- - - - - - - - - - . - . _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - F -1 2 'l'IIE 0i\1AILA. DAiTYl'flEE : SA'I'IJItDAY , tAY 8 , 1)fl. the flrt ntance to th' eton of a ir tkutar church anal th'n thrniigh the ? eflfl of the church nt large. 1ih iich od&y h under the Immediate ( HrectIon nnl ( controt nnt ( ovorIht of the Inn of that cirn1t In whtei It h ; tortiit'1 and that overlglit L not mre1v general. but tltt1Ie. to the con- ttutIon of the sodety , tijo che1ti1e o ltii ervIee. the election of It c11Icer and tlia i1ItrttntInn of Its fund. ' \'IIAT T1IF CIIUILCI ! 1X1'1CT. It rpcornrneniteil th2t thli tattinent of rcoIutonn be otloptcl "a resting torth the ono In which the church oxctii her young njiIo t. tc Inyil arni that It b cnt (0 tb ( prehyU'riR to t reail tn Inillvlcttinl o- cIotIe. ' ' It wai' a1o rcrrnimetulcl that Preabyterhn unions be fermeti In the varktni prehyterI5 , and that ttlstks In ropart to the onlPavor ( 'ocletI4 ho wcl1ref1. It wP. propo'od. nI.o , that a lopulir nirntIng t ) ( at the txt arsornbly In th ° It.r'.t o such pcIctI ( . . A IIeclaI newspaper tnr 1'rhy- torlan 'orIetI , cniir' of rtu1k. , t plan for tinlfythg the vork of the young PeoPle and corrclonloruo ltli other len iinIiiatlonil nrgnilztlon' . wni propowil and wts ret'rreil to a specIal cornrnIttet. It was v.1w reentn- ! flOflftei thdt ill journan. reports aiil ntlii'r ninilar PuTillcatloII9 Ithin the church ho riUe'tcil tO If1n th lrnplo ( elgnatlotI YOI1IIg l'enploii snclotte. ' The vital roroinmotidatlon wns that the political CCflflflIttC ( ' be 'ontlnud anti that It ho directeti to get statItIc' anil other Inter- matltni anti on the baIt' of tlt ( ' ! IW to 'uh- mIt to the next acrnitly , It tile wn3P be clear , a Plan ) tat1 Ott ttii Informatiult , which 'viII unite our IICIctIeH along the line of our hI.MtorIc VietV5 , of Clirlittlali doetrinu anti war- 1iIi. ; ' ' l'nrtieular attack svI matte iitan the ret'- lotion cnntolni'ng thh propoe3l , IntL it WflS crrIei under a conatruction of the operation of the vreviot1 il1etti0n % , which carried the mat n riti ( t lOll a'c ng s I tit an 01110041 flPfl L Then toilosoii a niotion to s rik out the retnalning recorntnentlatiotlI tr.i to tlisciargo ! the cotiitttittee. Peniling tliii itiotion the hour of atij'tlrnrnorit itrrtveil and further dio- cunoti s'a' , cilokOd off. NIU % Ii.tId. itIII'Y ( ! , tHM ( ) I1) . I'r4.MInntIlll , ) It iitiil ttILtI - i ( . PIN ( I ) li e .t ; t ii I'rL.Iaer. IOtO , May 23.-There wn a ittiblIc pre.wntatiofl of a Portrait an I addrett3 to 11ev , Newitmo hail atiti his wife Iat even- log , at which there wa a iurte gathering at roverotid gentlemen. Lord JCinnalrd pro- Idctl. Mr. Oiadttotie , the arcitbittitop of York , the duke \\'o.tntinster and many other ; roittinent 1)001)10 vtro there to n'c- itres their congrattilatIott. An nddree ( rota American frezita ! was alEc Irsentetl. Mr. hall. whose eightieth birth hay waH the occa9ion of the testintonini , inq'ho a tpezcii full of Interesting rcmirtl oncot. lie thatikeil iii , EngILi an I , ttneric.in frieittIt for their kintine's , act ! aiititieii to his experiences - poriences In inertca , his addre5 being re- eiVeii with great cheering anti enthusiaMni. Mr. hail ittatie two oxtentvo tour3 l the Unitol Statea. after the civil var , with thi purpose of allaying the bitter tceing toward ( rcat IirItaln and of promoting international good viI1. lurlng tue war he wn a strong advocate of tue northern catiso in England. Til is ii'iS ' % t IL ' 1 ( ) 'I'iI i INI1I. Spilt tiiiiti t1it llllVVllM uf ( ) oIO C ( > tIIt OvLt 1U * ( Ilis ion v CIIIC1\GO , May 2.-\Vhett the democratic ioi'1 ' stanilard commuittee read today time call for the county convention as isttied by 4t1 the county central committee a incetimmg was called and war to time knife was declared. After tWO iiours consideration , the following 1 re.solmitlomm was ttnanlmotmly adoitted : Itasalved. That this committee recotu- ; \ metmd to the executive cenimnittee of the t ( IcmnocratiL honest mot1ey conmniltiec that it adVie till ( lemocrats of Cook coummty who are in favor of honest Iriiimmtrios and hmmest .4 ChOlie ) . to rentaiim misvn from time jrlmnarie to itch ] on Monday next ; and , be it further - - ther ' itetmolveti. That timis committee recom- r mentlo to time executive committee that it proceed to reorganize the dtrni cratic party In tiii county. 4l I ) ItdIiM of n. Ji. NEW YORK , May 22.-Ex-onator WA- : tram Em. Waiiaco of Pommnsylvammia died at 7:25 : this meriting at 170Vet Eighty-eighth Mroot , this city. Mr. W'nhlaco had boon 4 eriutms1y iii for several months , amid for a mummtim last ho has beeti unconscious for the greater part of the time. SPItINQFIEId ) . lii. . May 22.-Frank Roisnh. presitiommt of the Illinois National banlc , bead of Iteiceim Arcs. ' Brewing estab- ' lbelimmiemnt. died very sumldoiiiy hero this mimorim- lug. aged i4. lb was very wealthy. ( JLEVELANI ) , May 22.-Word imami jum 1ei'n received hero of time ileath of Henry W. Chiid9 \Vashington timlm morning. Mr. Ohihilit watt senior mncmmmbor of tito firma of Ciillmis , Graft & Co. , whmoso failure three I tncmnths ago caused stick a profound senso- tiomt. It itt beHaved th U death was caused m by worry' analog frrim the. failure of tue firm. Childs , Groff & Co. wore extemmivc wholrsaio boot and hoe healers , anti timeir failure was dmmo to the ommibezzlemmmeimt of a junior member of time fIrm. NIV YORK. May 22.-Charle4 Goodyear. the eidct sort or Charles Goodyear the Inventor - ventor mmmmd piillaittlmropirt. died at hiI hattie In this city today of hmmmetmmnommia. A widow. three somms aitil Zomir datmgiiter .simr lye hiimi. Mr Goodyear Was bormi In Gerimmantowmm , l'a. . in 1S32. WItch abommt 35 years old ito Itt- voiitod a immaclmiue for sowIng smiles cmi boots amiti site iy locksttc2m. Later Ito organizemi : the no LaitioUs aoomiycar Shi Machine company. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( ; oI.i Sit Ipiiii'ii Is tO FtiVOhC. NEV YORK , May 22.-Lazard Freres will Bimip $ t.000,000 In gold coin toimmorrow , pre- umnbly to Paris. Lhitm ComnmrigniO ( iemmoraio Trmmmiitatiantiqtmo has mmmlvamiced time freigimt rates on Specie % imer cent aim lots of $300OdO or over on either gold or silver , 0mm goImi time now rate Is 5-82 uer ccitt on lots of 2O.OflO lip to QOOOQ anti ott lots of 2U.OOO to $ IOOOmO ) time rate Is ii-ti ; iter cent. At tito oliice of time cotmipany iti thi city no explanattoim of time advance coiiiml obtaineil. but it is smiggested that protahly tlmo hommme oiflco imai heemm notitlemi of a higher railway rate ott pccie from llavre tq Potis L. von liofTuman . Co. Imavo itimtlraa it $ IOOMOO In gold front time iubtroammmry , to he exported to Germany tomnorrow. Timis iimalte the aggregate siiipmiment to Europe tommmorrow si .100.000. . _ _ _ _ _ OIPIIIIMI I hum to ( ; hli.f .t-t Ii ii oTT4W& Or.t. , May 22.-Chief Arthur of the Jlrotimerlmootl of Engineers Is likely to be ompoe1 for time vresimiemmcy. Timero is 1101110 tiissatisfactiomi with his aminmirmistratioti. anti it is lilmely the dissenters will bring out 11 catmmiimiate , mit time majority of the ( lelo. gates scetmi to be of time Opinion timimt ito is indispensable. Mr. C. 1)mmrimell of Fort 1\'ayime. limO. . was elected itreaimiemmt cmiii Mrs. McOrr of Peoria eci-mitmmry of time gramtd liiierimmitional auxil- 1s17 Irmsmmranco : r , i. Coiiln itt Fort Ioilgo Imi , lmrestmiomit of the Railway Memm'5 home umimirc'ssemi time atixiliaron behalf of that body today. _ _ _ _ _ t'iiiitSiiIINi , VItiIt Ils.irii.p. I3EATIIICE , May 2T.-SpecIaI-.1e.esrs. ( ) 11. F. Clark , \V. F. I3rommsomm anti S.V. . Gorton - ton , capitalIsts fromn CornIng. N , 'V. , are in leatrice. looking over time Irotmerty of time k licatrien Electric company. which e.oinprlscs lime liglttimig 5ymtetmt * 111 mnotot cmmr 1inet , with aIets to purelmasing time caimme. Mr. Clark 1ms Imalmi a imroviuus vi.It to this city litton limo sante nmission. antI eximressil htitit- self us favorably imtmprcmiacmj with time out- look. - _ _ _ _ _ ( ai II ii ii iiiii lou Suiii. hot icr. Il.r11. Masji. , May 22.-Misj Abigail Dodges conmlitiomt is mvmewimat iniproved tm1ay It is hOW thought timtt the attack vili prove hess titan that wimleim prostrated MIsS ode at Wmtstmlimgton a yc'nr ago. itt ItOCIt ulls4tisfactory conmlltfon9 were irnti'cmi ititti it vaa fesre4 that Miss Iodgee IIInesd has taken ft srIiiits turn. Pimy. tmItimmmi stated that MISs 1)otlge Was in a condltinn to catise commaiderabie anxiety , - floimmim ii Cn I belles .t ro lismilet oil. JACKSONVILLE , lit. . May 22.-Time grand jury has returimod Iudictmiment agaiust time liiuuiu of illinoig college ( mCI thiS itoinan Catholic parochial mscliools for not having j usgs en theIr chooi buIlUing. Among those lIk.lk-tcIl ale hllehop Ryan of the AlIen dIe- iM slmd'lear General hilcktmy of Spring. 4 field , Many otimor prommmineut Iteopie are in- cuci.d L-- - - OLLOTIlEOTHER \ \ COLLEGES Boys from mes Experience t otback on the Omaha Diamond. UNVERSITIS : TOO STRONG FOR VISITORS ( mi miii. I'uiiI or l'ltiyM titi.l 'i'itii1i ErriliM Ii.eIiI au Ii I lie lieu yy lulling of llii IItiai , . ,1 am mint ImaimIt ) ttmls eVetilfl , " saul Calm- thin Mills of time Iowa College ball teatmi to Prof. rllngton at sunset yesterday after- ilOumi , as they illeil tlirnmiglm time turnstIle after the game. kmmow full reli It Is rot tight to feel thus. liccauss I have everything that hotild mnalco my life bright nftd glad- 501110. W'lLh a kind anti loving teacher. iii- dumlgent Iiarent , a goat1 home , health. plenty of cigaretos amid every imixtiry that can lie fotind In Amne.i , I know , too , that We Imave beatomm every base ball team in Iowa ftonm htc ck ItapimIs to Pacific Jtmnction. and I should inmipol he tmmmgratefmil , hay , even cruel , were I to immake too loud. a holler , hut 1mm spite of all timls ; iii simitit of time fact that I try , oh , so hard. to ho bright and gay , tlmere scouts to ho a load of hay lying upon immy heart , ' "IL is your liver , Clarence , " nnsvercd time 4ifl(1i ) irocelmtor , as lie emnootbeti thmo long tufts of alfalfa that deitendeti from bctmcathm time dommgtmty catchier's cap. 'Chmer tip.'o iia'my retmmrmm tickets , yomm know , amid you homtlml renmemimber that every cloud tins a silver - ver limihmig. ' ' "Yes , I know , professor , but In our case I flltl afraid time ciommmit will ommly ho ttitnmimcd with Germaim silver. rhee Nebraskans are a hmmrml comnimmimimity , and I domt't hmmov lmotv we am e clmmg to iteit tltotmt , utmhOsr3 time tim- llro allows tis to use aim ax. " ' nti , Iimmleeti , Clarence dlii have abundant eammac for imIs imcay-imaartem1ncss , for time ray time Univt'mtity hoyo did mIamu timoni mmround ( , VOi. time lot afcr : the fIrst three or foti' immnimigs was cnomtgim to brlmtg tears to time eye' ; of a hmotato. They started out all right emlo U ghm , nmmd letl eve iy one to hi 'pa tim at Ott cy a cm'o geimig to give time Universities a tight' rimu , Itimt they soon unit , and Aibott's elmer- mmlis won itt a jog. llL1'I'o1Nrs A 1Iit CRO\VD. Time day was just rigimt for hail playing , with no ' .intl ammd cloudy skies , anti a fair crowmi asscmbled to m'ee thin UnIversities bite time imtmtvevtzemi eartim for time first thimie this t'eOttOn. limit timey were agreeably disup. luiilteml , for despite time fact t hat the Iowa ttumletmts ; hmami beeti hici'aliied as time strongcst college team 1mm time we't , time tlmmiverstties S I Ut piy ; mha yed tim tim 01I to it I I I ti itt e . They claimm1 , Imowever , tlmmit they were piammting COt It Ott the cohiege cammmpus all mlay time mlmy : before amid tsere 1mm tie coimmiltion to play yestem'Jay , hut this afteimmoon proittise to pry time hid off of a wImol hot of surprises , Promptly at imaif past thmmc Utmmpire lCeithm puhlod tito IhUg omit of the Imole in imis face alit ! at time comumtmanml to play bali time two teams went at it. giammts timey wrestled to mind tro for a few momnommts , then Captain Abbott got Captain Mills miown aiim ! vahIowcml imimn am'outmd in time moist earth awim Ic 111cc a terrier % ouIi a rmmt and wimen he let himn Ui ) It was reeim timat he htitti lost one ear anti timnt Imis bright blue ummformjm looked as if it belommged to a Weary Willie. hut this is time way it happencm1 Cap- tam Abbott asked Captain M u.s how mucim twice fommr wuot and CaptaIn Mills said six , mtlid Captain tbbott took time field. Clarence imhmnself was the first man to shak0 his pica' share at Johien , but he didn't last long. lIe pushed a little one out into tim mhlimntormd amid Frankie liumig him omit at h1rc. Durro did bettor. Ito Is a young latin , whose face bags at the knees , but he Comm hilt. and the timird one Jell let go ho I ) iToti omit into left for a 8ingie. In a jiffy Captain Mills was be3ide imimself , in fact. so near to imlmneeif dim ! ' Ito aet that ito could cmtretcb lortit his hand and stroke hmL own fur. Wimen Anderson struck out , iiowes'er , he. ' , yas ro all-fIred nmad that Ito bt ! a mouth- ( UI of simlmmgles off the roof of the grand stand and if time giance he shot at time hucklcs /timmlerson had hIt hiinm i wommld have simat- tered every pane of glao's ' in time builmhing , Howell's liner to Crchghm brougimt the Univer- ltie tm , . limit they were as qu'ckly disposed of. I'rof. iocichmard fired Crawford out at first. Then Creigim walked , cppcd second and went ott to tImird on itjbott's omit , but"iutt lien Mc- Auhiite'a long fly Was beautifully gobbled by 'i-c' . oxtomi. TItOCIILE IN TIlE SECOND. Tlmo second as a trpiet of horse coilars for time l'rofessors , but in Abbott's halt two tallies were imatcimeti. l'rot , Kyle began by getting tammgled up % ith i1aye' grounder mmd ime reached first uad iiimniediately m'oached for m'ecuimtI and got there. Kid McKelvey caromued a little one down totvarmi timlrd , tvhich Prof. I.ocklmarml took ater. lie soomi overtook it. only , how- orer , to make a ines of it. In attempting to eizo it by the coat collar he got it by time waist aiim ] it rehl out of imim hand , Timen otto of hits hcmmot Interfered wIth the other , amid by time tinto lie got the ball hmy the tltroat again Hayc was percolating toward the plate atimi the Kid was cuttin' 'cross lots for second , [ 'rot , Lockharti was ovimlommtiy bowhldomeml , limit lie immmrled time bail froimm lute anl whmemi i'roi. lioveIl fished It. cut of the miasttmrtimmm bed Arthur html scored and Mac was panting ilke a iamb caine ! on third. Jellemi tvtstemi Otto OUt tO Prof. Zimiser , amid .Shanaimamt sent a slow oimo ( iowa tomnder - son , but It was too fast for him at that , IIu nmado a wiliL weirml snatch at it as It hurried slowly by and of course Kid Mc- Kolvey canto home. Mr. humid struck out and the l'm'ofessors Caine acain and raked around until they fominmi otto little imearl' tally. l'rof. Sexton led off vltim a str ko out , btmt ott Tommy Crelgit'um caliar-mommml-ciimow boimt wIth l'rof , Leckimtird' . groimmider time Professor readied time initial station in safety. Prof. Mitts ras tiIi so hot 1mm , simiolcemi anti as otto of Jellen's strIng imalt curves canto floating imp to himit ho Imit it with Imis hoe and it loped I afcly omit into time timmihiehlated daisies , This iJQostetl Prof. Lockhari on to recomimh , and Comittt Simnmt.olman's nilsemmo helped lmimn to another - other mmck anti McAmmiiffe porimmittemi imint to trlckho over tIm Plato. Durre , time youttm with tbo low-cut mmmumg. was simie-tracked at ii ret. ret.Timen It went along t ltliotmt anytlmlng stir- rhmmg iiiitil time fiftii , 'iien time Ummversities just reacimeml across tIme tahlo anti imelImed timemselvos to a lailleful of runs , They took four. Crasvtord imiatin a lIttle scratclm lilt to simort rlglmt and stole secommil. Anmloraon and howell eupplenmeimteil title bIt of luck with a lilmmnmier eacim , muid Frank scaromi , wlmile Creigii veiit to thmlrd , Abbott got tile iaeo on hails armd Santimmy McMmliffe stepped up to hrlmmg 'cmii both in. Hut tie dimlmt't , lie struck at ltrot. hockumard's wild swirls with time hideous ferocity of a titan cmmttlmig cheese with an axe. lie strmmck otit , limit Colonel hltmyes was rigim behind imim , anti imo rapped out a two-bagger , anti followed Creighm amid Abbott in a ntummient latem' on Jehlen's hand- MimmiO bUt. WIlY I.OC1UI.'tRD LOOKED S/tD , ilmmt what i tIm imao imi mnaklmmg a novelette out of tbi ? Let mo bm'eak away by saying tiu after time mmiiith inning haul been ealtemi away Prof. I.oeklmmird'a bright yoummg life vmt5 sorely bruised amid with Captan Wll- Comm. aiimi a gob of ether lmrofosora , lie oozed I out lmmto the glenumiimg. with uniform sadly bedraggled iimmmi time bright ruddy gore leak- immg train hmimi Immtnmklng heart. The Univer- elties imaml taken hiliertlea wltlm bun ; In fact. they Imaml all but imammimnered the tar-eater omit of 1dm , anti s'itIi Ciaremico nitmi I'reccptor 4 % riirmgton Ito felt eat ! anti longed for haute. Timla afternoon time ammto teams play again , and tie the Profesiors whI have I'rof. Andersen - son on limo slab , yomm cranks can Prepare yotmrec1'es for the worst. Yesterday's game tmmmi't halt what titn Iowa boys can do. Score : UNIVE11SLTY. A.Ii. It. ILII , 5.11 , $13. P.O. A. E Crawford , r , . . 5 2 2 0 0 0 0 Creigim , s. . . . . 3 1 0 0 1 2 4 4 Mibott 1st , . . 4 1 1 0 1 33 0 0 \icAtilFfe ( , Zd 1 1 0 1 4 2 1 hImt'cmm , c , . . 5 a 3 0 1 4 2 0 Meheivoy , 3d S 1 0 1 1 1 4 0 J.'llemm , I' . . . . . . . 2 3 0 1 1 6 0 iiimamttimami , mit , 5 2 2 0 2 1 0 1 Oooilei. . . . . . . S 0 1 1 0 2 0 Totals . . . .43 't 12 2 11 27 iS 7 iOWA. A.B. it. 13.11. S.I1 , S.D. P.O. A. } Milime.c. . . . . . . 4 U 1 0 1 8 'J Iurre , 30. . . . . . 4 1 3 0 0 2 2 0 iuIerion Zcl , 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 howell , 1st , . . 4 0 0 0 0 9 1 3 I -i-- Kyle. q . . . . . . 4 ( ) 0 0 1 1 1 lu'yn' bitt em , I 0 ( ) fi 0 I ) 0 1 1nms"r , r. . . . . . . 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 I ) ext'n.I. . . . . . . 'I ( I ( I 0 0 2 0 0 bekimnrml , p. . . 3 1 I ) 0 0 0 1 3 ' Totali . . . .31 i 21 11 II . SCOUE In. INNINGg itnIvreity . . . . . . . . . 0 2 0 0 I I 3 8 Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OOiOolOlO-3 1rnetI riit'a : Ummlvertity , 'rivn.b.isc hills : I I sys , 2 ; , it'ilen. I Ilimt I-mimi : , Ie'len , I. loublo lila-s : Creigh to Mo'.iihlffe to .1m. lm.ttt I. Sttiu Ic t'tmt ' : 113' , I.'lIenI ; by i.oic barti , , fl'iet' on hnll : ltv JeIkim , , 4 : iJy i.ahard , S , hitmen on bmils ! : 1h' .Iilen , I : liv I , eimnr.l , I. i'.154t 1 balls : l1 ci' , 1 \'id mt ( ii& . J liomi , 1. 'i'it , ' : ( ImmO hour ntml fnrty-flve mu1ii1tIir'i. tmpime : ielthm XtThl lI' 11.OI'Ef.i'l 'PillS ) , IIH'imI liii Si' liii II i'umriM I ii ii Fl ii rr % ' Uei' i'i'lt'cr'it illi It' It , tIOrt , Vlgrmroiis Inquiry liac failed to ( lovelap any 1ltWlfilgo at this cmiii of time line imesrlmig htpomt time meprteml lurelma' of tue Indiarmapo- lie base ball frammelmise 1mm tIme \S'em'tern lc'agmtt' , nhmml Its transfer to titi city , as Pm lmimlt'mI at In the telgrapii mliepmtches. Still iliero imlay be plemmty of trmmlim 1mm It. l'or mwarly two yeare the Vecmtcrn Icagimo lms imeeim tryilig to etab term a framtchmire in timiu city , amud tcda elaimmis this territory as ( 'xcimt.sivcly Its own , amtl whiii time mmalianai Loamd imaim cortalmmly accorded it. TIme ittgue , mmld not ollo % ' \Vestern nssoclatl mm temmn LI ) be limit in here timis .sprimmg , inthmimatimig that before time t'oastimm doted it mmiighmt be cml- , . isblc for time Imnigue to imut a teamtm In Otitahia amid rimu it umitil thmo termtmimmatlon of time t'.i'oti. Time 'estorn league baa always looeii upamm Ommmhma atm a very mmeceo4atY city to ito creult , niece on accommnt of the city's gegmophical situatloim. hmoweser , thmami frommi tIme fact timat It is a PaYing baee ball to\vn. It may lit' tlmat time lcagmme' Is about tu niake the venture. Inthiaralmolumi its ttmrmmlmig omIt email crowds , amid it eeemtIs to b time ctmsemmous of cplmmlomm that a gooml , flrm't class cltmb would prove a paying imivcstniemmt at thm1 titmt. Mr. hirimsim is a etmrew.l hmmsiness imiami , 'cry wealthy , and It can Ito. tiependeti ott that II 1113 limits a teani in Ommialma it vIll be ta otay , nod vihi be mmmamio to jar. The local fanu are oil In a fever of delight fmmh cpc.ctatIomm , limit they all 5001mm to mmize the news up as too gooml to be true. _ _ _ _ it ; .u : s n 'i'ii i Nt'I'iIN.t I. l.1.tftiE. Iziil ( 'lii rhl' Pi-Ipvt'MiiSt mimuilmi I mig lii iuu'i. iii ( iii- 'l''luiiuiimlmatnt ( 'Iii'ImmimmiIs. CINCINNATI , 0. , Mny 22.-Thie Iteds coulti no t Ii I t ( 'latke mm mmd h' bmiiichml ng thi elm' t'rm'ut's gave New Vorlc enommgh runs to vimi , .ttemtiittiIc'i' , 2IJO. Scom'e : Clmiciminati . . . . . . . . . I 0 ( I 0 0 0 0 0 01 Nn' Yomk . . . . . . . 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 hits : ( . 'imiclmmmtnti , : ; New Yom k. 10. Er- rorz4 : Cinclimnati 4 ; New Yoi'k , 2. hnrtmeti rmmmms : ( ' ! , 0 ; 'tCV 'I ttk , 2 , 1 immee' hi4te hilts : ( Iietmm'oml , 11. DavI' . Stolen bmses : : I by , I rwlmi. Douiml plmYs : 'h' icittaim to Stnf- forth , Gieaon toV. . ( "hark (1) ( Ficrm'ei FIm't bmse ott hOt 11s I I ' r't shom' , 2 : by Ciamice , i Struck ommt : Ily Ftshem' , 1 by ( lmmi'kt' , 1 litiseh balls : Ieitz. itctttm'is : CiurimmImmti : FIsher amul l'eltz ; New Yomk , Clarke anti \Vilmmon. Umnlmir ( ' : I ( etc. COLONELS Vm'IN ANOTIIELt. ro11Is\'i Li.E. May 22.-The Colonels tijpitmt m1osueti time t'hamtliiilS imi a mmmost cx- citing g.tmmmc.Vith tite score a tie , the Orioles eem'ed two runs lit the fIrst limitf of time nmmth ! , limit tIme home tummmn wait timit In the last licihI on fotmr singles. hiorthie's error anti ltotiIiimi's ItImSeeti ball. 11111vni struelo ott the unkle 1w mm limier front Iloffer's hat In time iihiithi mind Smith 'ns stmistituted , Attentiammcc. 1,500. ScOre : hnmmtrvillo . . . . . . . . . 0 1) 0 2 0 1 0 0 3- naltimoro . . . . . . . . . 010000112-S Hits : Lomiisvlile , 10 ; ilaittimiore , 7 , Erroms : Louisvihle , 1 ; Itmmltimnom'o , 5. Emmrited i'tmris : LouIsville , 1. Flrcit ott bails : Ihy 11111 , G ; hIY heifer , ii. Struck omtt : hiy 11111 , 1 : by Hotter , ( j , Twtm-hmso hilts : O'Iirlem , , Kelley , I loffer. Sacrifice lmtts : Cia rke , Itoidneoti. Stoleim bases : O'Brien , 2 ; Millci' . Double piays Iexter to Haamnmner : Jenmilneim to Iteit ? toV. . Clarke : Cilugmnan to O'lIrlen to I [ mmtoalmaer. lilt by litcimsd Imuhi : By Smith , Keller.Vild pitches : Smith. 1'mt5moci hail : floblnaon , Batteries : Lotmtsvtlle , 11111 , Smmmltii and i\tiiler : Iiaitlmnure , Iloffer amimi itoliflsoim. Umpire : 11urst hAWLEY COULIN'T hOLD OUT. PITTS1tUIIO , Pa. , May 22.-Time Pitte. burgs had the game well in imamid untIl the ninth inning , when hawley lost control or the ball amid the vi1tors made six runs. Attendance - tendance , 2.200. Score : Pittsbmmrg . . . . . . . . . . ' 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0C l'ltiltmleiplmld : . . . . . . 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 6-It ) Hita : I'ittmihurg , 10 : i'hmilmidelphla , II ) , Errors - rors : l'ittslnirg. 1 : l'hiiladelpimln. 6. Earned i-tins : Plttmmburg , 2 ; l'hliaiim'lplmhmm , 4 , Two. ita _ ' i1itmm : 1'tmoitti'mon. Timrea-base hilts : Steezel , lieckicy. Stolen bases : Gramly. 1)ouble plays : Jitmhlman to tiulemi to 13romttheI. ItaSes on htmhls Off 'l'ayior 4 oft Iiawiey , 8. Hit hf 1)011 : By hawley , 'l'homnpson. Struck out : By Tmmylor , 2 ; by Hawley , 1 ; by liugimey , 2. Wild pitches : ilavhey. Batteries , Plttsburg , hawley , Iimighay and MerrItt : h'hlicitielphia , Taylor and Clements. Umpire : Enishie , IOSTON WINS DY SE.UGGING. CL11\'E1AND. May 22.-Ceveiand hatted Males omit of tIme box In the m'ixth Innln anti Boston khtml the same fom''ison In the thii'&l. SmperiOr work witim time stick is what won for the Bostomis. Attendance , 2,500. Score : Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . ii 0 0 1 0 0 1 08 hbostoit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 2 0 1 0 2 010 hits : Cloveianmi , 1 ; Beaten , ii. Errors : Clovelaimd , 1 : Bostc mm , 1. Earned rumt : Cleveland , 2 ; Boston. 6. FIrst base omm' itails : Off Vileon. 4 : off Mmmimis , 6 ; off Sullivmmn , 2 Struchc omit : hiy W'iison , I : by Cmmppy. 1 ; by Smm'hivan , I. home rime : 'Fmicker. Two-Itasi. hits : 'rebeami. Child" , Lommg , 'i'mmeker. Sac- rItIco hilts : McGarr , Ijerger. Tucker. Stolen bases : O'Connor (2) ( ) , 1 lanilhtomi , hong. Double PiaYI3 : McKeamm to Cimilds ; McKean to Chllmi to Tebeamm ; rutmf , to Lowe to 'Pucker. I I it by pitch cii i i : By 1'tn imis , I ; by Smmiiivumm , I.Vild pitches : m1mminmm , 2 Batteries : Ces'e1antl , Wilson , Ctmppy anti O'connor ; Boston , Malims , SullIvan and Ber- gen. Umnpire : Weydnmnmi , IlI1OWN uivr TilE JinrDEGrtooMs. ST. LOUIS , Mimy 22.-The Browns won to- ilay's gante front the hirimlegrooms because 01' better work at time battery and 1mm tIme Acid. ( lumnimert vas hiattemi out of tIme box in time sixth and 1)aub vlmo succeeded imim , let the imolito tenet ntmtlie two nmore runt oft' his delivery. The grounds were very vet amid 5lOlly anti tiihq caused time ioor fIeld- leg. Attendance. 70. Score : St.Toui . . . . . . . . . . 02002002-6 Bi'ooklyn . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 13 I 11tH : St. Louis. 11 ; Brooklyn. 0. Errors : St. houimm , 2 ; hirookiyn , 4. Emmrnpui rmimms : St. Louis , 5 ; ilrookiyim , 1. ' .l'wo-bnse imits : Grim , 1. ifoimie runs : I'mirrott , Cross. Stolen immses : Qmmjmimm (2) ( ) . l'irst base nit halls : Off Gmitmmlmzt. I : ott laub , I ; elf hiatt. 2 , Struck nut : liv ilmtrt. 2 : hmy Iamtb 1. flatteries : St. . ) til5 , hurt anti MeFmmrlanm ; iirooiclyit , Gum- Pert , hatmh anti ( irimn. UmpIre : lynchi , STANDING OF' ' 1IE TlrAIlS. i'IayedVomi , Lost. P.C [ 'ineimimmati . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 19 1' ' ) 65.5 f'leve'anii . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 17 9 65.4 ihoston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it 18 io it I'httmmlmurg . . . . . . . . . . . 26 15 11 57,7 Iiahtimmmimro , . . , . , , . . , . , 2S 15 13 53.6 l'hmlimiuhelptmla . . . . . . . . . 25 15 18 53.6 aslmington . . . . . . . . . . 27 14 13 51.0 lumbago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 15 14 51.7 Ilrooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 11 16 4&I ew York . . . . . . . . . . . IS 10 18 115.7 ilL , houim . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 30 B 115.7 louisvihio . . . . . . . . . . . . 1E 7 21 25.0 Conies today : Bomsvn at Cleveland ; lialti- nero nt homilsvilo ; l'hiiladelphin at Pitta- burg ; New Yorlc at Cincinnati : lirooklyn at St. Louis ; Washington atCimiccigo _ , sCoitlis OP 'VIIhii ' 1S'i'i1liN Lui.tGtlII , St. i'mIiil Crnn'IlCIuis.'M Ummimirc. Me- lomimi Iii Cit-ar I o 1i I mm iiu'i , miumi iN. , Si , , I'AUL , . May 22.-Inmhitmnaimohis defeated Fit. I'aui today and tIme contest came near nmiing in a riot. hinmpire MeflonalmI mic- immured tmnpopularlty as the game lrogressemi , limo crowd dissentIng vigorotishy at mmearly liver ) ' decIsIon , and himimmlly in tIme host hum- leg when time visitors imaml it man on m-.ecomtui md the score was tied , Mots tirovo a line II ) ' to Bum-mica in right field. hums ito- uedlmttcly threw to utecomimi anti claImed it iOtiIJlIm plo ) ' , but Umplrm , Meronuld iusLst.ul limat it w'm mmm a PiCktil ) mind not mt fly catch. Atm error by ! mlulltmimt.t soun mmterwmmrd let In Limo winnimtg rtmmi , amid timu crowd mmtam'ted ott t i-tin ( or the timopiro. Who took refuge in a 4mnmmll moont tinder time grand stand , whence me % vils cm'coxtcml by a smuuad of 1)01100 ImaIt ill hour imtter to mm. PIliZiliCalOhiS car and taken to timat cIty for safety. Score : 4t. l'amui . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 2-il Iimdlanapolie . . . . . . 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 1- 7 hIlts : St. Paul , 9' Indianapolis , 9. Errors - rors : St. Paul 3 ; inmiiammapolls , 4. Batteries : : , I , l'aii I , \i ulicm no and iplcs ; I nciiammmmpohimm , Lriss anti Ihuelcicy. l'd I I.\\'AUK Eli , May 22.-id ilwauioee won tn m'eventlm comisectmtlve game today by tie. tenting ietroit. Score : IhlwmtUkee . . . . . . . . 0 0 2 0 2 11 0 00 letrolt . . . . . . . . . . . . 002000O00.-2 lute : Milwaukee 9 : DetroIt. 7. Eri'orme : Mhhwmitmkee , 0 ; Detroit , 2. Ihatteriemi' 'dii. mvaukee. Itettger and Spear ; Detroit , Eagan Stud 'l'wimmchant , KANSAS CITY. May 22.-Perfect tielmilng antI opportune imattlng won today'e game ror Iii hmomno team. licore : ICamlas City . . . , , , 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 ' -5 irand ItuimIdul , . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 hits : Imimmsas City. 6 ; Grand Rapids , 3. brrors ; Kanjims City , 0 ; Oranth itupids , 2. Ilatttwiesc Callahan auth Lake ; Grand Ltnpimiis , Va iters and Smlnk. MINNEAPOLIS. May 22.-The Cohumbu ! baum won today tiirough good imutehming by - - - - - - _ _ _ - - I lbm'ell , with , , tmiring tmC ) garae n.emaulted a lrt3' Whit , A.'mIliIl him ' 'l.eg'3 neil vits I lilflce'l tlnthemnret for a tIme. Seotel Minmmtnpm'lis . , I 0 0 ( I 0 1 0 2 1 S ( 'oitmmmibus ' ' ' ' 2 0 4 0 0-7 'l' tii' tilts : 'ml Ihi4 , it : ( 'htifiihjti , 12. Er- roiw : tsllmmtmotJmtPm Ii ; ( L'o1mmmiiiiii , 0. hi.it. tel 1(5 : tthiuimhitthi Itice ilutclmleon mtmmd Mcmii ; ( 'olmimbust , lkiSwell and WileMi. m s'rNntNO O1' Tltl TE.MS. ; ; ) l Itlayeth. W'nii. Lot. P.1' . Detmoit . . . . . . . . . . . .a 17 0 73P lit , I'cmui . . . . . . . . -21 15 9 ILS Mllwmtmmkt'c. . . . . . . d3 1' 12 57.1 lzir.sc ( 'ty , , . . . zi ii 10 51.5 iiitmiEnl ) ( 1k m'O. , . . . i7 11 Ii fl II in'hlnnnitole ! , I.LIi. . . . 22 ii It son CAumithtii4 . . . . . 27 S 11) ) 20.6 I Gimind Iinlms . . . . :6 : 6 2t ) Gaines totc1vm1 1)etrllt mit M1Rummke2 ; I Ct.il mm me Itmm av ml Ji mirO PCI i. " I nil imiti a heiii5 0 St. i'atmt ; t1m-umt lttiptth mit iCnmmsns City. % 'Is'rtU's' : : tSgflCiATlUS ltI151Y1.1S. ii's Iimti CIOM ' 1prui miMfCi I lie Seeli e of ( 'iIiiIt.f II ) llmii'liiigtnii , 1lt'lth1NOTo , May 22-Score : Tiuriingtnmm . . . . . . . . . 2 1 1 0 1 0 3 0 (18 ( les Molmie . . . . . . . . I 3 I ) S 1 0 4 (1 ( -l3 I 1 its : ittmrlimimtomi , 11 : Des 1mloiite . .l 2. Er- rctrit : himmrllmmgtoum , 5 ; Des 1mloimmes , 6. flat- t erIc's : 1 itli I ! ogtomi'ei'hi miti Grint : Ie \I ( Ii ImIs Ft o'g.'mnioi' mm mmtl I nhmimmnti. 1)i'hJtQt'E , lay 22.-Score : 1)tmlmmmrimi' . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 0 1 0 o o o .1- 7 (2t-tlmmr II Id l' . . . . . . 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 1- 6 flits : Iuhmipio 6 ; Cemimmr lispithe. 9. lSr. rot's : ltilmmmqu" , 7 ; Cethmtr ItSititiS , 6. lint- tt'i'I t' , liti bull tie , 'ru y Pr , 1)111 mouth nail ( ir.i'u. : t'm't1tr : itapimis , Cut icli , FCitntiiercr timid Sullivan QI'iNCY , Ma ) ' 22.-S'come : St . .io.e itim . . . . . . . . . 0 1 ( 2 2 1 0 2 ' -II Quincy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2 t 4 o 0 i o i- o htits' St. .lOsc'plm , 15 ; Qtiiimcy , 12. lIt-ron. : St. .Ioseph , 2 ; Qulmmcy , tm llmmttenles : St. Jsclmli , Single ned liarkmr ; ( Jiiitmcy , Iteidy , immh'bs anti Quinn. ' PEOltlA , Ill . , Mmiy 122.-Score : l'tiI't . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2 1) 0 2 0 1 Ci -S Itoekl'oml . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 1 0 t ) U 0 02 I Ills : l't'oi itt , 13 Itockfortl , 2. Em i'om's : Pool-ta , 7 ; ltocicfui-ml , 0. liattvm'iemi : l'eonia 'l'hmommtmts amid S'clsler ; itocklorml , Horton ammtl Simytler. STADiNS OP TI IE 'i'lMS. i'hayetl.\'on , Lent. P. 1' . le.q Molne . . . . . . . . . 13 17 1 01.4 ltibuthtte . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1".l I I S 0)1) ) l'eomin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 I 60.0 ltoclcfrtt . . . . . . . . . . 23 ii : 10 ft1. . imimilingtomm . . . , i. , 21 9 15 37.5 t'Pti tti' I laititi is . . . . . . 2.1 8 1 1 36. I Qtilmmcy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 6 1 I 30.0 St. Joarpli . . . . . . . . . . . 20 t ; Ii 30.0 Gomnes 101111De : Mlnes at litmm'lingtomi y't. ,1maeht cit Qmmincy : htockfui-mh at l'cunia ; ) 'edar ittiltitis at 1)mmbmm'itme. Iovt ii ll II SCtill A'I'II lI'I'iIS. ( lI ii ( ipti SIiru N I uP ii imxIim-Mt iii I Iui 't1III'M ill ( 'ciliti' ltiiiulils. ( 'Ellt Ihtt'liS , ha. , May 22.-Spe&ah ( 'i'elsgratim-Tiie ) arconti annual amoet of thin' Iowa State 111gb S'iioi Athletic mmoclmt- tioti vias imelmi here totlay. with miecmt'y : lu ) cc'ntestmmnts fr ma teti bight mcImooi , Cilmitomi retains time ttate ctm , scoring iS put' . ( 'etimir Itapids corning secomid with -1 I points. ( ' .irl Leo anti hugh Jaciomt of this cliv go to time iimitiomlmkh limeet at New Yoi k lit J mimic F'olbi'itmg mtt'e time firsts Itt enclm ( . ) mIp him mmii m ed vu'tl 1 a sh : I I ugh J ac'ics mi , Cedi m' htmtpttls. Tinmt' 0:10 : .1-S. l'tiie vault : B'ulsh , Cinton , 9 feet 2 inches , Omme immmmiilremi ami I twenty 'ttmtl imur lie : irrntlc I lortomm , flucatImmo. 'rIme : 0i2t : , half nille cmiii : C. A. flrovmi , Slux City. Time : 2:003-5. : h1:111 mile Itc'cle ! : itoward Cherry , Cedar ltmittid , 'I'lmiit'Cmm2l : ' : i-s. t'iirovitig hanmnwr : Carl Leo , CeImmr hap- Itis , 89 feet I" , lmi'iies. 'l'wo hun4red auth t'enty yards dnmh hugh .Ja'k"omm , ( "etlmtr ltnpitlmt TRue : C:23 : iiunmm I mt ml' it itii , JIm fliP : 'I'o mit Fiou rmmey , CII a- ton , 5 feet 8'1nehtts , 'l'wo hitmmmtlred m-ni twenty yards hmmmrdie : Fred Comigcr Clinton 'iliac' : 0iii : 3-S. Pu ttimmg thom eliot : lhmmm-ilair hlaitting. flea Moines. 32 feet 1tInches. . Four htmntiretl aid ; forty yam-us tltiith : .Te. epim Ccmrmlchmac' ! , Clinton , Time : 0:51 : 1-5. MIle walk : .i'Oe Dtt'fs , Clintoim. Time : 6:513-5. : . ltmmnnlng breath jump : Hugh Jmtcksomt , Comber l1mpids. 2.feet , % Inch , 'tille run : ci. . . Brown , Sioux CIty. Time : 5:00 : , _ _ _ _ _ Mlh'r/.S l.oih , PVIC1S A'i' SCItt'hIhii. iireTy'rs ttimiiIihi I ii 1) ) ililMi IiI'NM tit Ii liii' CiiEui. ci.uutu ( , ' ( Iluimiumplolis. scIltlyLlh'It , Neb. , Ma22.Spcclnt ( Telegrani.-ichoylcr ) defeated , thie Metz Bros. ' nIne of Omaha 1mm time secommmi game hero today. Score : 12 to 8. flatteries : Schmmyher , Cook and itelmulmart MetzVahlcr , Klc'fner amid Sage. Scott Pitcheti a splendid game yesterday , wimile Tavlnm' illil time same , with the cx- ( 'eltiOn of two Innings , Score of yester- tlny' game : ehntyic'r , it.ir.e' A.i. I Stetzfl,1t. r.A , 1. Ftigar . . . . . . 1hO0Kleffner.12O42 Stewtum't . . . . ' 2 1 8 .1 ml Icemey . . . . . . i 0 I ) 2 3 Scott . . . . . . . . I 0 3 10 \'ttitir . , . , 2 2 11 3 1 fl'amm' . . . . . . . : t 3 a 3 1 tiwnmcmn . . . I 1 9 I ) 2 Iteth . . . . . . . . . 0 2 1. 1 Olt4tige . . . . . . I 2 i2 I i Alien . . . . . . . I i 3 1 Otirommes , . 0 3 0 0 I ) w. Fulmer 202 1 OTaylom' . . . . . 001)14)1 Itelnhrtt . . 2 0 9 8 1 % 'apar . . . . . 0 1 1 0 0 J Futiner . 3 3 0 0 ' 1 IMetz . . . . . . I 0 0 0 T.tal..1412 25 2m 4 t Total _ . 7 iO 21 i II Schiuyler . . . . . . . . . . . C 0 0 0 1 1 0 6 ' -ii Mtez lire's. . . . . . . . . 202012.000-7 Two-base' hmits : lileffner , I. Tlmrce-base hits : Kleffoer. inses en hails : Of Taylor. 1 ; off St'ott , 2. 1 lit by pitcime,1 ball ; Ahiemm , flowmiitmi , Struck otmt : liv Scott , 8 : by Taylor. 8. 1'aseml bails : Saro. 1. 'l'hmne' 'I'ivo hours. Umpire : 11. J. Smith , 'l' IhS ; I S S Ih N S 'i'll I ) AY. Omnitlutt CliiIy % VIIl 11-gin liii' 1i ) ( ) : tIImttuuM 'l'li iN A ft u-rim Dliii , The tennis season will be openetl this mifternoomi on the grounds of the Omaha Eavn L'eniii mtsochatlon , barring raIn. The openimig sYltS to imavo occmirrel last Satur- day. but owIng t time fact that tue weather sas very threatening , and at tlnte wors ? than that , ' it was postponed mmsechc. . A nmimnber of matches will be qItyemi itt both time doubles and the sIngles. h'ronoi- nettt players vlhi al'enr , immcimmtiing CullIng- ham , AuMtn. Haskell. Comi Young anti otim- ore who hmimvo nitpearei In prevlou tommt'na- mmtenti' . Among the players will imisa ho a mitimither from Council Blmiff. . Care immts been tmiltemu hit tnatehitmg even players , anti conso- ( Itiemltly some hOt gamnos caim be iolcetl for The oiiiccrs nra particularly anxIous' thut the opemmimmm mmhmai1 be' attended lmy all time tennis climbs in the city. htt'presemitativet' Inc in most of thiciti lmctvo mi'ieamly ncc'elmteul an invitation to be preemtt , but to full turnout - out of each he hoped for. ( liIulo 'Flu Is A ft eiiiouumi , TIme Iowa State college team mind time ni verslties will jila their recomni gmmnme tlmims afternoon , and It is quite prr'babio that mm gootl crowd will turn out. 'rho regiiiams Scott ) imungry for the game. and despite the fact timut the ilawiwye students htiaYeIl poorly yesterday there iii every oxm'mise for timem. They playeti two games 'I'hmursdmmy anti rahroiuled au Thursday night to get imero to mmteet their ermgmmgoment , amiti svere consequemtly in toor oandition ( or a imnrd game. They can play bmtll , though. mmnd this afternoon will prove it. The line p will be : Universities , I'ositlona. I. S. C. iiayo'i . . . . . . . . . . . . . .catcher . . . , . , , , , . , . . , . MIlls Jloblneon . . . . . . . . . . .pitcher. . . . . . . . . Anmicreon Aibott . . . . . .4hthtirst imai'e. . . . . . . . . . . howell Ciolgit . . . . . . . . . .4mmmt-conti Paso , . , , , . iCctCemmmn I McAuiiffo . . , , , i , . - ImoI'tstoIt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kyle MCKOI'y . , . . . . itamma. . . . . . . . . . . . Durre Jellemi . . . . . . . , , . , , . ) eft hlelmI. . . . . . . . . . . . Sextomi littitmger . . . . . . , . , mnldtile , . , . , , . , , . iteynoids Crawford . . . . . . , 'iight field . , , . , , , . , , , , 1inser lirilnhi fa.iII.'tilN Sit tim mm I 1mm , LONDON , Ma 22Thin Royal Timameim Yoclmt chul ) regata was today sailed over the sante cotirthi as yesterday , 'hemm time Now Timnmem Yhotmt climb lurovided time roe- log. The cotirso for time lug yachts was frommi arnvesipmi ttrounti tIme 1mlotmso light- 51111) anti retmmrn. a total distance of lift ) ' miles. Stmtamtlta led at ilrt , Imut was over- haulemi by Umlthn4llmm , wIth time prince of Vals out iQtrtl c near time ligIitsimlm. Jini- ' taminia. 10th Satatmlta lmorovm by scvemm minutes thirty-two s0nlH , Allmma cro.'mmoul tIme hue seven mhrimitos after Smttanlta. Time race ( or twenty-raters c aim saIled by llowarui Gould's Niagara anmipIuirles 1) . Itoso's J'ermitettt wimleb svams 'mL Cfaiiy hUiht to race against Ningmmra. 'ikGhiilml's bout womm by lift- nine , seconds : 'Pho Ootirmmo was arommnti time W'est Omtze , a dtstmtnce offorty-five _ miles ( 'urmm'II i.uIMes II ) S li,1g'N 'hm'zm in , ITHACA , N' . Y. , Mmty 22.-Cornell put UI ) a tirst-clmiemm game against the University of Chicago today. Time Ithacans found tlmo ha I fruquently , hut the flue work of Brown of Clmicago in left ileld , Sweet at simomt anti \'inston at thmtrmi base lmrcventetl mnmrmy rumms Etmcli of timese three was credIted .ivitii five ImUtoUts. Score : C' mdl , 2 ; imit , 4 ; errors , 3. Clmlctmgo , 3' Imits , 3 ; errors , 3. hiattenics Youmig , Kingsley end Gammon ; Nichols and Jones. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1''ilei 'iiis I ) ) ' Six % 'l4'lcls , P1IhiADEhPhiIA , May 72.-UniversIty of Penmsylviimmia , tiefe'atod harvard today in the first of time intercolleglmmte cricket champion. ship gmmmps with five wickets down 1mm the Beconmi inning. TIme score was : Harvard , 1211 ; University of Pennsylvania , 130. I Plultl Jui at Fort ituecII. ( ' 1l1'Y1hNNfl , Wyo , , May 22.-Special ( Telt'gram.-An ) InterestIng program of hleiii sports Was glvemi ihi afternoon ot Fort - - - - - - - - Itue'eel by enlisted iuiemi of the Eighth in- ( entry , 'thin miotevorthi5' cvt'ntui wet o : ren mile hIc'cIe race , witi by Toimimnn , Curn - Itatly Ii , in 81 .40 ; imnlf.mnl'io rimim , % vc. bY 11kb , comltany I ) , in 2:32 : : nnp.iiilI vahI' . I 'tami by iinrmhmnt-tlt ) , company I I , Imu 7:17 : ; go- 0 . ) ' ( _ ) 'mtSO , en e-iuiihc , en rryl mmg g mlii mm tmtl I lull ( ' 4IImipmlr mite oC imei'i' : mmiareluimmg ortlet' , I wnn by ! mIe'Crs , company l'i. In St5 : ; imiln- mlre'ih-ynrtl 'imih , s'en by 111dm iii 0:1 : l5m. 'I'he lie .rts will be it regular l"rlmiay event hIm . the fmittmre. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'esivruImi' ft dii' 'Vram' , lNSAS CITY , Ma ) ' 2.1.-Time feature of thit tmote shuooiing tolit-nmmnmemit ttitlny was ; tii ii' hlrmi slmtmnt mit tvcnty-tlve iim'tis f I' $ i , ) omiti the Fmiwas City iVan eti' 'tuhmmeil at ? .5) intl tr'entIng time 'Itmg sue t eiitmtilmhtmittlmtp , 'l'hei'o were lifty-tii en t' ) ti- teetmirmle. 'Flue cveimt wae tinilmmieimed whemm ulmmrkimu "S limit atm ciii to tile tlay's sliootlmmg. 1)r.'Imtttipr nut'.3. . hI. ItCey of l'mimm.mt ( 'It ) ' hal imoth killed ti Cltt3'-llVe stm-alglmt George Schmrnhm'r of this cit ) . whma Icmil'ti his first llft.'mt straight , as lmrcv"flted Ii ) ' dark- hess from ) ) iiiisIimmg , tie us comtsiilo'remh to have a cimmi fl t'e vi I Ii Vlm I I t I or aim ii It I hey ( cii' t lit' elm a trIpoli "ii 1)u. ) I n t iii- ' tam i'gc t uv&iu t tot' thit' eta ti. & . ha immim t1i1i iii J , , I h. EL I iot t W'am ; 'IcIorIotma , nunking 4' ) out of l' ) . ( 'lN'lNA'l'I , Mny -Time femur dt's' hlazari traIl s'mootltmg tommntmmimimr'mit closed to. day. riic highest ulmmilt' per enmits on 170 targets - gets vero limes , ' of ( 'hillment of Iowa , Ifl S timmide to Imi V ; I im'lkrs , hil. I mimid lickey , II iiutul cc yr sI em' mt v. it melt g i I hi u'ms 1mm Ic I mit ; 0) ) nmitl hit weri' ) , Emilfom' I , ( II vt'r , ileci- s'mng , 'heeler , Sliri-ty mu mitt 'l'rlmnmiie. ( mui'hel I'M I.ii I es I isu'ii liiiiIC. hiTTI.l'l htO'i , Ark. , mlcmy -Pmmgillst .1 I iii Conime I t mmcm rroi'lI' es mm lmed I emi mu g his life mtt time lmamnh of it wild-eyed crank , am auth 'ltlm a revolver , mit I lt i4prlmmgi yes. I , 'rtlmi y. A ' Ime 'ye s i'n 1k i tt tt Icmtg C'n I i-al ttven . mm e. n iii a mm e-tith dotu ly sImm ii g fi o tim a ti oor- ' .ny aimI fuel lug I Ii i' Itigi I 1st ii cumin mmmlcd to kimoi If his immimme i as ( " ) m'llett. "If yell a no J I mu Con , " t t , ' ' I it c cm'atlc ) 'el lou , ' 'i'imt golmmg to lick 3'tli nIu.ht hem-c. ' ' ( ' 1) rlmem t Imos i t a toil a mmiotnemm I tm immi tl e era miSc wIt It it ( itmhi'k tflO.'mIlcit drew a revmlvem' fi'mmmn Imis packet mmimml : lilmintel It lit Curiiutt'a lueat , ( . ) ictt strtmclc tin' vemipotm frotmm the crntmk's immttmti , onul , seizing the imiamm , hiohil It I in ummti I ott oliiceu mi rr I veil. - S'Iut'i'liiii , ii I ii i'm'I mu it Itil , ' , NEYOhtI , 11lmiy -Tue first ulrmlly cyhitig iaem' ever putmlihtti lIt thm Enghisit lammguago wIll thlbCiti' ) tomimorrow itiot'mimg. ! It V. ill be tue hmmih ) ' Ammleiicnn'Iicimmian. . unit- lisimeil ii ) Nt'v'rirk , TImi lmcIImm'm' itmts been cue of time hsa'ilmmg i'ecklIe tievmttci to 'hitI- tog immterests fom' three 'eam- . It Is tmehle'eh the growth of c'c1imm new'remmdei a it lice- 'sum'y to leslie it Ilaper ovem'y mlmt' . Thm' 3m umer 't I I Ii ' S C'Cii Cu : mm mimmc mm , ft II r ia tumid vliI chm'oniehe time eyi'llng miciva of timr' 'orhtl , it viII e.'hl for 1 cent. Time weekly s'll b contlrmtmcd. Suuii I ii iiulcuufii'.i Al Iuit'fr. 'm'ANFI'I'ON , S. I ) . , May 22.-Speelal ( 'l'eiegramnm.-ln ) time state itmtem'elleginto : ttlmletic contests tomb ) ) ' Yanmkton college 'omm time jmemlmmmmmt : iumd hlm'st 1110cc lii hxmse lall. ii mm Itch rc'mh-yi : nil i'o ( t race , It I ii ii iii mmm p. imile 'atm It I eg anti relmmy iumhhe rim mitt I Tug tO ( 'C. Stomix talk womi time 111)-yard ) feet race and hmrmimurner t Ii rov.et mit I II bit t1tm t lie ii ) II p 1 d cycle rmwe lii the era tom'icmil contit Vem'mtmiilion tij tal run d Ii rst lhmtCe mm mmci Ymm ti Sc tot ) mceconml. ( ul i'tl IlICl iui.'lies l'Ii's1 3iiiii- ' ' , Chhlt'GOlay 22.-Gat'nlei' Cltme1t'i first mu t1 ( ' ) by bemtlmmg Sclmatyfet' in time Emihilanci tourtut amen t t omm glut , ii e mna Ic I mm g 30.3 to Sm'haefft'm's 100. Ives amimi Selmaeft'cm' ltlmty the closing gamne tonmot rt' nghtt. ! Sclttmeffem"- .lvt'rmmge 'as 13 3-2. ) . Gmmrnier'e average va.s 10 10-29 _ -a- ( 'it E'llhS A It ml St Ii I NC 'I'll lI 'I'UIt ICS. ' 1'sveiuf--Ihiglut Siuu.ji ) i fs iii tiit Siuilmuii Smilil I , , llims't' II.'t-mu it &ll'ul. LONION , May 23.-A depatch ! to time Tinmec says thmo 'mmccaeses of time Cretami tim- smirgetits have caused a panic anmormg the Tmmrklshm rural pcpmmlatietm , vhiicIm is fleeing to time towns of the island of Crete fur refuge , thiu conrtitutimig a great danger of atlrrlmig time dormimant fanaticismti of time Tur. laim Potmulatleti 1mm time towims , wlmicim Is greatly : mm excees of tIme Clmristiatm lopulation , Time dispatch continues : "A Turkiehm detmiclmmcmmt lmmms been beleaguered fOr tIme past fortmiight at Yexaris by time insurgents and eIghteen Turks imavo been Iclihed. Itm another battle at Draimila , near time north coast of thu islatmil , time Ttmrke host ( cii mcmi. "It is reported 1,500 Tum'kisim refugees have fled to Itetimno. " _ - S iilecIu'M Iii 111I iluigguiguCurs. . ChICAGO. Mimy 22-Tlue eastern committee - tee of the Wcetom'tm l'assenger n.ssoclattomt met today to commslder the question of a- lowimig the WiFCOflShtt Central to renmove th charge for cnmr'immg bieyces. Tue maccling m'csulteti In nothIng' , mmmi theme a'mts iue chance at amm' tIin that dehitmite rentmlt votmiti comae out cf it. As bug mis it reqimim'et tiio mmmantmous Votes of time rotmils in th nmmt'oelatlon ( Cr time chamige In rimlt's , so long svihl thIs rule stanml , Some of time lin's de- milare that time ) ' will not cement to time alma- ] lrhinwnt of the charga and others say they Itta ) ' withmilrav from time asiocintiom ) If time ) ' are compeleci to do so iii order to ctrry bicycles - cycles for notlming if tiiei' choose to do so. Si. , ' , , lmt'r Soui-Iii-lzt' for .1111 iiit Jier. I'ITTSLhIlitG , Pa . , Ma ) ' 22.-Augusta Dogagmthik'a , aged 7S years , ommtcm'cd stilt to- ( imly imgainst her son-lmu-las' , I.uds'lg &lmider. aged 40 , for imreaelm of pronuise. The plaintiff alleges Imer ( lmtuglter. M rs , Simdem' . tiled imust year. atici a n.tnth later timi' defemciammt hum-u- posemh iutcmrrlnge atmil was accepted. lie Imoot. repumilates mind icc about to marry atm- I other woman. Fbi' asks fom' 10 004) clatiages. Sunder is a mnaclmlimist ama ] is quite wommlthmy Siliii miuiisiu I l'e Itepresemu 1mm 1 I'es. CONCORD , N. 11. , 3clmiy 22.-\t time i'e- quest of tlm nuammagera of time Tentiessee Exposition comupatmy , Governor Ihushmnehl hits C namimed the following Persons to m'epre"cnt limo state at tIme CXIOt4itiofl : 0. S. imrevn , itolIinsnrd ; . 0. Caiiv'ehl , Nnslmmma'altem ; - lii , i'am'ker , utamueimester ; A. ' 1' , hittcite'iiier , KeeneV ; , ( I , lirowmi , Whitefleitl ; B. A. Kimball , Concorml , armd Chiaritis 11 , hlawles , I'lymnoutii. V'lcrui us fuur Eiii tulO'uuii'ui I. At time regijimmr meetlmmg of time hoard of I'uhhic W'onic , 'esteriltty mifternoomm a peti ttoim ( rein time Veteraim league 'as imresentcd UskimIh timat somno of the oimi solmliers be given CmfltiO'fltCImt him repairIng time streets. 'l'ime beam ti plmtced t Ito pet I t 10 I ) omm ( il e , .vi Elm time undi'rstandlng that the request voulcl ito cOmmilmiiCd with totu fmm' : as itossllthe. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ii'c'ziuli'mmt'o at' Iil icr % 'ri I I uig. An essay on time ° hecade'rmce of Letter e Vriting" was read imefore the ettmicttil ( of hirowiehi hall yomctemulay to it large ttmmml a Irmterestm'cl ntidiettco 1) ) ' 2uiris. Van .Simttmlc. The idmiremu eiimlmudiemi inmimiy unique neil clever c featureum iii coimmmeetlotmwhim Elicit most use- ftil nm-I , us cll as muimtlmy atmggestiomt to aid youthful cotnpositton writers. - - 1(11 Ic , ! liii' hluurroivi ug U. linde , JihIFlhhtSON Cl'i'Y , Mo. , May 22.-Joimim Wciburn of Itoehmeport today fatall ) ' stabbeti P'ranlc Fisiler of Cailtuwny county. Jealommsy C itrotnpleth t Ito attack.VeIlniro wmms to immmve teen mmuui'nleul 'estorday to Alice \'elh , wimo c was penmmuudet to visit time bridge celehim'a- lion witit Fisher immsteaml , Itniui I ii Non Iu'i'mu iCii miNus , hINDIhU4 , ICon. , May 22.--Speclnh ( ToleI ram-Goomi ) ittit ) imtmve ( alien in Cime'enne tniI Itmiwlins coumities , ICansas , A w'osimout aceUt'reti Ott time Ii , & I'd. ' ( our tmiiies vest of lienttdon. Crops tire hmm itooc-i conditIon , isiic iiiuiis' ' INNINC Sioux Falls o Ba the ccno of a Great Procession , CIRCUS PARAPhERNALIA TO BE UTIlIZED ii'iumiiti'i , alt I ii r ( 'm'mu ft 1''eimim'f .ig fii' II Um'uiumul I'migeiuuit In ill , ' Siuiulli lutkntii CIty tlmiu- iimt y. Sioux PAl.T.S , S. I ) . , May 22.-Speclal. ( ) -TIme grammilcet pageatut ever secmm iii this cttato anti one ilever smtriacsed 1mm tIme tiortim- vcstllh ho ghvemm by tIme Mystic Shrine here on Motiminy. 'rho secretary huts al. reamly received letters from twenty tovmms iii Mltincsota anti Iowa nccepiimmg hnvitnt mine anmi othcrs ai'o conmlng lit eaehm uia' . It he how ccrtaimm tlmat fmmtly 500 Shrmmers will ho hero anti most of tlmmmm will brimig tlmeir wives. El lCahmlr Temple of Cedtr lialmidmi will cscnmi forty macmoliere amid timere will ho falls' flf frotmm SIoux C t ) ' , thu hatter ac- comuijiarmioth by time celebmateti Iourthi reid- mont banml , Altogether Siomix CIty will senth 1.mIu 130 ptOllC , Two special tralims will Ut' rime fromn that city. Time mmolmle.s of lhl 112th Temple are ocertimt ; ; themsel'es to far surpass ammy of theIr lure- vIoit efforts. They hmavo forty canthidatomi to itmitimite amiml may imuercase time class to fifty. ltimmgh tig urns. ' circmms will be imere ott that mlate itmimi time fls'e"llittglimmge , beIng tln'mfl- aelvees Slim-liters , hmmtvo agreed to tmlrm ) over their entire eho for time paratle. All 11mm' mimulmuals , nh'iummg ' imorses , hantis , m'lmmtr'otum , ititril- imhmermmmti ha ml mmti hmm'r frtti crc c'l I I hue mm t II i by the slurlne. Ever'timlmmg conmieclomi whui th mibmos c'hmicim camm be mmuamic to atlml to time pagmimit'lIi bm mm line. hietcItlemi this , time paroplmertmail.m on'nt-d liv the local tt'mnpio is imicet gorgeomme amid several ether ban'ls ' will lie In Imte. : Time Slmnimmers lIt fmmfl regalia ill itt tmml time pent nmmimmmmre iii tIme aItcrmmoon. In time evening vIlt come ttm gramiti paramhm- ammmi lat or tim e I ii ! tin t Ion a mmd ha mimi mtct . 'l'hi e Stmrimwr'm s-ill all s-ear their fezzes cOntrol- ails' miurimig timelr stay 1mm tIme city anti mdl ) .ili ho macat hiberalb' entertaimmemi. SI , , I I Ii : ii ui'f Serve I I ls Se'mul emm'o. SIOUX F.l.LS , S. 1) . , May 22.-Spec ( oh. ) -Time stmpretno cctmrt Imas niflrmueti tIme tie- cisioti Ito time case of .Immmnes Smmiithm of Mitody ccummt ) ' , wimo vas lecelitil' seiIteIiCCtl to tea years itt the pc'mtltentlary tar cctntlnltt'.tig robbery ott the lhnickt'omm fammmtiy ammO stootlmig the father anti lml semi last fall. Time affair tas a Imartidmmlarly outrageous otto ammti arommst'd great exciteniemmt at time ttmmte , Smmmltim atmd two etimermi caileil at time Erickson imommse at about 11 o'eiom'k one a gut ammmh tientatmmlcd time imiommey smtpposeml to lie cotmcntmleti thmet'c. \'imcim tito miemmianmi was refusetl they siuot the old lean amid the ito ) ' . iloth Ita'e recms'ert'ml , Timl was but one of a series itt donimmg rob- herlo Ii ) that vicinity mend time ) ) m.tf the coutmty were iii a state of great excite- mfletl t. Time t a o mit Imer mum emi J 0 SunI tim a mmmi Gust Km'tmlgr'mmi , arc now out aim $3,001) bail anti will lie trictiatthe next termmo of court. 'eiei'uumimi lVhlt ( mmluu'v ) ill 1Iuuiidrt'iui. SIOUX FhLS , S. D. , May 22.-Speclal ( , ) -Tlte pcolmic of Fhamuhreamm are inaktmtg cx- tcnstvo itreimaratlons for the tenth atimmmtai Ciicamtilmutent of time Lake Maclt.somm Veteramimi' assoclatiomi , whmicim uvihl he imelti in timat city on July 1 to 4. Tilt' comtummm.ttee hiatt advices that a very large crowd will be imm mtttemmdammce and an olabormito welcome Is being prelmared. Arrangemmuemmts imave been niamhu to seemmro a ntmnilter of ir'mtmIItent rpeakers. Amomig timem ithll be Governor Simelmloit , Senator l'ettigrew. Comigrcssmen Gatmuhle and Pickier , OltI Slmatly Licas , Coe I. Crawform ] , Judge I'ahmmter anti otherem. Thi ) is the immost fiourishlimg olmi soldiers' assoctatlomm lit time slate atmd every c-ffortjls beitmg immaclo to Imuake time emmeamnlm- imacat the greatest success itt time history of the state. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ' iu&'rul i-i-mi 1'iui'kuimg ; mm ICI IJe3 , AJIEIIIlhlhN , S. 3) . , May 22.-Spocial ( Teic- gratn.-Frammk ) Jlommghmto : s'imile at ivork erecting time boiler roommi of tIme electric higimt ltlaiit , ias lillemi by time ftmllimtg of time olti smoke stack , wlmlch brolco off imear the toll and toll a dlstmmtco of twenty-fire feet. etriic- imig tioughton on time Imeid. thtrowitmg hinm to time grounmi amid breaking imls neck. lie tiled a few tmiimiutes later. LONG LIF1I ) Ii' .tS iOVA % 'OU.tS. ) lrs , Muirgutret it'iie- ut Ciirroli Ilmis I. I a't'il ( ii' , ' 1 I ) ii t' I t ii ii it m'eil V u.n cmi , JEFFFII1SON , ha , , \luy 22.-peclah.- ) lire. Margaret Kelley of Carroll ha 106 yearn Cf age this week , mmml the evemtt itt being fittimmghy observed by time relatives of time. aged womnar. . . Siuo as born in Comimmtl Longforti , lrelammmh , in 1790 , but ihid not commme lo title country umtIl 1P6. Site ints tib . , ' iventy graimilcimildran amid twelve reat-grammd- : hmimlrerm , tIme eldest of time latter being 2:1 : fears of age. Mrs. Kelley Is in tIme Immll ucse2slon of all Imer facilities ; lien hirain ie. : iear anti cite converses fm'ecly and lmrightiy md sees reatlily wIthout time multi of spet'tm- : les , I'imysicall' , milmo Is as spry aivl active Is a vontatm of 50. ordinarily , amul rmicemmtly vhen her granmisoim ivas mimarm'ieJ. attemithod ito tmUimtiahs anti took imart In time fostivltien , vitlm as irnuch vigor anti ctmjoymcmmt as any of he glto.ite. Sime is a miovomit Catimohic , atiti cgularly attetidmi to time ditties of imi'r church. t is said timat Mrs. ICelley is tIme oldeat var- loll him baa. 1OCIC ISI.l ) FmtiiiGll'h' lI'iCJlIii ) , risyiuluI itrm tieli Ihuig I iii' S I ri hi's a : iluuIi' , -itIi 1)lmiumNtnuuuut4 iti'uuIfN , ATLANTIC , Ia. , May 22.-Slmecial ( Tele- rctm.-Thme ) trmmlmm on tIme Griawolmi hmrcmmielm , 011mg miotttim , ath ii , iii. , today , sruclc a amilu two immiles north Of hcrls , tlhtchummg tIme nglne amid timrec freiglmt curs , 'flue emighmmu ft time track anti ran ott time ties 660 ( emit mmd thucim went itmto time tlich : , mmlIhng lImo reigiut cais with it. 'l'imu lssetmgers In the oaclmt's at time rear of time train ivero itretty cell almaken tmp , ( ) i'iuturhi , umi 'h'nhu'm' , TABOIt , ha. , May 22.-Spocial.--Thmo ( ) Tahor I YmnpImony club , unmior the amiepices of time tcti'mi . league , will give as atm oratorio ' lIe'J 'J nemi' sacred ti rammia , ' 'A I lmalttm . ' ' wi t it t itt lunmlelseohmm tmtusie. Thu 'Atimaita" is lEa- immo's tmolle.ut work ammO the granmlcur of lime ext Is eqmialleml by the suhlliulty of limo mmmmm- i Ic. ir , Timain wilt recite time svmilcon line- age1i. Misses hrake , ( iastomt ammO liroohcmt iesmiames lealrcluild and Icutrlmmg ammil Mcemsrmc S \'ihkllmmi amid himmIl wull sing time sOlos. 'rim' ' n'imostra ( ta elve iuieec ) , IV tit orgamm tutu iim ) planes , will retmder time fits ) rutjmi'mmmml arts-all under the leadershIp of J C. Tmp n .1 ii : ( - - - - - I I , q I I , . , 4 - - - z9 ' - : ; : : - " 1S2d :5ii : , I $ cP i I ltIO. l'ninted s-ontIe vihi Ite tiltrIlmttteti to a' thtoti is-ho ivishi to follow the timenie closely. " Thmn delIvery of time a-eric wiil om'rmtpy micanly to imommrmi , oceliImI'Ing time time of time entIre t servIce amid rmmaking a gmatiml enered concert. Time coflcert wIll Ito gfvc'tm Smimutiny eveil ng May 31 , at 7:30 , _ \vliI ( liv , ' SIis-u'r iIi'ii Siiii' 'I'roiuhie. JEli'EhlSON , In. , May 22.-Speelal ( Tele- gramim-Staie ) Coiiltiltt't'imtamm Jolmtm McCar- . tim3' Is imoimme from lmmbummiue , nail a-bile lie is Imot Inelineml to talk a great deal , it Is cyt- mlent that th satmntl imitttmcmliqiiccr.utq do nit. II repcso I 0 el t i tl ly by a eel cit p iv I it ci r I imu to ltq , says a eotmfercnm'e of time state coinmuultice , 'hmiclm stanmlmm etglmt for scummcl morme ) ' amlil thifet' for slIver , was helmi. mmmi a Pltmi formmmu- hated a imicim i-ihi ho limit imito tipermitlomu , itm ease time silver mmmcii .iimould control time tii- tit'nmil comivemmtiomm. lie aiys timm'te Is ( mimi almeal , luimuiiui.riumt'mm iii ( ' ( ( ii 5'II , CihiitflE ill-I , In. , Ma ) ' 212.SItccI ( I-Tltn ) atmisumal imuer'tllmg of ihmo Nerthuwctttcrtm Imina 1.umtmbertmiamm ctssoel.itloti vaes imm'hmi at tito iCmulghts of l''tiiias lmahl in thiiui city 'culnns. day , rho butlmirs ( if ttt nssum'Iatiuuim a nil secretly traimsimm'teml , Cotmneetm' I a iii I itt ongatmizathon Ia time emCiCt ' icnu'n time ' . ) ) as ( , -t. eel itlat 011 Ormh em' of I I no I I oo . .Attmi'c t I mm g n t I hi Is orlel' is lit' lmtg Ii el ii tomm I gim I , a imil a hizisti or tmtonm. cammditlates for nueutmbmitehmlp were hlmltlntej , _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - high Sm'luuu.iI .thuIelle ( ' . , nh.'ls. CEIht ltAI'IlS , ha. , Mn ) ' 21- ! Time Slate hugh School Athletic assocIatIon is holmhimtg ml iiell ( miay here. Comlt'etnmmts : are etmmi'reti anti Itrr.eent frommm Slommx City , It.mi Mottles , Frt locige , Mtmseatimme , itetmlctuk , ( 'limmtomm , Iowa City. Tllctotm mmtmtlitnetmgo. : . Thi' It t tuf contectm , Is large amid a great crowml iu in attendamice. ( 'iii' iut illim'MM ( 'vi'uummfi'uI , CitEs-roN , ha . , M.iy 22.Slcem'tal Tele- gratmm.-Nimtu ) hmt'ail uf iterses i-cro crt'tmm-itel this aftermuoatm 1mm a 'tmx-k car lii a hmtmrlttigton tralmm , i'imiciu c mttglmt fire mic'ar i'rem'tm I 'l'immu cam' wa.s brokemm into and samime c'f tIme horses ltl'rnultttii to esempt' : . 'fIme car icas emtrummto to Ihamit St. h..Oliittroiiilai'ht3 City. ' ' - - llmuJ , ' rim mutt Icil iii it l'zu I I nI 'mit or. CIIEs'roN , ha. , Mmmy 22.-Slmeciai ( 3''lo- grani.-Mnii. ) Jacob Cihak , wlttu resides miorthm- \v'3t of Crestami , m it re-onteritmg Imer imetimi' last evnnhtmg , afiom' a brief nbsnce , 'as lmorriilm't Ii immi imtcm' I - ' ltemtl to -3-cim'-oltl miami : furemmmom Iii a pa I I of w'mm I em' . 'i'iiti cii I itl imamh I I icim immtu time vater aimmi mci rammgieti tomicitli. % 'orlC of ft Cli's.'i' 'l'Iulef. AlhO , ha. , 14133' 22-SperiaI.-- ( ) mmmii- her of houses were roimbed 1mm thitmi m'ity last tmigimt ntici two traimipa SttshueCtlNl , irm're C 'ii- flit eel I mm mt roe tnt mtt t Ito imotel. 0 mme it f I lu -ut i : el I mum bed t It roimglt t Ito t rim : meomim , t'mcltbc&l every rotumm : 1mm tIme lmotel atmd escaped wutim tlmo booty. _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ ( 'iii'l'itlmuui iluul-itt-eu' 31a'i'fIiug , TIme Citttmitimmii i1ndeavor I'tc't it-s tif tlm t , I ty lint I a mm mm Ion ilmeet iimg mm t h - 'imni a- i e- lit orbm I I .mm I lmira t elm mi reh In mit tv c-mt I i ' g to cola ua I'll itO I Ce ti ti t lb w'i'k : tnt-u mum ph i Ii iii mi miii 'o n t ' ' ImulcIa I iii I It m lie hiotii e' : m ii' ' I t 'ri-i ' cmm ii ) tsslonmu ry ml''l I . A Iti t'gt' ii it tat ic r i f - - t I I .5 , 're i-cpm't'semutcd , tumid m.llutomtt with ut cx- c-lutiOa mimim itt I 1 av'tig m' 'I ; i..i ii C' ii ii I ulclti mttimotmmt t tom' am -si I ummti my hlltm'Poses , 11 nil time t'Ct'eIti&'flS ' ' 'rm titimit' Stet'tl,4 \ , % ore thtt'nm'telvcs cotdmuctitmg it nulmisiomi i'orhc. - - - - - - - - It ; is oftt'ii difl'mr'tmit to ( 'Oim'IttCt' pie timeit' blood i 14 I I m m 11th l't' , ml t m t i I ii m'etd. : fit ! cai'hn tmm'les , : mI.i't't's , boils , sm'rof- it I : t 0 1' SU I I i'lmm' U I It , Itie pti : mm ( mm 1 p roof of time fact. It is W'iSkhml ( immw. or wlmeu- Ovel. timere 'Is aim ) ' iimtlicat'ton of 1Iooml , to take I ioO(1'4 ( ' Sii'mpam1lIm : : : , : mnd pm'e vcim t miii t I m c'm'tm P t hit ms a i m m I e'im fft'm' img. " 1 had a drealtuI carhuutmehe abseemis , ( red , fiery , fierce 011(1 sore , 'rue doctor at- temmmlemh time over mcet'eim weekmi Wiucim the abscess broke , time itnimme 'ero terrible , mmnd I thought. I should imot live timrotmgh It. I heard anti read so imimicit about hood's Saraapcirihhn , that I docimled to take it , nod my hiusicatud , vIto was mutifcnitmg with ' 70115 , took it also. It. soon purified our EHood built 1110 U anml restored lilY hmcnlthm no that , mmlthuotigh time doctor stitch I s'oiilcl not be able to vork hard , I bnvc' mtitmeo ( loime I lie worhc ( or 20 1)001)10. Jloomi's thor- uctilanhila cured toy Imutiteinmi of time Iuolls ammil we reganul It a wotidc'rtii I nuctilelimo. ' Mits. ANNA LE'hE1tSON , Latittler , Kansn. SarsaparIIa Is the Omme True limed t'mmrlller. All slrmmgglsts , $1. - ' ciuru' lIter lilt. , ; ti' to talcum , I- iOOu S hiS easy to icium'i.mtm. . ioccmmts. B fore - deciding Dli your suIlllizei' Outing , coiu1t the Toii Track Series , " blie New Yorlc Central's ) eautiful ooks o5ftravel. it litiat r.itid ( ittalugmme t.iit fi'eeiiost mikl , ohs mem.ipt of mt t 'o eiht i-itit nip )3P Geoi'gt II , JtmmioIs , ( encm'tI l'as- ClIgi2l' Ag.hllt , cm'.uiitI ; ( .tiitt'.ti Ipot , 'mhV YO'lc. - tltsi1.ilI.'I-s. ; - - I i I P1.3 I , llll IJlli1lli1tJII [ [ I : ; ; 4 ? : iu , I. IigIs Sic , C iimuuumu'iu'i lug. 511 , miIi ' , hIt' ' I , lu ) Iii. ' 'I I ' . IS I ; \1 I m A I I nit I it ' - i. ' ' . ! ' 'it Cliii- Ii\ . , , . Ii.1. ti I t ill. n tiy im : A PM ! OF KIDS : Seams non 'mm ame l'i m : i. i-- .c , lii $ tm ? iuiimme .c V-.ttt , .1. . ) . May 2sltilN iimI'V. _ _ _ _ - REItI ( ; io illusit ; 11A1111 UCH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. nvz-in : . % IiIl'l' . % 'i' S 'I I ) E2. - tui iI itt it. ' -I 11141tiuii , _ fuc ' .4 , er , .t.at % ci I. ' it , : . I - i lic ,1 ti s- ' ' I : ' ii' utm 1.1 , 'It-t t. ; rs't ; . , alUs I rtIilH. . ) ' J 1 L' - , M.Y 2-I'2-i 20 ' ' ' -'ut , l'iI. . ' SL.tu. . i ti-i.i it , ' 1. .t 4. : ill ' _ - It Hilt , _ ' 1R. M. B. CJRTIS ( ma ( lt' i'l.ut , r , lit 41) ' 3AM'11 PoEN. ; " ii , mtu .414 i'.lu t4ltuuliAy ' 'tIuli mu I it 2 - c ui. ) $ ' 'i ' \iui'Iitc'i- ' , , Itun , . . . ) c ) l'rmit. ftt'llol. , ld mu , , , sit -I lid ill rum. G twtsmsCmv ctCa.ti' in etumt mm. 4 ; msT.1w : f7 : . : : % ; , i , - tsmu-