- _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1i THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ES1'A1LiSJ1ED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAhA , TUESDAY MOflNIG , MAY 26 , 18 % . Si oo' rxv oa'rs. 1 1ETI1OI)1STS ) hAVE A SCENE t Ministria1 and ray Delegato3 Lay Many Bitter Things. DISPUTE OVER TIlE NEW CONSTITUTION Atiitit1iit.i fr , 1IercpilgitIuii OrIgIII.tlM ii ( rtit 'I'nninlt ' .VIileIi Ii ClJitIilti.M UfltII It IM % 'IlIidrnIt -IIIMPIIIII .1. C. liii rls..lI. \I / - " 4 CL1V1L/NI ) , 0. , May 25.-Theo w're \ Ptorm ) ' sccneu In thu Metliotlist general con- fcfne totay. it was by oil odds the ! not 7 tumultuous ennion that ) nan yet benxi held. There wa a c1a'ln bctween the mInlIMterlal iintl lay deIegatc and for a time In the after. noon Bishop 1Iurnt , who sa In the chair. lost all control of the assemblage. A dozen ti de1ogatc ere on their ( cot at the Fannie tinno , - ahouting for recognition , calling for ruhtng3 p ot the 'Iiair on poIntI9 of order which had V never been heard , nod nitogether the ccnicu Were m're exciting than usually witnessoti ) : n iolitlca1 convention. Tine contest aroo over the fourth iection of the now conwtittl- ΒΆ tion.'iien the section was read an amend- f'4 . meat providing for equal roprcsc.ntationi of the iavnmen In the general conference wa prop3sed. Many bitter thinigs were said , and It looked for a time ati it there could be no ' ' reconiiiation bc.twcen the mninlicrs and lay- [ ,00n , Finally. however , icace wa restored by the wIthtlraval of the arnendnnent , with ( I the uniorstanling ( that the whole matter shou1c be bromigint up again in different torn ) . . Tine election of Ir. J. C. Ilartaeii of IoUIs- , lamma nl mnino4onaiy bI&diop for Africa to anne- ceed lilahop Taylor , who was retired , was tine incident of tine morning session. The conference decided today to inoimi two se t aion daily until the adjourammient In order that the lIISine93 might be dispoacd of. The conference opened today with lilsinop Fo4 In the cimiir. iilsimop-oect McCabe led In the morn ing by nm , Thu first tmusinerm Qt tine conference was to limit the speechc of delegates to live mm- utos and the time of the chairman of cont- inittees to speak 'as ilmniteti to ten minutes , Bishop Foa hail difilcuity in receiving par- liamemitary courtesy , hut ho mm bided the gavel with tlcternnmnaUon arid maintained order. A sLlspors'Ion of rules to allow the commimit- tee on botmndarles to mnalce a special report woe granted , After much discussion it was decided to hold two sessions a day hereafter The order of business at the day-time doe- tion of a mmmiaslonary bishop of Africa aas called for. i motion was manic to open the other fight by mnovimig that time vote by which It va&i deeidcd to elect a mission bishop be reconsidered. It ' , as promptly tabled. Another - other motton was noado to ImoatPomle the dcc- tion of mnmksionary bishops until time conm- umittee on Judiciary had reported on somno of I- , ' the legal points. It was promptly tabled. I \ . It was decideI to elect by ballot Itlnout nomination amid that two-thirds mnajority msas neceseary to elect. Tine first ballot was then taken. Ilisliop IIAItTZELL ChOSEN. After tIme first ballot was taken the report - \ . port of the majority conmmnittoc on coneti- t , tuttnn wa , submitted. It diii mmot recomnnmenmd any chmumges of mote , hut recomnnmended a ti reference to time annual conferences and tine ; . mmncrity report , signed by L. M. Shaw , V. John E. James , It. S. Tnnant , Fl J. Sawyer anti J , E. Maxilehi , all laymen , recommended - mended that the matter also flu referred to I the lay electoral conferences , Inn order that the laity of the church might have .t aumnethming to say about the adoption of the report. Ir. iCynett made a strong plea for the minority report. Swartout , a lay delegate , made a I strong plea agaimnat the ertiro report. lie complained of a n autocratic government of tine church. The first ballot on missionary bishop was then announced as follows : Total vote , 411 ; J. 13. hlnmrtaell , 221 : C. B. Mason ) , Si ; I . N. Moore , 73 ; J. W. hiamnilton , Ifi ; George I 0. Gue , 13 and acattring vote of 46. Another - ! other ballot wnw taken before reccas. . Fred D. Grant and Bishop Arn.ett of the African Mcthodist Episcopal churcin woe in- traduced to tine conference annd a recess was taken. After recess the second ballot for misslommary was announced. It resulted in the elction of Rev. Dr. J. B. hlartzeli. lie received 235 votes. Tue argmmmnent of the report of tine corn- niittt'e on constitution ) vam' taken imp section. by sectioni and debateni. Whoa time section which provided that the delegat to lay electoral conferencet' iiouid be electe'J by time nnemnherti of tue tuarterly conference , aim anmondmmmemit was manic , that time mmicmnbers of tine lay electoral conference be chosen directly - rectly by tine pcoiIe. it looked like time old fight of the laity against tlno nnninisters. I A motion. to ia' It on the table was lost by a narrow nargin. When it came to a vote , , tine anmemmdrnent vas lc by a vote of 193 to 1S9. time laity losing their light by only four votes. The lay delegates are feeling very badly over this , as it was expected time 1' zninister. would stand by them to a 'tmfhi- cleat extent to let thorn gain tine point tlmey mayo atrniggit'd for for over twenty years. FOIL EQUAI4 itEI'ItISENTATION. Tine conference Iroceeii at tine afternoon reselonmitil the consideration of tIne report of tine commnnmlttee 0mm commatitutlon. lIrt cami' section fotmr , prvitiinmg for tine election of lay I I deegatea to tine general conference in tine I onanner itt prcsemmt followed , givimmg two lay- 1)101) IrOim ) ear'hm annual conference. except from simch ann have only omno minister , in which there ii' but one lay delegate. Aleamin- der Aalmiey \Vashingtofl offered aiD amend- neflt , tine ciTed of which was tlmat there be as milan ) ' lay delegnitra in time general con- ventloim as mnmimmistt'rinl delegatea. In a moment tine confcrenco wa In inn up- roar. Several hot ipeecines were math' . The niost m'emnaatiomnal wtmmn that or 11ev. j. 1) . Grew - . of Nesm' Jersey. lie raid tine laymen vero In c' control of tie timmarterly conference. Tlnoy ' could , ho tieclarcil. cInooo their minibtera , tell them what kind of house they must live tmm , what kind of rlothmtmng they roust wear and evt'nm what they mmmuat eat. "I objr'ct. ' " Ito cried , "to this annentimnent. anti I vili die flghtimg to maintain ) our nu- tlnority in tito general conference. " Tine mlniatertm loudly nppkntmded this. A motion vam ) mimade to table Mr. Asimley' . ' ' zmmmmemulmnent. hilsinop Ilurat , wino wan. in the chair , put It emi itnms earrlenl. Mr. Ashley imktt1 for a arparato vote by ministers and laymen. Bishop hurst said ho was too late , ( ma the nnitiomm to table was already iaset1. 2ir. Ashle ) ' . in Inditmmammt tone. ' , tlerimmred he mnimtio ilto retluest before time mmmotion to table was Pimt and that tine chair recognhlc'i mini then. t ( \ 'I'tne conference was inn a state of Inmtenre % xcitetmmCflt. The lay clegate's cinmmnoroil for \ time recogilitiol ) of Mr. Ashley'es Protest anti mimiiste'rial tloegates ! ahoutel Iioiflts of order animi cafle for tIme previotma question. henry Icremich of San Jce. Cal. , yniceti a lirotest In clarion tones , which ccclii be heard high above the confusion. fliI'hOh ) hurst told mini but hr. Fremncli to Put his protest in writing , atili Protested , lie declareti it vas disgrace. ful Aind a blow at tine welfare of time church to Btarnp on the laymmmen as was betnmg donna. scores of delegates vcre on tlnclr feet , loudly talking anti clamoring for recognition , Final ! ) ' Rev I. Ii.VIlaon of BaltImore : mioved tlmal tile 'ote to tattle re reconsidered , liov. Dr. t A . .1. lcynett raii'ed tine Ilnt that It time new constitution wont to time annual conference 'ItIn a'ection 4 amended , as Mr. Ashley desired sired , it woulil surely ho rejecmed. Therefore - , fore , v.hiio lie favored equal lay repreaenta. t tion , ime thought tIme work of eight years In pr'pariflg the coni'tltution should not ho killed to win recognition on this one polnmt. Mr. sii1ey promptly withdrew his amendment , saying lie would raise the issue later In somuci oilier Comm. The section was then adopted. 11ev. Dr J. E , Uowen , colored , /ttlanmta , . muovenl that the rules be suspenmded and a p. corresponding secretary inc eleeteni for limoS Icreedimmemi's Aid and Southern t'ucation S . . - succeed Ir lbartaell The iciciaty to , , nmottomn , i . a carried , Rev lr. J , , Icing of Now York I moved that no corresponding secretary be elected , but that ( h , atcity bayc only ecu - - - - _ . secretaiy , as wia previously urged. on the ground of economy. A discussIon ensued , but it decidel finally to proceed witim the election , and 11ev. mIr. C. Ii. Mason. colored , of Savannnah , Ga. , was eiecte4 by a large ma- jority. _ _ _ _ _ _ MAY ( ( ) litCiC ' 10 'l'iiE 01.1) lit' ! tiliNG l'resi't i'rimmmi 'n I'Igiirm' nit Vii eat I mig I lie Nn'is trimelnire iii New York. C1t3' , SARATOGA , N. Y. , May 25.-The i'reaby- brian general assembly today decided to take no action in reference to the church unity , favoring the report which was pro- tented on this subject and which called for a declaration that thIs it a Protestant Christian - tian country. it the forenoon hour had not expired before actIon could be haml , It would have ( hin'charged its committee on the ida- tions of young people's societies to the oh urcim. hut time m'urpriso of tine tiny came at the Otrnflimmg of the afterneon se.'lon , wlienm a paPer - Per was submitted Iii regard to the $2,000,000 Presbyteriami building in New York by Rev. \\'Illammm ! M. hubbard of Auburn , N. V. It hail iteeni known there was a strong feeling in regard to timi building , but It was mint anticipated It would take this shape. The suliject samm mimade an order for tomorrow mmmornmnig , but it is believed tlnat by reason of time oppoattiomi of time missloaary board it will Inrobably go over untIl Timnmrsday. The paper read to the conference a'imbmnitted to vroro- i'tmona. : Johmim S. iCeimnedy of New York City offered to take the new building out of time Imnmtls of time church , purchasing it at time origimmal cost. Miss liaclmnel Lennox Kennedy - nedy , owner of the old huildimng , time historIc Lennox iiomnen't.ad at Twelfth Street and Fiftif avemmue , offered to repair and make such alterations In time Premnises as might be desired Provided time mission boards would return and occupy their old quartc.rs. Time paper concluded with a rc'oiutmon to accept both propositlomma , and thankIng , Iis Ken- imedy for imer generous gift and eqnreseing appreclatioim of "imer generosity and tidelr.y to time church of her fathers. " The thochet for tine forenoon session contained only two items In reg- uiar order , time report on time work of tine i1oard of Missions to Freednnen and time contInuation of the dh'cmmssion with regard to tine relations of yommng People's societies to time cimurclm , The committee on bills and overtures reported mmpon the request timat Vtepni be taken to secmmre uniformity of wor- simli ) in all time cimmmrche. . It was recommo- imienided "timnit. no action be taken , as the Imrcsent freedom is more edifying tinan any strictness of uniformity could be. " Before tnmking UI ) time regular work the nmmotlorator made a plea for Imarmony in time smmb't'qmmcnt proceeilngs of the as'emnbly. Tmmo report of the stammding comnmittee On work among time Freedmen was presented by hr. Vilierey I ) . Reed of Philadelphia. The report - port of time board simowed receipts for time year of $ i16,992 and cx- penditures of 149,763. Time present debt of the boord is $ i0,171. The board baa under its charge 181 minIsters , 31 chtmrcimes and Sunday schools , 75 day cimools with 230 teachers and 9.511 p111)115. hurlmmg tine year 2,083 have beoni added to the buard clmurcimes. The freedmen have them- eives contributed $68,000 to the support of their cimurcimea and schools. Wimeim time second order was taken up the floor was accorded to 11ev. Charles I ) . Lane of Mount Vernon , N. 'V. Ho mnoved as a subtitmmto for the reimmainder of the report that time committee on young people's socIeties be dIscharged from the ftmrthcr conslderationm of the subject , and on this motion he wmtd It was the desire of time churcfl that those c1tto ho let alone. lIe insisted that nothing vas necessary to insure the denomlnntionmal Icy- alty of the Societies of Cimrlstlon Endeavor , whereas the present plan of the committee meant Presbyterianismn with the "ism" siieilcid In big letters. The motion wai ruled out of order on a point made by Dr. Breed , time chaiminamm of the committee , timat time resolutioim before the imouso provided for the contInuance of time committee. Dr. Breed timemi addressed the aesembly , saying that time comnnmmitteo had taken the mniddlo course and that they had Imo Intention of suppressing time Societies of Christian Endeavor. It was ainm- ply a qtmeatlorm whethmor the memberi of time societies sialL be Presbyterians first and imieiiberti afterwards , or vice versa. The dis- ctsion of the smmbject continued until ad- Journrnent at 12:30 : amid was made a special order for Tuesdey afternoon. Time report of the committee on conference with thmeological seminaries was made time second order for Wednesday afternoon. Tine afternmoon sesion was devoted to time representatives of the Board of Education cud time committee on church unity. Time recommendations appended to time report - port 0mm admmcatlon comTnendei time work of tine board and the economy of its adini.m1- mitration. They also warned time board not to increase its debt. By reaolutiomm time date of tine day of prayer for colleges was changed back from time second Sunday to the last Timuraday of January. Time report on cimmmrch unity was presented by Dr. Joeph T. Smith of Baltimore. It coimtained a plan for a federation of i'resby- teriamm aiim ! itelormned cimurches , whicim waste to be representeml by a federal commncil. Among tlme specitic duties of the council it % .8s to take such action as mnay' concentrate - centrato time inthmmemmce of all tIme clmurciies in time maintenance of the trust timat cur nation iii mm I'rotestammt Christian nation , and of all that is timercin Involved. Timis phrase anti ( icilnition met with violent opposition fromim JimdgeVilson of Plmiiamlelpimia and Dr. Mommfort of Cinclnnmutl , timougim stoutly de- fendeti by Dr. Robert Patterson of h'enmmsyl- vainhm. Time entIre pinmrm was characterlzemi as indefInite anti unnecessary In a minority repent , und , after tliscnmssion. confined to menmbcrmm of time committee , time whole report - port was laid tmpon the table. This disposed of it for time present nneeting of time as- ommmbiy. Time opmmlar mneeting in the evening was In time Interest of time Freedmeim's board , time sPeakers being colored comnmlssioners to the aasemmmbly. _ _ _ _ _ _ - h'Itii.tcIhis ii IIVOI.UTION A NU IIVI.\ . t4n'mmsmm iommi * I ElYnetof mm I'mi'igIe Commst him I tm m'lmm mm I'r.'mmc'Iim'm' . SEArTtEVasln . , \Iay 5. -Ir. J , hi. Acton , pastor of ttne First iiimitorian chtmreim , In prcaclmiimg tIme baecalnitmreate rmon 1mm the University of Wao'hlngton yesterday , de- veiopeti a oenm.'mation by picturing time Inresent condition of time vorlti in time darteet imosib o colors amid proplnesyhmmg a speedy revoltmtiomm in time United States , wimicim ho said would bo ae000)flhisimel ' ' 1t the cammnoim's imioutim if nmcetl be , " amid whicim inc Iretllctc'tI 'ouid Overturn time existlmmg order I ) ? timings anti radically moodily nmatiocmai governmtmt'nt , Conmmparlng this ccuntry itIm time ltoman iru. he aaii : "Romne could CV ) taxus at time will of lmer ruler , declare any commiplaint treason , mmmnrry imer daughters for money ammd title. imimnisli a aorvammt'a tardimmes with tlcatim , iCt limo thief and rnmmrdcmem' go free with a multi reproof and make siavc o time lmrofounmtleat plmiioaopimers.'bat less t imtnmm this is .tnncrica doing today ? home's immoral poverty iieniletl imcr doommi. Oh. ml ) ) ' country , is it trimu of tiit'e ? Time last ap'eai % ' of amm outmage. mmatiun is revoiutiomm. For itmnerica now timere 114 no otine'r rethrebmi. it muet reline.Vo do mme rant nem' imaimmis at the ime'limm , limit a nmomm' bbip. ftes'olution in' at Imammil , btmt it need mmci be notlonsi ruin. Foundatlonu iommg conmiticred divine wfli ho torn up. Ccomsthtutions long cummaidereni amcreti viii be cbammged. This miht mmct cenme as tIme echo of n i'atrlolic song. "There inn great toss , rimtmm ammO a great imp. lneam'ai mmcar at inammd. ibm yen asl inc imow timca greet ramlical reforimis arc to ho inuugum'.oted ? I vlii tell you. fly time Power of lmitelhigeimt decIknm. fly the expioi'onm ! of expanmdiimg Immdlgnatlon. By time finmal climnmax of mm frmmlteamm ! patience ' imicim hiss at last cimlmnimmatel in time resiutir'53 fury of the tommipct. " The sermon has provoked severe criticlsnmm , as it Is known that no such semm1mmments are. ehurilmed in time university , Ui , lehimmW I 1mm' .t iuivlmm's hint hi % 'im s , DEN\'Ehi , May 23.-General W'imeaton , wino tuna just returned from Arizona , says that If mm miami now tmmmder consblerationm by time Suite ilcpartmmment \Vashlngton be adopted. ( ieprctimmtionmn 01' time Alsches In Arizona anti New \lexleo emit ) be qtmickiy stopped. The nmnurdtmutms redskins no' elude l'ntted Etaies irooim'n croaslmmg tine line into Mexico , and % le'n Imtmrsuemi b ) ' MOxIcn troops flee to Arizommnt , 11 ha lmrol semi to permit the troops of t"thmcr . state to uppro.meim time border anti cftJmlum.tt or kil the remnesdea on foreigmi soil. . I AWFUL EVIDENCE OF IURDER Various Portions of Half Consumed Bodies Unearthed. PREACUER HERMANS' GUILT CERTAIN Utah's Guyermmom' t'rgei to OtTer ii Lmmrge Item mmmi for time tIireii i'mmslumi of time Piighli'e , SALT LAKE , May 25-Timis hasbeen an e'cmmttul day mm time attempted solution of time Scanmhinaviamn church mystery , and it lieu furnished a very strong clue with reference - once to tIme suspected fate of Miea Henrietta Cinusen , W'imenm time cimarremi remains of time intmnmman ekoleton were taken fromn tine furnace In time basonnent at midmmigimt Vedneiay last , time officers were bmenI at not finding some article of absolute Identification , They were informed by the doctors timat it was strange that mmone of time wommman's teeth were amnomng tue other relics of crematIon. It was kmmown that Miss Claum'emo wore false teeth , and time doctors said thmey would be time inst to yield to the terrific imeat , In order to ascertain , if possible , If the mnissing teotim comild not be brougimt to higimt , a moot thorougim examninatlon of time ftmrnace as made today. Police othiclals carefmmily scarcimeni the asimes and fount ! two teeth contaimming nnetaiiic rivets. TImls is regarded by the iolice departimnent as being time moat pomItive evidence of mnurder that has yet beemm brommght to higimt. A vast. amount of eartim was also renmoved In the basomnent of the cimurcim , rcs'eahimmg a nunmber of bomies. A ocr- trim apot of imartly "mmnade eartim"-mtoil timat bore evidence of having been disturbed at a recent date-was dlmneovered at time coal chute beneath a cellar stairway , Into thia thci party dug , and not more timan twe.vo or fourteen incimes below time surface a woman's shine was foummd. The removal of another simovelful of dirt brought forth very dannging evidence in time simapo of a pair of overalls which , it is icoid by the tenants of time cimmmrch , were worn by their pastor , wimlie inc was engaged in laboratory find otlmer work. Tine overalls were blood-stained on aimmos't every mnart. ONE CONNECTING LINK. The young man , wimoso room was Imeated to notch a hlgim degree of temperature time day the minister built time big fire In the furnace , deciares that Ihermnans had timem on wlmen the latter was intit b3 him. on time baeememmt stairway 'itm ! a gunnywick under mis arm. Ito said he also wore a jtmmnper of like nma- terial at time CaIne timmne. Time furnace asimes on being sifted were found to contain time remuis'Ito nmmmmiher of steel buttons for such ann article of apparel anmi the strong proba- bihity Is ihot tlmey correspond with timose on time blood saturated overalls. This afternoon time detectives found in a second-hand store Miss Clauson's trunk , which time raster claims to have sent to her by an unknown expressrnanm ciomne weeks after imer disappearance. The trunk con- taineni the wearing apparel of time mIsain girl. Among the articles of clothing was tIme drea , in which Miss Clausen had the photo.- grapio taken , now in the posseaion ottimo pnlice. In addition to timii ! , it now happens that llermnamms sold the trmmnk anti clothing hinwolf and tlmat me disposed of the girl's gmmitar at time samne time. Time date of this transaction was Dccemnber 11 last , 'ust ' two mommttmmi and eleven days after the girl's dis- aPiearance. OThER STRONG EVIDENCE. One by one time points of evidence accummm- late. This afternoon Captain Danovan and Detective Janney fouimd and interviewed the second-hand dealer who bought Miso ddil- sen's ciotimes from the preacher. This persn was Mrs. L. Englernan , She says that She vent to time pastor's study two or threc. tinmet at his solicitation to look at the trummic ammd Its contents , wim ! lm comprir'ed four or five dresses , underwear and night robes. This dlacovery completely disproves I fermamis' otory of hmaving sent the trunk to Miss Clau- Sen at her request. Misc Annie Samnuelsan dlsaptearen1 January 28 or 29 last. It seems to inave been domain- strated beyond any question of doubt that Hermans mud been crimmninally intlmnate witim imer mind that he had committed a criminal operation on liar early in nhmo month stated. On the nnorr.tng of January 29. John han- San , tine ex-Methodist mnnlster , declares timat ho met liermnans in time church at a vary etirly imour. Time pastor aeenmetl mentally die- turbed and ho was perspiring freely. hanson - son timought it strange that he should be stirring - ring so early and that lie should be so troubled and qimeationd him concernlmmg it. lie explained by sayIng timat lie had been tea a depot with Miss Sa'euelson , whmo left for Ogden on the Unlomi l'aciflc train , A strong effort wIll be mnmlr. to imave Governor Wells QIIer a large reward for the bringing of 11cr- mann back to Salt Lake. Lnto tonight Dr. hector Griawolti , dentiet. oxaniined the teetlm found in the furnace today - day and fitted thmcon together. Miss Clausen vn8 formerly in imis employ aim a nlomeatic. anti he ioi of time opinion timcmt time teetim are those of the missing girl. ihIA'L'II 01' G0VEILNOI ( 3nlhtLE'l"I'E. Smm'lmmmbp4 to hJen.'ticmilhilrs. , ( tsr ii It'isL- % ' .elcs' ililleNs. PITTSBURG , Ken , , May 25-lion. A. C. Meiiette , ox-governor of South Dakota , died this morning at his homno in timis city of imemrt fnmiimmre tufter an ilhmmes of about flvo wceki , Ienmtim was , however , brought on by a compiicati.n or diec'aiws of four or five years' stammdng. Time remains will be taken to W'atertowmm , S. I ) . , for interment. Tme mieceaaui leawee a faumilly of a ' .vife amid three aommm : , all growmn lie nuoved to this city about a y ir agmm and conmmne.c0 I the lractice of law. He wan a prammnlmmcnt Kumigimt Ttnmpiar. hit\'INE , Icy. , May 25.--.Cnmptain John \'ii- Son , time hero of Lookommt imiountatu , who bad long been sufferIng from a cammcer tim pii face , miit1 at imia Imonme , aged 74. lIe was time moan vimo firoit idantoit time federal hag mm time sunmmnit of Lookout mmiommntain , IIANOVEII , N. ii. , May 25.-Dr. C. I' . Frost. dean of flartmoutim MetUcal college , is dcad. GRAND ISLNI ) , Nob. , May 25.-Spoelal ( , ) -Mrs. C. A.'iikiion , G7 years of ago , was takeni with a paralytic stroke Saturday evenmmg ! anti died ) 'esteriay mnormming. Simo ieas'emi two daugimmers anti a son. Time re- mmmlrms vihl be slipped to Atheims , Pa. , where time soil resimles , for internment. 'i''i't ) VOtING 'OMEN 1)ItOWNiii ) . htomi I CmiImsIII4 % ' 1iiIe Smiihi img 'I'll rommgjn It I'immuilemI SI reel. KANSAS CITY , May 25.-A special to time Star from Fort Scott , Ken. , says : Misses Georgie Itickett and Birdie Casaldy , well known young soc'ety women of La Cygne , l'Can. , vimile boat riding in time streets of ! hmmt jtlacs last evening were dtowned by tint overttmrmnlnig of timolr boat. Time towim as flooded by tine recent rains amid water etoomi freon four to six feet deep in time streets leading to time Memmmpimiu depot , Several parties - ties were Out boatlmmg. , t strong cumrremt , carried a boat contalnmlng time Mandolin club age nst tine one In which the ltickett amid Casskly girls were , with four otimers , caunlmmg It to tip. A Mr.'atkoy saved lila boy by timrowimmg hmlnn into mm tree anti a Mas Dyer mavetl imersaif by cliimgimmg to time boy's susendeil feet. The bomilemi of Mls Rickett amid M'ss Carm dy imavu been recovered , : ui emmmema tmm of Om'i'ms im Y'ssels , Mu ' i , At New York-Arrlve'-Fuhla , fncmn 0 a a Ziiobiie , from London ; Cavip , ( rein Ltverpo'L ; Marsaiimt , freon limmmmnburg. Salttd-Cimau- tcau La Flue , for itormiemounc. .At Gibrnitmmr-Saied-lmns ! , from ) Ciemmoa , ( or New York. A t Copemmlmugen'-Arrived , ( romn Neim York An MovilioArrlvedicurrmi.aslu , Irons Nem Ytric At ( ] Ibra tarArrivedKaiserVihimeiin IL , tromu New York. .tN.hiCiIY IN 'I'ITC lTa.tNU Citti'I'E 'mmric limit oiuIte'rsIiiIsnre. , rmmmd i'll- hike 1mm All tliretinns. LONDON , May 25.-The 'limes has a nUs- patch frcmn Athens , which say : Time long expected disaster in tue isiand of Crete seems suddenly to imave been precipitated , and since Sunday anarchy hcm reigned at Canea. The Turkish soldiery , brenmicimmg eli restraints , poured timrough the s'trcels , sbootinmg anti massacreing mmcd pillaging' Christians. Time commsuls have cii telegraphed for war ships. Tine hiritlsim fleet at Malta sailed today for Crete. 11cr majesty's shtp hood , anchored at Pimalarum , starts tlmitimer tomnigiit. The Greek Ironciads will probably start tonnor- row. row.Time Time canvac's of the Greek aminl ittmsrian consulates at Canes have been killed. Turkan h'asba is utterly powerless to restraIn tine soldiers , as inc Li on bad terms with tine military governor , hraein , vho Is smmspoctcd of being at the bottom o time whole troubie. The immediate cause of the outbreak , however - ever , is inexplicable , a the Christians there have never given prevacaflon. The situation at Iletirno is c'qmnally serIous. Ilerakiion is quiet , but simarp fighting is reported between - tween time Turks and time Cretarma iii the vicinity of Vamnos. ATHENS May 25.-A luseiau , - man-of- war has been ordered to i'coceed to ( iii' isianmi of Crete. PARIS , May 2L-M. 'hhamnotaux , mninister for foreign afTairi , hats received a telegram from the Fremich consul , inn the itiand of Crete , reporting that aeroua nlic'turbances hare taken place at Ctmneo , There imas been serious figimting 1mm the streets of that place between Mussuimnnans anti Cimristlamns , A Frencim cruiser has beenormiered to Iroceed at once to Canea , ALL. SPtIX NEEDS No' IS CO.tL. Immsmijmii I'mmier % tmmps O.mU lie Mother Commmi trim 's Comm m'si'tm 'il.nm' . ( Cnh1)'rigimt. lshG , by l'rem'a l'ut"lsimlng ( 'nnlpan3' . ) hAVANA , May 25.-Nw ( York World Cmi- biegramn-Speclai Teiepmm4-Diario del Ejolcito , regarded as the organ of time Spam- isim army in Cuba , In ( lifussing time possi- bihity of war withm time United states , says : have a greater arjny than was ever befro mm Spanisim AmmnerIa. Our soldiers are Imivimicibie.'e lmave got togetimer an aa- toundimmg ammiomint of war material , but. wimile we imnvean arimny mimore' than atmificient to deal witim time Yankees , qur great warsimips are inn European waters , Imi of time opening of imostllities , they i.vouitl mayo to navigate 3,000 mIles , annul. az tjmqy mmmust travel at imigim speed , they wouh tose up most of time coal possible to bin carrIe4In timeir bunk- cr5 before they could get 'bare. " Dlario then points out , the' dlmcumlty that \vouiml be hound in coaling Wai'SlmiiS. On account - count of time lack of coau1n stations , anti smmggess tine necessity of Spain now bringing to Cimba a sufflcent supply of coal and the ostablishmnent of eoalin v seiswithin reacim of time warshIps in case of necessity. At precont the 1flited States Is the only source of coal supply in America , . Time intimation that Spainha5 conceded to the United States an exthnslon of timne for tobacco exportation , Is received witim displeasure - pleasure by Havannt tbbaceo men and Span- isim Politicians. They say the Unitel States is getting all that it demanded. Time rmmah 0f tobacco to the United' ' is now so great that tine Aigera is expected- take nearly 10O00 bales , 'aImivd itt $1,000,000 , to Key \Vcst. During thb mant week fully 30,000 bales , were shIpped Shippers here say timat the stock in t1e United States is fully equal to the deihand , , for eighteen mnoflt ins. . Only twenty-one cases af yellow fever are In the nniiitary imospitai at 1hvana , with one de.atim , and one new case. There are ainnomnt mme cases omtslde that hpspitai. More fever is reported in , Sattago tlman in havana. Surgeon .Ceneral Los4da of the Spdntaim ! msrmny , 'imo has been investigating tine re- Dort of tim USe of expipsive bullets by the Qubans , viIl report , It is a'd , that time charge is true. lie imas exammoined : time wournde'I alan gtime trocha , anti gays he ba secured .severai hulleta , whicim deiqonstratea the truth of mine charge. - Time mayor Havana km to have four months : oa.e of absence , anti it supposed that a nmihitary mayor will take bie place. In that event , it is said , the city will be atricth governed , Major Fondeilia has been made chief of police of hlavanmi. The news of time Urted , States euprenie 'burt's decisIon on the .1Ittia case cemved with exultation by the Si'uaniards and extras were issued by time evening paper , , c w. E. GAY. % vmIEnii cmutza Gituws , is iru LAND. ' 'i'iVeIlt'hci'Ve Vlmimisnmmml Riders Notm1 , , i ( Jiii Itond. ( Cotym1ghtt , n69n3 , by i'mess I'UbhImlflg ? ( "omnpa'my. ) LONION , May 25.-New ( jVorkS'oridCa - bicgram--Special TeIegramn-Tine cychimng craze s on time increase. The spectacle today at time Ripley road , SurreyS , was uxnpreee- dented. Freon early morning the road was a dense mass of cy- ciIsts of botim aexemi. It is estimated - mated that at least 25,000 persons rode over it. Seen from the hill at Esiner time road for two mu li's seemed as If packed witim a teimdy inovinz army Of cycllts. Fatal bicycle accidents are now of almost daily occurremmce in Great Britain. Tine Wimit- .sumntide hoiiday imas been tgmnmiiIzed by three. At Earlewoc'd , Surrey , a I.onmdon cyclimt going at a mat pace on a hev i road broke imis chain , losing control of lila mach rio , wimiclm 'as vitimout a brake. hj raim against a telegrapim Itole by time roadside , dashing imis braimma out , A farmer's.miuughter , riding near Canterbury , ran down . ImiU against a well at a simarp turin , was thrown over it and broke 1meV neck. Simo picked up deami. A hisimermmman of Coiwyn bay , North Wales , mode cut on tlme sand to get some tlsimng ilne , , lmI nmnachn'ne ' gqt stmck ; , ammnl during mis efforts to save i be was uurrounnded by lime imncominmg tide amid drowned , Mlihi'iF1S VLaYLiJhtJS l'flOhIhiIITiON. tmmi ii isim C.u'rsmsstcmml lsLLces Comics's- psi emma tim Ammierlunma , To'iMieeOmiiNtN , ( ( 'nityright. 1ste , by Press 'ubihitmIng Company. ) MAIRID , Spain , Mar' Z5-Nemr ( York World Cabiegramn-Special Telegramn-In ) consequence of time courepus , but firm representations - resentations mnado by the Atjuerican govermi- mmient , time SpauiahCabineL Imas cabled to General W'eyier that ls dpves prohibiting the export of time sherjor quailtiea of to- becco freon Cmmba ahuat be elcarly under. stood to apply only to'ahppocmnts on coin- tracts imuade after hmo isucd time decree , All contracts previously immada by .Jtmerlcau citi- zoos sviii be respecled. it aeenns timat. ( .iemnerai , Ve.yier's decree emily gee into force next Tueldni , so time traders iii havana are freighting every vessel avail. able whim tobacco for ihe.Un1L States. They CXiect to ship $1,500,000 ' of tobacco 1mm time leaf this week to . rinpa amid Key West. The Mamhrid press censures Premier Cane- vas very bitterly for thu new concessions to Ammnerican dipiomnact. Mi. Smmit'i's 3tike'nmmm A ttmmeit , LONDON. May 25.-A dputcim to the Timne from Iuhuwayo daeml May 24 , says : Captalmi hialatead rejorts that the rebels ummatie a determined attack upon llopdo VoimnC.i for two hours , but without loss to our attic. Cecil Itlmotles iii expected to arrive here abount Juno'O. 1)1mm immommsi 'I'isivi'a 'J'smrmicsi Over , LONION , May' 25.-Wiliiam Dunlop and William 'Furimer , accused of the thmeft of time liimrdemm Jewels , will be imanded over to tbe Now York police omeers tomorrow , with tue recovered jewelry , and the iinmrty wii m leave for New York fr.oni Liverpool \ \Vedmmea- m day , by the mmteamiimip ( inrmanic. 'i'rniimIaig Shim iitmrls for iimmvre' , SOUThAMPTON , May 25.-The ( limited States tamning imIp Essex started for hlavic , I France , at U o'clock tints morning , SEQUEL OF TilE BOLLN TRIAL Three Men Now in the County Jail Accused of l3ribory. MAN WHO hUNG TIlE JURY ONE OF THEM M'ster3' uf S'hm No 'ershit't W'mms It'iihsi Iii liii' Pirst hI&'mirImi I.tIeh' Is , lie t'iemired Up-.te- cmmseml Mcmi htfimsc to 'rnilc , Time mnyotery cormnecieti witim time disagree- bent of time jumry in time first trial of llermry lholn , recently convIcted on a second trial anti sentenced to a long termn of imprison- maclit , for time embezzlement of $105,000 of ( lie city's money , is 1mm a fair way to be solved by time arrest last night of thiree men , 'hmo are charged with tammiperimig with time jury. Omno of the prlsommers is Morrihl ( lump , wimci was one of tine jurymen. lie is cbmmmrged witim receiving a bribe for holding out for time acquittal of lItmiln , Tbc otimer two are Grant L. Sweemmey anti Jamnes Fitzp'strick , They are accuceti of belmig go-betweens Inn the transaction , and are charged wltim attempting - tempting to bribe the jury. The inforniations for time arrest of the three moon were filed before Jutico of time Peace Foster at 5:30 : o'clock yesterday after- noomm by County Attorney hlaidrlge. Warrants - rants wore at. omice placed iii tine hands of Depmmty Simeriffs George H. Stryker ammti George lUll for service. Sweeney was fomimncl itandunmg in front of imi confectiommery store iii Sommtim Omaha , In convernition with Gtmmmnp , 'hmon botim were arreatemi , shortly after 7 o'clock. An hioimr hater F'itzpatrick was ho- cated at his rc'r'ideimce at 1707 Cass street , by Sheriff McIonald cmiii Jailer George Simmmmid , and was placed under arrest. Time timreo moon are in time county jail. None of time mmnen voultI submit to be in- tervieweti , anti rsfumvtI to talk about time case. 'imen Jailer Shand attempted to oh- taimi svmmme atatemimemmt frommi Sweemmey time latter told hinmi to go to otimer chimes , wimero time titmuporature was hmigber , and saiml timat Imo mletienl time county attorney and otimer county officials to do their worst. The otimer two spolte in the eamno strain. In consequence ( ho prisoners Were refused to every one , even to time attorneys wimo desired to talk witim tinemn. The arrests will probably put an coil to timc epecmmiatloimmi of the gemmeral public , which failed to understand winy time jury iii time first trial failed to reach a verdict upomn hearing - ing time overwimelming mass of evidence against the embezzling ox-city treasurer , Which remained uncontradicted. These who were imnfornned of time mnlake-uf ) of the jury were not astonishemi at the result amid at once concluded timat time jmmry imd In 501mb way beemi tampered with. Tine Innass of tIme public Vere of the same behef. especially after the jury lmn time second trial so quickly succeedeni in reachimmg a unanimous verdict of conviction. DOWN TO BANKRUPT SALE PRICES. Gunip % 'as time jimrymnn.mn wimo stood for time acqmmittal of Balm first , last amid mill the time during the deliberations of time jury. He VC supported in tlm1 attitude by cue other juryrnan , George Ilurd , who was at one time ant cicvaor conductor in tine city ball. At one time al' the rest f time jury voted for time conviction of Boiln , but when time body was discharged. tine two aupulond.-aburo.had sumcceedod , In winning over one other man , ab that the jury stood nine to tbtee for coil- victlon. Accormling to the intormnmation ii is In the heads of time authorities time fmiiegi-d brib- cry occmmrred toward time latter end of the trial. The ftmhi particulers of tIme tramiaactioa camnmmot be obtained and viil not becommie public until tIme hearing of time mien occurs. It is stote,1 that tinn deal was made outside the court roonum and time ampunt of money excimanged is believed to be in the neighborhood of $ iItU , Sweeney is alleged to have ben time agent between .lurynnan Gmmmp and Fitzpatrick 1mm the deal. lIe Is said to have negotiated time Imiatter and brought it to a suceesfui end by nneauns of notes wimich lie mnanaged to pass to lump. A cede of signals was also used. Timini codu Is known to Coumnty Attorney hal- drigo and some of the notes which passed between - tween the two nnen arc in his posoesaion. Fitzpairick Is saId to be a go-between , wimo etayemi further back in the shade. It is stated ( loot he obtained time bribery money from time original inst gatcrs of time bribery amid parsed it on to Sweeney , who turned it over to C mm in p. To Gunip inn attributed the exposure of time deal. Simortly after the jury was 'E'z. charged be went on a spree anti im a South Omaha saloon dashed a roll of hub wimich lie said hmo had obtained for his aervice on the jury in liolhnm's behalf. Sweeney has compromised himself by nmak- ing preparnt'ons to leave ( ho city. As stated above , , ime has cmi interest iii a con fectionery establirhrnent in Sciuthm Omnaima. About two weeks ago lie made preparations to , hIspo. of the store , going so far a to give a bill of anile to a purchaser. Time ilmmai c'ocsmmmmmunation of time sale , honever , , mevr occurred , Sweeney's svife stepped in In t'nno to prevent it. Sim hiatt boon separated from Iner .husband and iiaa remaned In pea- session of time store , reimnalning in it at all tinnes except during an hour in the even- log , when she left it in cimarge of a little girl while she went to supper , BLOCKED TIlE TRANSFER. One evening a constable , armmneil with a bIll of sale given by Sweeney , anti time pur chaser arrived in time noighborbootl of the -tore at the hour Mrs , Sweeney usually left , Intending to take osseaaion and remove time s'tcck during hmcr obrenee. Mrs. Sweemmey nm'aa a little shower thou mmsual imi departing and while waitimmg for imer time dryer of t'e wagomm chatted wIth a charmce pmm.ser-by anti related tine object of lila stay in the vleimmity. Time "chance paaser.by" proved to be Mrs. Smvcemmcy'v attorney , wino promptly inftrmnetl Mrs. Sweommey of the matter. him consequence Mrs. Sweeney did not leave time store that night or nmiy succeeding nights , taking her meals and sleeping timere , Fitzpatrick was former y time mmigimt watcim- main for tine S. P. Morse Iry Goods comim- pany , iii tue building at Sixteemith mmmd Far- namom etreetmu , Since that firm lisa been out of bumilnesu lie has not had mnmmchm work , al- timougin it is said he has acteml as agent for ii conmmpammy tolling rugs. it Is stated that before the mustier Is finally settled niomne semmcnational developmnonta. will be made , by which men more promInent titan tine lrlsommers mviii be connected with the bribery. Time facts may not be bromngimt out until tue bmearing , lmut time ammtinoritIes are preparing to hush the proi'ecution of every- bcdy eonimectt'd with time bribery to time lImit. It is a question winero time money wltii which time jurynnarm is alleged to imave been bribed came from , It will be remnembercml ti'at mi time trIal hahn's attorumeys repeatedly spoke of the iienmmllem's coiidttioml of their client , goIng so far as to say that lie could not pay even timem. Nevortimelcss , eutflcient tennis were found to Inipert mm reporter , employ - ploy detectives 1mm time cae , and moak otimer Dxpemmmlitures. Time bribe imnonoy may. have omne out of time samine fummd , ' A'VFOREY WEST'S STATEMENT : . Joel T. West , one of time attorneys for Polio , applied at time county jail last ovenimmg mimortiy after tine arrest of FitzpatrIck mmml isketi to see time inrlsoncr , stating that inc mad been rotaimieti for time defense , The per- nision was refused by Jailer Simanmi , under utrict orders free County Attorney Ih3idrigo Lust no otne &mould be allowed to talk to aumy time n'eni. County Attorney hlainirige is sanguine of I conviction. Said lie Inst night : "I imavo been working on the case for tmso weeks moth I have a splendid array of evidence , I Inmtenml to push time prosecution to time best ) f my ability and ann confident that 1 will secure a conviction. " Time crimimes cIihm which the men are cimarge4 are not felonies and time nmaxiinumn ponaity is imprlponrmmemmt in the county jail intl a fimme of 1500 , In adulitlomi they are ha. 1,1mm for contcmunpt of court , on wimicim thmey sIll also be prosecuted. _ t , ,1 DEAD AREI'UMBERED ' ! BY DOZENS Destruction \Vrouglit by Tornadoes in Iowa , Illinois , \n\TjSCOISj1 and Pviichigan. FOUR STATES TRAVERSED DY A MOSTFII OF ThE AI Thickly Populated Sections Wastcd and Towns Wipcd Out of Existcnce by. the Most Violent and Extensive Storm Recorded in Many Years. PONTIAC , Micin. , May 23-Tine country in the vicinity of ( lila city was given its first taste of a tormmado this evening , and time lithe village of Thmoninma has boomn wiped nut. Metammnoras and Oalcwood verc also touched up , and their tnhabitammts badly frightened , sonno being Injured , auth a track of devastation loft to within three-quarters of a inllo of Ortonviiie. The telephiomme ammd telegraph wires betweemi hero amid timose Places are dowmi , auth time omnly data of time work of time storni is furnished by smmr'is'os , 'hmo imave comime mere for shelter. From commmparison of theIr stories , it. secumis ocr- tniimm that fronmn fourteen to eighteen lIves hmnmve beemn lost , Tine foihowimng imames of time dead at Thomas inave beemi reporIed by their neighbors , who escaped witim their lives , but lctt timeir hiomimes : JOHN I'OOItIT. MRS. JOSEPh BIRD. JOhN fILiuY. E. 51. TORRANCE. MI1S IIENItY QUICI , ABRAHAM QUICK amid TWO ChILDREN. MRS. ALICE MITChELL amid TWO ChilL- DI1EN. All tine witmneases agree timat time storm was a regular tornado. Its first appearance was trcmmi the soutimwert In tIme form of a dense funnel-simaped cloud moving with iii- onost Incredible swiftness and seeming 'o 'take lonmg leaps. It seemed to iiave tIme elasticity of a gigantic rubber ball anti would strike time ground , then , leaving a footprint of devastation , bound into time ar : and travel a tulle or more before agaia touching ! the earth. OAKVOOD WIPED OUT. OXFOR'D , Miehm. , May 25.-A terrible tar- nado strtmclc t3e village of Oakwood this evening and entirely wiped it off time earth. destroying all the buildings and leavim : dcatim mind destruction : n Its trail. Jut , wr' 'mt the village time fields are atrewn wt dead and wounded , and it Is immmpossibie to get a correct estimuate of the damage. Time storm also struck time village of TimomnaS amid destroyed ahout a dozen buildings , in- eluding the Hotel Johmnsomn , time McDermott amid time large apple drier , and a great nanny dwelling houses. Many farm buildings arc destroyed , but no nesma cam be obtained from time country on account of tIme roads be'n blocked with fallen trees , etc. It is Imelteved that time number of dead and wounded will reach nearly 100. Pimyrlciamms have gomme from Oakland , Ford and Metamoras. ALSO AT OI1TONVILLE. DETROIT , Mich. , May 25.-The Free Press has received tine following telepimemne mines- sage from Ortommviiie , eigimteen miles miortim- vest of Pontias : "TIme tornado first came from Cleveland township , in time nortim- eastern part of Oakiannl county , at the line sepnuatlng thmat coumnty from Genessee anti L'iI'ercc counties. Sweeping westward through time farming country , it destroyed every house. barn , fence or other obstacle , lovehinmg trees antI pulling down telegraph poles , killing and mmnaimning time unfortummmale farmers , it struck Timoinas amid Oakwood anti wrecked these vilimmgea. The path of time tornamlo was about half a mile wide anml nothing could witimsttmmmd its fury. Time ojnerator ea's that time repOrts at Orton.vllie show the storni tore along for about. fifteen nniioms , but how inuchi further it n'ent it was unable to determmmtnno. At Ortonviilnm seven- ( eon persons mime reported killed amid ( amity to thirty injurenl. A partial list of time deami and Injured ni hirandon and Glove- land township Is ; DANIEL TiIOMPSON AND SON. WILLIAM M1TCIIEIJi , Mitli , MITChELL AND TWO ChILDREN. JOhN l'IIITT. JOhInN MILKY. MRS. T. C. IJEATON , TWO CIIILDItEN OF Mit , PE\VEE. Iladly injured : Wi.llam Kitchen. Mrmm , Kltcimen , riot expected to recovtr. Oscar Granger , Louiu Porritt. Mrs. l1orritt. Arcimie Woodruff. 'l' . D. Eatoim , Mrs. Eater. . It Is learmmed that time raiin'zmy btatiomn at i'imomnas immis been deatroyciti and cornummmmnlca- ( IrA' ) with the 'iilage by telegraph is there- fomo impossible tonight. No details of tine results of tine tornado In eaatero Micinigan imnmvc reached here yet , but it is learned tlmat ( lie village of Tiiommnas , on the line between Oakland amid LaI'c'er ounttes , wait dcstroyeti , anti that Metarnoras , Lzmi'eer coummty , suffered severely , scarcely a btmilduimg being heft standing there. 'rho vii- lage of Oakwood was bady damniaged Sc. sore loss of life is reporWd at Thomas anti Metarnoras. A small storm swept timrougim ( he sectiomi of western O.mtsrbo , east of Windsor , tonIght. One pron Is reported killed , but this repor. Is as yst wrcrUied. - - - - - - - -I hES MOINES , May 2L-Siiocial ( Tote. gram.-Timo ) ecistermi nnmi northern parts of Polk cotmmmty amiti time western part of Jasper county s'ere vlsiteti by a terrIble atormmn last niglmt. Tue. atorni , wimicli at first gave premise - iso of lnotlmimng more serious maim a imeavy ralmm , soon developed into mm tormmado rivaling in force anti desiructivemmesa time recemmt tor- nindot's wimichm tles'astntemi Texas amnti Kansas. Thirty-six killed , a score fatally imnjtmred auth about fifty itertomls seriously imurt , is , as near as can be est1mmnati tonight , time re- tiht of time tcm'nado. The liroperty loss Is heavy , bmmt accumrmuto eotimmuates are thus far an Imimpontaibilit ) ' . Time list of t lie icilieti 1n this state stniimtis as fohiowa : Jasper county , Iova , temi ; Polk county , Iowa , mmimne ; North McGregor , ha , , twelve ; Dmmrammgo , Ta. , five. Time atorni wrommglmt its greatest imavoco In Iowa , vimere tIme coummtics of Polk amid jasper were devastated by two tormmadocms. Time ios of life is heaviest there , the list of deami being as follows : NAMES OF TILE DE.D. In Polk caumnty , near Hon Dmmrant. amid Sank tinge atatioimns , on time Cimicago Great West. em : ROBERT BAILEY , jr. MRS. ROBERT BAILEY. MISS LIZZIE BAILEY. JOhN BAILEY. PETER IIOLENBAUGII. MRS. PETER BOLENBAUGII. TWO GRANDC11ILIItEN nit ( imp helen. baugims. JOHN MAXWELL , killed by lIghtning. Following is time list of lihhe.I ; In Jatmpe eoumnty : - . ChARLES PIIAFLEN , sr. CIIARLES PIIAFLEN , jr. DANNY Phl'ItFLEN. SUSIE I'ILAFLEN , MIKE PIIAFLEN. MOLLIE PIIAFLEN. CLARISSA DICKEY. MAItTIIA DICFCEY. ChARLES ELKINS. MRS. SItELL. NAMES OF' INJURED. The following are among tine seriously Injured - jurod , half of wimorn , it is estimated , mna7 , tile : In Polk county : W. T. Scott , Mrs. A. J. Edwartla , imip broken , Oliver Yates. 'I'wo chmllniren of Mrs. Edivartis , Robert Bailey , fatally Imnjmmretl. Time injured in Jasper county are : Mrs. Charles Pinailen anti Wihhio Plmaflezi1 fatally , Dug Alkins. Mrs. Dug Aikins. Mrs. Solomon flickc3' , Neilie Dickey , harvey Pimitcck , Mrs. harvey Pimitcochi. , Monroe Osbomn , ' Mrs. Monroe Osbomn anti child , Six towums were partially destroyed. Timey are Don Durant , Valemia and Mingo , on limo line of tine Cimicago Great Wemtterzm , nortimeast fmonm Des Moines , and Anmkcny , i'ollc City and Siaier , on another brammcim of time aaoio raIl- rash rumnmmimmg north fromn Des MOlimenm , lion Durant , Anlceny amnd l'olk City are In PolIc county , Vaic'ria is on thm line between I'olk imnni Jasper Counties , .Mitigo inn Inn Jasper ecunty and Siater 1mm time southwestern cor. acmof Story county. IN TIlE I'ATIL Up' TIlE STORM , At 9:30 : last nlgimt a severe storm of winti strmmck west of I'oik City , In tiio north part of this county and on time Des Molne river , It started south along ti'e ' river , but at a poInt eigimteemi miles north of Des Moinee , met a Counter current mmmd was deflected to a miortimoast course. Polk City was time first town in Its course , Timert , time atrnrmi itmul not rcacited its strength anti only slight danmnnge was done to prop. erty , some buildings and a few imousemi heirmg blown down , No cue was lmmjured , Six miles mast at Ankeny , on thma North. western , the storm first took ( ho form of a cyclone and there trees were torn from time ground , buIldings demnohisined and every. timing swept level itim tIme ground , 2ligh tiammmge Was done In the town , East of there to time town of floim Durant , o Limo Chicago Great Western , a strip nearly alf a mile wide was more o lees devastated , Varm houses and bulidings were wrecked mod much stock killed , I lion Durant tine etornm pamsied through line north half of ( ho town amid laid It waste , but by a iniracie no one was killed in tc , town , V. P , Scott was severely , but not sngorouily injured , East of floe Durant time storm aa ntch nero pronounced in force , and buildings were swept immndreds ; of yards otT their toudw. * tiQmnt smith totally wrecked , Cars were bl wn rm . mmn tine raiirmtmmnl track and at pae point a rmde aevmtrml hunmcireml test luimg , of the ph.