Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1896, Image 1

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    - - --V . - -
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spain Propoo3 to Give the Antilles Oont
of Their rinances ,
IereIL frniii tu , TI. rIe Ieelst rr t
ItItt I Iii HM ( Ii 1rtIgis I'uerM
tu Il4 Fx ! . IJI.IIl -
crcIiQ ( , A , , serten.
. ' / MADRID , May it-The Corte reaeI
bled tctlay. The BpcecI ! from the throne a
rourIcc8 a menure aiming t ) cstabflsh n
AnhIIk an adflflIEtratIOII of purely bc
character , giving the colony control of
own flnnnce , while rnabntabnlng nt
paIn'ii sovereign rght9 , Tbio pcech
cbnres that Spatn ha9 fulfilled beyond rncx
un , the ) rOtflUCfi hu cicada to the Cuba
after ( Ice 8r8t rebelUon.
The reIatons with fGretgn powers ,
rpccctc are excellent. Tue correct a
frbentlly attitude of the South and Centi
AiiierIcan repubbbcs bn the pre'enco of t
Cuban rebobtion , bt .ays , ervo to pro
that each tIny devobops stbll more the
toiet. bbxiiblng them to Spalii. In
United Statecc , ( lespito tbco elTart9 of pub
opbnbon Iii tbo contrary direction , the pr
Itbent and bIbJ government lucvo not eparat
tbceicc1vet : , roni Sue bloc ot conduct and
boyab frIeciIsIiIp vIiIcIt have always oxIi't
. - between the two countrica cilnco the creati
I the epubbtc.
The pupa has gtvou ronoved sympathy
The government. the speech contInu ,
3resent the decbarattcns lgncd by Japan
the 'ubJcct of the deilmitatbon of the Spani
and Japanec po.csIani Ja the tar ca
'rho 'peccbc prabes ( bce conduct of the arc
acid navy durbog the struggbo In Cuba. T
government In activity Occurred with act
cicase of the dcfene for the peninsula a
for tbio cobonbcs. 'rice army viIt oou be pi
vbdcd wtth new pattern rifica and a cocntb
artillery equipment. Spalci has already I
creased her navy by twenty-five ciuboat a
other ves.e1. An cxtraorlInary bwlget
be prconted to provbdo for the acpcbbtIn
cov & 'Ictps and for Improvitig the arsenabs
The (1110(11 regent referred during I
speech to the measure voted by the Chamb
for roforma In Cuba and Porto Ittco. Dep
thcfl0 zcccasurc. she said , the robeibbon Ii
broken out In Cuba because the rebels
sired Independence , and ciot autonomy.
the rebolbbon trlucnpbceI. Cuba wotibd tic
a Etep backward In cbvlllzatton , Interest ,
du9try anhl commerce. Cuba could iiu pr
per with r.1epcnccsce.
Sjatn could not be Inlllferent , the qtc
contlicued , to the futuo of Its chfldr
wlco were Ie astray by poittical ambitli
or abanilcn the cbvtIIzi mission IniIo
cPon It by Its biIstory and honor. 'I
quew regent praised the CIIbas3 who l
rercialucil boyab to Spain , who , she said ,
abways be prepared to receive repentant
ciurgents witbi open arms. Spain had i
besbtateti anti woubd not hesitate at a
sacrifice to maintain bier authority In Cul
The governor general of Cuba , the spec
aflirnie I. bebleves that retormc voubd
710W contrIbute to peace , but woubd Impe
it. Nevertheless the government had a
abanconed the consideratbon of future beg
latbon fcr the Antilles to establIsh It fire
w1cn the tinan conies. It Is saII ( the Insc
rection Is ( Inclining and would already ha
been staznpe1 out t the Insurgents had
received aM frocic abroad , where pub
opinion Is ( lIvIlcd In regard to the politic
tinfi afirninistrative altuatlon In Cuba. TI
help , however , would cot have sumccd
bavo prolonged the struggle without
chincerical spread among the Insurgents
reports concerning the protection of a gre
power. It vas hoped the untecebvbng
. - the insurgents wauld contribute to the n
, toration of peace.
The speech concluded by saying that
order to secure the cqulbibrlucn of t
budgettbcongli circumstances at the mome
were unpropitlous , It. was necessary to p
severe anti to increase the receipts. Ni
sacrifices would be requireul from the tic
payers , but these sacrifices will contrIbute
to the country's rospertty. The gover
ment hoped to obtain unusual powers , pc
naittirig It co raise money under more a
vantageous conditions. It W58 tbetermln
to nnlntain energetIcally the public cre
and uutrlctby to reSleCt Ilic engagemeni
notably wIth foreign capitalists , witho
forgettIng that the national welfare w
based solely on the financial system. T
speech also announcefi a rcfornc in ti
recruIting laws 'md in provincial cnun1cl
admInIstratIon , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
vsl. iutJI.Ii'i's is i SIItM it.t'VTZ ;
Ytauut'zuiciuu uN IIi'eciiie IenulJ In 'I'Ii
I'In ssitli Fiic1i OtIu.r.
( oiwrcght. IS'Ji3 , by I'ICg l'utlibIllng Compan
CARCAS , Venezuela , May 11.-New Ye
World Cabegrarn-Spcclal Tebegranc.-In )
sham lattbe here yesterday bublet we
ecrctJy USLMI by both hIes. A a co
Beqounce. one man was kIlled and sever
'were wounded In the excitement of U
fray.Ttl Caracas pres , In commentIng cipi
the alTair , grimly observes : "We ha
bullets for FiiglIchmen. "
Si's t It'd flit' Lust at tiit' AiiurIi'uii Ii
cliii 111114 fur luuiuitgi'pc Iii Ss'eJuii'ui.
I'rew , I'iihulshlng Cocnpan
( Copyright , 16 , by
TIEN TSlN ChIna , May 1i.-Now ( Yoi
World Cablegram-Special Tcbegram.-Ce )
sub 1eat1 , chairman of the Chengtu cot
slson , bias aucceoded in securing payucie
In full of the laptlut MissIonary Unk
claIms for property lose8 Iii tile Szcbui
L Thus all the American claIms have be
A rottled In a friendly manner. ChIna paylr
the whole amocact domandel.
Clii rut lie rtiii Iiiv Iicc.l "Vork.
CONSTANT1NOPIE , May 11.-The vor
of the agents of the American Red Croc
soclely under tlio direction of Miss Ciai
Ilarton , Its president , is very succcssfu
They have been relieving a great deal
dIstress by distrIbutIng seeds and tool
cspeclalby In the Kbarput dIitrIct , wliei
flr. J. II , hubbell's Party bun , been urge
to uuuako a lengthy stay. A. 1ItI Cro uuici
ical corps is beIng formed lucre anti wi
be Placed at the dIsposal of Ira Iharris t
vork in the larasIu and Zeltoulu district
' wiucro typhus fever and dysentery as
' ragIng , _ _ _ _ _ _
IuIervuuct'M tilt , Siguis tic ii ticiut.
flIltLIN , May 11-Tue ltelchstag toda :
after dIscussIng the sugar taxatIon bIl
aIOIItCi a proposal to fix the total outpt
for the coinIng year at 17,000,000 doubl
centnoa , Instead of 14,000,000 double ccii
aeruc , cia proposeI by the government.
.Uqre 'l'ruPopN tar Stuiuleluui ,
SIMLA , May 12.-lu addItion to time tw
lnft.ntry regIments ordered to tuakIm Cc
garrIson duty a regIment of cavalry , a mour
liuin battery gnd a detachment of engineer
wIll proceed as soon as possible to AfrIca.
SeIiooIusluIiu Isuucx sit Seustliucciuptumu.
SOUTHAMPTON , May 13.-The Unite
gtatcs schoobablp Essex arrived here toda
and exchanged salutes wIth the 5hIp an
torts. Tue schoobabip will remain here for
fortnIght. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ . , lluisiiiiliii 1le' Coiit It ) ' % ViINluIui5jto,1
hey , uader.eecretary In the foreign mInIatr
thau beenc appointed Turklih minister
, l W'astclngton. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IIrUtili Aist cut Vruturln 1IucIWuus.
CAI1J TOWN , May 11.-Sir J. A. Deweti
bo Jiritlab igetit at l'retorta , ias resigned.
Sl'AIN WILL % ' .UP A FI % ' ViiK
' ( Jotuupet I fur's CrevTnketi flM P11
luuuscrN V.'Ill ut lIe 'a'et.
hAVANA , May 11.-it wica definitely a
flounced today that on the day the five rn
Captured on board the Competitor wore tnt
Priday last. AdmIral Navarro , In confornit
vIth the PetItIon of tico prosecutor icc
sentence of the naval tribunal , approved a
algecil the pentenceea of death Imposed tsp
the filibusters Abfred Laborde , lr. Eli
iledla'IIIlanc Ulhbea , John Milton a
Tcodoro 't5t. Tue announcemnent Is su
luleflielitcil by the statement , that In view
hIgh state consIderatIons the cas of U
fIlIbusters have leen nefenred for final ci
clalon to time supreme trIbunal of war ai
Two alleged filibusters , citIzens of t
United States , eald to have formed Icart
the CompetItor oxpeiltion have arrived he
In custody from liaya honda. They we
captured by the local guenillas of I'alni
501110 tIme after landing.
The steauner Triton has brought hero
small laoat whIch was found abandoned
the coast by the mayor of lierracos. 'F
boat Is believed to have beIonjetl to a sin
'expedition siicicli bias landed in the vicini
of the spot. wicero the Competitor w
sIghted and captured.
VSllINGTON , May 11.-In the Com
petitor case It. call be authorItatIvely stat
that at the request of the United Stat
tIme SpanIsh governuciemat will poatpone cx
cuitlon of the death aentelacco Impost Auiccc
caic citIzens until the vlewu , of the Unit
States respecting tlmo aPPlication to the
cases of time treaty of l7'J5 and time protec
of 1877 can be lreefltcd , and considered. _
Thu announcement of the poatpOnelne
of the executIons means a delay of occ
t'ecedl at least , and that the matter will
taken up by tIle diplomatic represi'ntatlv
of the United Statea and Spain and be rno
the subject of the eachange of correnpon
once on the tuitcrprctation to be given U
treaty nrovilouiy between thmo two natlot
Meanwhile , thia effect will be to allay pop
bar excitement , both lucre and in Spain.
The action of time State department
insistIng tupon a retrial at least of the Acne
lean prU'.ccera ii evidently In answer
the contention of the court-martial , that ti
Cuahilng prctocol of 1877 dId not apply to ti
present case.
Time court lucid that It applIed only
American citizens resIdent in Spain or ti
Spanish doininloucs , and as the captives fm
the CnnpetItor were not in any scuise ro
dents Of Cuba , It decided that they could n
clalni any of time privileges accorded by ti
protocol ,
In Uce opinion of the State department th
was an extremely narrow and ill.liber
conatruction to place upon the protocol , b
vhcile not acceptIng this conm'tructlon , ti
department guarded against the adverne d
cislon on the protocol by recurring to ti
ancIent treaty of 1701 on the ground that
the prlouiera' case was not coveredi by tI
protocol , they certainly could invoke U
ineac'uro of protection aflorulefi by tI
earlier treaty.'hiile thici treaty Is not 1
any meanu generous in the matter of ntis
beges helil out to Anmericact prisoners ,
still contains a3me gurantCes of great vali
to them in Just such cases as that wiil
has now arIsen.
'Fime section of the treaty applyIng to ti
caee , in the Judgment of tIme State dciar
ment , is article vii. , which reads as fc
lewa :
"And It is agreed that the subjects as
citizens of each of the contracting partic
their vcsels or effects , shall not be blat
to any embargo or detentIon on the pa
of the other fo any military expedItion
publIc or private purpose whatever , and
all casea Of seizure , detention or arcst f
debts contrac.eJ or offenses committed I
any citIzen of the one party withIn U
Juiris'liction of the other the same shall
niade and lrOsoCUtccd by order and authori
of lasv only and according to the mogul
course. of proceedIngs usual in such ease
The cItizens and subjec.s of bath parti
shall be allowed to employ such advecate
solicitors and notaries , agents and facto
as they may Judge proper In nil their affal
and In all their trials at law in which the
may be concerned before the tribunals
the other party and such agents shall ha'
free access to be present at proceedIngs
such cases , and the takIng of all examin
tIon anti evidence which may be exhibited
the sail trlais. '
The contention of the State department
that , IrrespectIve of the Cuehlng protoc
of 1877 , thiS treaty glvea the jtmerlcc
pniocicra certain prIvileges that were wit
held from them by the Spanish court-inartlc
Notaliy. they were obliged to rest their d
tense In the hands of a Spanish officer ci
tailed for the purpono r.nd in all probablll
not particularly nnxloua to clear his ellen
and were prevented from selectIng the
ott'c counsel , as guaranteed by the treat
Also , it is a'aIcl that the prisoners were n
accorded an opportunity to nrocure test
mony iii their own behalf. This Is one of th
privileges inseparable from a lawful and re
ular ccieiuct of the prosecutIon ,
AltogcUaer. ! the indicatIons arc that ti
State department is preprering to make
strong legal defense against the execution
the death penalty in the case of tIme Amer
can rIoncrs.
LM'FtENCE , ican , , May 11.-It has ju
been n&'certalned by a correspondent of U
Asietclated presa that Thad P. Melton , th
young Kanucan who was on time Comnpetltc
and who was among the Americans capture
anti condemned to death , is a nc.phuew of
n , Jonas , proprietor of a dinIng bait of thi
city. Melton wan born and raised mica
VInlanci , eight miles south of Lawrence , I
thIs county. _ lie ttent from there about si
years ago to Aurora , Ark. , where hIs parent
now , There he attended school an
graduated. lie was , at lice tiune of hi
aptclro , It is aiid , a special correspondent c
the Key West Ticnee4Jnlon and was actln
for his paper in obtaining information a
the Cuban situation ,
COlMli1'S O1''I'It E ENGI.ISll I'1tIiiS
L.uuudiuus lJulitors luucliuceul tiu 'l'guIC
SideN tIt1u tlit' Siuuluuihli.
LONTON , May 11-The Globe thIs after
coon , commenting upon the Cuban situatlos :
"It is impcsslble not to sympathize wIt
lie Spauilalu mlni8try , suddenly called
huooo between thti loss of SpaIn's bes
ebony and a war wIth a great power. 1 :
ho event at war European sympathy tell
e wholly with Spain. " ContInuing , tic
] Iobe says "Thu inaction of the America :
cuuthorltbocs in the Bermuda affair has cause
ciuch irritation at Madrid , The Spaniard
Ire apparently less accustomed than our
elves to the vagarIes of the 'tilpbomacy o
lulrt sleeves. Thu recent developments 0
lie Monroe doctrine find little favor abroad
Uthough the pretentious arrogance at'nali
ngton lately betrays IndIcatIons ef spqIIlni
or a fight , we believe the true explanatloc
if ( ho meddlIng polIcy is a cieterculnatioc
0 render American commerce parainoun
.huroughcout the western hemisphere. "
The St. James Oazeuo remarks ; "Timer
Ire conditions In both the United State
Lndl SpaIn which militate against a poacefu
ettbencent , America is quito caliable a
lolng iciore than talk svhceui Cuba and tb
ives of Americans are concernoi , Seno
anovas del Castllbo wIll have to conslde :
lie effect which a surrender to tire Unitec
tates urilght have upon the stability o
ho nronarchiy , lie uucay have to cheese be
tdeecu a rupture wIth the UnIted States am
I revolution at home. "
vH.illI SllS AN AN.tI' 3lmss.tat
) eeluurcu. lie Ciiiuotl'rncc'd Ii liii
% 'lir ass lie Sluululul.
MADRID , May 31-Tho Spanish premier
ienor Canovas dcl Castillo , and the Unite
Itates minister to Sicairi ; Mr. biannic , Tayler
cad a conference today , the result of whict
ci unknown.
It iii reported that Captain General Wey.
er hints telegraphed the Spanish governcnenl
hat it t impossible for him to proceed with
hie sear as lie ehiould , as the Spanish au
bonltles at every moment are ampeme
y tIre "Irritating meddling of America Ic
uban affairs. "
It is understood that tIme United State2
ovcrnrnent hiss presented heavy claims for
fidltional tiidcmnriitles through losses or
ugar plantations belonging to AmerIcans
tiilchi have been burned by the Insurgents
t Ia expected that these denianda will lead
0 further cornplIcatIou.
Resolutions on Many Bubjects Introthic
by Delegates.
Xui hiiiig uf ci Sensus tluiuiuI tu
A riseN to I ) IMuI rh ( hut' l'niici'euI. .
iHgM.PI rMt liii jlu ut Coiiuiiil 1-
tee ileluortui Itvcc1cd.
CLIiWELAND , 0. , May 11.-The lii :
temperature and the humIdIty of the atmc
lucre both operated to prevent a burst
oratory at the MethodIst Episcopal genes
conference today and the routine busln
traneacted seals disposed of wIth as little
fort as possible. The most important quc
lion settled was the fixing of the thee I
Lisa election of bi&rop. Tire election w
begin Cn Thursday of thula week and cc
tlnue until all tire officers are chosen , Ilu
olutionmi score presented favortng the c
literation of tire color line in the electIon
bishtps and condemning lynclrlngs , both
whIch were referreul to appropriate comm
tecic without action , Ancthcr resaiutlc
proponing a reduction in tIme salaries of cc
ference olficialu because of the hard tine
seas' also referred to a committee.
lJlt'hop Walden presided this rrcorning
the opening of the Methodist ipiscopa1 gc
oral conerenco.
The first busIness of the day was tue I
trodtrctlon of a resolution whIch prorid
that all futura sessIons of the cruiference
lucid in church buIldings , it por.stble , a
that the couiumnlttec on entertalninut for lI
be so Instructed. It was promptly bald
the table.
Another resolutIon provided that the do
gates being appreciative of the manner
which they had and are being entertained
this cIty that all cities makIng a bid for t
conference should have It fohiowed with
guaranty of as good treatment and tumid
the same system an method , It s
A resolutIon ' to prevent a duplication
sttmdie. In time church nehmoots amid pub
schools in the south was read , but referr
to the comuncittee on freedmen's aid.
11ev. 13. \Vittiorspcnn of southern Ca
fornia prcsentcd a reaiutuomc declaring U :
color or Caste do not enter Into the cc
ference arid further declaring that the dc
110mm of a blhop of African descent shot
be viewed solely In the lIght of ability a
wIthout regard to color. It was presenter
( or adoption , but the conference referred
to the commIttee on epincopacy ,
The first formal application for the cc
ference of 1900 was preconted by Sarato
Spr'rs , N. 1and , was referred to
commIttee on ntortainuiient.
The committee on freedmen's aid made
first report on a petition from the Delawa
conference to change tcc , ame to Southe
Education socIety. The Upper Mirsissli
conference protested against this. The
port of the committee Is in favor of retaini
the rtme as It Ia now. The question sv
debated at some length and various motlo
tvere made to refer or Iostp000. but all we
defeated and the rport was adopte'3.
Dr. Lanlhan moved to reconsider the ye
by which Monday next was set as tire d
fur election of omcers. In making his ci
tlon Dr. Lanlhian saId the reasona were mar
feat try an earlier action would be deal
able and that more busness can be trar
acted. A general smile was the result
this statement , Dr. Lanlhan's motion w
carrIed almost unanImously. FuesJa
Vednesc1ay and Thursday svero set. F
Buckley made a mnat liummnorous argume
In favor of Thursday. lie referred to
Sabbath and humorously portrayed t
temptation to break th Sabbath , not
candklateo , but by their ardent friends , ai
begged that Thursday be s'ubstltuted. Ti :
date was selected , anti the elections will hi
gin on Thiurrday o ( this week. Dr. Wald
then Introduced to the conference Rev. E
F. tV. Rust of Cincinnati , ss'ho was his c
league in the management of the book co
cern ,
Res' , William P. Wilder of Cincinnati pr
sented a resolution which proposed to r
cluco the salaries of all omccrs , in vloss'
tire general depression in business am
finances. A protest wa5 entered and ti
resolution st'as referred to the commIttee
temporal economy. A resolution In co
denanmctiojc of mob violence was referred
lice committee on time state at time church ,
The specIal order of prer'entatloa of Clcv
land papers was then taken up.
The conference then joined in singlm
"Blest lie the Ties that l3lnd , ' after svlmi
an adjournnient was taken until evening.
At a meeting of the committee on epiec
acy thIs afternocn , a subcommIttee ni
'orted that it had examined time law bearimi
in foreign eptacopates and had reached tic
conclusIon that there was nothing to pru
rent foreIgn bishops. The subcomnmnltt
ecpmmendech a bishop for Europe. Tic
I esti'n of whether time church uihioulcl cxci
cine jurIsdiction outside tlmo United State
was warmly debated all the afternoon nit
aid over until the next meeting. In rc
: pont'o to a previoumi request the bishops rc
iorteml that they were in good health an
capable of continuing In the discharge
heir duties , but that In view of the growt
If the church and possible contingencies lb
bection Cf more bielmops svas desirable.
Tue coinuiiltteo cc itinerary conodered th
reposed chmangemu In the church dlsclpiin
i'ss'o of blue questions asked of a candidat
or mninietcrial appointment , bathi before cn
fter the close of his ir'batIorc are : "WI
'ott promise to abstain entirely train tc
aeon ? " antI "Are you Icr cheijt ? " Tb
isiiops proposed to welt these question
rem lice final exmimmalnatibns and allow tim
ret promise to siatmul. There was a Ion
: ebato ever this 1cm the , conimnlttee , but tiu
ecomunenulation of time bishops was finall
ustaineel oct the vote.
A siubcornmnltteo of the commitleo on corn
ination benerolences recommended th
olnkcg of the Freedmen's Aid and Sout
clucational socIety and lIce hoard of Ed
cti n , tinder tire camp Educational Freed
ion's Aid board ; alsa time trnlon of time Sun
ay Sobooi society anti time Trict societ :
'icIer tire namne Sunday Schcooi Tract so
! cty. Tlmla met strong Cppositbon , and th
nestion went over \Vedncsdrzy ,
Tire committee on revision CS. the consti
utlon decided migaimist ehmortemiing tire tint
C the probation , which Is six months.
A subcornmnittee wan directed to draw ui
n order of ciiurcbu services , strictly Mothr
mIIt Episcopal , svicicim sicall be mandatory.
Thu committee err tile state of time cirurci
ec mmimoncied time appoIntment of one evan
oust or more in each district confercanc
r revival weclc.
Thco proposition that the correspondIng see
otarlea of all the church benovelences ii
oncinated by the biiehops and elected by tim
earths of control of tiios3 Inuitltutionu wa
aceived , but no ache was taken on It.
The diLcussion on the propositIon to asi
ar thue insertion of thmo word "Posterity'
t tue lreniblo of the United States con
Litution the swords , "In God svo trust , " wa
> ng and imeated , and was finally referred ti
i'ubcom rut it t e 0 ,
Nurriliern Iloiuilsi Cour't'ntion ,
CHATTANOOGA , Teen , , May 11.-Tb
rlncipal matter of Interest at today's sea
lout of the Southern liaptlst convention wa
I reference to the Southern Baptist Tlreoboi
al Eemnlrary at Louisville. Addreaes wor
tado by Pre.uidont Whcit&itt and Prof. Dan
an. Time Woman's MIssIonary unIon fin
rhed its session today sect seleoed MIs
'sortie .pock of North Carolina as proudest
id Miss Alice Armustrongof Baltimore a
acretany. Tomorrow the convention will ad
turn , Time oiflcers and delegates zy it I
o roost nthuslaitlc convention lieN Ii
ears and are lavish In their praise of tic
ospitality extended to them by tbe city
Vihmlmtgton , N. 0. , wIll be selected as tb
lace for the next convention ,
licurubocic Slnllngsc'nP fltniiford
3liusii .rC ltonuing Plames ,
DIZADFOI1D , l's , , M 11.-The irvmhc
slashlngs that cscapedl.'haet * urnmer'a for
fires are now a roarh mmcscs Of flames
tire oil fields south oi this city. A flu' :
fire brolco edt Saturctjty n the Dent fit
In a slashIng , after .thi men eniployetl
time Emery Oil compan- , had left for tim
homes in thIs city , ' A , large gmtng of cm
swore sent from here Saturday r1i1it to flj
tire flarno , burt the lire brad gained am
headway that it impossible to cireck
progress untIl it nread to tirtrtevn
swells owned by tire Erirery OIl ornpany ,
derricks of which weie consumed , togeti
stlthi a lame number of oil tanks and bol
The anon are still tryIng to prevent I
flames front spreadIng to the south Ponna
vania oil swells , wlildh are In cbot'e pr
irnity. Should thea& gel , a start in ti
direction the loss will lie heavy and there
no tell1ng wlmere It tiil stop , as tire d
rIcks are ( Irlck and a large rnount of
Is stored tn small tanks , whIch swoulmi c
materIally to the destructIon of valuable
TIme woods In tIre s'icinity at Ilucimanan ic
losv were ablaze yesterday , A gang of n
succeeded in stopising the flames' front spre
11mg furrthrer thrice 1Jlimop & Johnson's lea
but not before two ulerrlcks ss'ere burn
Small fires are reported lii varlotra parts
hue flair ! anti the ireottie arc mtucii worrl
owing to the fact that c'vhirythmlng ha as I
as tinder. TIme sturtmice Is so Parched ti
large crevices are notteabla all througlr I
foretts. Not a drop of 'rain has fallen
nearly a month , and there is rio Indlcat
ot it irs vet ,
Tue hmomloclc ss'oods , , twci Thls swest
Ellinburg , I'otter county , are reported to
On fire arel tlcrcatentrmg the I'enuisylva
Tamiuilmmg company's pr perty. , . A large ga
of mlii omen are lighting the flames , bmit It
ss'lretlmef' . they ha
inapossible to learn or.not
armcceoded in checking this spread of
fire.'Irca arc reported on all uIcics of Oswa
a small lumber town in h'eic..c ucrty.
details are obtainobbeat tWs' tiice.
ii4 'Ofl' ON 'i'itm.ti.i ron a'oisoxt.
\V4)IuuIl it " , ' 1mo ItrIM lIet.rt e In Corrrt
tliiuiy Celebrnled Clu's'Maly un mug'
NEV YORK , May ii.-'l trial of Ma
Alice Aimnomit Livingatone ! enilrcg , who
charged swlth having poinOmmed her moth
Mrs. Elvina M. fuss , 6n August 30 , IS
was begun today in genermc1 sesdons , befi
Recorder Golf. The trict prmses to
long dmaswn out , and a great deal of exp
ir.edical testimony swill be offered on b
sides. The prosecution chagcs tlrat Id
Fleming gao imer nIotherpctson In a dl
of chosvder. which she athst to imer Imor
When tIme work of soiccthitjuroru seas beg
and tire defendant had btca called to I
bar , a young woman , dressed in bias
cunergemi from tire door leaching frame
tells , amid after refusing all tbefllowers U
were thjrtmst at hear by niorbd ! s'ucrmmeum spec
tore , auls'anced to the bar imnd sunk it
time dcck seat , Attorney Mlalntyrc , the pr
ecutor , for a moment , seethed dumbfound
Then , sumrnmonhimg one of theEberiff's office
he ordered ht'ni at once to bmlng time rl
defendant to the bar. 'It was then dlact
ered that Mrs. Iclemimmg , the defendant , ss
sitting at liberty among file court speci
tars in the rear of the 4dxrt room. At
request of tire deputy sheriff. she arose a
Icok her proper seat attlme mar b'eiclcbo
sister , ss'lmo had taken her. plad. The'womai
are strikingly like eachIotlucr. The prom
cuting attorney niado a foi'ial emnpiant !
the rcor1or , and Mr. BroIc , ' "tttomnoy I
the defense , was called upatYtp IaI 1 ]
singular transaction. lie e .icii' lilies
unable to 'do so , but time nmatcer wfes 'aft
sward explancd as a tumuley'c'biunder" 'r
man recets'eJ a severe coprimpand. -
Mrs. Fleming Is a daughter of tile Ia
Itolimirt isvift Llvingatonc. " Mer suit I
breach of promise against Fleming , an
broker , was a sonsatenal ! sse , sIxteen
eigiiteen years ago. She ssas arrested
time funeral of Mr.i. Bliss , iIer mother. Dr
lug her incarceratIon she ha gven bIrth
a cimlid , which han shared her prison cell
to the present tinie. Lacat wek , she won
suit for tue porsesslon of ' $ SOOO , whml
was left 11cr by bier father.
' '
Assucirttion'sAe'(1onCritioIr.ed I
Couug'r.'gatI.unsrI MtrllpulerN.
CHICAGO , May 11.-A , decided surprl
was sprung at time cboBo oftfje tguIar mci
Ing of the Congrogatitmusi Ihiuclutera at , t
Shernmnn houne today , whomm.imvI , F. Lot
tire secretary and chairmbi of the businc
committee , introduced a .ionolutlon askl :
ticat a committee of five be cpointcd to
view the action of the Iimuj association
California in upenduri born thq minI
try blew , Charles 0. Br ssn , Li , D. , of I
FIrst Congregational chuurciL cf San Fra
claco after ito imad been fouuct not guIlty' '
a cirargu of Inmmoi'ahlty by , specially call
conmmnittee. 'rho Tesoluton brought
etorm of cbjcctlona froyn a , number of t
mninleters present , who onmp1maticail' claim
that time Chicago CongregatIonal minite
rrnlon wag too far away to , rovlew the a
110mm of tire flay ce'aociation. 'A dozen char
plans of Mr. Brown lmnneciIsteIy arose , ar
after several spirited speeches the resol
ilon swas carried by an aLmost unanimo
vote. It was as follows :
In vlesv of some uneertrilnty in the mm
of the bretlireuc of the clriengo mmnisteri
mmnin as to the ecclesIastIcal nropriety ac
wisdom of the flay aaoeiatton of Cailfomn
In suspending 11ev. C. 0. ilrosvn of 8 :
l'ranclico from the mninistery ,
] tcmto'vemI , Thirst the matter be referred
cornrn1ttee of flvd memtera to lever :
mtte anti report at a later meeting of ti
union , - - - - . .
r'1itl'utUGS 'lilY A IAS'l\UIDJ.Y 'l'IttC
titriuulut to Iluururl.umm h t.rlru Outs
ecuitra for ut Jut to.
VARINER , Idaho , Mry 11.-A dotermini
ettompt wee mambo at 11:40 : o'clbck Irimib nig
0 burn down the Mamthoh Ilumiker III
oncontrator at Wardner1JurmcI $ n. The Ce :
entrator was fired with thu aid of boxe
; ackrc and lcorsene , anti tt t1o same mome :
L portion of the large 1luiccc8s blown up I
L hcuigo charge of thynmruIta , c'/hfch shook time
, imo bulhdlngui at Kelt gif , .aieetrly a ml
iistant , The dynamIte svaa trsc1 a few urn
ired yards abos'o the miIl."Tbo . machinea
topped and time clectrI ijghrts wee e :
Ingulsimeci two minutes Ititet. Tint tin
'elected was when inoef/tj'ttw rmiili Imani
wro at supper. Ori dfa1npg saw the ftc
La sOOfl as it starte aut mromrmptiy e :
Inguished it. The object 'wAs to got tl
c3ncc'ntrator to bum'ntng ant1.pmevent its e :
Ingulshrment by cuttin off'ttmeIwater ' auppi
rice Bunker 11111 employs ' 44t9 men. Ti
nilitlmic was calied out and rei muined out cm
mIght , but rio arrests have betlidmade as ye
tJIrIt'iugc ) Cocuuirmluswiun. rdi4cum $ ured ,
CASPER , Wyo. , May ii.apecialSu )
as been commenced by a Iiceiwman of tic :
lace against a Chieagq OdI copmmisslc
rm for $5,530 , Am agent of1rthe cpnirmnir
ion firm offered the sicsrmiaa 6 cents
round for lila clip. whikh was acceptec
ubsequently time agent fottud ho lund man
ni error in cstimatlmmgtho uininkago and ru
nnionl to take time wool M tile price c :
ered , hence time suit , Tue outc'omu is iooke
or with great interesi by beepunen , cm
Imilar instances frequntly occur ,
iIe'IiooI Teutalrcr nlsuupeuirs ,
SARATOGA , Wyo. , May 1.-Speciai.- ( )
onaiderablo anxiety is ti nero over tIm
isappearance of D , I , Ilathurut of Clevu
imi , Mo , , wire was engaged to teach lii
isirict school at Eii Monptaln for lb
arm beginnIng April .1. i thurst arrive
t Carbon about March 25 and announce
cat he was going to aratoa for a shoi
lilt before taking' bi , $ chmool , lie Its
ever reached Saratoga a d seems to hay
Isappeared as eonmpletel as thcougb lii
55thr had swallowed bim.
tcplc.i tue Greater iesv York Dil
AI4IANY , May 11.-Governor Moro ,
lgnv tltu Greater New York bili today.
Agrees to Allow the Exposition
Come Before the House ,
Somunlnr Gen r rind 1i r. It ospuictor 1
tilt' Mit tIer llefuru' tilt , luitu fr'osum
Itiuiine itirul luuuhuet' hint
to ltelelit.
smtancs , ,
\'ASii1NGTON , May lt.-Spcciai ( Te
grarn.-Thio ) Trannrmmlrer'sippl exposition
swill be allowed to conic before the hotise
its uterus , Speaker Iteemi having stated
day that he would probably have to yield
pressure. For act hour thIs morning Sena
Gear anti Mr. itosewater argured svith
Maine Statesflinn over the features of
bill , and brought to bear all their p
ammasion in behalf of tire nmeasure , swim
is airearly exciting atttition tirrougiiotnt
swestermi half of the continent. Somntor C
did yoenmamt nervice In behalf of time I
anti niated that Imva was quito as mnuch
teresteti as Nebraska In this great ent
linac , Mr. bleed preonteml iris ts'eli kimo
views on ecomiomny , but finally Ice agreed
give tire bill a chance for its life. I
Itosowater swas anxious to have time measi
rut rupecs passage tomrmorrow , but there tv
raraumy Inmportamct. mnatterasi of legislation pr
ting rIpen tue Bleaker , wiiicii have nriori
anmil u' nil probability it swill be late in I
week before time expositicui bill is gli
recogatItlon , dMr. ltcsesvater alto hani
long intervIew svith Sermator Caftej'y , svh
ii srrcceoCnl iii Interesting , aic to L.oulslr
reprercentatlen at tire exposition , Scutic
Cmtffcry steel so far as to state he two
mao Iris best efforts to secure Gos'erm
Fostcr'ic co'operatioit In securing an a
proprlation at tire present session of I
Icglslatmrrc , winch comivemied today.
Tice success swhichi time promoters of I
enterprise have met Inca instilled nosy lit
Into time Nebraska delegnilon , and It is n
believed the bill swill be Irassemi this we
Mr. Itorewatcr , st'it lu Congrcs'srnrcu'u Mere
had a satisfactory Inters'Iess' with First
sistant Postmaster General Jones os
Onialami postoffico matters. June 1 carr
service In Omaha swill be adjusted to cc
form switli time nets' orders , timree carnic
being dropped , These carriers , insteaJ
honing their ponitior , will be put on
substitute list , pcndi an Increase in
cervice , sciiemm they will be rc-cmimlmioyed. Cc
oral Jones ntated ice brad ito desire to
( bet tmpomm Oniaha : tlmmit 100 carrIers ha
been dropped in Plriladelphia , and that
reorganizatIon of the servIce was going
all over time coumtry. While ho seas I
dined to do all for Omaha Imobc. he
that at least three carriers could wi
safety tie dropped , and time Omaha men s
contcrt to let swell enough alone , in vi
of time fact that ten men were recommend
lit the report for dismissal.
A representative of the court of claim
stas Itt Omaha recently arid gave Cocci
Jones a faIr Impression of the nituatlc
With this betor0 the first asstsitzumt pa
niater general , neither Mr. Mercer nor ? c
itosewater was anxious to criticisO the a
tion of the special examtnor , although t
dropp'uv of ten men front carrier servl
would , have greatly retarded brmslncss
the Ocnmalia , effiec , which imas an excelc
repitation for efficiency and earni
The Fort Onmaha mnilltary reservation bi
anotifer measure which brought a clolegati
of Nebraska citizens to look after , is tell
IntervIews were had today with Senate
Hawley , Walthiall , Simoiip , Seweil and Da
by Mr. Rosewater , arid the reatrlt stoic e
tirely satisfactory. Ccnditlons not undc
stood at his long d'stance were eatisfactori
explained to tire members of the commnitt
PC military affairs , and the bill will be
ported Thursday from the committee. Mu
misinformation iced to ho overcome In tic
latter cane , but wiien General Hawley linde '
stcd to ttuation and sass' the ciunprehons'
scope designed by the bill , he unimest tating
gave it 1Is suppqrt.
. . A favorable report ss'as made today
RepresentatIve Ilainer'a bill pennioning Sac
uel McConagby of Benedict at $72 p
Representative Cousins of Iowa succeed
$ mi passing time bill approprIating $35,000 1
the Indian Industrial scimool at Tama , I
Thm amount will be mmmade part of time mdli
appropriation bill now in conference , co
ferences had after time passage ol bill ma
Ing certain its adoptIon.
Representative Strode presented time pcI
tion of 800 citIzens of Nebraska asking C
the past-age of a bill for the Qnmaima expor
tion.Dr. Coodell was today appointed a
Dr. L. El.
oxamiflng ! surgeon for the pensIon bureau
Wilbur , Neb.
Senator Alien ucceerJem ] In aaslng time b
for the relief of W. S. lirtli.
The senate passed today tue Fort Snci
military rerervation bill , sehicic gives Scru
Dakota time right to select school lands liner
A report favorable ( o time AbOrdcen , S. I
public building biii for $100,000 , was menu
today ,
A , W. Butler , of tile Paymaster's dopar
mont , U. S. A , , has been ordered to repo
to the chIef paynmaster at Nets' York C
duty at mat station. Charles C , Towar Sw
succeed Mr. Butler in Onmaima.
lIlmNitY CU'a'LlIlt nh1NEit IS IIitI
rmuiituur of 1'uuei'rruuib'c do 'l'iutu'i
t'uulur ( IuuMrrulllutlllul nt Ii IN ilciune.
NE\V YORK , May 11.-Henry Cuyi
fluminer , editor of Puck , dIcI this aftormioc
mit lila residence ha Nutley , N. J , , mo
tubercular consuniptiomi. Mrs. Ilunner am
his children ssero at brIar bedside svher' deal
caine ,
Mr. Dunner had been sick for a long tint
Lar4 stinter ho was sent to the I'aclflo ceas
rino trip did him lithe or no good , and
tow weolca ago lie returned to his Nutic
come. Since linen Mrs. Bunner has bet
alm st constantly at his bedsIde , The ci
ceased loaves three children. The oldest
) years , tire younget an infant.
Mr'1 I3unner twice born in Oswego. N.
ttigust 3 181.5. lIe was onlucated in French
; ciiol im ; NosY York City , ills unit ventUi
In life swamI au ran ernpboYe of a l'ortugUer
Lmtusines5 firm in this city , but the work sym
hot congenial ann he soon hiecaune connectu
with the New York papers mmmii for non
. 1877 Keppli
years worked as a reporter. In
i Scliwartzman Issued the tirat edition
[ 'ucIc , It scan ; then me Gerrnun publicatlo :
iletore long the German edition was suppi
: nentml with n LngiIsln editioti nflii It !
ilunner was mnudcm the usvlatant editor , nut
miter he war ; nlaced In chmmmrge us eclito
Under his editortimlti , and with the iilustrc
Ions of 1epler , the pnihjiicastion coon a
mined a wide c'.lrcuhationi ammd tire Iropert
jecemna very valuable.
In addition to his syork on Puck , Id
FItinnqr was a frequent commtrlbnitcr to tic
eauilpg uiumgcmzinew , stud was tile author of
'umber of works. The most mictabie u
irttde were "A Woman of honor , " publlshc
0 1$83 "AIrs from Arcadia and Esewhere
o ms ) , mid : "Tire Midgem' lbS'i ; "l'ho Stor
at a Nesv York Ilonive. " 1S7 and Inu i'ar
cershlp , " a coliccrlomu of storks , iSSI. In tic
alter Production lie coljabQrated with Bram
icr IuiattlieWml.
LONDON , May 11-Dr. Salmon , the oldem
'tee Mason In tie wonl41 is d rnd. lie wa
06 years old ,
NE\V YORK , May 11.-WIlliam Simnpma
; ioan , vice president of time Delaware , Lack
wanna & Vemntennm railway , died today afte
a protracted Illness. ho was the son c
mnmuei Sloan , president of the Lackawana
\Vest Shore in 1f9.
BEATIIZOFI , May 11-Speciai-A ( ) mom
age was received hero thIs mornIng trot
'eeksktih , N. Y. , announcing the death C
Ii BIrdie Smitin , daughter of Mr. an
Irs. 8 , 0 , Smith of this city , The decease
vas 19 years of age , and would have grad
rated thts year from St. Gabriel's school cm
1eekriciil , bier parents werswith her dur
rig mer alckneu , wiclch was of about on
eeek'u duration , and as due to appefldcitim
Nothing left uuvuus ( time .trguuuucu
of thifl Atuurrut' ) a.
NES'I'OltT , iCy. , May 11.-At lOalO toni
the argsnment iii tiuo Scott Jackson case I
gaIt , It has been armangeni that Color
elson shall speak first , Crawford mmcxl a
ckhart aiimcii close ,
Attorney Nelson , after a very plaIn a
touching story of the crIme , took up
testimony of Jackson , comuparlumg it with
oppoaiumg testimony of tico cormtrmiomitvealtl
witnesses , a to brie mimoseimmenmta ant Frimi
nmmtl Saturday , auiml asiciumg tii jury if
swaB likely tlmat all tllcso niislntorestcnl 5V
nesnes for tlco laroseclrtion swonclil doliberaic
perjinro timemnicivea , and tire trtnth be tr
only by Jackson , ss'hmose interest In t
trial Is suipremrie.
Colonel Nelson has no lismoit to his arg
silent , except such as Ire may set , ailmi 55
likely occupy rho twhrolt' tiny.
Colonel Nelson concluded hki argtnmnemit
fi o clock this afternoon imnvIng spokee fo
hours amid tts ccl ) ' mnniutcs ! , Thirotmghc
Colonel Neisoun irmanle tte testirmiommy of 5cc
Jackson in mm own defense the noint of
narttnre , pivot aus.l mmtncbetms of his argunmer
lie never etrayech front this atcirtirug iuOlI
Itcmn by item Ire held up tine testlrrtony
'acott ' Jackson before tlm jury anti array
in contradiction tlce es'irterrce of a mtritittn
of trnmblaseti , reptrtrtble witnesses , Mc
than emcee , witlr cormstnummrrmate art , lIe irma
reference to tire Joinn Stmuvarnl conu'pirmicy
stiborn st Itmmcssos , winch swea conaurrrmrrat
only in hart by tire Introduction of'illi
It. Tmnusty. Scott Jackson , time prison
uros'er before carcio so near losing lri a
coralimosure. lie seas tunable to look
fiery attorney Inc tile face. For the rmm
part his eyes swore averted , In tilict drarmmal
scene when Colorcel Neiseni clinch lii lila Ca
that blnmody satchel , ausi when iio rcanl to iii
tire Iriterceptoil letter to % \'iii W'oomi ,
very ireari ) ' broke down ,
Judge helm salt ] this afrernoon that t
Scott Jackson trial would not be ann
rnitted to tue jut ) ' untIl Tlirmrzday. I
tImer. postponed the trial ot' Aicmiizo'ahili
for tue rlmtlrder of Pearl Bryan un
May 26. _ _ _ _ _
'n'mmitim.'r' OP A IC.tIS.tS K i ri.E :
II I I I'Nt'a iIM'su rut' Iris sir .111 1 5
, , it's il itt'S , Spt'euu hsitiosu ,
CIIAMIJE1ILAIN , S. D. , May ll.-Specla (
-Sheriff Fuller at Butte connnty , aitiroui
one of time nmost feaniescm officers in ti
etate , Iras reason to be tmneasy over the r
cent. escape frormc the Topelca jail of "Dli
West , the notoriou.'i Kansas desperado ,
\Vest irrr theatccmierh to kIll imirmo. A lilt
over tsvo years ago \Vct swas arrested
the Indian Territory by Deptrty 1.ltod Stat
Marsimal Keemmey for an infraction of U
law , and placed In the Fort Scott jail , Wlii
there ho swore that if ire ever got out I
wotnid kill hri captor. 01cc umigimt lrlnrsc
cumni several other desperate cimamacters brol
jail , bnit instead of Imrcmerllateiy tryiumg
get out of the country , Wct went direct
the hrorne of time deptrty marshal arid sic
him dead. lie then carrie to the Black 11111
assumirrg the narmie of Charles Inbeil. Win
in time employ of a cmttt'C conmpafly , he u
( lay became enraged at a cowboy , anal , niras
ing a six-shooter , attenmptetl to kIll Ii
hatter. Fortunately the wounnl was mm
fatal , the life of the cowboy being raved I
the merest chance. Later West svas arreati
in Butte county for steai'umg $60 , and wc
sentenced to a termim of irmiprlsonrnent in tl
Lawrence count ) ' jail.
While servu' his e'entcnce it seas dl
covered that he was the man svho scm
wanted for the kIlling of D3puty Marsh
Keeumey. The true character and identil
orjhedeipcrada..wero first discovered 1
Sflerlff George Fuller of Butte county , at
th Kansas anithonitles , upcsc being notifie
see a reman wimo ronnie the idermtlilcatlc
complete. Deputy Itimirsinal Dave Robiris
of ttiiit state was dtnIlecl o escort ti
prIsoner to Kanasas , er.I deliver him to Ii
atrthcon'itIes timere , While ermronmte'eot swor
that inca wonrid never stand trial , ' and that
ice es'er strcceeJed in escaping front ja
tie ss'ouid kill Sincriff Fuller.
Now thrat he has really escaped , the fau
that ice has prcvotnnly ! carried out a simm
liar threat renders it protabie that lIe eta
rrialce the attempt to carry out his recem
threat. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
VELt4 1CIOW1 % iiz'irt MAN DYIX (
Currruuuodcr Cc.irl'4o11 I"nitnl ly II urt I
ii l'fgtu t mit Ynsrictoiu.
YANKTON , S. D. , May 1I.-Special ( Teli
gram.-Commodoro ) S. B. Coulson , the be :
known steanmboat man on tile upper Miursoul
river. Is dying as time result at a bite ir
flicted by Dr. Coney on tIme evenIng ot May IOn I
time county conminissioners mc
On timat ( lay
ceived blnis from pbysiciana for carinmg ft
time paupers for tire year. Concy's proposm
was rejected , aithougin it was the lower
bid offered. Coney swicilo in liquor charge
the rejection of his proposal to Coulnon , svi :
is a commissioner , accusing the latter
favorItism and applied foul epithets lint
Couison lost patience and struck at tic
doctor. In doing tills he ( Ji , ammch being
very portly man , Coney soon had hlrmt at
disadvantage. Coney was pulled oft , havin
eimcwcxi the commodore'r finger in his unonrtl
ft is from this imurt tirat Coulson will prot
ably die. Coney was arreated Ilmis aiternoo
and Ic in jail. _ _ _ _ _ _
Sorrtli iun1otfl Sees cc Stmilci' .
YANKTOI , S. D. , May 11.-Special.- ( )
rho attempt of tire state to recover lit
c-nalty anti immterest finrid on taxes dii
lce territory of Dakota from tire s'anIomm
cvntIes of tIne state Is certainly goirm
iaclc into the imaa : swithi a vengeance. I
was cuetommsar'y during territorial clays fc
ho county to retain rids interest mmli net
tlty , aimnply rcnclttlng tile principal. I
timmo of time counties it is said uirat tim
ractice is still carried on , tinni ticat if th
antire sum thus rctaimmed could be tunic
nitO tire state treasuty It swould be ricime
. Legal opinions differ as to tim
y $250,000.
icblity ! of a county to time state.
oil ISIrHiurcius is Active ,
CASPER , Wyo. , May II-Special.-Thr ( )
nil business of thmi place is active , 'Fir
etmnery is turninC out a carload of refine
nil a clay and has a contract st'lthm a jimmie
icr of railroads which swIll keep tIme plan
working to its fimil capacity for some time
Vent en tire Frencic syndicate oil wel
will be resumed at once , a carload of cash ,
or the swells hcas'Inmg arIveni last umigict
t it , expected ticat oil will b Btnnrck witi
everal hlmndred feet additional imorlmmg ,
LIopuer thlrriiig' Comurlict sly ftrgu muizeul
CASPER , Wyo , , May I I.-Spnaclcil.-Tic ( )
lasper Mcuntrmln Copper MIning comnpan :
ras been organized imere and still moor
orate switin a c3pltal stock of $10,000. TIn
Ompctny has been operated arc the Caspe
nmouuntain tlcia swinter anti line taken ou
Crime s'ery fire ore. A contract Inas bee :
icade with Deadwood smelter owners ii
t'lcicim tsvcnty cars of ilio ore will be use
rer day mind armaungezmiemmts are being mad
ship this : amount ,
lt'c'Iaiuu i1'i'curs t ice Ito Jlruul.
PIII14ADELI'JIIA , May 11.-Jnidgcu AItcinl
'on filed en oimmnion in time United State
circuit court in the famous Ccx brother
! nlme in favor Cf the Lehigh' Valley cccii
many. Tile null syria hiroughit In the shape c
In injunction by time Interstate Conmmnero
commIssion to restrain tine railway comtilrafl
'mom ' charging the rates in force , wImlc
were in excess tnt those fixed by time commnio
ion. 'rime contest iiuuc been going on for
eng time.
fovt'mcucms of Ocsiii 'essi'lN , Mii' Ii
At New yorlc-Arrived-llutser Wilhelm
I , ( toni Naples ; Fumnesmcia , ( roan Glasgow
pamenridam , ( rote Rot terdamn ; Id iscuissippl
mom London liovic , from Liverpool ; Saule
rote linemen ; State of Cncilfornla , frost
] lasgow ; 1"rieslannl , ( roan Ammtwerp ,
At Glasgow-ArrIved-Scandinavian , fromi
At GibrItar-Arrivenl--Ems , from Net
'ark for ( Jenon , SaIled-Worm , ( or Net
At London-Arrived-Minnesota , from I3aI
irnore ,
At Moblle-Sahled-Anchoriu , for Nes
ror ,
At Yokohaerma-Arrivcd ( May 9)-'Strath )
et'in , ( rome 'l'acomna ,
At Couenhagen-Arrlvcd-Oeorgla , trot
ew York ,
Montana Republicans Aggomblo in Convention -
tion at Butte1
M.'rlmtcra Ccu't'r a luti Mis iii he Ilt'uth I ho
Heleguutinr.tIocc' l'luuuck of tli
l'lnu tfornAmt .tuuciu.t. .
irreurt 'l'rt hleuI ,
I3UTTE , Mont , , May 11.-The first fight
Inc time republicauc cons'ermtioui today ssas over
time contesting ibelegatiomis fromic GmarcitG
county. Time contyemctlon , by a vote of lIZ
to 100 , seater tire nruiti.A. P. A. delegates ,
The Piatforimi contains the following deciara.
tioim 0mm tire silver question :
\'e reltermite omnn faith lii rtntt tis'otion to
the great rt'purlcllcrcn PrInCII'ics of blntotni.
iiscmm , Pro tee I Ion n mel ret'I Innoel t y , nil miotumicing
n our tnuitleustnmichimmg e ( bimuetrtllismn the
free numni tunmliimciti'tl coinrrrge of luath gold rcnl
si I v&'r ii I t im mimi t In of III to I , I uarlt'pcarrci rr t I r
ly time Uniteni StaInse inmiirctnimm that.
I hose tic nec cmi nub html hnrinmclhcicmn of nt'prlb-
licnmn fctltlt nirotriti hue tile un St eoncsltlerationi
of tile contgnu'5 of thre t'rnltctl 8t81'S cccl
tlimtt nnimple legislation ho ermmntted Illicit tir5
uttrbjeetmn.e ccli time ntttentlon of retIed-
11mg uteri to time recent iimnn-s'eiotns tles'ciop-
mn cnn t of 1 nrocl tme t I sc a tmil uuma mr rr fcc ct U ml eg cmi-
terucrires in CII mmmi , 3 ci Ira ni I mnihin It ni tmtimer
sliver traimig t'oumctries , rnmlr strhcnmcit flint time
couitpi'titlomt tasIth which swo nrc timuri muon-
mccci I ncr nermu I I t'cI' titi 111mm incus I mu' rest oral moms
of sitter' to itit rirmcierit ru iumO' functIons , ant
mc mnucmuicc of cntnnIIzIrig ticc ulliference in cx-
elmamige mtmmni time ro-t'struliislcncieuit of time pro-
tccnIva tnnrlff Icolirl' Its a neci.'moar3' mimertittiro
of niqumilizlng time dIt'fercmiee Inc st'ruges arid
ccitt , ofliving ,
\o cuumdc'mnn as ummnvpnctullcmtmi rund tm-
stutearncnnciike tile cotton of tinuico rcptnb-
liertuic4 Ill coimgrests , Stiro , In tiellammee of rca-
Ptlbiicmlum trnniltiourtn ' rushed to the aid of
( icnimocrutie rtdntmImii'm.tnctti n curd ( leunocnitti
iurmLjouItI' iii congress , iii ntectuniimg the un-
couinlitioumnci repeal of tue Sirerimimirt lass' , nn
St.e assent tlmat time rfiemtI of that irist' imria ,
tntterly ( filed to mnccornpilim a Rlnrgic been-
lici'tI m'eStilt Imrcdicted Icy the enemmmleci of
si lt'er.
Ciranles Q. Joimnsomi of Silver Dow offered
a stui.rtltntto resolution , timut tue delegates
to St. Louis walk otut of tire convention
it umotimimmg be done for silver , Time resolu.
lion was haiti on time table ,
Senators Carter nun Mantle and Congress-
unarm llartumman swore nomitirmitted nleinagates to
St. Louis by ntmaclnrumatiomm. Nomicinations for
tue otimer three places tt'erc mnade anti time
cons'ncnitbon took a recess till nnlgint to ballot.
Those iiOmniirmatccl swore : J , W , i'oss'er of
Iientomi , brother of tIre cx.senator ; J , W.
Stroveilo of Miles City , L. C. i'iielps of
Great FaIls , Aioxarmnier Metacl of Madlon
corrmcty , I. . ii. llirschrfteld , ilolerimi , ammd 0.
E. Goddard of Iiiilimmgs. At tire night sea.
aloe oime ballot want ermoirgic for the seiec.
tiomms. 'I'lmomnas C. Marshall , J , W. Stres'eiio
arid Alexander Metzel swere clmosen as tine
otirer tinneus delegates. Marsicail st'as a tienlo-
crat until a year ago.
i4'l' . JII CoN'E't'moN ' 10 III LIVIILY.
ucot Fight I'ruuurrlae't A iciourg' ttiMMucurI
cm e u' Ii Ii I I ( 'ii ii N 't'o iii u , 1' 111 tt' .
ST. 30SEP11 , May 11.-Time city Is itt
osaession of the republicans tonight. All
lay and nIght timey have beenm anrlvng ! In
datoons , until timere icr0 now over
rangora in time city. Cinrtnnncey Ives Filbey ,
Illohard C. Icerens anti timeir follo''erau who
ivhli conduct tIre canipaigru tommiorrcmw , wimep
:110 state convention meets , are irero , and
: onigimt botim delegations imeld cauctmsca to
icy out tlmo program for ( ommmorrow , when the
attie for ccmtroi of time state swill begin.
Fho Filley delegation canse in from St.
IouIu , 1300 strong tonight , nd made a
) arado of time city. Time hotels amid streets
ire alive svith people ammd the imearlqunrter
If tire contesting niclegatiut , are crots'themi ,
La are those of Judge Jannmes Gibaon and
ion. Webster Davis , tire two prominent
: ormteotants for time gmrberriatoriai nomirmation.
'cli of time big mepublic..ias of time state are
iere ann es'ery one , as soon as he reaches
ire city , takes a immsnnl in tine fray , which
mantises to be one of the most bitter in
lie imlictory of the state. The Fliley mnicu are
Ieterrnlrmed to control the convention , it
here Is any palblo allow' , teirile time 1Cercn
mtctionn h as equally deti'rmined to have
natters their way. Tine Flileyitea seem to
rave time best of time fight , for they have tire
emuporary chairman , Congresenman Ricinarti
lartimoldt , to presinie at tire nmorn'scg se'sion ,
nd It Is u'mounced tommigict thai Mr. Fliley
will eitlmer presid0 iilnrs'olf tomorrow as
cermnarment chairman or name the man wile
dli. Both Senlalict and Jefferson City have
aken advantage of time ocraslon to lobby en
ho capital removal propa'ltlon , and ends
naru ectairlished ineanlnitmartems anti brought
cheiegaticmm of fifty , swine arc tcarnl at work.
'let inmilcations are tiiat tomorrow 'twill
vitmress one of time greatest political battles
n the history ot lice a'tamte.
Everything Is for McKInley , as far aa
ppearances go. 0mm all bands McKinley
clots and Mcl imcley buttons can be seen.
o other presidential camndidates are men-
toned , and the inidlcations arc that Mr.
eiiiey still secure time convention endorse-
ricnt of Major McKinley without trouble.
rlroima on the Inside say that the resolutions
crc already prepared to tbccit end , and tinat
ice converution svli endorse a McKinley In-
truction without debate ,
. 1' , A. % % 'ILL JIGir'1' OVilit .M'JCINJdiY
; unmreiri' ( Iounue'iI I.iheei' to ili' ii.
1,1 sd , ' Scaslour lit t'uiNiii uugurl ,
WAShINGTON , May 11.-About fifty dole-
ates to the surlmreuumo conmmmcil of time A , P.
, are in time city for the convention whivic
egimna tomorrow and wimlcin , oh account of
Ice troublesome iuestlommcu to be nlcalt wtttn ,
ilI probably lie in seruslomi for several days.
'hue nmost profoumnri secrecy is attempted to
e observed by all of time delegates , cia that
t is most difficult to eocnrre Intomnnatloti
orcerning tice factional differences winch
re brewing. Menmimercu do trot conceal tlmo
act tinat there will ho a swarm debate over
he recent action of tire executive comunhIte
ci placing McKinley on time presidential
icccltilst , 'I'hnis btep is to be reviewed anti
ho executive committee swill but required by
inn , frieminis of McKinley in time order , chIef
mommg sthonn are tire 01mb ann Kentucky
eiegates , to present tine proof on which th.
hrirgee agaimmat McKinley twere based.
There lB U well defined rumor ticnt wcstcra
ret , diver delegates who tieclsro ticcir linen-
Ion to secure a free silver plank for tire
d. I' . A. platform swill also enmuleavor t
orce tine A. P. Is. into a nolitical ailiamuc&
iii , , time populist party. Supnemrme President
I , Traynor today deciarenl that If the-
Ii parties refuse to recgrmlze time prin-
iples of lice Is , P. A , a call swill be issued
or a national convention to orgarnise U.
lOW party1 wicichi Mr. Traynor staid will
0 joined by citizens twimo cure tired of ring
ule. A meeting of tire full advisory board
, tml be held tomorrow nigict , wimen the
ction of time executive committee of that
ortrd on McKinley's caumdidacy will be comm-
inbred and it ic ticought will be ap-
roved ,
Time figimt wIll comno in lice council meet-
lug. Meetings were iceld today by time ju-
iclary mind executive comncittoes , the hatter
or the purpose of roviesvirrg tire treasurer's
ccounts , Moss of the delegates here an.
rOmri time southern and western states.
hc'hucwsircc S'IIl Not listrnuct ,
DOVER , Del , , May 11-The repubhlcara
nventlon ( or the selection of delegates te
lie national convention at St. Louis will
meet irene tomorrow , It will be controlienl
I time friends of J. Edward Addloks , 'twice
aye at least 101 of time 160 delegates corn-
rising the convention , The convention will
110050 delegates to tIle republican national
. nt-emotion arid adopt a platform , Mr. An-
icks will inead the delegation to St. Louis
nO tsvo of time others will be J , Frank Alice
f Iover and Dr. hiram It. liurtont of
cweu , Tile delegation will not be Instructed.
trndnlickv believes that lice six votes of
telaware should ho meld In reserve , so as
a go to the winner svhen line decIsive tti.