Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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nato RJcot a Plan for the Thsue of
r Treasury Certificates.
.AnIninlctl VIisnIn1 flt,1nt , .
J'nr I Sk'nI linis hut the IcnNar , li
F111t1fl3 I'nucu1J'cfTer Iru-
3)4)CI IOI'O GreeIIacIN.
WAS1ITflTON. Ma , 20.-The mnato totlay
1etetf' a ropoIton by Mr. aorrnan for the
Isstu of 1OOOOOOOO of per eent trcaury
certificates to meet prospectIve deflIencIoL
'Fh19 wai followed by the iloteat of another
proposItIon by Mr. I'effer of iCnns for the
1148u0 of groenhackn to mcet the appropria-
r tIon made by the fortUThatIon till ! . Both
jropoItIotis ere offered as amondrnent. to
Urn fortiflcsitIOi bill , which wa passed ,
ttnis eavng hut one of the appropriation
,1 bluR , the general ieflclency , to be acted
titian. Mr. ( lorrnnn'a amendment devalopeti
an anirnted financial d'bate with ir , Sherman -
man and Mr. Gorinan as the maIt partict.
pants. The forttf1catton 1)111 , as passed ,
carries $10,763,888 or $1,913,091 more than
the hotu'o appropriation.
13111s were pasted appropriating 1OOOOO
or a public building at Tacoma , Wash , , and
s100,00ci for a iubifc building at Salem , Ore.
Mnong the bills Intorduced wa one by Mr.
Alien , populist of Nebraska , so dciflfliIg the
authority of the tlniteil States euprezno court
that no bill 1)fl'3'd by cOngress fltlI approved
by tim president , or hicoining a law without
bla approval , or ( nactod over a veto , hatI
be ( ec1arod uncan'ti tutional by the supreme
' court , eXCCJt ) wh'n all the jiilgos concur.
On motion of Mr. ( lorman the ienato reconsidered -
considered it action in passing the bill for
thu enlistment of additional men for the
ru1'y and giving the secretary of the navy
authority In case of emergency to charter
transport ships.
Mr. Frye , republican of Maine , ubmitted
the conlorenco report on the river and liar-
bor bill , The senator explained that an
agreement had been reached on all itcniii except -
copt the California deep vater harbor and
thu San l'cdro , Cal , , Inner harbor. Ito do-
lred tlnmelIate ( action on the conference report -
port , auggosting that there were certain rca-
Botla , well undorstod by itenators , why the
1)111 should bo expedited. Tlii brought out
protests from several quarters , as senntor
Vlihil to examine the report ,
Mr. Bacon , democrat of Georgia. said ho
would expect to bo fully heard in oppoSIng
tue conference agreement against the eppre-
priatton for Brunswick harbor , Ga. Ho
atided that there was no great public ext.
gooey that. demanded the adjournment of
ongre's before the public buslnesa had boon
iuiy considered.
On motion of Mr. Frye to proceed with
the river and harbor conference report , the
Manding vote was 24 to 13 , eight short of a
quorum. On a call of the senate a quorum
.was secured. Mr. Bacon again protested
against "rushing" the bill.
After further dioctisalon , Mr. Frye con-
aented to lot thio report go over until to-
Mr. Butler , pcpulL't or North Carolina ,
hind Intemleil to press for a vote on the
resolution prohibiting the Issue of boiid
witiiout the anthority of congress , as lie
said tiio tihlpments of gold , over 1OOOOOO
yesterday , i'howod that another bond Issue
rwold , be made. In order , however , not to
( hiplaco the fortificatloas bill , Mr. Butler
said he wnuid defer hI niotlon until the ( dli
was passed , probably today or tomorrow.
Mr. 11111 immediately gave notice that at
the first lull In appropriations ho would
press the bill relative to punishment for
contempt o court.
Mr. Sherman also gave notice that he
'would try to take up the "fihlod checso'
; lili at the first opportunity.
The iortitlcationt bill was then taken up.
tAll of the committee amendinonta wore
' agreed to.
Mr. Gorniar then enftered an importuat
amendment providing that In order to provide
JnoI1ey3 not upp1led from current revenues
or the expenditure ot the government the
aecretary of the trenaury , with the approval
of tlio president. be authorized to issue 3
per cent treasury cortiileatcs of Indebtedness
'to th amount of $100,000,000 redeemable at
tue uluasuro of the government alter three
Many senators were oa their foot with ob-
jectiono and points of order , but before these
were considered Mr. Gormat , . t'j > eke briefly on
the hood of the amenthuont. lie said ho
had already ihown that It the executive
/ rondo the expendItures called for by the up-
] ) ropriations there would be a shortage lie-
tore next January.
Mr. Milis , democrat of Texas. responded in
a few words , urging that there wore well do-
lIned means of raising revenue. Congress
ivan hero anti should remain hero to enact
eiicli vropor and well matured measures of
roliot , instead of recorting to any emergency -
goncy plali as that proposed by Mr. German.
Mr. Sherman called attention to the liii-
ortance of the amomhinent and asked a
call of the ieeiiato as the attendance was
meager. When a quorum waa secured the
presiding omcor , Mr. Chandler of Now hump-
ahire , ruled on a point of order raised against
the German amendment that It was in order.
Mr. Mills appealed from tlio rulIng of
the chair. Ileforo the vote taken on the
appeal , Mr. Sherman addressed the ienatc
against the amendment. lie said ib was on-
exnnhiled In the history of thio country that
nicli a ProPosition should be iiiade in a titnO
of hence. to keep the treasury from bank-
ruptcT. It caine at a time when the country
, % va amply ohio to lrovido retronuo for tue gov-
rnrnont , lIe could name tUe items on which
revenue CoUld readily be raised. It was time ,
lie said , that senatoris ithotild lay aside nil
party feeling and make provluion to carry on
. the govornniollt. Under the present tarlif
law there bail been deficiencies every year
and every hour. It had led to a political
revolution and the election of a house of
reireentati\e5 OplO5 (1 ( to the pre8ent law.
That iiotiea 11311 sought to remedy the condition -
dition by passing an emergency tariff bIll ,
which waa sent to the senate and 'hero encumbered -
cumbered with a free sliver amendment.
lr. Sherman iii1 ho s'as willing to accept
that liotiso bill after the withdrawal of
tue silver amendment au the best available
remedy for the treasury. It It did not yield
P/ enough , then let other items be added , tea ,
coiTee , anything.
"Yes , " exclaimed dr. Slutrmnn , " 1 would
take the last e'hirt oft ( lie PeOiiiO rather than
% 'iolato our national credit. "
lie declared that an agreement could be
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TWO OV A 1C1'il )
I 'Mnkes a 1)nlr-aIu1 our ladles' 8OO
Vair is 1IUyIOl' else's $5.00 pair-nud
thu Otlly reason on earth that wu doii't
alc 45.OO for tilein is because we inudu
8 ( OrIthIllIto lurchIase titut eiiables us
lo sell tlltIII tit 8OO niul not luso uny-
thing-lu eltlter tflil or black-lace or
) UttICXtVOIflt ) liolilted tutj-nllI U
IhloSt Io1'fCt tlioo ittiy way you veur
It-n vi'gtiiai' 5.OO sliuu ( or 3.OO.
Drexel Shoe Co.
Fond for our Itlus 14 19 Ffl '
en ta1ouc. 1' 11(1 111
reirhed In twenty-four hours If senator9
W'Ilil put sIlo their psttiisahip. If congress -
gross tild nnt Act then , , Shetnuin said , lie
luau t.d&h & that Prc'ildont Clevtliud , with
whoen lie did no siffiliste In polities , wouid
n't ' stenil fl on appropriations beyond the
1onuos ho had n hanil , Tue voice of the
country. said ho , demtiuleil that we "p37 as
we cc. " Uti1 this was ( lone our country
wotiiii ho bankrupt and in a position more
degrauhing than that of any of the feeblest
eountrie of the worlil.
"I wotilil tear up ery tflO of those a.
propristlon hills , " sild thin sonstor in Closing ,
"rather than isuc lri.OO1fJOO ) in treasury
certlflcata in a single car. "
Mr. Corlnan followed In answer tfl Mr.
Sherman. lie said the remark at the senator -
ator from Ohio was toast renirklIe In vlw
of the fact taat he ( .hcrinan ) lied ililOsLif
prooeed a sImilar meatiro four years ago
to meet a 3'rospecti'o defIciency in the lest
year of the hlarrlon aihininistration.
Mr. iierman iiiterriptod : to deiiy that his
tneaeure wa Intended to meet a deficiency ,
as there hail hot hjtii deflcIeny under the
hlsrrlson administration.
Mr. Gorman read the treasury figures of
tour yr'nrs ago , cantnching that a deficiency
was Impending. Ito'ded to show that
the failure of ( lie liiconie tax f'aturo of the
tariff act and the too liborsi exteullen of the
free list hail led to the Present luck at r"-
flue. The direct appropriations and conraets
authorized this year would reach almost
GOOOOO , while tlic reveruo would be tar
short of that amount. What was 'tO b' dmio
to meet this deileletmny ? asked Mr. G&rtnti.
Was it intended to ieiid ( lie nmnney rj2etl
on bonds , or veiild the nxecutve ; br&nvh
thwart the will of congress by not spending
what congress ha'l orderci spent ? htererrinr
to time lingley emergency tariff bill , Mr.
German asserted that It imad hover been in-
tatided to pass , and that it Passed it would
not have yielded revenue surnolent to meet
time requirements of time government.
'I suggest to the senator from Ohio , ' pro-
needed Mr. Gorinin , "that If ho i in eurnet
In reaching a nonpartisan remedy let ns
agree on three things-the repeal of the niat-
tot which crept into tlmo present laws as to
alcohol used in time arts , hilch repeal will
save $15,000,000 ; then a tax on tea , which
every one in the United States vil1 approve
at 3 cents , 5 cents or 10 cents a pound , and
thou a duty on coffee , which would be so
small that no ona would feel It , "
Mr. Gorman zmatd these three remedica
would yIeld from $10,000,000 to 5OOOOOOO
beside the savIng of $15,000,000. If the
Ohio senator would agree to this nonpartIsan
proposition , saul Mr. Gorman , senators could
unite and save the treasury , This , and time
emergency certificates proposed by tim
amendment , would put an end to the trouble
in time financial affairs of the country. The
senator referred to the conspicuous republican -
lican candidate \rirn liopeth to direct an n'l-
ministration which would have protection un-
Ui it became eachusion. time candidate of a
party of extravagance in expenditures.
"If this congresa adjourns without malclng
provisIons for the treasury , " said Mr. Gor-
imman , In conclusion. "tlmo responobliity ! must
rest wIth these who control both branches
of congress. If you say that an emergency
tarIff bill was oflered , thou the senator from
Montana ( Carter ) has given you an answer
and has rendered a service to ( ho country
in his manly exposure of that bill. "
Mr. Miils withdrew his appeal from the
ruling of the chair , and moved Instead that
the Gorinan amendment be laid on the table.
This motion prevailed-Yeas , 42 ; nays , 0.
Thmo negative vote was cast by Senators Cock-
rail , Daniel , Frye , German , Gray , Hill , Mitch-
oIl of Wisconsin , Smith and Vilas.
Mr. I'cfter. populist of Kansas , followed
with an aniendment providing that all up-
proprlntions miniler the pending bill ho ixtid
in treasury notes , or greenbacks , to bo Issued
as required.
ThIs amendment was defeated-Yeas. 12 ;
nays , 43. Those voting in the amrmativo
were : Iepublicans-Camoron , Pettlgrow ;
democrats-Daniel. George , Mills , Itoach ,
Vest ; populiste-Allen , Butler , Kyle , Petter.
The fortifications bill was then passed.
Bills vere passed as follows : Leasing Fort
Omaha military reservation to the state of
Nebraska , as a echool of Instruction for time
state National Guard ; amending time copyright -
right law , to permIt criminal and civil suits
for unauthorized Performance of musical or
dramatic compositIons ; authorizing a motor
and wagon bridge over the Missouri river
at St. Charles. Mo. ; amending the pension
laws so that the , who served in time con-
lidcrato oervlco cihI thereafter entered the
minion aervice prior to September , 1864. serv-
log for ninety days. shall not be debarred
from pension by reason of previous confederate -
orate service ; for time relIct of homestead
settlers on mmnsmmrvoyed public land , Then , at
6 P. m. , the senate adjourned.
Setimmie Coinmnilteen Foreign Iteii-
llsiis i'it''oItmg'ery Cimmit lomisly.
WAShINGTON , May 20-Senator Mor-
gun's joint Cuban resolution again engaged
time attention of the senate committee on
foreign relations today , but action was again
postponed. The committee Is considering
tii question in time light of time recent. occurrences -
currences in Cuba involving American citizens -
zens , but in order to ct intelligently feels
( lint It is necessary to have aIithe imiformnation
obtalnablo on the subject , especially that
bearing upon the recent construction of tbe
treaty of 1895 and time protocol , Time have
therefore decided not to act until time State
department can be communicated wIth.
Senator Morgan onterel a protest at to-
mlay'is meeting against this cour&'o of pro-
ceedirmg , comitendimig for Independent action
by congress anl urging that the State do-
partnment could have very little or no information -
mation which was not already In possession
of time committee.
Ilsngree Over SnhltiL Imiien ,
WASHINGTON , May 20.-Time conferees on
tima river amid imarbor bill have decided to
report a disagreement emi the Santa Monica
and San Pedro deep water harbor amend-
merit , Time contention of time house is that
in case the commniistomi provided for In the
climate aimmendmnent should report in favor of
San I'edro , it would gIve timat place two
large contracts. It is claImed by time house
conferees that time commission slmouid report
to commgrcas. Mi other Items imavo boomm
agreed to. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Oomlltinms of t II I' 'rronsmir' .
WAS11INQTO , May 20.-Today's state-
mnomit of time condition of time treasury shows :
Available cash balance , $267,034,152 ; god reserve -
serve , $112,617,342.
Guilty of Immteilt In Mmiripr ,
nAWLINS , Wyo. , May 20-Speeial ( Tel-
gram-Chmarles ) Smith , who eliot A , M.
McArmaiiy , foremmman for time Pass Creek flanch
COflmlmtmly , July 6 , 1895 , aB today convicted
of assault with intent to murder , Mc.
Analiy has been in a hospital nearly over
since amid Is yet an invalid , Nearly nil
limo ribs on bits left ido have been removed
by the surgeomis to save hI life ,
Q _ , . - ' ' ' J )
I--- i- -
: - ;
2' I
? ' -
Li'I"S ( li'1' A'V IT ,
Look nt It i'ight-htertm w'u are with
thin only vhmolemuiio nmusic house in time
't'st-wlthi inure $ lietmt nuisic to eltoose
( rout tItan 811 Nebi'askn stores CCIII-
liIiItil-(1OCSIl't it sttiltti to resoit : tinit
vo have 'lmmtt you 'nnt-you can't
Ilmilile LI. Pi&'CO of unisie but vhmnt 'e
lmavc-e'ery how' piece se'kmt OU1 1)18cc )
hi&e 'ntei- ( ( ) ' I is iCvt'l-mtiI ) ' it inutlut
at slue 'mI1st' ' t ceilt tt C'OI.Y-lUtS )
for 5 CuIfla
A. .5 1
. Hospe , j. ,
Music audArt 1513 Douglas
l3artholdt-McOall Immigration Bill is
Passed by the House ,
CtiiiInr lmislcct i on Stmlt it mm to Is le.
femitesi 1m iorty-1'nr Vutos , limit
lime Otimem' , , Go 'l'lirouglt
Ii 1,1 1 tie OIiiiii I mu.
WASh1iGTON , May 20.-After t o days'
debate the house today , by an overwhelming
vote of 195 to 2 , passed the flartholdt-Mc-
Call Immigration bill , modifIed by the
Coriis amne'mmnmanL The Stone consmmlar Iii-
spection bill , which was offereil as a
titute , was defeated , 175 to 131. TIme bihi
passed adds to ( ho classes of aliens excluded
from admission to the United States all male
iereons between the ages of 16 and GO years
of age ( except parerts of persons iivlimg In
this country ) who cannot both road amid
write Ingitsh or sommie otlmer Imtmmguago , Time
Corilzs nmeimmtm'mmt added to time bill excludes
alens wimo caine across time borders year
after 'ear to ierforno labor In the United
States with no intention of aettling therein ,
It declares all labor contracts wIth aliens
voId anml makes partice thereto witlmin the
jurisdiction of the United States punishable
by a fine of $1,000 or Imnpr.sonnmemit not ox-
coedimmu one year ; makes it a misdemeanor
for naturalized citizens who have retmmrned tea
a foreign coummtry to make time same hmis
home to again perform labor iii the Umilted
States ; mmmakes It a mnisdenmeanor for any
aliens to cross time border or labor in limo
United States except at a port of entry and
tfliiOSCS a head tax of f0 cents out each Iimmnm- !
grant ,
Ileforo the debate began a epocial order
% as adopted setting asde tomorrow for time
consideration of time Phmliiiims coumummission bill
nmmd Friday for the Erdimian arbitration bill
The order provoked time vehiommient protests
of time friends of war clatums , wimo chmarged
time leaders of tIme house with trentng timemmi
ummfairiy. liotlm Mr. Mahan , republican of
l'onnsylyania , charmnamm of time war clatmmis
committee , and Mr.Vaiker , republican of
Massachusetts , served mmotlco that at tIme short
session begtnimimmg in Decemmiber no bills
would be allowed to pass by unammimnoims
consent. This threat Is for ( ho purpose of
forcing a considerafion of bills on time cal-
endar. Mr. Walker charged time leaders of
time house with sneerimmg contemptuously at
time chairman cf the war claimmis comimumiitteo
when Imo sought to have ( ho government pay
Its lmcmeat debts , He proceeded to ridicule
the precipitancy wIth wimicim time house
rushed in sympathy to time support of Vene.
zuola and Cuba while It turned Its back coldly
on the poor creditors of time goverumemmoumt of
this country Who \vero unfortunate ommough
to ho Its own ctizens.
"If God spares immy life. " he crIed out p.'ts-
sionately , "and I return to this house at
the next scsioa timis thing will end. I
have served hero or eight years and ro-
cetvo no nioro consideration than a dog. "
Mr. henderson , who had presented time
rule , indignammtiy denied that there was aimy
attemmipt on time part of the rules committee
to dtctato to time house.
"Whmy do the loaders adjourn this imoimso
over Saturday while these bills on thmo calendar -
endar are unacted upon ? " interrupted Mr.
"The leaders cannot adjourn thii house , "
rospomided Mr. hlemmdcrson , turning upon Mr.
Walker. "uumiess you and a majority desire
to adjourn. " ( Applause. )
Mr. Cannon , republican of Illinois , gave
it as imle opiumion ( hint In spite of time way
matters had been preo'ed forward this sos-
don , the houso's record was second to only
one n recent years.
Mr. lalzeli , republican of Pennayivammia ,
a imiember of the conimnittee on rules , said
the real controverey hero was between time
committee on labor and those r1mo sought
coimsideration on prvate claims.
"That denmngogy won't go , " exclaImed
Mr. Walker.
"I won't suffer myself to be Interrupted by
tile Inmpmmlence of tbe gentleman from Macsn-
CimUs2ttS , " raid Mr. Daizell , proceedIng wIth
hits ronmarks.
Mr. Mahan then moved to recommit the
order , which woe defeated-55 to 12S.
When time speaker was about to put time
question on time adoption of time crder , Mr.
Watson , republican of Ohio , asked if time order -
der would lmrevent time giving of anotimer day.
to pension bills.
"It will , " simouted Mr. Pickier before time
speaker could reply.
"Tho gentleman from Scmuthi Dakota says
'yes , ' " interposed the speaker , "but the
chair says 'No. '
Time order was then adopted and time debate
on time Immmmmmigratton blUe was renewed.
Mr. Wilson , democrat of South Carolina ,
favored a radical restrictive measure.
Mr. Hendrick of Kcmmtucy opposed an cx-
tendon of time laws designed to restrict Im-
Mr. Danford , republican of Ohio , supported
time Stone bid for consuier inspoetlan.
Thousands of ietittcno from all parts of the
country had come IlL In favor of thia bitt.
Time main opposition to time bill came from
the steamshIp companies which were in time
business of transpartlog immimlgm-ants.
Mr. Bartholdt , repubhicin of Missouri ,
thmi' chmanipioim of the ciucatiommal test , closel
time dObate. In doIng so. be protested agaimmet
the statement frequcmmtl' mimade In tii courcme
of time debate that. fuhiy tO per cent of the
innmates of the penitentiaries amid almohouses
were foreign. lb prodtmced cenous istatiotlcs
to provo timat 27 ver cent of time inmates of
the peumitontiaries arid 13 per cent of ( ho 1mm-
mimatos of the alnmshmousas were foreign born.
lie asserted that the German-ituimorican
press of time country was a unit against time
Stone bill.
At 4 o'clock , under the special order , time
voting hc'gamm , The first vetoas taken on
the Corliss amnondment to time McCsll educe-
tioumal test bill. Time amendment was designed -
signed to lmrevcflt Caumadiami cormmpetitlon whim
Aunericait labor on time Canadian border and
also amended thmo existing hmmmniigration isvs
ese as to make tlmem immoro atringemmt , It was
agreed to-Hi to 45 ,
Thmo Stone consular Inspection aubstitute
was lost-75 to 1'Jl.
Time bill an amended was then passed.
Mr. Fitzgerald , democrat of Massachusetts ,
demanded time ayes and nays , limit his denmand
was not supported by a auihlcieimt mmumnber of
Time lmoUso ( lion adjourned.
-r . i- . . _ f
. . - .1t _ _ . _ . _ . _ _
1m"S A. NICE l'AlI'l'Y ,
Our necItio jnrty-nPcktios ( lint
credit storeS sell tot' l.5O-thmnt
1401(1 ( or S1.85 miio ic-dLlrimlg the
"iiet'ktiu IHirtY" sile : ' 1'litIiimlmty , Friday
multi SmttIirt1ay--ui' regular tc ( ( it's will
be i1ic-thieso radical cuts are matfe be-
( 'UUSO Wo'VO got too mnmumy high value
iiet'Itle-w'o ( hOU't Cti1' ' o'er eiec'l tiemi-
CIII , IiCt'ktitiI are nlways tm'esii amid Ill-
to-date-i lint's why wo'ro closing out
iiucitis worth 1.5O ( or li5e itimmi smock-
ties worth $1.00 tot' ( i.'Sc-thmo most benu-
tIful line you ever saw ,
Albert Cahn ,
1322 Fai'iiarn ,
111(1 AILMOIlt 'l'Ill lCl IS IINlti ) ,
lluuuiulo em. All wIth till .td'
5 8h110 imi Wnge' . ,
iANSAS CiTY , M.iu 20.-TIme striking
firemen of the ArmQIWmhiaCking plant , wimb
went out May a fork prcaeemI wages ami'
fewer hours , compraisQd their differences
today , lifted the bee % . against time coin-
oauv's mneata and shil ieturn to work to-
mmmorrow mulornlng , or moore em-
plo3'es in different 1efittTnents of the plant.
who were laid off Udeaute of lack of won : ,
viii also be reinstatei The firemnen gain
an increat'e of 1 % cefits an hour for eight
hours , which Is pmtmettoally all they tie-
ummanded. J. E. Fitzge pld , secretary of time
Inuhmmatnial council , imas accordngiy ! Issued the
foliowin :
KANSAS CiTY , Mny0 , ISDG.-To Organized -
ized Labor Everywimeroili Time boycott placed
upoim time product of .bp Armuo'mr l'acklmmg
comnpammy lifts been dareJ ! oil , cxlstiimg
difilculties having been amicably ntljuistcd. "
Time strikers' comnmltteo lies issued time
following , which has beouu agreed to by the
strikers :
" 110 It Resolved , That timis committee of
fifteca , ncprosentilmg time dIfferent ummions In.
temestc'd in time dlfliculty Imow existiimg at time
Armour packing house , bavimig been asumcd
by l. Ii. . 'trmnour that the firemen would
lose nothing If ( lucy returned to work , and
( lint tile ) ' would imovor have cause to regret
their action , we therefore recomnummond to the
firemmien that time ) ' 1aturmm to work at 20
cemits imer hour , an increase of 1V cents mer
hour , and tIme granting of an eighmt-imommr
they , with time direct understanding that
every man who emit out on the strike May
6 be relmmstated without imrejuthico and that
all ummemmmbors of other minions who imavo since
beem discimmirged bo also reinstated without
proj ud ice. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.t Ilium I go usuum I t-l I 51,11 II nil S I eel : t emi ,
DETROIT , May 20.-The secomid day's sea-
don of the convention of time Aimmalganmatod
Aczociatioui Cf Iron and Steel workers opened
vlth aim attendance of 200. Time entire day
Is devoted to matters brought up by time
representatives largely of a nature per-
taiiiing to their particular umniomms amid to
the mirolmoseil cimamigcs in the constitution nnil
by-laws. Time one timing elm whmicim nearly
time hole work of time convention hangs-time
wage schedule-has been coummpleted by thmo
comnmmmittee iii Plttsburg and is expectemi here
thIs evening. Time delegates will , it is said ,
instruct Its conferemmce coimmmnittee to acceimt
no reduction iii time 1S05-96 scale , ammd as far
as can be learned there will he a small advance -
vance in two derartnments.
Sinkers % 'Ii it Victory.
CLEVELAND , May 20.-One timousanml men
wimo imavo been 1db for the peat ten days as
a result of the strike at the ship yards f
time Globe Iron company returemed to work
today. Time conmpany submmmitted a proposition -
tion offering a substantial advance In Ivages
and after a lommg and heated discussion time
men voted by a email majority to return to
work on commdltioii that all bands be taken
Siuppnmeml to IIn'ie Overturned n Latmnim
\ 'lIliIIn a 1lt.
HARRISON , Nob. , May 20.-Special ( Telo-
gramn.-A. ) L. Dulaney , a young man living
three mniica west of Adehia , in this county ,
was bunimcd to death in his imouso Monday
night. Dulanoy , who lived alone , was simb-
ject to epileptic fits , and of late imoy had
taken him quite frequently. It is supposed
that during one of the fits ho overturemed a
lanmp , thus setting ho house on fire. The
fire was not discovered until the Imouse had
fallen in. A porti n of time trunk ot time
body was all that wasd recovered. Ho bad
no relativoi here.
Urs. ' .Vood Gismiit.ul a Iivoree.
CHADI1ON , Not ) , , iiay 20.-Special.- ( )
Judge V. L. Greene of Kearney , who is
presiding over time distriCt court imero in time
'place of Judge W. II , Vestover , time newly
elected judge. who did net care to preside on
account of hits clc'ce ( pereonal connection with
maimy of time cases oh trial , has granted a
divorce to Mrs. Weed. The plaintiff was
deserted by her hnmbammd while she was work-
log hard holding down a claim for him. He
was also rccelvlumg love letters fromn another
htmiMt hugs iJuiui jdjtuil.o.'il Imismunt' ,
11/iSTINGS , My 20-Special ( Telegram. )
-a. v. wilcox was today before time hoard
and wee adjudged insane. lie imns lived on
time Platte for about twenty-five years amid
moved into hastings about three years ago.
Since imi arrival 1mm the city lie has attracted
a great deaL of attention from time fact that
lie was always talking politics. lie viil
be taken to Lincoln tomorrow.
Tickets for Captain Jack Crawford's Icc-
tune ( hint will be given at the Creiglmton
theater Saturday night are mmmeetlmmg with a
ready sale , and time Indications are there will
not be a vacant seat in the house. Thmi
lecture is given for time benefit of-time Grand
Army of time Republic memorial fund. There.
tofore it has been time custom to soiteit
funds to pay the expenses incident to time
Memorial day exercises , but thti , year another -
other plan has been adopted. Time money
derived ( room time sale of tickets will be cx-
permccI In buying flowers and flags with
which to decoratti time graves of time soidier
dead and paying limo expenses of carriages
to the cemeteries.
M. TI. Curtis , after an absence of eight
years , will again be , seen in his comedy ,
' 'Sammm'l of Posemi , ' ' witim Albina do Mer , to-
gethmer wltim a specially collected comnpaumy.
Thcy will appear at Boyd's for three nigimts
and a matinee , commencing with a clmeap-
priced immatinco mmext Sunday attermmoon at
2t0 : o'clock.
"Chmnistepimer Jr. " wlii be John Drew's play
at the Crolgimton , where lie will be seen for
timree nigimts , conmrnenciimg , Thursday , May 28.
"Time Squire of Iammmes" 'wilt aiso be Iwo-
sonted during time engagement here.
Ezra Kendall in "A Pair of Kids" Is to
open at time Croighiton on Sunday ovemmiimg
for latin nights. Time play is constructed
solely for laughing purposes , and with Mr.
Kendall as thmo central figure It Is euro to
accomplish its purpose ,
It Ia a well authmoumticated fact tlmat a sprain
may bo cured withIn timreo or four days by
applying ChamberlaIn'5 I'aln hainm freely.
% nmy one who has been laid up for thmreo or
( our weeks with a sprained ankle will be
likely to remember this. Time 25 and 50-cent
sizes are far sale by druggists.
t ,
' ; ! : - -7 :
* . _ .
gi.n ; .
: : I
I. Il' , * II'
, '
1 %
! , _ , a
. I. 'iL- . . ° -
Olt , M'f , lIVE.
, Aiiy ilhitisiiiil trOIhhit ) With time eyes
durimig youtlm imny cause time decay of
sight to sot lii earlier thmmmn ut time age
of forty ) 'enrs-lefects alSO easily cor.
i'tctetl , Ly W'Calliig time rpr simlictIL-
cbs iii youth-but it not atttimnietl to
wIhl certalimly ltecemniitatu aim OiCiimtimlm
mItoI.e or less imalimful-witli time opthmmil.
iflOSCOlt ) S'e imiake a rigiti cxahmIiiiQtIoLI
of time ( 'ye , nmmd lie t1efecti-lmow'eyor
sumall-etmit ? SCflhO ) mis-we unlike 110
c'hmni'go for this Luowerfill test.
Aloe & Penfold Co.
Sign Ct Big LIon 1408 Farnani
iii front of toro.
1'AN'1'S'imnta ' PANTS
- - - - - - - -
l'tIo------i- ---------u--
I t [ S _ . . . _ ' . . , _ _ . .1 . . . - _ , ' . ' ' .S . .4 . _ 4 . . - . . . , . . . < , - - - . . S . - ' . S . .f , . ' . . . ' ' . ' ' . " .i . S ' S
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I'AN'I'8 . l'AN'CS
1'AN'l' $ P _ ; 'i's
I'ANq'3 PA N'L'S
r4Nrs . PAN''S
. ( OO ol
' ' Pairs ' '
I'AN'i'S Casslmncre amid \Vorstod - .
PA N'i'4 1mumts frommo Limo ui > 'I'S
Mkimnols , Stot'ii Co. P
ImN'1' 1)III'ChIasO i
PANiS , l'AN'1'14
I 'A N'I'S bomiie lnore at $ , 0 $ ) . , , . ) . . , 3. . . 3. , . PA N'I" $
' ' ' '
VAN'i'S ' ! PAN'i'S
PAN'i'S - . . . - \ / ' ' : -p' _ . l'A Ni'S
- ! : - . . \1 17 : : : - - _ _
' ? IS
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PAN'i'Swz' r/2 Cl ri i ci u rj rj 'j j . , . , , . . . , , 1'AX'i'
1'\i'- ,
' ' p
1'1NTS 1'th'IS
State Medical Association Listitus to some
Interesting Essays and Reports.
Nosy l'rcsidemmt Clmoseme nmmd the Society
Goes to the Uuiiv&'rsity to 'tt-
flOSM Sonic X Itu' Ex-
ieriualelilM. ,
LINCOLN , May 20.-Speclal.--Thoro ( ) was
a large attendance at this mornimmg's sea-
eloim of the Nebraska State Medical society.
Aim able imapor was read by Dr. W. 0.
Bridges of Omaha on "The Sigmmtllcanco of
Blood Exaumminattons in Diseases. " Time paper -
per was discussed by Dr. W. Itoss Martin
of Onmaima , instead of Dr. W. Ii. ClmristIe ,
who was unavoidably absent. "Anterior
l'olionyelctia" was time title of a palmer read
by Dr. W. floss Martin , who was followed
by Dr. H. II. imicCianahan , also of Omaha ,
with a vaier on "Infantile Scorbutus. " Br.
G. A. Meredith of Crawford fmmrnisimed ( ho
society wIth 'Notes of a Case of Suspemmded
Volition and Locomotion , " which was of
unconimnon immterest. Br A. N. Taper of
College View presented some interesting
facts about dyspepsia In a paper of great
length on that prevalent disease. When Dr.
Taper finished time readiimg of hi palmer the
commvention adjourned. Time mnenmbers gathered -
ered in a group on thmo imortim side of time
federal building and rene photographed ,
Timey thou coarded street care amid mnadc
an excursion to time Lincoln hospital for
the Insane , 1mm response to an immvitatiomm
from Dr. Abbott. They were shown through
time institution by Dr. Abbott and treated
to a palatable spread.
Time aftermmoon session was devoted to time
reading and discussion of papers omm cub-
jocts relating to time practice of niodtcimme ,
aflil also emi surgery. Dr. A. H. Mitchell of
this city is down for a paper on "Time Mod-
era Epidemics , " while I'rof. 11. fl. Ward
is scheduled for a paper on time subject ,
"An Entozoon , Probabiy of Order Cestoidea. "
Dr. II. J. W'innett meaul a paper on "Aim-
pendicltis" this afternoon.
Time Ioihosving mmciv immemmmbers were received
today : P. Ii. Salter , Norfolk ; Lee W. Edwards -
wards amid Arthur P. Fitzsimmmmnons , Lincolmi ;
ii. D. floydemm , Grand Island ; J. M. hardy ,
Fountaiimville ; F. W. Lester , David City.
The evening session caummo to a rather abrupt -
rupt termination. Time election of ofiicers
's'as time regular course of business ammO in
the nmidst of timis a motion was made to
adjourn to time University of Nebraska amid
witness soumme experiummeimts wltlm time itoent-
gen X rays by Prof. Brace was carried , amid
time entire society walked down to ( lie uni-
varsity In a body. Previous to the afijommrmm-
macmit but one officer had beemm elected , Dr.
F' . 1) . hlaldeman of Ord being cimommeim pros-
blent. Following time visit to time university
time doctors sat dowmm to ami elaimorato bjm-
quet at the Llndehi hotel , tenmlerod by time
Lincoln Medical eociety. Tommmorrnsv mnormm-
Ing's session will close the meeting.
Following i time program of time concert
to he given by time orchestra anti bsnd of
the Nebraska Institute for time Blind of
Nebraska City at time Llimcoin hospital for
time Insane on Friday evening :
Marcim-Univeralty of Pennsylvania. . . . . .
. . J. Adler
Andamito frommi "Zmiagio Flute..Mozart
Violiim Sob--Valse tIe Concert. , Fntmst-Goumiod
Gavctte , .Snns Souci..A. Czihalki
Cantata-Praise time Lord..K ltoyer
Beau Jirumnmnel..Theodore Bendix
Violin Solo-Concert Mazourlca , , Veiniawski
Mmtrie 1. . S. Conimer.
Cocoanimt Danco-QImmmractersttc.A , hlernman
Imitermezzio-T'ihtghmt V'imIsl'ers. . . . . . . . . . .
1. . 1' , Luurentlenim
Waitzea-Gonmulolier..0 , Itoedor
Marctm-Constc'hiation..imomimn Clark
Jlcuiry N. irake is director or music ,
Timis will be preceded by an open air conceit -
coit on time lawim of tIme asyiuimm at J:30 : p. imi.
The republican state convention , July 1 , to
nonminato a state ticket , will ho imohil at time
Lansimig theater. This was decided upon
timis muermming. Cimairnimmn Joimim T. Mahiahieu
of time tate repimblican cammmnmlttea
and Conmnnitteonmon It , J. Greene and
\pT , , , Crandall , wimo were aIm.
ioimmted to engage time hall , met amid decided -
cided finally uimon the Laimlng , Time coum-
vention will meet at 10 o'clock 1mm the amorum-
log to place in nomination candidates , for time
tohioriimg offices : Governor , hiemmtenammt gov-
ernior , secretary of atato , auditor , treasurer ,
supeninteiident of lUblic imistruetion , at.
tormmoy goumeral , land comnmtsaloner , two ru-
Promo judges , regent and eight presidential
electors ,
There was a heavy simower thmis nmormming
. -
'u. %
- - L .
" id/ii $ '
! ,
( J _ p -
. ; ;
" , -
TmO'V'i'LII OI' CA S'F ( ) It IA , 22e.
Paimmo's Celery Coimspoulul , (17c-'S'immo (
Kohi fEll , SOc-I bed's SarsaIarhhia ) , tlc'-
O'i.onitmlsion , Soc-i inlorte(1 ) I Iimimymiult
W'ati'r , 15c-Cutic'ura ioap , 15c'-tlmese
1110 bUt 8 fe' of time reasons why
"ICimhumi's ICorner" niwuys dut' it 111511-
iimg Itmi4IfleSs-pllttlllg ) UI ) scieimt Iflcahly
itimy doctor's ite5C'Illmt ) ion itt time low'emt
imlico 1mm tovu hmmakomm ItmsinL'8m4 good ,
too-so miocs ( lie soda fountmliim-whmei'o
( liii IOst sodmi 'ittei' Iii time 'orid b
tllhIeflSL'tI i ) ' till eXlOEt ,
Kuhn's Drug Store ,
Really time only 15th & Douglas
Cut I'rieo Drug Store
and the weather department rut time umniversity
reports a precipitation of 1.13 incimes. Timi' .
was withmiim a half houmr , and time dowimpour
at that. ( tune was nearly as great as dunlimg
tim hmurrlcano of omme week ago yesterday.
ior a ahmort Period street car travel was
greatly Iimtertered with , time heavy rainfall
on South Fourteeumthi street rommdt'rlumg thu
tracks useless. On time Lincoln Park hue
Iwater was over the tracks iii seine idaces to
tIme depth of micanly a foot. Several mmiotors
were destroyed in efforts to get through. At
Sevemmtoeumtim and I ) streets timers was
cigimteen inches of water. Passeumgors were
trammsfcrred in order to get thmeni into ( ho
city. This afternoon the comnpauiy gave It
out timat cars on the Bumtvorsity Place hue
could run no turtimer thman Oak street , omm
account of time water , which is live iuichmes
over thm tracks at ( lust point.
Oummahma ieophe in Lincolum : At the Lindell-
It. IL. Grotto , S. C. Boeni , D. C. llryammt , W.
F' . Milroy , J. H. Vance. At time Cnimitai-
G. F. Bett.s. At ( ho Limmcohum-C.eorgo 'iS' .
Mercer , 11. Gifford , C. Ii. Imixbumry , A. F ,
Jomm' , J , C. Moore , 3 , Id. Aikin , C. C. Al-
hisoum amid wife , E. 'V. ' Lee , itenry 13. Wilson ,
It. C. Moore , J. C , Denise , S. A. lloffnman ,
II. C. Dunum
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tIOSShL' FROM TIlE S'I'.t'I'II lIOUShI. for Slept ; irstitthie I.immi'oin hls-
iii tnh for tIme lulMamle- ( ) i-umel.
LINCOLN , May 20.--Speciai-Time ( ) Board
of Public Lands and BuildIngs held a short
scssIn this afternoon and opemmed the bids
submitted for repairs to time boiler and dee-
trio power house of time Llimeoln llospital for
time Insane , injured by time severe storm of
Tucday of last week. 'rho bids were in
response to plans and specifieatiomms furmiisheml
by Archmitect Tyler , and there was a wide
mhtcrepancy botweeum timemum , Timis was so
noticeable that time board could hardly be-
iievo that time bidders hind understood the
terms or thmo specifications. Timero were
five bidders , all of Lincoln , and thmoir esti-
nmates were amm olhows : William Ga-ser ,
$147 ; Hall Brothers & Co. , $610 ; F. M.
Trlch , $360 ; M. Webster & Co. . 6G7 ; Galesburg -
burg Iron and Cooper Cornice company ,
By an order issued from tim omco of time
adjumtant general today henry C. Martin ,
first hieutoumant of conmmpaumy K , Cemmtrah City.
First regimnent of Nebraska National
Guard , saa discharged frummi time servica.
Martin enlisted July 30 , 1887 , to servo three
years , and imis discharge should have beoum
given him In 1SOO. Company K is umow
extinct , having been muatered oumt last week
by order of tine milItary board.
Thmo following claims for water rights svere
allowed today ly time State Board of lrriga-
( ion : hIonlryx ditch , mmumturah springs , l'iatto
coummty ; Murphm' irrigation ihitchm , Illume Bird
creek , bIt coumumty ; ltobortsomm ditch , iflack
Bird creek , hloit county. Fcur applications
of J. II. Buxton for water froumi'erdigris
creek , Antelope county , were ( hismmmiI4eI. (
Time niuprenmo court sviii take up anti laSc
upon time conmstituticmmahity of time mmiumtual iii-
curanc , law of this state. This was decided
( hits morning , when the court granted her-
nitselon to Attorney C. 0 , Whmcuion to file
a brief coveriimg that poiumt , In connecticum
with tub ammswer of State Auditor Moore to
the petition of thmo Farmers' Mutual humsurance
compammy of Lincohmm. Penummimislomi was also
granted Frank Martin of Falls City to file
a brief In reply to Whmedon's.
Attorney Wlmedon va8 given five days in
wlmiehi to imreParo lute brief , mind time date for
hearing time case was lixod on Jumme 2 , 1890.
Piirunpr 1k ) ) ' 'I'rit'N Itumrghuir.
CENTRAL CITY , Nob. , May 20.-Spocial ( , )
-A fonuncr boy mmamned Saumituel Phelps a little
after inidumighmt yesterday mmmorniuig lmrolu in
the rear door of Mrs. C. J. Peruon's dry
goods store. Nigiutwatch COX heard time
glass break anml called time marshmal to atsimt
hmiuim , Wimen Pimelps discovered lie was treed
lie jumped thmrougim a large plate tOnes in
( ho trout door and endeavored to eacape.
lie mvan arrested , however , and hmas imec'n
boumid over to the district court.
, ii umstriisy 1)Nriim I'lumt tiYouum'uu ,
NOitTI I'LATrLI , Nob. , Moy 20.-Slmeeial. ( )
-Time women of the city gave a minstrel
show at Keith's opera hmcuso last evening
for time benefit of time art mlepartnmont of time
irrigattoui fair , About thirty wonmen , all well
known iii smaciety imere , appeared hohmtnd the
footlights 1mm burnt cork ummaska aumd avu one
of time best ummimmatrel shows ever witnessed ii.
time town. A large crowul attendel and a euun
large enough to insure a good art depart-
maclit at time fair was realized.
, Tuuuiips mmmiii Ilrcuuis uL I.og.
IIiVYAItD , Nob. , May 20.-Special-Mon- ( )
day morning au harvey Stepimemma of this vii-
loge was startimmg for work lila ( cain becaumum
frightened and ran away , ,1r , Stephens , who
is about 60 years ohil , jumped from time
wagon , Mrlking time greummd witlm suiflcleumt
force to break hmimm right leg in two places
just above time ankle.
" 'A. 0'
. ' / -z4 //q
' 4------
W'lmeu It's 1)tht ) Iii a "Siberia" ri'rlg.
erator-imot ( iveum time Ice-It imuivi's tIme
Ice bptter thlall lillY refrigerator llulde-
we've got oumo of these refmigei'mitou's
w'ltht tIme Ciltaillo coverlmmg tmmkelm off ,
tiiuii If yom'li tumt time ti'oimlilo to exuliul.
1110 It 3'O'l siih rt'imdlb' 'o w'iiy It i'eIn3
iii time cold at it sluahl Ice L'XielmtlO-
timi'ui tIme imrlce s'tm Ilhulko iIi't ) h's'i'i'
tuna tot' any ( itim'i-timuY ( shut at ( i.OO ,
John Hussie Hdwr Co
( lommaldor oar iwiclms2407 Cu
i 110w iiRio they are , lililig
% tlt'i'tN'S iltiINlS l'ILAISII 11151.
5Iuis 11t'oI I 1mg uuth't'i'ii Emmilorst'ii tht
lt'tbo-it'iI m'riuii'i mum ; I.
PERU , Nob. , Nay 20.-Spectai.-Lammt ( )
Saturday umighut a umialal ummectimmg of students
ammul citizens was hehut at time hhmiptliut church ,
thmo object bc'tmmg to give soumme expreuitmn of
opiniemi as to time remmmoval of l'rof. Norton
from tIme Positioum of superiumteummheumt of time
Nebraska Norunuil schoOl of thus Imlace. 11ev.
Mr. htockwood presideml over time mmmeeting and
Mrs. lbackmms acted ito secretary , 0. ST. Vest ,
class of ' 06 , Iumtrotluccd ( lie followimmg recoin-
( louis :
Vi'hmeren , Time Bonni of Etlulcatioum of the
Nebrnslmm Normmmal sclmtmol immt'3 rctirctl Prof.
Nortoui froni time mnanmmgcunt'mmt of time iumtitti-
tioui ; nummil ,
\Vhmoremis , TIme report hues been iumdmms.
trloumsly cireumlmuted ( limit a lnmrge mmuimmbcr
of time Stli,1mumtni of saul lmmstittutIum are at
variance mvitlm hmiuii ; timerefomo , lie it
ltesoh'ot1 , At timim ummass meeting of stut.
tltumts anti citizens :
F'imst , 'rimnit we take ( hits occasion to cx-
pm use our hmeartfet sorrow mitt regret itt
time action of nid lloam-d of l.tiueatton Iii
tlmums mleimriviumg tie of a imm'ilmcllmnml WlmC ) imami
always : mmliorem disiumterestedhy nutS umumsel-
i1hi ly for t lie : mtls'tince mmmeimt amid upbumildimmg
of time institul ion ,
Secontl , That we llrmnly imehieve iii tlmo
priumcllies of educatIon nth'aumcel , by i'rof.
Norton iii ethicS , psychology amid school
ummnmmnmgenmeumt iii general , itntl that fume-
timer believe ( lint hi , ' represcimla a higher
tyO of "ethiucetton" timmimi is c'oummunon nmmmoumg
I ) rommm immeum t oulucmt ( era.
Third , That we imave unbomummuled contld-
ence in Prof. Norton aim a nman of integrity
miumd nmorality , nimmd bileve timmit imis lime
aurong us lmas Imeumi cimarnctt'rized Imy Chris-
tlmumity ot time hmtghest type.
\Vimerenms. 'l'hm , , sc'umtlummommt of the classes umu-
der Prof. Noutoum's tuumummemliato suporvinutomi ,
as expressed imi cammvuss , is well kmmowum to
b as follows :
For. Against. Neuutm-ah.
Class of ' 91. . . . . . . . . . . 23 5
Clnm.'i of 'ns.'U 2
Class of 'si ; . . . . . . . . . . . Si 4 1
Class of ' 97. . . . . . . . . . . 40 9
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ill 21 6
flCSOlt'el ( , That thus faIrly represents time
attitumiI of time sttuiheumts nuumtler tIme hrt'seumt
ummaumagenment of time atfmuius of time iilstitmm.
( ; nuiI
hieaOlved , Tlmmu.t vo believe l'rof , Norton
has teeum ri'tiri'th , not Oii nccommnmt of inconm-
Petcuicy. hut soehy timroumq-h time immacimtmmn-
tioii of iYdltic'nl leniagogmupry , aummi ( tint
we greatly deplore time fnict ( hut miii iuD'titlm-
tion tv I tim n'mmelm ni mm Ohio 1i Ttioum mm a tIm e Sta to
umorunmul slmotmid bu ammnuually dragged through
political mumirti.
After a general ihiscussiomu , which was
blued iii by stumdeimts , professors numd citi-
zelis , time renolmitions were nIopted without
'hisseumt , 11ev. Mr. iiodcil , omme of Limo fec-
tmlt of time Nornmal , immamlj the hmrlimchimal
speech of time evoiuiumg , jmayimmg a high triimmuto
to time scholarly worth of the retiring imntum-
cipal , but urging tito stiutients to rommmaiui
loyal to thmo umorunal , amid he ready , as ho
was , to welcoumme time umew primmcihmal , behievlumg
timat a gcod nmnn would ho chmoceum to sue-
ceed hmiuum timey were parting with , amid that
the coining hozul of tile institmmtiomm woumid
tieservo time loyalty and coimlimlenco of all.
Ho believed that , under ComI , I'rot. Nortoim
mvouuld 11 mmd time cliii im go umosv ummad e a tmtoimhi mm 5
stone to higher timings. lb was heartily
in accord with time object of the nmmaea meet-
Otimer adlrossos , were In the eanmo strain ,
Much s'ress Irant haiti 0mm ( ho amoummut of gooml
ac000iphisimeul lii ( ito ails'anceunent nit time
normal mmrmdcr I'm of , Norton. him both Its
mmmorimlo amid its cdnmcationmal efhicioney has ho
eat its stmtmmdarml far almond of what it was
muimon Ime camume hero.
( ros P'I.iurlMhuiii lii m'ii ( ; miuuuui- .
OSCEOLA , Nob. , May 20.-Speclal.---- ( )
Timere imno mmcver hiceim a time in this comuumty
for tweumty-Ilve years w tmt'um time ( ; mrmmmers ham !
bnigiuter prospects for crops timaim timey imavo
today. Whuemmt , rye , barley , emmt mmml inn-
tmmtoe are looking umplemmtiid-never hm'ttor at
this time of year. Fanummers are very busy
imlanting corn and tbmcre am muouumu piecq
ready to cimltivate , A larger acreage of corn
thou over before wIll ho phanted ,
heuJy fr i'resiI'ui I nl htli'm'l or.
SEiVAILD , Neim , , May 20.-Speclal.-Time ( )
relmublicanm county coptral cuinumiittec mimet ( a-
tiny aumd sot Jimmie 20 as time tiate for lmoldiiug
the cou mm ty comm vnm ( a mm i uuuma mm I ummoum sly
imasced roselutiomma favorimmg G. A. la'hy
for lmresldeimtial elector train time Fourth
VniruuI.'F CI'icil by a hIrsp.
\VINSIit , Nob. , May 20.-Specinl ( Telo-
grammm.-Pcrnlmm ) Lomug , a rtromninent fanimmer
amid politician , was imonlotmsly iumjiurctl by a
kick in tiio breast frommi a vicious imnrse
yceterday mmftormmoon ,
'I'sik.'uu t lt.firus St'hunul ,
OSC1IOI4A , Nob. , Mey 20.-Spcciai- ( )
Sheriff ilebui lmnmi guIle to hCemmrmmcy to idaco
Jesse Campbell , a 10-year-old boy , 1mm time
reform chuOol ,
. - _ _ ; JA _ j
' , .4'f'/jl ' /1/I
. . . . r- "
4f./fb. } _ -S.
' .q g . '
- -
- -1 : . . '
¶ j'o colmipeto s'ltli time "Ji'iijmse" imsuikea
It aim easy Imhuutter to 11011 thIs bt'autlftml ,
easy l'tllmilIhIg bhc'yeio--It hums itIl time
latest hmnprovi'immeimts of othicis amid hlmulmy
imtom.o tinit. they w'on't have until hIeXt
yea i''t , ii i'o I I I 11 k I uig siacla I tt'm'ji is Cli
time "lcllpstm' ' (01' time rest of this w'vek-
1(11(1 ( II' yell vnimt tIme h14LvimeulyoIi )
luilist ECU It-you Isiosv wlmw'o we itro ,
Wolfe Electrical Co.
Nothi stdmmstroot 6 14 Capi tel Ave
api ) , new 1' 0
- -