Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ riiiji OMAhA IA1LY lUiifl : SATURDAYMAY t8 , isou. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1ot.ib1o Features of the Exp3sitlon in
Progress in Now York.
I'VIIPtIZtl I.iIIIIMtrntIIlM ( If Fk el rk-
ll Iii tIii IIt4 hI , % IlII I.tI-
inn fiN r ( t-l'i. , 'r Cu ii tied
tutu 1'tIfliI.
; One of the mast liutcrestlng features of
the Electrical ex1oiloti ( now In progro Iii
t New York City Its the collection f Iltera.
, turn fin the Eubjoct of olcctrlcRy that has
beeti gatiurel ) by Dr. Park lionjamin. There
are hindrt1s of liboks In tliO collection. says
the New York Ilerahi , and they [ Ill a er1ea
of glass cases In a long room On [ ho gallery
floor of the buIldIng.
Many of the hooks are very olil and are
prlceio because of their rarity , and the
collection has been so arranged that the history -
tory of electricity , from its begionhig tip to
i date , can be read from the ohieli Iace ) of
the books.
I'robably the first printed work relating to
ciectricly is that hiIchi appears lii the 1190
eriltion of "The 11ves of the l'hillosnphiers , "
by Diogenes 1.aertiuo , of whichi there is a
' unique copy in the collection. 'flien there is
the iie.hiaeval . CyClOha1hia ( of St. Isidore In
the early cihiton of I 1S3 , which tells all that
\as hriwn of electricity iii , to the tinic of
Ccl urn bus. I n t lie sa in e gr&np ancient Clii-
- . . 11050 knowledge of the cotopass 011(1 of the
, of that Instrument upon land carrIages
is ilescribod in the first TnIssloIlaty transla-
tiolt of the Chinee chtsilc "Shoe King. ' '
Prom tue ancient authors one vasses to the
relTarkabie collection of origitiat ethitions
of the sixteenhi century. In hlaptista I'orta's
"Natural Magic' ' the iIrst suggestion of the
megnetic telegraph Is made. In the books
o , "Subtlety , " by Jerome Carlan , the attraction -
traction of the anther Is For hic first time
fully dI1reremilated from the attraction ef
thi- magnet ; n'ni in time treatise of the Italian
imIi'sicIan Francastorb the electricity of time
( ilaflOfl(1 is first iointei ) out. There is also
* a c ( iY of time ictte of I'eregrinmis , orlginaliy
, vrilten Iii 126i , and Prined : him 1562 , sug-
geLting time mimagnetic imiotor nfl the attrac-
. tlo'i arid direction of a nsedle by a lode-
' st.rme globe.
- Thiemm comes the actual heginnimig of mod-
ermm eictrica1 FclEnce. Here l time treatise
of'hhihanm Gilbert , wrlttemm iii IGOO , on the
mn.ignet , wherein for time first thus time word
' 'F-laetrlc' ' is tiseil , and whmsre electricity is
, for liii , first timne recogn1zd as a branch of
Fe ence. Iloth time tirmt and 'econd editions
of Gibrt's greit treatlee are exhibited , and
tlm ( VEIl more rare treathe vhich Gilbert
. left in mnammuscript at imis death , and which
was suppressed by Jrd Bacon. hem-c imiso
; Ia a collection of iittl PamilPimlets by ltitliy
: and hlarlo % , which tnrk time first electrical
dispute. 'l'ime Idea or tt telegriph becomes'
' , $ fur1m r advomice' ] in thm burleiimo loens of
( time Je'ult Strada. It is repeated in time
I L1 "Magmetic Plthlc..tphmy" of Cabaeme : , in 1628 ,
but that work Is more remarkable icause
It. adds to the science time Ilr.t electrical ( his-
Covery mndo subsequent o time work of Will-
lain Gibort-imamncly , that of electrical repul-
I sion. iire nIm'a ar time two great works of
. , r Gahie , wimrelti he euppartim Gilort and brings
dowit upon hmhmeaf : the commdmnnatfbn of the
After Ghibrt , Cabaeu and Gaiiimxm cimne
Paraeisims anti other vislonarir , who devel-
Oif'l time mmotioiis imow comnmnmnly kzmo a under
. tilt ? mmames of ' 'anhmmal mmmagmietism , " 'hmyp-
, hoLism , " etc. Here is a work on time magnet
. by Atlianacimme Kircimer , generti of th Jesuite ,
, . Imiteiicit1 to break ( IOWII time dlscovercs and
t timcortw \'iiiianm Gilbert. It ha nedlesa
i to say that it failed.
: ' Timrm there are time curious books of Sir
: 1emieimn IIgby anti \'aiter Citaricti1i advo-
. . eating 'imat wes timen called tmo "magnetic
. cure of wounds. "
; . Time original edition of Charieton , imb-
lisimed In 1650. It especially remarkable because -
. cause here fl imoeti for the first time time word
"electricity. ' ' Glibert imad Used time word
" 1ectric" anti lirowim time vorti ' 'electrical , "
but time worth "eiectrlcty" had never been
simgg steti until It aiimearei in Cimarlton'o
, % notimer book belonging to time progress of
time science waa time work of DOmeartes 0mm
: "Jhmmctive I'miiosopimy , " vhmlcim imad time ciTect
p of mh2ezommragtng original imhym'cal research , but
} , . \vimcim ! , imovcver , ttlmoWt' for the iir.t ( line time
. commmimiete magnetic eiectrtmm.
Aithommgim electrical progress imalted during
time i3erictI jimet noted , other branches of sd-
once jnoemi almemmd. A group of books Is pro-
sermte I to sims' time advance 1mm engineerIng.
Time lirat pmmhlicatior ott eeamtm Is represetmte1
by a 1575 Venetian traneintion of time bool ;
( tf hero of Alexandria. Here one immay see a
itItmtro of time first steam en.lmme . , besimles
representetiomma of mimany otimer devicoo vimicim
are simpposetl to be of mmmo'hern origin. 'lime
arigmamli copy of time book of Soiommmon do
Camm' , inilmiisimed 1mm 1615 , Inarls time beginning
or mnodermm progress In. time mmse of steam antI
. repreeeimtt time convorglmig of time , 'mmml's rays
through ienses upon vater to prodmmce steam.
Co as to force time water imp immto a fommmmtain.
In time (1(1 ( Itjmliamm book of liranca , imimbiislmed
: 1mm itnume In 1629 , tlmere Is reimresemited a
- steam 'vimool turbine of today. here also are
- titi' mmarqmmis \Vorceeter'a "Cenlmmry of 1mm-
n ions" ammO time imooks of. i1apin , to imotn
, time Fretmeb still give creUi as time original
Inventor of time Meam engine. Here niam , it.
time flrst oork describing am aimship. . 'lime
inveotor' idea snc to raise a car by means
of fmmr copper balioomms.
'lime new rise 1mm electrical progress Is
marked by time work of Otto von ( immericko ,
wimfrim was Issued itm 1612. Here is theseritmemi
:1 : time tiret electrical mmmaciminc ever mmmatlo , dcc-
tile iiit , electric ar.mmr.d. eiecmric coimmhmmetion
. ammtl electric polarity. Among time work.m of
' . timis grommp are the origimmal lngiiaim Pammiimim-
; lets of Itobert 1ioyl. on "Time Met'imammical
Origmtm aimmi l'rodmmcti3mm mt Electricity" and tint
works of Itobert Ilooko , lsueJ In 1707 , wlmo
' vaa ommo of time mimost Irmgenlnmms electrical 1mm-
: that ever liveti ammil wimo suggestej
y time imbommograpim. Iiierm also are detaiieii time
I t'xperinments of Iiauksbco'im ( ) recognized
_ l tim. ' electric iigmt ? produecti im vaeuummm tubes
ant coiled time emmmanatiomts from tlmat electric
- lghmt ! "rays. "
ilecause of time ( lk'eovory of time electric
- light jtrotltmceml from rimitbeti glass or comber ,
amid because tImc.e spmmrks could ho tirawim
t fromim time timmgers of electrified people , time
Germnans 1mm 1743 beiievei ; timat fire existed in
' time immmmnan body anti coimitl be mnatlo to comime
Out eiectricaiiy. 'limts mmotlomm created great
excitenmint timrommgimout Germany ammO set mmii
time ( lermmian idmilosopimera Imarti at work mmpomm
t ) electrical discovery , \'imat they ( hid is siiowmm
1 j another sat of books.
r TitAiTOit ARNOLD'S 1100K.
Time iirtt book on electricity which over
cammmo immto the United Stntcm Is simowem imore.
It belommgod to hlemmedlet Arnold , time traitor.
wi1030 mmutograpii is omm time title image , and it
IV5CS5C a cmmrlous interest for all time vimi-
Itorim. It was this beak that iionjammirm ,
Vralmllilim stmmd4ed , anti imi tnvestigatIon ; cmml-
imtlmmateti 1mm imis fnmnomms kite experimmmeat ammO
tito roving of time ltlemmtlt ) of electricity ammO
, lhgimtning. lrammklimm told time story of imat ho
Imami done in mm letter to time Gentieimman's
Magazine , anti time original ciippimmg is simown
in tie coilectiomm. hero are' also exhibited
all of time original oditiomms of Frankiln'mm let-
mors , in wimicim imo deemcribea lmts various 01cc-
trical discovoricem , 011(1 ( limo Frommcim transia-
harm of timem wimich first attracted to imint time
nttantion of 1uroitean
p , Of alt time books of time collection none is
I probably so urmiquo as timmit wlmicii begins time
F group of books which relate to limo cimocim of
. time "voitaic ccii. " Timls is time original
1 pammmimbmlct written by Gatvani , describimmg imis
frog expcrlimmelmts , But a very fey copies-it
ii saiti ony twelve-of timls work were mastic ,
1 end timeso solely for ( ialvani'u private use.
TtmO imartlctmiar copy xb1tmited in Dr. Berm-
i jummiin's collection not. ommiy belonged to imimn ,
but is the one on wimicim ime rustle time pen
: and immic correCtiOn5 for the issue wimicit was
published dmmrimmg time Zohiomrimmg year A copy
of the 1702 edition , generally called limo
' first edition of Gaivani's treatise , is cx-
m ImibIted in timta group , anti time corrections
i made by ( laivaimi's own Imand are duly noted.
L ir. Ilenjammmlmt exhibits time first book8
wlmicim describe limo secondary battery ammi
limo oectrie motor , anti time exceedingly rare
vork In wimieb time telegrapim ii first cx.
plaineJ , A curious and mnot interesting
relic ims time original paper read by time
famimous French lthiiosoplmer Anmpcro on time
mnutual actiomm of two cleetric currents , wimich
s time original documnemtt which the
author deiivcre'l bl lecture , atmd which im
L1 _ _ , . - "
annotated imy himc'elf. The first contribim-
tions to science of Michael Faraday anmi
Joepim hear ) ' are In time coilection ; so is Sir
lilmmlmhry Isvy'n original paper on 'Timp
Safety Lamilim , ' anmi timoro Is a curious col-
lectlon of early American books on C CC-
tricity , ( hating back to 1O2.
No nmatter wimat ( into of time day or evening
you mmmny vlstt time mhow , says the New Yoric
Sutm , you vIhl n1vaye ( Intl a crowd mmrommmmd a
certain exhibit on time left lmie of time malmm
able , Timere is a raised piatforrmt here , a
timat above the imsatlim of the speotatorme you
emmm see time trlmn caps of three women. AntI
you camm smell timings ! Such funny odors to
le hanging abommt an electrical expositlaim !
Timore is mmmi sterna of coffee anti a beguiling
fragrance of wammim cake.
FVcry wommmmn wimo enters time imall snits
time alt , ammil timen literally fo lows imer nose.
Soimme of timeni tmatl imeirti of time cooking e -
i'Ibit. ' ' .inmmy of temmm imavo comne mnilee to 'ee
it. Timey catch % tiss Sicklea ammO imor two
zms'mitammts ac cimilmiren watch a cmmtIy immaker.
Altil whemm timey see wimat a sememme , drtts'itmg
moommm aft.mir electricity mnakes of cooking timey
sigh profcmmndly.
"Talk aboimt yommr Roentgen rays ! ' caPt. one
vommmnmm ima site satcimed Miss Sicklee mmmako
chocolate frosting on one imlece Cf iroim with
a L'rirmg to It , vimile m'me baked I ime cake in
a emcct iron itox witim ammotimer etring to It
' 'It Iteottlo % oult1 itay imaif as immucim attention
to limit , cooiimmg It'attmre of electricity , timero
% 'oultImm't be no nmmmch talk about mmmarriage
beng a tai imro. "
Time iiece , of with etrimmgs were stoves.
Timey commmo imm different sizes. Timere are
ammmnhl ommes lx itmeimes in diamneter , ammO upon
tlmia orme can set a little teakettle fmmil of
s'ttter ammO make a cup of te.1 in less time
timami It. Would take to btmiiti amm orthinary lire ,
Time "etring" imich it' tied to tlmie stove is
time In'mmlated wire. It Imas mm V'g at one emitl
ammtl a peg at the otlmer. One peg goes into
a imolo lii time wall ; time otlmcr eit got's Into
time sitle of time tx-immclm "stove. " Timat is alt
timere is to it. You 'tick time ness iii ammd
time electricity ( hoes time rest.
Time lromm box into wimieim Miss Sickle pills
lice hatches of dotmgim , and otmt of wimicim sue
takee imer imm-eaml ammO cnkc. , anti otimer geoti
tim ngs , is an electric ovemm. It imas coila of
virca rminnin nil arounti it insitle cf its
double simeet-iron caFe , and yt can mmcc time
miimmto cortl for it that yomm tmetI for mmmaking
tea if you wish. Na one but a Imousekeeper
calm appreciate lroporiy the beauties of this
electric oven. Every c' ok knows that for
one timing a "qmmlck" oven is itcetled , wimile
for anotimer a "dow" oven ia al.ealutcly es-
semmtial.'imomm electricity is limo fuel , mmotim-
imtg is easier tlmtmm to secure ( imiekmmess ( ammO
slowness at will. l'imli out one lmammmhlc in
frommt ammO yomm imavo a i4ov oven ; pimli out
two anti it is a timmick one. Ainmst anybotly'i'
brain commld grad ) timat. Tiiemm , too , the dcc-
trio oven bales evenly on all siIeL ; Wimen
it. is intredmmced , the tune wilt im pa4 for
htmrnizmg time top of thme bread wlmiie time bot-
tommm isn't done , or for letting time cakes stick
to the tan before they are brown on top.
it aommtetimncs seems as if an ordinary cooking -
ing range threw all of its heat out into thme
mttrmtospitere of time kitcimen.
"Time oven Joel won't bake ! " Is time fre-
qimemit wail of the. cook , wimo mmevortlmeless
is veli mmigim baked imereif by being near time
stove ,
Witlm time electric oven It is not eQ. Time
outahile surfaces are all immstmlatel ; , co tlmat
practically all of time imeat Is confined to time
But an oven is only one of time marvels
of time cookIng eximibit. Next to it is a
broiler. Nov , of all deceitful domettic
articles tii iroiler is the wOrst , The dcc-
Urte grill will have an opportunity of emmdear _
ng itself to time long-suffering cok , if cooking
by electricity beonme prevaknt. It is ready
for work in a few mimmutecafter the cur-
remit is apimlied , anti it absolutely forbids
the prodtmctiomm of smnolceti em' gao-hovered
sie.iks amid cimops. The juicea are coUected
imi a pan beneath , so timat tlmey camm be emsed
1mm basting.
Miss Sicklee muakes tea , coffee and cimoco-
late by e1pctricty , ammO qmmite as coolly and
comfortably as if she were making boo-
( ilmets. Time coffee pots--make time French
"drip" coffee , anti , ina.rmtucit as the coitec
Pot contains itt' o\vn "stove , " there Is no
excuse for its getting cold after it is pitt
en the table. Timis stove con.eiets of a coiler
or wire 1mm the bottom of the pot. 0mm tIme
same principle arc time large urns for maklng
tea and coffee in restaurants or for any large
mmumber of people. Time electric chafing
dish Is on the e'ammmo rOan. It mneamms mood-by
to the alcohol lamp wiim its plea'lmmg habit
of setting fire to time table cloth , and Its Unspeakable -
speakable odors.
There scorns to be no end to time attractiomms
of those portable little stoves , They ae just
like a thick stove lid , omdy ery nmucim cleaner
amid we ] polished , They camm be carried alt
over time house , to the mmurery or the cick
room , ivimerever timore is electrical connection.
Omme can make ainmest anytlmirmg on them , front
a cup of hot water to a steamed plum purl-
But verhais time greatest boon of all is time
elactrtc iron. Irammimig day will cease to be a
mmiglmtmare when necimle shall be abe to go
into a cod , commifortabe kitcmcrm or lammmmmlry ,
stick a peg immto an iron , anti go to work.
You will never mmeed to change your irena
titen. All timmy lomig. 1mm fact , just as long as
the peg is kept iii its p ace , time iron will lie
reamly for husimmees. Timoy are alwayc clean
anti bright. If the Imoimsewife eImmmply warmte ,
to "pree4 omit" a few imarmdkerclmlcfs , or a
cammm , Cr a rmmnipled piece of cloth , dma can
stick iii that peg and mb her five-mnimmute jab
amid be tlmrouglm witlm it. She dcesmm't rmeetl to
watt until tlmere is a fire an time irorms are
"It acclaIm almost too good to ha true , " sall
cIte woman as clme watcimed time performuance
witim wistful , tired eyes ,
Time unfortunate part of it all is timat at
present electric cooklrmg is out of the reach
of mmiost peopi. It can . be introtlmmcetl offly
owiy. 1mm tIme flmwt idaco , a Imouso imiust have
electm ic connections of stmlficiemmt power for
liglmtlmig. If It has wires of timat size , themi
it is a coimiparatively sirmim1e thing to arrange
time cooking .lepamtmmment. It is aieo cimeaper
and easier imi smmmall places timamm it is in citlea
like New York. Imi smmmalier towns time eiec-
trio light vires nrc gemmerally carried on polco
overlmcui ; , ammO a wire can be put Into time
itotmee as easily us a teleplmone connection
camm be xmmmide. In a city wlmere alt thesa wires
ale in mmntittm'grourmtl mmiaimms the expense be-
collIes a immuch mnore , erious t'onsiieratlon.
A Now York lmoii"o calm be wired for cook-
lug amiti lammodly iImriJcses for from 3OO to
l.O0h ) . It camm be eeemm , tjmemefore , timat tO-
timotmgtm time mmmilienmmIumn 1mm in sigtmt It is tiii
far off.
liven after time conmmectiuns are made timore
is still a gooti ( idol of expemmee to b in-
curred. Time utensils for cooking are all
specially constrmmctetl to ime used witim dee-
tricity. Every one contains It "stove. "
Time tea kettle La not simnpy a tea kettle , it
is a tea kettle and stove commlliimme.i ammtl can
tie rumm immmlepcndemmtly of any otimer tmtensii ,
4'tli of time articles are mmia'le of the best cop-
par , imickel-plateti , amid yet tlmey do frigimten
an otmi-asimiommetl lmommsokoeper by their cost.
Time irumma cost front $5 to $10 , time portable
stoves froum $5 to $ i5 , cimahlag mlisimes frommm
sir. to $25 , coffee pets mind tea kettles fm-ommm $0
to $10.
In epito of the cspcmisa attendant on this
new tonmc.etic departure , timere mire o great
imiany imommses in wimicim it imas been imitroducemi.
Time i'eabody imotme , in flrookiymm , is the immoet
llrommmimiJmmt oxarmipie in this vicinity. In New
Engiamitl there arc a geol nmany houses itt
vimicim electricity does time brunt of limo work ,
but It is time west s'lmich has been the nmost
ilre'grm'saivm itt ilmis tlirectirmrm.
"Do you wamit any electricity today ,
rmmmm'amn ? " Timis im , a questiotm put to Immany
Now Yorkers imowadays , writes me correspond-
ermt , zt'nti wimen time reply is imt time alilrmmiative
time ammiommnt asked for is at once supplied
frommi wagomms , mmiucim as milk is dehivereti
Not that it is dippeil out of large forty-
quart camms with a mmmeasmmre , mmor does it
conme 1mm qimart bottles labeled "ito adutera.
tion , " but it is imut up in batteries of assorted -
sorted sizes , from somne as small as cigar.
cite boxes to others as large sa mIa water
fountain cylinders. Time trade iii canned
electricity is Imoenming , time 'CrttIers say , and
time ciectricity wagomms vilI soon be as eomn-
muon a sight as the milk wagons. Time pro.
prictors of many imtcls , timeaters , ammO even
thu superintendents of public buildings , find
it much cimeaper , though pcrZmap a little
immoro botimerwnmio to use thu canned liimtmiijfg
rather than to maintain aim extensive electric
pmnt , For the s'amno reasons , owner of pri.
vate residences purchase time ncedtu supply
front limo Itinerant eoder ; and so great list ,
the business grown that time shrewd dealer
vimo first tlmotlgimt of peddling power In this
mmmanrmer Imas eighteen routes which ho sup-
lmhi ( fromu mmmi imiany wagooB ,
L'acim mnorniug the eighteen wagons are
loaded wittm ttmeir stores , and start out on
timeir various ivays. At each place of do.
livery time driver grasps a cc ; containing
the amommnt requiremi and deposits it on the
to0i ) or in the areaway , where he finfis an
empty jar , the contents of which were psed
the day before ; this ime throws into the
wagon and drives on to time next customer.
hike the butcher , time baker amid candle.
stick maker , time elcetric man is subjeeteti
to all kinds of lecttmrea for lila remie3ness
In delivery of gootle , a reniiete'ncss iwbich is
nearly always imaginary on time part. of his
hiatrons , Sommie women Slmo bimy each day
about a one-sixteentii.imoreie power can full
of time eectric fluid with wimich to work
their sewing immachmimmes or rock timoir babies
to sleep , frequermtiy complain thst yoster-
( lay's supply was hot 55 immuch as that. of
time day before , forgetting that they aewed
Icngemyceterday , or that their darling was
more timan ucimally cross and wakofimi , ammO
reqimireti moore rocking accortlingly.S'olmmen
do Imot leemim to realize tImt 'eiectrlcity , like
everything else , imns a limit , amid timat they
can ant mnmmke fotmr hoimrs worth of electricity
do for eight imotmrs.
Time smaller batteries nrc general y itmmr-
chmmitetl by timose in charge of immstltmmtions ;
otimerti reqmmiro a bittery that is easily trans.
iortnhle. Orders tar sizes timat cami he car-
riemi In ti icet liocket are freqmmently me-
ceived , and are often mmccii imy vaumieviiie
porformimerit on time stage of variety timeitero
to etmimance a spcctacular effect , Profes-
sienni mmmcmi nle find various mites for tlmemo
In tmelr ? tfles , amimi there are six wagommo
c3teting exchtmsiely to lawyers , doctors ,
( lemitists cmiii time like.
liemmtists connect tlmeue lrnrtablo batteries
ivltim email mnotormm wlmicim fmmrmmish the mmmotive
power for mnaclmlnes tmetl in cleamming amiti
for tin hag lmoles 1mm the mnolnrs of their
itatrons. Timey are slot , used by .imitlots for
gemmerating time smnal lighmtmm imseti imm extmmnin-
tug teetim. Surgeons mmcc ammiall batierlec
vhicim they carry almout in timeir cte'es of
mnmrgical Inotrumnemitmt to aid tlmemmm itt perform-
lmmg delicate eperatione' .
fly means of time electric crane anti time
eiectro-mmiagmmet , witicim were intrdmmccl into
timls coummtry amid recently eximibited before
time Atmierican Society of Mechamiical Emmgi-
mmeers , it is claimmmed timat tlmree mcmi can
now do itt fifteen tmiinmmtes time enmac amotmnt
of vork which fornierly taxed time sremigtii
of six macn fcc mmlnety minutes. It is ( otmnti
imivahimabie in working witim pig iron , heavy
castings mind imniemmee boiler imlates.
It is believed by ermgimmcerimig experts that
these liftimmg mnmmgnets will soon replace time
lesemmt forms ot time mIerick anti traveling
crane. I'reparntioims are being mmimido to 1cm-
trodmmce tlmis device 1mm time great Carnegie
works at l'itteburg , ammml its practical work-
lags are beimmg very caretmmlly watcimeti by
at least half a dozcmm large manufacturers
timrommghetmt timc commmttry.
At first sigimt , it appears odd that a entail
coil of modal weigimimmg only about forty-
five poimnmis eta , by that strange force
kmmown as magnetic immiiuemmce , aided by time
eqimaily mmiymmterious Power of electricity ,
lift torts nf iron witim no apparent grip Impon
the weight to be lifetl. It lmas beet , provemm
by experimiment , however , tlmat etucim an
clectro-mnagmmet cami lift sevemity-two tlmmmes its
oivn veiglmt.
In Englammd time electric crane and electromagnet -
magnet are iii imse in a nmmmmmber of ilace5 ,
1mm particmmlar at time Weolwicit arsenal and
at time Sammdycmoft works. Timco 1mm use at
time Woolwicim arsenal \icre designed by an
officer in time British aramy , and greatly
simplify time cork of lifting ammO imiovimmg
heavy simot and plates of Iron anti steCi.
l'artlcmmiamiy is time elertro-nmagnet of value
in lifting heavy simot , as previous to timeir
use workimigmnen experienced no emmti of
trouble in getting slings securely around
time imliot. It was a lommg and imeavy task ,
and reqimired time labor of ninny inca.
Now time eiectro-niagnet is lowered by
time mmmagnetic erotic and simmmply laid on the
side of time shell to be ralec ; time turmilag
of a small lever at time base of time crane
switcimes on time cmmrremit , and time soric is
done. Ileme time mmew apparatus enables timree
mcmi to do time ioik wimicle fornierly required -
quired nine mmmcmi.
Time commstrtmction of time cramme and magnet
is peculiar , and its Inventors claim timat timere
is less chance of a break than Wimen time old-
faolmioned tackle was tmsoci. Indeed , so far as
is kmiowmm , no accidents iitim time new method
imas timus far occurred.
The electric cramie iock
very macit 111cc an
ordiqary sivingimmg crane. It is Commatructeti
of time bert steel , the frame Leing conipara-
tivcly iigimt , tut of
a strengtim for in exceco
of ammy etraimi ivhicim will ever be put upon it.
Frcmn the base of an uprigimt steel beam a
long steel arimi projects , firt empwarti at an
aimgie of forty-five degrees ; themm , with a bend
upward anti outward , it extends for a diotanco
nearly twice the lcngthm of time cuplertimmg
beam , Two steel redo , reaching front the to4
of the beam to time crane , act as support.s or
imoltls. One l.a attacimed to time crarme about a
thIrd of the way from time bare and just at
time bend , wtmiie time other is attacimod to time
mmpper end of time crane.
Time wire through wimichm the electric current -
rent is carried froimi time battery at. the base
of time crane to time magnet runs up along time
uprlgimt beam and across the upper support
to tima end cf time crane , timen over a smmmall
wlmeei to the end of time chain to wlmich is attached -
tached time iiittmmg emmagnet. Dmpicate ; wires
are tmsed to itrevent ammy Poible accident In
case time 'iro eimouid foul with anytimtmmg or
iii any way be broken. Time switcimboard
governing the current is placed at time bare.
In lifting a weight of 3,600 pourmds a cur-
remit of frommm three to four amperes at from
twenty to timirty volts Is used. Time Immagnets
vary in size anti weiglmt fromn commiparatively
simmall ommes weighing forty-five poun1s to
tlio..o iiavimmg a weigimt of 250 pounds , but time
iiftimmg Power of time immagnet is not always iii
pmcpomtion to its size.
The body or core of time magnet mmcml in
lifting steel simelis or circular pieces of metal
is shaped ! ! ke an Invetci "U" and closely
boutmd with i'lre , time winding being protected
by brass flanges aimd by a timick covering of
hra. The two ends of tIme wmro wimmding are
leml to tluplicate termmmlmmamme , isimero they are
jOinCl to time two vires from vhlcim they re
celve time ctmrrent. Timroughi time center of
time imiagnet run two liars , tovimicim are at-
taclmoi tIme rings by wimicim time , magnet bs at-
tacimemi to limo imoolt at the end of the pulley
on time lifting chain ,
Perfect % VIs.icmmmt
Would give us perfect imealth , Because men
and wonmen are not perfectly wise timoy must
take medicines to keep timemmiselves perfectly
imeaitlmy , Pure , rich blood is time basis of
gao.i . lmealtim , hood's Sarmparilia is time One
True lilood Purifier. It gives health because
it tmuiimls up on the true foundation-pure
hood's Pills are purely vegetable , perfectly
harmless. alwaYs reliable and beneficial ,
' 'Omammi iimi-Cmu lemigo 1.1 , , , it eiI.
Built for peotl ,
Cormmfort and safety ,
Simort hue.
Block system ,
Electric ligimt.
Fine Cmmisimme.
City ticket otilce , 1604 Farnam street.
t'imt'ltSluimt'M . , IN
gn east aver tIme Iiurlinpton Route.
Pretty fair evidence-if yotm sant evidence
-timat time Burlington has TilE track , 'FIlE
equipnment , TIlE emmginc.e.
'i'imree daily traimis to Chicago-9:18 : a. tim. ,
; O0 Im , itt. ( time "Vestibuleti Flyer" ) , 750 ;
It. am.
Tickets at i602 Farpamn street. i ( ) tu 1tJ ( ) ( )
feet down , gold is found in abundance ; the
deeper you go the richer tlmo ore , These art
facts concerning Merctmr , Utaim. Ti.e Union
Pacific Is the ommly all rail line to .Mercur.
For Morcur leaflet giving full urtictmiars
call at City Ticket Oiiice ,
1302 Farnani street ,
li.misters ,
Time enormous engines that haul "Time
Northwestern Line" OMAIIA-CiJICAGO
SPECIAL east at 6:30 : every evening ( Union
l'acitio depot ) and immto Chicago at D:30 : next
mornimmg-well worth taking a little tinme to
see timemu-notiting in this country like timemn
-mmoarly as imigh a the Union depot , but not
quite as long. City oflice , 1401 Farnamn St.
l'rolmilmi t Iomm ( .mtmve'iif ion hutcH fit i
I'lttmmburgha ,
Excursion tickets for time above event will
be sold via Pennsylvania Short Limmes from
ChicagMay 21 , 25 4nd 20. The I'enosylvania
tma ttb principal trunk lines between Ciii-
ugo and Pittsburg , the Fort Wayne anti I'an-
haAdle Routes , Solid trains over both , /up-
ply to 1)crlmmg , 24B South Clark street , Ciii.
cage , for details.
Simmnimier itesorts.
Timere are nmany of them on the line f
TIlE UNION PACIFIC , and before arrnngipg
for your summmier outimmg you ahouid snake
inquiry as to rates and routes. For full information -
formation call at City Ticket 0111cc ,
13Q l5arnsrn streeL
Its Ups antI Dawns During the Thirty
Years of Existence.
111gb 'mtfer % tnrkiist 1I(1T ( , ioii % 'nter
tiirk iii 1h4lI5-'rIneipmi1 , Imttt''st
a miii l'reimmimriiss..1 mm lIeu ijil rig-
im rem. , i I , tPtltIOOIXO ( ) l'n iii ,
Senator Cock-rell of Missouri tleligimts to
delre in details. lila naturaliy grasps
the mtiinmmtiae of govermmment affairs. This
is tie well known that it makes hint ott all-
timority on iml line among senators. Espe-
daily is Semmator Cockrell strong on time
dollars nail cents traneections of the gov-
ernmmment. Itecently he ima tmeemm everitammi-
irmg time ilgtmres periainlng to the tmimbiie debt ,
writen a correspomitlent of time Globe-Donut--
crat , lie Imas hami commipileti sommime lmmfornma-
tion wimich will interest ammO stmrprio limo
average reamler who kmmows little and cores
leai aboimt time nation's mmmonotary obligations.
Timero scents to be imo iohitieal lmmmrpoe imi
wimat the e'enntor Imas drawn fortim. Time re-
suIts simmmmly simoiv in tlollara the immarveloims
rocimperation of the nation frotmm time cost of
time clvii war.
Time statenment prepare.i for Senator Cock-
rcll by time cimief of time Treastmry Bureau of
Statistics , W'ortimingtomm Formi , simcwa time
cormdition of time lmtmbic debt for every year
frommi 165 to time end of isoi ; . That debt
\i05 t2,221nilDlS at time tttiti of 1S65. It increased -
creased in ISGG anti In 1867 reaciming a tmmax
imntttmm the latter year of $2,248,067,387 ,
In time tlmlrty years emmtlltmg with 1S5 time
ceuntry has paimi on time prlnciimai of timis
tiebt $ l,505i09,858.
Title reductiomm of time principal is mmmagmmtfl-
cemmt testimmmeny of time recuperative lovcr
of tIme United States. html wimat will people
say wimen timey learmi that in ndmiitiomi to the
rethmctlon of principal time country imas paid
Imi Itmterest ( luring time thirty years a stmmmm
greater than the debt at Its immaximnumu ?
Here are time figures :
I'.ttI , on Irineittat front ISC5 tiso : ; . . .si.omiom gq
l'alti In immtcmcst ( mom ItCO to 1105. . . . . . 2CCCCO53m
Total Principal anti intereet maI.1.l.tGl.SW.Th5 :
Time debt of the United Statce reacimed
$2fIOO,000.000 imi round flgtmres , but time commit-
try imas already paid on accoummt of it mmearly
$ I .000,000,000.
Time lowest point reacimed by time debt was
in 1S92 , time closimmg year of time Harrison
admimmistratlon. It stood then at $3S5O2tt.-
330 , almommt one-fourth of the debt at its
mmmaximmitmm in 1867 , anti about one-seventh of
time total anmotmnt wimich imas been patti ut
irimmcipai amid Interest.
In time timirty years that time Umiltel States
has becim dealing ivitim time war debt time reductions -
ductions and imicreaas presemmt eamime interesting -
esting figures.
In time year timat the debt reacimemi its liigim-
et point , wimich was in 1867 , a paymmment of
$ S4,000,000 was made on the principal in
atichitiomi to $138,000,000 of interest , None
of time debt wmts ) mimie in 1867. To persimimle
bondimoltiers to let go of tlmoir npproclated
securities time government had . to go into
time market and pay a premiummi of $10,000-
000 in time extimmetion of this $84,000,000-
Of time thirty years from 1865 to ISOG
twemmty-two ycam-s hare chto'im redmmcticmms
and eight years have shown increases at time
Time largest reduction of time ( iebt itt any
one of these twenty-two years was mimatle itt
18S2 , the first year of time Arthur admmmimtl-
tration , ihcn $075,000,000 of time bommds wao
wiped ommL Timese bontis fell due atm I v ee
redeemed without time payment of cmmy prom -
m I u ni.
The smalleat i-edtmction. in tIme twenty-two
years wag In 1876 , wimlfl only $11,000,000 of
tIme bonded dcbt was extinguimmhid.
In mmmaklng time redumction of time debt faster
titan time b-ntis felt due time government
lute paid $119,000,000 in premmmlummmm' . If the
pmcmmtiunms are added to time interest paid
and to the twenty-two remludtiomms of time
iebt it will be seen that time total paid ott
account of the war debt i $3,9S0,000,000.
Of limo eigumt years in which athhitiotms
iiere imiatle to the debt , time first was time year
1868 , witarm $111,000.000 was time increase.
Time secommd adtlition was mamie irm 1S74 ,
the year followIng time panic of 1S73. That
hmc'ease i''as $28,000,000.
In time year of time great railroad strikes ,
1877 , and in time two years of depressiomm
ammO lmard times foilowirmg , there were imm-
creases of time debt. Time immcrease in 1877
was $1,000,000 1mm roucmd tigurca. 1mm 1S78 it
was $4,0O0,000 , iii 1879 It was $3,000,000.
After 1S79 time remluctiomma began , an I 1mm
every year for timirieen years time debt was
dilL down. It ivamm during this period timat
time largest reductiomm , alreamly mmmentioned ,
that in 1SS2 , was made , Imi time thirteen
years frommi 1S79 to 1S93 , coverng time ad-
mimmistrntiomm of hayes ( in heart ) , Omimfiebi
and Amtlmur , Clevelammd ( time first ) anti liar-
risen , time rc.immction was $1,206,000,030.
In time lost two fiscal years included in
Cleveland's first admnintmmtration mime-c was
a redmmction of $192,000,000. For lime io-
demmiptiomm of bonds called In before dtme
prcmmitmmmis amnoummting to $2&,000,000 were
In time first three fiscal years covered by
liarrisomt'em admmministratlorm time net retiuc-
tions of time debt we-c $240,000,000. Time
ammmount paid in prentlums was $30,000,000.
In tim last nine emmommtims of time Ilarrisomm
utlmmiimmistratiomi anti first timree tmmontim ot tue
first 3ear of Cievelamiti's secommd atlmmmimmisra- :
tion time ( lebt simowemi an immcreaso of $7,00 ,
1mm tIme first fiscal year of Cioveiammmi's eec.
end nmlmmmlmmistratiemt time immerease i'as $ ( l-
000,000 , In time secommd , it was $81,100,000.
'rime timirmi full year will not be ommdeti ummtii
Jumne 30. it iiiil inclmmtle time Fobrimary sale
of $100,000,000 bonus.
Tue lmmterest Pflil on time war debt wait
$150,977,697 1mm 1865. 'Flmat was imiglm-natcr
Iii 1892 , tIme last fiscal year of time liar.
I isomi admmiinistratiomt , time interest haitI was
$22,893,833 , Third was the low-water mumarle.
The interest paid iii 18'36 was $29,000,009 ,
For 1SOII the interest cimarge will be about
$34 ,000000.
Time imiterest cimargea of 1365 are about
vimat time pension mtppropriatiomm bill calls
for now. 'I'ime interest cimarges mmow are
about . what paid itt pensions thirty ago.
'I'ime governnteimt's fiscal year emmdmm on
Juno 30. Time figures given ubvo are atm
tlmat buitl , Time Itreilldentlal year emmls Oim
the 3t1 of March. 1mm ortlor to mmmako conm-
luarilons more accurate , Senator Coclcreli
imas imati a separate' compilation tmmmmcle by
ii'e'oltldmmtial ycarsi for limo Ilarrioon mind
time two Cieveiand.a4nmimmistrntions ,
Wlmemm Mr. Cievt'Imumml emttered time wimito
Imouso Otl time flit of Mmmrcim , 18S5 , time imumb-
lie debt was $ i,1ftG,49t390. Ihmring timat
mmtlunimmistrntlon tiHi. debt was remltmcet.l $332 , .
013'JSO , 'lime immtereatt paid durimmg time fIrst
Chevelanti admmmimmtatrutlon way $182,208,905 ,
1mm principal , Itmtercit ammO premmmiummms there
ivIes paid imi the fommr years of time fit-st
Cleveland adniinitmtiomi $051,000,000 ,
I'rosldemit IlarrLsiin foummd time pmmhuic debt
$852,106,220 when h entered import imft lena.
lie left It $5S5,03400. Time reduction of time
imrimmcilial during , tlte Ilarrisami atlmmmigmistra-
110mm i'as $263OtfO:200. : The interest imaid
tlmmring the Ilarrims3mi adummimmlstratlomm was
$128,521,436 , Time iatsmmments on primmcipai ,
immtercst and iremniuums tiurimmg time four
years at harrison were $423,000,000.
l'reoltlemmt Cievebimid. cormmpieteti timrco years
of hie secommml term In Mat-elm of timis year.
Timedebt was $555,000,000 wimen ho wait in-
augtmratemi time second timmw. At the end of
imis limit-ti year , Marcim 3 , 1896 , it was $822-
000.OdO , an increase of $237,000,000.
The interest paid in time third presidential
year of time second Clevehamtd admmtinistra-
lion , Umo year timat recently closed , was
$31,000,000. $ 1mm limo timird presidential year
of ilarrisan'me terimi time interest charge was
$21,000,000 $ , -
A mi Ilimi imiisittst ,
'u1r. L. Hayden of Wailonia , Ky , , its en-
tituslastic in imis praise of Cbambeslaitm's
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. lIe
saa he has used it In lila family for years
and can safely reconniend itto time pubUf
as time best medicine In the world for bowel
troubles , TIme 25 antI 50-cent sizes for sale
by druggists , 4,1 % s e
liotuil in Nebraska City at simeriff's sate ,
25th immst , See advertisement bet-ohm.
A. 1. . . Deane & Co. , 11111 F'arziam street ,
t Uniomt and Nattooat bleycleta
c _ M4b ( L't4t
lice , May 21 , 1806.
, hirt Sense.
A great IUaI1y icoPlC who have plenty of horse
sense don't seem to have any shirt sense at all.
: All they lcnow about shirts is the size of the collar .
f _ band and they never look at the stitching or the
buttonholes or the reinforcement or the ' 'heft" of
the material , or any of the little things that constitute -
stitute the money's ' worth of a shirt. That's why
they pay 75C ill other stores for Fancy Summer
Shirts that we arc selling here for 50C , aiicl very
frequently tile ) ' pay $1.25 for sliui-ts that arc not
c : \vllit liettcr 111111 our 75c shirts. 1'Iiis week
; E fT devoted our corner window to a shirt
c _ display and there arc some very valuable lessons
ill shrt sense behind that glats. lucre you vill
Sec , hirts tnirkcd 50C that are Inade of heavy
4. percale , vitl1 reinforced back and shoulders , eon-
f _ tiiiuotis scams , veII worked buttonholes and 4-ply
colizir and cuffs attached. You vil1 also see shirts
at 75C and 85c , and after you've got through
i . Ilsecillg" , , if you'fl come inside and do some "feel-
c _ ir.g you'll have sonic shirt scnce to take home to
your wife. I'-Inbons sic oins9
91e&ti&t &
33ij Wjij
o. o-o-oo-o-o.o-o-o-c-o-c-o- - - - - - - - - - - -
c : Saturday is the last chance to get
Any Body Bnisses in the house
Body Brussels worth up to $ . - ! - - FOR
fordsWhitta1s\TctoriasBigclows (
Borders-Flail and Stak Carpets to 5
Biggest Last
Body o : Chancc-
Brussels jfli ? Body
Bargain Brussels
Known -h for
95c 95c
, We never keep new patterns-
we sell them-for 95c. 1
Orcluird & Wilhelm Carpet Co. ,
1416 Doughts Street.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
i'i : 'LtNcIAI , ut'r'm'iius ntscussim.
1)1 rectory of 'trim tiNmItiNsI.NIIlI lien r
ft-out Mei'e'r.
Time time of time Transmniseicsippi exposittu
directory was yesterday afterzmoomm cccupicmi
with a commeideration of time fimmammcial side of time
sclmcmtte. A letter frommi Commgrcssmmmami Mercer ,
in wimich he dlscaimmmed ammy credit for imis
iorlc in belmalf of time bill mimi said timat time
bill was sure to became a lou' before time ad-
jommrmtmmmermt of commgrosm' , was read.
l'resldentVattle.s ammmiotmnced that ime wommlti
leave today for a fortmmlgimt's trip timrough
New Emmglaud. l'rovietomm was made for tlme
secretary to call nil mieceosary immectings Our-
lag the president's abseimce.
Time National bicycle cannot be beataim cmi
time road , ammO for tricky track tactics it is a
top mmotchor.
'I'Imp Only Wzm1
to go to California nithout deiays or annoy-
ammces. and in comfort , is via TilE UNION
You ( lon't have to cimamige cars , and you
get timero several flOurs almead of all other
For time tables or other lmmformmmatiu'n , raIl
on A. C. Dmmnn , City l'aeeenger and Ticket
Agent ,
1302 Farnam street.
Ommmn hi-Cu let. g 0-ajieciul ,
Train to
travel exclmmuuivCly
6:30 : every night.
Time Union bicycle never was known to
Sl : : ' 1'imiry I' , al. 'I'i'iiita
of tIme.
Id ! I4\VAUIf ElI
& Si' . PAUL KY.
Best service.
lining car.
City office , 1504 Farzmamn.
IVI ) hurry ' 1111 1 atm , tirs ,
Spend alt day itt Omaima and leave via
ChICAGO 131'ECJAL at 6:30 : p. m , ( dining
car. )
Timemi timere's considerable hurry , for time
train arrives at early mmext immormmlmmg.
'i'hmls tmaimi is eqtilpped ivitim EVEIIVTI11NQ ,
and words are very hat-ti to miami that do it
justice. If you mullet leave earlier , inquiuc
about the 4:45 : p. iii. Overland Limited ,
City 0111cc , 1401 Farnamn St.
v5OAP $ 4 ,
It is so Lecaimse It trikcs at time coo. . of
time C1o ed , Ir,1fujtcI , lnJlanmemI , 8uggtte or
QccrttorktI l'oeu. , ,
5td Itirouzlio'it it , . wori , 1"3nreP&Oa AND Cuss-
IC , I. C..tresasos. some I , DprluWnj.tao. .
sr "flow Ioi r.flu4u3s..t4 ; Zaa4. , tUe. . , fi4 ,
Teetim extrutemed abalutely witimut pain by our
.omnl anausttmettc. Ilarmaiess as ivater. Nc
cocaIne ,
Ell1 DftY1 [ 8ddIrig cfist
Oflicu' , Third Floor , I'axton Ilmock , iCtim and
Ftmrmmanm street. Telephone , lOSs. Germnmem ,
spoken. Iady attendant.
Set if 'I'c'tli , I'erfec '
Vuil ( ( F'li , .oo
Ffne't and beet Teetim , ocr ect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alumtnummm i'ntc : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ tS.OO
'L'ectlm % ViImut l'imutes at Mudeta to Cost
1 :
BrIdge Teetim , per tooth and mittaclmment . , , . 15.01
( mclii C'mown , 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to H.OO
lumcmmmumontl Crown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.00
Teeth tilled wilImout pain and at orices corre-
sportltng with time above. All womli guarmtmmteed
mmd meprescrmteU.
G. A. Liizdquis ,
i' South FifIoanIh S/ .
Fmmii ' '
I. lime of S5i-i'ng 1Vovclzz'cs
I'IiiCIIS 'ilIhi' i.Oh' .
It's a snap I-snapping
HIRES Rootbeer with
ginger snaps ,
Smile oule C5 rho tsii , K. mlmru ( 'o. , rsmm.im5.m. .
A ZOe. icksg , aites galious , 2el ccrwtcmc ,
L1 All DruggIsts.
wJ-- - -
I I t'I'ii 1.8 ,
co'l.L 1'J' , Lt1'lI CIII ) , 31A88 ,
. ) PIIN JUN11 10. JAaigs w'jijtf , I'eo ,
Good boating , bathing mmcd flslmIn ,
' 1111 1t'l'Ii li.1'1t ANSI JIXIIS .S'i'Jt IIII'I'S ,
14) roomna , liatim , , steam Imeat armd mill modern
Cormvemmieoces , ltatcM , * l..0 and 12.00 emer day ,
Table unem.cehitti , bpcclai how rates to rcgummmr
boarders. l.'RANK lIlt.UITCII. utgr.
csatcm.rame a.5Ijb
rENNvovAL PILLS sn.l (1uI tltnutni' .
' , LuiJI r.tlIils. u.&DIS uk
" . r ) t 1f C51CPSIV9 JO , hA 1)1 , .
_ , , . , .uJrind , lu lId &oj . ; t-L 4
c . ,4u4 wmtk km. . , 'luke
' .jnoothsr lien , g , , , * I..UU1o4 , . Au prsum. . . or .I1 4. .
. , . . i.tmwcumam. .uI
Is .tuut4 t J&tttIt.tfi.
: ' t.r , .s'tI. " lu. 1,11. . . i , , tuti
I ; ; lobed r.tmua.lut. J. ' . , e J.t-
$ quers ,
lGV : , mVieuut.- _
if Rciiinvkable
Clothing , I7tirnishings , and
t. Shirt \Vaist Siecials , 1'lie
t Basement Offers Some Rc
: t nlarkabc ! 3argairis.
c - _ _
c Agents for the famou9
! _ Butterick Patterns ,
A Clothing Opportunity wit1i
% : out ati Equal.
c _ Mcmi's all ivool Stilts , wortim $7.10 , at. . $3.75
Metma limb Ilusimmes's ttmits , wortim $12.50 ,
c mt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.50
- Mcmi's'ery flume Drues Suits , ivortit
$20.00 , lit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.50
f Cimoice of emmtirt. eu'uck of Boys' lCmmeo
- Pants Smmitmm mit tt5c , $1.50 , $2.75 nmtmi. . $3 75
C Stmits that tire e'olmi eimsiwimcre aimmi worth
. ft-emit $2.50 to $ S.00.
\Vasimaimle SmOte for Imoys , ages 3 to S years
r . iammyarml ammO wlmletle free ivitit every Stilt ,
at 35c , SOc , 75.e nmml hOc ; wortim fmommm 75e to
I$2.00 ,
! . Odmi Wasimable hmmee l'ammts at lOc.
I Suecial 3ale of
Men's ] ? 'uvnishings.
Notimhmmg like it ever seemi iii time ivest ,
Astommisimimmg bargaimmuu mmli mimi ) ' Saturday ,
riot. ) tiozemi immemm's lit itisim Sex , wet-tim 25o
pair , go itt Oc.
1,000 tiozemm immemm's Necksear , commie ire
baimmi boivu , leeks atuti feimr-imm-lmammtls , mmiati
frommt clcgarmt silks mummi beautiful pattermme' ,
worth 20c to SOc each , cmi sole mmii tiay Satur-
(1mm ) ' ammO Sattmrmlay evemming at I2e eacim.
Memi's best quality Ccl ulolmi Collars , all
itimapes ammO sizes , Sc zmcim.
\\o ivilt Imlit Ott sale Saturday 100 dozen
macmm's fine Negligee SimirU' , imomme wortim loris
than SOc. yommr choice 25c.
Mcmi's baibriggan Suit-us mmmcd Irawcrs , ISo
each ; worth 20c.
Momi' fmmrmcy L'mundered Simlrts , worth 75o
and $ l,00 , go at SOC.
Ladies' and
Children's Hosiery.
100 dozen cimildrerm'um fast black cotton
hose , made witim a double kmmee , emily ISo a
pair.Ommr regimlar 2c qumahity ladies' fimlt regimlar
mmmatie iloe , fast black , 17c ; worth 2Cc.
Ladies' and
Children's U2lderwear
Ommo case of chmidrcmt's jersey ribbed Vests ,
c ; wortim 25c.
Ladles' jersey ribbed \'estit , Oc ; wortit ICc.
Ladies' Lisle Vests , wet-Us SOc ammO 7Cc , gre
Lit 2Cc.
:100 : dozen ladies' Summmnmor Corsets , 3Ccj
worth SOc.
Silk Mitts.
500 dozen ladles' eUra heavy Silk Mittmm
lOc Per pair.
Ommo lot Stilt Mitts , glove timimnmb , 2Cc ;
worth SOc.
One lot of 5 nmmd 7-lmcohc Kid Gloves , 7Cc ;
wortim $1.25.
Ladies' roml Icimi Gloves , 5 anti 7-imook , iii
all colors , every immir : svmirranted amid fitted , , .
only $1.00 ; worth $ L50.
& 'i W p
J s
" 4
Shirt Waistg.
A really renmnrlcalmle imapmcning in hadiea
Lommdon ShuirtVaimuttt. .
On time inalmi liner bargaimm m.qmmaro anti
ojeciat talulos ummljoimmiimg , a grammti gatimeririg
of all time shigimthy mmmumeeml or soiled Waists ,
cocasloned by sttmimemmtious Eehllmmg of time
pattI timreo iveekim 1mm timat gmeatest of cli
\Vnist mmectiomis on secommd floor ,
'limo collectlorm is iaat anti varied ; time
vmmhtmemu unequaled. Sure to find a size to
fit and a style to stIlt , MI colors amid sizes ,
large fumhi sleeves , lmiummmmlered eouhmurs mummt
cuffs , the very latest effects , ammul limo pricc
are Just about. omme-timirmi ,
All time 7Cc slightly mmmimsseml or oIleml
\Vaimrtmi at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Cus
All time $1.10 msiiglmtly mnumsmcod or soiled
\Vaists at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
Mi timim $1.50 slightly snumt'-'emi or iiicd
Waists at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
All tue $2.00 shhgimtly mussemi or soiled
Waists . . . . , , , , . . , , . . , , , , . . , , , , . . . . ' , ,
Another Gala Day
-A' ! ' 'I'LIE-
Iloiiie of Bargaius
Full Croarmi Cimeemue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Grass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7e and flu
ideal Crass . . . . . . . . . . . . . amid I2o
Fume Creamery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISo
Our Waterloo Separator , time finest hut-
tej' mamie , , . , . . . , , . . , . . , , , , . . , , , . . , . , , 170
b'ugar Cured Bacon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ½ o
llama , . . , , . , , . , . , . , , , . , , . , . , , , , G4 and7 ½ te
S alt Pork
3-pound cans Lard , , , . , , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , 11.0
5-imound causLmmrd. , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , ,
10.pound cans Lard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4o
- - - - - - - - - - -