- - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TILE OMAhA DAILY ] 1ELDNIAY . - - - : , MAY Ii , 1890. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pulse o Western Progress. 'r _ :1 : This year the prospect Is brighter than It has 1iien Inco ISSS , ay the Sioux 1aII * Aru.1.at1cr. Everywhere rain has fallen nbuntlantly , the groun0 1 aturatecI for .ev eral feet in lepth , lake tied are fihlol to Overflowing , ptrcam tro running baiikfull Wolhi are in better condition than for yearn , vCget.on ! , though a little late , In jumping every day , and no one Is so happy an the South Dakota tarmor , On the eastern and eouthern lorers of the ntate , where croI never fall , hiore the moisture ninotecn years out of twenty Is all that one co'ild ask , tim rainfall 1 ! linpre- codented for March and April , whIle as one goes Into the Interior ho flflds the lirecipita- tion greater and the contlitlon of the soil 13th ! more ilattcrlng. Juhes a drouth ot unprecedented peverity shall cnsuo the average acre crop of South Dakota will be larger than tIio state has Jnown for yearn. Ihuut tiuts In not all. The acreage vlhi be largely increased. In a few cotintle.q it will ho iensouIeI. In some , s'iero ) crops have been' poor for a few yearn the farmers have turned to grazing , ( latrying and shiee raising. In a few there luau , been a locs of population. For example , Jorautl ( will seoul 2 per cent lese than . uusunl. iruglas vlll decrcaoe by 20 per cant , and I fugheu by a consiulerable amount , the resltlt'ntn turning to cattle. hut , on the other huond , wnhla these small nnd thinly- nottle'l i eglons will now leua uced , the acreage - ago in the larger counties will be greatly in- creased. lion hlomme reports an lncrcase of 2 par "ant , Yankton of the seine , Miner of JO , L.alco 10 , McCoahc 20 , Sanborn 20 , flruul Turner 26 , and othero varying amouinte. There i no ( loubt that for the - Southuerfl half of the state tim acreage will be largely Increased , from one-fifth to a iuuarter With the present outlook therefore It is nf to count on a record-breaker. Itichi oltl NIAIt LAItAMIl. Fvery ulay adds to the PositiVe evidence that the mining Hchneuuse of tluls section are irrelulessiblo , ayn the Laraunie Boom- erfing. and that a genuine boom can con- fldentiy ho xpecto1 unioC3 the entire hot- torn tahin out of thu country , a lhIenomeno svhuicu ) 1 not within the range of posot- bihitieo. It Is learned today that a discovery ha bean unauho nuuly a short uhiotanco southeast of this city which Is showing wonderful rlchnrsn. An assay from the lead shows ft value of obaut $2,800 pvr ton. The property - orty is owned by Colonel Snow of the mining xchauugo and Messrs. Wray and Stanton. The assny shows 4,000 ounces of silver , 40 per cent copper and $31 in gold , In a well defined head. There is said to be thirty bet of the ore , nod. if this ho true it is the biggest mining proposition that has conto to the frrnt lucre for a long time. It would be shipping ore of thue highest grade. A. gentleman - man said today that they wouki be shipping ore In thireo weeks. Everything nosy indicates that Laramie , before 1011g. % viil be the home of one of the greatest umeiting iuiants In the west. The now discovery can be reached from Laramie by wagon in two hours and the ore can be seen from tim city. STItIKJ AT BOULDER. The strikes that are being made in our tohiurluin unine are tile admiration of nh mining men and capitalists who have cx- amined them , says a Boulder special to iiio Denver News. Large globuies of gold as harge a peas stIck out cii over the face of the rcck and flnr particles are ciuotered together en maiso. Rusty gohi Is found in aimoot all the top quartz thurown out train the hioio as worthless rock until discovered by an old prospector. Take as an example tue strike made In tue Loveland mine and sampies ot the quartz that were brought to lhouicler. Arays from it ran over $20,000 per ton , whuiie the seccnd grade yielded over $2,000. Tom Johnson , the cowboy politician. Is one of tue owners , eni came up from Canon City to .uee the ore anih have it. tested at the saul. Toni , , says , "it never rains , but it pours , and 'ye expect to push vork on the Loveland - land property extensively during the coming summer. " Thin Loveland Is the western extension of Iio Carl Gardner , and lies caured as much or greater excitement than the strike made by Cy Strock In the Gardner , when Scaly - and Leach purciuaoeul the thLsc'overy and the uhaft woe oniy eight feet deep , for the modest - - est sum of 25,000 and paying $2,500 cash forfeit. flow the Loveland will pan out i hiard to state , but it Is ovhtleiit the quartz Is imniensehy richi In free gold. Juiother strlio was made last week In the ' .Augurta lode , Nagnolta , wherein the ore was hiscovcrod to be thickly impreguiato1 with . . - gold. George Lytie is tlio owner , having f taken a iuiaso nnh bond on the mine from his two partner , and expects to pay the purchase - chase price from the product of thuo mine. whuicii Is certainly a very easy way of pay- log it. if tlp ore chutes continue to hold out. Thu Birmingham mine , which is near the Augusta , iii ai'o producing sylvanito from the tunnoi head that will yield fully $10 per pound when asorteuh , while the regular pro. unction in qusnUty is of high gratie. GOld ) AT MURPIIYS , The exitouuient caused by the rich geld strike at I'oiuto's ranch a low days ago has not abated , says a San Francisco Call din- patch from Murphys. A man hio W09 en hio ground says ho saw more gold than ho ever saw before in its virgin state. Ho was vluowi avcrai tomato cans full of glittering speciuuns. Years ago a copper claim was worked just a few yards from the present find and in iuiaking excavations at that time a largo 1owhuler contaiuuiug niuich free gold was founul. Thuo copper cempauiy was untitled , but returned the peculiar reply that it was not - hunting far gold , but intended te pa" careful attention to its copper possoaslouis. Tue lode uiow attracting attention ruins from eaut to vest. It is about six feet in , uituhi and is on a straight. line a ith the old t3anibliuug uuuine , a huich years ago yielded a succession of pockets netting its owner over $30,000 , Tim Gambling mine he at hrosent being worked by Wiiiiani Harper of Mur- phy's Grade , vhio caine to a chute in iuis tunnel that promises to opoui another large pocket , CROWDED RANGES. Thin big cattle ranges of Montana are year by year getting nioro restricted as the coun. try bcnnies settled up and fenced in , and it 01151 be satd , broadly speaking , that there are only two or three large pasture ranges loft open to the cattlemen in this state , says tue Great Fails Tribune. Otis of the host of tiieso is tue Milk river range , and pres. cot indications are that this favorite resot't of the cattlemen wihi be pretty vehi crowded this season , It was estimated by a ivoii \ C04'YrIc $ Lit1)IVS 'V.tN i.cio SIIOE $ _ . . A dark ll'ovn-2Otli Cvittthry cut- w'ltii bug exteuuleui ) ' $ - ' a cullnrly hl'cttY tli$8.tutOt ) ItS lt'tttY ) II , till flS on our $ 1.tX ) shuueui-luut otlut'r- iu Jtiuit hlla lt-Inaylh' you want 1 ( ) pay $1.00 for a tih-It'H ut "trilglit tIiu"-but 'o uloulut. If you'll let thuiui : i.oo Hluou go by-Just bet'uisu : the tlj ) cosi.s you ! a lollnr ics-as ooul it tip uui 11w ( ) ttuct'-Uhil3' uiI1tcrcxit-3.OO fog -'I ( Ito SlIOt-tlj ) fluid all. Drexel Shoe Co. Fetid for our iiiu. . 1419 Fariiniii ( rated Catalogue. , known cattleman iceiding In this city that at icast 30,000 bead of cattle from Idaho Utah , Oregon , Now Mexico and Arizona vouid be taken into the Milk river country this year The following are some of thc figures ho gives. ehiowing how the prominent stockunen of this section are increosIn their herds in the Milk river country' by the addition of cattle brought in from outside tatai or other sections of this state. Con Kohrs will bring In about 8,000 head ; C , W , Price , a,000 head ; St. Louis Cattle company , 1CO0 head Mimer Live Stohc corn- pany , 1,000 head : Robert Coburn , 4,000 head : H. Selben , 1,000 head ; Mines. Iord and 1iii , 1.000 head ; A , G hioweree , 1,500 yearlings ; 1 , . .7. McNamarn , 1,000 iiead ; George flowers , 1,000 head ; Stadler & ifaufmnn , 1,000 head ; l'pujuultt & I'helps , 1,000 head ; Brewster , 1,000 ilevI ; Bloom Cattie company , ,000 head. In the latter two cases tue cattle Caine from Mexico and Arizona. In most at the other cases the new arrivals will come froni Idaho or Utah. So large an addition to tile cattle running oil the Milk river tango cannot fall to swell the shipments from this section of the state , Thio catt1e are iii fairly good condition this year. nod the recent snow will help to start the grass early this year , as soon an warm weather comes , so that the cattle will have a cliauice to take on fat and he ready for tue market earlier than ui'uai , a circum. stance that generally uthl materlahiy in get- hug for the western cattle a good price on the Chulcugo market. LAI1GE KAOLIN DEI'OSITS , What has been lucid as a timber ranch may provo to be uiio of the most vaiuablo spots around Spokane. About a year ago II. Feia.e began working in what appeared to ho silica sand , says the Spokane Review. iTo has now thug thirty-one feet , and hue sent three spect- mans to the Sheifleld uicientifle echiool of Yale college and received the foiiowng ! answer - swor : NEW 1IAVE , Conn.-Mr. Henry Feixe- My lear Sir : I do not know us I can answer - swer your questions s'ery satisfactorily. The material you sent I should say hail a.ready turned partly into kaolin and still cnntaiui f iiidecouuipotd felduopar. k tb not think your I questions caui he answered except by actual I work at the locality. Very truh yours , S. 0. PEN1'tELD. Kaolin l a decomposition of granite rock , the constituents of which are quartz , mica feldspar , the latter having aeon gradually converted by the joint action of the air and water hun thts oubstance. Tii Chinese work kaolin to advantage by making porcelain ani chinaware. At Cc.rn- wall and Linioges , in Fiance , are the only piaces where this clap Is found save In Ch inn , The silica sand , which hie on the Surface , Mr. F'eio hae burned , and t inal s it ery fIne. pure white subs'.inco much rcscntiing marble. CIRCLE CITY MINES. The wages at the mines are $10 per day , and the laborer boardu himself and w'orku ten hours a ( hay. As it is daylight all night iii the summer time. the mines are worked both night and day by two shifts of men , writes a young physician in a letter pub- hishued in the Alaskan News at Juneau. I don't call mining hard work. II know it is pleasant compared with working sixteen hours a day on a tlireehing nackino In Cal- hfornia. Last summer there were not enough 10011 to work all the claims as they should have been worked. Fifty more men could hiavo found employment. ft. laborer can work from sixty to one hiundd days during thio summer and nearly nil winter , If he wishes to , at drifting , either on shares or for $1 an hour , It coats an man from $300 to $400 a year for grub. Flour is $8 per hundred pounds : butter , $1 per roil : sugar , 20 centa per IOUiid dried fruit from 25 to 40 cents per pound ; bacon , 35 ceuits : canned leef , 10 cents per can , and other things in proportion , "This hi no place for a physician , People will not get sick in this climate. Your humble servant vilh hock his pill bags up March : 1 , 1896 , and go to the mines to pros- fleet his claims. Doctors charge $10 a vlcit and can't book $1,000 a year at it. "ft any who read tills contemplate coming here , don't forget thone formidable inoequltos nor tue hard work In getting a tim mines with food , tent anti blanket.s. " \Vo don't hear the words "hard times" in lucre , except when applied to outside matters , We have no police courts ; don't need it. A man's goods are perfectly nato wherever lie ciuooeoM to heave them , A Yukon Indian will etarve Ijeforo he viil steal. There are caches over' few miles betvenn Circle City and the mines. A man puts lila grub in any of them and leaves It there for weeks and months , and , although Indiana who have nothing in the way of food except u.'inokod Salmon and a hittlo flour , pass it every day ho knows it will ho all thucro when ho wants it. These Indians are In- nohilgent , honest , liberal almost to a fault , kind and affectionate toward their wivea and children , very appreciative of favors , and not at all revengeful , They attend strictly to their own business , and taking nil things into consideration , they are fIrst-class citizens , " TIlE DAKOTAS. There is more building In Pierre this year than for any year since the booni days of 1889 and 1890 ; hiouso hunters report desirable residence locations scarce and at a pro- uiiitim , Captain George Cabier has ostahlishod a ferry between the mouth of Five Mile creek and 11:0 Gregery county side of the Mis- sourl river , 'rue boat is the largest engaged in the ferry service between Chamberlain antI Running Water. 'rhncre are three now creameries at Salem all about ready fcr operation , and one prp- viousiy built , making four in the county , which with a hiiuiited supply of patronage will put at least $10,000 more In circulation In tue county during time season , Tim comnnulttce of army ofilcore appointed by the secretary of war to select the site for a military iC'St at Iilsmarck , N , I ) , , have porforuuir'd their duties and returned east. It is said that tue committee wan niost pleased with the site souithieat of the city anti umear tue penitentiary. It Is statch that time proposed post will quarter twelve coin- naumioe or troops and that the governuiiont will make it complete in every respect , The now ostabhisiiinent will Involve an ox- luetmuhituro of $1,000,000. The rich strlko inatie on the Jumper Frac- tlon , at Keystone , is causing quito a iittio excitement , A few days ago its owners were out prospecting , anti noticed seine good hooking rock whore a tree bath recently been blown down , Upon investigation they found it to be full of gold , indicating that it would run tip Into the thousands , They immediately located the ground and coin. inenceul work , As they go deeper It un- proves In quality , The whole community a- Sl'iCIAI4 . % v's'oMtN S.tLlI- , . For tw'o ihuI3'a Yo pinco on sale a cholco him of elegant aufoinnim plush toob mit $2,5O-It's $ thu biggi'st bui'gmtlmi : In to'ii-juIutitO seai'tni auth covers at .i.5O uip-ft'Iuigcd 'eJours-crtqo silk uiuiul ItU't } lIlC 8etrfH in time lot-piano stuoi iii ; tll the ( llff&remIt voou1s-iiIgiuly 1)01. 1slied'-1.25 aiiul miioro'-ithiul doui't ( oi. g't thmmut * 175 limuuhn-11tHteru1 inutuit'- ( till slzi-uuimido specially l'oi' tio-'O sell It ( or $15 ilowum 1111(1 ( S a uuiontli. A. Hospe , jim. , Music udArt 1513 Douglas : has made a raid on it for specimens. and , must have carried oft several hundred doi- burp' worth of rock , Under the provk.ions of the state law , in. surance oompanies dOing business In South : Dakota are reqtuiretl to pay 2 ier cent of the premiums coliectet each year rt tons having organized fire coinp.inies , for the support - port of such fire companies , Thin gives the Huron fire department $1S.i3. The largest amount paid to any one town Is $3S8.38 , which goes to Aberdeen. Central City gets : the smallest amount , p.21 , Gentlemen whono ' 1' . C. Anderson of Portland - land , N , U , . succeeded in Interesting in a rcani from I"argo , via limiter , to SimerbrookO , lmavo incorporated , with a capital stock of $300,000 , and met and elected omcers , The road will run through one of the most far- tile sections of the Ited , river valley and tap a oction not reached by any othCr road , It Lu somewhat along time hue of the vroposed extension of the Son road. Farmers along time road have signified their lntetition of aidIng in the construction of the road. None except iecal capitalists are on tile board of directors , COLORADO. Reports come front Central City of a big strike In the Niagara mine , 1tmiseii district , A boiy of ore was euovered that runs $1,700 to tue ton. It creatcul great excttement ln that district and means the opening mind working of several Idle properties. it. G. Bemis and John boiler returned from Sheep Creek. the now mining camp , about twenty miles from Lovoitind , amid brought with them specimnorms from time Moc'Iy mimic , wHich assay $1,700 to the toil iii gold , Mr. flomi tins hind a great deal of oxperitimuco in mining nod imas faithm in the new camuip. A mill run of 500 pounds front thu huh go nilno , lit Alien's park , shiowel a value of $12 to the ton at a depth of ten foot , says a report front Longmnont. It Is the opinion of cxpcrkned miners that time district will jirovo to bo a great camp , as the ore , al- tiuotmgh of how grade , is tree milling and can be treated with very little expense. Time new town of Maurice , on the Cebahla river , is now assured , several iuouaas and stores having bow erected. Men are also at work gradtng for the stamp mill about to be erected for tim treatment of time ore from the Michigan group on Carpenter hill. A road is being ccrtstructed from time mill to time foot of Carpenter 11111 , The mill will start with ten stamps , but will be so constructed - structod flint ninety more stamps can bo added mis soon as necessary. Ono of the largest strikes ever made In time fled mountain district was made in the 900-foot hovel of time Ceneseo-Vanderbllt mine , operated by the Genesee-Vanderbilt company , whmen a four-font vein in riclm ruby silver and brittle gold was uncovered running as lilglm as $20,000 to the ton. Tue Ore is so rich that a specimen of the name roasted over an ordinary fire caused the precious metal to fairly boil forth. It is by far the largest strike ever made in timat country and goes to show that the San Juan is coming tb the front in all sections. Two assays made on crevice matter from th vein struck In the sumnp of time Wester- man bedrock shaft , on time Golden Crown placer at Breclcenridge , gave the following returns : Sample of rock. probably gangue , 8.05 ounces gold and 8 ounces of silver. Sample of talc , 17.04 ounces of gold and 14.04 ounces of silver. Value , $350. $18 per ton. It is estimated that about 5,000 foot of the lode Is within th lines of the patented placer. This Is apparently the most un- portant strike mamlo in the I3lUe river basin for years. Time width of the vein Is not yet. known , although time tale streak Is known to be over a foot across. The mining excitement at Camp Moody , some twenty milo west of Loveland , stilL keeps tip and seems to be on the Increase. Some of those whmo went with the stampede report the hills swarming with prospectors. 1,000 or more men being iii the neighborlmood of tIme now strike. If time new camp l.a a fixed fact , as it seems to be now , many of Greehey's citizens are In on time ground floor , Those who came In did so only to outfit , and return again and take many otImer , especially their friends , along with them. Companies are being formed and ninny citizens who have retired from active , cami ) life mire again iii the field. A town site into been laid out , so It is reported , and everything is ready for a genuine boom. WYOMING. Assayo of ore train Lake Do Sss'eet return from $10 to $125 per ton. Tim rock carries gold , copper and silver , A movement to on foot to erect a beet sugar Plant in the Lander valloy. E. Am- oratti has made a proposition to the Lanier people which they will probably accept and the mill will hs built thmo present year. Forty.flvo hundred and forty sheep were uheared at the Casper creek pens in one day recently. The sheep were J. J. Hurt's. and it Is eaid It Is the largest number ot sheep over sheared in any one suite of pens in a siiugio day Ia Wycn ; . A lx.foot vein of coal baa been struck six muon north of Laramie about 400 foot south of time old prospect of Messrs. Naglo and Chine. The prospecting has been done with a diamond drill and at a depth of fifty-two feet time coal ven was encountered , A tunnel will be driven iii the side of the hill , and it is expected to strike the coal at the point indicated byt time drhii , at a din- tanco of about 200 feet. The location Is but three-fourths of a mile from time railroad , Time ownera say coal can be sold at time mine for $1.50 per ton , The Laramie people are lmigtmly pleased over ft report extant to tue effect ( hint a glass works is to bo removed front Pennsylvania and erected at the Gem City. It seems tlmat Miltcn Yetter , a glass manufacturer of Stroudsburg , Pa. , iii seriously thimiklng of moving a plant to Larainlo from Stroumdsburg. The inducement being the tree offer of a plot of ground 280x608 toot antI a building 210x70 feet , made by tIme Laramie Glans corn- pany , The immense deposits of lime , soda and sand at Laramie combined with time othier natural advamitagos certainly offer zr induca. mont to tlmo glass manufacturer. OREGON , George McCreedy of Arlington imas chipped from hula hmeop 65,000 pounds of wool of good quality. Time Hood river box factory is very busy making pound boxes and crates for the coin. big strawberry crop. Mr. Schanno , says Thmo Dallas Chronicle hmai made special Inquiries regarding the Probable fruit crop ( ho coming season and find. ( hunt it will generally be good , with ommhy rare excoptiomma , From Grants , lined Itivor , Meshes , Three Mile and the country hiltAcil vi' OU1i. CHhId ) Don't let liluit go too long-It nuly lie too - ' 3'OuI iuiukn up your mnluuti to strniglmteui your ciulhil's iliubs-Juist htO\-'iuiifl thin bouues mti'e Pilmtblo-is the tuft ) to sen us about lt-wt ) mutolce mull uhuifoi'iuilty iuiqulimnuices ( ii iflttflSUl'C-UOIlU iu'o ean'rleul in stoek-ulss'uys ; : inmide to ilL a 1)muu'tii'ulmii' ) ' . ' litul ' t'aso.-you'Il w'tu ill- ulou'stmuutl our luslmtess-our Illustrated t'ttmtlogimu : will help you sonic-tree for ( lie as'ing ' , Aloe & Penfold Co. i4ignefliiLton 1408 Fariiam south come very encjuuing reports that all kinds ot fruit will ni.lgto a full crop , cx- capt that In places same 'ricties of geaches are partially affected. ierrick's cannery at'fthe 1)alles wa started up on two apul , cne-haif tons of fish. About twenty-one opfr'tvca are employed. The caniiery has a a.ihMy of from ten to fifteen tons daily. I ' : J. Smith and A. Rqjfound a bee tree about one mile from Lplaon. They climbed the tree by pegging it't1 the height of ISO feet anti captured titbes , together wtthi about fifty pouuids of hiofley. The tug Tonquuin , . into Siletz bay a aupply of nails aM btulltlers' hardware , to ho umsed in ( ho etctIdn of the cannery building. The TonquiivI1 be the third yes. sal knewn to imave enjeji , the bay. A. ii. Moore recently brought into Myrtle Point $800 in gold ( Instt that he had taken from his Salmon mountain mines in a ten days' run with three ummen. Time last of Feb ruiary ho brought down $300 from ( ho sanie m Inc. Attorney li. A. Esteb of Metiford found on Trail creek time horn of a 4-year.old ulcer imbedded in an oak tree. The horn was lii the wood twelve feet from the grotmmmd V'romn the rings en the tree it is estimmiated that ( ho horn haul been ( lucre thirty years or mimore. Mr. Esteb cut out it block of the wooti containing time horn , W. 11. Cock of Tyghi Valley is in The Dahies circulating a petition for a free road to Prineville. Two tolls now exist , It necessitates about nineteen miles of now road , commencing at a point three miles north of time Deschiutos river , connecting ( lie two eatinty roads , The oxpemise is estimmmated mit between $1,000 and $5,000.Vasco amid Crook cotmuties will be asked to assist In the work , and private ouhscriptions will be taken. Eli Parr , time Indian who was married to the divorced wife of Joe Kohiton , Is now preparing to bring suit to secure time eight ) ' acrea of hand wimich were allotted to IColiton by time goverr.memit before his divorce , by reason of his being a married maui , says the i'omidleton Tribune. Eli ha consulted an attorney - tornoy and thinks Ito lies a good case , w'imlcim would mean aim increase in his woridl ) ' possessions - sessions of some $4,000. Prof. J. Il. Wetherbeo of the University of Oregon , who in getting a collection of Oregon snakes , lizards and frogs , received a curio in time frog line. The specirnemm wL sent him by a gentleman who resides near Delpha. It is an ordinmury-sizemi toad and differs from other toads In that it iuas flvo legs instead of time regulation four. The extra log is joined to time left shoulder just in front of ( hue left front leg. It Ia a. iier- feotly formed leg , but hiaa only one joint- whmero It. connects with ( lie shoulder. The frog Is a very lively one and whieiu it hops holds the extra leg In front of Its body. WA S luNG TON. Seattle is to hmavo a lumber exchange. Five members of time Salvation army at North Yakirna have seceded. Time rnacnlnery for time flax mill at What- corn is hetimg built , and will be ready about Juno 1. A family named Keller has been suItt'r- hug in lloqtmaiim from trlchina , having eaten of improperly cured pork. A New York company offers to put in a creamery plant at Asotin if time milk fm em 800 cows can be secu od. The irrigatlomi conmpaimy will give a freD site , Wheat ammtl oat ima is brimmging $6 a ton in the Big Bend countryj and timero is a dispcsition on tue iar pt , a nuiniher of tine farmers to raise hmay Instead of grain. The Itosalimi , ereamnr $ ' 'is doing a good business. It rcceives about 7,000 pounds of milk per day. Tutu farmers are getting a lot of good much otvs and are ptmttimmg up barns and sheds ito they can sell milk as well in winter as In suimnmnor. Time Eerutt News ns Jim IIihl has secured - cured all tIme water front for a distance of thirty miles betveCn Sdattle antI Marl's- yule , Tine Npws helThvefn this will be fins injury to that portios'cif the Sound , be- cause. it claiinmi , not' even a log can be put into the sound svlthofmt Mr. Hills' re- mission. A church huildlng lmas just been dedicated - cated in the Moee yatiey w'ith a seating capacity , pf 200 antI csting , $1,750. Tlmis leads the Ya3cima , Tines" ) tO recall the fact that , accbrdin to th& Jisfitmia 'hegdnd aim evil spirit ruled In the Moxee valley amid tiio night never cauiitht a red mnan en- cammiped ( mere. 'A daylight journey was always - ways planned across time haunteml 'ahley. It is claimed that there is a smmake , measuring - uring about three inches in lemmgth , in the eye of a Imorse belomigimig formerly to Alex McAllister of Ynkiuma City. The snalto can be plainly sects wriggling around inn the ball of time eye , and the horse is gradually becoming biimsd. Mayor Lake auid George Gervais vouch for time truth of this state. mnemit , says time Ymiklmmma Herald. His snake- simip Was first sects two or three weeka ago , and has been rrowing slowly but constauuthy ever sliice. Mr. McAllister sold time morse toV. . C. Imbrie , who proposes to put time animmial In good condition aiid dispose of him to some museum or sitlo-siiow owner. MISCELLANEOUS. Time Crescent creamery in Smith River valley Is handling daily about 16.000 poumda : of milk , from wimich 700 pQumiuie of butter are secured. It is estImated that at least 30,000 head of cattle front Idalmo , Utah , Oregon , Now MexIco - Ice and Arizona will be takeut into time Milk river country , Montaima , thIs ) 'ear. Five carloads of macimlimery and appliances for the now Frosuio cnnery have been so- celved at that place and time work of fitting up buildings is being puhied right along. Time largest grape vine in the world is ho- cated near ( ho old town of Carpenterla. Time trunk is at least three foOt In diameter near time ground enh the himmibs are as iarge as time noted vine iii Mommteclto , A report hmas reached Lararnie of a wonderful - derful strike about ten miles soutimeast of the cIty. TIme ore rune 4,000 ounces in silver , 40 per cent in copper and $31 lit gold. The owmmers of tine mmcmv discovery are C. F. May , Colonel Snow of time mning exchoie and Frank Stanton. Sanmuel Killobraw , chief of location of time Mexican Intorumatienal railway , passed tumrougim San Francisco on lila way to Gum- teinala. Ito humus jUBt completed surveys of an extension from Dtmrango to Guadalajara , over 500 mIles , ThuO heat route pauai tiim'ougit a rich mining amid farming country , and its construction will further develop seine of time greatest misinimig properties iii Mexico. Anotimer extension timat Presidemit fluntingtop contemplates to from fluramigo to Mazatlan , whuicim svihi open up amiotiner rich mining diartlet and furnish speedy communi. cation with time west coast of Mexico , DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cicanses , purl. flea and heals. IL was made for that purpose. Use it for burns , cuts , bruises , chapped hands , sores of all descriptions and if you have piles USO it for thm.j . 3ui 'I'Itll MOW ! ' AIIIS'I'OOuIATIcJ O4thui'JT ' 1'1muit' tt "s9ltomi-the CflI'iOt s'hioso % 'fli'y 1111mb Iiuthicntes richuumess-time do- siguiu4 ( iii fl S'Iltoii cilliliot ho huuitttittd- It's a "u'lltomi alwmL3's-If It lookH 111cc ii \Viltouu- anti thiere'eu no iuouuso In Jhi. cugo or St. 1ouis that can show ueuw its iargo ii. limo as vu the today-we muu'e time imui'gest bulyen's of cluriuetmo-amul the loss't'st iu'lced-In I liii west-tiio cnh'pot hhut4immeSS iS O1 only ltlsIiiesS-OXL'eIt cui'talna. Omaha Carpet Co. , Only exclusive tThndg Carpet hlnuas here. ' - ' ' - ' BIK1E KLOW I I ) r - . S , _ . , .1. , _ _ _ , _ , I _ _ _ _ . - _ uw.p , -i-c : ' : /x A \ ; , : : : : : : : I Not thc cheap kind- . But the best kind. i ) ' : - _ 1 _ _ \kt WA fl ; ? I4. 'a' ' : : . : - . : Puck says : ric first thing you have - . . - ' , ' - to learn in bicycling is ' 1iat to 'car. Odd Suits-1 the hit'cst and most appi'ovcd styles- . $4.75-$6.50 , UI ) to $9.73. . Odd Pants-ailsorts at $ I-75 to $3.00. Sweatei's-tic choicest-in all colors of woolat , ; . - 95C U ! ) to $2.50. , 'Ih" ' cP1Eg : - SUl'lthiliII CtUlt'l' ) l'IltrliEmlNS. ) LINCOLN , Mny f-Supreiuie 'Ourt met lnmrsmmmmnt to ndjourmuunent. MImEs Vesto Grny s'as athuuiitteti to lmumuCiice stmmto cx rd. Welt ) ' ngaimist Norris , motiomi to disimiism4 u'eirtuhetl : Amuitmnami ngaiiistlortin , ad- vmimicedVehch : uuuaiuist S&uyermi ioiiaid Ilnrs'estiimg Mit- against Kcnmmeuiy ; Fsterley climb COnihiitfl ) ' uugi&Iuumu & Aumdersomi ; lImes against Wright ; Poinck nmgaiimst Onto City Lmtmmd colnpmmui } ' ; l'olhock against hmnitim , at- ihimned. Cmtvnmintmghi migmilumuit Ommmnimalcln ; - tyie ngalmust Omaiimi : Itoberts msuaimist omaha ; Dale ) ' ugmuinat Omssmuimmt Seumoller ngaiuist Nation , disimsisseth. Mills against I iammmer ; Smserhimmg ugalmm.st AIling , mnotioums to dimirniss oveirfileul. Wesleymsul univeisi ty against Estate of Craig , reiiearimig on inn. ( lout to ulumathi service of miotico denied. Mc- hugh migaimist Siuaup , application for bail denuied ; cauMe uulvummmeed. I louise I' ire ] um- suraumcc comnpamiy against Itmtchcr , m'estrnium- mug ortici' granted. In so. Nehsni , leave to uiocket ; hell iigalumst Ilooper rehearing di'- tiled ; Grlmiitim ngalumst Jenuiclims , mmmctiomm to vacate order setting aside aiiirrnamieo over- ruled. Mu ) G-Cotmrt adjourned to May 19 , wlueu the fohlow'hmsg catumues svihl he cailed : Janfit ngmuimmst Ik'mutty ; American imivestnient eons- iiany agaimist McGregor ; I'ctei'sofl agmilmist lteisdorpii ; Gibson against State lamiht of Gibbon ; Kern' agaiumst Coumseli ; iJest ngmtiimst Stewart ; Grcvemo against Barnes ; Smith against Framskiimm county ; lCimmgrnnmi itgmuluist \Veiser ; Ijolsv'ortlt against O'Chnimder ; Lin. cohni Street ltmuilwmty coumipammy against Phil- usd0 : Ornaima & Council Ulufma Railway and llrhlgo company agauuutut Levlnston ; Taylor against Laumumnmi ; City of Ommmnhims against Cooinbes : S'imool Iistriet No , 4) ) ) , loumglas cotinty against Sciiool 1)hotiict No. 53 , iouig- has cotuuitv : Sbmepnn'd nugammist Magumire ; Miller against i'rl' : Daume Cotmusty hank against Garrett ; White against Atlas Lumber cons- pull ) ' : lrexel against Daniels : Gerimman National - tional bank ugmuinst Terry : George migainat McCuiiouigim ; Spauidlng agaInst Joimnsomm ; Deere , \Veiis & Co. migauiust Fmugle ? , iammti- factuming comopaumy ; V dr against liiinoimu Nntiommai iiaimic ; Ccx agmiinst Yeazol : Mc. Mmthioii against Imrowmi ; limunover Flue I ii. m4mirauice conipaniy muguinat hours ; Nebraska National bank ( if York agniuist Ferguson ; 'l'hames against Shari ; Dolen mugainat Black : Kmuspcr umguuimist 'V' aIm ; ltlmh mugainat Srsmnce ; Merrill against Equitahmie Farm and Stock Implement conspany ; Mmtxwohl againmst Stvigart ; Forester against Ilarter : Oraimamn against Frazier ; Woodwortis uugmuimst I'ar- rott ; Iilomngran ngaitmat llohmquest ; 1)rexel against ltichiardmu ; Vitmi lions iigaims'it Stite cx rd. Allen ; Mt'hhumghi agaimast Schsnmup ; S1iott agruinat Dohs ; Fingslc'y against Mc- Grew ; Kady agaimmat 'l'iw Souiim Omaha National - tional bamik ; Osbomne against Village of Oakland. F'aiilieid agnimmat Kerns. lrmor from Cass coummity. Opinion by Jumlge lIarrlsomi. Errors in reslect to gIving instructions , must be assigned separately , aimml if mms- muigumeth Iii gmotmps , vIii be commsideied no furtimer than to mtscc'rtmuin that one of time instu'tictions complained of was hropelly gi Veil. 2.'iierc there Is sulhlcic'nt evidemice to sustain a verdict it wihi miot be set asPIc , notwitlm.stnntling the court ought imave found ditrerenti ) ' from the itury upon time ( dali- mommy. Thomuina against Thomas. Frrou' fmommi Wasiiiimgton county. Allirmed. Opinion by Judge Harrison. Wimere a PartY presenting a case to timis cotmn't for review , tiles is petition in error tluerein , un will be lreaummneui to hia'e elected to Proceed by error and riot by appeal , 2. A parol agreement by a grantee , to recomuvol' real estate to his grantor , is within the tmttute of frauds , and dot's mmot create an express trust 1mm such real estate in favor of the grantor. 3. It i not isecessarv that the extatence of a 1mar01 contract be dpniei in pleading , iii order to render thus detcne of tine statute of frauds avauiabie , buit ( lie iettden' iimmuy mid- mit time contract and yet plead fluid insist uipomi the statute and ltn apPlIcation thereto , 'I , The failure to object , ens a trial to the lmmirodution of cvldonca of a parol agrae. imsonit to reconvey real etnte , will not amount , tmuler ( time Practice . thuimi state , tea a vaiVer of time right to. Invoke the statute of fm'aimtls as to sUciu agreement , when time mitatuto iia been pu'operhy pleaded as a defense. Stoner against Keith couimtv. Error from Keimii Cohmilt ) ' , AiIhrnm d. Opinion by JmmIge ifmirrlsms. A pumblic oflier must dia'hmnrgo nh thie duties pcrtmiumsing to his oiiiee fm the coin. Pensation allowed by law , mind will muut be allowed cornpcmm.sation for extra work umnleuus it is authorized hmy ttutute. State migainat Silver , 9 Nd > . 88 ; liayima agair.st W'ob'ter county , 18 Nob. , 131. 2 , Time words "oni all moneys collecteih by him" ( the cuuntl' treasumer ) , ins section 0 , elnuptem' 25 , Counmilied Siattmtes , iii relatiomm to foes reteu' sold > ' to such tixe mis lie has coliceleul noun the tmtxpayfrs. 't'a'ior ngainst Keaummey count ) ' , 35 Nob. , 2S1. : i , \ Cotimit ) ' treasuumen is not entitled tea a commission or colIc Lion fee ciii lumnuls , tim prOceuis of sales of iiouids huald om' delivered to hulum us such ofhicer. 4 , iii an mictiomu en time bonds of a county treastmrer thin count ) ' Isleauled time ieceptioii Ii ) ' hiimfl 01' tIme hirocceds of tIme smiles of certain boimui tilt' nlisbumnsemnent of mi pant of ( ho funds mtmmd time failure to turn over to huh. successor mi 0111Cc , an nmuoumnit of Such money , Thin tremmsumrer mid his hioumihtuimsen atirnitted ( hue receiving thin mooney , limit as to lila failure to turn any lortloiu thereof over to mis successor in nilice , the answer wutil a general denial , Tine county intro- uluced iuiOOf. sinowing tlnat time treasurer ciuarge.tl a per cent of ( lie amouint of the Isroceeds of the boimda as collection fees , which awn hue retained and did not pay to hmi successor , held ; umnuier thie inue blued by time micmidings , to be suiflicieumt to hiuow U failure to comply wthm ! time oliliga- St)3111'I'll i ' ' ' : l'OIL NO'I'IiZNG. . . , \o ( lOll't cure 11' yotm don't get mnol'o tlumtii 50c vort1u of "tuct1i lixiug" (10110 the first tinmo you eumll-it'8 l'i'tmo-iiot a ccitt IIl w'o chmim'go-buit youl'Il 001110 bneI soilia tIny tom' oilmen' voi'k-ztuit1 tlieiu--w'huilo w'o may charge-It s'oui'L ho uuiumelu-w'n know is'e tb ( lie huest ( IOittul I us'ork I ii 0 hula Ii mu-mi ii ii I ( 'uii t i' us 50e w'ortli for iuotluliig 'oui viil limit. roiiizu tia lii 1)L'eOm'ChlCe to till othmt'r4 In ( lie Vtituii's , Dr. Dean , Dentist , bdDOdg41oMcCagLte Bldg tioiis of Imimi homids , nmid that it diut not ule- 'olS'e tipomi tIme county to fuintimer siiow ( hut time trenusuirel' lund rect'ivcti mull tint' fees to s'huicit lie wmis b ) ' hmt' enitli led for lila sert'- ices. That If there win. uini' sUnu 01' uttimuitl uhtie ( hittremusmmrcr frouus thin coumitty , the legit- iimmate stubject of set-amy or cltuflterclaiin in his favot , which hue haul mtiios'eti to memumnium lit ( lie coulmut ) ' treasuim'y in PaYfliduit of thme nnmoummit clnlmneul by tile coumumly mis before lii- uliciutoti , time ) ' Were uimmstteis censtituntinig a ilefenso utnd mimouuld hiav been liletided as suich antI Proved. 5. Sturetiemi oil a booth are rehenseul b ) ' ri imiatenitni niteration of time in'utrtuimmeiut , cvi- di'mmciimg their obligation , uuimud witimotit thieim' knowledge n"d ronsemut. 6. The signing of a homid of a county treastirer , itt tom' ItS niiiiiovmul by ( lie coumity hoard , by nuiditlomual sureties , tue saimse bring done withuomnt the ltilOWleigo mund comiseust of ( ho stureties , who had ntttnuciietl tunic sigmimi. tures tlmereto rhor to ( iso time itvmur up- proved , muvoideul the oiuligations of thin booth as to such prior sureties , tintl released ( hieni from nil ) ' liability thiertsuumder for miny stmbse- qument failure or ti efaul t o f thu e uuiimcl pa I Ii ( hue fuuhtilinsomit of the comiditiomi of time bond. 7. hlelul further. ( lint time parties who signed the bond sumbsoqumemmt to its mumlirus'al as unluhitional sureties , must be ii'estuiiitI to hmav knowni ss'hat woumid be I lie effect of such signhmmg , includimug tIme thisciunrge of time iriou' mutureties , numd tim ) ' liectuilme houmid muimul liable for au ) ' suhmseqtment faiitmre or tlofuutmlt of ( lie irimicipal in time bond to Perfommu its aid igmutiouis. 8. A bond of an officer , vhhchm is pre. seated to a cotuimt ) ' boamd muumd alslim'oved by it , binds nil Parties s'hmo signed it no sure- then , imotw'ltiistanuhing that time ) ' nias' Imave elgimeul the instrunient comiulitionallS' , it' thin bond is perfect on its ( mice. amid tilt' boarth msomemsscl iSO notice of the conditional signs- lug , anti there was notliiumg to rmtise time tilt ) ' of inquhrs' ins to the umsaumnem' of tIme c.xecumtioui of tIme bond. 9. Ummder the muro\'lsiOmi of section 8. chiup. ( Cr 10 , Conupiled Statutes , "thin oiiiciai hiommils of nil county , predhnuct and townisil ) niiicerm4 shall ho appm oved by thtt count ) ' boan'd , " ins approving bonds time hearth mucts mis a hod ) ' . The mtlupro'al is not time net of a member , or imitilvidummul meimibera thereof , as pen'sonms. It is time act of time board as a bad y. 10. A county treasurer's hand is to be op. miroveul imy tue eoummt ) ' iontrd , 11. TIme knowledge of one niember of a touimty board , at time time of its aiuusrovai b ) ' them , of ( lit' u'ontIitional sigmsing of a county treasuirer's bond by time sureties , not imowms to have been iusiparted to ( iso board , Is not knmow'ledge of or iiotiee to tue board of suchi fact. 12. An addition or second bond was cxc- rated , delivered and ammmnoved dtmuiimg ( hue term of oiilce of a county trearmnrer. held , tlmat there was iuillc'ent cor.slderat on thisre- fo i' 13. It is riot competemit to chmange or 'nr' time tennis of mu writtemu commtract by parol ovid ems cc. 14. A cotmimt3' treasurer , at time close of 1mm tOrus of otiice , immmmst iiy over to imls stmc- ccsror mull uiuoneya itt his umimnds luelongimig to tile cOtiiit ) ' , on' ton' which lie Is ialuie to aceounat , If tbmerc' hums been no picof of Inn ) ' imrtieular ( hiute at wlilclm it is cuinneil ! ( lint tine mnoust'vas inisuillropriatcd by a coumit3' tieasuurc'i' , or other proof than that lie failed to muccoumnt for anti nal' os-en to Isis sue- cessor itt time cios of time temmu of oilhce , all funds for wiilch lie was liable to accouunt , it will hr. mim'esUnieuI to have occuumued at ( ho close of time term , and tIme liability accrues as of such ( misc. 15. Where the bonth of a county jrcasuirer was pn'esemited and ; mppros'ed mit or prior to time counmmiemmconnc'mit of his I emnis of oihlcc , whichu hiommd was slgmsed liy additional m'umro- tic's during tIme terzn , amid also au additi mia bond givemm mud amproved. anmd the defaulter or fmuiiumo , if any , of time principal in tue discharge of time dmitis or time 0111cc 00. currotl at the close of the term , It was lrolmr to mmli tue siuretiuuu as dccndauits in erie action on the bonds. 16. Thai evitlemmee held to warrant thme trimni judge iii instructing the jmmry t return a verdict In favor of the county migaimist oem- talus of tIme defemmulnuits named in tine imistruc- I ( lois Small agaiusot Saimuimmil , Error froni You k I county. Heversoti amid remiiammuled. Oplmmion by Judge Norval. 1mm aim action mimion nfl ruccouiuit ( iso Plaintiff thmc'u'd stun in iitS ChrIstian mmmc , instead of hIs initial letteis , 2. ObJecilon ( hunt a plaintiff iuius not sued in huts fumil Cimrlstinmi imnisso rmmay ito unatlo tnt fin ) ' ( line before jimfiginent , even lit ( hue dis- ( nc t toumm't , on in P heal. : i. lJnmlt'r section. 1 , chmmipter 13 , Compiled Statuutes. time wife is stmi'ety for lies imusbamsd for the payrneuit of debts eontrac'teul for mmecessnrles for time fauiuiiy , but her reparate atate itt 1501 , chargeable ummtil mutter a juulg. mont hits bc't'mi oblaiuied mngmnimist tine lutus. bmnti fom' studs imstiehitetlness. mmmiii inn execu- tlomm itusueti thieron , returned unsatisfied , 4 , licini , ( lint time verdict is without evi- thence to sulport ) it , llluic Valley Lummnier , comnpammy against Smitbi , Eiror froun 1)uiglas coumnty , itt. iirmnu'd. Opinion by .Iuidge Norva. FixCeitioiiH u'hioti'tl he takms separately to intm'uctiomis , uuuid mint cii inau'uue. 2. An exception to imistructmons numbered I , 2 , 3 , 4. 5 , ti , 7. 8 nod 9. gIven by tine coturt to tine jury on its own nuotiomi , is in tmii. staisce anti effect it general exception to thin whole charge , u.'onislstluig of ohm uiaragrnphs , anti such exceltioui itt not mivunlhmnhilo ens so- ViOW , it any one of. the hmmstrut'tionms was cor- sect anid tree froun criticism. 3 , It is tint a reversihilti error to refuse an humiutructloii basemi on mint amummumiution of fact iii iemtume in ihui cmuse. 4 , A lack ef counimlerntionm in no defense to miegothable imoer in iimn haunts of an iii. iuoetit pulrcmniFei' , for value iii the usual couurso of iumushnmetni before maturity. irexel againet lticbniurds. AlhiemiI from _ - - - . , l ( ) % 'I AIdING , 'I'IIJCItll. . . . . . Is It " < 'luemi1ion to uiuo'n tiumuui l3' 1'eii t'-l ( ( 'l ut'll (1 ( H ( 'Il ( I rely ii I i I s'ho 11)0 VI'S ) 'OU-lf it's a "lug'iiui'svu kmioi' It's eluen - : Ic cmi mu I I 3011' Vt ) got I u ( ii Iii lomitluitium't bratk : the itiokimig glass-or itt tu1 a i ty I ii I ug-imoul est -c'apmt hiu-i I ul u- hOtli'll lllt'li go W'ItlI each "Big Vnui"- s'o stl't' fuirllltuiu'ui lit a BIL'oclt'nndl'y lioum'uo-aiitl gmimui'aniee to m'eturu it Iii mis gooul conditIon nut w'u got It-pi'obutbiy % 'hl ) ' our "Big'Itils" llru aIwhm's luis ) ' , 0 maha Van tuiid Culhiphuny Storage Our telephone , 155914 15 Fa In Wabash Ohhice , r iinin Buffalo coummit ) ' . Aiil : muted. Opinmio i b , ' Juidgi Norvmnl , 'I'hio right to a ieun sectured by tim lii'o- 'hlomi of section 2 , nrticie 1 , chimupten' 51. Comuspiled Stattutes , ( Fies not uht'luu.lnmt uupomi ( lie ( oman of thin contract Inetweemi the 0 t'ii er 0 f tim e him I Id 11mg niuh t ime oihgmniti eon. tractor , but utuomi tile roumimni that time sub. contractor fuurmnlsimed min.nteriaia or iierfornmied I imbor' I ii tue erectimimi 0 f t lie bum I iti I mm g , a mid ( limit lie hiatt couniulled 'itii ( lie ucqunlromnenta or said sectiomi. 2. To emititlo it stub-contractor to a lien ho lutIst ihlo 1mm time otilee of ( lie cotitity den , , 'itimini sixty dnS froni time uhutti of time last itemui of nminttmrmah fumrmmisimed or Imubon jierfonamsed , tine sworn mutatemiient required by said section 2. : i. 1'ldemsce exnnmsiuieml nmmi hieI to stutmiin thu tiecren 01' time district court rofuishnig plttiiitiff ni lieu. b'tuuto , cx , rd. Dawuuimmg , against Greami. ittamidmunnus.'nit ti'iiied. Opiimiou by Jtnulg Norvuil 'l'imn Provisions of sectioii 617 ot scq. oi tine code of civil puoceulunrq provtniing ten tue exeetiions of a simpersemielus imoiid inpoum time tiilumthoms of a ( clump rmury iumJuiicttoii , hnavo imo mipplicatiomi to mi mmmcm restrainhnim4 ender grmsntvti to Pi'evcumt time counmnission oi mimi net until a imearimig cant bo himud uipuns mini appiicatioii for a temporary imsjmimicthtimi. 2 A doumity judge htSSCSSdS thU power tO allow it restraimuimmg order pentliumg a uncaring of aim application for a teuusporary ummjmnilC- tional order. I. A m'estrnimmlng order ceases to be op. crati'o on ( liii cxliratiomm of time date fixed b ) ' its terumsa. 4. Aim 01(105 grantinmg a tenmporary in- jimimetiuut does not hecommie ( 'ffectlve until aim uunulertaktmig iii executed by time lurtY mtspiyimmg lou' the writ. 5. A lmouid given to n'ccmmro a rostrninimmg order wil miot give effect to a temporary in. Juuietion suiscqunenitiy nuhiowed mm time atunno case , A new boisul numust he executed emu tins grtumitiumg of tIne latter ormior , 5. V.'here , ti tcmnporar3' umsjunctiomi iias never booms operative , ouvlmmg to tine failure to give thin ummmlertnkhnmg rcimnineui by statute - ute , time giving of a stipeit-edeaut hoimuh , upon thin dismimissal of ( lie suit by time court , would not give the order of mrnjunetiumm unm' valid- I ( I' SoberIng against Tiastedo. Error from hloytI cotmimt ) ' . Afllrmcd. Ophimioni by Coin- umsissionier flynn. l'lio dismmshmsh of an mittomimpteul contest of a cotinty Feat clectioii because tIme district court lund mme jurisdiction , hell Inromier unpon the aiitl'ority of Thomas against Franmhlhii , 43 Nob. , 310. hlunlsomi mngainmt Pennoclc. Ap'-a'ai front 4inlaius eoumnty. A1hIrnied Opimmion by Coin- umshssionmer Jtyain , ' .l'bth commit cnmmnot determisimne that the nil. hug of time distiicl court tmpomn a motion s'mus is'itlmniiit justiulcatii n wimemi ( hero is iiresemmtel for review Iseitmier true mumotiumi imor the proofs ummmbmiiittenl him support of It , Newmnamn againist hlyan. Error froimm 11am- fltomi Count ) ' . Aiiinnned , Opinion by Coin- mnhl4sioiiou' 1t'nmm. Aim nme'icilmnenit of erririm in n group Ins to givlmig or refusing to gIve instructiomsa whl lie exammsimmt'd ito fmmi'ther viiomu it is foumsil that one of ( lie first lumdhcaiod grommmi'au3 PlOPI'il ) ' giveim , or of ( inn last inmdicated giotiji OflO SVaS liroperll' refused. 2. It is no suuihciemut ground for ( mo ra. versal of a jtiulgnisemmt that an tnmmnacriai mnmstrumc'tV ii asked by ( lie lilainitiff iii ciror t'as r'Ituiteh ( , Wimntermo against Menus. Anpeal from Auhrmmmm comimit ) ' . Ailirnied. OpinIon by Coin- mimlssioner Ryan , \Vlmcro there is prevented ii ) ' npieah emily ( ho uummihleleimey of the eviCi'mico to mitititiii ( lie judgnu'nt of time nhistrict court , sucim judgunent vill be aiulrummeml wheum ( hero is to be found in thin record no bill of cx- ecu , ( buS , Bacon against Broclcrnan Coims. Ce. AP- hseui from ( illS 0 C ) uinty. Alhirnmsed. Opinions by Connumissioumri' itymmn. A chmrtttei nuurtgnge winich covered a1 ( lie property of nun insoivommt deltor. executed umitler an agreement lwtweemm time liarties tiem'eto that ( he mnortgungn nhuoinlml niot ho flied for reei'tI ; that tIme nnom'tgagee muhuouminl title fornmai pom'sesaiomi of ( lie nnontgnngemi lroperty and hold PJOCCS.SiOmi timereof for thu bieneilt mind subject to i hue direction of tim niorgngor until by sale or lemusum of thin uiiortgtngeti PropemtY to ( lie nnlvantmnge ot time nsortgmtgOu' tito dciii secuun'eul shoumid 1)5 haul , antI ( lien accoun' to thin sisortgagor for time imahamice , haiti , fiamimluiten t as to other c'rcditor I time inortgimgor , wlmo nuro imhmtins- tiffs in tint8 muctioin , Fitzgertm'd mugaimist Fitzgerald & Mallory Commntructiomi comnpamu ) ' . Appeal fiomms Lani- caster county. ltepom t of referee confirmed. Oplmmhon im ) ' ( 'ommimissioner Itmugan , JIs'idommco exrnnslucnl anti imeimi to suimtruin ( tist. thndlnga of time referee , and his reinont conhlrrnenl , 2. Tue supreme cmurt lma no original mmrtihmato jmnu'hmshuc'tlon , multI ivlmare a county court rntnkes mum order iii i'efereumco to thin dhspo'SitiOmi of the itsetS 01' it decedent's estate , ininving nt time time jurisdiction of t ii ii ummnlIoe I muims t tom' mmmi t P 0 liarti 55 , t P its cotirt will not iass mmlnon the validity of touch oinier , umilestu prceuutet1 for review by a ditct prccecdumsg , Ji'nnl hI'n'I tin ( Yi.vsnn lunmi , coi.utinu's ; , May 10.-Tine district grand lodge of time Independent Order of ii'nmai I I' ri I hi , coin Prisi mig Ohio , I minhimm nit , 1,1 istoimu'i , Colormudo atid New Mexico , coumvened memo toulmi ) ' With about su'vt'nty slelegmntems present. I'rcshdemmt I.eo YLmsu of Cincinnati , in lihi mmmcmii anhdress , criticised the new ritual. lecaunmo , iii his judgnuennt it nuttmncinei mmmi ummunebu insiYirtanuce to rmuclal Jutlaisuri , nutol recomunended ilmat it bun revhmcui. l'ernuomi- al I ) ' , hi e is a in Auseriern n , in um'l retnisual to believe hunt huts religious ( nnitiu hind any- titiumg to do with Jilts mimitlonahity , - _ - I - - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ --n I _ FEN PICTURES PLETIASANTLY oitiz PARAGRAPHED , , , , 'J 'l'JIIl hFiJ1tlI'l' OF' Il'J"l'Lll ONIIS _ . _ . 'I'lio hItt lo boys antI gii'ls ist'emn to thoroughly enjoy our hiOV Clilemigo ox- huml't's \'il % ' of dislulung tip time tiomlmt is'iuter-luut not only cimlidreum % VOmilnL' ( Itt lug llitmthiuhs-gnvml ( hneoiIo , m'ieogni'.o : iii blunt time ( lust real sdtlit 'atei' ills- lt'II ) tier 0 unit ha lilt K CVIII' 8't'mi-'e etc bun tip svltln fi'eslu cm'iishied ( iuits every ii ny-mt in ( I I 11mm ii i'uig stui Iti--iVi i0h'o U ny tioetot"s Pl't''VIPtlOuI Is tilled ut loss'cst ' . ' hthsiliesS. Pl'lt.'eH-IH tloiimg it lumshmilIg ) Kuhn's Drug Store , Itcaily thioouily 15th & Douglas Cut l'rico Drug Store