- - ' . - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAhA , DAILY J'4 : SUflAY , MILY jO , JS9. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - member of tim jury hati the evIdence and In. triictIon wn2I In mmii ani had not teen contus1 by the vcIumInou testImony. IL was decWed to tak , a secret ballot on one Point , vIz : whe1ur I3olIn wn' guilty or ilot gwRy of emI'zzIemtt. Thin baIot ! wa taken and the count ithowe1 twelve vote , for "guIILy. " The everaI counth In the Informa. tlon wore then taktt up atitl .iIcu ! Lop. nratoly. after which a hnflot wna taken on these rounta which chnrgd Bolin with hay- lug embezzici $2&OO. Thia enihozzlement waa chargeI In i'veraI different ways anI the vote waa takw on a I of the counts chargitg the embezzlement of thI. , peelflc tim. TIiI vote was taken orally nxul twelve votes were reforlel agInLt the lefenlrs it. The Item of $3,00 ( ) wan then taken up In the amo manncr , with the aaino reailt. Notice wa then ,3nt to the coIrt that an agreement had been reaeItel. fter th ? jury lial Len dlacliarged , seycral of the inemlrnrs took occaslon to thank the laIIhfts , expressIfl thicmchve. , , a.i elI at'.l ' fled with thio manner In hiIch the wants of the jurors hal been attenilod to. ( ) I'IIOS liv hINISI ( , tNIIILSN ) , 114' ! 411)'M I hiii ( lsr-.Yiiry IIit tIi Ii 'rhitig. Jtilgo Ouctave Anlerson ( , one of IlolIn's bondinn and the man chosen by the other bondsmen to act as chaIrman of thio coin- inltteo of the bondsmen In looking after their Interests In the iettheincnt to be made with the cIty nziil achioul board on account of nriy shortage found In IhohIn's accounts. % as asked , after the er1hrt In the crhiiihnal trn1 had boon receIved , what lie thought of It. Mr. Anderson replIed : 'l think the ervis of justice have been properly stihsurvel. I beflevo the jurors have doria the right thIng. and I aol glad they retnrncl the verdict tIiy dhth. I have siId nil along that the reiiht of hIs tilal could have no p3Ible bearing on the sottleinriit between the city and the lndsmvn. The bbiidsliien hinve tahkol that feature cit the case all over among them- stIvca and we are agrcel IIIIOII that Point , I can say for Urn rest of iiy , associates on Ilohin's bond that , If any of ins thought there was niiy 'monkeying' wIth thio jury In etiior trhal 'o vouid be the first to bring the offender to justice. "It hian hiecn saul that my son was on the jury for the purpo of hanging U , hint I hcnew that tIme would straighten out that acciiathen. Ito vas hinply called on that Panel In the ordInary course of events and If thie friends of liohin thought ho there for the purpose of c'mvlcting they \vero mIstaken , and If the other s'de thought ho was there for the purpose of lionglng the jury the result shows they were nils- taken. " IiAItr I. LUI : IIIt IOCICS Tt KI Fl ItI. Ifilir 0 3IhIlIoii InIhIrM ' % Yuiti ur Prop- ( .r 3' Uiru-uI ii * .tMh 1,11111 , 'Is. ASIILNI ) , Wig. , May 9.-This city ox. Verlcnced a great fire today. half a nihhhlon dollars worth of milling property and lumber vent III ) in flanics. The Shores Lumber coin- Pany'il iiihhi , the largest on Chicquamegon bay , is a. smnoimhtlering ruIn , together with miovoral thioiiitnd feet of lumber dock , upon whIch was jilled 19,000.000 feet of lumber. The ( Ire * ltnrtcl ( in W. ft. Iilrfeo' $ lumber dock. The mIll was surrolmndeil by water , vIth wornien trainwayv leading to the shore. When the tlamnc burst out in , gro'xt volume and enveloped the mIll and iiocl all the nien but four succeeded In reaching the tramways. The origin of the fire is ntlll a mystery , but It is presumed that a spark from seine enmp1oyomi pipe utarted it. Figured ap- proxiniately , the losm on mnlhhimig property and decks will reach $275.000 ; on lumber. 22SOOO. The fire was checked before reaching the Keystone yards or other lumber. The fire destroyed 19,340,000 feet of lunmbem- , owned as follows : Shores Lumber company , 12.- 000,000 ; Northmwertern Lumber company of hayward. 1,000.000 ; J. F. Van Ioser , 1.000.- 000 ; George flest of flayfleld , 3500O0 ; F. Iloutin of hlayfiehmi , a40O'O ; Charles Crog- stor. 200,000 : hlhmmea Lumber colilpany. 1.000- 000 : Sawyer & Truxbury of Tonawanda , 150 , . 000 ; flarnott & flecorml , 100,000 ; Merner & Matteon , 400,000. The total loss Is $473- 000 , amid time insurance $350,000. About 400 muon are thrown out of woric by time fire. This evenIng time body of Peter Fngeman was taken from time bay. Ills clothes took' fire early in the day and a thousand people saw him pitingo into time water to escape the ( laimmea surrounding hIm. Twe other mon are known to have lost their lives. Two of those who vero reported missing have been found. I3AI1AGA. MIcim. , May 9.-The city of L' , Anze , at the hmeath of ICowana bay , was PractIcally Wlpe(1 ( out by fire timls after- noon. Time 11 Anze Lumber company's mmmlii and nearly all limo business houses in time r'lace vera burned. Two hundred persoims are homeless. 'rho total loss is placed at $250,000 ; somalI insurance. Among time build- hugs iurmiel arc the Lloyd imotei , time L' Amize brewery , Thomna lhramly's drug store , IUii ) ) & Sons' dry goods store , time 11 Ammze SentInel imimil C. J. 11. SmIth's dry goods store. MAItQUETTE , Micim. , May 0.-DestructIve forest fires are raging 1mm several portions of the upper peninsula. Time hmeavcst loss Is Iii Oatammagon coummty , where mnany lumber camps haru been dmistroycml. and a great deal of stamiding p'nu has burned. At Mimi- sing , Alger commnty , time entire population Is fighting the flames , in an effort to save time town. Time foroets are as dry as tinder ammd fianmes shoot 100 feet in time ar. C'INCINNA'I'I , i'iimiy 9.-'Fire In time United States lltmmmg factory , Eighth anmi 1vans street , an immense concern , caused damage of $ O,0tJO tonight. lmmsurance light. flISCOtJN'1'iN ( CII ( lmtJG s'roitiios. ICim iusmi 1)4''I I ales to 1m(1i-ve 11cr 'hi cii t Crimp Is It ii I ii , 'al. KANSAS CITY , May 9.-Tho Modern Mu- her , in Itu ; isauo today , says : Stories ( if chInch bmmt ravages come from Oklahoma , vcstern and soimtimorn ICarmimas , Tcnnessco , Kcntucky , mommtlmcrn Indiana nnl central ammd \vostcrn lihlnols. These reports for time mcot part emno from time niarmnIsta , and unless a week or two of hot. dry voather ommcour- egee time posts , we do hot expect to report any 1idtwpread damnago , 'l'imero was mme raIn In the winter heat regIon thIs vcelc until last night , sihmon western and southern ICan. sas was viltod by fromn one-lmahf to tlmrco- ( Iurtem's of amm Inch of vater fall. whIch cxtemmded immto northern Oklahoma. Time omit- laok at this wrIting is for heavy rains in iCanmian anmi Olmialmomna lousy. 0mm Limo simolo 1o cannot report a gaIn lii con.dltlon tills wcmk , mnnr comm we amimnit that thmoro is any inmpom'tant dammmage done , time whole area con- eltlum'ud , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I.txs.S UhtOl'S IIili.i'ilI ) DY R.IS. 3)nmmig. ' 1(1 -vi&iii : M Comull uut ( ) , hf liii , t-mmrmuI Coumiiii.s , KANSAS CITY , May 9.-Itoports received today from Central ammd western iCaumsims state that hmavy raIns fell Ia9t nigimt and today , Time lmroaiects are timat before tomorrow afternoon , all of ] CnmmRk , Oklaimommt and wetermm Miajouri ' 1ii have received ralums , anmi It is generally comuceded that mo9t of the damumuge timums tar donmo , except in himnlted iecmhltics , will lie repaired by time avorablo weatimer. All time hail reports hmavu commie from abomit a dozen of thu greate.st wimeat counties In central lCmmnaas anmd from Dklaimommia , wIth vracticalhy umo commmphsint Irommi Lime western or eastern third of ICimmi. 5.15 , nor ( rome southern Nebraska. Reports were rocslved limb. niorniums trommi Sterhhmig , 9cImIta 1)mRigo City , Abilene , Ehlimmwood , IloxIe , Great iiermd , St. John and ] Cinsley - hiuiuhImmi IshIe iimuhui jim iii' fliimg. SN FitNCISCO , Ma' 0-Colonol Voimmey V. Ahmford , late attrnney gemuermil of limLwaII , one of the ummost noted of time hawaiian rove- lutionlls and exIles , a h1rltuh citizeim , whose muubitIou to ho klmmg disturbed the imeao of I.hiiuoknlamml , iles dangerously Ill In time French hospital In timIB cit , rhcro ho had a iceumuil attack ( if psrai'sia on 'ecr.asduy ! , Asimford wa bnumli'bed from hawaii whomm tIme Iole govormmmmiemmi. camumo into power ammd sInce that timmie has been livIng in ttmih city , It Is bellovel that ho cammuot recover , ColsrcuI : ilirtlerer Lcgiuh I y hlnimged , flIILMINO1LAM , Ala. , May 9.-MIke Mc- Crea. colored. was hmmonged at Ozark today for the murder of Angus McSwean anti wtt' , four mIles south of Newton , Ala. , In Bimt.zumir , 1S93. Time ulrop ( sll at lti0 : and his umeeh wu. broken amid he died in ten mmulnutcs. 0mm tIme scaffold hue s1ioke for an huotmr , baYiIU , hint MItchell Vu ouhemi , wimo was h&nged a year ummo. vauI innocent. JIo commss.ued to time erinie. Five thoueammd people were In town to wItness Lime hung- in' . \vk1II' \ : VISITS \1'AR\\1CK \ ' \ \ British Heir-Apparent Visito the Hoino of - Ills Pavorlto Oountoss. SUNDAY BOATING , TENNIS I'iND CYCLING ( mu hioumpuc l'umri . I tm'itcl to ii''i time Smuirti'e ' ' . ' _ ( if iummeguul mu ilOIel.lN Icbmor. ( Copyrlgimt , 15IG. by the % soelatetl I'res. ) LONDON , May 9.-The prince ofVales anmi time countcsm of Warwick have succoodemi In once nmoro absorbing tIme gowips of so- duty for tIme best hart of the week , ammd nmanmy of the favored dames and bluahuumg "bimds' of time svorid of aristocracy have not yet ceased cimatterimmg or whilsmeriImg over Limo doings of time Imetr apparent anil his beautiful frkid. sometImes referred to as 'llalmbiing Brook" of tIme daye of tIme great baccarat scanIal , whomm timat lady was otnmplo l.ady lirooke. Time lmrho. the mnlsclmlof-nmiommgers point out , spent Sunday at WarwIck easLle , where a hastily arranged imeu'o party , which in- eluded Ladles Ros1yum and Catrnes , Lord Villoughby do Broke , Sir 1rcderIck Sykes , Major Geimoral Sir Francis GronfehlVIlllc" Low amid otbers , Imad been gatimerci togetlmer to immuet time prince. Time lively countess Look the hrimmco of \'alo. up the rIver Avim In an electric lammnchm anti ! . the attermmcon tlmo party enjoyed a "tea" on tIme hawmm of Limo courtyarmi , wimero time bulbs ammml gontlemmien also mlayeiI tennlr smiml cycled , ammd , in simort , enjoyed tlmemselves greatly. Of couru'e tlmis , in itself , was smifilciemit to start time tongues of the gossips oft at full speed , but the rate they ' .ent at thisi waa as notimlng compared to the clatter wimlch fohlowei time at , mmncememmt on Thursday that Limo commntess of Warwick had been practically lroontod to the queen 0mm imer accession to time title at tIme irawhmmg-roamu lucid at Buick- Inghmamn palace. It. is true that Prlncos Clmrietlan of Schleswig-llosteiim ( seeommd daughter of Imer umajesty ) Presided , imut it was imu beimalf of Qmmeonm Victoria that slmri did so , and a presentation to time prlmmco's upon that occasion was cqmnlvakimt to being ijrcm'nted to tIme pneen imerlf. Time prinmcess ofVaies , 'lmo was to Imave presimiemi at thmbi fmmncticn , was "unavoidably" absent In the soimtim of France , wimero mmhe is visiting her sister , time ex-enmpress of Russia. wimhie the latter nure. imer sen , the long-suffering czarowitch , maid to be [ mm the Iaat stages of consumpticim. BY TIlE PRRMIRR'S WIFE. To add to the trlumnlhm of the coimmmtesM imime was presented by mme less a porron than the marchioness of Salisbury , vife of the promnier. ammd wan time center of mt,1uumlratonm. , Her dmus was of tIme richest white 'atinm. witlm a stoma cimcr profumely emmihroulered ! s'i tim diamuts. Over imer rimotilders were fiat bows with long ends of turqmmolse uatin odgt.i 'vitim diamonds. 11cr skirt was ricimly iieckcil witim diamonmia and around the hem of her train was pale blue velvet. embroidered , jt'm ' silver cmiii diamonds. 11cr jewelry commsitemJ of diamonds , turquoises and pearls. .Growing interest is taken In time conning wedding of Princess Maud of Wales to l'rince Cimarles of Denmark. The royal family will put off their mourning for PrInce Iiemmry of Battenburg on time day of the ceremnony , and it is expected that the order fpr miress will be tbe same as at the wedding of the duke cud ducimess of York. The proposal that the wedding rhahi take place In the private chapel at Bucklngimam palace , where the duke and duchess of Fire were married , has not been kindly received tue quarters nmost commcerned. It will be luracticaily impossible to imave a semi-private ceremomly , owing to the fact that Prince Charles i time son of a reigmmimmg monarch. amid iii , moreover , closely outed to time En- ghisim bemuse. It is not likely timat time young duke cud duchess of Marlborough will spend any portion - tion of time summer at Newport. Time couple are making extensive arrangomoumta for the entertarrnent of large house parties at Ilien- lmeim at the conclusion of time London rca- aon. Time duke anmi ducimer3 of Marlborough will onmtertalmc largely hi town in addition to givlmmg the looke1.forward.to "week end" partIes at Blermimoim. St. Petersburg iocaty ! is agitated by time czarina's order forbidding ladies and wonmemm servants from amnoking in tIme paiace. s they are all Imabltual smtmokers time edict imas caused a great senn'atfon and is Imperiling the crarina's popularity. Londomu immm.'u been at its best during the past week. Time weatimer has been warni and brigimt , and the parks and trcets have been crowded. Timero are mnany Amnericanmu in towil and ninny more are expected , LYCEUM ALONE WANING. 'rho timeateruu continue to do a good business - ness , the music halls being especially crOwded. Thu bunss at the Lyceum , however - ever , Is wanimmg. "Tho Gay I'ariaienno" Ir still drawing large Imoimees and 'Ihiarrltz , " wimiclm , stmmco its first production , has been alimiost entirely rewritten , is still an attrac- ticii. It imas beeim found necessary to employ e'andwich men to keep up tIme Interest in 'Time I'rk'crar of Zonda. " Time cart of "Henry IV , " whicim was pro- rented yesterday at the Jlaymarket , Is an exceedingly strong ommo and time play has nqvor been presented tim London with such rmttenticn to details , scenery and costurmue. Time title of time play wimicim smmccoeds 'Tho Sin of St. Iltilda" at the Simaftesbury is "The Matchmaker. " It is arm original comedy by MIPs CIa Grave , , who co-labored witlm Ger trude iCrstomi. ! Time play will be prodmuced today. E. S. Willard imas iecured a strong , tender amid beautifuml play 1mm "Time itogumas Comedy , " and it wIll undoubtedly be a great success dmmring Imis American tommr , Mr. Villard was never better than in his interpretation of Ihailoy Protho , who Is a daring sw'ndlcr , amm' urmscrmupulous knave : but , withal , a tender and devoted hmtuibrnd , Time Strand theater vlhl be reopened next week Lmy Wilfred Ciarko , son of Joint Sleeper Clark. Mr. Clark imas mmeeumromi several eew liays , chief of wimicim is the American corn- ejy calledt Dad Lot , " Time old and farntllar Tooio's theater 'ill simortly be pulled down anti its space occu- iiIo by an additIon to time Cimarimmg Cross lmoslmitai , wimich owniau the site , Yvette ( ] mmilbert iii imroovlng a great at- tractlomm at time Empire theater. In an 1mm- torviow regarding her recent trip to the United States siio is quoted as saying timat Now Yorkers have no indfviduahlty and that they are too bumsy mmicrmoy gotlng , She rated Chicago , especially Its streets , and saul that Pimliadelpimia did not imprese imcr at all , C.tII I 0 1.1 C S (1 I i ( I I ) i.S I N CA N.lDlt. l'rcmlrr I'uimperut I I mmi's gutI'ro - inscml i'imiiea ( ) fl ( J'um rsm..i1 , WINNIPEG , Mail. , May 9.-An Imnrncnse audlauce gathered last night In a big akating rink building to listen to Sir Charles Topper , Canada's now premnier , who fled journeyed from Ottawa to make the Immaugural address of time election campaign , Sir Charles mimade a powerful address for two hours on time high lmrotoctlvo policy of Canada , his views in thi5 regard being , IL Is said , mnucim time sauna as are MeKIniey' in the UnItol States imperial federation , Preferential tariff rates vLthi flreat Britain , and finally on time Itornai Catholic parocimimul school question , "Timli Catholic question , " said Sir CimnrIe , "lies at time very foundatIon of our nmatlonai ozistemmce , I wIlt tell you it is mme question of Catholic schools. Our opponommta lierslat- ontiy try to mmiako it appear that time lonulu- lea government is tryluug to force the Catho. Ito schools on Manitoba , That is not the fact. " Sir Charles then proceeded to relate the agreoumueuuts entered immto at the tinmo of coma- federation and expained ! time muature of the cnIttlcns relating to time protection of minor. ities i this educational privilege. " 1 tell you again , " said Sir Cimarles , "that it is no question of eIarato schools. It Is a ques- tics ) whether we shall tear up the commsttu. ( Lion or bow to time supreme tribunal of the realma. " In brief , the utterance of Canada's premier Is thoU It his government Is roturnol to imower the Manitoba government will be agata luivited to effect . coumipromnisu with time ( 'athollcs. faliini In which tin' Manitoba ached act nboiehimmg iarochlal schools will hi overrimidtn by federal legLsiatioa. IC I 1.1. l'ltAIflitS . 'mNl ) M1SSHN. % htlilS. Mliii I it Srii I , , lmm . ' , % I 1i ieui mm mmml Eli 'I'ltt'i r Flu-Mu. SAN FRANCISCO , May 0.-Time steammier Monowal irlmmgs news of time wholer.mlo mnas- sacro of tradera and misslonarlemi by natives of time islands of MannImng Straits amid the Sohomons. Mriiayta 'avages btmtehered a vhO1o boat's crew fromn the Maria Lodge at ittmhiana , ts'o Frenclm mmmi ammo i.lPericani trader being sltmghte'rcd. The maissiomi on tlmo ishummil lmd been attacked and the mmmiii- alouiaries escaped witim diiilcmmlty , going hack to Sydney by time first chIp. Time murders (1mm time lnian.ia of Mamummin' Straits vci'e ( oh- lowed by acts of cammnlixuhlem. sniaii trailing schoommor , owned by a French trader , ae attacked amid time owmmor and hmls Amnerl- can asistatmt and iiimt pecefui . natives were lured ashore amid heatemm to death amuui time tramiimmg station was aacko.i. Tue Rn- ghiab muuin'iommaries are umiksing and it Is smmp- pcu1 they were alse mimumrdered. Time mnls Sian Cli Toumnami ieiand ha beemu abamutiommeul mis thu reatmlt of time atrocities of the natives. Immrm.muuls ( if timi' Clmolermi i'limgim. ' . A LEXANIltI A , May 0.-There' were timirty-thrco cases of cholera reported here yesterday amid tventy deatims fronm that disease were recorded. Ni % ' 'm'il.t'l'iiidlt lIIJitll.tU Sl1htVICi. Simh'stmi t EputmuhiiMIR'd ihu roumgimumm I flu a- .tre'I'uit 'ii" I itMI rictM , Beglnninmg next Muiimmiay muarnhmug a new feature wilt be added to time service of tue local weatimer bureau , wimich is expected to be of mmmarked value to time agricmmltmmrai immter- eats of the west. it commmists o a service for time cormm amiti wheat melt , vimich hi shim- stantiahly time amuimue timat lma Iet'n givcmm th e cotton belt In tIme iaumthm for sonme tiumme past. rime Idea ima beemu tmmmder comm- alderation for conic time amid it imauu iieomm vigorously tmrgeui by Local Forecaster Wclim , but action imas been lmotPoncul by time in- auillciency of appropriatiomms ummmtll this year , 'limo qe' aystemn will cover tIme entire wimeat and cormu bolt aummi time service will be given froimi mmluue district centers , located resimectively at Chicago , Columnbmms , Den Molmmtul , hmmmlianapohis , . Kansas City , Lntmk- villa , Minnealiohlc' . Ommmahmn amul St. haute. Time observers in cimargo of cacim of these points ace required to perfect time iytenu by estailisim- immg Os mnany rubatmutions a mmmay be umeces- sary. The immformnation will be gathered by teelgrapim every morning from thmq ubmmta- tionci amid svhll be issued fronu time district centers in time acme umuanmmer as tim oordinary weitimer hulletnms. Observer \\'elsim imas selected time uub- atationma in time territory tribumtary to Ommmaima , wimicit includes alt of Nebraska and wcntem-n Iowa. The agents oelected have accepted the hositlon'J anmi they are ftmrnlsheml vitim the necessary Smipllltrn to beginm work noxc Man- day. TIme local .systemn us now arramugcd In- clmmuie tattOnmi at Asimianmi , Coitmmnbus , Fair- bury , Fatrmont , i lurtlngton : , Oukc1i Ic , O'Neill , Tecummuseh and Tekamuuab mm this otato mmd Carroll , Ciarimmda and . Sibley imu - Iowa. - Time bulletins which , vlhi be issued from time Ornaiizt chico eacim mnornlng except Sun- ulays and holimiaya , wilt show tlmo mnnximntmrn and mnlnhimuumn temperattmrc , rainfall amid state of weather in eacim of , time suisthmtions in tlmis district. It wiil also give the summnary of time samne Immformation as reported from each of the district centers , togetimer withm such general oheervatiomma no may be varramutel by time existimmg conditions. Timese bulletIns will he semmt to thmo'e who apply for tlmern pro'ifird they camm give time department some reason to believe that tIme ) ' are in a vosltion to derive some benefit from time service. l.A 11GII Ot'1'3IFAL li.t1CSI ( ASSIGNS. Fermi i iiji mm ml 5dm ii , nn'imer mm f Akro n , 0 , , iii Jtuxui mi < 'ss ItIIlcm,1l irs. AICRON , 0. , May 9.-Ferdinaumfi Siiu- macimer , tIme veIl known oatrmmeal inanutfab. turer , today 1ied a deed of lorsonal assigmu- muont to Hugo Scimumnacimer , his son , and Attorney S. Ariogast. Tlm 'assignimuhnt in- eludes mnrmny pieces of valuable rCal estate around and in Akron. TIme liabilities and' assets , it is estimumated , wiil baUm eceed $1,000,000 , and if time is given to convert time property Into nmoumey , time assets u'iii exceed time liabilities. Mortgages to time amoumot of $35,000 were flied in favor of variomms persons. Later time Scimmmmachmcr Gyrnnasltmmmu company , of wimich Scimumaclmer is presmlent , mnado an assignnment. Time assets - sets amid liabilities are imot. given. Ferdinand Scimurnacimer is president of the American Cereal comumparmy , is also interested in time Akron Cultivator conmpany , and time Akron iltred coil Rattan company. Those two concerns - cerns wili not be affected , imowevr ! , It is said tonight that Mr. Scimumnacimer's assets , Including $1,000,000 wortim of atock of time American Cereal conmpany , wlii aggregate - gregato $2.500,000. Time liabilities anmommmmt to $1,500,000 , of which SO0,000 is paper , mostly held by Cioveiacmd and Mascacimusetta banks , amid whicim svtll fail due timis smimunier. Hugo Scimumacimer rays the failure was precIpl- tated by hmeavy losses austaned in the en- tcrpruses at Marseilles , Ill. lie says if time creditors do not force the sale of time property - erty , all claimmsvii bml vald in full. C- Foil ! ) M.tKlS t SiNI ) ( ONFflSSi0N , .t.immults Clint ile'I'rieml to Crimmuimmmuli ) ' AMMZullt lilsi , . hregiu. WAShINGTON , May 9.-Another cimapter was added to time Eise ICreglo nimurder case today. when Irwin L. Ford , her confessed murderer , mamlo a second comufession. in wlmic'lm he admitted he pttempted to crimn- inaliy assault Miss lCregio , hut was unemic- ce.ssful , lila failmmre to accompiisim his purPOSe - POSe , imo said , was dime to time strength of Imis victinu , Ford , in imis former confession , denied having intended or attempted an omit- race. The prtmsecmmtloo of time Ford case will be pushed by the govercmmmment. Mayor Ilur. leigim of licmrpor's Ferry. W. Va. , wlmo cap- Lured Ford , cmiii several other wltmmesses made their stateimuemmts before Dstrict ! Attorney JIlrmmey tctlay , and mmii time u'Itnessos will ho called before the grand jury today. A simcedy trial is expected. - lvii i'i'i MA : ' lYNCH ill ) I. ' ' ALA iI.tii.i t'mi mimmer " ,1.o Criuui I mm mu J ) . % ismumil t'ii U I' , I ) vmi I ) , , usgiuter Imimmgel by mm .iol , , IIII1MINGIIAM , Ala. , May 9.-Near East- man's Mills , last evening , itcdilomm ii. 'Will- iammum , a prominent white farmmucr , was iyuucimod ly a uncb of forty unasked white mcmi. Williams was arrested omm Thuursiay on time clmargo of mmmaking a criminal assault upon iml 16-year-old dnumgimter. At time prolinuinary hearing yesterday time evidence iumdicaietl imis guilt aumd ho was hold to time grand jury and ordered commItted to jail , Last oven- Imug , whmile Deputy McCracken was taking 'Wiliianma to jail at EutaY , imo was mmiot by a mmuob near Eastmminn's Mills and LImo lmris- oner taken from lminu and hanged to tIme ucareet tree. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scmmt Em' fur Six ' ! i'i'murs for Atusmiimit , DETROiT , May 9.-J. flaIr SImpson , jus- ttco of thuD peace , was sentenced today to six years in Jackson ln-Iaon ror crlmimlnmuiiy assaulting - saulting ? mltss Annie llowiett In a restaurant - rant in timid city. A mnutiotm for a mmcw tuial had just been argtmt'd ammU denied , imumlmson immid previously escaped conviction on two otimor trials. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iu-iummeI 'i'o'mm cim F'I ru' . OWENSEOIIO , IC ) ' , May 9.-The town of Sebree , itu Webster county , has been burn- log since midnight , The telephone and teiegrmipim wires cure down and all mneauus of eomimmntmnlcation arc cut off. 'rhirteemu busi- uuess house anti timree m.lweliimugmm weme burned UI ) 10 2:30 : a , rn No one was immjured , h1uvemuuemm is ( if Ieemm mm . 'ssehs ilm 1) , At Now York-Arrived-Etrurla , from LIy- eriool ; La Touraluue , fromuu liavro , Sailed- Mamultoba , for London ; La IJourgogno , for Ilayre ; Vorkemudanm , for Itotterdammu ; liraumu- schweig , for Naples ; H. lii. Meyer , for lire- men ; Circassia , for Glasgow ; Lucania , for Liverpool ; Norge , ( or Stcttln , etc. At Liverpool-Saliod-Cuile , for Now York , At Naplcifr-SaIlod-Werra , for New York , At hIayre-Saiied-Ia Norniamudic , for NOW York. At Southampton-Saiied---St , Paul , for New York. At Genoa-Arrtved-Fulda. from Now York , At San Franclsco-Arrive4-M000wai , from Sydtey and Honolulu , Departed-U , S. 13 , Oregon , for Santa Barbara. At Noa' York-Arrived-Edammu , from Itot- terdani ; Bonn , ( room liremerm , SILVER ; uisYONIN ; \ io\vi \ i't ii rnu - Deunccratio minttoii Will Bo Controlled bj th Wliito Metal , t lam iT - ENOUGH DEL\1E \ AIRE/DY / SECURED 0 1i _ _ _ _ Iiurn- tIC $ % Vhli llvmuul time Simile l-lcgzul hui'1ln CIii'uigum mm ii mmli . .et ' , , . for i'r'si- tdcumImii liormorru , 4I'l ) h IJES MOINlS , May 9.-iipecinl ( Teie- gramn.-Coim'emltommc ) imave been held in fifty- elgimt of time ninety.nine counties iii time ttattm , to elct delegates to Limo denmuocratic state tomivetmtiomm , , wiijclu will be hmeil , in lu- buque , May 20. Oamlttimig Wcodbury and lhlackimawk counties , in 'imlch contesting dcl. egatons ere 'seltcted , time vote of the re- mmmainimmg flfti'-ax comiluties Is as followS For free silver and time seicetiumu of 1Iorac' holes to head the atato delegatiomm to Cimicago 351 ; apuiumst free diver , 167 ; doubtful , 4. Time satmue coumuties at time Marshaiitowmm demmuocratie etate convention In 1393 voted as follows : For free sliver , 265 ; against free sliver , 31S. Times returns imisumre Limo coimlplete control of time Dmmbuquo convention by time free all- ver uicmmuocm'mhts , cud time hmreccuutaton ( if thu name of ox-Governor Horace Boles for time demmmocratic mmomnimmatiomu for iiresldemmt out U fm cc' sliver lmlatfornm. F'AV'OILED FILER SILVER. Time demuuocratmj of I'olk coummmty anmil Iowa's capital city today declared for free silver at 16 to 1 aiuii ommdorsed horace l3oie for delegate-at-large to Lime mmatiommat convention. Thu county hma eighuteemm deirgates , amid about ammo-thud mmmc for _ m.oummd ummonuc' , but they are bommnd by irommciad resoiutiomms for free s.lvet' , immstm'ectlng timeumu to support Ilke reaD- lutionus at Immbuquie. Time muoummd mnommey nmen fought timreo imommrs , first for victory , then for a comnproimuise , amid finally for cmi umnimmatrmmeted delegatlomm. Time sliver mmmcmi vere orgammized , and onm at every Point. Time llm'et rdl Cail on the motlomu to lay cmi tIme Labia time mmuizmority sounul mmuommey resolutions report was 4S for silver to 45 for soummmd mimomma' , n. ii. Evans , as temporary clmairmmiaum , made a strommg scummd umuoney pecclm. u'hiclm as gm'eeted witim cimeer amid Imsses. ! Time sliver mmmcmi captured time comumrnltteoa and allowed tIme sound mmmomuey mmmcml to imammueV. . L , itrod as permnanont cimnrmuman. The ilgimt on time hoar \h'mumm drawn out , by mnmummy # tiecchC ammd Jlillumstorlmig mmmctlons , bmmt sliver svaa in time mmmajority , and controiied everytiming.'imon actIon 'as readied several lirommuimment soummud mmuom'c' men refused to go as delegates after tiio lmlatformmi was adoptwl. Timc-y wereV. : . ' \ v.Vltmner , L. iI. Martlmm , Judge \\'iillanu imimilllpa , N. T. Guernsey amid J. A. lyer. Time resoiutiomm 'ro : STJIONG 1IESOLITTIONS. \Viiereai' , W'e hmoid that. time happIness of our homes onil time gonmeral prosperity of the mmmiii 'ml mur ? , p.mrmimnou.mt bl&ssliugs Lime nc'imlevemnemmt of .suhmicim ; shouiil be time aim &mf every iari1' ' timt the imrmipineas of time mmmases of thif' jPOI'O i ( dlmcctly Involved in time ilmmami : ml 5stcii t nation umay mu'iout ; that the qtmtihn of ummoneu1'y reformn muow eonfm'ontimmg zimc nation Is a imaranmoumit is- sume ; therefore , ltoeOlyetl , , .We 1tleniafll the restoration of Uvor to ita ae as mnoney of m'atkniptiomm as it existeil jmrQr to Its , mdnmommetlzatiomm in 1S73 , helievitm , thi mmecesary to the immumnell- , ate removal1of mimmancial ,1epres.iomm , amid time cmtnbhiriunment of ami adeqmmate , Just amid clii- clout minanchul uymtcmmi.'e favor free amid tmnhimnhtel cotnace of gold amud &iver on equal termnn.We , hilie'o In time ratio of 15 to 1 ; 'e encourage time semmtimmucmmt of Ilom'ace 110108 expreUied in his speech at Kmmsas City : we recognize 1mm him a Patriot nmmui siatesmm amu wimci' eminent qumahmllcatIoms point hminl omit. no pmo democratIc presidemutial stammmimtrd beii'cr in the eomnimmg c.'mmpaigm ; that hmimm : ov bf trociom , equal rlgimts , iii > - erty ( mf coiusc1imdL 'anti semuse of jUstice to nil entitle imin'm t ) time hIghest homuors in time gi mit , tiu , Amlrtn people ; .that the , miele IT4tei of tijs ccMentlomu to tIme Dtmbuqmw cOnvention areItustructed to ' vote for time m'artom'atlon of slivermmmi itmi , free amid umu- limnited coinage ; timat they ar" tnstm'tmctel to 'ote ( or time election of I1n , ' Horace Boles for dolegnte'at-lmtrge to time iirttiommal convention and timat timeSe resoiumtlonms be Part of thin credentials of the ( Iciegutes to the convommijon. ALL. FOR BOlES. 1)UIIUQUE , May 9.-Speclai ( Telegram- ) . At time democratic priummaries today time free silver muon , with i3oie as thotr candidate for delegate-az-large , defeated U. D. Myer the sound motmey candidate , In every ward cx- cept cue. MASON CITY , Ia. , May 9.-Spoclal ( Tele- rrarn-Timo ) dtmecratic cour.ty commvcmmtion to- lay svent for floiea and fm'ec sliver. A imaril llglmt was hail In conveiVlon for nioro than four hotmra , but time free c'iivcr inca lmai too nmammy votes anti flmmaliy got timlmmgs their way. Dmicgatea ! to Limo state conventiomm are : J. I ) . Bliss , Cimam'ies A. Meddaughm , A , J. Miller , \v. 0. Ilohmnan , F. E , MeGiomne , Time rosa- lutiomma imuimtrumcicd the delegates to Vcte fr heirs for deiogate-at.iarge arimi favor free silver at a raiio to be ( iotermmuined by time national convention. LEMARS , Ia. , May 9.-Spcclal ( Telegram. ) --'rime Phynr.oumth - . ' coti-'y democratic convomu- tTon ulmet In hoMers tima afternoomu and se- lecteul delegates - to time state conventiomu. 'flme delegates are iumstrumctej for free sliver and for Boles for president , A sat of fm'ce sliver resalmmtions were aropteil after a spir- tte,1 , tight. Tht silveritos cutvotod time oaunmd 111000) ' mcmi on every questiomu. .t 1110 NI ) ' ! ' 'I'J1mtININ ToG E'I'II flit N0V t1m.mr Itriumuleli Smeml.s mm ( ills IIf- fer'me. ' vi I Ii .1 nulgi' Scott , The Grand View flepubhicamu chub mmuet 1mm Forest ball last evening In pmlrsmmanco to a call for a grand rally its the First warE There were htmL feav presenut. Clmuirmmmarm flack called the meetimmg to order at 9 o'clock coil iii response to calls fmomn time atmdieme , Mayor Broatcim took time speaker's platformn , lie said that lie Imad not been afforded tIme pleasure of speaking in Forest hall cinco time local camnpaigum last tmtii , lie imad atterumlemi a repubhicmumm rally cmme ovomulng in commmpafly with Judge Cminmmhmmgimatmu it. Scott. They imad been time hicat of friemm&i at that tljmme , but of late a cimiiiy atmmmospimero hind crept in between - tween timcmmm. Judge Scott hail taken oc- cashon to say cmnttimmg things about hmls cimarac- ter whIch aceormled lily % % 'ithm tIme jtmmlicial PosItion , aimfi imo could assign his excess of spleemu emily to time fact timat. certairm hmopa wimIclm Judge Scott Imad entertained for imia eon lied mmmiscarried. 1mm reference to the complaint of Grand Arnmy omen timat lie had not reeognizeii them % % 'iueum deahlmmgiputthe otficial 11111mB lie stated timat timis watlarEeiy a nmlmmtako , lie hmad gIven a nmumnPmniof , umminor cillces to veterans and timommgumt thoy.mal HO reamuomm to complain. Mr. l1roaLch1qpjclumieil ; hmls speech by' a short refere.uucnitp the impcrtanco of securing time passage cfj tiu ) , ahmprepriation bill for time TransmnisBissiLmi , ubimctmitiomu , to lie located 1mm this city , anIm tted that smuccco of tIme hircjcct stood In time imammdii of time nmercimants of Omaha. 1 ' - ! E , J. CoriJsim , , poke at sonic length on time subject of camumhidacy for coumgres. Mr. Cornhmuim m.-i0P toucimtid pn local matters outside time fi1pf pohit cs lie lid not. like time umuanner'Inuyhjcim time press lmandled time chmaracters of officials , "A oman memay work unromlltJnW , tlay and tight , in the corvice of tiq Imbiic , amid time number of suits he gaimmarq never spoken of by thin imapers , Let AniIoose one , and the press Ia down upomj } mumvjitim all the mmbmmme that may be worked ( mite 'h1uImuns w.tiu glaring head- ilimos. It. is timp. this evil is remedied. and I know of no bqLtr field for referni timan among time papers of Ormunima , " said the slenker. Time meeting was also addressed by A. S. Cimurcimill amid John Butler , and time latter hart of time evening was filled in by time First \Vard Colored quartet. 'The club adjourned , to meet at National bait next Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. J'hi'igi'il ( Imul to Free Silver. VIRGINIA CITY , Nov. , May 0-The republican - publican state convention met In timis city today , Two delegates to represent time state at time natIonal republican convention were chosen and resolutions adopted , Time reo- lutions contained a deciaratlon for free and unhiunited coinage of sIlver at the ratio of 16 to 1 ; an expreeston favoring time election of Nevadans , who make timoir homes In this state , to ollices of United States commgreas. mcmi and aenalors , A reaoiutioa was embodied - bodied opposing the lunding bill , Time na- thermal delegates were piedgoLl only to use all honorable uuiedflii to miemninato any iiulvo- Cate or silver at the St. Loumis conventien , The delegates chc'oen were C. li Spraumle of Elko , , Tcuhn Totrey of Eumreka , W. S. flomnmmi- field of himmmmmbohiht. .1. ii. Overtoru amid Enochu Strotimem- Storey , W. 1) . i'Imililis of Wasumee aaii A. C C'leveuanil of Vu'imito l'lne. Time conventions as Imtmrrnonious iii every liar- tlcmmlar. _ _ _ _ _ lIoN I ) I ( _ 'lC i NSlN It i1ll.l FIS 'I't ) 'RS't' , it'ehi re I limi I 'iil'hilgnli I It' , ( ' ( I ) li'euSI t-'r ( upI uulge. DETROIT. May 0.-The Evening News to- hey pubiishes amb interview whim laii M. liektnson , replying to time etrietumras of Sean- tor Vest cmi I other free ails'cr mmmcii as to time allegemi c'crruuptieim of time late tietnocratic state ernmventiomm by oflleelmoilor.5. , Mr. llmkimmsrml denicO that Mr. Stovensm ( lIchIncrnu'e la' partner ) or ammyholY else lstmed ammy circular to olilceimolders in' con- mictIoti with time eotmventten. Thrommgh free mmlivcr cangreasimmen. lie saye' . free sliver muon u'eri' putt in cli the oflees of tlu'r dIstricts and in lioth commnti' mnd sate commveiitiouus outtmtirnlmerei thm otlmer two to one Ac- eoriiummg Lu ) time law. Ime says. Lime hlaCeS of delegates coimid nat he filled by proxies. e iitnted by Mr. Vest. Tie Id to 1 nueni never Im.kd a muinjority of thu miclegates eic'tod mini time talk at the um"e of mmmommcy is ' 'lnmro ahml unatlimltoratod slander amuil libel. " If any nuommey " as umeiI , says Mr. flickin- son , It was In hielmaif of a frea silver uya'ii- eate organized amud exisuitmg r umiside of thli state an ] fumrmmlslmimmg moimey to carry on tIe eamumpaigmi mm tIlls stnt. 1mm cncitmiomi , lie says : ' 'I aiim jiroummi to say that time lmart 1mm timis tata Is to iroimemlY repreiiermtei by its doleration to Chicago and h lii favor. by aim overwlmelmuuing uimajarity , of uminintaimmiuug time pledges of the coagrere on this ulmmesti..uu mmunile whenever timcx'e Imas been silver leg- ! lation almice 1873 , that Limo policy of this gos'ormutuiemit is to maintain tue rarity of time machula- Our part ) ' ill mmot relmtmdiation tim any fornu , or Luke any cimummi'es of favorlmmg a hoiicY ) that by any possibIlity weumid lead to repumiliatlon. ' 'TIme Ciulemgo : comivontlomm will mmot fuvor time policy of free coinage at the ratio of 10 to i ; ' .1.tCiCSlN1AS ( ( ) l iiG 'ii ) (111 iCAiO ( , rrmummge for a Spu'ciuml i'vii I ii I o 't'mi h 'l'Iiemmi 1mm tIle Nmiti4mmmli ( umiveuuIIuiii , attcmleil mmmeeting There woe a largely of time Jacksoimiamu climb rut time climb's roommls last ovemulng. Itms Pimitl m-cportrd nmu he- imalf of time comimummltteo that vas recently numirnintd to mmiake arrangommuenta for time climb at time Chicago commventioim. lie said opttomu hind bean ccumm'ed cmi roommus iii thmees ( lifferemut hotels and good rallroai a'commu- mumoilations imu-omumisemi. It wan decidcml lm ) time club to arramigo for cm. large exeumrsiomm ohm time occaslotu of tlm commventiomu , to emmmhrace all the wnrrimmg tactiomma of the Imarty hero- almoutmi. Time excul'sion will leave ii ) ' a ape- cal train time Smmnuday preceding time Toes- day on wimiclm time Chicago convemition w ill be called to order. Time clii cbnumlttce , comumlstiimg of Messrs. l'iatti. clmairnmiamm , htu9ii. Mmmrpimy. llOlmmmes and Spratlemm , was 1mm- structed to - immake all additIonal arrange- nuents mi cessary to tIme sumccoss of time cx- cu rsiumi. TIme oimly other humancss transactemi was the pusslmge" of a m-esoitmtien recnmmnenmdimig time appoimmtmmmemut of \ ' . \Vzumptchm ci timis city to time Iosltlon of asaistamut acrgcamit- at-arms him the Olmicago commvemmtion. Time secretary vas instrumcted to send 'a draft o' ( he ree'alutiemi to Sergeamut-at-Armmls Martin of St. Loumia. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ; ulm Ii inkolui 511 yes 15-ummumermu Is A'l iv- YANKTON , S. D. , May 0.-Speclai ( Teic- gratmu.-Adnuifllstrfltlnn ) denmocm'atmi are con- sidem'abiy exerciseil over time discovery that time free sliver faction wi'i probably develop strength to cotroi time state commventiomu to lie hmeli May 20. IL appears that time free u.mllver democrats are 1mm time majority and that Limey vtll send eight cti-adnministrationm delegates to time national commvention. C Ii , 'rk cc Cu ) II ii I I t i'i , ii Id I c mm ii . . . CIIEROICEE. Ta. , May 9.-Special.-A ( ) dcl egato convention of time repubiicamua of Ciiero- itee commnty will bo lucId May 23 for time Inmr- imose of electing mimic delegates to represent the coummty it' tIme Eleventh Iowa commgces- sional district conventioum , vimicim is coiled to he hmell , at Cherokee June 2 ; also to elect nimme delegates to attend time republican state cormvcntlomm , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11mm i mm Iti'fiiseM to mm l'resilemm I. LEXINGTON , ICy. , May 0.-Colonel George v. Baln , fatuous temperance orator , who i being haonleil for prolmibitlon nomination ( or president by MIss Frances Fl Willard and other leaderO , in an interview iii time Sunday Loader. says pcvitlvely lie will not be a candidate. ITo wants no Imoiltlcal office and oumid mmot accept if nornlmmated. J11t''tt'il I'uplc's I'zmrt y It-h-gmttes , SARATOGA , N. Y. , May 0.-Time 'I'uenty- second congressional ulietrict cotmvemmtiomm ci time veople's party ecctel ! A. II. Knox of Glens Falla delegate to time naticm'mil comivenm- ttomi and George flelien of WhIte Hail alter- imato. _ _ _ _ C.im-vtiit itmu , ttim'rlen. CENTIIAh CltY. Neb . ,2lny 5-To the Editor of Time Dee : l'leasa answer in Sun- mummy lIce LimO foliowimmg tiucationim : 1. \'hmen mind viiere iios the democratic national convffltiOfl macct ? 2. Wimemm ar.lhore , does tIme populist an- tional convemition mnevt ? 3. lbs nn' fm-ce mui.ver state convention 1een imeid yet thus year in Colorado amid \Vyomimimmg ? Ammawers : 1. At Cimicago. July 7. 2. itt St. LoimiH , July 22. a. Cm'ora'lo deml1ortt-l : lmave met and tie- dared for free m'llver. Oiut'mil ; ig mU Fri \VIrthi's , Last evenmnil Limo sHammer garden of Fritz W.rtlm was opemmed to time public. Time garden - den hiss been entirely chiangci In appear- alice Cii commipared whim last seasoim. It has beemi conierably emmlarged , mmammy trees added to time emmutmil crave already in a flour- Isimimmg comidition , mmmiii tIme grounds etheru'ise immmluroved by time adtlitlomm of a mmciv systemma pf electuIc ligiithi , wimichu gives the place a festival character. Last evening was tiven it double llll , tIme 'tVorld's Fair or- chmomitra imeid time stage in time ga'den , while time 1)mmmmmmmm sisters PlaYed a simecial prograimm in thmo immaimu hail , It is tIme intention of time mmmnmumgenmemmt to intredumeo a light vaumieville entertaitmnient later in the seasunu ammi , time Gardner Opera compammy ima been booked ( or ceveral weeks' ( 'ugmigermuent durimmg time miext mnonth. Tlmo two mittractionms drew a large atteuuihatmce mind time musical program was highly appreciated , ( Lucr Mel Imu,1 . , t $ uiii'ile. SPOKANE , May 9.-A , lit , 13 , hliigaril , a imophmew of Henry Viiiard , amid a rotumg young attomiuey' of Simkane is believed to have comn- malted suicide. lie lies beemm dlssTimatlng and was heard Lu discuss sclf-dlstructiomi , lie left lmis roomim about mnidnlglmt , taking a re- velvet witim hmlimi.Vlmemi lila roommuimmate discovered - covered imis almseimce lie rehmorted time fact at lohlce lmeadqmutmrter. ' At daybreak hmi imat s'as founmi on tIme l'ast Street bridge , just above thin main falls In tIme Spokane river. Atm immspectlon of tIme bridge indicated timat Ililgard had ciimmmbed over timma railing. IIammg- ing by one hmammd ime had seumt a Imullet timrougim his I.mraimm. TIme thmory is sustained by time ( mmci that a simot was imeard in timst vicinity by a policeman at 2 o'clock this mornimmg. IL is saId timat Ihuigard's trouble ias lmarti' due to a love affair , Gel umm.'I I i ii I ii IC I I icul i , ii 'I'rmi i mm. CIdF'J'ON 13l'ItlNGii , N. Y. , May 9.- Coiommel F. IC. Ihimimu of New York vas killed tiuia nternooim by a susthJtmnd ( reigimt train at a crossing on time New York Cemmtrmml rail- roaml , Colonel Haiti , wimo svais vice prt'sii.lemml of the Iatmimattmun 'trust coumijimmny , hail beeui atoppimig at time stmtiitiui lumim ( or mIme lnst week. lie seam. nttenicd , lmem'o by imi wife cmii irivatQ secretary , (1. N. Post. TIme bouly si-as found cut in two iumrts and time rigimt arm severed ( romu limo trtmimk. An lmuqueat will imo held cmi 'J'uemoim' . - I.ii I li'rmiH S'umo.l Hiuuls Its SPMN1OmiN. iort'r WAYNE , hid. , May 9.-Time German Lutheran synod whmich hma beeum In aemusoin lucre for time last ten ilay , , cosed Lmia ) ' , to meet in St. Louia tiuree years hence. I'm-of. Cross , Director Cros.i , mmii Iiroctor Hchmmnldt wore appointed a committee to ( levise imew ruler. for time ge'ermmnment of time eductiomial Iuustliutes , .1. 1' . lIner resigned the aditorahlmi of time young people's imubilcation. 'J'he imof- Liomu will be filled later.S . -S For Assammi I lag I Iui ( on'i.oy l'ri'muulmer , l'EILIIY , Okl. , May 9.-Time grand jury today - day returned indictmnomits ugaimust 131u1 Itoberts , 11111 Jones and 11111 hooks on time charge of assaulting with imiteumi to htihi Item' , George IL MelCinney. time Tc'xmmmm euwboy preachier. MelCinney Is at the 1)0101 of deutim timid it is saId lie cammnot live' HELP THE SICK. SENSE ANI ) KININESS ) OP1'IIE COPEI.AND & 11I1\RI ! ) PJ.A An Iiitclligciit mind Stieicmsfta1 Lllolt to See 'i'imttt All Stitrol-IhIg 1ii'uiIicIy 'utmty IIm. PI'0peIl' ( : iti'cd Loi' 'ititIttt iImui'islmip lit tium : Mattci' of Expeisse. It is time glonmimy truth , tIme lilnek nilli tragic fmic't , ( limit ehmommte , iiieis" : is klhiimmg mnoro pee 1110 1mm cmi m ememi ii : iii iii t hi a ii t hue hmlcimIy 'l'uitl nrc limtcImeriimi in itrniemula , irs. Copi'lamuii anti I3imepa ri smuiupl ! mt , ' s'roi' TIllS Sil.EN'F MAi3SA'ltl- IIOME ; LET 1113 l.OOR AFTEiL TiLE SI lCl flvt'r ) ' tinue seine mmnfortunate imedestrimumi th rtmn over amid rchlt'i , tub Pmmih ) at tIme grmnlc erosiuil , or soumuc' i'or ( ehlom' is kilcd : imy sommie other nceimlemmt Iii , ' mmuc'reifuii nomvs- hlaimem' ' mnom'e hmeam-en filth eartim to stp time ahmutmghmter-bimt mvimtmt nhout thui stonily sirmim mhi ter 0 f macmm , % vflmn cmi mtrmil cii iiihrcni by eiiremmic 'ils't'asc ? l.i'i' tii : IOhC AFTEiL TIlE SlC'lCl l'omoimasstoii ii ; good , hut why thmi burst of rn rey oven' mu fem' persouls simihlc'muly nail violently slain 7 \'imy this trcmni'nhliummm luro- test agalumst cc few ulemutims per nmmnmmmui by rnhiraI mvm'eeki neil tim" loss f mu few umum- ( attenuates iiy them' necdcmit" ? Nt'glceteil il ; s.lmsc' emits 'lmtvmm 20C00 imc'p e mm yunr In Nrhm'a iikit ii mmml hewn , 1)llS ( ' ( ) PRt NI ) AND HlIEl'AltD S.Y : \\'il V N4)1' miO\'E iil\Vl'N ANI ) i.it i'li A l.l'l'TiE 'l'fl ih'Si4EN 'rhilS l\1IGEIL AND MilE CltO\'umED l'ltm- ( 'IISSIIN 'i ( ) TI i E ( ltAVl'1 , 'l'i I IS NEVi'1Z-ENilNt1 FtNEltA1. OF I l1S Sl.A 1 N BY 'rilE'ihl ) h'IIFQNS flip DiSE.Si'i , N 110 LECTI1I ) Oil O\'Elt- I.Oi uiCIi ) ? I .F'I' I 'S IAOlC Al"I'Elt Ti I l' ShC'l- ! \Vimy tim1u ; agitation ngninst aim ocerisiomuni tm'mmglc n'liiemit ? Ii' It mmuiy'orse hi ho' emit iii two by mc c.teammm emm hue or killed 1mm' mucol. dr'nt timrmmm it is to i ot to donthi on a fentimer led or to tiio by siov uiocay amul tIme lonmg Iirotrrmctel t : m-tureem of cimni'uuimpttnn or BrIght's , llsc'n't' ? Amy m'urp to hmve ; tim , ' hiriimms : dasiieI omit mmgaimm't a hrek , ! mmll tim n mm I 0 lmam'e t ii e S t nina elm emt t ii e I iver en I cii cult of tms a Il vi' 1 , y t Ii a viii t mm ri' . 'a I mm u-rim ? 1)iLH. COI'EL.NiNi ) SiIEl'\ ) SAY : lFT US LOOR AF"i'EIt 'J'llE L3ICICI il0''Ii lhiL A : ' , I ) ( 'il 11.1) . 'i , x , Cis Mm's ii ni-.ism mu I I i'hil''Ii In ' ' , , mm y. Mrs. Mary Newton , TU21 N. 2Silm nvcnmlc' , city , was one of Liii' emum-y tin tiimmts of lrs , (1imel a n ml atmi Simei , : i ri , mvii "mm t lucy I ormi toil tii 0.-amuima iii 1Smi. ! 11cr imtmimani1 in n Itii ci I ' ) ) ' ! of I'mixtomm'Ie' hug , m imem e ii" humus beami for mmuaniy yemr. : Mi's. Newtomm tells t 'dimy of her own c-mire mmci nlo of thmtt : of her little l'oy , G'omglrmm'iuo hind bcemm mm % 'hctimmm of uhlphitimerimt. Sue says ' - : ' . ' . -'j ; : . - , 'J,11khr' - MRS. M41tY NE\\'TON , 8921 N. 2Sth Avo. "Five yenm's ugo I discovered timmut I must take tre.'mtnlcnt for several churonmie nuimmmemmts , or gm'admmmlly : become mm conlirnucul invaiih. Neuralgia tim time head , caumsed by catnrrii anti timnm h.OOil , mad , ' mime suffer bsyomui nmmy hewer to relate. 'I'iie dimmtm'css sec'mnel to gahim force towimrd night , making it almimoat inmmpoaihme for mmmc to read or sew , ummmle for a few moments "Anotimer feature of mny case 'was an iii- cerated sure throat , whicim kctt on niommthm after mmaommtim , iii plto of remnedie witlmoumm number. Constant arencss and teniler- rerui , with Iuim'nhmug imuimis : , were Present. I han also a imnimal ccmtam'rim. "Idid umot know \vimut to do. I had mmccii mlii goomi mn'dical nid as I c'omili , hind , mit s-htlm no resutma. 1)rs Copcimumiui and Shmep. aril were nev. ' in Ommmnima mmt that time , hut cutter remmdimmg of timr'ir remnmmm'knblo success 1mm so mnnmmy eases I 'ie'-iulpmh to try thmeni. In six weeks after betmmg wlthm them I was perfectly - fectly free ( roam a1 amy trouble , itmmd aftem' a little further tm-eatxmiemmt I was ai rIght. 'hlIiitASiCANS A1tF 'WAICING Ui' , liii t'i'e'-ml I mm iiimniuimig lii ( ' 5(01 e Is Ii- ccuiIi mi ( , 'uu'rmm I. Ihtatt Daugherty , organizer for the No- lirauulca clmmb in time SixtIm district , was in yesterday and reported a stromig orgamuiza- Lion just completemi at Sidney. Secretary Whhiianmson reports that nmmmneroius Inquiries are imeing received from different points in Limo state mis to time scope rind pmmrpases of time climb. A letter from tima Conmmnorcial dumb of W'aymma caimme to hand last evening ollerimmg time co-operation of timat body. Time Nebraska climb is now orgammiziumg its hoimue newspaper correspommdents' hmmreamm , to be immade tip of a large corps of reliable anil sumccssfiml Nelraslcm : Iueopie , vho wiii vohumnteer to vrite short letters of news amid gemieral infermmuatlon ( outllmme of sanme to bo furmmibhmed by time club ) to time leading miowa- papers in time cities , towmms armml villages whore timey formerly lived in time east. Omme thousand much writers are called for. They will be expected to send an average of one letter to time home papers per month. None bunt persons timoroumgimly rehimmile are so- hiciteul , as time Nebraska climb particularly rcqmuires timat any aimd tilt nmmnutter sent out shall be tumoroimgimly accurate and trmmat- worthy , TIme hatters will ho brief an'l of general imiterest , so that time eastermm papers mviii be glad to publish timemn , hmarticularil' it time correm.'pondent is persommaily kmmomm'n to time editor. By this tmmetlmeil time club expects to reach 5,000.000 eastern readers ommee per immenth with mit least one paragrapim , short ' and pitimy , samuilwicimeii In ammmommg thin imewa items , calling nttcmmtlonm to some attractive feature of Nebraska. sucim as time recent genmoral rainfall , alfalfa. irrigation , beet sumgar , time chicory amid other immdmnstries. 'l'itA'hII.ING lhJIS 'l'.tKhi A Organize uiii , % ui'iiiimur liuiri'uuui to flu' N'irmmsi.mi Ci ii li. I A mumeeting of the travehimmg salesmmmcn of Nebraska mm'as hiehil last evci.'img at roomn 604 ilco buildlmmg ( or tIme ImurIloc of piatmimimig ( or time organizatlomm of a trmuvoliumg nuen's bureau I 'Ii conmmection with time Ncbraska club. Ammmong thmoso nrereumt were : C. ii. Breck , Swift & Co. ; Eli Garrett of time hionmmmick irmmg commipaimy , Sloumx City ; E. A. Archibald , itiverahila Yeast compammy , Onmaima ; F' . C. ikimmlres mini C. it. Ferrin , with hlobrccimer Stove comuireuW , Omaha : 0C. . Iloimmics , oec- rotary .Mmmnufactmmrem's' cmiii Commeumimicri' aeso- elation ; M. Meyer of time Krug iirewhmig enmmi- liammy , acmd It. F. ilodgimm of Limo Commummmerclai Eximlimit. The uneotlng was called to order by 0. C. llolmmmesm'imo stated time object in view. Mr. liodgin and Mr. Siimimos aiso spoke on time tnmportanco of time muvemmuemit to build up Nobraka. A temporary orgrr.iatiomu wits tornoii Imy electimmg F. C. Sqimires cimsirnman. A commmmit- tee Was appointed to Plan for a perununent erganizatiomu amml solicit nienuimers. After an imiforumial dicmissUri of time work proposed time immeeting amijourneil subject to time call of tIme cimairnnamm. lii ) , . i Ill , 'ui Ii Is l'imm uumsul u- , CL1IVELAN1) , May l.-hitmgim M. Iewey , aged IS , was idiot mttmd killed last night Ii ) ' Earl It. I.ew'Is , a boy of limo satne age. iewey boaruieml with Jewis' nm.atlmer. 'Flue boys were hum I hue kItcimeum mvitii Mrs. Lewis cud were fooling mvltim a revolver. wimichi they suipoF-ol was hot loaded. bcv.'is iintc4l time weapon at Iewey unit hulled time trigger. 'rime bullet crimsimoti thumomihm Iewey's imrmln , kihilmig lmina immstmumtiy. LewIs was uurresteih , but time coronmer's verdict today - day oxmmerated iminu of crjmmrmlmmul intent. imi sv'crs hinil I hi , ' Jimmy , NIIWI'OIL'3' , ICy. , May 9.-All tiny tIme attorneys in time Scott Javksaa trial were engaged lii ofl'erlimg instructIons m hmlch timey ulesireil time ju'igs to lirosent to ( he jury. Time usual cocuftim-enees amid dIcuvsionii crowdetl out the murgutnent wimicim was to have b'emm lieguim this afternoon . .icantImne Jmmdrje Jicm ! made imp iuia mmmd as to wimiut imustu mmctiommmi liD mu ill give time jury next Moo- day nmotalng. I mu mmmis JJruImImmiers ilcct ISlhmers , TOPEICA , ICan. , May 0.--Im imecial to the Capital ( ran ; fiaiitimt $ a5' ime iiftiu cmnmmuah 'JehmiouI mif time Kanmtamm ( Irmuvid ( 'ommncil of tYmui'id ( 'cnmimnt'i'u'ial Travelers of Amnerica cised its win it here tommiglmt smith a banquet. Over . ' 0 mumenumbera with limuir viVes und I hmru'e s , ) c'm'er sumac , niumi thmtnk hint a iierioil of live years is mu liretty go (1 test of time timoromigiummess of nmmy mmmt'lieit tu'mat- mnemut. ' ' , ) .t lit'i'ii , TilE i.\\ ' or 'riii cmii'ii.sn ANi Shli'l'Altl i'STi'TM IS 'h'O AiSiSl' Thhi' Sl'K ii" , ' F1X1'lllt'i' 'I'll i'.TM 1'NT A' ! ' LiUiiT EX1'l'INSEIllflid Fil' Ahtl'h iti'l'USED-N ( ) l'ATi EN'l' IS l'EILM II'- ' 'i'l ) 'lu i'AA1U'E .t it'ri ol' s . . 'i I iN' ' ) I. I NC1.l'l ml Nfl htEi1' I , . iii (1- NilSIS. , ll , . : mI EluilNiS , . Ni ) PAl l. ATTi1NTiONtT'i L ' 11 1 R FINAL ( 'UiU' , I'll iii I' I' it't' ( 'I ) tr\'i'a' _ 'lIme timi I I Tri'iuln'mi I ltt.ui'lieq mmmiii l'eiml- mm I 'i'lum'lr ihiimmii'M. : i. \ , Austin , Arizamumu , Neim , mym-ites : "Time iii,1iIties , caine nil m-igimt mmliii I ciii feeling luke a iit'W mmmii mmlrealy. it is m'vcral years imieti I immtym , foil miii mm'eh na I do to. ilmt ) . Now I kmmemm' that chmm-omiic' c'atarm'im of tIme m'ystcmmi was tmmy vimoie troimiihe. " 'i'hiII ClilhI'S C.tSI1 , : ti Nm-sm'l cmi , i.eui ; ; ' ; ; ; : I itt' (1u1 re Hf II or 5iim , 1u'i'gie , Fi'umut ( lii. ot I S I mu ii t Ii , ' II I ml. Georgie' Newton Is mmearly 1 years 01,1. , After his mmmotiior hmmmil ; rom'emu lii her o\vmm cii i' , t lie tim oroimglm mm ass of t ii e C Pole imul a miii iTim r ma vu ! I u"a m iiimm I . iii ( ' t oak ii cm' lit I Ic ioy to themmi , nod thmi. is m hunt she says niioumt , it : , , , ; * ; i \ ) . GEflitOlid NEVi"l'ON. ' \'hmn ( ieomgio was 10 mmmomutlms nimi he hifl5(11 thmm'otmghm it severe attack of mhpimttme- rlmm , mvii 1dm mmemmm-h y lmove&i rim 1mm L I emu re- comem'y it loft mini meltim mu bal cat u'm'h of tim e mm mist' mum fl t im ron I , mv lmie'hu grad umm iiy ii f- fectci , ii is v hmoo : teimi. I I ' Im mm , I mm cmi- mm t mm mm t d Iscimmi rgm' frommi time heat ml is mOmil t hum Whole mmmumctms ii mm I n g o f t ii e mmnso mm mmii tiuron sc'emimod rmimm' mmmiii imlepratci. 1mm hmlc mdeei ) lie hind c'imoki mm g sIlls , a mu hula irei , liii mm g mm'mus a ) oiistrmnct'i timmmt we were muimmuoct mufrmlml : to let hmtmmu mlce m mt mmli for fe-ar hiC would sum ffocnto. I I is uiipet Ito fitiled aim ii ii i c ge'mm- tra conmd i ii emi boemu mile 1cm ci , I mmle''I'n I ook ii I mmm mu t t hi is t inn e to irs C' plnmmi a mm I Siielmam'el , mvimo gave him a ceumi's' of treat - macmit vhmIcii wmumm imuilui tumid cffecttm-e. I mx- hict'd it cure , for times' ' ? hiiiYs'eifluH ' ) hoot m'iremmiy : cured umie. 1mm a simort timimo lie wrt'm all right nmml liii' olil symnhtomnml gomme en- I I rely. 'tim ha rca tilt vns 1u-otmghm I mm 1 eommt hey comistitutiommmui tremmtmnent for time imloomi mmliii svtommi , mummil a pleasant ioeai treatnuent for time head tr.uble. ' ' Oi'lcs 'to .tmi. . NO C1IAHGE IS EVER MAIE lriR ' ' ' ' ' ' CONSUL'I'A'i'lON , i'XAMlNA'I'iON ANI ) irIlIi OPINION IN ANY CASE El'l'tIElt IN 'i'iIE ( ) P'I"ICE Olt BY 'eiAI t. I I" ( ) jJ CANNOT ( : OM E ' 11) 'I'll i OFir1Ci. \ % ' I 1 1 'I'id FOR A Si'EClALh' ' ' PhtEi'AitEh ) SYM I'- 'J'OM lilANIC AN ! ) GE' ' 1)115. COi'E- LANI ) ANI ) S1IEI'AIID'S O1'INION OF' YOUR TItOU1IL.Id. IRS. ) COPELANI ) & SIIEPARD , ROOMS 312 AND 311 NEV YORK LIFE ] IUILIING , OMAhA , NEll. Office Ifours-l to 11 a. ma. ; 2 to S t. mum. hIve. mmtrmgs-yedneia-s munmi Satmmrdm'a : only- C to 8. Sunday-b to 12 ma. fmiemmmls attemmeleei , Next year's session m'hhl lie held at Lemivenwertim , Mmus' 7 mimmil 8. Omtlcers wore elected mmii toliomm's : Grand coummm4vllor , II. H. ltemtclmVtciuitmi ; gm'and junion' 'ommmmseilor , Ithchmmurd "eVmigstaff , Law- rommce ; granmil serrotary , 11. S. Ilmmmimmel , I tmmtcim- incon ; gramufi treasurer , A. C. Mmmli , Srmilnma ; grmmlmil conltmclor , , 'V , C. liraily. Oklimhmonit - ' ' City ; grammd ) ae. S. Aliisomm , rimiy ( 'enter : grand sentinel Cimarlec F. C. I'Cavscr Fort Sc"tt ; exeeumtlve" cmimnnmittet' . J. Vmmmmce elorgzun , Coneordin ; I , , It , I"atter , IInmporia ; II. H. Drewnute'r , I.eavcnwom-tlm. J'IIIISOXAL I'AItAGitAi'ItS , A. L. Smimails of Frenmmont m'as 1cm time city yesterday. J. 11. Eiimnieton of Lincoln came imp to Omaha yesterday. Fl. Ii. West at hot Sprinmgs , S. D. , was in tIme cIty yesterday. Joimmu Coe left for Cimicago last evening , to be gonme several weeks. Frank 13. , Cramer nail 1' . Mathmes'mn of Laramimie were Ommmaima visitors yestereimmy. P. Fmnltoim Goold of Nortim i'hutte mvnmm tab- I immg 1mm time sights 1mm Onmmmlma yesterday. -v. Randall , ticket and ( rehgimt auditor ot time Jiimrhirmgtomm , heft ( or time m'est last evemm- - ing. Ummitoil States Deputy Marshal Coggesweii ieft for Ienihwood last mmvemming on othicial busIness , Cimarlos D. Tlmomapseim retiurmieth yestory mornIng frommi a meimort Icumsimmersa trip to IC.mmm- ass City. J. J. Steinberg left for lnver last evenm- hng , ammii will roimtinmue his tm-il ) tim time coast mm few days later. G , iI. Ileblea of Chiadromm haul Ommmaima a visit yesterday wlmiia looking mmii imis cimammcea ( or state audItor. State Aumihitor Eugene Moore , wimo lies breum lii ti'e city for several mlayim , returned to Limmeolmm iabt eveimirmg. Miss hllaimchmo hlemmiihielnn of 'fitinavilie. i'a. , is vimitimmt , her allot , Mrs. 'd. Meyer , 62L Soumtlm Sovamiteemmtim street. Emismaril Ilmmmigmrorel , tiroirieior ( if the Cat hal icoim Sum-I mm gs so mm It mm ri mm mu at I I ot Sill lngim. S. i ) . , is in time city. Jmmdgo W. It. Neily , gt'cmnrai uoh.citor far time lintemm l'jciilc , wimo has L-eerm iii New York for seine timmme , is exiiecteii lmommuo today , himII. . \V. Leo u'eturumtei yesterday ( mmmi Atlaimta , ( Ia. , wimeme lie uvent to atlonil mu nieetimng of time American Mediei ascoc'ia. Lion. I ) . /u Sviel : , Imaggage master for tIme flur. llimgtoiu at Chicago , iii in tini cit y for a short imeriomi , - on his w.my imouimewarel ( rein Demuver. Ncimramknmms at time hotels : C. ii.Viisum ; , Duiuhmar ; L. H. hiasthmige , Northm PImtioV , A. I 1mm muptemi , A I I Ia ii ccVi ; I I i.m mum J - I Iinrno , Colummihims : ira Mallory , Grand lsir.mmil. J. 0. I'imiiiippl , imssistaimt general froigimt mmnii pnPsunmger mmgenmt of time Missouri i'arific , lies j mist ret mm rued tmouum a mice it 's I rip ii i orig time central hrmummcii of time road Iiirommgh ICjim. sas. I Jo salil chat time mehoat 5(1(1 ( commm lookeil splendlmi. ami'l ' thmmmt time seasomi was fully two weeks in udvaimco of host year. , Huinpi-ireys' Hotiieopatliic Specifics Cire The Sick. Ask your' di'uggtst for the Spe- clf'lc YOU need , get well iind eatron j ( Or ti quurtor , Ii is a small Investment btaL mearl3 mitch 1.0 yOU , Mununl otali IIs- ocuses mailed rreo ,