\ TIlE OMAHA DAILY B1E : SUNDAY , MAY 117 , 1896 , 19 I - IN WOMAN'S DOMAIN. - COWII : i is IIL V % ItIOt8 SJtL'I'S ( ) Snitirt VIeitlIsItlgM Hull I.rletiIng ' ' , . rut' 1''SIIIIM NIW YOItIC , May I 1.-Yachting Iot1ies , q nro Just floW occupying the attention of porno ot Our Rlnttrtest iretnakers. Thu 1st ot Juno will see the yachting soai'rn In full blaMt , and , It mm I t Julgo ( from the vaRt iirnIor ot flno cOsttIi1e ! being iiinlo for thI9 U0 alone , all the world anti It Histor will take to the w'atc'r tliI timincr. 'rho RIIop9 too , are showIng , nio sttinnlng rea toIIet9 , which soefli cxtromely Inexpen- EVO when compared to tlio iiiado-to-orlc'r article. TiteR there ate liori1e and lirt1o , of ( O Jiglitful accessories that build up a piquant nau'lcal whole ; little glazed-leathc'r sailor hats In white arni black , smart vell to keep flying locke In chnck , and stenler ( cativas 1toei with rubber olcs to ovoid falling on slippery i1eck. lii ttto'ay of etockings , the fashion inake fli claltit that the new French novelty hoec with nil their eccentric designs will ho much In vogue for yachting. Thoao In ilark tints with narrow 5tripea or small figures or dots are , however. to be preferred - ferred over ( Ito tuoro hizarro elTect. Then there are some silk onet In black and aubditeil cobra , with "flag-ctdcks" that are very charnhlng. Tue ilagi , ire the top flnlsh to the clocks , Ititead of the usual leaf. atid an Imported pair of these stockings for sale had two tiny French ones turned In opposite directions. They were exquisitely embroidered iii correct colors , and $ d was the price asked for Llio stocki showing t1ion , FOIt SEASOID SALTS , In selecting the yachting gown itself , though. there are several tlilng to be con- sPlereil besides the mom choice of a do- nign that will have nautical t.'uggestiotts. Textures 011(1 colors tdiutild suit the re- quirenients of tito rca , and tltero should be no tight beit9 011(1 hanils to (10 ( away with the comfort ot lounging. halt the fun of yachting cotties in with the lc.g kIlo mo- Thents spent in a happy lolling against p11- lows on the cabin top ; and in a cloo1y fit- ' ; ' . . / I - 1J"IlIi 4 1 _ _ ± WhITE SAIL CLOTH. ting bolice how can one expect to be either graceful or happy on such occasions ? Then It one is going seriousy Into the sport thoru must ct be too many fluttering petticoats and scarf ciids. There timings 'aro typical of the newest sea logs , and neither the sailors nor limo yachtnmen titoniseIve , have much tolerance for this exact mmpocies of understanding. They like a seasonel. salt of a girl , whc . can statid any sort of a "blow" unphased. itid tub sort of a salty maid may usually ho toM by her clothes , which have nil the trim "right" look of her own favorite boat. boat.Among Among the now yacimttig textures are seen the limmeti homnespumis and th0 rough brown and white weaves made to Imitate Turkiah towelIng. Thu Imonmespuns show In some instances time mottled effects In color of these In wool. Others are In the cool flax tints of kitchen crash , and , with the 'lilto wash braids , In ! . _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I tb. _ ULtfl DUCK BRAIIED W'ITII WHITE. yiilo anil narrow wIdths , make an effective and luexpe'nttlvo trininming. The towelling Is made up without trim. ming , in a skIrt and ahorL box jacket or IooEe blouse wIth a toiIor collar. The now siclilonno mobairs with their silky fluish also make very dressy yachting ma- tenets , the stout weave yet rovIdiug a background of insibt1Ity. \'ith these imandsotno effects can bo bad In the way of decoration through seam- strapplug , and however simple or whatever Its texture , a white vest 'will add a look of elogonce while keeping wlthimi the bounds ot yacht ; oquiromoaut. . TIDY TRIMMINGS , Thea of course thers ar many arIotIea of blue erge and twilled flannel , that with white or red bFRid5 sad a big sailor collar r In either color can be made at home into of- foctlve vutr rIB at small cost. A clover trick of yachtewomon who are under the average height and know a thing r two Is to buy ready.mado sailor suits in tboa matorL&I fromis the iurulsbera ut cbIi. L dren's wrar. So pttrelmmped , a ya'hing ! stilt of extrenio good locke an be had fr $20 , and without the mitjIafl'e of the nutnt'rous tryingmi-on. F'or slight , undersized figures , a mimmen' ilrciis for 17 years will be found to give cntlro satisfaction. Sortie of the ittiportoil yachtlnm toilets ti1itvti by th ilresm'nmakers are very beattti- fit ! . Several have 1)0011 brought over for special buyers , and so one learnol hid- dentally that Mrs. dergo louht is ititich given to close-fitting pique 'ests and has a imroferetico for blue ducic. A delightful inoilci In sapphire-blue mohair was caii1 thu 'Consmteiio , " and of course hail beau stiggostoti luy it yachting costittuuc lately inamlo for the rtttty duchess of Marlborough. rlmo ulec.Igti of this was a narrowisim skitt with strappei scams , amid a biazor coat to bo worn over a WillIe pOuugce shirt waist , TLiq liming in soft creamy told that suig- gem4tel ( very iloasamut POSSibIlltiC in lImo way of comrort and Which oven the sight of a stilt linen collar and cuffs like boards cclii Id not d i Since she line 'become an Ruuglisim stub- jert tim yoting duucijess , It seeuuis , has taken to time English styio of dtess hike a duel : tovntcr. . Slio niteets Itigh. hard collars , little sailor Iiat8 and uumannlmulu , bow ties. SRA SYMI'IIONIES. Auuuong the costumes for the tiobouhles there Were some dolightfuu sea Syltipitonies In sail cloth , duck and bunting simowum by a veII hcumown Fiftl avenue luouusc. Sail cloth , is a. coarse thick wIth somnetiuing of the uneven knotted weave of tIme canvas tised for boat sails. It Is no heavier in weIght tluitmi ordinary iluck , butt Is not sufficiently - ciently light to aduuutt of anything butt tiio siuuiilest mutodels. d white sail cloth gown lilustratcil was one of limo yaclttluig designs shiowut by the Fifth ttvemiuo Iuouai' , anti i an exceliemit one to follow , ' . triumu ulotbration of white crochet buttons and earth loGius ornaments tile skirt anil jacket.VItIm the hatter a very open cttt oz time neck amid how set of time collar fs a gracofui feature for slight siuouitleri , amid If preferred , instead of the moore trying hlrt waist , a flUff ' moult ) vest might ho worn un- deruicatit. A costume In robin's-egg blue sail cioth was lIned tltrougouut wIth white taffeta silk amid trimmed v1th point honitomi bra'.tl. FIve rows of this marked time top of the hem on time short Ilared ekirt amid timero was a blouse WIth a deep girdle effect arranged iii tile Sante vay , Loose sleeves with flaring matehot cuffs were inamlo only three-quarters length , amid tiucro was thu sweetast arrangement of tim braid over tiuo breast of thmo blouo. This fastened at the left sltlo. at time shoulder and tinder tito left artu , a big ship iii full sail baing desgne lii the braid over tIme chest. That this rig ccst a pretty Paflny goes with. . out sayIng. ihut It was lovely enough to be forgIven the expense ; and one could vell Imicturo how clinrmlng some dainty saIlor girl would look Imu It. For figures that need to ho .slightouied in elThct dark bltuo bunting with stltciuiumg In wiuit or colored silk makes a smart yachting get up. Black bumutlng could also be mused , and If the \s'earer Is : n half mourning an English waIstcoat in black and white pique woi.uld be a Irlni detail. DESIGNS AND PATTERNS. As to the general 'uluapIngs of yachting gowns there Is a telmdency with all of the bioues to run to thu usual low necks and broad sailor collars. Othuer , however , wIll be provided with a high braid-trimnued guinipe , whiio a shirt waist Or sweater wIll be worn homIer the box coats. Among the new athjunctmg , there are somne plain purarols in cool greemi taffeta silk that may be advised for sensItIve eyes , and since green goes with everything nowadays , the question of matching a color need not be thought of. Tiny luammdkerchiefs of linen In plain colors , rod , dark blue anti orange. vihl be considered cccky ( letahls with the new yachting gowns. In plauimihng hmor tennis mill the smumntnor girls also need to be sparing Iii furbehovs. \'itii all ouut-ilecr eports tIme rage there has been a tremendous revival of Interest in ton- muis , amid time new costumnies br this sport show admIrable reforms. Skirts are made ito longer than ankle lerigtlm , anti the despised bloomers , In white , black or ecru pongee-or Perhaps wask-silk or summer Ihaminel-havo entirely taken tIme Ilhace of petticoats. The bodice portion of the cuit Is either In the olmpo of loose coat huehti into the waist mit the baclc svflti a uuarrow leather boil , or else an eaay blouse that atlmita of oven tmioro freedommu. 1'hen if the tennis girl 'vflntii to b lixy at all. she can take It out In a simply-trImmed sailor hat , Instead of the Idaimi sort exacted -for yachting. FIGURED aoois. As to tenmuis materIals tii bourotte- striped an flgurot.X'flannoh ; are perhaps the tibet sultalmle anti 'effective. A whIte flannel hlatterned oil OVer' wIth roth amid iuiua temmnis cymbois mummy nhso be lied by time yard , and 0 Itii hills a big collar amid bands In a PlaIn color are a pleasimmg relief. Sozumo of tIme tenmuis skirts are lrovidetl wIth a sort of overskirt drapery which 1001,5 up into a long Pocket for imoiuilng time balls. Others have the ball Pocket at time enils of a bug broad sash which , map be niatlo of a brlgumt soft silk , in1 flflished with a fluffy bunch at time gatbero euuds , Temimuis gloves are of wash leather as are also these nmost In favor for yachting , The rubber soled canvat , itoes , however , are na lotiger seemi emily itm white. There are sonme Stuart roil anti hue ones that are very dashuitmg , and certaimi slmales of ecru attil brown , with yellow ieathter bamuda wIll Ito fotitud tumost usetul. Cohered stockIug , will be In high favor , but those for a figured dress should be In but there for a figured dress usiiouitl be only in a sohful tInt , . flut If an lnoxp1i1ve receipt for a tennis get-up is wanted , lucre is the best one In time world : ' To a short skirt of ulark blue serge add a dainty shirt waist In pale vlrmk or apple-green cttomm , with stiff collar auth cuffs of time bmmume. Mix with tbt. a Pammatna sailor imat vltit a band of whIte satin ribbon and a hunch of green and whIte clover hloottms at the loft. IItmaily soasomm with vlitu wash leather glovtmm , dark blue canvas slioo umntl blue stockings , amiti count tmim time result. l'Ifteen dollars would cover the whole thing. Ammtl a tennis girl so arrayed wouultl have the added joy of knowIng that she waa ready at any ummomuemmt for her beloved wheel. NINA FITCh , l'lhlLtTiJIiflI'iO l'ItOMiN,1IE4 , ( irIN % % ' 1 $ ( Call Atthic Ilihuisi .tM'Jtitt * lituil 'l'utki. Jsi. Jmnuutmir' for a Strut ! , "Nd one Is so poor but that ho hma&i somno- tImIng to give sotmieboily , " and the best givIng often expresstus Itself only In tIme beauty of service. A Sew kind , sweet- souled young wOumiemi , desirous of doing soitmo. timing to brighten tiw lives of thio io.u for. tunate , and not beIng able to give "of their substance , " have recently found a unique way to add their quota to the suns of time world' cheeriness. Iurlng these brIght. glad , new days of early spring , ambumg the crowds that throng time boulevard. may be seen hero and there a fresh , youthful figure leading by the hand a companIon no less fresh anti oyutimful , but from whoimi all the beauty of sky , tree anti flower lisa been cut oft by blindness , These charitably Inclined young women found that by calling at , the asylum for the blind at certaIn prescrlbe4 hour , , they would be allowed to take out for a lIttle outIng tb young women Inmates , So hand In tman4 they thread the gay crowds. seeking always the most attractIve points of Interest -up and down the ioulovnrda , by tIme rIver , itt the parl , wboreyer there Is uiot beauty1 ii and 1LdtiAM. and tbw aeelog uye be- come indeeti a light to th bhln'l. ' Throigh them time slgiitli'ss oumo Is tummulo to feel the beauty' of a a ide sky , the tommiler line of time horizon. a avitmg branch or tiohicate floner , humtcrestuumg ilemails are given or time "people we hass , " anti sitelu as the actttiImss of all other senses when deprived of omm , that tlmese unfortunate otmti seemu to catch the fortu as well as the spirit of time scemie , 'and nra at least. mimuch hotter anti happier fbr time fresh young cotuipanlonelmlp , It is said of lichen Keller that when taken out upon the lagoon at the \Vorltl's fair , so acute Is her sonee of feeling , shmo was able , Imy tue aid of her insfrreti Iimteiligenee nioume , to ullscormm time form of her snrrountPmmgs. A umow way of emitertaiumitig time blind line recently comume to my umutice. A brIght atmul immtohiigent ummnmm of nmy ncquaintammee , vhio be- caitmo biitmd lii mmmtdtlle life , i1mmd lila greatest reaomurco 1mm playiumg vlmst , lie has hmis own rack of carmls , each bcarlimg In a corner its value 1mm raised characters. After his humid I dealt , it is exchmangetl for duplicate became famed throuigliotut that region for his strength anti uuglhity. lie could outrun , omit- wrestle , omitlift , otttspal' and outdrrnk soy man for a clretult of fifty miles , anti his opinion on athletic matters was law , "Ab , tell you , boys , " he M Wont to say to his athnulring listeners , "Xe man cannot do what 20 haldes can ( ho If she hit ( live ) right. 7.o mare outrun ze horse , zo thee outrtun xc stag , vy shall not ze haitlco outrun ze nina ? I will see it prove some day. " Crol sae so persistent in ativorating his favorite theory Hunt it became a rtatiding joke In time neIghborhood , and oumo day pee- plo wore surprised to learn that he had atlopteti a Cltlppewa Indian papoose , about : i years of age , amid Intended to nmake a ltractlcai demmmommstratiofl of imla theories. Frotmi time tinme of her' atlopt.on by CrocI the girl was hracticA13' % , training. She was given regmuiar and ystematic exercIse In running , wrestling itimut oIlier athletic ac- eomnphisiuummemmts , atmil i' bus tlmno she wn. 12 years ohtl , hiceanme tmoed In time nelgimborlmooti for her feats ) f endurance. At IG clue could outrmtn an ) ' mail , atitl . , coulti mhltance any skater him a region tuhlts ! for its skmitltmg. She could fell a giant hemlock as quickly nilti kIhifuIly as nn ntmn In the country. anti it is a cotmmmmmon . , hyig in the neIghbor- Imood , that site can "Ik her weight in wild " I ! I cats. Sue Is mmow 19 year& weiglts 117 pOt.I.5. and Is as lithe and aiy as a Paumtiuer. She tlro&as 1mm a counbina lhm1bf male anti female attire , consistimig of Ii , ; knan's fianmmel shirt aimi coat , a short roactuine to thte kmmees , ktmlckerbocker. md leather leggings teaching to tIme skIc , hIer foster father , Crowh , is in feeble hma1tim , amid It Ia not yet decideul whether lie will he able to follow out his iumtetmtlcum of brlmmglng the young Atmmnzomm to the cast to enter her for all the rmlmmning events uumder ten mnme' : in tIme 'utn- mimer anti fall itmeets. N. W. lieltu of flur- mlickvilio , vhio line recently tlmimoil her over ho miocs tli die- a 100-yard course , says tatice itt nine amid omme-hmalf sucoum is Yti1 tIme ittiuiOt ease , nuuti lie - . - . 4. r- . . . 4t4r4 : S 'E . IAb- * U L - - :1lI1rn : P1/I , J/1WFWI-f + ttt 4f-tt I I /2q/5 I \ _ _ - I - _ , 4)V ) er _ I I STRIPED FLANNEL , BLUE SERGE AND WHITE DlC. _ _ 'emm j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cards from hIs private pack. As each player Ins down hi card , Ime mentions its name and time blind man hiai , so trained his memn- ory that ito Is able to renmember every card as It Is played , aimtl plays hiimnselt , in cotuso- ( jiICflCO ami absolutely clentlflc gammie. When one comes to tlminic of It , it seems strange thmat thmis deliglmtftul amusement has tmot beomm resortei to more frequently by time blInd , and that many other gaines have not been ararngcd him 111cc maimer with ime- clai reference to their entertalmmnmemmt. ' 1uIF I'IAi ( ) lAitlCl'i' . ' % tmti t iieeiues ofAlt tim e ltiII4I I iistiiu imi'mmt'i. About 80,000 idanos are miow being manu- factmmred annually In Amumerica , anti they are practically all for home commsuinpton. Last year only 810 instrunments were shipped . abroad. Moat of them went to South Africa , but a few were semmt to Germnany , We get front Europe far fewer pianos even than we send there. There hmatm beeti an effort made among fashionable folks to itm- troduco hero aim English make ; It Is a fine Itmstruuiment. at hotno , but it. won't do for America , because our clImate is so mtmtuch . dryer timan time English timat th wood shrinks auth warps hero ruInously. PIanos little mired protective laws. In every case It is the samne : cimanges of climate - mate affect oil tmmakos lnjurommsly. One famous Anicrican firmmm has met tIme dlliiculty Imy establIshing a factory 1mm hamburg - burg for time Gertmman ummarket. Germany sends sotmie dammo.to Sottth AmerIca - Ica nail to Atmstralla , anti altogether , sue makes as nmatty mis we do. France amid Englatuti ottiy tmurn out 40,000 a year , TIme growth of time business here has been great , for iii ISGO otur oumtpttt was emily 10,000. 'l'htero arc- about 100 factories in anti about New York , I'lanos seem to disalpenr from tIme world almost as mysterIously as p'ns , per. lmaps , consIdering their elze , Time fact that tIme streets are not blocked with cast.oIT pianos is more curIous than that the face of time earth falls to be overlaid wIth plus. An experienced Now York dealer says that hue has kmmown of but three that were cut up for kindling wood , Yet they oftemi ccli for little moore titan so niuch pimmo woulU bring , One second-lmcj'l dealer eiays ho bought sIx last week for $0. It Is time custouum of most houses to take old Iii- atrummuents and allow something for thenm. Time deduction Is counted as alnmost ileali lotus , but It brings trade , The od Instru- ntaumts are retltted amid polished up , 1mw- ever , and s'ohd agaIn. To whoni ? Where do they go7 Is atlul tIme qqcstlomm. , " \'eli , " says the dealer , "uilot or them go , but I can't tell you why , to Philadelphia. Perhaps it Is because tImee arqmorn4 board- II htoties there. floarding n lises are tIme chief refuge for second-itanil pianos. Then there is a gootl deal of business In I'imii. adelpimla in eehling thmomn to country people all over the land , Mcii that go into that branch of trade can get pianos pretty clmeap , for tlto flrst-eJas houses sometirmies get so overloaded with tlmetn that timey are almost willing to pay to have tlmemn carted away. " INIi.tN M.I&)1iN SI'ItI.\'LIdil. iIclmlgziu litmus Ji'ii'immpeml a flhmIVlso SM 0 iti'eorl-lIri'i , Itm'r. The new woman Is conming to time front in time most unexpected directiotme , says the St. Louis Globe-Iommuocrat. Century runs by bloommier g.ria are as comimmon as dirt , amid female base bail , foot hail and tennis oti. thtuslaats are found on every hand. it has retnalned for an obs.curo Imatulet In nortimormi Michigan to produce a brand umew specimen- the taomaie sprinter. hiurdickville Is a small corners settlement in Leelenaw county , en the shore of Glen hake , Not more than fifty people live at time "corners , " but 500 or 600 perims in time surrounding territory are dependent upo , its general store for supplIes , Logging Is the prlmmcipal Industry and the nolgimborhmnotl pro. duces as fine specitnemie of physical manhood a. one wishes to see. Thirty years ago , before - fore l3urdIckvllie existed , h'Ierre Crowl , a herculean backwoodsman from Canada , L - tied on lb. north shore of the lake amid soon is cniident that' &n a fast track she can reduce this' mt fca.ot half a second. She tlos thq quarto half , unIte , five and teim mumlie dIstances 1i1m proportiouately fas' tinie , amid , as there nothing in the rules of time Amateur Atlmhettc' ti , 'omm to lar womemu , It may be that the M'aEk ummnatcur sprInters of tIme world vii : bcimmmpehioi to bow ho- fore a wommicim FmortIy. Time woman's 100- yard record for Atm ) ' mttmtil recently been at time 16 mmmarlc , buSt tills imas been Ii t , . . V1 - ' - J : : , . . . . . ; , _ - . . . _ _ ' _ - - " 7 ev . - . ' .z : c- ' ' - : : l/ , , ' kr.-- 4 ' . : , k ' ' . - - . M \ " \ . I' ' ' I - I 1T \ - N " ' ' " , IiLUE SERGE AND W'hihTE IIUTJNG , - - - _ _ _ ro.hmmced to 14 by an athletic young lady of Vassar college witimlum a short tiumme , Lola , as the young Indian girl of Northern Michi- igan I.e , called , luau receIved a good cotomon school dUcatlon , amid Is as proficient n all time ordimmary domnestic arts as any house- wIfe. Time youmg uimem' of time nolglmborhtoo.l however , hold her , pb'sical lmroiiss toj mmmuchm In awe to "go' n-courting , " anti it , consequence tluo gIrl sees lIttle socIety , cx- cept that of her fostbr father. 4' , WOaItXGlElIt : , Cut.trohIiti Gm'tmIii f flit' I.ii'trIeiiJ ( I blM I I ' , r , On the ground hloou'f1Ume Now York Elec- trlcal Exhibition bulkflng , where few of lImo vlstltora gm , a young omnan is at work amuong whuirrlmmg miynatnos andp'oworfuh engines. She Is the controhilng genius of theta all , time chief engineer of the exhibition , WIthout her limo thousands of ejetrIc lights couitl not almino , nor the many' ¶ v6rklng models run , 'this young womanI4 Helene Walton , a practical englncoz ' 4itI mechanIc , 11cr principal duty Is to run the great battery of boilers that fum'nisb1 tsam for alt limo en. ginos in the buiidIug "I don't exactly needtho men , " said Mrs. Walton to a New 'pg Journal reporter , "but time mnanagemai thought It would be hotter to have them 'in' case a stesni pipe should break or uiametbing get out of or4or , I alwaye dId like to 'be around bollore anti engines , I met my Imusbanil In an englno room and that ulecltled tuly future. lie is arm engineer anmi I cling to the work for thmo love of mnacltincry. "i wouhilnt be a , typewriter or a clerk 1mm any etore.'omen can do any work that muon can , and they're going to monopolize all oecutpatlons. In a few years there von't lie anything t utnen to do but wam'lm , hislmes. " Mrs.Vaiton kept atm eye cii time gmmtuges anti not a timing In tim routn escapeti her album' tion. Th muon obeyed liar orders ith vleasuure , anti the tlmrobbimmg englumc anti ulyimnmnos Pent pulses of power tlmroughm the great building. _ _ _ _ _ _ tltilFtii ) .IUYS , Ponierilie J.nttumai. Oh , laihi.5 , have you lmemrti tIme mmevms That itl.s nieti's htenit with gl"t' , That tmmnkes theimu wntmt to ulance anti sing , No matter vlmo tnay see ; 'l'hat , whetm they heard it , nimvln them nil ( lIve otit' treutmentlous shout- Time tm'v ' that collies ( rein l'atis stt'nighmt "Full sleeves tim e going omit. " No lomiger , tiatuiwielme,1 , iti between 'rwo . . htm hmnIhnotm ot sleeves , \\.li. pmtmy tulmiti Iti street ears rltle , Sqtmeleum 'l liS tVt ) mnotiermm Eves. No I ugem' lvii a lnvt'm' l , linrasroil with awful 1otmiut tmmnfl thmt'mtter sents to buy- ' 'I"mmll ieovc mire goittg outi' ' T1iey't ' tng out ! I ) girls , elm ! how it vlll rejoice muon's To set' emwim lovc'y cremiture's nrmns Itt'tiiIeti to normmrmi size I Almil yet alui S tile tony regret Time joys ( lint omao hma'e imt'emu ; Fur truty ! , 'lmiie they 'ere iii style , 'Twos fun totmielt thtetmm iii I 1t.titil i.'uims _ ii l 'i'IIESfl , tr. ! I'eur l'ri'it'm'l 'I'iietit lit liii' A-efle IlemaluliM itt SItIII ( 'sit , Iii time Imotmie of Mrs. ltobrt E. I't'm'.ry. on llrozmklymm licIglite , Is what is saIti to b the largest ani3 fimiest collection of furs antI mklmis of Arctic anhumumils 'uimd hdriis imi time i1D3seZ'SOtl of mimmy mbmtlo Iudivlmlmtmii iii the world , says tiw New York Smuum. If their frmimcr owimems vem'e 1mm the flesh Mr. . I'e.iry would hmave a mmmcmmagerio wlmich aimy shmowmntuu votmiti lie emmit'r to Inmrchame , for It wommiti iimako him po"mosor of mm umumlque cohhectimmn. 'rIme value of these cmmrlo is limit to ho ( clii In flgumres , anti to the owmler tlmey rt'prot.cnt ummonthmu during whIch mmt' immmilr.rwemt aim ox- PatIence such no no oIlier woimmamm of t.is day's civIlization can luoast. Lying umpon time fleer of time parlor k bite whIte coat mitmd lieu cc heatl of a great polar hoar , with tvimiclm Mr. l'eary nuti several or lmls comtmpammtomms hind a force conflIct before .loathm flmmlly caine to theIr aid. Thmen timere are three timmy sklmms as imite no time snow that fell iii Brooklyn a fev veeks aga , 'l'.ete occa covered tIme botiles of time famIly of t ho great aninmal that lies extc.nmletl upnmm the Ilcor. It was a lmard battle she fotmgbmt for tlte'o bmtluies , html a vaimm rime. There are two other httuge s'.tlmm' in time polar bear dopart- tmiemit of timla sileat ummeengem ic. Each of time large ones is valmietl at $250. As fDr time balmy sklmms , they auc so rare 1mm the cIvilIzed world tat no vrlco , oo far as is kmiowmu , imas ever been imlaced utimen I hiemmm. Tlmroo Iitmnmlretl shecmnene of time ottler coy- erimmgs of Arctic beasts amid Itirtls , altogemhuer , are hmousoti In Mms. l'o.mry's Imtumo. Atmmong tlmeimi are sklmms of the rointiser. imlue antI white fox , hair seal , baby seal , rabbit , immusk ox. and polar bear , atiti luenuttiful jeelimmemms of time plumage of time ekiem' thick ammml Icon. Ilmislde3 there ame the skimms of three Esk1mo dogo. l'erhmapmi time caeimal visitor , exammmltming Mrs. Pcamy'a lOSm'aiOnM , might pass thO.i ( chins over hlgmtiy. Not so with tIme I'earymu. for tIme ) ' ale the skhmis of the dcgs who lnilk3ti thmo sledges of ( lie I'oaiy iart' hmmmndretla of immure titrouigim mlrlltimug snow and 1mm time face of fierce wlmmda that would surely have brought dcathm to time 'emmtimresotmie explorers but for time falthmfmmlmmes8 atmd hmardimme'a of timeso same ammimaha. flare imiuleod are time blue aimti wlmito fox ktm's which Mr. Peary huossesses. Of all Arctic numhimmals , time fox Is perhaps time shrewdest , amid , for that reason , tIme mimost dltltcult to capture. Omuly a smumall ammmoummmt of fur train the back of each animal camm be used , amid thus a garimmemit mmmadc of tlmis fur 1.9 exceedIngly valuable. Ten of these skins lave been made imp immto a collar , boa , anti mmiuff , mud 300 has been offared for these tiutCe articles alone. The winter , clonIc of time little girl who caine to Mr. anti Mrs. Peary during theIr sojcurn in time ! irctlc is mnade fronm the skins of Arclc rabbits , amid time'o is nomme otlmer iii the United States or ammywhero else below tIme Arctlo circle. It Is so soft anti warm thmt the youttgcst may venture out In the coldest vcathcr ammil laugh at chIli umti frost. TI'oy are vell nma'ed , limbs cloak antI chillil. Time first Pm rmlomme of its hcln'i in white civIl- izaticim. TIme second l time only svlmlte cimlid known to Immve : neemi born In lImo iatilumle wlmero tIme i4liImts wee procured. The foaturee of the collection which Mrs. Pe-mry prizes umost for Its beauty are three eIderdown quilts , each comnposed of tIme skhn of 1G1 elder ducks. Each quilt Is of smuhI- ! dent size to cover a large mioubio hme&l. In appearamm't ) they are beatmtl'uul Jim the cx- tremne. The topi , are smmov white. lichen' thin color changes to a soft auth very light slate. anti gratiusily grows ( larkor , umitil at the battommm it reemnbles in appearamice time breast of a dove. Mi thmrouglm this quilts there are gieaumis of white , secniimmgly woven with umo particular system , but a more care- ftmi oxanminatlon shovs that. time entire fabric gives a general Impression of a series of crei.centa , The down used for time body of thmo (101115 Is ( rota time breast of the tltmcks A border four itmcImc deep 1mm formnotl of tIme pitimage of the nnti resemmibles nothing more than a combination of jiemeock fc'nthmers of the softest an4 tnoet beauttfmti variety. Each quilt Is c'tlgei with slate- colored tiowti , atiti tIme whole forms a charm- lng eoumbitmatioiu. In thmo Unitush States the ; mltumuagn of tIme loon ha mat commsiilereti of any partlrutlar tutU- it ) ' , butt. up in time Arctic tIme Icons arc of a thiffert'nt sc'rt. At a recent rereptlomi iii Hrooklyn Mrs. Peary wore a rape ummaile of 211) loon skins , aumtl of all tIme rich anti valutmu- hulo n raps carried by other n omen iii at- tentlamici' there was umono s' t1iIted. tmnme 5) valuable. This Is atmothuer article which tie womnami bttt Mrs. i'rary vosessos. Mrs. l'eary's dress on ( itt' saummo occasiomi ccc of hair soil fur , trlmmlmut.'Li a Ithi blue fims mit the bhue fox. The train consisted entirely of the tells amid flippers of seals. Tlmr.i reindeer sklmm In thm l'eary colhectiomu art' largely those of thin nmmimmmmils shout by muetumbors of time arty for tci. 'imile surim skimv arc not very rare , thms are particit- Ian ) ' limit' specimnemma and nt-i' worth a large smith. QuIto a numnihier of the skitis of alit- male ammti him-mis were otmtaimme.i by Mrs. I'ear ) ' frum ; thmo Rohuimos , to whioumi shie greatly ( 'ml- ulearetl hmerself by the klntimmess aIm showed thwumm. As tokemis of their appreciatiomi of Imer utcttomm , amid frommi a desIre to be of servIce - Ice to the first whIte womnan they lund ever 800mm , thme' ummailo her miumnierous anmi valuable Presants of skins , Otlmer e'biims vere th- tamed by traihltmg , for ( hue Eskitno Is mmothmiutg It not a tratler. Wife anti chmiidreui arc liar- teroti avay Just as ( IutICkl as atmytimlmig else. 4 , Ill LU ' \ r- \ ( ' -c , r ' . I ( i' ' , It I LINEN IIOMESI'UN. Tl.is was evidenced to Mrs. Pcary , to s'Imomu ami Eslcitmmo once effeteti ImIs wife amid temi elmlhihrcmi for a knife which iii tlmis eoumttry woulti retail at 25 cents , 'lime mmmajority of tIm skhmm lii time Peary col- iectioim are hot umoimmited. Before tIme close of ammotlier year the i'cmirys imop to hmave tIme 1mm- tereetlmig and valuable meimmemmtocs of their Ierllous voyages imm time Arctic sono placed 1mm stmeit a commditlomm that Father Time wIli ho unable to Injure their appoaramice. I'msiil ) ii ? ; Imt's. Great umso Is mnaile by tlmo mnodlste of time nev hlugumemiot frilhlngim unit pulfings o silk , lace , net , himmen lawn , batiate organdie , amid grenad Inc. A mrmzmterhai calleti "bumre" is very popular , especially in brown ; it resenibies iOllitm and mnoitair , or somnethmtng between tlmcmti , which is a lIthe hike each Otto. illimets are enjoying a remmeweti ioiiularitY as a gartmtture for hats. lit cmmmblnatiomt vithm green they mnakc distinctly Fremichm color comnbinaticn. I'Imi cimock ammd lmmcim-wldo block pattermms 1mm hue wool rlvmuI thme muohairs amid clmcviotmi 1mm time mmmaking of nat y ecottimes for tu-avchimmg amid s'aiklmmg costummmos timie summimer. Qmmalmmt little bonbon boxes are ehmowmm in porcelaimm , daimmtlly dccoratctl , Iii almaume nmmo lit old-fashIoned bellows and time othmer a vohln. Timey mnake clmarummirmg favors. Ammmoumg time coummtlezs natty amni comfortable - able fammcy waIsts of time summner to be s'orn with umrnhmair , shepherd check , or clmoviot skirts , are models fornmcd of cool , iig'.mt China silk omm smali warp , prInted l'ersiamm , Drcsiemm , amid Ilko pretty designs. Time shirt vaist wIth dotacimabie collar is a \'ery iuractical garmnemut. For warmmi days thmo extra collar Is a boon , amid , by tIme middi- tiotm of a ribbon stock coliar the waist 1mm cmmvertstI immo : a garmimont that hma lost all suggestlomi of mascmtllnity. Ammmong tlm entliemus variety of gowns for muprimmg aimil atmmmmmnor wear are thmoso of coarsely graineti alpaca , and four or five rawa of narrow braid trim sommio of time skirts. One costume in navy blue has a blouse waist amid sieoves of checked sIlk and a ilchmu cape like time skirt , n'Ithi plaitoi frills of silk around time edge. A youthful gown of white taffeta spotted wIth black ba a saahetll bodice finished emi time' edges wIth a box plaiting of narrow Imiack Valencionnes lace , which also trhmmmmm lImo ruthle on the skirt. The umniler bodice i of black silk umet over white satin ; thmo mmeck Ia cut out In a hugh auumaro , leaving time mmct td cover the throat , wihm a deep yellow yel- vet collar for a flmmish. Smuratimmes and raltmbow percallnes are brought otit nmmioumg several novel badice amid skirt lInings to lie usetl as mmhtitmutes for inferior silks that voar so ooriy ammi cut amid fray so quickly. Over forty different numtmdcs are ammmommg these iimmlngs to to u'ciI tumider hiatiste , sunmnmer umhiic , gremmtmdlno , grass lumen , antI time generality of Imoavler textiles utseil 1mm nmmiklumg UI ) tailor costmmnmcs for vmtca- 'tlcmm wear. Cr.stumnea of wlmito muohair vili be much m'crmt dmulmmg time suunmtn r , especially at sea- mmimie resorts. Fremmcim deyelopmmiermts in this material have time u'ImitenesH ommipimasizoti huy bands of Perumlaim trlmnmlng wltim time frlmmgeti etlgo mmccii omm canmeh' hair ahmawlu , 'l'ime Orlemmtal trlmummimig Is tiseil for time vest , wlmich imvarlauiby accommipaumies tites skirt and coat cotummmes , Very pretty amid graceful Vandyke collar. ette are nmmmtlo ready to wqar over various pretty mmmmmmmmrmer toiiot that jire mastic in tIme * uhmapo of a desimly pelmitud yoke , % % 'ltlI points tulsa on thin mmlmoumiders , wftt'ummllng over time 101)5 of the sleeve-puffs. These poimttrs are either hordereml with s'Ido lace Immeartionmu or etlged1 with lace , amid very oftemi both triuntumimmgs are tsed. Tlmo neck-band is emit In stammdlmmg poimuts , witlm a lace ruchmo In- mmltle. mmltle.Tim Tim latest mmovelty In dress materials Is a s'ery orilimmary lmemttpaqklmmg , wovomm , of course , s'itlm heavy tlmreams and very open uumobm. Some Paris drt'.u3mnalmer line Immtro- ulmiced this , and , while It looks 'omy innocent armd chicap , time goc'ums ao unamlo very expensIve - pensIve siitlt elegant lik anti satin llmmings and ommtsiiio decoratIons of emmihrottiery , insertions - sertions with coiQrL'tl ribbons tutmticrneatlt are imi'ed , amid time whole effect itt mt at oh suggestive - gestive of time ioc'-prIcemi sackcloth. It hums finally come to pa&m that in this matter of blue coiffure few Immtehligent cmuitl- vatod women follow any umniversal tootle or iron ruule iii the arrangom hit or their hair to suit time features of tntt frlonths or neigh- liars , imut In accordance vitlm their own 'iar- ' t cular cast of coumitommance and their in- ciIvhiluaI fancy. Aim a result one notices at mmy fashilottahie evening gatlmerlng a mmu"iiey Jr graceful mind becoming styles of couTure Uround THICK ( or your advantage , X XOuaranteed s ycar9. H AMMAR AINTS Tb. use of rtr.i : Lluittd Oil Is the SEC1IET of Osrabli Faint , I'tmrs h'ahmt rigmamets asd aduiUr. aM Oil moats teorthimis Faint , lie sure your islet Ii made frets United OIL amid it mmlii It ilur&l.lmu , ilsmumat l'alti art mad. frets time lIES ? ricin OUTLiftuul.E , aed sbma rtdsa4 galisa fer gallium uhth l'ert Usucd Oil , ibeygius the gristemi ss.tlsfutloo ebtalasil , from asy ratt , .d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cr Htiuli. ( niIomi ioiJ ) TUutOImOli ONE Mg8L'Oi5limm ptsIt IN EYSmIY TowN. ¶ VE'WlL.L utxiqmsw MONV ) mu' U'C Se 1Li1LI5NTD. apsemsi iumiecma.ut. Ia Iscil $ .wspspr 4dvcrtlstug , bsImvgi , sc , tu icilm. \q- . : : - - - - D-Z224ZP1flJCA7TLDU1SO. - - ! $ . that not infrequently are quite atm artistie study. l''iiliiltt , ' , ntes , MIss Allen Smith iii ( lie eseretmury of lImo \'yotmtitmt Stock Urowers' nasocintlomi. Tim \'onmamm's cltub of Iencr , t'olcm. , on ac- comummt of the large ituerease iii its ftituLq , itni raist'mi the bontl of lImo trensumer to $1,000. Tim Mozart club of l'ittsiitmrg , mm ciuorah socIety , mmii a ummemmbcrshuii , , of several t imut. vntl Mmmii its hmmitm , mluatmagt'r is a W'tliR ii , MuM Grace McElroy. Miso Enku Stitlo mmml Miss Iiautmi , lu" . t'ti yomttmg .hapammt's. wotimeim , have jmmsi grim luatil frimn tIm e I.atm rim ml c iii orimu I mimeti meal cot- lege itm ( 'inc'immtmatt , after takIng I 11(1 four- yearif cotmrse. : i i5ii Numoroji is on her way frommm I' uii'um I ti , Iummhin. to i.onilomm to eotmliiiete her tiitlk for the umuethlcal Imrefesimum. Slit' Iii tIme tlauughmt ref of atm cx - iii ctumhier of i'a rI tnmumt'mm t atitl I mmteumihij afterward to PrActice aim mm 1ihmsleIaum 1mm India. Mtt"i , iuiuI Scott , a student at ( 'emmtrai Normual college , Rnmm. , has hct'mi apprhmited clerk of time 'emuezttt'la commimmmii'slotm. Sime is R tmit'ct of Justice hirower of tito maipreimme cotmrt , chmalrmmmami of bite commmlmmlsslon. A comumpammy of wommieti owtm the ilommita mnitta of Gtmtmuiisotm county , C'olcrntio. Time olIim'erm or thin cotimpammy arc' % i'ommuen mitmil votncfl mmmnnage time busitmeiw of the enterprise , amid tIme ) ' muro mimaklmmg it a tltmammcial success , too. Great htiterest I'm hueimmg titaumifestemi by the grauhuatimug tlass of the liarthuehmuimmow Emmghlsh ntmd Clauwical sclmrol thmat tIme great uhititi- gtuut'huetl wrIter , lit. 11ev. Thmottmmumm A. Oat- her of 'ib'ifltesee iia necehutetl titt youmm Iailie. ' itmvitatiomm to ( l'hlver ( lie auitiress at tIme mimi umimal commmmmmt'mmecmimetm u , ii imy 2) ) . Time lotulsvuilt , vomueum are litirtly m'mmgagc.il I ml re oaru mm m ; for I h e ( 'flt ertnlmu mmmcii t of I ii ci r sit est S.'ounemm d 1st I mmgmulmllmeti i ii n rt s , let. ters amid hmhmilammthmroluy ( I ) time tmummmber of several t Imoumem mid wili at I eu 1 ( Ito Imlenti I uI commvemmtlomm sit time ( icimeral Ieth'ration of \'ommuelm's Ciutl May 26 to 29 itmt'lumsive. Time Nmttitimmal Lifeboat itistittmt of Great Ilu'Italmm iuums Presumuteth Mrs. IIr'souu , ivifo of the 'icar of holy Islatiti , 'lthm a Imatimistumie bitmoetminughimsa for hii'avcry lit commmuectiomi 'vitlm thit' iamtnrhuimmg of a lifeboat eu tIme 11th of hart February , wlmemm tImlcar. . assltetl by time wnmemm amiti mm 'oiummmteer crew , % vemmt to time m'ecUt' of tIme ilsiiormmmeiu into were iii miamigem' of simipvreck. The Iiarnuimn of Ccmmtral America in a vommmatm , Mimue. iimmula I'obiaon. She Is saiti to ri'senublt' iimrnmmnm s'omumewhiat. Sue rimums ( ho largest travu'iimmg circus iii her part of time ( 'oummmtry. Aithmotmgim she is (5 ( yu'ar'u old , Mmume. l'olsstmm is still limo mmmovimig spirit of her show. Sue cmmmtme to New York not bug ago to receive anti tnke luomo witim her atm Afri- eamm iiomi that arrIved eu omme of the Atlaumtio steammiers , Laflemu In Englammd take active immterert In Politics. Mrs. C. larwitm lma jtmt betm lure- eimtotl by time lathes of time itniomulst party In time Litcimlield mllvlmulumm with a costly Stafford- simire Itimot Imi dimtmnouiuis as a tokemm of resp'et mitiii recogmmitlomm of her services to thin caimso iii tIme constltmiemme'h'hmt' gift wns ttceouum. luamuietl by a volummmme contaltutng time umammmoa of 376 siubserhicrs , whumi rcpi'tv'emmteml all parts of thil3Voutma mm's ti li'isi on , Miss ICummusner , the yoummmg Aummerican who hmas paituteil iortratts of muany of time mutust beautiful vomneum Iii Now York , is at Ilion- luelumi at iiroscrt. tmimikimmg portraIts of ( ho young thuehmoss of 1ul'irlbtirtuumghu mmmmd of Mii's Fair , vhio is visimimmg time tlimchmt's. Mica Kumsammer has also received commimumhu-mmlons frouti limo dmmchmesces of iavoum.imlmiro amid Sutlmcriatuui amid fromim tIme Ladies Iuitlloy , m'Imo bear reptm- tntioims for great bcammty. Mmmie. Lihhiamm Nortilca receIved a mumast vahim. able gift fromim time hex amid sent holders of time Metropolitan opera Imoumeo , New York City. 'rite tiara commains ( 221 uiinnmummiils , mug- lug 1mm size frommi a carat and a half to otmo- eighth of a carat. 'I'hmero are a dozen of tlmo larger stommea , mimud time welgiut of the dia- mnommda Ii , thirty cam'ats. 'rime tiara is con- strumoted on a baimmi of gold , anti time center- ideco cami be imseml separately as an ormmaunent for thmo hmalr. Thm whole valtuatiomi Is $5,000. Yommmmg Aimmeric't has resmiommlod gemmeromusiy ammtl cordially to time Gemmoral Miles Tomutimumo- imlal Futimi whmicim it lB still hmopeti thm So- cii'ty of Now Emmglmimmd Wommuen may present , anml time PatrIotic boys anti girls are sending in theIr comitributtlons of a ticihar , more or less , in timeir own way. Timreo little brcthorn have rent to time trcaemmrer , Mrs. .1. 0 , Tans- Icy , three omm dollar bills mmmi a sealed letter to ho opemmc.iI when tIme unomicy iii pretanteti to lilumm. Eaclm boy itas dimly received iml'mu ro'nipt , on which 1mm a vignette of the general - oral , - . - I - . ' 2Mr : : - , - . - - _ _ . , YALE HAIR. TONIC LADIIS AND GCNLEMEN : It affords mime grcat tmieaure to coil the atteri , , ( lou of time ; ullle to ymo'5 IxccheiOr heir Tonic , stmlctm Iii time first antI only rrme'Iy kaowmm to clmsinietry which posttivuiy turns gray hmmir aacmm to its original caior without Oye. it hag gone on recomt ( tint Mine. i. YaIe-won'l'rful ' ioman iieiumlumt-tiaB mumado this roost valuable of all chemical discoveries. Maic. Yale pereanmihiy' en' 'dorsee Its action mmiid aivel the public lmcr solemn uaranteu that II bias ijeon teatcd In every con' clvaiis way and lies imrovsi Itiett to be the ONLY hair Specific. it STOPO liMit FALL. INtl Immeduatety and creates mm lmixumioue growth , ml cotmtmtlnmm no Injurious Ingre4int , l'imymdclans ( mutt clmenmIIa Invited to mmnmmiyzn It. it I , nal yttctty or greasy 00 the contrary , It makes the heir soft , youtlituul , ItUtty and keeps It in curl , Fr gentlemen unit h.mltu , , ' , with hair a little grap' streaked gray , entirety gray and with hALLS lEAD8 , ml Is ii)4eIflCiiihY recoinmnen'ted ' , MI druggiete sell It It. Price , * I.0. is mmtmyba'Iy offers a eubetttute , shun them. LIMn , M. Ilealttm and CormmplezIo Hpecialtet Yale Tempt. of Ihemmuty , 145 htati tr..t , cfmicago. t" . " ; i : . Need , of dIeeardint iOnS . binouiwre or sweat- - eretiIycarbeemitmeo they licivem mitimerci . - tiutidutlonC teteiI' I ratIon imttutuhiiut on Idcycltiuu. for wastmctl uvltb the rmoum.brinkIujj ir$4.o 4i WOOLA anti they viIl come out tiriglit lilld fresh as new. Never Shrinks , Never Fades , Time ohy coap in limo market which cars be relied cii to wsblm all umammn r ot woicu Satiric. s-him irfect eatlaIaCttOn nail Iiervoiho cobra iii the maoe deitcato lilki , ciuhls , vrmmwiIe. u4 miii wash goods , Made by RAWORTIISCHODIJE & CO.CIIICAOa 63 Leonard 51. , Now York. 3 Chalham St. . Bosthu - - - - - -