ' 1shi , you ermit iti3' ) it here at a price that will jirove a pleasant
surprise to yott vhiero ( Itilthity is taken into connideration.
Handsome Brocaded Taffeta Silks. 21- I for only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
inch Printed Japanese Stilts , and a r Black India Silk , extra heavy quality ,
nice line of StrIped Surah Silks , all J for only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
75c 51ks , all go this week at , I Black Brocaded Gros Grains at Sic , Ida
a reguiar yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390 and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G9o
Persian TalYctas Warp Prints , ChameThack Brocatled Satins at $1.23 iSa anti 75d
hon elfeets , 54t0 pieces of handsome Black flerigaline for capes onhi' . . . . . . . . . . sc
Novelty Silks for waists or dresres. Black Impermeable S1k , 48 inches witle.$1.GO
regular $1.00 quality StiRs the worldVirito Wash Silk , ( till yard wide , for. . 49o
this week von can secure choice'hite India Silk. full yard wide , for. . , SOo
over ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
for only , a yarif. . . . . Sic White Brocaded 5 Iks , 21 and 27- incItes
The beet Novelty SIlks in the house , wide. only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
goods that ave have been ssihtng at Elegant quality White Taffeta Buy only Sb
$2.00. $1.75 and $1.50 per 'ard , and they Brocaded Cream or- White SilIca ony. . . SEe
at that price , this week Brocaded White or Cream Satins , Die
you were can buy them for the nominal antI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; i.s
prce ! of , a yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OSo White India Silk , extra tine , 48 inche
Black India Siik. full 27 inches wIde , wide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
We Lead Them All in Silks- /
SAMPLES OF SILKS clieerruhly niaileci to out-of-town customers , who vJ' \
please specIfy vhiat kind of Silks arc desired and for what ptrrpse , and we can thri
lull orders for samples much bettor titan when It is just stated samnphes of Sii. -
wanted. p
Dress Goods Departnietit-
40-inch Figured Mohalt' , a full skirt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
40-inch Plain Mohair , yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25c
Novelty Goods-
All out' 50c , flOe and 71c gords in one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
All Goods from 75c to $1.10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50o
Alt Goods fm'om $ l.2 to $2,00 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75o
GraduatimlDrcsses in Surges , henrietta , Crepomis , Albatross , Numius Veil.
log , Batiste , etc. , at correct prices. .
_ _ -
Ladies' Wrappers--
. , New stylish Wrappers just re- '
1.- - . ' - -.s _ ceived. Three beautlful lines in
. .1 . . ' lawn cambric and
. -.5 ' S ) , fancy high
. S grade printi , in strped , figured
- ' ' S ' and Persian Patterns , trimmed
- : . . , .f1 , . with ruffles and large collars , bat-
- - - loon and Bishop sleeves , lined
M ;
t ' n I - . : u : y waists , extra wide skirts and deep
' ' hem. The prices :
1 1' ' Thie$1.25QtmlliItyut75d.
' S
T- , , - 'I'hio S1,50 QtlCLlft3' ut USe.
. I p. S : ' . ' Time $1,75 Qtinhity at $1.2
, - I
' ,
Liiiert Blazer Suits ,
S.- foul skirt , 's'o tilt fully $4.50 , at $2.25.
CountryPublishers. 'N
_ _
About 2,000 paunds minicu lyte. , -
700 pOlflaS agate 1ye. (
oo ftounds brevier Iypc' ,
150 pair Iwo-third tycases. . I-
i/O double iron slands for two-Ifiirdcasts.
This inccferal was used on The Omaha Des and is ' 4 ,
infairly good condilloit. Wilt soW clicap g' , : ut %
or iti quaittilles 10 still purchasers. 4jfty in srs i
or y mail , io
The Bee Publishing Co . , ' -
Ozuahiu , Ncbraski.
, . , WWJ