Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1896, Page 10, Image 12

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. .
JO . . _ _ _ _ r.I'ITJ 07\rAITA DAIT.JY Trmm : SA'I'UnOAY , 7\IAY 2a. 1fWB. _ _ / .
ffr , . . . , - , ; bA ) ' . . . , . . . . , . . . , .1.-.f.- . . . , ) . . . , ' , . ; . A . . , : " . . ' . . A& . , . , . . . , , ) " .l.J ; ) ) , . ; ) A - . ' . ' - , -
, I "i : " rIt : ) " . J" tI . , . " , " t " , " ' . : t r 4 l : J' l' $ $
i : ' HHt1H : HtH1fH'j
; tf ROSFl AT lARhf.t t l
! . .
1 ' ;
f ' :
. . . , A. 1 . . :
t _ I ? ! 1.\I ! F } W I
l . , ES-E . . {
' \t.1t " ) . ' ' 1t 1 . Ilf".t.j.fd' " .t $ - ' * . . t " $ ' r 1 . fl t.i1. A " , 1 r. ' { 1.1tl
. &
1fl 1 . . , ' vl * 1 $ , \ 11tt1tr1fl \ -yt $ .
(1',1 thtf ] . IS'G. : ' ly S. S. Icr'"ro l'OnI1n ) ' . )
\ "But. 1IWe. you are I'errecty unn'nson.
fl\ . . .
. .
. .lt at " al . ; I know wl1l I saw \lh my
' .
own e'e
\ " " ' ( ! I. whl dill ) 'ou He. then ? "
t "You rat hy hlr ni through a walz. YOI
, tn1kl'l to her anl-autl-looked , II her. nlll
! tlpn y , I got UII nntl lanee,1 , wih her. a hor.
11,1 , laneler. to. thnt uobotly lhlnks ot dal -
, In I n wllaypl111 then ) ' 01 IICII Olt nltl
! llt he II. hl carrlnGe. , ani lucke : ! hcr In. 1
I sw il
: AI
" " I
. -
"lut. Kilte-
"You nlpll't 'Klte' to me ! The ! Mn
or Ihal lite wl"ow'l fj heln ! ulmcl\e ! She'l
011 pnfugh to te ) ' 011 mother.
" o. he" . no I. We II ere her the mm
year , And 1'1 Ix IHr.lhs th ole t. "
"Oi , 'ru rounl , thai 01 , dil YOI ? Wel. 1
' ' ' ' . Slw's : ' .
, 'o'IIII't IPlcI'e hl. ! deeellli
! Rhc's hal , one 10\er-at leasl I SlP'
! m-l' hlr hl hanl 101'1,1 , he I' . I don't see wh ) ' .
tholIh. I sh'uhl Ihlnk she'd be COl ten led
1".v 10 st3Y at IWI1 anJ , Iwhal'e hersel. In.
' ! "t 10 rob olher wOlen ! "
HI'11 trylnl
le loollpd II her hepe3 : : ly-the hlg. hanl. ,
" ' , ' - . Il'as
'TC l'mple-mllled relow. le 10
match lor KIUle. She blzzeL al nrolll
hln. ikI n tormentng Insect. too smal 10
ol'h. 100 algmmtng to he Ignored ,
. ! { tte. ) 'ou , : II helr me. " he exclalmcd.
"What were you dlng when I [ t beslle ,
Mrs. : , lleent ? Walz In I I Ih Captain Gra-
ham. I c1n'l lhat
: ow walz ti caltolne1
kne gels rlhl again. 1111 do YUI think It'l
lueh a pllalre to wulph yau circlng rOlntl
11-\llh otllr men ? 1'3. lllcpnt talketl
wih le. wllrh Is more than hal the girl. ,
. d , wih a man who doesn'l danre. Then
came the lanelerp. I cln ! et throlgh those.
I lookell tor ) ou-hut. li usual. ) ' 01 were ol
wllh srmehaty l'"e. ! m I Ilauced with lr8.
1Illclnt Surel ) ' I's no .erlme tor me to
' dance another woman.
" dl'fe cnl 'Cna1C wlh
, when othpr ) OU , 'Ilnced 1 dozen round tlances with
" ; I , len Kite Icholson II'as u.ulpea"d. (
: " Isn'l FO lhat II. " f'
"I Ilch YOI lld 1 Fall
Ilughtly. "lS thai ) enjo'e,1 It su ! "
le loolwl at her In amazument.
"Woul.1 . cu prefer to Eee me wee , as I
) (
I dance ? I'l remember thnl nexl tme. ant
drop I rew telrs as I go ,
, "Oh. II Isn'l that I ran't malIc 'ou un-
del"aIJ. ! 1'1 not jl'alols. not at al. Stii.
t , enlY one mys you lre I ! reat frt. nntl It
scnm ! so linCeI thai ) should he 10\lnl me ,
'f . 13 yon R'y you do. an.1 . yel su perfectl ) ' con-
with another woman. al lhe mie
. tlntlt .
"lut I dldn'l see anything or ) ' 01. IOte.
; \ Yon WO't Icl our engagemcnt be announced.
I ha\'e 10 stalul wlh lhe relt or lhe 10b nn,1 ,
take lY chance. I can la1ly el'er BlC you
1' II Jne. 1'1 ( Ierrecl ) happy wlen ' 1'1 wlh
' won' let
( U--ou twow 11m-hit you le
r b" with 'ou , Yuu tur me orr. antI laugh lt
. : me. II II slu1'e le. Then I (11cll ( np whal
! crllbs I can rrom other IICllle's tahles. I
lre.C11" , . nGw. YOI'le going 011 tunlght"
, MIF < Ieholrn coore,1 : , and loolw. con-
fl e'1 "Wel. 'es. to tel you lhe trlth. I
nl , tonlht. 10t rlghl " away. 1aud , has I lte
Il 10lI\ed ! II her savagely. "That'/ nl-
\IS thc . " way ! I shal go and Eel Irs.
"I oU do. Geml.1 . 1aes , I'l never spea1e
.J to ' ) ngain ! Thu 1.lel ! Why , Gerald. I
elel'e y'l rpaly lil her. "
ler tone had chanled cnlrely. and a
t. strin ef real Inxlety showctl IseH alo\e
" the asuled pCluleey wih which shc ht
. bepn teas.n. her lovpr.
7 "I ,10 , Ik" hlr-what do-yon wanl mc to
; . (10. Irs. ller hasn'l Invited le. I's tn
early to go to bel , 'et. Shal I go UII amI
61t on the steps Intl ) come oul ? I'm
I ralhrr bl ! to ) lay ] amh to you , llury , 1JII
I . I : ) 'ou wish It. "
; "Dear Gerhl. " siid Ile girl. slpln" h'r
, Illul tl his. "just wllti lte longer. You'\o
and . I ever-
t been so gOOI palpnl. wi tel
! boly , In a few days. I rrlghtens le u lte
' . - know I 101'0 ) ' .
F -that's , " ul.lut you 01.
'fho ] asl word9 were very low. hit h'
. leurd Ihem. un.1 . his all \us IrotH1 her II
i u seP111. Inll lie rell' thal ho IIIS bulng
. that he I ( ' , ] .
, more thnn pii. I rul al hii Mllpr
later with a
le Idl her hair al hour
. She was an Ulr'aSOla-
( lghter heurt
I. : . 51'olt ' henut ) he said 10 hhlGelr. hut
lll Ilpure.l darlng ! n the worh1
10 wenl . UII lho treet. whlsll ! .l'fIY
he1 ent.
al " 'her shouhl he go ? I wus. as he hall
tald. tco early to go t hed. and ot COlrE
, I nol go to Irs. lllcenl's now.
' wOlll
In tael. he 10 longer wuntc.1 . 10. le WIS
of the or Ills lasl moment-
lul Ircrglol
t ,
' }
, 'lh Ote
1 Suddenly ho bethoulhl him of I ( rlenll
, or his mother's. n chlrmlng. mllle-ag(1 ,
! J \10111. who 1'\011 Ihhl on the WUY. le
. . . and the !
\ ' her too.
: 0\.01 1 tilner Jarty cal.
WfS jusl te .llghl to make I. So hi'
WIInll ! alol : Inll he came to her dor.
, keeln UI his lol. haPI'y whlsLe.
, But "who cal COl tend with /S lotls1"
Gemlll ! uyes. lrylng his besl to 110 his duty.
etrhht II to the trp whIch fata
wllled lel ror his unwury recto I.'or. ni h.
Itoo,1 In : Irs. NorloOI's hll , ho ! wart
' .
slc-a womal'l volco Ilngll : le
stowell a mOlent lstening , bul the sen'alt
1ul",1 the 110rterc IIHI ulnoulcctl him. ald
do bnt enter
there II'US lothlnl ; for him 10
lho 1111 whl : rOOl , 'he lights were dim.
Imt he bal Irs. Nurwoud. bitng In her
r. anl , wenl lt once to
I' II'I'al Icll lumel to her. Thu mus c stupcII. 111 the
fhlro : at the Illanu rcso ha 'lly. 10 10ekeL
( crO/S to Olt thul I WIS : Irs. lllcent.
"Ien't gel 1p , Anlle , " mid : Ir. Nor-
" ' hearha :
. enjoy
\1011. Ilre wi
. . have 'uu
! ) 'UI as much as I do. Gerhl.
hCII1 Irs , Miicent Ilng ? "
e\er :
ure. " " c\er. I 1m so clatl to ha\o thut Illl'as-
" , sit right dOlI n alHI hegln Igaln.
, ' "Wel ! . 'hat wut I lovelhlll. . Ihut last. " .
' 11lano.
GI'mll1 Ia 'l'd In\'el nearer thl
i : :11cell : looked at 11m ' ant slied.
"You Iluite sure thIs Isn'l going to bo
, ' "
( a nulllce ? 11eu ! I shal lo\e It. I Imow. "
She h0111 tu loolt ut her Ilslc. turll :
, I o\er her. all solectn : I. whlo he Inolet
' ,1 , She WUI a smal womun. les brilanty
' , than , hair wavel
: . Itlte leI )0101
Jroty. )
her . untl
Iwa ) ' frol her race. ant uver heul.
'j was FatherL'1 In I low knot. Icr eyebrol s
' dark , much
wen extremely le\1 Ild Ilulo
darlwr tlun her hair. I was this pe-
. , wlilch hpr race Is character.
" culally clcll ! Iave 1'110. ' 1111 her mouth.
i'J nlhoulh sweet.1'11 very smal. She WOIO
. ' ' . made ! ) ' . It
II'hllo Ire/P. VCIY sn\I ICCtIt
, ' Ihere
10 Glrald. und ) 'et omethlnl
aboul I tlul appealcll to him O ese talY
h' .
WO n
1 i Why 11 II there 110 certaIn laces. certaIn
t ot jewell ) ' . certall rabrlcs and colol'
Ulat wo Instlet\ely 3ltclato wih a gento
? Other thlnll lay bo just as Iel-
\ cmul
. but they lack the
tJbto Int pet )
fl'3ltlCf of 10lg asscclaton. We 11e net
sure ol them.
qulo ( elahl Hacs' C'CI looliel Pllpro\lngl ) nt
Mu. Milcent. INo was a rlslrul wOlan.
on ! who. whaleVlr ell . sl1 Ilghl du. \oull
a m8n.
Then tOllenl Iho Ilcan to sing. Shc h.11 . n sweet
f vol co , curetuly tralnell , antI she lung with
' great foelng. She /ans a number or lu\o
rl' i . lon " . unl Gerah"1 helrt tluliled wllly
: through Iliem al. 10 Imew IlI'IS olly
; . . bi gluI. Qily the nrl of renlerlng a Ilnn
CI\IOtou , Inl ) 'el ho lelt thal he woull Iko
hcar woman ehe
oneo to a tel hll tlat
.1 . 10\'Ctl 111m In suol Iwcet , low tones 18 that ,
of , hall no\'or
pailonato feelng Kte
one so ; ho hal eiher announcel the fuct
drugged from . or alowel . It to 10 reluctanty
10 carel nothing at preeen ! for Mr. Mi-
, but an hour ho wns
deeply In wllin wih hai hr , 'oleo. Whenever
, , . Mrs. Norworx woull cry out :
.ho etoppel
"Ob , do go op I I 11 cnJollg It 01"
eea were . anl tlo ball c\'cry
leI ) of nodlllg cos In her corter. but he
'roulel IPIIlarIUCQ each tme. wih the tI01'1plnr '
. of the musIc.
. , 'Inaly when Mr8. :11cent wna realy tOJ
. tired to tluK auy 1oro ! rl Norwood rap I
1111 anl then they pet.
Ilve Ple orLers.
led thelmeh'e ! In. oM ot the rosy corers
Incl rhaled away Ikt ohl trlend"
. ' ' a enml' ror her.
: Ir. lllcenl' 1 1 hii
Irs. ' mid " her ' ' . '
otI'ooll : . "Selli nl\'a ) DUI'1
mnlil her wal. I.s too Iarly to IO ) 'ct. and
hen' 11 Gfrnld la'es , with nothing In te
worll , to do. hut hee ) 'OU hom" , "
II' , lllcenl heslilted. . "Oh. ,10 lei me
I Ger,11 hastenel , to fY. "It wi he the' '
! n'ate t "Irarme. " 'nnl PO Arer " : I1 11e- I
I mltlng til maid was dlsml.etl all1 the I
three . Itt clowl to. n Ilelclnu9 Ille ! upper. ,
1 I'er .thlll lt Mn' . NOtI'IJtIS was Iood. Inll :
she he lr elmetl to hi ful ) ' Awnlc nt :
InRt. and m ( ' 1 ninufln ! She rnltell 01.
telln ono nl\ely runn ) ' slor ) arer alother.
nntl ( h'rnl,1 , r01111 lul hl Ancl Ir < llllenl
Werl ! dalJlnl al Neh other wlh I perrEet
tntleritllllnl , ot their hesles. Thai Is II.
wn)3 .lelhtll sympath ) ' . when lwo Ileolle
think the mme of a thlrl. uiI know the ) '
du , wlthonl Ixprei ln ; II. .
I wa9 Intn-Inter than any oC them
Imagined. whln GerII' , totntl hlml1 walk-
home \ Ir . . The
Inl \Il tlicent. spel
ot the evcnlng was hroken now. le was
wpman lmlI ) ' a lred . man , escortng a slenl ltle
Theretole he had no fcelnl or guitness
when I.e st'llell" met 1llle. Yes. 1ltle : ,
) 'et to b ( Yot've on\ .een hnl-hnrely
. '
. It'e
thnt. wort hllu. co " It al beore yet decllo 10
"Do ) ' (1 rcnly thlnlt one tln Ict o\er
I one'l trouble" fnll rorel them. nnll-nnd bo
I hapl'y Ilihoul le , things thnl cne wants ? "
"I think yet cn. " pho lhl. IHnlngly.
I "I kno\ ) 'Ot can. I Isn't thl11me now 10
wri" . 'nlll o they Ih'e , ' hnrl ] ) e\'lr ntcr-
I ward. ' at thl end of ) 'lr .tor ) ' , 1otil
. the too short. . '
, l.ake hlory to sttphl. lut
he there . ' rear , " j wrllen yet. nel'er
"I think I slll go a\IY. " he snhl gloomiY. I
" ' ' . change' '
"I'm fEelnR rather seell ) Inl n litle
does n telol such a 101 of 1"0. " i
"Oh. dOl't go 101. " she ansll'l'rel. "I'm i
cxpectng ll8 Sherlock. rrom Vlrglna ! , nl .
her _ _ . cousin. _ _ . . _ _ lu _ stn . . _ ) n . . . monlh . . _ , . with . 'f me. ' l\e 1 '
ralur " "j'U"UI ' UI UI < un , ' , u , . " . . . .
lhem. The"ro nice girls. b th of them.
thlnll ' ' them. "
I )
'ou'l lke
"V ry wel. " hI Mll rather' diJectedly.
' '
" [ 'I ut I ol tor the pre cnl. " 'tu'\ hccn
10 ! to II. I'd lke to help you I I can. " 1
Ioltl " " ' ' tOlhlm , In '
The "nice ! dlln'l a111131' I'
, henl home eheerell .
Ipast tJt \nl . III.
' ' words oC -
llleenl'l InL encour-I
' !
al'lel "Oh. you hI . Imndsole. sil ) ' telow , " "he , ,
I though I when ! lett her. " 'ou think you're i
so mlsernble. nll ) 'ou'l KO to slcep tw 1
" , Inute ) 'Olr hentl touchel the 1'101. " hut I
I the. who hnl rpal ) ' known trmlble. la ) a\\AII I
hal the nllhl thlnldnl of many things. I
leI guests cme Iler a IeI da'A. and' '
the ) ' realy were nlcc. nll , \cry prety. too.
Gerhl saw them daly. an,1 heol'e' the 101ih
was o\er he II'as mnily In lo\e with ; Ua !
Sherlock. Thal lB. he didl'l cl I "matl ) ' " ,
rell thai hI ,
to hlnselt 10 sure Kle :
brollpn his henrl In the mosl unreelng man- :
! er. and that he would lever ree Ilall IR I
te hnd rel townrll her. lul IBer ni. le
wenl el. le was nol espeelll ) ' happ ) ' . alt
. girl who
horn was a ehlrllln corenlal
. he l her.
Imule hm : haptller whcnevet. m
Wh ) ' coulln'l he Ilko lhe En nton IHrla-
nenl In.qteld of ID Intermitent ? So he
reu olel. , unl , 10 one nlghl. when lie all\
she were nlone tocther. . ho reachcll over
- - - - - - -
, . . . .
- - - -
- - - . .
, , . - -
. " ' E1 Om YOU'D OFFlm IT TO smm O E ELSI ? "
In I carriage. slOpping herore a hou'e where
she had evllenl ] eB one er her party. Thc
Ieuchlng : electric lght rcl ( ul npon her
face. but there \15 no lme to spe3k. The
carrlala drove or. ami he and Irt. II.
cenl wil ked OI. II'ao not uncomtorlable
about I. ti ntcr he got home. Then he ,
began to thlnljJw Klle woult demand
. upd how ? II would
explanatons. 1\IPOslblo
be to satsry h r. Il t alved lhat he
would see her the frsl lhlng In the morning.
cxplaln II 11. ani gel tbrough lhe lte
scene as soon as Ilos jble.
Jul KIUle was not In when he caned In
lhe mOlnlnl. leI. was he more Iuceessrul
when he trlel t ce her In the aBeroon.
The fr.t rebur ; .lrrJtnted . the second
Intagonlzed , ' ,1. . . ltm.
Gerald la " .I a' fweet-naturc man.
easl ) ' led. anll jHf 1ty InOlencell. lul ob-
stnute Ir ono trlml to drl\e hll. : Ils hert .
ror her . mls.
hallenetl Igalnst Kitte II.Ur
. her siy Idea or punlsh-
nntlerstundhlKlan.1 . 11 . ,
! 10 resolvet to aEk Irs. : lllcent to drlvc
wlh him thlt ovenlng. She went. und he
had lhe pleasure -or pa9lng 1ll5 In hiE
whltechlpel as Ihe waD drl\hll wllh her
mother. She dldn'l see hln. hul 3t so
unnecessariy straight. an was so 0 abor-
.Hely unconscious. lhll Irs. lllcenl ex ,
clalmeJ. " \\\hnt,11 \ the muter ? Dan'l YGa
know . \ ? ; "
: lssetIINt
"Nol tonlgh h. Ct9 , " he answered
grimly. . , 11 : 1 I T .i
She looked. al bm sterly , hut 9311 nothIng -
Ing more. " ' ,
"Th18 has been I dellhtuJ drive. " Gld
he , when he hehle. her out , " 101'1 you go
Igaln " wlh me ? . Woull tomorrow be 100
suon ?
She 1001e,1 , lt him antI laughet ! . 10 was
so hlg unl yel so bo'ISI , 'he rrown thai
latl wrlnlded his forehel,1 , when lhuy passed
Klto sll sI _ llo\ed his hunthome fael.
ami this ? t ersing her ror I foi
Itl I. \sing
wa > Fuch un olr .qne , and , t' tran.prent.
"Nol lrJorrp.I. " ehe . answereL gell ) ' .
"lut Bomolme , certalnl ) . .
"I wish you woull go tomorrow. " he
sa 11 earnlsty , Ils rACl dnrk wllh troulle ,
" 1 rcal ) ' wih II very much. "
10 WUI forming the dOSllclate deBI n or
drlvln ! wih Iwr el'cry e\'enlng. and paslng
Ille e\'lry tme.
" ll lomorrow , " she repeatCl , and ler
him .
On the morroI ho hall other thIngs to
think of. for Kite 'Ilole ' to him al last.
I wal n very I llry. 'horl leter.
"ACor your outrgeous conduct. " Bhe
began. "YOU el : har1y expecl me to see
you ugaln. Our engagement. which mObt
rortunately has no\er been annoulcld , Is
now emlell. I have no ring to rellrn. hut
I So11llh lhll whatqyor things I have that
mlghl remln le or ) 'oU. Do nol try 10 Iee
me. ror It Is Iseless.
"With lan ) ' .rcgnt6 : 9yr my OWl 'foolsh.
ness , beleve 1i. 1ruly 'Qurs.
To thla he anlll'ere" :
" Iy Der Kite : I came to pe you on
. Montla ) wih a rul eXlllaolon of 1)
' . ' b '
'outla/cous conduct. l ) 'ou e\ldenty did
not care 10 hel I. - I 111'0 dOllQ nOlhlng
which I : n loole UPOI In any way ns u
reason ror hreaklng our cngaleleni. I al
therefore conlpcletl to helel'e thai you wish
Il broken , Agalnsl 'OU' wl h I wi nol
01111ell. \ le , \ ' sincere'ours ,
Bele\e le'et. sincere\ S. "
Arer sending lhl8 note hu fell vet. lls-
! rable. so Ilsuralll 'In rnct. thai II dlt nol
"cel to hll ho coull ( x 1st wlthQut censoln-
lon. unl , so ho went to IeO : . llcent ,
"He laL0 S3 lany c'nlcal remfrks to her.
In the coure of his \1 I. ubout the ralth.
lessness ot wOlen Ihat she hatl a vcr ) '
good Ilea or wllal hal happenel. and \1'S
Intensel amused. ahe sang to hll snt he
secled ) Qlie enjoy al the lelancboh'
bllfLs , revclng . In ene wih the
Illeaalng rcrrlin. especlalr.In wale and
heo la
"You'ro feulng down tonight. aren't you 1"
lo askel. aCer plloi hnd Onlshed singing.
"Yes. " the of hla
na\efe [
le naefeItn ens
lustache anl glarln sa\'ogely. " 1'\0 had
rather n blow today. '
le woutl ha\'o teld her al In a mlnuto ,
but sio woull ha\'e Ikel hIm len. If be
hal. 8nl tt sht headet hIm ot.
"Do ) 'ou evcr reat Uro\nlng ? " abe waa
going to NY. but the aourly of lbo quC-
ton struck her. anl aho changi I to :
" 1hl're Is u I Ilo vero I 10\0 , I goea :
'Grw old wih mel
' b l II alonB .
The lalt of Jlfl' . \ whIch
'fho Irsl was I 111 E.
Our lre In Ils hand
Who lmes 'A "hole I Illanned ,
Youth bUI half
8ho\1 :
Truit 001 tl. nor bu arralt. j
I "I tblnl , that nIB ) cate , 'Tbo best la ,
tool her hand.
She drew II ' '
away wll 'n frlghtened'ltl
manner that sla'ed the words on his .
"I hc your paldon. " 1' < ld simply.
"your rlng arc very heauttul. She hell
ou her hlli 10 him , the color _ I'anl In her
"Yel. " bhe 8"1 with a Ille gasp. "I do
.nol always wear them , bil this ono I ou hl
101 should- " She falered and steppe < .
His rare crlmn. "You "
WS ! ; mean-
"Ye ! It 19 my engagemenl ring. " she
spolw with I 10lt of tUIUluOUS enery. as Ir
Pich werd had gathered lglf for I
leap.Thcre \\'a. a thort. awkward sience.
"Do you thInk that's ralr ? " he blurtel out
al last.
"I don'l understand you. "
: Yeg. you do. You know whal I was olnl
t say : YOI stopppd le wih" thlv. Don't
) 'ou lhlnk.your con ( slon ID a Iltle lte ? "
"low could I Imow ? 101 dare.11 Im ' ! ne
[ , tch Ihlngv ? Do ) 'ou lhlnk a girl bel ves
e\ery lan shc meels wil rai In lo\e wlh
het. unless she wears a danger pgnal ! ? I
drealed-I never supcled-I hoe no.\ '
Icver !
II Isn'l trul. . . 'rle tcars ros In her honevt
eyes. alHI the slghl of them gave Gerald
' rOJI pan he had fell. ' .
111 fn't
"Nel'er mind. " he sall with , ' a orl or
131hetI dignity. "I ebre : y.18 Ir raul.
' "
1'1 a ! oed deal or a rool.
" ' she him
"And Jmlllooklng at
you'l beleve
wih scrr ) 'hlnlnl eres.
.ou. " 1 " fhal beleve nnthlng . bul gOOl } or
He rlved her hand . .to . his lps and
kl ' tl It. . .
A gootl woman Is ve\y Ip ( to ex ggerte
the ) ain ' ho gl\es n nun by reruslng him.
She measures hLs grIef by ner CPcly tn
love some one elo. and fnds , his lo creat
and terrlllo. At I n'l l r of facl. most
men have heen rerufetl' pt one lmo or
another. Ind very foi oC them . have been
hllhted In the Irocess. ,
Thl ! girl. ror In tlICl. crIed a good deal
over ber earelese s all heartef8ne9. Sht
rell deeply rtmot'rul for what ho had
Ione. But Gcralt here the blow wih com.
11esule . , Ind wlhoul any bltelllSS what-
or eOlrse. ' he dhl nol go to Jls. MII-
cenl'v , heruests .
hal dl.
. r oren unl /uests
hut then he
)31.tml. ' fel Inll hit ell ways !
troPllln'g In to see hcr ; or ! Etenlnl to her
singing. Ir talilnl her to drive. She soothed
hll an.1 restell him. She hegan to f'cm to
him the one woman In the world wbo no\er
exa veratpll.
Onu night he to11 ! her ll levc her. He
made the contes lon a Itle shyly. ror Fhe I
had Ilways trlated him with a e3rtaln
matronl ) klnlneF . us Ir sne w ro very . much
oldl'r than i
She did 10t am'wer ror Ole' thne-so
lon In ract thal he became ver ) . " uncol-
rortuble. Then she said rlowly :
aId " ? 10\ long I ve you - . careel for me. Ger.
" ver lnce 'J have kn.r\1n ) ' 0 , " ho an.
! wcred prompty. . ' : !
She loolled al him fl ImlCUlnt
"Oh , " he uLled hasty"r sU1'pese YOI
are thinking or MIS3 Sherlocll. Ye. . 1 dil
Iko hp
" nd , her ? "
"Yea. I told her so. " .
"Bul that was only a .menth ago
' ,
"I know It. " .
Their eyc met In the slenco thal rol
lowed. alll then the ) beth laugheL.
"But , Gerald. " she said , 100 lm at him
straight from the e\er cbrows ,
" Is not a laughlnR 'uler , " )
"Ihl ' " , " .
"I know I's not , lie II lenlo"Uy. .
"Beforo you let Mln 1 ir , T" weren.t .
you rend or /mcono CI 31 : : .
her "Yel lhut was I < tlo , I" s jlongaged to
"Am1 before Kitle ? "
" . Ion't think this Is ralr. :11. . : lllcolt
Yes. there were other0 befere 1ltle. "
He was and leOanl now. but truth.
ful In the dcpths or hil embarrasment. I
I r eyes \lnllel l a Ite as Bhe askcl 11m I
gravely : ,
"lnvu you ever been calC fcklo ? "
"I El ) : r. Miicent , this In't fair a
bi. I'm In ded earnest , and you do noth.
Ing but chai mel I know I'vo IIed other
glrla. 1'\0 been a fool I ) ou elO9 to cali
me 10 , bul tbls 19 dllerent. " I
"Ia I , Gerald 1 Suppose I boull accepl :
this omnllus aleclon of you , how long be-
lore ) 'ou'd bo orerlng II lo lomeone else ? "
He Oushet Indignanty. J'You've no rlghl
to sny that. I ) 'ou woull lei 10 love you
I would never look at I10ther Woman In my
"D\ you know. Geralll strange as I ma ) I ,
I ' ,
B3em , bele\o ) 'ou
"Tb4nk . " 110 a .
ou. III Ito sl1y.
you know 1 think
: rour fcene J II.
: only n slRn of greAt OtleUty. No , l'm nol
I Inu/hlnl II you. I meln I. YOI hl\'f 10\111 .
'tho etprlal womAnly thai II al. When.
( \cr )01 hl\e met , womln. \ ho secml
ewcet an' " lo\able anll atractive , you hn\'e
bech 11rawn towlrd hlr lke n pllce or Iron
to a manet. When ) ' 01 weN detnchll , lhe
next magnet drew yoU In the Rmo way. bul
I It wOlldn'l hnve 10Vc ) ' 01 at al I ) 'ou'll
been Ormly fltlned to the frBt one
I Rh ! smle(1 ( a .he watohel hIs enger. nt.
tent\e race.
"I hele\'e [ he weil on. "that you woul
m3kl' the most ralhtul of lo\ers. the m081
) ' oC husbAnds. It once your lo\'e RII
teldeness were centered smewhere where
, . "
was teaslrel fud relurned.
"I know I wOIIII , hd sall elthuslastclly.
" ,
"I know I
"I evn beleve thnt I could make 'Ol
hnJI'Y. ' It 1 trlel. , neral ! "
"Oh. Irs , lllclt/ ! / '
" ' , In ' . I
11m oller thnl' ' 'you-oh not 'Inrs.
1m ow-but I ha\c "hto'ed , Ind. e\'eu wih.
OUI thnt. mile Is thl' uler nature , [ klow.
ns a ) 'oun girl elnnot klow. h'w rent
nlll beautrul a thlllll honesl man's love
Is. I .110uh be so . ! eBreul ot I. ) would
' trlOe . . It .
1 1'lr wih I..neter hell lghty. I
II herolll al prle.I' She stOllPCII. her
volre choking n .
He rose antI sto : In frolt ot hcr.
. " II1 ) 'OU take' ' mine. " he sal ! "Oh.
fe'l I II cel. lke this \ ' herore Inst ! " ! . I am tHlre-1 lel'er
She 111 her handR hcrore her fnce a
mlnlte. Then she I mill :
"Is It lule ralr l ynl ? I 8hallove YOlr
lo\e. I shAl revel Inl 'olr Ile\otol-blt It
wi hc a llI IUfeent A YOlngt WOI1n
\ oull Iwet ) 'ou marl' hlrly-more elual ) ' .
Shl wOlld love nlHI qunrrel And mnll lp. I
shal mala e )01. YOI wil he vcr ) ' eom-
fortlble. Inll ) ' 01 WOI't klOII' It. hlt-lo :
'Ol want to be nHlIKeI ? "
do "Alwa'I I : , he Mll. relvll ) ' . "If ) ' 01 wi
She , smied at him. hit hI het1tetl ! now.
He looked lke a thll ty ml. who. tra\'cl.
Ing o\er 11 arll Illaln. comes unexlecledl ) '
Ipal a sllarlllnl Pllrlng. ) ' 11 who wi 10l
touch Is waters hc Is sure or their
"You have heen " .
EO rranle. he hegan.
awkwlrlr. "ami I eal't talk ns ) ' 01 du. ald
eXllress thlnls , blt I Wil I to 1 ) fomo-
thllg-I know 1 II H 10 hallY wih YOI. because -
cause I 101'e ) ' 01 10. bil Ir I's only m ) '
lo\e ) ' 01 C3re tor. and the manlgln me. and .
mukllg me comlortableIr I.s that. I'm.
afraid 'ou wel't be happy , YOI wi have :
to IU\e me n Ilte bit. jlsl ror mel. 'ou
) ( oor the " rest wOI'1 count , Do YOI think
' ?
rOi cOII'J
Her e1'ez had the sofesl. sweetesl 1001e In
'them ' thrl he had e\'er seen 11 a woml's
face. There was InOnlte tenderness
throlch I lite 11s1 et tears.
"Dear. " t-he mid Iorty. "I think I have
loved the . "
YOI al tme.
le nit his arms Irolnd her thel 10
Jlssl' , her. alll lS his IIs tOlched ! .em hI
( el the Orsl Inle ( ormlng In the chain which
wOIIt Ileep him hers through \e.
'hey were married Ind wenl abronl. Inl
II was o\er I rear before le saw 1Ito
Icholscn again. He telt hlnsel the vcr ) '
happiest cf men , 'he hlrth c ! his Or3t I
phld recenty had leen I source of t : . I
knenctl Ilelhhl to him. heartI'as
: 119 \I'as "C :
rull or goo,1 wi 10 al men that he " . . : . I
some women. he :
Inchllel Intl rorga\e Klle
rOI' her . ,
al crlely.
In went ll 10 her anl olered her I , ' "
congralulatons upon her approehlng mar-
ruc ! . Shu shtgset her sbouhlcrs cclet-
tshh' ns she Ils\ered him.
"Ant ) 'ou arc \ery happ ' ? " 'she Islletl.
" " "
"Yes , he sall honesty. "I
"What mistakes we makc. don'l . we ? " she
mid. glancing at hll ald thcn her
leng eye-Ial'he.s droop a .
I le.
" .
"Y" . Kitte. we
"But } 'Ol know I to II you In the heldn-
nln ! lal ! yoU were In love with Irs. : -
cent. " II-
"You did. Kitle. and I have never than1Itl
: ' 01 er I. I dun't beleve I should e\er
have fOlnd It out. \ ) 'ou haln'l becn so
sure of It. -
l.gAUXIX ( 10"1'0 II'I' .
g"ll"rl"'He' IIre 'Ihn. . A. .
OU'r ' " " ' ' .
, h'II" Ir \ " :
Chaunecy 1 Depew. whl recenty cele-
Iratctl hl 63t1 blrthcy , gl\es Iternco tea
a te tmony 'I'hl h 13 ful 'or enc0ragllrl
to lh00 persons 'lm have passel be'olli
the houndary or mllldle le. sa's the Kansai
Olty Star. 'ho ramous New Yorllr Onds
thai he Ie Iblo now ' 10 clo more work ani
beter wort thn at ! fny other tmo In his
le. and with less Vorr Inll ratgue ; lhnt he
II ph ) ' , Ic'ly and menialy ofr nger al 63
than when ho was mlch younger. und levJ
lahlo to lhosl discomforts and Interruptols
which are temporary '
cau9tl b lerangelE'lts
ot the system.
This Is a hlghb' re:9Jnnble Inll logical
stntelent. I slmplYI conOrnJ lhe propoE- :
ton that experienc. Is worth 1010 to I man
than IIY olher Iruns. or knowledge. anl
that uI'lso lve and c1nserviUon or Jhyslcal
and Inteleetlal rore 'rlvals In Is power ror
useruhlls Ihl bowled vigor of youth and
earl' Ilnhool. Uler"nGrmal cOldltons of
lhat a man 60 Is
le al lols II elrg )
nnd enthu lafm. uml wihout judgment either ,
of thcso Qualles may loeme I rrlltlil
agency or harm. Blt he gains much whIch I
ofr"ets Ihe los9 of natural rorce. Il lears i
how to use his facultes to the be9t ad- :
\antago ; he maslers lhe 1IIIpertlni art' '
or atluptn his tnlent to the UEea for which
thr.y arc hes fted ; ho curtais the waste
of and energy whleh Is Incident to the
tmo .
protlgalt ) or youth ; lhe Iccumulatng years
hrln to him a hetwr unden'tandlng of his
morul reVJurces anl dlsclok' 10 him a wller
plan for their emplo'ment.
'ho relectvo slle or man's nature Is dc' '
\eloped ly l1e. and Is cultvaton promotes
eomposur Inll peace oC mind. This exerts
a wholesome Inluenc on the phYllcut organ-
IUI . which Is alwa1 Injured by lhe worr ) "
aut regrN which rollow rsh expetlents.
The golden rrlits of mental'und moral dlv ,
chllne do nol ripen untl wel heyoll middle
le. I If when they Ire fuly dovelopet
Ihat exlHtence Is the mo 't desirable ; II Is
then thut the 'boon or le can he made inost i
scr\lceable to' ' lw pesseS9lr and to the i
world. As rOion comes moro and 1Jre to ,
domlnato Impulse anL IIs ! on. and reel 'h i
umlltons and Inclnatons arc broughl under I
suhJecton to I temperate Ind Inteligent
plan or le. the mlll tullcs u frmer grsp
on lhu n'al mcanln of lhe human scheme.
ant the , body IB ruled by rorce > which lire
sel\o nntl slrengthen I.
Wel 11a t threu scorc Ylarl. nuboty lhlnks
of Chuuncey M. Depew AS an old mun. I
woull 10 Ilpos.lblo to thlnle or I moro
de lrable 101 In le than hit. 'hero Is nu
uvenuo of cnjoyment which Is nut open to
him. Ils nmo IE all0st a synonym ror
good fortune. le hI known al home und I
the or wit I
ahrod lS emhOlmenl IprlKhty
a 111 happy hUlor. 1s opinions are sought
for Iho Ighl which they throw on Iubjects' '
ot a pro rounder Imporl lhan the pJlsant- ,
rles of le. 1'here nre few Ouros In lhe
' -
m m
A' A A A
for Vie dd lng P resents
has led to the producton
of innumerable designs
expressly prepared for
9 I the h day and
as apprormte and , beau-
tuuI for the purpose as
the most Jgited artsts
can con eive , and the ,
most s1HuI artiiers
' . . _ _ V
V T.o go ( or
Dy Go Sl . )
Jewee ony. .
C. S. R..A YAtOND ,
S. E , Cor. J 5th and Douglas
more eonSIleuOUII or 10roopulAr
thnn hI. There 18 no Ihou ht that hip 111Y
hlsns or thnl Ilnl be un to
\ns t1 hl Itnr
I wane. In the ahundlnt enJoYlcnl or InOu-
Incf. of Irol'lerl ) . . ot'I or of hOlly anll
Ilnll. of the It1nlrllon of thC publc. ho
verlOel the claim that. nt 6 : . he Ie at tll
) ' of hIs ( are r.
\er zcnlh
Th ( art of Ih'ln Is lke everythln else
It mlst be lenrned. AntI the mwhu : np'
1les hlmsr. to UIII ehler , ICIJn slllouly
and with \ropcr Inlerltnntlll/ ls tre-
that the
If1lolW slRnlOrlnco wi fnll wih
, which 'outh
rllure of thos ! precious I I tE )
I bcstow ! (010 those "lh8tantnl eom\enPlons
' , ' through
whl h cannel bo Nrnl',1 a\'o tl
! , rOreH''S ot tfl OII expprlence. I Is orcn
110 not how to \ '
sll thll ! le3r 1\'c
I . rmlly to , . but t herc Is
unt hpy.llre le. . 10
Imowlol o. , ( rtlnlng to thl' great 1).ptlY
ot hU1nn Ire and cleatn which Is nt Irolt-
able In hl world lhat 10Ii" N'en wihout
' the world which ' " 10 .
. cOle.
lJI" " 1111 Ihwl. Ir 'ht. !
I t nol "rMhlonable" to e suprratlons
aholt"arlll o\als. 1'3)'S the \\'I&hlngton
Gazele. 'en ) 'ears a o the WOlal who
wore In op,11I'IS I brl\'e WOIII. Intlell.
TOl1ay expert ! admit mcre opa1 lre 110ught
I than an ) ' other stones exeellt
1lamoIHh. . I Iroclou9 \\'aler Scott who
. In "Aln ot Gelerteln" to nrouse thc rl'rS
of the ' onrernlng theearln
! lpct'tllous ( \earln
'I ' , or lhaler ' beautrul < one. Rlll IlS a
Chrman dealer hi eml who rosterell thnt
rar vcr ) ' "ue ( wstul ) ' ( or ot her ends thn
the e ot romlce , He eallO to l' uglnld
) I II ago.e are toM b ) ' a lad ) jewcler. to
fl an olclr from one ot the myal fAmiles In
' - order. If t '
Olrman-n \etldlng Ielcmbel'
rlght ) ' , Opals Wle then high. le hal ,
Ilrlnte.1 the Itory thdt opals wcre , unlnck ) '
! 111 I'preatl the relJrl digenty. In a horl .
tme the Irlcol'nl ) cown n.11 he'a ! en.
ablel . to 01 his 0111 and make I haniisolo
. . .
' ' , .
' ' '
'I'hl' .I. ( uf 1I''r'nflJ.
101 . mnch harm II done to healh 1) onr
ore. lled ami cxeesl\e clet 10 one can 'Y.
m's th3 Saniarian. Ihlcans tl'l UI thal
10 riut , or the vice of .
It 10ery ! overealul. ns
practced h ) tlc \\'el.toco Ila l's , In Eng-
lantl etpu lalh' . Sir Benr ) ' 'holiison. a 10ted ,
gnglsh . rys ) hf'lclen : Iml luthorly on this sub
"I have cOle to the conclusion thnt more
th'n h11 Ih Ilseaso which emblUlt. the
miiele and laUeI prt ( f le Is due to
: .oltahlo errora In diet. and that mere 11s-
, c111cf In tle rorm ot actual Ill'ase. or 11-
plrctlIgor. . Inll of Ehortcne' , Irc Iccrues
to civilzed man In Engllntl an,1 throughoul
centr.ll Eurolle rrom e'oncous hnbls or
cHing th3n rrom the habitual use ot alcoholc
dink. eonllerable ns I l\o\ thai e\1 to '
arc your resources
WHT for the summer ?
Have you an abundance of i ,
healh stowed away for the long ,
hot , depletng days , or does the beginning -
ginning of summer fnd you low in
vitalt run down , losing fesh ,
and weak ? SCOTT'S EMULSIN
of Cod-lver Oi wi give you the
force because it ;
proper reserve buids i
up the system on a sold foundaton.
A tnic may stimulate ;
Emulsion not only "boosts , " it
susts. so eta ad , , .0 at 11 < ugglst
p I
The Ocean Resorts
Atanllc clr. Clp' Ma ' . Abury Park Ocan
Grvt LUl : HrDudl. Iw1 , IuWII , Ilmur .ht . Ntlv
Jel't Jl Ul Ile l'unl\'I'IUII Lnes
. \ hiil 1\,1 , huU ChlcJgo to 1'I"Ht. . rJrn
' ' '
gmlH'1 , J'I' r. Mathn's'Ileyard. . 11111 k t
11,1 pupullr watrllg plll s Ilolg the Atlutc
fWI Chublpuke IIY I Maile.
In the Mountains
Cr I , Dcforr Fprng . Ebcnshul Aloonl
. ,
nnJ ulhcr rl..Jts In tlC .ll.ghllfc re 11m
the " - \ ' ' . ' the
11 . 1'"I-\'II'lllf Iou ! ( \hlh
\ . the ' . "
\Yhl. ! MouUalls. "clmntll'k"Itktns
tl"I. ( t . ' ( blall. wd , ' ( ' Ir 811Icr
I.'ur N \ ' . , '
IJOlf LuHtrl w'o i. \'rmo ! New
IhlOI bhl'l' an,1 Mllne mlY he ( ol'elleudy nud
cUlllurtallr ! 'uLI,1 from CIICI/u.
I' " . , " ' .motlon tn.cln . , .rc. ' 1m. 0' trin. . "d the
e , .1. . I , , u.b . .Ic. . , ' . . . . " ' rly , . I. I. lEIUNU
' ' ' '
' 4
_ _ n _ _ _
Searles &
Ncryous. . Cbronic
Private Disels s.
I'rlvulo 110.HO'
Al IIHI 118ortlI of111
frc"tnumt by m.U
. " fro , '
, . . , - . , ( ol."llton
Cured tor and the POIM"1 thoroughl1
cl.1nl ,1 , from the system. J'I.I'8 ; , j'ISTUI.A
an m TAL UII nS , . ANU
IE , on lucceutuly I
YAnICI . ' . < pernanfnly unfalln < .
new method wihout tl ln or cullnI.
1) Cal on or addrc. . wlh .tamp.
Dr Scal & olrl ' llU 1 I Uh St.
. [ . .
VJ. 1,1 O.n.I' Nat.
Wuknou I lodor
: Ye" E'pCience
I Ye. I
. .
nok Fre. Coa.uhatiOD
. nd nm na on 1"0. .
14th and tCrAlm Stl.
Is No
ot dllcardlnl 10Uf .
blomer or a" at.
I rbeea u so
Ihuy bao
f IUllrCd r
. tor rou
tlcycllj. vo ttem
\ubed "Ub tbe
\ '
r , 101.'brnklaa
1l f
and they wi como out
bright and fresh a new. "
Never Shripl ,
Never Pades
Tbo onl1 'Op tn tbo Ifrll " ch can be
fule ou to , .th ,1 1 " "olen
. ,
labrlc. . Bld' re-
Ic"e "lb Jrtet b U dal t 61l
Uull , < raanote aDd 411 tb I . .
63Monard " \ ! J..i ,
sf YJ . ,1
! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oo. . . . . . . . . . . .Gooooe. . . . .
I The Cat . , .
I. . Came
I Bacl { !
g Because therc wa 10 placc lke the i '
g home wlere they used
I Santa Claus i
g I
Soap ! \ . ,
g o This . Grcat Soap lkcs homc , home . indced. Keeps
g cveryt I. lg c 1 can. Kecps thc housewIfe nnd c\crybody :
g happy. ' 'ry it. Sold c\crywhere. lIn c olly by t
I _ _ gooooooooooocooo _ _ - ooooooOOOOOOQOOOOQOCOOoocoooeml
- - - - -
- . - . - - - - - - - - -
Leading Business Men
AIS'I'U\C'I' 01" ' 1'1'1.1 : .
Icll.r. .TI"JJI " c. . Ith SI.
A' : \ICl'llll'U\ I , DI'I.I I f 'I'S.
S. C. C. C. ( rl ' . IJI : ) . & S'H.
" . ' " ' .
.llelt . n.lle. . Olh. I1. .
C. . .J. ( : lrll" 1.h S. . , .1'
W. X. 1'I.h' ' , lth " ,
Hc.\I".r " Clr..lh..l : & XII.h It
C. A. NIII' ( ' , 11. h Si
' . A'c.
' ' . Xeh.
\'hlml'r \.I..I. . ) Slr. " ( lnlrJ.J. . . . .
" "
1.\ I\ I n Y AXn COS"l r'I'IOSIU \ .
( C. .Jln. . . . l.h St
\'IJel , 11h SI.
' . I" ( . . . " ' .
Clilmhl. Stltl' " . .11.1. Ir".II'nt.
CI.lml'r'lnl Innk. l.h St.
1'Jr.t XIII.II. Olh' " St.
1.\nIDI !
\ " . . ' . .
: , Jl.h t.
. . . :1. . . 1111' ' . .
.J. S.'I , ' 'hlr.tln 111"t.
ZJnncel'nU. . . .nh' , ' St.
' , LE.
' - " II SA
Sehlt" .J. 1. 'h' " . . \J.nt. . .
Gllrlrlh"l'l IICYCI.ES. ' \.111. . . Xl'h. A , ' 1.
11.\I\S : I''IIX ( & ' AGOX L\OSG.
. ' . . .
1.111. 11'1.1. 11 th St.
HII"r .1 I'uflr. Cor. If & Xorth St" .
Colnml. , , .TII.nnl. ilth St.
' . ' ' Y.
110S & S'\'I'llxgn
Clrl Kllmcr. ] : th St. , .
I . I' . Smih & U1UICgl CI. , . , , , Ildele.
' ' .
.J. JInrl.r .1 Co. . 1lh St.
CII : IAC'rOny.
, \ . F. Sllrln. , It.h St.
CHa IS-'IHI.ES. I.e.
I , . .r. I.t' ' Inl Ith ! H. .
GI'I 1'111" ' . lath St.
I. YoJ'I. l1h st.
. ' ' .
1'INChll" 11'1" . . 11 th' St.
.J. I. ( : nlt. " ) . . I1h S. .
G'I.en 111" . . II.h St.
\1) ' . Ilclcen IlrJ. CO.\ , . . ' 11. . a I.
I.'I'I"r. . 1lh : St.
The SI".In. S'e"'I.ln & I"Jel.
. , . ' . .
ClfCIU'JU y t 1\SS"\IJ.
iL' n " ) ' HIKI' " " G.1. . h St.
' .
I. U. IwIA'ht. u.n. . . 11'llr Ilocle.
I. U. 1'I\t'ln. u.n. . . la.h . .
tr. I , . I. Xllmnn. Xlrll' 1IIIIn !
, ( ' . . Olh' t.
1'ln CI..lo. ( !
I" . ( . . I.JlloU & 11I.c , ' . Xorlh SI.
llrJlrct A _ Ilnlc. Xch. A\c.
n 1t'GS.
Glhler & Co. , ltl S' .
nr , \ . Idn" : , 11 th St.
. .
" ' . lath St.
"lllnnn' . ! hlrntI. ) :01
. . , . ' . . ' . . . .
.J. \ Ilrh'r \ CI. " flrlrr 11. , 1 : S.
.J. C. 1IIIn. . 0Ih'SII ; .
. I. 1 1"II"frh'lc. rll 1.h S' .
1.'rl..lhoH ( & Co. , lth'St. Nch. A'c.
J. I. ( : II ( ' ' . 1.h S' . "
, . I. 1,111 & Co. . 11h St.
1.'IOlln MII.S.
CllllhlH IIIIJ CI. . I.IIIH S' .
1 1"'ltor Uolh'r , . \ . .JII'JI. 1r.
Icnl' ) ' ( I"H. Clr. 1,011. & II.h S'H.
( a NI U\ 1 HCIAXnISI .
'Ihe FIJr , J. M. gIH'lln. II.h St.
( a x'Js' I UIXISIIXS. :
. , ' ' . ] SI.
'ln IcnI'n. th
1'J."hulr Iro. . , 11 th SI.
, \ . I. ( : " 1) ' , 1:11 S. .
( " , 'I"'n Irl. . 11 th St.
J. I. 1lllhln. S'h. A"c.
( ; HI-J.\'I' GI nlIAN IE."gU\ ' .
. ' . S , 'h. A " ( ' .
I. Irl ni'
Ah'H " I CllO , 1.1 , S. .
llr(1l'l. & Son. Clr. la . N"I. A'c.
, ' . ' ) ' nlJI" : CI. . 1111 S. .
1'n. "
Snlr.I' ) ' " Ilrn" , X'h. J\ " 1' .
. , ' ' .
Go1 S'hlll'rt. Olh'I' St.
1.IU W.\IJ'J , S'I'f\'gS & 'IIS\'AJU .
g'nH' . Sol\lrz , 11.h SI.
S. C. .1 C. C. Grl ) ' , lath .1 Surth SIH.
I . U. HI'II. , 11th SI.
I" " . . " ' ( 'I"C. , lalh St.
- - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - -
of Colum bus , Nebraska
I O'l'I.J I.S.
J Clof'r I0I I'1 { ; . . \ . S"II.
( :1'11.1 1111 ( ' . Snmu1 . " "hOOll.
1.1111 loh'l. ( ; 1. " .II.I..h.
" ( 'rl,111 loh'l. .Johl I ; . ! olocl. .
' ' ' ' . . , , .
'I'h ( ' 'l'hll.tll. H'o. I'hmll.
1'1' : .
111.cr1. . . Oh' : ( ' S , .
IX"t I.\XGI'J.
Ih''I'r , . ' ' , . . .
( , .Jll'A'1 . Co. . . , I.h . St.
, \1/1" ! rlltllJ Co. : , 'h. A'c.
I. Ii ' 1111 ( " ' . ] I h ! H.
. ' ' ' . ' ' ' '
.J ( N l'gACE.
I'S'I'IlI I. 'I'l .
In'nr.1 I'llt'r. llh S. .
1.I'XUI ( ) S.
Collmhl" Sh-II , X'h. . \ , . .
" !
.f. 1. Ah. . . lath 1.
. .
lul 'r , ' ' ' 1. . 01 , ( I.
( I. I l' ) ' I I 1(1 . 01" ' " St.
I , ' . I : . Stc"el . : , 'h. A , " "
1.1' g S'I'ICK. .
Ulel.I ) ' & Iro. Olh' , ' S' .
" ' . J. Vil AIHI , I. . . lalh st.
" 'JJJhIH " I'n' . . C. , . . 11 & Olh cSt.
AIllr"'HI & 1'1. 11 , ' " St.
Ih'"her , .JI"'f 1 C. . . 1 'h St.
I"rlu'l Ghwl. . J I th St.
Churle. A. 1,1. , . . . , II' ' h St.
lomc , llt Cn..I. l.h St.
l oHh'l . \ . Smlh. J. I. GI"elr. : .
I. II h. " . (1In' SI.
IASU"I " 'OOll X-SOf.gD
C. . \ . I.ltz .1 Co. . lalh 11. SIOE
C. A. Uelrd"lt. ) . Oln' St.
31'I' IA IIg'I' .
I. C. Cn."ln. lal. ! . .
Ole I'rz. I1h SI.
I. ' ' & Co. . ' _
I. UIO' ) H'I" IlldJlg
: lr" . 11. ' \ ' . " ' 11. . , . " . talh St.
sgWS-II Ja : CY. III
Clrl ICrllu. . . la.h St. I"
g " 'SP , \ I'I IS.
CollmTn" .J. . . " 1 . I I. I. IC. ' lller.
. , . ' : ( ' .
X"hrl.l.n ll. , " 111.
Pilth' C. . Aru" , " ' . Sa I Idcrl , Neb
A " 111"
01.XI \SI.ISI . ,
.J. I . 10 ITln I. S'h. A'c.
I' , \ I " ' .
. ' . . . .
I.'rll ! Jlor. lalh St.
' ' . I' . . .
Iclll" 0'101. O. 10x ra7.
I'l 0'111 ; 1.11'1 S.
SrIIH. ( " Crl. . . 01" ' " S' .
llrt'I. I.J"II" .1 . ( : ( ' , 'r , SeT. A'o.
Ur" Inrbe. . ' .0. . ' 11'11. .1 1/HJ"r . , lomcolll fl
PI , Ii" I'US.
A. UIMHI'U . SOl. 11.h St.
1.\I'A .
. & I. 1. I.
I. 1. P. I. 1..J I. 1'1JI.r. Acut.
I. ' ' . \ ' ' .
, ' . . 11' . , . l'JSI'\'I'g. Co. St.
" .Tlu.J/J .1 :
1"'I.r. . . 1..rh. . . . . . I.h St.
IHrl'l ( aud. . 11'h 11.
ChnrlcH A. 1111' ( ' . 11.h St.
IU S'l \ I IAS'I'S.
.J. I' . Aht. . la.h S' .
Clyr. : . I. ( .rl ) ' , , Iro. 1 lh St.
' N'lcul'rII. . 11 I h St.
: Ylclnl. II'hlel I. I. O'rhlut. ltl St.
. .
; \ . y.rcl , IJh 0.
S. C. . C. C. frl ) ' . c.r. ] a & Sor'h St"
' ' ' . ,
gll , 'un II'rA"I. 111h SI.
1'rIH' Irl. . 11h St.
.J. I. Gnl ( ' ) ' . 11 t h 11.
, \ . :1. : nrn ) ' , Ia.h SI.
GN'I"II I' . . . . 11. h SI.
.J. I. 1011hll. S'h. , \ , . . . .
" ' . Olh' " SI.
'llum S'I'g.\ ISIIPnl'JSCY. .
, ' . \ . I..u. Olh' " S' .
\ ' .1 GI\I g.aSEI
I. I" . ( .ol'hll. .
' ' ' .
' . ] . ! .
Clrl ICrllu'r. al. ;
I ' ' . .
lenry GUN" , Cur. . I I I 11.1 Iunll St. . \ I
" ' . \1.1 , J'AI'a .
J. C. I ( 'huh , Oln' SI.
W J X 1'S-.JII-J.
\'m. 11'hl'r , 11.h nlll loulH SI. .
' . . ' ; .
.T. 1. Ahl. . la.h S' .
\\1. Ilclu'r. JJh UU11 loulN ! tl. .
Sum ( ; IH. , Olh' ( ' SI.
" 'm. luAt'l. 11. h S' . )
I. .T. I , . . , . , .1 ( I.h NI.
'I'he H'uuh' , S. .J. I'IU . , 11th St.
' - - - - -
Nebraska City's Leading
I , , I' . ( ' . . ,
" . .r. : lt"'I"ul.
. ' . I'u .
\'u 1.01.
. . ' . '
I' : I" " 'lrrcl.
J. A. 100IC ) ' . . I'
1 lrl.r. ' Iln" .
" ' ' .
al"'UIII"H' Ni 10111.
N'I"I.I.1 el Nulonll
Otoo Couul " .
) 010111.
G. A. SIII'r.
( . I. nlrl'ool.
\V. H. ' .
U. n.'ouu&
UO'I"IMSG . S. .
' ' . ' . '
S. " ' . 'I'rul. .
uoo'rs ANI SIOES
NeboA Uro. .
01.0'1 I I N O.
I , . Golhunn.
. ( ohl bcrg.
. blebl. .
N ( WOOD. .
CO.L Coul Co.
.QJUIOI & 00. .
, IHt UCf.
I P. I. I IIH.
JllGurt 1 ( ' ) ' Ire 'n.
Sch , 1.'N UIII Store.
111 Y noous.
Ilrllh ) ' Uorch"r. .
, . ' . .
1 \'eHH'I.
I" " 1,0 I n I IL.
. ' . Schllnl.u & Vo.
. . ' ' ' .
. " ' . Hut.
GI.US 1ln' A'I'Olt
I. I . lul.
( . . \ ' ' ' : ANU
N"ltlutrt .1 I'orbc. .
I. ' . " 11 , " .1 00.
" ' . J" . U.ll. . brock.
Blulhut A Jocblue.
I George U. Suler.
Lt1 Jro. . .
' \1. Ubcbor.
Hotrl'IC.OI. .
Grulul . 'lu'llc.
' .
Atlnto IIH'MC.
JI " 'IH.I Y.
AllXllt CI' CUlee < .
.1 J. O. ( " . "Ie- . .
. . .
. p , ( \
Business Men
A. I' . StulorT.
I , . I . .
U. I' . UO" " Co.
'J'A 1.0 I I.