Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1896, Page 10, Image 10

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    I T - T : IT _ ' ) , MAY3th9fl. _ _ _ I
- ) _ J
4c Full Stenographic ReportofEdwardRose- Every Sentence Quoted From the
' ? 4 water's part of the Debate Between Speech of Judge Aldrege in
t1.Q ! Himself and W. J. Bryan , Black-face Type ,
- ' - '
IIt. ItSIVtTIlIS ) ( I'INtN ( M1'II'CIt.
( 'nrrful iii IMIlP Ii
S uIsi1 Iii 4 Ii ) . % ,
Mr. Chairman , LadleM anil Gent1tnofl I
fltfl coflCIotiS O the fact that I am no
match n orntorcal ! 1)oC to the silver-
tongnd champion of fteO cItiago.
( A voice : You bet. you ain't. )
I am lacking In that IrreslstIll niagtietthfli
vbkh enables him to sway tilt ? emotions of
tlip multitude.
( A voice : You are all right , )
Judge Uwgory : I hope the audieno
vill giro to each of th disimiants a full and
fair hearing ,
and blowing of horns , )
( Mr. Jolni C.'hartnn , in a stentorian
voice : hot u have no comniunts at all.
hut. he 19 thrIce armed who has his
cjuarrei just , Iiihnied , with the conviction
that the menace of unlimited coinage of all-
vor Is a ! flet ( potent factor In the prevailing
cnnHm'r1'hal disLres9 and tniistrial depres-
Sian , I feel coniltlc'nt that the mo9t fervid
8pin'ai. to rassion and lrejlIhice ) ( cannot over-
CflO thin incontrovertible itgic of stubborn
I ii it II sig4. ut tIi' siorli t1n'r' liz * ye
Jie.ii lleIIMlflhIM iii ri'r.'ri'iie II
itnil. In spilt' If , , , IIIMIIMIeOIaM
I'4'MIZIIM , tilO t ri.uIluloIs'4 : tr
iin.i.- to , ' iii lh- i4'ilI'iilil' iI
liii ) ' t'Iuni'infztii 'rvIII ) ehsIII-4
that ie IUIM ( ilMI'flV4'l''ti (1. . ' . 'tY tO
tTlIi t I PlY W ( 'fl i Ii oi I 0 ieduce d eht - 'I' ii
I'I'fIMt' tH , ) ) ( II IIIIl' ) tli2 % Iinrai
einniiili $ 'IMt' vIiIt'ii tlu' 4'PI'elM4' In
tI'Uhitlg sIilt . 'v.ryiiny itlYit Ii's of iIft.
The host definItion of true ninney is that
by ilenri Cernuschi , the most cniine.t chatii-
plon of bimotahilzm , woo declares "it is by
the orJeal of flro ' hat tilonoy may be trlcl.
The coiiis which , being meltcd &own , retain
the ( 'hUm value for which they were legal
tenders before being incIted down , are
tiloney. 'l'iioso which do not retahli It MrO
not goil money. " Whieii tJlyaae3 S. Grant
iteerini the ship of state into the liar-
bar or ifcty anti ProsPerity through PeCla
r'suinpti'n , the country vas disturbed by
I I'clnincr of the ilat ilehtislonists , who do-
flounced the use ol met-nub money as a
species of barbarsiii , and lmldly advocated
the t'nic of lrroiIeeiiable paper currency.
I lundreds of thausands , yea , miihtoiis , of the
Aint'rlcan leOPie ) vere befogged by tine ph-
istry of the grenbaclor aniti actuahiy pinned
their faith to tine doctrine that Iflolley is the
creature ot law and lnntrtnic value a mere
Iletion find figment of a d'seased ' brain. And
hOW you have heard the ( loctrtno of the all-
ver galvanized flatlnts declainlnng against the
fiscal Policy of tine government that has
glveni to the people of tine United States the
iniost stable currency the nation has ever
hind. ( Applause. ) A great him aunt cry ln
ralseil about tine alleceti violation of the
cr'nstttution of tim fathers aunt the 'o-chIed
demonettzatioji of tine American money unit
-tino dollar of the claddtos-antl the demand
Is made that the bande on the dial of time
ho turned hack twenty-three years. so that
we ma take a fresh start aunt place our
entire financIal Anul commercial fabric In
the position of Mohammed's comn when it
Wall snstnendenl , in midair. without support
from above or below. The day of miracles
is Past. Jo3tnua enco commanded the sun to
tanc1 still so that inc would have time to
thrash tine Annaiekltee , and his behest was
oleyeI. ( flut I doubt whotiner the apostle.
\Viihlani hope Harvey. whit a big IT on the
hope. I doubt whether all the apostles of
from silver. incluihhnig tine intellectual cobs-
sus who has just anhuiresseti you ( laughter )
can ierform such a Ieat at tine end of tine
nnhnnotceunthn century. ( Applause. )
In tine ceannebes twocession of tine cen-
tories gonorationis have succeeded each other
111cc an enuhiess chain over tine great highway -
way of huuunann irngress , bitt no Institution
devised hy man ha ever remained per-
fletUal anntl ulnclnangeahbe. No hnunnan mind
has yet devised a ( oren of governinnemnt that
inn hot subject to inorlnnllc change. Tile
fathers of tine republic mad scarcely finisined
thno organmic law under uvinicim tine free In-
atttutlonnu , firmly ostainhlsineil thrcungiu tine
ct'urago and seif-sacriliclung Iatriotisnn of
tine soinliers of tine revolintlonu , were to hO
perpetuated inn tine constitution of the United
States , winon they founnil that Instrunnncnnt
dofccthve anti tnnperfoct. and vero impeiienl
to subunit to tine incoinie of the Unite&l States
for their ratification the toni ntnnenmnlnnnennts
whicit are Icnnnwnn as tine Hilt of ltighnts.
\'itinin our ownn generatioun three othner can-
stitutlounal amenndmnnennts have hx'en foumnd cnn-
eemntlah to tine perpetuation of Inca governn-
unient by tine ileopie. ( or tine PeOIiC. Annd
yet we are ndnnmonnlsinonl thnat tine legitinnnatu
exorcise of tine conistitintiounah jovera that
authnorizo conngrcss to iegslate witim regarni
to the coinnugo of nionney is a dangerous
Infraction of tine Amnnorlcaun counstltuntiozn. Tine
exnnct ianngunge of tine connstitutlonm touching
coinage inn nt foiiovnn :
"Tine congress shalt have power to coin
mnmonny. reguniate tine value thnoeof aunt of
mnjrengnl COllin anti fix tine atannilard of wolgints
and InleastIrce. "
In tine exercise of this power coungreas lna ,
the a ideint dmscrttlon. It nnnay canine tine
coinage of sliver nlonni , or gold alonno. It
innay cinnso tine coinage of both unnotaini mb any
( buanntity anni at ann ) ' ratio , on' at nno ratio.
'rite fact lust tine constiiuntlon iroinibits states
fronni nnnnking ninyt hninig bunt gobti on silver
Cohn it legal tender does hot ineconnrIly
atnridgo tine ino em of conngrest inn n'enntrictinq
thno unints to suctn cnnlnnagi ins , Inn its wisdom ,
It nnnay niceunu unece..eary ton tine general vel-
fare of tine bicOinie. 'flue otatn' . rnnay uunder
tine conistltuution coin ; ild and silver , butt
uuowincro In tine constitunllon Inn then' amy lire-
Vision for tine free amid nnnhlnnlteni coinn..uge of
soy nuoney nuetai. Tine first coinage laws
enacted by tine United States provided for
thn coitunugo of $10 gold dmse called eagles ,
5 guini discs c.iiied liaR eagles , $2.5' ' ) gold
discs called quarter enigies 07111 silver uhin'cs
CahlL'd dohmsue. Tines , ) colnna were designonl
as inenr : as loslblu ) to Inane a colunago value
equal tu the connunorcial vainne of tine mnnotal.
AU hiua'nnt cohinoii mooney minnmnt necesnnarlly
counfonmn tO that mba. Ttno ratio heLlrecnn the
two unotums was tlxed at I to 1 by .tiexan.iur
Ilanumituni. tine flrt L'ecretar ) ' of tine treusunny ,
hnocatuon tifteent pounuds of sliver sere ox-
chnanguainte In tine nnmnnrltetnu of tine world ( or
onto inotmnd of gold. hunt u'as tine iirst ratio
estabilsinod unnnlunr tine coinetitutlenn , anni any
ratio ( inst varies mnuaterhnnily ftotnm tine conn-
nncrrtal excinsagn ) ratIo of tine muomney inctai
is a nioluision amid a ( matid. IL uas founil
nnftof forty years of exilettenco that the ratio
of It. to I wins impractical , ninni tine ratio was
therefore cinangeni as regards to silver dol.
larnu and gold coin Inn 1S31 ; and ant regards
to silver coins of denomnnimnations 1e55 tinani a
dollar , Inn 1R53. Up to 1853 all American unfi-
ver coIns , larie or sniaii. were a legal tonndcm-
for ann unhlnnltenl gum. Inn 1853 tine nuantlty
of sliver In all coIns below linen dollar unas
dlmnlmnlslneil. 'line cohn counsequmemntly bt'canie
debssenl auth Its fuutlomi na legal tender ( or
tin paymnnennt of debt was ilnuilted to 5. Weno
tfl these cln3nnges sin infractlc'nn of tIne connatltu-
thonT Did tineso chnamnge.s comnstituto a
ogainnst tine Annnenlcann people ?
Tine proposition tlnnnt tints country abounhtl
. 1 coin liver for all tine world In unnhlunnlted
quantities nut double Its nmnarket valuno inn coin.
trary to tine connmneni sonnet ) of mnmanhinni.
( Anplatnse ) Tine section of tine constitutiau
I 1 tinat onipoworit comngrc's to coin mooney and
, J ileclnnru the value tinuroof , also ennnpowera
cotngrL'a to fix tinu standard of veiglnt amid
q nnnoaaurO5. if conngre were askoni to do.
creo that two qnunnrts small equal a gallon ,
or that twenty ounces equal a pounil , or sixty
J Iucimos equal a yard. the dcrco would be
1 regarded as tin act of folly , ahtlnoungb it mnulghnt
F snot seriously disturb tine counmnmerco of tbo
counntry. hut vhneni coungress is asked to comm.
Von 50 cents worth of tiilvor into a dohinnr
by tlno nnoro touch of the govefnmnennt stamp
amid nuako tlnis coin a kgnnt tender for all
debt , vhet1ier contracted by a loan or by an
oxchangd of cQnfltnWdItle& . gauged on tine scale
cf IG ) cpgtu to the duhir , tt iould Justly
I be regarnied as an act of national depravity
Unit dls'imoniesty. ( ApPiamt.e. )
A r.-iuilIIu' r'MIM . 'unlIrn-Iy uslunul finn'
inuuleluIM fir Ifs IntuulpIr. % Iituf uu.nuiiul In'
tine , 'IIn'et ft. ( mis niumuufn uulunhi hun-
bonn gn'uq'rnfioni nuf it sfni' iIIn' * IIIMn
.t f I Ii e n1 In' ii I I In t' in I nun'f , 'eun I In n.i.h t hi C )
Iii. . p.iniIt' mr flu' I nilfid 'liule" Ie-
niunin , ' MI ) n uirn'nil lIin' ' . ' '
nuuin-IsnuIf of fIin.Ir ilelils II ) lint ) lui
IIu'uin Ii. nniniiIn'u IfIi iuiii huh nuf Its
ruin. , . itIii' . ( .tpIIniuisn' , ) 'limit muir
fi , rn' Inn t Ii m' n'm ft ii in ii ul rn'.I y i'm rs in ma in II '
$1 unilt nit iiIiin' Inn iInI or silvn'r. suunni
Il.I ii riifi.i In'lreii lInniii , IN liii-
nnnnfn'n'isii tin nis. IlneIr , 'uuiniii1n' iii Mn )
mliii ug I ' mm iniflen' hI iiul linux nun urns f liii ii
t 111.1 r mm-f hunts nnf IIIIMI inM , I heir
iiieInuns I ) ( ) . ) or finn' liii-
mnIeuuuntils lIi aIniei , tI.n' MIi % ) oil sunni
I'msn mueni. I I a'ouu I ii Inn' ii sini eitin-
uln'uItsuI' ) uliunun nunr lii tn'lllgriin'n' ft u
Instil in-sniinu.nI inutinlung Inn ii hnnuuinlremi
) ' 'nrs. Yn' nb h inus' I kin I inn IlI lug it
riuflin lIim uittrilnntrti inn ninsugin' to tine
goveriiinin'uut MtstiIiIi , hint s.iiighf mliii-
gm'untIy tIP iumen-i'tsulii flu' vsnIuim' of flit'
tavn ninn'fnils Inn finn' mrltl''n i'miniiiiinun'e
n'a'i.ters , u'ninfnu'uuieni , suM ( tin' )
tlnnniglit , MfrltI ) ( UP tin. ' iiinn'lm't rsutln.
\s.o turn' c.nroptt'd by a counnhltioum nmnd not
my nI tIn tory. ( A ipin un nun' . ) 'I' I t o inn ii s I I t' ii
tilsi Ii is 51111 lIi , muon' , vlin , nnnnisiM ( Inn minis'
I , I it t' n' in I suni M. rcgsn iii I n'ss U I f In , '
n'Inuiunccluinr eniinmiltfnniis , , , iilnui ; hunt
it is Ii , i'Iiii , uvitln Inntn''tnn'e uiid
( ' ' ' ) . ( , , nnluiIifM itliniself to lIne
n'iuinuncn'i , ( -nuinnill loin muf mu flsIr. , i"nr
ini'nun'I SI niiiinitmr ni n l'OinIiih n'n'i' )
mi'igi't'ssist' elvilizt'nI ainttiiii iii I Inn'
vurInt inins hen-in nun it giumml Mmnuiisnrii
iuiMiM , 'i'iit' I , nlm'nl lsnlm-'n of Antnen'In'st
hits In'eni nut in ginimi slnn innlstril lunusls
siiin' ltt Iun' I iin'iii'i - n'inrM
'l'Iin' gold slinniminmnni iisutIiunM sure ( Iiosn'
lInu ( 1151 % . ' n't't'iiIiunm'ni ( Iii' % nt'ini , fi'miin
ipzut'Iisirlsnin mmmi iustm' % ' it sill Its
lm'iurnniiimr nuuini Inn at-in I hunt , vitei'e , t'InoI'u
suminl t'lnunrm'I.n's ininoniunml , aa mere finn'
11114iilt ) mif muslin i'm iiuniintnuinns'mi snuiui
inniumu' , , , ) u'naa stvnlm'ml , ( lit- )
tinintrinl I Ii. ' n'muitniuuerel' of time aorimt.
'i'Iii'st niiutintnM , sil'lm'r ( t'tiiii.i niini sniiil
sliver fin' . inni.itirnnls of' yt'ilt'M , a multi-
innuII ) ) ( Inn' gnini slsuiuninut'nt. .ib
innutinnn tuminny linus tint' siiant stininnhstril
! ruuin 4iiTIPr. I I i. ui i ) Iutn'nnnnse I Itu-y
lni'u' viuitk stuni ln.'itI'pn'n ( mi i't'iuin'ii )
tIm' eaII tlinn ( itii ) of ( Inn-inn rn'sinnlin nun
in siI'vm'r iiusin4. it Is uinaa' 1nrnjnnuse'ti Iii
mu sn'i'innusitl'MM omit fInt-.IuiitenI Stitti's ,
flu' , ' ' . . ' iuuiIinin nun ( lie
n'nnrfii lun ihuIt'11i14n'in't' mum ! ( 'iut'Vg ) ,
.siistli snbnitiilmii ( itt' MtitiinlltCmi tnt elalli-
tuntInun sinni m'nniuiuinn'u'Cn snintl t'nunsnirt
na I I Ii Ininlf-eivliiieii , Iisutt-n'Iinnl uemuip ,
an ii 0 ii 1 * ' aVt'5h L mu in ml I nt in ii n-st in t it un ml aa inn
' ' ' ' ' aaIit'rt'
isnvn' , little or nm t'iitnlnnn'I't'n'
Innil lights nnlnniuitl st'ttmunuls mm
inot ( sunpIsiiism2 aliert' linuinusunu intlnmui'
is iii sIninrIn tniunmut.tIInuun aa lilt tInt' uintei. .
baa i jnm-ksisnnu aInn'n'm ( iii' Ii't'eeln-
t'imtut Is ' ' ' to us fttli n.uitlt ;
viit'n'ttinc..Jiini I , of ( Ii t' unenmimi' kmnnusa
lit , mnnnn't' sninnmnt it ssuitnlstu'ii of vsnline
( Initun mm ( Inn' lnt'intlnn'ii ithomit ( Ins' snunnI-
minI of Clnrinntlnn ii a'm'I I . ) Sun n'eiy aae
atuuuiii imp ae1i ( n tsiIe mu ionic nut ( inn-
s'niuipntuiy hm'form aan , sit mionui to ( inc
mmstst. ( ' lIP Inmimst' . )
Tine gentleman bias asked nnnc winy and
upon wlnat grounds I claimneni tine reward
offered by Mr harvey to tine lrenence of a
large audienuce. tlnre 'a'eek9 ago.
Mr. Harvey challenged any man or woman
in that audience to find a paper inublisheni In
tim nnouth'of February , 187I. tinat mad cue
oohltary worni In It conneorning tine act which
brought about tine sui'tcumsionn of tha coinage
of tine Atnenican tilvor 'loller. And I tonic
that challenge nip because tinere was not only
one worth , hnnt more than hail a dozen , yea
nn'ore tinamn two tinuzenn or three dozen wombs
punbimnninod councenmninng It in Tine Onmmahna lice.
( Iloruis annd appiannee. ) Mm. iirynnn connnpit.
ments Tim Flee of 1S73 as a great American
newspaper. It mad existed ic-ann hinan a counpbe
of yeamnn. It. as at tinat tunic tine third paper
in rnnnnk in Unto conunnaunlty.
Mr. iiamvey's ntpoetoiic dmsclpbo very in-
gonlounahy comes forward amid dlatorts the
facts. TIne bill pannuoni the United Statea
seniato pin January 17 , amid it woe in January
that tIne greater part of tine nimsmuasion took
place. ann ! he knew it all tIne tlnnne. So on its
ttnal paineagejho only report sent omit to tine
ireso was that tIne connnniitttne of conference
of the two'4nnneq mad concurreni inn that bill
on F'ebiunary 7 , ainnl on tine 12th tinat It was
gmenl by ttno presidonit Of the United States.
Tine dtocnusoiomi concerning tinlnt nina Item mad
overml tinren yeIms of time. ( rain 1871) ) to
1873 , and nobonly nnanlo amy very great ado
ahonit It , becainse nnohody know that we wcre
going to have a revival of liatlsmn under the
free sliver erunade. At tinat tinie ase mad
the flat nuoney craze and time greenibackeis
nib ! not care a ilg whnetinem silver \snns demonic-
tizenI or hot , since there wat no sliver to
demonnetizo in tine Unnited States nit that
tunic. 'fln 'j. was not a silver niohlnnr inn cir-
culatlon * nn lS73. Not a goint dollar in circun-
lition annywluere. painor dollars sere worth
86 ccnt47nipd , cnr about tinat.
, IIONEY OP' TIlE 605.
A stlrc'r' , dollar was of no concern
to anyboIy. Amid for that limIter tini
gemntleman was connparatively ) 'onning in 1860
annt tlnerofoma Innows notinlnng lessonnaily ) con-
cernhnng nnionney befiro 1S71.
\u sino hlvtl bofono that t'.nno did tint
kmnonv of tine Amnnericamn sliver nloilar except
as we nnnliit mayo scent tlnenn In tine pawn-
alien ) on' in tine broker's office ,
lii 1Si0Cpt tine kind of sliver tinat was
coinned inn ? uloxlcan and Spanmsln mints , tinero
avero sbnhllhungu and bits anni all tinat nnort of
thlnng , nund tlno 18-cent inleco. ninth tlnlnn rag
nnonney tlnat was wortin10 cents onu tine dollar
It oni tcok it out ( row , one towmi to ani-
otlner. If you went to sheep onie night sltin
$10,000 lii your pocket you woinid probably
uvak ump In the nnornlnig wortin $1 000 less.
That Is an 1noiiet tact..ticmn wino lived
in the ierioti tulor to the war will assure
youn tinnnt gold atnul silver sas a very scarce
coin nimodhty.
hint ini' friend rays tinat In 1873 a great
cmimnne vans connumnmitted'hat about tine
crime of 1853 , aainen silver uvani entirely do.
nunonnetized and knocked clearly onnt 1ff holing
mnmnttle only a legal tender for $ Winy , ( mat
gloat crimnlmnnui congress of 1873 hut silver up ;
limit ( mat deprecIated lnalf-tlollar , tine qunnirtor
anti tine 10-cent vleco , winhciu had been do-
bnusetl , to IO legal tender. So tinat thney
nctuauia' dm1 inonnoihing ( or the connmnnomn peo-
pIe , dlthun't they ? Tine ) ' gave tnno conniumnon
lmeolmie a chnanro to mayo sonmne-tinat isa good
ult'al mnmore than seine cit the gentlemen mayo
tione wino mayo followed in tine later con-
greases. ( Great applause. )
lie Very CIesmn'l'in.fIunn's the ilonneunt
Mr. Bryan seenus to lie very nnxlounnu to
kmnow sint I think on many very imnportammt
queatiomn of finance. lie does not seem to
care anytining about what tine effects of his
Imrolmosltlon will be' umpon tine natIons or upoin
tine iieolmio nit tine united States In gemmeral , t )
long na hnn emit low that Tine Ommnaina lIce
In 1S73 miii ! not nhIrcunns tIne crinie 0 ! denicne-
tlzltng tinat sa inleb nhlni not exltnL
M ) idea of an homnest dollar Is tine duilar
that Is Just sahnat It ropresents. My Idea
of an mammal dollar is onno that , whc it Is
lnasnnniercd dovn nun. ! tine , tnlnmp tahncn off h
It , vill be Just as available and oxcinnugeablo
for just as mucin ins when the stamp
was umpoin 1 ; . , ? I Idea of an : dollar
is that It wIll rmreI'e recognition by al the
connimorcial itnftl ns of tine tinnrth , wl.netimer
it is coimod at Washington or wimether It Is
coined In l'arlnm , or whether it Is coined In
'iontma or iprhlo. Those are tine honean
dollars that , mass current all tIne world over ,
If auproxinnnntely they cor.tann thntlr buhlloum
Now a to amyself , I certainly do
not belonK to ( ho category of cap-
Itauists ; I certainly did not etand In the
liosltlon of K bloated caplt.ihl't , wino , In 1673 ,
was striving La hut the . 'snmomlcnn colmnagu
upon tine gold standard , In 187,1 I was as
poor a. a oburcha inouso and brroiItg ( mow
; 5 to $10 from every othncrrnnnm In town. I
certainly was not Iii collupIn utt2n ani3'
hanker linen , nmmni I amni not tiiiy. I ann ue'
as ntmxiouns for tine prosIierlt of ( ' . aint nut
Nehiraska as Mr. iiryannv s Ii lave nnst ii"
inmioin at mtalte In Nebraska nun inn' I uS or
over uvill lnar , annul I desire , wi ununehn a Inc
dunes to set' tine nnounntaifl ntatoe irosur : nmnnl
develop. I desire earneatly tlnn' InC "smuo
of silver small appreciate. U wjii'i he a
great benefit to our people If lno einnui'mcial :
coniniitlnins vero uichm tlnat limo 'milyor ijni luuni
iii I nueni In t Inc mum ountmtat mm stat n's uvomnld approol -
ate in value , ( or the trade of tineso lcoiuI
out vennt comntrlhnumtnus larnely to ours ; limit vo
catnnnt do It by any legernlenniatmi or slight-
at-month , or by any ( mimi perpetrated unnier
tine gnit.'e of law.
My frlennil lunu said tlnat lie us'nints a ulol.
lam tinat Is equal In purchasing imower at. nil
ttnfltis. lie 'anto 8 dollar ttnat uvill ox-
cinaumge at all tltmie ) and thronnghonut all
eternity for tine e.iirno qunantity of imrotluicto.
'ehl , lily friend , yonu go auth squnaro the circle ;
youn go cmnul fund porpetunal nnotlon , and you
% , ihl have tlnat klmnui of a dollar. ( Amilamnse )
\Vhnoevor hearni of such no thing ! \'inere Is
tinere an ecoimomnlint oni tue ( act' of tine eartin ,
ii ( 'inhumanman , a Japamnese. or a MexIcan wIne
tuiltl anlaiice sucin a linear ) ' ? \Vlny , tine
Idea ! 'hnen we nIh know tinat time price of
all imroulnucts Inn govorneni ill time law of amp-
1111' a nn 'I ul ems intl I I e connno' In pro a nil Eel Ic
inc tinnit a dollar , to be an honest dollar , must
innrcimnse ten lnmnnils of suugar fronnm now on
everlastingly. lie innyni a dollar mmmd puir-
chanO tine s3uno nununiber of bunsinels of whucat ,
whet.iner there is bnnt one bnnshel rained or
1,000.000. Ilul you ever Inear of aucin a farce
of a proimoeltonm ?
lie sys I ann not going to nnnmswer muinn.
\Vehl , I am able to ancoer nnythning ito has
ever staked mnne. lie says Inc wanntsi to lcnnow
why it inn that a oman \rlno counnitOrfeltis a coin
is sent to Limo ineumitentiary ? Well , he Ic
goinng to do It In a legal usay. lie is guinig-
to do his conunnterfeltlnng by law. lie sants
to mare the ( mitsui St3tes stamp all the toil-
u'or doimars thnut inn' can roll Into tine mnnint ,
One doiinr Inn Coil uve Trunat , ' ' vlnen lie
kuiowo that would make an Inmnpnsltlan anti
woultl place in tine hands of tine bumlltoum-oavnner
nil anivamntagoinichn votnid derange tine
entire uiycleni of our finance , destroy ounr
camncrcmai excmnanges anti finally brIng about
a Miulgie oliver mitandand.
Ito Is rennindlnni7 nie here tinat my brother
has Just canoe hack ( rena Mexico and talkni
abonnt llrooperlty there. I know as munch
nibount 'uloxlco's mrocporlty as does miiy brotimer
tAliimlaunso ) It Is tine lroporitY that exIsted
tin the mi1nadoa' of milavery thme prosperity
winicin the Unlteni States enjoycnl witin 1,000-
00' ' ) of men In bondage. the imrosleritY of tine
wenithny amid the misery of tine wretcincti amid
tlno imor nnul the enrichment of tine few vlno
control cverythmhmig there is In thmat country.
I want to ark you , furtinermnoro , Mr. llryaum ,
to tell tinece ieOPlO ( youi are adding me so
loan ) , quneationmi , ansver one this ) , winy Is it
that tbaxico , wttin Iner ( roe ammO unnmliniltod
coinage. ciflhlot oxchmange Iner ulollars for ounr
deliare ! Why cannot sine exchange a del-
lar tuft inns six gralnu , more sliver in It. and
no "God we trnnot" on tine back of It. far a
dollar In gold ? Winy inn it. that she has got
to give two of her dcllars before rho can
get one dollar tinat pumiaes cnnrment for tine dol-
lam among tine nationms of tine world ?
Youu have beonn talking amount sliver being
demonetized. You kumow tinat it Is not do-
morncttzcnl You know tinat it has never been
tbOIfl000tlZOl ( for bunt live years and sixteen
nlaymm rifles' tine inlmitory of the United States ,
and nlmnring that time there wore no silver
dollars In circulatloni Every sliver dollar
that imas been in circulation mince 1878 inas
boon a fumhi icgnl tender dollar amid hami been
equal to a gold dollar , You know that youn
can pay all tine debts , you can pay all tine
cuustommt yeti can go annywhmero in Great
Britain or eleewinere antI get a gold dollar
for a diver dollar. Winy is it that tinat. emil-
ver dollar will pass In England just as well
am' mi Ammierlca ? It Is jumit because It Is re-
deemabio at Washington.
Now ahount time crhnnuc of 1873. I want to
give you a little Infornuatlon on that point.
Time charge that. sIlver was dennonetized by
a conspiracy. which succeodetl Inn passing , like
1873 , tlnronigh congress surreptItiously , hike
the silent tread of the cat , is nntterly imaso.
loss. Tine inoihimolnary steps towarni dropping -
ping 412 ½ graIns of silver dollar from the
coinage was taken by time secretary of the
treasuiry in 1870. three years before tine
act finally passed. Ills report aol recom-
mnenniation was referred to tine senate , or
ratlner to tine finance committee of tine
eninutti cii Alirli 28 of that year , and ' 00
copies of that report were ornlerod prlnnted In
May of limo sanno year TIne rcpot was also
aunbnnltted to tine house on Jumie 25. 1870.
Fronn thnat date until the final enactnnetmt
of the bill thne measmure was dinncnnssed again
antl nigain. It was laid on tine tiesk or tine
mmmenibems , again anni again. It was discussed
'or two anti ammo-halt years. it was nhts.
ennemsen ] to smmch ann extent that it filled 144
n'oinmunnmns of tine CongressIonal Globe , anmnl In
time dLmoumslomm no oppositIon sviiatever yas
mnanlo to time provisloni to omit tine silver
dollar fronn the list of coins ternmed to be
Comm.Winy was this ? llcause every one knmew
that no silver dollar imleces had been in
circumatloni for nmoro than twenty-five years.
Tlnat was all there was to it.
Onm April 0. 1872 , toni nuontins before tine
bill finally passed , Mr. Ilooper of 'iiasema.
chnunnettnt. wIno was in emerge of the bill , cx-
plainoil to congress in mmnnmmstakablo clearness -
ness Its objecte. It declared tine gold dollar
of 25.8 gralims stanniarni gomnl to tie tIne unit
of vaiume , goltl practlcliy lmaviing moon
In this conmuitry for mnammy years tite standard
or nneasnmre of 'ainmo as It hind been in
Great liritnuun anti smiost. othner Eunropeanm
Tine silver dollar. wmnlcii by law inn now
tine legally declared mmunit of value , nioes not
bear a correct relative imroportlon to time
gold nbohlar floinmg vorthm intrinnaically about
$1.03 In gold , it caunmno cIrculate conneur-
rtmntiy whIm the gold calms , Tine comnnmnittoo ,
ntfter careful comnslnleration , connclunnlel that
tine 25. grains of s'amntiartl golnl constituting
the gold dollar should be declared tine nnomney
ummnit or iunetaillc repretmentatlvo of tine dollar
of tIne coumitry.
Why was not this bIll generally dIscussed
by tlno inresni anti tine punhhlc ? W'Iny was tinero
Hi ) little saini about It at tine tinnmo of Its
onnactimmunt ? Sinumply becatmnso there aaas smo
earthly Interest lim tIne munatter. Neither gold
mnor sliver overo in circulation inn 1873 TIne
grocunback niohlar was then worth 86 ccnnte.
Tlio only section of America where mactahlbe
nnonnoy uVSi thou Inn misc was in Caulfornia , and
possibly In Novumnia annh Monmtana. Amnd inn
these portions of tine country gold dust.
weighed on the scales time same as vemo
the 400 ainekela that Abraham paid for tine
burial lot mean Damaascuns , was thno mnediunn
of oxcinnummgo.
But our friend says there was a conisimimacy.
Tlnmm ltotimnctnilnla amnd all tIne otinor mmmons'y
honmdera of Euroimo commcocted a scheme to tie.
monetize silver In order to In cmso thnoir in-
conue Now , whatever 1mnay be chargc4
against tIme liotinmichllds and tIne mmnomnoy
lenders of Loombard street , lucy were never
Upcctetl of bsinng bintnkttd fools. ( Laughter. )
Tine silver dollar was worth $103 In tine
nncltimmg pot iii 1873 , ninth u1my alnould tbnoy
conisimiro to destroy thno s'tlvcr dollar whIch
was worth moore tlnan golni , when they could
Just as ehl have paid themnaclvos In silver
mninul mnnnulo a presnmiuunm of 3 cents on tine dollar ,
gold beIng tine clncnmper conmnnmodlty. ( Aim.
iiiauso. ) 0mm every 1,000,000 tine difference
inn tine buillomn value of coined silver
amid coined gold was equal to p0,000-
a nice little pot ( Or time ltothsehiida-
and yet there are people In tinis country -
try credulous enough to believe tinat memi
would conspire and spend $500,000 to bribe
congress In order to boat thmenmnselyes out of
300,000 or $400,000 , possibly out of several
nmilllonnu. ( Appiauso ) Say 11w Rotlnechnilds
bad $ l00,000.000 Invested In American booths
and securities pa'abio In cola , annul could
mayo paid tinemnnmeives In sliver dollars , miner-
ebantabie at 103 cents by weibL In the mar-
hots of the world. tiy exactinmg paynnonit in
silver they would have receIved a bonus of
13.000,000 Oh tinoir loan fly exacting payment
In gold they only received tineir $100,000,000.
hut Mn , flryan ninth tine oIlier apostles of
ainurlous coInage will never atop horrifylug
tlio American p001)10 in ith tine tale of that
nwfusi ltothimneinlid conspiracy.tinplaummne ( )
Oh , lily fricmnis , is It reaaonuahini to
charge that those feliouva In Engiamid
nguntetl sliver so nnumc'ii hghner than
g.iitt anti s'nt a mmiii by tint' nauuio of Earinest
bydulmmut san'i time' naunle of the matm wlncmnn
tlney imave been chnarginme % ttim bribtmmg ccii-
e"q haul semI that Imimto to t1nl cOuntry -
try to rc'rrmipt tine natiimi legislattire AnmI
Iniltire it to untlo the nltiblnl staumdamtl mnmntler
sa mitch " n wore stilling , % s lien in fact we
miami Icon for years aimil ears hiresiouns in )
1R73 vithntit ann3' silver stamidnortl or ualiinount
any gaul mni'inlaid , luavimig no metallic mninmey
in n'treuniaitcnmm-flot oven tIne little silver
niumarlemnn ninth 10-cent Pieces , miotlnimug but
sinmn-plaster& ' . it I rememuhier correctly
Nos' , youm tnli. abount tim stability of nnnonmey.
Thnn a'1no knmoun ynat tine mutability of mmnommey
mmmeaulen knmow ( lint tine itreateat curse the
n'nflmmntiy has ovdr been n'ulujeet to was the
Aimicricami banmkng P'atoumm prior to tine war ,
vtu ( ii minumney w715 Inst every till ) ' , 0.0 1 hna'c
statenl , by reasno e vnm1mcmnmiIomm of miounme bammk
or by reasomn _ of time ulepreeiatkmni of cuir-
rency 1mm one 'tute or another. Illinois
mnionnoy mild mno ( , IIPOS at imar In Ohio ; Ohio
milonnel. nhinl nmot1paa at. mar iii I iltimolnu ; Sountin
Carolina mnnono , tas uvortln 00 eenmts eu tine
tlolla ( iii OiniOr OimI iii tine mioumtlnerim states.
Inn Tennnmesex'o,1 on iimrtamnce , the nionney of
South Cmoiinma I'aer imitimney , asas taken at
a miic'oumint of 5cepts on tIne dollar.
unit mnmy trtenul nays inn Ic nnt argumlnmg in
favor of PaPet mmltmney that Ia to take tine
lulaco of time liresenuf nmmonney. Nos' , what bet-
ten t1ne limo laaunt timani uve imn'mn gut ?
'u\'inat sili ho' tine effect uf unmilnilted coin.
ago. 'm't2gamthiemis of all tIne nations on tIne
( nice of tine earth ? ' ' Let mmmc cli mm mitten.
tioni to thin , firet of the crinnies that lireccubeti
tine ermine of 1S71.
All tine mnations of tine earth
thmat inati mommy capacity for colni-
ago hnaul for ct'nmtuuries giveni uminbimniteil
scope to diver annul gold taken ount of the
earth in every mart of tine uvorltl. Inn tine
yeah1192 , winemn America war discovered by
Cohunmbuie' . 10 rnnnnntis of diver were tnx-
cimauignti In ) r 1 iwn md of gel ii : I mi I 120 I I tonic
11 imnnnmmnls' of sliver for I Pouimd of goini ; by
1087 it took I I imoumntls of sliver for 1 ponmnmnl
of gaul , anti all tine nmhmntsero going ,
"clIckety-cIacm , cilekety-clack. " all th , tlinme.
Of course Mr. iiryamn canninot expitoumi tine
ermines Perpetrated iii tlmooe tunics. lie cannot
oxinmainn ivhny all tl'e mmntlons comblneJ coinhi rot
mnnaiunlalmm silver at tine ratio that prevauiitl at
tine timmme when Amunerica was dlmiovered hI'
limit let ums go back to that prosporaums
comnotry , Mexico. and welli flmmth omit the
reason winy.Vheri tIne ) ' aere muggIng oumt
limo aliven' my time hnunnirods of tomm fmomu time
mimics of MexIco , tine world imeing ilouniefi
uvitin silver , it , beganm to lopreeiate In value.
ninth continume I to deprecIate , notwltinstanul-
lug all ctilts of Icings. enmmperors and
potentates. Tiney refnnse'i to exchange , In
spite Of their cunilets , am munohi gold for silver
ito tincy hind boom nicing at the tlmno of tIn'
niiscover ) ' of Anuncrica by Columnnnhmns , or 100
years later. so that finally vhnt'nm the governm.
nmnenit of the ijimiteti States cpeimod its mint
mnnlnt flfteom : lnounmnnlmi of siicn uvere oxcinangeti
fur mie liOUiiml of gold. 'l'inat was a mmiucin
greuter tepnecmationm thnmnm we have seem simnee
1873.Time flumettnattemo continmuned iromo tine period
of tine discovery of Amnnerica , Imonim time time
nf tine opemmiing tnt tine first mobil. down to tIne
inresenut tlmnne , bunt Mr. Bryamm. our imnodonnn
Coloasut' , 111cc Atlas bearing tine world ann
hits bcnclc , camn tb that timing ii imicin all tine
nations of time oartim counlnl not do witinin tine
last 100 or 400 ) 'ean.o. ( Apimiaumse. ) Mr Ilnyan
Is a glamnt In Intellect , I aninmilt , imnt inc Ic
tnndcrtakling a contract winlchm Inc mover vili
fulfill. ( Apim1atns. ) Tine silver dollar today
is a funhl legal tender for all tiueo , liublIc ninth
private. It is ann nmnunchm a Imart of our imrinmnary
mnnonmey as It over inns bocmm , all tine dociana-
lions to the conntrary mnotavlthns'tandling. It
is just as much a part of our nnoney as tine
gold IliaC we nmow mayo. ninth wineim hmryan
talks about omme-haif of all thai nnomney of tIme
Unnitent States being dectroyed Inc Is slnmply
trying to hnypinoti7e Incolmic , tinat is all.
( Great applause. )
' ' ' 'rHN lIiti'i'iIS.
MIt. 1iOSl1V.'i'Hit'S
lie 'l'eils % 'In ) . A miien'IcsL lmitngIn t ( , iii
Inn Iliuropu' ,
Mr. Bryan has asked me to exhmialmn to yonn
aviny limo Amniorl nip people vera obliged to
buy gold 1mm Euroe Iii oclnange [ or tineir
hoiinnm ulurin tine , last year. I will just
slmnnpiy say. bocabre tinene are so mnnammy
Bryans lii AnnntlnCi ( Great disorder. )
I lintoimnled tQ ; cast no refloctioum upon aIr.
Bryan. I sinipiy4ay it because tinere are
so many niomi iJmnstihlke him In America , mcmi
wino arc nnnaklng tub stability of our currency
uncertaimi so tut1fne mmmdl auhno inavcn mnonney
to loan lnsst ! upof getting back tIne kind of
mmloney that they have banned. People wino
have money tO.TOniTi. ' abroani anti In Ammmenica ,
are dmscounmtiing1 tine future because of tine
agitation anntl iamcdtalnty tmnat aummaunnds onnr
monetary stamndartl asinicli tinreatens to place
uc uwon a tnllvpr basis.
Three years agt I borrowed upon Tine
flee buildIng time , umn of $200.000. I hnad
tine privilege C rmnewlung tinat loan at 4A
per cent ho gon1 o 5 per cent in coin , anti
I renewed it aC b per cent , because , Imndlvtnl-
uahly. I mad fears that. somnno time or othner
within tine mncxt few years gold woulti go tea
a mremmniumnl and jiemnpio who were inn debt
would be sutidemnly crowded to the iaall anti
have to pay theIr gold witin gold Interest
( Laugimtcr. )
Mr. llryan asks timls rjmme.stion : "Vlny is
it that the comntraets are holing mnmanie 1mm
golti ? " It is simply becaunse of tine con-
stamnt ailtatloil amid tiennnammts mnmade by tine
silver mitates mmd time p00mb initerestenl 1mm tine
silver minIng countries. anti bocanmse of tine
dciusionlst.'o wino are gtbing about tine cohn-
try preachninng tine doctrine of tlno free mmmiii
unlinmitc1 coinage of silver. It I because
these l)000le , by jmromunlgatiimg sumeim nioctrimnes ,
have mentioned tIne credit of time counntry umi-
stable. Tiney have destroyeni Its emedit ,
amnd winenn you talk abommt goid vacatinng
hnou8es inn Omaha ; whnon you talk about LImo
idle workiingnien wandering through tine
streets , wIny , sir , that. nmmeroly means tinat
cretilt , tine great bulwark of Annenican connm-
nerctm. inas been ummmdernnimied.
CredIt carrIes 08 per cent of all tine bnmsi.
floss tranninctlomnto of tlninu country , amnd gold
tmmmni silver but 2 per ccmmt. Yonm mayo tie-
strayed tine credit of tIme nation by thnimn con-
staint agitation. You have sown tine wlmntl ,
anti now you are reaping thu ii'ininiiylmnti ,
My frlonnti , til course. avamntem to kmmow what
tine effect Is of a rising dollar , ninth Inc ann-
niunnies tinat all specIes of proimerty are oquai
In 1murcmnaatng antI selling mmower fronni year to
year. 'uViny tie knnownn very well tinat nlmnrlnmg
thto war mncanly all tine cotton was destroyed
In the eonnthn and we won-c lmmmportlng cotton
from aimroail , lie kmmows that a pound of cot-
toil nioinl at that tinmo for $1.03 , Want It lie-
caumse we Inad wily imaper mnnomney ? Not at
all.TIne reamiomn wIny cotton comnmnannied nnmmcmn a
higin price was becaumse It watt scarce nnnd
because we mad to inilmort it. Snmpponno
during thnis seasomi all tine wheat of time
Unmltod States simouid be destroyed my .onno
unlorseomi caiammnity. Suppose tine wheat crops
of Itussia amnd Soutin Ainnorlca amid mmdii were
short. Wineat would go nip Inrobably to $2
a bunilnol , and what iaould that have to tb
with silver ? Monney ua'ould Inavtm nnotinimmg
nmnoro to do mi'ithr tine price of uvmncat than It
would mayo with tine price of cormi or po.
tatoeni. I want to auth lnina wlnotiner Ito nice's
not recognize tinat tine real cause , tine great
anti umnnlerlylmng cause of onnr presonmt lmndumi-
trial distress , Inn dune first Inn a nmnmasuro to
tine Imidustrial revolution tinrought wlnlchm we
have taotl Inn tine last fifty years by reansan
of tine Introduction of mnnachinery , and imy n-ca.
win of tine hammering of tine tariff. ( Ainpiause. )
Ito ascribes this tiepreciatlcmn to sIlver.S'hy
tIne nielmreciatiOna of sliver buillomm elnoulni have
aucin art effect upon other commmmothlties ins a
proinositlomn thmat Is met plain to me. Whny
tine custom of men wino agitate tints sliver
quenntiomn to in'elmet ( mat cotton anti grain annul
initiaL amini all tine producth of tine field and
tnnrmn keep comnimammy wltin silver , and when
sliver goes ump , cotton anti all tineso various
iroducta go up. When stlve goes down , cot.
ton amini otiner protiucts go niownm. flut tine
facts refute limo tinoory. Tine fact Inn , for Instance -
stance , today , tnaU'comn Is hmiginer 1mm proportion -
portion to sliver tlmnnn It was winen sliver
want away up ,
In 1873 a bu.'nwl of corn at Cimlcago cost
46 cennt , amnd Ini871 it wenit UII to 65 cents ,
and tine price wa inighmor still in limo follow-
log year , 1875. How can we account for
that ? Silver hm 2 boon struck down , TIne
whole monnetary yMein of tine Unshed States
had been deetroyad , it we believe lids gen.
tlommman , but corn kept goimng up. Mose pork
inn 1872 was $13.60 a barrel in New York.
TInat was before tiq crime was commItted.
The year , crIme was comnmnitteti ,
In 1871 , mess pfftk went up to $19.50 In
1871 ; , tine year following. it ivent to $21G0.
I would like to have Mr. l3ryan cxlahnn why
01055 pork usemmt imp , while sliver was gommg
down ,
CAUSE ( 'ii" lECLIN'E IN l'liiCi.
Tint' winnie. fatmninu of time mlec'itunc of prIce
rests upon entirely nhlfterent tineorles ( noun
i mat shich lr. hiryan would iike to ii ivo
yoni believe. As I go alommg I will explaIn
muoro fuilly ushny the nlflerent ! articles timid
eoimmimintiities have becum golmng tioinfl , mmii
viny gold anti silver Innus'e henna fluctuating
ligiut alomng. I unmaimitaiui tinat it' ii Ino advocate -
vocate tine comntlntnaneo of timP pren-ent stanti-
anti are grouter frlemnulmo of enliven , trnner mod
better friemmuts of sliver , thani those ' , hio
aui'onunute 'Is ' free amid tummlimmniteti coinage.
\e imeliese 1mm tIme w itiest cii'emmiatiOn of silver
cmi a arlty with gold. \e mayo main-
tamnmed nu larger solunnnnu of silver 1mm ctrcmmia-
Item mmii a tunirltv wltin gold timamm ever has
breim nmnuttntntlnmeni before.
On t in 0 1 Ii en mu mm ml , tine free ann &i un iii liii I tuI
colinage of sliver wounhil ahseiumtell' ninivi' gniui
ount of circulation. It uiould nlt'crease tine
voiuinme o Vrnnai'I ! mmmoney. ins It Is cauieni ,
imp iie'aniy omne-innif , nimti thereby caunse a
simnlmnage ) of prices insienimi of an aii'mimnco.
limit mmny fniminuni will mnnt amlumltt that , of
coure'e. I mouid ille : to mayo Iniumu explain ,
if Inis timeory Is carried unto practice. mow
far slIver wli ! o up anti whnemi iibi sliver
"Dm110 UI ) to $1.21) ) fin onilmee ? Will It go
$129 mini scoim as tinny govcrmnummennt inns nit'-
crsmetl hlnnt thi nmimnts nnhmaul In' rhon to 'n S
Or will It connie imp to asmy exteunt , annul iutiS' ? Aiuii wiuemn me hums giveim inn ) thiitt
innfornnnatininm I will try anti show hnluin that
mu inn shiTnimi ) ' delmunled mmmcl iaboriimg tinnier a
imalhmneinmatiomn. mat at all btmrnit' unit by tina
experence of tine vast. ( Aimltlaunse. )
t ; : i'i'flm ) s'v.t'm'is : A 1)lIii'l' ( ) It .t'i'it ) N.
iI i- . it o'nn'auii ( n'i , tmnnaan'rs , Siumnin' ( tnit'M
t I minis Ask , 'ii I , ) 'ml r. iir ) null.
I move been anitnin iun'tiketi to explaimn moore
( mmli ) ' eonmcernimig tine relation of amm npitreclat
immg dollar to tine creditor class amnni to tine
nieintor class , anmui I aiim whiling to expialmn it
Mc ) fnmliy tlmat mnm3' fn'tenmd vlll be eii ttltiiIed ,
I Inoimo.
Tine people of tine Uinlted States are a
debtor mmatIomm. That is strictly trnme. Time
inrogresa tlmat i'o have nnmnumie. tIne nnttr'ebomno
mgrcs that tine tlnmited Smatuxo of Ammierica
mann mmmdc wltinlmn tine last tinlrty YOOVS imi mmmc
almost emntirely to tine fact thnat our credit
va5 iirst-cbass lii all marts of time a'orld
winero mmionoy was abnmmmdamnt. it na Onno lmrifl-
' ' of thn no-
cipally to tine gneat nnclmne\'en'nonts
Intilni I can au iii I im i stn'at ions. begun mi itg avi tIn
( lenneral Grunt , Inn inaylnmg tine nmatlonai debt
nod reninucing the natiommal niebt from mnearly
$3,000.000,000 nlown to below 900.O00,000 ,
that tine crcdt of tine mnationm ntdvauiced
steanhiil' for tIme Inst taventy years.
\Viny thu it advamnce ? Iiecamnso tine imeopie
abroad wino lund mnoimey to loan mad conniidenmce
inn tine Inutegrltl' of tintni umatlnn. And If I math
an ) ) ' omme tininng to say above nil etinero , one
nnnotto u'ommil me i'scribeti , nbove nil ttne tin-
mmtitmntionns of Aminenica , mamni upomn every nioor
most inn every lnomnao tin Aumierlca , It would be
lmomi"ity amid mntegulty-luntegnlty of pnnrpose ,
immmu'gntty in tieht paying.
\\hat kinnil of innoney uliti omm borrow ? If
onm amo in tiei.nt , Mr. Uryamm , what ihmnt1 dm1
yomm borrouv ? Ycum borrowed good , imomnest
nmnonney. dlmimm't yoni ? 'n'onm borrowed none lie-
fore 1873 ; yam inorroweni none of time mnouney
ttnnmt was bnscii ; unponi tine inmflated cnmrrenmcy.
Yoni bomnoweil ninomne7 , 100 Cents a'ortii to tIne
dollar.Vhny tb l'onn want to pay It wltin
depreciated immomney ? Is It Inonnest ? Inn It
right ?
Smnpposlmng 'oun lmati imorrowoti mmml nninlhrella.
SnnpIooe ) ) 'omn mad beemn overtaken by a shower
anti entered a hnomnse anmni you mad aeked yomnr
miciglnbor vinetiner or mnot inc coulni ioanm yonn
ImP , mnmnnbrelia. It was a sibic umnibrella. and
you receiveti the unmmmbreila , prommnlsing to no-
turin It ha tiumo Iliac , annii in mimic tlumme you
ahoumbl returnm hIm a cottomm unnmnhmreila. Now.
timat Is precisely tine positIon yonu arc. taking
mrnw with regard to time currency qmnestlonm ,
ailtin regard to the public debt. Every doi-
Ian that tine ieolile of tIne United States mayo
borrowed was etinnal to gold , was out a stannd-
arni of gold winein It snms borrowed.
Now do yonn ineilnivo tinat peoimhc would lie
foolish ennounghn to lenin nnonney to ann ) ' debtor
in tine limited States on the s'ery best security
unless thnoy had reasomnaumie assun-
duct ) that tiney womulti get junst as
good mmmoney as tlnoy loaned ? And
Itmat Is oun' Imnterest. Time niebtor's inn-
tenest Iii greater in lceeplnmg tine credit of tine
mmation unp , inn keeping tine crenilt of your states
amnd cItIes nod indlvlmiunals. thnan it is iii imal'-
lnmg with depreciated cnmrrency. ( Great nip-
pinuse. )
Yonm commid not borrow a tiollar It It was
lcnnowmn thmat } 'om tilni not inntend to repay tine
baum yam' got in as good mmnoney as was mmnamie
1)0 ) 'omn vamnt. tints conmnitny to repeal time laws ,
that would enable anny main to unmake a voluntary -
tary commtractViny don't youm say that Eng-
lammd sinoulti repeal time Mnugna Cinarta ? Tine
rigint of contract Imas moon grammtcd to every
( roe 11001)10 since KIng John gmamntoth freonionnn
to tine Emngimshn. You talk aimout repeaiIng
tinat. uviny , sIr , SuCh a laai' womnid be a uleati
letter iii every part of tlnis eoumntry. As the
inn treat law inns been iii Nebraska.
My niemnt1 has saul that mmnacmntncny mann
inanl notiniing to do wltin tlno lowerIng of
onlces. amnd that greater ativancea inn labon'
saving nnaciminmerY mayo been mmnado prior to
1873 tinninm mayo been since 1873. I hog to
million wlthn him. I will only call nttcnntlomn
to somino of 11mG clnaunges timat Imavo taken
Imiace. We vlil take It inn tine business In
which we bothi are presmnmnenl to be euigagemi
-tine business of prlntimng nnevspaImors. Iii
1882 they usero tlIl usinmg tinat camnnel-baclc
cieplnant ten-cylinndtir imress tlnat requmireni
tenn moon cilnmubinmnc over eacin otiner In order
to print aboumt 2,000 inamners imn an incur. I
saw one of these 1mm tine ofilce of tine Cimm-
cinmmati Conmmnnerclal In 1873. in 1875 tine
dnst'ebb perfecting press canoe unto nnse.
It was em v1ew at tine Ccutunmnmlal oxposltionm
and rant off 12,000 mmerfcct papers 1mm ann incur
witin omnly omne feeder. Now there arc pnesse.s
tlnat print 'JGOOO papers in an hour. Two
anti one-malt yoar.o ago I nmnverted Inn twelve
typecastloc mnnachntminS.
SVo lnani seventy-two printers ennnpioyeti in
our 001cc at tlnat Linac anti innmneniiateiy afterward -
ward uve nhhschuargod forty.eiglmt annul tweimty-
fomnr , I tinimnic , renmnalnned. TIne innlco of com-
iositlonu prior to tIne introdtmctomm ! of timeso
mnnuichimnes want 40 cents ier 1,000 ems for
nigint work aimd 37 cents for niay work , anti
mow tlnat composition costs us 14 Counts per
1,000. Amid yet my frleund. Mr. Bryan , wIll
Insist tinat lie knows better tinain I do
winotiner imiacimines mayo cammsed tine re-
miuctiozn of prIces. The prInters we
mayo retalneti are gotthnng bettor
wages tlnan tlncy did before , limit those
wino wt'mnt out , have to seek a hivlnmg In
other nlmrectionms. Time nemm annul women uvork-
hog eight incurs in thnc day tinumo cumin $3I )
mner day , ammit mIght work 50 cents for every
inour , making $ t a tinny. so tinat tinoso muon
earn $28 mien avecic. Hut the poor feiloivem
wIno ovore crowded out had to as'ork their
w'nny into other avemnnmes of trades , mliii 8051)0
of tinemn nnay Inc tunable to get w'ork , cmii
bnow are you goIng to imolim It iy free coinage -
age ? What Inns free coimnago got to tb wIth
that ? Winy , sir , tineso fneo oliver advocates
remnuinni one of tinoso ostrnnmnn vemnnltmnns iint ,
arc constantly cmaumnin tinmit they rain cure
comimnUnuiimtiOii , cnnncen epilepsy , bnonn.
chills nni every otlnor known ills-
ease wltim omno inartlculiar remedy.
and It Inn tinat mimedielno , the ( see
anti uiiiluiiiteni coimnago , winiclm inn guaranteed
to cure amini thrive away all tine ills tinat nmanu-
mmmd Ia heir to. Now I imoutovo timat tinniro
Inrnbabiy are fifty nlifferemnt caunment respon.
slide for the rednnctiomm end lowcrhumg of
prices , mnmmtl that they inrougint about tine
depretnslu of onnr inntlumstrles ainul tine coin-
mmuerciai stagnation , but of all these , lito
constant thuikeniimg wltin amid distniritancni of
our mnoxnotary systonm Is largely responsible
for tine nicnitructnoml of credits. As I say ,
the credit 5bmnslncss of tinis nmnutomm ! amnmnummuts
to tnomnetiilng like $95000.000.000 iner animum ,
whnoro tIne circulmitiomn of mnommoy nlinmo Is
omnhy equal to about $18,000,000 Inn the UnIted
States. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :
'i'iIE IOS'NVAIti ) 'i'IIFiXJ ) OI I'ItmC'iIS ,
- ; ; ; ; .
Mr. Iioeaastder -i iImsnir to
I'roo Ills l'oslinpt ,
Mr. Bryan wants to kmnomv mow we are going
to restore prosperity to Nebraska mind how I
wo are golmmg to bneip the people whose prop-
ott ) ' baa beenm lost by reason of their being
(00 excessively Imndebted ?
I will sinminly ansaer inlm in tlnla way :
Just as soon as me anti those otiners who
agitate tine free amid unJimited coInage of null.
von- will stop their agitatIon ; Just as soon as
the peopio wino have money lmoartled up and
are holding fl for fear that it will not be i
honestly rcturnoil to thnenn are satisfied that
they are golmmg to get thommonney back , just
suclm money as they mayo loaned thmt so smn
prosperIty maul begun to connIe sad will cent-
tinue , anti will be greater mini greater as tine
go lmy.
lie talks abenni the Rothn"rimiitls mini their
efforts to make money tiemirer.S'inat tines
mo know about nioking immomney nicar ?
Time itothchnilni aroicanems cml nmu'nn" . a tl
ticar mmnomney uu Itli timemn unm'anns momnuking a
hanger imitorst cmi theIr ln'estmnents. Now ,
them. by estsblislilng tine gold mitaiblarul anmong
lea ml I mm g cenmi nnerci in i n a t loins. ml ii t in C ) ' in rip
I timn'mmnseivenn anti nuiui e nmnoney ticarer ? Money
teela ) tin , aying lnit.t iuir ct'tmt in time city of
h.omiiOn , anti. In t1 , ehty'of Paris It Inns gat
to nine innolf of 1 mut'r cemnt.
Wimy Is It tinat inoimey Ic gettIng so low ,
, 'to chneip ? have tine itotiischillnii coimsiuirt'd to
immaium it' so , or mayo time ) ' imeemi foiled in nih
ttt'lr ; connepmracics ? W'lmy is it that mmnonmoy is
Cineaper inn time tTmnltii States today ttmmunn It
over imauu been , amid 3'Cl cominnxilties annnl all
classes of property are also cheap ? ( Laumgln-
ton ) . W'hmy Itn It timat Prehert ) ' ninth all commi-
inmoilities are cmneap ? ( Laungintem ) . I meiWnt
tinat qimestioul herduie'eomm mm not secili to nun-
uicrtntnumni aiImat I mmii tlrlviimg at. l'roperty
mimi conmmnmnotlttlc' mime chnealmer beratmse confl-
niouin' ' has lien. tiestroyrni. bocammso tlnertn is
ma credit ItO ) ' ioimger. anal munenu virn camu give
tine inmoiner umccmnrity tune scarce auuti few , imltt
tln mnommey nut tine sinno time mind ioammnuimle'
fmnntms in tIne Ummitel States are cheaper tinamm
tinny have ever liecii.
In 1S73 I liorroWeti $ L000 In this city at
12 per cent lnmternet. amid I paid $10,000 Inn-
tercot Inn cix yi'.ns on tme ! $9,000 of ummonmoy.
I want. to aunk yomi whether nnonmny was
c"eipt'r thienn ? That ivat' the tunic , tine good
ohil time , ilmen i'iieat um nm lnigh ninth whmemm
miii ctiummnmmudit les were at lost freon 20 to 30
pt'n cent Iniginer luau today , lntit yet unouney
was niear , umasn't it ? 110w miiti It comae timat
inunimmey WilS nit'ar Inn those tiays ? Ilocimumse
back of It also
there act ; a geunernil nienmnnnl ;
bocaunso Lucre was ability to may.
Non' . linen , tine lii'Oile of tine United States
imnuve chmeaper nmioime ) ' toiiay than tine3' have
eser math before. Tine only thnlnmg tinat mann
tnmnlit'uleti time steiin1 , ' n1eiiiiO of tine interest
rate lnamn been agitnttlnnn mt ilunmimiess free
coinnage of silver. It it hind mmcl beemu for
tinms tine governimmmemnt of time Uinitt'tl States
cotnlnl mayo borrowed at 2 % per rout oil time
nunomney tinat It iammtonl anni It coulni inaa'e
inrroin'ed it , of course , eitlnt'r inn ommm nmwnm
communtry or aimroatl. Tine idea thnat nnioumey
ha u'ery scarce mere is lmnelosteronns. Six
linmmndre.i nmnliiionm9 of tlmmilams inn goiti were
offencti to tiit ticasu y of time halted States
a few mnomntins ago , winenm tlmol' w're vammtimmg
to borrow $ it)0,000,000. Tinat tinms $600,000-
000 , or tine imntik of It , is Iii nine Unniteil
States jUst Ins mnnuncim as It ever Inns inecnm
eamniiot lie tlotmbtt'nl. Now let ins look imnuck
inn thnt 70s. Stcauiiiy fronni 1870 onmward tlnene
has beenm mu. conti in nial I increase I mm t inc velum moo
of cirrmnlnitlung mnnetiiunnin. iii 1873 tlmere wnns
mat ann ) ' gold or silver In cIrcnninttionn , anti
t menu \vnms mmrohmably nnu't inane luau $120-
000,000 of gold nnnti sliver Inn tine Unmited
States treaimmty to meet tine wnmnts anti ule-
mmnnnimul.s umnoun It to pay Interest omn tine Imumblic
Now timenu , mince 1873 , uvo imnvo ncennmmmmnlatel
imetveeum $500,000,000 am-nd $ f00,000)00 ( ) of cii-
'tii. annil as nnmunch of goiul. Tine total a'oiminnno
of nmmounel nnetal 1mm tine ijunitoni States today
1mm pnlinnai'y mnnoiney ( run' suivtir Is jnst as numnctm
irmmuar3' ) nimonmey yet as gold ) is nitnount $1,100-
(100.000. ( Acccmrtiimmg to ummy fnicund , Mr.
iiraii , tine nnnan'u'eimnums tmncrease Inn tlnO 'oi-
nnmnne of nnioniey , ann Inicreninto tinut has been
away' aini'ati of tina inncreammo inn ommr Pomnn-
latlon , oungint to have hneumn also followed
by an lincrease of lniceS , hunt tinices inave'
gonme nlowmn , winiio time volnnunne n ) ( mmmonney Inca
seninltly genie ump. Now , wlmat inn tine Use of
all ida tineories ; wlmat Is tine misc of all mis
soministry ? M r. flmyamn tells lout tint mnobotly
cann tel 1 mow mmnmnch all 'er yoiniti nnnl 'a nice
1mm prIce Inn case free itl muumllnmiitetl coInage
Is i'nuacteni Immto iaw.lmjnt we umiust try to
see.'eli , well. tinnot Is a very muice iroio-
sition ! Tinat sanine uimnestlonm was tusiced of
tine otimer nnpoatlt' , Mr. harvey , ninth me
timoungint tinat sIlver nmigint atlvammCo as imigin as
75 cents cnn tine thebiar , but tinere Is hot
one of thic ieadimmg silver agitators of tine
ctmnnntry hint lmreteimnis to give amnywincre aim
nunproxlmnate idea as to what. we ninny depend -
pend on If time govermmnnent simomild u'eiitunro
omn tinls expenininent indepenndcmnt of any oIlier
mnationm omn eartim.
'e kmiow very well tmmat thmere is a ven'y
precarious connditlon in connmmmenclal affairs
In tine nation , anti thnero are Just as nmnany
mmcmi , creditors If yomn milease , nnnmxlous to
have this government restored to lnroS-
perky , to have tints mnatlonn do as large a
voinmmmmo of bunsiness , as there are tiebtoms.
There are soimne who mm mnot see tmncir way
very clearly. Timey are mat sure winat loilCY
ought to be pummsuned. flint Mr. iiryann is mmot
in nloumbt ; lie plunges rIght. in. lie sa's
try It.
Winy , air , If a fellow on a locomotive ,
uvImlcin Inns on a ftnii head of stoamu , cries
out cinmnck In mnoro coal , niciublo tine aminount
of steann , keep mIllng omn more coal anmd mice
Winat uvili hainpen , Winy , Mr. Iirynmn woulti
fool perfectly sate omn tinat locomotive , but
evon'ybcdy Iii tine cars behind it woulnl Le
iii tns imnucin danger as the iunamm on the track
mm trout of it. Tinat is mnnecmsely tine ccii-
niltion tlmat would comn rent us with limItless
cohmage. : Tintiro uvouiq be a bust tip. (41)- (
iniammac , ) ; ;
Time idea tlnat you could prevonut a mmnamm
fnenm maiming tommy conntract inc saw lit to
nnaltn amid maying it fmniilllod , inrovinicti hunt
it was mint agalunst pubii policy , is ire-
Inotteronms. Every leant unadn by tine govern-
nment suns unnatie Iii good fntitin. Tine govern-
mnent irans a'ore niegotimutind In Engiamnd ,
Genmmnamiy auth Inn Frannce 1mm good faIth on
the itlea tinat timey would be paid inn tIne
standards imrevailiung amnoing civIlIzed nmnn-
tinims , nnti mmot inn tine slnnmndard of .haimaun ,
Mexico ammnl Cinimnn. 'Flnabtisln , ) ' I say that
the dointor cians of tine Ujmhted States is
unnore interested in amuhnntainmimmg credits tinann
iii nunnytlntmng else.
Talmo tine mmoor .pCOils li'ne In Ommnaimm : or
anywmnoro iii Nebtnsiq } , Are tmney not
snore tmmterested iii mnaintnininng time little
cmedlts tluey have got at their grocers , theIr
intmlcinernn anmii their bakeu'n evenn 1mm tine
deinrecinted muonney tinat ) 'Oui pnoposo to snip-
july tinoin ? Tlmey certaiiuiy are snore miter-
cited in imnoventlng you fnomnu tiolnng nmm'
such tinimmg tinimmi I incy ore In aliowinng yomi
to do It.Vlnat poor mmnmimm wounini s'ammt ttm
be paId in a cnmrrenncy that wouhd snot Inur-
einnn'o ant mmmucln ( or iminm aim It tiocon maw ?
Mr. iiryamm mum stateni , of comnrnne , that time
tamiff haul nnottmlmmg winatevor to do with time
loworlmng of minces.
\'eil , I wIll just cite ininni ono instamnce.
lie , Inn tine congress of i892 , I believe , is'ann
lustrummnentai inn knockimig down time tariff
ann wool. lie suns omno of thnoso 1mm comngiess
wino coumifi mmot see a milneop mo by w'Itinammt
giving inimn a kick.Vhmy , sin' , inc was so
nmmixiouus to relieve time fnurmnor nmnmnl laborer
mromn tine tax that inc inami It ronlnncn'tl , Now
i'imat inn tln result ? Omnly ( ouim' or live years
ago vooi was selling at. fromnn 30 to 35 cemmts
a imamnmnd. Inn 185 IL was nnellimmg ton' 17 cenmts
a Imoummmi So Inc inns iowennd prices of ttnat I
connmmnoiiity. Ito Imnns inelpeni tlno fnmnnor by
lowering It , html I do mat belIeve Inc whim
be able to explain to you ( mat tine refumsal
at tine goi'crinmiieunt to give us tree anni Un-
itmoiteti coInage Itt nesmonmoIhle for time do-
clinic lii tine inrlce of vooi.
A h'ltOI'llJI'I' OF 114L OIIEN. a
Yeti , lnnuleel , Inc says mo can Propinemoy to
certalmnty tlnnmt these muimmo boommm tunes will i
retmurmi agalnm under a fret , anmi umniimnuiteii
linage act ninth avllh circulate munonney all
ulonug tine hinne. ' , \'eii , as a imoilnct of iii
Dnunenm , Mr. Bryani ccii take limo hiahn. in :
Mnnrcin. 1(02 , inn a t'pnieemn mnmnitlo lii time ,
: nf rcjmree'emmtativni , ins sainh tiuat tIten tins Inn-
ustry of Asmienica dh'h ' nmot amnnoinnt to ammy.
Lintmng ninth mmovcr wonnhni nnmtnomnnnt to anytiilmmg ,
md Yet ttmiiay there are Ilmirty-femmir great liii
mi I I I I mm g estnnbllsinmmnunnl mu inn I in o 11 nm I I cii S I ates
mud 17 I tin mnlato emitaiiiisimnniemnms , exhtc'nmntlnng
nommnctiming likum $4,000,000 for ivages amid cnn-
ployinig over 000 wonlcing omen. Se nnoucin
rer mm kmowIen1go of what would Inanpenm amnd
vinat nmay imaplinimi In tine nncar tintnnro.
Now , mnm' feiint' citizeno , I eann nba no hinter -
er thnami to 5 oti Iii yoni fromnn a atnmmniartl on
connoinlCs tint inc gomntlenni nn mviii nlinipnntt. ,
) flO tinat Mr. Bryan minunit ret'ognize mis tine
nighmmat autimnIty. Mr. Fmoncini , 'mnikcr. iii
Inc last mnuminther of Eccnsnomuies , . % lmril. 186.
a'nu tlnis-nmltlnougim Mr. 'u'aiier deems tinnut
1 ivounid be desirable to have tine inilven' Inn.
create asnietod aim tar as lPsSlhlu , , to Inavo
inn development of the nmlnmes pmomnolod , yet
mum says tinia : 'I'ropnnnt'd InflatIon by oct ;
if govcrnmmncnt having for' liii oimjcct tine
sislmng of prices mind time scaling tiowmn of
lelmtmi , is it mnnc'asure subject to tine gravest
mpeacimmeimt on groumamhnt not emily of socIal C
usticu , but of ocomionmiic expediency , as well.
Ct carrIes uvitIi It tine ailing of fraud auth
eaves behind it retrIbution swift , sure and
errible' . "
"TIne moauist is not more atrongly bound
han In. the economist to dcnounco every (
nuasurs htavlmmg any such design or urfcn ,
[ 'Inc dlfnremucu between am Imntlatlomn of time
nonnoy suinphy duo to tlo iiiacovmry of new
nuinent amid fields cf tine procimmums mnmt'Ials , anti ml
nn initiation due to act of goymirhument may-
ng time desugmn and purpose to scale downi
iebts Inn just as ailtie aM line tiilerenncu be. t
: weea time nnatural death ci a miserly rIch
. - - .
milan , bnimmginmg hmi estate into liii' mantis of a
gennerouns mmmi inmminllc.mmpiriteni heir , nut winicit
r'umlt mmii good mnosm mnufl rightly rejoice , mmml
time immunrtier of tine tumor for tine mmunrmsn of
hamnginmg tile ownmermilnip of him mmropvrt'
's'inicin nmo Ilirni Of lounluhie spirit or gt'nneronnity
iii the nice of that property counini muumnke It ) u
hue eoiueitiereti aim ninny oilier tinamm rim niroclomna
anti tiht'atlni act aortiiy only of coin-
nionnmmnattnmmn ninth lmumnnmshnnunomut. ' ' ( l'mobomnged
mippltitist' . )
( ) , i , _ t : fi l1'l'.t I. l'l It'il.tMlU 1'l'Hlt ,
31u , htqu'aanutcr SIia-m , ( Ii. ' itesunif nut
i'r'i' itmuni I uilinuul'nl ( 'nnlmmnngt' ,
Mr. ilrm'amm mnn'kem uvlnvtlncr or miot time nina-
rinlim'-ry Iii TInt' Omminminmi lice buns also emmnseti
a redunetie lit tine PrIce of Tint ) Omnmauna lice ?
Id ) ' frieminl Itu not vell imoStoti aboumi the
inc apmllier lmunains'CR. Tine Price of Tine
Oummsinavt'elciy iio viuen It imnis elgint lmagt'4 ,
then , or fnimnr ) 'eats ago , was $2 item mnunmnnnm.
It Is mnow 65 emits a 3'i'an' Ion- twelve pgan.
Time Oumnaima hill ) ' linen contains tintem' I limo's
tine reatiinmg mmmatter mmomu' timat it did mm mcii I inn'
InrIce of conmnposition was 40 t't'mntan her 1,000
( lmnti. 'I Inn' cost of tine tehi'gr.ipinue dipatrlmes
at tlt lireae'mmt tiinme isu at least four Ilium's as
hnitu . . it luas before tine uin'e of miemner
tier ! I m cd ; so t his I so fnur as i in e cli es mom inng
of comninmmouiltlcc is cnpuicermnt'ti thin Inunmmsinoma
of tlno pres.m mayo foiloweti suit by rhnn'ipemn-
Init _ ; I mom' papers annul inmmprovn z t 'dr ' quality
tmti ca ii totlay lmtny t ins' tniost in' n I I fun I nmm a go-
aloe' a I ( mono 5 to 10 conits. ii . I I I nat t".nw
tIme reamnit of muiachnInnvry , tin d ' i I ahoy tine
agitntionn of free nmmmnl unnmllnnn lied & 'oimnagc ?
( Alnplannsn' ) io oun tiilinlc yell comilni get amn'
nmmare 6-ccmmt mmmnngazinmcc tum read for 11mm' comu-
iii onm Penilie. as in 1cm rearm inn mmd roth a ni I t in eum-
mnammtis of Iammuiliemo miami , uvinere fonmnmn'niy tine
In ig in er mnleeni mm ga sImm cnn mere onnly mm Itin I nn I in ti
reach of time rich. 'i'lne cmnenupenming of lirtees
Inns mmot imcenm ann unnnnnnixetl ciii.'imih' It inns
camisn'ti mmntneiu inarnitiliip , It lnnn iniso iii'nii t
great heinohlt to tini' Peolmlo tnt tine Iiitt'l
States ,
0mm frienul has talked a great niorni nln'mit
tint oumt niuiestmtnn : ' ' \'Inl' in tln t'n't'iui 'is if
tIne eounntry appear so nmmtmcin inmtereste'ti him time
goiti stantlarmi 7"
\'OMJi : i OP I'll E C1T11I1EN'Y.
Vhny , ieammnme , tine creditors of time emiunntry
art' ioamninmg that iclunti of nnnonnt'y aii arc
nmskeni to loam tinnt : ktmmd muf nnnomney. Uncle
Sanmi womnlti hot accept annytiniung eluw' Now
timenn , m e nire told tinat tinere Inns het'ui a
great sinnlmnllagni Inn tine voiminmie of cmnrmt'nncy
inn tine' inst year. \\'eli , that is wondde'n'fnnl.
Iii tine last year tinero mann ben'nn nn grunt
s'hri mm hinge nmntl non I ver m'emm I mm p. 1 1 ow ui t'o
tinat connie ? Aim ounmmce' of silver eons is mm i In
65 cents , mind It mm'as amnly wontin 63 enunts I a
learn ago itnnt let mime musk mmmi wint'timer It is
0 Ot t rm no I ha t tin e m'oi mn nun t' at inn mini ry inn ii e ) tn
at I east toni I Inmn cc grom : ter mow I tnt mm I t ii in
in iS75 , tao years after tine' grout 'cm nmnt' '
a lid t inn t tine vol nn inmo a I ml I inn annoy I in mi.'nn ny
double winnnt it was inn 1S73. lhmm Is it tiinn
tinnum inn smIte' of tine ulounlnlinig of tIn , s nunn
tnt cunireuncy 3'oun inaut' mnot been tiiI1' I si p
t tnt' do n'nn mm tu ml trt'mm ml tn f mn coin ? ( 's i jnlntutt'
Voun It nmonv I In o rnnnsouu miii ) ' . 'nmnn'n' I n mm
muecina mm I Ca 1 I ingemnun I ty , tine cit en penn n mg of
tramnoportation , tine Inntrotituctionn of tic tolo
gn.umtn anal of tIne telt'ininonno mmmii
lights , electric nmnotors amnml nih I inc dn' ice of
mnnodernn ci v I I Izat I cit broun gin I w I I hi n nn the
nnncamns 0' immnnmt Innmve cmntuaui nnt'l cimmnml hit itto.
\onn kumow tinat is tine fact. limit tlmrc nine
tinosc wino iii alto capital onnt ti I ml I cc ii tent t ,
ninth timoy are like' time olti negro wino , mm lne'nn
nnnilcetl mow Inc waa getting ntioimg. cmiii. 1 nmiun
getting aionmg very jo'oriy , tinanmk (1 il. ' 'l'lnn'y
are mmii tine tiiin tmnamnklung God that tine ) ' nrc
gettinmg aionmg very lmon'l' . ( Laumgimter ) .
'l'inmo fact Is , It wouniul tnt' iunnprsstbit' for mummy
minim to nmmalno a ante mnrctiiction , adnnmittinng
limit tin ore mum I gint be ann ad v.m into I nm t in o Inca
of sliver. 'l'ins , mnnoimmeint that sliver saa coined
I mm in mill inn I teul qnna mntltl cnn aniti tIn nn I t in i' tlve r
nloimar inmomigint to tine mnnlnnt was not uvtrtln
mmcm ) tiuamm , anty 75 ceumts. the gulil del-
lam wonnhni be at a prennininni of 2i cents mimi
womnid be enutlreiy otnt of cIrcmilamIomn , No
nmaui who inanl a golni dollar , or paPer nioliar
thmat ivmts oxcinaingraumle for gimid , wcnumlti tininnk
of excimaumglnmg it for a dIver dollar 'I'ine
sliver uioliar womnini tineim Ito 1mm tine milnaute of
limo sumimo mmmomicy that tiney have Inn Mrxico ,
It wonnid have a pmnrcinnnslnmg mom'or exactly
tine usnmmumo an' tine nnnotal tinat is lii it
Is thnat time comntlltlann timat tile imntolllennt
io'oiuie of tine iJimltetl Stales waint to plunige
tineir country Into ?
is tinero ninny benefit to time poor mnmamm , imo
wage-worker , smmlenleti miami , or ninny unman mylumm
works for a llvlmng. lii rntmsinng inlcea and
mnnakiumg tine few dollars tinnut Inc earnns mnunr
cimaso so nnucim lean tinamn tiney nicm mcmv ? I
fail to f'eo where the niebtor fannimor cant be
benmoflted. if every creditor Inn tine lnnnni anti
out of time hanoi wino Imad a niollar nmf mmmomtcy
lommneti omit 1mm tim Is counu try miami I ml innn nun eti Inn tely
enforce mint niemntmnnlto for tine retmnnmn of mm
hflomil' ) ' at ounce there wontld be ne crntsh follow-
log that ommnnctmennt of free ulivor sucin ann you
never wltnneoaeui before.
Now tineum , Mr. hiryamn , expmalni to mis wimat
nmntmnlna tine miammic of iS73. No consmtirnncy lie-
fore tinat , nno crimne Itenitetnateni before' tlnat ,
olthomngmm crimnic'o mmnnnnmmmnenabbo mere lenPe-
trnn ted my 511 von d cmi onnet I zationm nnm ml leitrecia-
tionn. but ) Ot , in spite of tinat. tine pn'oiile of
tintt Unniteti States 1mm 1SJ7 , winenn we mad free
amid nunmlimnniteti coimmnnge , wltnmessetl one ' ( lImo
nmntist nllsastn'nnls miepreclutiommo ntmmii ernst's tinat
imas over nivortaimont tint' mnatlomn ; anti agnmlnn.
In 1S57 , mmmii agaiim Inn 1873.
Now. will thiese great viseni'nes explatmi
mow it cinnumo that tine people wt'rn' 1 % orh'nz '
at mmmrely nmonmm I na I sunmmna lii ' 17 mm mtd mnbntn
tlnat timumo wheat 1mm tine Iato of ( Pita mans
sehhlung fmenmi S to 10 cents a bnuahnel numnni tlney
innntl mno mmleauis of convnnylmmg it to nnnarlnet in'-
cannon tine trannsportatiomi cost want so mnnum in
greater Ilmimmn tine anmoinnt. tincy conmhti ream
ize. I can renncnnler mmemsommally winenm w cr1 ,
Imigmemi usemo glati to saw a comti of icr I
wood , of bickory. 1mm tine cIty of ( 'leveiamm'i ,
in 1860. for 76 cents , amid It took ten innmmms'
mvorh o tb It lii tinoce days uf free noel
unihiniteti colnagnn tiney were nnot aIde to
Urctas'a non munch of tine commmunnonittlemt of
life. necenenities at life , nit tine ) ' nina today
for tineir mimoiney. Aitti yet tinS peOltiti arc
told tinat tinitn will he a bettemimmemit or timer
condItIon. _ _ _ _ _ _ p
(0i.i ) IN 'I'iIi'i IiNitS' ANI ) V U I.'l'i4.
: mi nitosmaa'imt mi' l'i'n-tnn' 0 tp4 ii in . ' . Em's , ) of
i.iii uimi-N.
Tine Inonomalmie gn'nmtlemnnan inns tnmkemn mnnomn
himself to comntranilct tine iatn'mneunt of ( its
secretary of limo tneaninnry or tine t'mntletl it tileS
runs to the amnnaun n I of iolnl ; I mn I inn ha ink a n mm i tnn
unni tine smmhtreamuirles nnmtnl 1mm eircunlationn In
Line Ummitt'ti States , anti mo inns called umpon inns
In ) gIve mIni tine ultifluntle flnmires'ehi I do
not tiniiiil that I nnm cahied nmpomn to nm nimmy-
tin I mng of tIne hi intl. Evutmn I f I aa'ero II ) mit It ,
am mo better auntinomity tinaim tine setretnnry
' ' . mnmlgint conmo lucre
) f tIne tmoasnnn'l' Amy mmmcmi
ada ) ' and conntmauiict tine secretary of treas-
mry concn'nmmhnig the nnnnunt tnt bonds , cm-
cntmiumg tine amount of nunomney Inn tine trois
J my , etmnmeermnl ni t t mo mm moo mm n t of lmitmmey I um tint ,
, anloninn nmatlonmnml inainimli. ho womilni inas'o jnitit
La mmmcm rhgimt to conmtmatiict hnmmuo ens Mr blryamnn
isis In regmmrti to tine vnmlninnne of guinl Iii tine
nommntry. Hut munnfllco It en say , tinat
00,000 in void was elYe'reni to iln'o govmninnnmemnt
tt tine Unmiteti States , i imcliove , from vmnrloumn
ectiofls of time ( 'ommmntry , anti I nenuin'nnniier
omnie ( rein tine city of Omnm'mlmnm , w here tinn're Is
tUliittSetl In ) ime 1mm very ilttia nutmnnny
Noun' . thou , It tinero mvii' $ n0,000,000 , m's'
nymmmi $500,000,000 hun itnjitl Iii thin , innmmitici mif
nrivalo citizeimni ninmni iii ounr inanktt , ruuinly fur
ttn mis inn thnn govurmiuimeimI of I him , [ limited Stales ,
take It tinmmt tine stnutmmnmonn' nit tine uneenne-
amy of tine Irunmeiniry is nnmnimnmpi'nnnminuimlo hint
eliot of that ? 'line ( mint rnmauinnn , imunti cjsmmmot
no tiislutOd , tinat we mare ( clay a ln'r emnitltmu
it at least $22 , annni timst In i.mrgen tinamn many
mu mare hnanl ininnee i873. anti yet lurI'es have
neon going nlownn. ilumi whnnnt uicus it inmatter ,
tiny Way , tisis iei' cmnpltmm ?
A1'OST1E Oi llAht\11Y.
Thnimn ittnnnimUg that hunts delulni a m mnnany
,00iihe. i5nmppasling tinimt 1cm miens inn Umi city
natl $10,000,000 amnmi 100 mmmcii 1.000 ttahn ,
inst avonmini mnakn' $10,000,001) and $ iOO.000 In
me city of Onnunminnm. Winnnt would thu p r
anita ho ? 'finat would allow only en vmt y
imummil lien calmitmu for tine bnmiancu of thU
meniinO ! In Omnnnmina. It l's nil rot about ble
men. commits talk. Thu effect tlnat tine ncr
apitnm vohumno of curremicy hnnms on prospnrnty
intl better itrices Is a fl&nenmt & : of tine Imniagl-
alIen It cuts no flguire.
We maYo been told hero , of course. tinat
Ir. Soverelgmm , wIno lnnnghmmes Injnnmsmulf limo
overeigmn of all Anmmerlca , ttnal Mr. Saver.
nigh , 55H free nnt1 unmlhnnshted colnmagmm of nil ,
er Is tine true remedy tommmmmtiommal caiamniity.
lmimvo also ineamni that Mr i'owdeniy hnaui
ommicitining to say on thIs subject. hut winnmt
lo these men know flow nmmnch time iuavo
boy given to tine stutly of nmationintl finmanes. .
toyond surface ttmougimti anti parrot repotl.
ion of wbat otiner ptmupio say wimumi wit Uses
hem down ? All tbeaiti snnee , giccutiack-