Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1896, Image 1

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British Porei Office About to issue a Supplementary -
plomentary Blue Book.
Cr1 kMIIM 114' AtIM4rcl1 , IIiI I lie
ii lMLiles ( H ' en it ltiil rIMNI ig liy
the Utulir ! * tllii
/ linr 'N 1)lrcctlii.
t1yrRht. ! ) iy 1'iiilthIng Compnfly. )
LOJ1)0N , May 19.-ew ( York Worlii
Cablegram-Special Tclegram.-ThC ) World
correspondent hcars from nfl initlioritativo
EotlrCe that the British foreign ottice has decided -
cidod upon the issue of a supplementary
blue book , relative to Venezuela , very
The forthcoming v1ume , it. Is tated , III
contain important additional historical cvi-
(1011CC in , upport of the British case.
4\nothcr foreign office paper will be sub-
ecquontly issued containing the reply of for-
cign ollice expcrt9 to recent criticisms of the
first installment of ( ho British case.
k Atnbn'sador hlayard had an interview with
Lord Salisbury tCiflY in reference , It is un-
dcrstool , to the Venezuelan negotiations
flfll to ( lie completion of an arrangement for
the dispatch of Ilrith.h and Canadian corn-
znissioziers to inIuire into Pelagic sealing on
tlio Iribyioft % lrlanils under the conhttlons
already exclu'1veiy cxplain.d in this cor-
respondence. BALLAItU sti'rii.
i'iitt ; ii AS A SMAbb lttVOl.UL'tON.
Guveriiiiii t ( ( Ii ) Ilitii No
'l'roiihh H It i4torI iI ( ) riler.
( ( 'npyrlght , 1MM , tiy the scIutcI Pre58. )
IAMA , l'erii , May 1.-Vin Galveston , Tex. )
-The revolt against the authority of the gov-
ernriient whicir has broken out in Iquito , on
the upper Aiiiazon , sixty miles above the
mouth of the Nupo , is classed in omclah
circles hero as being little more than a farce.
It is added that it i only a qistion of time
when order lil ho restored and great inihig-
nntioit Is expreea against the treachery of
certain government ciuploycs there. I'real-
dent l9erola vIhl dl.patchi two cruIere and
troops iininudiatey to Iquites. The to'n has
large gorurntncnt iron works. a ship yard and
a floating dock capable of raising a 1.000-ton
hiip , as well as other important works.
Oswald Seminarlo hiao telegraphed to the
Commerelo that lie recognized 1're'idcnt
I'hcrolaH fovcrnlnent , and that the movement -
mont at IlUilUO ho sinmphy in favor ot feder-
atlon. The government hero ii' , neverthe-
1cm. ' , taking active Ineasure to suppress the
revolt , and the people of all shades of po-
hitical sontinment arc uustaining it.
\ Coi&il it < if * lt Coiiileiin'd 5..ii a
i'ri toi lit ileiurteul ii , lIi iisith
( Oi'l Igiit , )3 ) I' I'ubiismin : Company. )
( 'Al'ETOWN , May 19.-New ( York World
Cablegram-Special Telegrani , ) Captain
Mciii ( American ) , one of the Johannesburg
rofcrmer.m in prison at Pretoria , is ill.
Fred Gray , another of the reformers , became -
came insanme In prison and committed sui-
chic. All Jomnneburg was In mournin ; today -
day on thO occasion of his funeral.
Mr Iluckland , still another of the reformers -
ers , ans stricker with typhoid fever , and his
beeti icmnoved to a hospital.
The imprisoned rcformere arc haying a
sericumi time of It , thirty-two of them being
conflned In a tin shanty 15x34 feet.
Poultnoy' Jiigeiow has arrived In l3oem- !
fontoin , time capitol of the Orange Free
tate , whore lie waa cordially received by
President toyn. Mr. lilgelow says there
Is no reason why unity of tIme African mtatea
should not come on time same lincu aa that
of time UniteJ States.
Mark Twain hea been lecturing to crowded
Irouea in Johnnesburg.
' ' ' 1'ill NFV ItY.
- p./ ' ( 'm1ezlmLizI. I'riiujseM im liI ( Ie
* itiiieii S Iioimmier Go Is " .Yry.
( C.pym Ight , IS , 1y 1rts I'tillishimig Comrany , )
C\htACAS , Venezuela , May 19.-Now
Yorc Worhil Cablegram-Special Telegram.- )
flre Venezuelan government line offered to
' reieaae thio licirooner Now Iay. but the
owners refuse to accept relcaee under time
conditions ; Lttachcd. The Inghtshr govern-
inemit will purih the debt of tIre owners. Thim
makes now complications between England
amid Venezuela.
The schooner New Day sailed for i3arbadoes
last 1)eccnmber ) with eighty laborers and a
znisccllrmneouS cargo for a mine in Venezuela
owned by an Eng1ih Hynthicato. Time mine
In on the Cor'.slnmo river , a trhbutary of tIme
Orinoc. Time iclmooner was seized by Venc-
zulan authority for alleged violation of
customs regtmlationmm , but those tntereeted In
time schoomier and cargo demmy that nay vIolation -
tion occurred , amid amert that spite is at time
bottumu of It. The schconer has been hying
at Ciudad Iloilvar , on tIme Orinoco , ever
since. _ _ _ _ _
J1N ( ( ) A ( I'I'.VViON I'ti LS AG.iIN.
811mm mush I'oiiiminee 'Fl res of tirisismgs !
/tgnhmiKt tlii t'miItiiI Stitiis.
( ( 'i' , " Iglit , 1SG. II ) 1're.mi l'uhismimmg % Company. )
MADI1ID ( via Bayonne ) , May 19.-New (
York W'orld Cablegram-Special Telegram.- )
Tire Jingo and opposition papers attenmptetl
to get tip on agitation i Madrkt and flar o-
lana becau Senator Morgan is alleged to
Imavu sJokeu thlecourteomssly about Queen
Cimrlstlana , but time excltoment iomm sub-
'rIme government again declarerl thmat it
could not comimplaimi of inrilamnentary titter-
ances , ovr which no executive has conuti-
tutlonal cntroI.
Premier Canovas seems determined to sim.
ply live down all smearos and conflicts as
long as ItO keeps on tolerable terms with
l'resident Cleveland.
scull itt OPCiII.llit.t A'L' C.t I Ito.
) 't-rceml tmiixe of lemi t 1mM Is
its' rh ) . IIIgIiilmt % 'Iiiil Iiiimalmig.
LONION , May 19.-A Cairo t1lspatcl to
time Standard says : A death from cholera is
reported among the Egyptian troops at Toe.
z'ahi today ( Tue'1ay ) . A regulur cholera ml-
aenma , says this dispatch. is broojing over
Cairo , wRit time heavy sir soil time lint wind.
TIme virulence of time disease is almost miii-
ParaIlOlel at such an early stage of visits.
\ ( ion , the percentage of demttims beimmg 90.
liii ) urml liefilNeil 4) A I ( iimmI.
LONION. May 10.-A meetimmg of the
Peace society VLZs hmchd last cyeiming in Len-
den for the irommmoiion ) of mm 1)1511 of arbltra-
tine of differences between the United States
nail tlrcat flrltain. A letter was road froni
United States ammmba'sador , Mr. Ilayard , de-
cllimilig an Invitation to attend , on the ground
that , aithotigit lie symmmpathmlzed with time
muovemnemit. It mva not In his vrovimmco 10 CC-
tively asimt it until time voice of both na
tions hiatt deciared In its favor.
IIi.rshI(1)Ol is ' .Veii t4nli.licd ,
LONDON , May 19.--Tiio florhin correspond-
eel of tii Times ea ( list thtrty.two of
the furty'scvemm socialisis piace on trial for
vlokttiuim of time lawi. of association wee ac-
qultied. herr liebol says of time result ;
"Time political police never sustained such
a crushing defeat , and certainly time main
result of time trisi lit to prove time utterly
ciimUiUated nature of the Prussian iaw of
aoclation and ( ho Imperative necessIty of
fresh legisimitlon. "
_ _ _ _ _ _
' Ititllumi VrlmiomiersIi ItiIcneti.
r' l ¼ 1ASSO\'AhI , May 19.-The roimmainder of
time prisoners 1mm Tiiro territory bare bern
handed over to ( ] emmerai hiaidlascra's forces
b' time Abysiultrus and are retirlug Seward
Ionols , UarschIt aud Senefe.
Iimko of ( mmnmmn.ght rrlaemm n $ n
it elireseti In I I s e Ut t lie ( Limeemi.
MOSCOW , May 19.-'lhe duke and duchess
of Connatmght , representing Queen Victoria at
time coronation ceremonic. . arrived hero at
noon and were accorded a brilliant reception.
They were met at the raiiroaml station by
the Grand luke ) and Grand Duchess Scrgimms ,
time Grand Duke anti Grand Duchcs
mir and a guard of honor. A band playe.
'God Save the Queen. ' Time military tattoo ,
which wa.s scheduled for tonight to take place
in the lmreence of time czar , has been pot-
poned , owing to time inclement weather. Th
granl duke and grand duchess of lle3se ,
I'rince anti Princess Louire of liattenberir.
time imeremhitary grand duke of liaden , tha
crown prince of Ienmnark and Prince Sumiami-
are of Japan arrived during time day flfli
were received at the ralrcaml station by nmemn-
3rs of the imperial family and guards o
imonor , accompanied by bands of mousic , An
especially grand reception has been aceordel
e. the muir of hiokhara , wimo lisa been ro
CCiVeI Itt private atmdlenco by time czar at
l'etrovsky palace , where ime was ; mrentel
to the czar. The other niombers of the 110k-
hmaran nilssion were ( lien received otflc'nhhy
in the audience hail. Time khman of Ihiv. '
was accorded a similar reception. Ahmnlral
elfridge of time Unitcil States navy n4
party arrived today. There was no omcial
reception accorded timemn , but they were mat
at time slatloim by II. S. 13. 1'erct' secrctstr.
of the United states legation , atmd Lietmtenammt
Commander ltcdccrs. naval attacho to time
LeNDer , May 20.-Time correspondent of
thin Daiiy Nei ; at Moscow notes ( lie pre.
ence there of time btshap of Peteraboro as time
specially accredited legate from the see o
Canterbury at the coronation of the czar.
' 1lls presence fices not excite comnmnent , '
rays time corresponmient. "as no intelligent
ltusslan accepts scrioucly time recent immooted
project for nffectng a minIon between time
Anglican nimd time ortlmodox Greek church. "
The correspondent also remarks upon thA
coidmiess of time popular reception of ether
membor.m ci time imperial fammmhhy than time
czar. 'rimis , ho is assured , does mint denote
dirileasure. but lie is Inclined to doubt this ,
no ho observed timat time Grand fluke Vladimir
nd Queen Olga of Greece were rnmly ten
mnuchm pleased to acknowledge time very r'
spectfui salutations on tlmelr arrval.
The TImes corrcpondent at Moscow says
the real reasomms for poatimoning time military
tattoo. which was scimeduled to take place
Ia'mt imimrht in time prerence of time czar. as
time receipt of bad imews of the deatim of Arch-
iluke Charles hous ! of Austria.
A. Moscow dispatch to the Sandard says :
Crowds of people wait patiently in time streets
for hours for a glnmpse of time foreign royal
personages in the city. When they appear
the crowds greet them reepectfuliy , but al-
imiost silently. The Itusrians are miot accuc-
tonied to induime In noIsy demoustrattons.
Thu brIlliancy of time scene is sadly marred
by time persistent rain. The whole mIlitary
force were umider aroma tonight for tattoo
when the arrangement was suddenly canceled -
celed , owIng to time receipt of time news ot time
death cf Archduke Cimarlem , Louis. The vant
crowd dirappointed , but time troops
marched back to their baricks simmgimig. '
bFLtl)1ItS GiVIN F'iI'I'IdidN YEAStS.
I"irst Modilientiomtof Semiteimees I'm-
mmotmmmeeui mm miii tmmmtiier I'vommiis.'ii.
LONDON , May 20.-A PretorIa dispatch to
the Tlmmmee , dated May 18 , says : Time execu'
ttvo councli today decided that time punish.
meat of Colonel Francis rtimodes , Lionel Phillips -
lips , George Farrar and John hays 11am
monul ( the lcadcrs of time reforimmers who
verc sentenced to death ) shall be fifteen
years lnmprlsonmeut. Th 1105)0 is entertained
that these sentences will be modified. The
decision of the sentences on time other re-
fornmers ha still aealteti.
The Times also has a dfspatch from Cape
'rcwn wimicim saya the mnotlon of Mr. P-rn
. . . n 1mm the Cape house of Assembly to rn-
voice ( lie cimarter of time liritisim South Africa
company is certain to be defeated. 'fine bumik
of time siea'.ers in time House , timls dispatclm
sys. imupport the chartered company.
T40 Times cxplaimmo in ami edItorial that
timero Is it bare possibility that in its l'rctorla
dit'patch fifteen years moans time penicd of
hamilshminont immstcad of Imprisonment. ' 'If it
mucans Imprisomimmient , " says time Times' , ' 'it
iJ almost equivalent to a death sentence , acid
will produce a painful inmipreemiomi of sur-
prlro as being severe beyond all expectations
and the ending vhil be to perpetrate political
strife. ' '
The Dilly Telegraph has a dispatch from
Prctoria , dated Moimday , May IS , which says
the executive council , after a heated dii'-
cussiomm , postponed the final ( lecislomi on the
runisimmmment of time reform leaders until the
, moxt day ( Tueui3y. ) A difliculty has arIsen.
i'aya this dipatcii , fromn time fact that two of
time lnii'000rs ) , Including thin leader , have
signed a petition ticking for a conmmutation
of their sentences to flnee , wimilo ten of tIme
PriIners have refused to slgmm.
I'RETOItIA , May 19.-rho t'entencs cf the
rcform prisonenim hiavo not yet been decided
upon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tisilted Slmutem .ATmiIItsl4iiIr 'I'silkN osm
time IlssIoim of ( ommMmIImi r ServIec.
LONDON , May 19.-Time United States ambassador -
bassador , Mr. hayard ) , was a guest tonight at
time banquet of time foreign consuls at tJm
lintel Cecil. Time bali was elaborately dcc-
orated with United States and I3ritsim flazs
emitwined. Mr. Albert Rothschild presided.
Time banqueting hell presented a brilliant
scene. which was increased by time uniform
Cf time several amubassamlors present. lion.
p. A , Cohlimme , Umiltod State.s consumi general in
Lomidoim , in a speech proposed time toast to time
sovoregns ! and presIdents of time wonid.
Mr. llayurd replied to time toast , 'Time
Fipiuimlats , " in proposing which time l'ermami
consul emioral. 11. S. Foster. eulogized Mr.
iiayard , who , he said , wits imonored by all
tine best people of time United States an- °
Great liritaln. Mr. Iiayard , lie mitI ! , was erie
I ; : the best iroxice time United States nor
ham ] . As. Mr. flayard rose to reply , the audIence -
once drammic to hits health. lie dwelt upon time
omIssion cf time consumiar service , as being
equal in immmportance to those of ihipionmacy.
Lord Smuilsbmmr'NJ.INt of Itmimmors for
time Qumeemi's Iii rls mimmy ,
LONION , May 19-/tmmiong tIme qnmeeo'mm
birthday hionorms ammnOunce1 mire time following :
Time nmmurqumis of Graoby , oldest cim of the
duke of ltutiammd , and itt , lion. Edward hone.
age , formmmeriy cimancehlor of time Dimeimy of
Lammeaster , are elevated to limo pearage ; Chief
Justice Meredith of time court of common
iiea : of Ontario is knighted ; Sir Inaid
Alexanmler Simmithm. resimlent governor arid coin-
mmittmmioner at Montreal of time I iuuimi hay
conilmaimy , is made a knight of the grand
cross of tire hiathi ( li. G , U. Ii. ) , aimd tIme iIc'n.
Joseph A. Chmuplcau , liemmfeiaiit ; governor of
(1w imrovimmco of Quebec , Ls imiade a knlgimt
conmnmammmier of the Order of St. Michael and
St. Gorge ( K. C , M. ci. )
aiimiisti'r 'I'milom- Smi ) 1mm Simmilmi ,
L\DItlr ) , May 19---TIme fimet that time
United States intuition , Mr. liannis 'taylor ,
mae arranged % vitI a trnnrpnrt agency t'
convey his personal furniture on hoard the
stcarmmcr Conde Whfrtdo , bound for New
Orleans , teimmerrow , led to the report that
'imo nmiluiter "its to leave Madrid , Timim , It
Is samd , Is not time care. Mr. Taylor's family
Is returning to time United States , but It
departure baa motiming to do with imalitics
ammO the immiumitter is going to reside at the
Iegation -
51 , ilirtvtte 'iii I'remmoimt hum ht'nli ,
I'AltiS. May 19-The Figaro this niarning
bays that M , hIc'rbetto , time French am.
L'assador to Germany , starts for lierlin today
mm order to hmrcseimt lms ! ietter.s of recall , Ac-
curdimig to the Evenement , Mr. ( anmbon. the
FrenCh iuminister to Purlcoy , vilI bucceei M ,
lierbette mit ilerhin ,
l'm iig'i s'ss. ( 'lmole'r&i imu flgyit ,
( 'AlhtO , .1ay IS-There were'in '
heath. frcimm chmolerzr hero yesterday , twenty
might at Alexandria and one at 'Zurah ,
Olovelanci Oonf'oroirco Finally Succeeds in
Making Eekcttoiis.
Cumuleput fur I'lmmeeM of Ilommor , iiiil
i'iver i mm t litIctimu.I IPit Cli mmmcli
hlmimlemi mmmi ( ii. IIftemtlli mumuit
Si.tccmitlu himmllmtps.
CLEVELAND , May 19.-The dedleck in
tiw Methodiet Episcopal general conference
over the election of two bishops was brolcen
today by the selection of Mr. Charles McCabe -
Cabe of New York and Dr. Earl Cranaton
of Cincinnati. It was apparent wlmen time
( Iclegatemi ar'sembled ( hint they were tired of
the balloting , and were determined to bring
mnatteru to an issue. Time bail wan set roll-
log by flow. C. I. Stafford of Iowa , wlmo
moved that time election of bim.ops be indefinitely -
definitely poetponed. This precIpitated it
lively dItussion and the motion was defeated -
feated , Then Dr. A. II. Leonard of Cincin-
antI moved that in future ballots the miamne
of no camididate be announced wimo received
less than ten votes. That motion carnie ,
and it omashed time deadlock. Fromim the first
the coimference hind been voting for two candidates -
didatos on eacim ballot ; that is , each delegate
had two Votes on each ballot. Iii every bai-
lot floimi 100 to 200 votes were vattered
among a score or moore of candidatcu , wimo
imad no cimmmnco of election. As saon as it
tvanc decided ( hint candidates macst receive
more than ten votes to he counted at all ,
time delegates imaw that time tinmo to do seine-
timing had arrived. A commibination was
quickly forimmeti. On the fourteenth ballot
Ir. McCabe's vote jumaped to 253 frommi 190 ,
which ho imad received on time ballot taken
last nlgimt , and Dr. Cranston from 245 to 261.
That indicated clearly who time lenders were ,
and on time fifteenth ballot Dr. McCabes vote
rose to 314 , or immoro timan was needed to
elect , while 1)r. Cranston polled 321 , or
eiglitecii lens than was needed , Time next
ballot gave the victory to Dr. Cranston , anI
time \vei't and east had both clected their
Dismop Walden , speaking of time result ,
said it vau an Ohio day. 130th of tue bishops
eloctol are natives of time Buckeye state , and
sIx of ( ho sixteen bishops were born in Ohio.
Tlmcy are : Stephen It ! . Merritt , John M.
Walden , Isaac W. Joyce , Cimarle.a C. McCabe ,
Earl Cranston and John M. Thohurim. liiiiiop
Foster , who wan retIred , is aIs an Ohio man.
Thirteen b3ilats had been taken when time
coimference convened tlmi morning , and the
convention appeared to be in a deadlock.
Dr. J. A. Mace of New Jersey favored time
mnotiorm to postpone indefinitely time eecticn
and cimargol that the great body of time
chmmrcim did not want niore bIshops.
flew. C. fl. hula of New hlanip.hmire pro-
seated a substitute which rrovided that if
no election simuld result on the fourteenth
tallot time five highest ones shall be vCted
for on time fifteenth ballot , time lowest one to
be dropped on eacim succeeding ballot.
Cnleo of 'No , no , " greeted time rcading and
Ihlahop Bowman ruled It out of order.
Dr. A. J. Kintmett or Philadelphia said the
voting was a good thing n that it holds the
delegates In timeir stats , and at the sme
timno busineac was dirposed of in a remarkable -
able manner. lie eu'oglzed the carididatca
for bisimops , and particmmlarly McCabe.
At this Juncture Rev. It. D. Munger of
Central New York protested vigorously
against time electioneering.
Dr. Kinnett said no combinations existed
and that It was a matter of congratulation.
Finally the motion to postpone vas do-
footel by a large majority.
General Rushing of New Jersey attempted
to secure a suspension of time rules 1mm order
to present a subitmmte to elect three in-
etoad of two hishop' , but time conference no-
fusemi to do so.
hUms' . C. G. North of New York attempted
to secure the sanme result in aimotimer direction -
tion , but time conference refusad to suspend
the rules to permit it , and the fourteenth hal-
lot was ordered taken.
Bishop Bowman presided for time second
time today. Time reading of time jaurnal
had just been completed when Rev , C. L.
Stafford of Iowa moved to postpone 2n-
mefinlely time eivctlcn of bishops nail in
support of his motion raid timore was a
i.uige imumber opposed to Increasing 'ime
t'lscopal board. Dr. J. M. Buckley oppoed
Limo motiorm. The committee , hm oold , had
recommemided three bishp'c aim the car.-
ference , by a majority of twenty-five , sub-
ttittited two. lie reviewed tile cnferencc , of
ls88. tt'hmen eight ballots were taken. To
indefinitely postpone wommld make time conference -
ferenco ridiculous In time eyes of time world.
Dr. Buckley said the difficulty now hay In
time fact that individuals wmo immil no posmible
chance to secure time necessary twu.thirds
Vote for an election still rcrmittetl friends
to vote for timem. It was manifest , he said ,
timat no clection coulmi be secured if the members -
bers persisted in voting for those wimn could
not be elected. If Imposshie to elect , timen
the conferonca could be adjourned and time
mnen who blocked time election would have to
bear tim responsibility of it.
Time report of time fourteenth baliot was re-
Coived. In all 604 votes were cast , immaking
336 necem'ary to a choice. Time leaders were :
Cranston , 261 ; McCabe , 251 ; hiammiilton , 149 ;
hluttz , 123 ; Neehy , 112 ; I3owen , 27 , amid scat-
terirmg 70.
Commipared witim time previous bml1ot the vote
showed a galim of sixteen for Cranston , a
gain of slxty-olgimt for McCabe , a gain of six
( or Ihowen , a loss of two for hiuttz , a loss of
sIxty for Necly and a loss of thirty-one for
I fain lIt on.
Time fifteentim ballot was at once taken , and
time tellers retired ,
After time transaction of a little buslna-s
the toilers returned with time fifteenth ballot.
Timero were &Ol votes cast , nmaking 336
necesiury to a choice , Of theto C. C. McCabe -
Cabo of New York receIved 311 votc , elect-
immg imim by eight vote-s. Time vote on the
ethers was : Cranston , 328 ; Iiuttz , 112 ; hlammi-
ilton , 109 ; Neely , 50 ; hiowen , 30 ; scatter-
immm. 35 ,
Time wildest scene then followed , Dde-
gates stood yelling amid waving time'r imamid-
ice cimleIs. Calls for "McCabe , "song" and
"peechm" rcse fronm all Parts of time hall ,
Iehegntes rushed hack mind forth yelling
arid lie was surrounded by an enthusiastic
In time first lull a motion to "Invite flislmop
McCabe to the platform" was imearmi. it
tunim carried ms'Itim a wimiri and as Dr. McCabe
% s alketi domvn time aIse the donmomistiation
was repmimed , immit ir. McCabe begged to lie
excuted from saying anytiming , 'rIme comm.
ference ordered no report made on timoso
who receIved ices than flume votes and thmon
resumed its deiiberatlona.
TIme fifteenth balat shsvcd a gain for McCabe -
Cabe of SC , for Cranston of 67 , for lhaniiton ,
a loss of 40 , for fluttz a loss of 11 , for Neeiy
a lee , of 62 and for hlowen a Icas of 5.
Time drift was ( lion toward flimv. Earl Crarjj
Time sIxteenth ballot was oman announCed ,
reautiimg in time olecticim of Dr. Cransto0 as
the second imhiimop. In all 504 votes were
cait , making 336 xmecee'ary for a cimclce ,
11r. Cranston received 266 , thue ele'cting
him by 20. Time conference went wild again
ani cime'n.- ' flied time hall , IIndkerchmIes
were wave ] nail the mmoino continued for several -
eral mmminuies while Dr. Crantomm walked fr r
ward and bowed. An attempt by Judge
Caplea of Oregon to make time electien unammi-
mous was imowleJ down.
Time conference took tip time elecion of ( wo
book agents for New ' 'ork , Time imonilnations
aero 1)r. homer Eaton of Tro' , N , Y , ; 0. H. .
McGee of New England ; J. N , King of New
York : U. It , Imugiicty ef Nem' York ; W. M.
Su indetts of 1imblamIeiphia ; 0 , Ii , Maimimis of
New York , East ; 'Ililam Evans of centni I
Peimmisyivammia. and John D. hlanmnmormd at
[ 'alifonimla , lr , iluckley then obtained time I
1oor anti immoved lust noinlnatior.s be made
aim a. call of the ci'nercnce. Othmer 5lmeeime1
ondenmn rg it uvere made and tim imi I n I
Lo nominate by conference earniol.
Nominations for agents for western book
OECCrii5 at Cincinnati were then calied los- ,
in both cases two were riecleul. hlefore
time veto was taken time result' of the first
ballot for New York agents was read. Dr.
Homer Eaton was overwhehntngly elected
anti after taking the first vote on the Cia-
cinnati concern and ( ho second-bn New York
time conference adjourned. ' Ii th votes wIll
ho announced in the morning.
Dr. Earl Crmmmmstoti was birn July 27. 1840 ,
at Athens , 0. His edimcation was ob-
tamed at the Ohio university , LIe enlisted
In time United States service and rose to the
rank of captain. Im conscqubnce of that
service lie is now an honor-ed memmiber of time
mnhlitary order of the Loyal Legion. Ills
service in ( ho church after the war mca
in the Ohio conference. h1o was transferred
fin-ct to Evansville , lad. , thence to Jackson-
yule , Iii. , then to Winona , Minim , , and finally
to heaver , Coin. , where ho was presiding
euler. Since 1SSI he hiss been one of time
book agents of the Western Methodist Hook
Concern in CincinnaU. lie Ia i pulpit orator
of high rank.
Charles C. McCabe was born October 11 ,
1836 , in Atimerms , 0. lie entered thin Ohio
conference In 1860 and was stationed at l'umt-
nani. In 1S62 ho became chaplain imm ( ho
Omme hundred amid Twenty-Second Ohio Vol.
tmntcer infantry. At time battle of 'Incimes-
ter , Va. , in June , 1863 , wimlio lookimig after
time wounded on thmo fk4d , lie was capttmred
anti taken to Libby prison , vhero lie re-
nmained a captive for over four tnommthms. After
his release lie rejoined hmi regiment at liramly
station , but witim broken health , and was sent
back to time hospital at W hlngtomi. lie was
invited , after partial recovery , to speak at
t1mo atmnivertary of the' Chrltizumi coimmmnission.
ommul Gorge hi. Stuart , liresident of that or-
gniiizatlon , akrd Secretary tantomu to gr.mnt
him nermission to make the ( olin of tIme
great cities of the union in the intere8t of
( hint cause.
Aftc.r the war lie re.ontorc(1 ( lie regular
work of the mInIstry and was stationed at
Portanmouth , 0. In ISCO thm Ohio citmfer-
enco called him Into the setvic of time Oimio
\Vesleynn universIty. In 18811 tIme Board of
Cimumrch Extension aL'hed that , lie might be
appointc..l to aid Dr. Kinnctt in building tip
that catmee. For sixteemi yeas lie traveled
tlmroumgim time length and breadth of time hand
and saw time work advance witim unexampled
prosperity cmi every side. . .In. 1884 lm was no-
elected mimlesionary secretary. Thmroughm his
nmatcimless inepiratlon and , efforts a cry "A
Million for Missiono" , omtce a pm-opimesy , i&
now one of ( ho brightest facts In time history
of time Metimodist Episcopal church.
Sonic of time delegates ate worklimg to have
time staff of the Church Etonsion society do-
creased. This croppcd omit at a meeting of
the commmmnitte on church oxtonslomm today.
Time conimittec recammimnemded that a cours
of state and national lamt' , as it applies to
te hoidirmas of chiurcimea , be included in tme !
realmmg of timcoicgical students. It was voted
that where a church asks mhml in bulldimmg
and accepts it the builclingmmmust conforimr
with plans approved by the church extension
There tvas a hot discuseOmi Inthe comrmmlt- :
tee on nmissions on time promoaltton ( hint persons -
sons immay specify the purposes for wimlch
peclal gifts to time cimurcim shnll be used
hlhihmop Theburn Is exceedingly anxiou thma
this be dor.e. A few days ago lie saId (1mm : '
if better support was not given to the mum
son work in Immdia ono outof every mmix mis-
sionnnles there tvouid bo compelled to retmmrim
home. Toda ) ' ho said thatwimile , that might
notsbo ( inn result , a continuance of present
conditions might prevent hl . returnimm to
India. Time cimammge imropoed .mnet the op o
sitlon of pr. McCabe and Dr. Leonard. 'rime
matter was laId over.
The bookcommnittee recommended subsiiles
amoumiting to iS,2S0 per year for several c
time church papers. '
SlIFL''Li ) 'i'iii : - VoM.tNQtTI1SI'IN. .
, -
itimmisiis 'Ci Conrcyenc4 LexveM time
Matter ( ) % 'er for Fotir Yemurs.
KANSAS CITY , May 19-Thme wonian
quoston ! tc lc up time prIncipal part of tn-
day'a sessIon of the MethodIst Protestant
conference , amid adjournment. till tomorrow
was taken wIthout it being disposed of.
Time comniitteo on certifIcateS hail re'ortcd
fnvdring time seatIng of all deleates who
are enrolled as nmembers , which of course Includes -
cludos time women committee , Rev. Timeinas
Levis 01' ' Maryland and Rev Mrs. St. Jaimim
of Kariaas made sieocimes on time quesilamu.
Time "womnan question" wastbefote time conference -
ferenco durimmg a long and plrlted ression
tonight , but the confereimCQ proved uimabio
to settle definitely time mrmucim disputed ques-
tiorm. Finally , by a vote otQ9 to 57 , it was
agreed to remmmammd time who9 ! question bock
to the distrIct conferences for a direct vote ,
time nmatter to be ultimately settled : im the
conference four years hence.
One of time felichtoums evem1t of time day vns
the announcenment of the upcommditljnal do-
natlaim by II. J. lielnze , the millionaire pickle
inammufactuirer of Plttmiburg , ' Pa. , of $10,000 to
the Icaneas City university , tlme conerstone ;
of which was to have been laid in Kansas
City , Kan. , this afternoon. The ceremony
was roatponcd , however , on account of rain.
, , ,
( Luestimimu of Imii'reNt lti-Ilglimms
' , VmrkemH AIii % ' fl1miiMseL
ASIJURY I'ARK , N. J. , , May 19.-Timo sessions -
sions of time Wonman'em Homei3apt1st Mission
socIety were continue ] today President Mrs.
J. N. house presided. Amnung time subjects
uhiscussech were : "hlenmo Misienmi vs. State
and City Mis.Ions" amid "Locl Charities ummd
Gommeral Llenevolence. " Aimmopg time speakern
were time Misses Anna It , dain , Grace D.
Alden , hiannaii Ii. liaroly , 1J. H. htymmoldo
amid Mrs. James Me\Vhinimie
The afternoon sursion asa joint meeting
of time \Vomamm's Ilaptist MLsloiu society of
Chicago amid Womnamm'a Ameriarm Baptist Mia-
sion society of Ucmton. At the afternoon sea-
siomt Mr , ' . 11. II. Ames recited time anmmlvor-
sary cde. 4
: , . Ii I.emmgm3' bXrreises.
SCIIUYLER , Neb. , May 19.-Speciai.- ( )
, tL thin Methmeihist church Sunday evening
eleven jmmmmior Epworth leimgura were gradu-
ateci into thin senior lcaguudiplemnas beIng
imroentcc1 to each of the gadusea. The
grnhmmaUomm ( occurred in coithction wtim ! exer-
ePics celebrating time sevemmb anniversary o
time organization ot the Epwrtii league. and
time Emwortii league ofllcersfor time ensuing
period were installed ; 'Fleodore Joimimaumi ,
president ; Ohm Bradford 'acretary ; C. lit.
Sutlmeniammd , treneurer ; ClJJa ' $ hmultz , Clarit
Junbflmmtin , T , L. Lillard4e4d C. lii. Joimmi-
son , VICe presidenta.
Smil miioii Ammimy % 'ii4.I5hsc mu Church ,
FREMONT , May 19.-pecial-Thme ( ) Salvation -
vation army is planning tolerect a building
for church and barrackIa this city. They
imave secured an option , on .a lot on Fifth
stree ( near 0 mind are .mzfaking a strong effort
to raise $3,000 to purclias time same amid
erect their church , Set'era % of Frcmonmt's
busmncea omen who ar ln'pypmpnthy 'with the
work of the organizations hmay'e ubsc'lbmamj ; amid
they feel confident of bohn.mLtiio to raiao ( ho
money. They Intend to put amp a good sized
commodious building wiLls rtoRns for the use
of time officers , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sitla illstric't ZOzsiIeiori'rs ,
FAIRFIELD , Nob. , M.ayI29.-Speclai.- ( )
The Sixth district Emmdea4.o workers closed
( heir fourth anmmuai coiavemtion here last
nigimt. fletween 90 and i0' ' delegaten were
in attemiJammco , The programt was excellent.
'rums district imas foiloyed n time direciioim
takeim by time other thistrlchin tiio state and
Ierfected an c rganizatiomm with. the fohlowlmmg
mihicers : l'rcsiricot , p , ii. H toes of Geneva ;
tocretary. L' . Shuermamm .jf Fairfield ; tress-
urer , Miss Lola Sornick of Geneva ,
'I'rommhmit'w 1mm I hitliimsi mues % 'orld ,
COI.UM1US , 0. , May 19- ' , E. Joaepb of
this eitj , ho is the chief clerk to time head-
1uarters cfilco bore for ( lie Patton Macu.
facturimmg catmimmany In time state prison at
Now Alimany , Intl. , and of time plant at Mumn.
ie , huh , , hia been appainied recever of time
onmpany In ( moth states ,
NF'PORT , It. I , , May 19.-Three attach.
meats , amounting in all to $16S.000 $ , were
lscoJ on time Goodrhdgliubbem - M2mmufactur. I
mug c nnany ; hiy Irem'er & ( Joodnidge , cornI I
nuts Cn mimer imants ef New York and stork-
mci.ers iii time company ard the piant shut i
1vn , about 200 peohmic being thrown out I
f work.
Democratic State Convention Todty Favorable - .
able to Silver.
: J
limiSlmieMM iemu of All S . .j , f Pu-
hltient Vmmithi I'reiuirimm 'C have
time l'rt'semmt Imut I mu ( I I to
( immimigoi ,
. SIOUX FALLS , S. I ) . , May ' ccliii
Tehegram-hieports ) frame the va oun-
ties in tIme state show ( hint time St mmmo-
cratie convemmtiemm , wimicim will meet ow
1mm Aberdeen , viii ho overwhelmingly free
silver. The following counties have instructed
their delegates for time tvimite mmmcliii : Aurora ,
l'otter , Day , Lake , Kimmgsbury , Mimicr , Doug-
has , hlutcimimmsomm and Beadle , Time only ommes
for gold east of time Missouri river are Union
ammd Moody. Time following are unimistructed ,
bmit time sentimmient of time delegates is for
silver : Mimmimeimaha , Limmcohn , Stanley , hughes ,
Davisan , hyde , McCook , Turner , Cimarlo.s
Mix , Sanbonmm , lirookimigs , Grammt and Clark.
Time lihack hills will be nimmmost aoihmhiy for a
straddle , with Immcidentitl emmdoraemmiermt of the
aulmmmimmlstration , but it is very doubtful if
they can get mmmucim support , The leaders will
mmmaie ii stromuir effort to prevent inmstructionms
or any kimmd or any declaration whatever ,
limit In Viemi' of the strenuous desire of ( lie
mu' : and file for a silver expression , it is
doubtful If timle Imhami tvlhi tvimm. Timere is
run opposition to Judge Cariammd in time See-
mmd district , but it Is understceil ( hint be will
mmot go omm a sliver plammlc , National delegates
J. lit. Woods of ItapId CIty and Celonel W. It.
Seole ( of Deadwood have no olmpoeltiomm amid
tvli ! ho elected , despite timer ! . 'itammd for gohml ,
There are two candidates Iii tue FIrst cm-
ciiit , S. Itoss of Yankton and Fl W. Miller
of Eik I'oint. Time former , being a strenuous
sliver mmmiii , will probably ho elected , There
I.m a big fight between Tune Cimild of Mehiete
ammd S. A. Culver of ilrittonm on time mime
hues , amid , though Culver imav a mmmajorlty of
imis district , inc will probably he tmmrmmed down.
TIme amuti-proimibitiomi cammmpaigmm will be
lmuummciied thus iveek train thms : city , aiim ! front
this tinmme omit i'ill hmi imuaheth vigorously ummtli
November , Time cammmpaign be mmonparti-
san anti will be imanihied by representative
lumen of all political parties. Thmo flankers'
and IIusmmes.t ! Mcii's aasociatiomm Is being rapidly -
idly orgammize.l amid time officers will be arm-
mmoummccd in a foti' days. All tviil b muon of
state-wide reputation , Time presldemmt tvhhl be
a miemnocrat , time secretary and treasurer re-
pubhicans , and the executIve comnmimittec whit
conmpriso among otlmera nevenal well known
populsta ! , Time ( lechgmm will lbs to separate the
atsociation entirely froimm PolitIes. The imlan
of cammmpaigmm till be to urge time lmioillclency
of time prohibitory law as a immoral force. Time
amsocuation will take the grimund ( hint one of
thin greatest eviLs 1mm time Iaimd is time drhmmk
habit amid the imimmorahity which surrounds
time saloon. It ms'Ihi bo as strenuoums as Lb. '
proimibitionists ins demnoummciimg tlmeso Ills , amid
tt.il1 th cn take time position that time great
mmeed is to find time macst emclezmt remedy.
'rime entire history ei liquor restriction In
time Unted ! States will b covered , and it will
bo demonstrated that the mourteemm staten
viiich have tried proimibitiomm and have later
repcaleml It hmave ( hone d because they found
.by e.2cpenicnce ( hiitt Instead of decreasing time
evils tim'e lTm\v Imas nihuitiplied them.
Agreat immass of statistical inforinallon inns
boami gathered , whmichm ivihi be tabulated anJ
put iii proper form and remit broadcast ever
the laud to prove ( lint ( ho local optioni
method of dealing witim this question ha
ben time mmmcot succoasful , also to simoiv that
pm'ohibition states have proven to be of lower
irad. nmonally , that they have a greater
percentage of cninmme amid hosanity , that they
are more strongly characterized by gemmeral
iawlessn'oss , and that financially amid mima-
terially they have fallen In time rear. Ar-
rangemmmemmts are belnmg made to cover the
states 'wIth speakers who will emphasize
these points , to Issue nowapapor supplements
and to lipread panuphmiets , Time prohibitiomm-
m-ts will be moot on their own grounid , an"-
while their premmilses will be promptly ad-
mlttcd , their commclusiens mviii be combated.
Fully one-halt of time newspapcr of ' ( lie
state , imiciuimhinmg moat of those of large influence -
fluence , will be with the movement.
IIUILON , S. D. , lilay I9-Special ( Teic-
granmm.-Delegates ) from all parte of tIme state
are hero tims : evcnhmmg going to Abordeemi to
attemmd time democratic convention , The opinion -
ion prevails that the state delegation will
i ) Instructed to support a free silver nomnmt
flee ; or president.
Vzurl.imms Idsthimiziep , Shmomv mu 2SIimjorl ty of
IS'tli'OVIL ( ) mie mmiii 'rum-ce hhur.iirt-mi ,
criIcAcio , May 19.-A spicial to time Post
from Wammiilngton says : Time president has
been told ( hat not only will time sound mnoney
elermiont lose Its fIght in ChIcago , but timat a
triumphant and merciless fm-co silver imma-
jorlty wIll Insiat upon time amloption of rose-
lutlomis Immatrumctinmg denumnclation of lila course
aim the immonoy question , Senator harris
estimates a free sIlver majority In time coim-
veimtion of not less than 200. Corresponmdemmt
lilclirlde , who Inns all time sources of infonmna-
tion that center in John R. McLean of ( lie
Cimielmmnati Emuquirer , says time majority i'Ilh
be nearer 250 and Congressmmman Dailey , of
Texan , who Is running for senator on a
free silver platform , wiii not be satisfied
with a silver majorIty under 275 , The ultra
conservatives imavo raised their mnlmmimmmumum
e.stimmmatemh immajority frommu 75 to 125. The free
silver sentiment among time democrats imas
time same ground swell roll to It that the McKinley -
Kinley nmmovenment hits anuong the republicans.
Time efforts of time admnirmistratiomm fromn now
on will be to immevent time adoptiomm of con-
dcnnmmatory resolutions by time national can-
ventiomm. It timat can be done time fniemmds of
time president feel they wIll ham cause for
congratulation _ _ _ _ _ - -
% 'hi.L , Bid A. TILLiIAN CON'EN'VJON ,
Si ) mm I Ii ro I I ) mu ut' mum t ii S t mm nih
'I'mm'emm t ) ' t 4 , (5 imm' fur Si I yer ,
COLUM1IIA , S. C. , May 19.-TIme state
denmocratio cqnvention meets tomorrow , 01
time 320 delegates there are not more timamm
fifteemi who favor the single gold standard ,
so the convention is sure to adopt time strong-
cat kind of declaration In favor of free sii-
vet , Semmator Tliimnan huts declared his inteim-
tiomm of leading ( lie Soutim Carolina delega.
iJon 1mm a bolt fromum time Cimicago convention
it its imlatfonmn aimould not contain a flatfooted -
footed declaration for silver and its nominee
simouhih not ho such a imman mmmc lie timiimks will
carry eu pielgea for silver , Semmator Irby ,
time state denmmocratlo cimairmarm , Is opposed
to ( lila policy. A majority of time mnemmmiimrs
of time convention adhere to Tilimmian as
against Irby , but the convemmtion will vote
down resolutions Immstrumcting either for or
agaInst a bolt , Tlllmmman wIll imead time dde-
gaLlon of eighteen to Cimicimgo.
( I rica imist' mm licLCJ nmi' . ' ' ( h imP , ,
NEiiitASlA CITY , May 39.-Smecial.- ( )
Time republicans met 1mm large mmummmbers at
Stovcnt'on hail last nigimt tom- the purposs ci
organmizlng a McKinley club , hut , L , flay.
ward was chosen presidemmt , E. L. Warren
vice president ; George McCohium , secretary
and II. Ii. Ilantiing trcauro ; . Arm executive
caimmnmittee of two fronm each ward were ap.
pointed by time presiclommt with lion , i'atnek
Itoddy as chmairmnan. Stmcechei were nmado by
several amid tIme organization adjourned after
imcartl.y endorsing McKinley for president
and lii , L. hayward for governor ,
Ileimm mien. tssm'I * Ii N. . Cat miii i ii ii ti. ,
CONCORD , N. Ii , , May 19-Tue demo-
zeaUc state convention to elect ' ! eieatcs.ut- I
large to time Chicago commvention will assenmbie
In hue city tomorrow , lion , harry llinghamn
: if Llttietomm will probably preside. Time i'Iat-
lorm ivill declare for a gold standard , but it
ts expected no candidate wIll lo enUQIled ,
CONhIltIiCl OP IO'm lIlOt'IIA'1'S ,
Gohmi Stmumm.Ismri amidSt lt'er I'eni.lC Ar-
smimige ( ' . , mmemmt iuimi letni I I , . ,
DUIIUQUE , May 19.-Specinl ( Telegrani.- )
Them will be no bolt In the democratic state
coimvcntioim tonmorrois' . Time soummid money muon
settleul timat this aftermioon at a conuferenct' , at
tmiiieim timose present Inciumileul Colonel Mc-
Comulougim , 3. E. Markiey , Judge hayes , Cato
Scii , Joimmi C. Kelly , Colonel Clark , cx-
Semmator Schmidt , Judge Noble , Capiaimm Yea-
mmmlii , \ ' . \ ' . Baldwin , Eu Cnmmupbt'hl , Eu
hunter , Colonel Martin , Ii. Ii , Allen , lii. It.
Jmicksonm of Tipton , J. J , 1)ummint of lmihmmmqumo ,
with forty others. McCormloumgim , Schmmmrimlt anul
hbniulwimm waumtei a bolt iii cau'e ' time silver mmmcmi
tunimeui ulowum Teumiporary Chairmumaum'right
or time imommuimmoes for district delegate fromum
time i'itmnmml mnoney dIstricts ( time Seconul anul
iiosaibiy tIme l"otirth. ) Cab Sells , Jummhgo
hayes ammil I1 Cnflilmbehi OIlPO5't'mi it , ammul ammo-
Ceedeul iii substitutimig for McCommlomigii't' iqo-
( Ion a motion that hhn'en niumi hhaumlwitm both
appoint a commmmmmittco to conduct omm time liner
of time convenmtlomm a huariiammmenmtanY opposltlomm
to time sliver mmmcmi's aggresslomms 0mm urty
Liter time sliver mmmcmi imelmi a cenmvemmtiomu
smith lmresoiuteul a protest to time state corn-
ilmittCo agaimmn't W'rigimt's atmhiiiltmument. immit do-
cimieui not to otmst imitmi mmer to reject district
imommminatomms ! for district delegnutc.m. , hi ( ide-
gates will , imoivevcr , ho hoummmml by time immuit
rule. Semmme commotion are mumnklng a Ilgimt. omm
National Coimmimuitteemimnim lticimardson anmd
I.omiint cotmnmty , boluhimmg time balammce of
power iii time First district timreatcmmmm , to go
over to ( ho silver nmen Umiletu iue L'c deposed.
Ills friends arc tvnrkimmg for hmimmm with holes
aimd Limo silver ieaders anti mmmny save imium ,
Time i'Uver amen vIhl ciaimmm time righut to nammue
a imow uitate central conmmmmlttee. lloles ,
Evans of Ottummiwa ammul'ohl of Altomm will
be delegates-at-large. Time Foumrthm will Imo
ex-Goverimor liestow , E. lii. Cnrr of Alan-
curator , or ex-Semmator Bolter of Logan , Carr
Ia hikely to be permanent cimalrmuuan. For
delcg3tes-at-largo time m'oummmui mimoney mmmcii will
atmimport Judge Wilbanml , Atlamutie ; Joimn C.
Llggett , Mni'amu CIty ; Jumihgo Daub , Mt. l'heas-
ammt , aimil U. 1) . Myers , immbmmqtme , Secretary
\\'nisim of time state comumiimittco will OPpOul2. J.
J , ltieimardsomm fdr umatiommiml cemmmmmuittoemmman.
' ' ' ' ' ' SIC 'I'll l 5555' l ,
NO't' 't'i 1.1,1 % G 'I'll lt I
iti'ilOl mtlumu (0 immiuruiu' I lie ! mmyur \'ziM
Nut Sim'turumr 0(1 I lit''m'emnmmis ,
A largol ) ' attended mneetimug of time Voter'
ans' Itepubican club tvas held at Garfield imall
last evening , viuicimvaii nimore iirohiflc of tnik
timuil actlom. : Aim opportumimlty was given to
sign time club roil mmmi ( lie first omue to rcs-
pommul st'as Mayor lhrcatcim. A iargo nummiber
of othor.m fo'mtowed.
It hind liceim wimispereul aromnmmd that an effort
would be mnamle to escmmre time mmtswmgo of a
m-co'tmtom ! : en'Jorniimg time mayor's ammmbitiomm to
be govem'nmor , limit if i-tmchm was time intenticum
time czumdhtlons ivero not thought to be harem-
ble ammd time resolution was not sPrung.
It. ti'as annoummiced dumrhmig time ovommmmmg there
was a ; mrospcCtlVe vacancy In the cerkslmip
Iii tine office of the chief of time fire depart-
immont and it is'as suggested ( hunt as all time
nmemmmbers of the fire amid police boam'd were
iii smlmllers time organlzatiomm i'lmomild enmicavor
( a secimrmm time place for sDnnme old oIdier.
A ccnnmmmltteo was appointed to crganlze
atnxiiianles of ( lie dumb 1mm each of the wards
of time city.
A. S. Clmnircimiii t'as catmled upon amid In
response mmmdc an adrcss in whmlcim inc um-
held the rigimts of the veteranms to recogni-
tiomm ,
Mayor hiroatch 's'aim then called for and
referring to a suggestion that acme Cf time
unmempioycd old solmhlers mmmighit ba given work
by the city , stated timat time niunmicipahity
would have little nnommoy to give enmpioymmiemmt
to ammybody , and fronm that ha branched omit
into an cxp'anation ef his appclmutimmontia lIe
raid time trub1e was timere was nmot enommgim
'places to go round and caimme of hIs anti-nice-
( ion friends .had to lie disappointed.
John ( luther was the laat sp2aker ammd took
ocaslcmm 1mm a left-handed ummanner to give time
mayor anme savaga digs for failure to accord
thio old soldiers recognitionu in lmis nppoimmt-
The maccLIng adjourmmed to next Monday
night , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ilahohi's mrli-umlN ( Irgamm Izi og.
A me2timmg of time friermmlo of Edward E.
ilalchm wami ime'd \Vashinmgtcmm hall last cvenm
lag , at whicit arrangements were nmade tc
work far a delegation from tine Nimmthm sard
favorable to lilt canmdidaey for time state
troa'.irerimip. There were a large mmunniier
prasemit ommd conmmlttees were appointed to
ionIc after lilt Interests before time pnlnnmanlc.
.tmtCutIt'ICld CICAItLISS IoL'iS IS DItl
iiruthiem' of tIm i' Emmutiemor Frmmmmclm4 , Jos-
t'muii I'imsss Asvzir.
VIENNA , May 19.-Arcimdulre Clmarleo
Louts , brotimer of the Emperor Francimi
Joi'0jmii ' , Wimo ima $ been seriously iii for sonnme
tinme in time imilace in this city , died today.
Time tori of time archduke traveled by a ape-
cial tralmm fronm Switzerland rmimon receIpt of
word of imis father's ilimuesa , but arrived too
late.Time emperor spent tIme night at tine Arcim-
ducal palace. The plm'eicIanne useul stroeg
injections of ether and camphor aitOr mmuid-
night , htmL they ommiy succeeded In reviving
time immutiemit to contcioui'mee for a few ma.
menU' . 'rho emperor departed at 4:30 : In
time nmnnnmimg : fronm the palace , knowing that
lie womihmh uot mice hni.e brother alive again.
Time archduchess swoonedi whcnm hme at-
temnpted to acccmmmpany time emperor to the
door ripen lmls departure. Time patIent him'
self hind imot haemm aware of his extrenmme damm-
ger. The two eldest daughters drove to ( ho
railway to await timeir brother and to
break time rad news to hmlnm when lie arrived.
lie walked witim great dIfficulty , and had to
ue aided In reaching lila carriage. Iii-
sojourn lii a wanmmm chiimmate tuna imupros'e
'ml ; , health : , but lilt conditiomm is etill pro
carious. Therefore , time immmpcrual succession
is still regarded with sonic approimomisionu , ammml
nmaimy peopi'3 believe ( hint Archduke Cmiii ,
ECu cf tIme Archduke Otto , is not unmillmely to
ho the nmext ccuImammt of time throne.
FORT WAYNJI , Intl. , May 19-Mrs. 1(01 ( , .
ertmsan , wife of ex-Lleumtcimammt Govermmor It , S.
Roberts'on , farimmerly ono of tIme nmembers oh
time Utah coimmmmuisnmion , dicul in this OIL ) '
( hIm , mcrning after a long ihirmess fremmu can-
ocr. -
NOILTII IIEND , Nob. , May 19-Speclal.- ( )
Putnam Dodge , veteran of time clvii war , died
hmere last nIght , Air , Dodge lisa boenm an him-
valid for a good ninny years from exjmcsmmre
In time service and bias for this past eight ,
ycar boemm hmelpie. 'the funerai will be held
according to time Gramid Arnmy of time Itepub-
lie rItual , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
P'I I I lmmmht i' r I ) i-I l''muIiiti ) ii Cirmier ly a
Simmumilsim ( mmmilomi * ,
PIIiLAIELI'ilIA , May 19-John E , Hart ,
managIng owner of tIme steamer Iiermnuda ,
says that time steamimor Ins In Truxllio bay , up
a little rIver , A Spanish man-of-war is in
time bay , saya Captalmm hart , and has timrown
tmcraeif across time outlet of this river , forni-
log a "trocha , " 23 Weylor calls it ,
Time Iiernmuda draws only eigimt feet oh
water , while time mmman-of.iar draws twonty'
four feet. The liernmuda can , thmereforo , go
up time rIver a good way. The rIver Iii about
eigimtoeml beet wide , 0 time otber hmanmd , time
Spanishi cruiser with imer twepty-four feet
cannot enter the rIver , "and them you are. "
lie says the iienmnuda mull remain there until
time cruiser heavens tim bay.
Mot'mmmumits of ( Jci'mmm VemiNels , 10.
At Olasgow-Arrlvod-hllimenmmian , from
New York ,
At Movilie-/urnlved--Sardlmmiani , from Mon.
trt'uul , ( or J4vtrpool ,
- ' from lbs.
At Liv j-pocmi-Arrlveui-Pai'onia ,
ton , Hauieii.-Corhntimiu , for Boston ,
At hhumnbut'g-Arnived-Sardinimt , from Now
At Antwerp-Arrived--Southwarlc , from
Neti' York
A I ldmireeiiles-Arnis'ed-Neumvtrin , from
New York. hIaied-Alesia ! , for NOW York ,
At LontIon-Sauied-Allnoesotu , for haiti-
mmn're ' ,
At hlostomm-Sailed-Syivio , for Liverpool ,
At time iiard-Passed-l'craia , from 11am.
burg , ( or New York ,
A t AmsIerda-Arnlvcd-Zaandam , from
( "low York ,
At Southiamnpton-Sauled-Borhin , ( or New
At New York-Hailod-Ibovic , ( or London ;
llave for lInemen ,
Two Inches Come Down in the Space ol
Twdnty Minutes ,
liii I I rmzmi 'i'rnek , . aim hiul ii ShIm' . , of this
iIMNoum ri Are I ii imisgm'r frumui
t lie Plouilm'Soi'e'mm Imi'i , , ,
hleiiv ) htmiiimmm ,
ST. JOSIPII , liin' 19.-Abotit I o'clock timi.
aftermmoon a terrific mum aternu ecctmrrcd here ,
nail abotit tti 0 iimchmcs of water hell iii tweimty
immimutmtes amid ( ho rain coimlitmumed to fall
thmmommgimotmt thm aftenimeon , Time naummfail for
tii last seven days hmas breim heavier titan
ever before 1mm time samume lemmgtim ef timmi.
Time commmmtr' to time mmorthu of this city for
nmiles is eimtirehy titider water. A aectinim of
eommnmtry about four mmmiles i'ide Is covered to
mm. dcptiu of ttvo feet , mimmul if it riecs imigimer
iuunimy fnumumilies will have to learo timeir
hmommmes. A muuiio or nuore oh track of time
Comimmeil hilimifi' mail , near Farc's't City , which
was wnehmed out Inst Siimmda ) ' , imad been rePaired -
Paired amid was neatly for use , limit it is feared
timimi aftermuoomm's heavy mum vill undo time
\vorlc. Mmmcli track emi several lint's is ummider
water , nun all trimimis Proceed very slowly ,
0mm thin west sluhe of time Mhi'sotmni river time
Ii. & Al. tracks are thmreatemmed by ( mo en-
eroacimimuents oh time river , ammui track walkers
are tmitlomueil all mmlong tIme hue ,
ST. LOUIS , May 19.-lhsintcimes received
toiulgimt Indicate ( lint a fearful rain , winul
amid hail sturums Imasseul over conmrai Missouri
timis af.ermmoomm , debug great danmage to build-
iuigm ammd fruit amid simile trot's. Time wimut
bhi'ii' at time rate' of sixty mumlies mimi hour , amid
omit' mummul oni'-imnit immcimes of tvater fell iii
less ( hum three imemmrs , A terrible electrical
stonmmm hmrevnhIed iii Sculahla , doling timousammds
oh ulehlars ivortim of ulammuuugo. Trmimmnmemm : coma-
lug into ( lint city report all rim' a overllow-
immg , loiegrahmhi pales lmrcstrnteI amid great
dnmmnger of serIous wamuimoumts. A meat' ) ' timumm-
der stonnum Prevailed inert' .
A special to time itelmmmblhc frnmmm Ohchahonmmmu.
cty : , 0. ' 1' . , nays : Elevemu brkIgea are waimbeul
out amid ten immileni of track is hailer tvater be-
tti'eemm Simawimee aimd I loldomuville , aim thu Chmoc-
iaw , Ollainonna & Gmnlf road , as it result of
ha'it mmighmt's heat' ) ' maimis , ammd no trains mare
ruin tinrougim today , Farmuis are subimmergod Ia
time North Cammadinnm river for inmammy mmuiie , ammul
imenivy dammmnge mat been dommo to stock and
; rou'hnme corn.
il7XiS Volt. ta'CIom. SLTIi'Ii'ihirflltS.
I'nl Im Ch I ' Cit lsi'ims ISa iMimig itomi , ' ' fus-
'I'hm use 55 i'imi ereim mes I I C ii to ,
FALLS CITY , Neim. , May 19.-Slmccial ( Tclo-
grammm-A ) nmmeotimmg of time cltizemm.s of this
hmlace was mciii at time court imouo this after-
noomu for time puruse of raislmg : funds for
time stilTerors In time cyclone distrIct near
here. Messrs. JIm Slocumnmm of tiuc lticimnrdson
Counmty bank anmi J. W. hulL of the First
National bank were appointed a conmmmmmitteo
to see time bmnslmmesa mmmcmi amid have alrea
raised $200.
\ VImfhe'Ilhiaimm hlertmamnm was attempting
to ford ( lie Muddy yesterday his toanim was
caumghmt by time current amid ilrownueri , Ills
wagon floated down etroammm to a tree before
milmmking and Mr. Bertram climbed time tree.
lie called to another farnmer who was cam-
log to towmm and last night ( mis father ,
Adolph llertranm , a bmisin.mj , mmamm of timi city- ,
with a nunmber of ctlmcrs started ormt 'with ' a
baat after iminm , Air Iierframnm was In ( ho
tree for atuommi eight hou5.
TECUMSEII , Nob. , May 19.-Speciah.--- ( )
'Fimcro was it snmuail isashout On time H , & lit.
railroad Snmmmday nigint bettt'ecnm Elk station
munich Table Itock , 'rime trek was gotten in
a passable conditiomm by 10 o'clock yesterday.
it still contlnmnes to rain over timis vicinity.
Time creeks are runmimimig imlgim , but. are imtlll
Iii ( mom banks. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
cotL''I'IN ( ; 5:1. : 'I'hII' S'I'tJItM vic'i'iss.
Ic'mitht 1.1st ( if thielCmu mismi 'l'ornnmhcim
I'm'ul Ii'iii ( 'umiileje.
KANSAS CiTY , May i9.-Twenmty-eght !
killed outrIght , fifty or nmore Injmmred , some
of themr fatally , amnd a property loss aggro-
gathng almout $1,000,000 , Is nmni' given as tine'
mstimated danmago dommo by Satmirmiay's cyclone
in Marshall. Nomnahia amid Brown counties ,
ICanneas. Fmnrtiner reports mnny Imicreaso th.mcBo
tigtmres , as telegraphic comummmmmmnncatiomm witim the
m.trlclcen lloimmts is still Inumperfect and cone
sternaton prevails.
TIme dead are distributed as follows : At
Seneca ammuh neighborhood. 8 ; at Oneida , 6 ;
Reserve , 5 ; Sabethma , 5 ; Alorrill , 4.
Semmeca suffereul a imnoperty dammmage of
abommt $350,000 ; F'rankfort , $100,000 ; Reserve ,
$60,000 ; Snbetha , $50,000 ; MorrIhl , $20,000 , and
thousands of dollars of damniage done In Limo
c..tmntry between these towns. Although limo
pecuniary iota mit F'rankbort sas great , aot
a life vcs heist there.
Destitution and destruction meet the eyt
at every ( mm , ammd time stricken country Is
bowed wIth mnls'ery and woo , Many were
m'Lrulered absolutely lmenmmuilemcs , bu few of time
vletinms carried cychonme Insurance , ammil many
escaped with only time clot.mcs they wore ,
At Seneca , wlmero the damage was tine
imcavIest , time univac wrought was most corn-
pleto. Everywhere tIme citizemms have cr-
ganized nail are delng everytinlng osshblo
for tine sufferers. Appeals ( or outtido aid
hmavo been issuemi ,
Ii'XihirO 518 i'EOi'LII 51151) itIhLIEii.
iCmimisiis I'eohhi' ( lii Sileour lime
C'ehiimme % 'Ii'tIiis ,
ST. JOSEPh , May 19.-A , Daily News spe-
cml from hiiasathaKamm. , mmuyiu that at a meet-
log meld hero last rmigimt relief was provided
( or time cyclone miulTererm at Reserve , A car-
lean ! of imroviniomms , clotiniumg , etc. , wIll be
sent to Reserve timimu afternoon , Carpenters ,
hnickmmmac'ons and laborers in great nummuberns
maya gone to time stricken cities to aesist in
rermmovlng thin debris mmmiii rebumllmbing time de-
strayed sections. Governor Mornilh has been
telegraphmeul to ask time umso oh timnmta belonging
to time state till hmCiUso can lie erected ,
The people slept in box care last night.
Mrs. Kreb , a prommminent neuman of lliswatha.
established aim eating house at Reserve , and
when it became known ( hint time receipts
were to be given to tine mneenly , visitors paid
all tine way ( room S cemmtmm to 5 for limo scant
food served ,
Many of the wounmihed people uvero brought
to Ilianatima for treutnmonmt , Time dead were
bunitd today. _ _ _ _
'I'OItN/iI ) ( ) IS SI ) Ii'I'hi IhtN ICANSA5.
l'tmmiis Are 1.iit'kimmg , limit It Is Siijm- .
iUNi'li ( relm I lmiummm , gi' huM hlet'nm Jommt , ,
wieIII'rA , Icaum. , May 19-A termlbho ton'-
nado passed ocor time townm of Rock , twenty
miles soutineust of hero , late ( lilt after-
noomi , but owing to tine fact ( ( nat comnmnunica-
( hon Is cut off with ( ho hmlaCO no details can
ho ascertained. Five of time imouset of the
hittio village are known to bavo been domol-
hmiimeml , nail ten Imersons rehnortcul limiured , but
how badly is not known , Thmo suppoal-
Lion ha that great damage was done to tue
farina aiong Its route , Time tornado was
plaInly visible from time town of Douglaai ,
four or five miles north of Rock , nail reports -
ports from thiem'o indicate that it a very
bad one , Time tornado formed whore tima
counties of Ledgewick , Sumner , CoWiey and
HuLler .
join. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _
- -
M-ehmmm iml'zil lhzaIiieers sit St. Luui. _ .
ST. LOUIS , May 19.-At time Southern lie-
tel about 100 members of this Amnoricarm to-
eieiy of Mechmminical Engineers mire gathefe
( Or the twenty-third annual conventiot
'nmny svili Lie in umessloum ( our days. Tomorrow -
row time business session beginis ,
Cilurt-il Mmimi Lmmchiot1 by a Mob ,
NBV OILLEANIJ. May -Lust nIght
Jannes Dazzle colored , was taken ( torn limo
jail . at SI , Bernard mmanlnhm mind lynched , lie
s.ams arrested ( or attemnjmtlns to outnumgo us
wimito womnmin near time 1 atterson piantatio
Sunday nmmorsmimug ,
- -