Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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    TflE IMAIIA DAILY BEE : & 'I'UE IA..Y. MA.1 2 : ; , iscu ; .
, - - - - - - - . - .
Rcommondatiou of the Oorninltteo A&pted
Withont Aineudnient.
OHI ) % nt.itd IIICTtt ! 0 ffcl eii Voted Inj it
U Ifli Sitela Sziit Ct r.iiiiii. ii , . to
IIN ( lItIrIii4L t lie I ii ( rijiltie-
Huh of ( ) lIirN.
The nian ftatiiro at tht ntJourneI ) ( meeting
ot the Hoard of IducatIGIi Inst nIght wai the
huibby. It wi. . exptctei1 that. the annuit
( 't'tI.Th of teachers would occur and the
frinhi , of those % ioc lOSltioti4 % crc felt to
) ) tI' Iniiire vere out iii forco. They button.
hr Id I lie incnibi'r Iii the lobhy aiid waylill
them in the corrhlovt , Thu retuht. of thie
nttentli.ns svi that it wa iieirly ! oclock
before the board wa calleti to order.
1' Thu ioIiiiiuItIoe mi I tight school i'iihiinltted
flit ! flrot wI.ort. It recommended that the
litgh ic'hiooI teachiers he engngecl at itatet
pnhark'i' , thieso a1arli to lie for too tnontii ) ;
iI'Iiv ( uII vithi the unthortandIng that they
I1ltith ! % toachi for at Ieat ziiiio auth one-half
monhit. ?
Anthrs'ri otjoetecl , to any action that ob I-
gatoh ( the board to run the high echool lime
anil ciie-IiitIt iiioiitis ! % hon it was very Iosi :
blo that It would hot ho abhe to run the
griideL' ( Or iiioro tiutti nine iuoiithii. lie
thought thiIi wii legI'latlng in favor of the
hIgIi ieIiOoi as agaiiitt the graiIe. . lie
niMed that the report be atrienilel to rcn.h
a I no 1111)0 t ttii. Thi t , am e nil in cii t Wail lout a iid
the report as uiihjniitted by the committee
was ailopted.
Oii teuIiiifloflhatjon of the cuintiiittce the
A fohinvtig teachicr were ( lectCI ( for the
hitch etiooi at the eaIario , Placed opposite
their naiiies
Irwen Levii.ton , 2,1OO Earl J. lCel'oy.
$1 2OO J. F'Voohery , $1,000 ; Mary Lauhi' .
$ hir ( ) ; viIn : 13. SiihI)1103P , 1,1OO ; C. liohle
1)htiturft , $1,000 ; Maria Okey , t.OOO : Jesse I
M. Towno , 8OO ; Mary Quaekoiibwh , $1.1OO I
S. I ) . hloahi , 1,000 ; Kite Mchugh , $1fOO ;
] hetie Snyder , $1,100 ; hIeku Lhnvil , 'JoO ; I
I3iizunnaValkcr , lOOO ; ( JeorgiaaIenthiio ,
1OOO ; Iac ! Johitiston , tOOO ; Anna T.
Ailanii , $1000 ; flerthia Greuai , $ SOO ; Elizabeth
Ciaven , lOOO ; George M. Turner , $ t&OO ;
May ( opehaiiih , $1.000 ; Jennie \Vailnce , $801) ;
1Mitolnette Ogden , $1,000 ; Lucy J. htoyn , $ OO ;
30110 Wigiuan , $1000 : Lizzie ltoulebIihi , $800 ;
.1. 21VhI.oii. ! . $1,200 ; ! % laryVetgewood , $ S00.
The committee on klnlergartens rocom-
! flCflOCd that kindorgaitenti be taught in the
following schools : ( 'asi , Castehlar , Central ,
Conienlilti , 1)odge , Iupont , Furnatii , Frank-
un , Kehiom , Lake , Lravenworl ii , Lincoln ,
I..orig , Lothirop , Maion , Omaha View , I'n-
chic , Park , Train , Walnut 11111 and
It rcconiicniled , , the election of the ( oh-
lowing 1ctndergartnvri and thhi feature of
the reprt a also adoptth without opoaI-
tioti Siipervlr of kindergartens , Mt&i
Cliorhhiie I' . Morgan at $100 a month ; dhrcc-
tori , of ktnhlergartenil , Carrie hioutehle , vlce
Drake , Katherine Giie , iiheho ( Iraitlot , Margaret -
garet hamilton , lltlen Ihibbard , Grace hun-
gerford , AlIce I'arkoi' , Ella Smith , Miy L.
Terre ) ' , lhLsloVhiltinoro. .
l'aicl kindergarten assistants , Icato Brown ,
Alice Chambr. , Minnie 1)avls , Jennie Don-
nhihion , Maguc Hiitchiiiison , Louise Kelley ,
Mabel Kelhey , lichen McLean , Olga Mohir ,
Louise Nceso , Jthithi Othit , Nellie Taylor ,
\ IJesiilo'hlfroI ) ,
The following wore recoinirieniled as oald
fl9sIl.a1it to be assigned in case thlr services -
ices wLre needed : Ann..i hlanna , Georgia
Park , Lizzie Ryan , Geneva \Vest , Carrie Alt-
house , Jeanette Atichitnoedy , Lizzie Olvor ,
IlhngiIo Forgun , [ lella hiognit , Grace Turner ,
LQube Brareton , Grace Weston.
Ttio COIflhIllttE'e on teachiero and examhna-
tiocs reconiruendeth the following principals ,
hio were unaniiiioushy elected :
Tianeroft , lichen Vt'yckoff ; Cats , Mary B.
I S1111011d9 Castellar , Mary B. Newton ; Central -
tral , lteiio B. hLinititon ; Central I'ark , Lizzie
1. hacker ; CIlftcn 11111 , Jeanette L. Woodward -
ward ; ColombIan , Margaret Viicent ; ConIc-
ntut , Bhlon MVhite ; hodgeV. . hi. Allen ;
Iupont , Frances hlutterihchd ; Eckornian , Ag-
flea Ilutelilson ; Farnain , Agnes ilcDonald
Forest , Fanny Nevius ; Franklin , Sarah B.
Thompson ; G bson , Will l'arker ; Kehhoin ,
Anna Fo03 ; Lake. Emma \\'hltniore ; Leaven-
worth , Mary A. Ftchi ; Lincoln , Jennie L.
Itedileid ; Long , Sarah M. MCChCUOC ; Lothrop ,
Ncra 11. L.enlon ; Mason , lmrna Wlieatley ;
Moninouthi Park , hattie S. Eddy ; Omaha
View , BOle Reed ; I'aciflc , Margaret Mc-
V Carthy ; Park , Lillian Litticilehh ; Saratoga ,
-.1 IlIIhIy Robinson ; Sherman , Ida B. Mack ;
r Train , Jontlic M. McKcon ; Vinton , Eliza
hutchinsVahnut ; 11111 , Martha L. Povell ;
Webster , Siihio P. Pitnian ; WeiA S de , Kate
L. lhrown ; Windsor , Jennie C. Salmon.
Time committee then recommended the following -
lowing list of tcac'.crs ' :
L.ouhiie Adanls , Ada Alexander , Elizabeth
Allan , Mary Alter , Mn , . Elizabeth Atkinson ,
Minnie hiaker , Mrs. Jennlc Barker , Ba Bart-
bit , Anita Bigger , Clara Blackburn , Nellie
flauserman , Nelle Bennett , Ida Ilhack _
more , Abba floweit , Jcaimette lloyd ,
Margaret Boyd , Airs. Lucretla lhratl-
hey , Emma flrndshaw , Rose Brady ,
Mary lhrolilar , Mohile hlrown , Carrie 0.
lhrowmie , I. ly hiruner , Mary B. hiruner , Miii-
tile llurglund , Lida Burnett , Sehena hiurtie ,
Irene lhyrne , Jessie Byrne , 'Alice Campbell ,
Mrs. Bihii Carlisle , Mrs. Emunia Casad ,
1iri' . MV. . Cirstinncy ! , rora Coburn , Clara
Cooper , Mrs. Lorraine Cornirh , Mattle I.
Craig , Katherine Crane , AlIce Craig , Itos-
anna iacey. Nora laughicrty , Ehiomi Davis ,
Agiica Dawson , Mr. . Carol no Day , Emily
florn , Isabehle Ioyho , Mimmia Doyle , lles.sie
Dunn , Mrs. Jessie 1)urbin , Clara luval , Mm-
ale Iye. Franc Eaton , Clara Edhiolni , Eiiza-
both Bicock , Lucy Elcock , Lucy Evans , Ma-
tibia E'nns. Susie lvcletii , Mrs. Anna Fair ,
Sophila Fischer. Frances Fkl , Alice Fawcatt ,
Mrs. Famiule Ferualli , Catherine Fee , Ma-
tiiiicle Fried , Mary Furlong , Maria Gahlaghier ,
Lucy Gamble , Mary Grhihhn , Anna 0 Ills ,
Enimmin Godso , lila Ooothmncin. Mary Goodman ,
Stehla Graves , Jeanette Gregg , Litla hianna ,
Dora hlarney , Edna hiarney , Alice harper ,
Esther hicdton , Elizabeth lUatt , Carrie
hhiclcs , Edna lichen , Mrs. Mary hicilgo , Mary
hogan , Ada hopper , Poppy Ilostettcr , Amy
hIughe , Jenmiho hluhtmamm , Belle hlunlphirey ,
Kate hhtmngerord , Kate hlutinaker , Mabel
Jhytlo , hhtmithahi heanceon , Aabt'l ! Jennison ,
Anna Jensen , Cordelia Johnson , Ida Johnston -
ston , Allee Jordaa , Mrsi , Katherine Kean ,
VirgInia Kennedy , Mrs. Mary Kidder. Luhim
Knight. CarrIe KUmmIlif , tarahm ICliig , Myra
La Rue , Margaret i.atey , Mary B. Latey.
Margaret Lehimner , Abblo Lu ghton , Florence
Jo ghtoim , Elizabeth Lelgitty , Bmmmia Levy ,
Nancy L. I.ewis , linmna hittlefloll , Florence
Littlt'ilchth. Bitinia honergan. Mary Lucas ,
Margaret MeAra , Emmimima ? ilcCiintock , Cahle
McCorimichl , Juliet McCumle. Jeanette McIon.
ahd , Jesie Mchugh. Z3ra McKnigbt , Margaret
McLaughlin , Iorls McMaters , Grace Mac-
auley , Pearl MacCimmbor , Amimia J. Machi.
Mrs. h.oimh ' Mamimi , Mrs. Olive Marshall ,
Clara Mis' 'I. Mary 13. Meyer , Kate Miles ,
Anna Milr 3' . MinnIe Moriarty , lna Mullen ,
Carrie Nssh , I zzi Necdhamn , Julia New-
comb , M r r EO'Lt ' N 'chiole , lto'c Niekehl , Mimi-
ole OR'oi' , Alice Orr , Martha Parratt , Ethltti
' l'artrklgt ! . Alta Peacock , Amelia I'enrson.
I % Mr Blia h'trrlno , Jenmilo Phelps , Anna
Phiemilx , Elizabeth Phllip % , Anna h'bckarll
A ( ) lllUN OASI 1)0' hII.ES.
It liii' h.enih tiSt'rlomis Ii ( ' $11115 ,
\Vhen 11001110 generally timuherstand that nil
such fatal ditt.iscs flu Ilsitila , ulcer of the
rectum , fIssure. etc. , slimiest invariably begin
iii a slimipho case of Piles , they Ill leant tim
wlsdoimi or taking Pronipt tremtmuent for time
llrtt appearance' of troubles In thmi quarter.
Time l'yramnld l'ihe Curti ' 'ihl certainly cure
ever y formil of mmmli's , Itching , bheemhiiig , ro
truthing or blind lilies , ammtl hundreds of lives
have been aeml by using this ehesp but
cffectlYo ECmUtIIy rIght at thu start. because
at such a time a Blilgie packoge will affect a
cure , while iii time old chrommic , deep eatei
cases. several packages are somnitlmnes neces.
.ary before a laslog ? cure i affected.
h'hyuicians are using thu l''ramnid h'ilo
Cure in preference o surgical operatlona and
s'itim uniformmm iurceia Time I cimiemly Ia lire-
Pared by tIme l'yramimid Drug Ce , of Albion ,
- MIcti , , antI for asIa by druggista everywhere
at tO cent8 and $1 ier package.
Sdult for Free book on cauau amid cure of
plIes ,
I.Iih I9ttiiinn. Mrs. Nettle Po 1.mtIe
Itayimmummil , Margaret htcall , Ella Boyd. ly
lleemh , Jnmmle A. Iheed , Mary Reid , Mrs.
Nettle hthett , Stella Itlee , Carrie ltobettson ,
lit'lemi Rogers , Ullzmtbetli Itooney. , hlco leot ,
hieleti Root , Jeonle floss , t'asmimolra Schthler ,
Cebelia Sebalkr , CmroIyna Seheror. Margaret
Scott , Elizabeth hmlrley , ilatmie Simond ,
Etta Smnlthm Llanc , SniIth , Myrlle Smith ,
Penciopo Smith , Clarm petmaitn , harriet
Squler , da Stone , h'erihii Stuart , Corn Swan.
lIon , Helen Thomp'.imi , Ella Thiorngate , Orace
Tmmdt.he , Nova Tmirmier , I rene Underwood ,
Marie lipton , Emma .1. Ure Mrs. Ihehle
Uriorm , Nellie Van hJiyn. ; Virginia % 'Ictor ,
Bmhlt ii Waterman , \V iii fred Wallace , Mrs.
ingeletta'are , I.utti'emrmie : , Mrs. Ante
\'ebb , K'Lmtheninc'alte , Many B.'hite ,
VirgInia WhIte , LIllIan VhIbcr , Elizabeth
Vlll , Minnie Vilsoii , 1Cnthcnimio'ohcott ,
Mary Wolcott , Emmilly Wood ,
Loot mnovemt to add time name of Mrs. Cora
\Vylanmh to t lie I lel tMi t Iii s In otlnn sas ha Id
on the table , on thm ihea that it an ohienlog
as once made it vould take all night to
comnhvte the elt'cilomm ,
TIm ballot us theim taloII ROll the hat vae
i'Iecled mis reCOmmlnIeIitle(1.
The folIolng teachers wcme elected to the
ai'stgrieml liet : hllhlamm liphiam , Ada Tobht t ,
I hlien NortOn , l.ydii C. lireuchert , Anmy
\'atto , MInnie hltmrgess , Amelia Brown ,
Myrtle icyinoimr , Katu'ickhmamn , Caine
( heft , Hattie I.Vimltc , hattie Forbes , Cora
Ihenry , Mary McMahton , Florence Brown ,
I.oitlso Salmon. Clare hiavenport , Jessie
thodso , hCatlmerlnt ' More , Maria \'aientlne.
Anna , ndcrpon , Fannie Meyers , Ileati'lce
flail , Alma C. Nn.'e'n , Matide I ) . Ayers ,
Anna II. Mcl'hmall , Edith II. Kuhne , Mae
hunting , Eva hamilton , My Anderson ,
Nihlie Monimtnlty , itoec llernteIn.
I unt'i : 1110 t Iou to CI ccli tvo 'tih d I I I omial
teachers was snowed tiiirher in short order.
Th. ros'tgnatiolt o ( Charhe9 II. Solmthard as
cum'todinn of supplies va' accepted. Time al- ;
iilcntions of J. 1) . ? lttle , 'I'iiomnas 0. Doyle ,
JamI' ' K ( 'coke , A. J. Dutchmen anml Louli'
Lltth'fleld for tue vac'int hOsttiO ) ere hmIaCCl
on file.
TIme resignations of Those C. Flthi ,
Cathcrmlo Arlnbrmii4er , CDryell Toc.h , hattie
M. hullcan and helen M. Drake as teachers
vcre recelveh 811(1 ( accepted.
Before adjoimniiment the election of a cue-
tohian of supplies wa called up The flr
ballot rcsulte'l ( ' 001cc , 6 ; h ) B. ( 'Imaphim , 0 :
Littleiheld , 1 ; Schoonover , 1. On tile fourth
ballot ( 'ooko received eight votes anil Chipili
seven. Cooke sns declareil elcted.
John Drew , wIth a stronger company thOu
uituutl--atud hIs support has always 110011 time
very best that Charles Fnohnmami could secure
-will begin a three nIght engagement at the
Creightomi Thmurlay , May S. Mr. Drew
educe direct ( rout New York , vImcio hue
PIaYCI tIme entire theatrical e.mson through ,
being opened at time Empire there early lamt
September , and closed at the Garrick thoatcr
recently. In all he was before time Now
York public about thirty weeks , amid every
one of thc'e weeko found hIn lalng to the
capacIty of time theater iii s'hch hi' hop-
P0110th to be appearing , for dur-
lug time ( line lie ila'el iii three
thmeaterm' in all. During his stay lie
made two comedy succesec' . and tiuec ae
time plays In which hue wilt ho seen durIng
his wemIem'n tcur. The 0rtas 't'hmri.toner : ,
Jr. , ' ' written for 11101 by Madeline Lucetto
htyley , whIch crowded Charles IolmmIarm'u ,
Empire theater for lhtteco eels , anu v'huieh
will be the 1)10) ' lucre. The second was
'Tiue Squire of Iizmneu , " a uhe-
hiclous comedy by It. C. Barton , author of
"LIberty hall. " These plays wilt
be prluiced in the collie excellent ma'inel
In which tile ) ' were ulono in New York. Miss
Maud Adams , who has been Mr. Irt'w's head-
lug lady during tIme four years in whulcIm ho
bias .been Charles Froimnuan's etar a III lm'mlth'
that reu'ponsible position. The other m.cmmm-
hers of the organization nra Annie Inihim.
Cladys W'allace , Ethel Borrymim 'no , Ammi'le
Adamnm , harry hlarwood , Arthur Byron , Lewi ;
ilaker , Leslie Alien , hlerbert .yohhmm and
Frank Lamb. Mr. Drew will appear Thorn-
day and Friday niglmta , and Saturday mail-
nec in "Chrietophor Jr. " "Time Squire of
l.timies" will be time bill Saturday night.
Ezra Kenlahi in "A Pair of Kimis" tmt time
Creighton , on Sunday mmiglut , is sore to evoke
an abundance of mncrry-mnakimmg. Any omue
vlmo goes to time theater for amu evemmirgc
ammmsemnent is ulto certain to get ht. Tue
PiCO xemno to be as popular a m ver , imOt-
withmstandmng it Is now in its tcnth soasom.
In the calmllamly is the 'elh.loovn rung
writer and mingcr , Mica Edith Ktmmga'icy.
% 'lmo1o ° Littio Black Baby. " "Buy My
lto'es , " "Swingin' In do Sky , " ct. , are
ammmong the popular baIiuds of Duo day.
Thuoro has been an enormous advance iIc
of soltil for Captain Jack Crawford'o lecture
at tlmo Crciglmton theater tonight and tuerc
arc indications thmat the Imouce will b :
crowdeil by pep1e who are ever glad to lIe'
teI 10 time Poet scout who Is known froumm
ocean to ocean. Captain Jack wilt tell of
his exporlences on the plalne , recounting
many adventures With time IimhIUfls. ( S'hlI
serving as gmiido and scout. oil of which will
lie intem'ee1immg , as lie iloes not follow time
C U cc uuoted by the aver go lecturer , having
his own original way of dealing with the
factm. 'rime lecture lit under the aimsices of
the Grand Army of the Itepimbhic and the
entire Iroceehs will be devoted to defraying
the expennes of time Memorial day exercisen.
M. B. Curtis will nppour at Boyd's timeater
for three days , commencing with a cheap-
priced mnatlnee tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 : ,
aiuul presemlt imis comedy , "Sanfl of Poseim. "
lie will lie ably supported by Albina Io Mer
amumi a e"mnpetcnt company. Mr. Curtin is
vchl known nut 'Sani'l , ' ' time eccentric drum-
tier. AlbIna Do Mer w11 be ecen in her
original role of "Coheste , " a French ad-
( rer 'l'iu , , * liImsI:114t le.
Znmes Keimimcdy. a ( armnsr from Iowa , was
unable to stammmh tile excltemens of time cIty
mutter a sojourn of a coujle of hours last
evening in 0n11110 , auth drawIng a bii. uIz-
m9hooter from h's Pocket eliot a 1111111i0r of
hiolemu in tIme ntnmospimere of time hewer mor-
thin of tile town. lie was arrested on a
charge of being drunk and dIsorderly ,
L'BILSINitt , I'ititIt.l'I1 $ ,
J. Mondehl , Chicago , ! . regbtered at time
J. A. Cooper , St. Joe , Mo , , Is registered
at tile Barker ,
C. It. Ahl.leiof Nehigh was an Onmalma
vIsitor yectenday.
' 1' . i. Ackermamm of Stanton was greeting
imis Ommtahia friends yeetendmmy.
flemu It , Covdery and It. t. Oumtcalt of Lhm-
cclii e'pent time day in Omnaima ye.aterday ,
Ex-Sonator Carey and wife of Cimoycone
were In the city a few hours ycstcrday ,
\'ill hi. hlycra auth Tomu L. Parmehee of
i'lattsmnouth were In the city yesterday.
Manager B. 0. I'ool mmmmml time Mmies , in. ,
hare Ball chub are stoppIng at time Darken.
Mra. AIlemi , wife of W. I. Ahiomm , auistant
; emmeral superintendent of time Burlington , is
In time city.
Mr. Craven , wife of B. C. Cniven. left for
Verk , Nob. , last evening , wimere omo viil
'ieit rclmitlveum.
James W. Orr of limo Missouri Pacific camne
up ycaterday ( room Atchiiiman and spent time
lay in time city.
Ii. 11. hCorty , superintendent of telegraph
: uf time UnIon i'achflc , lust gomme to Ciuicgo to
Lue absemmt several uiay
Fred Mmmttbetve , agent of time Bmmnhimmgton
tt Pueblo , Coio. ho imaim beerm in time city
for t'e oral days , heft for imommme last imlght.
Mrs. Maymue , vife of C. B. Maymme , deceased ,
.f l'jo Amugulee. Cal. , wa in time city yes.
lenulay while en routs to eastern poinie.
A. Ocluhemnithm ohiti fammully who have been
visiting melativee 1mm this city for a fortmmigtmt.
ii'It for their iionme in Covlngtou , Ky. , yes.
\v. I. Goomfehiow , one of time attemmmlants
mmhu the hietall Jotvo'ers convozutlon , which
1mm ttmi8 city , loft for bla imonmu in Chicago
act evening.
M , 0 , Edwards of Glenwood , is. , Is lii time
nil 1mm time lnmoreta of lime Mills Coumity Aplo
arhmIvai , wimleb takes place In city mmet
Nebraskans at time hotels : Ij. U. Stegner.
remnont ; II , C. htoundtreo , Uncoln : It. L.
Uris , hiooper ; J , hlornigan , h3loommmllold ; hugh
F. Dobbs and W , C. hinooka , Beatrice ; J. L.
dctonaid , Ittchiaan ,
Nebraska arrivals at the hanker arc : D.
. West , Nemimaima ; U. 0. Sawyer , North
'latte ; Jo'ihilamB , North Platte ; \Vililamu
t. Calmill , Uran1 ha'antl ' ; It. 11. Moegrove , r
'olumnbus , ami Mit's ' iliary Li. Lawrence ,
Ielleyue. - C
Enthudastlo Reception Accorded Compti-
tons at the Military Tournament.
t'mmmtl omen t fromim Ciim mmcii lii mm ff ,
ml h'I iii' I mig.lti'g mmiii r A nil y
Oflii'er , ; et tIM hiitlgem Ii.
thmi. CImiitI'MtPS.
Time second annual military tournament
given under the auspIces of time Thurston
htiile last ilIght at Charles street park , zu'
mmli unqunhmfiell success. Time threatening
tvcatimer in time earl ) ' Part of time evenIng dId
not Imave aims' apparent efTect on time attend-
alice , amid tue shower that came along soon
after the conimmiemmeonlent of time program was
mmotlc.'ml 001) ' becaimse it ilehaycul mmiattets a
tVifle. The exercIses were tinder time liii-
modiste simlons'ISiOn of Ltommtcmmant F. T.
\'ami Low , U. S. A. To him nod to imla
efilcient corps of .umsietants is duo time sue-
cess of time occasion ,
Tie drills teno preceuhed by a simort etree
hlraiie over time following route : Fonmumu-
tlon at Fifteenth ammul hommglas streets , thmcmice
time columimmn mnovell east an Douglas to Thin-
tceiutim. south on Thirteenth to Parnamn , os :
oil l'mum'mmammm to Slxteemutim , miorth eu Sfxtecimtii
to Cmmnming , west on Cummmlng to Etgimteoumtim
and mien h emi Eighteenth ho the Clmarles
street park. Lioumtemmant Van Low nctcd as
mmmamhmah of time procession. After imimmi cattle
Flni't SergeammtV. . C. Taylor of time Timumrs-
tomm ltiiies , Captalim Conmmi'hi of time Omnaha
ihigim Sclmool ea Jets mmiilusician Bklidsomm ,
all cmi imorsehmaclc. Time order of the Parade
Ii' ' oper t'ns ha follows :
Flu st itegimnent lhuumd , 'l''ent ) ' , 1dtl'IcIamms ,
. Ummder Comnmnammd of ilummdmnmmster :
Fort Omnmiia ; l"ife anti hm'Uimi Corps.
Omaha Gumamds , CaItatml I I. Il. mttmiford ,
Omnuuima Gtmnrhs' Uithing Gun Sectofl.
Cadeb of tlme Council Bluffs hhigim School ,
( 'ahmtul In S. I I . ( I reemm , ( 'onim mma mid m mig.
Bluff" hvIsiomi N ' . 27. I'mmmglmts of h'ytliias
tintfommneh Itani : , CoLmiI C. A. 'l'iii-
bets ( 'omnnm : nimi img.
'l'Iurston Itiihe , CaptaIn \V. .1. Foye Coma-
Modern \Voodmeim of Amnericuu Camp No.
h0 , Cut Pta iii 0 'bormm Commmina mmd In ; Cmi mmmi ,
No. 1'r.15 , Suit tim Oummaim mm , ( 'a pta In
Cooley Comnmnanuhlm'g ; Camim ? No.
915 , Captaimm A. F. ( mLteS Cmn-
4 ¼ IiCIetit Order of limmited 'arkmnen Lodge
No. 173 , ( 'umiminin Altomi Commnammihimug ;
Lodge No. : h ? , Cnptmmin L. I ) . I'ick-
mm Vu Coin nmm mid lug ; hod go No.
66 , Satitim Omaha , Captain
C.V. . Miller Comnmnanil-
Omnumima hUgh Scimoo Cmuletm' . Company A ,
Captaimm Stebbens Coomnmnnuhing ; Corn-
ilLtm ) ' B , Ca Pta 1mm CoIl et to Cenimna tid-
log ; Company C , Captain Wag-
mmcm' C imi mnammdt mmg ; Conmpa mm y
D , Captain Karl C n -
nell Comnmnndirmg.
It was a splendid gatimering that greeted
the eadier boy. on their arrival at the
grounds. Timere imad been nmuoh heart ) '
cimeerimmg all along time limit' of mmmarclm , but a
nim'e demonstrative reception \tas accorded
time soldiers as timey omarcimed into the
grommndi' ' . 0mm time outIm side of time park
wore several imundred high scimool boyn , tlmelr
fniemlds mmd their predeceacors. Tlmey cheered
lustily imemm timeir favorites aplarcd. Ira-
rmicdiately opposite tiuemn. In the miortim stand ,
vero eutcd several hundred of the fairest
yourmg tvomnemi of Council Bhmmffs. They lund
Junmmeyed acron time river to see timelr
brothers and other girhc" brotimers drill arid
to help thorn along vltim their cuiltlvated
voice. 'fiuoro linteL have becim 200 of timcmmm
and timero wa , not a one wlmo did not wave
aloft a bunch of reul ribbon to designate the ,
Council Bluffs 111gb school aim time Irmstlttm-
tiomi vhmcse hemmer shmo sas proumh to clmanmplon.
Time Thmmmrstomm ltifiea , as ticual , luau ] mnmimmy
fniemido , and the waving of lmamuulktmrchiefs
that greeted the Rifles was like unto timat at
a Clmretiami Endeavor convention. Time
Onmaima Guardu , vcro cordially received too ,
aimul tue various hodges were not vitimoumt sup-
porters. -
In all there were probabhy 2,000 peoho
tvitimin the hilglm board fences that enchozo tima
park. The wonmen , espec'ahiy time young
women , had a gcod working majority , afll
the coninany cf outis who couldim't drill
s'ehi with all those pretty girls to cheer and
InspIre theni to their best efforts couihn't
win us leather medal. It was an erutlmtmslaetlc
bt of spectators awl whuen time Counctl llhuffo
boys paraded 1mm front of time stand w tim
01)00 ranks , their guns across timeir numommh-
dora , arid again siucn time Timurston Rifles
shmowed hmov clmamplomms commluh di ill time chmeir-
'zig timat was evoke. ] wmYtmIh imave domme crehIt
to a Thanksgivirmg foot ball game. TIme
CouncIl Bltmffs boys were roost cordially re-
calved and the welcome accorded timemmm t'eimt
far toward obliterating time inenmory of last
year'a chilling reception. But limo local
students of Latin and in lltary drill n ore not
'itt all slighted. Besides their friends wimo
were scattered throughout time great concourse -
course there vas one little banmi timat vas
particularly loyal to timemn. It was corn-
pany 2 of time lilgim scimoil cadetim. It is
composed of a mshect number of the young
ivormiomm who stud ) ' 1rench and wimo specialize
in military imopa. Time ) ' were there In a body
with their colors , red , orange and black ,
and cimeenerl thmelr brother students on tIme
smallest provocaton , and once Jim mawhlle at
a time vhemm cimeeriimg was decidedly mop-
Time Omaha Guards opened the prorani
with a , very clever ciriil. Captain Mmiifrul
IUt his men timrougii a nummaber of Interesting
mmmancui'ers antI the accurate manner In whlcim
timey carried out time cormmnmanmls % vtn ! ssNl
that timey haul carefully traIned for the event ,
In time roost entertaining part of time corn-
palm ) ' drill , iuowever , rain began to fall and
in a few mioimmenis it tt'as det'cendlng imm such
c-plums quantities that everyone sought simei-
ter.After the rain had ceased , the four coin-
panics , of lmi Ommialma High school cadets
competed for the hmonnr of carrying the bat-
tumhiemu thug fom' time ensuIng year. Time corm-
test was a close erme , armmi the request timat
"lie nimuhlence preserve atmsoimmto silence miur.
log cormmpetitIve diUs , " was eltogetimer 1g.
ruored , A bight degree of proficiemucy was
sirat a 1mm time work of all four cemmipamiles.
vimtclm fact reflects eonmiimlcraimlo credIt on
Lleuteiimmnt Penn , U. S. A. . who hots imami
charge of the drilling of thus ihigim scimool
hoyt. for time last two years. Captmulmi 'ob-
stcr and Lieutenants McArtimmmr and flri'ton
acted is Jimuhges for tlmI canipotitive drill.
After they coummted up nil thma points time
imonor was awaruleil to Company C , wimicim
commipamly vaii credited wl'Ii 86.7 poInts ;
Comniammy A camnc 500311(1 with a sc.ere mmf
82.7 ; Carnpmmm ) ' L ) was third , with 82.4 Points ,
truth Coimipammy II stood fourtim 1mm the contest ,
receiving 82 points even.
An individual competItive drill among
twenty-five of time High schmoal cadets ( oh.
loweil. After several competItions timat luau
taken h l.uco before last evening five immombers
of each of time five cormlpammies had been
selected to appear for time comutest last even-
lug. 'lime jmrlzo vas' a imaimdsommio gohJ mimedal ,
prc'atel by limo Tmurtorm htlile. It was
troll iuy V. Storrs Ihowen , firat sergeant of
cauuipany C. Among timom-u wimo stood up time
lcumgemt were Sergeant Sweet of commmpany C ,
Sergeant Oetz of commmpaimy 11 , mmzuul Sergearmt
Ttmkey of company II. T"e incubi , was pro-
terutod by General Copplnger , who , In a few
brief tvords , congratulated limo whiner of time
prIze and spako of timu importance of such
lull event iii a young soldIer's life.
The Council hiluffs , li'gim school cadets
timeim gave' ommo of time nmost lnterestlnm num-
hers orm time pregramim. It was nmerehy an ox-
hibltlon drill , but time roummuls of imearty op.
piause timat gneetei Captain Green alum ) imis
boys on ahrmmost every fornmatlon showed
wimero time alleetators tould lmave placed a
mncdal itmh timero taco omme 1mm that class , Time
cadcts iuccmned older antI larger timami time
frcal cadets , and their white leggings arid
belts and their guns imelpetl to timeimi a
rmmom'ti trimly mmihlitany appearance.
Time 'j'imurston Rifles , ummder comnmnammm ) of
aotalmm Fey ? . then gave ormo of their hugh
lass drills and evoked mmiore aPPaUse'tJI !
imu mmiovemmmeiits wore Cm1IiiItd out with time
iccuracy timut usuallcimanacterizes time vork
it timis comimpany. Fohios log the company
lnill aa amm inrhI'l1tual commmpetltlvo dnhii ,
t was for the Timuratomi trophy , a goimi
nedal , vrevlousli hekt by Corporai hharilett ,
fter an exciting comitest , it was i'on by
orporal Coverthuic , with Private Timomnpasu
I chose eonmi. Time niadal was 'rr'senteuh
by ( 'lonel ihates , t. S A. The Jo Iges
were CaptaIn Vile and rltutenants Itowell
mind Lutz , all of Fort Omnnb'i.
An exhibition of handlIng tue ( in ling grin
and general flelil work tt the Gatilog gun
section rf time Oniaha Thtkis , brought time
totmrnanment to a close.
Ttme cIty ectmmmcil mmmcl last even ng for time
luriose of heantmmg hirotet in tme liqumor l-
cerise eases , all mnemmibers Present CX-
cept Ileimnelt anil Schultz.'imen time coon-
CII StOS calicul to order Patrick ilucheL time
nevly elccteml immemuber , flied lila bond and
iah , sworn hi. V. S iCimig arid W. P. Ad-
klrms signed Mr. hiuglues' bent ) for $2,000.
MiStnmeral asserted timttt tim tue Proof of
publIcation iii time appiicat one of Patrick
Ihro'rmilmamm and .lanmes Noaek an Insufilciemit
number of lmubhicat'oflS were tlmos n ,
Time questlomi of burden of proof eamule imp
and Mr. Simmmerah stated timat accordIng to
sumpreumme court ulectsiemms time mlefezmdamits would
be compelled to tresent hrOOft' ) of having
the lange-it o rcmmhmttlon in Iaughas coumnty as
Pnvideul by law. ile mieslred to have a case
trIed wimerolnm strict rules of ia govenmisul
amid after that one ta cormipheted time other
cmes coumld be cut simort.
\lr. hItchcock said Slunerni 'aa actimig
1mm bad altii because hue commhul have ratsed
time mitmestiomus 1mm Limo district court hart week.
lii' s-old time VcnId-hierahml lail made its
lwimna fade case in fihhmmg its alildavits and
lroposed to stammd on It. But Attorney Lanm-
bcrt timoimgimt timat the council could act on
time ailhuiavlta and if It saw fit to grant a
Vansant offered timl resoltmtton :
Resolved , That In time hearing of time re-
irmmstrmmmmces of .1. B. Ulick against time
grr.mitliug ot hlcemmsez to aplmilcaruts who himtVt ?
n"mt'ertiseml thmt'lr imotices lii tim ( ' 1)1111) ' Vorhul-
I I s mlii , t lie city commmmctl v m I i lie t ii en m I ei4t I-
111011) ' on time stubject of eirculmmtiomr except
In case evlmh m'nee s hotv t hun t t lie a 1mph cmi mit
tided 1mm turil fmttUm in se'ectlng ti'e news-
Palmer for , : of his n tce.
Notice was served by Mr. Simmmeral that
tlm rcnionmstrator excepted to the council eus-
taming tiuls rcsoluitlon ,
Anotimer renohimtlon by Vansamut was offered
and passed as follows :
htecoived , That the remonstrator be now
required to introtluce mmch evidence mis iii
immay have to otTer temimLnmg to smn'ort iuI
elmmtrmi that apphicamits did not act iii go3tl
The remmienstrator also took exccptlons to
this rulIng.
N. I' . hell , buns'mmess imlanager cf Time lice ,
was placed on time stand and wa.'u asked if
tiurc 'as printed in hJoughas coumtmty durng :
time nmommthms of April antI Mruy a iaiier kniotvmi
as time Daily Vorld-Ilerald , 'I'ime anmewer was
that there is ito such faper imubIiined as time
laily'orhdIIermtld ,
Mr. Fell vas asked if ho had hot sworn tea
a PetitIon mmow on file iii time dIstrIct court
amlnmitting timat there iaa a paper hmniruted In
Dcuglas coumuty known as time DaIly \'orltl-
herald ,
Mn , Sinioral refused to allow ! to
mtnlswer time ouestion.
'I'imo next qumestlon diul vitumess. runt
teStif3 before time Oniaima Fire arid h'oiIce
Comummniralommors that lie ackimowleulged such mu
paper as time haIIy W'orhd-hheraiul.
Mr. Foil said hue remembered testIfying to
imls sigruature , but not to ackpowledglng tiuat
timero was such a paper as the IaIiy World-
Mr. IhItchmcock was sttonii tmmd a'd hue was
the Preslulent of time \'uicmrld I'umbhIsing corn-
army , wlmichm printed the haIiy Vonld-h1er-
old-onto edition was cil4hed lulornng'orld -
herald , time oIlier Evemminmg Vu'orid.hlerald.
Time canoe imews Is prlhtad in botim oapers.
\Vitnmem , further said that tine advertising
rate card muade' rio distimmctoni for advertIsing
Ia time Mormm'ng WorId-ilerahul or Evening
\Vorld-hlerald. All advertisemnents were
tahcon for time Daily WanlU-hlerald ,
Mr. Simmuerai ashced if the mmiatter in tiu
Weekly Worhi-hleraid ' hot taken from
cltimor tIme Morning or Evening World-hler-
ald. . ,
Mr. ihitcimcock was n&t prcpareul to answer
time qmmestiomm. '
'Is the Morning Whrhr-rlerald publlc'hed
every morning except Stuirday ? "
Mm' . Hitchcock woulti not answer time ques-
"Is there such a paper published In Ommmahma
ammul knovnm as time Morning W'om'ld-hlerald ? "
'No. sIr. "
"Is tluero such a paper pmnhmh shied In Oniaiua
and kumown as tiu 'Evening'orIdhJerald' 7"
asked Mr. Simrmernh.
"No , sir. " was Mr. Ilitcimcc'ck's answer.
Coiules of time Morning W'orid-hIc'rald anc
ti' Eveming Worlul-ileraid were offered in
cv lii elm Co.
'fiio 'imlvortsing ! r.ite card was ciforeul 1mm
eviuheimce by Mr. Hitchcock , anul was objected
to by Sinmic'rai.
Thiu , cloeul time evIdence in tine case.
Vatisant offered a rcsoitmtlorm , vlmielm iuad
been drawmm ii > ' Mr. hhitciucock. overrmmhlng time
romcrmstrar.eca and granting a license to
August ErIckson. Time rcxltutiori snc
adopted ,
Notice of appeal to the district court wa
Am' attcmmmpt was made by i1itciuco'k tc
force the other cases totrial , but Simneral
refused to try army more ca'es , imnlea the ) '
were set , amid ) e was given tIme tusual notice.
o'hicim Is timreo ( lSyS.
Thmo titles of nil the cases were then read.
ammO mus each mi.amne was , reatl tIme nizm'or an-
flounced timat thmo case woo up for trial.
Mr. Ihitchucock was then svora and tosti-
fled that time ease called were these of ap-
phicants wimOo notices imad been advertised
for two tieeht hm every edition of time Daily
World-Herald mmmi that the Daily WorlJ-
herald was tue newspipr imitvlng tiue burg-
eat cIculatlon iii time county , "Time evidence
ammd time facs In eaclu of these cases are ox-
sell ) ' time sammie-what applIes to one applies
to all , " were Mr. hlitcimcock' closing no-
A resolution was themi offered amud pasceil ,
overnuihirmg time Protests and grammting license. ,
to time South Omnalma Brett log commmpamiy , Twemm.
ty-elgimtim and Q ; 11. Mica , 314 North Twemuty-
fourthV. ; . Seveko , 2615 N street ; George
Sick , Twenty-fourth and Q : Jacob Klein ,
Tivcnty-.xtim amid N ; M. Wohisimen & Co. .
2020 N ; J. hi. htrvey , 2501 N street ; Thmomnas
Gihicspe ! , Tiuirty-ttmmr.l amid I. ; Dill ) ' Frammek ,
Tsvemmtletim mimmd S ; Fred lrewo , Tuvenuty-fourim
and IC ; B. I ) . Christ , Twonty-evemmtim stud N
i'troets ; Charles Purr , Twe'nty-thuird and Jof-
forsoim ; Jamnes Cuillumbami , 2fi27 N street : F.
Crawford , 331 North Twenty-sixtlm ; Jcimn
Cormncrs , Thirtieth and ( ; M. ht. hnmmin.ird ,
Exchuammgo imotel ; hionmaamm Ammger , Jtlbrighmt :
August EnIckr'an , 410 Nortiu Twenty.foimrtim
street ; Benlimi & hIesly , 'Fwenty.foimrth ammd
N streeis ; A. i'apcz , 2ii21 N street ; Cimarhe ,
MIes , 20G Smitim Pwcmmtlethm ; V. l'ivonlca , 531
North Twenty-fommrthm ; J. A. Nelsomm , 325 Nortlm I
Twcr.ty-soventim ; Charles Mclcimoiri , Tr'ent - I
seventh mmn4 L streets : II. Martin , 2tild N
streets ; F. Limurlrumn. Tvenmty-lxtii auth Q
streets : J. lCoutsky , Puvemmtletjm and Q streets :
C. It. Lcicimonnimmg , 3121. It. street ; 11. Jotter ,
Twemmty-flfth arumi N ; Om B. 11111 , 4h2 North
'rii'enmty-fotmrth c'treet ; t3. ICrebs. Albright ;
Jamimes.lIiannlgamm , TIuirt'-seeond anul Q ; Max
teimz , 'h'wemmty-rotmrth a l ' streets ; Gerwgo
'I'terr'.ey , 2611 ; N mtreet. Mary 'atmszyrIskle.
Timirty-thmlril anmh L streetsj II. 7ulies , 2630
N street : 0. Maimer , 4tW North Twommty.
fourtim ; ( hourgo T1ermmoy 2.27 N : hhrmgim Mui-
hett , Railway avenue ; h1muC. Sammtter. 400 l
Nortim 'Fnonty-fourth trtrqm4 ; II. Lamnberg , m
2520 Q street. , immi
Notice of appeal to time district court was
taken. _ . -
) Iimgii , Cl I ( ims'.hmi. '
TIme Danich BrotimcrlmoQiiT'whll give a pIcnIc
at Sarpy Mills Sumuula.1
: ul. J. Vunkirk of Sllvt ciI ) , Ia. , Is stop-
1)11mg III time cIty for a. dar cur tso ,
Jtrmdrew herald of ItlQk , ha. , is in the
city looking after huts tyutIdry intereets.
Cimanies Aimclereonm iiasuroturmmm4l frummm North
fiemmml , sbfu hue victed friends for a cmort
time. ,
Jammies Tucker end famimily , Tuvonty-tiilrml
ammmi'mmmamm urcele , have rnovti to 1101.
Mrs. Cimarle ! Hogan of Bartlett , Is. , Is
vim4Itimmg lien iister , Mrs. J. S. Comnai , Tms'eaty-
seeumuui arid It streeti' ,
htcbckaii lodge imas elected the following
oltictirci : Mrs. Carry , noble grand ; Mre. h'eck ,
vice gramid ; Mic. , Corn Gosmtoy , feeoi'dlmmg
socrtary ; 7hiss Fannie Ganey , fimmancimmi
secretary ,
John Gordon , a butcimer emmpboyed at hlammi-
mmtonti'a , cut imis right arm quito badly yea.
terday. 'imiie cutting mu iIece of mncat limo
knife slipped , Time wound Is an ugly one.
but is mmot dangerous ,
A cimlemmihimi vtrhmmg of horses are 1mm thu
litt to be s3ld at time regular Saturlay salt. C
this afternoon. Several eastern anti soutimermi
buyerm , are iuero for time purpoco of FiekiuS
out the beat for their markets ,
- - . - - -
. CIflJ4 _ ' a ; ; c' o-----
- - 4
All the Summer Suits yeti want
foi' Less than Aettial Cost-
3000 mcu's suit3-1200 boys' suits-600 '
- long pant - boys'
2-piece suits from the great 1'Vlichaels , Sicrn , purchasc---
Men's Long Pant 2Piece
Stilts Snit Stilts
$700 boys for big $ LOO _
$7.50 , $8.00 , $ S,50 $6.50 , 7 , $8 , $10 , $2.50 , 3.75 , 4.O0.
Insists that Ho s Mcrely Making a Friendly
Visit ,
'I'is ml hemllerM I'm , rtemh ( mum Guh 'i'em'mmms ,
hut tue h'eimmms'l'mtmuiimmm ' .Vmus Summippy
ii ) tilO ltem.rtm'rslmot Ii SI-
leimt uN $ hmImlmmeN ,
CANTON , 0. , May 22.-Senator M. S. Qimny
of l'emmiisylvanla , accomnpammieul by J. hay
hirown of Lammcaster , l'a. arrived in time city
timis mmmonmming over thie Penmmsyivammimt railroad
at 10 o'clock. Govermior MctCimmloy having
received a telegram that Semmator Qimay would
pay iuimmm a visit , met iuimmm at time statIon In the
faimmily carriage.
To a reporter on time train Senator Quay
decilmmed to talk as to time object of hIs
mirsiomi , saying mmmerely tlmat hue was hayimig
Governor McKtmley : a fnienmlly vi'it.
Mr. Brown mia'd ime was macrely traveling
as Mr. Qmiay's commmpanimimm amid imaul mme kmmovl-
edge as to time mmature of ii s nmlssiomi and
that Senator Qumay immtoimdcul retmmrmming at 2
o'clock tints aftormmoomm. It is boileveul lucre
that time vist s'as fniemmdly Iii every way.
Semmator Quay left Canton at 2:30 : thIs after-
imcon w'timout giving out the srmspIclon of a
statcmmmeimt. lie did imot seenu to he in a
cordIal Imummuor antI ratimcr snapped at mmees-
paper mmmcmi. TIme outcamno of the interview
Is not known , as mioitimer Quay nor Melctmmley
would listen to cimmcstiomms.
It is not believed time conference amnoummted
to maccIt. Tlmere was no breach between
time mcmi , as MclCnmley drove witim time semmator
to time train. A friend of Ilck Qumay , whuo
cammle with time party , saiul that even he ilid
not IIliot' 'i'iuat ii s fatimer canine lmer. for.
MeKimmlcy absolutely declimmed to be Imuter-
vioweul about time conferemice amid biter tim
tIme aftormmoon stmrteul ; for Cleveland to joimi
hia wife ammd remain tmntil Mommday , the guest
of Mr. hlammon ,
CLEVELAND , 0. , May 22.-TIme Leader ,
\'tmtctm better represmilmt9 McKinley , perhap" ,
timan ninny other mmewepaper mm time Ummited
Statcs , will lnmbiish tommiorrow imi suitammce
time fohlovIrmg upomm time visit , gf Quay to Mc-
KImey ! : "Quay caine to Cantomm , not as time
bearer of nmicoI.ages fromim aim ) ' moan or group
of noon , but as the leader of time republican
part ) ' in I'ennsyivania. lie diml hot comime , as
lmo facetiously remarked in Vu'aslmlngton , to
( ilmoatlomu McKinley about lmIi. attItude on time
mmione ) ' riuem'tIon. lie was a republicamm leader
visitIng tIme maim who will certainly be the
imorninee of tIme repumblicami party for prcnl-
dent. Time givlimg of otihees was not con-
sidereul nor vamm time carmmpaigmm for time noimmi-
miatiomi dlscusceil , because every republican
kmuows that campaign ' to be practically enilcd.
One thimug they did discuss was the cam-
paigmm which mtcKlrmley vihl enter againet time
demumocratic canulldmte : for presIdent. Time conference -
ference was nmo.'t peasammt ! and coruhlal on
Imotlm cideum. Time visit of Quay was such as
% 'ilI undoubtedly be rmiade hmy immany other re-
pubIlcan leaulers , bothm before and after tiue
St. Louts convcmmtion.
h'ITTSFIUItG , Pa. , May 22.-Senator Quay
arrived at hut t luamime in Beaver from Canton ,
0. , about 5 o'clock. To time qucr' as to
wiuetimer , ho believed McKinley would be
mmonminateil hue replied : "I imavo nuotluing to
say whatever. "
'rime senator brake hits resolutIon not to
talk time next mnomueflt , imowever , amid to tIme
coilcitoums question as' to tviuetlmer hue was still
to be considered a camuultdate , eiumphatlcahhy
salul : 'Ohm , yes , I ann cliii a cammdidate for
the uresldemmtial nomuminatlon amid cimail be
votcuh on at the St. LommI , convention , " Time
senator seemed to timink ime Imad said enough
arid fmirm.her qimcatlommlmmg as to wimat , lie
tiuoumgimt of MclCiney's vlet's amid ri'eorul oum
the financial questiomi mmml Piatt's' attack on
it , snlIIIumglY iul tlmat hue ham ) notimimmg mnoro
to conimuitlniCato.
? ; ( ) CO'r'ES'l' Fittl ) SUtJ'l'II l'ih'I't.
SIlver Ienmnerrm ls'"IVII I l.t iii. cmmi-
% 'emtIimm'N S'orl ( Stmi mmml.
SIOUX FALLS , S. I ) . , May 22.-Speciai (
Tehegram.-A ) report imas been sent out frommu
'mmnkton timat after tim adjournmemmt of time
late dcmnmocratic convemmtlomu at Aberdeen , time
fren sIlver delegates met and selected eight
lelegates to Chicago , who were to go its a
ommtestimmg dcicgationm , the eigimt being : J1j.'a ,
Lymmch , l'ratt , liar'rett , Nemnmayer , ' Aimel ,
h'ammbrnan and Mulltim , On receipt of this
jispatcimV. . A. L'rrcim of hlurcmi , i'hmo icul
iuo free , 'iiver fight , s'as asked by ire
ibut Its truth. lie pronounces It false.
rime free silver men nmet after time conchmm-
ilon of time convention : cunul deluated tIme
immestion , but , finding timat timere vus mme cx-
uEo upon wimlchi to ask a contest , voted tine
uroposition r1wmm , There is rio talk immt- :
7vcr of a commte.t , though there is consider-
ibie grmmmnmbling anmong time free sliver mcmi
mgainust tIme federal chico iuoldern9 who ran
hue convention.
lot ) 'I'll I It S'l't' 'Vt ) 'l'A ilC 1'Oi.I'I'ICS.
Iuutm'umlmii'loum or htefrm'slmmsmemmts Cuts
i4lmumrt I lii' lh' t
'rims Young Men' . Itepubhican club of time
iirst t'ard met at ScImrotim hall , Fourth
unul Pinmo streets , last mmighmt , for time purpoae
If recommsiulerlrmg time former actIon of a
inail portion of time club 1mm enorsliug time
: andiclacy ofV , J. ilroatcim for govenumor.
imorty after time mmieetimig ii'as called to
riher simort speeclmes s cue nmaulo by Isaac
tarca'i ' , Leo Estehlo. Judge S. I. ( Iorulomm and
. C. O'hiailoran. A. B. Walimup timerm Pieced
I mumotlomi before the club , leading up to time
wlmmclpai object of tue mectimig , by request-
ng timat it tommder lt suppcrt to A. S.
hmurcimlil In eocunlrmg bile remiomnlnimution for
uttorney general , anul the camullacy of Ii.
' lla'chm for state treasuror. While time
iuestlon i'as under ( IIIICUIIF'lOfl a miuan walked
nto time bmaii wIth a keg of beer. and in
inc ruth timat ermsued by the tbIrsty corm-
lnugmmt , thui mnotionu was tmubleul until time
iext nimeetltmg. _ _ _ _ _ _
l' ( Limit. ' . % vtI'm' .
hItJBON , S. I ) . . May 22.-Spccial.---A ( )
uonics of canmip meetings , under time aumipices
mf ( ho South Iakota hteormn h'ress umesocla-
ton , 'Ihi be lucid throughuout time state dun-
nmg time aumrimaer , for time purpose of "educat-
flu the iuastic.i In the principles expounded
by time loinniist Part ) ' . " Tiuc' firct nmic'etIags
'ili be heiml earl ) ' mcXt : iumomitlm. S. A. ( 'i'cii- '
rano of hirroklngs antI It. B. lowdeil of Ar-
temilani lmos'o beemi nnmmieul it comuinmmittee to pro-
'lulu speakers , literature , etc. , anti mire imow
emmgageul in that work. All speakers 'tli be
residents of time state mumol nmommo are to re-
cm'ivr' niorcu thmamm $5 11cr day for timely sem'vtci'c ,
amid trill ho expecteui to sPeak once each 11:1) : '
in time vock , As miiammy maccLings as iosc'ihmle
tulli lie arm'ummgcd before thmL gatimerlug ( if time
popmmhiet state commvemmtion 1mm timls cii ) ' , Jmnly
II. _ _ _ _ _ _
'I'll hit'i' Cl I A IthdS hi % 'l'lI lIlt CO 1.1)1,1.
ii I Snigire' . t duiEmolorse hlrtumileim
ItI'Pl 4il I mm lm'mmeu- .
An emmtimtisitic Ibmicim amid ( 'lmmmrcimlll meet-
mmmg was held by time Nimmtim'munil ltcpmmhmhicami
dumb at 'I'wemty-cigmmtim anml Far'miammm etrcets
I a t mm Igim t . at tvhu helm t Ii n ( till mm : emnl'crmi. I p of
time elub : turtmrd ommt. Siuortly after the meetIng -
Ing had hjeemi lmrougimt to onI'r hi ) ' Cimalrmmman
C , S. hitmmitlngtomm. C. 1) . 1 hmmtcimlaton mmiade a
immotiom : tiuat thud climb give Mr. Cinmmrcimill and
Mn , lialcim their stronmgeet stmpport In the
C ( nmihmmg race for attormut' ) ' general amid btato
trt'asumrer. The imufliomm n as carried by aecla-
fill tI Oil.
Chum'les Ummttt followed witlm a epeecin , in
wiiichm ime attenupted to mb a little nmmissionmmr ) '
vmmrk for time mimaym'r , but as time mniiuds of time
mmudlemice we' o not so 'miclimmed , deftly
ehmaruged time tr ilc to time cuun'.litlates unuler
disctm'sionm. Specuolmes iero mmmmiule along time
sammmo 1)1 rlimdorsiuig Churcimihl and Ihaichm
by Jmmdgr' J. 11. McCmmihommglm , , lcsm'imii Cro e ,
\V. I. Kiersteaul. B. I' . lavis mund J. L.
Kale ) ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
timid ( 'umimmmt % ' lti'imilhIt'iIuI Cmmmi''uuti.mmm ,
LYONS , Nob. , May 22.-Sliecbl ( Teiegrnnm. )
-The repubhicanus of hlmmrt county immot in
com.vemmtiomm lucre timis mmftermiooii whIm B. Ii.
Ca'ter mms chinnrmnamm. On immotloim lion. Fnuo-
nmcmmt Everett t'as allowed tO schec : luls ot mm
delegates to tiuc conmgrc'sstommal convention.
mmoimilnatOd for represenmta-
hlerry ihrynmm
live of the Tuvehitim district. ioimmm F' . Nes-
hmitt was atitluonizeul to ehcct his delegates
to time float conventloim of time Timlrteenth ills-
ti'Ict.V. . 0. Sears tt'as nomnimmuteul by muc-
climmna t Ion for county attorimc'y. Fotmrtecmi
tlelegaeo. : were elected to time state conveim-
tien. Judge iloieweil , Geurge Wiltse anti
\'currcn Commhcilmi immade simort sieehes. The
convention was stromug for ihon. Frermuomit
Everett for commgress. A majority of time
delegates favored Eugenic Moore for gov-
SUI'ItIi3I I COLE' ! ' s'i.LtiIL
Sage against I'ilmttSmnomitim. Appeal mrommi
Cutra cotmmmty. Iteversod imod dIsmmilued.
Oplmmiomi by Conmniissioner Im'vimmo.
Vu'imei'e time. olhIcen's imi whom rower Is
vcted gemmcrally delhmme or extenil the
hmoimnmam'ies of a city , have undertaken to
extc'mmml its botmntIanics , tIme oVn'r of land io
immcorlY rated cammrmot , at ienm't nfter the lapse
of' mo mmmmmnber or years , mnmIrmtmiIri an ai'tmomm
for' time pmmriose of resurainiimg the coliectIonm
of city taxeS on time groimmimi hunt Lucre vmus
110 nutimorIty to immcorhiOrdmtti time iumrticuiar
birmIl Iru mimes I 10mm. 50mm tim I'imi t C hnmiih cciii-
lmamm ) ' against Llumfalo coUmmty , 15 Nob. , 6& ,
2 , Timu sutficlency of the hmetltiomm to state
a etimisli of"actiomm nmumy hue cimmthlemireui at nil ) '
atmige of time Proceedimlg , even iii tlmis court
on appeal.
Brute against state , Error from Burt
( ! OUmmt3 , ' , Alum macil. Optnioii by Comimmisslonem'
I rvi mie.
i'ninmted collIes of time strittite laws hum'Port-
lug or prov'ul to imave been puhmllsimed tinnier
the umuuimonith' of time state , mime rmresUfliliti'e
et'Idommc'u , anml lmrc1tilnlmtlvC cvitli'mmce Only of
sticim hmtst's. 'I'ime origlnmil enrofleml mmct bear.
irmg thu certilicates of time lmreslmhimlg olllcers
of time two imoUse of tue iegishmmtmnre mmrmil time
nri : oval of the goverumo' , an I deiOsitd with
11mm' secretary of etmute. is time commtroiiing
2. Section 105 of time Session Laws of iSS
Is a vii I Id a nmi emmil mn cmi t of sec t i'rm 12 0 1' tin
r'i'i am I flu I couhe ; iii tlmoughm t hue repeall mmg claus
iii limit immmiiisimeI muct Imurports to i'"fleii
devon lnmsteaul of section m wc'ivu , as there
toforu existing ; time emirolied muet ilisclosin
timmit time legisicuttmre iii lact repealed sat
ortglnmml i''L'timi twelve.
ii.v Imt'n rm tvom'd iweil ii ) ' it w'itrmeis hmmm
mi m'igimitlcutttin 50 r'emi'railv : kmiotvn t mitt it
inline t imrm Vu bce mm ii mmii cm' , ' toad ii ) ' m ime t rk'rum of
fact , mm n mm piuc I in te court vill mmot it Isregim a !
ttmmii'ii slgiulticmmtiomm on' merit time tt'om'ui m iin
lmmtelhigitule , mmmerol ) ' hwcammse fronmm mrmotlve.
ot' doci'mmey and hmropriety , lexicogrtmuiienI ;
hull Vt' I g Ito roil II.
Ommmuttmui It. V. It. comnumimy ngiiInm't Im'iiyemm-
bmmim I. l'rm'or fm o in I I mm I I i'm' coon I y. I tevrsed
amimi remnandi'd , Opimmtomm by Commimnissioner
I r'vmmo.
iii tim , ' opcm'rmtiomm of a m'niltvay tm'cmlnm cmmt-
81(10 ( If t0'fls nth 'iilmgcs. : mlii niLe of sjs'ed
hmoWVu'i' great 113 imbue suIihcienmt evluieimce to
estiulilleIm ntgigemmce. Ii. & 'uI. It. it. eomn-
Palm ) ' uigtminmut'emmuht , 12 Neb , , 70 fuhlot'uI.
2. 'limo foreman of a ctlori crew mmmiii an
U mgi mmm c r I mm chmmm m go c f mi Ineoniot I t'e ii mr t'I nug
mm. trmitmi hot conni.ctm'ul tt'Ith time w rl ( of time
mc'ctiori mmmen , mile imot fellow Sert'anmtu4 , wltimimm
time meanIng of time nimbi forbIdding mm re-
c'.vc'ry ' for injuries ctuimsemi imy the nc'giigermco
of mm fehiot' servant. Union l'uiellic htiilway
comnimlmny agmmImmu4t Ericksomm , 'II Nehi , , I , tel-
: i. 'l'hue maximni fimlsiimm In 1mb fmmhstmum In
omnnmibumms , tmpmuhleum emily tsimcre mm ts'itmiesn luau
krmmmts'lnghv anul tt'ilmilly testifital falsely mue
t mu niatter of fact. hhuffmuIo county mmgmuimist
Vito SIckle , 16 Neim. , ird , fohowe'mI ! ,
'I. It i'm errol' to lmmumtrmmc't a jumry timrut it
mmimi ) ' corms'luicr v im t timer em' mm'ut. sit mu Lu t cry im tgii -
Wmi3 signals were k'Iv < mi hmy mmmi nrlllmroaciutng
tmnlmm in hoterniInimmg thnetlmcr time train t'ummm
in otimm'r respects negligently ojirati'ut.
5. % set' t Ion mmiii mi Cmi mm mmcl I l ( eimmm rgeii t'i tI i
c'n t it imuitory negligemne" be im mm 5(1 ii o IC moum limed
impon time trmrek for time Iuimnhmose or reimmov-
I nmg ii ii oust rmmL't iou , ( ' rmdmu mmgerj nmg mm n mmii-
rolmciuing trumin , tvh n hum imilgimt immmve sutvcd
imImmiseif ii ) ' uuillmn1lcnhrig time trmick armil bay-
log time tratim to its ( mite.
hlrothmem'torm ogalimet Mu rmimmutinrm Bench , Imn-
hr'vemnent coi.ipiumly. Erm'om' ( room h.amghmus
( iiulilt ) ' . htet'crsecl mmmiii nemorinded. Oprmioiu !
ii ) ' Cnmmimnisioner Irvine ,
Ncgltg.nee is time fmmiimme , to exercise
imielm core Irmmuic'nce mmmiii ( or'etimonigimt its mum-
den time ereunmstumnces duty remluiri's mulmtmld I
lam gIven on' exercised. It mnmmuy consist Iii
time omI"slonm to mb s'omml'timimmg which a
r"mtmlommmiimh' mmnmmrm guided by timuise conuiera- !
Lions ts'imleim orilimmarily regulate time coniirmct
of ImurriOrm rmffmilrs , would do , Foxtvurtiuy I
rigitinmc City of Jiru.stIngu4 , l Nob. , 77. ! ( ci-
lot't"mi , '
2. 'I'o tetaimhlshm a cntmse cut action iuzmseh on
nmiiign'e it is riot tnmllk'Icnt for time PImItli-
tiff to vimot' I limit nmegligt flee existemi , lint ime
mu mm , ' t ml ISO k'imow t hun t t ime imegi igeimee 1)1 caileml
mind provt'ii vzms time bmroximlmuitu ciuuso of time
iiiiui y Ctmflhlrtim1t'.h ) of.
3. A imr.rem , ( mV.tng ml limit ) ' towrmrmh another
rnmiy lie ltmmiiit. fir InjurIes rcsmmltlng to limo
miter , mubtimougim time former was lii time first
inmL'tmmflce Iii mo wti'e rmeghlgcimt , rimmil : mithuougim
time hatter mmmmiy , Ii ) ' his cvm-m umeghigerm' e , iimuvo
lilmiccil hulnmiscif 1mm mm momittlon of mlmimmger ; nra-
% 'lt1m'4i that mmfmm'r uimsc'overirug time latter's
danger , the formnur ( milled to take rensormmmhmle
I'm ecimrilturms , vimlcii , hail the ) ' been tiuken
woulul hmmtve ut'er'temb time Irmjury.
4. 1 coenmimaimy mnuintmimnilmmg a hufitiming re.
sort runml letting omit 11mm linivlie8e to time
pUiuiio fur imire , ill imominml to ttiko murucim rum e-
cliutlommms for time vmuety of batimers , miii ii tier-
Eon Lf ormiiimmmry IIrumhvimco would lake ummmier
time clreumbtmmrmces ; cmiii wimethmer ( II' mmot
liroler Iurec'mluiiams imumym' been trmkemm Is
ordlnmmrl ) ' , 11km , other questonmi of my gilemmcs
a ( huemitioni of feet.
5. .Acoorwngiy , where such a. company waa
- - ' - - - - - - -
mme t I Ileti of a ha t hue m's dl smippm'mi i'ml mmcc , se
1401 ii after hue imail lueemn uteeni its to warrant
I Ii ti I ii feremmi.'o t hum t aim I mmmmiit'I I mm t c sea mcii in
time tvrmtm'r would imutve m't'smml' eti mi imlum rescue
ln''re mieathn , mituti time comummcmmiy hmmimi mm one
I In'titenm t t ovmt t u'im I 'a I lmt'rs mm mmmi m''st' mm e I hose
t mm mlii rmg.'m , a mmml cut' ii mmg'mi ti' of I hue Comm Oii ) '
as t'm'e bmreenm ( miiIu.i to mnmmmke s'mmi''ii lit
tIme tt'atm' for time nnitisimig nimmmmi , it tvims er-
I'll ii ( 'omms to I imst rime t I hue j mmry to met turn a
% 'vtmhtet for LimO defemmulnimt.
'l'ime Anmt'ricnmn lhtniidinig ammit Lomimi as-
mtuciimtlomm ngaiimm.t iti'tee. Error ( m'onii lamhi-
soil ( 'Oinlmt ) ' . Ites'er&'e&i , Opinlomm by Chief
Jiisti , ' l'ost.
'line mltmesUt'mi stmg'gestrih by time record of
t hi is c'm si bei ii g imieni i icum I tvl t im t hmoe hire-
semi t'd I mm t mmieni cart I hum ii ii I ng mm mmii I .oa mm as-
soi'imi t lou mmgi I uS t I to I mull 'I t ii im I A nmmenIemmn
I m mmll.l 11mg mm mm 1 locm mm imom'ia tlon ago t mis I I hi'mm r ,
heeIdcil lit timh sessloim , time jm.mllgmmmm'mmt of time
dlstmIct court lii revel ecU md Liii' cause to-
nun mmdeil fom' I na I do mmuvo ,
A mar rt cmi mm I hut lul t nig mm mid h nm : n nssoeimm t ion
mig.'ilimst IiiI ) ( ' . Erron' frerim Mailiutomm enmnity.
ItevcrI'ei. ( OliIrmIonm by ( 'hid Jiistic l'ost.
'Fim Is cmi tni'u t s s umhinmm I t t 0(1 imlummm sumhmsta mit iahl )
t im e sa mmie iec'nii mimi I mm A mnmeri crtmm I immi hi I mm
mm mid I nan mtnusocimit loim nigmi Inm.t I to I niiol t , unit
A iii urleim mi I imnl lilt ii g mm mmd I oa mi mi uumolcinit inn
imgmitimst hhenr , ileclmhiiui mit thit session mmnl
foilowimmg these cmmees th , . , ( mmirrmienmt ; is ro-
S'cre'cii anal cause remnamimhed for further
trial liv time dltrict court ,
hlnik migmuInst Coimmicil. Error fr umm h.lougia
( ' ( iunmmty. AI1In'ned. Obmimmlomm ii ) ' Chilef Justice
I 'em'
'em'A , .mthi. mf remit estmmte to satisfy mm jumlg'niment
V. ' hi I rim immi s heco mmmc tie mmmiii ii t in i : ii er t Ii e pro
t'lsInmis of m'ectiomi 4S2. code of ( 'i'il vro-
ci'dtmre , is voitinimle ommt' , amid cmunmmot lm&
nsmuaiiei In : a strictly eoilmmtcral Immoceeiilng _
Gliieu'rilu , nmgntmmst Switzer , 43 Neb , , 772.
2. W hmi'r'e time recrimil mhlselos.i' mmii order of
t Il m' ui i't r'et Court smmllhm'i elm I I mm fcmm'mnm , hot
ommiltttmig time mmmunne of tile jnmIge by vimomn it
t'ae made , thmm , fact tlmmmt tlm sole jtmuhge of
time uhiu4ti'ict nmaimmed vms nt time date timereof
ii . isulimi : it mlod to act I mm simelm I ii'Oceemi log , by
m..mnmomi ( ) I' lma'i mmg imeem : mu u tom'mmu ) ' fol ormo of
I ime lm : I Lit'S. rum ISt'l4 iO I iresti mmilt Ion mmgnimmmut
time 'mulldity of simcim ortem' , 1mm'iew of time
statmmte nutluorizlmig jmiilges to intcrchmarigo
amud lmoltl court fir cccii otimer ,
: t. Wlucro mu decree of fcm'eclosmnre ( hireets
I hilt t I In e Immort gaged iroPc rt ' be soiuh by us
Inmister thmereimm ilaimied , a sale hi ) ' the simeriff
to a t iuuy som hI dc'r ree mmmmdcr aim om'dem' crib-
seqimemmtly ltSmm&i Ii ) ' time clerIc is voldutimle at
imiomt , and such trr'cgmmlzurlty is ctmred by ant
order of . .yommhlm'mnutlom megumlmirly mimade.
\Vhmile it Is cmim'tommlmmr ) ' to mmmmhun : rise of
time S'Oi'ds "wltmmes" ' ' ' " . .
% ur 't'imni'i't'pd" in mit.
tcstlmmg time cxecmitton of mkvh immiul otimer
Immmutrnmmnemits affCtirig thm' tithe to real eState ,
emu'im pnmictice lii mmeithmem' rmeceremmr' or mmnl-
'criauh , Aim ) ' CXhmrc'i'sloml froimi wiulcim It np-
Pears mimat time smniuscm'lier in frmct w'itnmeecI
t lie ex i'Cii I tOil by t lie gum muter , cuililcienm Liv'
nmr.wers time reqnnii , 'mmmcnt of sectIon 1 ,
( ' 11mm , lit or 73 , coin iii I u'i stis I mm tes ,
I , . 'h'lme pemmi'mmc ) ' of a lmr000cdlng for fore-
clot-mire does nuot tcrniimmmmte with timi' entry
( If 011 cInder for time sale ( if the liroperty
l'nmimumh hi ) ' time lien , inmt conmtintmeu as a rule
for' time purpose of time emmforiommmeimt of tue
iieei'cm' , imimtii comiiim'mnatton of time sale nod
, ' of time lim'oceeilum thereof ,
0. Omit' 'imo
inireimase. imrohmerty boUnii by a
uhecree of fon'eeiostmrtu Is , Iii tiiO mmimseiice of
ccl ii ltmm hule corm.sidermr t in ims reu'mmI I I mug ( ruin time
ciremmimistiunces of time 1)01111 ) mmlmtr ease ,
cluarge'l wt th s'mmcim mint ice , u' t ho record Im-
immtrt' rind is not cntltlch to hiisoimal notice
of sae and cotifirniatl mm , til e'mneiitiy marie
1mm time onforcemnenmt of emmeim deu're ,
7. l'ldeiico exit no I lieu cm nmih I mld to smmistain
fimmillnig agaInst time liimimntiff in error unpon
time lismne 'if mhverse hioseskuim of property'
mi mlii'pimte.
8. Verdict sot ommt in oiiiulon hehul smmillcienmt
to sullinimi tIme jmmlgmnm'rmt ( comnuplimined of.
, htisirmg against Nmisim. Error ( remit Butler
( nmflth'Verseil niuth remmummuiumi. , Opinion
ii ) ' Jmiiige hlnrrlsonm.
Aim instrumetlon which gl'es ummilmue hirom-
immence to m.rmbordimimmte elemiiemitum of thifl Imusimea
nmiiul is eahcmmlmmteih to rmmlscmd ! time lury , is
em'rolmcamis mmnd its glvlimg nmay cimhi for a.
reversal of the jmmulgnmemmt ,
: 'i J' I ) ri mu Lc 'I'omp M miehi for htm'r.
Dr. 'I' 'woe. city iuim'FICizun , % 'mms called yes-
terulay afternoon to attend a woman , Mrs.
Nellie Smimltb : , ilving itt 123 Soimthm Eleyentin ,
s'ho 'remus said to be In ut mlyiing condition.
lie found tIme M'Omflan yiimg nnm limo floor of
her mono niimconst"ommc. ltestor.utives were
( ' ( mtniih hue thimuc 'en'ed thuit time 'tvomari's
nmly umtilietlon wa aim ( 'vm'niiomme of nlcohmoiic
tiinsianmts , Mr's. Sinitim card t."uit he had
imp t ii 11mm 10mm 1 'acIflo iii'alcenma ii il ii rho g timO
lIt ) ' ailil ho imail intuit. imer it ! mresemlt of a.
.ottio of cocktails. tt'imteii lm'umt hmrovcMl toG
'riticim for imer ( ' ( luhltbniimnm , 'lime t'uuimn Is In
( ietitimte clrcmmnnpiitnc'cs. Shit' fom'rnem'hy lived
I mm I on A mmgeiss , Ca I , mm nil hi me imeri Cii Ipped
fn'omn ci I y t o ci ty by t hi o di ti t Ii ti t Ie maul Is
inmw ti''liig to get tra'mdsportmttieyi to Toronto
t'hmero FIms Says l'cimutivtom .lt'e.
J'Iii'u'I for ii Sian I I ( , m mmmi. ,
0. Smnitim , is negro , WitS arreseil luimut nigimtj
Oh a chmmrge of forgery. Yt'sterhay rifler-
rcoa Smith iire'emmte.l : tri order to Colonel
I'ioymh , b3rkeojier for hlenmry Oortu'r , ( or $2 30 ,
himmmhmorlinmg to imrmve his'emnl'm'it'n : '
\l'm'it'n by i'ufr.
Jim t'mml mmm rt it vsm ? , m'r woman mm I i vi mm g neil r Hi x-
tccntim mind hzmril trt'ols. , Time rimommey wmms
i'al.l , I' humt'tl mmftt'rtt'arml il's'covi'm'unmg timut the
sigumaturo w'mos imot m.p'nulrme ,
) ( , I II It Ii V I'll Ji4. !
Pete floluanary' , arm Inulterarmt IClidber ( rein
Iowa , imas been arreoted for oilIiig geode
witimoul a ileemme ,
'fima 11011cc have been ackt'ml to hook ommt tom-
George Lceimrtrm , a feebht'-nmiimmileml boy , wiu
( 'scalItlil from tue Immetituite for the Feehih ,
Mtimmieil Iii Council Bluffs yesterday ,
Time remaIns of Mm's. A. Tlnmnrurm , wimo miim ) '
Iii thmiV city yesterulay , fronmi time effects ( , f mum
operation , i'eru takemu to iit'r frmnummtir hmommme ,
Simnmmncr , Nei , . , last eveimlng ( or imitermmmormt.
Time body vas aceonmllarmlemh by lien mhaugimter ,
John F. Caluluvehl , mc bicyci u Itarmdoiplm ,
Ia , , Is tvanmtemh very badly by iis ! wife. Cmuluh-
% % 'eil heft ltammiloipim cmi AprIl 17 , iast , to take
a bicycle trill to W'yommmlng. Ills tv hi luau
110 t imt'anil frommm im in : si nce iu it ml Ilat rt tire arid
Imo Is now tn'yiag to asc rt'tinm his where-
Miss Itose lichen , dammghmter of Mike Fiihmer.
\t'imo comnnmmlttemi suiclmie at (0'J SoUhm Tomtim
litrect lust Timcsilmiy rmigimt , arnlveii 1gm tIme city'
host evenlmig for tluo purpoim of lImiting charge
or tIme rommialnim ( ii her ( oIlier , iuits ! Fishier
I.i a mmumuue mit tiim Dtutcntlomm imo''pitmmi of Ciii-
cmmgo. 'flue rommalnmi , of Mr. FIshier wIll lie
burled at Forest Liuwum cemetery tuilumy at.
10 o'clock , time furmora iim'Irmg cumuilum"eih : ( rota
hi. L. liurket'mm ummilertakmmig o't 'hiislmnmmcuit at
'fwenty-fourtiu amud Ctmmnhmmg mutreetj.
I , A Shield
. , . ,
' , .witutt a protection mugcitnstj\
cold und dangerous exhinus-
tiomi I'm ii cupof beef too. made with
. Extract of 1ccf
- Rcfres1uhi
- - - - -