- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TIlE OMAhA Ji tr4v 1 ; I 1 : tN ! ) AY , MAV 1 0 , lSflfl. 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ 4 _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r 1 IN WOMAN'S DOMAIN. Volt I..ttJL .71 I I ) . VS. CrIsp , ( ( HI IIIIrkM Mitil . 1i , I ii flita- INlIIisg ( 'ilor ( : . , tuliltift (11mM. NE YORK , May 8-Sliice the bglnnltlg of time , alrnot , a Ilitilpic white iiiuIIIi frock niid a pale blue Imnm been thc c'flvcil ( / tlotittl manly notloti of an elegant feminine gct.iin for MUtIner. Our grniIfZtIii s thought this and our fetliermm its \eli ; anil hero today are our brotlierfI. Iiiburit1m and sweet1iearL claiming abOtli. the iame thing. And though we may be inclined to mmnhlo at i'ea of such vernal tnMte. vhrn the bottoto of it can be flolImHlrd tIis masculine vle of womnana dremum vlll be foumul to liavo a deeper slgnlfl- canee. It isnt a intislin frock anil a 1)100 sash , cx. nctly , ( lint the Imoor , stupid mmmcii ant , lut ) all the dainty simplicity and Immaculate freshness called up by such gentle visions. 1 -I. 3 ? /j1I ! f//ji / / , I ' Ii' II ; . /7f/ ! / . : ' . s , : : ! il/il I : : /L I . - \ A COUNTRY GOWN. Blue-sash 6Imp1icty In not to be entirely the text of the following sermon , but. it may be conltlered , anal it goes without say. Ing that a band-box freImness should be the telling note of every summer toilet. In choosing correct costumes for June more limcuny i expcrietmced perhaps timami with those of any c'ther warimi month. Though only . the beginning of summer Jimmie often boasts omnc of tIme hottest days of the sean , alomig with a chilly one here and there. This calls for variety In % % eight and coloring , and Inco suggestion 1 nee-Jed / A ( . ' ? 'i ' < ( L ± i / 1 ( ' A ! 1 FOR MORNINO 'W1AR. to fix the faults and virtues of the now mnoes upon the mind , one often fliuls after the ptircliitso has been made that they have , got thu wrong timing. I In the accompnyhiig hliustratloims are given - some smuart lmIrts for June. The costumes imavo all been mleslgneil at the beet places for . cut of to'n re.3rt3 and embrace collectively the possibilities of varying Juno temnporaturo. ! rhoY are also suited to simple muorning and ' - - . - . . _ T4 : L I I OF TUC1CII ) LININ. # dressy nfternami ttsei. anti on time right type . - Iih , in each iItStUttCCm be found delightful , A 1)itltliNG CIIFiUtY FIIOCIC. Take ( irtmt. time frock with the upper half of 'k the skirt , bodice and Bleoveb haiti in cross. % rise tuck. This k made of cherry.red linen batiste-jost the shade of the delicious pale little cbcrrle. you used to steal In the nr'haril when you ere a little girl-ovl vlmhto taffcta silk. This softens the rem in p1ace hike bloom of frost , a vest antI neck ruche " lute silk musilmi gi'Lmg an elerant fln'sh ' T c' hat is a ahior shape of black Imanammi tm 'mumel ' with imite muslin quihhing anJ t lcmtg littek wings. The parasol may 1 either white taffeta , under the white moni sehine. or else be of the same cherry-re linen am' tIle gown. 45 to shoes for this toib there are to sorts to select from. One I the fads of time seseon I to imave time shoe matle of the same : , materah as the costtmrne- timat is ' 'ithi time unfigured linens and dimci -so over a stout white lining the hitti mhoes fur this toilet could be of tile semite re litton. Otherwise bh.ck Patent ieatlmc humps ouiil be In exreiheit keeping. an it nitty ito agrecabo to know here that thic trimmi little affairs are to ho mnore worr tha I. ver. html a moument nioro with this darhimi cheimy frock , which of course ha eomnethin very di cs up Indeed. it stande to reao that minno but ( lie moss knowing finger could ever accommmphl'h that wonderful tuc1 Imig of a gored skirt. "I nun ) never do arothcr ii just the sam way , ' .aifl tire great tlressmnaker , who va iiowimmg alt the creation. 'I brave found cc that I can got the iamne effect with bias fold laid on a gored fouiitiation. 3o , If yo think thIs costtmmmro a good model for you type , take the hint. Only remember . titat e.lr these aie parkhing ret1 3.Q cami lIflVO ret ! cheeks as veiI anti a figure 111cc ptliow tied in the mnithile. They arc enl tttiitttt to slight hues and clear coiorIc comli piexir Its. ItouGli TURKIhI GOODS. A rough vnrbi 5111ff iii white and 0cm line siIade3 that I.niitate Turkich towelling Is new material for useful mnormmiiig frocks to both the smaii and big fry. It Is Ituieed called Turkish towelling , an though it Ia comumarmily ti.et1 nirmie , the whit with cal is tonietimnes comubineti effectIvely ored duck. 'the liium4ration with the belted biousa an plain skirt how thIs combination. the bious being in thio white towel stuff and the skir belt amid iiock lantl In butter yellow thick. In an ) ' of ( lie ecru shades , as well ai th robe texture wi white , tlii serviceable bath ah3 bo found admirably suited to yachttn liurPoc. Any of the duck and Uitti suh muoilele may be need for It , anti It ha th added virtues of washing easily and no needing to be Iroited. In the embroidered litton Is given a trir tar a 3000 design for an all-clay costume laity. The cohering is the regulation urIbleachet iineii shade , with white figures In raired em this toilet also white trim broidery.Vith hung Is used and talce the shape of a hi ! eccentric railer cellar arid bias belt of whitt camivas , Thtezt there is a soft becoming beef of white silk muslin at the throat , and trim mhtmgs of the ime on the sailor hint. togethe : with green wiiigs and bunch of pink clove : blo3iiis. TUE flLUE SASh VARIETY. Tue treasures of this dainty lot , however arc the last. two cotumQs. These are of thit bluo-iai variety , dear to the male heart nOt calculated to do fleatll amid If they arc tiamnage some hot June day , then the fore Bight of the prpphet goes for naught. A delicate Intliami dimity , In a weave sod as fairies spin , and patterned with pall rcen leaves between narrow pink ttrlpes , Ii Lho material of the morning frock. The round full bodice in simply gathcrc md finiahed at the waist , throat- and sleeve : cttoms 1thi white taffeta rIbbons trlped ' itil pimile amid green. Tue olclrt Is plain , but highly ornamental collar l ) n the bodice a nado of thin apple-green lawn edged wilt ootlng In a delicate yellow. Time fronts ol hie collar are tacked down to tormn Flgarc ifccts at time sides of the body. This jac.cet oak will be found extremely becoming i.e ery night figures. And then the coloring- tmiyt picture that tender green and the biby Then add to ilnic cn a red-headed girll his a big leghorn hat with spraye of the vhlte water plant. which shows eo much " 8treamners" ol ) ale green , atid bows and , ink taffeta ribbon. This done , If that red-headed girl does not nit the rest of the summer contingent In lie shade It. will be because heaven lieu bal- need bier glorious coloring with a cruel hare of plalnnesi. FAI3ItICS , HATS AND PARASOLS. A new variety of white embroidered muslin S thio texture of the last gown. This charm- ng matIal imitates tile old tamlibDur-worked nuslins of our great-grantlmothers days , reducing faithfully the scone fragile vimico mmmd sprays done In simple back-stitch. The now embroIdery is of course machine imade. but a delicate yellowing of somno oh ito mnusiins gives a mellow suggestion 01 igo. igo.Time gown ahwn is in pure white over ilaize yellow silk. The badice lining is ut low In time neck and Is imimide without leeveis. MI the insertions of the outside are of cal Valenclunfleis lace and white taffeta ibbon. imi a belt. etock and bows , finishes vith simple elegance time bodice. With all this stinimner finery , of couree , cor- detail. For oct parasols are no untmnporiant ho thin dressy frocks there arc paraisiS hat are almost like bouquets with their 855905 of flowers and flounces of cblffon. But china handles finish time smartest of .hiemlm all ; and now the very cockiest thing lthi these Is to have the hand rest a bird or inimal head , that of a black cat or a pug log , or a poll parrot of a friendly-loohcimmg nomikey. A nice old barnyard ronister with a shrill vhtsthe hlthtlOn In hits red comb. was the lmli(1tlO ( design of an expensive imported NINA FITCh. mandlo. AS\VlhtIN ( l'IUISONtI.S. aierIiIlee of I'eoile ILepIin to cgvisi'n Per Con.iiiiilcii thetis. Ivcli the muotit Intelligent mini conserv.itive r mm. occasionally glance over "persceais' 'lthi a cortabm curiou9 interest. Many of thmemn so obviously bear the etnrip t naivete and genulner.UP that they set us ) wondering what there can be abnormmmal I the temupotalilOnt or environment of ki- ividuals to matte timenm resort to thus peru. ar method of extending the range of lhmeir cqtia'iit.aiice. The mnotlves for answering these peronahz re various. Oftener than not , it i lflCICi ) ' urlc'.uity , wIth hlerhiaPis a coy and requesiered thus ch.cnca upcii 01)0 that auG immay possibly to soul's amnity. Amid then thm'ro are a - 'ays romantic and hysterical young womnemm ho thoto upon anything that savers of nmys. anti stiiilemmt'i ry ; mhiUo Iicwrpalier reporters human miaturu have resorted t' tiis ! ietlmoi of "collectIng miiaterlal' frmn ( lIne ml moemuorlal. Several unique anti Interesting resuits ef wI3 vecuhlar ativertisemiments have ' , cItiont- ly caine within the range of my own Ier. nmml lmnowiedge. AN OLI ) MAiD'S MAltRiAGF. In oiie of the , suburban towns of Iloston iree young school girls , their hair still in raids down thmelr backs , mud one evening I olie of their homes to study their lessons IT the fahiowing clay. As they were drawn ii aroumul the dining roomii table a chtaimco twapaper caught their attemition anti somned I interest ( hem moors than their Latin gram- tars. Gianciimg down the columns. they 11110 UPOII 0110 of these weird Imersonais anti , loflilited by a spirIt of lUisCllief. they do. Ided to answer It. As a result of their cor- apomidencO they mmmacia arm appointment to eel ( tie unknown inelivklual under a cer- tin tree at 4 o'clock tue following Saturday fternoomm. Considerably before the imonr up- hmmted these three giggling girls were safely istalied at their point of vantage , and early rcremned 'vith laughter vimen they 1W apliroaChillg a somewhat pcdaggicaI eking oman with a book uqder his arm , the go agreed upon. They watched him aec impatiently up and liOWn for the space of half an hour or more and therm go away unite ilejected , ThmI was too gooil fuji to be re- iinquhshetl. So a little note at explanatromi as to the CauSe of detention nad a reneeet1 .mp- lOlJmtInCnt gave timeimi a repetition of their alnilseinent. They continued their corre- t'potiilenc until they became a little anxious as to rimat might happen to theimi in c.iso they % cere detected , So , partly to relieve themselves from further responsibility and partly for time huge Joke of time thing , they gave their correspondent the namne 111111 nil- dress of a tyiical. ! lrinm New Englaimci old rnahtl , a Imietmihier of thto church whhchi they at- tootled , as the iierromm to wimomn ime hail been vrithn. The beautiful denouement of the whole au. rentlircj was that the ebject of thmelr base de- coil vemmt , saw nnd conquered. And on thte 'lay ' that the flhiCint Blhnster ) fluttered up time Cit urchi a isle I mm s hi Re in usl I n ahid bIn e rib- lions to the tuimo of tue weddlmmg mmmarch time three gay young girhs sat together on a back seat and secretly gloated over time hilarious result of their atmuinchous praimk , 1)r. Arthur MacIonahtl \Vasimlngton , who hs maule special stimdles in SOcloogy ! , oh- normal types. etc. , imns publIshed a book 111,00 'SonmeVornemi Who e1ever Pc Is'n- alt' . " In tills work lr. MacDonald itililiphe letters from about 100 different werner. t'c have answered lerr'onnls v'lich ill , hmaa lad inserted in time primicipal papers of argo ctties , for time sake of lullrsuing arm eniplrle.il invetlgation of 'chat lie c'mslder abmmormmmai wonmen. JiIs firit muhvcrtisenmerit read atm "Gnthcmnemm of higil social aimul univerelt : ioslthon desires correspondence ( acqmmui'ltamm-c' ; ; ot necesmary ) with young , educated woinami of high social ammd financial rsitlomi. Nc agents ; no trutlers ; must give 1etaiid a count of life. References re.uel. ' Thus letter , unaeimuticnal its It I , 1mm char. actcr , brought hioais of ammsmvcts. RESULT OF EXPEIIJMENTS. There were sonic letters from in'ohlecimal , coilego-bred women who were eviilciity tImd3's1g aong the cameo lines as Dr. Mac- Donalzi and wanted to add to th.eir collcc- tion of mental curios. One letter timat amused me exceedingly was traIn a woman Wile etnifmmed hereet in "full nmidtllo life , but could never feel oil. " She did not "believe in sailing under false colors , " and acknowledged norelt loillng for a suitable husband. "I do warn a big warm bmeart , one who needs juet moo o round out his life and make it complete ; crc to whom I could be' 'all the sorld , aol r.akc itis every hour imappy , an.i w'mo 0)111(1 vvuc the wealth of affection I have to leinow , " Dr. MacDonald , after * little correprd- ( flee , called upon this blunhhmig widow of 50 , for such she was , and lear-mel that wI en a young woman she lmad Caine to the city amid hail ansveretl some pernals "Jimat for a freak. " In less than sIx monthis is1m wrs niarrled to one of imer correspmddlmts aol vowed that a "happier marriage never was. " And now that the days of her mnurrim ree , over , alma had gone back to her ell immethods. She was quIto deaf. but rustle a grea' 1101mm. of explaining that it was cimly temporary and "was duo to a recent cold. " Dr. Macflonahd's final experiment was inserting - sorting time following amivcrtisemncnt in soimme or ( lie principal newspapers of Europe : 'Gentleman ( U' l'emlucation Europeene ) desires - sires to correspond In German , French or English with lady ( gebillete dame or atim- Many of tile answers to this aivertieemncmmt Were exceedingly clever arid Interesting , be- leg written by women who imttd tmnvtilecl mooch , who haul a wide knowledge of Ian. guages anti literatures , anti who av4ihed timenisolvem of thIs correspondence to obtain practice in sonmo special language , to get a flew poImt of view , or simply to enter upon a correspondence "amntlsante' ot insiructive. " A French woman of esprit , who hiua traveled from St. Petersburg to the Orient ammul reads everythimmg from Scbopenhauer to Gyp , is by rio nie-mnu a dull correspondent. In fact. the letters train England , Scotland , Paris arW Germany Inmole a distinctly lriteretiimg colioc- Lion of letters quito m cli worth time timmmc silent reading theni lr. MacDonald , ho whicrever comivenier't followed up time letters with ii personal toter. vIew , concludes that In all cases amiaworing llersonia Indica tea somimethi ng a brm onus I oilier In time temilperamnemit or emivirommimient of an individual , sotimo of time letters vlainly ihmomvlng an ab'oIuteIy umllalalmced mind. That it imimphies a want of edmicatomm : in the broad trtme selmee , eltimer a defective imommie or wailt of refined anti prc.per surrounhimmgs ; and that the semen who resort to It are In some manner out of harirmormy with their socai emmvironmnent , MARION IEitEW. W4) M EN'S ihOOIC i'i.A'L'ES. 'I'Iie Se'x Gezitir Uiimlun tile Smihiject of Ciii he'vtlim& ' ( 'hit-ni. The thing women go in for In these days lt book plate collections. No woman yet ever felt a geimulno Interest iii tampa and mighty few of timemmi care ( or picking up pedlineils of good book markiimg , but just mention hook Imlatea at anybody'u ater000mm tea and a bait dozen hairs of Prctt pink ears will be prckcd up in it inct intelligent fashion , It is ( tue custom now not only to collect old , rare examples of sixteenth , seventeenth and cghteenth century ox-librh' , but to hlave a book Idato Of one's on mimake , Any woman at an aticrimoon tea ccii tell you what a book plate or ex-libria is meant for. It Is a richly cograveel mnedalliorl , 811101(1 , or square , bearing an armimorlal pattern or Inert- graceful tlgure. cue's luhtialet and a iuiabIe motto , all irlnted off on squares of the beat bank note Paper. atnti titci t , tate as a mark of ownershIp on time insitiove.rs of ones highly prized boks. Nobody can tell whence the book plate manIa conies or why it scsdr'1to ( fasten Itself en sonic of tile mnOt imnIikci 1ort of wonmen , but ho who is bitten wIth he fancy for Ownlimg or collecting thCsi jhtty scraps of paper , goes gently mad en iIsubject. It Ic an epenslvo sort of Intl. hiIamnatdur photo. grapiiy , coil buying old nti to extract all losslble fun out of ( hO mania , matrons sflil danmiwba hmtiflt down the laro vlates iii clule.t of eight. ten and r6rten , mneimmbere. and take them as cerenlonipilS anti seriously as ever they treateti spiah' rights or Ibsen , They go to hoctt1rcc qm the question , eubt.crlbo for a little jommt1 icvoteri to time ilciission of book plates , roe In old shops to find odd PCCiiflCmm } , bl rcklcssly over each oilier when a pretty fine example of late century engraving Is nose4 out , anil imearly all of theni correspond with Mii's Norna Laboimclmere , who Is atm oracle , high priestess and heading authority on book plates for wonmen. SImo ic the daughter of time famous radical Labouciiere , and owns one of the firmest col- lectiorm of plates posacssd by army wonman. Soimmo of her spc'clmneiis are mint to be elimpli- catei anti fill time rnodet collector wIth envy antI rlei'pair. Sue owns A book 1115(0 frcmmu the dimcimess of Teck's ( lie , nnti one frotmm that of her lmnperial lmhglmnei's. the eimmprec' of Gernmanh. who are both ardent collectors antI will pay frmbtmlous prices for old ex-litmris. "Go umake imp a nice collection of book plates , " explained one womnami , who always carries a little magnifying glass In her Iloeket In case nmmytiiiimg ehlotmhl be subimmitteti her for examiminathomm "Yotm must buy a big book for patting timeimi In. Your own coat of arms mmaust ho ataitiped In gold on the onteido cover arid hmmi'hde the first proof frolmi your emm- graved mIle , qii rice Imaper , delic3tely ; isteti. Ynimipcrim.mal pinto coil cost ammywimoro from $75 to $500. For It nil depeimtis on what 1131 t of drslgmm 3'Otl wammt nimil who you ask to niake It for you. TIme most celebrated artists of today comitlesconul to doiulgmm book lilatos anti lots of wolnemm , clever at decorative pen and irmk work , have fotmnd timc drawing of cx-hibris a very mayhng branch of their pro- It. is a vomnait , Fraulehn Lemma fliirger , viio has just. immaile tue armorial eihilelml , trefoil mmmd oak decoratioims for i'rlmice lilsrmmarcle'um book elate. and In this country $50 Is time tottomn Price a clever artist wIll take shiemi tim ex-Ilbrho is ordered of her , \Vell , after time collector imas secimred her hook unil her r , ' % mi Plato shie jOImlI3 a club and exchanges mlmmtea with her friemmdr' . It isn't bug before hmer Iimtereet draws her into correspondence with cIhectors lii London , I'aris , Berlin , etc. , ammd Lhlere are lots of omnen I kmmO who ( tommy Lhmemnstlve all sorts of siiiail vanities , to ? c' ' 'L . $ : .T I- ) ' ' ( - (4 Q . I . : VERANDA COSTUMES. Cxultammtly bid in sommie longed-for specimmier no otiler wonm2n lii her club poseesces. Over In Emmgiammd book idate making I vastly cheaper , because ( lie engraver charge less than ours and a very nice on can be hind for $ , tO or $10. Of coura viien Kato Greenaway or the president a the royal acaclemmmy draws thme pattern beak plate is costly enough amid Enghisi women are tremnendousiy Parteular us t ( lie desigmm eimmpioyed. Nobody pretends tt misc arnmorial bearimgs to whidll thley Can' put up a strong claim and lmave their doubt decided at tIme herald's eflico. here , hmow ever , woimmcnm ( nIce whatever design uht their fancy , though it's very mucht time fasim iou to select some animal , or special blrc to signify omme's indivIduality , a pair o doves , a crouching tiger , an owl , or a Mrs. Stuyvesant Flail has ordered , a dolphii plunging in choppy engraved waves. Mrs Van Reimaselaer Cruger's book plate show a eerpeimt at ( Ito foot of a bay tree and Mrs Cornelius Vanderbilt's ex-librls , drawn b3 Walter Crane , displays a lovely girl readhim aloud to a pair of genial , intelhigemit hookin llois crouched nt tier feet. It. is time custom , however , for marrted wommiemi to use their husbands' Coat of armmim in book plates as Mrs. Astor anti Mrs. Sew. arciVelb have alone , wimilo jiimiStcis content thiemimselve.s with adapting the patternai armus with modification , to suit their own mieeds W'DMAN'l'EIEflt.tI'lI Elts. Xumnler or 'l'lieiiilugugeil for ( lie' Ito. iIihiit'nml NiIoiiiil Coiiv'iiiioii , It was a girl Iii 1888 when the last national convention was held In St. Tomil. who flashed the first news of CievelambI's nonmimmation over tue wire to carry joy to democratic hearts , Si , was Miss Moihie Laridrlgzmmm of the Pos- tai Telegraph commipany , the best Iiitl femnale operator of tile keys in St. Lommis , and probably - ably in the WOSI , says the St. Luia flt'puh- lic. Since ( lint tbmmu stme has becn rimarrled , arid ie no lommger mniiitrcss of the keys tlmat click , thimugh quite cii etilclerli. In hmammdiing houiieiitiil keys. Sue , wlih be called upon to again imartlclpate Lu tlmk tournammient that carries the imews acre j the country of time repmlbhican noiiiliieo in Jmqq , for ho is one of the roost expert opeitb's iii time country. Nobody except tlmo ; .vho have gone throtiili convcmmtiorms a tgraphi managers and cpcrators can con v4' tile straIn under which these Imeolde haipj It Is oven more afhtlcmmi thy , , taking car , 'olectiomm returims , Wlmemi roporta come mr 1faat as distance hiormilits , ( lie more remt6tu'Iocalitiea givIng mnmplo time for the of news froimi lear by poInts. - In a national ccmnvenlInproeeedlngs roust be flashed across thti cuntry immatanthy. Conimbinations mmmay all j.mf Awry in a molmiemmt ; forecasts may becomne ftk { before ( lie ink Is dry timat bias flemmnedttIlj'mmesaage , and one single ballot nimoy chman ht. . WholO aspect of tile L4tuatlon , ' ' .4 .7 Time shrewul nowsladr 1rncn , wimo follow ballot castIng as thmeP Sibujd time moves on a checker board , lUiO * jncralIy long be. fore thmo entire ballot ( a cast , who time uc. eosm'fuI candidate is , tu1mt nearly every lii- tammeo before tIle roll call is completed that gIves iiiimi ( ito covcte4 plum , tile successful candidate knows lila good fortune. For all this tromncndoti husizitsa , which oniIcs with , a rush , the telegraph comnpaniee ire compelled to prepare for weeks In ad. Vance' It is a remakubie fact that very little In- livitlual wlrlmmg Is done by silO delegates. lime great bulk of tile business Is comprised ) r newepaper epecinis and querIes back mmd forth , Now end tlmen a delegate who has a sick wife or child' at home uses time wire' , but the individual convention imman hays very little toll to the telegraph coiimpaiile , At ( its hotels there is a visible increase mm limo number of nmie'zagea i'ent aiid rt- cel'ed , but even this is not as great as tue autslder wouhd tmnugiiio. Time newspapers monopolize time business. ammtl oven after time itonmination Is made , time delegate retrains ream announcing i ( to his constituency , knew- lag thoU brindretle of newirpaper mesitmg are flashed all river ( he ennmnitry , earryht timti news more raihlty than his mooney comi PS ) ' for. Occasionally , when imnna delcgatlcin caller a stamnpc'tle by cartIng aim unexpected Va : ( tint either brings ilefeat or vIctory , (1 ( delegatIon , proud of Its nehmievenient. aln tilt ? flCVS imomue as aim md vitlimal , but that abommt all time business that conies frommm ( I convention delegate' as a rule. All time cantlitintes antI lmoi'plble nonmlne maintaIn private wire connections s ithi Cal 'mention hail , smith If It can be acconmpilsln In time there will be a long distammee tel phone in ionic. limit of this there i , Polile dotmbt. The telegrapil tifilces In convention ha " iii be located in time basement rigimt unub the ncpeaker'm , platformmm. anti vmmeunmmatic tub ( go iloan train the saco above to the ape- ators below. The expert lady operators of tii \\'ester tYimlon colimpalmy. who are' mmcmv on the imea New York , Chicago ammul Cincinnati wire will go miown to the second floor to do ti unusmmal heavy business in ( hint departomem dimrhmig coimvemmtlomi liorhOil. 'rime'ester Unloim coimipany imag quite a nimmmibcr of e pert lady operators , who work the lmea' wres. They are Miss Jessie Sommmnmers , Mu IIiitti Floerko , Molhie lhint , Mamnie Ml Laugimlln amid Mls.i L. hood. They are I ever ) ' way etititmi to tue mmmcii operators. an have always doime somno of tue heaviest war in tue muain operating room of time coimipnmm _ _ vntit .t h , lliSI ( i S. Prvnil I rig St yl i-rjf Ih'ermvn t an hnI ii I , It i'i''Itiii'lt's , One of the Itrettlest receptacles for flowem just nos' Is rather diflhcmilt to descritme , hi time result is fasclimzmtiimg. It comislata a miiahi , imarromv (1mm ( Immcasetl in silk ; thi hiailios , rislmmg fronm each shil ( intl mneetlim lii time ccimter ab3ut term incites or fotirtee limehicis above tile lower part , arc forimmed rather breath ribboim , tied in a bilge boic' c time top ; time flowers arratigeil 1mm thus cleve comistructlomi , as a imictmmre in a frmtme , con Pletdl3' hub time lower receplacle anti lee for all tIme world as if time ) ' Were actuall fastened In imnii supported by the rlbbzm clonic , Tile descripthoim , mis is , alas ! so ofte tIme case vhmemm sudil dainty effects are I question , Is immost immadequate , bit tfie novell is a ehmarnimhzig omme cmiii ivill itrove inot tmrett for timmmilar klmmds of decorattoims. 'rites lmasltets cmiii vary 1mm sIze to forum a aultabi set , antI , with rhlffercimt cohered ribboims I mmlutcli the flowers or foliage tired , slioul lirove a good iimvestmnment to time flower-loylmi : hostes' . 1\ii a tllstimmct proof of the increas log love for flowers , ( lie great tiemarmil ii Phil liril cldm Ia hiomieis for t lie snta I I colservmm tcrl's are omme of timis year's features ; vhmer ever tlmere is timc , least availahde space , out sh1 tile windows looking arm t time back of time imouse , for 1mm stance , exlstlmmg smnahl conservatorle mire [ icing elaborately fitted imp , o new cues erected , iii niiotature or mm i large i'cah , according to circmnmnstances ; ii very case foliage pkints are 1mm great re : luieltion , amid rockerles , ferns and ilimnimmmi Live waterfalls or fomlmmtains are freqmiemtl Icon ; then faintly llgimtetl b electricity o : rairy lampe , these commiservatorles will be : leihgiltful amitlltioim to ami oiredy Irett roomn , amid In time event of a hot sumnimmer tvill contribute a feeling of coolness whmlcl : s more wi.'iconne than ever. These colmier atories niul rockeries will riouhmtlem dls ract attentlomi fromim time vexed queston 0 : wlflmlow boxes , time nm000tony of which II 100015 Imtmpose'Ibio to relieve. . These , 110w. aver , will not be entirely neglected , and Ii mmmotlmer few weeks they should b attended o , thereby athliimg a pleasmmre to the Iasscr :3. , tit any rate , says a I'hillaiiehphmia paper. The great. mistake so prevalent lii tlmim : Ity where lmmdoor decoratiomm Is concerned lea In thmo fiet ( lint people are geirahly bc mnxluus to Jauncit omit immto me display of fioi rs wimichm mmro imot yet In seasomi , amid which , .hmoreforo , droop mmd fade at tile first touci if cold , to say notiming of dust , which is ac iarmful to delicate jminnts ; It is far mmmcrc dvanmtageotms to limIt ommeseif , till the hol nonths , at any rate. to sonic well-chosen ollage plants. It. is noticeable that , with a view to tine irovimihing high style of clecoratiomi , aiinoat tll flowers are icIng specially grown with rery bug stalks ; tulips and lmyaclnmthms even vhmich used to be conspicuoums by the Irmcen- remiiemmt shlortmless Of staiks , are now sultabk or use In long tubes , and as a result are nuchi moore effective ! . ! yore. IEiEV 'I'A mmCS 'I' ( ) WOMEN II "l'elIs 't'Iioiii lit' l'rof'MMioiiiml % _ ( , intl ii's I I mc ru 1,1 rio , , . Dr. Citauncey M. Jepew , in a recent talk mt Mimdlsomi Square garden to the mradmmates ir tite woimiamm's law clasa of the New Yort mniversty , said : "There is mmmuchi and lust criticism 01 mard-imearted employers w imo live anti thrIve iy cupplrmg ( ho life blood of ( heir enmpioyes ) tmt in ninny caftea the einllo3ers cannot meip timeimisel'es. Ninety per cent of tint clue Ot every article of comunmerce is Ia- ) or. Cheap labor-too cheap to give hit ipportunity for right living anti rigimt. th.nmlc. ng-ls one of thm dangers of time future. t threatens us froimm Japan , from Cimimmo umid froni India , because of the quick immter- : omnintimilcatiofl l)3 steam anti electricity rime mmmanufacturer who caim sell hmis sllirtm Lt i2 a dc'zen may be met by a competitor vimo can s'ill : shirts of the sammme material nd of as good nmnke for $10. lie does It tecatiso Ito gets ciieaier labor. "If a brother and sister , eqimaily eqmmipped , o out. into time world for ommiployment , timere for time brother where re ten places open hero is ammo for time sister. The result Is hat , witlie time brother can fInd enmploy- the sister Is nent at remimunerativo wages , verwhmelimmed by time surpltut of energy up- lying for time timings whIch he Is permitted , , a mIstake to 5tiPOFO that the prejim- ice against lighter education has died out r timat the feeling against a woimman entering mo professions and stutiylmig timonm imo longer 515(5. TIme young lawyer or doctor or epe- lalist or engineer is welcomed everywhere. ethers look kindly mmpomm Imlni as a promising uibammil for their tintmgllters , anti nimothiers re- dye him with Iiatterlimg attention , his sis. r finds ( lie doors of society , 1mm a largo ledsilue. closed ugalnst her. Soclaly adnmltmc or brilliancy. her proficIency , her right no rnm a living , html Is afraid to recosmmlzc bIer. lie roan d'hlO dces miot do smne work iii the niteil States in business or In time profes. Ions , is looked upon with commteinltt. Tlmo oilman wimo does earmm a living iims a con- Lout struggle to aveid tieliug regarded In the line way , bt'caiiiuo she labors. 'Time hirotile' ( Intl sister are educated for usinesa. Tue brother enters a great huimuk- lg or brokerage firimu in'all street , arid ki sister Irocures a positIon with ( Ito same minim. Because of this connection amid Its ) islblllties time brotimer is a selconme guest every gathering of faslmlon , reilnemmment iii exclusIveness. withio ( ito sister flmitis few vitationa awaitiiig her. It Is for you , lung ladies , to lireadim anti work against us imreiilmllce vhicim is doiimg ito mnmucll lmarnm your sisters. " ii tUb YOt'i'JIPt h 1(1011. " I 14 SI Ill I'rt'ss'rvt'iI Jp ICis to ( hiiist' Srngi-I1'r ( liii I ( tilt.- , Tue fact that Mrs. Kate Chase Sprague Is succeeded In mnakimig arrangonmeimts by Imich she lli retain lioSsesslOli of bar thor's liomime , near W'ashington , ilurimmg liar clinic , will be gratifying to those liersons ho oru tmcqualmmted riili tile energetic forts timat. shu mimetic in tltls direction lust rummier In New York. She sIlent several onmtiia there , living 1mm a cheap hotel , and eve wait scarcely a day wimeni simo was it to be seen In time business district down sri engaged 1mm one way or another in rtiiering tIme object ito therm had hi md. Thu estate was mortgaged to mm 'aiihnigtnnm lisimul ctunpmiry. anti flit It % 'a property likely to lnmcrass largely lii lii with tit growth of 'tiehi.iigttmn. tine imolti cr5 of time nmmortgage cre not ulihnitemeste In enmtorelng their ruihits. 'I'hte nrismmge niemut slit' t ts enmtieav.urlng to rtutlce' mas raIse a Smilmi silfileleilt to lay aft the' mon gage , tIme Ii Opert ) ' at imf'r , leatii to go timose mo liati mtmitmtmet' I thu money to fre It fromii oitllgmit leti. There i as at one ( liii a suggestion ( lint ( lie Ohio society of ( him city sliotilti astinmme time olmllgatlnmm omit of re sheet for time' nmemnory of iler father , but thi plitnm fell througit , although lIberal conmimilbu bra to time ftnnJ ' , 'rt' ntismumtmers of the Ohmi toeIety of 'e' % 'mork. Mrs. ( 'baseshe I cahhe'tl Mrs. iiiagie % iltiw--still lri'eres iic yoiitimftuh figure. almmi there are ( met'S of Ito old beauty to bt seen , nlthiomighm her immtir I gray. Site tlre'ses 1mm black , aitlm arm effeeta tiomm of youithftilness In style imIeh Ii' , mehtlme ilmmberonmming nor iumappromrIate. Site inns lime mmtmimo of her olmi clmimrmn of tmmanner or breed ! ng , anti it % 115 aS hate-nt with tito hooP1 who mulct Iter last year for the first Ilium Its it hind ever been. Tao of her tlninght.'rm 'hmo ere reared iii lurury , arc' how dehitunitl ant en liar. cmiii our of these is a conflrnime immvnilti. Aimotitor tas elm actress for a simon ilmiie , but has left ( ho stage , Fm'sii Illt 2lbittM. Now vt'illngs simos immedlminmm large clmenili uiots or oltemm circles. A imarrow , retl leather belt ithi cohmi ljtmckl Is consitlereti very chile. A ntmlnmbor of time limiporteti straw limits as I rinmm mmmcd i h I in I I t t Ic Iii r lmeatl s. Strimigs of ttlilO are oitI-faiiIotietl Ideas re vhveti In this Seaetl'is mmmilluimcry. Tue nmeaest Freimchm corsets of tinted o wltlte satlii lirocatie itave PettIcoats to nmatcim hhriuiei'mmmai 1s gos mis ef figured taffeta as bo'm trilmmmmueti wIth mmnmrow black velvet rib ban , The ne'.est organdies are barred with satim amiti brncmuieti with exquisite Marie Ammtoiiietti tiet.lgnms , The new alpacas , woven with coarse twIll ttmiti covoremi with citlime tleigins , look mmlmmmos as elegaiit as silk. lit timess geode there is a mie' poimlimi , will alternate thick smiti ' ( rttimsparcmmt ribs , mchikl make a cliarnmmu ! effect. Time Emigiishm walking hat mmd time rounmt turban 1mm roiuglm stram are laslihanumbly orm riii ( trae'imig immmti allc''g . stilts , 'ery rich anti oiegrmmmt ratimm lirtmcaticii flmi ( ulsemi for ele'gantt Ltimhs coats with soft iuict repo , to hit' von'n with skirts of black satin imiolne , or hmeamm cii' sole. Flot ereti liberty silks ml satimis are umack imp iuittu bionic vttlsta for wear with old skirts. timid they art' sPecially recomimmemmileil for evomling dresseis wIth lace or eiilftomi bodices. 1mm cottorm ( lree3 gootii time tonics mmmi tils- ( Imietly toward lInen browns. Narrow satin itripe : tiniti openwork eimmbroldery tire feattire [ it these timiry weaves. Great use is mnauie this eeasomu oil trnvcllmm ntd simoitiImg coettmtmmes of Emighhiuli serge , mmmc. tair anti cimevlots in line heather nitixtures ol 1my gilt , pearl , steel and jet btittomms set on mm climisters. Silk mimeiro taffeta antI a new "rustle" rmtbrlc called i'urmmilmie , hiavimig all time virtues' ) f itercaihime , with additiomial strength anti loss , are two mmcmv a'ahst tcnti skirt llmiings lmat are finding nemneral favor. Figaro jackets of tkep yellow lace or of ilack guipure lassemneimtcmio mire nmmmmch orim mgalnm. Timeco attractive adjuncts (0 ( C toilet mre jatmnty ttmmti especially becuinilog to slight lgtmres. bhihcs in Primited warp effects are extremely lolmular thIs year , anti for fammcy vaists u'a i immatlo of pretty jacqumarth tafletaS , strimucj umd Iridescemut. brocutleit. stripeti , mepped anti daitied Kaikis , anti Lyons-a cven arid do- miestic-tiyd Ilabutnhs. A colpr mnlxitmre we have yet to bacanmie maed to or deeimm artistic is time hienthinig of heep iris lmnple arid tiark blue , amid another qimally cmtmde mixture of yellow-green rUm- . The greeim momms oil turquoise-blue gowmts. nil blue cunmibimiatiomi is called time ieacock mmeiammge. \Vhmlte is to be very mmmuch worn timli' season , mitt race anti yaclnttng gowims are mmdc of vhmite alpaca amid serge. Short ltlte cape uf silk lace or chiffon will be a desirable iossccsiomi at time fasitlonable suimumer resorts nil time omlly pernmimslble black cape is elab- rately trimumneel with a lute. Anmomig bite creauuu.tlnttcd silk anti wool andes for cuumnmuier toilets anti dmiumty house somume soft anti pretti ; 01 % os anti jackets are moveitieit calici Trilby cloth , Floraimelle , Danmmasainm Lnnstlowne elm- epped Lan'di0Vne , ardine , anti priiiteti warp Froncim chaliles 0 varioUs beautIful designs. \Vitii ( hue aulvemit of time shirt waist conic anti pretty fammcies in cuff tli sorts of qimaint imittonis antI stutl. Time liri'ttiest desigmis in leove hInk are the emmanneleil flowers. They :0mb : iii as muammy colors as timeir PrOtotYItCa uimti are very ornamnemmtal as well as service- chic. MouiItletaire itt time namule given to one sleeves wltlcit lit of mmmucli ) r tiicm new imallc.r lroportiomis thuan those which Imave . The sleeve unjayeti cmmclm U long popularity. siilrred bruit way tO ( lute simomilder and inisimea it in a smuall pitt ! . At tile wrist. it lii itmisimeti to fall vehi over time hianti. Time sheer amiti dainty colored orgamidleut , unities and mmmuhhiu inmake the most capli- atinig imegligor' gowns. They are usually of batlste. iii miatie up over prlmmcess gowno . Time ha- item simatic prevailing in time gown. isle linIng is cooler nntl lei's expensIvO tlmimri of ( lie wimole. Ilk amid adds to the airiness rock. Lauiyliko and elegant costumnci ! for church md visiting wear are made' of very light do sole , Frenclm cashmere , immolmair , ; ray peaum r silk-warp Henrietta clotim , time vest and creanm-wlmito i'atin trimnmeti with ovc'rs ot - ( maya of narrow silver braId. At time timroat S a large bow of silk tuhia with onids of very icim cream lace. Among the usefui anti pretty materials to 0 useti for entIre waists , Immsertlonms , islceve- miffs piastronb , blouse fronts , etc. , are time Io % ' Iluguenot ptmtlinge by time yard , that are 'arious'ly mnatltt of rnoui'selainie tie sole , rgnndy , grase linen , hhruel net , Swii'n riuslln , hintenm lawn , chmlffon in plain effects nd in corublimatlon witim lace anti cm- roldery. Samtlm ribbanis for vear m'lth summer frocks mnltirvels of exquisite color conubiniationi , re imese ribbomma lmumvo ahnuiost invariably ligilt tossemi gay-hmucti rcunitimt , 01)011 svhmlchm are oers tite colors softened by tIle chine Ifcct. These ribbons are very expensive anti ulto tivltrt the cost of time costummie ' % ithi imicil they are worum. Tile muodishi tronlsm'eaU now contains COtFOtis rid silk skirts of time sanrmo fabric , or in tIme mIne muilitties. If time corset is of black with chow ilowc'reS tue skirt , if not of tie tub mtmaterimui , Is of plain black satin , time ifiles etlgcci with tlmrec rows of Tom Thumb hibonm repeating tile 35110W SCCII 1mm time ) iSL't. Aimy color coimmbiilatton mmmay he tilus Tectcti. Cumamneleon and Cimlima silk parasols , witlmout iy decoratIon , are time rmiost misefiil styles in 1 tIle wonidroUs display of berlmiilul lace , m ifl'timn a nith ( to wet t ri rtmineil imovel I lox , a mmd Icy miC equally smmitulmle to carry with a liar gown or a tilttm mmmushIn. A new shape iii tru5oii4 is called time pagomia. Time ribs turn I at time miti outaltie anti thu usholo Is Ode very i'ffcctivu by full chiffon himmlmmgs a contrastinig ecior. A hmtige chiffon rosette cIrcles tIme imarutie , so tilat whmen ( lie pirasol close-i It re'semnblemt aim limimnenso banmqmmet. me nirwest iticks are very slender , rmmotniio.i Itim Drestit'n CumIn anti paimttt.d to carl ci- antI with time chrmmmgc'abla silks. \\'Itbi the cycle cositmnmo are 'ariotisly worn a Enigiiatm wiuliciimg hat , tile saIlor shajo , 10 Alplnio svltlm denmte'ti crowmia , the Tauni Shuanter , tile beli.crowncd Ituhens anti this dli cap muddied to limo easluitme. 'These are i apltrolirlate styles and are of course but ( tie truinlnled , but its the seao.mm udvanices md time imeut grows more Immteumsu anti the Ground THICK for your advantage , X XOuarztntecd s years , H AMMAR AINTS Time ehlmct , of thus JIIII rtnuiisleg lii litrlctl run Lead , a ; omits refer lbs i'ilEttIT l't'Ll' lItJtlltS ! , uuiiag ii to chalk , pswtr amid sub of ! ' Sr. imtutralleti ha llammnar islet , ( y ttt addition @ 1 Oiide af ZIc , 'fhtrtlrs they IIEIII IIE'fILR sad LOUK GI,0Sf nnsmh beget. No isLet list Inn inIis liasmnair I&iet ; mis ciptriilit colors immidid t. et dulred shtds ; so turpin. ( las Sr drtri-iaIy lure Uimsttd Oil. * ny I.oy us mnl it , Ysu obtilni s Ears ( ' * 1st .htbsat 1 or ( iimhiuu isrornealtete , Listlis It Ii rimirariteid fir rear. , anti costimm ashy abost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lit Itetiiil , bULl ) 'liiltouilim OUF IiEslosiftLg IIF.ALE8 IN EVenuy ' 1uW { , vJ WlnL htEYlJrLJ M1JNF.Y hi' 1tJ a UIImm1iIIII. Special Ittduccmcmtts In iocai etvipoper Adesitisini , LJsIinics , lCtc , , W Lcikri. 'w _ : , ' _ _ lna-zz 24flUSV'TLOUl5M stumIsutiit ) 01051' br'hlisnmt a iut of itiemi brim II III i.e umt'cessry to ( fln13 rIders not umsed to leitg 'unrimeys outsltii' of ii carriage or ens. As a Imarasol of 50mm umumultmella Is out of thm qties'lcn , tl.o mmet 1ru.t thing Is ( Ito ear1ng of a t.c'giiorn or h'ttnnmtms inst that wIll ehatie the face. For sprlmmg ' er a sailor itmit a liii a lIgimt veil over time face 'as ftutund very cam- testable , hilt whuemi thit' sultry days course a ieih oer the face of a cycles vilI Prove Oil- hirciSI'e. I't'ii , I ni I rio titer. . 'Fim , tui'.riim Emmuiiress Elluuheth anatierd llCi5.eIf imtle In sp1cei rc'ccuitly by hmnying till thic' entIre stock of a toy stftre nimd dls. trlbuitIng it anmotmg cm crewel of dellgiitctl children , 'flit' emmul'rss of , tisrla's villa at Corftm , which vss ttumiit six years ago , anti whulch &mst immore ttl5it $2l0O,0OO , is to be solti. The elmmhircetu inat mmctt ' 3lelit ix nmmommtius mm Corfu.i lilice this' villa was flnmlsiietl , lout declares herself - self to be tired of thur ; mhaee. Frau lr. Jill Emmmlhie Iteniplmi , who began to practice law In berlin ntutitit ek mmmonthi ago , Is tioluig aim excellent titislnmeas. anmd has lately been iilupolmmteii ofllciitl Interpreter at tinti llerlin law courts. Timouugim muir' Is' ( icr. mmmii by itirtim , huO sttndlett lit New York City. City.MIss Evelyn Millard , the yotimmg English actress who is mmow playhiug thin i'rlnces FlavIa so stmecessfiilly lit ' 'Ttte ) 'rienner ci Ziit1i , " at St. Jitimite' timeater , l/unmtiOmi , tam eumgmigcil to be nmmarrieti to Aitniionmy hour' , the itithlon' of thuab caimlivating rnnmmmmncs. ( ltirtlt-iuhnmg is one of tIme favorite inmrnilti' at Mis Ileltut ( lolilti. SIte' has carrieti her knowledge of flowers to 511dm amt extent that die is a tiicmromnghmly capable mumatnuger of a. rceim-iuommse' anti ciommlti display as much ItrOflCiCniC3' iii thIs limit , as lit time luracilce of In , Needlework Is not mm last art , even anumong Llm ftut'hiommnbict0ilIClm of New York. Mrs. itiliil Jacob , ' , stor has been , hiseoVerc'ti to ho ml expert witim the mmeetile. nimmi clever alto it Cmnttinug amid fittinug it gowmm. Mrs. Ehin'immt. lyer , Jr. . ii' equmnlhy klhied him tieslgumimmg mrtistic gowius. Patti is quoteui as sayllmg that only Clmrlstlmue ilsu'oii cmiii CliC lImit. left of "time aid sChlOol" if eniutniriecs. Sinigers aim ? how tulrnutel omit. iii dozcnm , sIte rcimmnrks , like oysters aim time Inmi I f-slid h ; have te'o niuchi at mini lug anti muixlety for a ( lmmidlilYiimfltie voice , anti titan itter a tranmsicumt gleimmmm of glory , lai it all. This Imersoniltllty of Miss ltlmomla llomIgilinn is btnt little immowmm to tito meatiers of ime movels. Sue has a very retiring disposition timtl hivew ( ImmietlY ( It ltichmmmommtl Uim her vitioweuh sister anti lter famIly. Mimmis iroughmtonm Is a large vommmanm , with a kern , theamiamit fulco anti gray imnii'orfl hunmnpauiodmr imsiilomi. Quican Victoria Iii tIme hterolmie of en exclt- img tiranmma how being acted lii tIme loading ; laiimeeo theaters. him thIs sIne Is abomit to be miitrriei in Ceylon , bier capital , to time kIng it Sltumim , lhmemm ( hint omitepokerm mnonturch mettls elf time mnatcim , nmmti in revenmge thto. 1110011 Imivimuies the cotintry. Slmo Is repulsed ltim great liii's , iii spite of a imanmti-to-itnmntl onuubat betweemm time timike of Camnbrldgo , rineui with a battle-ax , anti tiireo Slamnemo imiries , amid rifler an explaniatiomm of time nmhs- ntlerstarmdiimg , nmmorrle's time klnmg of Slain. Mints Jennile Athanims of huh House famno ailed tile other day for a year abroad. Mls danns will go direct to Itimsala , where shm tennis to mmmmtke cerimmhnm interesting investi. ations In ( lie oociah and politIcal imifairs of tint cotiumtr3' , 1mm her nhsemmco Miss Star , who co-worker at llull as always beau her - muse , vill assumnne all thto respcmmmslbiiity or tie irmstittltlemm. Miss Star ( colt a very active mterest iii the rcci'mut cuittors' strike iii Ciii. ago. SIte imtteiuticl nIh tlte srlker : mmicet- ugs , nmmti witen one of limo iettiers : fotmuid it imlOSSlbhB to ohtnimm emmpioymmmenmt : 1mm tIme 'iimti3' CitY she sc'cureti fctr hint a half-rate icket to New York , paying time Price Omit. of er own pocket Two Ammmcricanm women hmavcu receivni blue egrce of doctor of pithioSOlii ) ' front Ger- maim ummiverelties , At hleitlchberg it is Miss eel ghana Lee Morrell wlmo ho tiltis honored. lie his a grmmlunto of Vassar , Sh , .mls tutu lirst wcinmani to be ati- mitteti to tile ieotnmres in Eiighlsim at the ! nmrverit3 of Ilerhin , and womm liar de.gree at. ie'ltlehbc'.rg ly trammshating a voemn from time uchiinlecic nmitnuscrlhmt in Etilmmliurgli front tititile linglhm'hm into Germiman anmtl editimug It. 'lie otilCr girl , MIad Alice Ltmce , is tIme fourth .omnan tnpoim whtomn Gottimigen hma bestoweti doctor's tiegree. Slm was graduated at. Voiirslcy , flnmti tlmeum toohc two yeitrs of hmllological study itt Leipcc , amId a term at. otthrmgen. . - - ' . ' , t. . i3Wr ' 1 _ YALE FlAIR FONIC DIES AND GENLEMEN : It affords inc great cicasure to call the sIte in or time itublte to 'm't'ie'm. Exceinhor flaIr 'real ticti Is titi , first anti only remSiti' known to emislry siticim ltoslttveiY turns gray haIr bac its originmai calcir without ii ) e. IL hits gons 0 cord tttat Sims , U. Vule-wontierfuh omaq emnist- has made thu roost valuable of all ernlcah tltctjyerlcs. Mine. Tale jerijmmtliy en , raps Its action gnves the mublme tier iolcm ilirantee nitat it hits ItCen tosic'd in wm'cry con. lvsbls way anti tea praveti itsoif to tt the fiY Muir npeciiic. It STOm' $ hAm iALLs r(3 immeOitaleI' mmmi cresi , , a lusminlous growth , oantains no Injurious ingr.'lisat. Phyaician $ t chmmials lnYlte4 no nnmmthyze It , It Is an ; Icky or areasy ; an the cniutrary , It nislici th Jr soft , muuniifui , ( tuify imnd kset.e It 1mm curl , , r entletne'n lunti hatilcu' witit hair a untie ra rt.olesti gray , entirtly gray end with OAr. lArs , it is epcelflccmhiy iscomniuntletl , Au truggiitts tell it it. Price , $1.00. It anbady uffers it suittlitute , lmumm them , 511. Ii. 'm'AhD , Ilemmith arId Comiipluxio pocIahfal Yule TOitmitlo of Lietmuty , 145 ittat. atrest. CmIcauo. 1-g 1.4p ( h.l mamma used Wool soap ) ( I msizhrniae b&3 VOOLENS WILL NOT SIJflINIC It Wool l4oaip is used In time laundry , I t1ttmcieariIijg Ut wiiuter blunmkcteimarmmtefs anti : buforu stOring for thu ecasee. WOOL SOAP is Inostlmablo.Vaalmtme silk. , lace. and all aunilmrmtr jabrica without. injury. Equsli valuable for bath , bouM'ittd amid access luouirj urposca. Sold by Liii dealers. Rawoi-th , Schoddc & Co , , Maker. , Chicago , WYcarkQltiQuG3LvQnard I.1Q5tQfl,3Cbab $