Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Tfl ] OMAhA DAILY iE : SA'i'tTRDAY , MAY 23 , 1896.
' Totn. to Mr. Mlii Mri.1) . M. Duncan. on
flarrzou street , a daughter.
Thc next nuttng of thu IThnrd of Ftp'i :
vk.or will 1)0 1IC1 On MonLay , Juno 1.
It. P. ir1o If f'ir ( jhlcgn
t'vtflhtig and vIII nitko that cfly her future
} iolno.
The \V'Ijr quartet w11 1ng in 3t. Mary
CongrgatIonaI church In Omaha Sun3y
, t marriage flc'ur. . wa hsIIe(1 yesterlay
to Chnr1e anil \tI9 Mintilt' ( Jentry.
both of Council ItIiIifL
Tim Grand hotel , CouncU IJufTh. high
c1a9 In every rospect. hlnto. $2.50 per day
and upward. I. 1. Clarke. proprietor.
Mrs. J.V. . Cros1and is lying at her home
I \Vashlngton ovenue at the imint of
The pliyIcInns havu no hope of her reovery ,
Mri. Mary lIntnn , living at SOil Irth
avenue , fell i'venlng while alighting
frutil her buggy aiiil niftered the fracture
oL an aNil.
1)r. 1' . 14. Tiiomaa has licn ciaen a one
of the cxecutIe cointilttee of the Iowa
Public lie iltit flII.OCiatifl , which jurt c ored
lt , annual zio1i In Iasenpot t.
Mat dahter , ( if Mr. and Mrs. l''tcr
flramUII. aged 3 years a fltflt ) h& dicil Irt-
( lay at 5O : P. to. at IOC south Tenth troet.
Funeral Saturday at . 2 p. ni. Internwnt at
Lalles' , JiiiILr No. 17 of the union
Vetein L.'Uin ) Ia retjuesttI to beet at
lt ; hail t ( day at 3 p. in. to arrange tlowcrs
for \leior , ul tiny. All nleIIbcrL ! do.iirod to
lie iresottt.
I ; . II. \\niIorth tae riding on ti lie streCt&
yeRtcrtiay. It vn' ( lie 1Irt ( lute he has
, OUt t'tro ! his rt'cent tiangorous Illness.
I Ir still lot ks Ira I , but is rapidly rcga'nlng
Char us i'ctklnn , the Atlantic ycuth ,
charged with t3tiIJlg a vatci ) front .Iaptc-
mint' , % at4 setit to tb county jail by Justice
Cook ye.tcrtiay to await the acUoli of tite
granti jury. IlIt bond flxed at $ hIO ,
but tub vas more titan ho could secure.
i'rPpnra t lolil , I n decoration s on a ha tidso toe
cnie are progletii1g at the First iiaptI.t
chitirt'It for the Memorial day service. to be
itch o it Sunday even I n g. AlMs LI n con pest ,
Granti Army of the Itepubile. nitil the
\'oInan's Iteilef Corpt vIiI ntlen I the serv-
riie proe'tItIotI failed to come to hub
In JtusIcc Cooh court when the Ihre trahtup
arre.sted for stealIng beer front freIght cr.r9
were ntraigncui , noul the nuen were rcipasod
0th tielr own recognIzance to appear uIxt
This is virtually a dIiinilssal of the
Colonel J. .1. Steautman left iat evening for
Chicng' , where lie has been called to testify
in the eaei ; of the green goods Int'ul vhio
were brugiit there anti taken to hCcokiik
for trial. They pleaded guilty there to the
charge ct usIng the uitalis for fiandiulent
huurpoea ad received light scuutcuuceu They
vlll be tried for the Chicago end of tiier
"It ( led iCnowst Everything , Why Do We
l'ray Unto him ? " or "Ioe 0 d Know
Everything ? " Iq the ubjrct of F. W. Wil-
Ilanus' next Suamlay evening's discourse at the
Latter Day Saints' church. A special lit-
vitat on Is extmutied to all those who luave
In any ay teeu ) troubled wIth this ques-
tlcn to attend. ildeu J. F' . McIosvhi qjl1
speak on nuotiter interceting subject ifi the
nmornhng hour , "rhe Canon of hcriptture ; It.
Oriiiuu. "
Time ordhmmance prohibiting driving more
stock through the residence portion of the
city was enforced yesterday. The victim
% as a young man namuted L , Tierney. Mauuy
PeoPle have complained often , but in vain
aguhnrt time habit of stock hierderum driving
a etrhrug t f cowr through town anti permitting
them to on the lawns and parkr
niud whiho they may feel sorry for the boy
they will wecome the news that. this ntutaiuuce
Ia to be abated.
John Corrotimers. for ninny years chief
engineer at tii ciectrc ! lIght station auth
zto\s. louttocI at Fails City. had souse exarri-
once in the recent cyclone. lie has charge
of the eie trio hlimt and water works idaumts
there. 110th buIldings sere badly shattered
by time vhirlwiiud anti John had a utarrow
escape from beng kihicul. The tail tuuiboke-
stack ( cii and crashed through time roof of
time building at the' P0 flt itflfliediately above
where lie was staitdiuim. lie osCaCd vth a
few scratcher.
( uuuiehi t " ( 'uivrui" FIu'IdN' Uutrlutr ,
A telephone mcssngo froums Omaha yerter-
day asked the ohhlcarsu to hook out for a
young negro kuuo u as ' 'Miggins , ' ' but ssluose
real name is Goodrich. lie haul stolen a
buuncit of keys from "General' ' Snub Fields ,
a colored titan , viuo pieads gumilty to the
charge of having a silver tongue. Muggins
hind gone through the general's house , imep-
lug himself to whatever Ito fancied In the
wardrobe and the larder. Mmuggins was
picketi imp mlurng the day and lodged in
3ail , nailer thie name of Fred Brown , charged
'vith vagrancy. The fact war conmmnunicated
to the Omaha oiliccrs , and Genemui Fields
was rent over to ilentify the prisoner. Thuic
hue diul , and took occa.eion to deliver a
"ringing" speech to the prisoer , that hind
umloro sulphur than silver in ts compo.
sitlon. Goodricit was lucid for the Omaha
Test , lunir 0 ? fore g1ases. either at I'res-
byterian church , or hjatweemm there and Broad-
way. Finder will kindiy heave at hico of-
lice. _ _ _ _ _ _
Pasturage. L. P. Jutlscn. 929 SIxth ave.
11mm uuuh Couueirt 'Von Joel. I.
The reconti of time series of hand concerts
given by the 1)ahbey halo ! vilI occur this
evening at time corner of Fotirtit mtreet anti
hiroamiway. Time following svienthltl program
has been provimled :
I'.lnrchi , idtmui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lahtey
Oveutmure. itivumi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Petter
Emijmbmommiumu Soio-VttrltttloflH on itolmin
Adair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1)011)0) '
\v _ i i. iaumieimm.
Itoinaumee , lny 1)rm'nmntm . . . . . . . . . . . 1tmiinon !
\'iitz-.1tuit ! $ ' Fell J5"4 . . . . . . . . . . . . Vtmhstmutmmit
' 1'VCumt3'iiumtuies Inheuusutssion.
Mu-heal .hokc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iamun
I hriimm . i irmm C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i isstimi
3iiyih-Tlme Miii iii time Forest. . . . . . Fienhmerg
Vttmmtnsiui on Auimi Lang ' . . . . . . )
II Vii rimi t tins ( or Euimiuomm I nun. b
Varium thou , ( or ( 'orumetmi , c \rti mm thou
fr ( 'immririeti. . ( I Vmmriation for l'ic'oio ,
0 Vmmriuution ( or iiursotm. Finale.
Se'ivi'r l'I iii' , I'i m'i' hhrIel. , un I I mug ,
Wimolesalo anti retail. J. C. liixby , 202
1.ain .
street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Davis , drtugo.paints and glass ; tel , 2S.
Mmmli CuurrIt-r iluirt ,
U , Crocker , one of time local nmtmii carriermi ,
Is suffering froums a badly cut hand. A noun-
her of his frIends ere spendimmg the even-
I tug ' 'I t it hut in a t hi is house. I 3 1 ft A m'nmu o ii.
Daring time evening saute one tmmuimeml time
hose open mtuuotlmmsr , and thurosu'ing water ( era
a feu ttuhmimuteu breamne general. One of
the ycumug utueti plckemi up a china ifitches
filled " itht % % umter amid attOttupted to throw
It import Croeler. Time ; uitchcr struck a coi.
immumum of thur iuorcbm anti turoice. In time frienily
rcmuhilu fou the remainder of time iItcher
Cracker vmts etruck a fearful blow in the
Pailful of tIme imaummi. A piece umearlt o
Incites itlo was mirivemu unmler time skium , front
tilt ) UmU'O of time thuugers uuearhy to the srrkt ,
making atm exceed I ugly pal n ( ci svou od ,
I housekeepers are In eespamr when they
visit the Durfee Furniture cuuumpany. All the
now timings are so handsonue auth so cheap
thuat they want the whole store ,
, .
- ( t'hi , iieuughm is Iii ,
Cehiy liougim , 'vhmo Is 1)11mg in time county
jaii under liudietiument by time grand Jury ( or
ussaulL wRit immtcumt to do great bodily Immjury
has luau to have time ntteumtIon ot the county
phmyclciamu. Time last iuzmo Ceihy rimc'mmt aumy
length of time lii jail lie 'jms taken iii amumi
rcummOvetl to time \'oimman's Cimristiumn Aemocia
j ( lots imoupital , lie recovered aim quIckly a
lie % 'U8 attacked nut ! heft without 'aitiiug to
ho diechuargeul. Thmh. tiuno hits request to bo
sent to limo hospital saa not 1ucetld , 'Fimo
autimoritiem , deenu It safer to doctor bins in
jail. _ _ _ _ _
Dr. Cicaver'mi othico muovetlto 600 hhroathyay.
) ii'umuoriuul Sm'rvli'm.s ,
Memorial sevIcea wiii be hielti in time
First Baptist cimurcim out Suqday eveiuiumg , con
ducted by time luator , 11ev. 0. V. Itocho.thl
old vahdiers have been requested to imucet at
Grand Armny bali at 7:30 : o'clock for the
purpQo Vt attending the ticryices in a body ,
. .
. _ . _ ; _
Enprerno Council of Comniercial Pilgrims
Mcet Today.
( ) ule l'i sd .t II I I Iii r3. Urn umeli tuf I lie
( ) vmier I Ii 'I'mm l' i'ms ml I mm I lie t-
hlhicriml himuis of ( lie i'reu.-
( 'lit SeMNhlimi.
'time flftii annual meeting of time supreme
couuumell of time Comummiercisi I'ilgrims of , iner
ira will be hetl 1mm Council Illuuffs tommy at
time toOtibS of time Pligrinus in thme Brown
leiegatecm have nrrivetl ( rein a nmmunler of
l'ilgrirmm loulgums in time vest and time attonmi-
anee protmmius to be mmntisunhly good. Time
Counmumercial Pilgrims is it recret fraternal
organization with its iuuemberouip linuitc'd to
traveling tm'cn. it hma a benefit feature ,
but its ainu is largely social amumi to Immcrc'ar
tii acquaintance amid goomi feeling among
menu agrnts. The acahetmmies of i'iiprimmm
I Siuters are amuxilinry brancimer of time order ,
comitposeui of time wives of eomnmnerciai tray-
. clemmu auuul reimrescntati'c'r ! from tIme'e aeamhe-
In lea have beemu nil in I tted t o full I iii emit hersim I it
in time mleihbcrations , of time sUpreuno cotmticii
of time Conm ummere I a I I 'i igri mu ci. A nuinbe ref
of theirgatee front timis atmxiiiary hmranrh of time
order hmnvt' arrived mind viii take part in time
meeting of the supreme coummicil.
There is nothuiuug ot special imuportautce hue-
tort' time Prereat mmioting of time supreme
cnmmmmcll , fmmrtlmt'r thmatu time clectioim of officers'
for time ensuing year , ant ! tIme reports' of time
work for tue past year. Time meeting will
hi ' concimmulemi with a bamumiuct to time vts'iting
do egate _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(2Oili COt'hi ItAN'S itS'L' % 'lhd. .
hi.huuti' ' , mrhi , mtIIhhIumi lumuiiuumttimii
IIiiIrmI .tummnmig iii , . Itrintiv's.
The will of the late Colonel Addison
Cochran was flied for probate witim time clerk
of time district coumrt yesterday afternoon. The
estate of Colemmel Cochran is valueti mit $1,001)-
000. Time svlli was mxeemmted on April 17 , 1mm
the rrcsonce of Leonard Ivcrott , i. A. Trout-
Oman and J. J. Stevart , Time executers nomneti
are J. J. Steram t of Council Bluffs and J. L
Irtmein % f Little Sioux and their bonds
placemi at $100,000.
After directing nil expemusos uf lmis
hart illness mmml fmmnerah , incismtiing a suitable
m000memmt , thm rhii euumuowerJ time cxc-
ctmtors' to take cbmnrge of nit his prop-
crty , botim personal nun ] real. and to convert
time iiuime Into cash as soon as may be done
without loss. Time real estate , huowever , is to
be disposed of withmitu three yearS. Time cxc-
enters' Imave , of courre , full flower to collect
remits , uumannge thm estate , etc. , while the
Property it being ( liSimOSeti of ,
After time property has been convertel : into
caslm the proceeds ore to be equally divided
among the foil wing person :
James G. MeGoatli , Marietta F. Tyler ,
Stepimerm D. MeGeatim , henrietta Virginia
Macon , Sarah J. itichmards , Martima C. Rich-
artis and Elizabetim C. Rogers , whmo are simm-
ters of Colonci Cochran's deceaseti rstcr ,
Ehizabotim MeGeatim ; Thoiemiaim A. Meceath ,
for time umso and. benefit of his wife and chmih-
dren ; Ammo Loath and Aicinda Rogers , dm11-
dren of Imis' deceased sister Mary Gregg ;
Minnie & Ives anti Jennic M. Iruein , dammgh- I
tcrs of Samuel A. MeGeath , deccned , amid
EmIly Priect , a sister.
Time fummcrai of Colonel Cochran occurred
yesterday. Time pu-ograun announced in Time lice
yesterday unornlumg 'as carried otmt , anti mao
far as possible time old veteran of time Mcxl-
caum war was given a immiiitary buriaL
Th casket was kept in the Grand hotel
until 1:20 : , and nanny ; rnopio gazed down upon
time face of the old veteran thmrough the
gias. Time casket s'as rich anti plaIn. Time I
large silver plate bore the Inscripttoe :
"Coionel Addison Cochran. A Mexican War
Veteran. " Time ledge Light Guards anti the
high selmool cadets formed the funeral
eecemrt , muarchlng abmead of the hearse. preceded -
ceded by Daibey's hand , playing a dirge. I
Services at t , Patti's cimtirch ore brief
anti at the con.citmsion time casket was borne
to thme hme'mrse , foiloned by time friends anti
nearly time entire congregation. The cortege
was 'er' long ,
Amnong thmrs'a ' attemmuhing the funeral today
were : J. 0. Megeatit of Omaha , who bar ,
jumat returned ( remit Salt Lake City. lie
saiti Colonel Coclmran bva's borr August 18 ,
1S17 , and was mnarried in Virginia , inatead of
Oimio. In speaking of time mihitary service
of Coloumel Cochmran , he saul lie was one of
300 men wimo fouglmt 1,500 Itmmliamas at Cross
Timber while escorting a wagon train to
Santa Fe. lie served in time Mexican war ,
joiuing an Arkansas regiment , and on time
death of Colonel Veil succeeded Imim in corn-
nmand. 'lb ' nas mnmmstered out after the bat-
tie of ilmuena'ieta. . Mr. Megeatlu said
Colonel Cochmran visited Iowa in 1850 , investing -
vesting lucre at that time. lie returned
cast and removed hmere 1S53.
Ciaiuig It ( liii.
Having purchased timc balance of time B.
! ur. Dmmnean dm00 stock from time credItors
at about 25 cents on time dollar. we are
in a imositiomu to give prices on simoes thmat
cannot be equaled. Time th M. Duncan shoe
store carried thme finest and best goods in
time city. Every pair of slices being warranted -
ranted , you take na cimarces of getting shmoddy
gcodmm a thmls closing-omit sale. l'rlces on
goods tell the wlmole story. 'limo following
arc a few of otmr bargains :
Lathes' kiul , lace ammd btmtton shmoeum , for-
tuber lurice $1" . imow $2 50.
Lades ! kid welts aol ttmrmms , razor toes ,
fornmer mice $5 , now $2.75.
Ladies' kimi weits amid turns , timat wc-ro
$1 and $5 , umo's $2.
1amiies' kiti , button and ieee , were $3 oath
$4 , mmow $ iJ.0.
A large line of small size that were $3
and $1 , umow $1.
A large lot small sizes that were $3 and
$1 , now SOc.
Anottmer lot , 2 ½ s mmml 3mm , were $3 , umop' 35c.
Immfants' lmoeim , vere 25c. now hOc ,
Iimfmmntmm' shoes , were SOc , now 20e ,
Lmmtilem' rtmbbers , vero 40c , now 20c.
Mon's flume sbmoes , were $4 and $5 , now
Men'tt shoes , were $3 anti $4 , muov $2 ,
Meim'tm simoes , tan anti black , were $3.50 ,
now $175.
Men's mmhmoemm , lace anti congress , were $2
nmuml 2.tO , imow $1.50.
Mcii's ltent ieathmer bais ( ansali sizes ) ,
scrn $5 , umow $1.
Metm' patent leatimer b1ais ( Joimnsoo &
Mmm lim' imake ) . we'o $6 , mmow $1.50.
\v ( ) have immmndreds of Iomrgalmmmm that we
caummuot give siuco to that we vIii close
out at .mne-fotmrtim of actual Cost.
MI imamii : orders , flCComfllfluiied by cash ,
will have imrortmpt attention. Money cc.
fummmde , I it goods are imot satisfmtctory.
\\e ummimat tituvo In a ( ow tisyim. For time
immesent Wi ) are next to llemmo'mm. Come mmd
help mis ummowo by taking away somime of our
great bargains.
28 MaIn at. , Council theirs , In.
hlsrit'l Cumin Cmii hugs ,
Judgutment on the verdict of time jury 'as
entered iii time district court yesterday 1mm
time case of Arthur ivana agalmist Colonel
Brett anti time Lake Matmawa Itahlssay Cotma-
The ca'o of Victor S. Lawson against Ft-ed
Nugeumt was ( rid and subummitted to time
court. 'l'lmhs is an account growing out of
Nugent's mmgetmcy for Mr. Lwaon'a paper In
the city. Nugeut has been dead for sey.
oral ) 'ear , amid time suit is now tigalnat imia
bondsman , J. C. Iohfavon ,
Argtmmuents wore omm4de before Judge Sumsitla
1mm the case of August Grassen against 1ti
liotlen , a litigation over sotmie awanmp lands
in Mili county.
Hut iit'il Stislm.
Wo imavo 1,000 imot bed sash wimictu we
going to close out , They woo't last long.
hlos' mumany do ou want ? We will make you
a limice tlmmt can't be duplicated. 0. Ii.
l'aimmt , Oil amitl Glammi company , Masonic Tom.
1mb , Council liluffs.
lloftmnayr's Fancy l'ateot Flour makes the
beat anti mamoat bread , Ask your grocer for it ,
\'ater pressure illtera1 3. Stephmnu Bros.
llUltaiAltS ( htO'lS VIlltY 1101.1) ,
Snhtu , i'liu' ' Ilmitereul Twice h , ' it
( aim tug H I ITm'r.'mi I igIi I a.
There are some pretty smooth burglars In
Council lilmifta , but It they are not careful
Sonma of them mire going to be caught. Tuo
raids 1mm one eek on thme sante placi. by
tIme same fellows ia a trifle too bohh for
safety. Tue whmoie"aio amid comumnmission house
of luqtmctto & Co. sas oporateml umpon for
time c'comml time yesterday niornimig between
2 and 3 o'clock , anti it was only by time
niereat chmance timat time burglars were hot
caimtured iii time bum lditmg.
At time hour mumcntloneml l'rivateVatchm -
man Melsncr nmmtl Patrohunmtn Cinar ummt't in
time alley in time rear of Dmmqtmettc's estahmlish-
mmmii. They oimserveml thmat an iron grating
over ommo of time baettment windows Imaul becim
ulstimm ! lurch. it was time same grating timat
imami bsemm liftemi by tIme burglars a few nights
zmg' . Time officers believed timat t-oumtebomly
bvaq in time bmmhld'ng , ammml this ) lnmlii'd time
gmathumg aside amid si pped down into the
basmmuctmt , Alter exaummining time cellar they
vemmt above. butt thimi not mumalmo it very does
inspection.'hile they were exanilmuhiug time
next ( loom tihmove timey heard a noise tlowmm
stairs. Going down quickly thmey fotmnd time
I ftoumt street door open. It was ciosemi atid
I locked wimi'n time ) ' tried it a momument before.
It vmms e'tlettt that the mioise they imearul
was mutade by sonmo one wimo lmaml been coum-
ceniemi out time hirat tiGer simen thmo officers
went thmrougim ammul took advantage of thmeir
abreact. whmlie imunt ng for imittm upstairs to
oimomm time front micor amid omako lmis escape
lttto time street. The ft-omit uloors are locked
tim spring locka timat cams be tmurned by
kmmobs tin time inside , but require a Yale key
fromum time ommtsimho. Time officers mantle a search
of the tmeighmtmorlmood , hut cotmiul not foil atmy-
15(01) ' . Time ) ' lockoml time front dear anti left
the building via the cellar grating , \\'hcn
time iwoprletors arrived yesterday uutorumtmg
they tommnd timuit notimlmfg imati beeui ( Its-
ttmrheml. Time cellar gratng will eitimcr he
cimaltued ( room the inside or eLze a spring
gtmti will lo set for time accomnaculatlon of time
imrowierr. At time larevlous burglar ) ' time safe
\uas opommemi ammO .lrafts amid cimecks taken
% . ; m h nil of the mnctmey time cutsim drawer con-
taimmeul. If time safe 1mm ! been openemi last
imight time timeves would have reco 'ed tmotim-
imug 'om their trouble.
half aim imotir before the burglary time all-
night moan wimo presides over a restatmramat
a few doors further down time street was
asketi to chmattge a $10 bill for a stranger ,
\viio wanted to POY for a late iuttchm.Vimetm
time bill was fislueti out it svas oumly a $ tm.
Time dimango was giveum time fellow. mmd while
it war being countomi out he looked ciorely
at time cash drawer.'imen Ito started to
go ime asled to be directed to time Nortim-
Westerti railway yartls. half an Imour later
time restamirant nian was sontewimat surprised
to see the same face peeping thmrotmghm a
rear alley wltldo\ ' . lie went back qu ckl ) ' ,
but tIme fellow was out of afgimt before the
( leer could be opeumed.
IchfdlI ) CI.I'IrS 1'it(1tAM.
'Imtut tim , ' Ymiig Al huIt'le-s iIut' ( ' i'm-
lli'il for 'i'Imt-ir i'ri'muiImm 'I'omhut ,
Time programn arz-aumged for time opening of
time new Athletic luark , wimiclu has been fre-
uuently IOStPOtbC-d on accouumt of bad weatimer ,
" lit b caruied out timis afterttootu , bogintaing
at 2 o'clock. Time yommng men promise thmeir
friends and time iaubilc something in tIme
line of entertaitmtmment umew nuLl jleasant.
TIme iu'lzesvtll be yearly mmaernberslmips Itt
time club. The Fifth avenue niotor line rmtns
cicoc to the park , and abundant facilities
I will be provided for carrying time crowds. Time
yeuttmg men imavo been in constant training ,
and thmey are goIng after smite mtate records.
Following I. . time progratn in fuil :
Dutso btli gaumue : Lawyers' tea rn-Slum-
gait , catcher ; J. J. lies' . pitcher ; 3. J , Sh'n ,
first base ; George \\'rlght , secommul base ; il
0. llrtulngten , third base ; 1. Selmtmrz , shortstop -
stop ; 11. Schmurz. left Ile'l ; A.V. . Arkwith ,
center field ; J. W. Ferricr , right fle'ui : 1)ave
Sttmurt , bench , J , J. Shea wtli captain the
team. Doctors team ( 'ku11 and cross
bones teani"-llarry ) lirown. center field ;
\Villtam Jirowtm , pitchem- ; George ] trown ,
I rhortstop : V. L. Treynor , second house ; A.
\Vylanul , eft dclii ; Fleaum , first huase : Macra ( ' ,
Jr. , third 1)5050 ; Watermnan , right tled ;
Dntetmmtiuu , catciter.
One imundreti dnth : V. M. Johmnron , Ilenr ) '
Stmundcrr , \ ' . Stm'eas'n , John Stutkcrt , Or-
'llle Ihu ovn. F , llorkitis.
Fifty yards dsn.lm : V. M. Johnson , Joimti
Stoekert , Henry Sauntlcrr , Orville lrowua.
'r. C. iawsnn.
'I'ao lamutmuired and tventv 'arJs iturtile :
Warren Ismiley , George II , Mumyne , J. J.
lies's. J , \\r , F'errier , J.V , 1'ahmmaer , George
S.Vrlgimt , Nemi Everett.
liroati JtmtmupVmtrren : Dailey. LtoymI Grif-
11th , ( icorge ii , Mnytie , J. W. Ferrler , Ma-
Ion Brown , C 13. AltcImen.
High jump : ltohert Inhiey , L'oyml Griillth ,
Ge rge 11.Mayne. . David E. Stuart , George
S.Vright. .
One-third mile imicyc'le : K 1. . Duqttette ,
Harry hlattetmhntmem' , V , S. Itigdon , Ii. C.
Thrown , J. J. Payne , J. Ilonhnrn , 0. G.
lttmtts , Dan limtghey.
One m'io hIcyci : 0. 0. nut's , .L J. T3o3'n' ,
J. Elonham , It. 0. lhmowmm , lln'-ry lIatic'n-
hauer , 'V. S. itigtlon , 1. L. Iuquctte. Datu
Httgime ) ' ,
Two tulle bicyc'e : W. S. fllgtlon , 0. (1.
Iiutts , E I , Duqmuette , J , lhmmhqm. J. J.
Iho'ne. harry llattcnhmauor , It. 0. Brown.
1)an llughey.
l'oic vault : It. Dahly , Martin llttghmer , jr. ,
Fred Grass , Jack l'nuner , 11. Pnruley.
1ttttnm : sixteen pommnti shot : C. II , Aitehmo-
son , J.V. . F'errler , 11 , 0. lirulngttmn , George
II , Mayne , It. it. Jones , Dave Stuart.
Relay race , one mitle. ! three laps : lIgit
school team-Painter Inox , R. Ialiey , V.
M. Johnsotm. Field elmib telmn-Grorge II ,
) layne , V. i. 'Pre'nor , J , J , lie s lit vyers'
tcr.m-J. . Ferrier. Dave Stuart , Ned Ev-
ore t t. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( ins ranges and service cotmne'tlons at half
price for fifteen dayn. Call at company' , ,
offit , for full particulars. 210 Main and 211
Pearl streets.
W'o offer ) OU only clean. crisp , snow white
laundry votk and best tielivery service at
Eagle laundry , 724 iiroamlway. Toleprono 157.
1I'hii Iji , hip' 'l'iuummms. ,
A gang of tratmups , thmreo in ntmnmber , large ,
strapping , lazy fehovs ! , created a little cx-
citotmteumt in time Mermiam block last even-
imug. They luaU been going the rounds of
time oflicea , begging for utmeaus to Imracuro
eometimttmg to cat. Tluey flied imito one of
time oiflce ; occupied by a young professlommai
man vitim more imeart than mntuscie , Thmelr
request for a contribution partook of time
fcni of a demand , amid time man was virtually -
ally imeid up in his own 0111cc , TIme tramps
took seats and cooly informed hums that tile ) '
would imot leave until their demanmls vere
cOttipliOd with , Timoy wammted money , but
aim it compromise lie gave timem an ortier for
three suupper at a neighmborhttg restamurant.
Tlmey tcok it anti left , but tluo order as
not presentel. The police were notified , and
a milhigetut searcim failed todicover tlmemti ,
" , ' r time irmuitmhmmgtl
Our prices are rlgimti Our gcotls w ii
please youi II , L. SMITH & CO.
\\'nli paper cleaneml , nosy process , wit ! .
patemmt rigiut at Miller's. 103 Malta atrcmst ,
Slit mut' Siuhi , , , Iii i'rm'Iss's.
SiINBY , Ncb , , May 22.-Specjai ( Tote.
gramu.-'i'Ime ) mmcimoolmm in timia city closed nit-
prcprlately tonIght. Time special features
wcru time exercises of time graduatiumg class.
The following program vamm rendere'J : Mtmaic ,
"Esttmmliatmtimm , ' hIgh scbmool chorus ; oration ,
"l'aut , i'rc.sont amid Future of Our Commumtry , "
Ernest flielt ; oration , "Cuba , " Frank Simel.
ton ; oration , ltmternational Arbitration. "
\Vaiiace Ioran ; music , contralto roe ! , 'Cava-
tins. " Miss Julia IllancimardI oration , "The
Master Character of Victor hugo , " Bthel
Pillsbury ; oration , ' ' /tbraimamtm I.immcoinVal
ter Nelson ; oration , "Napoicoti , " Iludolphi
1Cm ut'u ; unezze.oprano solo , 'Time Flower
Girl , " Misa Fraacesi Wright ; presentation of
diplomas , lion , A , Peao ; murie , "The liapimy
Miller , " 111gb acimooi chorus.
All of the present teacimers harms been
retained for next season's work ,
p -
A ; rinter in time office or time News mit
Morgan , Tex. , auddenly disappearemi from time
oilice. On his return a few ummltmuttemi later
lie Imrcducemj a bottle of Cimamnberiaimms Cougim
Remedy. 110 hiatl a tioveru cotmgim amid cold ,
anti In OXlmlaaation Laid , "Wimmmt ii' limo use
of imy cougimimug toy imead off. whemm Cimamullier.
mitt bmi $ hula Cough itemmmetiy will cure nme.
lie says so imiunseif , mind junys time imows.
paper to say so , I have set up lila adver-
timmeummemmts in tseumty different states , anti it
omiUt be isa , " it did cure imitn , then ho
knew it was so , It always cures , The 25
and 50-cent bottle3 arc for sale by drugits.
Vain Effort to to the Illegal Trafflo from
, , . , Onnada.
( ) tlemn I louis u ( Nmtcml Sumiuiggli'r' . lmo
II mu . ' isttuli : 'ui tmmuu ieI iim.A
Iti' ( 'limit. Ohlirer's ( 'liii .me . In
I Pie , 3lnitui''oIs. .
United States Cotnmnlsslonor Shields of
Now York tllscluarged from custody a few
tla'S mike ) ulvlmi S. Strasburger. a Maitletm
Lane dianionmi dealer , who was clint-god it2m
attt'tmmpting to brihme Jatmicti II. lioffernami , a
tlnitcd Statca deputy collector of ctmstotmus ,
stationed at MommtreaL Time dlrtnissai of time
cimarge , relates the New \'ork Stun , sas
niatle entirely upon the weakness of time tes-
tirnony offered by time cotuplaining witness ,
anti time failure of time case muarks one moore
ftmtilo effort itt tue etmmleavor that Ummited
States treasury agets have bean mmuaking forever
over twelve years to irevctmt time heading of
tIme commtmtry with s'utummggietl je cis by of
wimat Itas becotume kumean to them am , "Tite
Great 1)lamnnmmtl Trail. "
Time fahltmro of lieffernan'ms case caused not
a hittie amnmmsemnent anmomug time older government -
mont agents , n.iarly all of wimomn imave imami
expcrletmco mm itim this Iliac of fraumds tmpott t1me
ctustoumus revenue , mmmd nearly all of slmom
imave seen their best laiti plans for thme cap-
tore of stmmtmggiers go wrong iIeffm'rnatm , vhmo
is stmtIuietl at Montreal for the metecl.ul ; Pttr-
poet' of protecting time custottms riuvetmime Ott
the mmorthmerr frontier , bccamtao convinced thuat
a man utaumied Baxter. who vamm : naking ft-c-
( lumetit trips between Montreal mmd this city ,
was engaged in diammmond sttmtmggiimtg. lie
followed ilaxter to thuis city amid to tIme
iilaco of business of Louis Strasbmirger &
Co. , dealers in diamnotids at 16 Maiden haumo.
There imo sav Baxter take froumm imis pocket a
sahlct contataing twenty-two tmnoat diatuomuds.
Thims aliet time officer Itosedsacti lmitttseit of ,
but he dim ! not arrest Baxter. It was at this
Imoint. liellernan says , timat Strasburgor
offered hums a bribe of $100 to settle time
ummatter. Time oilieiai's testimmmony was so smut-
satisfactory timat Conmrnit-c'iotmer Shmieids dis-
chargemi Straobtmrger , anti doubts are cx-
presseui wimether time stoumes seizeti by helTer-
luau calm be held
Aim occasiommal brilliant couture of mmuuggied
jewels by treasury officers always gets immto
time miewapapers-tlmo failures time pmibllc
selConm hear of-yet time uccottis of time
Treasury tlcputrtinent are ( suit of time history
of imioumtlms amid even years spent by the
brightest of tIme governmnemit agents lii efforts
to catch atafi convict tiiamomitl s'mmmgglcrs ,
autO umearly every case imas ermdeml exactly as
thmis latest eumleavor : of llcIferiman's. For
years thuousatmds ef dollars' worth of gems
have come Into the Unied : States witimotmt
paying ditty. ammtl hy far time gretteat nmtmmmber
have cotne by way of Piattsbmmrgim. Govcrtm-
imment agents imave devoted thousands of dol-
iarmt and their best cmmerg Ca to tra1plng
smntuggleto' , only to fail , amid today time older
agents hlgimt shmy of a detail to this class of
work , armul ioi mupomi attemitiotm to it as tiumme
thmrown avny. To tIme yetumiger men in the
service thmer to always a tetnptation to take
up this work. ' In amitlitiotm to time glory of
memaking a 1jrillant capture the rez'ng ! ouflcor
gets 25 per ceomi. o time s'altme of time goods
selzeti , when theym.are forfeRol and sold ,
ljiuttmiottds are staple , atid wimen sold at
atictiotm generally Tetcim , somewhere umear timeir
valtme , Urged m by 1these conrideratiotma time
othicors nmv to time. , service cmterttpoum timelr ,
investigations 'wiil'mardor ntmd zeal , only to
ilumul thienuselvds 'ii against intmtmrmnotmumtable
obstacles at titus cmi.
Time key to time whole situation is founti lit
time fact timat iliamonds are on time free list
of tIme Csmumadian tariff s'clmeuule , Under time
Canadian OttetOtos a'egulatbmns time Importer
is prestimea _ t ) make a declaration of his
iunports , r'htotl r fuo or otherwise , but thus
rule imenot : rigidly Utiforced. as 'regarImm.gootIs
free of duty , arid ¶ rmany fmnporters of precious
stommes take advantage of thmis laxity. The
diatmionti dealers In this city imave brokers
itt Lommdoti , l'aris , Viemmna amid Amnsterdmtn :
wimo purclmaso for theiti regtmlarl ) . By far
time greatest nutnber of time purcbasitmg
hmouses are located In Paris. Ieaicrm in timi
city whie imiako a bmmsttiess of evading time
customs lawe anti tIme duty have a regtmlar
systehum of runmiltmg ilmeir goods into time
country. Time jewels are sent to Motmtreal
by parcel post and lucid at time lmostoiflce
until called for. Timere the' agent of time
purchmaser or cortaigumee iii this city secures
timetn and taken what seems to imlmui time best
anti safest ummetimod of running thteimi across
the border. Tim tIme long rmmtt time smugglers
have fotmutti time shortest and tuost mitrect
route time , afest , aithmomtgim time ) ' utiumat rtun tIme
gammtmtlet of tIme custom imouso at l'latts-
burgh , anti of late years time customs force
on th New York froumtier has been greatly
strongtlmene'I. In ten years timere imave not
been a half dozeti notable seizures of genus
smtmggied thmrougm ! Canada Into time United
Itt 18S5-6 tIme treasmtry authorities umode a
deternmined effort to stop timis rmnmmggllng of
mliattiontls by way of time Montreal postornce ,
and time Canadian custotmus officials extetmded
to this government every aid In their power.
Time case was placed in the imatids of Special
Agent -F , I ) . lioweils , now dead , iho was
tlmen stationed at T'iattmmbmtrgh , lie was a
bg. broaml.shmOUlderetl , energet c fclkw of
grcat courage and cons'iderahule detective
skill. A special agent attached to time New
York office with a wimie acquaintance aniong
Mattien Lotte jewelers sas dotaiied to work
tip the case in this city. One diamonmi importing -
porting fit-tim , withm brancimes in London anti
Paris , was timen tioimig an extensive busimuess
ltm preciotma stones amid untlerseWt its com-
petitors. Reputable luumportcr svimo paid their
duties suffered greatly front time competition
of firummum wimiclm smuggled half their stock
amimi evaded time 10 per cotmt tiuty , and ( lucy
s'ero always willing to aid time guveiinmetmt
with any Information obtainable , Frormi these
firms and frommi iecial agents stutlonetl in
Burope information caine that time diattionti
fit-ni referred to was consigning large qualm-
titles of itreciotis stones to Montreal , Time
, mgut of the firuti s'as followed to ( lint city
by liowelis , vim visited tue IOstOfllce atiti
saw Imini receive a package. it was con-
sigumel to time firm , was "declared , " and was
said to contain Precious stones valued at
Certain timat time ngetlt wouhmi leave far
New York , Iloweils watched time outgoing
trains , anti entered the sleeper for Now
York attaclmed to time nighut exprers to find
his mono time only other occupant. As time
tra'n loft l'lattsburglm , liowolls stepped over
to time agetit ailti demnanmiemi time package.
Time man , wlliouL any appearance of stir-
itt-iso. blatoily jjcmiied having any contraband
articles about itlitu , lie declitmed to be
seam'cimcd , imo'er , and tint-sc ! time special
agent to touch1 Imipm at lmia perU , Ifsveis ,
whore resemnbian0.u'to drover Clovelani , hotim
iii face aumd iIgmirg , was utmarketi , took time
agent by time m.imotiitmcrr , laid imimmt arm imls
back in the n4e , 1ond sat on hmirmm while lie
searched him timorqtmglmiy. Time tuan had no
slgmms of a dfauu9mid abommt imiun.
ihirrlfled , liowells lifted time mmmii to hula
( oat witim tIme IhPt itrofuse apologies. A suit
for dtmmtmagtss agaimst time governtnciat tmumd
hitnm'clf staremj iuIjm in time face. Strangely
eumougit , tIme i4 acceptctl the apologies
witbmout further .prutests anti dimi not imursue
the cas' . L.atcr IL was learmmed that time firm
had been advlk14f iiowoil'a niovemimenta by
aim etmiimloye at the Montreal pstothlce , and
time agent hail pasetl tIme imackage of stones
to another mu ' ivimo had carried them to
Windsor , crossed' the river , and simipimed timeni
by' express ( rotti Detroit to this clt ) .
For eigimteen nientims work on theo cares
% va tS continued sm I i.hmout ( I I nm I em is im I mm g t lie I mu hi mm x
of smuggled stories , Two or three arrests
anti reizures were made , hiut the imtmposai.
bihtty of idontifyitig almtmolutely intiivlmiuais
anti unset geumma rendered all efforts aegis-
tory. Two or titree timmmc.'m vhmat % 'cro considered -
sidered geed cases vero worked up , hut
whmilo it could be asct'rtainemi easily timat
jewels commslgned to a fit-itt entered time post.
0111cc at Montreal , all trace of timetmi s'amm lout
after that. Time governmnefmt hhmmahly relaxed
Its efforts , and ommly pammitmoilicahiy 4nce have
gfforts beetm matha to head off the Imiflow
'Fic CI1iIj I.o'sti It.
'I'Iie Iyspeptlo 1)cimittiids It.
'limma Epl.aure . Iotes Oil It.
of dismonds by way of the Plattsliumgh trail.
When pursuit on the l'iattsbsmrglm rommto be-
cCrnes too hot , tlmo trail chattgcA to St. Al.
bans ; to Niagara Falls , to St. Stephucums. ntuml
at ( lines to Ieroil ( , It never leaves the
settled lines at travel , however. Timre are
no t1ctoiut thromugh s'ootls nnmi sssmnps' . no
hidtumg by day and traveling by night. Time
dauigerts of tIme cmmstotums service are lesti
dreaded thuamu tIme oriis auth discotutforts of
mmmiknown rtumtes. In shmort , as mmii olmI , eiI-
traimmeml smuggler Imumt It a day Cr two ago ,
"tito eumetomims service ir looked upon as aim
atutmoyanee , umot i real dautger. "
Time bomuntlni'y lute betmeen time tTtmited
Statea antI Cammamla , smymm time Lem'lsiotm hMe. )
Jourmmal , has been the recite of ito c'tmd of
excltimmg adventures , becatmee time desire to
cheat our Uncle Sauumtmci otmt of hmhs' lawful
tariff htms is sotmictiming ( hint i'cemns to tue
ticepi ) ' rooted iii time hmmmmumnp itrcmsst. Timere
are pm'ofessiimai t'tnugglers , but time larger
per cetmt , I Inmagine , are those wimma , beimmg
elm time ( 'suinthitmum stub of tIme line antI flnmhing
goomis very cheap , caumtuot resist the tcmtmptmt.
( bum to try to get timetut across.
lletws'eui Maitme anti tIme lhritls't itosreselots
is' atm eltoruumomtsl ) ' Icimig stretch of hrnuumtltmry
liume , atuti patrolling it is ontitely ctut ef time
question , htmL still , with all their slipe , time.
cttstemmis officers do eccaslomally : get imoitl of
a clime antI run it to time grommmmmi-sc'utmetltmmes
\ % ith resumlte ( lust arc hot so itleasmuit. This
wits' time case wills tIme ofilcer wimos' . shoe ) '
I alum ahrnut to tell. At Jumst wimat vart of
Utmele Sam's farmmm lute it cecturred tmeeml mtot
be told. Time story starts tmpomm the Caimadinim
imio at a seciumlemi s'pot iii time 'ontle 'iuere
a mmmnn , a horse sled vitim ati vnorumiemmsiy
big box uupoum it , a goomi Imorse , aummi mm trmunk
filled with vaitmabie articles , mmmrko a break
for time Autierlcamm u'lmle of time line. 1mm sonme
way atm elficer hmr.s got wind C f the at-
I ciii hut cmi L'ummuggl I tu g , a mmmi w I t im a st iii better
iucrmc he starts' mit ( till specul after tite mtuyms.
tet lotte trunk amid time driver of time horse
it vas' umot tmumtil reitie miistatico across the
iltio tupomm time Aummerlemmum side ( hunt time. tlris'cr
of tIme imorc sled discovered ( lint lie was
Far back on a tlitauit imili lie saw a teammu
commmimmg at full Cimeeti , ammml kncv its utteammitag.
I he got umt steamum Oii ithis own craft itmummiedi-
atel ) ' , anti time old slemi 1iml limto nummi otit m
"tlmarmk-ye-zmmarmuis' ' in a m'a' to itmake oume'mm
hair rise , but time driver ktmew 'cry vehi
that Ito could not escape belmmg o'eutakc. lie
only tlesireml to get over time mmext hilltop .mnmi
omit of sigimt for a tumoment. W'imcim over time
brov of time hill he s'.iddcimly imtuileml up , took
( Ito trummk up lit iui ai'nms , cilutibeul ott t.p
of time etmoritmaus box cmi tIme sled , amid imoltling
time truumk as hmigim as hue comulti over time side ,
dropped it into a big snow drift , 'here it
annie commmpietcly ( mit of sigimt. Tlmeim time race
began agaitm.
Hack at time stttmmmit of tite last hill np.
pearemi time custemius officer itt imot Imuurruit ,
anti umos' ime yelled to time ummamu ahmt'aml to stop ,
latu t that I mm ml ivimlua I appeared it i n gim burly tica I
anti Itu a great Imurry as well , lie kept lila
imorre at top ttieed , and lookemi umeitber to tIme
rigimt nor left.
A immif uttilo more antI the officer luau
tlras'ui ttp ci' so bchltmmi , wimen Imreteumse of tuot
luearittg iml hr faumo calls could tie loumger
be mimatlo , Time miriver of time letl gazed
backward over iuls simotuldcr , mmmi then , in
appircntly great smmrpris'e , lie iUilCti up-so
suddenly ( lint time officer's foauiming horse
umeamly lIUngcd head foremmiotut Imuto time big
" \Vha-wlma.what d'yc want ? " dras'iomi time
tumam , nime'id _
The reply of time omcer is totahlutm.smmitemj
for pttimhictmtiomm. ' 'I sw'ar to ye , I luain't
got a timitmg lucre , ' ' said time driver of time
Imorso sled.
' 'Timeti I s'hould like tD icuuow ivhmat in imatles
) 'Ott vero trying to get away frommi tue for , ' '
silmi time uflicer ,
"Git away front ye ? " raimi time otimer ; "w'y ,
gosh 'mumlghmty ! I got totgiL home 'a' nmilk
eight camaws afore dark , so I hmaln't got ito
thimme ter lie a-loafln' out tAme road. "
'W'ell , you just. haul up , " replieml time
collect iof Uncle Saimi's dmmties , "nnml I'll
huave a look. I know vclh enough just s'lmat
yomi've got there , "
"n'ii 'o I hain't got a timing here but this
old sled 'a box. " protestemi the otlucr , but time
more hue protested the more certalim bccatmte.
huts immirsuer that iue had cauitrabamid goods
Conceahemi iii tue big box , time only openitug
to i'luiciu was a little door at time end , time
nortimal use of thu box being for time con-
ve'atmce of live plg.
Time two teatns came to a standstill , and
time oiflcer gut out anti investigated thme turnout -
out abeati. lie openemi time little door itu time
rear anti looked in. With imimi eyes blinded
by thmo glare of time bright snoss' , Ime commld
see nothing but Stygian blackness. lie looked
abotut for a iaole or stick whim which to probe
tIme inky itmierlor. Stone wails were beside
the road , muiti imotlming else.
Time suppressor of smuiggl uig wuts a man
of action. There ias mmotlmitig else to do , so
Ito yosmltl crawl in time box atal explore the
interior. lie did so , s'imon , quick as a. flecim ,
I ho doomflo % % ' to. , time buttoti ttmi'neti , atmtl time
imorse in front of time old iod broke into a
ruin timat threatenemi mietumohitioum to time 'hoie
outfit. Over the uneven toati wezmt time teatji
at time top of its s'pceri , time sled swayiumg
fearfully anti jtmnaping into the air at every
leap of time imom'so. 'rho tuna. inslulo 'as
simalcmi about like peas in a hiatlder , time
toot' outrIde all time while liyimmg the whmilm
. A qttcen is 0111) ' 0
w'omtiati after all , utuid
. every wo''iti is a
- ' . , - queen if simc be a
. - . . , perfect souman ,
i. : - ' flue of
crown wo-
c lmq ( nianimood is iiiotiier-
' . . - "L L hmooti. 'i'iuere is rue
' . huihier thtmii
I'm thimig
, i.
l thus. There is ito
I t better thing t Is a t
. atm' voonaim can do
r titan to lc a mother
ea of bright anti liuppy
II children , ' .flmat is
. , ct ' jIi the best atmel luigluest
_ l timitig that auiylody , fjpx can do jim thin world.
V t I ! tt ; & it cantiot be aclmiev-
, - iI , I * smmffers front till ) ' of
- idea of iii o (1 C a t y
which pics'ents time acquisition of knowledge -
ledge , aii(1 time carcheusmuess % 'hmicii pt-c-
Vehits mmml appicutiohl of knoss'ledge are
the iiimt prolific causes of this kind
of sickumeas. 'l'hirty yearn ago. kno'a'ledge
of time prevalence of such disoudcra in-
duceti Tic. Ii. V. Pierce , timaui as tmov ,
cluief cotmsimlt'ingphiysicnn ! of the Tn'ahit1'u
hotel hihid Surgical Iiistitstte , at hitmifalo ,
N. V. , to devote a great oummouuit of tiumuc
mmd stmmdy to the preparatloim of n reimmedy
thmat wculd invigorate amid strengthen the
wotuiauily orgauuisni - that vouId ctmre
perfectly and positively all foruts of fe-
tunic weakness - that would tithe time
datiger away from childbirth , ammd greatly
lessen the paiims of1bor. 'flmis remmuedy ma
' called Dr. l'ierce's lavoritc I'rescription.
That it acconiplislie.1 time object for which
it was liutentled is proveii by its rctzmark-
ahihe amid contimitmeti somecess for o years.
\Voiiieii ua'ihi aihl imuiclu knowicdj.e by
reading Dr. Pmcrcc's great thuousucl : page
I' Conummmomt ciise Medical Adviser. " J
free copy' will be semit omm receipt of 21 0110'
ccimt tanuimps to cover cost of itmtihiiug : on/i.
Address , \'orhd's Iispeiisary Medical
Asm5matioim , Buffalo , N , V.
, r
Clothing , Drcss3 au J1ous1io1J Gods
OMAhA OFFICS-illi Farasia. Tel. 1521.
COUI4C1L BLUFFS-Works and Office , CotAye -
aue A and Stilt 8t. Tel. 310.
Scud ( or l'r&ca U.SL
nt1 shouting , " \Vimoai" 'Qmiht your rtmn-
fling awnyi" 'lil , than" 'Stopt" ammil va-
rloua otimer renilseks tending to acqimaitut hum'
tmtmfortunate gelmtieniaum luusithe is ith ( ito fast
that the hereto , eudiloumly becomimitmg startled ,
had rum nwa
Time coil canto when time driver at laQ got
hum horse under control , and a sorry looking
object eralemh out of time little time.
' 'Gosh 'tmaigluty , " ttlm1 tIme tielver of thm
imor'o muheti , "it wmmz tew tmami time boss itotiltl
u take It imutew his imeami to run mmay jest
b'eim ) 0th S itS iii than' '
hitmt time mmuiflioum of time bass' wamu tuS elmi-
glincul lam' utterance , anti ito hlmmupemi 51.101) '
btk cm imilie Ic , o hmm'm't' ititt IC.itim .amm utumumulimig.
That muight time tmiiiuk as lifted froun its beth
of stios' it ) ' the light of time uumoom anti ear-
rieti safely away.
hmiMk' at ( lie .tsmhuuui.
I LINCOI.N , Mit ) ' 22.-Special ( Telegraim. : ) -
'flue im turleni etmtert a I mutt eimt at t Ii e i.lncel n
hmopital for time ! mmsatmo tenulercil by tO'tit-
sic tt'icimt'rs auth limmttIi of time tumstitmuto for
tIme lllimtl , at Neimrmtslot Cli ) ' , as a m'Uccese
in everVim ) ' . . \lthmutmgh time ocathmer OtiS
timtcntetmlmmg several immuittlrm'mi vis'Utmrs fromuu
l.hi'coln wc'ro In mtttetmtlmsnet' amid time atoll-
tc.ritmtmm Wa" crowded. Ei'er'olme tti'pea rel
well ph'seti. Thur lo'rforummmtuice of Mica
) larim h. Coummtnt'r , on ( itt' itilin anti other
I mu u't I tt mmmemtu ! , 05 $ rccelvml ui I Ii s'mi t hmmmmmitt , ' : he
almithimumso. She Is mm gratimmate tf , tIme New
Englatmml cnmmsarvntor3- immtms'e : , nummi Its mmow
0110 of time teachers ummder Prof. Jones mtt
Nebraska City.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
liiiit'u'em1 thu. ' Cu'iii Cmuislitimm' . .
AltAt'AilOE. Neli. , Ma ) ' 22-Sieciah ( 'rote-
grant . ) -Sl a t y-t hi roe oume-hi mm titi red t it of mum
mmcli c'f i-a iii id I thu I a mite rut mm g autmi t Ito urea-
Pert is gooti for utuore tonight. W'imi'at. oats ,
r'e , corn nitti alfalfa are tumakitug a wrntlertui (
grootlm. Time tirtit crop of alfalfa is umow
rca Is' to cut ,
Gladness Comes
' AJitlm a better iititlerattuutlimmg of time
V V tt'atmsient umtmmu'e of time itmuimmy plu3's- I
icuti ills , vluieim vamilsim before iiu'oiei of-
forts--gemitle e lYortsplt'asuumi. . efforts-
rightly directed. 'i'lmt're is cotimfoi't in
time hciaos'1edge , timtt. so imiaumfoi'imis , of
sicletmess arc hot ( lime to asmy ; tctumuul dlii-
ease butt t.'uuiil)13' tO us cotmstipmtu'd : comudi-
tiotm of time s'stein , vhmk'lm t lie Pleistiit : :
mustily itiumtive , Syrtii of Figs. n'oimmpt-
. 'I'humt is ' ' it is time
ly remmmoves. is'hI3' emily
remmuedy 'itht mii'mil'mtmtms of fummimilies. mmtid is
evem'ywhmeic cstec'uned 50 ImigimI3' by nil
'lmo value good lmemltiu. : its hiemielicitti
i'ffeets are dime to time fuct , timid it is time
0110 i'emnedy 'liiclt pt'oinotes imitermial
cleaudluiess 'it1ummut ( lClmil'lt uttluig the
orgmtims Oui vhmim.1t it ticts. It is tlteo'efoi'e
till important , in order to get its betue-
iim'inl ell'ects , to iitmte vlmen yomm pitt'-
cimase , tlitmt cmmi have time gemmuimle utiti
dc. vimic1u is umianuftmctui'ed by time Call-
fortilti h"ig Syt'up Co. oimly anti soul by
till m'ehmmtabie druggists.
If iii time enjo'mimest : of good' health ,
011(1 tIme s3'htettl is i'i'giihtti' , Itexmmtives or
otiit'i reitii'el'tes are thou not umeeied. If
uliiictcl 'itii numy mtctnal diulemim.e , one
amy lie eononicnle(1 to time tittist t.lcillfsil
pirysiciati. , but if in umeeti of a laxumt'mve ,
0mb simonhul have the best , asul with time
m'e1 l-iumfoi'mned everyv1meme , Syrup of
Fig. stssmid highest timid is mutest largely
trnd misidgivos imiost getmeralsatisfact ion.
L Do Yo-t-i
Want ?
it's a nkc ,
I : pretty Shoe at a
.i moderutt lh'ICC.
' 1-las theni - All
Omaha cannot
touc'i us.
Look for the Bear.
, Customers' Slhos
, Shined Free.
, & _ Ll , .tzrM , , ttt , , , _ . . a an t..2.1.t.
- - - ' ' ' - ' - - -
--rr-- . 'r.r I. Z'p
In ch3rgo of the
This widely known institution has been
doubled in size duritmg time past summer atmml
made one of ( hue tmtOst mnoderim and model
iimstttutlouis of its cimaracter in time west.
Time new additions will be ready for occu-
panel by time hirat of time year. When ftmily
completed , accornuimodations will be afforded
for 500 patIents. It iii heumsuthftmily situated.
overlooking time city of Comumicli Bluffs. A.
full staff of eminent physicians and trained
nurses minIster to tue comfort of tbe pa.
For fuller partIculars , apply to
Council Bluffs , In.
i1iiis'r NATfflL 8ANK
Couticil Blitffs , Iowa ,
CAPITAL , . - . $1ooooi
% vIi lES1fl1d YOUR C0lA.i1C'1'10c.
1. I'Illt CeNT : 1'tII ) ( SN TUllE DmlL'OM'rS.
CALL AND 81010 (15 Oil. VRITJO.
_ w _ -
i You Buy
a B icycle
It pays to buy the best ;
It pays to buy wheels ofhonest value !
E Y 0 U W a n t S o m e t hin j fo r y o u
Do not be misled-you can't a'f'orcl it !
will make flO mistake when you
choose a w1ee1 cover by our guaran
t pays us to offer the bestfor the money ,
and riders now appl'e3iate the t'act.
miloim'.t mis tlm
Tribune Bicyc1esstuhu1d
rcsouit.t1i'e high Grade
Wheel oftime - _
Deere Models 'Fime iiekilocsIgm.J ! leitdci' I )
tIie iiiediim nm 1ri.ieL high gi'adcs
Sylvan Mode1sot'lde gttti'utiitt.tetl nmmi htiiit
Moihie Special _ TIme hestIot % '
time immat'ket. 'I'hibi 'Iieel Is
lie ) ' 'tool _ ' , ' ' btmt a bonti tide bicycle mtmmi ' Ill taimd imp
We carry the largest and most coin1)lctc line of
Stindrics niicl Supplies in the timId-weSt.
m Vc arc general western distributors for the famous
Z-/'ercii 'es ! ! OO/ Rim , thc wonderful "Jfarm" Saddle ,
and the U. S. C'c/oinc/ar. . ,
LtlCl'al discounts to 1)cacrs ! and Ageutfi.
\Vritc for cutaloguc.
cutaloguc.WELLS & 1NL ,
J. 'l' . FIN IL.ELocti Agent for Council Bluffs.
WILL BARNUM & 13R0. , Locul Age its ( or Omaha
' 4
. . . - _
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
't.a afe ! Alt kInd of DyeIng atmi
4 , . ( muuunmng tluna in
: ,
Iijiict ut'he of lime imit ,
, -
lati'd anti sttumneti ( shirks
- . 1 , ,
: mnuth to heck mis good us
. Itt'ro .mk a spc-
, ciaIt ) ' . Go'.d tletvmrol ( a
. , cli lana of the coutm'i.
' , . , .
'b- . ' t mud fur rrkc list.
- . iT- . - , : ' , , , C1P1MdChdAProp
. -i-- . . . : . : s : = : ; ' ; ; ; s. . Council IUU Llrc.udway Bluffo , , , , It