- - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . _ - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - _ . , r1I1E flTFItMtAY ! , MAX 2t2 , 139fl. 3 - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - COUNCILBLUFFSDEPARTMENT _ _ _ flItIL 4tTION. .TtI3We Cc'ok yeiter1ay unlte1 In marS rbge Jcph IT. 1)onMan and Ioa { Lange of Lincoln , each ae1 35. The arand ? , Council fl1utt. 1tIg ? c1aM In every repeCi. flate8 , $2.&O per day Int ( init1. 1. F. Clarke. proprietor. The 1.atllr' tOCiflty V. IU give i POCInI IriIay ev'nIng at the Srcoiid PrO'1)Yteriafl ) church. corner of Harmony and Logan rtrcota. Tile flogo 1.Ight fluard % arc ordere(1 ( to re- pert at the attnory betwtefl the 1iottr of 8 in. ar.4 12 m. today. fly order of I.lenten. , att W. 0. I'ryor. r The 1ntItR ) and ta'e ' ! of ocnrIty will meet atur'lay evening at the Itoyal r canutn hail. An peti meeting vIll be held , to hIch all are Invited. M1r3 Grace i'titlon. one of the membora of the 111gb school graduating class. sustaIned a 'ery badly pralned nnhle by a fall day and will harIly be able to participate lit the cvmmenecnient exercte ! ! ' . The Council fluffs Athletic asoeIatIot ) iai r 1eaed 1110 I"Ield C1U1 groundit rind will have the tie of the ; rouiid when the owners have irnthing bIilo.I for It. The Athletic nrt'otIa ( Ion will open its taon on Sunday by a base tail game with the Iort Omaliti team. The Field club opening ill ho liehi on sat. irday afternoon. The InIfall lrntnatiC chili gave the finest perforiitatiec at the cw 1)ohany last cvcn- Ii ; to tin audience that filled liii partH of tw ) theater , It was a dresy and brilliant audIence. The play as " ( Judo Natliati , " a picc that the cliii , has had In rehoaraal for a time. It was a beneib given for St lieriiarl' liopltnl. Nnra iltown , one of the iarIc8 arrested In Colfax anti brought licrt on a charge if beltig a fugItive fnm JutIcc , waft arraigned In Ju5tico Cnok'N court yesterday afternoon. iIie IN wanted In Omaha for the inailcintis dcstrtictloti of property telonging to an In- which she ile- ttalltint ; house proprieor , itroycil rather titan let It. go back after failing to make her paymeilts. Site con- entetI to go across tire rIver without requl- sitton PaPC. Ilernian lirog. . , an old man who has been It great deil of trouble In vatlous ways tiurlug the last few mouths , real and lin- aglnary , and has had several People arrested - rested for fancied wrongs , flied an informtt- Hon In Juntlce Cook'H court yesterday chargIng his two sons.Vllilain anti Henry. wIth assatilt with Inteilt to commlL great bodily Injury. 1'hoy work In the country and vlll be arested an iooii as fotind. The tale told by the old titan vas to the effect that lie Welit to his liolito In an IntoxIcated conditIon flYU ! was enjoying lilniseif. when Iii soils appeared anI threw hint bodily out of the window. In his complaint ho waIt'e ( to allege that they throw hIm dIstance of nearly a block , htt the specific distance was nt mentioned In the charge. Soities crutches anil a bruhen finger were t part of the evidence to show tile nature of the assault. FtrI.ItA I. ( PI' COI.OI1j COCII hA N. To lie liii ili.i1 it t Fsi lrIey CeicterI with 31111itry lloiinrs. The remains of Colonel Cochran were brought to this city Iat evening and are Ito' % . lying In state at the Granti hotel. Cot- onel Cochran wu a commissIoned omcer In titti Mexican \var , and tin , last inirvivlng one In western Iowa. It has been decided to give hint a military funeral , and the Dodge Light Guard9 and High School cadets will ( teL as escort. Following the military cam- inlet ; will come the city ofilcials and elti- Sons. The procession will form at the Grand hotel at 1:30 : and zcort the remains to St. . 1'atit'i church , where Rev. McDonald wilt preach the func'ral sermon. Flio jrocesslort will then re-form and march to Falrview cemetery. where tue Interment - terment % iit take ilaco. with military lion- ors. ors.'rite lall beorero will be : Ex.Mayort Wil- liani Groneweg , Thomas Ilowinan , and M. F. Robrer , Victor flatten and II Troutman. PJclilnan , 521 Broadway. is now prepared to furnish Ice cream and Ices in any quantity retircd. Special ratct for recep- tlons , lartiCs and soclables. Fresh , seasonable - able fruits always on hand. Goods delivered to any part cit the city. Do not overiok cur fine candles. Cut flowers and plants fresh from the gleen house constantly on hand. Telephone No. 352. Laiyt , pair of nee glasies , either at Presbyterian - byterian church , or between there and Broad- way. Finder will kindly leave at. flee of- flee. _ _ _ _ _ _ Iiii CnteIi4r'M lteeuri. 'J Poundmatter Dobson is striving to break . I the record for the number of dcx tax certifi. cates isiiei1 , which is held by Ed hates , who filled the ofIlco eevcrai years. Out of a taal of several tlioectiiid dogs in the city , 317 wore protected by license on tue let day of .lune. Tax receipt No. 320 was issuetj last evening. end with ten ( layti to go on fob. tam feels confHcnt. that lie vlil hold the record. Up to the present time Ito has killed only twenty-OiiC dogs aitil Impounded thirty- one. After Juno I lie propors to enforce ( lie provisloni of the ordinance that makes It a mkdeineaiior icr any owner of a dog to neglect to pay the license. Instead of dragging - ging the ijoor dogs along the street at the ottil of a choking wire iioose lie says lie woulil rather drag their owners into the police court by the means of a warrant. ills method of ltliilitg the dogs Is much more immune than tutU purrucd by his prdecei'sor3 , who simply diiinpeil the poor brutca Into a hiogsiiead ot foul water unit fought with them until they were drowned. Dobson ends their friendless exlrtenco by shooting them , One bullet through thio brain and all i over. We offer you only clean , crisp , snow white laundry work and best delivery ervlco at Eagle laundry , 724 Broadway. Teleprone 157. Dr. Cleaver's office moved to 600 Broadway. housekeepers nra in despair when they visit the ltirtee Furniture company. All thio Bew things are so hand-oiiio and so cheap hint they want ihie whole store. Wanted-Good girl for general iioue ivork. Steady ciiipioynieiit , Mrs. C. W. McDonalii , 619 South Tenth street. ( ltVit'I liii iii lie Cliii I rn'I. V The park commissioneta held a iiwetng ! In tue office of the city - clerk yesterday afternoon for the purpose of determining the lowest bidder among the contractors atixiotma to get the job of bulidipg BldewahkH through Cochran hark. 'fho specifications call for artificial static walks. The tahula- tlon of tue bids submiiltted by the engineer showed that l. \Vickiiamn was the lowest iii his c tlmmiae : of the cost if domestic cc- nient as used. Satmiples of the cemmient lire. Poceli to ho used .o'o offered , \Vlcklmamn offered to tise amiktomm , S. I ) . . liortland cc- itient. Thu was subjected to the same tests as iiad brett given Imported vortlanil atul to the surprise of time comnmuissloriere was found to be fully equal in all reepees to thu beat immiported article , Upon tiils show- lug time contract was awarded to Mr.S'ick - haiti at limo price of 9 cent per square foot , ThIs Is jiim.t one.linlf thu price iaid for the . santo kind of last year. \ Reliable ( sitilly horse and two seated stir- rey ( or sale cheap. InquIre at S03 Madison aveiiuo. C. A. Moore. hloftrmiayr's Fancy Patentl"lour moakea the beat antI mirnet bread , Ask your grocer for It lavia. drugea.palnts atiti gIass tel. 28. l'repis riim tuConiii'tv , , Thu Council Bluffs 111gb School cadets are drilling nightly 10 practIce for the exhibition . they expect o make at tlmt ) mimilitary mini ! at Ommha Friday night. Time company will comprise emily-four itien , timider conmmuand of Captain Ureen and Lieutenaimt layies mmii VammOntier , Tito boy. are proud of the prog- reu they have been nicking , amid expect to put UI ) a drill that will conimnand moiiio at- tentiexi fnommi Ilie Omalimm muilitury entimuaimistt. Paslurage. . . Sixth . L..Luson. ! : : ave. Water pressumo flutcrmm$3 , Stephan Bros. hot lieu Such. \Vo hmae 1OUO hot bed cash which we are going to ciosu out. They won't last long 4 how many do 'iou want ? We will make you C , a vnico that can't be duplicated , C. ii. FaInt. Oil and 01514 COU1P&11 , Masoulc Tern- pie. Council fluff. , , , REPUBLICANSQUITE ACTIVE _ Pottawattamlo County Membersof the Party at Work. DELEGATES SELECTED TO ALL CONVENTIONS ( ooii Sn I mm roil Comile'ut ietveeia ( 'VIa oe Ii.MlrltiI In . % tlemiii ( lie VmirlitmM teclIiigNt.IMt ( If imii- , % liluhliM While neither the congressional convention of the Ninth district nor the judicial convert- lion of the Fifteenth district has been caied l'otawattamle ( county reubicans have piiyo0 their part and hnvo selected delagatea to these emit ! to time state nominatIng convention , " imicii viii be itch at lcs Moines emi July III. The county convention of republicans to nommilnate mielegatea to three conventions was leiti yesterday afternoon. Time convention 'va.9 largely attetided anti wai markeJ by a great deal of enthusiasm ani an entire ab. Pomico of anything that would look like a fight. There as a good natured contest on between the cantilmiates for the comtgresionni nomInation , but the deiegatlcn selected Is so evenly divided between tue candidates that there sas no occasion for a kick from . all ) of the contestants. Time convention was called to orier by C'hmtlrnian liaweon and L. C. lilancimard of Avoca was nanmod for temporary chairman. Mr. fliancimard made a model prct.ding officer , quick in lila decisions , Insisting upon a die- tinct callIng nt all namea and rushed time hualmiess through without an unnecessary tie- lay. lie made a heat speech in accepting time office of temporary chairman. lie canto fron a line of republicans , lie said , his aim. cestoris anti brnthen having fought for time principles which time party has since been pkiged to maintain. Time republican party had taved time nation from slavery amid it % as mmOV tite duty of the party to save time nation frommi time rulim threatened by demno- cratic misrule. Ills addre.es was emilivenol by a number of appropriate and well tolti anecdotes. \V. E. flainbrldge wa monde temporary secretary and the following committees were aipol nI ed On Credentials-F. Marti. A. D. Putnam , J. B. . Fotsytlm , P. BobbIns , J. M. harden , T. C. . Jackson , Spencer Smith. On I'erntanemmt Organization-B. l. HarrIs , It. J. Martin , j. \ ' . lianrmett , A. 0. Donneii. J. H. Mayne. V. L. Treynor , Theo. Guittar. On leiegatea-T. It. flardeley , J. II. Mc- Arthur , fl. G. Mild , 0 , L. Wilkinson. Edward - ward Catmitlng. E. B. Hart , W. S. Baird. hEAR SOM1 FAItNEST ELOQUENCi. While waiting for the committees to coin- plete theIr wo'k the convemitlomi made do- ntands milton Sante of time republicans for a iittie eloquence. Charles M. han was tue first to respomi'l. Mr. han made one of imi clmaractoristic speeches , talking about a timousamid words a minute anti every word freigliteti with republican enthiusiasmit. Ho saId time Iowa demnocrats had beemi Imavimig a monkey amid parrot time , but It was words anti labor wasted , as 'timey were simply mnak- lug a siirotmd for a corpse ammy way , amid there was no occasion for fighting over tue tmta- tenial.Vimlle time republican5 of Iowa might tiUfer as to mimen they \vere united on Incas- tmros and time 1eitmbiiCijn candidae : for nrcs- blent 'would stand on a platform pledged to protectIon , sound money and protcctioni of American citizemialmip at homite and abroad. lie Urged time conventiomm to select delegates who \vommid nominate a candidate for congress - gross wimo would properly represent the Ninth dlsrlct and Iowa in the Imalls of con- gross. Senator Pusey was called tipon anti ad- dreced tue convention briefly. Ho caid ime vas nt mucim of a fighter when there was no OipO3ltion. Political speakers used to preface their remarks by the statement timat there were two great parties , the repub- ilcin and the democratic. Now there was htmt OflO great party , time republican. lIe said there was always danger when a party had a clear road to power atici that time conyenttons olmoulti be careful to nominate men who Wotmimi add strength to the party instead of having to draw their stren.gth from the party , w. B. llalnbridge and V. L. Treynor were having a pleacant wordy tiit n to thicIz should he allowed the privilege of making a speech next when the connmlttees : began arriving with their reports and cut off furtimer oratory. Time conunmittee on credentials reported time lish of delegates entitled to seats in the commvermtlon anti the comnmmiltteo on Dermmlamt.emit organization reported In favor of making the temnporary organization permanent. Both reporto were adopted and the way cleared for time report of time commimmmltteo on delegates , 'riiit reitort % as a. foliowmmt IFII.EGATES AND PLATFORM. Delegates to the judicial convention : Fromim di6tmicts , floscoc [ lartomm , Knox ; Peter Eimicrs , Miniden ; C. C. Smith , Jamo.i ; A. B. Johns , Beikoap ; A. D. I'utnam , Center ; J. K. Annie. Wash- irgton ; Frammk Slilon , Carson ; J. llaimtburg , Macedonia ; W. Morford , Vright ; ii. L. Itoh. crtsomi , Neoia : A. F' . Ciayterbticlt , Garner ; Jobmi Graybiii , Underwood ; IL C. Menary. Crescent ; I. N. Flickinger , N. A. Crawford , \v. E. Bainbnldge , G. II. MaIne , George S. \'right , T. If. Scott , 0. D. Wheeler , J. D , Johnson , Council Bluffs. At large , I ) . B. Daily , S. Ii , Snyder , W. C. llenmdricka , Coon- cii lilufh' ; Jolinm MerchersonVavelard ; W. F. Chester , Oakland. iclegates to the congresionai convention : From dietricts , A. E. ICincaid. Laytomm ; Dr. Spauidlng. Avoca ; Fred Klnnmey. lleasant ; S. I. . . W'liite , Cenmier ; W. J. Martin , Valley ; J. Ii , McArthtmr , Oiklantl ; Perry Kerney. Silver - ver Creek ; E. B. Smuitim , Macedonla B , G , Auld , Wright ; F , itobbimms , G. L Wil- kinitomm , Neola ; Charles henley , Keg Creek ; 0.V. , . Turner , \Viliiamn iiieo.l , C. C. Clifton. \ . It. lirown , Clint flyers , F. L. Reeti , C , M. han , ' .V. F. Snpp , J. P. Gneemtoimieitis , Councils Illtmitit. At large : H , A. Consigney , Avoca ; R. E. Hart , 'I' . C , Dawsomi , I. M. 'l'zeymicr. C. G. Satimmders , Council iBuffs. Ielegates to time state conventlomi : Front dk'trlctsV. . C. Depow , Layton ; J. Jinks , I'rot , W. C. Doris , Knox ; 14. P. l'otter , Oak. itinti ; It. J. Martin , Vimiiey ; U. Ii.Vilbon , Center ; J. IV. Iiarnett. Carson ; D. J. Parker , W'aveiand ; 5V. . Jolintion , Macedonia ; II. Miller. Underwood : F. 13 , Cimanmibors , liar- miimm ; I ) . W'liiiamus , Ncohir ; L , t , Shubert , Ed. Cammnmmig , T. It. lJrewick , John Galvin , A. S. iliazelton , Jacob Simmm.m , George LIpo , 'I'iteo. doro Guittar , W. S. Baird , Council Ultmff. . At large ; J. C. Mitciieil , S. F. Simuart , 0. M. Maynard. 3. D. Jolineomi , Council Bluffs ; 'l' , lluppVniglmt , Time report taH adopted witimout debate and a imiutiomt to adjourn was withdrawn to iii- low Mr. liardsiey to present time foiioivimmg resoiutiomi. 'imereas , Late decisIons. of the supreme court of time United States hnvo greatly I. rt'mmgtimenetl time Iractirni vorkimigs of time iimteiatmmto commitmmirce law. anti iiitve immmie it iiosfiiiie ( or lime interstate commiimtission to remmmus'o nmitimy of tima restraints imeretttoru iliuiWeil tipoim trmmmlo amid commerce. thieve- tome be It ilesolveti , That ve urn opposed to iimmy cimimmige or rmmodlflcation of time interstate Cerminierce law limatili in any imianner fin- Pair lime t'Iilclency limereof ; ummil esieclmtiiy mire we opposed to limo repenmi of lime 3mroI I imiltitlon miiaimist railway imooiiimi of ( rcltmt rim tea mmii tlivisiris of earol mmgs U miii l ii- crImmmitmatbmm'.a ammil any t'hmamige 1mm lime iemialt3 ItLW 115141 for time Vioiutiummi of time 1r0- vislomia of lime mmcl. Thu resolution wan apparemitiy riot on time slate amid there wa sommmo imesitamicy in bk- lug actln on it. Mr. Ilardiley spoke 1mm m'a- var of It ammil lime motiomm to adopt was put , There were a few eyes arid a few very vibor. ous mmays and a iiirlsiomm was called for. Tue mmmotiomm vas carried and the resolution I adopted. Of time congressional delegates selected it Ia underetood that six are in favor of the rcnonmmlnaticin of Congressmmmamm linger , eight ore for Smith MoPimert'omm , eIght for ii , W , iiyere and four for Major Ctmrtls of Miami. ic. All of timoimi will be for Judge Walter I , mnltit of this city in case there It. a ctmmmmmco 0 make imimi nomirmation at any atage in the , roceedingtm. 'Fime congressIonal committee will immeet at tlantio on Jumiu 5 to cal the cormgrealoimal : onventlon. Time date will probably be fixed or soimme tlxitu in July1 and certainly not itmtii after time national conyeutioa in S. .ouiL F'l,00i ) it ti.lIl % IlIt V iiit' ' . ( 'titm tit.li ( oi.ilult' rs I iii I iii a Irommi a ? i ii mit. . Ii p o r s ii rm'es , The city council. as a commIttee of the whoie , epent almost the entire forenoon yes- tertlay hearing time complaints that hart been coming frm all Parts of time city concerning - cerning damnagem , by the late storms.S'hen time aggregate of the complaints was conch- ered , the council realizeil time Immense oniount of damage that hail occimrrcd , and to repair vimich will cost a good many imtmmch needed dollars. The council decided that the beet means of investigating the reports ' 'as to refer them to committees , sa that liii , entire membership cotiltl work immdIvidtm ally , anti tutu imar.ten the investigations. Tiio Mttlison n'treet paving problem wiw considered to time extent of deterniimming time best method of making temporary repairs. It was decideil to use the cedar biocke now in time city ymmi-da and rep.tlr time west sitle of time street. and close time other until the street is repaved. This vraioeltlon moot tic' approval of the roperty owners. The council decided that the cause of the ovenliomw at time Nortimwesterii depot va dtm3 to time low bridgea of tue railway coat- pany , en. ! on motion of Aidontitan Casper time mmmarsital was instructed to notify time Nortim estern commmimmy to renmove time mud nccmmmimtmiateil bemieatlm its bridges , or raise the britlgei. It is probable that the councIl will ovcntu.mily insist tipon time latter course. Stret Supervisor Morris is the busiest muami In the city , and k working earnestly anti imiteiiigemmtiy to repair time ravages of the feeds. Among time miotices of damages acted upon by time coumicil wc.re : Wasimotmt on North See- oiitl street , closing time street to traffic ; mien- geroims vahoimto on harmony and Logan r'treets ; Mallsoim , street paving washed out ; Aitproaciies to Elliott street bridge lit a dan- gerotts condition , time crock cutting away ummiler the itiling ; tvasimotit on Second & 'treet. expot'iimg time sewer immains ; extensive wash- otmta on Aiigie anti Gralmanm avenues ; vuc1m- out Oit Frank etreet ; damage to pavimig eu this street ; sewer ltmrstc'd emi Timinieenth Street and Aventmo C. also on Avemitmo B : eWer caved In at Tlmlrtcemtth street and Second avenue ; Itidgo street waslmeii omit : paving ( lamageti on FranklIn avenue ; Bemmten etreet bridge , approach daniagcd ; vashsmmt at Temitim avenue amid Sevemiteentim street ; approach to bridge at Sixteenth avenue anti Indian creek impassable ; bridges over Indian - dian creek too low , enticing the flooding of property at various places ; large deposits of mud eu time paved streets. ClaNliig It out. having pumrclmased the balance of the B. M. Duncan slmoe stcck from time creditors at about 25 cents on the doliam we are In a position to give prices on shoes that caimnot be equaled , The B. M. Duncan simoe store carried time finest anti best gootis hum time city. Every pair of shoes being \var- ranted , you lake no chances of getting shoddy goods at thus closing-out eale. Prices on goods tell the whole story. The following are a few of our bargains : Ladles' kid , lace and. button siioes , for- muter price $5 , now $2.50. Lathes' kid welts and turns , razor toes , eormner prIce $5 , now $2.75. Ladies' kid welts amiti turns , that were $4 anti $5 , now $2. Ladies' kid , button and lace , wee $3 amid $4. now $1.50. A large line of email sizes that were $3 anti $1 , now $1. A large lot smnali sizes timat were $3 and $4 , now SOc. Another lot , 2mAs anti 2e , were $3 , now 35c. Infants' shoes , were 25c , now lOc. Infants' shoes , were SUe , now 20c. Lathes' rubbers , were 40c , now 20c. Mcii's fine simoes , were $4 amid $5 , now $2.50. Mcmi's shoes , were $3 anti $4 , now $2. Men's shoes , tan amid black , were $3.50 , now $ l.7S. Men's shoes , lace and congress , were $2 anti $2.50 , now $1.50. Men's pateumt leather baIs ( small sizes ) , vero $5 , now $1 , reum'a patent leather bals ( Johnson & Murphy make ) , were $6 , now $1.50. We have hundreds of bargains timat we cannot give space to titat we will close out at one-fourtim of actual cost. All mail orders , acconmpanied by cash , will imave . prompt attentiout. Money refunded - funded if goods are not * .tlsfactory. \o tnust move in a few days , F'or the presommt wo are next to Bemmo's. Come anti help mis move by taking away semite of our great bargains. TIlE DUNCAN SHOE COMPANY , 28 Main sm. , Couumcli Bluffs , Ia. lSmirrImisrt LIm'tmses , Marriage licenses were lsued yesterday at follows : Name and Residence Age. Joi'eph 11. Donovan , Lincoln , Nob. . . . . . . . . . . . flora Lange , Lincoln , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James It. Ilckman ! , Council JIjuffa . . . . . . . .45 Sadie Mastermimn , Council Bluffs . . . . . . . . .41 % 'e Di , Cite t' Our prIs are right ! Our goods w.li please you. ' H. L. SMITH & CO. lttiiieri Visit Ii-MI1yi' ItoIirei _ When the family of ex-Mayor ltolmrer awoke yesterday morning they discovereti that they had not been alone in time house dur1g the night. While they slept time house was gone tiirotmgim and thoroughly scarcimeti by burglars amid a careful ttearciu imiade for valuables. They exaimmitieti the lower par- tion of time houi with a lighted lammip , but viten they weumt upetairs Into time sleeping apartments of time family timey Uuxtd matches , anti left a trail of the burnt stieka all over the house. Mr. itohrer's clothing was carefully - fully exammiineti , and all of the loose change there was 1mm tue pockets was takemm. A 'vaiiet was nine taken front his pockets and examined and left on time window sill outside. It contained nothmlmmg of value. When the timierem entered time room occupied by Mrs. Crawford , Mrs. Itohrer's mother , timoy arotmeed her , and she arose and lighted a lamp anti made atm exauulmmatiomm but dts- covered nothlmmg to at time timno justify imer bciief timat somne person was in her room. \'hcn site areso In time morning she mnir.sed a mmmmumtber of sumiali trinkets that were lying on tue dre.ser , anti a little gold locket con- taiiming the picture of her salt , Pimlilip Ar- ummour , wimen Itcu was a boy. It. was a keepsake - sake he prized very imigimly. 11cr inquirIes concerning the miming locket led to time discovery that time house had been robbed. Thin btmrglars had entered time house tlmrougim a side door , Time key inul been loft imi time lock and it iiati beeum turned with niiiers front the outside. Time im tmse is within a few hundred feet of time police elation. The burglars immmd oridezitly been frightened away by Mrs , Crawford wimen sue arose anti lighted time lamp amid they left imurrieJiy a itiiotmt taklmmg a lot of silvcriaro and other vaiua- lila iroperty from time lower part of tue house. In time hiopo of recovering limo little gold locket Mr. Itoimrer offers a reward of $5 amid Ito qtmestlommmi asked of any omme who will return - turn It , 'I'Imert' % 'mis ii % % 'iiim.im in I I , Cimanles Perkins , the young man who snatched a gold watch frommi a tray in time stare of C , II , Jacqueumiin & Co. , and wimo returned to time city a few days after to ho arrested , wait arraIgned in Justice Cook's rotmrt yesterday aftenmmoon upon the charge of gramiti larceny. lie Imieaded not guIlty and was scat to time county jail to aait heanintc lotia ) ' . Perkins i a young moan , wiioeo parcnls live at Atlantic , and who has started out time downarti tiatim at a rapd pilt. 11 8 age'ii father mind mqctimer ere hero yesterday lryluim to save theIr boy , Time rather told time cause ef time bay's dowimfail , ' % roimtimn had been limo cause of it. The boy becammte acquitimited ittm her in one of time low houses and sue exercaed ! a great influ- c mmce over himmu. Sue succeeded in gettlumg Ptbn to take her away , and imas been givhmig I mmmi irasumma itm atealimmg , gatmibling amid other h'iccs , Site was hero with lmitmm at th time I 't time watch theft , and time boy cays It vs it her uraent soilcitat on timat iio commiummitted : iio crinno. . . a Sushi I mmcii I itt' ittijmi.rlii ft'tisleqtt , Soumiti tlmmie ao tiio directors of time Wavea and toa'umsiiip echool diemnissemi time teacher , hugh I ) , McM lion , on charges of IncoimiC teteutcy and lack of disciplinary ability. ounty Superintendent Paulson reversed time lading cf thmo township directors and rein- itated Mr. MeMillaim. 'FIto directors appealed he Cmmae to State Superinlondent Sabium , time as suetaimied Superintendent Paulson in Imis 101:00. : . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d \Yahi paper Cicluneti , 110W process , with 'I itent right at Miller's , 108 Main street. 1 .1 I'iUl i'r4 ALtINS'ilcI.Nii , 1IHHI ) I' - Ilittik timmil mm mm I , .jmmrctl lie irn v i'rIes fromii t ii t' Mu tine , ti' 'thu tmitmt. Yesterday was a busy day for Coiommel Reed , the magnate of Lake Manawa. Time rush etarted tally In the mornIng , when ho was calieti Into the distrIct court to au- swer to the suit of the Citizens' bank against F. C. Reed and the Lake Manawa Hallway company for $15,000 , The defendant - ant flied hml answer , adunitting lime masking of time note , time maturity 'and umon.pttynient thereof. Time note was made in April last anti bore interest at 8 per' cent. JuJgniemmt was accordingly rendereti against time do- feuttlants for $15,206.60 amid $201 attorney's fees , In the afternoon the jury In the case of Arthur Evans against Colommel Reed anti the Lake Manawa hallway coutipammy canto In with a verdIct that added $ GOdO to time load of obligations accuummitmiated titmrlng time day. Time case was given to time jury at 10 o'clock yesterday mnotutlmtg and the yen- dict was reached at 4 ociock in the after- noon. The suit as originally for $30OtO , anti % as for immitmnies sustaliteti by time Evatms boy whIle riding en a swltchback at Man- awa last aumuitier. Gas ranges anti service cuumne'llons at halt price for fifteen days. Call at company's oilico for fuii particulars. 210 Main and 211 atreets. ' ' ' . ' ' l'IIoi'Iil , ici i.t.tm * 'i''O ltIi.t'l'IttCE Vmt In I It t'sitl I ofmitiAt'elil 'tm I on ( itt , ( ' . .S I. I' . . : t. .t 0. ltmtilt'immtl. LEm1AI1S. Ta. , May 21.-Speciai ( Telegram. ) -Frelglmt train No. 13 , sommttmbounti on time Omnatia road , was derailed by coliitilmmg with a cow itimin time Lenmars ilmumits at 12:15 : ( his morning , Mr. mmd Mrs. Eanutest liiide- bramid of Beatrice , Nob.ere 1mm time Ca- ho. so , ammd were instantly killed. The bodies 'cro foutmd locked in each other's anus. Vitiiermil lfl reetnrs iiieet OIlh'ers. CEIJAI1 iLAPIlS , Ia. , May 2i.-Spcclal ( Telegratu.-Timo ) auinmmai mtmcet.ng of time fummerat directcrs of Iowa was brought to a chose ths evening after time nioct favorable session ever lucId. Oflicers for lime ensuing year were elected as fol1ws : l'resldouut , C. S. Hopkins , Lake City ; viec presidemit , J. F. \Vootinlng , Waverly ; secretary nuid treasurer. P. W. Alexaumuier , Conrail Grove ; atoistautt secretary , George I' . heck , Jr. , \\'aturloo ; executive commiunittee , 'V. M. lioffutaum , Imm. biuque : J. \Voodring , Waverly , and T. It. Osbmmnii , New Siuarcit delegates to tim mua- tional cotiveuttion , 0. S. Knowlton. F. W' . Alexander , C. S. lloplcinc' , F. Umitierlt rcher , It , J. Fiemmiing. Iubtmque was chosen as time place of holding time next nmccttng. ( 'orportiloiis lctet't ttIIeei,4. F'OltT DODGE , Ia. , May 21.-Spechal.-- ( ) Time annual meetings of time Masout City & Fort ledge railway , the Clyde Ceal cemttpany and time \Vebstcr Coumutty Coal amid Mimuing comnpany , wimicim time sante parties control , vero lucid lucre today. There were preseumt James N. hilt of St , Paul , son of J. J. lull , M. C. ilealicn amid ilainiitoui Browns. Of the railway comnpammy .M. . . lleaiiomt was elected presidcutt : lianmilton Browne , vice president ; S. T. Meser.vey , secretary amid treaturer ; C. . Ilmuntiick , assistant treasurer. Time oillcers of time mnIning comitpammy are M. C. Ilealioul. presit1ent Ilauniltoum llrowne , vice president ; A. C. oomey , secretary anti treasurer. .1 ( 'miws ( 'tImn t ) Ito il Li I Iji , I loll. ATLANTIC , Ia. , ! y 21.-Speclat ( Teic- gramn.-Thme ) Cass County -baumic cases that were tried before Judmc McY lift a load of anxiety froun time mnintth of time pCOli in a test case. C. Cooper and wife , vlio were execators of the .1. W. Russell Cs- tate , are liable to the antoumt of their stock , wimIcim Is $12,000 , anti against Mrs. C. IC. Winslow to tIme amoumit of ' $6,000. This ills- poses of time rmtost important cases connected with time defuflct bank and. , wintis up nearly three years of litIgstton. . ' _ ' , liii. , , ilmlm 3limrttcrem'.i' OTTUMWA , Ia. , May 2i.-Speii ( Tele- grani.-Thtls ) mnornin officers cearching for time pistol which killed Mamie Peterson at Uuiionville founti it In Henmplmlli's house in time gtirret , afer a search of the euttire promises , incituding draining the welts , \Vhien time large crowd of farmers ho lund as. senibied at time prelimimmary hearing heard it they . were so angry that Henipluiii was quickly taken back to Cemttorvilie and lodged in jail mmd his attormicy waived preliminary trial. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , llvii us Fl tutu y Fioumvrn t'il. JEFFERSON , Ia. , May 21.-Spectat ( Tele- grani.-Semmator ) Russell of time board of true- toes of the Soldiers' home throws some light Upon time wrangle by saylut ; timat lie voted for Evaums for preahtlent , Timis relieves Evans , who is charged with having voted for 11mm- self. GIVE UP 'FilEt ft IINCA3II'M EN' ! ' . ICuticnlits of P'tliItm'iVIhI I'immy l1vemi s'It Is Itmiilromi.IM. MILW'AUKEE , May 21.-As an outgrowth of time decision by time natIonal boiy of the military of the order of Kutighits of i'ythias not to hold any national cncampmmient timis year , because of time action of the Western Passenger association , a union encampmtient by time brigades of Wisconsin , Iowa , lilinoms , Nebraska and the Dakotas , anti probably several other northwestern state , will be imeld with time Minnesota brigade at Minne- alOhiS during the fIrSt veek in Septeumuijer. For this uution or division encampnment time city of Minneapolis will carry out all time arrangements intended for the natlomial gatitering , including tIme raisiutg of $5,000 iii cash prizes for drills , A similar encamp- mmteuit will be held about time same time at Columbus , 0 , for the imtiddle states , awl itrobabiy another for time southern states at Nashville , Anmong prominent members of tIme military departreent it is , beiiuved that this will be time beginning of a general division of time tuuuiform rank imtto four sections , to be known as tue eastern , \ estern , northern anti southern , time object being to hold a divisiout ercatmtpmcnt every sceoutti year , and a na- tlunal encampment every fourh : year , instead - stead of three , as at lmrescnt. IILJSISESS UHS1tiSE IN Itt1'OL' ! ' . 1)ethimmt' It ) l'it' 1'rtlmt'r Al tiittiomi to ( lie ilit't'ptt. MIL\VAUKEE. May 21.-Tho business men of Mllwatmkeo have revolted against the hoy. cott iumcident to tue street raliway strike. This morning time comuimission nmtercimnnta unltedy took the initiaUyo in the o.toveuuent by iuuing time tolIowng'imianifosto : "The uumderslgncd , while expreesimmg no opinion as to the differences between time Street mallway and o its" former employes m&verllmo'css empiualtca'l ) assert our. right end tiuumt of our farmmillos , enompioyes arid our utrotta to transact bwdnd&s with such bank- 're , mmier.duants , muommulacuners ( and other per. iOiiS and to patronizeiauL'hm public armd private : enveyanccs as unay stilt our convenience. anti moreby give notice timat'wo shah defend our iglmt in timese unatters by all lawful umtean , , " The boycott is otrtl1u7T business anti it is Ixpoeteti that unercltttntti in miii branches of rade s'iil join tito1bjntcr umiovitment for cif-preservation. sL'I - . 1)tsmd imsflofv lui . LOS ANGELES , Ia 21-harry Lewis iryant , a promineumtn Iucrchant of timis city , S dead. Mr , Bryarmtiwadbarn in Covington , tass , , In 1816. Inn , Th3Y lie emifratoil to iacombe , Ic ) ' . , and pomuirtienced the 'ractico f law. lie occupied unimny important posi. ions of trust , 1h iubiic and private , in iiinois and Kentucy' ) ' until IS6 , when lie mmovei : to Lea Angeles. Mr , liryanmt was an fltitnate friend of President Lincoln and itephueui A. Douglas , He sturuiped time state mith titeun and they made their headquar- er at his imouse in Fulton couumty , lie sas cousin of William Cuiien lI'ant , being tarp in time Santo itou.se aumi ! on the sonic day 8 the poet. IIIJMIIOL1)'P , Nob. , May 21-Specisi.- ( ) Thanios Zulek , aged 73 years , died here on ; uriay nlgimt. lie see of liobonmian nation. lity and canto to this country forty-two ears ago , forty years of ttliich ho lived in ebraaka engaged in farming. FAIRFIELD , Neb. , May 21.-Speclal ( Teie- ; rammm.-Rey ) , B , I. . Sherman , hasten of time ' , ongregationat cimurcim. died at 11 a. mu. to- lay. lie bad been sick a number of mmiontims' . t he body will bo shipped to lila fonumier home a Iowa for interment. C R1) ) UXIER ) TIlE \VALIS \ Building Oo11apsc While Workmen Are Engaged in Remodeling It. FOUR-sToRy BLOCK IN BUFFALO FALLS , , i , im lt-zi ml II liii I m's . 'i I rend y Ist k m'tm front tii ittiltis rititi Neuini mm Score of Others limmtily liii mm rcl , BUFFALO , May 21.-The fotmr-story brick building , S to 10 t'eneca street , Part of it forming a portion of the Drown btmililimmg , no- cemmtiy vacated by the V.'estorn Union Tcio- graph company , co limpeod today whIle a large number of men were at work in time builti- lug renmodeling it. The failIng s'alls ' . veitt , down upon a cotuphe of enminiler brick btmiiti. lags adJoiniumg on the cast side anti practi- tally tlemmmolimdiemi thrum. , Schnert'mm barber Cud , , next door to the failing building , was crunted as if it had bcen an egg such. it was full of barbers mid customimers at time tiiume. Qtmickiy responding to an aiarmmi , a force of firemmien wetmt to work to clear away time riulmis. Their zeal was qulckemted by he.mrlntg time ligonmizeti cries of thusa l.teueahm time rtmlns. Time wails out time north anti south simie stood ! ueariy Imitact. Time front vai ! imavitmg fallen out , the rubs presented time appearaitco of a imoilow square. F'roumi time third dory of time wrecked bulltilmmg aum iuti. uuieuuve piece of ceihimug anti floor seenneti to haumg above the heads of Limo resetmimug Party. Time with to time soutim imati broken at time top and a tiortion of it luau been carrieti away by time roof as it cavett 1mm. This vail froma time second story Ill ) to what had Uceum time timird stcoti utmsumltportett amid was regarded as time chief danger to time rescuers and tlmoc'e still beuteatim time ruins. After t eumty lmi.miutee of itarti vnrk time iircummen reachmetl mmml extricated cite of time victims , mammgled anti bleeding , but still utlive , lie % % fls takomm auay in amo atmmbu- lance. A little later , directeti by groans proceedimig froumi a mutacs of bea.ots , iatim , brick anti plaster , time firemen reached a seonti sufferer. lie was a ymiumg miman. Though tie lund been under ten feet mf deliria lie wan able to staumd when once lie was extricated. lie is not dangerout'hy hurt. lie is Robert Casior , a steaun iltter , who vas Itt time cellar and Imeard time first crack- ins warn ng of time lnmpeumding ruin. lie looked up and saw the rafters and joists give way' . lie sprauig qtutchiy into tue l'art of time cellar that is under time side- walk. A mumomemmt later time whole structure VI1S about imis Cars. lie was tightly piuuned it. although lie cotmiul iireatho eaally. lie cuid thmore were two mmtcamflttcrs and two helpers in time cellar and he mliii not. sec them aim tite building fell , lie timinks time ) ' imiay luave escapeti mijury , as they were in aitotimer part of time cellar. Time list. of dead amtd seriously injured is as follows : Dead : GEORGE METZ , barber ; died on lmia way to time iuoputal. JENN1E GRIFFIN , casimler In Schnert'a barber shop. M issiui g : \Viliaun 1' , Straub , contractor ; believed to be buried in the rmulns. Titomnas Jantes , carpenter. lnured : Jacob iUclmmond , barber ; inicrnal injtunies ; may mile. S. I. hawks , carpemmter ; fracturcml skull ; xviii probably die. Robert Cassier , piummtber ; badly brmmised , Internally - ternally injured. Jacob Ricknunn , brused and internally in- jurejl ; tttay tile. F'rauuk 1tckunaut , badly bruised ; serious. William Kupplutger , interutally injured ; case serotim , Joeepim Bouiey , plasterer ; injtmred inter- mially ; serious. An iron column has been found In the debris wiilcit ic so full of eani holes that it camm be crushted with little effort , The this- trict attormuoy iiaq taken some of it for use before the grand jury. BUFFALO , May 22.-I a. m.-Tho body of an unitientitieti workmutan was takeut front time rtmins shortly before 1 o'clock tlti.t mar.- log. The timne book of Contractor Strammb lois been found anti a careful perusil of it ead to the belief thmat there are mit lcat four bodies In time 'recl : of 'liii ' Bro'mim building yet. The search will be kept up : tli miighit , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : ttixicits AIIE CttJGIt'I' 11 % ' A C.i'fl-lN. Filgil t le't lutmmrii.ommt'd fom' Semermil Ilitmi rs , him I l.'l istil It t9.'llt'tI. IRONV.'OOD , Micht. , May 21.-Eightt miners were intlmriimoned in time Asimhanti umtitte in this city for several lioura today , limit have all beemm rescued. A large cave-in cut off escape from the fo'iowlng men : Eu Opie , I'aul Niclmol , Peter Moran , Ed Van , Sleus heck- maim , John Ihelman , John Collins and Peter Ctmcrra. 0 Time first clx are miners anti the other two timbornien. Tima men were working in No. 7 shaft. drIfting on the tiuird level , 300 feet front the surface , when time cave-in cc- curred. Caplain Titounas Wiiiiants heard the fail MUYONS. REMEDIES DOCTOR YOURSELF. Mmmnyon's Imuprovemi Iiomoeopathic Reme. times act imimost instantly , sjieetlliy curiumg time moat obstinate cama. Mtmnyon's ltlucu. umiatiam Cure cures itiueumuttismn in it few iicymt , Numtyoum's Iysimopsia Cure cmmreut nil ( Grins of toinaciu trommbies. Munyon'ut IleatI- ache Cure stops Iteamiacite in 5 minutes. Nervous tilseutmies ironnptl ) ' cureti , JCiminey trommbletm , l'lle , Neuralgia. .itm'thmnn anti ami lemune Complaints quickly curemi , Mmmii. yon's Vitalizer inuiarta ness' vigor to weak Irerm , i'nlce. $ i.tO , Personal icttermm to Prof. Munyon , 110 , Arch street , Phiatle'pimia : , P.m , zLtms'red with tree memlicuol advice ( or any dIceae. A Separate Cure for each Disease A' ! ' ALl. 1)ltUGHS'J'S15tm A DC'i"I'iI. PAIt1 ( JIOTEL. 'I'll I It'I'Etil ANti JO. 115 SIll flhi''S , I4 rooun , . tiatlis , steam heat imnutu all ttmodcrut onenteiuces , ICatt' , 11W imnd 12. ® per day , fable uneceiled , Sieciat low rult's to reouhir Loarders. FIANIC ( 111 l.PITCl - KINCSFORD'S Oswego Starh1 The Original and Best. - DUFFY'S PUHE MALT WHISKEY All Druggisto. : qits'i1 NA'flONAL ' BANK Couiicil BIuUs , Iow. API'VAL , . . . $100,000 vFi SOLiCIT OUft IJUIlLss : , % ' ! d UIiS11IE YOVII COLLLcTIoN , ) NIii OP 'iIId OLUICST 1JANK IN IOWA. ' VIfft CENT VAIl ) ON TIMI2 IEL1OSITS. IALL * 1W b1 V OZI VLI1T. I tmnmi rmuahe1 In the scemu' . At that tithe muo great mtmouimt ef ground hail fallen * titl Mr Vm'iiiiatmms was able to conimmmuticato tmliim time itupnisouuctl men. They tre all titiimarmmieil ntiti In a safe place anti sIti that wIth mItl anti a rope they could tie rescued , Caim. laIn \'lllitmts went for help , but befro he no. turned anolber lArge piece of groimnil foil , anti It impo'sibbe to reach time men. 'rho simaft In whiclm the accIdent iccmtrred is on the line between time Ashland anti Nernie uutiume.4. nnti large crews of mcmi were at work in both mines. This is the first mnlute accident of any mttsgnitmmtle lmero for a nuntimer of yetrs , anti great exelteuneot tire. railed. Vhtflt'ICEI ) A 'i'Vt-S'i'OI ( V lit' I liI ( Olme tlmit iCillemiimiiml ( ) timt'ris imjm.rt'd a tIns Eiio'.lot , ICANSAS CITY , May 21.--A special to tl'e Star froimi Coffeyviile , 1Can. , says : A gas ox. iilcmcioii this tumornlng wrecked two ta.story brick bimililings In the cemiter of time city , vatmsitig the instant deathi of omue man , Ihm fatal injmtry of two other persons and the wcmuuutiimmg mmtcre or less seriously of thirteen otimeni : 'the kIlled auud imtjmunc.i are as follows : lilleti : lVm'll ) CARTii , by falling vahl.'i. Fatally injimneil : Mat Athlutsoim , colored , Rilza l'tmrsley , coloriul. More or less uteriously injured : I ) ot Irrltm. Matid 'iotmitg , A. S. Maxwell. t.irs. I' . K. iutiith , Mrs. Mart l amid datmgiiter , Kate i.ogami lisl.ni. Joimum'ilson , Joe Short. WillIam 1lutu. Wililani Stimekey. Two others. mm mntee mid given. Several otlem's : were iii tm t'tthhtiimmgs , bttt escaped muimbut t. Time expIimi'iOil om'etmrreti nt R o'clock , anti was catttuI by the vireiees igutlthmmg of a miiacim in thw' titsemimeimt , u here gas imutul mc em tumiiia teml I noun a mid glmlc' r I mm g go ii vol I. Several inca mere Iii tue baeetumeimt at time tiumme , aud : abouit two sc're otluem' iteulilo % ore scattered timrommghmomut t lie tiifferitumt ltimn tioii oi time bumildumig , A terrific exlmiomm'.oum follo el. coimiphetely w rechimig t ho btuildutmgs , , a. Ii iciu tmdj ci ii cmi ear 'm ' Ct It or rlo ci y , mm ii ti un rl - lumg time n"ctmliammts iii evcy miircctiuui. Time flue ticpantmimemmt aumti iiuiutirctis of eii- : zeus i'eto soon cim hue sceume anti imutuiielhtely began the work of resetme. TIme wIldest x - citeuttent prevailed , mmii for a tlmmio it was feareti time deatlm itst yotmltl prove appalling. Miractmlommsly. imuwt'ver , but ammo person , Iavitl Carter , was killed otmtrigimt. Time injtini'tl wet e qumiclcly extricated frc.umo time debrIs mmmiii carried to Imiaces of safety amiti all possible tiomie for timetut. Time soarchm is still goimig , on for fear sommm mmmny yet be iii the ruins , as time exact nttummber of those 1mm time buultiiumgs is hot kana n. 1'ime de- structioti w'rotmguit by time explosion as complete , anti time wonder is that every one km time btmihtilitg wims hot killed , 'I'Iiree Melt Sail Imft , i.ternlt' , BOSTON , May 21.-A special to the Jour- mini from Cimarlotte , Vt , , says : Three inca mmmcd Fenton , Meyers aimml Steatiy , who were at work at Cedar Bench , heft that Place Sun ( Ia ) ' for Es'ex , N. 11 , , in a entail rowboat rItim an lnmmprovisemi sail , Tlmey expecteti to returum this mmmoruuing atiti left E..isex duriumg time Imigim wind and rotmgim weather. Time ) ' have mmot beeum scout silico. 'I'lw boat was fcuutti ycoterday at lihais hay with time rudder gone anti one settt torn out. it is behleveti that al three men % rere last , Children Cy fo Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry fCr1 cher'sCastoriaa . . I What . DoYott Want ? . It. it's a nice , 1retty Shoe at a , noderate r1c0 , Sargent 1-Ia them - All Omaha c a 11 II o t tOt.1Cl US , Look for' the Bear. Customers' Shoes Shined Free. ' ? + 4iic4iccco ; Il/a I/h a iv .i1/afch es Made by llieAniericai , Waithani Watch Company are the bestand most re1iabk timekeepers made ill this or any other country. Ask to see 1/ic name ; 'Rivcr. side " ci' Royal " cizgravecl On 1/ic plates , and always the word ' Waltham.o : THE BEST $5 $ SET Of TEETH _ _ , . . ' ' ' ; itutd'o1tic ( V.tIL A'L'hiIii ) DR. MUDGE , 31a BRO.lllYXf - - OUI1 DLIIFF3 WhyHesitate ? - In regard to your mount for ' 96 when you can buy ThE WLUNGTON . ' . : . tl. cc i 4' 1 , ) . ; i It . . : ; . . .4 , . . - , / , , . . . ti' . ,9' ' : " , ? 'r'lrc' . i . - ' . - - . , .t . . - . 'I ' : etL. ; : , - ? . - . . : . . . , No other moderate priced wheel has so many apparent mechanical merits. Takes rank with better than average $100 wheel and retails for $35. See the wheel , Ask for catalogue , Henry H1 Van Brunt , Couiicil Bluffs , In. Dr. S. Mosher. SPECIALISP. havIng fully demonstrated by ycuis of .uccessfum lmnmcticu , and expeniemco that he Is able'to cure tnuititutleim of tiiseummes which hitlilti time m.kill of oidummmmry 'utmyf''Iumius ' , lie feels It lila duty 10 nnmmlcc lcmiowmi to suIlctimig imunmumumity nimnit lie devotes rue 'hiu1o tinn and energy to thus imunilcular lirancim of the professiorm. cmiii wilt Prepare mmmiii funuulsis mdicimto at his oillte : or visit those cases which : miuy reqtulre ImeraOmUl cxicmmthnumttIon , Va- tientum at a distance unimy conmm'tmit Dr.ioshmer Ii ) ' letter , giving a carefully vrhleim ( history of their cases , describing their symnpuonnum tnmimiuteiy aim porsliiP , wimicim t'ili cim'mimii , him ta make correct 4imigncsis , anti ) udgtm very uccur4tely of limo curability of thue dlseee , ant4 to apply proper rcmnmediem. Ztieuiciru ( orvmmrded either by mnuil or . .xiuroea mmliii all unediclnms lmrescrmoeti by Dr. Masher Is preparemi ummtier hum own imersommiu slmpervislomi. lie treats all dIseases without uutercury or other pomsnuiut. hmich create tilsease of timemmeirca , 'rle : doctor by his new 1tlS'1'OltATIVE TI1IIATMJIN'r cures all cuiube milsmjseg , ant. treats whit success all affeemirmns of the Liver. 'rimront anti Lungs. Catarrh , pIiepay. Dyspepsia , Hermit Disease , Itimeuntatirm , Neuralgia , and all Nervous Dieams. causcu by overt'ork , time indiscretIon of youih , or the excesses of riper years , aguti whatever mnay lend 10 lower the lntotut fouce or the lone of lIe'mt vitality , causinm 1)hYsicmml ) debility , nervous exhaustion , insamuitv , and prentature decay. Consult personally , or b ) ' Letter , frco anti strictly confidential Address Dr. S. Mosher , ) i tji. ' # : 5 ) Vest Broadway , Council Bluffs , low iii ; ; : . U rettie'ifr.ateiiitmtp mist tuttle ltb ttOlld Ii - cure ton lttttociJ. Uut hey dtin'C do mi. Turk. uiien.trotlozm , bul , cuiti ti.O . , . . , . for Liz Turkish Tim.y aumt riturned rorevcnyc..Ommoeg.I.ozcuszIu 1'.nnyouya ! him. . tar. to ii. . . 0 . . I . niomd ( , ot $ by mIAmN' hood . iigbiEmt.stozu . , Yc.kneuoI Ii.pru4uo- l'uIAimauAcy same yrpaw Cm" ( ) rgsna caui.d by youthfum emua. Cmvii 8gUm&lm& , Net. . 1tyei.mL ToU7'iW Llfli HI. itol4uoJy . ha. Sib. tJ7 1lkmis'sl'imeIscy Sm , jFfllfl .jrna j