Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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' [ 'TI E oi AITA DA fLY fl 1 1 : TI I { ) , ' . I , 1896. 3
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311X011. 1NT1ON.
I hUnclo Nathan" T-i ; ;
P flotn , to Mr and Mr& W. Ii Ilardin , a
1. ii ; , IIkkInger s In Des Moines on busi.
0. F ; . Lamb of Macon Ii , vIIt1ng Lho family
of F's Covat ,
Ieiiuty Sheriff CoinIn' , bailiff at the court
I2ouo , IH on the Rick list.
Mrs Julius Zitnmeril has gone to her old
) iomo in Switzerland for a visit.
Mr. W. A. Mauro rcturnt1 from Fxceliior
lprIngs , Mo. , ycsterlay , riiuch Improvci in
Fho furora1 ofl the Infant on of Mr. atid
trs. Charles Conicy va held yesterday
Harmony chaiter , No. 25 , Oder of Tastcrn
star , vlli hold its ; regular meeting this evtifl
Ing at dasonIc hail.
I. d. Treyiior hia gone to itlent3 to attend -
tend the meeting of the supretnu council of
the ltoyah rcatium.
J hin ilruadnian , an dt18fltlC hotiPgger ,
has been held to the federal court grand Jury
( by Cointiiissloner Steadiuan.
Work has been conunenceil upon the
chiango and rciairs that were decided WOfl
LOmb time ago at the city jail.
Rev. iCenlclcman hn. ucci'eded Rev. Johns
nt. the Fifteenth Street tuliq'ion , and vlil
continua tim meetings each evening.
'Zhio ( irand hotel , Councii fluffs. High
chas. In every rpecL. Rates , 2.&O iler day
and upward. F. 1. Clarke. propriotor.
11ev. Mr. Lemen annrmneei , that hi nihver
wedding celebratloti liotted him $ tOO In
cash , vhIchi ho has hoaneil to the Ciirltlan
llonie fund without intereat.
The Ladio9 Aid society of St. John's flng-
lii.ii Lutheran church vlil meet thili , afternoon
at the reahilenco of 1dr' . S. Orchi , northeast
corner of Avenue C and Ninth street.
There ihh ho a pccIni meeting of Woman'H
' fl&let corpR. No. 180 , at 2O : to innhce arrangements -
rangements for Memorlai ( tay and oilier bue-
fne. Mi members reqtieted to ho present.
lien Atihl , member of the Hoard of Sn-
pevisorH , returned yesterday from Fuller-
toti , Net ) . . where he has been for
scehcs , Ifo reports finc rain and pIendId
crop ProsPectM.
( 'cinfession of Judgment was entered in the
district court yesterday in the case of the
] Jesnoyeres Slice company of t. Louis
ngaint V. C. 011(1 J. 1' . Morris. The amount
Involved was $160.
The remains of George Merchendorf ivere
intert1 at , Fairview yesterday. No worl was
received from any of the reintives of the
ilcceascd , 811(1 the Interment was made at
the countys expense.
The city ordinance providing that all teams
heft standing In the etreets must be securely
hihtciicd is to be rigorously epforce.d. A num-
her of runaways have occurred In the city
lately from teams being heft unhitched , and
Mayor Carson has called the attention of the
ohieo and city marshal to the ordinance , with
Inatructionu to eco that It Is iiforced.
All members of Bluffs division No. 27 ,
U'iforrn Rank lCnighits of Pythias' . who are
going to Oniaha Friday evening this week
to join In the Thurston Itifles' parade vhhi
bo at Knights of Pythlas ball at 6:15 : p. in.
that evening in full dress uniform. There
will be a special car provided to convey all
uniformed knights without expense to them.
DetectIve I3toom of the Omaha pollee force
was In the city yesterday afternoon after
Wi IICSSQS In the case agahiist Chaycomb ,
who Is to be tried for robbing gravco. Griffin
and Whysong , CflhhIoyea of the Hock Island
In tiils city , were aubpoenacd. They were
\ at the deiOt here when Clayc'nmb shIpped
thio bodies to thomcdlcai , college at Des
d'Ines. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ltlckman , 521 Broadway , ts now prepared
to furnish Ice creani and Ices In any
quantity reiIrcd. Special rate9 for recep-
tiOfl $ , parties and soclables. Fresh , seasonable -
able fruits always on hand. Goods delivered
to any part of the city. Do not ovorhok our
fine candles. Cut flowers and plants fresh
from the green house constantly on hand.
Tlephono No. a52.
In IIIN In I iM In " tJiute Na t
Thd innlsfall Dramatic chub vhih again appear -
pear before a Coiincit Biuffs audIence
this evening in the play , 'Unclo Nathan. "
The performance will be for the benefit of
St. IIernard'3 hospital , conducted by the
Sisters of Mercy , the proceeds of the enter-
talninent gong ! to furnish two or more wards
In the hospital for the poor of Ut s cty. The
memory of former triumphs achfeved by In-
akfail talent Is stlii fresh , and the New
Ihiany , where the perforniance will he givei ,
will doubthes be filled to overflowing. The
following Is the cast of characters :
Nathan Itnrdwehi . . . . . . . . . . . . George hughes
J Qiilncy ltnrdweii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Julius Itngo
, 1'ed Iiardweii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'huilip h'n.schal
1' Janies Monroe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . George Cerner
Jon Murphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patrick 1lcltride
Hoiifr' Crsly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hI'nry I'nicIiaI
2Iike O'Connor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'F. 11 , hughes
Charles Ieyhier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. J. hughes
htIctinrtl hillnno . . . . . . . . . . . . Chnrles l'nschaal
Sheriff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barnard Mclerniott
hiaria flardweil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nora Jhrown
11db Ihardweii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fiorc'nco Shea
Neiile Crosby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neihk hiebbe
1JnthIidit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mm. hlartigan
Gypsy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZnIe Lange
Loot , pair of no'o g1ascs , cither at Presbyterian -
bytorian church , or between there and Broad-
way. Finder will kIndly leave at Dee of.
flee. _ _ _ _ _
We offer , ou only clean , crisp , snow white
laundry work and best delivery .crvIco at
Eagle iauudry , 721 Broadway. Telcprono 151.
tn a CtiIs linMis.
I County Treasurer Arnd has made a call
for $6,000 of poor fund and $11,000 of brIdge
funil warrants that are now outstandIng , and
has liervetl notIce that Interest on these var-
hants 'iii cease aftrr thirty ( lays.Vitii the
thkiug III ) of these varrunte the county wIll
be iractlcahhy on a cash bn&hiigain , all of
thin warrants havIng been called In in nil the
funds , with tiio eceptIoii of a small amount
of brIdge fund warrants.
, Dr. Cleaver's otilco inoveth to 600 l3roadway.
Ifouselceepers are In espair when they
'visit the Iurfeo F'urnlturn company. All the
now thing are so handsome and so cheap
that they s'int the whole store.
,1II ( , : IINItt'Ctl Cs * ' .
The entire tlay was occupIed yesterday in
the district court In the arguments In the
( case of Arthur Evans against F' .
C. Reed and the LaUe Manawa company.
'rho cole hiss excited a good deal of interest
and no little bitterness among the hlartles
Interested , and the argunients were of a
somo'hat lurid character , The case will
be given to the Jury this morning.
Vanted-Oood girl for general housework -
work , Steady eniphoynient. Mrs. C. VP.
.lctonaitl ) , 619 SOUth Tenthstreet. _
Reliable family horse and two seated stir-
roy for sale cheap. Inquire at 803 Madison
ttvonue. C. A. Moore.
' 1'nIeii * 1) iiii' itN5IiIin.
Justice William II. IIai of Weston was the asyhum at Clarinda last itight
by Sheriff Morgan. After the board haS'ed
Upon the old juan's case lie seemj to quiet
' down , and Is takIng life very eiwily , cotlng
\ enough to satlify a farm hand. auth seems
(0 Lie contented to think that there Is now
no further danger of his dyIng of starva.
' tion.
. - -
lloffniayr' Fancy I'atont Flour inake.s the
beit anti most broad. Ask your grocer ( or It
1.Ieiit'4t ,
Marriage licenses have been Isue4 by the
clerk of courts as toflotv.s :
Name and residence. Age.
Jniiics I. Chiristiansen , CouncIl I3rrs. : . . . 23
hInrie Arideron , Councii Bluffs. . . . . . . . . . . . 19
] . P. hltirehiurd. Ornuha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1)oilio til1er , Onsahu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Frederick Maces , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
liarbara hubert , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DavIu , drugu , 1)51015 and gIas5 ; tel. 2S ,
. Faaturage. L. P. Judson,929 Sixth aye.
Intnr5nrnji.iI * he ZauslWi' ,
Articlea of incorhioration of Avoea hedgi
No. 104 , Knights of h'ythiaa ! , were filed with
the county recorder yesterday afternoon ,
The lodge was Incorporated with the uiuat
troyii'Ioiia In audi cases. The Ineorporatora
are : F' . U.Vutzel , U. V. Meyers and hugh
l rltchard.
Water pteSUie flltcrs $3. Stephan Bros.
t : ioiIjiI : : ) TIlE TRAIE ) ATIIOdE ?
Merchants of aouucil Bluffs Take Up the
PrhI m ,
Hniite ( ll.eiiwsloii of tiii StiiJrt't hi
time hiiiIii.s ht iis .tiicIii , tiiii ,
U 15k .tigg.tioils of I'liiiis to
ile VotIoteI.
The I1usIIies Men's association of Council
Blefis held a iong and rather phrited sea-
iofl iast evening. Matfors of lIttle interest
it ere dlscuss'oJ and the regular weakly tibet.
Ing hreinlsetl to be a rather tame affair
Until the subject of ilepartinetit storts soul
their effect Upon thu so-called legitimate
trade was brought up , and then the interest
grew ( luito warm. lvery member felt lie
had a personal grievance against such es-
tahiislitiients , afid iieariy all of the Incus-
bors took part in the discus.Ion.
The flrt i'art ' of the evening was devoted
to talkIng about tint ailvisibliity ( f purchasIng -
chasIng a number of coat lapel buttons , upon
whIch should ho Printel the Inottor : "Stand
Up for Council Bluffs. " The coninilttec to
which thu matter had beeti rcferred at the
last meeting reported that such buttons couid
be obtaIned ut a cost of from $12 to $15 er
thousand. Samples from the makerti ore
exhibited. The ae.'Jclationa felt very favor.
ably Incihiic.1 toward the chenie , but the
report of the coiiiniittee as placed ott file
for future action.
The niembcrohhp committee reported the
acceoslon of several nienibers. John Gilbert
Was added to the coninslttec to wait upon
the local whioles'aiers for the purpo'e of
bringing thetit Into closer touch with the
retaIlers. The chuestion of a permanent score-
tory was a t'o discussed , but actIon was
deferred. Tue coliiniittce was ordered to re-
port. the name of a uItab1e person at the
next niecting.
Dr. J , I. Ferrous sought to gIve the as-
ncIation a touch of free silver vigor , and
Intro'luccd a reo.lntlon whtlch declare , ! that
thio caItsss oE bushnese troubles was iiatlonat
and not local. It receIved no second. Mr.
\\'oliman thought the assocIation should 110
sciiiotiiiiig to hiohi the retail trade at home.
amid Introduced the departnscnt store evil.
Ito advised the association to take some
stelis toward exposing the department stores'
pretensions to tb all the retail business In
the county. S. S. Keller thiougt the brat
mucous to prevent the hell tratic goin to
Omaha was to do a ll'th miiizIamia'y werk
among the Individuals of the purchasIng
PUbiIC , showIng them tue .tdvaIit.I4e of hiotsie
trahlng. and th daners of cit iimnluig to
spend their money abroil. lie thvught
enough trade front Council hliufra vent to
Omaha to maIntain here , tuther dry goods
store , another furiilttir cstohit1slimnsnt and
several other estail'shitsmcrt ' It. Is not the
merchant and iiizt.tigturmr a.:2 that iuf-
tered , said lie , but It fluiahhy c&1nc tlot'mi to
the workinrunsan and the m'senuIc.
John Gilbert agreed , and Instanced several
cas where effectIve mIssionary work had
been done. lie s'iid the cash ( luestlon was
Involved In the dIscussion , The Council
11iuIT people vent to Omaha merchants with
the cash , but called on their home merchants
wlieit they wanted credit.
I3. Chhinksy thought there \vere two side ,
to tim qtic'tion of thio Oniaha trade. I'eopie
who complain do noL see tile trninloals of
mon anti wonton going to their work In
Omaha , where they earn theIr money and
make their living. In on earnest way he
poInted out several other thlngo , among them
the wretched condition of the paved streets ,
thu shanties on the princIpal business thor-
The discussion reverted to the department
stores , and an artIcle sovoreiy attacking
them was read , in vhsieli thio , were do-
notmnce as "the deltructlvo : htores. " It
was suggested that an organIzed campaign
be commenced against them. As a starter ,
It was decided to subscribe to a paper pub.
lished In Minneapolis devoted to
the work of showIng up the
dangeris of the modern tendency to business
concentration and overthrowing the depsrt-
iiioflt stores. The statement. was made on
the authority of thsIi laper that in St. Paul
end 1.Ihnneapoils seven department stores
had slaughtered 700 regular rot3il stores ,
throw 7,000 men out of employment and
cauiid a loss to the cities of over $12.000,000.
'time matter was discusoed at length , but. no
ilcflnIto Iiiso of actien was agreed upon.
J. C. Dcilavcn brought up the matter of
the electric light towers anti urga'i the as-
sedation to take some action if ( Ito report
proved to be true that th city is likely to
ngrce to the proposItion not to rebutld the
fllghth street tower. lie hind been told that
tii four lights on the summIt of the toer
had an efiiclency nearly forty times greater
than time same number of lights , wotmld on
the strcet level , and ho did not (1.btbt the
After further dircussion on thIs and other
subjects time association adjourned to uiseet
next Wednesday evening.
I'1"t'L1S 'I'll ' '
NI ) Ihmiiit Left that CertaIn Slreels
Must iit Itt'imItii.
It any doubt remained in the mInds of tbo
city councilnien as to the advisability or
ordering thin paving of South First street
that doubt was washed away by the flood of
ye.sterday morming. There were other
thimigs washed wIth ( ho flood , too , notably
many apuaro yards of the decayed block
pavement on Firat street , Including the
board base and a good deal of earth on which
the bao rested.
Tue street is now practically in an Impas-
sabo coed.tiois , and the coiinilmen are unarmi-
mona on ( lie proposition that It would be a
waste of tIme. , material and money to make
any temporary repairs on the street. Thin
street 114 filled wIth washiouts , omttl in dangerous -
gerous for tedestriant' and ( caine. lvcry roil
light In the city svas In usa last night. liar-
moriy street. Logan and South second streets
wore all badly washieti out , arid repair gangs
will have to be kept busy for sonic time to
Place time streets in a passable conditIon.
Indian creek got on a ranipage again and
flooded all the property iii the vicinIty of
thic Northwestern depot , filling the cellars
anSI plastering the streets amid sidewalks
whtim ecveral inches of very rIch but urt-
dcslrnhie mmmd. The city brIdge at Tenth
street was struck by a tree and broken
down , _ _ _ _ _ _
NIgis ( " , Vimohiiimnnii ( % 'e.lgt ImlIlletell
hiy * hme Crmmimul .Jiir ,
It Is becoming unpopular to shoot tramps
in th1p part of the state.
Suit has beets commenced againstCoc-
doctor Pringle of the Milwaukee , who shot
a tramp at Manning , and John Ialy , utight
watchman at Neoha , tins been indicted by
time grand jury for shooting a tramp at
Neola several weeks ago.
Ialy was brought in from Noola by Sheriff
Morgan yesterday and has given bonha for
his appearance for trial , lie 'as Indlted
by the grand jury for shooting Frank Gold-
lug. a box-car tourist. Daly was Imi the
verformmsnnce of lila duty at Nooia , when ho
found Gelding in a box car. lie pulled him
out , and clalina that GeldIng mnade an mit.
temmipt to pull a revolver. Daly g.t hiI
giimi play In operation first anti shot ( holding
in the leg , inflicting 3. aevero hiesim wound.
hIeeeIer % liINomm'il. hIt.lll' .
Receiver AllIson of the Western Home
lusurusrico company filed his reply yesterday -
day to the answers of the CouncIl fllutfmi
( IeferidantB in the suits brought to collect
holes given by the local Btockholthers to
iho couip.imiy. In the answers the thefnd.
ants assmrt , that the notes had been given
as accommodation notes anti without con.
siderationm. The further charge ui uiiado
that money enough had been collected by
( lie receiver to discharge all debts of the
company and leave a balance. Mr. Allison's
reply denIes both of these allegations.
Gas ranges and nervlco connections at half
price for fifteen days. Call at company's
eLite. for full partIculars. 210 Main anti 211
l5earl streets.
U hATiI ( ) I' ( ' ( I i , ( ) % HIi COCII It .t S.
hue of ( i , Mmmhers of the Ci t l'tt's
A t mm t
At the ripe old ago of S2 , Colonel Adihisan
Cochran was calheJ to hIs fimial rest yester-
day. lesth came to hum at his country
home , micar Little Sioux , at .1:30 : o'clock in
( ho morning. For a. number of ycsrs lie
had been In feeble hiealth , and iiI death haul
long been expeed. (
For nearly fIfty years there has been no
mere tmpcsliig and famIlIar figure iii Council
lhluffs than Colonel Cochran. For halt a
century there hins been but little change In
Imi Peraomsnl appeirance. lie sprung from
an old Virginia faintly tioted for tIme ,
perfection of I a niemmibers , and lie never
oeriokeil the fact that next to time great
wealth lie itcqui e.l time blue blood in hIs
veins entitled to hioniago. lie bormi
imi Loudemi ceunty , Virginia , not far froni
itarpers Ferry.'iiemi a young man he was
united In miiarrlagu to Miss Sarah Jatnes , a
Virginiami beauty , whose Inlluonce shaped time
course of huis entire life. Shortly after lila
luau lng he reniovod to Ohio , and within a
year hii % Ife mhieil. and with her time first
toni child. The calamity was terrib ) ' so-
yore anti cruahmimug to hilni , amid Ito never recovered -
covered front it. tter lila bereavememit ho
abandoned his hiommie and Went south , aid :
ilved In South CarolIna auth Arkansas.'hen
war wIth Mexico was declared lie enlisted
in the service of hits country , joimilng Cehomich
Vehi' m eglmnent , and when 'ell tas kIlled
Mr. Corhmrami succeeded hilimi am , colonel of
( hue regiment.
At the close of the war lie returned east ,
anti being of au atlventmmrerianie ditiiositlomi
commeludeul to try his fortunes In time \vest.
bitt lie traveled all over New Mexico amkt
California before he came to Council Bluffs.
lie landed in thii locality about tIme time
thus nanie of tIme lilace was changed from
lCamuesvlllo to Coumnel. flitmff , and emigmiged
in the real estate iusiness , and in a few
yors amuat'sed a fortune. lie o'erved tin mnem-
her of the city council for several tcrmmis In
tIme "SO's" and In the "Go's , " In 1S79
lie viis elected mayor of thmo city by a mutromsg
mmsajority by a minority party nouuiInttIomi.
lie tas aggressive in all time enterprises he
nnmlt'rtook. amid lie gave time city a highly
satisfactory anti lively admiilmiistration , At
tile clo of his term he refused a ren.juitina-
tion. anti removed to a large frmii 1w had
purchiasel ( near Little Sioux , and upon which
ito afterward built a hiomno res'omnbiing a
fcumdai castle. lie conducted lilt' ' vast estates
there very much import the scale amid after
the nianner of the old country nobility , tfls-
penelmig a royoi hospItality to all who caine.
No mann in that part of the state has ever
hieen so hmigily esteemiic4 by his
neIghbors an nmi Colonel Cochirami
by the poapie who lived around hilni and
irofltetl , by his cntc.rprlu'e ammil charity. No
womnari was ever perniitted to emitcr the
doors of the castle except as a guest nccomn-
panted by her niale relatives. Time best
chiefs ( .bat misoney could hire provided the
daily bllla of fare , and male handsi only arranged -
ranged the furniture amid looked after time
hmotmr'ekeeplng. The few people who dareti
to qtmetiomi the colomiel upon his pronounced
rcpugnatmeo to 'onien were told that his
heart was in the grave of his death wife anti
elm lid.
Colonel Cochran was a conspIcuous figure
In the early history of Nebraska. lie lmad
large Ideas and was a powofuml factor in
pushiimig forward time big sclmetnes thmat made
western Iowa anti eastern Nebraska what
they are today. lie was one of time chief
movers lii time plait to construct. a railroad
to time outhi , anti was one of the orIgInal
stockholders and first directors of the Kansas -
sas City , St. Joseph and Council Bluffs
railroad. It Is dommhtful if Colonel Coebrami
hmad any mitlequmate idea at the tlmmie of hIs
ileath of the amount of hmls fortune. lie only
knew that lie was very wealtimy and ( lie care
of his property gave hint little concern.
For the last five years Attorney J. J. Stcu'art
imas beun engaged in writIng Imts will. It has
been written scores anti scorerm of times anti
all many times torn up , and at last ho died
witlmout completing it.
In addition to time good work Ime did for
city while he ras its mayor the people of
Council Bluffs had reason to feel grateful to
hilmit for time presentation of the niagnlficent
tract of hand now comprising Cochran park.
which he gave to the city a. few years ago ,
upon time condition that It should bear ho !
name anti he imnproved by time expenditure of
a certala amnount of money- each your.
Colonel Cochran left no relatives nearer
than niece amt4 nephews and his property
will be divided among themn. Ono of bin
mileces Is Mrs. T. A. Megeatlu of Omaha.
The hotly will be 2roughit hero for Inter-
macnt In L"airvlew cemnetery.
Mayor Carson last evening Issued the following -
lowing call :
W'hueremms , Hon. Addison Cochran , cx-
mayor of the cIty of Council Bluffs do-
pirted ( himi lIfe on the 20th day of May ,
1s3. amid
V/herens , Sold late executive took great
imuterest In pronnoting the general welfare
momid contrIbuted greatly to the Permanent
beauty anti pro.'perity of the city in the
donation of the inrk known as Cochran's
Park ,
Therefore , It Is recommenthe(1 that our
citIzens assemble at the coimncli chammiber ut
10 a. in. Flay 21 , 1890. to make arrangements
for proper niemorlmil exercises upon the life
and character of our late esteeineti cx-
mayor amid friend.
Vtit'tiiieti 11r. IcCtiiiimIu.hC.
A delegation of' representatIve Omaha
citizens was In the city last evemiIng anti
called upon Mr. H. I. McCormick at the
Grand hotel. The calE wan of an Infornial
nature amid was for time purpose of welcomn.
immg Mr. McCormick to 1mm lmomo In thmo wet
onti interestIng hInt in time Transmnlsohma'ippi
exposition project. Mr. McCorumulclc recently
purchased tiio Umilted States National hank
bmmllding at the cormmer of Twehftlm
amiti Farnans streets in Onmahma
anti ham , large Interests in both
this cIty and Ommialma. Time gcmitlemc'n who
coumsprised the visItIng delegation wore I. I.
lirmuco of the Bruce Drmmg company , F. I' .
Ifirkentlahl of F. P. Klrluendaul & Co. , F.
floseivater. editor of The lice , G. W.Vat -
ties. preident of the American NatIonal
batik , IL. A. Thionspson of Thompson & lid-
den , Alfred Millard of time CommercIal Na-
tlonal bank. C. M. Hitchcock of tIme World-
Herald , Z. P. Lindsey anti 0. 11. I'ayne.
lint lieu SnsIm.
ITo hmavo 1,000 hot bed aaii which we are
going to close out. They womft last long.
how many do ou want ? We will make you
a price timat Can't be duplicated. C. B. I
Patnt. Oil amid Glass company , Masonic Tcmn-
pIe , Council Bhtmffs.
\sIml , . to Colhet' * ills ,1umt1cmmmeimt.
S. C. Nielsen commenced suit In this en-
porior court yesterday against the DanIsh-
Norwegian Book amid Tract society anti S. C.
NieloQn. On Tuesday Nleron was given a
judgmnont agaimist thmo sochety for $550 on a
breach of contract , and now he wamits to
cohIc.t 1mb judgment.
Imi time potltlomt flied ycstrt1ay Nielsen alleges -
leges tlmat the book society lmas , for tIme purpose -
pose of ( lcfrauding Its creditors , trammaferreti
its busiies anti printing house at Atlantic ,
Ia. , to S. C. Nielson. lie asks judgmemit
against Nielson.
Wall paper cleaned , new Process , with
patent rigimt at MIller's. 108 Main street.
% , c Dotiaa ! 'rnmmtnglb
Our prices are rightl Our goods will
please youi II. L. SMITH & CO.
ri rs ( ( If that' Iiiiiid ( Jnmiei'rt Si'rles.
The first of LImo serIes of band concerts
to be given by Ialbey's band was given
at time corner of Pesrl street anti First aye-
mmuio last night amid was a complete sue-
cesa in every respect. The nurmibers were
appropriate anti rendered excellently. to time
manifest vleasure of several timousand leople
who tilled time park , the hiotei amid tint street
during time concert ,
' 11 smith ouo Lma 'uol1cwWvu pus saauo.moa
tIm aoanp.3.Z .Cava UOI1SJOOadxa ) upjcw 'aauo
U sdlotl 11 ' 0ifl3 qflO3 0mUt Ot1 C.fl
.ttiruM Jo psalsuf 'eeuaaip oq sopuas.m22u
pus ovlop GIll 5O151IIJI iUt2fl0
Whea Baby was SIck , we gave iier Castorta.
When alto was a Child , she cried for Castoria.
% Viiemi hmo bt'eamno Miss , mdso clung to Castorimi.
Vhu she had Childiumi , the ga'e them CatOrIit.
i it
Father Lawler Honored bjKEcc1coiastica1
lliImni , num,1 l'ronm I mmj.i'm 1 Clt'rgt at
Sommtlm ) ) , t'resont mit hut
Cereuitomi ie'sitre ( lm rm'it , i're"em t
a i'lirse of ( tul ,
TIme afternoon train TtmOttk ) vat' toot by
mnamiy citizens and chitirci ni'ctniers. : ltiglmt
htevorenti Thtommias O'Gormiiami , bislmop of South
lakota , arrived , accomnrahiieti by a large tiumn-
ber of priests mind roniinent Catholics front
all Isarle of the statc Carriages were in
re.idlness , timid thin gueste , prccoiet J ) time
lfiilgIits of l'ythmlas band , ere escorted to
the larochiial resldemice.
hiislmttl ) O'Gormnan at once donned hie vest.
tmmcrmts , amid , nccomiipammlc.I by tIme priests , emi
tered the church , wlmoro a large coiigrega.
timi hail aitsetnbled. After time choir nimig
'Ecco Magmitms acerdot' , ' time bishop blessed
time comsgrcgatimt with tiio timioz' crossei of
a bIshop. Bishmohsj and imrlests thmemi retired
to time stately niusic of time "To Iemmm. " Timis
comichtmmhcd time exercises ummmtii title inornliig ,
Wimen the celcbration of Very Heveremiti P. N.
Lawler's goldemi jubilee cotnmmmemucett PromiiPtlY
at 10 o'clock , in time chmurcim of Otmr Louly
of Mercy.
Time following were the officers of the day :
Celebrant , Very 11ev , F. N. Lawler ;
iiias'er of ceremnommies , Hes' . T. A , Fl ) mum , as-
iistcd by 11ev.V. . M. Mahuer ; mleacomi ( mf moat's ,
Rev. 'IV. V. Nclamm , SIotmx Falls ; subileacomi ,
Ito' . I. Itching , Aherdeemi ; deacomis of honor ,
IUv. J , B. Kelly , Filc ho itt ; Voy le' { . George
Shmohami , 1hereford ; assistant priest , Rev.
Jnmne McNally , Iikton ; timuirifer , Rev. F.
Grabig , lIrIdgevator ; ncobtes , 11ev. George
IlohimmiamiVhmlte Lake ; ite' . Jmtmmmes Coihimis ,
Before procretilmug to tIme church Ilisimop
OGorman blessed time robea of Mgr. I.awler.
BIshops anti priet'ts tiiemi took tlmele 1110005 he-
hmimid time altar.
IlisimOlt O'Gorrmiami occuipieti a thmrone on time
gospel side , Time celebrant , Mgr. Lawler ,
said tunas. At time appropriate timne the
bishop gave htti bicr'simmg. After mimes lilsimop
O'Gormnmtmu addressed the commgrogatlomi. lie
referred to tIme long , faithmfmil anti c.iliclemut
servicen of Mgr. Lawk'r , whicim wore being
comuniemmiorated by timis golden jumbilce , anti
crovaed by tIme appolmmtimiemtt as mnonselgmmor
and tiomnertic prelate to his hmohiness , Pope
Leo XIII. Time latter appointment , lmotild ito
visit itomile , gives Mgr. Lawior ami apartiiicnt
anti emitortalnimsent In thme'aticami ,
Time church was' beautIfully decoratemi and
was crowded to time doors. Marty were ott-
able to obtain adniittammce , minti were obligeti
to etanti in front of tIme wlmuiowe. TIme cere-
mnonie lasted until 12 o'clock. Shortly after
bishops , priests and distingmimihmctl guests repaired -
paired to the Alexamitiria huoumse , where a
lavish bammuluot was spread. The imotel anti
dimiimig roomn were approlurhatehy decorated.
After tile banque Rev. tiahtcr , on behalf of
tIme clergy , prenemiteti Mgr. Lawler a pumrso of
gold. Fatimer Malier is an eloquent and
forcible talker , amid ime paId a glotu'hiig trilitite
to Mgr. Lawlcr , as a nstumi tthd as a priest ,
referring fe.lIngiy to iil man ) ' admirable
( itmalitleS of mind amid heart.
Omi behalf of the Alexandria and Emucry
congregatiomK' , Mr. Coimlaim Presentoti Mgr.
Lawler witlm a inmrso of gold. lie spoke of
lmtmn anti ImIs yearn of r'.srvice ; and especially
referred to the twelve yemtr Ito htath bcc'mm
here , anti paid tmimn a gramid ribute. Bishop
O'Gormrman tlteut made santo , remarks. Thmc'
new bishop is a fine scholar , an orator , amid
a very dlstlngtmlehed looking mats. lie immado
a decidedly favorable iflipiession.
Time banquet cloti tie programn , anti time
guests &tarteti for homnc. 1mm tIme mnornlng.
Every one was lavIsh in , liraise of tIme beauti-
fuil little city of AieamidrIouand of tIme boo-
pitahity exlcrided by its citii ns.
Francis Xavarlus Ifawkr wan born in
County Cavan. Ireland , , Jumtm 22 , 1822. Ills
parents camne to Franklin county , Now York ,
In 1824. lIe was Intendoti for the priesthood.
amid hm1 educatloms commenced at an early
date. Time cradho of time clergy , St. Thomims
seminary. Iiardstowfl , ICy. , received lmimn Its
1830. lie was ortialned subdeacon at the
age of 22. Ills ortiinatlon to tIme Italy priest-
hmood , 1)cco'nber 26 , 1845 , at the ago of 23 ,
was by dispensation from tiso polio. and lie
wati ordalmued by hlialmop Flaget , a man edo-
brated ims time hmlmttory of tlmo churehm.
lie was at once ccitt on mnismiions , returnIng
In 1847 to remnain a year ; \vas vice presideitt
and muanager of St. Mary's college , Marion ,
ICy. , for years. and timen held a position as
preident of t1m college fotmr years. T'ok a
short vacation , and wan placed at Notre
Dame , Inch. , as master of d1lpiimie , where
ito remained two years. lie was then ap-
poimited superior of St. Puts semnlmiary in
Kemitmmcky , and remnaimmeti a year. itt the
eohicitatlo of Bisimop Leurs , he took charge
of the church at La ! 'orte , Intl. , remnaining
front 1859 to 1170. Front there hue vcnt to
Logammoport anti reniainc'd eight years as
pastor. lila health failed him. and hiLt' ph'-
alcian ordered hilmn to leave tIme commmmtry at
once. lie ent to Kansam' . whore Ito officiated
as priest at Lawrence anti other places.
Bishop Marty anti MgiLawler % vcro always
wartmi friends , and when tlio formner was appointed -
pointed vicar apostolic of Dakota , in 1880 ,
arrangements were mnadc wIth Figr. Lawior
anti Father Willard to come here , whiclm timey
did , etmriy in 1881. Mgr. I..awler sen'cil in
various capacities , but imsore especially as
ouperintendent of the Yankton Indian ohuool ,
umutil Iccemnber , 1881 , when ho caine to Alex-
amidria. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( J4tNNO'l' IIAVI3 illS CHILI ) .
Courts Smmshiiim thu-Cmuzi rulltmut Iii hue
iimmght' Ciust' .
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , May 20.-Special (
Tchegramn.-Tluo ) case of George Enghe of
Aberdeen agaumset Mrs. Yorkes for time pea-
session of Emiglo's 10.year-old cimhid , which
lion been iiiade famoimis for three yearn by
rcmttInueti hltigatiomi , has been finally decided
by Jutigo Jomies Ims favor of thud guardian.
Pitree yearn ago Mrs. Engie tiled in abject
poverty of consumption. Engle , a lawyer ,
whmoi'o character was chmalhenged , war , in or
near Abortleen mit this porioth , bitt paid tie
ittermtion to his wife and furnished Imer little
Do Yon
Wattt : '
If it's 'ta nice ,
pretty Shoe at a
moderate price ,
I-las t1tn - All
Omaha cannot
touch us.
Look for the Bean' . ,
Customers' Shoes
Shined Free.
* + 44I * + I * + iCCC 4M4"4
if any simppirt , anti she as eared f t' by
I imb Ic subcrIption. .Jmmst before her tic slim
Imo s'1gnel a lelitlun to tIme coumrt auuimig
timmit hmor 7.ycsrolth cimiltl be placed in the
care of a gmmardlan , anti then Engle put in
Pn appearammco , but only to flgst time cave.
Mrs. I'orke was appolimteti and lngio Mied.
OnCe the circuIt court u'ui.stalnetl time guiarilian.
but the nupronie court rernatmded time case anti
it was irled two wecka ago , Jumulgo Jomits
of this city taking Jumulgo Cammipbell's place.
The evidence shiovs that flmmghe haul during
the three years slmsee tIme deaths of his wife
not vis'ited the chmlltl or spoken to it when Ito
met it on the street , or mnanlfesleul any in'
teroct In it. lIe \as ailleteII to gamblIng
mimiti was alleged to be uimlflt to take clmnrge
of tIme cimilti. Time child lmers'elf requcateti
to be left where rIme was. Time gmmardian.
E'hip was tiucrofore atmatsimioti. The parties
are proimsinomit anti elI kmsowmi both iii
Abertiren anti St. l'aum' , mmii th case thmroumgh.
alit imas attracted wide attention ,
SL'I'il i.tlO'i't (11)1) F11lI.I ) .VS.
( I 11100CM t'hlUM'tI Iithrmm itil tn.lge ml mill
I lie It'ltu'iun it's ,
1101' Sl'ILINGS , S. B. , May 20.-Speclah (
Teiegrammi--Thmo ) gramni lodge , lmsdcpemmdcnt
Order of 0(1(1 ( Fellows , tlmis aftermieon eiectcI
titt' followimig ofliccrs : ( hramitl mnastcr , Ivan W' .
Gootimmer of l'ierro ; dlsmrict micpumty grammd mae-
ter , l'etcr Mnrqimnrt of Madison ; grand war-
dcii , I. . h. Lostetter of Irothumois ; grand score-
tory , ilarvey J. 111cc , lluromi ; gramiti trear'-
furor , I ) . II. Camiipbeii of Urooking' ; repro-
rentmttivo to sovereIgn grmititi lodge , C. .1. hiachi
of honey. Ahordeemi was chovomi as ( lie lulact. '
for hmolthimsg thmo grand lodge mmext year , emi time
third Timestiny of May.
The asutomtihiy of ltebekaums this attcrmtoon
elected time fohiowimig oliicers : President , Miss
( Irace Smmtliliemi of hlumron ; vice presluient , Mrs.
Fiorcmtco Jomsess of Britten ; secretary , Miss
li&en Baker of Ieadwood ; trewtmrer , Mrs.
hannah CrIPpa of hroimmols.
Tue grand encamnpmiment clect olilceru , to.
mmsorrosv , Friday monet of thm delegates vill
take a trip through the I ( Ills , not rettmrnlmig
to their hmomneuiheforo Saturtlay.
Itihh ii.tII lSt IS hflNI Il ) II iii. :
5(511 t hi hmieomi Sod mmes'mI ( I mmst ho hm ( hu'
l'emm I Iltil lit my ,
hURON , S. D. , May 20.-Spcciai.--Ap- ( )
plicatlon for a rehearing of time Cimarles Ayers
case hmas been denIed by Judge Camnpbchl.
At tue March termis of the circuit coumrt
Ayers was nommtemicetl to two years nmiti six
muonthms lit time liemsitomitiary for crimnimsal
setltmction , the aix inontims being mitileti be.
cause Ayers stated that ho joIned time church
amid Yoummmg Memmt' Ciurstlmumi association to
better emtobo Iuitmu to acconiphlsii isis lsumrposo.
In itassimig rcntenco Circmmit Jmmdge Antlrew , '
alti timat the testimony of Ayers 'an tIme revoltlmtg lie ever heard fromn a wit-
Jumigo 'ammiIubail has alro reftmscd to grammt
a now trial of time case of George Rivtlon , to
whiommi jumuigmitent for $ I.000 was awardeJ for
damages received in a rumitaway nccidemmt
caused by a Northwestern traimi. Itivmion is
an old aoluiler amid for ueveral imsontims was
alt immtmtate of time ooltiicrs' itemise umt Hot
Springs. _ _ _ _ _ _
Vii Iii 'i'ii iet l't tf I ii ( 'OUTS I fffl I es.
AI1MOUIt , S. D. , May 20.-llemiry Bormims
of Greemiwootl was In Armour yesterday.
Mr. Borntims was one of thto comumimlttee appointed -
pointed at the recent mneetlmsg of time settlers
on tin. Yatiktoms reservation to secure sig-
miatimres to a luetitioms to thin conimnissloisers
of Charles Mix county asking for tite organization -
ganization of tluo reservatioms anti time ap-
Pohmmtmnent of two county commimnlssioners frommi
timat section. lIe has secuireti over 200 ig.
natures , anti says that the settlers are timor-
oughly Imu earmiest In their endeavor to secure -
cure rcpreaentatIoit on the commmsty board.
A new lOStofiiCe Itas been estabilsimeti ott
the reservation sotmtlm of town , called Komi-
nemly. Robert Kemimsedy of this 1)10cc wIll
put in a store and imas booms appointed post-
mnastere Ills bommti vat' made oumt yesterday
mind semit to WashIngton , and upiulies vtii
be sent as soon as tito bonti iii npprovetl.
Timis is time first offlc wimichu hmas beets estab-
lishueti emi time reservation since it was opened ,
and l , Ott the Armnoumr-Greenwood route ten
miles dume roumthi of Armmmour.
SIcss Pail , . ' l'rotosetl Fnir
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , May 20.Spec1al.- ( )
This city Is to hmave a big imiteretate fair
this year amid time date wIll probably ho tIme
week from October. 5 t 9. Tue local papers
have been agitating time mnatter and time
btmoinosa toots imave respondeti cnthumsiastlcally.
Time mmiayor 'iill call a public meetIng ems
Timuro.Iay for time purpose of appointing time
pxecutive comiimittces anti haylmig out the
prehimnlmiary arramigements. jtlreatly a ufhi-
dent fund has been prornlved amid it is
thought that a large stmmn will be guaranteed.
TimI imsomicy will be raised and placed in a
bank s tlmat there will be mio question whatever -
over about the paynsemmt of all premiumnto and
purses. The dem'lgmi Is to make an Interstate -
state exiilbltiomi , takimug In miot only Soumtim
iakota , but Minnesota antI Iowa as vehi.
'Time fair Imere lad. fail was a Imugo success
amid it Is thmouglmt that tlm one next fall wil'
far surlam.'s it. Several novelties of tIme imighm-
est ieo.'mIptlons are In comstemnplation amid
the doolgn Is to mmsake tiiesoW a ummique omso.
: % Te Flelsi for lImit icr ltmsIel'rN.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , May 20.-Spccial.- ( )
I.j. N. Ilunter. an expert , wimo lina been male-
ing time roumnils of the creameries in time
state , says that time Immtercst Is growIng
stronger contimsuahly , itirimsg the past two
woolen tlmo creamueries of South Dakota hmave
turmieti out 288,000 luounuls of time best butter ,
which Ima brought lmmto the state $38,800 net.
Time lnrger concerns are mnaiclng ami average
of ttxty-flvo tubs per week , while tIme smaller
oneli are mitalcimig from twenty to forty. Tito
amnoimmit of niCk fumrniohctl to tite different
concerma' varies front 10,000 itoumids per day
( or time mimmiahl omies to 20,000 for time large.
You naturally lose through the Summer.
If too thin now , what will you be in the
fall ?
S con's mfflso
ot Cod.iver ( Oil makes flesh which does
not onelt away , as snow , In cite umnmer
sm" ; . Don" let yourself get thint
o ti and $ t o a. ak druggists.
tiCOt'T & UOWNL Chemists. New York.
At present t 'to 'n rlermtt.n a neiy-1.roe
amid others , rc I r u g ii e cIt wee ) . 'fho
South ISakuta rc.umtery butter ramke .vhth
any otimer ii 11 e N w Yolk tismiti , . t.
Ssum I it htiko ) lit 1sisg regmm t Inuimi i I'tt N.
1IL'ILON , S. 1) . , May 20.-Spt'clah.-- ( ) (
of the most immiportant gatimerings of Sotmthm
lakola Congregauienmsltsts cill occur at
Pierri' , beginnIng on FrIday anti centinuting
three ha ) s. It wIll ho tIme twctmtbtittim au-
mmiii ftmeetimmg of the genenal oocIiIiOfl of
Congregational c'hurchues of tIme state , itni
ihi lie at ( cnuii by pronilmmt'mit musenibers of
that ( lommiimsattoml front mull Parts of South ha-
kota. Ainomig those front at'roaui % Ill ho
Rev. ( ieorgm. M. Boyimton , Ii. I ) . , of ltston.
amid Rev. C. 2. Ryder , 1) . hi. . of 't'w 'tirk ,
botim of i bout s ill deliver ntldressc' . .
The 'outian's home Mlsslommary tmmmlomt , of
which Mro. A. Ii. lot'bim1s of Iroquois is
iurosldeimt , anti tlmoVomiuamis Boa ri of Missions -
sions of the interior. Mrs. R. M.'ilhinnis
of tauikton. president , eIhl htoid thmoir annual
ses.oloiss at ( lie muammie timuc ann Iiiace.
Sttuimt Fn.Ii , . ' SIsmms Iiishii.str
SIOUX F.L1.S. S. P. . May 20.-Speclal.--- ( )
TIme Sioumx Falls len Imitlustry is m'tartihg
ump I ii good t'hmape ii gal ml. ltccemitly tim I mty niemi
were iut to work Iii thm qtmt'trries ammti ( lucy
are timrnhmig out a commvderable ( lumantity of
having blocky. Tcday \ \ ' . Ii. I loltomm of
Clmicago , a eii known contractor , arrlveul
amid inntie a tiomil far 100 carloads of ( ito stomso.
Sluipmiicmtt Ihl berths omm Saturil ty. The ttloekms
utlil Ime teed Ims rertlrlmig tIme streets of
( 'imicago where at l're'mmt thmere are miioro
thiami live imitleum of Sioumx F.siis pavimig. lichen
t'.ts tlmat tItle ill imicrely a starter anti that
large orders Ill come [ remit there title coin-
hhlollIel msr's' I't'suisllNl'll l' t.
SIOUX l.'ALLS. S. I ) . , May 20.-Speeitul.- ( )
A dIspatch fromii St. Lawremsce ( hat
i'rof. G. l.i. i'lmtkimamn of that town , who was
state simiucrimitemitient of htimblIc instructIon
dumrlmug the early ( hays of timrt stnte , will seotm
ho mmppointetl to time presitiemicy of llrookimmgs
college. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tls'ia i'siut. l'ut is's ( 'hsnrg ' oil 11 sssi.isssi ,
ltOSliiUl ) , S. 1) . , May 20.-Shtecial.-- ( )
Charles l. McC'hmesmiey has arriveti at hose-
bumd amid iil take charge of time Itosebmud
rescrvatlomi itt nttee. Agemmt Vrlglmt wIll re-
hiurt \'asItlmigtoms for his new tltmties as
United States IndIan Imispector.
( 'OILS hhIl.'L' lhiiflhtS VIlI. ihti'm' .
h'Inmis fat. tin'i'hsIm'uI Ammmtmmmml Coumveim-
( ilium , sf till' . ( ' ( ( , ) .
ItOC1\\'iI.I4 CITY , in. , May 20.-Speclal. ( )
-Time thIrd anmmtmai imioctimig of the Corn hlelt
Editorial rueciatiotiill be hmeki at Ommawa
Imi tto eeles , Jmmmie 4 auutl 5. Time comtmnsittee
imas hureParcul ems , . of the mmiost practical amid
enjoyable progrumumi ever laId before an ethi-
tonal assoclatiomi 1mm this state , ammti usa miews-
PaPer imiamm witlmlmt reaclt of Ommawmu cami afford
to miss tite mtteetlmig. Time practical htrobeimis
of mmewspapor mnakimtg will be freely diseums'eI
at every soowiomi by cxperic'mmceui mmsemnbers of
time craft mitsui Friday ovemmimug Juimigo Tltayer ,
ilmo able editor of the Chintoms Age , tihi atl-
dress time association.
The people of Onawa are entiiumsiastic in
preparimmg for the meeting and asIc that at
least 100 editors be liresent to emujoy the
emit ertru I nmmsemt I.
Omsawa Is a itretty little cIty mud it.a bank-
era , lawyeri' , merchants anti miii time bctt
citizens are alive to tile iuttoresta o the towmt
and are wcrleimig htarmnommioucly together to
nuake time mncetImmg a suecesa. The hontes of
time city will be opemu to time editors dtmrlng
their stay amid miothming tlil be left untiomte Imt
exemplIfying time trume imospitahlty of Onawtu
People. If time roads PermIt the editors will
be treated to a carriage drive antI a boat
ride on Blue lahce , two and onc.lmalf mniles
distant , anti omm Friday evenIng a elaborate
banquet will ho tomitlereti the visItors. TIme
railroads extemid ( lie coumiteslea of their lute
for tIme occasioms , anti nothIng will be too
good for time newspaper man eluo attemide.
Over 250 Invitations have beemi semit out , but
It is ummtdorstoot.l that all editors In that part
of the state are asicoti to attend , wimetluer a
special invitation Imas reached thetis or not.
Iistrghxtrs Umtimy Shot Unciulimes.
ROCK RAPIDS , Ia. , May 20.-Special.- ( )
Burglars forced the cellar door at horton &
Klein's drimg store last night anti opened tIme
slot machine and till , securing about $3. Time
tufo st on a day lock , ammd timey hmad
turned time dial so an to throw out time wimole
contbltiation ,
They also visiteti Bradley & Wagner's ron-
taurant , where they got about $15 from time
clot mmiaciilrue , vhiich they took with thommi ,
but loft it in a closet a short distance away ,
wiucro It vas fotmnd timis miuormsimmg.
A cart and Imarnesti belonging to Billy Ely
wore taken , and a horse belonging to if. Rod-
dingtomm disappeared. Tlmey are supposed to
have gone vimoro time burglars wenL
how s Your Liver ?
(1 ( TAKEAPILL.iiiYi :
$ ' Dr.Hobbstihie1iterPihIsbon'tGrIpe.j ' , )
Hr. Ifobba IIIttt , flier I'iZls suet mr'ntty
Net mrn.npthy , uu , thu's LE1It , RT0.ILI eli ,
.ini ! U ) JYtjiL.S' , tItreitin Ifeedncbo , , Icy.
erN ittil C oiti , omyanqin" ( lie. , irmomn titer.
ollahir , med ( lucy cure Ijittultual corstimttthon.
'hi'sy zro sIgNu.coatei , sirs am.-ii , nd nrc
i'urelt' YN.etnlo ) . Put , , m in screw.csp viam , ,
qch cotuuInin rib piim. l'erfoct dige.miot
toihowd their use ¶ 1 iieyatseluutcty cure Nick
.lleaI yIr , , itid tire reoowtuez.del tq tin.
icinnu , and .IiugtuL , . l'rlco ,
iIoLbs Ca. , Cbe.,5 ) , Luti It. . Frasmeo ,
agus Kidncyl'Ihlawlil cmirethem. Priceocts.
- - - -
, - . . t
when coughing , snoozing , hackIng -
Ing or lassitude comes. Sold
by all reliable druggists oi'
gt'OCCrS Send for a imniplilot
Roch.stex' , N. Y.
RAPWAV'g tw.rv ItII.IgP is sate , reitsbts
and effeettmah hceutimn' or I Itt. ' ii hmnumltm Inic net en
wttmch It eerti. 0 % er the nrmvs nuid vItal i'ower.
cut mme l'otiy. nuttimmig tnlue mu bite olie antI ncLtinM
to rcnyusul nnut Ittcrctyti igor tito , simmmnluerimig
% . hInt ItO ( If ( im , t't ruettmre , mititi titrt'tugli
titt's lu-iTmItfmuh , s'ttmittmmnmmn , , ttnui imtereauui nctbomi
tmte ( ' , tuiO sit thus i'\IN itt , irivcn away timid a
uinmumrnh eottttttom , isstot ( .1. It Is litums , , the
lttAiV 1tIl.1 VI. Is se , tuimilmabl' adaptei for
the Ct'ItI 0 1I'Ai2' . anti mlIetmt the misme of its-
jtmmy tmcmi Is stmro ( it i Cpu it frenm I tte mmcc cC
miunmiy of this sotileti pam mu m mtuauiIes of flue dcl' .
It is Highly Important that
Every Family Keep a
Supply of
Always in tmo ltotmse. mIs umse will lurove t'encmleie %
cml cii ocens otts of muatu or sickmiess , Timere ii
notIitt In tite acrid titni will stop palms or nm
ret the urogmess at ( ihatise n quick as thm
htrntiy Itciler. ,
fOe tier hottlo. Scilti Isy till ( irsigielsI. .
There is fun in the
foam , and health in
the cup of HIRES
Rootbeer-the great
temperance drink.
aims cnty lt' Its ( bctc , i : itt , , ' , Co. , i'hil5IphiL.
A 2O. packi5i U1.tkCI S 5sumosi. Sumi cycrjwbcrs.
Clothing , Drosss an 11oushoI'1 Gods
OMAhA OFiICE-12l Furnamn. Tei. Eli.
COUNCIL IiLUFFI3-Womks ammd 001cc , Cot. J v. .
flue A and 26th St. Tel. 310 ,
Send for Price Liat.
Coi.iiicil Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , . - . $1OOOOf
6 .E - - - - All kinds of tlyelng anti
f I ( 'leaning done in the
; - r-If _ S3'MAcuAN .
. , utui Oh hilgitci't style of limo art.
- CO
- RIUFFS : n i , r Fadal anti stnImud fabric.
! 1 i-rsmt ! imituhe to look as good a
T- ; , ! LISI tttIh _ , - . . nets. Stere work a spe-
_ Pxc wo daily. Goods delivered to
1 u.c .DYE . the country.
r/- : rsi-i : . - - pill huartaoC
ffl f j 111 ri.WORK ir nenti ( or price list.
C11MachaProp ,
CouncIl BluCsi. Ia.
1013 IJroa'iwmiy.
It Pays to Investigate !
Before purchasing a mount for
tite season. Our Iihcycmes wmhh
stand inestIgnlion. We tnmike
no assertIons use cannot auttatan-
( late. We ItmtVO letters of rec- . .
mnmendatIon and praise from
experienced cyclIsts tttrouighuout
our territory , Our comnpctlmar.
howl-we can't help It , becnuae ,
our wheels are preferred to
otlter , , Our agents are nut corn.
polled to cut prIces to ebl , Our - _ _
guarantee Is worth aonsethlag. - . - _ . _ . .
It means something. _ _ _ _ _ _ . -
TIIIIIIJNES-"hiCst in this "a I
world" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1100
. .
hnowlcdged leader of the - .
mnLtiium priced high grade , . . $03 LI .
SYLVIAN MODELS-BuIlt ' " . . ' .
: :
- t ( . , . t - S - % 4 0 , , i
Largest line of Sundries and Supplies in the mid-west. General western distrbutors for
he hercules 1P'ood Rim , 11'/ieclcr Rcfo'i , $ dd1c and U. S Cyc/omeifer. Write for cataIogu' .
Write DEERF , WELLS & CO. , Council Bluffs , Ia.
1.0CM. . AGENTS-
I. T. FINDLEY' , Council Bluffs , Ia ,
WILL BARNUM & BRO. , Omaha , Neb.
- - -
- - - - - - -