Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1896, Page 15, Image 15

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TIlE ON.AIIA1)AILY _ BEEft4UNDAY : , MY 17 lSflfl.
1iatnn , wlilch net'Th It oId , wHI tell you
, that the gold StflflIftTI ( ( 1 $ all rIght. ( 'S p.
: 3lat1PO ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nit. IUSIV.TfIIS ( l.OMINfl I'l(1I.
t4Jo i tlnt IP1IIMflhltlftt ) fl ( I'ihl Its
I M his slos , nil ii n i nin.
l In lili clolng i'peoeli Mr. toewntr saW :
1 I want Mr. liryan to answer me , now.
, flo * ' many nien who have money to loan can
, nako a profit on It except by loaning It ?
'They can inako money only by the lnteret
ipon the inony. We all know that Iflcc
1ngland otblIhd the gold stantlard eighty
years ago , the price of money haM steadily
L gone down from netliing like C or 7 per
cent to 2 or 3 per cent. ! O that the Income
or the great portion of the money-loaning
class Ic greatly ebrinking , intea4 of being
greaor , by reason of the loans they hare
In the fIrst Portion of lii 'poecIi Mr.
flryan said oniothIng must be done , ani I
. repent it now. In conclusion. that nmething
must be done , anti that I to stop all this
V foolish agitation about creating iiiiietIiin
. ont of tmtlilng , and ayliig debts 'with
tlialowii and imaginary rainlows. lie arimits
hero today that he iloe not know whether
sliver viIl go lip to $ I.2J , tie admits. then ,
r that the man who brings silver to the mint
will get dolIar that are nt worth dollar.
L : IIo atlinits furthernlore , ( lint cli of theo
p , ftivor dollars viiI not be exchangible for
golil but for 'ilvcr only. soW , then , all
.OI1 who ha'o no diver at all , no mines. tin
. ilntes , no eponits at lionie , to convert into
dollars , I wolitil like to know how you ore
to get any or tIioa iloliar that lie expects
I' to coin at the inlet of the United Stitce ?
( Applause , )
Iltit he says this great Anterican nation
, neeils thO aid of no other tiation on earth
and In aIln to hold up the sIlver of the
woriit auth restorC it to a Parity of 1 ( to 1 ,
L' 'when lie knows very well that all the
iatlns ot the earth cmilil not do it. All
thin natiofl of the earth tried to hold tip
, ihlver when It vent ( lou ii front 1O to Ii ,
. when It. went ihown to I 1 % , to 15 and to 16.
'rite French empire , the republic of France ,
I the hlelglan government. all tite governments
, In Firopo , trIed that game , but they couldnt
L. do It.
, But he tells ii that paper money .was
cur lrlinary ) inoitcy in 1873. In thin empire
, of Ititssia today they liMo precisely the
r ] diitl of money that we hind then. They
call thti money nnih credits rubles. They
, ] iavo $861,000CO ( ) of credIt rubles , aittl those
credit rubles are legal tender tar all debts
c end customs , triih yet will not exchange \vlth
( . io ; cents on the tIdIer. They have something -
thing liho l5OOOO.OOO of golil accumulated
' hut tIle ltusian treasury , but that belongs
to the czar antI Is not in the roach of the
b common 1)001)10. Only recently they have
'r estabhlehtetl a systehi of banks , by whichi
, : any man who has gold utny deposit the same
lii any' of thueetj brunkitig Institutions unit ic-
colve gold in return , or rather gnhd cer-
tiflcates , exchangeable for gaul , but gohul
inonty does not circulate. And , therefore.
.1 httissta Is one among the lowest in the
civilized uiatlons among the commercial na-
; . tlcns of the worki. 11cr pcasaiitry , paid
, ' . . vlth this depreciated currency , live
. In a state of serftloiii and slavery , upon
' jiotatoes , cabblge and tea. That Is all they
have. These p001)10 are about as impovor-
r 15110(1 as thios In Mexico ; not far above
the Japanese , anti Mr. Bryan walits this
POOilO ) of the United States to go down to
the level of the RussIan auth Japanese.
Japan Is making proparathons to raIse
the standard of money to gold. The People
of the UnIted States are neked to go back
to shIver. W'hy , it is preposterous , and In
closing , fellow citizens , I appeal to you
, ' to exercise your reason and Judgment , and
l'orm your judginciit In the light of past
experIences rather than upon future option ,
' for thul is nothing more than gamblIng in
: the fiittiro anti AIr. flryan's attempt to
, inveigle this nation Into a gambling scheme
on Silver would be thio most disastrous game
the American IeOPiO have over played.
( Great apphauso. )
JIt IilI'AN CiOi4 'I'IIg IIIiiA'I'ld.
, AI1IIIItM tluiit SIIer 3tiuuuP3 Is Sonic-
1. ' 1huhiu 1It.Gold. . -
Q Shlor money ki not flat tnoney The
- - only kind of flat money Is paper money ,
- : -which Is not a pronilse to pay soniethulng
else. Sliver inonc'y Is soilietluIng lIke gold.
The government selects much slIver and
aays It is a dollar and makes It a legal
tender for alt public and prtvato debts , just
mu It does with gold. And we claim that by
eectIng both gold and silver we have
spore motley , anti therefore , can maintain the
parIty botvetnt money' and ProPertY.
Mr. Ito.uawater , says : " 110w are you going
to get money. even If It is coIned ? " I
might ask him , how are you going to got
money if It Is not coined ? You can get
money 'heii It is coIned. First allow shl-
/ ver to be converted Into money and
c then tIm people who convert their
6Ilver into motley. cannot titako anything out
, of the money until they spend it ; buy some-
t thiiiig 'ithi it. auth you can sell to them.Vo
, , raise wheat , corn , hogs , cattle , etc. , and fInd
hirlees gblng down because people cannot buy
i what we have to sell , but iid debts going
t sip because we cannot get cwtugh money
, - wltht which to pay them ,
' My frtemmd says , It we wilt stop agitating
. ' -we wIll remedy the greater part of theec
troubles. That Is time cry always. sever
was thmero a tyrant that diii not clenoummco the
t agitator. ( Great applauae. ) Yes. that is the
; - _ - -cry , 'Ioui't nghtato. ' It they could Intro
their wa about it tIle ) ' t'otmltI ss a law
utakIng it a penal offen'e for a mami to raise
; - _ , bItt voice against the Imlicy of the bond
. . owner ofVaht street.
'Vo have felt tIme Iron in time lIe'h anti we
' shah contimmue to agItate until they take
away from its thIs diuhiommest dollar that reaps
; where it hma not sot'n. Now , ill ) ' friommut here ,
Iii expounding the gold stontlartl theory. ays
c that we want sImply quiet and credit. I
fr O that we s'amit puiethming to base credit
r ' en. iiiow nie a maui who ha9 property and
I vIll show you a moan 'hmo can borrow
nommey , but show mnt a munit vhuo has tin
iroperty of any value , or property Which has
bet Its value , and I will show you a man
'hmo cannot borrow money of any mcii.o
¶ , think vn call maintain time gold amid sliver
, itamitlartl at tlitt ratio of 16 to I without time
t slit of any other iiation on earth.
t - I believe thii itatinht great ottotigh to
, Ie'glslate for its eu-ut peoPho on every stub-
- jeci. ( Great applause. ) Mr. Itosowater Is
nulL iii favor of any other national bimetsi-
hisiut. lie is not iii favor of anything except
t _ _ . tIle gold stauidord , auth I call your attention
to time fact that throughout this whole dod -
d- bate lie has refused to answer the s'ery
rs qticstlon I put to hIm. lie huts re.
leach to discUss tIme effects of an Increase
of time pimrchmasiiig iowor of tue dollar. I
mao qunied time royal communisrion ; I have
jdoted Siuernman , Blame , Carlisle-all
these PeoPle aniI I iay tt you ,
lily friemitle' , that time man who wants ii
. gobi stmtnulard wants to Iuicreuse the value
of the dollar for thiG beflelit o the ttiaui who
, owuts motley and htO rants to oppress other
' , 111011 t'huO Produce the wealth of the Werhi ,
; - . ( loutl applause , )
) i I G G iS't' STith iI' ON It IC ( ) it I ) .
: .
- . : . ru "ICit I y" S s t euuu VIii veil I i'iu cii
: vi It Siviuuuis 'irnuihuhi- .
. - ST. LOUIS , May 16.-A uipeclal to time Ito-
i : ittubhie front 1)cnlzon , Tex , , e'ays : Time Immnmt
cerious strike over known In the 8otithvet Is
- threatened , Tue grIevance comumltteo of the
- irothierIteotl of Locomulotive iimgineors , which
! hew seen to St. Louis to hay time case of
' Engineer \S'iII Lanams before tue Missouri ,
1Cttiiiai ) & Texas oih1ciait , returmied today.
After a conferemuce time conpamty refused to
reinstate Lammnimis , and the grievance coin.
iusttteu entered into a federation with all the
crgaiulzatlon $ of railway traInmen , sl , in
smunubor , and time entire syutent of the road
d hiSs beets orgailizoul anti federated. A corn-
- utitteeinafl aitl today :
, "You cait state offIcially that un1es
- itgiuueer Lananta Is reluistated inside of lIve
days there wIll not be a wheel moving ott
any part of the MissourI , Icansas & Texac
- syatoinVo are organized for time light auth
every order of raliway trainmen is bound
'with us that every wheel &iahi stop wlthmiit
I tvo days If Mr. Lanatuts Is not niut back to
work. '
Tue ubtimutatum of the Brotherhood hiss been
semsi to the Katy hteathquarter.
1'ouud uuirui fit I iuu % 'orhuh.
\VcrtI has been received that I. Motz of
-ti ) : , city deputy of the order. recently or-
tanizt'i a camp with sixty charter meuttbere
In Kansas City. The camp wa cehicU Barob
] ilrsch , No. 163. The inemberBrewarded the
theputy's work by bringing In twenty more
: before he left the city.
; :3w3i 4uf4H9
i4-1' + s i--- . w.h , + . , .
'Ttu' Omiuhia iistrit fogrohhlng associa-
then" was formed at tue last moetltig of
OIraha lodge No. 120 , Modern Wooulmen of
Macrica. This new body Is compseil of
camps In the % lcInity of Omaha and Its
prImary object will he to arrange for pIcflcs
and other general entertainments to ho given
for the benefit of niembers of the order.
The meeting was attended by representa-
tit cc of camups lit Plattemouth , l'aplhhlon ,
lhlair , Union , Dodge , Arlington , Omaha ,
South Omaha and many other inlnts In the
noighibOrhtood of this city.Vhmlle the prin-
clpal object of time delegates was to form
the association , they did not forget the
artier they rcpteentoui. Consequmently a cm-
elderable nulunter of addresses laudatory of
thin order were made by themi over time re-
freshitnents that sroro served during the
course of time evening.
After tlte organization of the association
the following omcers wore elected for this
rmn'uhng year : l'resiulent , Clarke Oltanlon ,
ilialr ; fIrst vice presiulent. Mrs. C. ii. T.
Itiepen , Omsialma ; secomiul 'lCo president , T
L. .Iones , Frenmott ; third vice jireslientV. .
i ) . Stanbauighu. Arhingon secretary , Ocorgo
H. Itihmer , Iliair ; treasurer , It. . Scimnmalling ,
It vmts uheciuheti to hmohih thin first annuah lag.
rolling at Blair , but time unto was not chosen.
This will he iuehectod hater emi in the year ,
hut it Is promnised that it vihi occur In 1110
early fimtumro.
The local mnembers of tIme order are already -
ready preparing for thio entertainment of
nmcnibers vIto will visit time city dimming the
etmmto fair. VIsitors of the last fair were
ertertalnei ( In a roymuh nianner amid title
immecodent is to ho fohiowedthls year.
Soils of % rctct.iuui , , .
Time following circular has been Issued
fromn thuo headquarters of the divIsion of
Nebraska at Valley , Sons of Veterans , by
Chmaplaimi M. It. Glimore , who Is also tIme
captain of camp No. 161 of VaIiey
VAIJilY , Neb. , May 12.-To the I'eople of
Nebraska : I intro the homier to address you
as chaplain of Nebraska dlviutlomi , Sons of
Veterans , Uimltcd Staten of America. Ms-
other Memorial day is ulrawlmmg near. another
opportunity for a proud ammtl happy people
to give expression to their feeling of hove ,
honor anul reverance to thin memnory et time
heroes who offered mipon the altar of our
beloved country mmli thmtmt tlmey imolti ulear in
lifo-hioummo ties , bright. ProsPects of success
lii the various avenues of progress iii huimman
attaimmment , anti veiy many of tiiomn life
itself-lit order that our italian might hive
and our free InstitutIons emtdur as an In-
centlvo to hope arnoimg time oppressed of
enrthm't , tolling millIons. Time noble death
should receive no hess than theIr just misted
of hraiso.
Time survivors of time simocic and stress of
that ' 'tlimse svhmlcit tried muon's soula" cami receive -
ceivo no higher reward than the conscious-
fleas of ditty done , and a reaiizatioms of the
approbation and respect of a people properly
thamikful for time besslngs anti benefits secured -
cured hy such sacrifice. Let tms all , as loyal
imoolmie , mIndful of time debt of gratitude we
tie-c , bless time waning afternoomm and evoulmig
of tlmeir hives , as their sun recede on Its
downward track , by reverently , hovlmmgly , as-
slstimig them in time proper observance of tItle
day , ismost sacred of alt time days In time caiems-
thur of the Grand Armny of the Republic ammd
time societies kindred to it.
There is a tendency among omne , thought-
ios of tIme rhgniflcanco of acts , to make this
a day of sport. anti games. Lot us trust
tlmat no thoughtftml , earnest , grateful citizen
will iii any vay. by presence or partljipation ,
cotmntonalmCo this tendency. but that in all
places time day will be properly observed in
a rosportfui , reverent manner , and tiuat timus
it svili be made 8 effCctive object leason in
patrIotIsm to time rising generation in the
public scimools , which are the hope of the
country , anti to our feflow citizens by adop-
titmt from foreign lands ,
Sincerely. with faith , hope anti love for
our coumstry , M. It. GILMOItD ,
Chmaplain of Nebraska Division amid Captain
Canmp No. 164 , Sons of Veterans.
Order if the \'er1,1.
On anti after Monday , May 18 , Myrtle
hedge No. 399 , Order of the World , 'will hold
its nucetings iii time hail over time Boston
store every Monday evening. The lodge Is
growing rapidly anti the nsoimsbers taking
great interest In the organizatIon , , Time
monthly ontortaimmmemits given by the lodge
for its immontbera anti friends have proved to
be omit of time attractive features toward se-
curimmg in embers.
Ommmahia bilge No. 299 , Order of the World ,
is making extensive arrangemnommts for a May
party at tlmo Imaii Momiday evemming , May 25.
flivorvlesv lodge , Order of time World , was
orgammizod in Forest imali , Sixth ammd Pierce
streets , Thursday evening , April 30. The
lodge starts out with time brightest of prospects -
pects and already a goodly number of imew
muommibers have united ltli time organization.
Time omcers are as follows ; I'residcnt , Davis
Tong ; vice president , A. M , flack ; past president -
dent , Mit's Anmmio MoMatmon ; secretary. J. J.
Ientomt : treasurer , W. i3randes ; chaplain ,
Mtss Anmilo Gaivimi ; marshal. James IItrdy ;
guard , C. F. Moore ; semmtimmeI , D. lIcift.
District Manager Irving G. Baright Is
slowly recovering from a severe attack of
rhetmumiatlsmn svhmichm has conflnoJ himmi to his
homumo for the Itast five s-o.oks.
, iitiieii t Oruier of t'tuitt'ulorlcuuiuu. .
It has been flnahy determined to consohi-
date Beacon lodge and Goodrich lodge of thiir
city , the new body to bear tIme name of
licacon. Seine time ago Goodrich , lodge
voted unanlunotmely 1mm favor of the conroiitla-
tlon. action being dehayeti until time decision
of tue other lodge. At time meeting of last
week Beacon lodge decided In favor of the
consolIdation , practically t'ltim umnamilimmity.
Time new lodge wIll contain a menmbersimip
of about 130. Time consolidation was brought
about imm the interests of oconomny , as several
hundreds of dollars can lie saved thereby
annually. It was also the aentiimtemmt that
time constihmte lodges could do better 'wont
for the order titan they could separately.
The final consolIdation thoponmis , of course ,
olson the decision of the grand master s-onlc-
nian of time state , hilt It is imelleveti that imis
saimction can readily be obtalime'J , since the
alniolit ummnnimous desire of time two lodges
for it has been expressed ,
GussiI ) of * hu. . Ioulge Itnuunu ,
Tue entertainment to be given by Ivy
Ilebelcals lotige of time Iimtlependent Order of
Odd Follows , which was to have 'occurred
last Tuios.iay night was ptistpoimeti to next
\S'edmmo'day umigiut on account of tIme inclemimemst
eattmor , An oxeehleimt tImmmo is promised ,
Triune lodge , Knights of Pi'thmias , gave a
very enjoyable dance 1mm Morantt's dancing
acaulemy on last Thursday imight. Thmero was
a genii crovul in atteimmhmtnce In spite of the
fact that the weather was mmot all that cotmitl
be desired.
Ommmaima lodge No. 7 , time miewly organized
lodge of the Utmited Order of time Treubund ,
gave its first entortalimmont last night in
iCutlgimts of Lithmor hell. The smile was do-
iightfuihly imsfaniimal , consisting of rmeiecilomms ,
im'usIcal anti othmerwime , frotim those present.
Time hatter end of time oveniumg sm-as occupied
iii dancing , itefeshmilments were served dunimmg
time course of lime evenlmmg.
luiighltM 'I'vuuiiuuu'Iah't't hiii ,
Ott ascension ulay. May 1 , 1896. time fol.
iowiumg officers of Mount Calvary contnmammdery
No. 1 , Knights Temphar , were duly installed
by this senior past grand cnmmimsmander. It. B.
Sir harry i' . Deuch , assisted by Sir ii. Victor
SVhite , Imast eminent commnaimuler , L grand
immarshuutI : Sir Etiwiuu llauuey , B. C. ; Sir
I'orry A. Lyoums , 0 ; SIr George B. Wartuer ,
C , (1. ; Sit- James \V. Maynard. B. 1' . ; Sir
Albert 1' . ilrlimk , S. S' . ; Sir Alfred M. Ole.
son , JV. . ; Sir Leverett M. Aimdersoum , T. ;
Sir Bbon K. Lotug , IL ; Sir Saimmuol D. Cald-
vehl , S. 13 , ; Sir iheimjanmin F. Thmoina , S. 13. l
Sir Oscar it. AlloimV. . ; Sir Fred W , Rich-
urds , T , a , : Sir Joint B. Slimmpsoum , 5 , a , ;
Sir \\'Illard B. Veils , F. 0. ; Sir Cutimbert it.
Griflutims , 5 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Yruut'imni Ilithini ,
Banner lodge , No , it will give
en ice cream ieial next Friday o'enhuug ,
to wiuictm Its nmeiusbers and their fuionls are
cordially iflvited , In the ContInental block ,
Fifteenth and Douglas streets.
Mr. J. W. Chemiey has gone to MInnesota
where he will organize lodges for the order.
Mr , Cheney lies been for the vast twenty
ycutre a newspaper amen ami 15 quito well
known In that stats.
. - - . . - - m. - - - I
Au ti-ri isu'iui u.n I for I lies , . euulIluliliM
s-iii i' tuki'iu ututil , 12in : ) ii , in , for
lii , ' e-i'tmIiii nliil uuuutil M m , , uii fut' liii'
miunroitiur iuuiii SuiuiItuy u'litioti'i.
Au % er ( IMIrM , hu3 reuuicl I ii ii ii 1S111
hcr.'ui t'iict'k , cmiii hiti' , ' , , uisvcrs miii-
ii rt'Mscii I ii ii iimiinhu'r'ul lit tcr I ii cii ru'
tur ' - ' - * uu1uir'wu'ii
'the iie. , ui-vi'i-pi 5(1
% I Ii ! ui. itch i i'ru'I tipoui jureseiutit * I iuui
of iu' i'lii''l uisl ) .
uord first iuuuii'rtiiuii I
tithes , I 1-2e ii
I u' it i-nrI ui-nit fter , Nut Ii I lu tuhi'ui
for i.'Ms tutu n 2e fur iii. ' lirsi lns'r-
I liii , , 'l'iii' , ' nil -i'rI IMeilmelits ituatst in'
rums ( ? tiitui'ii t i Y'i % ,
Sll't'.VI'lJNS ( SV.t 'i'Ii ) ,
WA'Tii ) , l'OStTiflN AHl"fli Oil
% rnt-klng lmotirkc'isr bY a r"tluit'.i tmI ( ' , ltm-
eampki wnmntmtm ; rio' r enumuitry ; irmt ) nf rf'rnes
fem ir's Ct enmiInyer flnkI otti'rs , 1ek flux
115 I't'ullimalm eb. t3ir.l ,
? , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ , : : . .
AN Xl'giilflNrgl ) ilit'(1Ittt1' WA-Ti4 A.
situation at' lw wages. lnqumii& ' 13i Ferniuuts.
" , VAN'I'i.iiM.tI.l hub ! ' .
Iii TO liSt ) A iO'Tht AIID 1Xl'Iit4i l'Sii )
saic'snmen for cigars ; uxprh'nce unn o'ssary ;
tandarI gontis : tittis etCrl { cigar nmaeimifle rrr
t ) each customer , Bishop & limn , St. Lottie ,
Mo , im-Ms9 .12'
$ Ati8Mi'iN MlNhiflALtZlD flt'hthttit liOHfl ,
belting , tic , is h.ttt'r cmi citcnlv itmafl 'tii.
ennizel ; agents nmpoim1tetI Oh uiieovrred grotinti.
Minerailseti Itumltiier Cu. , esV , _ ,
WANTEI ) , Mt-is TO LV..tTiN ItAhtlt1lt TItAfli
only 'lgmt ) weeks reiutrett ; tusre hI a nuance
for oting men svammllng a traiie can rath
vages Sattmrlays t-uiite learniuig steady sitU-
alien , em' location for ship , i tic'siteti ; comml-
iiet outfit of row toots , ionated each student ,
Chtcag Itarter ticiiont , 23 So , Clark st. , Ciii-
cage. Semi for interesting catalogue.
OT1Cfl To CAfl1'1-NTIIti4-WANTfli ) , A
somali bumildinir Put tip ot once. ( 'eli at 221
Chorine St. , John Itammihimi ,
WAThD , YOUNclMi TO LAflImAflhtflit
traile ; only eight weeks reqimli c't ' ; sittmntimns ,
guarttmstec'I ; immore pructce tim t'o mmmonttms tItan
in a shop in tt'o years ; catalogimes free. St.
1ommls Barier College , 515 N. Dtlm st i4t. Lotil ,
Mo. hm-M2S9 It'
home ; I tiny 18.00 to $1G.Ot ) mcr week for tank.
ing crayon portraits ; new patented nmetlio.i ; oily
one vtmo can rentS or write comm do the work at
iome , , in spare timime , ilay or e'enlng. ient
for m > artlculars onti heglmm svork at once. Address -
dress it. A. Orlimim , Germnan ArtIst , Tyrone , 1mm , .
ci' otherwise. .1. SV , 1nittt , 2l-221 State itt.
Itacin ' , Wis. U-
; ; ; -
$6) ; smiliury , 1h.2fl ; good cimatice for right mtcr-
, ( ln. Address Manager , 200 Motion bldg. , ( iii-
cagi.I mm.- .
opportunity of a life time ; you will sonum forget
the iitmrl timmies : $4 tm S 11cr dat'casy ; no expo-
itermee rt'qtiireti ; nlumiiiummm goods : sign letters ;
houtto ntmnmiere ; door ilates ; street stgmmmu end
noveities ; itommmanti never eupptletl ; it Imermimanent
business ; exclusive control ; Cml a. week gtimur-
tunteel to right tmarties ; sarnitle tOo. Alunminumin
SIgn Noveity Co. , Columbus , 0. 11-
glans rolling itine to grocery ( ratio. No Clflmpeti-
tioim ; experience umnnecem'sary ; iS' ) mnmitm mimmd
exmenme'l , or 23 per ccitt conmmnlsslon , Ctmlc.mgo
Smoking l'owder Co. , Cii Ilamnlltn ave. . flmieiiu ,
$ _ . _ oo h'UII ioe > OASIS PAil ) I'Olt liSTitlIiUT-
log circulars ; enclose 4c. U. S. 1)tstrllmuting
1ureau , Chicago. Im-319-1'
.nse sehilmmg , smovy ; semi shells ; big profits to
right turt' ; . I'or informimatloit address 'A' . 1" .
\'ebb , Simeii lmmorter , Kc'kuk , lawn.
expt'rit'neei epeciultY Smulesnian to mlevote ex-
elusive attention sellIng our new smciait-
tm , ( , lry goods trade ; imtgh commmzmmitoim : only
Imustiers need nm'll ) . hmox Sit , emmicago , mU.
oct45 for F'ratermmai ilenemiciary trlec , inrnlur
iItin. Order alutat Protection , I 1)earhorim St. ,
Chtengt , . mm-au-i ; '
I : , ) WiFICLY SAhAItY ANt ) iXh'flNSEII , TO
eii our cetetratet itrme of cigarn ; cxpermerme tifl
necessary ; extra inmiticenments to ikmtiers. Folk
littetmie & Co. , 7 antI S 2nd , St. , St. Louts.
u-sm 2-i ; '
\ANTiD SAIASilflN , CmGAiit ANt ) CANiY ;
salary and expenses ; ' xtriL inttuceimmentmm to tIemi-
crc ; experience tmnnecessary. Vuliy MItT. ( o. ,
St. LottIe. 11-311-17'
WAI"TEt ) , SAMi'LiS DISTI1umtr'rgh ) ivmitY-
svhere tty otttmer gemitienmen or lattes$1 , ; a itmotme-
and ; iusttlon peitnaflont ; enclose atnomp. ( leleva
l'tmmurmacmmt Co. , Ctitcago. 11-315-17'
\VAN'm'Em ) , YOUNG MtNviSImlNG 'jo rui-
Clvii ServIce exanminations s-imiclm occur , eon tn
Omnatma for 1' . 0. clerk-i nit t cmirrters , to s-rIie
for valuable iimfornumuttomm ( free ) , U. S. httmreau
or Infornmntion , Cloetnimati , 0. hi-31S-17'
wants a mocni agent for this city anti vicinIty ;
0011 acqmiaintet t'itti vtiomcsaio grocery triutlo ,
mlepartrnent stores nn,1 , Imommee-furnlsimers ; hite.rat
cuiuimiselon nnmt exciuseivo tt'rttct y to time ilgimt
party. Aetna \\ax Xitfg. Co. , 383 to 331 Eiizmi-
hethave , , Nesvark , N. .1 , It-lIS iT'
Continemmtal Cmothing Co. 1t-35 ii
nnt eaaCh immitI immaker ; to time i ictut klntl of a
inhin wilt gtv" a good jtt , , F'tm It-Irt eu bitsi nimlY
it ) IContunta Snmldmery ( 'ompnny , No , s227 ant ! 231
East Sixth St. , St. m'mmum , atinn. 1i-34' ' ) is
roth mind slmot wi-mpping ; Paper in Iowa , illinois
011,1 N braslca on IL iihermti cnrmtnismtcim , as mu
sitia ltne ; snmali sanmpies only necessary. ails-
noun taper Co. , N35 , 121 antI 423 N. alum itt. .
St. Lotus , 11-339 17
lattIce in emery town tI wormm mit hoimme ; nL'at ,
steady emtiyntent ; no canvaestng ; tin expert-
elite nc'cessmmry ; xvi' itO ) ' mttuiimi'y ; enciosi stmuimmp
for particmiinms. b'tmmntiarti Mfg. Co. , 142Vest
Iltl itt. , New York. li-3'i9 17'
Vi'AMTii ) , YOLTNII iAN TO WOm1KI2 ( ttis-
tmtUi'miflt ; tmmU.t be cups mto , , f huh tmtg chamg' of
fountain. Address Lock liox 1566 , Ret Oak ,
Ia. Il-UI 17'
slesmmmen remuciming grocery trade to tmanmflp rapid
s'i i I ng ii rt it'ie nit itltl ii ne ; mt.titmpm crrItt 1mm
ismetcet. Address N. 1G. Lord & Timnmmmmn. ( iii-
cage. . 11-257 IT'
Cr ; nummet he A No , I trmmmlt'm'nmttim.'ritc iTemui-nc'y
C'ei atrg , Company , Keaney , Neti.
hi-asss9 Ii
VSN'1'E1) , atNEEtAL AfliNT ; flRSi'ONFIIIiI.g ,
net lye tam a , wit ii A i i eiuiat loIm anti seine mumomu'y
and ability to inmuimago sie of itt y gocilti t'po-
ehulty tmrougii ; lady solicitors. National Almjrh.
tnt ( ' 0. , Iiytoim , 0. i1-3& ) i
'ANTiif ) , COM1'ITI'ENT IITENOG ltAt'u I Eli
gen I itreferrot ; nmust I ak rnii't ' 'I ciii ii on ; state
% vmtges , 'xpete'ti ; sItu I PXlerieflce referetiec's ;
No imitlmlicatlons coiittila'it'i , unioiis tim"mtt' imtitntii
co'ere'ti. At1iresm , , 1' 25 , lice. hi-3.2 IT'
\VANTflD , hiXI'EItIENCRr ) GIRl , TO 1)0
sSc3nht work. Ooot ret'reimCes required. Call
itt fourth house east of 24th St. , one block not tim
of lit. Mary's Aye , airs. PiaacI C , ( iratile.
W'ANTRI ) , 011th FOrt GIINRRAIItOflSti-
wlrki , none but experienced help n.s'ii nimi ,
Inytteu liros. Shoe 1)ept. C-Ill
work ; nmtmst hii good cook. No washing , 2311
flarney 51 , C-lIt
\VItNTED-Ohltb FOIl flENiiIt.tb itoiisri.
work. Fanmliy of timree , adults. 2211 I.oCuut t.
bAt > iEiI , I MARE 1110 \ % 'A(3fl14VO1tEINU
tiuletly at imonme anti nun noxious hint all shouitl
have time same opportunity. Time work Is very
Pit'a'ttrmt imntl if ytiti can t-tmiy simmtri , two imourmi
itahly it will i.ts you timely. This lmi no dcct-p.
lIon. I want no nmoney , but If you redily 5-tilt
I , , mimake omoney ntldrc , , vitiu stamp atise itt. II ,
$ tbbiii , i.titvreimce , Minim ,
ago county agency for an ( 'xtenel'um wimcletacj
utnml retail tttiaiimnits. 1) . It , & Ca. , I' 21 , lte'e.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C-MIll is
\S'ANTEB , (1001) , C01t1i'IITiNT ( ShilL ; FOil
K nerol iutmsewirk ; in smmmaU ( cclii ) ' : ( tt'rimman
or Norwegian prfermel. 1537 I'aik imvenume.
C-Ito IT
hi0tJtRS bAid. . ) ' .SIITS OF Tilil CITY. TIutti
0. F. iavtaCenmpany. 1t03 F'arnamn. 1)-74u
ilousium. IiENA\VA & CO. , tOj , SiTU ST.
hIOUStTH. W'Ald.ACH , hiitO\SN ItLIC , 16 & ) oug ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ D-743
IIOU1IE14 l'Oht ilENT-LAIIOI1 l.It'i uiiou
15.0' ) up. lticCague InVemitiiiiit Cu. , I5'O lo.ige ,
1 t-74 I
CIIOhCti h1OttCS Ah ) ( 'iIY1'3'i(3i1H l'ilt Iti'Nt'
all over the city. Ii to $10. 1l.hehliy , iros Fimnoam.
S blOOMS. alOlllitN. ! 1 SOtT1ii ' )1'il
u-si 62-2'
FOIl IIUNT-ONii OF Tilfi MOST 1)ESlltAhtlE
cotiago homes In tue city larga grounds. J. it ,
Duimlont , 1411 lluuitmey at ,
- - -
- -
hut iIh'i'-i-llIt 5115 ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ I T _ _ _ _ _
( t'n1lfimyi S
1'mit I11INT--ltOtSi-I hi1 itctciTS : MfliiIi2t'
euns-enInne' . very hnutAr to tuine' . linulrs ,
at 2'S9 9. Ittli itt , 11. 'I',1M.nint.
11111 ttR."i'-i'L.STS j' . Titfi 1' , 11 , ii.EIt
Silo' Ii , nor , 15111 ant 4aiTtmn st. ; i:1e5 : eontnln
555,0 P 0105. 5 % itli mill i'hnveeient-ee. itsetultnx
itteri range in kitelmefli'4me ftmutmisii wat'r , take
care ef trailsuge , iiiil , ( efg1 ItnUit clean ; etlninm'r
rate , 2i.OO l"r inontilml tall at 1112 Ihntnev St.
- - -
- - - - -
.ii1tY NICC ( .ltflui ili'uYO-STflit' ( 'OTTA(111.
hmatli , gas , furnace , gte. rNo. 711 5 ° . ITts St.
, .
' I
ITilm , ( 'all nt 511 i'umglitS. 15-1)1
I'Olt I1ENT. t1t(1hiT.tlt'Oat ilovSR. .51,1 ,
msitrn c'onvi'nlt'nceC emmtts frommt nnd e.n-
v'ilent to kusimmeite. Inqmmire at 2t1 half
is-it )
l'Oht hUNT. i.ST ( ) ItY ilitiCiC IWlilINO.
thIrteen tiomue. hot vater. iic'atlflg imlant anti all
e.rmi'enIeflC'e' . , inc'lnlimmg ratige for kitchen ; rent
a : n immontli ; l-cntltmn 212 ( a St.
A Is' ' . t1-rtsnmt , its'eii in iT s'tI Ii at ! immotirut eons-en-
lencet' ; tent $2 Iter niuntim tot-utiofl ; 2711 halt
hlnwiunl streCt. Apply I" SV. 11ielkh' . mt
First Nat inmitmihiank betiding. D-2Ii
FrIll I1ENT. TWO 14) htOOM hiOi'SiS ltltl ANI )
2-Its homey. S'lii hftve str'ani lmet , tIm ftll
tmtli hmotist'S ( 'all Ito Pitt immto one. Si' ' ( le. .
.1. i\x , l2tG llarmsey.
iiIi4iii1N11 OF L. ai. 111111gM. ISIS 1 Ot't'ifl-
ton itse ; IC i-oontmi. mull iim.iermt imtmrtn't'Ilmm'nt , ;
$1. ; a imiontim ; teleplioimt' . III ) . hi-MIll-I ) '
FitT 01. ' 5 1100)15 , 1615 LRAV1INSVOItT1I lIT.
iOitItRNT , s-ROOM. fli1'I'AChlhlI ) , MOltiilN
imouiso , $21. Ilmsqulre 2621 CapItol A5'entit , Ii. hi.
Itottisna. is-lU
Foil ltnNT , TIN ! ) htRSiilN'ii ; LAhlLll1
grounds with trees amid lettn. It. C. i'atterson.
TWO 6-itOOM iiOUSRS ; Ci.0Sti TO lIriti-
ness ; desIrable location. Inquire 170 So. 21st.
ted , i-nomml ; furniitiietl cotimittete ; ten gootl Itoatmi-
ore ; gcoi location. P Ii , 1le. fl-MIll IT'
6-UOOM hiOtTilFi , 8.htOOM uloiTlIfi , 111.04
umomitlm , 1-nulr0 2616 CapItol ave. i-14l-22'
FIVti ROOM 1-TttNlSlIRh ) ( 'OTTStl 17. ( "iT ?
seater , eecinic iighutm' , gtmq tongs ; , mc block
froni motor ; $24 a nmontim 1' 31 , 11cm' .
5101'Sl 1-Ott htflNT ANI ) 1CUI1NITVI11'I'Oht
sale cseap. 1615 CalifornIa. t-lillll-t9'
! iNi-htOOM ; M0DRRN ; Ilhil'iC ; O\'llitl.OOKS
I lttimsrttiml lIe m k ; nessI ) ' its lereml ; mc iti mi Iqtmbom it ;
rent i'etamimible. S. Dunme , Cluimmit Store.
I-192 17'
ONE OP l'iit ) NhCflSl' itOUSES. Al1. MnlEI1N
cnvcntnceit , lii litutiCeotfl h'ltmce. liteke , N. V.
Life , h-alJ ) i '
1011 I1ENT , Ft'ItNiShlflt ) Foil i1t'alaiillt ; hil.
stiabie house wIth bIg Shah ) ' haivn , itt 523 SoutIm
list street. 1)-Sill 17'
7-htOOM liotTlIn , 1.uttOil LA''N , 1tt-iit'Ch1)
tO $11.'l' ' ) 6.rtemn immodern eottage , m'ehtieemt to
$12.04. ) )1I Cnllfornta itt. m-3t ; i '
\VANTEi.A1thfliAl1bU i'AitTV TO RENT
one of tIme liest m eslileneen in the city mind ta
continue to bonri unit roummu Its preseimt occum-
3)5015 ; varttes having ttmrt'e or huhtmoartieis
anti detrimmg to ummove , ss-mmmh Ii ) svell to hives-
tigmit , , ' tmmma ; mmmmct be one s1m3 sets gooti table.
1 : : . J. Anderson , N.V. . car. ltmmt imni Case.
p-SOT 17'
anti cist.rii svatcr scoer , etc. ; mmice iimsvmm ; $13.
2541 Seward. D-TitlGt II'
FOiL ItIiNI'FUithShihii ) hUOaiS.
FtTflNhlIliRl ) hlOOMmi r'Oit LiG1IT1lOtTiIE
keeptmmm7. 1913 iotige. ' '
- - - - - I
3 1DUItNISI1ED itOO.tS Fit hiOt'SEiEili"mNG
for man & ss'ife. lint ; tisken In totmrtl , 315 N. 17.
FtTflNiSItEI ) noou V On T'i\'O GENTLE-
mimm'tm ; Ijatli. t.04 ; tlff'e uhfumrmmtstmeti roins-m for
housekeepIng , $6.0) . IiiJi'ni cant. E-213-1T'
3 NICE ? URNhi4ltflDflOQilS , LIGhT IlOhISE.
iteettmmg. IlllSo.I1. ' , ' E-2i2-I'T'
Smmmall rooiim 05 a iSiS howard.
; '
Fm,3I1NISIIEI ) 1tOoalSiiOJSgKIifll'iNfl COOL ,
atttr"ll. ' I'-7it27311'
large lawn. 2611 st )
keeptng. Inquire1921 , Ieglam4 , ilMNIS'
- - - - - - - -
- ---r-----c
Fi'lNiSiIEi ) looM , , t104 MONTh. 1910 psn-
C. '
ntnl ,
PtlRNIiIhiEi ) ' rtQOM.R.F91t , ONC sit T\VO
Gi1NT1na1EN. & 24 e. ltJi are , hl-am3da-22'
- - - - -
FOR mulN'r-Foit StlalMEhi , 15OUmltl'i i'.sn-
iors , mill itemiroomn , fO ) per month ; caine wIth
hmasc'nietmt f' r mmotlsehm'etitlg , iurimlstteii , t2lt0 ;
best location In city. Ailtiresa 1' 21 , itee.
FUliNmSitllD i1\HEaltT'T ; ALSO FulitNiShi RI )
roun't , for rent. NO ? Case et. E-aLm2a-20'
ANiI\VIX ri'ItNIShIlli ) 11002.1 FOil ONE
gentteniatm stnlctiy utrltitte feimilmy , mmear a1alis n
i'macc for wimeel. 1' , It , lice. tI-UI-i '
slmmgle or ensuite ; gaod s-jew. 614 So. iTtlm ase ,
il-3i.S IT'
wittm alcove. furnislial or unfum ttllmeiI. 1953
Capitol ave. R-M117 Is'
i1mltxIS1i Ill ) ROOMS A NI ) IHAlth ) .
Eli D.uvenport St. Itoom far bIcycles.
F-I $5.1 $ ? '
wAN1'mlD-atAflhtlllD cour'r.t ; OR TWO OlIN-
tlemeti to tatce mooni anti tiunrit wiLts Itrivate
famIly Juno met , Atldress 1' II , lice oiflce.
with boatai. 2101 Dougias. F-MRuT lii
lent table ; references. No. 18th. .
P-MIS. ; IS'
lentil ; modrn cons'entenes ; mmm'is'ate fanmily.
622 5. lttli stI eel. F-MIll 19'
FRONT 1100515. 201 S. 2111m. F-allis 19'
front monte ; hlrst emits , , boai'ml ; m-eatunaljle. Iii
North 10th str' at. I"-MGS 19'
000i ) ItOShhD ANI ) ROOM FOrt ttt : , ANt ) $4 ,
603 North 18th street , I-lIIO 19'
FOil hihl'1'-S'l'OhtllS ASh ) ( ) IeI'i CBS.
FOR RENT. TIlE 4-STOItY htflI 'ic hll'IIiflNO
itt Sill F'urnattm St. 'i'imis building tine a , ill epm not
cement iaseflment , coiimtitete ittomulmi icattmnc , lix.
tUrc'l , stiuter on all hears. gas etc. Apmfy itt
time imIhicS of Time lIce. Isb
IiUS1NESS IiOi'SiI Foil ItmINi' , NtlTiIlti'.R. .
slur ) ' aitti be memmtmt'tmt brick imm Ill tmmg , Ccx ill
ttttuitti'ettt corner Ilowari ant Ftie nIh mitt est ;
muiltablt' rr lt iing or tn-immmmfactmmrlng ium I' ' " .
Address Cimam'i'uriter,32h43 t"mi , mmcmii St. 1-749
i-'ImiST C1JSi4 t1itl1'I STOlthl itPiLhlNG , loll
hcurflnin , three stiti'ieit imntl tmaseinemtt : svIil nlter
to suit tetmatit ; low tent , 314 1st rs'mmt'l lIlt btthg ,
I-TI )
, ilon district , 421 ito. 11th , corner 1owail ! , ; good
basenment & hit iloor. Ill 1st Nat' ! ilantc bldg.
AtBSq's w'.t'1'Ilfl ,
\VANT1II ) , AGENTS ; ( MN aiAEi7 sIded
weekly in atm' localIty ; faIlure iutts'iy , Imp -
sItle ; svill htra'n It ill' loiteR $1040' ) , , Shhres , ,
i , _ 0 , Box 5.304 , Itoihiim , abass. .1-912)1 It'
Feectahlies on ennmnmisIemm ; ittg immoney , Thus
Snuer I'tanur.metunlng' qo. Milwaukee , 5'Imi.
J-MlS8 IT'
- I
AGENTS. Ih91ii'Ol.tS j-NUMl1IItS ! , SIGNS ,
name pistes. 25c iinl..dc biij sellers. Adlres
IJoar I'imiW 5'orkit , ? /fmC)4fl } ) o , Clmlcmmgo , ill.
I ' : : IT'
AORN'1iIItt1Ti.1ihhSjm3 hAIi.Y flliI.I.INO
only revolsltmg gnidde jue joiner ; salimple lIe.
0. ailckel. tuiunUtsCftmrt. , liaverhlli , alititmi ,
\ OIINTH5'ThIh ) , FQft I'O1iTiCAh CAM-
imulgn lttmttomis , oIl ii9m-fje ; suit aims- Dime ; muss
CCIV aluiinittum nserhitlmijmmt cut ; 2)0 icr Cemmt
Profit ; sectire terrii1hi'mm slid ctttalogui itt itt )
, 'ngi'as'lnmTmt ; sanmple.t Aic _ Alunmioutmu Notelty
Co.lllllroztmlwoe4t .j _
, A t'u'tmian aon.IunrcothSt l'4t'mi Turkish cigarettes ;
send tOe , ISo or Ii fttfliaansimlO , 91. Atestulan ,
Z'i Trenloilt St. , liottob , ida's.
VANTIlD. AGENTS T ) ' i3LlIt , 5.5511 h.OCES
&itI tIDOf hoLlers. Satimple sash lock fri-a by
immttll for Ic stansli. ilest relbos ever in-
v'nted. heat sveiluts ; 112,0) a tieS'rlte
quick. llrohmard & Co. , flax 77 , I'hlladeiphIM.
"tiNDlIhi flOTii I'LSiS"-r14.oe-A ; 5'EEiC TO
agenta iieW book ; heroic anti , splendid features
of lime civil war-both ' aides ; every wtmril st'rit-
ten by an eye-witness ; story of camp lIre ,
of tush nitii , iarlmmg. eounra'Iesiuip , Ult
venture , anecdote , etc. ; 1munlh'tis of great
war itictures ; os-cr G ) mareivo1agea one agent
reliarta timirIyflYe salait In ten hours ; wrIte
quick. I'copiea , lIlt Market , st , , I'Iuiitudetlibmia ,
\VANT1II-OENTII. 5i5l1l ASh ) FEMALE , 'l's' )
itmaku 5Th io lId ) h'r in'nIIu btliiml ( our newly
it-ttflted , till mdiii folding' hua , coat trot um
imruia rack. telutils lit' ; sells eteryalmete , itpeak
for ilvelf no murgumetu' neslet to sell It ; evens'
tugeimt ituec"t"Im , who takes iuolti of it ; excluSIve
terrItory given % % 'itmutiut ( 'emit. 5'io far fres cir.
eularmi , ternuul. ott , , , National Specialties ( To. , 021
Main itt. , Cineliuiunti , 0. .1-317.1 ? '
book "The Helsnce of ii New I.lfe" No dull
tluiiei selling It ; secure territory ( iSSY. ( lemnmral
Publlahhilh Ce , . irs MoineS. Iowa , J-318 tT'
.til'ii'VS % .S'l'i-1l ) .
( i''nt intiel. , )
iStIES MAR1I1tIC1 MONEY 5111.LINO 0191
aiau-klnho.ii skiit nmil olbm'-r imemy goomis. 1-'ts'h
tertItortin ; firsi ; estalogmis free , Lmutllc'm' Stilt-
ply Cs , , 3110 t'reSt As" . . Cliiemga. .1-
A(3t--'rS : uSltvvhiiIiil : : ? TO 511.1 , 1'.tTiNT :
ittmitlot'tetS , h'EPl CI lag lmtigv ii ss ( room ) , 'nd-
tng or tim-caking , lii , " , * 2 19 , Fur $ .i5 t'nhi
% t-ilh 'trIt'r st-lti etprm'se l'auimiil , ' t'nir to those ii-
elning to tietatimi" agents ; ni'a'Iy sell"ilarge ;
Itr"lmIs. 'olt1i-ews C. Ilmnrk-im. CincInnati , (11,1' .
It selling our alunminumn muovelli' . Iiltietitm'ei
c'atnhmsuc' , Inns lists , Iree : Ito eCntq itrIns a
sample. Novelty IntrolhUetibn Ca. , 2)9 ) State itt. ,
Chilcs o. .1-
AGENTS , 1)0 'OltsNT TO liSXhl.T'IA
lIne of gsotimi sviicii esci ) ' fitimmil ) ' I ti9it 55''ltI9' ,
tttmil n-hilt-hi I'S ott 20' ) iter edit ltr lIt ? I t si
' . , , . ' l'ntt't ' Cm.
su'ritt. tiC ftr i'mrmlculai a , R t' . 9' .
Ean'as'ity , Mn. , T,02I IT'
WANTlD , .SSIINTS TO T.Sh'tillthiiitS l'Olt
S 'it 111115 $ Stilt Sm as a siIe i imm tel tti ttir'ir gcmtet mm !
work ; Painlml'it TIe. ( 'ill. Sea iloe Art t"- ,
It-ithnra , , ( 'oh , .1-IN iT'
\5'.SNTRh ) .SlItINTm ? ; .5 Nh1S' ItItI ( iFt-i'II ( ANI )
ftiuimti9' Atlas of tIme s'ouli , tIme ls'st on ttt
mmmci ket for tim , ' Price , a itti oIlmen tmtibiietiti tinS ;
cciti3le tem'nltory umhth lIberal tenets to S , ol
snlicittrs. I ton' I , teli : . 5ltit , it , lnlu it I" .
5'mmi I , ' I 'oh , . Co. , I lI-I I ? 1)1 anisit mm mit , , ( 'tuh&'muthmm ,
illhmmols. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .1-412 1 ?
iS'ANTRI ) , AG hINTS ; b'Ile'Uhti : 'Ol'hl TtIhtitl-
ttmr ) ' ; iwmimtctmr imnil-ni cobmol It' hlms''rhmm g , , t % ' '
iicr ss' , ek sup : t itt"ntl' I'tii rme' ; lIberal m'immi-
tim is'toii. ( 'omiMti ititit , mi Fhavm lag I 't sm'ler Cii. , : Falls , N. V. J-l'tS IT'
5\'ANTRI ) , Ili'lI1'hflult4 , TO 5111.1. 'TIlE
euttciulet ft cc etis-er hituth 0mm ( tO eturl Ii ; ttl tIlt'
f 'r satimltle mmtit tictulmurs. Address C. S.
I.emmttustt'r , ( "eimti-al t'lt' , Neb. J-N-l 1 ?
CSN\'ASi4EltS : $3 'l' ( ) SI flA31t' ; i41lilhNI ( ( ) lht
S itt 1,1cc umimil tmmtt'eities ; imietteint. pm'rmmma nc'nt iiim-
1mm ru. W't-mitern Noteit ) ' to. , St. Jteielttt , aim.
, l-373 Ii'
S'tN'i'BI'I ' '
) ( ) It 11'i' .
IF YOU \S'AWi' 0001) TENANTS VOlt VOhIlt
huouccet list tIut'iim s'itlu Fldelit' , lTd Fun imnin St.
FUhtNiSIihii' alolnhtN 11011515 Itt' ( 'O1U'l.11
5v ittmout elm 11th ci ; esccl temit opli.m . tmummj ty rem' pm i -
tleit teaviimg cIty , Amidrem's I'S. It. hell , 9ttmi lay
Ilotel. E-13t IT'
i'SCII'iC' STOI1AGII AXIS \S'AlthIiIOt'iIll Ct ) . .
900-310 Jones. - - .
- General storage amttl torss-at-ittamg.
Oar.'AN & STOI1AGIl , 1lt5FAIt'2l.TiTi.I5I9 ,
W'A'i'IIh'i' ( ) BUY.
W'SNTI11) , 0001) SRNi-ItANi ) hloiliTi :
mower for S Ut' 8 Imoises. AtIdi'css I' ? 8. 10' ' .
N-Sils ) 22
W'ANTIII ) , SECONI.IIANI ) tiliLiAhtt ) 'h'AhlLi.
Atttm-'ss I' . C.s. im , > x II'S. N-313 IT
W'ANTIII'l'Jt/tNmIi'm' ANI ) LflVtiL hiOl ) ;
5'it'tt Is yotur hm'cst itrlcc ? . F. \tlsttn , ( 'ht'
h'Inglmim'er , Ienie'mi , Itt. 5-104 i '
\rAN1'iI : ) . TO lit1' , A (1001) StTli'IV ; CiIil\I' .
Allti 1433 l'otmttm 2lthm street. N-Ill ii'
lion SAI.hlVtIitNI'i'UitIl ,
trOt.liNU SlEDS , 1)hflSmlilItlI , 11111) 110051
atm It , lmai I tree , stair cat-pet , foul smite' until sold.
16)9 hottglns. 0-175 iT'
Al' 221)1 ) 01110 ST. . i'OIYIt-I'IiICII t'AIlI.OR
butte ; in tiem n ; bIrds-cs a Itmaimie ; ver ) ' ctmm'ati ,
0-SlIT ms'
umnduuggitat ctmeap. liii Dodge. I'-547
IOne ) , jitaetn , ca m-t uunI tmarness. I miqu Ire I' .
Atmrons , 1.1 ntomm Store.
TIIItER CAllS OF' FINE hlOhtS'lIS , iltlVflttS ,
tira ftc mmml Itmmstmess lmom St'S. smil I it , ' stli mit our
regu tar \ \ ' 'l1ti'tlltil"K nmmcttoim suis : ttmimt smepit at
Vitton Stock Yumrds. W'umiworttu , l'u-mctor .t ' Co.
I'-5h314 19
volt SA LBSi tS(7blilA NtIlUS.
111ST 1100 ANt ) ( 'IIICI7RN
fcnc ; also "all wire. " C. Ii. Lee , 041 1)ougln.
Q-754 ,
als commpe ; sewIng ntnciu I tie , and immliet , ' sttblIe.
Ailtrss , 0 51 lice Omltcc. Q-SlI-
cnt-mmet ! gre mmd umptIglu I pimmmii In simlenl mti comilt-
thou. Oimmmttma 9lom tgmugc Lttatm Co. 500 Suti thu lOt Ii
street. _ - )
CAitl'ETS at.vl'TtNG liAh'iItItIS. l'i'C. i-TAilS
mlynspmmts : moss-st p , C 'it ; , iroiu imoettul utd si'il cati
wIth bmimmlles. II. lltmslm , 0111cc ii 'mei 11,1,1.
imiti ( I , oh 1 lrtclts ; tipply I 3 tIme Ass3cta t-I Ultar-
Itt's , 847 Ilssarl 5 ; . , tel , 1610. Q-51)Sd-21'
rmmmuctmlnery for bamo. C. F. Stmast' , till S. IG St
Omaha. Q2'T.l , )
lim 2 , 5 , II , 2) mind 54.lli , m-ai'kage ; guaritntoi
iIrst-ciiss ; ss'ell known tmmmtme ; ; isill eel I
jotiblng itrice , or trn'le ' It. Attiresm I' I. lIce.
Q-M29'J 17
F'OIt SALE Ci I IlI' . LA DYihI'S'CLil ,
nearly item' . Itmqulre Clltt s. tlttm. Q-IO1-IT
A FAI1t1IANKS H'm'ANIAhtl ) SCAIi1. 1,10) iiIS. ,
nt lest timan built itrIc. lmmtiulre ISIS Fttrntttmm ,
Q-I7S It
iti county of 10,0)0. ) AIdiesu 1' Id. lie , ' .
0-51371 19'
Silts. 1)11. 1-1 , A. 1105' , 'i'll II CRiiIimIt.5'l'lll )
itcientille trmunce cialrs'nyaimt neil sill It nme'llmmmmi
tilts mettle yotmr ii no sti iltout qmueit hams nm em I
SIte % m'itl give s-ott correct itmfornmattamm cmi your
btielimess mtr nmoncy immatt.'i's , cImtmmgi's , tm'as''ts
muimih nil tnimtliy arruhi-e , mr ntjsitmt um"itiihtt , ( 'on-
s'Iet l ° n ms'l Ii to utut ri' , anti htn ppincca 11111 MiCCc-5
5th I follow ; en liefiuct ion gu.u i nmmti't'I I ) ' liii It.
Scull uttatmimi for chmcuitnr Alit , 'm's , Mrs. hr. iT.
A. lto' . 72 SSm'ultlmnhmm lIt , , StatIon A iicts'omi Muses ,
55155. lIlt , II. S\'MIItRN , t'LAlht's'OS'5N'l' . It ! : .
liable Istimltmess mimeihlutmi ; 8th year at 11) N , 10th ,
aiASStGll , Il.'I'ilS , Ii'i'C.
MME. AMES FOIIMIIIIL't' oI 57' , L.OtllI , MAlI-
sage tumid I atimit , 047 5. 11th St. , lit floor , roitin 10 ,
T-'JsG-J ? '
SIRS. hilt. LEON , III.IIC'rnlc MASH,5O II I'Aht-
don't ( mmii Ii call ,
bit' ; rt'rr'sttlng auid cuctutlve ;
Ii ? S. 11111 t , . ullsunIrs. T-M27919'
MIGhT. IIMITII , 1121' hOLIOLAH S'l'itlb''l' . INI )
itoor , roitnm I I , immmitimia ge , uttennm , 1,1(011' 1 o ni
SUlluItmil Inc laths. -
'shiSS VAN \'AI.tClNiIitltOli tITSTI1CYS h'Eit.
iiuaaenliy , tiy electrIcity , supeTtiu'um itmtr , , its tIes ,
ss'ertmi , etc. Ituomil 416 N. V 1.tfo
itiYii't'hltT'lTlthil ) : NO l'AIN ; NO DtII'IIN'-
lion ( Ostu but'inesitl we refer to iluniti-is n (
immilCitmi Ctul'eI , 0. hI. MIller Ce , , 107 ' .t , 9' .
Life ItuhldIng , Onmalma Nett. it-li )
'IA\-A 1109111 TRRA3'AIIINT FOIt U't'IlitlNiI
Iriuuttletm. I 'luysIcltl ii in mit tm'imilmmnce. ( - misulta-
tloim oi' health isiok free. 140 lIce
iiiLii44. : . FLOI1IST , isis \'uN'coN hIT. , 'J'ILI-- :
tihuofle 770. ( Irfers at iti.ecittii ) ' n'duceih prIces a
loaumtlful ilno of tIoomhlig iihahittt. cittshitilng itt
gentrtitittls , 1ini'it , sirlvimas.oieuts , it'lran-
gei , ( 'antis. roses. luehloulopes , petlitmies , amuletS ,
itihutnolette ad tmiam1' otlmer ciutco
ATTENTION \S'iiRILSilIN. Al'CNA : Iii'tl : : INII.
Co's. . ' 'nest' ( ' ) 'CIS 4 'iinmtItiat hum I 'oh icy for g-'n-
ermil accIdents , Wl'I'JI IOItilh1 INillSihN'r'Y
IF INJI'ltlII ) ' 951111.11 lmhItN(3 A iiIi'S''LR.
.toun Iale , ( leol. 1enI , 20) N. V lIft' , Otnalus.
iJ-Zst-J II
TIAKh : MONII'9" 115' hlttC'hTSSl't'I. HI'R'iILA-
tititfi Cciii fir our free guIde , "those to Hpeeu.
lute on ittumtuii 0 'utitlttil In ( mel n a lull 1-Itiel , , , ; ' '
good servIce gild tinieed , ( 'oimmstoek , CtTuhiuu &
C , ) , , Itialto IllilS , . Chic-ago ,
5lflttTitiCll'OUfi llAifl-5S'ItITli Volt ill" IT IN.
( orimmatton how to remove haIr permsnsntly
without silylmtest Injury to skin ; stiperlu' to
electric needle. Curtis Co. , ISO 22nd OutSet ,
_ _ _ _ -
coining ) ear atti chmarat'Ier toll for 110 ; semuil
tints of tihrtlm and sex. Pm'uf , Itetmry , i4lm'in , ,
aimuss , ITO I-
TO ANY iIY SRNIINl 1111 hilIlt AIIlliimlH
ant encldmutng 10 cents in sIIs'er , I 5'ill rnuhi
full tianllntuiar CCI ulalmuluha of it S'eI ) ' , IeSluliiIit-
itpst'lmilts' . Aduircitmu SI , b. , 181 Secani SI. . Ie'
trait , audi , li-MI 17'
I'IRG $ l.55A0I'T TJtIIAm'atRNTVhi'it iTAChI
stmitIflIuo7 , at lIme l'slaee BeautIful , 1613 lumuelflum
street , slit rmcxtek. , , _
( JEStS OF TilE 5111)13 iN 8I'Ai'iilhl .518' ! ' ,
$ I.Od liar sCi. 11 hilelUres. h1s14 eaciu nude hit
i"renclu art. 'Tie Per Set , II pletur 'mu , hIxIl , fsc
i'r set , 'flue i-1ve Sense-ui. 1t2. lIe Per id ,
i'he mnodumta who pScCd for these lIclumfi nit t1e
lest orened nuul most tsaititlfui Inca aol su'omumeiu
iii PenIs ; all in dIfferent posthionit. Acme Art
Co. , 10311 Itacs St. , L'liimtdelilula , 1 a.
U-TI'O ' I ; '
' ' ' - - ' -
1'BitSI Si.
( ( mnttnuum"l , )
GIIN'Vl.lIMSN 21 's'I1Ahlil (8i.fl. ( 111151' SiOft.Sl.lI.
Ii , , St etttttt , iS'i'i i es I hi , ' acquits I n I mu fli of 9 sulug
laii5' ; , tt.jtct , uric trinmolm' , A,1ire , I
Sit ) ? . liv 'I'll . ( ) , - ? I. liS'I''l'I ,
A'TlliS2''Y 1A\N , SNl ) Tlti'ST ( ' 0. , Sit N'S' ,
l.ifs , h.omttmit at lois' rates fatchtht'S i'ittIt ) ' In
Sel'raska & intvti falflmM u'r Oniema city
. , ' ' A. STAI1I1 t $ N' .
C1.IS' lOANIt , C' , . ,
2iNES' TO I.0SN ON 1M1'ltOt'RtS OMA1I.5
i-eat etatC , himetteaul , Items'S Cu ) . , l'uitttiT1\liLI
' ' 1Tis'i5lI'ltflS'hii ) ( "IT" , '
lA.T'i4 04 iMi'itOS'hih ) &
lmr1PCtt ) . 55' . l'amI mmmmumt Simshthi & ( ' &m. , 1521 I-'IlIiSflm ,
( iflo i' . hilIMm ! , lOANS. l'AXTON 111.0CR.
IlON-i.I : ; ) I.O.SN ON hMh'ltfl\'Ri ) ( SMAII.5
lttlt'crlY mit 5. 6 nimil 054 tier ccitt , i'mus.'y
& Timottils , " . rtxtti en , t'Irm't Satiottat litileittig.
MONII'S' l' ) h.OSN ON 'iTS' l'htOl'l9tTS ' .
$ IG.o. ) ttli Iii $ Id\1O. ( ( % ) FiL'iht ) ' Trumet Conhtmati ) ' .
Mf1NII'u' TO 1,0.55 AT 1.055' it.STRiI. 'i'htfl
0 , 1' . lltis'ie ( ' " . , 1131 Fuitnnttm t. W'-4S
a I'RlZ ( 'lINT MONEY TO 1.0,55' ON 051,511.5
real e't'lto & Nd , . tarmims. 5' , ' . II. 5lelkle.Ommiiimm.
5lNllI' ( 'it ) hAN'IIA'I"I'i'iI.i. ,
MONII'S' TO l.O.\I't. 30 , II ) . it ) iS't'il ; l'tlhtNi-
ttim.c , imuitos. etc. immiT ( Irecit. mucous S ll.urlmcrluhk.
MO2-flVTO iO\N ( ' 911 Pt'htNl'hihth2 , i't.SNIUh.
hiirsm'M. sm-agnes , etc. , At losu'ect title Iim cIt'
tin t'etnos'al of gael , : ittritly taitiflienthal :
etuti ply lImo icnfl off itt un ) ' titmte or iii itn9'
MOI1TUAO ii I .OAN ( ' 0 ,
ISIS So. Bitt St.
hfl'StNiTSlI ' Cii.tNC1IS.
i"OILSAI.II. A Cl.E.I-tTflCE OF 11,5111)-
wutre. itt uses ultI I iitwnrt' ; miii mit $ . ) ; m'lmemi ,
for emelttiire'it 0 22 ll'e , V-sio-atat
CltllPlihl CI11IEK (7O"tT ) STOrES i.SllANI )
emil-c ; 05 ntml tIhiSS am it iti'eslol , ifts-m Ii humg.u
filttmOmts emil rmtutrl : I chit-lu' , its' liltC'Itic ) 'i'uur
, , r.ii'm s ss-I I Ii tim' Van 1 Itt i cmi I tms'esl tiu'itt , t' ' .
( I mmcmi pomatril ) . Iiammttei's ummtii I'm , ll'rS , 941 1 Ti hSt. , _ ,
Dt'mmvel' . ( 'olti.
FOILSAI.1ithhOPTlOiI ) 1,115. iIhNlO ) 'i"u'l'lI.
70) lIe. agate. 04' ) ib. lt'es'hcr lilt' , 154) i'n'm'
Ia' , ) thit rI cases. 1' ) , ' . ' tulle I roti sin Iitt for
155" ) I ttti'i cfle'lTItI 11111 I em-tul : st'ns ii'il ( tm
l'mte Otitalt's I icC C mmh Is tIm ft lily go ,1 condI I ton ,
SVllI iii" Sill cheap I'm tulle. om in qusnlitt's ti
stilt imircttntCr. , \ i'l'ly 1 it ect sum or Ii ) ' Ott I I to
'i'll , ' I lee I 'uuilbMhiittT Co. , Omita in , Nu'b. Y-lI
i-oItilsll : OIl 'l'ltSIiT , .srS'rll OF NIl-
lirusslert ; iitim'm tilt' eu $ i-itt . A tIll t . 'ss , t , , i 28
llauigtmi ! St. , Council lllmuffs. V-Si ) ' i17
lautblt ng ( or i'emmt , In 1u5t'n , .5itt'cSt 1314 il , 25
St. CItY.
FoitlI.i.i . A STO 't OF 1)111105 , FiX1't'lti'TS.
1tmtluiir-c mmitt , hit , it hto'slattti , Net , , , or schIl
tioti i'ttit'i' aktn , ' . Stict , 111th 0 x ttmrcs I mts-t'tmtnr-
iitstmt 5iOtiO ) ; imitilhuig minI tnt c-.m mih"mut
5104,0' ) ; svill it'll cut mu gretut szmcrlltci" fur c'tlm ,
Itos'lanii is mm hiutmlulng malt. ant imtm ta' ,
elumii'Cltt' ' . 0 t st'it-stci ) ecltt , 'I tirutlap um ni gu'Iubeh
ectmoot , mt mtoltuututttmm if tilitit III. nmm1 Is Ia-
catch him a lint' rtirtislimg tlieirlt't , umnI mm hI's
Iterotis ( lerummnim m'eitlemieitt. 'tlht''st for rimt'ttm'r
ittutlctmhars. ; I lmmlc : ? of Itoma'hutmd , I toa'l.tltl , Net , .
\-512)5 Is
$ FO h'ItOFI'i' IN J t'NII ON 05' ) lN\'IISTITD 5055'
In mm etrtilgtmt l.ti"Itl's'i lctulmut lilt ; mitt ' " ' ' 55
cur , ' . S\u Ito C , F. Not Itt & ( "i , , 2.11 1ti Sill
Itti ct , tTlmtcmugo , 5'-3,3 t ;
W''uNTTi ! ) , 5 l'AIl'I'S 'ro lst'v Oils' COMSIIS-
Cliii hmmsiimees scltti a gorel line , tt mlulpprs ;
ummatl mmttttil m i'imutrt'I , ; it smmfllt f-c t'lglmt Itart ) ' ,
ntt mmimust cbosi tut .Adlme sa I' 11 , II's ,
'S'-SillI I"
MANtTF'.S"CtTItINO CON'IIItN 1)iISiittTil 'l'O
multi ) I html , nmi" ittt'i"k't to tti-'In's nut mm I a (3 tmm'm mu
( ItCh C5'Ql 9' cI tv mit already tale 'mm ) ; mIimttlCmt mit
Intisi fuu imtsli fete Ii urulrel , iolmit s tieIi ci It t mu I
Ill 11,1) ' for goods Ii , lcI is''m ' , a ftr , trjtmri , Imase
lsen , Cl fltu' , Ii ' ' , ' ' Iii
secti I u mmmc ; III ) ItU'l ; mm muomli' )
absmunce ; lit e''ItIS , etusrtctmet' : mm ttlm''e'se a r' . 555
mire tumn nmuracturbng u , eiteu'iuml I y. mm ! amost mu in itop-
, ii' ; hot ml , Imixmmr' ; snim"timlltg ss'tttcim stilt ic-
timice expt'Ii9i54 ; ueal ) ti ) ' e'et'5' lIm'ni , , fuuctor' ,
mtmill. itmtel. , slor" . etc. , thtmuglmommt tIme tus''I
( tilt 5211A ( ) Iii TIiO.0' ) Iiiolitlmt ) can lie moods :
roferetuc'ce required. Ituloliti Out-ittttt'r , 1S
Fitlton itt. , New Yom It , S'-'lOl iT'
itemii : m.i'mng I'uslttes-t ' ; 03,5,1.0) Invi's'ett ; go-st
l'CitSflhi for i-elI I ng , Ailliis .1 1111 i , ti' , 2)
ltisn'lItt' muse. , CimmttanotIm , Tcmm'm. S'-371 IT'
ONIX ( 'OMi'IiTTmI SIT'I' OF Ai$3'ttAC' llO0iS
1mm tItsyuu il' ale ) ) cli ie I'tmtgIit at mm 1 urge I it ,
Atbires' , I' 11 , cage of lieu' , Y-M32 I ) '
CIlIAlt lAhI'itO\'ilD F.SIhSt LASt ) , 'i'O Tlt'Ii7
for stitch of immerclmaidluc. 1 lox 9 I Cu "Itu ! I. a ,
Net , . Z-5l275 1 ; '
FOR FIX'iIANGhT. 1,2)1) A'itCil m"IINCEI ) SNi )
53,5' ) ) tiulll I ligs ; 3i5) ) ulci es iilitt'.i tumid irriga t1l
imeam my demur ; Slflfl I I tmtmtro'eh cl ty hiritert '
Outm'vin lImos. , 1013 Pu'nmittm St. Z-IC-h
3ciy.0-I STO'K ( iltOCiIithi4 ANt ) lltIuuis
to eciiauig. ? for land timmil cash. Aduli e.s Si. St.
Si. , Kent atmy , Neti. /--70I : 1 ; '
Foil 5.5 LIllt bIAs , iIS'VA'i'I'i ,
FOiL 5.5 LU'iT 1.5S'l ? A NUSII1IIIt 01' (100) )
vtmciu lit raIl 'tic" lot , ( or emmi" . nor I ii of 1 iii 'tee'tutu
pal t. Ii t ( I Oiti * 5CM. ) to 8 I,5l.lI ) ) icr lit , jmust
ommc'-huulf : ttmeir Inm'ttier t-eIlimm iilee ; imleti a tess
iots In tIme mvoatt'm It itil t of Itt' cIty' , a'tttttmt
tmo bhrtcks 01' Cut nC 1mm I reSt cit r I lmme , at $7' ) Iii I
cumuli. 'nitece mum ii Ito' Its. tim g ist I call , ii , timid
rmmtuit Li cull stun , ml e t it' iss'mmem' mimi ii t ml en hm.
Lot 3 , lImIt 2 , linitsctimm : 1'luce , line cant ( tonI , 4)
24th slIest , Smrild.dI ) .
1,01 tim I'ottt't"ut uudtllthoim , 5\'eet olmmlTmt : , tc's.o ) .
Stmutm ft itlit full onInts as't'nue , Immar cmi'
lmai a ,
Acm e mimlipet my in W'ou't Itigim tint W''m't Leui-ti-
is-UI tim itt riots.
Pis'o acres mmemr Situliu , Onmahiti , 59)0 > tier mIcro ,
tliUO mttttI ( lilt lot , 0109.111.
Ft'mir-I tiomii iuUse tu ni lit . $1 t,0- ) .
FIs'o.roiliu Imouse , 3121 huh t i-trct , 11.297.0)
FI'e-rniIii iumiuse , canter lit , litmec' 1mm i'iacm ,
Sm. Sit's ) .
A aim timber ut tilt' tmottm&'s , st'rs' chit' i p. It I I I ti miecoma
I 'In ccS'est ( ) mii&ulma , tual FloutmI , l'.ume. .
\S'.SN'I'EII ) , 1111111,5 111.11 tilSilT'TNCl mo'rs.
iioSeIs lImit lit 1 , It titl act-c iroltem I ) ' , I Islet ms-I t It
UtI , titmut can lii' call elim'mlp fInt'iuihm. .
i'O'I'l'FTtL & (71101(011 tMl'ANY ,
Cor , 1(111 ant 1'im rtuunu Sts.
1111-51313 21
GEt ) . I' . ImI'ThiiH , hOUSES. I.O'l'ShltJtlOATlIt'm
fmtrmn latmde , loomis , 105 and 206 i'axton bionIc ,
It 11-771
\S'lll.b 5S'Olt'I'l ( IN\'RSTIG.STING-
1 t Is ust'l'itmi hi ) tid tel t lime t lie I a-It 1dm It , flit ctiemt p.
clmi'ap , iunI ste ought tim 'tmmiw wtietlter it is
eltetuti or hIlt.
\Vi comm sell a ienmitbfttb hattie iii As'itmhiuie itati , ,
11mm nc , stit ; ( Until cc , i to I ii , ltctt a mmtl cull wmuu Ci ,
i'lotet. ni'tmutel , ginhi' , electrIc ilgtut' , ititini' ss'nIi , ,
lIne ti eel , iuflil et'rS'tiuhlmg to tmi'ite iu cithiIII"ie
imommie , I t is Ctueimli. 'I'tmlce ) 'OU 00 1 I II tell tO I a
Ut CS.
'I'S , Slit ) ' acres. snuibits'est of Ilcu'ssm' , tti tnt it. cit
t'mfl uuotlIiIWC'St 1otilei'ai ii. A I' ' ° I thou Is easel ed
iv I I II litils grass nit' ' ! inmmgtul tIC it I itIu.uI I ree ,
niutpte. ss'uihnut , cliii full spruce ; forced sale ; uuil
oh- Pat 1. Se tlmttmlt It lit ClIe.tli.
An cast ( i-oct hit on ltthi stied it'tSt''Sit Futr-
flu itu II ni Lt'ns'ens'ort Ii , mel tIm utool 8-n' 'oem hiram cc ;
i'icu 1mar11 ; 13,00) stIll buy it ; the s'ucmlnt I I Ia
wcmrtiu it , 55's bmimse oilier l'rci'eI ' ties fiouti $211
tip. FI,1etit' Trust Cmmltany , 1702 Fnrnaitt itt. .
thee Ihuhlilinir. : .
_ _ _ _ . . _ :
I I Ig lit -i'o'utmu tmisIei li Itoumi'asi ( roil I . St , .1.
E'nnai'il & Semi , 510 flriims'tm li'nt'k. itE-230
FAIIMI.NDS. C , F.II.tItitISOS , . tIll , NY.Llts ,
1111)5 SYANTI-TI ) , 1111)5 55'Ii.h mill hiRCiiIs'ii : )
at liiy niltee , t'oniiu 24 , I ta rksr Ilicic , fir I I" pill'-
dunce of I ime tan iib , 112 ( i'Cl sqtmii s on lIme -\S.
( 'urmls'r of III It cpu I 5as'enlort 5ts. ( I lila ha II II'
Ill Jimnit 10 , 1890 , (1. L. ( , resti , ItI'i-'Jll-h9
illl.SI'TiFI'h CO'I"FAl fi 1105 ! II , NtlSAN1)
ttiisl era , such I IOU I u-il I mt t'uil k I ng ills' a Ce' of
litmsh imt I tnisttlm' h-c , 55' II I -
ntis , ii ) " -tlm' - oss mm pm i-on -
eIIt'r elsa r lot s I' 10 I t ti'Itlelut , 51. .1 II "ii'
liar ! & Son. 3J ) Ittost-n litck. liE-li-i
tIe. 55" have ills hti'crs , SI , J. Jl'mmntii &
SIll , IIIllrown bIonIc , till-I ) )
HN.5l'-2S23 IIEW'AIlI ) Si' . 1.1104)55 lIOl'uIG ,
l-ll3 - ( eel. 11.119. lIce J. N. icrelizer , Cull 1' . 0 ,
i.tOss ) . 5'Ili7S 1111,1' ! ANI ) i"AIIMINO I.AN'Il
in tmorttiwcat . % iluahuitas , iTSo Eden of dtittsmt'a.
ittuhtjt'ot to IutSIflOStt'iIti entry ; for full tisruiciutirmu
Itleilite 11.0) . Adtlrers (3. C , Cmimiutuii 'hi , 114r-
; lson , Ark , lIE-SIC-iT'
$ i.Zi"d. SVtl.L 01115'1 1.075 COIl , I' ) 4 JitJIl'
dells , Iltumt cost owner In 14.15)0.
Rust ( rotut et'iner lIst & J"eatml-ithii , 170- ) . JoInt
59. , itahuilImit , 211 N. V. llbtig ,
$1.50' ) % S'hi.I. lilt'S' 11-110051 IfOliltE SNP 1.O'i' .
ltx'atel I' ) itlueks (10111 15(11 ( Itt l'mirnmsrn niw
tented ( or $ 'GSM a year. ( Idt-s'ln lIros , P13
.iirnam : : , ltE-145-IT
TSYO IlOi'SITS. ONE 8. ONII itOiShtl : 5101)-
I rim Iinpt'oo erImecente , 313 and 121 1-to. 10th ii , ;
ltitt reildence liaR of city. jrqulis $21 N. V.
1.ite. 't'cli'tiluatuu , 27.153' lu-S-aSs 11'
SI'LiTNIIl ) iNVIlb'TMIIN"l' . L.hliIiTtlOI"i'li
frimut liii , with Iwo Juice cottmmgt-I , near I lan-
lu-nih ; 'u It ; tmmtust sell , atmI nIh is kit * 3,50-1,00
for loLtS'ilts 1' 20 , lime , itilI8u iT'
80 At'itiUl , ( TOMI'RIEING HtX"t'iON 17 AfJ
ioutttui'at qulirler see-tltiti It , in t wnshli. 38
range 12 , ms'oat , (7rvsly county , N'tiuumks , clmu ,
to two rmmilrouda ; cued soil ; water , ttmwhii
make l1ms1-iasut iick fumrnif ; soil IIuult'k. only
$5.50 per jucmr. Address Geurc N huts.
Onnaha. Net , . 1111-750 11'
I0 It S , S hi1tt I-IA I. l-S'i'S'i'B ,
( t'fltlflulti.S
iullS SSNTIls : , l'Olt , .b hilEu1.SNT llflSth'll
tilde me ii I l ( ' I ecel t i'ii Iituthl .1 it ! s 1 , ai iim5' I s.d.
. .ISnm'Ill ) l'tomlge ci. . tottue i'uti 'lieS' of tmmr
lSetuIe. 1. I Ptfltl lion. fl19 lltglge it ? , t'ntu ut
l'uurc'hiise tiithe Wit Isttuctnr' , Sirs , h'imhiiImt.
lit : ' 3S1 i ?
-'rw - ( ) i15'OTTAIEI * , ( 'slit. vf'ItAliS ' Sht
Icr slit. ; em'lher , rlStelti1 city syater , Si I' )
lditg time. .5t'l'l 18I I artiSnu , liE 351 1 ?
1011 ) i.Si,1. IllS , % (1ii1S ( 'IltEi'iillOTl'OSt
Irutol , In tti itotilli t'mrt of lies-k oitltl ) ' In.
qtiire Sear's Ileal Estate n'tmr's' . 11th anti
Ilutigo. 1112IP ) tS'
'I'SS' ( ) Nit'Iit."i' l5ti'tt0'lllS i'ltMi * IN' bs'Ohl.
liii enunt' Ritflita ; lmalf timlIc' Iriin ft
mnilintil loteilI with sloi'k ( antI ittietmlnet : ' ,
I'IC , : iii- , hell of alfalfa , cl "s'cr ; Sd nt't'it ,
iumiI eet'tml t.ot tilmi iatm1 ; l'ck's , CII mwr ncr ;
Sviil tehintigc' for uimerClimtnttls' , I- ' It t'muutlt' .
t'in-tcn , Not Ion cnunt' , I-Tan , lti-2--Mi4.1 I'
i12.5t'TlPt't. % ltiShislTNi'll : ttri' NIl 511 i5t'I'
almi lilt's ; ititf'fl.lltI iacnIiiti : it' iiII itl st-C 'It ,
( ) ' SI , IC ) Os , Abth'ess I' II , 115' , ill' . 15' ) B'
SI'Slt' , .5 iLl' , t1) I..t"It' till-i.
AtOLPhlltt"'l'lTlt , Ti ! 1 ? Ol.Ui ltI'll , Stil.I3
hutch' tle'u Icr. 2' ) ) ' , lImit I it II Ii stm el , ts'tli lilt lie
titiherell lititty itime , ( let ltl lirlees Ciii
1,5 ntIs Iiiceil 1 'fti i' SII'fllIii c ' - Ott' itmtiltt' ) ' ,
Itt rSte 9-er I ' I It , ' m'nttl'iil. . t' in I lilt itt'CtlJtt
of tlt 4'tifltry 5' . Ito Ii I Ct'CI5'ttiII SteteSs'S ) ' ,
iTnait' u'c \'st' lulnniis Ii ian Ihic ttiautultmmc-
I mmcci it. S\'tutht' fmtlt nhvert Ii'mit ium it tilt ) ) ' nttt' .
lenl ( lie titm'ntatl'Iti' Ilmt.'t'c"I'"l lit tIuC
tui-clmn' ' , it , 'tthusr of Ihit" itia'5' iit.ilt'of
html 'moq Cm ii ltas'i' etttifli timat itt $ ii , ) % ' ,
ittflt etmti'tml It ) ' ii i'mmlttitg It t'fl P1 I ii u'Itlui'r' of
I htt'e mdiii fuii'l UI ci's. .5 'iui'tI It ) titI' 'mt-isa
Iimt-rmt itlimluIti l's mtullicleiit.
OlI1OII F. Ol-tlIIN'llI'R. li'tNJO .5171)
gumliar tcaclmcr. hSii t'ltIc'zmgo Si. 11)1
rits' 1'IN\OSOl'NlS ThIN. I'IlllilSl'm-i I'OtT
iinti a I built I It tier , I ry St I' . I .eotitmiirlt , . , l1iem
m' _ lm'nsn's store ; r'nsetmdblt'tmi levi' . 11.1)-i ,
PINt-I ( ' .STtfl'i'IAt ) , $ tTI ; 5l\S'tN & hlASliiN'
otgimi ( mm Ii ) ' guumur , , ut t'l , $15 40. 'I'hit't lhiS'mr
Itti'C'ti cml tuililt img. 259 2'
51155 ( \'Ot'ALINS'I'flt'"I'ION' , Ill ?
51111 Ii 51St , tt rwt ; litmitll itt i-'rlilt : mIt' l i'Iiel mu
'tslifirtlm , Nt-a' York. III It'
Ill ( ' 'S'CihlS.
'rIlhiItilslNO SIT.\SON 11.55 ( 'O5tilllNCi'fl
tuimi alIt' it ci's littlet' It li1sttle It , lou ) ' Ii sslueel
iii umttmistmolty iiss ulgtmi i's ; tcrmim ti mitt ittir-
-itaei s : t'imt'-Im s'tmuli'rnl mititi Nmipili'oIl mIre tti'
lmit'wIetli'h IsOl't , e ; It'i' iciS' I' Shiiq' $10-li ) )
\'ti"el , ham rtct Immili , , hat-ge I tulmtttg , 11th' ltittlt , i I
57L ) 8) : ecuouthttthi1 a'Item'tt , ' I a I I ttmtik- " , I 'nIl
til'Ints't. .5 , 1. . 1 ) ranc' .0 L's. , I I tO h-'du It-i 1i ,
( ) MAII,5 IllCY'IE ( ' 0 , . ltE'ST l'I.\l'E Ti ) htI'r
iitcsc'Ieiti'-u-lt'srI'mttuircII.IuN : , 1tIu ; lIt , ? S2
'S\'lT 35' ! 1.1 , CLI.S N. 'A ii I i'S'i' , Iti'l'.tl It rt'Ncr-
lIre" umtttt ist't'i ) -cttmr lit eycli' lit gImIl i-cta hr ( ti'
$ ld ti'r mimomitim , Ahh'mtl'ilelt Cycle I' , . Ii ) Iii.
lIthu St ill-SlIT
S\'ESl"N hIICS'Cl.E & GI'N ( ' 0. . 2116 ( 't'StlNt'l.
Sl-TtlCAl. !
Si.RIR4 .5 Sl'gct.\irV oi FlMAI.i : ANt )
, tmnilmlc tlIsz'net's ; lii Ivats luti'tlitltuii : git'es "thIn
lttttlt , ; ettie , cluitcem it nut ttttisare % s'ltlmnuit a
itmi I fi' . tr , I' . I . .Ii'ljet1)12 leui s-ella-art hi St , Ict ,
I 1 utah 2)1 : hIts. Oitimmlmum , Stel , . 'let , mtC ,
TilE l'flOi'LlI'S IliT'INSAIfl'lill iOtTGi.AS
itt l't't , , I res Is il Ise.tees of smitietm , 'tcimm'mhs' , ' s- ;
2 ' , "mima' ltrnetht't' ; litIt ms-mitt tt' i-iutrsm'u
, 'ottstllt at imulce ; delay ihammgemomuit ; u'i'ittn 'iii'tmt ,
$ mol5) nmimi uI , . moe.-i-s'
_ _
S'I'17S :91 : 5 II I I'S ,
i.OSVtSl' ltA'ri2l TO Oitl-'itOM rTi'ItII'II , % IT ,
liiis , Titus. ( 'tile & Simm , t'mte'ittnmi titus ,
I Lii t y C. IuIres 14 II i'it t nato St. , Omim ; , ha ,
959- . " ?
- - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - ' - -
111:1 : 1,1)15(1 ANt ) l..tS , SSSOt'l t'I'IOSS ,
. 4
- ' - - - - - ' - - - - - - ' - " ' - - -
SIIA1IIIS IN MlT'rI'At , I , , & IS , ASS'N l'AY
'I , 7 , S II'I' ( 'elm I Svlt"It I . 2 , 3 si' , t'ii iItb ; ntw'n'mi
reIi'rmmcmhb' . 170 I I-mum tmuitiSt. : , Na tt timger Sec.
11055' 'IO (1111' A 1105111 011 SlIi'CItE (1001)
interest iii u'us'iimgs. : 5Itbv , Ii ( 'timmilts I - & I ) .
, Smmmu'tm , 1701 i-'mmiimtiii. : (7. Itt. Nattlnger Sec.
.I'it 11115 ASI ) ShIitUiIIlIIltY.
sIInhInhiITIn't.rIottlT & 511,51)11 TItiThIS ; LOW.
emit iii Ic" , . F. it. SInEtlmm II iioumt' it' . 1) . & ij-- " '
454 SitQ"
l.OS'i' .
il'FItAYI'Tfl--A 11155' 11011517S'i'l'II , 11,5,1.1) FAt'fl
( i'Iiimi lii ) ' ii' amiss-i. 55,11 I ita N' rettmurtl ftmr retmurim
, ) f ut ut tnat. Frttimhc I I mmjt'Ic , 18th a mmi 0 ii t r"ts ,
OmiaItn. ! I.-it l2-l7
1.OWI' . S'l' imIlIlt-IAI1I ) 1)00 ; 1tSVAhfl ) Foil 1111-
tilt'tltt ) 2015 tIttttmiSt. . I. St 3tT-11'
hST ) , A ( 'OI'Nl'Til Si'ANII'h : IIil''t'IIN 'i'C )
1 2 IS Sti tIm huh , I I . ( ' . 1)t'u'm-I , ( r llIim'rtil r-
mvmul 1. i.Dtt-SllGt ill' '
SliOIi'I'IINh ) , iNI ) 'J''l'iI'SVtl i'I'JTSti.
A. C''AN' SAN'I"E SCHOOL , III N ) , I itlI
U. alAllOWl'rz LOANS SIONE ) ' . uS N IS lIT.
( aiIm Ii It's sot tel I el 51 is.t fimum rihy , 1101 lImit tie I , i.
- - - - ' - -
1,1 1CII I' ( ) iICI 125 ilOUGiI'I' .
I i Fl' : INtttlSNCll h'OIIc'ilIS I'iTlt'il AlIlli-
Jo mi , out Caine. JtildresI , I' . 0. Isx , 227 tSmn utmu ; ,
SlAViNG h't'htCiiAilFl ) 'l'lfIl IltISINElIS 01 :
tiiS'tilt ' tiC % % log Sloehmi tIe ( 'ci , , I n Onimultut , ss'ii -
s'IIi CIt I 9' cttittiib'ie ilat'ii of t'ess'Iimg itltctliJmru
mun-t SLPIl let fill i'ItI ictt ' .ttur ifl I roan iC ; miii
uc'c'oU'mis ilIje tlti'ifl time ita'aIthe ( o I' II , tct. ,
immait & Ci , . , 151 I t'apltol As'o , 161-2) - ,
110115115 l'tSl'tiut Ill ) .
: ; : l'ASTi'hiEI ) l-lt SlYMSiElI ; Volt
liu I I hI'mutarfl tiihllt' SI , . .1S'u'lcit , Cl rem ne , Ni-ti ,
- - - - - . ' - - - - ; ' 5
111'Ii IIlI'l'illt I % ( 1TUIINI'VlJli II ,
FIIIINII'ltIti l'1SCFtiTi ) , COUC'i Ii-nIMADL T ( ) -
orIsr. itimi t t r sees ttiitlt' it ni t c tie vii I ( 'II , rita I i-s
comm-si ; cietiii ililti ttmltthitt , SI , 14 , S''uilklrt , 2111
( tnntng. Tel. 1311. 711
IIXI'llit'l' . % CCUX'I'AN'I'S. (
0. It , itA''Il lII'N. AiliTOlt ! l'l'illlti ANI )
pcI s-n I s mIce' ti it i it ; hulk ! i rjt"uiel it till ( 'iti.t'll or
e.ttttitti' ii ; all business rlrictly t-tnmtIi--n'imuI ; tiet
or ii't'rl-nc-ems ; t-i-lihtoiIe 0) ) ' ) , 1,09 i'uxiiti block ,
Omanlumu , lIt-IS'
% S'AN'l'lil ) 'i't ) ilIii 11055' ,
SS'ANTEI ) TO ltOitltOW , $ l,200.0)FltOSi ! 'ltr. '
Vito imirt- . SS'hil l'.uy S , CF Cent liii ! gli" ,
rtutrtgmigE ItO luous , , ttii lot s'nhued hit 52.104,0- ) , -
Jtiitlm'es I' 12 , lieS. ill IS'
- - - -
- - - - - - - - -
lTNiuJ'l'ill ) A FB1S iticili , 'l'RAGI8IS Y ,
.5 iteI i-'tu - rifler Itili'ih ii ii ii II Is 'I'u
Sgns SlorttiIl' S'.iiiuiIt'iI ,
FRIIMONT , 0. , May 16.-A tuirriblo trimg-
cily cectirroil last ItlI'hlt onus cart of tIlts
village of Iitmilhay aIld about ehgiit rtiiIs
froIiI tilitl city , In which one imsaum st'as killed
Outright atmtl tsso l'Ons are In tiucht a condition
that deatiu 11115) ' l'emuimlt at itumy Itlolflent.
Thu tleoel was cormitmmlttetl about mnidnIht
timid evidently ts'aui well iianmied , At tillS
hour of the night the faitmily ci Jacob
ss'uro arottt'eil hmy au oxploslom : which hut-
tcrcd their lioutme , but tie nime wes llmjulrJ. .
Mr. hose anti his tss'o 'sns iillinolhiattjy
eteppeul out , wiioil a sOUl ss'as flied , antI IllS
old gemmth'nlaui dropped over dead , Anothmor
lulmot anti one of time sono fell , idercud In thu
breast wlllu a quantity Cf buckshot. Again
a shot , and the other ion rucelveil it shot ,
Thin fiend viio did time elmooting then cii.
capeil , atid thus far hat not beemi csptureii ,
SuspIcion lioluts stroumgiy to 11w dse'l Iiv-
ing hcett comnimjltted by a ylimog thriller
nsine'l Lottie ililisu , who hi.i beerm In hove
ss'ith th datmgliter of Mr. I iss , but. imLs stilt
has ticeut stronttoualy oppoiuo-I by the fouler
anti also time brothers. Lately ito lisa been
prohibited frrums unakIrm-g calls auth this ito
enraged luim timat hue imas been mmescly wIld
People who know tiua ) 'oung man thinl that
be has liroodt'tt over flue hove affair so nturh
that lie hiss hiecoino lnrauie , The simerlit"
and a iomia startei at once to calitunte lulin ,
but hmaye been unable tn locate hint.
A report baa sluce been received which
bays 0(10 of the tions bait died and that thus
other till probably recover.